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En medio de aplausos, los hondureños despidieron este 20 de noviembre en un multitudinario cortejo fúnebre a su reina de belleza María José Alvarado, de 19 años, y a su hermana, Sofía Trinidad, de 23, asesinadas la semana pasada en la localidad noroccidental de Santa Bárbara.

En el mismo cementerio San Juan Bautista donde hace dos años enterraron a su padre, Oscar Alvarado, los féretros fueron depositados en medio del llanto de los asistentes, luego de un recorrido de tres kilómetros bajo una tenue lluvia.

María José tenía que haber viajado a Londres el pasado 19 de noviembre para participar en el concurso Miss Mundo que se inicia este jueves, el día de su entierro.

El asesinato de la reina de belleza conmocionó a todo Honduras, a pesar de la costumbre de sepultar muchos muertos todos los días debido al alarmante nivel de violencia en el país, donde operan diversas bandas narcotraficantes y del crimen organizado.

Honduras registra la tasa más alta de homicidios, 90.4 por cada 100,000 habitantes en 2012, según Naciones Unidas.

Sospechoso detenido

Las jóvenes desaparecieron después de asistir el 13 de noviembre a una fiesta de cumpleaños celebrada en un balneario de la ciudad de Santa Bárbara, 200 km al noroeste de la capital. El homenajeado era el novio de Sofía Trinidad, identificado como Plutarco Ruiz, detenido como principal sospechoso del doble crimen.

Los cuerpos fueron desenterrados el miércoles de una tumba clandestina ubicada a la orilla de un río y trasladados a la dirección de Medicina Forense de Tegucigalpa, donde les practicaron las autopsias en el marco de las investigaciones del crimen.

En la madrugada de este jueves los cuerpos fueron trasladados a Santa Bárbara, donde los velaron por unas horas antes del sepelio.

El portavoz policial José Coello dijo a la AFP que fueron detenidos el novio de Sofía Trinidad, Plutarco Ruiz, y su amigo Aris Maldonado Mejía, así como el dueño del balneario, Ventura Díaz, y su esposa, como “posibles cómplices” de los asesinos.

“Mediante los interrogatorios se está viendo si hay más implicados y en las investigaciones del arma homicida, el balneario y los vehículos”, indicó el Coello.

Aún se investiga motivo del crimen

“Ese muchacho tenía la cabeza morbosa”, afirmó a a la AFP la abuela de las jóvenes, Sotera Muñoz, de 86 años, señalando directamente a Ruiz.

“Las personas que hacen esas cosas deben recapacitar, lo que hicieron a mis nietas no tiene nombre; las madres deben proteger a sus hijos”, recomendó la señora.

Una de las hipótesis de los motivos del crimen fueron celos de Ruiz “pero no la hemos comprobado hasta el momento”, apuntó Coello.

De acuerdo a versiones de medios locales, Sofía Trinidad bailaba en la fiesta con otro hombre, lo que habría irritado a Ruiz quien disparó en la cabeza a su novia. Cuando María José intentó escapar, le infirió dos tiros en la espalda y con otros cómplices trasladaron los cuerpos en vehículos a la orilla del río donde la sepultaron.

Las autoridades policiales y militares desplegaron un fuerte operativo que dio con los cuerpos.

“Fui docente de la clase de dibujo técnico de Plutarco (…) fui profesor de Sofía y su hermana Corina; vi crecer a las tres hermanitas, hijas del ingeniero Oscar Alvarado; Plutarco, un buen muchacho, estoy sorprendido”, declaró a medios locales el diputado y dirigente magisterial Edgardo Casaña.

María José estaba por graduarse este año como bachiller en computación y su madre, Teresa Muñoz, tenía previsto asistir a la ceremonia en su representación debido a que la joven estaría en Londres en ese momento, según informe de familiares a medios locales.

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Dog The Bounty Hunter has shared a video of himself continuing to search for Brian Laundrie by wading through waist-deep swamp water in Florida.

In his most recent post on Instagram, shared on Sunday morning, Duane ‘Dog’ Chapman, shared a clip of him and his team wading through a swamp, as followers praised his commitment to finding Laundrie.  

In the video, Chapman can be seen holding onto a boat before venturing into the swamp with waist-deep waters along with four other men.

‘The search has continued throughout the weekend on the islands off the west coast of Florida,’ Duane ‘Dog’ Chapman captioned a clip of him and his team wading through a Florida swamp searching for Laudnrie 

Dog The Bounty Hunters vowed to find Laundrie and help bring justice to Gabby Petito’s death. He said he could empathize with Petito’s family pain because he lost a daughter of similar age to Petito’s 

‘The search has continued throughout the weekend on the islands off the west coast of Florida,’ he captioned the video.

The former reality TV star joined the search for Laundrie last weekend, more than a week after law enforcement started their own manhunt for Laundrie, whose parents said was last seen on September 14. 

Police was made aware that Laundrie whereabouts were unknown on September 17, and two days later Petito’s body was found near Grand Teton National Park.

Chapman has vowed to help bring justice to Petito’s death and find Laundrie. He said he could empathize with Petito’s family because he also lost one of his daughters when she was a similar age to Petito’s. 

He said that he is receiving sighting tips like ‘crazy,’ with around 2,000 people calling the hotline he set up for tips on Laundrie on a daily basis.

Chapman’s daughter, Lisa Chapman, said that she is in charge of the logistics of the search online and is actively receiving and thoroughly following leads. 

Chapman said he is receiving sighting tips like ‘crazy,’ with around 2,000 people calling the hotline he set up for tips on Laundrie on a daily basis

 Chapman joined the search for Brian Laundrie last weekend. He said today that he is searching on islands off Florida’s West Coast 

‘Update: Dads is physically following up on leads today, and I am digitally following up on leads. Keep the info coming !! Persistence is key to getting #justiceforgabbypetito & #BrainLaundrie behind bars,’ she tweeted.

Social media has been a pivotal tool in the investigation into Petito’s disappearance  and the finding of her body, as it becomes evident that it will also be fundamental in the search for Laundrie. 

Chapman’s social media updates come a day after Petito’s mother, Nichole Schmidt, also took social media to demand Laundrie turn himself in. 

‘Mama bear is getting angry!’ Schmidt posted on Twitter using her account for the first time. ‘Turn yourself in! @josephpetito agrees.#justiceforgabby #americasdaughter.’

Within the first two hours, the tweet gathered 7.4K likes and 1.1K retweets.

She then retweeted a photo of Gabby and her stepmother, Tara Petito, shared by Joseph Petito, Gabby’s father, and a photo of Gabby as a child shared by Jim Schmidt, Gabby’s stepfather. 

Gabby Petito’s family revealed last week that they got new tattoos in her honor, including one she had on her forearm saying ‘Let it be’

Laundrie’s parents called 911 on Chapman last week, after he showed up knocking on their door and asking for information about their son’s whereabouts.  

Chapman has said that it is ‘a shame,’ the Laundries are not cooperating to find their son.  

