La Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE) dio a conocer hoy un estudio internacional sobre los países donde más horas se trabajan al año.
La clasificación, circunscrita a los países de la OCDE, viene encabezada por México, con un total de 2.228 horas al año por empleado. Seguida por Costa Rica (2.216), Corea del Sur (2.163) y Grecia (2.042).
En quinto lugar aparece Chile con un promedio de 1.990 horas anuales. Al respecto, el reporte consigna que “por primera vez” la jornada media anual de nuestro país “cae por debajo de las 2.000 horas”.
A continuación, repara que “las cifras caracterizan a Latinoamérica como una región con países de largas jornadas laborales, pero una productividad relativamente baja por hora trabajada”.
Francia, Dinamarca, Noruega, Holanda y Alemania aparecen en el otro extremo: entre los países en los que menos horas al año se trabajan. Son países con alta productividad, con mayor presencia de la industria en la economía.
“Trabajan menos y son más ricos (tienen mayor renta). La productividad es la clave, pero también el hecho de que haya un mayor número de personas trabajando, aunque lo hagan menos horas, un mejor reparto el trabajo, por así decir”, consigna hoy El País.
La OCDE informa que Alemania es el país donde se trabaja menos horas anuales., con solo 1.371 horas.
Salario y pobreza
Por su parte, el informe “Employment Outlook 2015” de la OCDE revela otra preocupante realidad: El nivel actual de salario mínimo en Chile no es suficiente para que una familia logre salir de la línea de pobreza, informa hoy Diario Financiero.
De acuerdo al estudio, en nuestro país se requieren más horas de trabajo con el sueldo mínimo legal para escapar de la línea de pobreza, con más de 70 horas semanales para una familia con un solo ingreso y 61 horas para padres o madres solteros.
Al respecto, la OCDE afirma que es “impracticable” lograr las horas de trabajo suficientes en Chile, por lo que es necesario un apoyo más generoso que complemente los ingresos laborales o salarios significativamente mayores a los asignados en la remuneración mínima legal.
“Complementar el piso salarial con beneficios al interior de las empresas o exenciones tributarias pueden ser una forma más efectiva de enfrentar la pobreza que usar el sueldo mínimo aisladamente”, advierte el organismo.
El narrador de noticias de WVN 59 Dan Thorn se convirtió rápidamente en un éxito de YouTube al compartir varios videos en los cuales aparece bailando durante los cortes comerciales.
El primer clip, que alcanza las 125 mil vistas, lo mustra bailando al ritmo del tema “Where they at doe”. El periodista levanta los brazos, se mueve y sonríe a su compañera de mesa Sarah Pisciuneri, quien – sin embargo – no parece muy contenta con lo que ve.
“Oh esta canción es lo máximo, me encanta”, dijo Thorn luego de danzar sobre su sitio por casi un minuto y medio.
The White House and congressional investigators are hammering each other with legal action and charges of bad faith.
The showdown between the Trump White House and House Democrats reached a new level of hostility this week, as several investigative disputes veered toward federal court amid scathing rhetoric on both sides.
Three dramatic clashes between White House lawyers and congressional Democrats over the past 36 hours have created an atmosphere of total war between the president and Capitol Hill, suggesting that even modest compromise may be impossible and that protracted court fights likely are inevitable.
Story Continued Below
House Democrats threatened Tuesday to hold in contempt a Trump official who oversaw security clearances after the White House instructed him not to cooperate with Congress. Later in the day, the Trump administration refused to turn over six years’ worth of President Donald Trump’s personal and business tax returns by a 5 p.m. deadline, instead requesting more time to consult with the Justice Department. And later Tuesday, Trump said he was opposed to his current and former aides — most notably, former White House Counsel Don McGahn — testifying on Capitol Hill, escalating the showdown even further.
Those moves came a day after Trump took the dramatic step of suing the chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee to block a subpoena for his financial records.
White House lawyers said they are guarding the executive branch’s prerogatives against what they call politically motivated congressional inquests. But Democrats see an unprecedented — and indefensible — degree of White House defiance.
“It’s a pretty extraordinary and outlandish situation right now,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), a member of the House Oversight panel, said in an interview. “It’s like a curtain has fallen down over the White House.”
Since House Democrats took power in January, White House officials have resorted to a range of aggressive tactics — refusing to turn over documents, declining to send witnesses to testify and even going to federal court to protect Trump’s financial records from congressional scrutiny.
