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Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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MINNEAPOLIS — More witnesses, including a mixed martial arts fighter and the teenager who recorded a video showing the death of George Floyd, took the stand Tuesday in the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin.

Two other witnesses – a 911 dispatcher and a cashier working across the street – testified Monday, and lawyers for the defense and prosecution opened the trial by laying out their case. Here’s what you missed.

Floyd, a Black man, died in police custody on May 25, 2020, after Chauvin, who is white, pinned his knee against Floyd’s neck for more than nine minutes as Floyd cried out “I can’t breathe” more than 20 times. Chauvin is charged with second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.

Follow the trial:Sign up here to get updates and analysis from the courtroom via SMS.  Follow USA TODAY Network reporters on Twitter here, or get email updates by subscribing to the Daily Briefing newsletter.

Latest updates:

  • Darnella Frazier, the teenager who recorded the infamous video showing the arrest and death of George Floyd, testified Tuesday.
  • Judge Peter Cahill denied a state motion first thing Tuesday to keep all audio and video of four key witnesses from being made public.
  • While Cahill said the witnesses, including the now-18-year-old woman who was 17 at the time and filmed the bystander video that went viral, would be allowed to be referred to by first name only, they would not speak or spell their names on camera or audio. 
  • Monday evening, about 200 protesters rallied outside the county building to demand justice.
  • Police, sheriffs deputies and the National Guard were on high alert, although they maintained a deliberately low-key presence Monday.

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Jesús Hurtado.- Desde horas de la mañana de este lunes, altos representantes de las distintas ensambladoras de vehículos radicadas en el país se encuentran reunidos en el Ministerio de Industrias, a fin de conocer la nueva lista de precios fijada por el gobierno nacional.

Extraoficialmente, se conoció que cada una de las marcas ha sido llamada a reuniones individuales para dar a conocer el valor máximo que deberán tener los modelos a puerta de fábrica, a partir del cual se establecerá un margen de ganancia de 30% para los concesionarios, según informó la pasada semana el diputado por el Psuv Claudio Farías.

De acuerdo con lo dicho el jueves pasado por el ministro Ricardo Menéndez, este martes se hará pública la lista con los precios de 114 modelos nuevos que actualmente se venden en el país.

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President Trump made a brief stop to lay a wreath at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington.

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On Saturday, Mr. Trump proposed to end the partial government shutdown after Democrats extended a proposal of their own on Friday, having added $1 billion in border spending to their offer. If he got $5.7 billion for a border wall, Mr. Trump said, he would restore for three years the protections known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, and Temporary Protected Status, or T.P.S.

Republicans had hoped his plan would put Democrats in a corner, but Democrats called it a nonstarter, prompting attacks from the president on the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi. And her relationship with her counterpart in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, who presumably would need to make a deal with her, is fraught. Immigrants in Texas are skeptical of the president’s proposal.

While Mr. Trump has projected confidence in public, he has expressed private frustration over what he views as negative coverage. Many Republicans concede, also in private, that he has made strategic errors and allowed dysfunction to continue.

Last week things got personal, too: Ms. Pelosi threatened to cancel the president’s State of the Union address; Mr. Trump retaliated by denying her military transport to Afghanistan. And then she accused the Trump administration of leaking her plans to fly commercial, prompting her to postpone the trip, citing security concerns.

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Cuando Ángela María Gil recibió el mensaje se sintió pasmada. No podía creer tanta crueldad y decidió movilizarse. A su cuenta de WhatsApp llegó una cadena que advertía que una camada de perros de raza husky siberiano iba a ser sacrificada. Los cachorros serían arrojados a la quebrada de Santa Elena, si a determinada hora los supuestos dueños no alcanzaban a entregarlos, ya que no podían tenerlos.

Ángela Llamó a sus amigos, “sensibles con el tema de los animales”, dice ella; su propósito era conseguirles al menos un hogar de paso, y todos “respondieron positivamente”. Llamó al número del aparente dueño, pero nunca contestó. Se comunicó con su hija que, sorprendida, decidió llamar “al concejal de los animales”. Fue él, Álvaro Múnera, el que les aseguró que era una información falsa.

“Me tocó llamar quienes se habían solidarizado, agradecerles por su amabilidad y contarles que era un mentira. Quedé triste y decepcionada, ese es un muy mal uso de los medios, en este caso para manipular los sentimientos de personas que como yo son animalistas. Una falta de consideración”, cuenta.

Desde el expresidente Barack Obama hasta el Papa Francisco han manifestado su preocupación por el flujo de información falsa que circulan en Internet, la mayoría distribuida por medio de redes sociales como Facebook y servicios de mensajería instantánea como WhatsApp.

Pero el fenómeno de falsos titulares y contenidos que desinforman a las audiencias no es actual, por lo menos así lo cree el director ejecutivo de la Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP), Pedro Vaca Villareal. Según él, estos casos se presentan, incluso, desde tiempos anteriores a Internet, “el rumor o titular escandaloso hace parte de la dieta de consumo de información de la gente”, afirma. Lo que sucede ahora, explica el director, es que los flujos de información son más rápidos, igual que los hábitos de consumo de noticias de las personas.

Lo anterior tiene como consecuencia que el titular sea protagónico y provoque a las audiencias. “Si el contenido es interesante van a querer profundizar en él, y no solo se quedará con el titular”, afirma Vaca. Sin embargo, también están quienes únicamente leen titulares, muchos de ellos falsos.

En la avalancha de contenidos noticiosos que circulan en redes sociales, no solo están los rigurosos y verídicos, también están los que le faltan a la verdad, comenta el director de la FLIP. Esos, por ejemplo, fueron protagonistas en las pasadas elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos.

La compañía de mediciones y análisis, Pew research, realizó una encuesta entre el primero y el cuatro de diciembre del año pasado entre 1.002 adultos en ese país para identificar qué tanta distorsión de la realidad producían las noticias falsas en las personas.

Según el informe que publicaron sobre el estudio, la mayoría de los estadounidenses percibe que las noticias falsas están teniendo un fuerte impacto. Dos de cada tres adultos estadounidenses (64%) aseguran esos contenidos causan una gran confusión de los hechos básicos y de los asuntos y eventos de la actualidad.

Para Vaca, la situación en general es preocupante y espera que a futuro los ciudadanos puedan tener la capacidad de distinguir la credibilidad de un medio u otro para no continuar satanizando internet como un espacio que produce falsas noticias.

“Los medios de comunicación no deben producir noticias falsas. Si sucede, puede ser por dos causas: Que la capacidad de los periodistas esté por debajo de la demanda de información que hay en Internet; y la segunda, que ha estado en el periodismo siempre, es que este no es un oficio infalible, se pueden cometer errores. Sin embargo, en ambos casos el periodista y el medio están llamados a rectificar y enmendar esas equivocaciones con sus audiencias”, así lo explica el director de la FLIP.

