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“Uh, the contractors will depend on the contract and, um, let’s talk about the (government) employees for a second because I know a little bit more about that,” Muvlaney said.

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Though Mr. Morgan served in the Obama administration, he has backed some of Mr. Trump’s tougher immigration positions.

In an interview on Fox News on April 15, Mr. Morgan said he supported Mr. Trump’s suggestion that he might send migrants crossing the border to so-called sanctuary cities that are defying a crackdown by ICE.

“I’ve been there. The Border Patrol, ICE, their facilities are overwhelmed, the faith-based organizations and other nongovernmental organizations are overwhelmed,” Mr. Morgan said in the interview. “They have no choice. They’re going to have to start pushing these individuals out. Shouldn’t we kind of share the burden throughout the country?”

Mr. Morgan also strongly backed Mr. Trump’s characterization of the problems at the border as a security crisis. Democrats have said the issues are far more humanitarian in nature.

“What the president is saying and what they’re trying to do as far as the policy goes, it’s based on reality and fact, and I know that because he’s listening to the experts,” Mr. Morgan said in the Fox interview. “Not political pundits, not talking heads, he is listening to experts. Anyone who says this a manufactured crisis is absolutely misleading the American people.”

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via press release:



Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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(Foto Referencial)

Un periodista y un reportero gráfico de Últimas Noticias fueron despojados de sus pertenencias por sujetos desconocidos mientras cubrían una pauta cerca de la plaza Pérez Bonalde en Catia, según informó el periodista Marco Ruiz.

El periodista Reinaldo Escorcia y el fotográfo Fernando Campos, fueron amenazados de recibir un disparo si no entregaban sus artículos de valor. El presunto delincuente cargó con los equipos fotográficos de Campos y con los celulares de ambos.

El hecho suscitó luego que estos salieran a dar un recorrido por las panaderías del sector.


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Ni siquiera el protagonista de la historia, el presidente Morales, se imaginó las aristas de esta trama.

Si fuera una telenovela, algún espectador pensaría que el guión es demasiado fantasioso, que la trama descarrila en su obsesión por atraer más televidentes. Pero no es un programa de ficción, es la historia del presidente boliviano Evo Morales, su hijo supuestamente fallecido que resulta que está vivo y su exnovia, presa.

La intriga comenzó el 3 de febrero de este año con un primer capítulo más bien anodino, aburrido: el mandatario fue denunciado por tráfico de influencias pocos días antes de un referendo en el que buscaba una reforma constitucional para presentarse a una nueva reelección.

Nuestro primer actor por orden de aparición es Carlos Valverde, periodista, quien ese día revela la existencia de una relación amorosa entre el mandatario y la empresaria Gabriela Zapata, quien pronto se volverá la actriz principal de la historia.

Zapata no era una empresaria cualquiera, era gerente comercial de la empresa china CAMC que había firmado en los últimos años contratos con el Estado por algo más de US$500 millones en distintas áreas, incluyendo la producción de litio, azúcar y líneas férreas.

Dos días después la trama se vuelve más íntima, el presidente se ve forzado a dar una conferencia de prensa en la que reconoce una relación con Zapata entre 2005 y 2007, de la cual nació un niño.

El niño

El mandatario se transforma entonces en el narrador de la historia: el hijo nació pero enfermó, él pasó dinero pero cuando quiso verlo, o quizás porque quiso verlo, supo que su hijo había muerto.

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La fiscalía boliviana señaló que Zapata fue detenida por “riesgo de fuga”.

Otras voces entran en el relato, el senador Arturo Murillo de la alianza opositora Unidad Demócrata (UD) le reclama al presidente por no preocuparse del hijo enfermo o de no “ponerle flores en el cementerio” cuando supo de su muerte.

El vicepresidente, Álvaro García Linera, responde que Morales “asistió” al hijo cuando hizo un viaje para una intervención vinculada con su salud y asegura que Morales insistió ”varias semanas” para saber sobre la suerte de esta intervención.

Y cuando pensamos que la historia se terminaba en esa muerte, en esa tumba, el guionista decide recurrir a uno de los trucos más absurdo de las telenovelas: revivir al muerto.

La noticia

“Tengo derecho a conocer a mi hijo, a cuidarlo, a protegerlo, es mi obligación. Espero que me lo traigan en las próximas horas“, dice Morales el lunes 29 de febrero, un día que sólo se repite cada cuatro años, ideal entonces para noticias inauditas.

¿Qué había pasado? Gabriela Zapata estaba presa, arrestada por cargos de lavado de dinero, malversación de fondos y abuso de influencia.

Pero eso pasó a un segundo plano, la nueva actriz protagónica se llamaba Pilar Guzmán, su tía.

El sábado 27 de febrero en la mañana, Guzmán declara que el niño estaba vivo y en buen estado, versión que luego fue corroborada por una de las abogadas de Zapata.

