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La Policía alemana ha capturado a dos personas y ha lanzado un operativo para capturar a dos más.

Por lo menos habrían 5 heridos tras el ataque. La Policía alemana arrestó a dos personas y está en la búsqueda de dos supuestos implicados. | Fuente: The Masked Arab

Un hombre realizó un ataque con un hacha en una estación de trenes de la ciudad de Düsseldorf en Alemania. Se cree que por lo menos hay 5 personas heridas y que el sujeto dejó la escena ante la confusión que generó su ataque.

De acuerdo a Bild, la Policía arrestó a dos personas y ya inició una redada con un helicóptero y ha cercado la ciudad para buscar a otras dos personas que habrían estado involucradas en el ataque. Un oficial comentó que aproximadamente 5 personas habían resultado heridas, pero que ninguna estaba grave.

Servicio se detuvo. Todos los trenes fueron detenidos poco después del ataque. Sin embargo, el flujo fue reestablecido evitando aunque por el momento no realizan paradas en la estación donde ocurrió el ataque.

En tanto, un fuerte contigente policial llegó a la estación y acordonó la zona del ataque, además varias ambulancias llegaron para atender a los heridos. La estación de Düsseldorf es la principal en la ciudad y transporta diariamiente a 250 mil personas.

Emergencia. Alemania permanece en estado de emergencia tras los ataques que han sufrido en los últimos 12 meses. El último fue el que hubo en la navidad del año pasado cuando un sujeto asesinó a doce personas atropellándolas con un camión en un mercado de Berlin.

La Policía alemana pidió a la gente que evite ingresar en la estación de Düsseldorf. | Fuente: AFP/Twitter
Un fuerte contingente policial llegó y cercó la zona. | Fuente: Getty Images
Así luce el exterior de la estación de Düsseldorf. | Fuente: Getty Images





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Legislation to expand the Supreme Court proposed by House and Senate Democrats represents “a crisis of leadership and a failure on the part of President Biden,” George Washington University law professor and Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley told “The Story” Thursday.

“He [Biden] equivocated throughout the campaign, he didn’t want to admit that he viewed court-packing, as he did in 1983, as a bone-headed idea, a dangerous idea,” Turley told host Martha MacCallum. “Instead he fueled these demands to simply change the court so it would effectively carry out a more liberal agenda.”

“We need a president to say,  ‘This is enough. This is pure and raw court-packing,'” Turley continued. “The public has been always against court-packing. The polls are very high. They’ve never been equivocating in their own right. The public sees it for what it is. Liberal justices have opposed this. This is called a hostile takeover of the Supreme Court against the wishes of the public, even liberal justices, and against the weight of history.”

MacCallum recalled that the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg threw cold water on the idea of court-packing when she stated in 2019: “If anything that would make the court appear partisan. It would be that — one side saying, ‘When we’re in power, we’re going to enlarge the number of justices so we’ll have more people who will vote the way we want them to.’ So I’m not at all in favor of that solution to what I see as a temporary situation.”


Turley then pointed out that many  of the liberal lawmakers who opposed former President Donald Trump’s nominees to the Supreme Court have been wrong.

“Gorsuch and Kavanaugh have voted on critical cases with the left more than the justices on the left have broken away [and voted] with the right. This court is not as robotic as people suggest.”

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Heavyset with thick arms, Mr. Gonzalez began to cry out and protest as the officers told him to stop resisting. Twelve minutes and 15 seconds into the encounter, the officers brought him to the ground and began holding him there, facedown, pulling his arms back.

Two minutes and nine seconds later, he cried out in pain as they apparently handcuffed him. “Mario, we need you to stop resisting us,” one of the officers said. “OK?”

A half-minute later, with Mr. Gonzalez handcuffed, the officers ask what to do next, and decide, as one puts it, to “just keep him pinned down.”

An officer then appeared to push heavily on Mr. Gonzalez as he stood, placing his knee on Mr. Gonzalez’s upper back, his foot visibly off the ground. In Mr. Chauvin’s trial, a respiratory physiology expert singled out a similar moment when the officer’s full weight was bearing down on Mr. Floyd.

“Oh my gosh,” Mr. Gonzalez groaned. As they appeared to keep up the pressure, they asked again for his birthday; Mr. Gonzalez, who could barely talk, whimpered, “Libra.”

Not long after, they realized he was unresponsive and rolled him onto his side, then his back, before beginning chest compressions. “Mario! Mario! Wake up!” they cried.

