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CHICAGO — Thousands of Chicago’s public-school teachers will return to classrooms on Friday, ending a strike that left more than 300,000 students out of school for 11 days, the city’s mayor announced on Thursday.

A tentative contract deal between city officials and teachers in the nation’s third-largest school district resolved a tense standoff that had upended the lives of families all over the city and represented the biggest test to date of Chicago’s new mayor, Lori Lightfoot.

The walkout by the Chicago Teachers Union, which lasted longer than any schools strike in this city since 1987, was over an array of issues, beyond traditional questions over pay. The teachers called for more social workers, librarians and nurses in schools, smaller class sizes and protections for immigrant children. Over the last few weeks, teachers marched near schools and through the city’s downtown business district, as negotiations went on with city leaders.

In the end, the city said it had agreed to $35 million to reduce class sizes and hundreds of additional staff members by 2023. The city’s offer included a 16 percent salary increase over five years.

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Former Merchant Mariner Sal Mercogliano said Thursday he sees new and ominous signs that the 220,000-ton mega ship blocking Egypt’s Suez Canal may take a lot longer to remove than initially thought. 

“One of the most ominous things we are seeing, right now, is the parent company, Evergreen, has started to route two of their vessels around Africa,” Mercogliano said. “That’s telling us this may take a lot longer than they were initially expecting.”

Rescue crews have said that it might take weeks to set the behemoth Ever Given vessel free. Officials say strong winds and a sandstorm knocked the ship off course. Shipping experts say the containers on deck can act like giant sails during windy conditions.

Mercogliano CNBC’s “The News with Shepard Smith” that the blockage of the Suez Canal has put the global supply chain “in a state of flux.” According to reporting from NBC, $3 billion worth of goods typically traverse the canal every day, with more than 150 ships now in a holding pattern on either side of the waterway. 

“Most importantly right now, the ports that were expecting to receive these vessels are not receiving these vessels, and you’re going to have a situation very similar to what we’re seeing in the U.S. right now with ships lined up off our ports, because demand was pent up, in this case, supply is being held back,” said Mercogliano, a Campbell University professor, during the Thursday evening interview. 

The man-made Suez is a key transit point connecting East to West and is 120 miles long. Ships will have to shift to entirely different routes due to the blockage and sail around the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa.

Mercogliano explained with that extended route, “you’re talking about adding 3,500 miles on a route from Singapore to Rotterdam, you’re talking about 12 to 14 days.”

The maritime historian added that while the Ever Given’s misfortune has already impacted oil prices, factories might be next. 

“There may be production plants, automobile factories, for example, will have to shut down, waiting to get parts,” he said. “We don’t live in a society today where we store a lot of parts.” 

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(CNN)New Zealand authorities are racing to identify the 50 people killed in a massacre at two mosques so that their families can bury them in accordance with Muslim tradition.

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    Wilbur Scoville ganhou um Doodle do Google com direito a um jogo que simula o ‘teste da escala quente’ de pimentas. Hoje, o Google celebra o nascimento do químico há 151 anos (1865-1942). Scoville, além de receber a homenagem desta sexta-feira (22), é conhecido por ter inventado um método de avaliação do nível de ardência de vários tipos de pimenta, a famosa Escala de Scoville, disponível abaixo em app. 

    Escala Scoville; app salva de pimenta ‘muito quente’

    O Doodle do Google, além de animado, é interativo. No jogo, os usuários devem fazer com que um sorvete acerte a pimenta para acabar com a ardência na boca de Scoville, após o químico prová-la. O leite, muito presente no sorvete, é um dos principais componentes neutralizadores do ardor da pimenta.

    Doodle de Wilbur Scoville brinca com jogo que usa ‘teste da pimenta’ (Foto: (Foto: Reprodução/Google))

    A cada degustação que Wilbur Scoville prova, uma pimenta diferente e as suas propriedades e curiosidades também são reveladas. Após terminar as “lutas”, que você pode ganhar (e aí desbloquear “novas pimentas” para enfrentar) ou perder (e fazer com que Scoville caia no chão com a boca “pelando”), um sistema de compartilhamento dos resultados do jogo nas redes sociais é exibido.

    Ralador de pimenta bloqueia Wi-Fi e deixa todo mundo ’em família

    O Doodle foi produzido pela artista e doodler do Google Olivia Huynh. Para a designer, a melhor parte do trabalho foi desenhar as pimentas e as reações de Scoville. “O conceito de picante é universal, cômico, e foi o que tentei usar para criar esse jogo de luta”, explica Huynh, em post do Google.

    “Fiz storyboards de como poderia ser, rascunhos e testamos um protótipo. Depois vieram os cenários e animações. Desenhar as pimentas e as reações de Scoville foram minhas partes favoritas”, conta. 

    Doodle também é informativo, detalhando tipos de pimentas  (Foto: Reprodução/Google)

    Escala de Scoville

    Wilbur Lincoln Scoville nasceu em Bridgeport, nos Estados Unidos, em 22 de janeiro de 1865 e morreu em 10 de março de 1942. O trabalho do americano como farmacêutico é reconhecido mundialmente: criou o Teste Organoléptico de Scoville, que gerou a já conhecida Escala de Scoville.

    Com este método, Wilbur Lincoln Scoville definiu o grau de pungência de vários tipos de pimenta, através da detecção da concentração de capsaicina, substância responsável pela ardência da pimenta.