Los casos anteriores difieren completamente de las plataformas que difunden noticias falsas sin escrúpulo. Ahí, dice Vaca, si es un medio, pierde la vocación y se convierte en una instancia manipuladora que desinforma a sus públicos.

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Republican Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has said that she and Republican Florida Representative Matt Gaetz are “taking charge” in a Republican “civil war.”

“Matt and I have teamed up because we refuse to allow Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger or any Trump-hating Republican … we won’t allow the GOP to turn into their party. So we’re taking charge. We’re bringing it to the people,” she said during a recent interview with the Real America’s Voice network.

“We know what the people want,” she continued. “The people overwhelmingly support President Trump as the leader of the Republican Party.”

The “civil war” she referenced likely has two sides. On one side are those like Greene and Gaetz who think that Republican former President Donald Trump and his unapologetic, outspoken style represent the party’s future.

One the other are Republicans—like Representatives Cheney of Wyoming and Kinzinger of Illinois—who reject Trump and his baseless claim that the 2020 election was “stolen.” They see Trump and his claims as dangerous to democracy, alienating to voters and distracting from policy battles.

Republican Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has said that she and Republican Florida Representative Matt Gaetz are “taking charge” in a Republican “civil war.” In this photo, Greene speaks at a February 5, 2021 press conference on Capitol Hill after she lost her House Committees seats for espousing extremist conspiracy theories including one about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton slicing off and wearing a child’s face.
Alex Edelman/AFP/Getty

Both Cheney and Kinzinger have accurately said that there’s no proof to back up Trump’s repeated claim that an unprecedented nationwide conspiracy of voting fraud caused him to lose the 2020 election. They have called Trump’s claim “dangerously irresponsible.”

Both also voted to impeach the former president for inciting the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. Several insurrectionists have said they were following Trump’s orders to stop Congress from “stealing” the election from him.

Greene and Gaetz, however, have cheered on efforts to re-examine the 2020 election for proof of fraud. The two have begun an “America First” tour starting in Mesa, Arizona, claiming that ballot audits will prove Trump right.

Speaking in Mesa last Friday, they praised the ongoing ballot audit happening in Maricopa County. Though the audit has been called a “joke” by state Republicans, Gaetz and Greene insisted that similar audits will soon occur in other blue states won last November by Democratic President Joe Biden. The two pledged to visit Fulton County, Georgia—another site where Trump alleged voter fraud—as their next tour stop.

In Mesa, Arizona the two denounced Republicans who oppose Trump’s election fraud claims.

“Just because you have an ‘R’ by your name and you say things doesn’t mean you’ll do them when you run the country,” Greene said. “This is why so many people don’t vote. They don’t trust Republicans to do the job.”

In mid-April Gaetz declared himself as a member of the “America First Caucus” launched by Greene. A leaked seven-page document announcing the caucus’ formation said that it championed “uniquely Anglo-Saxon political traditions.”

The caucus document was widely criticized as racist. Kinzinger referred to the caucus as the “White Supremacy Caucus” and said that its members should be expelled from Congress. The same day the document was leaked, Greene said she was “not launching anything,” that she had never seen the document and that a third-party had created it.

Congressional Republican leaders have publicly denounced Greene’s comparison of COVID-19 mask mandates to the Jewish Holocaust and her past support of extremist conspiracy theories. However, the same leaders also helped facilitate a vote to oust Cheney as the party’s third-ranking leader because of Cheney’s repeated public remarks against Trump and his baseless fraud claims.

Newsweek contacted Greene’s office for comment.

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The Biden administration is working to finalize an agreement with Qatar to temporarily house thousands of Afghans who worked with the United States and their families and are fleeing their country as the security situation deteriorates, according to a source familiar with the ongoing discussions. The source said it could be as many as 8,000 Afghans but cautioned the deal is not final.

A State Department spokesperson told CNN, “We are evaluating all available options. We have no announcements to make on third-country relocation sites for Afghan SIV applicants.”

Should an agreement be reached, an initial group of around 1,000 to 2,000 Afghans is expected in Doha “soon,” the source said

The Biden administration has been considering using third countries to process the Afghan Special Immigrant Visa applicants, and on Thursday the Pentagon announced it would send around 1,000 troops to Qatar in the coming days to facilitate the processing. Secretary of State Antony Blinken also spoke with his Qatari counterpart on Thursday and the State Department said he thanked Qatar for supporting “U.S. efforts to provide safety and security to Afghan nationals.”

Qatar’s defense minister is expected in Washington next week for talks.

A Qatari spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Pressed Friday evening by CNN’s Anderson Cooper on the Biden administration’s plan to house Afghans in Qatar, Illinois Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger – who served as an Air Force pilot in Afghanistan and Iraq – said, “It’s great the Qatar option is possibly there.”

“The administration needs to continue to lean forward as hard as they can,” Kinzinger said.

Kinzinger previously said he opposed the Biden administration’s decision to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan and raised concerns that the Afghan government would collapse after US troops left.

“There is a lot of Afghans that basically fought with us that are going to die and have died already because of lack of planning, and it’s sad,” he said.

“Let’s save as many as we can because it makes a difference, but I don’t think it’s going to lessen the stain on us right now.”

This story has been updated with additional information.

CNN’s Rachel Janfaza contributed to this report.

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Trump triunfó en todos los estados pese a la alianza de última hora de sus rivales para bloquearlo

El magnate inmobiliario Donald Trump y la exsecretaria de Estado Hillary Clinton volvieron a erigirse en los triunfadores de una nueva jornada de primarias de cara a las elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos.

“En lo que a mí me concierne, esto ya se ha acabado”, dijo Trump ante una multitud de seguidores en Nueva York.

Trump arrasó en los cinco estados en los que se celebraron primarias del Partido Republicano, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pensilvania y Rhode Island.

En el lado demócrata, la exsecretaria de Estado Hillary Clinton se impuso en Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland y Pensilvania mientras su competidor, el senador Bernie Sanders, venció en Rhode Island.

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Hillary Clinton superó la barrera de los 2.000 delegados con sus victorias de este martes.

Trump se ve ganador

Las proyecciones señalan que Trump supera ya la barrera de los 900 delegados, cuando necesita 1.237 para asegurarse la nominación como candidato del Partido Republicano en las elecciones presidenciales de noviembre.

Expertos en política estadounidense señalan que en cualquier caso Trump quedará por delante de sus rivales, el senador Ted Cruz y el gobernador John Kasich.

