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Dos llamativos fallos ortográficos en pantalla en menos de una semana. Eso es lo que ha provocado una “reunión de urgencia en @sextaNoticias. Análisis del error “chapuzero”. No volverá a ocurrir”.

Así ha lamentado y se ha disculpado en su cuenta de Twitter el periodista y director adjunto de laSexta Noticias, Álvaro Rivas. Uno de estos mensajes cobra aún mayor relevancia, puesto que ha sido ‘retuiteado’ por el director de los informativos de la cadena de Atresmedia, César González Antón.

* Álvaro Rivas en ‘Al rojo vivo’

Hoy, en laSexta Noticias 14:00 horas, ha aparecido en la pantalla un “chapuzero” con “z”, en lugar de “chapucero” con “c”. Así abrían para informar de cómo Sanidad ha rechazado cambiar el reparto de fondos contra la pobreza infantil, por lo que era calificado de esa manera. Era en el informativo de Helena Resano, que presentaba por última vez en esta temporada antes de coger vacaciones.

“No sé dónde meterme. Llevamos dos bien gordas en cinco días”

Antes de anunciar este particular ‘gabinete de crisis periodístico’, Álvaro Rivas -también presentador eventual de Al rojo vivo en especiales de prime time- ha reconocido que “hemos escrito “chapucero” con z en el info. Mil perdones. No sé dónde meterme. Llevamos dos bien gordas en cinco días”.

El periodista se refería, con esas “dos bien gordas”, al otro error ortográfico que se pudo ver en laSexta Noticias el pasado fin de semana, del que ya les informó Vertele. Entonces, se pudo ver el adjetivo “debastador” escrito con “b”, en vez de “devastador” con “v”. Al mismo tiempo, su rival Noticias Cuatro tampoco se libro del ‘gazapo’, ya que impresionó un rótulo de “ubiera” sin “h”, en lugar del correcto “hubiera”.

En cualquier caso, en esta era del ‘bombardeo’, vorágine, saturación informativa y redes sociales, así como de la pelea constante y diaria de los medios de comunicación por la inmediatez, el periodista que esté libre de culpa de errores ortográficos, que tire la primera piedra.

En Twitter, los usuarios con bromas y sin ‘piedad’ con el fallo

Source Article from

Vernon Jordan, the civil rights activist and Washington power broker whose private counsel was sought both by the powerful at the top levels of government and those in the corporate world, died on Monday at his home in Washington. He was 85.

His death was confirmed in a statement from Vickee Jordan, his daughter.

Mr. Jordan began his civil rights career after graduating from Howard University School of Law, and was selected to head the Urban League in 1971 while still in his 30s.

While there, he regularly began to associate with and provide advice to leading political figures.

His closest relationship was with Bill Clinton, whom he had befriended years before he was elected president in 1992. Mr. Jordan was chosen to be co-chairman of the transition effort and became at once the confidant and golfing buddy of the president, a member of many corporate boards and a highly-paid lawyer-lobbyist at one of Washington’s most politically-engaged law firms.

A complete obituary will be published shortly.

