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Se cree que el satélite pudo haber sufrido una fuga de gas o una explosión de batería.

Decenas de ingenieros y científicos japoneses están luchando por salvar un satélite -y más de US$250 millones de inversión- que creen está fuera de control en el espacio.

El Hitomi, que significa pupila en japonés, fue lanzado el pasado mes de febrero.

Fue diseñado para estudiar fuentes de energía en el espacio, como agujeros negros gigantes, estrellas de neutrones y cúmulos de galaxias, observando la longitud de onda de rayos como los X y los gamma.

Pero el tiempo para salvar la misión se acaba.

¿Cuándo se perdió?

El sábado 26 de marzo, el Centro de Operaciones Espaciales Conjuntas de Estados Unidos (JSpOC, por sus siglas en inglés), que monitorea desperdicios espaciales, detectó cinco pequeños objetos alrededor del satélite.

Después de esto, desde tierra se logró un breve contacto con la nave, pero luego se perdió por completo.

El satélite también pareció mostrar un repentino cambio de dirección y los observadores en la Tierra lo vieron como destellando, lo que indica que puede estar girando descontrolado.

Desde entonces, su ubicación no se conoce con exactitud.

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El profesor Goh, de la Universidad Nacional de Singapur, dijo que en general, es raro perder un satélite, pero no imposible, por lo que algunas agencias compran seguros, por si acaso ocurra.

Al día siguiente, el domingo, JSpOC se refirió al evento como una “desintegración”, aunque los expertos han aclarado que Hitomi bien puede estar intacto.

¿Qué le ha pasado al satélite?

La agencia espacial japonesa, Jaxa, dijo a la BBC que no sabía aún qué le había sucedido y que todavía estaba tratando de reestablecer la comunicación con Hitomi.

Jonathan McDowell, un astrónomo del Centro Smithsonian de Astrofísica de Harvard, explicó a Associated Press que había dos posibilidades.

La primera, que la nave haya sufrido una explosión de batería, y la segunda, que haya ocurrido una fuga de gas, que lo sacó de control.

“Saber que han tenido esta mala suerte es muy triste. El espacio no perdona”, dijo.

Pero el profesor Goh Cher Hiang, director de proyecto del Programa de Satélite de la Universidad Nacional de Singapur, dijo a la BBC que gracias al monitoreo y a sistemas de apoyo, las explosiones de batería eran muy raras.

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Los desechos espaciales alrededor de la Tierra son un peligro para los satélites, pero algunos son muy pequeños para ser detectados por un radar.

Reconoció que si bien una fuga en los tanques de combustible presurizado podría haber causado el problema, cree que “el diseñador puede dar una pista sobre este tema”.

Goh agregó que el problema del satélite podría deberse también a factores externos.

Podría haber chocado con algo en el espacio, ya sea de ahí mismo u otro objeto fabricado por el hombre”, detalló.

¿Hay esperanza de recuperarlo?

El hecho de que la agencia haya tenido contacto con Hitomi por un momento después de que los desperdicios fueran captados, es visto por algunos como una señal de esperanza, ya que podría indicar que no está críticamente dañado.

Si el satélite está fuera de control, como se piensa, podría no ser capaz de captar suficiente energía solar para funcionar hasta que se encuentre una solución.

El profesor Goh dice que se necesitan tres cosas para recuperar el satélite: comunicación, energía y controlar su computadora.

Si lo logran, Jaxa tiene una posibilidad de descubrir qué ha fallado y cómo arreglarlo.

Si lo pierden, sería un evento especialmente desafortunado para aquellos que esperan estudiar los agujeros negros, sobre todo, después de la noticia de que se habían detectado ondas gravitacionales originadas por el choque de dos agujeros negros.

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With coronavirus cases surging once again, frustrated Americans are struggling to get tested days before Christmas as long lines and increased demand overwhelm some facilities across the country.

The catalyst has been the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, which has become the dominant strain in the US in a matter of weeks and has led to a slew of new measures to combat the spread.

With millions traveling or planning to join large family gatherings, there is a rush to get tested — and many people are running out of luck, either with getting tests at clinics or with buying at-home test kits.