Francamente, si Hillary Clinton fuera un hombre, no creo que consiguiera ni el 5% de los votos”

Agregan que la única opción que tienen Cruz y Kasich es evitar que el empresario neoyorquino llegue a los 1.237 delegados y provocar una “convención negociada”.

Para Trump, Cruz y Kasich están “perdiendo el tiempo”.

Trump también dedicó un momento a atacar a Clinton, que se perfila como clara favorita en el Partido Demócrata, y de quien dijo que sería una “presidenta terrible” que no tiene “ni la fuerza ni la energía”.

“Francamente, si Hillary Clinton fuera un hombre, no creo que consiguiera ni el 5% de los votos”, dijo.

“Lo único que tiene es la carta de que es mujer. Y lo más bonito es que no gusta a las mujeres”.

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Cruz y Kasich anunciaron recientemente una alianza contra Trump.


Por su parte, Clinton También volvió a referirse al líder republicano Donald Trump, de quien dijo que su propuesta no aumentará las oportunidades ni reducirá las desigualdades entre los estadounidenses.

Este martes, Clinton ganó cómodamente por más de 12 puntos en Delaware, Maryland y Pensilvania, pero en Connecticut, sin embargo, su victoria fue bastante más ajustada.

En Rhode Island, la única victoria que pudo cantar Sanders, el senador se impuso por más de 13 puntos.

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Bernie Sanders anunció que seguirá en la carrera demócrata.

Clinton suma 2.137 entre delegados y superdelegados, más del 89% de los 2.383 que se requieren para ser asegurarse la candidatura demócrata. En ese partido siguen en juego 651 delegados.

Pese a lo cerca que está Clinton del número que necesita, de acuerdo a las reglas de las primarias demócratas, ningún precandidato puede cantar victoria hasta la convención de julio.

Clinton llamó a los partidarios de Bernie Sanders a “unificar el Partido Demócrata” pensando en las elecciones presidenciales del 8 de noviembre.

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A la dura crítica realizada ayer por el Arzobispo de Buenos Aires, cardenal Mario Poli, quien definió a la tapa de Noticias como de “muy mal gusto”, se sumaron hoy representantes de la comunidad judía y dirigentes políticos, quienes coincidieron en el cuestionamiento a la publicación que dirige Jorge Fontevecchia.

La revista “revela una vez más la absoluta incoherencia de aquellos medios que se cansaron de instalar acusaciones contra Cristina y el FPV sobre violencia y división en la sociedad”, señalaron en un comunicado los intendentes del Frente para la Victoria agrupados en Oktubres.

“Nada es más nefasto y bajo que pretender instalar comercialmente una revista apelando a la agresividad, resentimiento y desconsideración de la investidura presidencial, con altas dosis de misoginia y burla a todos los que profesamos el cristianismo.

Peor aún en estas fechas de oración, reflexión, reunión familiar y búsqueda de paz”, señalaron.

Por su parte, el rabino Marcelo Polakoff, presidente de la Asamblea Rabínica Latinoamericana y líder espiritual de la comunidad judía de Córdoba, dijo a Télam que “el escándalo no se conjuga con los fines últimos del periodismo” y que este tipo de tapas “resultan ofensivas”.

“Aún cuando la libertad de expresión sea un valor esencial de toda democracia, tiene que estar acompañada por otros no menos esenciales como el respeto a la religiosidad y la investidura presidencial”, agregó.

En tanto, el rabino Daniel Goldman, de la Comunidad Bet-El y uno de los creadores del Instituto del Diálogo Interreligioso junto al musulmán Omar Abboud y el padre Guillermo Marcó, adhirió a las expresiones de monseñor Poli, quien ayer consideró a la tapa como “de muy mal gusto porque la Semana Santa no es para eso”, y porque “no se debe hacer eso con la figura de ningún presidente”.

“Si hay un grupo que sea mayoritario o minoritario que se siente incómodo por algo que tiene que ver con un elemento tan raigal como es la vida religiosa, hay que tener cuidado y respeto por la sensibilidad del otro”, agregó.

Los intendentes agrupados en Oktubres señalaron también que “es obligación y responsabilidad de todos los titulares de las distintas fuerzas políticas, jefes de bloque, candidatos y, principalmente, autoridades nacionales y provinciales del Partido Justicialista, manifestar el más enérgico rechazo a semejante falta de respeto”.

Los jefes comunales Hernán Yzurieta (Punta Indio), Eduardo “Bali” Bucca (Bolívar), Maru Martini (Bariloche), Santiago Maggiotti (Navarro), Francisco Durañona (San Antonio de Areco), Francisco Echarren (Castelli), Patricio Mussi (Berazategui), Juan Pablo de Jesús (Partido de la Costa) y Juan Pablo Anghileri (General Rodríguez), reiteraron en su nota su más “enérgico rechazo”.

El intendente de Berazategui, en diálogo con Télam, remarcó el llamado a repudiar la nueva agresión de Fontevecchia “porque se trata de un nuevo ataque a la investidura presidencial y a la democracia”.

“Como joven hijo de la democracia me duele ver que los gorilas de siempre usan el poder de los medios para atacar, con aquella vieja visión de usar los medios para poner los presidentes que ellos quieren y fundamentalmente echar a los que les molestan”, agregó Mussi.

No es la primera vez que la revista que dirige Jorge Fontevecchia ataca la investidura presidencial y a la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, concitando el repudio de personalidades y organizaciones sociales y políticas por sus fotos de tapa.

La última vez que Fontevecchia consiguió que se hable de “la tapa de Noticias” fue en diciembre de 2013 cuando presentó en su portada un fotomontaje con el rostro de la Presidenta y un cuerpo desnudo. El título de aquella nota fue “La reina está desnuda. Secretos de una ausencia inquietante”.

Otra tapa que provocó el repudio masivo a Noticias fue la que en septiembre de 2012 presentaba una ilustración que mostraba a la mandataria en un supuesto éxtasis sexual, bajo el título “El goce de Cristina”. 

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Ending months of speculation, former Vice President Joe Biden announced Thursday he is launching his third presidential campaign.  Instantly joining the race as an early frontrunner, the former vice president and more than a dozen major Democratic candidates seek to deny President Trump a second term.

“We are in the battle for the soul of this nation,” he said in the nearly four-minute long video. “If we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation. And I cannot stand by and watch that happen.”

Unlike most of his competitors who only mentioned President Trump in passing when they announced their candidacies, Biden used his video to cast the race as a battle with Mr. Trump for the very soul and character of the country, calling him out by name.

The video opens in Charlottesville, Virginia, the scene of violent clashes between white nationalists and protesters which opens in Charlottesville, Virginia, where in 2017 there were violent clashes between white nationalists and protesters that resulted in the death of one woman. Mr. Trump, at the time, faced a backlash for saying that blame for the violence fell “on many sides.”