Source Article from

‘:””},t.getDefinedParams=function(e,t){return t.filter(function(t){return e[t]}).reduce(function(t,n){return l(t,function(e,t,n){return t in e?Object.defineProperty(e,t,{value:n,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):e[t]=n,e}({},n,e[n]))},{})},t.isValidMediaTypes=function(e){var t=[“banner”,”native”,”video”];return!!Object.keys(e).every(function(e){return(0,b.default)(t,e)})&&(!||!||(0,b.default)([“instream”,”outstream”],},t.getBidderRequest=function(e,t,n){return(0,v.default)(e,function(e){return e.bids.filter(function(e){return e.bidder===t&&e.adUnitCode===n}).length>0})||{start:null,auctionId:null}},t.getUserConfiguredParams=function(e,t,n){return e.filter(function(e){return e.code===t}).map(function(e){return e.bids}).reduce(s,[]).filter(function(e){return e.bidder===n}).map(function(e){return e.params||{}})},t.getOrigin=function(){return window.location.origin?window.location.origin:window.location.protocol+”//”+window.location.hostname+(window.location.port?”:”+window.location.port:””)},t.getDNT=function(){return”1″===navigator.doNotTrack||”1″===window.doNotTrack||”1″===navigator.msDoNotTrack||”yes”===navigator.doNotTrack},t.isAdUnitCodeMatchingSlot=function(e){return function(t){return B(e,t)}},t.isSlotMatchingAdUnitCode=function(e){return function(t){return B(t,e)}},t.unsupportedBidderMessage=function(e,t){var n=Object.keys(e.mediaTypes||{banner:”banner”}).join(“, “);return”\n “+e.code+” is a “+n+” ad unit\n containing bidders that don’t support “+n+”: “+t+”.\n This bidder won’t fetch demand.\n “},t.deletePropertyFromObject=function(e,t){var n=l({},e);return delete n[t],n},t.removeRequestId=function(e){return t.deletePropertyFromObject(e,”requestId”)},t.isInteger=function(e){return Number.isInteger?Number.isInteger(e):”number”==typeof e&&isFinite(e)&&Math.floor(e)===e},t.convertCamelToUnderscore=function(e){return e.replace(/(?:^|\.?)([A-Z])/g,function(e,t){return”_”+t.toLowerCase()}).replace(/^_/,””)},t.transformBidderParamKeywords=function(e){var n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:”keywords”,r=[];return t._each(e,function(e,i){if(t.isArray(e)){var o=[];t._each(e,function(e){(e=t.getValueString(n+”.”+i,e))&&o.push(e)}),e=o}else{if(e=t.getValueString(n+”.”+i,e),!t.isStr(e))return;e=[e]}r.push({key:i,value:e})}),r},t.convertTypes=function(e,n){return Object.keys(e).forEach(function(r){var i,o;n[r]&&(t.isFn(e[r])?n[r]=e[r](n[r]):n[r]=(i=e[r],o=n[r],”string”===i?o&&o.toString():”number”===i?Number(o):o),
isNaN(n[r])&&delete n.key)}),n};var g=n(3),h=r(n(63)),v=r(n(10)),b=r(n(5)),y=n(11),m=n(4),_=!1,A=Object.prototype.toString,E=Boolean(window.console),w=Boolean(E&&window.console.log),S=Boolean(E&&,I=Boolean(E&&window.console.warn),T=Boolean(E&&window.console.error);t.replaceTokenInString=function(e,n,r){return t._each(n,function(t,n){t=void 0===t?””:t;var i=r+n.toUpperCase()+r,o=new RegExp(i,”g”);e=e.replace(o,t)}),e};var x,j=(x=0,function(){return++x});t.getUniqueIdentifierStr=i,t.generateUUID=function e(t){return t?(t^16*Math.random()>>t/4).toString(16):([1e7]+-1e3+-4e3+-8e3+-1e11).replace(/[018]/g,e)},t.getBidIdParameter=function(e,t){return t&&t[e]?t[e]:””},t.tryAppendQueryString=function(e,t,n){return n?e+(t+”=”)+encodeURIComponent(n)+”&”:e},t.parseQueryStringParameters=function(e){var t=””;for(var n in e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(t+=n+”=”+encodeURIComponent(e[n])+”&”);return t},t.transformAdServerTargetingObj=function(e){return 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t.fn===e})}};return”string”==typeof n&&(o[n]=s),r(function(){for(var n=arguments.length,r=Array(n),i=0;i\n \n \n wrapper\n \n “+(n?””:””)+”\n \n \n \n “)}}Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),,t){var n={};(0,i.ajax)(o.config.getConfig(“cache.url”),(a=t,{success:function(e){var t=void 0;try{t=JSON.parse(e).responses}catch(e){return void a(e,[])}t?a(null,t):a(new Error(“The cache server didn’t respond with a responses property.”),[])},error:function(e,t){a(new Error(“Error storing video ad in the cache: “+e+”: “+JSON.stringify(t)),[])}}),JSON.stringify(n),{contentType:”text/plain”,withCredentials:!0});var a},t.getCacheUrl=function(e){return o.config.getConfig(“cache.url”)+”?uuid=”+e};var i=n(7),o=n(3)},21:function(e,t,n){n(102),e.exports=n(13).Array.findIndex},22:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(e,t){var n=document.createElement(“script”);n.type=”text/javascript”,n.async=!0,t&&”function”==typeof 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e}))).concat(d.config.getConfig(“enableSendAllBids”)?(t=j,o=x,p=v.TARGETING_KEYS.concat(f.NATIVE_TARGETING_KEYS),i(o,c.getHighestCpm).map(function(e){if(e.adserverTargeting&&t&&(h.isArray(t)&&(0,g.default)(t,e.adUnitCode)||”string”==typeof t&&e.adUnitCode===t))return r({},e.adUnitCode,(n=e,p.filter(function(t){return void 0!==e.adserverTargeting[t]}).map(function(e){return r({},(e+”_”+n.bidderCode).substring(0,_),[n.adserverTargeting[e]])})));var n}).filter(function(e){return e})):[]);return{Object.keys(e).map(function(t){e[t].map(function(e){-1===b.indexOf(Object.keys(e)[0])&&(b=Object.keys(e).concat(b))})})}),{return r({},Object.keys(e)[0],e[Object.keys(e)[0]].map(function(e){return r({},Object.keys(e)[0],e[Object.keys(e)[0]].join(“, “))}).reduce(function(e,t){return u(t,e)},{}))}).reduce(function(e,t){var n=Object.keys(t)[0];return e[n]=u({},e[n],t[n]),e},{}),j.forEach(function(e){C[e]||(C[e]={})}),C},m.setTargetingForGPT=function(e,t){window.googletag.pubads().getSlots().forEach(function(n){Object.keys(e).filter(t?t(n):(0,c.isAdUnitCodeMatchingSlot)(n)).forEach(function(t){return Object.keys(e[t]).forEach(function(r){var i=e[t][r].split(“,”);(i=i.length>1?[i]:i).map(function(e){return h.logMessage(“Attempting to set key value for slot: “+n.getSlotElementId()+” key: “+r+” value: “+e),e}).forEach(function(e){n.setTargeting(r,e)})})})})},m.getWinningBids=function(e){var t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:a(),r=n(e);return t.filter(function(e){return(0,g.default)(r,e.adUnitCode)}).filter(function(e){return e.cpm>0}).map(function(e){return e.adUnitCode}).filter(c.uniques).map(function(e){return t.filter(function(t){return t.adUnitCode===e?t:null}).reduce(c.getHighestCpm,o(e))})},m.setTargetingForAst=function(){var e=m.getAllTargeting();Object.keys(e).forEach(function(t){return 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pbjs.bidderSettings[x.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD].bidCpmAdjustment&&(r=pbjs.bidderSettings[x.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD].bidCpmAdjustment),r))try{n=r(e.cpm,l({},e))}catch(e){S.logError(“Error during bid adjustment”,”bidmanager.js”,e)}n>=0&&(e.cpm=n)}function d(e,t){return e[t.adUnitCode]||(e[t.adUnitCode]={bids:[]}),e[t.adUnitCode].bids.push(t),e}Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),t.addBidResponse=t.AUCTION_COMPLETED=t.AUCTION_IN_PROGRESS=t.AUCTION_STARTED=void 0;var f=”function”==typeof Symbol&&”symbol”==_typeof(Symbol.iterator)?function(e){return void 0===e?”undefined”:_typeof(e)}:function(e){return e&&”function”==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?”symbol”:void 0===e?”undefined”:_typeof(e)},l=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t=1})&&(S.logInfo(“Bids Received for Auction with id: “+v,g),b=O,t(!1,!0))}var r=e.adUnits,i=e.adUnitCodes,o=e.callback,a=e.cbTimeout,u=e.labels,s=r,c=u,f=i,l=[],g=[],h=void 0,v=S.generateUUID(),b=void 0,m=o,_=void 0,P=a,U=[];return{addBidReceived:function(e){g=g.concat(e)},executeCallback:t,callBids:function(){function e(e){var t=!0,n=y.config.getConfig(“maxRequestsPerOrigin”)||R;return e.bidRequests.some(function(e){var r=1,i=void 0!==e.src&&e.src===x.S2S.SRC?”s2s”:e.bidderCode;return k[i]&&(!1===k[i].SRA&&(r=Math.min(e.bids.length,n)),B[k[i].origin]+r>n&&(t=!1)),!t}),t&&,t}function r(e,t){void 0===e[t]?e[t]=1:e[t]++}var i=this;b=j,;var o=I.makeBidRequests(s,h,v,P,c);S.logInfo(“Bids Requested for Auction with id: “+v,o),o.forEach(function(e){var t;t=e,l=l.concat(t)});var a={},u={bidRequests:o,run:function(){var u,c;u=t.bind(null,!0),c=setTimeout(u,P),_=c,b=C;var d={timestamp:h,auctionId:v,timeout:P};T.emit(x.EVENTS.AUCTION_INIT,d),I.callBids(s,o,D.bind(i),function(e){var t=e;return(0,p.delayExecution)(function(){(0,A.default)(l,function(e){return t===e.bidderRequestId}).doneCbCallCount+=1,n()},1)}.bind(i),{request:function(e,t){r(B,t),r(a,e),k[e]||(k[e]={SRA:!0,origin:t}),a[e]>1&&(k[e].SRA=!1)},done:function(t){B[t]–,N[0]&&e(N[0])&&N.shift()}},P)}};e(u)||(S.logWarn(“queueing auction due to limited endpoint capacity”),N.push(u))},bidsBackAll:n,addWinningBid:function(e){U=U.concat(e),I.callBidWonBidder(e.bidder,e)},getWinningBids:function(){return U},getTimeout:function(){return P},getAuctionId:function(){return v},getAuctionStatus:function(){return b},getAdUnits:function(){return s},getAdUnitCodes:function(){return f},getBidRequests:function(){return l},getBidsReceived:function(){return g}}},t.getStandardBidderSettings=a,t.getKeyValueTargetingPairs=u,t.adjustBids=c;var 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d,h=y.config.getConfig(“mediaTypePriceGranularity.”+n.mediaType),v=(0,g.getPriceBucketString)(a.cpm,”object”===(void 0===h?”undefined”:f(h))?h:y.config.getConfig(“customPriceBucket”),y.config.getConfig(“currency.granularityMultiplier”));return a.pbLg=v.low,,a.pbHg=v.high,,a.pbDg=v.dense,a.pbCg=v.custom,a.bidderCode&&(a.cpm>0||a.dealId)&&(d=u(a.bidderCode,a)),a.adserverTargeting=l(a.adserverTargeting||{},d),a}({adUnitCode:e,bid:t,bidRequest:h,auctionId:d});”video”===m.mediaType?(n=this,r=m,a=h,s=!0,y.config.getConfig(“cache.url”)&&(r.videoCacheKey?r.vastUrl||(S.logError(“videoCacheKey specified but not required vastUrl for video bid”),s=!1):(s=!1,(0,[r],function(e,t){e?(S.logWarn(“Failed to save to the video cache: “+e+”. Video bid must be discarded.”),i(n,r)):(r.videoCacheKey=t[0].uuid,r.vastUrl||(r.vastUrl=(0,v.getCacheUrl)(r.videoCacheKey)),a.doneCbCallCount+=1,o(n,r),n.bidsBackAll())}))),s&&o(n,r)):o(this,m)},”addBidResponse”)},45:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;var r=n(14),i=n(34)(5),o=”find”,a=!0;o in[]&&Array(1)[o](function(){a=!1}),r(r.P+r.F*a,”Array”,{find:function(e){return i(this,e,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}}),n(27)(o)},46:function(e,t){e.exports=function(e){if(“function”!=typeof e)throw TypeError(e+” is not a function!”);return e}},47:function(e,t,n){var r=n(48),i=n(53);e.exports=n(23)?function(e,t,n){return r.f(e,t,i(1,n))}:function(e,t,n){return e[t]=n,e}},48:function(e,t,n){var r=n(49),i=n(50),o=n(52),a=Object.defineProperty;t.f=n(23)?Object.defineProperty:function(e,t,n){if(r(e),t=o(t,!0),r(n),i)try{return a(e,t,n)}catch(e){}if(“get”in n||”set”in n)throw TypeError(“Accessors not supported!”);return”value”in n&&(e[t]=n.value),e}},49:function(e,t,n){var r=n(15);e.exports=function(e){if(!r(e))throw TypeError(e+” is not an object!”);return e}},5:function(e,t,n){n(59),e.exports=n(13).Array.includes},50:function(e,t,n){e.exports=!n(23)&&!n(33)(function(){return 7!=Object.defineProperty(n(51)(“div”),”a”,{get:function(){return 7}}).a})},51:function(e,t,n){var r=n(15),i=n(19).document,o=r(i)&&r(i.createElement);e.exports=function(e){return o?i.createElement(e):{}}},52:function(e,t,n){var r=n(15);e.exports=function(e,t){if(!r(e))return e;var n,i;if(t&&”function”==typeof(n=e.toString)&&!r( i;if(“function”==typeof(n=e.valueOf)&&!r( i;if(!t&&”function”==typeof(n=e.toString)&&!r( i;throw TypeError(“Can’t convert object to primitive value”)}},53:function(e,t){e.exports=function(e,t){return{enumerable:!(1&e),configurable:!(2&e),writable:!