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Texas Secretary of State David Whitley at his confirmation hearing in Austin. He addressed the backlash surrounding Texas’ efforts to find noncitizen voters on voter rolls.

Eric Gay/AP

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Eric Gay/AP

Texas Secretary of State David Whitley at his confirmation hearing in Austin. He addressed the backlash surrounding Texas’ efforts to find noncitizen voters on voter rolls.

Eric Gay/AP

A federal judge in Texas ruled that state officials “created a mess” when they questioned the citizenship of about 98,000 voters and mistakenly concluded that many of those voters were not eligible to cast ballots.

The sharply written ruling by U.S. District Judge Fred Biery of San Antonio ordered Texas officials to halt the removal of any registered voter from state voter rolls.

“The evidence has shown in a hearing before this Court that there is no widespread voter fraud,” Biery wrote.

In late January, Texas Secretary of State David Whitley issued an “advisory on voter registration list maintenance activity.” He claimed that nearly 95,000 noncitizens were registered to vote and said that about 58,000 had voted in one or more Texas elections. Whitley also said going forward his office would cross-reference data from the state Department of Public Safety and voter registration rolls. If a noncitizen is discovered, local county officials will be notified.

He also said that the suspect voters would be contacted and told that their registration status was under review.

Whitley’s action was met with immediate opposition. Civil rights groups said the list was largely made up of naturalized citizens who had applied for driver’s licenses or state IDs when they were still legal permanent residents.

As Ashley Lopez of member station KUT in Austin reported, state officials were forced to step back from their claim of possible fraud.

In a hearing Monday, Keith Ingram, director of elections in the Texas Secretary of State’s Office testified that more than 25,000 people on the list are in fact citizens.

In his ruling, Judge Biery said that the search for illegal voters “appears to be a solution looking for a problem.”

“Notwithstanding good intentions, the road to a solution was inherently paved with flawed results, meaning perfectly legal naturalized Americans were burdened with what the Court finds to be ham-handed and threatening correspondence from the state which did not politely ask for information but rather exemplifies the power of government to strike fear and anxiety and to intimidate the least powerful among us,” the judge wrote.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, in a statement, said the federal judge was “improperly assuming control” over the state’s voting system.

“While we appreciate the court’s acknowledgment that the Secretary of State took his actions in good faith, no state official violated any applicable law and there is no need for a federal court takeover of state activities,” Paxton wrote. “We are weighing our options to address this ruling and to continue making our case that ineligible voters should not vote and counties are free to continue to follow the law and keep their voter rolls clean.”

Biery ruled that Texas county election officials may still investigate the whether a registered voter is not a citizen, but they may not contact them directly through notices.

Civil rights groups applauded the ruling.

“Today’s court order plainly indicates that the state of Texas must clean up its act,” said Thomas Saenz, president and general counsel of the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund in a statement. “Over-the-top pronouncements of widespread voter fraud without a shred of evidence only serve to broadly deter voter participation. Sending ominous letters to intimidate individual voters based on information known to be incomplete and faulty directly threatens democracy.”

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Fernando Godoy

Cordeiro: bringing Brazil and the Arabs closer

São Paulo – The Brazilian foreign policy for the Arab world has found its best ambassador among the Arab community living in Brazil. The statement was made this Monday (31st) by the undersecretary general for Middle East and Africa Politics at the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations, Paulo Cordeiro de Andrade Pinto, at the Jockey Club in São Paulo. The ambassador has been named the 2014 Arab Brazilian Chamber Personality, and was awarded the Order of Merit and named Commander by the organization. The event also celebrated the Day of the Arab Community in Brazil, whose official date is March 25th.

At the ceremony, speaking to the attendees, Cordeiro mentioned relations between the Arab world and Brazil, and how mutually important their economies are. “Brazilian businessmen have carried out construction work that has revolutionized the Arab countries,” the ambassador said, citing Brazilian participation in the construction of the Algiers metro and in the implementation of cotton farming in Sudan. On the other hand, he discussed Gulf-based funds which invest in Brazil. Regarding humanitarian aid, Cordeiro mentioned that Brazil has welcomed Syrian and Palestinian refugees.

He also touched on other actions designed to bring Brazilians and Arabs together, such as the introductory course on Islam offered by Brazil’s diplomatic academy Instituto Rio Branco, the work of Brazilian physicians who share their knowledge with Arab countries such as Algeria, and the sports centre Brazil helped establish in Palestine.