‘The police said we were welcome to knock on the door so we did,’ he told FOX. ‘I wanted to tell the Laundries that our goal is to find Brian and bring him in alive.’ 

Chapman has focused his attention on the coastline and creeks surrounding Fort De Soto Park. The TV reality star used boats and K9 units top search the area last Wednesday. 

Chapman believes it is probable that Laundrie is hiding somewhere in the 1,136 acre Fort De Soto Park area — which is made up of five interconnected islands.

During Wednesday’s search, the team did not find solid evidence suggesting that Laundrie is in the woods on Egmont Key

A map shows the Fort de Soto Park campsite’s location, the Laundrie family home and the Carlton Reserve where authorities have focused their search and Laundrie’s parents say he was headed  

‘This would be and could be a perfect spot for him to hide, not too many people out here, but there’s a lot of environmental things that we’re gonna fight,’ he said in a video posted to Twitter.

Both police and Chapman are fighting against time to find Laundrie, as chances to collect evidence in order to build a case against him decrease by the hour.

Meanwhile, the investigation was thrown a curveball by an alleged sighting in North Carolina on Saturday.

A hiker in the Appalachian Trail said ‘there is no doubt in [his] mind’ that he had a nighttime encounter with Brian Laundrie on Saturday morning after Lisa Chapman sent him an audio recording of Laundrie’s voice and he recognized the voice as that of the man who asked him for help.

Dennis Davis said he encountered Petito’s boyfriend on a deserted road close to the trail close to the Tennessee border – 700 miles away from where the 23-year-old was last seen near his home in North Port, Florida. 

Dennis Davis, pictured, says he say Brian Laundrie on a deserted trail along the Appalachian Trail in North Carolina on Saturday 

A hiker near the Appalachian Trail in North Carolina claims he had a nighttime encounter with Brian Laundrie on Saturday morning, weeks after the fugitive boyfriend of slain Gabby Petito was last seen in Florida

Gabrielle Petito, 22, from her Instagram page, is seen with boyfriend Brian Laundrie, now the sole person of interest in her murder 

Davis, 53, who is an engineer from Florida, says he spoke to a man who waved down his car on Waterville Road, near the Appalachian Trail and close to the border of North Carolina and Tennessee.

He says the man pulled up alongside Davis and made a bizarre request for help as he asked for directions in order to drive west to California using only back roads.

Davis, a dad-of-four, suggested he simply take Interstate 40 which runs east to west across the country from North Carolina all the way to California.

‘There is no doubt in my mind I spoke to Brian Laundrie — none whatsoever,’ Davis told the New York Post.

‘Dog the Bounty Hunter’s daughter sent me an audio file of Brian’s voice and the voice was the same I heard.’ 

Davis was hiking the Appalachian Trail himself and noted the man he believed to be Laundrie acted nervously.

‘He said ‘Man, I’m lost.’ I said ‘What are you trying to find?’ and he said ‘Me and my girlfriend got in a fight but she called me, told me she loves me, and I have to get to California to see her.”

‘I said ‘Well, I-40 is right there and you could take it west to California’ and he said, ‘I’m just going to take this road into California’.

‘He was worried and not making sense,’ Davis added.

He did not immediately recognize him as Laundrie but is certain it was him.

Despite lighting being poor because of the night, he believes there was enough lighting from the car’s headlights to make a positive identification.  

Davis told Laundrie his best way to head to California would be to take Interstate 40 which runs for more than 2,500 miles from North Carolina

Brian Laundrie, 23, who was reported missing last week, remains a person of interest in the disappearance and death of fiancée Gabby Petito

Petito and Laundrie had been travelling on a cross-country trip together since July 2, when they left New York. Petito was reported missing on September 11

The man he believed to be Laundrie was driving a light-colored pickup and was wearing a bandana on his head.

It wasn’t until later, with Davis having looked up photos of the man on his cellphone that he realized whom he had just spoken with.

Davis claims to have made several calls to the FBI and to 911 in the hours after the encounter but frustratingly nobody has yet called him back.

‘Law enforcement is probably getting millions of leads on this guy, but I am not some goofball out there doing drugs in the middle of the night, I am a highly educated professional. ‘And I know that was the guy. There is no doubt about it.

‘We have this lead but no one’s doing anything, not even a phone call.

‘Obviously, as a father with a daughter, I want to do whatever I can to help the family find closure and get this guy off the streets,’ Davis said. 

Laundrie’s whereabouts are unknown since September 14, when his parents said he left the family home in North Port, Florida. The Laundries said that their son was heading to a nearby nature reserve and only had his backpack.

Petito and Laundrie went on a cross-country trip in their van in August, but Petito never returned home.

The pair drew national attention after Petito was reported missing on September 11, ten days after Laundrie returned to Florida on their van without Petito and refused to answer her parents about what had happened to her.

Petito’s body was found in Wyoming’s Bridger-Teton National Forest and her death was declared a homicide.

Timeline of missing Gabby Petito’s case

July 1: Gabby Petito and her boyfriend, Brian Laundrie left Blue Point, New York for a cross-country road trip

August 12: Police in Moab, Utah respond to a domestic incident involving the couple

Aug. 21: Petito’s father, Joseph Petito, has his last FaceTime video call with his daughter who was in Salt Lake City, Utah 

Aug. 24: Petito is last seen at a hotel in Salt Lake City with Laundrie

Aug. 25: Petito makes final call to her mother, Nicole Schmidt, saying she was in Grand Teton National Park

Aug. 25 or 26: The couple chats with the owner of a shop called ‘Rustic Row’ in Victor, Utah for about 20 minutes 

Aug. 27: Video of Petito’s van was taken by blogger Jenn Bethune, of Red White & Bethune, around 6.30 pm at the Spread Creek Campground

Aug. 29: The day that Wisconsin TikToker Miranda Baker claimed that she and her boyfriend were approached by Laundrie at Grand Teton National Park and asked them for a ride at 5.30pm; Schmidt says she is not entertaining this claim and believes it possibly factual

Aug. 30: Schmidt receives the last text from Petito: ‘No service in Yosemite’

Sept. 1: Laundrie returns to his parents’ home in North Port, Florida in a van without Petito

Sept. 6-7: Laundrie and his parents visit Fort De Soto campsite in Florida

Sept. 11: Schmidt reports Petito missing to authorities in New York; Petito and Laundrie’s van was impounded by police in Florida that same day

Sept. 12: Grand Teton National Park rangers search for Petito

Sept. 14: Laundrie issues a statement about Petito’s disappearance through his lawyer; Also on this day, Laundrie allegedly left his parents’ home for a hike

Sept. 15: Laundrie is officially named a person of interest in Petito’s case

Sept. 17: Laundrie family attorney confirms his whereabouts are unknown

Sept. 18: North Port police and the FBI start searching the Carlton Reserve in Sarasota County for missing Brian Laundrie

Sept. 19: Bethune realizes she has video of Petito’s van around 12am and submits the FBI with the footage 10 minutes later; Officials announce a body was found near Grand Teton National Park that matched Petito’s description in the afternoon