Long lines were seen this week in New York City, Boston and Miami, as well as Ohio and Minnesota.

At the same time, CVS Health and Walgreens — the two largest pharmaceutical chain stores in the US — are limiting the number of at-home Covid kits customers can buy due to significant demand, they announced.

The demand is only going to grow, said Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota.

And while the Biden administration plans to provide 500 million new tests by next month, the holiday test surge is happening now.

A former assistant secretary of the US Health and Human Services Department is concerned the co pledge on tests will not meet the demand, he said.

“Unless we have a billion or 2 billion a month, I think we’re still going to have to be selective to make sure that we keep people who can die from the disease from dying from the disease,” Adm. Dr. Brett Giroir told CNN.

Read more about Covid-19 testing in the US:

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U.S. Attorney Richard Donoghue says this is a victory for the American and Mexican people along with anyone who has lost a loved one to the “black hole of addiction.”

It’s been described as a “high-tech version of hell” and it holds some of the nation’s most dangerous criminals – including, maybe soon, Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman.

The federal government’s ADX “Supermax” prison in Florence, Colorado, is “the prison of all prisons,” said Louisiana State Penitentiary maximum-security warden Burl Cain. 

It makes sense that a drug lord who’s already escaped two high-security Mexican prisons would be sent there. In 2001, Guzman bribed his way out of prison in a laundry basket. In 2015, he escaped out of another penitentiary in a movie-style jailbreak: crawling into a hatch beneath his shower and hopping on a waiting motorcycle through a tunnel dug underground. 

Federal authorities haven’t confirmed exactly where Guzman will be held, but U.S. Attorney Richard Donoghue said Thursday that Guzman faces “a sentence from which there is no escape and no return.” 

Here’s what you should about his possible new home:

How secure is it?

The prison, also called the “Alcatraz of the Rockies,” is surrounded by razor-wire fences, gun towers, heavily-armed patrols and attack dogs. Snipers guard the grounds in gun towers. No inmate has ever escaped the prison. 

More: ‘El Chapo’ escaped from two prisons. This time, he’s probably headed to the ‘Alcatraz of the Rockies’

What’s a prisoner’s day like?

Inmates spend about 23 hours of every day in solitary confinement inside a 12-by-7-foot cell made of concrete with a small window. The room is designed so that inmates cannot have contact with others or much of the outside world. 

“You’re designing it so the inmates can’t see the sky. Intentionally,” former Supermax prison warden Robert Hood told CNN. “You’re putting up wires so helicopters can’t land.”

Each cell contains a toilet, shower and bed (a concrete slab with a thin mattress). Meals are slid through openings in the doors.

“This place is not designed for humanity … It’s not designed for rehabilitation,” Hood told The New York Times

An hour of outdoor time for inmates placed in restraints is allowed some days inside a cage slightly larger than the cells. Travis Dusenbury, who spent 10 years locked up in the prison, told Vice that that was the only contact he had with people, if his neighbor’s schedule lined up with his.

“The closest human contact you could get was what we called ‘finger handshakes’ through the fence,” Dusenbury said.

Notorious criminals who are there

  • Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, who is serving a life sentence for a series of mostly mail bombs that killed three people and injured 23 others over 17 years. 
  • Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who faces a death sentence after setting off bombs near Boston Marathon’s finish line in 2013, where three people died and more than 250 people were injured. He has been convicted of 30 charges, including conspiracy and use of a weapon of mass destruction.
  • Sept. 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui is serving a life sentence for conspiring with hijackers to kill Americans. 
  • Shoe bomber Richard Reid, who is serving a life sentence for charges including use of a weapon of mass destruction, attempted murder of aircraft passengers and attempted homicide of U.S. nationals overseas.
  • Oklahoma City bombing accomplice Terry Nichols is serving a life sentence for planting a bomb that killed 168 people in an Oklahoma City federal building. 
  • Olympic Park bomber Eric Rudolph, who is serving life sentences for a series of bombings including one at the 1996 Olympic Summer Games in Atlanta that killed two people and injured more than 100.  

Contributing: Marina Pitofsky and The Associated Press. Follow Ashley May on Twitter: @AshleyMayTweets


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MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faced fresh questions on Wednesday about his dealings with a company at the center of a conflict-of-interest scandal, after it emerged that he enjoyed rent-free use of a house belonging to the firm as a campaign office.