    Qual é o melhor Doodle do Google? Comente no Fórum do TechTudo. 

    O teste é um Procedimento de Diluição e Prova. Scoville misturava as pimentas puras com uma solução de água com açúcar, e quanto mais solução fosse necessária para diluir a pimenta, mais alta seria sua picância. Depois disso, o método foi melhorado e foram criadas as unidades de calor Scoville (Scoville Heat Units, ou SHU).

    Doodle Wilbur Scoville (Foto: Reprodução/Google)

    Uma xícara de pimenta que equivale a 1.000 xícaras de água é uma unidade na escala de Scoville. A substância Capsaicina, que gera a ardência nas pimentas, equivale a 15 milhões de unidades Scoville.

    A pimenta mexicana Habanero chega a 300 mil, uma “Red Savina Habanero”, modificada, tem 577 mil, e a Tezpur indiana, 877 mil.

    Entretanto, este não foi o único trabalho de Scoville. “The Art of Compounding” (A Arte dos Compostos), de 1895, é um de seus livros, que foi usado como referência na farmacologia até os anos 60.

    Scoville também publicou um livro com centenas de fórmulas de perfumes e outras essências, que foi chamado de “Extract and Perfumes” (Extratos e perfumes).

    Em 1922, Scoville recebeu o Prêmio Ebert, e em 1929 ganhou a sua Medalha de Honra Remington e o título de Doutor honoris causa em Ciências pela Universidade de Columbia. O pesquisador morreu no dia 10 de março de 1942, deixando mulher e dois filhos.

    Download grátis do app do TechTudo: receba dicas e notícias de tecnologia no Android ou iPhone

    Curtiu o Doodle? Veja a história dos Doodles do Google; vídeo

    Via Google Doodles

    *Colaborou Roberto Caligari

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    It’s just three weeks since House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler subpoenaed the report without redactions, and all its underlying evidence, from special counsel Robert Mueller relating to his investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

    Despite this, Nadler, D-N.Y., and fellow panel Democrats voted 24-16 Wednesday to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress for failing to comply in the blink of an eye with their demand. Never mind that it would have been illegal for Barr to do so. It will be for the full House to decide whether to support the contempt vote, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has said she’ll follow the committee’s lead.

    Democrats took turns grandstanding at the hearing, and simply ignored the fact that it would be against the law for Barr to disseminate some redacted material in Mueller’s report. Nor did they acknowledge the mammoth amount of work that would be required to organize and hand over Mueller’s mountains of evidence.

    It’s, of course, not surprising that no Democrat objected to Nadler’s precipitous actions for, in 2019, congressional oversight consisting of forming up on one side of the committee room and barking at the other side.

    Congress invokes official contempt charges rarely, indeed only three times in the past 35 years. It is meant to be a last resort. But in 2012, the last time it was used, Attorney General Eric Holder was held in contempt for refusing to provide Congress with subpoenaed material, and Holder was a Democrat. So this is payback. But it should be noted that Holder had by then defied Congress for 203 days before House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., first formally threatened him with contempt charges. Even then, Issa gave Holder an additional 48 days before his committee actually held a vote. And Issa was demanding answers about a Justice Department scandal that had actually resulted in the murder of at least one government official.

    In shockingly sharp contrast, Nadler went from subpoena to contempt vote in 19 days, without evincing any desire to negotiate with the Justice Department over what could properly be shared by the committee. Nadler isn’t approaching this as one in which he should work out an agreement between two co-equal branches of government, which would be perfectly possible in this case if both sides were willing to be reasonable. Instead, he’s running a show trial to gin up enthusiasm among angry Democratic donors, both small and large.

    What’s more, and worse, is that Nadler’s show trial is in pursuit of an end that is manifestly wrong. Barr’s efforts to protect privileged grand jury materials are not only justifiable but specifically mandated by law. Nadler has not a leg to stand on. Every single House Democrat on that committee knows and understands this. Yet not one objected to the circus in which they played the role of sundry clowns.

    Contrast this again with Republican treatment of Holder. Unlike Barr, who is legally required to protect grand jury material, Holder was merely asserting an amorphous and constitutionally dubious privilege over internal Justice Department deliberations.

    Nadler should explain why he is in such a rush. His timetable has nothing to do with justice or good government, and everything to do with the 2020 election calendar. Mueller couldn’t find any evidence of collusion by Trump’s campaign or any other American with Russia and its malefactors. So the clock is ticking for Democrats to use the fruits of Mueller’s investigation, which he so helpfully gave them, in defiance of precedent, to raise money and talking points for use in the Democrats’ pursuit of power.

    Congress has a duty to sift through Mueller’s evidence. It has a duty to exercise oversight and provide checks on executive power, in the interest of justice and the good of the country. Nadler’s show trial has nothing to do with any of that.

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    Mayor Bill de Blasio | Andrew Burton/Getty Images

    NEW YORK — Mayor Bill de Blasio on Sunday blamed an organized group of anarchists for inciting violence and vandalism amid protests over the killing of George Floyd, but conceded some were from the city and the neighborhoods where demonstrations were happening — a shift from his message Saturday night.