(4&e),value:t}}},54:function(e,t,n){var r=n(25);e.exports=function(e){return Object(r(e))}},55:function(e,t,n){var r=n(56);e.exports=function(e,t){return new(r(e))(t)}},555:function(e,t,n){e.exports=n(556)},556:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(e,t,n){e.defaultView&&e.defaultView.frameElement&&(e.defaultView.frameElement.width=t,e.defaultView.frameElement.height=n)}function i(e,t,n){var r={};r.reason=e,r.message=t,n&&(,S.logError(t),x.emit(N,r)}function o(e){e.forEach(function(e){if(void 0===e.called)try{,e.called=!0}catch(e){S.logError(“Error processing command :”,”prebid.js”,e)}})}var a,u=”function”==typeof Symbol&&”symbol”==_typeof(Symbol.iterator)?function(e){return void 0===e?”undefined”:_typeof(e)}:function(e){return e&&”function”==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?”symbol”:void 0===e?”undefined”:_typeof(e)},s=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{},t=e.bidsBackHandler,n=e.timeout,r=e.adUnits,i=e.adUnitCodes,o=e.labels;x.emit(B);var a=n||g.config.getConfig(“bidderTimeout”);if(r=r||E.adUnits,S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.requestBids”,arguments),i&&i.length?r=r.filter(function(e){return(0,_.default)(i,e.code)}):i=r&&{return e.code}),r.forEach(function(e){var t=Object.keys(e.mediaTypes||{banner:”banner”}),{return e.bidder}),r=I.bidderRegistry,i=g.config.getConfig(“s2sConfig”),o=i&&i.bidders,a=o?n.filter(function(e){return!(0,_.default)(o,e)}):n;e.transactionId||(e.transactionId=S.generateUUID()),a.forEach(function(n){var i=r[n],o=i&&i.getSpec&&i.getSpec(),a=o&&o.supportedMediaTypes||[“banner”];t.some(function(e){return(0,_.default)(a,e)})||(S.logWarn(S.unsupportedBidderMessage(e,n)),e.bids=e.bids.filter(function(e){return e.bidder!==n}))}),A.adunitCounter.incrementCounter(e.code)}),r&&0!==r.length){var u=h.auctionManager.createAuction({adUnits:r,adUnitCodes:i,callback:t,cbTimeout:a,labels:o});return u.callBids(),u}if(S.logMessage(“No adUnits configured. No bids requested.”),”function”==typeof t)try{t()}catch(e){S.logError(“Error executing bidsBackHandler”,null,e)}}),E.addAdUnits=function(e){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.addAdUnits”,arguments),S.isArray(e)?E.adUnits.push.apply(E.adUnits,e):”object”===(void 0===e?”undefined”:u(e))&&E.adUnits.push(e),x.emit(O)},E.onEvent=function(e,t,n){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.onEvent”,arguments),S.isFn(t)?!n||W[e].call(null,n)?x.on(e,t,n):S.logError(‘The id provided is not valid for event “‘+e+'” and no handler was set.’):S.logError(‘The event handler provided is not a function and was not set on event “‘+e+'”.’)},E.offEvent=function(e,t,n){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.offEvent”,arguments),n&&!W[e].call(null,n)||,t,n)},E.registerBidAdapter=function(e,t){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.registerBidAdapter”,arguments);try{I.registerBidAdapter(e(),t)}catch(e){S.logError(“Error registering bidder adapter : “+e.message)}},E.registerAnalyticsAdapter=function(e){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.registerAnalyticsAdapter”,arguments);try{I.registerAnalyticsAdapter(e)}catch(e){S.logError(“Error registering analytics adapter : “+e.message)}},E.createBid=function(e){return S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.createBid”,arguments),T.createBid(e)},E.loadScript=function(e,t,n){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.loadScript”,arguments),(0,p.loadScript)(e,t,n)},E.enableAnalytics=function(e){e&&!S.isEmpty(e)?(S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.enableAnalytics for: “,e),I.enableAnalytics(e)):S.logError(“pbjs.enableAnalytics should be called with option {}”)},E.aliasBidder=function(e,t){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.aliasBidder”,arguments),e&&t?I.aliasBidAdapter(e,t):S.logError(“bidderCode and alias must be passed as arguments”,”pbjs.aliasBidder”)},E.getAllWinningBids=function(){return h.auctionManager.getAllWinningBids().map(d.removeRequestId)},E.getAllPrebidWinningBids=function(){return h.auctionManager.getBidsReceived().filter(function(e){return e.status===v.BID_TARGETING_SET}).map(d.removeRequestId)},E.getHighestCpmBids=function(e){return v.targeting.getWinningBids(e).map(d.removeRequestId)},E.markWinningBidAsUsed=function(e){var t=[];e.adUnitCode&&e.adId?t=h.auctionManager.getBidsReceived().filter(function(t){return t.adId===e.adId&&t.adUnitCode===e.adUnitCode}):e.adUnitCode?t=v.targeting.getWinningBids(e.adUnitCode):e.adId?t=h.auctionManager.getBidsReceived().filter(function(t){return t.adId===e.adId}):S.logWarn(“Inproper usage of markWinningBidAsUsed. It’ll need an adUnitCode and/or adId to function.”),t.length>0&&(t[0].status=v.RENDERED)},E.getConfig=g.config.getConfig,E.setConfig=g.config.setConfig,E.que.push(function(){return(0,f.listenMessagesFromCreative)()}),E.cmd.push=function(e){if(“function”==typeof e)try{}catch(e){S.logError(“Error processing command :”,e.message,e.stack)}else S.logError(“Commands written into pbjs.cmd.push must be wrapped in a function”)},E.que.push=E.cmd.push,E.processQueue=function(){o(E.que),o(E.cmd)}},557:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{default:e}}function i(e){var t,n,r,i,u,l,p,g,h,v,b,y,m=e.message?”message”:”data”,_={};try{_=JSON.parse(e[m])}catch(e){return}if(_&&_.adId){var A=(0,d.default)(c.auctionManager.getBidsReceived(),function(e){return e.adId===_.adId});”Prebid Request”===_.message&&(u=A,l=_.adServerDomain,p=e.source,g=u.adId,,v=u.adUrl,b=u.width,y=u.height,g&&(n=(t=u).adUnitCode,r=t.width,i=t.height,[“div”,”iframe”].forEach(function(e){var t,o=(t=e,document.getElementById((0,
d.default)(window.googletag.pubads().getSlots().filter((0,s.isSlotMatchingAdUnitCode)(n)),function(e){return e}).getSlotElementId()).querySelector(t)).style;o.width=r,o.height=i}),p.postMessage(JSON.stringify({message:”Prebid Response”,ad:h,adUrl:v,adId:g,width:b,height:y}),l)),c.auctionManager.addWinningBid(A),o.default.emit(f,A)),”Prebid Native”===_.message&&((0,a.fireNativeTrackers)(_,A),c.auctionManager.addWinningBid(A),o.default.emit(f,A))}}Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),t.listenMessagesFromCreative=function(){addEventListener(“message”,i,!1)};var o=r(n(9)),a=n(18),u=n(4),s=n(0),c=n(29),d=r(n(10)),f=u.EVENTS.BID_WON},558:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(e){(0,d.logMessage)(“DEBUG: “+e)}function i(e){var n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]&&arguments[1];c.config.setConfig({debug:!0}),r(“bidder overrides enabled”+(n?” from session”:””)),p&&f.addBidResponse.removeHook(p),t.boundHook=p=a.bind(null,e),f.addBidResponse.addHook(p,5)}function o(){p&&(f.addBidResponse.removeHook(p),r(“bidder overrides disabled”))}function a(e,t,n,i){if(Array.isArray(e.bidders)&&-1===e.bidders.indexOf(n.bidderCode))return o=”bidder ‘”+n.bidderCode+”‘ excluded from auction by bidder overrides”,void(0,d.logWarn)(“DEBUG: “+o);var o;Array.isArray(e.bids)&&e.bids.forEach(function(e){e.bidder&&e.bidder!==n.bidderCode||e.adUnitCode&&e.adUnitCode!==t||(n=s({},n),Object.keys(e).filter(function(e){return-1===[“bidder”,”adUnitCode”].indexOf(e)}).forEach(function(i){var o=e[i];r(“bidder overrides changed ‘”+t+”/”+n.bidderCode+”‘ bid.”+i+” from ‘”+n[i]+”‘ to ‘”+o+”‘”),n[i]=o}))}),i(t,n)}function u(e){if(e.enabled){try{window.sessionStorage.setItem(l,JSON.stringify(e))}catch(e){}i(e)}else{o();try{window.sessionStorage.removeItem(l)}catch(e){}}}Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),t.boundHook=void 0;var s=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t1?arguments[1]:void 0)}}),n(27)(“includes”)},60:function(e,t,n){var r=n(61),i=n(36),o=n(62);e.exports=function(e){return function(t,n,a){var u,s=r(t),c=i(s.length),d=o(a,c);if(e&&n!=n){for(;c>d;)if((u=s[d++])!=u)return!0}else for(;c>d;d++)if((e||d in s)&&s[d]===n)return e||d||0;return!e&&-1}}},61:function(e,t,n){var r=n(35),i=n(25);e.exports=function(e){return r(i(e))}},62:function(e,t,n){var r=n(37),i=Math.max,o=Math.min;e.exports=function(e,t){return(e=r(e))0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{},n=t.labels,r=void 0===n?[]:n,o=t.labelAll,a=void 0!==o&&o,s=t.activeLabels,f=void 0===s?[]:s,l=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:[],p=(e=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:d,e.reduce(function(e,t){return”object”===(void 0===t?”undefined”:i(t))&&”string”==typeof t.mediaQuery?matchMedia(t.mediaQuery).matches&&(Array.isArray(t.sizesSupported)&&(e.shouldFilter=!0),[“labels”,”sizesSupported”].forEach(function(n){return(t[n]||[]).forEach(function(t){return e[n][t]=!0})})):(0,u.logWarn)(‘sizeConfig rule missing required property “mediaQuery”‘),e},{labels:{},sizesSupported:{},shouldFilter:!1})),g=void 0;return g=p.shouldFilter?l.filter(function(e){return p.sizesSupported[e]}):l,{active:g.length>0&&(0===r.length||!a&&(r.some(function(e){return p.labels[e]})||r.some(function(e){return(0,c.default)(f,e)}))||a&&r.reduce(function(e,t){return e?p.labels[t]||(0,c.default)(f,t):e},!0)),sizes:g}};var o,a=n(3),u=n(0),s=n(5),c=(o=s)&&o.__esModule?o:{default:o},d=[];a.config.getConfig(“sizeConfig”,function(e){return r(e.sizeConfig)})},65:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),t.hasNonVideoBidder=t.videoBidder=t.videoAdUnit=void 0,t.isValidVideoBid=function(e,t){var n=(0,o.getBidRequest)(e.adId,t),r=n&&(0,o.deepAccess)(n,””),i=r&&(0,o.deepAccess)(r,”context”);return!n||r&&i!==c?a.config.getConfig(“cache.url”)||!e.vastXml||e.vastUrl?!(!e.vastUrl&&!e.vastXml):((0,o.logError)(‘\n This bid contains only vastXml and will not work when a prebid cache url is not specified.\n Try enabling prebid cache with pbjs.setConfig({ cache: {url: “…”} });\n ‘),!1):i!==c||!(!e.renderer&&!n.renderer)};var r,i=n(8),o=n(0),a=n(3),u=n(5),s=(r=u)&&r.__esModule?r:{default:r},c=”outstream”,d=(t.videoAdUnit=function(e){var t=”video”===e.mediaType,n=(0,o.deepAccess)(e,””);return t||n},t.videoBidder=function(e){return(0,s.default)(i.videoAdapters,e.bidder)});t.hasNonVideoBidder=function(e){return e.bids.filter(function(e){return!d(e)}).length}},7:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:3e3,t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},n=t.request,r=t.done;return function(t,d,f){var l=arguments.length>3&&void 0!==arguments[3]?arguments[3]:{};try{var p=void 0,g=l.method||(f?”POST”:”GET”),h=document.createElement(“a”);h.href=t;var v=”object”===(void 0===d?”undefined”:o(d))&&null!==d?d:{success:function(){s.logMessage(“xhr success”)},error:function(e){s.logError(“xhr error”,null,e)}};if(“function”==typeof d&&(v.success=d),(p=new window.XMLHttpRequest).onreadystatechange=function(){if(p.readyState===c){“function”==typeof r&&r(h.origin);var e=p.status;e>=200&&e0})})}var x,j,C=(x=e,(j=m.deepClone(x)).forEach(function(e){e.bids=e.bids.filter(function(e){return!a()||e.finalSource!==E.SERVER})}),j=j.filter(function(e){return 0!==e.bids.length}));return g.forEach(function(e){var t=m.getUniqueIdentifierStr(),a={bidderCode:e,auctionId:r,bidderRequestId:t,bids:o({bidderCode:e,auctionId:r,bidderRequestId:t,adUnits:C,labels:u}),auctionStart:n,timeout:i},c=w[e];c||m.logError(“Trying to make a request for bidder that does not exist: “+e),c&&a.bids&&0!==a.bids.length&&s.push(a)}),t.gdprDataHandler.getConsentData()&&s.forEach(function(e){e.gdprConsent=t.gdprDataHandler.getConsentData()}),s},t.checkBidRequestSizes=function(e){function t(e){return Array.isArray(e)&&2===e.length&&m.isInteger(e[0])&&m.isInteger(e[1])}return e.forEach(function(e){var n=e.mediaTypes,r=m.getAdUnitSizes(e);if(n&&n.banner){var i=n.banner;i.sizes?(i.sizes=r,e.sizes=r):(m.logError(“Detected a mediaTypes.banner object did not include sizes. This is a required field for the mediaTypes.banner object. Removing invalid mediaTypes.banner object from request.”),delete e.mediaTypes.banner)}else e.sizes&&(m.logWarn(“Usage of adUnits.sizes will eventually be deprecated. Please define size dimensions within the corresponding area of the mediaTypes.