Already under pressure over the government’s handling of the presumed massacre of 43 students abducted by corrupt police in southwestern Mexico in September, Pena Nieto is facing his most difficult period since taking office two years ago.

On Nov. 3, the government announced a Chinese-led consortium had won a no bid contract to build a $3.75 billion high-speed rail link in central Mexico.

Three days later, the government abruptly canceled the deal, just before a report by news site Aristegui Noticias showed that a subsidiary of Grupo Higa, a company that formed part of the consortium and had won various previous contracts, owned the luxury house of first lady Angelica Rivera.

Under public pressure, Rivera said she would give up the house. But neither she nor Pena Nieto have addressed the apparent conflict of interest stemming from the government’s business with Grupo Higa.

On Wednesday, Aristegui Noticias published a new story that said Pena Nieto used a different property belonging to another Grupo Higa subsidiary as an office when he was president-elect in 2012.

Eduardo Sanchez, the president’s spokesman, said Pena Nieto unwittingly used the property. Sanchez said it was leased from the Grupo Higa firm by Humberto Castillejos, the president’s legal adviser, who lent it rent-free to Pena Nieto’s team.

“If I invite you to my house, do you come to my house and ask me under whose name it is? Neither does the president,” Sanchez said, denying there were conflicts of interest.

The spokesman also said there were no more properties Pena Nieto or his team had used belonging to Grupo Higa.

“No, there is no other house that was used in a professional capacity,” Sanchez said.

Castillejos could not immediately be reached for comment.

Jorge Luis Lavalle, a senator with the opposition conservative National Action Party, said the public saw a clear conflict of interest in the dealings of Pena Nieto and his government with Grupo Higa.

“It needs to be investigated. All these doubts need to be dispelled fully and clearly,” he said. “We now have another case with no explanation.”

(Additional reporting by Ana Isabel Martinez; Editing by Simon Gardner and Tom Brown)

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The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday decided it would not step in to block a COVID-19 vaccine requirement for health care workers in Maine, which does not offer religious exemptions.

Most U.S. states with vaccine requirements for health care workers do provide opportunities for religious exemptions, a point some health care workers who legally contested the requirement raised in their request for the Supreme Court to step in ahead of the state’s vaccination deadline.

Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote Friday’s dissenting opinion and was joined by justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

In the opinion, Gorsuch contrasted Maine’s lack of religious exemptions with those offered by other states and said those who would prefer a religious exemption option believe the state’s requirement “violates foundational principles of their religious faith.”

The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday rejected a request to block a requirement for health care workers to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in Maine, a state that does not offer religious exemptions for its mandate. Above, the U.S. Supreme Court is photographed on October 5, in Washington, D.C.
Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

Maine Governor Janet Mills introduced the state’s requirement for all health care workers to be vaccinated against the virus in August. Health care workers initially had until October 1 to comply, a deadline that Mills’ office said it would begin enforcing on October 29.

The state noted it “has long required the immunization of employees” at health care facilities in an effort to prevent the spread of dangerous or easily transmissible contagions. “Maine CDC amended the existing rule to include the COVID-19 vaccine to protect the health and lives of Maine people, safeguard Maine’s health care capacity, and limit the spread of the virus,” according to the state government’s website.

The mandate did not provide religious exemptions for health care workers, per a decision made by the state legislature in September 2019 that “eliminated religious exemptions to vaccination requirements for health care workers and mandated the removal of religious exemptions from all Department vaccination requirements.”

In light of Mills’ vaccine mandate, some health care workers argued it violated their right to exercise their religion and filed legal challenges. As those legal challenges began making their way through the court system, the health care workers’ legal representatives filed an emergency request asking the Supreme Court to intervene before Maine’s vaccination deadline went into effect.

The request argued that most other U.S. states do offer religious exemptions for vaccines, while the health care workers in Maine who cited religious reasons for not getting vaccinated were faced with “immediate termination” once the deadline passed. It argued the mandate “completely removes any protections for Plaintiffs’ sincerely held religious beliefs,” and “subjects them to especially harsh treatment,” and violates the First Amendment.