Sept. 21: Coroner confirms remains found in Grand Tetons belong to Petito. Her death is ruled a homicide but her cause of death is still under invesetigation

Sept. 20 – 22: FBI and North Port police continue search for Laundrie in Carton Reserve 

Sept. 22: Neighbors say they saw the Laudrie family pack up their detached camper on the day Gabby was reported missing. photos show the camper was back in the driveway two days later, on September 13 

Sept. 23: FBI issues an arrest warrant for Laundrie for ‘use of unauthorized access device’ for fraudulently using a Capitol One Bank debit card that was not his between August 30 and September 1 to spend $1,000; A probe is launched into the police handling of the Utah police incident on Aug. 12; Laundrie’s parents visit their attorney in Orlando 

Sept. 25: Dog the Bounty Hunter joins the search for Laundrie 

Sept. 26: A funeral is held for Petito in Holbrook, New York, and her family launch a charity to help parents find missing children 

Sept. 27: Manhunt for Laundrie in the Carlton Reserve is scaled back after 10 day search doesn’t find him. Dog the Bounty Hunter says Laundrie and his parents stayed at Fort De Soto Park from September 1-3 and September 6-8 – and that on the latter visit only the parents left 

Sept. 28: Laundrie’s mom is accused of using a burner phone to contact her son Sept. 29: Documents reveal Laundrie’s mom canceled a reservation for the Fort De Soto Park campsite for two from September 1 to 3 and booked for three from September 6 to 8; FBI seizes surveillance footage from site; FBI investigates lead Laundrie bought a burner phone on September 14; Dog the Bounty Hunter searches the area near Fort De Soto finding a recently drunk can of Monster Energy at a makeshift campsite deep in the woods 

Sept. 30: Bodycam footage from a second officer at the August 12 incident is released showing a distressed Petito admitting Laundrie hit her; FBI agents collect more evidence from the Laundrie home 

Oct. 1: It emerges Laundrie’s sister had contact with him after she said she did  

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Justin Sapp: When things started in 2001, I went in advance with the CIA paramilitary teams in the middle of October. At that time, the war was very much an unconventional warfare kind of domain. We were the only guys on the ground—all told, there were probably less than 20 people. The definition of the campaign wasn’t fully formed yet. It was all being put together.

So it was a pretty heady time. It was all new. It was all unique. We were new to the Afghans. They were new to us. We had very broad guidance. And the guidance was to enable the Northern Alliance to defeat the Taliban and destroy al-Qaeda. And that was it.

It was sort of like, you knew the first chapter of the book and then hopefully you knew the last chapter of the book. But everything in between was very much ill-defined. It was sort of an adventure.

Jahara “Franky” Matisek: When I first started flying cargo missions there in 2008, I had a very narrow tactical view of the country because I never really had to deal with any of the locals. It was basically deliver troops, take troops home, do helicopter swap-outs. It felt like it was a bureaucratized sort of routine war. I remember thinking on my first combat mission, ‘Oh, we have to get all mentally pumped and prepped.’ And it was like, no, FedEx is flying in there! It was not that big of a threat or deal, flying into the bases, for the most part.

It felt like the bulk of my missions from 2008 to 2011, especially 2010, were when the ground forces in Afghanistan were getting ambushed and IED’ed [improvised explosive device] all the time. I spent a good chunk of 2010 and 2011 just transporting mine resistant ambush protected vehicles—they look like those big Humvee vehicles that protect the folks inside. I probably did at least 40 or 50 missions just transporting those things to Kandahar and Bagram.

Being sent back to Afghanistan in 2020 kind of confirmed my suspicions. The Afghan National Defense Security Forces basically is still a paper army, much like when the Soviets built up their version of the Afghan army in the 1980s.

When Covid basically shut down Afghanistan in March of 2020, it seemed like it was almost a relief for a lot of the advisers and trainers. Like, ‘Sweet, now we don’t really have to see them anymore, because Covid. We’re just going to VTC and FaceTime, just do all our advising through WhatsApp, texting and video calls.’ I think it was the nail in the coffin. We were already so risk-averse that it made it almost easier—now there was almost no chance of losing any U.S. or NATO troops to the Taliban or insider attacks.

On my way out in October, I’m like, once we finally pull out of this thing, if we’re going to actually follow through on this, the Afghan Air Force is just going to collapse. They are so dependent on on the U.S. military and contractors basically providing air power.

Jess Gonzalez: I had a very different experience. As a combat cameraman, I supported every aspect of the Marine Corps. I did female engagement teams, I did mortuary affairs. I did logistics, I did helicopter drops, I did helicopter recoveries. I’ve been around that whole country.

I’m going to talk a little bit from the experience of the regular warfighter—the junior enlisted. The “suck.” We’re here. We got to do it. And then we’re going to go home. Being on the enlisted side, you don’t understand the policy. You go through your pre-deployment training and you understand what your little piece is within counterinsurgency and all of that. But you feel like a little piece in the game and not someone who’s able to see the whole board.

The bin Laden raid happened in Pakistan while I was there. I remember coming off a convoy and everyone’s talking and whispering and watching the news on their computers. I was like, ‘What’s going on?’ And they’re like, ‘Oh, bin Laden’s dead.’ There’s some silence. My other photographer that I worked with was like, ‘Oh, well, I guess I get to go home now!’ There was this crazy morale boost for a little bit.

Towards the end of my time, I was with the 2nd Marine Logistics Group, and we saw a lot of infrastructure getting built. So we had completed Route One and that connected to Route Red, which were two major roads within Helmand province. I had some friends that deployed last year and they said that the roads are completely destroyed now. That’s a little disheartening to hear, because it was this huge accomplishment to attach those two roads.

Jason Dempsey: When I was moving in in January 2009, it was part of the precursor to what became known as the Afghan surge. The mentality both of the military and of our political leadership was that we were getting back to the good war. There was this assumption that the military had become competent at counterinsurgency and had been a learning institution over the previous eight years. And so I was pretty gung-ho to get to Afghanistan and get after these problems. Being there that year was fairly rewarding, albeit frustrating.

But it was clear by the time I got back in 2012-13 that the entire mission was essentially—it was a failure. The question was, to what degree was it a failure and where did the blame fall? I spent years thinking about that, finding out that more and more of the blame fell squarely on the shoulders of the American military. We decided to mirror-image our army structure on a nation and country that simply wasn’t set up for that. Instead of doing what needed to be done, we did the mission we wanted to do.

Phil Caruso: I echo a lot of what Jason said. When I got there in 2011, I was very proud to be a part of what I thought was finally giving Afghanistan its due attention and focus after almost a decade of underresourcing in favor of the effort in Iraq. I did think that we had more expertise and capability than we had early on from a conventional military perspective.

I think there was a series of events in that deployment that made me realize the reality of the situation. I saw a number of things that made me question the viability of our strategy over the long run. I believe then and I still do believe that counterinsurgency can work, but on a timeline and a commitment that I don’t think is realistic for the United States, given our system and our interests domestically.