    “Some come from outside the city. Some are from inside the city,” he said. “Some are from the neighborhoods where the protests take place, some are not. But what we do know is there is an explicit agenda of violence and it does not conform with the history of this city in which we have always honored non-violent protests.”


    Only hours before, on Saturday night, the mayor insisted the threat of violence was coming from “out of town” demonstrators, many of whom are “not from communities of color” and have a “warped ideology” that leads them to “harming working people who are police officers.”

    De Blasio, who first came to office with a promise of police reform, has ardently defended the NYPD during the recent protests and insisted officers were exercising great restraint in the face of threats from demonstrators bent on attacking cops. He’s faced fierce backlash from criminal justice advocates and members of his own party.

    “@NYCMayor your comments tonight were unacceptable,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted early Sunday morning. “Defending and making excuses for NYPD running SUVs into crowds was wrong. Make it right. De-escalate.”

    Police officers drove through a barricade into throngs of protesters in Brooklyn Saturday evening. Video of the incident, which quickly went viral, shows demonstrators throwing cones, garbage bags and water bottles at the NYPD vehicles before they plowed into the crowds.

    The mayor insisted again Sunday the officers were reacting to a dangerous situation caused by threats of violence.

    “We’re going to fully investigate that incident,” the mayor said Sunday. “I don’t ever want to see a police officer do that. … But I also know that it was an extremely dangerous situation and the one thing [police] couldn’t do was stay there.”

    “There are protests, and there are mobs,” NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea added later in the conference. “A protest does not involve surrounding and ambushing a marked police car.”

    New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, speaking in a separate press conference that morning, criticized the mayor’s earlier remarks to the incident as “a terrible response.”

    “We can’t have police officers who haven’t been trained on how to handle a panicked situation and are handling it through plowing protesters,” he said. “That’s not something we can accept.”

    The mayor announced he was appointing his corporation counsel, Jim Johnson, and Department of Investigation Commissioner Margaret Garnett to conduct a full investigation into the police response to protests which began late last week and will continue Sunday night.

    Shea said multiple officers were injured in skirmishes over the weekend and close to 350 arrests were made — but aside from property damage, police said no serious injuries or fatalities have occurred.

    De Blasio praised Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s remarks from Saturday morning, in which he said he would sign legislation updating New York’s 50-a law, criticized by criminal justice advocates who say it shields too much information relating to police disciplinary records.

    The de Blasio administration had previously cited the law when groups and officials across New York City pushed for the records of former officer Daniel Pantaleo, who fatally placed Staten Islander Eric Garner into a chokehold in 2014.

    “I have said we need to repeal and replace, I want to be abundantly clear,” de Blasio said Sunday. “There must be some provision in the law to protect the personal information, the home address, the type of information about an individual police officer that is about their safety and security.”

    De Blasio said Sunday he hoped Cuomo would sign such legislation in June.

    Footage from Minneapolis of Floyd’s death, whose final words were “I can’t breathe” as a police officer knelt on his neck, has drawn parallels to Garner’s death in Staten Island as he gasped the same words.

    “I think that when you look at something as terrible as that incident, what could come out of it?” said Shea of footage of Floyd, who was apprehended while unarmed for allegedly using counterfeit money to buy cigarettes. “Hopefully something does come out of it.”

    “Whether it’s law enforcement or not, there is universal condemnation … to what we saw in that video,” he said.

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    Lawmakers remain at an impasse over how much money to provide to fund President Donald Trump’s request for a border wall. | J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo

    Government Shutdown

    A stopgap Homeland Security bill is being discussed now.

    Negotiations to avert another government shutdown have stalled, leaving lawmakers in the same place they’ve been for months.

    Although lawmakers were optimistic going into the weekend about reaching a border security deal and funding the government past Feb. 15, negotiators are now discussing a stopgap Homeland Security bill, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.

    Story Continued Below

    Senate Appropriations Chairman Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) acknowledged Sunday that negotiations have stalled and put the odds of getting a deal at 50-50.

    “We’ve got some problems with the Democrats dealing with ICE,” Shelby told Fox News’ Chris Wallace, referring to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. “I’m not confident we’re going to get there, I’m hoping we will get there.”

    Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), one of the negotiators, appeared slightly more optimistic.

    “We are not to a point where we can announce a deal, negotiations are still going on,” he said on “Fox News Sunday.“ There are good people on this committee so I have confidence that hopefully we will get something done very soon.”

    Tester added that negotiations “negotiations seldom go smooth all the way through.”

    Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said President Donald Trump is not ruling out another government shutdown.

    “The government shutdown is technically still on the table,” Mulvaney said on “Fox News Sunday.“ “We do not want it to come to that, but that option is still open to the president and will remain so.”

    Speaking on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Mulvaney added: “Let’s say that the hardcore left wing of the Democrat Party prevails this negotiation and they put a bill on the president’s desk with, say, zero money for the wall or $800 million, some absurdly low number. How does he sign that? He cannot in good faith sign that.“

    Democratic conferees planned to talk on the phone Sunday morning to discuss the next steps, according to a source familiar with the discussions.

    “I would say all is not lost but it’s certainly not the place anybody wanted to be,” said a congressional source familiar with the talks.

    Negotiations reached an impasse Saturday, primarily over detention beds, the source said. Democratic negotiators offered a deal to their Republican counterparts, but Republicans are refusing to negotiate until Democrats take back their demand for a cap on the number of beds, the source added

    There are no talks scheduled.