Source Article from

São Paulo – The Brazilian musician Claudio Kairouz will arrive in Tunisia in two weeks to perform alongside the native musician Raouf Jemni. They both play a typical Arab instrument called qanoun, and two years ago they formed a duo named “156 Cordas” (Portuguese for 156 Strings), or “Mia ua Sita ua Hamsim Watar,” in Arabic. Since they live in different countries, they get together approximately three times a year to perform. Kairouz will stay in the Arab country until July 6th and they should play two to three concerts. In August and September, Jemni will spend time in Brazil and play shows with his Brazilian colleague.

Hammadi Ketata

Kairouz & Jemni are playing Brazil and Tunisia

 Kairouz is a classically trained pianist, but got interested in Arab music and the qanoun. He says he is the sole player of the instrument today in Brazil. He is not of Arab ascent, but some of his cousins are. He became acquainted with Arab culture and music through interacting with relatives and friends, as a child. “At wedding parties they would play Arab music. When I heard it, I was moved,” says Kairouz, who was born and lives in São Paulo.

He never considered being a professional musician, and went to college to study Systems Analysis. But he studied piano at a conservatory for nine years. “I got to know the music of the [Arab] community and dedicated more and more to it, leaving Western classical music behind and delving deeper into Arab music from the Middle East,” he says. Kairouz was driven to study Arabic and spent eight months in Lebanon, learning about the music and becoming fluent in the language.

He became aware of Jemni’s work online, by watching videos posted by the boy’s teacher. Kairouz realized that the Tunisian was a very virtuosic qanoun player, especially considering his age (he was 11 then), and kept in touch with his family online for a long period of time. In early 2012, Jemni travelled to Brazil with his uncle and stayed at Kairouz’s house. The two made home videos playing together, posted them online, and audiences approved.

In that same year, Jemni returned to Brazil to play with Kairouz in São Paulo concert halls. “We were widely acclaimed,” he says. They christened the duo and now they play in Brazil, Tunisia and other countries, mostly during the 16-year-old Tunisian’s school holidays. The repertoire includes traditional Middle Eastern pieces, works by contemporary composers, and their own compositions. They are planning on releasing an album together, in Brazil and Tunisia, but there is no set date yet.

The Tunisian will be in Brazil from August 16th to September 4th. According to Kairouz, they have been invited to play shows, but the duo is discussing the dates and places, and is open to further propositions.


Duo 156 Strings

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

Source Article from

Justices held that the application of Montana’s “no-aid provision” discriminated against religious schools and families whose children attend or hope to attend them in violation of the Free Exercise Clause of the U.S. Constitution. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the majority in the 5-4 decision.

The decision represents a “turning point in the sad and static history of American education,” said DeVos, who called on states to “seize the extraordinary opportunity” to expand education options. Long opposed to Blaine Amendments as rooted in “anti-Catholic” bias, DeVos said Montana and other states should be “very clear” about the decision.

“Your bigoted Blaine Amendments and other restrictions like them are unconstitutional, dead, and buried,” she said in a statement. “Too many students have been discriminated against based on their faith and have been forced to stay in schools that don’t match their values.”

Proponents of school choice said it was a major triumph in the courts. “The weight that this monumental decision carries is immense, as it’s an extraordinary victory for student achievement, parental control, equality in educational opportunities, and First Amendment rights,” said Jeanne Allen, the founder and chief executive of the Center for Education Reform.