El domingo, miembros del gobierno boliviano emplazan a Zapata a que presente al niño ante un juez para que se compruebe que está vivo, algo que hasta ahora no ha ocurrido.

¿Por qué?

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La exnovia de Evo Morales fue detenida el viernes y desde el domingo duerme en un centro de reclusión para mujeres.

Como en toda historia, la telenovela boliviana tiene tramas paralelas.

El 21 de febrero, la consulta por la reforma constitucional termina con la derrota del proyecto de reelección.

Es una noticia política que retumba en todos los pasillos del poder de Bolivia, se trata al fin y al cabo de la primera derrota electoral de Morales en los 10 años que lleva en el cargo.

Pero la noticia de que el presidente tendría un hijo que estaba muerto pero ahora está vivo convierte estas líneas del argumento en algo secundario, casi intrascendente.

Ahora todos los espectadores quieren saber lo que la ministra de Transparencia y Lucha contra la Corrupción de Bolivia, Lenny Valdivia, puso en un simple y contudente interrogante.

“La gran pregunta es por qué la señora Zapata ocultó a este niño durante ocho años”.

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São Paulo – Three Arab companies met this Monday (9th) with 11Brazilian food companies. All of them took part in matchmaking rounds sponsored by the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and by Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brazil) at the Arab Chamber’s headquarters, in São Paulo. The rounds are part in the World Cup Buyer Project, which brings representatives of companies from several countries to Brazil to engage in a business appointments and to watch World Cup matches. The goal is to boost Brazilian exports.

Marcos Carrieri/ANBA

Alaby (center) met with importers before matchmaking

 Chairman of fish processing company Mestre dos Mares, Leandro Di Pietro took part in the matchmaking to display his products to the Arabs. Mestre dos Mares does not export yet and sells most of its products domestically in the Southeast region of Brazil. “The Arab market looks promising to us. We could introduce them to our cuts of fish, such as spotted sorubim fillet (pintado) and arapaima (fresh water fish known in Brazil as pirarucu) and customize our products. They showed interest in our product,” he said.

Sales manager of Alyasra Foods, Fadel Fakih, from Kuwait, said he is Brazil looking for seafood and frozen fish parts. “We already purchase a large quantity of poultry from Sadia, and we are looking for frozen products, such as seafood and fish. We also want chocolates, drops and candies,” he said.

Sales manager of trading company Alimentos do Brasil, Ricardo Gil said there is potential to sell sugar, one of the products his company sells, to Middle Easter and North African countries. “Arab countries are a great market for sugar, a product we deal. They are also interested in powdered milk, but in this case there are a large number of competitors from New Zealand and Europe,” he said.

Purchasing manager of T. Choithrams & Sons, from Dubai, Sandeep Khimnani claimed he is in Brazil looking for poultry. The company already purchases sugar and coffee from Brazil, but Khimnani said he wants to know other brands. “In some sectors, such as poultry, Brazilian prices are very competitive”, he said.

Representative of foreign trade and logistic company Viva Mondo, Jim Sato participated in matchmaking rounds to introduce coffee from Madame D’orvilliers brand, which he represents. “They (the brand) are in an internalization project. They already do business with Russia, Poland, Mexico, United States and now they want to sell to Arab countries. The Arab people consume good products and there is potential for our coffee,” claimed Sato.

He noted that besides retailers, there is the possibility of selling coffee to restaurants and hotels in the Gulf. “We know it is a long negotiation and there are many requirements, but we have coffee with seals of international recognition and it is a high quality product,” he said.

The matchmaking continues this Tuesday (10th) with 13 Brazilian companies, besides the representatives of Alyasra, T. Choithrams & Sons and also Al Islami Foods, from the United Arab Emirates.

World Cup and business

Foreign business analyst of the Marketing and Market Access unity from Apex, Mônica Ramos, said that promoting the buyer project in the World Cup offers to opportunity to increase sales in Brazil via relationship marketing.

“It is what we already do with Carnival and INDYCAR, when we bring potential buyers for business appointments and also to watch such events. We can see a large participation of companies from North America, Africa and also from the Arab Emirates in these projects,” said Ramos.

Arab Chamber’s CEO, Michel Alaby, said that the buyer project is the opportunity to combine business with the pleasure of watching the football matches.” “It is a great opportunity to boost the sales of Brazilian exporters, bringing food sector’s buyers, which is the most competitive sector in Brazil, to have meetings with a larger number of Brazilian companies,” said Alaby.

Other matchmaking rounds are set to take place during the World Cup. On June 25th and 26th, Brazilian companies will meet with construction companies Bajafar Brothers, from Sudan, Atraco Buildtec, from Saudi Arabia, and The Sultan Center (ITG Construction), from Kuwait. On July 2nd and 3rd, food companies from North Africa will come – Onab Trade, from Algeria, Ragab Sons Group, from Egypt, and Koutobia Holding, from Morocco were invited. All of the meetings will be in the Arab Chamber’s office.