    Lawmakers are discussing the possibility of a year-long continuing resolution bill but so far discussions have not led to a proposal that both House Democrats and Senate Republicans could get on board with, the source said.

    The impasse in negotiations adds pressure on party leaders and the White House, who will have to step in if the conference members can’t quickly resolve their differences over detention beds and border barrier funding.

    The discussion comes after the longest government shutdown in history. President Donald Trump has insisted for money to fund his border wall, demanding for $5.7 billion. But lawmakers remain at an impasse over how much money to provide to fund the border barrier.

    Last week, conservative lawmakers said Trump would accept around $2 billion, but Democrats have so far rejected that amount.

    Burgess Everett and John Bresnahan contributed to this report.

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    O presidente do Conselho Deliberativo da Chapecoense, Plínio David de Nes Filho, e o prefeito de Chapecó, Luciano Buligon, que quase embarcaram no voo que caiu na Colômbia, se emocionaram ao falar sobre a tragédia ao lado de Galvão Bueno e Rodrigo Bocardi no Bom Dia Brasil.

    “Nós estávamos programados para estar neste voo. Eu, particularmente, voei com esse avião. Estivemos em Barranquilla e voamos com esse mesmo avião. O piloto entrou em contato comigo, às 9h, dizendo que a Anac não havia liberado para que ele pudesse pousar em Guarulhos, pedindo apoio, inclusive, porque a gente já se conhecia. Mas aí optamos em voar à tarde, em voo regular, fazendo uma ponta em Bogotá. Voltaríamos com esse voo, fazendo uma escala em Santa Cruz, e iríamos pousar, como já pousamos, no aeroporto internacional de Foz do Iguaçú”, detalhou o prefeito.

    “Montamos um QG no próprio vestiário. Falei com a minha senhora. Ela está indo de encontro às senhoras dos jogadores e dos dirigentes. Existem amigos de uma vida toda que estavam no voo. (…) Esse grupo dentro da Chapecoense, entre atletas e direção, não era apenas um grupo de respeito mútuo, mas familiar. Grupo de amizade, todo mundo ria muito, mesmo nas derrotas. Nós viviamos em uma harmonia muito grande. Ontem de manhã, eu me despedindo, eles me diziam que iam em busca para tornar esse sonho uma realidade. Compartilhamos esse sonho, muito emocionados. E esse sonho acabou essa madrugada”, chorou Plínio.

    Assista à reportagem completa no vídeo acima.


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    Un tribunal chino autorizó que se vendan carteras con la marca IPHONE.

    La próxima vez que quieras regalarle algo a tu mamá, puedes optar por un legítimo IPHONE por mucho menos de lo que piensas.

    Eso sí, no será el famoso teléfono inteligente de Apple sino un bolso chino de la compañía que le ganó un juicio a Apple para poder vender sus productos con ese nombre.

    El fallo del Tribunal Supremo de Pekín permitirá a Xintong Tiandi comercializar artículos de cuero con el nombre IPHONE, escrito todo con letras mayúsculas.

    La batalla perdida por Apple

    Xintong Tiandi tiene registrada la marca “IPHONE” en China para producir bolsos, carteras, estuches, protectores de celular y billeteras desde 2007.

    Apple también presentó una solicitud de la marca para sus productos electrónicos en 2002, pero no fue aprobada hasta 2013.

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    Xintong Tiandi

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    Xintong Tiandi es una compañía que fabrica varios tipos de accesorios de cuero.

    Apple está decepcionada porque el Tribunal Supremo de Pekín decidió permitir a Xintong utilizar la marca ‘iPhone’ para productos de cuero cuando hemos prevalecido en varios otros casos contra Xintong”, dijo un portavoz de la firma.

    La compañía de la manzana anticipó que solicitará un nuevo juicio en el Tribunal Supremo chino y que continuará protegiendo “enérgicamente” la marca “iPhone”.

    “Trabajamos duro para hacer los mejores productos y queremos garantizar que la experiencia de nuestros clientes no se vea comprometida por empresas que tratan de beneficiarse del uso de nuestra marca”, señaló el comunicado.

    Xintong Tiandi

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    Xintong Tiandi

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    Apple apeló tres veces los fallos en su contra en China y se declaró “decepcionada” por el fallo reciente.

    Lo que diferencia a los bolsos, fundas para teléfonos móviles y otros artículos de cuero de Xintong Tiandi de los teléfonos de Apple es la forma en la que se escribe la marca: “IPHONE” en el caso de la compañía china mientras que la gigante de la tecnología lo hace de la siguiente manera: “iPhone”.

    Apple inició la primera batalla legal contra la empresa de productos de cuero ante la autoridad de marcas de China en 2012 y, después de un fallo adverso, llevó el caso a un tribunal de Pekín.

    Ambos fallos contrarios hicieron que la empresa acudiera al Tribunal Supremo.

    Sin embargo, esta instancia judicial dictaminó que Apple no podía demostrar que era una marca muy conocida en China antes de que Xintong Tiandi presentó su solicitud de registro en 2007.

    Los celulares iPhone recién salieron a la venta en China en 2009.

    Los problemas en China

    El fallo se produjo poco después de que se conociera que los ingresos de Apple se redujeron un 13%.