The American Federation for Children, the school choice group DeVos once chaired, now looks forward to the continued expansion of such scholarship programs in Montana and across the country, said its president, John Schilling. “The Court rightly recognized the discriminatory nature of state Blaine amendments, and they’ve once again affirmed the constitutionality of school choice programs,” he said in a statement.

Teachers unions tied the decision to DeVos’ work on school choice.

Lily Eskelsen García, president of the National Education Association, the nation’s largest union, said the ruling undermines public education and opens the door for “further attacks on state decisions not to fund religious schools.”

“For decades, Betsy DeVos has financed a methodical attack on the public schools that educate 90 percent of the nation’s children,” she said. “The Espinoza decision narrows the bases on which states may refuse her calls to fund private religious schools.”

During arguments in January, Adam Unikowsky, who argued for the Montana Department of Revenue, said that the state constitution’s “No-Aid Clause” protects religious freedom from governmental interference.

The Institute for Justice, a libertarian law firm based in Arlington, Va., pushing school-choice expansion in the courts, represents the Montana families. A lawyer from the solicitor general’s office also argued in support of the families, saying Montana’s constitutional provision is “inconsistent with and preempted by the federal free-exercise clause.”

Attorney General William Barr said Tuesday that because of the ruling, “a state may no longer disqualify religious schools from scholarships or other programs ‘solely because they are religious.'”

In Zelman v. Simmons-Harris, the Supreme Court decided in 2002 that the U.S. Constitution allows states to include religious schools in a school choice program. The question in the Espinoza case was whether it’s permissible for states to exclude them, according to Erica Smith, an Institute for Justice lawyer who is lead co-counsel for the Montana families.

School choice advocates were optimistic because of a 7-2 Supreme Court ruling in Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia Inc. v. Comer that held Missouri had wrongly denied a church a state grant to rebuild its playground “simply because of what it is — a church.” But a plurality added a footnote that appeared to try to limit the ruling, suggesting it doesn’t address religious uses of funding or other forms of discrimination.

Roberts references Trinity in his opinion, writing, “Here too Montana’s no-aid provision bars religious schools from public benefits solely because of the religious character of the schools. The provision also bars parents who wish to send their children to a religious school from those same benefits, again solely because of the religious character of the school.”

Source Article from

Una publicación en Facebook sobre cómo los alumnos de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos rindieron sus exámenes en la oscuridad desató muchas críticas. Sin embargo, la usuaria desinformó de los hechos, ya que ocurrieron el año pasado.

PUEDES VER: Facebook: la mayoría de peruanos se conecta por celulares a la red social

En el post de Facebook de la usuaria Chalena Vásquez Rodríguez, se asegura que los alumnos debieron dar sus evaluaciones finales del ciclo (julio 2015) sin fluido eléctrico y con la ayuda de linternas.

Sin embargo, en la publicación de otro usuario se ve la misma imagen -aunque desde un ángulo distinto- y se puede notar que la publicación fue hecha el año pasado.

Ambas imágenes causaron indignación en las redes sociales, donde se pidieron explicaciones a las autoridades por lo ocurrido.

Como se recuerda, durante la elección de los miembros de la Federación Universitaria de esta universidad, se produjeron cortes de luz y extraños incidentes, denunciados por los alumnos.

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Nada cambia cuando se enfrentan los Spurs a LeBron James (15 puntos y un pobre 6 de 17 tiros de campo, frenado por ‘MVP’ Leonard), porque los actuales campeones de la NBA ganaron 90-92 a los Cavaliers de ‘King’ James.

De nuevo también el veterano Tim Duncan, el mismo que fue verdugo de los Cavaliers en las Finales de la NBA del 2007 cuando los barrieron 4-0, a sus 38 años lideró el ataque de los Spurs que tuvieron a cuatro jugadores con números de dos dígitos.

Duncan, que logró un doble-doble de 19 puntos, 10 rebotes, repartió tres asistencias, recuperó dos balones y puso dos tapones, impuso su clase bajo los aros y en la labor de equipo.

El ala-pívot francés Boris Diaw, la carta sorpresa que se sacó de la manga el entrenador de los Spurs, Gregg Popovich, también cumplió con 19 puntos, 7 asistencias y 6 rebotes.

Pero si hubo un jugador decisivo fue Kawhi ‘MPV’ Leonard, que comienza a estar en plenitud de forma física, superados los problemas que tuvo con la infección del ojo derecho, y aportó un doble-doble de 12 tantos, 10 rebotes, incluidos nueve defensivos, dio cuatro asistencias y recuperó dos balones. Además realizó una gran defensa individual sobre LeBron, al que lo amargó y anuló como sucedió en las pasadas Finales de la NBA, cuando ‘King’ James estaba con los Heat.

Si Duncan y Diaw dirigieron el ataque, el reserva argentino Manu Ginóbili (7 puntos y 5 asistencias) se convirtió en el jugador clave de la victoria, al encestar cuando restaban 18 segundos del tiempo reglamentario. Además anotó un tiro libre a falta de 9.1 del último cuarto y dominó al alero estelar de los Cavaliers, LeBron James, para hacerle perder el balón cuando restaban 1.9 segundos para el final.

Los Cavaliers (5-5), que perdieron el segundo partido consecutivo, de momento descendieron al tercer lugar de la División Central, donde los Bulls de Chicago ( 8-3), que tuvieron jornada de descanso, sigue de líderes destacados.

El brasileño Anderson Varejao fue el encargado de dirigir el ataque de los Cavaliers, al aportar un doble-doble de 23 puntos y 11 rebotes.

Kyrie Irving llegó a los 20 tantos, pero dio sólo dos asistencias, mientras que LeBron James estuvo peor en el acierto ofensivo al anotar 15 tantos después de fallar 11 de 17 tiros de campo, aunque salvó su aportación al equipo al dar 9 asistencias y capturar 6 rebotes.

Kevin Love tampoco pudo ser factor ganador de los Cavaliers a pesar que logró un doble-doble de 10 tantos, 11 rebotes y cinco asistencias. Pero al igual que James no tuvo su mejor inspiración encestadora al fallar 8 de 12 tiros de campo.

Crawford lidera la victoria de los Clippers
El escolta Jamal Crawford aportó 22 puntos para Los Ángeles Clippers en la victoria a domicilio por 90-114 ante los Magic de Orlando. El ala-pívot Blake Griffin logró 20 tantos y el base Chris Paul llegó a los 16 puntos y entregó nueve asistencias para los Clippers, que tienen marca ganadora de 6-4.

El pívot De Andre Jordan se mantuvo como el jugador más importante dentro de la pintura al capturar 11 rebotes, incluidos 10 que fueron defensivos, y puso dos tapones.
Los Magic, penúltimos en la División Sureste, tuvieron al alero Tobias Harris como su mejor encestador al aportar 25 puntos, incluidos dos triples. El pívot suizo Nikola Vucevic también brilló en el juego interior tras conseguir un doble-doble de 19 puntos y 14 rebotes.

Hibbert toma el mando de Indiana
El pívot Roy Hibbert logró un doble-doble de 18 puntos y 11 rebotes que ayudaron a los Pacers de Indiana a ganar por 88-86 a los Hornets de Charlotte. Hibbert encabezó una lista de cuatro jugadores que tuvieron números de dos dígitos, incluidos tres titulares, y los Pacers, que ganaron el segundo partido consecutivo, dejaron marca de 5-7 y se mantienes penúltimos en la División Central.

Los Pacers tuvieron también la aportación del ala-pívot argentino Luis Scola, que fue el segundo máximo encestador al aportar 15 puntos. Scola jugó 30 minutos, en los que encestó 6 de 9 tiros de campo, y 3-4 desde la línea de personal, además de capturar siete rebotes y recuperar un balón.

Los Hornets siguen en el fondo de la División Sureste después de sumar tres derrotas consecutivas. El pívot Al Jefferson aportó 28 puntos como líder del ataque de los Hornets, que también contaron con el base Kemba Walker, que anotó 12 tantos, y el escolta Lance Stephenson, exjugador de los Pacers, llegó a los 10.

Bass lideró a los Celtics y Sixers siguen sin ganar
El ala-pívot reserva Brandon Bass consiguió 23 puntos en la victoria de los Celtics de Boston, que derrotaron a domicilio 90-101 a los Sixers de Filadelfia, que siguen sin conocer el triunfo en lo que va de temporada.

Bass fue apoyado por el también ala-pívot Jared Sullinger, que logró 22 puntos y nueve rebotes con los que los Celtics volvieron al camino del triunfo después de haber sufrido tres derrotas consecutivas.