Representatives of the Arab companies which took part in the round on June 9th and 10th will watch the opening game of the World Cup, on Thursday (12th), between Brazil and Croatia, in São Paulo. Representatives invited for the rounds on June 25th and 26th will watch Brazil vs Mexico in Brasília, on Monday (23rd). The Arabs taking part in the last matchmaking rounds will watch a quarterfinals match in Brasília, on July 5th.


World Cup Buyer Project
June 9th and 10th – Food companies from the Gulf
June 25th and 26th – Construction companies
July 2nd and 3rd – Food companies from North Africa
The events are held from 10 to 5pm
Place: Av. Paulista, 326, Bela Vista – São Paulo – SP
Information via email or phone (+5511) 3147-4066.

*Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça

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Rep. Maxine WatersMaxine Moore WatersDemocrats highlight lack of diversity at major banks in new report Fed chief issues stark warning to Congress on deficits 10 Democrats to boycott Trump State of the Union address MORE (D-Calif.) on Tuesday called President TrumpDonald John TrumpCensus Bureau spends millions on ad campaign to mitigate fears on excluded citizenship question Bloomberg campaign: Primary is two-way race with Sanders Democratic senator meets with Iranian foreign minister MORE a “mafia boss” after the Justice Department lowered the sentencing recommendation for his associate Roger StoneRoger Jason StoneTrump says he has ‘total confidence’ in Barr Judge refuses to delay Stone sentencing In defense of William Barr MORE

The California Democrat alleged the president is using Attorney General Bill Barr to “get his criminal friends out of jail,” calling that “the tip of the iceberg.” She suggested Trump will grant clemency to former national security adviser Michael Flynn and former campaign chairman Paul ManafortPaul John ManafortTrump says he has ‘total confidence’ in Barr Judges’ association calls emergency meeting in wake of Stone sentencing reversal A tale of two lies: Stone, McCabe and the danger of a double standard for justice MORE, in addition to Stone. 

“Trump will pardon Flynn, Manafort, & Stone b/c the GOP cowards in the Sen bowed to his feet,” she posted. “Repubs now stand for crime, corruption, autocracy, & Russia! They are PATHETIC!” 

Waters also referenced the emergency meeting with independent Federal Judges Association planned for Wednesday to “talk about the danger to our country.”

“The judges know what Barr did is not ordinary. Stay tuned for meeting & whether the judges release an opinion!” she tweeted.

“Trump doesn’t seem to care that it’s rumored he has mafia associations, but he sure acts like a mafia boss!” she added. 

Waters also cited the letter signed by more than 2,000 former Justice Department officials who called on Barr to resign amid the Stone scandal.

The Federal Judges Association scheduled a meeting regarding the Justice Department’s actions, with its president, U.S. District Judge Cynthia Rufe, saying it “could not wait” until the spring conference. 

Prosecutors originally suggested that Stone, a longtime ally of Trump’s, serve a seven to nine year sentence after being convicted of lying to Congress and witness tampering. But the department intervened, saying it requested a “far less” sentence after Trump tweeted that the proposed sentence was unfair. 

The Justice Department’s involvement has prompted several Democrats to call for the attorney general’s resignation. 

Trump also granted presidential pardons to four individuals Tuesday: former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevic (D), former New York Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik, financier Michael Milken and former San Francisco 49ers owner Edward DeBartolo, Jr.

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Si no lo ves este año, puede que lo logres el próximo.

Este lunes 21 de agosto de 2017 millones de personas en Estados Unidos tuvieron la extraordinaria oportunidad de presenciar uno de los mayores eclipses solares totales en casi un siglo.

Aunque el panorama no fue tan espectacular en América Latina, la mayoría de los países -con excepción de los que se encuentran en el extremo sur- pudieron disfrutar de un eclipse solar parcial.

Si tú no te encontrabas en el camino del eclipse o si por distintas razones no pudiste observar el fenómeno, no desesperes ya que, en promedio, se producen dos al año.

Cómo fabricar un simple artilugio para ver un eclipse total de sol

En esta lista, te mostramos cuánto tiempo falta para que puedas ver uno en tu país, así la próxima no te agarrará desprevenido.

Los datos de esta lista provienen de la NASA y muestran la fecha del próximo eclipse (de cualquier tipo), aunque cabe aclarar que no todos los eclipses se pueden ver desde todos los lugares del país.