What I came out of that deployment trying to do was just make the piece of Afghanistan I could touch a little bit of a better place, make the lives of the people that I dealt with a little bit better and try not to focus on the larger effort and shoulder the responsibility, the burden of winning the war myself and or with my unit.

I do think we helped people in that deployment. And I do think we made a lot of progress. But at the end of the day, I don’t think it was sustainable without a long-term commitment, one that I don’t think would be viable.

When I went back in 2014, it was a very different environment. The combat mission was ending. The sense I got was there was a lot of frustration in the military ranks because there was concern about artificial thresholds and micromanagement from Washington. The military, I felt, was being somewhat defensive about trying to protect the gains that it had made when the surge forces were there.

We’re trying to literally count billets to figure out, how could they keep a unit viable with five people in uniform and replacing the rest with civilians and contractors? How many helicopters they could have at any given base? These were the things that were dominating discussion of the day as opposed to continuing to try to make progress on the ground. That made it very difficult and demoralizing for a lot of folks that were trying to carry on the mission because there wasn’t a clear sense of what we were trying to do.

I think there was a sense of fatigue institutionally. There was a lot more risk aversion. Missions required a lot of higher approvals. A lot of commanders were concerned about the well-being of their soldiers and airmen, sailors and Marines, given what the climate was in Washington.

As I look back on that decade of involvement in Afghanistan, there was for me a decreasing sense of what we were going to be able to achieve. And a decreasing sense of what we were even trying to achieve because the issues just became so complicated and so politically fraught that it made it very difficult to reach clear conclusions.

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Igor Vovkovinskiy, the country’s tallest person at 7-foot-8, died in Minnesota at the age of 38. His family says he died of heart disease.

Haraz N. Ghanbari/AP

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Haraz N. Ghanbari/AP

Igor Vovkovinskiy, the country’s tallest person at 7-foot-8, died in Minnesota at the age of 38. His family says he died of heart disease.

Haraz N. Ghanbari/AP

ROCHESTER, Minn. — Igor Vovkovinskiy, the tallest man in the United States, has died. He was 38.

His family said the Ukrainian-born Vovkovinskiy died of heart disease on Friday at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. His mother, Svetlana Vovkovinska, an ICU nurse at Mayo, initially posted about his death on Facebook.

Vovkovinskiy came to the Mayo Clinic in 1989 as a child seeking treatment. A tumor pressing against his pituitary gland caused it to secrete abnormal levels of growth hormone. He grew to become the tallest man in the U.S. at 7 feet, 8.33 inches (2 meters, 34.5 centimeters) and ended up staying in Rochester.

His older brother, Oleh Ladan of Brooklyn Park, told the Star Tribune of Minneapolis that Vovkovinskiy was a celebrity when he arrived from Ukraine because of his size and the flickering Cold War of the late 1980s. But Ladan said Vovkovinskiy “would have rather lived a normal life than be known.”

Vovkovinskiy met President Barack Obama during a health care reform rally in 2009, when the president noticed him near the stage wearing a T-shirt that read, “World’s Biggest Obama Supporter.”

Ben Garvin/AP

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Ben Garvin/AP

Vovkovinskiy appeared on “The Dr. Oz Show” and was called out by President Barack Obama during a campaign rally in 2009, when the president noticed him near the stage wearing a T-shirt that read, “World’s Biggest Obama Supporter.” In 2013, he carried the Ukrainian contestant onto the stage to perform in the Eurovision Song Contest.

When he was 27, Vovkovinskiy traveled to New York City and was declared America’s tallest living person by a Guinness World Records adjudicator on Oz’s show. He edged out a sheriff’s deputy in Virginia by one-third of an inch.

He issued a plea in 2012 to cover the estimated $16,000 cost for specially made shoes that wouldn’t cause him crippling pain. At the time, he said he hadn’t owned a pair for years that fit his size 26, 10E feet. Thousands donated more than double what he needed. Reebok provided the custom shoes for free.

Vovkovinskiy was born Sept. 8, 1982, in Bar, Ukraine, to Vovkovinska and Oleksandr Ladan, according to Ranfranz and Vine Funeral Home, which is holding a memorial service on Saturday. His father died earlier.

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White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday dodged questions about a leaked phone call in which President Biden pressed former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to change the “perception” of the Taliban’s advancement in Afghanistan, “whether it is true or not,” less than four weeks before Kabul fell to the terror group.

Asked during her daily press briefing to confirm the contents of the call, Psaki refused.  

“Well, I’m not going to get into private, diplomatic conversations or leaked transcripts of phone calls,” she said. “But what I can reiterate for you is that we have stated many times that no one anticipated … that the Taliban would be able to take over the country as quickly as they did or that the Afghan National Security Forces would fold as quickly as they did.” 


“So even the content of the reporting is consistent with what we’ve said many times publicly,” she continued. “I’ll also note something the president said in his press conference around the same time of this reported phone call: The Afghan government and leadership has to come together. They clearly have the capacity to sustain the government in place. The question is, will they generate the kind of cohesion to do it.”

Psaki was also asked whether Biden was “pushing a false narrative” in his phone call with Ghani. The press secretary said she wouldn’t “go into the details of a private conversation” but emphasized that there was a “collapse in leadership” in the Afghan government long before the former president fled the country.

According to a transcript of a July 23 presidential call reviewed by Reuters, Biden indicated that he didn’t anticipate the Taliban’s rapid advance across Afghanistan, which ended when they stormed Kabul on Aug. 15 and Ghani fled the presidential palace. Instead, Biden focused much of the 14-minute call on the Afghan government’s “perception” problem. 

“I need not tell you the perception around the world and in parts of Afghanistan, I believe, is that things are not going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban,” Biden said. “And there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture.”

At the time of the call, the Taliban controlled about half of Afghanistan’s district centers. 


Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, echoed similar concerns in a follow-up call with Ghani later that day, which did not include Biden, Reuters noted.

“The perception in the United States, in Europe and the media sort of thing is a narrative of Taliban momentum, and a narrative of Taliban victory,” Milley reportedly said. “And we need to collectively demonstrate and try to turn that perception, that narrative, around.”