Biden announced his bid in a video released on social media. He is expected to hold a fundraiser Thursday evening in Philadelphia and hold his first formal campaign event in Pittsburgh on Monday. In his appeal to voters, Biden recounted the president’s response to the violent white supremacist protests in Charlottesville, Virginia two years ago. 

Joe Biden For President: America Is An Idea by
Joe Biden on

Biden said he’s running for president because everything about American democracy is “at stake” under a Trump presidency. “We have to remember who we are, this is America,” he added in a final appeal to supporters. 

Already differentiating himself from the other 17 candidates running, Biden also immediately released Spanish-language advertising to target Latino supporters. None of the other candidates have done this from the start. 

For about a year, many Democratic operatives, donors and voters have been encouraging Biden, who served as vice president for eight years under President Obama, to enter the crowded race, capture the nomination and thwart Mr. Trump’s reelection bid in 2020. Despite not having formally announced his bid until Thursday, Biden has been leading several polls among primary voters, with only Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders coming close to matching the former vice president’s support.

People familiar with the campaign’s plans said Biden plans to place a particular emphasis on South Carolina, an early primary state where he enjoys strong support from longtime Democratic leaders and the state’s large African American community.  

Joe Biden para Presidente: Palabras by
Joe Biden on

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The 76-year-old former Delaware lawmaker, a totem of the Democratic Party’s establishment, is likely to quickly attract substantial financial support from the party’s more moderate wing, as well as the backing of many top Democrats across the country and in Washington, where he worked for decades.

Unlike many of the other Democratic candidates in the race, Biden is already a household name across the country, and his allies argue he has the best chance to woo working-class voters in states like Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania who propelled Mr. Trump to victory during the 2016 presidential election.  

The former vice president, however, will also face scrutiny from progressives for some of the positions he held during his long tenure in Congress, where he represented Delaware in the Senate for more than 35 years. He has also come under scrutiny in recent weeks by several women who said that he touched them inappropriately at events over the years. 

In the 1970s, Biden opposed busing to desegregate public schools. As chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, he oversaw the contentious Anita Hill hearings during the confirmation process for then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas in 1991. He also helped spearhead efforts to pass the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, which many believe fueled a period of mass incarceration that disproportionately affected African Americans and other minority groups. 

Biden has since embraced more progressive policy stances. He staged two campaigns for the Democratic nomination in 1988 and 2008, dropping out during the primary contests in both. 

The former vice president joins the largest — and the most diverse — Democratic primary field in U.S. history. To date, 20 other Democrats have declared their candidacy for president, including Sens. Sanders, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren; Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke; and South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

Ed O’Keefe, Emily Tillett and Caitlin Huey-Burns contributed to this report.

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via press release:



Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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En NOTICIAS de esta semana:

Operación marginal: La historia de “El Polaquito” y su uso político. Verdades a medias, contradicciones y peleas mediáticas. El aprovechamiento de esta realidad lamentable como excusa para plantear la baja en la edad de imputabilidad. La pelea por el territorio. Detalles de la insólita denuncia judicial contra el periodista y el Gobierno.

Lázaro Báez estafado: El supuesto testaferro de CFK sospecha que su amiga íntima Liliana Costa le está sacando dinero.

Ranking de los 100 más honestos: como todos los años, NOTICIAS encargó una encuesta para medir esta virtud en personalidades públicas. Curiosamente más de la mitad de los elegidos resultaron ser políticos, figuraron muchos funcionarios del Gobierno y Cristina dio el batacazo. El peor año del Papa.


Esteban Bullrich: los secretos de la “Torre” del PRO. Sus 2,02 de altura y la genealogía familiar que lo relaciona con Marcelo T. de Alvear y el Patio Bullrich.

Juego de tomos: “Game of Thrones” propició el salto de otras sagas de libros medievales y fantásticos a la tele. Boom de armaduras y dragones.

La deco consciente: la novedad en arquitectura sustentable es el respeto a la condición “cruelty free” y de comercio justo. Se impone “glam” naturista.

Una cuestión de soberanía: cómo y por qué afectaría al país un acuerdo con la empresa Hughs por el ARSAT-3.

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8:27 p.m. PDT August 20, 2021

Caldor Fire map. The red dots represent heat detected by an aircraft at 2:48 p.m. PDT August 20, 2021. The fire perimeter was mapped earlier.

With strong winds in the forecast for Saturday officials have closed a portion of Highway 50 near the Caldor Fire which has burned over 75,000 acres 18 miles southwest of Lake Tahoe in California.

The closure began at 4:30 p.m. Friday. Highway 50 will be closed in both directions from the Sly Park Road exit to Twin Bridges. It will be open between Meyers and Twin Bridges for local residents only who reside between Meyers and Twin Bridges. These residents will be subject to providing identification and proof of residency. No traffic will be allowed west of Twin Bridges. (This information was acquired at 7 p.m. PDT Friday, Aug. 20, 2021, and could change.)

To see all articles on Wildfire Today about the Caldor Fire, including the most recent, click HERE.

At 3 p.m. Friday the north edge of the Caldor Fire was about a half mile south of the highway. (See the map above.) A Red Flag Warning will be in effect Saturday from 11 a.m. through 8 p.m. The weather forecast for Saturday at 4,600 feet is for southwest and west-southwest winds beginning at 8 a.m. increasing in strength by 11 a.m. to 16 mph gusting to 25 mph, or 30 mph in some areas. The relative humidity will drop to 25 percent or lower. Skies will be clear with a high of 75 degrees.

Strong winds with no cloud cover and 25 percent humidity could push the fire to Highway 50 and possibly across the roadway. However a dense smoke layer could reduce solar preheating of the fuels and attenuate the spread somewhat. The Hot-Dry-Windy Index for Saturday predicts the area will be below the 50th percentile, which would not indicate extreme spread of a fire. This weather event will be a good test of the Index.

Many areas are under evacuation orders. InciWeb has the details.

On Friday the fire activity increased after noon when the wind began coming out of the south at 6 to 10 mph gusting to 23.

The fire spread is being driven by a heavy component of dead and down fuels and drought-stressed vegetation. Live fuels are cured to levels normally seen in late September, and the vegetation is extremely receptive to spotting. Fuel moistures are historically low.

Fire officials have documented the destruction of 118 residences.

Resources assigned to the fire include 18 crews, 109 fire engines, and 13 helicopters for a total of 1,118 personnel.

USFS engine crews on the initial attack of the Caldor Fire, August 14, 2021. USFS photo.

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This is not the way Republicans wanted to begin the year.

Missouri’s Roy Blunt on Monday became the fifth Republican senator to announce he will not seek reelection, a retirement wave that portends an ugly campaign season next year and gives Democrats fresh hope in preserving their razor-thin Senate majority.