    Y la situación se complica en el país asiático, donde las ventas cayeron un 26%.

    La caída no es la única dificultad que Apple enfrenta en China.

    En marzo, Pekín aprobó una ley que exige que todos los contenidos virtuales disponibles en China deben ser almacenados en servidores instalados en aquel país.

    Como resultado los servicios de Apple iBooks (libros) y iTunes (música) fueron cerrados en China.

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    Xintong Tiandi

    Image caption

    Xintong Tiandi registró la marca IPHONE en 2007.

    Apple dijo que esperaba que el acceso de sus repositorios se reestablezca pronto, pero todavía no sucedió.

    La medida es considerada como un gran golpe para Apple ya que China es el segundo mayor mercado para sus productos.

    Por si fuera poco, la semana pasada, el inversor multimillonario Carl Icahn vendió todas sus acciones de Apple por preocupaciones sobre las perspectivas de la empresa de tecnología en China.

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    A major winter storm was lashing much of the East Coast on Sunday, causing widespread power outages and disrupting travel over the holiday weekend.

    The big picture: Heavy snow and ice accumulations were “likely to produce hazardous travel,” downed trees and more outages from the Mid-South to the Northeast, per the National Weather Service. Some parts of the U.S. can expect to see up to a foot of snow through Monday.

    • Tens of thousands of customers were without power overnight due to the wintry storm, which spawned two tornadoes in southwest Florida Sunday morning — including an EF-2 tornado with maximum winds of 118 near Fort Myers, Lee County, which injured at least three people, per the NWS.

    By the numbers: Nearly 34,000 customers were without power in North Carolina and another 30,000-plus had no electricity in South Carolina on Monday morning, according to

    • Other states with widespread power outages were Georgia (over 27,000), Pennsylvania (almost 26,000) and Virginia (more than 16,000), per the utility tracking site.
    • More than 3,000 flights within, into or out of the U.S. were canceled and over 8,000 others were delayed on Sunday, FlightAware data shows.

    Threat level: “Heaviest snow is expected along and just west of the Appalachians, and the most damaging icing is likely across parts of North Carolina,” the NWS said.

    • “Thunderstorms may produce damaging winds and tornadoes in Florida and the eastern Carolinas. Strong winds and coastal flooding are also expected.

    Arctic air already in place across the central and eastern U.S. will work in concert with this dynamic system to deliver a wide swath of more than a foot of heavy snow northward across the upper Ohio Valley through the lower Great Lakes, as the storm center is forecast to track up the interior section of the East Coast through Monday.

    “Closer to the track of the storm center, snow that initially falls is expected to change over to a period of sleet and/or freezing rain before changing over to plain rain across interior Mid-Atlantic and up through the lower elevations of New England.”

    NWS outlook

    Meanwhile, weather agency Environment Canada warned 8-16 inches of snow could fall on Monday morning over parts of southern and eastern Ontario, near the border with the U.S.

    In photos: Scenes from monster storm
    The U.S. Capitol dome during a snowstorm on Jan. 16. Photo: Stefani Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images
    The scene on Main St. in Greenville, South Carolina, on Jan. 16. Photo: Sean Rayford/Getty Images
    An Amtrak train engine moves along tracks in the train yard at Union Station in Washington, D.C. Photo: Stefani Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images
    Scenes from Charlotte, where the wintry conditions were still fun for some on Jan. 16. Photo: Peter Zay/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

    Editor’s note: This article has been updated with details of flight cancellations, power outages and Canada’s forecast.

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    São Paulo – This Wednesday (3rd), the World Economic Forum (WEF) has released its Global Competitiveness Report 2014-2015, covering 144 countries. The assessment of Middle East and North Africa countries shows a ‘mixed picture,’ as per a press release from the WEF.

    According to the survey, the region is plagued by political instability. The highlight is the United Arab Emirates, which has climbed from the 19th to the 12th position in the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), overtaking Qatar as the best-placed Arab country on the list.

    Other Arab economies did not perform as well, including Qatar, which has dropped from 13th to 16th; Saudi Arabia, from 20th to 24º; Kuwait, from 36th to 40th; Bahrain, from 43rd to 44th; and Oman, which has slid from 33rd to 46th. These countries, alongside the Emirates, comprise the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), a bloc of major exporters of oil, gas and their products.

    Arab countries whose positions on the ranking have improved include Jordan, from 68th to 64th; Morocco, from 77th to 72nd; Algeria, from 100th to 79th; and Yemen, from 145th to 142nd. Mauritania remained in the same position (141st), while Tunisia, Lebanon, Egypt and Libya all lost positions.

    The report underscores the “stark contrast” between the scores achieved by Gulf countries and their Arab counterparts. “Ensuring structural reforms, improving the business environment and strengthening the innovative capacity so as to enable the private sector to grow and create jobs are of key importance to the region,” the WEF press release states.

    Brazil, in turn, has lost one position, from 56th to 57th. In its overview of Latin America, the survey posits that in order to reduce vulnerability and keep the economic momentum of past years, the region’s major economies “are still in need of implementing structural reforms” that are long overdue.

    By the way, the reforms issue is essential not only to Arab and Latin American countries, but to the economies surveyed as a whole. According to the report, global economic growth is at risk because, despite the adoption of “bold” monetary policies over the past few years, several countries still “struggle to implement structural reforms necessary to help economies grow.”