The analysis of the body camera footage by The Times showed that Mr. Gonzalez appeared to be on the ground for 5 minutes 5 seconds. The officers applied some form of pressure on his back for 2 minutes 50 seconds.

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Chilevisión Noticias es, quizás, el noticiario más reconocible de la TV en estilo, y eso se nota en distintos ámbitos. En lo lingüístico, ha instalado en las audiencias palabras como “portonazo”, y ha marcado pauta con la competencia en lo policial. También cuenta con un éxito viral: recibir los videos de las personas demandando sus molestias y escuchar claramente decir: “Vamos a hacer un ‘cazanoticias’ para Chilevisión”. El público sabe lo que eso significa.

“Los mismos que alguna vez nos criticaron por incluir videos de ciudadanos”, recuerda el conductor Iván Núñez, “se han visto obligados a subirse a esto. La gente hoy en día ya no tiene una relación jerárquica con los medios de comunicación. Cada persona es un generador de contenidos en sí, y si sigues viendo a los medios como estas fuentes iluminadas, y decidiendo cuales son las noticias relevantes sin escuchar lo que le importa a la gente, llegaste tarde”.

El noticiario central de la señal, que acaba de mudar sus nuevas oficinas a Machasa, ha navegado de modo estable en la crisis de la televisión. No sólo eso, sino que junto con dar la batalla frente al líder del horario, Ahora Noticias (Mega), Chilevisión noticias ha instalado una fórmula que mantiene cautivo a su público. De lunes a viernes se encuentra entre lo más visto del día según Kantar Ibope, siendo que el resto del ranking puede estar ocupado por otros canales; es decir, las audiencias se cambian específicamente a verlos. 

“La gente viene a ver Chilevisión Noticias”, explica Macarena Pizarro, la otra mitad de la dupla de noticias centrales en la señal de grupo Turner. “No está viendo la teleserie y se queda. Es el noticiario que más crece, el que más recibe audiencia por opción. Me llama la atención el por qué somos tema en las entrevistas de nuestra competencia”, continúa, complementándose con Núñez, con quien conduce el espacio desde 2009. Cierra el animador: “Porque incomoda. Nosotros construimos audiencias, los otros pierden audiencias. Y eso, es bien llamativo”. 

Siendo los últimos en llegar a las nuevas dependencias de CHV, el arribo del departamento de prensa -liderado por Patricio Caldichoury- trae consigo, además, un cambio en la imagen televisiva del noticiario que será visto mañana en pantalla. El set clásico, en el cual la sala de redacción aparecía a espaldas de los conductores, será cambiado por una pantalla continua de 13 metros de ancho por 2,60 de alto, de 7.680 pixeles por 1080 pixeles, Full HD. “Me gustaría que lo que el público vea sea un upgrade de utilidad, no sólo un adorno”, cree Núñez al respecto, y Pizarro lo apoya. Será el cambio más evidente -o al menos el primero- de la era del departamento de prensa en Machasa.

Lo que no debería cambiar con la mudanza geográfica, son las líneas generales de una pauta noticias que ha sido criticada tanto por el espacio que se le da a la crónica roja – “Puedes cegarte y decir que se tratan solo de hechos de características policiales y no cubrirlo, pero le importa a la gente y muchas veces alcanza dimensiones sociales como el caso de Daniel Zamudio”, explica Pizarro-, como por el modo de abordar, por ejemplo, la agenda política. “Nosotros vamos a entrevistar a la autoridad cuando sea pertinente hacerlo, pero lo primero que hacemos es decirle a la gente ‘cuéntenos su problema’. Y eso no es cuestión de marketing, es filosofía al leer cuáles son las noticia”, destaca Núñez. 

Pizarro acota: “La gente reclama por el orden en que damos esa información, dicen que al medio, al final. Nuestro noticiario recibe un rating súper bajo, a diferencia de nuestra competencia, y crece, crece, crece. En promedio no necesariamente le ganamos, pero estamos en la pelea; y al momento en que aparecen las noticias políticas es cuando estamos más arriba. El reclamo no tiene mucho sentido: ¿Quieren que las noticias políticas las vea más gente? Bueno, quédense tranquilo, las noticias políticas en nuestro noticiario las ve la mayor cantidad de gente”. 

Los conductores defienden su pauta noticiosa, sobre todo cuando se les pregunta por noticias que exhiben, por ejemplo, que un hombre se casa con un árbol.  “Eso es una curiosidad. Y en el noticiero hay también magazine. No todo es noticia dura”, dice Núñez, mientras toma su teléfono y muestra un video de Pokemon Go. “Este es un fenómeno. Así se comporta la gente. Son verdaderos zombies caminando por la calle y lo vamos a cubrir porque es un fenómeno social. Los contenidos no son todos económicos o políticos”.