History suggests Republicans are still well-positioned to reclaim at least one chamber of Congress next year. But officials in both parties agree that the surge of GOP departures will make the Republicans’ challenge more difficult in the Senate.

“Any time you lose an incumbent, it’s bad news,” said Republican strategist Rick Tyler, who briefly worked for failed Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin nearly a decade ago. “Missouri’s not necessarily a safe state for Republicans. Democrats have won there.”

The 71-year-old Blunt’s exit is a reminder of how the nation’s politics have shifted since the rise of Donald Trump. Blunt and his retiring GOP colleagues from Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Alabama represent an old guard who fought for conservative policies but sometimes resisted the deeply personal attacks and uneven governance that dominated the Trump era.

Their departures will leave a void likely to be filled by a new generation of Republicans more willing to embrace Trumpism — or by Democrats.

Several Missouri Republicans are expected to seek the nomination to replace Blunt, but none will be more divisive than former Gov. Eric Greitens, who resigned in 2018 amid the fallout of a sex scandal and ethics investigation. Missouri’s Republican base has since rallied behind him, believing he was unfairly prosecuted.

Greitens was considering running for the GOP nomination even before Blunt’s announcement. He is expected to announce his candidacy as soon as Tuesday morning.

Two leading Missouri Democrats, former Sen. Claire McCaskill and 2016 Senate candidate Jason Kander, both said they would not run for the open seat.

Ahead of Greitens’ announcement, some Republicans worried that he could jeopardize the Senate seat if he emerges as the party’s nominee.

Steven Law, a key ally of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and CEO of the Senate Leadership Fund, warned that Republicans may be beginning to repeat the mistakes of 2010, when the GOP lost the Senate majority by embracing flawed far-right candidates.

Law cited Greitens’ looming announcement specifically.

“We have an opportunity to win back a majority,” Law said. “But in 2010, that opportunity was lost on the Senate side because of unelectable candidates who got nominated.”

Back in 2010, tea party favorite Christine O’Donnell beat a longtime GOP congressman in the Delaware Senate primary before losing by a landslide in the general election following reports of personal financial difficulties, questionable use of campaign funds and allegations that she had “dabbled into witchcraft.”

Two years later in Indiana, Richard Mourdock defeated six-term Sen. Richard Lugar in the 2012 GOP primary, but he imploded after a debate in which he said pregnancy resulting from rape “is something that God intended.” In Missouri, Republican nominee Akin lost after he insisted on a local talk show that women’s bodies have ways to avoid pregnancy in cases of “legitimate rape.”

In the decade since Akin’s debacle, Missouri’s politics, like the nation’s, have evolved in a way that gives both parties opportunities.

States like Missouri, Ohio and Iowa, recently considered swing states, are trending away from Democrats. At the same time, previous red states like North Carolina and Georgia are trending away from Republicans.

Missouri hasn’t elected a Democratic senator since McCaskill beat Akin in 2012. Trump carried the state last November by 15 percentage points. Trump carried Ohio, where Republican Sen. Rob Portman will not seek reelection next year, by 8 percentage points. The former president won by the same margin in Iowa, where 87-year-old Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley is considering retirement.

Democrats are expected to be more competitive in North Carolina, where Trump eked out a victory by just 1 percentage point, and in Wisconsin, should Republican Sen. Ron Johnson follow through with a campaign promise not to seek more than two terms.

Democrats have not lost any incumbents to retirement, but they are defending vulnerable incumbents in Georgia and Arizona, among others.

They have no margin for error. Republicans will claim the Senate majority for the last two years of President Joe Biden’s term if they pick up even one additional seat next November.

The party that occupies the White House traditionally suffers significant losses in the first midterm election of a new president. President Barack Obama’s Democratic Party, for example, lost 63 seats in the House and six in the Senate in 2010.

Democrats are hopeful that Trump will become an unwitting ally in 2022. The former Republican president has vowed to play an active role in the midterms, particularly by supporting pro-Trump candidates in primary elections. That leaves little room for well-established Republicans like Blunt who are popular statewide.

“The challenge for Republicans will be the race to the bottom in the Republican primaries,” said Morgan Jackson, a leading Democratic strategist based in North Carolina. “It’s not about what you say, it’s about how loud and angry you say it. That’s a very different view of the world.”

Jackson said “it’s a safe bet” Republicans will win the House majority, but he’s optimistic that Trump’s meddling in Senate primaries will help limit Democrats’ losses.

“Maybe it won’t be a good cycle, but maybe it won’t be a bad cycle,” he said.

J.B. Poersch, who leads the Democratic-allied Senate Majority PAC, noted that Republicans are focused on the nation’s culture wars, while Democrats are in the process of sending billions of dollars to working-class Americans affected by the pandemic. That contrast will help Democrats, he said.

“There is a working-family economic argument that Democrats can still make in the middle of the country, in places like Missouri and Ohio, and keep them competitive,” he said.

Meanwhile, Blunt predicted political success for Republicans in Missouri and beyond during a Monday news conference. He also reflected upon the 2010 election, when Democrats were punished nationwide after embracing Obama’s fiscal stimulus and health care overhaul.

“I think 2022 will be a great year in the country and I think it will be a fine year in this Senate race,” Blunt told reporters. “The Republican Party will be just fine.”

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Question: Secretary Nuland, welcome to the show, welcome to Portugal. First question on the issue of Ukraine. Do you believe that the United States and Europe have different positions on Ukraine. Are we in sort of a war between U.S. and Europe because of Ukraine?

Assistant Secretary Nuland: Well, first, Nuno, let me just say how great it is to be back in Portugal and at this very important moment in our relationship and for Portugal. Congratulations on the 40th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution. I think Portugal has an enormous amount to teach Ukraine and frankly to teach Russia. You made the transition to democracy without a drop of blood being spilled and that is what the people of Ukraine want for themselves. I don’t think that the United States and Europe have different positions. In fact, today we both said to Russia that we are dissatisfied with Russia’s implementation of the Geneva Agreement of less than two weeks ago. That we do not see the commitment that they promised to make to help stabilize Ukraine and, on the contrary, they are playing a negative, destabilizing role and, therefore, there have to be costs and we both imposed fresh sanctions today.

Question: You know what the Russians are saying is that, although they understand what they call the struggle of Eastern parts of Ukraine. They are not present militarily so the people that are there are grass roots people, probably some Cossacks, probably some paramilitary groups but not Russia as a state. Would you agree with that statement?