Fernando Godoy

Sallum (left) presented Cordeiro with the medal

The Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce president Marcelo Sallum also spoke to the audience, and discussed Cordeiro’s own role in Brazilian-Arab relations. “He is a representative of Brazilian diplomacy who has made many contributions to establishing closer Brazil-Arab relations,” he said.

The dean of the Council of Arab Ambassadors in Brazil and Palestinian ambassador Ibrahim Alzeben said the undersecretary has raised the bar for relations between the two regions. “A man who works with something he believes in. A tireless champion of the dignity and freedom of human beings. A loyal friend to the Arab nation,” Alzeben said of Cordeiro. “He is a landmark of ethics, kindness and humility,” the dean said.

Cordeiro gave a display of his modesty by stating that he thought himself unworthy of the decoration, and wanted to give credit for it to the organization he serves, the Ministry of External Relations (aka Itamaraty). The undersecretary said the actions carried out by Brazil in the Arab country give international visibility to Brazil and strengthen Brazil’s foreign policy. “The policy focuses on fostering peace and unity,” said Cordeiro.

Paulo Cordeiro

Fernando Godoy

Cordeiro thanked his wife

Undersecretary general Cordeiro has been in his current position for three years. Born in Salvador, in the state of Bahia, and the holder of a degree in History, he told those in attendance at the Jockey Club that he owes the decoration to his wife, Vera Estrela. “One day she said to me: go make more money,” said Cordeiro with a smile on his face. According to the diplomat, Vera’s ultimatum prompted him to apply for the Foreign Ministry.

In his address, the Arab Brazilian Chamber president recounted the diplomat’s career. He mentioned Cordeiro’s work as Brazilian ambassador in Haiti, the importance of his work with the United Nations’ mission to stabilize the country, and the medals he has been awarded, including the Grand Cross of the Order of Rio Branco and the Peacemaker’s Medal, both in 2006.

Arab Day

Speaking of the Arab Community Day, Sallum told the audience of how present the Arabs are in Brazilian daily life, with their influence on the vocabulary, on mathematics and music, among others. According to him, the Arab community in Brazil comprises 12 million descendants. “Here we live in complete harmony with wildly diverse nationalities and religions,” he said.

Fernando Godoy

Guests enjoyed a cocktail at the Jockey Club

Sallum also discussed commercial ties between the Arab world and Brazil, and the work the Arab Brazilian Chamber has carried out for over 60 years. “We helped build and rebuild cities and integrate regions by building railways, roads, ports and airports,” he said, referring to some of the areas in which Brazilians made contributions with the Arab world. He also mentioned the Arab Brazilian Chamber’s involvement with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) for developing assistance campaigns.

The dean Alzeben also discussed the situation in Palestine. He noted how Arabs are well received in Brazil, but urged people not to forget their motherland, the childhood homes they left behind. And he said that on celebrating the Arab community, he felt disillusioned for two reasons. “Firstly, the fact that Palestine remains occupied and death surrounds my brothers every day,” he said. The second reason is the Syrian situation. “What is taking place in Syria right now is a crime against humanity,” he said.

Arabian horses

Fernando Godoy

The horse Atentaddo VE won the race

The guests were welcomed with a cocktail at São Paulo’s Jockey Club and watched a race of thoroughbred Arabian horses. The contest was part of the celebrations sponsored by the Arab Brazilian Chamber and featured seven horses.

The winner, which received a prize of R$ 20,196.00 (US$ 8,909.00) was the horse Atentaddo VE, ridden by José Ventura, and owned by José Luiz Aranha. The second horse was All Pol Rach, ridden by Antônio Queiroz, and owned by Lucas Quintana, and the third was Mahogany HVP, ridden by the jockey Gelson Ribeiro, and owned by Eduardo Garcia. Total betting was R$ 18,000 (US$ 7,940).

Before the race, three horses paraded wearing colourful Arab clothing. The jockeys riding them also wore typical Arab attire.

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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La tragedia se sumó a la que tocó atravesar al periodista Miguel “Tití” Fernández, quien hace una semana perdió a su hija María Soledad, de 26 años, cuando la camioneta en la que viajaba por una ruta de Brasil fue embestida por un vehículo.

López estaba casado con Verónica Brunati, periodista del diario deportivo español Marca y tenía dos hijos (de 3 y 4 años), quienes también se encuentran en Brasil, ambos al cuidado de una de las abuelas.