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“);var a = g[r.size_id].split(“x”).map((function(e) {return Number(e)})), s = u(a, 2);o.width = s[0],o.height = s[1]}o.rubiconTargeting = (Array.isArray(r.targeting) ? r.targeting : []).reduce((function(e, r) {return e[r.key] = r.values[0],e}), {rpfl_elemid: n.adUnitCode}),e.push(o)} else l.logError(“Rubicon bid adapter Error: bidRequest undefined at index position:” + t, c, d);return e}), []).sort((function(e, r) {return (r.cpm || 0) – (e.cpm || 0)}))},getUserSyncs: function(e, r, t) {if (!A && e.iframeEnabled) {var i = “”;return t && “string” == typeof t.consentString && (“boolean” == typeof t.gdprApplies ? i += “?gdpr=” + Number(t.gdprApplies) + “&gdpr_consent=” + t.consentString : i += “?gdpr_consent=” + t.consentString),A = !0,{type: “iframe”,url: n + i}}},transformBidParams: function(e, r) {return l.convertTypes({accountId: “number”,siteId: “number”,zoneId: “number”}, e)}};function m() {return [window.screen.width, window.screen.height].join(“x”)}function b(e, r) {var t = f.config.getConfig(“pageUrl”);return e.params.referrer ? t = e.params.referrer : t || (t = r.refererInfo.referer), ? t.replace(/^http:/i, “https:”) : t}function _(e, r) {var t = e.params;if (“video” === r) {var i = [];return && && ? i = [,] : Array.isArray(l.deepAccess(e, “”)) && 1 === ? i =[0] : Array.isArray(e.sizes) && 0

(CNN)The car used by a New York tourists who went missing last month has been recovered off the coast of the Dominican Republic, police said Friday.

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    “The threatened expulsion and loss of credits, predicated on numerous material violations of the contract between Semprevivo and Defendant, has precluded Semprevivo from receiving a degree from Georgetown, deprived his family of over $200,000 … and may forever bar Semprevivo from transferring his earned credits to another university,” according to the lawsuit.

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    Domingo, 13 de Abril 2014  |  11:30 am

    Ceremonia Miss Per Universo 2014

    As fue la ceremonia donde fue coronada Jimena Espinoza como la Miss Per Universo 2014. | Fuente: RPP | RPP/Marcos Reategui

    La modelo del programa ´A todo o nada´ fue elegida la mujer más bella del país.

    Conoce a las candidatas a Miss Per Universo 2014| RPP

    Miss Per y sus bellas rivales se lucen en sensuales trajes de bao| EFE

    Jimena Espinoza fue elegida como la Miss Perú Universo 2014, en una ceremonia celebrada en el Parque de la Amistad, en Surco.

    La modelo fue la más elogiada en las diferentes pruebas, que incluyeron también el desfile en lencería y traje de noche.

    Las ex reinas Nicole Faverón, Elba Fashbender y Cindy Mejía también asistieron a la ceremonia.

    Por otro lado, Jimena representará a nuestro país en el concurso Miss Universo, cuya actual corona pertenece a la venezolana Gabriela Isler.



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    Avisos PERREDAnuncia aqu
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    Una cicatriz en el corazón de Centroamérica o una nueva arteria para inyectarle sangre a la región. Depende de quién lo mire, el proyecto del Gran Canal de Nicaragua, que busca competir con el de Panamá, es una u otra cosa.

    El canal tiene el apoyo del presidente del país, Daniel Ortega. Según el gobierno ofrecerá muchos beneficios económicos al país y acabará con la extrema pobreza y el desempleo. Pero hay quienes sospechan que no es económicamente viable y expertos en medioambiente creen que podría tener un negativo impacto ambiental.

    Por lo pronto, este lunes fue finalmente aprobada la ruta del canal que prevé unir los océanos Atlántico y Pacífico y abrir una nueva vía para el transporte de las grandes cargas de mercancías que alimentan el comercio mundial.

    No está claro aún cuán factible es que el proyecto termine de concretarse ni si se logrará hacer en tiempo y forma.

    BBC Mundo le ofrece una mirada a algunas de las cifras que involucra la obra y dan cuenta del desafío que presenta.


    Esos son los millones de dólares que se prevé demandará la construcción del canal de Nicaragua, según HKND, la compañía de Hong Kong que está a cargo del proyecto.


    El largo previsto del canal de Nicaragua en kilómetros. El de Panamá tiene 77 kilómetros, con lo que el nuevo canal será más de tres veces y media más largo.


    El Gran Lago de Nicaragua.

    Superficie del Gran Lago Nicaragua en km2. La ruta del canal atravesará esta masa de agua dulce, la mayor de América Central, lo que ha generado críticas por parte de ambientalistas.


    Lea: Las dudas ambientales sobre el proyecto chino del canal de Nicaragua


    La cantidad de años que se prevé que dure la obra, según lo anunciado por sus promotores. El plan es iniciar la construcción a fines de 2014 y que el canal comience a operar en 2020.


    Los años que demoró Estados Unidos en construir el Canal de Panamá, completado en 1914.


    La cantidad de personas que, según HKND, empleará la obra del canal. La empresa dice que además creará 200.000 empleos indirectos.

    ¿Un posible cliente del canal de Nicaragua?


    La profundidad máxima, en metros, que tendrá el canal, cuyo ancho variará entre los 230 y los 520 metros.


    Wang Jing es director y CEO de Xinwei Telecom Enterprise Groups y de HKND.

    La edad de Wang Jing, el misterioso hombre de negocios que dirige HKND, quien ha sido cuestionado por su falta de experiencia en emprendimientos de este tipo, que suponen un enorme desafío para la ingeniería.


    Lea más sobre Wang Jing


    La duración en años de la concesión cedida por Nicaragua a HKND, que puede extenderse por otros 50.


    Primera mención oficial en Nicaragua sobre el proyecto de construcción de un canal interoceánico, en un decreto del 10 de diciembre de ese año. Una sociedad formada en Holanda estaría a cargo de la obra.


    Lea también: “Es más fácil llegar a la Luna que construir un canal en Nicaragua”

    El Canal de Panamá, con el que prevé competir el de Nicaragua se completó en 1914.

    Source Article from

    Aparecen sonrientes, informando y conduciendo los noticieros de Estrella TV (el Canal 62 de Los Ángeles), pero detrás de cámaras, dos presentadoras alegan que fueron víctimas de hostigamiento sexual por parte del director de noticias, al que han demandado junto con la empresa dueña de la cadena, Liberman Broadcasting Inc.

    La noticia de las denuncias legales por acoso sexual alcanzó esta semana tintes nacionales al ser publicada por la revista Forbes. Una semana atrás fue divulgada por el portal de noticias legales, courthousenews.

    Karla Amezola, una de las presentadoras de televisión que demandó a la televisora, habló del caso públicamente durante un foro en la Universidad del Sur de California (USC) recientemente.

    “Aunque sé que esta demanda puede dañar mis probabilidades de ser contratada en la industria, tomé la decisión de presentar una demanda para detener el acoso y motivar a otras en mi situación a hacer lo mismo”, dijo Amezola a los estudiantes reunidos, según reportó Forbes.

    Karlama Amezola aparece en una fotografía promocional. (Foto: Tomada de la web)

    En la demanda, Amezola nombra al vicepresidente de noticias, Andrés Ángulo, por el supuesto acoso sexual.

    La exreportera y expresentadora Adriana Ruggiero interpuso una querella similar contra Ángulo y la empresa Liberman.