Pizarro remata: “Por la extensión que tienen hoy los noticiarios, han dado cabida a que entren otras noticias. Y las redes sociales ayudan mucho; tenemos parte del equipo revisando cuál es el tema más comentado, el que tiene más memes. Podrías decir que los más comentados no son necesariamente los más relevantes. Y ahí decides si lo pones o no la pauta, si es o no es noticia. Nosotros como noticiario optamos por escuchar a la gente y ser un motor de conversación. Y si la gente está conversando sobre ese tema , aunque no sea una noticia dura o un tema país, queremos integrarlo y que complemente”.

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A teenager accused of injuring her 16-year-old friend by pushing her off a 60-foot bridge in southwestern Washington in August pleaded guilty Monday to misdemeanor reckless endangerment.

Taylor Smith appeared in Clark County District Court, where a state prosecutor recommended no jail time. She will be sentenced on March 27.

Smith pushed Jordan Holgerson off the Moulton Falls Regional Park bridge northeast of Vancouver on Aug. 7. Holgerson suffered six broken ribs and punctured lungs.

Smith, 19, was charged with one count of reckless endangermentabout a week and a half after the incident, a misdemeanor which carries a maximum penalty of a year in jail and a $5,000 fine.

She pleaded not guilty in December. Last month, Smith was offered a plea deal, the details of which were not shared in court.

The 10-second video clip of the incident captured on a cellphone went viral.

Holgerson initially planned to jump off the bridge into a river about 60 feet below, but has said she changed her mind.

She said in a recent interview on NBC’s “Today” that while she was looking forward to Smith being sentenced, she was uncertain what punishment Smith should face.

“Some days, I kind of want her to be put in jail,” Holgerson said. “And some days, I think that might be too harsh.”

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Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, was stripped of his committee assignments by his fellow House Republicans Monday evening following bipartisan condemnation of King’s recent remarks on white supremacy and white nationalism.

“We will not tolerate this type of language in the Republican Party … or in the Democratic Party as well,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., told reporters. “I watched what Steve King said and we took action.”

In a formal statement, McCarthy said King’s comments were “beneath the dignity of the Party of Lincoln and the United States of America. His comments call into question whether he will treat all Americans equally, without regard for race and ethnicity. House Republicans are clear: We are all in this together, as fellow citizens equal before God and the law. As Congressman King’s fellow citizens, let us hope and pray earnestly that this action will lead to greater reflection and ultimately change on his part.”

In a statement of his own, King insisted that his comments had been “completely mischaracterized” and blasted McCarthy for what King called “a political decision that ignores the truth.” According to his website, King was previously a member of House committees on the judiciary, agriculture and small business.

King, 69, was already under fire from both parties over a series of racially charged remarks when he made the head-turning comments in a New York Times interview published last week.


“White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?” King asked the paper. “Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and our civilization?”

In his statement Monday, King insisted his use of “that language” was referring “ONLY to Western Civilization and NOT to any previously stated evil ideology ALL of which I have denounced.

“My record as a vocal advocate for Western Civilization is nearly as full as my record in defense of Freedom of Speech,” King concluded. ” … I will continue to point out the truth and work with all the vigor that I have to represent 4th District Iowans for at least the next two years.”

The loss of King’s committee assignments may not be the end of his trouble. Earlier Monday, Reps. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., and Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, introduced separate censure resolutions against the Republican. Censure is one of three formal modes of punishment in the House. It is more severe than a reprimand, but not as severe as expulsion. The House has only censured 23 members in history, most recently, former Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., in December 2010.

“Anything less [than censure] would be a slap on the wrist,” Rush told reporters. “Steve King’s continual, serial, expression of hard, rabid racism must come to a screeching halt. This Congress must rise up and express its sentiment.”

Senate Republicans also expressed their disgust with King, with Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., saying that if King “doesn’t understand why ‘white supremacy’ is offensive, he should find another line of work.”

“There is no place in the Republican Party, the Congress or the country for an ideology of racial supremacy of any kind,” McConnell said. “I have no tolerance for such positions and those who espouse these views are not supporters of American ideals and freedoms. Rep. King’s statements are unwelcome and unworthy of his elected position.”

Sen. Mitt Romey, R-Utah, said King’s remarks “are his own and his exclusively and what he said was reprehensible and ought to lead to his resignation from Congress.”