El equipo de Filadelfia (0-11) sumó la undécima derrota de la temporada sin que hayan conocido todavía la victoria desde que se inició la competición. El escolta-alero reserva Tony Wroten anotó 21 puntos y encabezó el ataque de los Sixers, que empataron la marca de los Nets de Nueva Jersey del 2009-10, como la peor racha perdedora en la historia de la NBA en inicio de competición. El pívot Henry Sims logró 14 tantos y siete rebotes, mientras que el alero Luc Richard Mbah a Moute y el base Michael Carter-Williams encestaron 11 puntos cada uno.

Nowitzki define el quinto triunfo seguido de los Mavericks
El ala-pívot alemán Dirk Nowitzki encestó un triple decisivo y selló la quinta victoria seguida de los Mavericks de Dallas, que derrotaron a domicilio 102-105 a los Wizards de Washington.

Los Mavericks sumaron cinco triunfos seguidos, la mejor racha ganadora actual en la liga, que comparten con los Trail Blazers de Portland. Si Nowitzki definió el triunfo, el escolta Monta Ellis dirigió el ataque al anotar 24 de sus 34 puntos en la primera mitad del partido, y el base reserva puertorriqueño José Juan Barea y el alero ala-pívot Brandan Wright, que también salió del banquillo, aportaron 14 tantos cada uno.

Los Wizards, que a pesar de su derrota lideran la División Sureste, tuvieron al escolta reserva Bradley Beal, con 21 tantos, como el jugador que encabezó su ataque.
El veterano alero Paul Pierce y el pívot polaco Marcin Gortat encestaron 17 puntos cada uno y el ala-pívot brasileño Nené Hilario logró nueve tantos.

Knight sella la victoria de Bucks en regreso de Kidd a Nueva York
El base Brandon Knight fue protagonista en los tres tiempos de prórroga y al final selló el triunfo a domicilio de los Bucks de Milwaukee por 118-122 sobre los Nets de Brooklyn.
Knight falló una canasta que habría dado el triunfo los Bucks en la primera prórroga, mientras que en la segunda anotó triple para empatar y forzar a la tercera, en la que aseguró el triunfo al encestar canasta cuando restaban 5,6 segundos para el final.

El base terminó con 18 puntos y los Bucks (7-5) lograron la tercera victoria seguida y ascendieron al segundo lugar de la División Central tras la derrota sufrida en su campo por los Cavaliers de Cleveland ante los Spurs de San Antonio (90-92).

El líder del ataque de los Bucks fue el alero novato Jabari Parker, que logró su mejor marca, al encestar 23 tantos y el escolta reserva O.J. Mayo consiguió 21 que también ayudaron al triunfo de del equipo de Milwaukee que dirige el entrenador Jason Kidd, que la pasada temporada estuvo sentado en el banquillo de los Nets.

Mientras que el base griego Giannis Antetokounmpo surgió como el jugador clave en las acciones dentro de la pintura al conseguir un doble-doble de 18 puntos, 12 rebotes, incluidos 11 que fueron defensivos, repartió cuatro asistencias y recuperó dos balones.

El pívot cubano estadounidense Brook López lideró el ataque de los Nets (4-7) al aportar 26 puntos, siete rebotes, dos asistencias, y puso tres tapones, pero cometió siete perdidas de balón. Bojan Bogdanovic logró 19 puntos, incluidos cuatro triples en 11 intentos, y capturó siete rebotes, mientras que el base Deron Williams y el alero Joe Johnson anotaron 18 tantos cada uno que no impidieron la quinta derrota consecutiva de los Nets.

El ala-pívot reserva Mirza Teletovic y el veterano base Jarrett Jack consiguieron 14 tantos cada uno y completaron la lista de los seis jugadores de los Nets que tuvieron números de dos dígitos.

Martin y Timberwolves detienen mala racha y hunden a Knicks
El escolta Kevin Martin encestó 37 puntos y los Timberwolves de Minnesota detuvieron una racha de cinco derrotas seguidas al vencer 115-99 a los Knicks de Nueva York.
Con su triunfo, los Timberwolves (3-7) también abandonaron el fondo de la División Noroeste para quedar en el penúltimo lugar de la clasificación.

Los Timberwolves consiguieron la victoria a pesar de no contar con tres de sus titulares.
El alero Thaddeus Young estuvo ausente por el fallecimiento de su madre, mientras que el base español Ricky Rubio y el pívot montenegrino Nikola Pekovic siguen de baja por sendas lesiones.

El alero Shabazz Muhammad logró 17 tantos y tanto el base Mo Williams como el escolta reserva Corey Brewer colaboraron con 14 puntos cada uno.

Los Knicks (3-10), que no pudieron sumar victorias seguidas, fueron conducidos por el alero Carmelo Anthony, que anotó 20 puntos y cuatro rebotes, pero que no evitaron la derrota. Los reservas, el ala-pívot reserva Amare Stoudemire sumó 19 puntos, el pívot Jason Smith llegó a los 14, y el veterano base argentino Pablo Prigioni que encestó ocho tantos y dio tres asistencias.

Bledsoe lidera la victoria de Suns ante los devaluados Pistons
El base Eric Bledsoe aportó 18 puntos, seis rebotes, cuatro asistencias, recuperó dos balones y puso un tapón que ayudaron a los Suns de Phoenix a ganar a domicilio 86-88 ante los Pistons de Detroit.

Los Suns (7-5) sumaron dos victorias seguidas y se mantienen terceros en la División Pacífico. En el ataque de los Suns también colaboró el alero reserva P.J. Tucker con 16 tantos y capturó siete rebotes que lo dejaron como el sexto jugador de los Suns.
El base-escolta esloveno Goran Dragic, que sumó 12 tantos, repartió cuatro asistencias y capturó tres rebotes, mientras que el equipo de Phoenix encestó el 49 (37-75) por ciento de acierto en los tiros de campo, y mantuvieron a los Pistons en el 38 (33-87) por ciento de sus tiros de campo.

Los Pistons, que jugaron en su campo del “The Palace of Auburn Hills”, de Detroit, tuvieron al base Brandon Jennings de líder al conseguir 19 tantos y siete asistencias.
El ala-pívot Greg Monroe aportó un doble-doble de 18 puntos, 12 rebotes y tres asistencias, mientras que el escolta Kentavious Caldwell-Pope encestó 12 tantos, que no impidieron la tercera derrota consecutiva de los Pistons (3-9), que ocupan el último lugar de la División Central.

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ENCINITAS, Calif. (AP) — Three people were killed and several others were injured after a cliff collapsed on a popular Southern California beach Friday, authorities said.

The sandstone bluff gave way shortly before 3 p.m. in Encinitas, a suburb north of San Diego. The area is highly popular with local residents, surfers and vacationers.

The beach was filled with people at the time of the collapse. A KNSD-TV helicopter captured footage of beach chairs, towels, surf boards and beach toys strewn about the sand.

Two people were flown to hospitals in critical condition, and two were treated for minor injuries, Encinitas Fire Chief Mike Stein said. Authorities did not release their names or ages.

The city said just before 9:30 p.m. that a total of three people died in the collapse.

Homes on top of the bluff were not in any danger, Stein said. Rescue crews were searching for additional victims, but they did not have full access because of safety concerns.

Bluffs give way four to eight times a year in Southern California, but “nothing of this magnitude,” said Brian Ketterer, southern field division chief of California State Parks.

“This is a naturally eroding coastline,” Encinitas Lifeguard Capt. Larry Giles said. “There’s really no rhyme or reason, but that’s what it does naturally. …. This is what it does, and this is how our beaches are actually partially made. It actually has these failures.”

Suburbs north of San Diego have contended with rising water levels in the Pacific Ocean, pressuring bluffs along the coast. Some bluffs are fortified with concrete walls to prevent multimillion-dollar homes from falling into the sea.

The collapse occurred near Grandview Beach. It is fairly narrow, with tides high this week. Surfers lay their boards upright against the bluff.

Tourists stand on top of the cliffs for better views.

Long stretches of beach in Encinitas are narrow strips of sand between stiff waves and towering rock walls. People lounging on beach chairs or blankets are sometimes surprised as waves roll past them and within a few feet of the walls.

Some areas are only accessible by steep wooden stairs that descend from neighborhoods atop the cliffs.

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Ashley Sawyer participou de episódio da segunda temporada de ‘Catfish’ (Foto: Reprodução/MTV)

A participante de um episódio da segunda temporada do programa “Catfish”, Ashley Sawyer, morreu aos 23 anos nos Estados Unidos. Segundo a MTV americana, responsável pela série, a causa da morte é desconhecida.

“A MTV está profundamente triste por saber que Ashley Sawyer morreu”, afirmou a emissora em nota. “Nossas condolências, pensamentos e orações vão à sua família e aos seus amigos.”