“It’s putting forth a constitutional crisis about whether the Congress can effectively perform its oversight duties,” said Morton Rosenberg, who served as legal adviser to the House general counsel.
Trump’s White House and personal lawyers have repeatedly counterpunched Democrats, using harsh and hostile terms and painting a portrait of a frantic White House under siege from an opposition party out to destroy the president.
“The Democrat Party, with its newfound control of the U.S. House of Representatives, has declared all-out political war against President Donald J. Trump,” Trump’s personal attorneys wrote in a court filing challenging a subpoena for his financial records from an accounting firm. “Democrat Party” is a term often used by conservatives that Democrats consider intentionally disrespectful.
“Instead of working with the president to pass bipartisan legislation that would actually benefit Americans, House Democrats are singularly obsessed with finding something they can use to damage the president politically,” added the attorneys, William Consovoy and Stefan Passantino.
Trump allies have echoed that partisan framing in their arguments that Democrats are making illegitimate requests.
“No one should be surprised that this White House is following a time-honored tradition of ignoring partisan subpoenas,” said a former Trump adviser who remains close to the White House.
In recent days, the White House has begun instructing current and former White House officials, including former White House personnel security director Carl Kline, to not cooperate with Congress. The White House will also try to block McGahn — who is emerging as a star witness for House Democrats — from testifying by asserting executive privilege, according to two people familiar with the plans.
Trump, for his part, told The Washington Post that the White House Counsel’s office had not made a “final, final decision.” But he indicated he had no intention of complying with House Democrats.
“There is no reason to go any further, and especially in Congress where it’s very partisan — obviously very partisan,” Trump said.
“I don’t want people testifying to a party, because that is what they’re doing if they do this,” he added.
House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) subpoenaed McGahn to appear before the panel May 21 as part of its obstruction of justice investigation into Trump. But lawmakers have raised questions about whether Trump is able to claim executive privilege on anything revealed in special counsel Robert Mueller’s report because the report is now a public document. It includes detailed testimony from McGahn, they said, which is effectively an affirmative decision by Trump to waive the privilege.
“As such, the moment for the White House to assert some privilege to prevent this testimony from being heard has long since passed,” Nadler said in a statement Tuesday. “I suspect that President Trump and his attorneys know this to be true as a matter of law — and that this evening’s reports, if accurate, represent one more act of obstruction by an administration desperate to prevent the public from talking about the president’s behavior.”
Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) said he would schedule a vote to hold Kline in contempt for refusing to comply with the committee’s subpoena for a deposition before the panel, which was scheduled for Tuesday.
Trump’s lawyers aren’t the only ones making their case in acerbic terms. Cummings released a scathing statement Tuesday ripping the Trump administration for routinely shivving congressional oversight requests.
“It appears that the president believes that the Constitution does not apply to his White House, that he may order officials at will to violate their legal obligations, and that he may obstruct attempts by Congress to conduct oversight,” Cummings said. “It also appears that the White House believes that it may dictate to Congress — an independent and co-equal branch of government — the scope of its investigations and even the rules by which it conducts them.”
Kline is accused of overriding career national security officials to approve security clearances for officials whose applications were initially denied. The allegations against him were revealed to the committee by Tricia Newbold, a whistleblower who told the Oversight Committee that Kline and others put national security at risk by granting security clearances to more than two dozen officials.
“It’s true with all of the committees — the White House is fighting each and every one,” said Ed Passman, Newbold’s lawyer. “This is just another example. It’s really disappointing because my client has come forward at great personal risk.”
In addition to Nadler and House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Cummings has emerged as a leading persona non grata in Trumpworld. And now, he’s become the latest in a long line of defendants in a Trump lawsuit.
“Elijah Cummings is a gentlemen who treats everybody with decency and respect,” Raskin said. “And it seems pretty shocking to me that the president has injected this kind of negative personal tone into the whole thing.”
A contempt vote against Kline, who now works at the Defense Department, would be the first since Trump took office. That could lead Congress to ask a judge to force the administration to cooperate. It could also lead the U.S. attorney in Washington to press charges, though that’s unlikely to happen.
“This is as close to anarchy as I have seen,” said Charles Tiefer, former solicitor and deputy general counsel of the House who is now a professor at the University of Baltimore. “The administrations seems to think it has floated off into space and no longer subject to oversight.”
White House deputy counsel Michael Purpura sent a letter Monday asking Kline not to answer questions because it “unconstitutionally encroaches on fundamental executive branch interests.”