Assistant Secretary Nuland: That is complete garbage. We have high confidence in our assessment and, frankly, it is Europe’s assessment as well that Russia is playing a concrete role in organizing, funding, assisting, arming these protests and is playing an extremely destabilizing and dangerous role inside Ukraine, let alone the threatening moves that it is making with its 40,000 troops around Ukraine’s borders. Ten battalions of which went right up to the borders just a couple of days ago.

Question: Yeah, but that is the forces that are on the border. I am saying the forces that are inside of east Ukraine.

Assistant Secretary Nuland: And I said Russia is playing a concrete role. It has its own intelligence forces inside Ukraine who are organizing, coordinating, arming and funding the destabilization in the east. There are obviously some Ukrainians participating as well, but they are not the best actors inside eastern Ukraine and, in fact, if you look at the polling – Ukrainian polling, American polling, and European polling – that polling indicates that less than 18% of Ukrainians want anything to do with what Russia is proposing.

Question: I know you have discussed this topic with Christiane Amanpour, among others, but who is calling the shots in Moscow? Do you see this as a rational product of Russian foreign policy? You are a consummate diplomat, you are a professional diplomat. You have seen Russia in several shapes and forms. Is this a decision of a man or of a system? Do you see any rationality behind this Russian position?

Assistant Secretary Nuland: I believe, through my own experience, that you have to listen to what leaders say and believe what they say. We have a President in Russia who is talking about his greatest regret is the fall of the Soviet Union, who is invoking the period of Catherine the Great, one of the biggest expanders of the Russian empire, who is talking about “novo Russia” a time when half of Ukraine was part of Russia so you have to take him seriously when he says that is his aspiration.

Question: So people would argue that lots of problems that Ukraine is facing now are also due to their own incompetence, division, corruption, infiltration by other forces and surely also the fact that they are demoralized and maybe weakened at this moment, would you agree that?

Assistant Secretary Nuland: Absolutely, that is what Maidan was about. Maidan was about first the young people of Ukraine, but then old people and business people saying we want to turn the page on an era of corruption, on an era of bad government, on an era of a few rich people stealing the wealth of the country. We want to live in a clean, democratic country. That is what they are fighting for and that is what the U.S. and Europe are supporting. And that is what Russia is trying to deny them.

Question: As you know, Ukrainian Special Forces are hesitant to enter in to town centers because they do not want to arrest civilians, who are being used, apparently, as human shields, and so the operation is very difficult for the Ukrainians. If the operation doesn’t work, if the status quo continues, if everything continues to be occupied in those cities, the public buildings continue to be occupied, what is there to be done besides sanctions?

Assistant Secretary Nuland: Well, first to say, as you said, that the Ukrainians and their security services have shown enormous restraint in the face of the kind of terrorist, aggressive, vicious tactics that are being undertaken by the militants, and by the pro-Russian separatists. As you know, just this weekend, eight international monitors, OSCE monitors, taken hostage and taken to the dungeons of Slavyansk, now this awful epicenter of everything that is going wrong in Ukraine. Obviously, if Russia doesn’t change course. If it doesn’t allow Ukraine the breathing space to make its own choices, it is going to have to continue to cost and those sanctions and that isolation will just escalate. But, at the same time, the U.S. and Europe are intent, President Obama is intent, on leaving the door open for diplomacy, if Russian will change course. That is what our meeting in Geneva was about. But Russia has to make a choice. It can be a good neighbor or it can face isolation.

Question: Final thing because I know you are running out of time. One of the questions that Ukraine has to solve is that…

Assistant Secretary Nuland: What about something about Portugal? Are we going to talk about Portugal at all?

Question: Yes, we can say just one thing but just tell me one thing. Ukraine is very dependent, as Portugal is, on energy that comes from abroad. They don’t produce enough energy by themselves; we also feel that in another domain. How can it be solved for them to be less dependent on Russia?

Assistant Secretary Nuland: Well, first of all, you are absolutely right. This is one of the great difficulties that Ukraine faces, that other countries in Europe face, the great dependence on Russian energy. That is why we are working so hard as a transatlantic community, to diversify supply, to diversify types of energy. In the Ukraine context, the U.S. and Europe are working together: John Kerry, Cathy Ashton, Commissioner Oettinger were together two weeks ago to look at reverse flow, to move gas from Poland and Hungary and Slovakia back into Ukraine and we’re being relatively successful at that. But, you know, Ukraine is also exploring alternatives like shale gas and, if that works out, Ukraine will be a very rich country, very soon.

Question: Finally, about Portugal.

Assistant Secretary Nuland: Yes.

Question: How would you describe the present state of relations? We do not appear to have any storm between Portugal and the United States except for the questions of Lajes that gathered lots of opinions recently. Do you think there is a problem between Portugal and the United States because of the Azores base?

Assistant Secretary Nuland: We are great, strong allies. We so appreciate the transatlantic spirit and the global commitment of Portugal. What I wanted to say today is how proud we are of Portugal and the Portuguese people. How you have weathered these three years of difficulty. The intense reforms that you have undertaken and we have enormous confidence in Portugal’s future and what we want is for Portugal, and the Portuguese people, to have confidence in their future. Which is why I was here today talking with young entrepreneurs, the next generation, talking about the transatlantic trade and investment partnership that we are going to do that is going to bring jobs and growth on both sides of the Atlantic. We want to see Portugal continue to be that transatlantic engine of growth, the connection between U.S. and Europe that is going to make us all stronger and more prosperous. With regard to Lajes, we have a long, historic security relationship in the Azores. It is time now to broaden and deepen that relationship so it is also about economic opportunity, it is about protecting the environment, it is about tourism. We will continue to have a security relationship but let’s do more than that in the Azores.

Question: Have a safe flight.

Assistant Secretary Nuland: Thank you Nuno.

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FIRST ON FOX: Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee are warning that the safety of Americans who remain in Afghanistan is “in the hands” of the Taliban’s new interior minister, Sirajuddin Haqqani, the head of a designated terror organization and one of the FBI’s most-wanted terrorist operatives. 

The top Republican on the committee, Rep. John Katko, and the top Republican on the House Subcommittee on Intelligence & Counterterrorism, Rep. August Pfluger, wrote a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, first obtained by Fox News, laying out their concerns after the Taliban announced the formation of its new government in Afghanistan – including Haqqani as interior minister. 


“As you are aware, the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan continues to pose increased terrorism risk to Americans both at home and abroad,” they wrote to Mayorkas. 

“With American citizens and our Afghan allies awaiting permission from the Taliban to leave the country on chartered flights – a previously unthinkable scenario that is wholly unacceptable to the American people – we are urgently concerned about the Taliban’s naming of one of the FBI’s most-wanted terrorist operatives, Sirajuddin Haqqani, head of a terrorist group known as the Haqqani network, as the country’s acting interior minister,” they wrote. 