    Los abogados de Amezola, Elie Ghodsi y Jonathan Delshad, dijeron a La Opinión que esperan que esta querella no solo repare los daños causados a la presentadora, sino que ayude a acabar con el acoso sexual en Estrella TV y ayude a cambiar las prácticas en la televisión hispana de presionar a las periodistas para que sean valoradas por su físico y no por sus habilidades.


    Entre las evidencias que prueban el presunto acoso contra Amezola, los abogados tienen una serie de grabaciones secretas en las que supuestamente se  escucha a Ángulo hostigar sexualmente a la reportera y presentadora. Debido a que en California no es legal presentar como prueba grabaciones que se hacen sin consentimiento de las dos partes, los abogados tendrán que pelear para que el juez las apruebe.

    Amezola presentó la demanda en  junio en la Corte Superior del Condado de Los Ángeles mientras que Ruggiero hace un par de semanas.

    Amezola Fue contratada en marzo de 2011 para Estrella TV y Ángulo en junio de 2013. “El acoso sexual comenzó poco después de que Ángulo llegó a Estrella y continuó escalando”, señala en la querella.

    En la lista de actos inapropiados citados en la demanda destacan:

    “Ángulo describió en detalle sus experiencias sexuales con sus colegas de Estrella, algunas de ellas casadas. Ángulo le dijo a Amezola que se había acostado hasta con seis de sus colegas”.

    También se indica que le mostró fotografías de desnudos con mujeres con las que había tenido relaciones, incluyendo de sus compañeras de Estrella TV.

    En múltiples ocasiones, señala el documento legal,Ángulo tocó sexual e inapropiadamente a Amezola”.

    En una ocasión, la asaltó físicamente, “empujándola, la tomó por la cintura, y la besó a pesar de sus protestas”.

    Cuando Amezola le pidió un aumento salarial, Ángulo le dijo que sí lo tendría “para que rentará un departamento y le diera una copia de la llave”, alega la querella.

    Los estudios de Estrella TV en Burbank, cadena que ha sido demandada por supuesto acoso sexual por parte de dos expresentadoras. (Foto: Aurelia Ventura/La Opinión)

    Cuando Amezola se armó de valor y le pidió respeto y que parara el acoso sexual, Ángulo supuestamente le advirtió que Recursos Humanos no creería sus acusaciones.


    Después de llevar el caso a Recursos Humanos, Amezola fue removida como presentadora del noticiero de las 5:00 de la tarde y hubo represalias para otros empleados que trataron de ayudarla como testigos, indica la demanda. A otra reportera que también se quejó en Recursos Humanos del supuesto comportamiento inapropiado de Ángulo, ya no le renovaron el contrato, dicen los documentos de la corte.

    Al no obtener respuesta de su empresa, Amezola acudió a los abogados Delshad y Ghodsi, quienes entablaron la demanda. Solo después de que sus abogados enviaron una carta a Estrella TV, la compañía comenzó una investigación independiente y externa.

    La demanda de Karla busca, entre otras cosas, que se reparen los daños por el estrés emocional, daños compensatorios y que se castigue a Liberman Broadcasting por el horrendo acoso y las venganzas tomadas contra Karla. Busca una orden para asegurar que Liberman no permita que el acoso sexual y las represalias ocurran de nuevo en el futuro”, dijo el abogado Ghodsi, experto en casos de hostigamiento sexual.

    El abogado dijo que no podía comentar sobre el estado emocional de Amezola, quien continúa como presentadora para el noticiero local de las 11:00 de la noche de Estrella TV.

    Sin embargo, puedo imaginar lo extremadamente difícil que puede ser para cualquier mujer tener el valor de quejarse del acoso sexual de su jefe y ser forzada a continuar viendo a su acosador a diario porque la compañía ha escogido protegerlo en lugar de a la víctima”, expresó Ghodsi.

    Karla Amezola es una de las presentadores que demandó al canal hispano. (Foto: Tomada de YouTube)

    Presionada para vestirse más sexi

    Adriana Ruggiero es identificada como “Jane Doe” en la acusación contra Estrella TV por acoso sexual. En la demanda se señala que trabajó como presentadora entre el 13 de julio de 2013 al 30 de abril de 2016 cuando se prescindió de sus servicios luego de que reportara el acoso, discriminación, intimidación y represalias de parte del director de noticias Andrés Ángulo.

    Incluso al ser promovida como presentadora del noticiero nacional, Ángulo le dijo que no estaba seguro al cien por ciento de ese ascenso porque “su apariencia era demasiado conservadora” y Liberman quería que se mirara más sexi. ¿Qué quieres decir con eso?, le preguntó, que tienes un par de bellas tetas y debes mostrarlas más”, dice en la demanda.

    Marco Antonio González, vicepresidente de Relaciones Públicas de LBI Media/Estrella TV dijo a La Opinión que por políticas de la empresa no hacen comentarios con respecto a litigios pendientes.

    La expresentadora Adriana Ruggiero también demandó a la empresa. / Tomada de YouTube

    Un historial de acoso sexual

    En un artículo escrito por la periodista Verónica Villafañe, para la revista Forbes, Lupita Peimbert, una exreportera de Telemundo 48 en San José, quién antes se identificaba por su apellido de casada – Figueiredo – reveló que Ángulo, entonces un productor de los noticieros locales, le hizo proposiciones sexuales en 2002.

    Peimbert dijo a Forbes que al rechazarlo, Ángulo le hizo la vida muy difícil en el trabajo. Incluso lo reportó a recursos humanos, pero la queja fue desechada por falta de evidencias. Peimbert señaló que decidió compartir lo que a ella le había pasado después de leer los detalles de la demanda de Adriana Ruggiero.

    Para el caso de Amezola, habrá una audiencia de arbitraje en la Corte Superior de Los Ángeles el 8 de diciembre.

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    Los electores del distrito de Pomata, provincia de Chucuito-Juli, acudieron ayer a las urnas para elegir al alcalde de la jurisdicción. 

    PUEDES VER: Hoy eligen a autoridades municipales en Pomata

    Según la ONPE, al 100 % de actas procesadas, Fredy Gualberto Castillo Venegas (Confia) sería el virtual alcalde. Logró el apoyo de 3,365 electores que equivale a 36.42 % de los votos válidamente emitidos. 

    Le sigue Fredy Choque Apaza (Pico), quien sacó 3,255 votos que representa al 35.23 % de los votos emitidos. 

    En tercer lugar se encuentra Lucas Pari Morales (Restauración Nacional) con 1050 voto y finalmente Edwin Calisaya Quispe (Acción Popular) con 876 votos.

    Los cuatro postularon en las elecciones regionales y municipales de octubre de 2014, pero el proceso se anuló porque los votos nulos y blancos superaron los dos tercios de los votos emitidos tras la quema de ánforas y cédulas de votación en varios locales. 

    A diferencia del año pasado, el proceso se desarrolló en medio de un clima de paz y extremas medidas de seguridad. 

    Para garantizar la seguridad, el Director del Frente Policial de Puno, General,  Wilman Carrasco Becerra, dispuso de 300 efectivos de diversas unidades. El Ejército también envió un número significativo de personal.