    The survey notes that reforms implementation varies from country to country, depending on their region and level of development, and this is the “biggest challenge to sustaining global growth.”

    The world’s most competitive economies according to the WEF, are Switzerland, Singapore, United States, Finland, Germany, Japan, Hong Kong, Holland, United Kingdom and Sweden. The survey points out that the USA and Japan have moved up in the ranking for the second straight year.

    *Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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    Pérez Molina renunció a la presidencia de Guatemala para hacer frente a un juicio por corrupción en su contra.

    El presidente de Guatemala, Otto Pérez Molina, presentó su renuncia al cargo.

    La razón: el escándalo por corrupción que desde hace meses sacude a Guatemala.

    Siga en vivo la crisis en Guatemala: Pérez Molina comparece ante la justicia

    La decisión fue hecha pública este jueves en horas de la madrugada por el portavoz del mandatario, Jorge Ortega, a través de un comunicado.

    Aunque, según Ortega, Pérez Molina envió su carta de renuncia al Congreso de la República antes de la medianoche del miércoles.

    “En la situación actual y teniendo en cuenta por sobre todo el interés del Estado, me corresponde continuar con el debido proceso y por lo tanto presentarme ante la justicia y dirimir mi situación personal“, explicó Pérez Molina en la misiva, fechada 2 de septiembre.

    Vea toda nuestra cobertura sobre Guatemala

    “Con la convicción de hacer lo correcto, me dirijo a usted y al honorable Congreso de la República para presentar mi renuncia al Cargo de Presidente de la República de Guatemala“, se lee en la carta.

    Poco antes, la Fiscalía había emitido una orden de captura en contra del presidente.

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    En esta imagen del 14 de agosto se ve al exmandatario junto al vicepresidente, Alejandro Maldonado, quien se prevé asumirá las funciones presidenciales.

    Lea también: Emiten orden de captura en contra del presidente Otto Pérez Molina

    Los delitos por los que la Fiscalía requiere a Pérez Molina son: asociación ilícita, cohecho pasivo y caso especial de defraudación aduanera, los mismos por los que su exvicepresidenta Roxana Baldetti fue encarcelada.

    La renuncia del mandatario será efectiva una vez la acepte el Congreso, que se prevé lleve a cabo una sesión extraordinaria en las próximas horas.

    Lea: El papel de Estados Unidos en la crisis de Guatemala

    El periódico guatemalteco Prensa Libre informó que en la tarde, la instancia legislativa juramentaría al actual vicepresidente, Alejandro Maldonado, un abogado conservador y expresidente de la Corte de Constitucionalidad, quien asumiría la presidencia de manera interina.

    Maldonado se quedaría en el cargo hasta el 14 de enero del próximo año, cuando debía terminar el período original de Pérez Molina.

    La primera ronda de las elecciones guatemaltecas, en las que se elegirá a un nuevo mandatario, están previstas para este domingo 6 de septiembre.

    “El momento más difícil de mi vida”

    Pérez Molina siempre ha mantenido su inocencia y negado cualquier vinculación con la red de corrupción que es objeto de investigación por parte de la Fiscalía, conocida localmente como “La Línea”.

    Lea también: El escándalo aduanero que forzó la renuncia del presidente de Guatemala, Otto Pérez Molina

    En declaraciones ofrecidas el jueves a Radio Sonora y que reproduce Prensa Libre en su página web, el exmandatario dijo que su renuncia y el proceso judicial al que se someterá es el “momento más difícil” de su vida.

    Pude haber salido del país, pude haber pedido asilo político pero elegí el camino de cualquier hombre que quiere hacer algo bueno por el país

    Pude haber salido del país, pude haber pedido asilo político pero elegí el camino de cualquier hombre que quiere hacer algo bueno por el país. Tuve miles de herramientas a la mano, entre ellas expulsar a la Cicig (Comisión Internacional contra la Impunidad en Guatemala) y preferí enfrentar las cosas con valentía, con honor y con dignidad, como considero deberíamos hacer los guatemaltecos”, señaló el expresidente.

    Pérez Molina también dijo que el verdadero fraude está en la evasión de impuestos. Los empresarios son los “que por tradición no han pagado impuestos” y por eso no hay recursos para educación y salud, indicó.

    El exmandatario dijo que seguirá luchando por Guatemala y agradeció a las personas que los apoyan. “Estoy con la frente en alto, estoy pasando momentos difíciles”, señaló.

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    Pérez Molina se presentó este jueves ante los tribunales.

    La justicia divina siempre llega“, añadió Pérez Molina, quien este jueves se presentó ante los juzgados y se puso a disposición del juez.

    El general retirado incluso había acudido a la Corte Constitucional guatemalteca para pedir que su juicio quedara sin efecto a través de dos amparos.

    Los cinco altos magistrados de dicha instancia, sin embargo, rechazaron los recursos.

    Voto histórico

    El martes, con el voto de 132 diputados, de los 105 necesarios, Pérez Molina se quedó sin inmunidad —la primera vez que un presidente guatemalteco sufre esa situación.

    Lea: Congreso le retira la inmunidad al presidente Otto Pérez Molina

    Nunca imaginé y nunca hubiera querido iniciar un antejuicio contra el presidente, sin embargo, la evidencia hizo imperativa hacer esta solicitud”

    Esa votación despejó el camino para que el exmandatario de 64 años enfrente la justicia.