“Catfish” é uma série-documentário que investiga pessoas com relacionamentos pela internet e que mentem sobre sua identidade aos parceiros virtuais.

O episódio com a participação de Sawyer foi transmitido nos EUA em 2013. O capítulo mostrou que tanto ela quanto Michael Fortunato, com quem Sawyer tinha um relacionamento digital por sete anos, mentiam um para o outro.

Ele morreu um mês depois da transmissão aos 26 anos de idade por embolia pulmonar.

À MTV americana, a irmã de Sawyer, Jessica Ross, afirmou que Ashley havia completado um programa de reabilitação e morava no Alabama.

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President Trump on Friday sought to clarify his controversial comments indicating he would take information on political rivals from foreign countries, saying on “Fox & Friends” that he could report such conversations to the FBI — while arguing the heat should really be on Democrats for the alleged spying on his 2016 campaign.

“If I was, and of course you have to look at it because if you don’t look at it you’re not going to know if it’s bad … of course you give it to the FBI or report it to the attorney general or somebody like that. But of course you’d do that, you couldn’t have that happen with our country,” he said.


Trump had said in an interview with ABC News earlier this week that he would listen to information from foreign governments, saying that “there isn’t anything wrong with listening.” He also gave conflicting answers on whether he’d contact the FBI, saying at one point that he would not.

On Friday, he seemed to say he’d report it to the FBI, at least if he sensed something was wrong. “If I thought anything was incorrect or badly stated, I’d report it to the attorney general, the FBI, I’d report it to law enforcement absolutely.”

But he also noted he is in constant contact with allies, such as during his recent trip to Europe where he spoke to Queen Elizabeth II, U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May and French President Emmanuel Macron. “We have many conversations, and I’m thinking gee if they say ‘we don’t like your opponent’ am I supposed to, the president of France, am I supposed to report him to the FBI?” he asked.

Instead, he sought to bring attention back to the origins of the Russia probe, particularly the Democrat-funded anti-Trump dossier that was used by the FBI to begin surveillance on a Trump campaign aide. The Department of Justice is currently investigating its surveillance during the 2016 campaign, but Trump directly blamed the Democrats.

“Here’s the bottom line: they spied on my campaign and they got caught,” he said.

Saying the actions could constitute the biggest political crime in American history, he said: “They spied on the opposing party’s campaign using the intelligence apparatus of the United States.”

When presented with comments by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who accused him of a “criminal coverup” in terms of his conduct during the Russia investigation, Trump said that “it’s a fascist statement, it’s a disgraceful statement.”


“Her party got caught spying. If you look at what happened, Hillary Clinton with the money that ultimately went to Russia for the fake dossier, the totally fake pile of stuff….and the amount of money that was paid and was paid by Hillary Clinton and the DNC and it went to Russia, that’s the criminal,” he said.

In the wide-ranging interview, he also warned Iran over this week’s attacks on tankers in the Gulf of Oman that the U.S. blames directly on Tehran, saying that, “We don’t take it lightly.”

“Iran did do it and you know they did it because you saw the boat,” he said, before pointing to video that showed an Iranian vessel removing an unexploded mine attached to a Japanese-owned oil tanker.

Trump said the mine had “Iran written all over it.” But he said that Iran had been damaged since he took office, but was still a threat.

“They’re a nation of terror and they’ve changed a lot since I’ve been president, I can tell you.”

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday said the Iranians had launched a “blatant assault” on tankers in the gulf.


Pompeo said that Iran was working to disrupt the flow of oil through the Strait of Hormuz and this is a deliberate part of a campaign to escalate tension, adding that the U.S. would defend its forces and interests in the region.

The tensions are the latest since the U.S. announcement of its withdrawal from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Iran is now also threatening to withdraw from the accord and resume enriching uranium if new terms are not offered.

Fox News’ Lucas Tomlinson and Lukas Mikelionis contributed to this report.

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Noticias RCN tiene en exclusiva documentos que demuestran que Gilberto Rondón, uno de los candidatos a Contralor General de la República, visitó al menos dos veces en la cárcel de máxima seguridad de La Picota al narcotraficante, jefe del cartel de Cali, Gilberto Rodríguez Orejuela.

En uno de los documentos, una minuta con fecha de apertura del 5 de febrero del año 2003 en la que se registran los ingresos a la penitenciaria La Picota, aparece una visita de Rondón a Rodríguez Orejuela. La fecha de la visita es el29 de abril de 2003, es decir un mes y medio después de haber sido recapturado el narcotraficante. 

En otra minuta, que abre el día 21 de agosto de 2003, se registra que el 17 de diciembre el interno Gilberto Rodríguez Orejuela recibió una visita de su abogado a las 11:00 de la mañana. En la casilla siguiente aparece el nombre de Gilberto Rondón, con la huella digital, sin nombre del interno, pero con la misma hora de visita (vea los documentos en el video relacionado).

Se trata de un hecho que desde hace más de una semana suscitó preguntas al candidato, como en una entrevista con Noticias RCN del pasado 12 de agosto, que permanecía inédita y en la que negó cualquier vínculo con Rodríguez Orejuela. “Totalmente falso, nunca he tenido ninguna relación con él”, indicó Rondón, quien agregó que la denuncia es una guerra sucia por la elección a contralor. 

Este martes, tras las revelaciones de Noticias RCN, Rondón se ratificó en sus afirmaciones. “Manifiesto bajo la gravedad del juramento a todos los colombianos que jamás he sido abogado de Gilberto Rodríguez Orejuela, jamás he asesorado a Gilberto Rodríguez Orejuela. Se me ha violado el sagrado derecho fundamental del debido proceso y de defensa”, dijo.

“Me traen faltando dos horas (para la elección de contralor) un documento que no puedo controvertir. ¿Dónde está demostrada la autenticidad de ese documento? ¿Dónde aparece demostrado que la huella que aparece ahí es la mía? ¿Dónde está demostrado que ese documento se realizó hace cerca de 12 años como me están manifestando?”, agregó (vea las declaraciones en el video relacionado)

Gilberto Rondón es el candidato del expresidente César Gaviria para el ente de control, y precisamente este lunes un grupo de congresistas conservadores se reunieron en la casa del senador Eduardo Henríquez Maya para decidir su respaldo por él. También tendría respaldos del Partido de la U. 

En la plenaria del Senado se enfrentará a Rondón el candidato que tiene el guiño del presidente Juan Manuel Santos, el exprocurador Edgardo Maya, un espaldarazo que le generó al primer mandatario una protesta de Gaviria.

Maya ha sido muy criticado porque supuestamente tiene una inhabilidad. El procurador Alejandro Ordóñez les advirtió a los senadores que tuvieran en cuenta esas denuncias a la hora de decidir su voto.

El tercer candidato es el abogado Carlos Ardila Ballesteros, ternado por la Corte Suprema, y quien también fue magistrado ante el Consejo Nacional Electoral. 

La plenaria del Senado está prevista para este martes a las dos de la tarde.

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Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, who has a net worth approaching $100 billion, has slammed tax policies like the one put forth by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, saying they miss the larger picture and could create tax dodging.

Speaking on a podcast at tech website The Verge, Gates noted that while tax rates can be “more progressive,” going to extremes such as the one put forth by Ocasio-Cortez, which would tax income above $10 million at a 70 percent rate, misses the broader scope.

“Certainly, the idea of government being more effective in terms of how it runs education or social programs, there’s a lot of opportunity for improvement there,” Gates said in the podcast. “In terms of revenue collection, you wouldn’t want to just focus on the ordinary income rate, because people who are wealthy have a rounding error of ordinary income.”


He continued: “They have income that just is the value of their stock, which if they don’t sell it, it doesn’t show up as income at all, or if it shows up, it shows over in the capital gains side. So the ability of hedge fund people, various people — they aren’t paying that ordinary income rate.”

“The one thing that never gets much press — the IRS shows the statistics for the top 400 people of the highest income and the rate they pay,” Gates went on to say. “Anyway, you should look at that. It’s about a 20 percent rate, so it has nothing to do with the 39.6 marginal ordinary income rate. So it’s a misfocus. If you focus on that, you’re missing the picture.”

Gates, who stepped down from leading the software giant in 2006 to focus on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, added that there are politicians who are so extreme with their policy proposals, that they would start to create tax dodging and certain disincentives, while causing “income to show up in other countries and things.”

The tech titan did concede that taxes “can be more progressive,” including issues such as the estate tax and the tax on capital, the way the FICA and Social Security operate. “We can be more progressive without really threatening income generation — what you have left to decide how to spread around,” Gates said.

Bill Gates
(©2016 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.)

During the podcast, Gates also weighed in on a number of ideas that Ocasio-Cortez and more progressive lawmakers, including Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) have championed, including “modern monetary theory,” saying it is “some crazy talk,” adding “It will come back and bite you.”