    Fueron 43 mesas de votación que se instalaron en tres colegios. La primera mesa se instaló a las 07:35 horas. 


    Fiscalizadores de la ONPE en el colegio Manuel Quiroga, pusieron trabas a los medios de comunicación. 

    Exigieron a los periodistas que indiquen el número de teléfono de la empresa donde trabajan para corroborar si efectivamente son periodistas o  no

    De nada valió el credencial y DNI. No sucedió lo mismo en los otros dos colegios de votación. Al cierre de la presente edición aún no se emitieron los resultados oficiales del proceso electoral. 

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    Kim Potter, the former Brooklyn Center police officer charged with second-degree manslaughter in the fatal shooting of Daunte Wright, made her first court appearance Thursday.

    Potter appeared remotely with her defense attorney, Earl Gray. She wore a flannel, button-down shirt and only spoke when prompted by the judge. Potter is next expected to appear in person at 1:30 p.m. local time May 17 in front of Hennepin County Judge Regina Chu.

    During the hearing, Potter was visible only briefly when her attorney pointed his video camera in her direction. Potter was also told she is not allowed to “possess use or transport firearms, ammunitions or explosives” during the duration of the case, Hennepin County District Court Judge Paul R. Scoggin said during the brief appearance. 

    Potter, a 26-year-veteran of the force and former head of the local police union, was released from a Hennepin County jail just before 5:40 p.m. local time Wednesday after posting a $100,000 bond.

    Kim Potter is expected to be booked into Hennepin County Jail Wednesday. (KMSP)


    She was arrested earlier that morning, three days after she is alleged to have fatally shot 20-year-old Wright during a traffic stop in the city of Brooklyn Center. Potter was initially taken into custody at the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension in St. Paul. 

    Security fencing remained erected around Potter’s home in Champlin, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis, Wednesday afternoon. Sources told Fox News that Potter and her husband, a police officer in a nearby town, left the residence – but a Champlin Police car was parked in the driveway and uniformed officers were seen standing behind the fencing.

    Potter’s defense attorney did not immediately return a message left by Fox News on Thursday.

    Though she was not physically present, Thursday’s hearing took place at the Hennepin County Public Safety Facility – which is located in the same heavily fortified complex as the trial for Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer charged in George Floyd’s death. However, Potter and her attorney both appeared virtually from what looked like an office setting.

    Gray also represents Thomas Lane, one of the three other former Minneapolis officers charged with aiding and abetting murder and manslaughter in Floyd’s death.

    According to the criminal complaint in Potter’s case, Brooklyn Center Police Officer Anthony Luckey, and his field training officer, Potter, conducted a traffic stop on a white Buick at 63rd Avenue North and Orchard Avenue North at approximately 1:53 p.m. Sunday. Both officers were wearing body cameras.

    A courtroom sketch shows former Brooklyn Center police Officer Kim Potter, lower right, background, at her first court appearance along with her attorney Earl Gray, over Zoom on Thursday, in the traffic-stop shooting death of Black motorist Daunte Wright in Brooklyn Center, Minn. At the lower left is Hennepin County Judge Paul Scoggin, while other unidentified court personnel are seen at the top left and right. (Cedric Hohnstadt via AP)

    Luckey identified the driver as Daunte Demetrius Wright. Luckey conducted a record check and discovered that Wright had a warrant for his arrest “for a gross misdemeanor weapons charge,” court documents say.

    Luckey and Potter both approached the driver’s side of the vehicle and asked Wright to exit his vehicle and place his hands behind his back, according to time-stamped body-worn camera footage.

    The victim exited the car and initially followed commands, court documents say. Luckey told Wright that he was being arrested for his outstanding warrant. At that time, Luckey and Wright were positioned just outside of the driver’s side door of the vehicle, which remained open during their encounter, and Potter was positioned behind and to the right of Luckey, video shows.

    Wright pulled away from the officers and got back into the driver’s seat of the vehicle. Luckey “attempted to maintain physical control of victim,” and Potter “verbalized that she would tase the victim.” Potter “presented her department-issued Glock 9mm handgun in her right hand and pointed it at the victim, verbalizing again that she would tase him,” court documents say.

    In this courtroom sketch, former Brooklyn Center police Officer Kim Potter makes her first court appearance on Thursday, over Zoom, in the traffic-stop shooting death of Black motorist Daunte Wright in Brooklyn Center, Minn. (Cedric Hohnstadt via AP)

    Potter again verbalized “Taser, Taser, Taser” and then pulled the trigger on her handgun, firing one round into the left side of the victim. Wright then stated, “ah he shot me,” and the vehicle sped away for a short distance before crashing into another vehicle and coming to a stop. The victim was pronounced dead at the scene after medical intervention was unsuccessful.

    After discharging her handgun, the body-worn video reports that the defendant allegedly exclaimed, “S—, I just shot him!”

    Investigator Sam McGinnis later collected and reviewed the layout of Potter’s duty belt. McGinnis observed that the defendant’s handgun “is holstered on the right side of the belt and her Taser is holstered on the left side of the belt.” Both grips and handles of the defendant’s Taser and handgun face the defendant’s rear, and the Taser is yellow with a black grip.


    McGinnis noted Potter’s Taser is set in a straight-draw position, meaning the officer would have to use her left hand to draw the Taser out of its holster. McGinnis met with Hennepin County Medical Examiner Doctor Loren Jackson on April 12. The medical examiner determined the victim’s cause of death to be a gunshot wound, and the manner of death was homicide.

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    The U.S. has reported a record single-day number of daily Covid cases, with more than 1 million new infections.

    A total of 1,082,549 new coronavirus cases were reported Monday, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University, as the highly infectious omicron variant continues to spread throughout the country.

    The new daily tally brings the total number of cases confirmed in the U.S. since the start of the pandemic to 56,189,547. In total, the virus has caused 827,748 deaths across the country.

    The record single-day total may be due in part to delayed reporting from over the holiday weekend. A number of U.S. states did not report data on Dec. 31, New Year’s Eve, and many do not report data on weekends, meaning that some of these cases could be from positive tests taken on prior days.

    Nonetheless, as of Jan. 3, the seven-day average of daily new U.S. cases is 480,273, meaning the U.S. has the highest 7-day average of new cases in the world, according to JHU’s rankings.

    About 98,000 Americans are hospitalized with Covid-19, according to a seven-day average of data from the Department of Health and Human Services as of Jan. 3, up 32% from a week ago. That figure is approaching peak delta wave levels when about 103,000 people were in hospital beds with Covid across the country in early September, but remains lower than last winter’s high mark of roughly 137,000 U.S. hospitalizations.

    The U.S. is reporting an average of about 1,200 daily Covid deaths for the week ending Jan. 3, Hopkins data shows, well below the record numbers seen following last year’s holiday season when the daily average held above 3,000 for about a month starting in January 2021. The death toll tends to lag rises in case counts and hospitalizations, however.