Further, Katko and Pfluger warned that individuals serving as interior ministers often hold authorities “related to policies governing security, border enforcement and transportation,” saying that they are “concerned that the safety of American citizens may now be directly in the hands of a known terrorist operative.” 

Biden administration officials said this week that “just under” 100 Americans remain in Afghanistan. The State Department, on Monday, touted the safe evacuation of four American citizens from the country – without interference from the Taliban. 

The Biden administration completed a full withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan on Aug. 31, after airlifting more than 124,000 Americans and Afghan allies to safety following the Taliban’s swift takeover of the country. Administration officials have said the mission has shifted from a military one to “diplomatic,” maintaining that they are working with Americans still in Afghanistan to get them out of the country. 


“We are concerned that this newfound power in the hands of the Haqqani Network may further exacerbate circumstances leading to Afghanistan becoming a terrorist safe haven, accelerating plotting against the United States emanating from Afghanistan,” they wrote. 

Haqqani leads the Haqqani network, which has been designated by the U.S. government as a Foreign Terrorist Organization since 2012. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence describes the network as “a Sunni Islamist militant organization” that is “responsible for some of the highest-profile attacks of the Afghan war.”

“The Haqqanis are considered the most lethal and sophisticated insurgent group targeting U.S., Coalition, and Afghan forces in Afghanistan,” according to the DNI report. “They typically conduct coordinated small-arms assaults coupled with rocket attacks, IEDs, suicide attacks and attacks using bomb-laden vehicles.”

U.S. officials have blamed the Haqqani network for numerous high-profile attacks in Afghanistan, including the 2011 attack on the Kabul International Hotel and a pair of suicide bombings at the Indian Embassy. The group had also attacked the U.S. Embassy in Kabul in 2011 and is blamed for “the largest truck bomb ever built,” a 61,500-pound device intercepted by Afghan security forces in 2013.

Haqqani is also known as the head of the Taliban’s military strategy, and was placed in charge of security in Kabul after the militants seized the city last month. His exact age is unclear, but he is believed to have been born in either Afghanistan or Pakistan between 1973 and 1980, according to the FBI, which placed him on its most wanted list and is offering a $5 million reward.

The ‘Seeking Information’ poster issued by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation for Sirajuddin Haqqani, who is Afghanistan’s newly appointed acting interior minister. FBI/Handout via REUTERS    THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY

His father, Jalaluddin Haqqani, founded their namesake jihadist group and handed over leadership before his death in 2018 at 71.  But in the 1980s, the elder Haqqani was among the U.S.-backed mujahedeen warlords battling a Soviet Union invasion and was a close friend and mentor of the slain al Qaeda terrorist Usama bin Laden, according to the U.S. Director of National Intelligence’s Counterterrorism Guide.

Since 2008, Sirajuddin Haqqani has been wanted for questioning in connection with a Kabul hotel bombing that killed six people, including one American. He is also suspected of coordinating and taking part in attacks against U.S. and allied forces in Afghanistan and playing a role in the failed assassination attempt of former Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

He has a long lists of aliases, according to the FBI: Siraj, Khalifa, Mohammad Siraj, Sarajadin, Cirodjiddin, Seraj, Arkani, Khalifa (Boss) Shahib, Halifa, Ahmed Zia, Sirajuddin Jallaloudine Haqqani, Siraj Haqqani, Serajuddin Haqani, Siraj Haqani and Saraj Haqani.

And he’s not the only member of the Haqqani network with influence within the Taliban.

Sirajuddin Haqqani’s younger brother, Anas Haqqani, was freed as part of a prisoner exchange in 2019 that also secured the release of American Kevin King and Australian Timothy Weeks, who had been held hostage by Taliban fighters for over three years. Then he led a Taliban delegation to meet with ex-officials of the toppled Afghan government last month. After the Taliban seized Kabul last month, Haqqani’s uncle, Khalil Haqqani, delivered public remarks at the city’s largest mosque – receiving cheers in response, according to The New York Times.

The Republicans also pointed to the Aug. 26 suicide bombing in Kabul, which took the lives of 13 U.S. service members, saying that with Haqqani having “known ties to al Qaeda, including supporting similar suicide bombing attacks,” they “struggle to understand how the Biden administration’s reliance on vaguely articulated ‘over-the-horizon’ counterterrorism capabilities will be sufficient in protecting the homeland.”

Republicans also pointed to a recent statement made by Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who said “there’s at least a very good probability of a broader civil war and that will then in turn lead to conditions that could, in fact, lead to a reconstitution of al Qaeda or a growth of ISIS or other myriad terrorist groups.” 

Republicans went on to demand answers as to how the Department of Homeland Security is supporting diplomatic efforts to evacuate the remaining Americans in Afghanistan and Afghan allies, amid reports that the Taliban is preventing flights from leaving. 

As for those seeking to leave Afghanistan, including Americans, a Taliban spokesperson said individuals have not been able to leave if they do not have proper documentation, but said the creation of the new government would help to better facilitate departures. 

“Regarding the flights, they have to obey our law,” Zabijullah Mujahid, the Taliban spokesman, said. “They have to have proper documents and if they don’t have documents, we will not allow them to go.” 

He explained that individuals “have to have passports, have to have visas, and we have to have an exit stamp on their passports – from now, we’ve had nothing.” 

“Tomorrow, on, we will definitely restart the work of departments and then people will be able to travel abroad,” he said. “So, the next few days, people will be able to travel abroad.” 

Republicans also asked for any intelligence that DHS has related to the Haqqani network’s operations in Afghanistan and the region, whether the network maintains “external plotting capabilities for terrorist attacks,” and if DHS has assessed Haqqani’s appointment to be a signal of a close relationship between the Taliban and terrorist groups. 

“How will DHS navigate potential interactions with a known terrorist on security issues under control of the Taliban’s interior ministry, including interactions pertinent to DHS efforts to help evacuate American citizens and Afghan allies, such as border enforcement and vetting?” they wrote. 


“What impact does having the Haqqani network ingrained with Afghanistan’s senior Taliban leadership have on DHS’s overall assessment of terrorist threats to the United States?” they added. 

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin this week admitted that there is “no question” it will be “more difficult to identify and engage threats that emanate from the region” after the full withdrawal of U.S. troops, but said the U.S. is “committed to making sure that that threats are not allowed to develop that could create significant challenges for us in the homeland.” 

The Taliban, on Tuesday, formally announced the formation of its new government. The Taliban spokesperson said positions within the government are now in an “acting capacity,” but many members of the old guard are part of the new government. 

The government, according to a report by the BBC, will be led by Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund, with Taliban co-founder Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar as deputy. Other appointments include Mullah Yaqoob as acting defense minister and Mullah Abdul Salam Hanafi as a second deputy. 