Kline’s attorney, Robert Driscoll, wrote a subsequent letter to the committee saying that Kline would not answer questions. “With two masters from two equal branches of government, we will follow the instructions of the one that employs him,” Driscoll wrote in the letter to the committee.
Democrats had hoped they would quickly receive documents and information about the Trump administration, but it has become clear that a long and frustrating fight with the president’s lawyers lies ahead. The fight could end up in court and could take several months, possibly stretching well into 2020 as the president runs for reelection.
Since 2007, Congress has held two officials in contempt — White House counsel Harriet Miers during George W. Bush’s tenure and Attorney General Eric Holder during Barack Obama’s presidency — but still failed to receive all the information it has requested.
A lawyer who worked in Obama’s White House said a White House requesting an official not cooperate is not unusual but it is unusual to do so without invoking executive privilege, which allows a president to shield certain communications from legislative and judicial branches. “It’s a very difficult situation unless they invoke executive privilege,” the lawyer said.
Nearly every House committee has launched investigations into the Trump administration, on everything from the easing of sanctions on businesses tied to a Russian oligarch to the federal government’s lease with the Trump International Hotel in Washington.
“When faced with choice of cooperation or confrontation, Chairman Cummings picked confrontation,” a spokesman for the Republican side of the Oversight panel said Tuesday, slamming Cummings for his “insatiable quest to sully the White House.”
In total, the administration has at least 30 times refused or delayed turning over documents to 12 House committees, according to House Democrats. A half dozen officials have refused to appear before five committees while two officials have refused to come in for interviews with two other committees, they say.
On Monday, Trump sued Cummings in an effort to block the Oversight Committee’s subpoena to accounting firm Mazars USA. The committee is seeking eight years of Trump’s financial records from the company.
The White House and Driscoll did not respond to a request for comment.
Kyle Cheney and Eliana Johnson contributed to this report.
“Gracias a todos por vernos. Soy Kayleigh McEnany y esas son las verdaderas noticias”, dice al final de un video alabando el trabajo de Donald Trump, la hasta hace pocos días comentarista de CNN, férrea defensora durante 2016 del entonces candidato republicano y ahora presentadora de la más reciente arma del presidente en su guerra contra los medios a los que acusa de difundir “noticias falsas” ( fake news)
En poco más de un minuto, hablando a la cámara y con un pequeño recuadro donde se ven las imágenes que ilustran sus palabras, McEnany hace un repaso por noticias relacionadas con el presidente, presentándolas de la manera como seguramente al presidente le gusta que se hablen de éstas.
Es parte de la movida profesional que la misma McEnany anunció el sábado en su cuenta Twitter. El domingo apareció el segmento informativo y el lunes se anunció además que sería la nueva portavoz del Partido Republicano.
Los fuegos se abrieron el 1 de agosto con la presentación del primer segmento a cargo de Lara Trump, esposa de uno de los hijos del presidente, Eric.
“¡Mira aquí las noticias reales! (…) Apuesto a que no has oído hablar de todos los logros del presidente esta semana porque hay tantas noticias falsas por ahí”, aseguró sonriente en su mensaje transmitido desde el perfil del presidente en Facebook.
Aunque no sea el primer gobierno en producir segmentos noticiosos promoviendo su trabajo, es notable el tono personalista de la producción, que lo asemeja a experimentos similares vistos en otros países, en otros tiempos y en sistemas políticos menos democráticos.
Guardando las distancias, las “noticas reales desde la Torre Trump” se parecen a los espacios que promovían la “labor en favor del pueblo” en gobiernos populistas de diverso signo en varias partes del mundo, o, más recientemente, lo que se puede ver en medios estatales venezolanos alabando el trabajo de Nicolás Maduro o del fallecido Hugo Chávez para contrarrestar lo que llaman la “guerra medíatica” que tendría en su contra los medios privados de comunicación.
Realidad vs. propaganda
En los dos segmentos que se han presentado hasta ahora se destaca el crecimiento de los trabajos (un millón de empleos en los primeros seis meses de la presidencia), el crecimiento récord del mercado de valores, los “altos niveles de la confianza del público” y la atención a los veteranos.
Aunque todo es básicamente cierto, como suele suceder con la propaganda, no todo lo que se dice es exactamente así. Por ejemplo, cuando McEnany asegura que “claramente el presidente Trump ha devuelto la economía a la dirección correcta”, obvia que lo bursátil y los empleos son tendencias que vienen así desde el último año de Barack Obama y que el nuevo mandatario no ha cambiado nada en la economía como para atribuirse el crédito.