“I think it’s very clear that the party leadership is unified that Steve King is out of bounds and that he should no longer be serving in Congress,” Romney said.


Last year, King tweeted “culture and demographics are our destiny” and said we “can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”

In 2013, he commented that while he has some sympathy for some illegal immigrants, “they aren’t all valedictorians, they weren’t all brought in by their parents — for everyone who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there who weigh 130 pounds and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.”


Shortly before the 2018 midterm elections, in which King was running, Rep. Steve Stivers, R-Ohio, then the head of the GOP campaign committee, issued an extraordinary public denunciation of him.

King has already drawn a primary challenger for the 2020 election: Randy Feenstra, a GOP state senator.

Fox News’ Gregg Re, Jason Donner and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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Gustavo Zevallos habló sobre la importancia de renovar contrato con Pablo Bengoechea, los nuevos refuerzos y las declaraciones por parte de Real Garcilaso. | Fuente: RPP Noticias | Fotógrafo: Carlos Lora

Alianza Lima vive su mejor momento del año al haber salido campeón del Torneo Apertura 2017. Tras ello, el gerente deportivo del club, Gustavo Zevallos, conversó con el programa Fútbol Como Cancha de RPP Noticias y contó que hay una intención de que el técnico Pablo Bengoechea se quede por algunas temporadas más.

“Definitivamente ya lo hemos conversado con Pablo. Le hemos hecho saber la intención de que él continúe con nosotros. No hemos profundizado pero él es responsable directo de lo que sucede ahora en el plantel, que es muy solidario. Sería bueno tenerlo algunos años más en el club”, dijo.

Incorporaciones. Gustavo Zevallos también confesó que Alianza está interesado en el delantero suizo-argentino Kevin Gissi. El atacante sería el ‘9’ que tanto necesita la plantilla para tener un mejor funcionamiento e incluso podría ser presentado esta semana.

“Queremos poder cubrir las necesidades inmediatas. Vamos a trabajarlo a partir de mañana y diría que en un par de días o el fin de semana debemos tener noticias”, expresó. Cuando le consultaron directamente por Gissi respondió: “Han llegado varios currículim. Sí, es parte de los jugadores que hemos observado”.

La respuesta. En la última fecha del Apertura, el presidente de Real Garcilaso, Julio Vásquez, y el entrenador Marcelo Grioni tuvieron frases despectivas hacia Alianza Lima. Zevallos tuvo una réplica en la que apeló al comportamiento que deben tener los extranjeros.

“Son declaraciones totalmente desafortunadas (…). Uno tiene que darse cuenta qué se debe hacer y qué no. Hay que respetar las normas, nosotros en todo momento lo hemos hecho. Por otro lado, me parece que en este país se le abre la puerta a muchos extranjeros. Ellos deben ser muy cautelosos y respetuosos de lo que son las normas en este país”, contó.

“He escuchado algunas declaraciones de personas que están trabajando en el equipo en mención (Real Garcilaso) y me da mucha pena escuchar lo que dicen. Me refiero a lo que han dicho de que hemos ganado “el campeonato de la vergüenza”. Me da mucha lástima que una persona que es recibida con mucho respeto tenga declaraciones como las que ha tenido”, sostuvo.

Alianza Lima jugará la fase de grupos de la Copa Libertadores 2018 tras ganar el Apertura. | Fuente: RPP Noticias | Fotógrafo: Carlos Lora
Alianza Lima puede salir campeón en diciembre sin necesidad de jugar la final. Esto sería posible si también gana el Torneo Clausura. | Fuente: RPP Noticias | Fotógrafo: Carlos Lora

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Wayne LaPierre, the executive vice president and public face of the National Rifle Association, claims the organization’s board president, Oliver North,  is trying to extort him into stepping down as the gun rights group faces infighting and turmoil in its ranks.

In a Thursday letter to NRA board members, LaPierre said North asked him to resign on Wednesday. North told LaPierre the NRA’s longtime advertising firm, Ackerman McQueen, planned to send a letter to the board through North that would be “bad for me” unless he resigned.

“Yesterday evening, I was forced to confront one of those defining choices — styled, in the parlance of extortionists — as an offer I couldn’t refuse,” the letter, which was obtained by the Wall Street Journal, read. “I refused it.”


He also wrote that North said “the letter would not be sent — if I were to abruptly resign,” adding, “He stated that he could ‘negotiate’ an ‘excellent retirement’ for me.”