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Argentina: 15 de febrero de 2018, eclipse solar parcial

Bolivia: 2 de julio de 2019, se verá un eclipse solar parcial (de uno total)

Brasil: 15 de febrero de 2018, eclipse solar parcial

Colombia: 2 de julio del 2019, eclipse solar parcial (de uno total)

Costa Rica: 2 de julio del 2019, eclipse solar parcial (de uno total)

Cuba: 14 de octubre de 2023, eclipse solar anular

Chile: 15 de febrero de 2018, eclipse solar parcial

Ecuador: 2 de julio de 2019, eclipse solar parcial (de uno total)

El Salvador: 2 de julio de 2019, eclipse solar parcial (de uno total)

España: 10 de junio de 2021, eclipse solar anular

Estados Unidos: 6 de enero de 2019, eclipse solar parcial

Guatemala: 2 de julio de 2019, eclipse solar parcial (de uno total)

Honduras: 14 de octubre de 2023, eclipse solar anular

México: 14 de octubre de 2023, eclipse solar anular

Nicaragua: 2 de julio de 2019, eclipse solar parcial (de uno total)

Panamá: 2 de julio de 2019, eclipse solar parcial (de uno total)

Paraguay: 15 de febrero de 2018, eclipse solar parcial

Perú: 2 de julio de 2019 se verá un eclipse solar parcial (de uno total)

República Dominicana: 14 de octubre de 2023, eclipse solar anular

Uruguay: 15 de febrero de 2018, eclipse solar parcial

Venezuela: 2 de julio de 2019, eclipse solar parcial (de uno total)

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CIUDAD ACUÑA, Mexico — Mexican authorities carrying rifles and flashlights combed through this city’s downtown early Wednesday, searching for the Haitians who were in hiding after being pushed to flee the US just days ago.

“If you send me to Haiti, I have no one there to help me,” said a father, holding a shard of glass to keep Mexican authorities from entering a hotel room holding his family. “I can’t go back.”

Returning to Mexico was a last resort for the Haitians after crossing the Rio Grande and setting up camp under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas. Food, water, and medicine were lacking. Border Patrol agents on horseback chased them. Children were getting sick. There was no avoiding COVID-19. President Joe Biden’s administration started loading people onto planes and flying them back to Haiti, a place many of the immigrants haven’t lived in for years.

Though Mexico has easier access to supplies and shelter (under the bridge, people slept on rocks, dirt, and cardboard), authorities there inflict nights of terror on those hiding from deportation. It’s the largely unseen impact of the Biden administration’s hardline handling of the Haitian immigration to the United States and years of Mexico being pressured by the US to stop immigrants from ever reaching the border.

They came to the Hotel Coahuila around 2 a.m. National Guard and Mexican immigration agents marched in wearing bulletproof vests and helmets and holding long guns. The quiet street below was suddenly filled with smashing sounds, then the crack of shattered glass and the shrieks of a Haitian family.

Hotel security footage viewed by BuzzFeed News shows part of what happened inside: a Haitian father, standing in the doorway of his hotel room — his son and wife inside — with authorities to his left and right in the hallway.

In his bloody hand is a large chunk of sharp glass. It was part of a dresser mirror, possibly used to try to block the tiny room’s wooden door that broke in the struggle between the family and the agents.

He used the glass, despite it digging into his skin, to hold at bay at least a dozen armed soldiers and agents in the narrow hallway.

There is nothing in Haiti for his family, he told them, while holding the glass with two hands close to his chest, sometimes using one hand to make a motion dismissing the agents. He kept his back to the group of officials to his left, down the hall, but frequently peered over his shoulder to see where they were. A bright beam from an agent’s flashlight lit up the floor.

The father held off the agents for about 10 minutes as raids were conducted throughout the hotel. He was successful. Eventually, the authorities left him and his family alone.

Others were not as fortunate. The agents sped off with two vans of other immigrants they had pulled out of about 10 rooms of the hotel.

Moments later, the father, carrying his son in one hand and dripping blood from the other, ran down the hotel’s small steps, followed by his partner and another couple with a child. They then ran to the front of the hotel and into the dark streets to hide again. They weren’t going to wait for Mexican authorities to return.

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President Biden said late Friday that the US “called out” Russia’s efforts to paint Ukraine as the aggressor in a bid to stop the Kremlin from justifying an invasion.

“We’re calling out Russia’s plans. Not because we want a conflict, but because we are doing everything in our power to remove any reason Russia may give to justify invading Ukraine,” the president tweeted.

“If Russia pursues its plans, it will be responsible for a catastrophic and needless war of choice.”

At a press conference earlier in the day, Biden denounced Russia for pushing “fabricated claims” that a Ukrainian invasion of two Moscow-backed separatist enclaves was imminent.

He also ripped Russian state media for making “phony allegations” that Ukraine was carrying out a “genocide” in the country’s east and praised Kyiv’s forces for acting with “great judgment and, I might add, restraint” in refusing to allow Russia to “bait them into war.”

A satellite image shows battle group deployment and troop tents at Valuyki, Russia, east of the border with Ukraine on Feb. 15, 20222.
Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies

“We’re calling out Russia’s plans loudly and repeatedly, not because we want a conflict,” the president said, “but because we’re doing everything in our power to remove any reason that Russia may give to justify invading Ukraine and prevent them from moving.”