“(Es parte) de una larga, si bien no enteramente noble, tradición de la propaganda política de campaña”, dijo a CNN el analista político Jeff Greenfield.
Los responsables de comunicación de un país como Venezuela seguramente no verán nada malo en el estilo con el que Lara Trump y McEnany hablan de esos logros del presidente que supuestamente son ignorados por los grandes medios de comunicación (aunque la verdad es que han sido cubiertos extensivamente por la prensa).
Tampoco les debe resultar extraño el tono reverencial y la manera excesivamente personalista como se refieren al hombre que quiere “Hacer EEUU grandioso de nuevo”, quien pareciera ser la personificación de la acción del gobierno.
Algunos recordarán aquella extraña reunión de gabinete de principios de junio en la Casa Blanca, en la que uno a uno, secretarios y colaboradores del presidente se fueron turnando para cantar sus alabanzas al líder máximo, quien los escuchaba complacido.
“En nombre de todo el personal de alto nivel a su alrededor, señor presidente, le agradecemos la oportunidad y la bendición de servir a su agenda”, fue el resumen que hizo el entonces jefe de gabinete de la Casa Blanca, Reince Priebus, solo unas semanas antes de ser despedido. Medios y políticos calificaron aquel ejercicio de algo digno de una “república bananera”.
Sumados a aquella reunión de gabinete, estos nuevos segmentos informativos muestran un incipiente culto a la personalidad que parece estar tomando forma entre los seguidores del presidente.
El actor australiano Hugh Jackman dej un curioso mensaje a sus fans a travs de su cuenta de Instagram.
El actor Hugh Jackman sorprendió a los fans de Wolverine, personaje de la saga X-Men, a través de su cuenta de Instagram, anunciando que no volverá a interpretar al famoso mutante.
Con la frase “Wolverine… One last time. HJ” (Wolverine…una última vez) y una imagen en la que una de sus manos muestra las famosas garras del personaje, mientras que la otra no tiene ninguna, el actor australiano estaría confirmando algo que nadie esperaba.
Cabe señalar que el propio Jackman había asegurado que seguiría interpretando al personaje hasta su muerte en la ficción. Sin embargo, de acuerdo a este post, la tercera película de Wolverine en solitario sería la última.
Wolverine 3 estará dirigida por James Mangold, que también dirigió Wolverine Inmortal, y llegará a los cines en 2017.
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The lawyers’ accounts prompted a significant public backlash, after which all but 30 of the roughly 300 children who were being housed in Clint were transferred elsewhere. Some 249 were placed in a shelter network for children run by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement, while others were moved to a tent facility in El Paso run by Customs and Border Protection.
But on Tuesday, the C.B.P. official said that those moves had alleviated overcrowding in Clint, and allowed for the return of more than 100 children there. The spokesman said that no additional resources had been provided to the children who were sent back.
After the lawyers’ accounts about Clint were made public, volunteers from around the country began to mobilize, hoping to deliver supplies such as diapers, soap and food to the facility. But those who arrived there were not allowed in and their donations were not accepted, according to local media reports.
On the call with reporters on Tuesday, the Customs and Border Protection official said that the agency was reviewing its policy for accepting outside donations, but the official also disputed the idea that supplies were running low.
“We are looking at the possibility of using some of those donations going forward but those items, it’s important to note, are available now,” the official said.
Federal officials had previously told the office of Representative Terry Canales, a Democrat from Texas who requested a list of needed supplies, that the agency would not be able to accept outside donations, according to Curtis Smith, Mr. Canalas’s chief of staff.
Winning the right to make a vaccine without fear of legal repercussions is simply a starting point. A company that wants to make vaccines in the developing world also will need specialized training, costly and scarce equipment, and, above all, the transfer of technical know-how from existing patent holders including Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson.
Notably absent from the list were Mnuchin and other former treasury secretaries, such as John Snow. Meanwhile, Trump on Wednesday issued a statement endorsing McConnell’s position, arguing, “The only powerful tool that Republicans have to negotiate with is the Debt Ceiling, and they would be both foolish and unpatriotic not to use it now.”
African-Americans have played a profound role in shaping the U.S. business landscape. Technological innovations like the traffic light, automatic elevator doors and even caller ID all sprung from the minds of creative black luminaries.