A lawsuit filed by the NRA against Ackerman last month claims the company overbilled the group and that North had a conflict of interest because Ackerman paid him.

Oliver North was appointed president of the National Rifle Association in May 2018. (Associated Press)

LaPierre accused North of having “contractual and financial loyalties” to Ackerman.

“As you know, the N.R.A. has over this past year taken steps to strengthen its efforts to document and verify compliance by our vendors with our purchasing practices and their contracts,” LaPierre wrote in his letter on Thursday to the board. “We’ve met extraordinary resistance from one vendor — Ackerman McQueen.”


Prominent members of the NRA board had grown dismayed with Ackerman because of its NRATV service, the New York Times reported. They claimed it had dabbled in excessive content beyond straightforward advocacy for gun owners. North hosts an NRATV series called “American Heroes.”

On Thursday, North released a letter to the board saying he would appoint a special committee to investigate “allegations of financial misconduct related to Mr. LaPierre,” that have been made by Ackerman in the wake of the lawsuit, according to the Times.

Neither North or Ackerman responded to Fox News requests for comment late Friday.

North, 75, a retired U.S. Marine Corps lieutenant colonel, was appointed president of the NRA in May 2018. LaPierre, 69, has been in his current NRA role since 1991 after joining the organization in 1977.


LaPierre’s accusations come as the NRA battles outside forces that criticize its vigorous efforts to protect gun rights and turmoil and infighting within itself. The 5 million-member organization is currently hosting its annual convention in Indianapolis this weekend.

President Trump addressed group members and executives Friday.

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A gunman killed six members of an extended family Sunday inside a birthday party at a mobile home in Colorado Springs before turning the gun on himself, police said, in what appears to be the fourth deadliest mass shooting in state history, tied for the deadliest mass murder in the city’s history.

The killings happened just after midnight Sunday at the Canterbury Mobile Home Park on Preakness Way off Powers Boulevard, near the airport on the city’s east side. Officers, racing to a reported shooting, arrived at a trailer to find six dead adults and a man with serious injuries, who later died at a hospital, Colorado Springs police said in a Sunday news release.

The suspect, the boyfriend of a female victim, drove to the trailer where a birthday party was being held with friends, family and children. Inside, he began shooting party attendees before taking his own life, police said, adding that the children present “are now with relatives.”

The incident was Colorado’s worst mass shooting since a gunman killed 10 people at a Boulder supermarket March 22. The killings appear to be the deadliest gun-slaying in Colorado Springs history and to tie for the deadliest mass murder in Colorado Springs history, said Colorado Springs Police Department historian Dwight Haverkorn.

The party celebrated the birthdays of Nubia Marquez, 28, and her brother, Melvin Perez, who would have turned 31 this week, as well as their mother, Joana Cruz, who would have turned 54 this week, a family member said on Sunday.

“My mom had always liked celebrating them together,” said Nubia Marquez, who had attended the party with her husband, Freddy Marquez.

Had the couple not left around 10 p.m., their fates might have been different. When they left Joana Cruz’s home around 10 p.m., “everybody was calm,” Freddy Marquez said. “Everybody was good.”

Also killed were Nubia Marquez’s other brother, Jose Guttierez, 21; Melvin Perez’s wife, Mayra Perez, 32; and Mayra’s sister Sandra Ibarra and brother Jose Ibarra, the couple said.

Freddy Marquez identified the suspected shooter as Sandra Ibarra’s boyfriend and described him as “quiet” and “serious,” and  said that he always carried a gun. He had met the alleged gunman only once and said “there was nothing out of the ordinary” about him. The couple knew the man only by the the nickname “Junior.”

Freddy Marquez described his mother-in-law, Joana Cruz, as “loving” and “hard working.”

“She was always laughing,” he said of the mother of four.

Her sons were “just like their mom,” he added. “They were all great people.”

A woman who lives nearby in the mobile home park said she awoke to the sound of what she believes were gunshots and eventually heard crying outside. Two young children were put in the back of a patrol car.

“And on Mothers Day,” said the woman, who did not wish to be named.

In a Sunday statement Colorado Gov. Jared Polis called the mass murder a “terrible act of violence,” occurring as “many of us are spending the day celebrating the women in our lives who have made us the people we are today.”

“Families torn apart, and at a birthday party, no less,” he said.

Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers called the shooting a “senseless act of violence” and asked for the public’s patience as the police department investigates.

“Today we find ourselves mourning the loss of lives and praying solemnly for those who were injured and those who lost family members,” Suthers said in a Sunday statement. “We think, too, of the emergency personnel who responded to a horrific scene and we keep them in our prayers today.”