Despite the Taliban’s announcement of its new government, the White House is in “no rush” to recognize them as legitimate.


“There’s no rush to recognition, and that will be planned dependent on what steps the Taliban takes,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said. “The world will be watching whether they allow for American citizens, whether they allow individuals to leave who want to, and how they treat women and girls around the country.” 

She added: “I don’t have a timeline for you.” 

Psaki’s comments come after President Biden, on Monday, said recognition of the Taliban government was “a long way off.” 

“That’s a long way off,” he said again. 

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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El Barcelona no tuvo problemas en el debut de la Copa del Rey, ante el Murcia: hizo descansar a sus jugadores más importantes, ganó sin inconvenientes y ya se prepara para mantener su liderazgo en LaLiga.  

El sábado 28 de octubre, visitará a Athletic Club, a las 20:45 de España (15:45 de Argentina y Chile; 13:45 de México y Colombia). 


En un principio, Valverde cuenta con lo mejor que tiene para ir a buscar los tres puntos. 


La principal baja de Ernesto Valverde es la lesión de larga duración de Ousmane Dembélé, quien no estará disponible para los azulgranas en lo queda de 2017. Tampoco estará Rafinha, que ha sido operado de una nueva dolencia en su rodilla.


El partido entre el Athletic Club y el Barcelona se jugará en el estadio San Mamés el sábado 28 de octubre las 20:45 horas de España (19:45 horas en las Islas Canarias, 16:45 en Chile y Argentina, 14:45 de Colombia y México) será retransmitido por Bein LaLiga.

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A Donald Trump no le va a gustar esto…

Twitter está trabajando en una herramienta que permitirá a los usuarios marcar y bloquear noticias falsas y contenido ofensivo compartido en la red social, según The Washington Post.

La herramienta estaría en constante desarrollo y todavía está siendo pulida, dice el reporte, pero no hay una fecha próxima para que ésta salga al público. Incluso, el Post dice que Twitter podría nunca lanzarla, aun cuando es algo que mucho hace falta en esa red social, que está plagada de cuentas que publican contenido falso para desinformar o para crear confusión. 

Emily Horne, una portavoz de Twitter, dijo al Post que Twitter “no tiene planes actuales” de lanzar la función, aunque no quiso dar comentarios en qué se está probando específicamente. “No hay planes de lanzar ningún producto que coincida con esto”, dijo Horne sobre esta supuesta herramienta.

Horne dirigió al Post a una entrada de blog publicada hace un mes en donde se mencionan nuevas prácticas para combatir el uso de spam. El propio Jack Dorsey, presidente ejecutivo, ha dicho que la seguridad, el respeto y compartir información verídica es una de las funciones primordiales

Facebook y Google, dos fuentes de información masivas, ya han lanzado modificaciones a su funcionamiento en un esfuerzo por hacer que la información compartida sea real y confirmada. Google, por ejemplo, tiene integración con iniciativas para revisar comprobar que la información en artículos sea real. Facebook hace lo propio al evitar que administradores de páginas pueda editar la imagen, titular y descripción de una página.

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Between them, these health care organizations represent millions of physicians, nurses and other health care workers across the country, including pediatricians, oncologists and pharmacists.

And they don’t think the health care industry should be the only one to require vaccines. They also called on other industries to follow suit.

“As the health care community leads the way in requiring vaccines for our employees, we hope all other employers across the country will follow our lead and implement effective policies to encourage vaccination,” the joint statement said. “The health and safety of U.S. workers, families, communities, and the nation depends on it.”

According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, just 58% of nursing home staff are vaccinated. According to one estimate in late May, 1 in 4 health care workers were unvaccinated in the U.S. In some places, like Florida, the rates were as low as 40%.

Nationwide, the U.S. is struggling to increase its vaccination rates past 50% of the total population, including children, and missed President Joe Biden’s goal to get 70% of adults vaccinated with one shot by July Fourth. As of Monday, about three weeks later, still just 69% of adults had met that goal, while 60% of adults were fully vaccinated, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data.

The influential statement has the potential to move the needle on an issue that, so far, has held up in court and proven to be effective at increasing vaccinations, at least in the health care field. Over the winter, Houston Methodist became the first hospital to require vaccines for its staff, and many hospital systems around the country have followed suit. In Houston, the hospital was sued, but won a lawsuit over the requirement and saw the vast majority of its 26,000-person staff get vaccinated, while around 150 quit or were fired for not adhering to the policy.

That decision spurred a recent statement from another massive health care organization, the American Hospital Association, to call for mandatory vaccinations in hospitals and paved the way for even more to get on board as they did on Monday.

“I think it’s incredible to see these organizations come together and make the bold statement to mandate vaccinations, which we know are safe and effective,” said Dr. Jay Bhatt, the former chief medical officer for the AHA and an ABC News contributor.

“We know, as Americans, it’s hard for folks to agree on a lot of things. So if we’re seeing big organizations agree on vaccinations, we should be paying attention to it,” Bhatt said.

In defending their reasons, the groups that came out in support of vaccine mandates on Monday said it was necessary for caregivers to protect patients who might be immunocompromised or not yet eligible for a vaccine, and for their own health.

The organizations emphasized their confidence in the vaccines, which are safe and effective, and hinted at the fact that the vaccines would be fully approved by the FDA soon, which will also bring more employer mandates. Currently, the vaccine is authorized under an Emergency Use Authorization, which is a temporary approval.

“As we move towards full FDA approval of the currently available vaccines, all health care workers should get vaccinated for their own health, and to protect their colleagues, families, residents of long-term care facilities and patients. This is especially necessary to protect those who are vulnerable, including unvaccinated children and the immunocompromised,” the joint statement said. “Indeed, this is why many health care and long-term care organizations already require vaccinations for influenza, hepatitis B, and pertussis.”

Also on Monday, the Department of Veteran Affairs announced that it would mandate the vaccine for its doctors and nurses. The decision came after four unvaccinated employees of the department died in recent weeks. The mandate will go into place in two months.

Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Dennis McDonough said the mandate is “the best way to keep veterans safe, especially as the Delta variant spreads across the country.”

While there is a risk of pushback that could lead to people leaving their jobs, particularly in parts of the country where there is more refusal to get the vaccine, the rising levels of the delta variant, which currently makes up 83% of all cases in the U.S., could also hit hospital workforces hard, particularly for doctors and nurses on the frontlines of the pandemic.

“Either way, there’s a risk of them not being in the workforce. And I would say the cost of getting COVID is great enough that it warrants vaccination,” said Bhatt.

But for those who can’t be vaccinated because of medical reasons, which the groups estimated to be “a small minority of all workers,” they should be evaluated individually.

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