To honor their business achievements this Black History Month, Forbes spoke to a number of founders, investors, activists, celebrities and experts on the black diaspora. What emerged from these conversation was a rich, complex portrait of black entrepreneurship, one that highlights the black community’s tremendous creativity, as well as a resilience that was born, in part, out of hardship and necessity.
Historically, black-owned companies, like Madam C.J. Walker’s hair-care line and the businesses that formed Tulsa, Oklahoma’s Black Wall Street, were developed in direct response to racial discrimination. “These segregation patterns then created market opportunities for black entrepreneurs to step in, make money and meet the demands of the black community,” says Mehrsa Baradaran, author of The Color of Money: Black Banks and the Racial Wealth Gap. With few work opportunities and high job instability, many black pioneers took matters into their own hands, building small enterprises that served and employed fellow African-Americans.
The black community’s long history of entrepreneurship is marked by ebbs and flows. The Reconstruction era, the period after the Civil War, saw a sharp rise in the number of black-owned businesses as the country attempted to right some of the inequities of slavery. But in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the resurgence of Jim Crow laws enforcing racial segregation, coupled with the Great Depression, led to the decline of black entrepreneurship. “Black businesses were targeted and we saw a rollback in many of the advancements that were made previously,” says Tiffiany Howard, a small business and entrepreneurship fellow at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.
The rate of black business creation continued to rise and fall throughout the 20th and 21st century, increasing in the ’90s, dipping during the 2008 recession and rising again post-recession. In recent years, the number of black-owned businesses has risen dramatically, with black women fueling much of that growth. In 2003, Oprah Winfrey, arguably the most notable black female entrepreneur, became the first black American billionaire. And in just the last five years, four other African-Americans have reached the billionaire echelon.
But even with this forward momentum, black entrepreneurs still face a number of challenges: primarily, a lack of access to capital, says Ron Busby, president of the U.S. Black Chambers. “We have the acumen, the creativity, the knowledge and even the manpower. But without access to capital, our ideas come to a standstill, are stolen or are manipulated.”
Many of the black 2020 30 Under 30 listmakers echo a similar sentiment in candid video interviews with Forbes, but they also note the black community’s collective ability to persevere against all odds. And in an effort to level the playing field for entrepreneurs of color, a number of corporations and wealthy black business leaders have created funds to invest in minority-owned companies. Real estate tycoon Don Peebles announced a $500 million fund for emerging minority and female developers in June 2019, and banks like JPMorgan and Citigroup have launched initiatives and investment funds to support underrepresented entrepreneurs.
Still, much remains to be done both in the private and public sectors. “In order for there to be a great America, there must be a great black America,” Busby says. “And in order for there to be a great black America, you must have great black businesses and a great black economy.”
If history is any indication, black entrepreneurship will continue to grow and thrive in the coming years—an economic boon for Americans of all colors.
Smith, the founder and CEO of Vista Equity Partners, made national headlines in 2019 when he pledged to pay off student loans for the entire graduating class of Morehouse College. He made his Forbes 400 billionaire debut in 2015 with a net worth of $2.5 billion.
Current Net Worth: $5 Billion
David Steward
Steward once watched his car get repossessed from his office parking lot. Today, he’s the billionaire founder and chairman of IT provider World Wide Technology—one of the largest black-owned businesses in America. In 2018, Forbes named him a billionaire with a net worth of $3.4 billion.
Current Net Worth: $3.5 Billion
Oprah Winfrey
The media maven got her start in the entertainment and news industry, later morphing her hit talk show into a business empire. Forbes first listed her as a billionaire in 2003 with a $1 billion net worth.
Current Net Worth: $2.7 Billion
Michael Jordan
Not only is Jordan regarded as one of the NBA’s greatest players, he’s also the highest-paid athlete, thanks to his majority stake in the Charlotte Hornets and a Nike shoe deal. Jordan was first featured as a Forbes billionaire in 2015 with a $1 billion net worth.
Current Net Worth: $1.9 Billion
In the words of Jay-Z, “I’m not a businessman. I’m a business, man.” Since hitting the hip-hop scene more than 25 years ago, the rapper has created a $1 billion fortune that encompasses liquor, art and real estate. He made his first showing as a Forbes billionaire in the spring of 2019.
Current Net Worth: $1 Billion
Black In The Day: A Timeline Of Business Firsts
We have Thomas Jennings, the first black patent holder, to thank for the prototype of modern dry cleaning.