Colorado Springs Police Chief Vince Niski said officers and investigators who responded “are all left incredibly shaken.”

“This is something you hope never happens in your own community, in the place that you call home,” he said.

“My vow to this community and to the families who have lost someone today is that this department will do everything we can to find you the answers you deserve and be here for you with an unwavering support.”

The department’s Violent Crimes led the investigation, police said. As of Sunday night a motive was unclear.

Those with information about the killings who haven’t spoken with detectives were asked to call the Colorado Springs Police Department at (719) 444-7000, or the Crime Stoppers Tip Line at (719) 634-STOP (7867) or 1-800-222-8477, if they wish to remain anonymous.

The Sunday scene was deadlier than mass killings Colorado Springs has mourned in recent years. In 2015, a man shot three people to death at random before dying in a shootout with police in Colorado Springs on Halloween. Less than a month later, a man killed three people, including a police officer, and injured eight others in a shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in the city.

In 2007 a man opened fire on the Youth With a Mission Center in Arvada, killing two and injuring two before escaping. Later that day he made a similar attack on New Life Church in Colorado Springs, killing two and wounding three before shooting himself.

Until Sunday, Colorado Springs’ deadliest gun slaying appears to have occurred May 17, 1986, when five people were gunned down execution-style during two business robberies, according to Haverkorn. The alleged killer killed himself when confronted by police the next day.

Sunday’s events appear to tie with a Sept. 20, 1911, mass murder of six neighbors from two houses — all killed with axes — for the deadliest mass murder in Colorado Springs history. The murderer was never identified.

Statewide, Colorado’s deadliest shooting remains the Columbine High School massacre of 1995, in which two armed teens went on a shooting spree, killing 12 students and one teacher, and wounding more than 20 others. The gunmen then killed themselves.

The state’s second deadliest shooting occurred at an Aurora movie theater in 2012, when an armed gunman opened fire at a midnight showing of “Batman: The Dark Knight Rises,” killing 12 and wounding 70.

The March 22 attack at a south Boulder King Soopers remains with state’s third deadliest mass shooting, with 10 dead, including a police officer. The suspect awaits trial.

Friday’s birthday party massacre becomes the state’s fourth deadliest mass shooting, with six dead, in addition to the alleged gunman, whom police say killed himself.

Colorado was tied for fourth in the nation with Washington for state with the greatest number of mass shootings in the U.S. between 1982 and April 2021, according to California came in first, with 21; Florida second, with 12; and Texas third, with 11.

Colorado is fairly middle of the road when it comes to firearm mortality by state. In 2019 it ranked 19th in the nation, with 14.2 firearm-related deaths per 100,000, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

In 2018 the state ranked 33rd in the nation for firearm homicides per 100,000 individuals, with 2.31, slightly above half of the national average of 4.12, according to a 2021 repot from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, citing data from the global burden of diseases study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Common viruses such as influenza have virtually disappeared this year, partly because of coronavirus restrictions like face masks. And a sharp decline in flu infections during this year’s season has led to only one registered pediatric death, compared with dozens in past years, official data shows.

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TORONTO/CHICAGO (Reuters) – High-profile COVID-19 vaccines developed in Russia and China share a potential shortcoming: They are based on a common cold virus that many people have been exposed to, potentially limiting their effectiveness, some experts say.

CanSino Biologics’ vaccine, approved for military use in China, is a modified form of adenovirus type 5, or Ad5. The company is in talks to get emergency approval in several countries before completing large-scale trials, the Wall Street Journal reported last week.

A vaccine developed by Moscow’s Gamaleya Institute, approved in Russia earlier this month despite limited testing, is based on Ad5 and a second less common adenovirus.

“The Ad5 concerns me just because a lot of people have immunity,” said Anna Durbin, a vaccine researcher at Johns Hopkins University. “I’m not sure what their strategy is … maybe it won’t have 70% efficacy. It might have 40% efficacy, and that’s better than nothing, until something else comes along.”

Vaccines are seen as essential to ending the pandemic that has claimed over 845,000 lives worldwide. Gamaleya has said its two-virus approach will address Ad5 immunity issues.

Both developers have years of experience and approved Ebola vaccines based on Ad5. Neither CanSino nor Gamaleya responded to requests for comment.

Researchers have experimented with Ad5-based vaccines against a variety of infections for decades, but none are widely used. They employ harmless viruses as “vectors” to ferry genes from the target virus – in this case the novel coronavirus – into human cells, prompting an immune response to fight the actual virus.