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    The Justice Department on Thursday moved to drop its case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, in a stunning development that comes after internal memos were released raising serious questions about the nature of the investigation that led to Flynn’s late 2017 guilty plea of lying to the FBI.

    The announcement came in a court filing “after a considered review of all the facts and circumstances of this case, including newly discovered and disclosed information,” as the department put it. DOJ officials said they concluded that Flynn’s interview by the FBI was “untethered to, and unjustified by, the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into Mr. Flynn” and that the interview was “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis.”

    Later Thursday afternoon, Flynn tweeted a video of his grandson reciting The Pledge of Allegiance, along with the message, “and JUSTICE for ALL.”

    The federal judge overseeing the case would have to make the final determination to dismiss it.


    The retired Army lieutenant general for months has been trying to withdraw his plea, aided by a new attorney aggressively challenging the prosecution’s case and conduct. But, the case has been plodding through the court system with no resolution ever since his original plea, even amid speculation about whether President Trump himself could extend a pardon.

    The DOJ move to dismiss the case would appear to put an end to that process.


    Earlier Thursday, the top prosecutor on the case, Brandon Van Grack, abruptly withdrew from the case, without explanation, in a brief filing with the court.

    Breadcrumbs were being dropped in the days preceding the decision that his case could be reconsidered. Documents unsealed a week ago by the Justice Department revealed agents discussed their motivations for interviewing him in the Russia probe – questioning whether they wanted to “get him to lie” so he’d be fired or prosecuted, or get him to admit wrongdoing. Flynn allies howled over the revelations, arguing that he essentially had been set up in a perjury trap. In that interview, Flynn did not admit wrongdoing and instead was accused of lying about his contacts with the then-Russian ambassador – to which he pleaded guilty.

    The latest DOJ filing noted Flynn’s false statement plea pertained to a crime that required a statement “to be not simply false, but ‘materially’ false with respect to a matter under investigation.” The filing showed that the government “is not persuaded that the January 24, 2017 interview was conducted with a legitimate investigative basis and therefore does not believe Mr. Flynn’s statements were material even if untrue.”

    The U.S. attorney reviewing the Flynn case, Jeff Jensen, recommended dropping the case to Attorney General William Barr last week and formalized the recommendation in a document this week.

    “Through the course of my review of General Flynn’s case, I concluded the proper and just course was to dismiss the case,” Jensen said in a statement. “I briefed Attorney General Barr on my findings, advised him on these conclusions, and he agreed.”

    President Trump reacted from the Oval Office just minutes after the DOJ filing surfaced. “He was an innocent man… Now, in my book, he’s an even greater warrior,” Trump said, while criticizing Obama administration officials. “They’re human scum. … It’s treason.”

    Trump critics decried the decision Thursday.

    Former FBI Director James Comey tweeted: “The DOJ has lost its way.”

    And House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, who was a key figure during Trump’s impeachment proceedings, called the decision “outrageous.”

    “The evidence against General Flynn is overwhelming,” Nadler, D-N.Y., said in a statement, while urging an inspector general investigation.

    Meanwhile, the DOJ on Wednesday released a mostly unredacted version of former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s August 2017 “scope memo,” outlining the authority then-Special Counsel Robert Mueller had for his investigation. That document revealed for the first time that Mueller’s authority went significantly beyond what was known previously.

    Rosenstein’s memo was known to have authorized Mueller to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump,” and “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation,” and “any other matters within the scope of [obstruction of justice laws].”

    But, the new document made clear that Rosenstein authorized a deep-dive criminal probe into the Trump campaign that extended well beyond Russian interference efforts.

    The memo revealed that Mueller was, among other things, looking into whether Flynn “committed a crime or crimes by engaging in conversations with Russian government officials during the period of the Trump transition.”

    That was an apparent reference to the Logan Act, an obscure statute that has never been used in a criminal prosecution successfully and was intended to prevent individuals from claiming falsely to represent the United States government abroad.


    Meanwhile, the handwritten notes showing agents discussing his interview – which the FBI’s former head of counterintelligence Bill Priestap penned after a meeting with then-FBI Director James Comey and then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe – sparked even bigger reverberations for the case.

    The notes, released last week, showed agents considered various options in the run-up to the fateful January 2017 interview, including getting Flynn “to admit to breaking the Logan Act” when he spoke to former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the presidential transition period.

    “What is our goal?” one of the notes read. “Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

    Another note read, “If we get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ + have them decide.” The memo appeared to weigh the pros and cons of pursuing those different paths, while cautioning: “If we’re seen as playing games, WH [White House] will be furious.”

    Aside from swiftly being ensnared in Mueller’s investigation in the fallout from that interview, Flynn was fired from his prominent post as national security adviser in February 2017. The resignation came as he was accused of misleading Vice President Pence and other senior White House officials about his communications with Kislyak.

    Flynn’s communications with Kislyak in December 2016 had been picked up in wiretapped discussions, apparently unbeknownst to him. The FBI agents in January 2017 questioned him on the communications and later used his answers to form the basis for the false-statement charge and his guilty plea.

    Flynn’s supporters have insisted he was innocent but was pressured to plead guilty when his son was threatened with prosecution and he exhausted his financial resources. The release of the handwritten FBI notes fueled accusations from Flynn’s defenders that agents did not conduct themselves properly in the case.


    Meanwhile, the Rosenstein scope memo further authorized a Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) review into Flynn’s dealings with Turkey. Prosecutors have suggested Flynn’s guilty plea on one count of false statements to the FBI allowed him to escape liability for a possible FARA charge – in other words, the FARA case may have provided leverage.

    FARA prosecutions have picked up dramatically in recent years, and prosecutor Van Grack, who led the DOJ’s case against Flynn, was appointed to head up the new FARA unit at the Justice Department in 2019.

    Van Grack has been under scrutiny for claiming to a federal court that he had turned over all relevant exculpatory informing involving Flynn – even though a slew of “exculpatory” documents surfaced last week.

    The case has come at an enormous cost for the retired three-star Army lieutenant general and his family, as he racked up millions of dollars in legal bills, was forced to sell his house, lost his job and saw his reputation sullied.

    Attorney Sidney Powell told Fox News last week that Flynn paid her first law firm, Covington & Burling, approximately $3.5 million. The total amount of Flynn’s legal bills was unclear, but reports suggested last year that he had more than $4.6 million in unpaid legal bills at that time.

    Flynn earlier this year moved to withdraw his guilty plea for making false statements to the FBI regarding his communications with Kislyak. His legal team, at the time, said the move was “because of the government’s bad faith, vindictiveness and breach of the plea agreement.”


    In December 2017, and on the brink of financial ruin, Flynn was forced to put his home in Old Town Alexandria, Va. – located just outside Washington ,D.C. – on the market with an asking price of $895,000 to pay his mounting legal bills.

    The townhouse sold for $819,995 in September 2018, Zillow showed. Powell confirmed the sale of the house to Fox News.

    Fox News’ Gregg Re, Jake Gibson, Bill Mears, David Spunt and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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