El diario español Sport publicó que “vive una de las jornadas más tristes de sus casi 35 años de historia” por la muerte de su corresponsal, que también se desempeñaba en el diario argentino Olé y radio La Red “mientras hacía lo que más amaba en el mundo, al margen de su familia: seguir a su Argentina, la Argentina de su Lionel Messi”, de quien era amigo.

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Activistas ambientales y organizaciones sindicales y rurales de América Latina se oponen a las políticas extractivas impulsadas desde los gobiernos de esa región.

París puede parecer un destino lejano para América Latina, el acuerdo firmado este sábado puede contener un lenguaje incompresible y, tal vez, el cambio climático no es una prioridad para la mayoría de personas que habitan la región.

Pero los expertos reunidos en la capital francesa son conscientes que el acuerdo de la COP21 tendrá un impacto considerable en la vida de las personas que viven en América Latina y en la economía de los gobiernos en los años por venir.

Estas serían las cinco maneras que en América Latina se afecta con el acuerdo logrado en París en las últimas horas.

1. Clima extremo y descongelamiento

Aunque América Latina solo es responsable del 10% de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, muchas zonas del continente son vulnerables en un mundo que se calienta.

Significa mucho, por ejemplo, que el acuerdo de París señale que los países deben hacer su mejor esfuerzo evitar que el aumento de la temperatura global supere los 1,5 grados centígrados, aunque el límite haya sido establecido “muy por debajo” de los dos grados centígrados.

Antes de la cumbre de París, las discusiones fueron solo sobre el aumento de los dos grados centígrados.

Pero los científicos habían sido claros que con un límite menor habría menor riesgo de un clima más extremo que generara sequías, inundaciones y olas de calor.

Esto es importante para América Central.

De acuerdo con la ONG Germanwatch, entre los años de 1995 y 2014, tres países de la región estuvieron ubicados entre los 10 países a los que más fuerte había golpeado el clima extremo.

El más afectado: Honduras.

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Honduras pierde el 3% de sus bosques por año debido a la tala ilegal.

Millones de personas que viven en los países andinos también se encuentran vulnerables a los efectos del descongelamiento de los glaciares.

El Banco Mundial estimó que si las temperaturas aumentaban más de los dos grados centígrados, más del 90% de los glaciares se descongelarían.

2. Adaptarse a lo que viene

El acuerdo también incluye a la población que vive en las ciudades, localidades o en el campo para que adapten los recursos para lo que viene en el futuro.

El pacto de París señala que antes de 2025, los países deberán acordar una meta de al menos US$100.000 millones anuales que los países ricos proveerán a los más pobres en su lucha contra el cambio climático.

Muchos críticos afirman que no es suficiente. Pero algunos países de América Latina podrán recibir algo de este dinero de un Fondo del Clima.

Ellos probablemente no estarán en la lista de países prioritarios para recibir este dinero, que estará encaminado a ayudar a los más pobres ubicados en la región de África Subsahariana.

Una cláusula de daños y perjuicios asociados con los efectos del clima extremo fue añadida en el acuerdo y tal vez podría ayudar a los países más vulnerables. Sin embargo, no específica las responsabilidades o las bases para una compensación.

3. El futuro de la energía

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Venezuela, México, Perú, Colombia y Bolivia tiene economías que dependen del petróleo y el gas.

Tal vez el cambio más significativo que afecte a América Latina en el futuro será el cambio a la economía sin el uso de fuentes de energía fósiles.

Los observadores dicen que el objetivo del acuerdo es alcanzar un pico mundial de las emisiones de gases de efecto tan pronto como sea posible y que eso implica una dirección clara para evitar el uso del petróleo, gas y carbón y el traslado de las economías a la dependencia de las energías renovables.

Greenpeace dijo que el acuerdo de París puso a las compañías petroleras “en el lado equivocado de la historia”.

Venezuela es el país con las mayores reservas de petróleo en el mundo. Colombia, México, Perú, Bolivia dependen del consumo de gasolina y gas.

El acuerdo del COP21 podría tener enormes implicaciones para sus economías en el largo plazo.

Pero lo logrado en París podría ayudar al ímpetu de los inversionistas para que se interesen en las energías renovables.

América Latina es considerada una región bastante atractiva para la inversión en energía limpia.

Un reporte de la empresa Climatescope incluye a Brasil, Chile, México y Uruguay entre los 10 países más atractivos para invertir en proyectos de energía eólica, solar y otras fuentes renovables.

Uruguay en particular ha hecho enormes esfuerzos sobre este tema. Cerca del 95% de su electricidad viene de fuentes renovables.