Speaking from the White House Roosevelt Room, Biden said he was “convinced” that Russian President Vladimir Putin would order his troops to invade Ukraine within days — predicted a massive military operation that could target Kyiv.

Biden said he believes that Putin has already made up his mind to invade with as many as 190,000 Russian troops estimated to have assembled along the border. 

Biden reportedly believes Russian President Vladimir Putin already made up his mind regarding a Ukraine invasion.
Sergei Karpukhin/TASS

The president has emphasized that the administration believes Russia may use a false flag operation as pretext to invade.

“It defies basic logic to believe the Ukrainians would choose this moment, with well over 150,000 troops arrayed on its border, to escalate the years-long conflict,” said Biden, who praised Ukraine’s military for acting with what he called “great judgment and, I might add, restraint” for refusing to allow Russia to “bait them into war.”

Shelling continued for a second day on Friday in the disputed eastern region of Ukraine, where nearly 600 explosions were recorded, a diplomatic source told Reuters. 

The source said this is the worst fighting in the region since a ceasefire was declared in 2015.

A Russian soldier attends a military exercising at the Golovenki training ground in the Moscow region on Jan. 25, 2022.

Vice President Kamala Harris met with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg and other world leaders at the Munich Security Conference in Germany on Friday where she said diplomacy is still on the table, but warned of “severe consequences” for Russia if it chooses to invade.

On Friday, the United Kingdom revealed it has intelligence exposing “Russian plans to engineer a pretext for the invasion of Ukraine.” Officials said the most likely scenario would include an attack on civilians that Russia would blame on the Ukrainian military or terrorists.

“We know the Russian Government’s playbook. Do not be deceived,” the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office tweeted. “We call on Russia to de-escalate, and to engage in meaningful talks. #StandWithUkraine”

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Esta sección nos encanta porque siempre hay algún momento de cachondeo. Es la parte más graciosa y chistosa del programa. Incluso, algunas noticias nos hacen tanta gracia que casi acabamos por los suelos. Otras nos preocupan porque son más serias.

Por ejemplo, Daniel nos contó la noticia de un oso que dejaron atado a una farola. Otras noticias hablaban de unos chicos que iban al colegio en bañador porque no tenían aire acondicionado, de una mujer que celebró una boda para sus perros, o de un chico que hablaba inglés pero cuando despertó del coma hablaba chino y tardó un par de días en volver a hablar su idioma.

Internet, la televisión, el periódico y la radio son nuestras fuentes de información para conseguir noticias como estas. O como la que contaba que una joven engañó a sus padres y amigos haciéndoles creer que estaba de vacaciones a través de las redes sociales.

También hemos contado en nuestro programa que una niña ha recorrido un montón de kilómetros haciendo autostop. Nos pareció increíble porque cuesta creer que una niña tan pequeña haya sido tan ingeniosa y se haya atrevido a una aventura como esta. A algunos nos parece un poco peligroso porque podía haber tenido un accidente. Y entonces de una noticia curiosa podría haber pasado a ser una noticia seria y triste.

Además, nos gustó la noticia del trabajador taiwanés que fue premiado por no pedir ni un día de descanso en todos sus años de trabajo o la de la madre militar que estuvo separa de su hijo 9 meses y el niño se saltó el protocolo y se tiró a sus brazos nada más verla. 

Aunque las entrevistas a nuestros invitados son fundamentales, es importante darle aire fresco al programa con estas noticias. A veces tenemos dificultades para entender estas noticias, pero nos las preparamos bien para contarlas a los oyentes y que se sorprendan como nosotros.

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Miami Beach

Surfside teen wanted for ‘credible threat’ to Columbine, Colorado schools, authorities say

An 18-year-old woman from Surfside is wanted by the FBI and the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office after making what investigators are calling a “credible threat” Tuesday to Columbine High School and other Denver-area schools as the 20th anniversary of the Colorado mass school shooting approaches.

“She is armed and considered to be extremely dangerous,” the sheriff’s department said Tuesday of Sol Pais. The FBI said she was “infatuated with [the] Columbine school shooting.”

Pais was reported missing by her parents Monday night in Surfside, Sgt. Marian Cruz, a spokeswoman for the Surfside Police Department, confirmed Tuesday night.

Around 8:20 p.m., FBI agents entered her home in the 500 block of 90th Street in Surfside.

A man who answered the door at the home Tuesday night encouraged Pais to return home. Before law enforcement authorities arrived, the man identified himself as the woman’s father.

He said he lost contact with his daughter Sunday.

“I think maybe she’s got a mental problem,” he said. “I think she’s gonna be OK.”

The Paises’ next-door neighbor, a woman named Kristen, said she had lived in Surfside for 16 years and next door to the Paises for the last two. The woman, who declined to give her last name, said Pais was a senior at Miami Beach High and had taken the school bus with her son during the past school year.

“She was to herself,” the woman said. “The parents are very sweet.”