In his dissenting opinion, Gorsuch said the case raised “a serious error” and a constitutional question that he said was worthy of consideration.

In Maine, “healthcare workers who have served on the front line of a pandemic for the last 18 months are now being fired and their practices shuttered. All for adhering to their constitutionally protected religious beliefs,” Gorsuch wrote. “Their plight is worthy of our attention,” he added.

Newsweek reached out to Mills’ office for comment.

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Viernes, 28 de Agosto 2015  |  10:00 am


El caf es un alimento de origen vegetal que contiene minerales, vitaminas y algunas propiedades similares a las frutas y verduras, aunque aclar que no es necesariamente igual la concentracin de nutrientes ni de caloras. El caf tiene ms de mil sustancias qumicas, muchas de ellas con capacidad antioxidante, la mayora tipo polifenoles, que tienen beneficios para la salud y que vienen siendo estudiados y comprobados, seal la nutricionista Sara Abu Sabbah. | Fuente: | Getty Images

Sara Abu Sabbah, nutricionista y conductora de RPP Noticias, explic cules son las propiedades del caf y cuntas tazas al da son aconsejables.

El Día del Café Peruano se celebra cada cuarto viernes del mes de agosto y es un homenaje que se hace a este producto bandera reconocido mundialmente por su alta calidad. Con motivo de esta celebración te explicaremos los beneficios de su consumo.

Sara Abu Sabbah, nutricionista y conductora de Siempre en Casa de RPP Noticias, indicó que hay más garantía de los beneficios del café cuando este es puro, es decir, el grano pasa por un proceso de tostado y molido.

Explicó que el café es un alimento de origen vegetal que contiene minerales, vitaminas y algunas propiedades similares a las frutas y verduras, aunque aclaró que no es necesariamente igual la concentración de nutrientes ni de calorías.

“El café tiene más de mil sustancias químicas, muchas de ellas con capacidad antioxidante, la mayoría tipo polifenoles, que tienen beneficios para la salud y que vienen siendo estudiados y comprobados”, señaló la doctora.

Pero, ¿cuántas tazas de café son las recomendables? La nutricionista Sara Abu Sabbah recordó que la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos de los Estados Unidos (FDA, por sus siglas en inglés) considera que de 3 a 4 tazas de café al día no tendrían por qué dañar la salud en un adulto sano.

No obstante, señaló que este consumo moderado de café no es aplicable para todas las personas, ya que la cafeína altera el sistema nervioso central y en algunas personas ansiosas o niños puede ser contraproducente.

De igual forma, dijo que no es aconsejable para gestantes, pacientes con hipertensión arterial o gastritis, pues a estos últimos les irrita la mucosa del estómago. 

La experta en nutrición sí resaltó la propiedad estimulante de la cafeína para aquellas personas que tienen largas jornadas de trabajo o aquellas que requieren mejorar su nivel de concentración. Anotó que el efecto de este alcaloide ocurre cerca de 20 minutos después de haberla consumido.

Abu Sabbah también señaló que aunque el café puede dar la sensación de pérdida de fatiga y no va en contra de una prueba antidoping, no es sugerida para los deportistas en entrenamiento porque debido a que su capacidad diurética provoca deshidratación.

De igual forma, advirtió que el consumo de café en combinación con refrescos negros o bebidas energizantes, por ejemplo, en el caso de los transportistas que buscan resistir al sueño y estar en estado de alerta, puede ser un riesgo inminente.

En nuestra galería de fotos te resumiremos de forma didáctica los beneficios del café que quizá no conocías.




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Some tech and green energy stocks could be particularly exposed to selling pressure if the Biden administration hikes capital gains taxes, according to Goldman Sachs.

President Joe Biden will reportedly propose moving the capital gains tax rate for high-income earners to 39.6%, which would be pushed above 40% when accounting for an existing surcharge to fund programs from the Affordable Care Act.

That could cause investors to take a closer look at whether to sell their biggest winners. Goldman Sachs researchers looked at four periods over the last decade to identify some of the stocks that might be most at risk.