But many people already have antibodies against Ad5, which could cause the immune system to attack the vector instead of responding to the coronavirus, making these vaccines less effective.

Several researchers have chosen alternative adenoviruses or delivery mechanisms. Oxford University and AstraZeneca based their COVID-19 vaccine on a chimpanzee adenovirus, avoiding the Ad5 issue. Johnson & Johnson’s candidate uses Ad26, a comparatively rare strain.

Dr. Zhou Xing, from Canada’s McMaster University, worked with CanSino on its first Ad5-based vaccine, for tuberculosis, in 2011. His team is developing an inhaled Ad5 COVID-19 vaccine, theorizing it could circumvent pre-existing immunity issues.

“The Oxford vaccine candidate has quite an advantage” over the injected CanSino vaccine, he said.

Xing also worries that high doses of the Ad5 vector in the CanSino vaccine could induce fever, fueling vaccine skepticism.

“I think they will get good immunity in people that don’t have antibodies to the vaccine, but a lot of people do,” said Dr. Hildegund Ertl, director of the Wistar Institute Vaccine Center in Philadelphia.

In China and the United States, about 40% of people have high levels of antibodies from prior Ad5 exposure. In Africa, it could be has high as 80%, experts said.


Some scientists also worry an Ad5-based vaccine could increase chances of contracting HIV.

In a 2004 trial of a Merck & Co Ad5-based HIV vaccine, people with pre-existing immunity became more, not less, susceptible to the virus that causes AIDS.

Researchers, including top U.S. infectious diseases expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, in a 2015 paper, said the side effect was likely unique to HIV vaccines. But they cautioned that HIV incidence should be monitored during and after trials of all Ad5-based vaccines in at-risk populations.

“I would be worried about the use of those vaccines in any country or any population that was at risk of HIV, and I put our country as one of them,” said Dr. Larry Corey, co-leader of the U.S. Coronavirus Vaccine Prevention Network, who was a lead researcher on the Merck trial.

Gamaleya’s vaccine will be administered in two doses: The first based on Ad26, similar to J&J’s candidate, and the second on Ad5.

Alexander Gintsburg, Gamaleya’s director, has said the two-vector approach addresses the immunity issue. Ertl said it might work well enough in individuals who have been exposed to one of the two adenoviruses.

Many experts expressed skepticism about the Russian vaccine after the government declared its intention to give it to high-risk groups in October without data from large pivotal trials.

“Demonstrating safety and efficacy of a vaccine is very important,” said Dr. Dan Barouch, a Harvard vaccine researcher who helped design J&J’s COVID-19 vaccine. Often, he noted, large-scale trials “do not give the result that is expected or required.”

Additional reporting by Christine Soares in New York, Kate Kelland in London, Polina Ivanova in Moscow and Roxanne Liu in Beijing; Editing by Caroline Humer and Bill Berkrot

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As anger over the death of George Floyd spreads into violence, fires and curfews across America tonight, Joe Biden asked “a nation furious at injustice” for calmer minds and hearts to prevail.

“Protesting such brutality is right and necessary,” the Democrats’ presumptive nominee said in a statement late Saturday as LA, DC, Chicago, NYC and other cities experienced rioting, looting and fires after another day of protests of Floyd’s “horrific” death.

“It’s an utterly American response,” the former Vice-President added of the death of another black man in police custody. “But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.” (READ THE FULL BIDEN STATEMENT BELOW)

While his expected rival at the ballot box empathetically spoke to Americans for the second day in a row over the May 25 death of Floyd from a now murder charged ex-Minneapolis cop, Donald Trump stayed silent (even on Twitter) in the White House.

“I know that there are people all across this country who are suffering tonight,” Biden also said as cable TV followed once peaceful protests turning sour in the night amidst heavy police reaction and local officials trying to shut things down.

“Suffering the loss of a loved one to intolerable circumstances, like the Floyd family, or to the virus that is still gripping our nation,” the candidate noted of an America that has suffered the loss of more than 100,000 of its citizens from the coronavirus. “Suffering economic hardships, whether due to COVID-19 or entrenched inequalities in our system,” Biden stated. “And I know that a grief that dark and deep may at times feel too heavy to bear.”

As for Trump, the former Celebrity Apprentice host’s only comments on Saturday evening on Floyd’s death and the consequences of the fatality was to lash out at Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey in a partisan tweet:

It will be a long night.