    La fiscal general, Thelma Aldana, había indicado que luego de haberse retirado la inmunidad el presidente sería “sometido a los tribunales del país, como un ciudadano ordinario”.

    “Nunca imaginé y nunca hubiera querido iniciar un antejuicio contra el presidente, sin embargo, la evidencia hizo imperativa hacer esta solicitud”, aseveró en esa oportunidad Aldana.

    “La Línea”

    El presidente fue acusado el 21 de agosto por la fiscalía y por la Cicig, un organismo avalado por Naciones Unidas, de liderar una mafia de corrupción aduanera que defraudó a la Superintendencia de Administración Tributaria (SAT).

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    En la mañana del jueves, decenas de personas salieron a celebrar el anuncio de la renuncia del presidente Pérez Molina.

    La estructura criminal fue desmantelada en abril.

    Y el comisionado de la Cicig, Iván Velásquez, aseguró que en las más de 80.000 escuchas telefónicas realizadas en el marco de la investigación y en los más de 5.000 mensajes de correo electrónico revisados existían referencias a “el uno” y “la dos”, que corresponderían a la participación de Pérez Molina y de su ex vicepresidenta, Roxana Baldetti.

    Lea: Iván Velásquez, el colombiano que hace temblar al gobierno de Guatemala

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    Manifestantes a las afueras del Palacio presidencial en la madrugada del jueves, poco después de conocerse la renuncia del mandatario.

    La red era presuntamente manejada por el ex secretario privado de la exvicepresidenta Baldetti.

    Lea: cárcel para la ex vicepresidenta Roxana Baldetti implicada en escándalo de corrupción

    “Uno de los temas sustanciales era el contrabando y en general con la defraudación en un país tan necesitado de recursos”, señaló Velásquez.

    Aunque no se conoce el monto total de lo defraudado, en dos semanas un miembro del grupo delictivo fue capaz de recaudar 2,5 millones de quetzales (unos US$330.000), de acuerdo a la pesquisa oficial.

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    04.ago.2014 | 14:13

    #262Gibson, Dunleavy, Mirotic.. @ MORROJO # 257 Creo que por motivos salariales, lo de Denver no encaja para nada. Además, qué le aporta a Minny un role player como W. Chandler y un jugador atlético pero sin tiro como Faried. Y entre los dos no llegan ni a los 10 millones (Love se lleva 16) y Denver ya está en 72 kilos de sueldos. Eso sí, si Denver metiese a Gallinari en la operación…En cuanto a Chicago, Dunleavy poco aporta a Minny, Mirotic es de momento un 4 que tira de 3 (en Europa) y creo que será más soft para la NBA que el propio Dunleavy. Eso sí, Gibson es muy interesante (se complementaría bien con Peko), pero vamos, ya sabemos lo que aporta y no creo yo que tenga posibilidades de sacar a Minny de la mediocridad. Vamos, que en este caso estarían cambiando a Love por Gibson, para mí, claramente inferior a lo de Wigginngs y Bennet. Pues además, tendrían que aceptar más sueldo en el cambio que con los dos anteriores. #263# 257 o sea, que para ti es un mal cambio para los dos. Creo que todavía no había visto a nadie opinar así. Yo opino lo contrario, un claro win-win, con más riesgos para Wolves, ya veremos ;). A ver, q no es mal cambio, Love debe salir ya y Wiggins va para crack, pero creo q es mejor traer a 2-3 jugadoresbuenillosl. que a 1 extradordinario.. Love ha hexo números de 26-12-4 y no da para entrar en PO… pq hay q pensar q Wiggins va a hacer números q si q van a dar para PO? (pq Bennet no es nadie). Lo más normal es q haga numerazos, los Wolves no aspiren a nada, y el día de mñn busque una salida como Love ahora.. Los Bulls daban a Gibson, q es ideal para Pek… supongo q a Mirotic q tiene su mercado, aparte d q con Dieng podría aportar.. incluso a McDermott un jugador super interesante (tanto como Bennet)… Nuggets? ese rumor ya se habló … Pues daría a Faried, joven, atlético, q le viene muy bien a Pek.. Chandler es un buen alero y quizá algo más, hasta de Affalo!!! Yo a este equipo con Wiggins lo veo con Love.. hará numerazos y Wolves no pisa PO..

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    Trump publicó la foto en sus redes sociales para celebrar el 5 de mayo, una festividad de los mexicanos en EE.UU.

    En un nuevo intento por demostrar que tiene una buena relación con los latinos de Estados Unidos, el magnate Donald Trump publicó en las redes sociales una foto en la que aparece a punto de comerse un bol de taco, un plato inspirado en la comida mexicana.

    El aspirante republicano a la Casa Blanca escribió junto a la foto que publicó en Twitter y Facebook: “¡Feliz 5 de mayo!. Los mejores bols de taco se preparan en el Grill de la Torre Trump. ¡Amo a los hispanos!”.

    Trump publicó la imagen a propósito de la festividad del 5 de mayo, que conmemora la Batalla de Puebla de 1862 y es celebrada por muchos mexicanos que viven en Estados Unidos.

    En seguida llovieron los comentarios en las redes sociales que calificaron de “ofensivo” el mensaje del empresario, quien es ahora el único republicano en la contienda electoral tras la retirada de Ted Cruz y John Kasich.