More In Pro Insight

History shows the stock market doesn’t like higher taxes

These stocks reporting earnings in the week ahead usually top estimates and trade higher

Credit Suisse found stocks to play the rebound, but also protect against inflation

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Brasília – Brazil’s placement on the global human development ranking improved in 2013. According to information released this Thursday (24th) by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the country ranked 79th in the Human Development Index (HDI) last year, up one position from 2012. Despite the improvement, Brazil remains below other Latin American countries like Chile, Argentina, Cuba and Uruguay.

Brazil’s HDI score, 0.744, is the same as Georgia’s (a republic in the Caucasus region) and Granada’s (in the Caribbean). As per the United Nations’ methodology, Brazil boasts a high level of human development, since its score is higher than 0.7. The HDI ranges from 0 to 1, the latter being equivalent to the highest possible development level. In 2013, the indicator covered 187 countries.

Norway had the highest HDI score last year, at 0.944, followed by Australia (0.933), Switzerland (0.917) and Holland (0.915). In Latin America, the best ranked countries were Chile (41st with a 0.822 score), Cuba (44th with 0.815) and Argentina (49th with 0.808), considered as having very high human development levels, with scores above 0.8.

In Latin America and the Caribbean, Uruguay (50th in the ranking with a 0.790 score), Barbados (59th with 0.776), Antigua and Barbuda (61stwith 0.774), Trinidad and Tobago (64th with 0.766), Panama (65th with 0.765), Venezuela (67th with 0.764), Costa Rica (68th with 0.763), Mexico (71st with 0.756) and Saint Christopher and Nevis (73rd with 0.750) also had higher HDI scores than Brazil.

Among the Brics, the group composed of the world’s five leading emerging economies, Brazil had the second highest HDI, the first being Russia (57th with 0.778). China placed 91st with a 0.719 grade. South Africa ranked 118th (0.658); and India ranked 135th (0.586).

Despite the improvement from 2012 to 2013, Brazil has lost four positions since 2008, when it ranked 75th. However, according to the UNDP, Brazil’s actual HDI has improved throughout these years. Still, four countries – Iran, Azerbaijan, Sri Lanka and Turkey – had higher rates of improvement in HDI during the period, hence the positions lost.

Established in 1980, the HDI ranking measures human development based on three components: life expectancy, education and income. In 2013 in Brazil, life expectancy averaged at 73.9 years, years of schooling averaged at 7.2 years, expected years of schooling averaged at 15.2 (for children currently entering school), and gross national income per capita was US$ 14.275, purchasing power- adjusted.

Brazil’s HDI was up 36.4% in 2013 from 1980. In 1980, life expectancy was 62.7 years, mean years of schooling was 2.6, expected years of schooling was 9.9 and gross national income per capita was US$ 9,154. “Brazil is one of the countries whose human development has improved the most over the past 30 years,” said the UNDP resident representative in Brazil, Jorge Chediek. He noted that the changes are structural and took place during all administrations.

Due to changes in methodology, HDI record-keeping has been revised. As per the former criteria, Brazil had placed 85th in 2012. Based on the new calculations, the country ranked 80th.

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. – A well-known businessman and television personality is offering a massive reward for information leading to an arrest following Sunday morning’s mass shooting in Miami-Dade County.

Marcus Lemonis, CEO of Camping World and host of The Profit on CNBC, has offered a reward of $100,000 “to help authorities in my hometown…arrest and convict the suspect/suspects.”

He posted the offer on Twitter.

Sunday morning, police said two people were killed and at least 20 more were injured when three people opened fire outside of a Northwest Miami-Dade banquet hall.

“This is a despicable act of gun violence,” said Miami-Dade Police Director Freddy Ramirez. “A cowardly act.”

Ramirez said the El Mula Banquet Hall was rented out for a concert Saturday May 29th into Sunday morning. It’s located at 7630 Northwest 186th Street.

According to police, two of the surviving victims are on life support.

Anyone with information on the shooting is urged to contact Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers at 305-471-TIPS.

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Al menos 37 personas han muerto al estrellarse un avión comercial en el aeropuerto para vuelos nacionales de Teherán, informó la agencia de noticias estatal IRNA.

Según las autoridades aeroportuarias iraníes, los fallecidos son 37 pasajeros, y once han sobrevivido.