Earlier Tuesday, the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office said Pais had traveled to Colorado Monday night and “made threats in the Denver metropolitan area.” She tried to buy firearms, authorities said.

The threats led Columbine and several other high schools outside Denver to lock all their outside doors so no one could enter. All students were safe, school officials said.

The FBI’s Rocky Mountain Safe Streets Task Force issued a notice Tuesday describing Pais as “infatuated with (the) Columbine school shooting.”

Sheriff’s spokesman Mike Taplin told the Associated Press the threats she made were general, not specific to any school.

The Denver Post reported that a call to Pais’ parents’ Surfside home was interrupted by an FBI agent who said he was interviewing them.

FBI Denver Field Office spokeswoman Amy Meyer would not confirm or deny where Pais was from, citing internal policy made out of respect for the suspect’s family members.

The threats come four days before the 20th anniversary of the Columbine High April 20, 1999, mass shooting, which left 12 students and one teacher dead. Two seniors at the school — Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold — opened fire and killed 13 people before killing themselves.

Pais, according to the sheriff’s office, was last seen in the foothills of Jefferson County.

Anyone with information is asked to call the FBI tipline at 303-630-6227.

Information from the Associated Press contributed to this report.

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In this image made from video, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern speaks about a stabbing attack during a press conference, Friday, Sept. 3, 2021, in Wellington, New Zealand. New Zealand authorities say they shot and killed a violent extremist after he entered a supermarket and stabbed and injured six shoppers. Ardern described Friday’s incident as a terror attack.


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In this image made from video, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern speaks about a stabbing attack during a press conference, Friday, Sept. 3, 2021, in Wellington, New Zealand. New Zealand authorities say they shot and killed a violent extremist after he entered a supermarket and stabbed and injured six shoppers. Ardern described Friday’s incident as a terror attack.


WELLINGTON, New Zealand — New Zealand authorities were so worried about an Islamic extremist they were following him around-the-clock and were able to shoot and kill him within 60 seconds of him unleashing a frenzied knife attack that wounded six people Friday at an Auckland supermarket.

Three of the shoppers were taken to Auckland hospitals in critical condition, police said. Another was in serious condition, while two more were in moderate condition.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the incident was a terror attack. She said the man was a Sri Lankan national who was inspired by the Islamic State group and was well known to the nation’s security agencies.

Ardern said she had been personally briefed on the man in the past but there had been no legal reason for him to be detained.

“Had he done something that would have allowed us to put him into prison, he would have been in prison,” Ardern said.

The attack unfolded at about 2:40 p.m. at a Countdown supermarket in New Zealand’s largest city.

Police Commissioner Andrew Coster said a police surveillance team and a specialist tactics group had followed the man from his home to the supermarket.

But while they had grave ongoing concerns about the man, they had no particular reason to think he was planning an attack on Friday, Coster said. The man appeared to be going into the store to do his grocery shopping.

“He entered the store, as he had done before. He obtained a knife from within the store,” Coster said. “Surveillance teams were as close as they possibly could be to monitor his activity.”

Witnesses said the man shouted “Allahu Akbar” — meaning God is great — and started stabbing random shoppers, sending people running and screaming.

Coster said that when the commotion started, two police from the special tactics group rushed over. He said the man charged at the officers with the knife and so they shot and killed him.

One bystander video taken from inside the supermarket records the sound of 10 shots being fired in rapid succession.

Coster said there would be questions about whether police could have reacted even quicker. He said that the man was very aware of the constant surveillance and they needed to be some distance from him for it to be effective.

Ardern said the attack was violent and senseless, and she was sorry it had happened.

“What happened today was despicable. It was hateful. It was wrong,” Ardern said. “It was carried out by an individual. Not a faith, not a culture, not an ethnicity. But an individual person who is gripped by ideology that is not supported here by anyone or any community.”

Ardern said the man had first moved to New Zealand in 2011 and had been monitored by security agencies since 2016. She said authorities are confident he acted alone in the attack.

Ardern said legal constraints imposed by New Zealand courts prevented her from discussing everything that she wanted to about the case, but she was hoping to have those constraints lifted soon.

Police and ambulance staff attend a scene outside an Auckland supermarket, Friday, Sept. 3, 2021. New Zealand authorities said Friday they shot and killed a violent extremist after he entered a supermarket and stabbed and injured several shoppers.

Alex Burton/AP

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Police and ambulance staff attend a scene outside an Auckland supermarket, Friday, Sept. 3, 2021. New Zealand authorities said Friday they shot and killed a violent extremist after he entered a supermarket and stabbed and injured several shoppers.

Alex Burton/AP

Some shoppers in the supermarket tried to help those who had been wounded by grabbing towels and diapers and whatever else they could find from the shelves.

“To everyone who was there and who witnessed such a horrific event, I can’t imagine how they will be feeling in the aftermath,” Ardern said. “But thank you for coming to the aid of those who needed you when they needed you.”