Costa Rica alcanzó recientemente el récord de utilizar por 94 días consecutivos solo energía renovable para su sistema eléctrico.

4. La selva amazónica

Perú, Ecuador, Bolivia y Colombia son los países que tienen un tercio de la selva amazónica y millones de personas viven allí.

Muchos países del continente dependen de reducir la deforestación con el ánimo de alcanzar sus objetivos en la reducción de emisión de gases.

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Las movilizaciones en París reclamaron a los presidentes latinoamericanos un alto a la deforestación de bosques para construir carreteras y exploración petrolera.

El presidente de la COP21, el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores francés, Laurent Fabius, fue explícito en afirmar que el acuerdo va a ayudar a los países latinoamericanos en sus intentos de reforestación y protección de la enorme selva amazónica.

El pacto de París también reconoce la importancia de proveer “adecuados y previsibles” fondos para ayudar a los gobiernos para reducir la deforestación.

Esto significa el incremento de dinero para los países que tienen parte de la Amazonía, en tanto puedan alcanzar los requerimientos para asegurar la reducción de la deforestación de una forma confiable.

5. Sociedad civil y los próximos años

Hay un acuerdo universal ahora, pero el verdadero reto es ver cómo los países, incluidos los de América Latina, van a llevar a cabo las reducciones a las que se han comprometido y entonces incrementar sus ambiciones.

Todos los países del continente, excepto Venezuela, Nicaragua y Panamá han hecho sus propuestas ante la ONU.

Una plataforma llamada “diálogo facilitador” se realizará en 2018, lo que ofrecerá a los estados la oportunidad de hacer una última revisión a los compromisos antes de que sean irreversibles a partir de 2020.

ONG han dicho que dependerá de la sociedad civil en América Latina hacer cumplir a los gobiernos las promesas hechas e incrementar sus compromisos con la reducción de emisiones.

Ellos han dicho que alcaldes, hombres de negocios, consumidores, ciudadanos e inversionistas tendrán que asegurar que la transisicón hacia un mundo libre de combustibles fósiles se convierta en una realidad.

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El Ejército de Nicaragua informó el martes 10 de febrero que está gestionando la compra de aviones cazas con el fin de combatir el narcotráfico en su espacio aéreo, principalmente sobre el territorio marítimo otorgado por la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) de La Haya, que definió los límites en el Caribe con Colombia.

El inspector del Ejército nicaragüense, general de brigada Adolfo Zepeda, dijo a periodistas que “para evitar (el) tráfico de aviones del narcotráfico en nuestro espacio aéreo”, han hecho “algunas gestiones para obtener medios cazas interceptores”.

Es “aviación netamente defensiva, no aviones de ataque”, aclaró el jefe militar.

Zepeda brindó esas declaraciones tras ser consultado por las presuntas intenciones de las Fuerzas Armadas de Colombia, de acuerdo con medios colombianos, de reforzar de forma prioritaria sus capacidades aéreas, en respuesta a esas gestiones de Nicaragua en adquirir aviones Mig-29 u otros cazas.

“Nicaragua no constituye amenazas para que ningún país argumente armarse más por una amenaza eventual de Nicaragua”, dijo al respecto el general de brigada nicaragüense.

“Somos un país pacífico, somos respetuosos del ordenamiento internacional. Nuestras diferencias a nivel internacional las llevamos a la Corte Internacional de Justicia, y esos fallos Nicaragua los respeta”, argumentó.

La CIJ de La Haya dirimió el 19 de noviembre de 2012 un litigio marítimo entre Nicaragua y Colombia, y le otorgó al primero los derechos económicos sobre una zona que Colombia calcula en 75.000 kilómetros cuadrados y el país centroamericano en más de 90.000 kilómetros cuadrados.

En el mismo fallo la Corte dejó en manos de Colombia siete cayos del archipiélago de San Andrés, cuyas islas mayores ya se habían concedido a esta nación en 2007, aunque dos de los islotes quedaron enclavados en aguas centroamericanas.

El Ejército de Nicaragua también ha considerado que necesita ocho nuevas patrulleras y ya ha visitado astilleros, entre ellos los de Rusia, un antiguo aliado que durante el primer régimen sandinista (1979-1990) dotó de armamento soviético a las Fuerzas Armadas nicarag enses.

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Montana’s governor declared a “winter storm emergency” tonight after the state was slammed by more than 3 feet of heavy, wet snow. Governor Steve Bullock declared the emergency as storm watches and warnings were posted across the region.