El aparato, una versión iraní del Antonov-140, se estrelló a las 09.45 hora local (06.15 GMT), minutos después de despegar, al sur del aeropuerto de Meharabad, cerca del estadio deportivo Azadí, en el sureste de Teherán. “El avión se estrelló en el bulevar número seis del complejo habitado Azadí. No tenemos informaciones exactas sobre las causas del accidente“, declaró el portavoz de la Media Luna Roja, Hosein Derajshan.

El aparato pertenecía a la aerolínea iraní Taban Airlines y volaba desde Teherán a la ciudad de Tabas, en el este del país, cuando poco después del despegue se le paró uno de sus motores.

El Cuerpo de los Guardianes de la Revolución han desmentido las primeras afirmaciones que aseguraban que el avión era de su propiedad, informó la agencia Fars, cercana a ese cuerpo militar. Irán cuenta con una flota aérea obsoleta y lleva varios años enfrentándose a grandes dificultades para encontrar piezas de repuesto debido a las sanciones internacionales, lo que suele ocasionar graves retrasos en los vuelos internos.

El último accidente grave tuvo lugar en enero de 2011, cuando un avión comercial se estrelló mientras trataba de hacer un aterrizaje de emergencia durante una tormenta de nieve en el norte de Irán, lo que provocó la muerte de 77 personas, informó la cadena estatal de noticias Press TV.

En julio de 2009, otras 168 personas murieron al chocar otro aparato en el noroeste del país tras despegar de la capital.

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Former Merchant Mariner Sal Mercogliano said Thursday he sees new and ominous signs that the 220,000-ton mega ship blocking Egypt’s Suez Canal may take a lot longer to remove than initially thought. 

“One of the most ominous things we are seeing, right now, is the parent company, Evergreen, has started to route two of their vessels around Africa,” Mercogliano said. “That’s telling us this may take a lot longer than they were initially expecting.”

Rescue crews have said that it might take weeks to set the behemoth Ever Given vessel free. Officials say strong winds and a sandstorm knocked the ship off course. Shipping experts say the containers on deck can act like giant sails during windy conditions.

Mercogliano CNBC’s “The News with Shepard Smith” that the blockage of the Suez Canal has put the global supply chain “in a state of flux.” According to reporting from NBC, $3 billion worth of goods typically traverse the canal every day, with more than 150 ships now in a holding pattern on either side of the waterway. 

“Most importantly right now, the ports that were expecting to receive these vessels are not receiving these vessels, and you’re going to have a situation very similar to what we’re seeing in the U.S. right now with ships lined up off our ports, because demand was pent up, in this case, supply is being held back,” said Mercogliano, a Campbell University professor, during the Thursday evening interview. 

The man-made Suez is a key transit point connecting East to West and is 120 miles long. Ships will have to shift to entirely different routes due to the blockage and sail around the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa.

Mercogliano explained with that extended route, “you’re talking about adding 3,500 miles on a route from Singapore to Rotterdam, you’re talking about 12 to 14 days.”

The maritime historian added that while the Ever Given’s misfortune has already impacted oil prices, factories might be next. 

“There may be production plants, automobile factories, for example, will have to shut down, waiting to get parts,” he said. “We don’t live in a society today where we store a lot of parts.” 

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MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faced fresh questions on Wednesday about his dealings with a company at the center of a conflict-of-interest scandal, after it emerged that he enjoyed rent-free use of a house belonging to the firm as a campaign office.

Already under pressure over the government’s handling of the presumed massacre of 43 students abducted by corrupt police in southwestern Mexico in September, Pena Nieto is facing his most difficult period since taking office two years ago.

On Nov. 3, the government announced a Chinese-led consortium had won a no bid contract to build a $3.75 billion high-speed rail link in central Mexico.

Three days later, the government abruptly canceled the deal, just before a report by news site Aristegui Noticias showed that a subsidiary of Grupo Higa, a company that formed part of the consortium and had won various previous contracts, owned the luxury house of first lady Angelica Rivera.

Under public pressure, Rivera said she would give up the house. But neither she nor Pena Nieto have addressed the apparent conflict of interest stemming from the government’s business with Grupo Higa.