Madam C.J. Walker creates a hair-care line that will later gain her recognition as the first self-made female millionaire.
H. Naylor Fitzhugh is the first known African-American to graduate from Harvard Business School.
Warren H. Wheeler establishes Wheeler Airlines, the first black-owned and -operated air service in the U.S.
Joan and George Johnson’s hair-care company, Johnson Products, becomes the first black-owned business on the American Stock Exchange.
Reginald F. Lewis, the head of TLC Beatrice International, becomes the first African-American to own a company with $1 billion in sales.
Franklin D. Raines becomes the first black CEO of a Fortune 500 company when he takes over Fannie Mae.
Robert L. Johnson becomes the nation’s first black billionaire after selling the cable network Black Entertainment Television to Viacom.
Ruth Simmons is sworn in as the 18th president of Brown University, where she’s the first African-American president of an Ivy League school.
Don Peebles becomes the first African-American to develop and own a major luxury hotel.
Oprah Winfrey becomes the first black female billionaire, coming in at No. 427 on Forbes list of billionaires.
Ursula Burns is appointed CEO of Xerox, making her the first black female to lead an S&P 500 company.
Words Of Wisdom From Next-Gen Black Entrepreneurs
Members of the 2020 class of 30 Under 30 listmakers discuss black history and what it means to be an entrepreneur of color.
Responses have been edited for clarity and brevity.
Hace instantes, un empleado de la Secretaría de Inteligencia se hizo presente en la planta de Editorial Perfil en Barracas para entregar un documento amenazante: de publicar la lista de nuevos espías K que sale en la edición de hoy de la Revista Noticias, seremos denunciados ante la Justicia Federal por violar el secreto que marca la vieja Ley de Inteligencia.
Luego de haberse amasado una “mafia” gracias a dicho secreto, denunciada por el propio Gobierno, es un medio de comunicación el que debe abstenerse de tomar la actitud republicana de transparentar de qué modo quedaría estructurado dicho organismo bajo el mandato del próximo presidente constitucional.
La edición de Noticias ya está impresa y en proceso de distribución.
Herman Cain is expected to remove his name from consideration for appointment to the Federal Reserve, according to a report Friday.
The former Republican presidential contender and Godfather’s Pizza CEO has come under repeated fire since President Donald Trump announced his intention to nominate Cain as a central bank governor. In recent days, at least four GOP senators said they would not support the move, seeming to torpedo the effort before it even become official.
ABC news reported that Cain will pull his name before it even gets that far. The network said it confirmed the withdrawal with multiple sources, including an administration official and a person close to the matter.
A White House official declined comment. CNBC also has reached out to Cain for comment.
Greg Valliere, chief U.S. policy strategist at AGF, said in a note Friday that he is “betting on this afternoon” for when Cain withdraws.
The potential nomination drew quick criticism from multiple corners.
Cain briefly was among the leaders in the race for the 2012 Republican primary before fading and giving way to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who later lost to Barack Obama. Romney, now a senator from Utah, was among top Republicans who said they would not support Cain if his name came to the floor.
Among other issues, Cain likely would have faced questioning over sexual misconduct accusations from two women relating to his time as CEO of the National Restaurant Association in the late 1990s.
Trump also has announced his intention to nominate economic commentator Stephen Moore to the Fed board. That move, too, has come under fire from congressional leaders who have questioned Moore’s credentials, and as revelations have come up relating to delinquent taxes and child support payments.
However, Washington observers have indicated that Moore would likely have an easier time in the confirmation process than Cain.
La polémica portada del New York Post con la esposa de Donald Trump desnuda, así como las complicaciones en la salud de Guillermo Anderson, destacan en las noticias de este domingo.
En este resumen de noticias te presentamos las que mayor impacto tuvieron en Honduras y el planeta entero:
Diario de Nueva York publica fotos en las que aparece desnuda la esposa de Donald Trump
Un periódico de Nueva York abrió hoy su portada con unas fotografías desnuda de Melania Trump, esposa del candidato republicano, Donald Trump, que fueron publicadas por una revista francesa en los años noventa. Las imágenes, algunas de ellas inéditas, fueron tomadas durante una sesión de fotos en Manhattan en 1995 y aparecieron publicadas en la revista francesa Max, según el diario New York Post. “Era una foto para una revista europea antes de conocerla. Y en Europa, este tipo de imágenes estaban de moda y eran comunes”, dijo a ese periódico el candidato a la Casa Blanca. La modelo eslovena, que tenía entonces 25 años y era conocida por su nombre profesional Melania K, posó para el fotógrafo francés Alé de Basse-ville. (Ver fotos originales en historia del Post)
“Melania estuvo genial, tenía una personalidad fantástica y fue muy amable conmigo”, dijo al periódico neoyorquino el fotógrafo, que recordó que la exmodelo nunca se sintió incómoda posando desnuda.