Auckland is currently in a strict lockdown as it battles an outbreak of the coronavirus. Most businesses are shut and people are generally allowed to leave their homes only to buy groceries, for medical needs or to exercise.

Extremist ideology is rare in New Zealand and Ardern said that only a tiny number of people would be subject to such intense surveillance.

In 2019, a white supremacist gunned down worshippers at two Christchurch mosques, killing 51 people and injuring dozens more. After pleading guilty last year, Brenton Tarrant was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The killings sparked changes to gun laws in New Zealand, which has now banned the deadliest types of semi-automatic weapons.

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General Luis Fernando Navarro said that the accused individuals had left the military between about 2002 and 2018, and that they were involved in “mercenary activities” with “purely economic” motives.

It is not clear whether the individuals recruited for the operation knew the specifics of the task they were being assigned, according to John Marulanda, the head of the association for retired military officials.

The idea that people would sign up for such a risky operation “doesn’t make sense, from a military perspective,” Mr. Marulanda said.

Paul Angelo, a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations who studies security issues, said that Colombians had a history of being recruited into criminal tasks because they sometimes had limited options once they left the armed forces.

“Colombia is a country that for far too long had military conscription, which fell on the shoulders of the poorest men in the country,” he said. “When an economic underclass is taught how to fight and how to conduct military operations and little else, those skills don’t transfer readily to the civilian sector except in the private security realm.”

A former officer in Colombia’s army, who asked not to be identified, said that a mercenary who traveled abroad could easily be paid about $2,700 a month, compared with a military salary of about $300 a month — even for soldiers with years of combat experience.

“It’s not just Haiti, it’s Kabul, Mexico, Yemen, Emirates,” he said in a telephone interview, listing where former Colombian soldiers have gone.

Reporting was contributed from Colombia by Sofía Villamil in Cartagena and Edinson Bolaños in Bogotá.

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Maria Sharapova reconoció haber consumido como medicina una sutancia prohibida desde este año por la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje.

La tenista rusa Maria Sharapova, de 28 años y ex número 1 de la Asociación del Tenis Femenino (WTA, por sus siglas en inglés), comunicó este lunes que dio positivo por dopaje en el primer Grand Slam del año.

Sharapova dio positivo por el uso de meldonium, una sustancia que comentó toma desde 2006 y que sólo este año fue prohibida por la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA).

La tenista aseguró no haber revisado la lista actualizada que le mandó la AMA el pasado 22 de diciembre.

Como consecuencia, Sharapova ha sido provisionalmente suspendida a partir del 12 de marzo, a la espera de otras acciones que se puedan tomar en su contra.

En una rueda de prensa convocada la víspera y cuyo anuncio desató todo tipo de especulaciones, Sharapova reconoció que dio positivo por drogas en el Abierto de Australia.

“He decepcionado a mis aficionados”, dijo Sharapova.

La tenista detalló que fue informada del positivo en una carta que le envió la Federacón Internacional de Tenis hace unos días.

“Sé que muchos pensaron que anunciaría mi retiro pero no lo haría de esta manera en un hotel de Los Ángeles con esta alfombra bastante fea”.

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Maria Sharapova y Serena Williams se han enfrentado en 21 ocasiones, con 19 victorias para Williams y 2 para Sharapova.

Efectivamente, al conocerse la convocatoria de la rueda de prensa, muchos creyeron que Sharapova iba a anunciar su retiro del circuito profesional de tenis debido a las lesiones padecidas en los últimos años.

Hace cinco días, su equipo comunicó la baja de la tenista en el torneo de Indian Wells, California, que comienza esta semana.

Su último partido lo disputó contra Serena Williams en los cuartos de final del citado Abierto de Australia, donde perdió una vez más contra su eterna rival estadounidense.

Medicina ahora prohibida

La tenista señaló que tomaba meldonium por cuestiones de salud.

“Empecé a tomar esta sustancia en 2006. Tenía varios problemas de salud en aquel momento“, precisó durante la rueda de prensa celebrada en Los Ángeles, California.

“Enfermaba muy a menudo y tenía falta de magnesio, un historial familiar de diabetes y señales de que podía tener esta enfermedad. Esta fue una de las medicinas que me dieron, junto a otras”.

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Las lesiones no le han dado tregua a la tenista rusa Maia Sharapova.

Sin embargo, Sharapova no quiso eludir responsabilidades: “Más allá de los médicos y todo el equipo que me rodea, yo soy la responsable“.

Talento precoz

Maria Sharapova, conocida cariñosamente como Masha, nació en Rusia el 19 de abril de 1987 y actualmente tiene su residencia en Florida, Estados Unidos.

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Pese a tener su residencia en Florida, EE.UU., Sharapva representa a Rusia en las competiciones internacionales.

Debutó en el tenis profesional en 2001, con apenas 14 años, y pronto dejó ver su talento con la raqueta.