On Wednesday, Aristegui Noticias published a new story that said Pena Nieto used a different property belonging to another Grupo Higa subsidiary as an office when he was president-elect in 2012.

Eduardo Sanchez, the president’s spokesman, said Pena Nieto unwittingly used the property. Sanchez said it was leased from the Grupo Higa firm by Humberto Castillejos, the president’s legal adviser, who lent it rent-free to Pena Nieto’s team.

“If I invite you to my house, do you come to my house and ask me under whose name it is? Neither does the president,” Sanchez said, denying there were conflicts of interest.

The spokesman also said there were no more properties Pena Nieto or his team had used belonging to Grupo Higa.

“No, there is no other house that was used in a professional capacity,” Sanchez said.

Castillejos could not immediately be reached for comment.

Jorge Luis Lavalle, a senator with the opposition conservative National Action Party, said the public saw a clear conflict of interest in the dealings of Pena Nieto and his government with Grupo Higa.

“It needs to be investigated. All these doubts need to be dispelled fully and clearly,” he said. “We now have another case with no explanation.”

(Additional reporting by Ana Isabel Martinez; Editing by Simon Gardner and Tom Brown)

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São Paulo – The Brazilian Federal Prosecution Service (MPF, in the Portuguese acronym) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR) signed this Friday (15th), in Brasília, a memorandum of understanding to develop actions of assistance to the refugee population in Brazil.

The agreement provides for the exchange of information on the inclusion of these foreigners into existing public policies and the teaching  of a course on the International Rights of Refugees to MPF officials. This agreement also provides for the implementation of refugee policies and actions to explain the matter to the population. The partnership was signed by the UNHCR representative in Brazil, Andrés Ramirez, and by the Brazilian General Prosecutor, Rodrigo Janot.

According to Ramirez, the partnership with the MPF had already been discussed. “This agreement creates opportunities for training in this area. We can supply material explaining the international law regarding refugees,” said Ramirez, as a case in point for what actions may take place under the agreement. According to the UNHCR representative, this partnership is “strategic” so that the country can better welcome these foreigners.

After receiving clearance to live in Brazil, refugees enjoy the same rights a Brazilian citizens do. They become entitled to an identification card and an employment registration/social welfare card. In spite of that, they encounter difficulties adapting to the local culture, joining the labour market and enjoying health and education services, for instance.  

The memorandum also provides for research to be conducted in partnership with various organizations about the presence of refugees in Brazil. “These research actions should offer a better understanding of the presence of refugees in Brazil, which is a large, continent-sized country,” said Ramirez. In the next few days, UNHCR and MPF technicians will meet to decide on the first measures to be adopted by both organizations.

Refugee status requests

A total of 6,588 refugees live in Brazil. It is a relatively small number compared to the 55,000 Colombians driven to seek asylum in Ecuador due to conflict between government and armed guerrillas, or to the nearly 2.6 million Syrians who have fled the Arab country since the beginning of the conflict between rebels and the government, in 2011. The number of refugees in Brazil is increasing, though.

According to data from Brazil’s National Committee for Refugees (Conare), in 2010 Brazil received 566 asylum requests. In 2013, 5,256 requests were made. At the first plenary meeting to grant refugee status held by the Conare this year, 680 requests were accepted, most of them placed by Syrians.

*Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça

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Los máximos representantes del género del vallenato en Colombia se dieron cita este domingo en el Parque de la Leyenda Vallenata. Foto:

Algunos de los exponentes musicales como Silvestre Dangond, Daniel Calderón, Poncho Zuleta e Iván Villazón realizan un concierto en el escenario. Foto:

Sus familiares, amigos y miles de sus seguidores le dan el último adiós. Foto:

Gente de todo el país llegó a Valledupar para asistir al concierto de despedida. Foto:

Martín Elías Díaz, hijo del ‘Cacique de la Junta’ Diomedes Díaz, permanecerá en cámara ardiente hasta este lunes 17 de abril. Foto:

El artista será sepultado en el cementerio de la capital del departamento del Cesar al lado de los restos de su padre. Foto:

Jorge Oñate también participó del homenaje póstumo al Gran Martín Elías. Foto:

Rafael Santos, también hijo de Diomedes Díaz, ofrecio un emotivo show en honor a su hermano. Foto:

El concierto empezó cerca de las cuatro de la tarde después de que el artista fuera velado desde el Sábado Santo. Foto:

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El actor estadounidense Robin Williams, conocido por sus papeles en “La sociedad de los poetas muertos” y “Mrs Doubtfire”, entre muchas otras películas, fue hallado muerto en su domicilio y las autoridades manejan la hipótesis del suicidio, indicó la policía este lunes. 