Trasladan de emergencia a Guillermo Anderson
El cantautor hondureño Guillermo Anderson fue trasladado de emergencia este domingo desde Guatemala tras sufrir una complicación de salud, informaron autoridades hondureñas. Según trascendió, el artista de renombre internacional fue trasladado desde el vecino país centroamericano hacia la ciudad de La Ceiba, Caribe de Honduras. El comisario Rodríguez Montoya, de la Policía de Tránsito, informó que fue llevado al Hospital D’ Antoni de ese municipio. Se informó que su traslado obedece a problemas de salud con pronóstico reservado.
El cantante fue llevado en la ambulancia policial PN-LA04 conducida por el policía Saúl Padilla, acompañado por el doctor Elías Canahuati y el enfermero Héctor Alonso Rodríguez.
Buscaba pokemones y encontró pareja en la intimidad
Un jovencito que se divertía jugando pokemones Go mantiene revueltas las redes sociales y no precisamente por atrapar a uno de estos famosos animalitos. El adolescente estaba en plena caza de un Pokémon frente a un edificio, de inmediato se llevó la sorpresa de su vida. Observó como una pareja mantenía relaciones sexuales a plena vista. De inmediato y olvidándose del juego por unos minutos, el joven filmó a la pareja que tenía intimidad, al parecer ambos son compañeros de trabajo en una oficina.
El clip divulgado inicialmente en WhatsAap saltó a las demás redes y ahora ha causado otros problemas porque en un inicio identificaron a una mujer erróneamente, ahora la chica pide se haga la corrección porque no es ella la que aparece en el video, sino su compañera. Tras salir a la luz el video y llegar a manos de las autoridades del corporativo, los directivos lanzaron un comunicado donde reprobaban los hechos y aseguraron que se levantaría una investigación para identificarlos.
Policía alquilaba su arma a u delincuenta por 500 pesos la noche
Un policía argentino de la localidad de Rosario fue acusado de un insólito delito: Alquilarle su arma a un delincuente. El hecho salió a la luz luego que el malhechor fuese capturado tras robar a una mujer en un barrio de la ciudad capital de la provincia de Santa Fe. El asaltalte delató al policía, diciendo que cada vez le cobraba más caro por alquilarle su arma de reglamento, cuyo modelo no fue precisado.
De acuerdo con el reporte, el uniformada cobraba unos 500 pesos argentinos por noche (unos 762 lempiras) y lo hacía sobre todo los fines de semana, cuando se hallaba de franco.
Fanático de Pokemón GO pinta su perro de Pikachu
Los amantes de los perros pueden acariciarlos, mirarlos y tomarles fotos por horas. Y cuando eso se mezcla con otras cosas de las que somos fanáticos la cosa se puede poner un poco extraña y los disfraces de ranas, marineros u otras cosas divertidas pueden salir a flote. Pero hay un límite que la mayor parte de las personas no están dispuestas a cruzar: teñir a sus mascotas.
Es lo que hizo un fanático de Pokémon GO, el que luego se ganó una ola de críticas. No se le ocurrió nada mejor que teñir a un perrito con los colores y marcas de Pikachu.
To which, I’d say, good luck with that. Polis has had unprecedented power, which comes with unprecedented responsibility. In other words, how do you judge?
President Donald Trump described his former personal attorney Michael Cohen’s congressional testimony as a “fake hearing.” On Wednesday in Washington, Cohen claimed the president is a “conman” who lied about his business interests with Russia. (Feb. 28) AP
HANOI, Vietnam – President Donald Trump criticized the congressional testimony of his former lawyer Michael Cohen as “shameful” and accused Cohen of lying “a lot.”
Trump’s remarks Thursday came just hours after Cohen, during extraordinary testimony before a House committee, branded Trump as a “con man” and a racist and accused him of criminal wrongdoing.
Speaking to reporters at the end of his summit with North Korean President Kim Jong Un i, Trump said he watched some of Cohen’s testimony before the House Oversight and Reform Committee on Wednesday.