    Trump publicó este mensaje a pesar de declaraciones previas suyas en las que ha acusado a México de enviar “criminales” y “violadores” a EE.UU. y en las que ha asegurado que quiere deportar a los 11 millones de indocumentados que viven en el país y construir un muro en la frontera.

    La candidata demócrata Hillary Clinton respondió con un tuit recordando precisamente la intención de Trump de deportar a los inmigrantes sin papeles.

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    La aspirante demócrata Hillary Clinton le respondió con: “‘¡Amo a los hispanos!’ dijo Trump hace 52 minutos. ‘Van a ser deportados’, dijo ayer'”.

    Pero no solamente fue su contrincante quien criticó la imagen.

    También lo hicieron celebridades de origen latino, asociaciones por los derechos de los inmigrantes y miles de usuarios más que, nada más en el perfil de Facebook de Trump, han dejado más de 150.000 comentarios.

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    El actor y comediante de ascendencia mexicana George López dijo en su cuenta de Twitter que el plato probablemente había sido preparado por inmigrantes indocumentados, un grupo que Trump se ha comprometido a deportar.

    “Si realmente estuviese honrando el 5 de mayo, sabría que es una efemérida únicamente mexicana. No ‘hispana’, como la ha llamado”, escribió en Facebook Menina D’amours Fortunato.

    “Qué mal que los bols de taco no son mexicanos, que el restaurante Grill tampoco, que no estás comiendo en Nueva York porque hoy estás en West Virginia. El 5 de Mayo no es una fecha conmemorativa hispana, es mexicana”, escribió por su parte la usuaria Andrea Musino.

    Desde la agrupación Occupy Democrats, que representa la tendencia de izquierda del Partido Demócrata, califiicaron el comentario de Trump de “ofensivo”, así como muchos otros usuarios de las redes sociales.

    José Antonio Vargas, activista de los derechos de los inmigrantes, aprovechó para criticar el muro que Trump tiene pensado construir en la frontera entre México y EE.UU. si llega a la Casa Blanca.

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    “Cuando construyas tu muro, ¿también vas a prohibir los bols de taco?”, dijo Vargas en su cuenta de Twitter.

    Sin embargo, entre las críticas también hubo opiniones favorables al mensaje del republicano.

    “¡Soy latina y votaré por Trump!”, dijo la usuaria Lourdes Mosquera.

    “Gracias Sr. Trump por su comentario. Soy hispana aunque no mexicana. Y esta latina de Puerto Rico ha votado por usted y apoya el muro”, escribió por su parte Marie Jones.

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    Sbado, 29 de Agosto 2015  |  3:44 pm

    Créditos: Andina

    El contrato se ratifica el mismo da en que vence el contrato con la argentina Pluspetrol, acusada por las comunidades indgenas de contaminar la zona.

    El Gobierno peruano ratificó este sábado en un decreto supremo el contrato con la canadiense Pacific Stratus Energy para operar, por dos años, el lote petrolero 192, el más grande del país y ubicado en la región amazónica de Loreto, donde autoridades y grupos indígenas rechazan esa adjudicación.

    El decreto, publicado en las normas legales del diario El Peruano, autoriza a la estatal Perupetro a firmar el contrato con Pacific, con intervención del Banco Central de Reserva, para la explotación de hidrocarburos en el lote, ubicado entre las provincias Datem del Marañón y Loreto, en la región del mismo nombre.

    La norma lleva la firma del presidente peruano, Ollanta Humala; la ministra de Energía y Minas, Rosa María Ortiz; y el ministro de Economía y Finanzas, Alonso Segura.

    El contrato es ratificado el mismo día en que vence el contrato que tenía la argentina Pluspetrol desde 2001, pero que fue acusada por las comunidades indígenas de contaminar la zona y no respetar las compensaciones económicas por los daños ambientales.

    El Estado peruano convocó a una licitación internacional para la operación por 30 años, la cual resultó desierta, y adjudicó el lote en forma temporal a Pacific Stratus Energy.

    Los dirigentes de las comunidades nativas y organizaciones sociales de Loreto habían pedido al Estado que asuma la operación del lote para garantizar la remediación ambiental, pero el Gobierno respondió que no estaba en condiciones técnicas ni económicas de hacerlo.

    En ese sentido, el gobernador regional de Loreto, Fernando Meléndez, declaró el viernes, en un mítin en la ciudad de Iquitos, que “Loreto no va a recibir a la empresa Pacific” porque no están dispuestos “a regalar un centímetro” de sus tierras.

    Meléndez anunció que se reunirá con los alcaldes y dirigentes gremiales de Loreto para definir las medidas que se tomarán en los próximos días, tras reiterar que no permitirán que Pacific opere el lote 192.

    El miércoles pasado, Meléndez encabezó un paro regional en Loreto para pedir al Gobierno que no entregue la explotación del lote a una empresa privada y el viernes hubo movilizaciones en protesta por la negativa del Congreso a aprobar una norma que permita la explotación petrolera a una empresa estatal.

    El lote, situado en la frontera de Perú con Ecuador, representa el 17 % del total de producción de petróleo del país, con una extracción diaria de unos 11.000 barriles de crudo de alrededor de 16 pozos.




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