A través de un comunicado, la policía del condado de Marin, en California (sureste de Estados Unidos), explicó que un “hombre fue declarado muerto a las 12H02 locales (19H02 GMT), identificado como Robin McLaurin Williams, 63 años, residente en la localidad de Tiburón, en California” y que la presunta causa del deceso sería “un suicidio por asfixia”.

“Las autoridades mantienen abierta una investigación sobre las causas y las circunstancias de la muerte”, señaló el texto, en donde también se precisó que el actor y humorista fue visto por última vez el domingo sobre las 22H00 locales (05H00 GMT del lunes) en el domicilio que compartía con su esposa.

El actor logró reconocimiento internacional con su papel de Barry Levinson en “Buenos días, Vietnam” (1987), aunque conquistó al público de todo el mundo encarnando al brillante profesor de “La sociedad de los poetas muertos” y al doctor “Patch Adams”. 

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Lawmakers remain at an impasse over how much money to provide to fund President Donald Trump’s request for a border wall. | J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo

Government Shutdown

A stopgap Homeland Security bill is being discussed now.

Negotiations to avert another government shutdown have stalled, leaving lawmakers in the same place they’ve been for months.

Although lawmakers were optimistic going into the weekend about reaching a border security deal and funding the government past Feb. 15, negotiators are now discussing a stopgap Homeland Security bill, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.

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Senate Appropriations Chairman Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) acknowledged Sunday that negotiations have stalled and put the odds of getting a deal at 50-50.

“We’ve got some problems with the Democrats dealing with ICE,” Shelby told Fox News’ Chris Wallace, referring to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. “I’m not confident we’re going to get there, I’m hoping we will get there.”

Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), one of the negotiators, appeared slightly more optimistic.

“We are not to a point where we can announce a deal, negotiations are still going on,” he said on “Fox News Sunday.“ There are good people on this committee so I have confidence that hopefully we will get something done very soon.”

Tester added that negotiations “negotiations seldom go smooth all the way through.”

Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said President Donald Trump is not ruling out another government shutdown.

“The government shutdown is technically still on the table,” Mulvaney said on “Fox News Sunday.“ “We do not want it to come to that, but that option is still open to the president and will remain so.”

Speaking on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Mulvaney added: “Let’s say that the hardcore left wing of the Democrat Party prevails this negotiation and they put a bill on the president’s desk with, say, zero money for the wall or $800 million, some absurdly low number. How does he sign that? He cannot in good faith sign that.“

Democratic conferees planned to talk on the phone Sunday morning to discuss the next steps, according to a source familiar with the discussions.

“I would say all is not lost but it’s certainly not the place anybody wanted to be,” said a congressional source familiar with the talks.

Negotiations reached an impasse Saturday, primarily over detention beds, the source said. Democratic negotiators offered a deal to their Republican counterparts, but Republicans are refusing to negotiate until Democrats take back their demand for a cap on the number of beds, the source added

There are no talks scheduled.

Lawmakers are discussing the possibility of a year-long continuing resolution bill but so far discussions have not led to a proposal that both House Democrats and Senate Republicans could get on board with, the source said.

The impasse in negotiations adds pressure on party leaders and the White House, who will have to step in if the conference members can’t quickly resolve their differences over detention beds and border barrier funding.

The discussion comes after the longest government shutdown in history. President Donald Trump has insisted for money to fund his border wall, demanding for $5.7 billion. But lawmakers remain at an impasse over how much money to provide to fund the border barrier.

Last week, conservative lawmakers said Trump would accept around $2 billion, but Democrats have so far rejected that amount.

Burgess Everett and John Bresnahan contributed to this report.

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