“It was pretty shameful, I think,” Trump said.
Trump called the hearing “a fake hearing” and blasted the committee for holding it during his denuclearization talks with Kim.
“Having it during this very important summit is sort of incredible,” Trump said.
Cohen “lied a lot” in his testimony, Trump said. But he said he was surprised that Cohen did not accuse his presidential campaign of colluding with the Russians during the 2016 election.
“He didn’t lie about one thing: He said no collusion with the Russian hoax,” Trump said.
“I was actually impressed he didn’t say I think there was collusion for this reason or that,” Trump said. “… I was a little impressed by that frankly.”
In testimony that was both combative and contrite, Cohen tied the White House more directly than ever to multiple investigations that have shadowed Trump’s presidency.
Cohen told the congressional panel that Trump knew in advance that WikiLeaks planned to release stolen emails damaging to political rival Hillary Clinton.
Cohen said Trump personally reimbursed Cohen for an illegal hush-money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels and testified the president indirectly encouraged him to lie to Congress about his pursuit of a potentially lucrative Trump Tower development in Moscow – even as Trump repeatedly denied any business interests in Russia throughout the 2016 campaign.
President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer tells Congress that Trump knew ahead of time that WikiLeaks had emails damaging to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, and he testified that Trump is a “racist,” a “conman” and a “cheat.” (Feb. 27) AP
In another potentially damaging revelation, Cohen suggested that Trump knew in advance of a June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower, headed by Donald Trump Jr., in which a Russian lawyer promised to provide damaging information on Clinton.
Cohen provided the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee with documents that appeared to back up some of his claims, including a $35,000 check signed by Trump.
Cohen said the personal check, signed during the first year of his presidency, was one of 11 “installment” payments to reimburse him for the hush money payment to adult film star Daniels, who claims to have had an affair with Trump.
Trump’s defenders on the committee blasted Cohen as a pathological liar and pointed out repeatedly that he has pleaded guilty to a string of financial crimes and for lying to Congress. Cohen is to begin a three-year prison term on those charges on May 6.
President Trump speaks to the media Monday from the White House.
Win McNamee/Getty Images
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Win McNamee/Getty Images
President Trump speaks to the media Monday from the White House.
Win McNamee/Getty Images
President Trump on Monday declined to condemn the actions of the suspected 17-year-old shooter of three protesters against police brutality in Kenosha, Wis., claiming, without evidence, that it appeared the gunman was acting in self defense.
Kyle Rittenhouse has been charged with six criminal counts, including first-degree intentional homicide, for the shooting last week that left two protesters dead and a third injured. An investigation is ongoing, which the president also acknowledged.
The incident occurred during the third night of unrest following the police shooting of 29-year-old Jacob Blake, who was shot in the back multiple times at point-blank range.
When asked during a Monday press briefing whether he would condemn the Illinois teen’s actions, Trump defended Rittenhouse, suggesting that it appeared to him the shooter was acting in self defense.
“He was trying to get away from them, I guess, it looks like,” Trump said, noting the incident was under investigation. “I guess he was in very big trouble. He probably would have been killed,” Trump said.
Graphic video from the chaotic scene only tell a partial story. The shooter’s alleged actions have split onlookers on party lines, with Republicans painting Rittenhouse as sort of tragic figure — a martyred patriot whose extreme actions were born of Democrat failures to quell violence on their streets.
Democrats meanwhile have taken a dimmer view of the situation, pointing to the president’s increasingly divisive rhetoric, and past endorsements of violence against protesters, as evidence of a clear message to renegade gun owners to feel that they can act with impunity in the name of “law and order.”
Trump, who has made violence in “Democrat cities” a key talking point against 2020 rival Joe Biden, plans to visit Kenosha, Wis., on Tuesday “to see the people that did such a good job for me” during the protests.
When asked whether he was worried that his presence, which comes against the Kenosha mayor’s wishes, might inflame an already heated situation, Trump said: “Well, it could also increase enthusiasm, and it could increase love and respect for our country. And that’s why I’m going.”
The president will not during this trip meet with the family of Jacob Blake, the man whose shooting and subsequent paralyzing sparked the Kenosha uprisings, citing a wariness of attending a meeting that Trump said would include the family’s attorney.
“I thought it would be better not to do anything where there are lawyers involved. They wanted me to speak, but they wanted to have lawyers involved, and I thought that was inappropriate, so I didn’t do that,” he said.
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