Es la número 7 de la clasificación de la WTA, pero llegó a ser número 1 en distintas ocasiones, en total durante 21 semanas.

Ganó cinco títulos individuales de Grand Slam: Wimbledon 2004, Abierto de Estados Unidos 2006, Abierto de Australia 2008 y el francés Roland Garros en 2012 y 2014. También se impuso en la Copa de Maestras de la WTA en 2004 y fue finalista en 2007 y 2012.

En total ha conseguido 33 títulos individuales de la WTA. Por otra parte, fue medallista de plata en la prueba individual de tenis en los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres 2012.

Wimbledon 2004

Su victoria más emblemática fue la que obtuvo en junio de 2004, cuando logró su primer Grand Slam al imponerse a Serena Wiliams en Wimbledon por 6-1, 6-4.

Sólo tenía 17 años y se convirtió en la primera jugadora rusa en ganar el prestigioso campeonato británico.

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Wimbledon 2004 fue el primer Grand Slam para Maria Sharapova, que tenía 17 años.

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La joven tenista rusa no podía creer que se había impuesto a la estadounidense Serena Williams.

Ese mismo año, Sharapova derrotó una vez más en una competición importante a la estadounidense Serena Williams: fue en la final de la Copa de Maestras de la WTA el 15 de noviembre de 2004.

Estas destacadas victorias ante la menor de las Williams son los únicos dos triunfos que conseguiría Sharapova frente a la estadounidense.

En la histírca rivalidad entre ambas, Williams se ha impuesto en 19 ocasiones.

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Sharapova derrotó a Williams en la final de la Copa de Maestras de la WTA en noviembre de 2004.

De no haber coincidido en el tiempo con Serena Williams, posiblemente Sharapova tendría más trofeos en su vitrina.

Grand Slam de carrera

En 2006, Sharapova ganó su segundo al derrotar en la final del Abierto de Estados Unidos por 6-4, 6-4 a la belga y entonces número 2 del mundo Justine Henin.

En 2008, ganó el primer Grand Slam del año tras vencer en la final del Abierto de Australia por 7-5, 6-3 a la serbia Ana Ivanovic.

En 2012, obtuvo el título de Roland Garros al vencer a la italiana Sara Errani por 6-3, 6-2.

Con esta victoria, Sharapova consiguió el llamado Grand Slam de Carrera, siendo junto a Serena Williams las únicas jugadoras en activo que lo han conseguido.

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Sharapova no disputa un partido oficial desde su derrota ante Willams en el Abierto de Australia.

En 2014, se adjudicó su segundo título de Roland Garros, y el quinto Grand Slam de su carrera al vencer en la definición a la rumana Simona Halep en tres sets por 6-4, 6-7, 6-4.

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Dos llamativos fallos ortográficos en pantalla en menos de una semana. Eso es lo que ha provocado una “reunión de urgencia en @sextaNoticias. Análisis del error “chapuzero”. No volverá a ocurrir”.

Así ha lamentado y se ha disculpado en su cuenta de Twitter el periodista y director adjunto de laSexta Noticias, Álvaro Rivas. Uno de estos mensajes cobra aún mayor relevancia, puesto que ha sido ‘retuiteado’ por el director de los informativos de la cadena de Atresmedia, César González Antón.

* Álvaro Rivas en ‘Al rojo vivo’

Hoy, en laSexta Noticias 14:00 horas, ha aparecido en la pantalla un “chapuzero” con “z”, en lugar de “chapucero” con “c”. Así abrían para informar de cómo Sanidad ha rechazado cambiar el reparto de fondos contra la pobreza infantil, por lo que era calificado de esa manera. Era en el informativo de Helena Resano, que presentaba por última vez en esta temporada antes de coger vacaciones.

“No sé dónde meterme. Llevamos dos bien gordas en cinco días”

Antes de anunciar este particular ‘gabinete de crisis periodístico’, Álvaro Rivas -también presentador eventual de Al rojo vivo en especiales de prime time- ha reconocido que “hemos escrito “chapucero” con z en el info. Mil perdones. No sé dónde meterme. Llevamos dos bien gordas en cinco días”.

El periodista se refería, con esas “dos bien gordas”, al otro error ortográfico que se pudo ver en laSexta Noticias el pasado fin de semana, del que ya les informó Vertele. Entonces, se pudo ver el adjetivo “debastador” escrito con “b”, en vez de “devastador” con “v”. Al mismo tiempo, su rival Noticias Cuatro tampoco se libro del ‘gazapo’, ya que impresionó un rótulo de “ubiera” sin “h”, en lugar del correcto “hubiera”.

En cualquier caso, en esta era del ‘bombardeo’, vorágine, saturación informativa y redes sociales, así como de la pelea constante y diaria de los medios de comunicación por la inmediatez, el periodista que esté libre de culpa de errores ortográficos, que tire la primera piedra.

En Twitter, los usuarios con bromas y sin ‘piedad’ con el fallo

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