These last few days have laid bare that we are a nation furious at injustice. Every person of conscience can understand the rawness of the trauma people of color experience in this country, from the daily indignities to the extreme violence, like the horrific killing of George Floyd.

Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.

The act of protesting should never be allowed to overshadow the reason we protest. It should not drive people away from the just cause that protest is meant to advance.

I know that there are people all across this country who are suffering tonight. Suffering the loss of a loved one to intolerable circumstances, like the Floyd family, or to the virus that is still gripping our nation. Suffering economic hardships, whether due to COVID-19 or entrenched inequalities in our system. And I know that a grief that dark and deep may at times feel too heavy to bear.

I know.

And I also know that the only way to bear it is to turn all that anguish to purpose. So tonight, I ask all of America to join me — not in denying our pain or covering it over — but using it to compel our nation across this turbulent threshold into the next phase of progress, inclusion, and opportunity for our great democracy.

We are a nation in pain, but we must not allow this pain to destroy us. We are a nation enraged, but we cannot allow our rage to consume us. We are a nation exhausted, but we will not allow our exhaustion to defeat us.

As President, I will help lead this conversation — and more importantly, I will listen. I will keep the commitment I made to George’s brother, Philonise, that George will not just be a hashtag. We must and will get to a place where everyone, regardless of race, believes that “to protect and serve” means to protect and serve them. Only by standing together will we rise stronger than before. More equal, more just, more hopeful — and that much closer to our more perfect union.

Please stay safe. Please take care of each other.

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(CNN Español) – Las divisiones en el Partido Republicano, la seguridad en el penal al que fue trasladado ‘El Chapo’ y un raro evento astronómico marcan la actualidad al inicio de esta semana.

Estas son las noticias que marcarán la actualidad este lunes:

1 – ‘Civil War’ en el Partido Republicano: La presumible nominación de Donald Trump como abanderado republicano para las elecciones de noviembre deja a los líderes del partido y otros republicanos prominentes con la necesidad de tomar decisiones inmediatas… y ninguna particularmente atractiva para ellos.

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2 – ‘Blindan’ la cárcel a la que trasladaron a ‘El Chapo’ : El Centro de Readaptación social Número 9, en la fronteriza Ciudad Juárez, en el estado de Chihuahua, se ha convertido en una verdadera fortaleza desde la llegada este sábado del narcotraficante Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán.

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3 – Corresponsal de la BBC, expulsado de Corea del Norte: Rupert Wingfield-Hayes ha sido expulsado del aislado país por sus reportes.

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4 – Un evento astronómico único: Este lunes, Mercurio pasará entre la Tierra y el Sol en un evento astronómico conocido como tránsito de Mercurio que ocurre alrededor de 13 veces cada siglo.

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5- La Liga se decidirá en la última jornada: El Real Madrid presionará hasta la última jornada al líder, el Barcelona, en la lucha por el título de liga español.

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Border activity makes up a relatively larger share of Mexico’s economy than the United States’, meaning Mexico would most likely have more economic damage from a border closing, Mr. Zandi said.

But that does not mean the United States would be in a winning position. Communities across the country would probably see supply chain disruptions, product shortages, seizures in stock and bond markets and a plunge in already-fragile business confidence, Mr. Zandi said. The disruption would be especially sharp in the border states of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, which all have Mexico as their No. 1 export market.

Any closure could have far-ranging implications for a wide range of industries — including automotive, electronics and apparel — that source small components and deliver their products on a just-in-time basis on both sides of the border.

It could also be devastating for the agriculture industry. Since the North American Free Trade Agreement began in 1994, American farmers have moved toward specializing in corn, soybeans, chicken, dairy, pork and beef to supply to Mexico, while Mexican farmers have specialized in fresh fruits and vegetables to send to the United States. Any delays in deliveries of these products could lead to near immediate price hikes and empty supermarket shelves, which would hit low-income Mexicans and Americans the hardest.

Christin Fernandez, the vice president for communications at the Retail Industry Leaders Association, said that slowing or halting screenings at major ports near the border would lead to product delays and potentially higher shipping costs.

“The entire retail ecosystem is sustained on the expectation that America’s retailers can provide consumers with the goods they want and need, when they need it, at the best possible prices,” Ms. Fernandez said. “If our suppliers are feeling the pain, retailers will feel the pain, and, ultimately, it is consumers that will bear the burden.”

Stock markets do not appear to be pricing in any risk of a border closure. The S&P 500 was essentially unchanged on Tuesday, and it remains near a six-month high.

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Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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