As described by the American Monetary Institute (AMI), a non-profit charity funded to describe monetary reforms for the average citizen, MMT “shows a lack of respect for empirical facts” and “stretches and twists the meaning of words beyond normal usage.”

Ocasio-Cortez did not immediately return a request for comment from Fox News.

Earlier this year, Ocasio-Cortez, who became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, said in an interview on “60 Minutes” that her Green New Deal could be paid for in part by slapping a tax as high as 70 percent on top earners.

“But once you get to the tippie tops, on your ten millionth, sometimes you see tax rates as high as 60 percent or 70 percent,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “That doesn’t mean all $10 million are taxed at an extremely high rate. But it means that as you climb up this ladder, you should be contributing more.”

Fox News’ Adam Shaw contributed to this report.

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El presentador de la televisión rusa Dmitry Kiselyov afirma que “ha ocurrido un cambio radical” en las relaciones entre Rusia y Estados Unidos.

Dmitry Kiselyov es el presentador favorito del gobierno de Vladimir Putin. Y aunque son de sobra conocidos sus diatribas contra Occidente, en esta ocasión tal vez fue demasiado lejos.

La amenaza que formuló contra Estados Unidos durante la última edición de su programa “Noticias de la Semana” era, incluso para alguien como él, particularmente alarmante.

Kiselyov dijo que el “comportamiento insolente” hacia Rusia podía tener consecuencias “nucleares”.

“Un ruso necesita mucho tiempo para domar un caballo, pero una vez que lo hace, cabalga rápido”, dijo el presentador, citando un dicho popular ruso.

Con lo de “cabalgar rápido” Kiselyov se refería a una serie de despliegues militares que Rusia ha realizado recientemente:

  • La semana pasada, Moscú envió tres barcos de guerra de la Flota del Mar Negro al Mediterráneo. Las naves iban cargando misiles teledirigidos capaces de portar cabezas nucleares.
  • Rusia desplegó misiles Iskander M, con capacidad nuclear, en su enclave de Kaliningrado, en la frontera con Polonia.
  • El gobierno ruso anunció el envío de 5.000 paracaidistas para realizar ejercicios militares en Egipto.
  • Moscú suspendió tres acuerdos nucleares con Estados Unidos.

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La corbeta Mirazh y otros dos barcos de guerra rusos fueron enviados a reforzar las fuerzas rusas que participan en la guerra en Siria.

Kiselyov, a quien sus críticos tachan de ser “el jefe de propaganda del Kremlin”, dijo que en los últimos días había ocurrido un “cambio radical” en las relaciones entre Rusia y Estados Unidos.

Según afirmó, Moscú estaba tomando medidas debido a que “en Washington se está hablando abiertamente de un ‘Plan B’ para Siria. Todo el mundo sabe lo que este plan significa: el uso directo de la fuerza en Siria en contra de las fuerzas del presidente Bashar al Asad y los militares rusos”.

En Estados Unidos, el Departamento de Estado dijo la semana pasada que seguía analizando las “opciones no diplomáticas” en relación con la guerra en Siria.

En el programa “Noticias de la Semana” un portavoz del ministerio de Defensa de Rusia advirtió a los bombarderos estadounidenses que no ataquen al Ejército de Siria.

Kiselyov fue más directo: “Los vamos a derribar”, aseguró.

¿Es esto una bravuconada? ¿Están tratando de engañar con una amenaza que no piensan ejecutar? ¿O existe un peligro real de una confrontación militar directa entre Rusia y Estados Unidos?

En los últimos días, varios periódicos rusos han abordado abiertamente el tema de la posibilidad de un choque de este tipo.

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Rusia ha disparado misiles teledigidos contra los rebeldes sirios desde sus barcos en el mar Caspio y en el Mediterráneo.

“Hay una razón por la cual Rusia ha desplegado sistema de misiles S-300 tierra aire en Siria”, dijo el diario Izvestia la semana pasada.

“Moscú está listo para usarlos. Esto no va a causar una guerra mundial. Después de todo, nosotros hemos derribado aviones estadounidenses antes, en Vietnam y en Corea (en la era soviética). Vladimir Putin ha dejado claro que Rusia no hará más concesiones (en Siria)”, agregó.

Fyodor Lukyanov, jefe de redacción de la revista Russia in Global Affairs alertó que “esta es la situación más peligrosa desde la Guerra Fría“.

“En la Guerra Fría, la confrontación se basaba en la comprensión de las ‘líneas rojas’. Ese no es el caso ahora. Probablemente nadie quiera impulsar un gran choque entre Rusia y Estados Unidos, pero este es exactamente el tipo de caso en el que las consecuencias no deseadas pueden aparecer”, apuntó.

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Moscú envío misiles Iskander M, con capacidad nuclear, a su enclave de Kaliningrado, junto a la frontera con Polonia.

Para algunos en Moscú, Rusia simplemente está reaccionando a una agresión de Occidente.

Hay una campaña para golpear a Rusia dondequiera que sea posible“, indicó el general retirado Yevgeny Buzhinsky.

Cita como ejemplo las sanciones occidentales contra Moscú e, incluso, la prohibición de participación del equipo de Rusia en los Juegos Paralímpicos de Río de Janeiro por acusaciones de dopaje.

“Obviamente hay una reacción. Tal como lo ve Rusia, tal como lo ve Putin, es una confrontación a gran escala en todos los frentes. Si quieres una confrontación, la vas a conseguir. Pero no será una que no dañe los intereses de Estados Unidos. Si quieres una confrontación, la vas a conseguir en todas partes”, advirtió.

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A University of Iowa student has died after being found unresponsive on campus grounds early Wednesday as a polar vortex  gripped the Midwest in arctic temperatures that have been linked to at least seven other deaths.

Gerald Belz, 18, was found behind an academic building on the Iowa City campus just before 3 a.m. by campus police, KCRG-TV reported. The pre-med student was rushed to a hospital, where he later died.


Police haven’t released a cause of death, but believed the frigid temperatures played a role, FOX28 Cedar Rapids reported. With wind chill, the temperature at the time police found Belz was negative 51 degrees, according to the National Weather Service.

Foul play isn’t suspected and zero alcohol was found in Belz’s system, police said.

Belz’s father, Michael, described his son to KCRG as “a momma’s boy with a tough exterior.”

Ice covers the Chicago River Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2019, in Chicago as a deadly arctic deep freeze enveloped the Midwest with record-breaking temperatures. (AP Photo/Teresa Crawford)

Meanwhile, an 82-year-old Illinois man was found outside several hours after he fell trying to get into his home, the Peoria Journal Star reported. His cause of death was recorded as related to cold exposure. His identity was withheld until his family can be notified.


In Indiana, a 22-year-old police officer and his wife were killed in a crash on an icy road, South Bend station WBND reported. Ligonier Police Officer Ethan Kiser’s SUV spun into the path of another SUV, killing the couple and the driver of the other vehicle, 21-year-old Shawna Kiser, officials told the station.

Other deaths included a man struck and killed by a snow plow in the Chicago area and a Milwaukee man found frozen to death in a garage while out shoveling snow.


While the deadly cold weather system that put much of the Midwest into a historic deep freeze was expected to ease Thursday, temperatures could still tumble to record lows in some places before the region begins to thaw out.

Before the worst of the cold begins to lift, the National Weather Service said Chicago could hit lows early Thursday that break the city’s record of minus 27 degrees set on Jan. 20, 1985.

Fox News’ Nicole Darrah and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Police said the men sustained “horrific injuries” outside the venue on Sunday morning

One man has been killed and three others wounded in a shooting outside a popular nightclub in the Australian city of Melbourne.

Three security guards from the Love Machine venue and a man queuing outside were shot in the incident on Sunday.

“It would appear that shots have been discharged from a car in this area into a crowd standing outside,” inspector Andrew Stamper told the media.

Police say there is no evidence to suggest the shooting is terror-related.

Mass shootings in Australia are rare. The country overhauled its gun laws after 35 people were shot dead in Port Arthur, Tasmania in 1996.

The country saw its worst incident since then last year when seven members of the same family died in a murder-suicide.

The man who died in the nightclub shooting has not been named, but local media report he is a 37-year-old security guard.

Police say the other men who were shot are aged 28, 29 and 50. The youngest is in a critical condition.

Victoria Detective Inspector Andrew Stamper described the injuries they sustained as “horrific”.

“This is just a horrendous act. It’s a busy nightclub, one of the main nightclubs in Melbourne in one of the main entertainment precincts in Melbourne,” he told a news conference.

No arrests have yet been made, and police have appealed for witnesses to come forward.

Australian newspaper The Age said investigators are likely to examine links to a motorcycle gang.

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