This early-occurring winter storm blasted the city of Great Falls with more than a foot of snow in September. The snow has covered streets and made driving difficult.

“My recommendation is to stay off the road if you can,” said Sergeant Wade Palen of the Montana Highway Patrol. “The biggest challenges are overnight. The roads will freeze again so they’ll become more ice covered.”

Pedestrians make their way along a snow covered street lined with trees that still have their leaves during a fall snowstorm in Helena, Montana, on Sunday, September 29, 2019.


Closer to the mountains, snow now measured in feet is piled high outside homes. With high winds, trees have been knocked down. At one point, thousands lost power.

“When is the last time you’ve seen a September like this? i have never seen a September snow like this,” said National weather service meteorologist  Don Britton.

Britton has lived in Great Falls for more than 40 years. He says this storm is a record breaker.

“That one set back in 1934? That was broken,” he said. “That was a three-day record of over 13 inches of snow. We’ve already had over 14 inches of snow in two days, so that record is pretty much obliterated.”

The snowstorm also hit parts of Idaho.

And in Spokane, Washington, the storm marked the first time the city recorded snow on this date since officials began keeping records in 1881. Forecasters expect the winter weather to continue through the night.

“Hunker down, stay warm, and try to avoid travel,” Britton advised.

The storm is expected to move out of the area by early tomorrow morning. Some schools will be closed Monday, but all of this snow is expected to melt by the end of the week, and everyone here can get back to fall.

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Muchos se han preguntado para qué sirve el pequeño aparato parecido a un “control remoto” que sostienen los conductores de noticias cuando están al aire en televisión. Ahora te lo explicamos.

“Teleprompter” es el nombre que recibe el sistema que permite a los periodistas leer las noticias en una patalla, evitando la necesidad de memorizar todos los detalles de cada información -tomando en cuenta que los noticieros duran un cerca de una hora y media-.

Los conductores tienen en una de sus manos el control que dirige la señal a una cámara, la que a su vez proyecta la lectura en un espejo. Así se crea la ilusión al televidente de que el periodista está mirando directamente a la cámara, cuando en realidad está leyendo.

De esta forma, se cumple uno de sus principales objetivos, que es dar la confianza y seguridad a los periodistas al momento de dirigirse al público.

¿Quiénes lo utilizan?

El creador de este aparato es Hubert Schlafy, ingeniero electrónico que en el año 1950 buscaba crear un instrumento que permitiera a los actores enfocarse en su audiencia y recordar sus guiones.

En la actualidad, no sólo los periodistas y programas de televisión utilizan esta herramienta, sino que también ha llegado a los políticos. Lyndon Johnson fue el primer presidente de EE.UU que usó un telepromter. Varios años después lo haría Barack Obama.

El conductor Alfonso Concha nos explica todas las funciones de esta herramienta, fundamental en el periodismo.






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Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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U.S. and Chinese trade negotiators meeting in Washington, D.C. last week. Citing progress in the talks, President Trump said he would suspend a planning increase in tariffs on Chinese goods due to take effect on March 1.

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U.S. and Chinese trade negotiators meeting in Washington, D.C. last week. Citing progress in the talks, President Trump said he would suspend a planning increase in tariffs on Chinese goods due to take effect on March 1.

Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

President Trump will hold off raising tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars in Chinese imports, after what he called “very productive” trade talks in Washington this weekend.

Tariffs had been scheduled to jump from 10 to 25 percent next Saturday. But Trump agreed to postpone that increase in hopes of negotiating a more comprehensive trade agreement.

Trump tweeted that the two sides had made “substantial progress” on structural issues, including protection of intellectual property and an end to the forced transfer of U.S. technology. The president hopes to finalize a deal during a face-to-face meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping at Trump’s Florida vacation home.

“Assuming both sides make additional progress, we will be planning a Summit for President Xi and myself, at Mar-a-Lago, to conclude an agreement,” Trump wrote, celebrating what he called “a very good weekend for U.S. & China!”

Trade talks were initially expected to wrap up Friday but had been extended through the weekend in a sign of positive momentum. Negotiators cautioned, however, that a final deal was still uncertain.

“It’s a little early for Champagne,” Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said Friday.

U.S. businesses will welcome the decision to delay higher tariffs. Even at the existing, 10 percent rate, Trump’s China duties are costing American businesses and consumers upwards of $2 billion per month.

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(CNN)An underwater volcano near Tonga has erupted for the third time in four days, potentially threatening the ability of surveillance flights to assess the damage to the Pacific island nation following Saturday’s massive eruption and tsunami.

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    A Maryland cyclist suspected of attacking a group of teens as they put up signs calling for justice for George Floyd was arrested Friday, police in Maryland said.

    Anthony Brennan III, age 60 of Kensington, Maryland, with three counts of second-degree assault. The assaults occurred on Monday, June 1, 2020.Maryland-National Capital Park Police

    Anthony Brennan III, 60, of Kensington, Maryland, was booked on allegations of second-degree assault in the Monday attack, which was videotaped and posted on social media.

    One of the victims, described as a male, was pushed down by the suspect, who used his bicycle, the Park Police Montgomery County Division said in a statement. Two other teens, described as females, were also listed as victims of the attack in Bethesda.

    The trio was putting up flyers that read, “A MAN WAS LYNCHED BY THE POLICE. WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT IT?”

    The video shows the man approaching the teen with his bicycle and the teen can be heard yelling “what?, hey, what the f***?” before he is thrown to the ground and the camera cuts off.

    The male teen told NBC News a man “ripped the posters and tape out of our hands before eventually throwing his bike into me and trying to hold me to the ground with it.”

    The video shows the man approaching the teen with his bicycle and the teen can be heard yelling “what?, hey, what the f***?” before he is thrown to the ground and the camera cuts off.

    The group filed a report with the police and the Park Police Montgomery County Division put out a statement on Twitter urging anyone with information to come forward and help them identify the suspect.

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    Umberto Eco era el máximo intelectual italiano.

    Umberto Eco era tan famoso por su creación intelectual como por sus lúcidas y polémicas declaraciones mediáticas.

    Tras el fallecimiento este viernes a los 84 años del autor de libros como El nombre de la rosa y El péndulo deFoucault, BBC Mundo recopila un decálogo de frases suyas sobre distintos temas.

    1. Sobre los libros

    “Los libros no están hechos para que uno crea en ellos, sino para ser sometidos a investigación. Cuando consideramos un libro, no debemos preguntarnos qué dice, sino qué significa”. El nombre de la rosa.

    2. Sobre los padres

    “Creo que aquello en lo que nos convertimos depende de lo que nuestros padres nos enseñan en pequeños momentos, cuando no están intentando enseñarnos. Estamos hechos de pequeños fragmentos de sabiduría”. El péndulo de Foucault.

    3. Sobre Dios

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    Para Eco, internet permitió “la invasión de los imbéciles”.

    “Cuando los hombres dejan de creer en Dios, no quiere decir que creen en nada: creen en todo”.

    4. Sobre el amor

    “El amor es más sabio que la sabiduría”. El nombre de la rosa.

    5. Sobre los héroes

    “El verdadero héroe es héroe por error. Sueña con ser un cobarde honesto como todo el mundo”.

    6. Sobre los villanos

    “Los monstruos existen porque son parte de un plan divino y en las horribles características de esos mismos monstruos se revela el poder del creador”. El nombre de la rosa.

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    Eco no tenía una buena opinión de las redes sociales.

    7. Sobre la poesía

    “Todos los poetas escriben mala poesía. Los malos poetas la publican, los buenos poetas la queman”.

    8. Sobre el periodismo

    “No son las noticias las que hacen el periódico, sino el periódico el que hace las noticias y saber juntar cuatro noticias distintas significa proponerle al lector una quinta noticia”. Número cero.

    9. Sobre internet

    “Las redes sociales le dan el derecho de hablar a legiones de idiotas que antes hablaban sólo en el bar después de un vaso de vino, sin dañar a la comunidad. Entonces eran rápidamente silenciados, pero ahora tienen el mismo derecho a hablar que un Premio Nobel. Es la invasión de los imbéciles”. Eco al diario La Stampa.

    10. Sobre la corrupción

    “Hoy, cuando afloran los nombres de corruptos o defraudadores y se sabe más, a la gente no le importa nada y solo van a la cárcel los ladrones de pollos albaneses”. Eco a la Agencia Efe.

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    Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin signed 11 executive orders following his swearing in ceremony on Saturday, including those that overturn Virginia’s mask mandate for public schools and a COVID vaccination requirement for state workers.

    Driving the news: Youngkin also signed an order that bans the teaching of critical race theory, a major focus of the 2021 campaign.

    • Another one of the order effectively withdrawals the state from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a program with neighboring states intended to reduce carbon pollution.

    Of note: Many of these moves could face legal challenges as well as pushback from state lawmakers.

    Go deeper: Glenn Youngkin’s play: Forever- and Never-Trumpers

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