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11 Jul 2016 / 05:54 PM



No dejes de leer este completo resumen con las noticias e información de Honduras y el mundo que han causado mayor impacto e interés para nuestros lectores de LAPRENSA.HN este lunes 11 de julio del 2016.

Resumen de noticias La Prensa,Caso Cerrado,Esteban Caso Cerrado,Marvin Ponce,Pelea Marvin Ponce,Noticias de Estados Unidos,Noticias del mundo,Honduras,Noticias de Honduras,Noticias impactantes de Honduras,Noticias impactantes lunes 11 de julio,

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The Republican ranking member of the Judiciary Committee sent a letter to the Democratic committee chairman on Saturday requesting extra witnesses be added to the panel Wednesday at the committee’s first impeachment hearing. Congressman Doug Collins also asked that Republicans have the opportunity to select some of the witnesses.

“To ensure fairness and restore integrity to the ongoing impeachment process, I request an expanded panel and a balanced composition of academic witnesses to opine on the subject matter at issue during the hearing,” Collins wrote in his letter to Chairman Jerry Nadler. Four academic experts are scheduled to appear on Wednesday, although the identities of those witnesses are not yet publicly known.

Collins noted in his letter that the House Judiciary Committee called two panels, consisting of ten and nine experts each, during the 1998 impeachment inquiry against former President Bill Clinton.

“I request that you expand the number of witnesses called upon to testify on December 4 to give the American people a wider array of perspectives regarding impeachment. I further request that you equally allocate those witnesses to the majority and minority’s choosing,” Collins said.

Collins hinted at the identity of one of the witnesses called by the Democrats on the committee, citing an article by Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe where Tribe called for Mr. Trump’s impeachment in 2017. Tribe also wrote a book on impeachment in 2018.

“The Committee must ensure it maintains its credibility and its historically preeminent role in the impeachment of presidents by not rushing to articles of impeachment or hearing only from scholars with demonstrated animosity towards the president,” Collins wrote, indicating that Tribe is one of the witnesses called to appear on Wednesday.

“An equal distribution of experts for the December 4 hearing would be a small concession to demonstrate to the American people this impeachment inquiry is not merely political theater,” Collins concluded.

Nadler sent a letter to President Trump inviting him and his counsel to participate in the hearing on December 4. He also sent a letter to Mr. Trump on Friday giving the president a deadline of December 6 to participate in any impeachment proceedings by the Judiciary Committee.

The White House is unlikely to send legal representation to the first impeachment hearing by the Judiciary Committee. The first day of hearings in the House Judiciary Committee, Mr. Trump is expected to be in London for the final day of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit.

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Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, claimed during a Wednesday night CNN interview that he “never said” the Trump campaign didn’t collude with Russia.

That comment runs counter to his and Trump’s past remarks on the matter. Trump has repeatedly asserted that his campaign did not collude with Russian officials. The issue of whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia is the issue at the heart of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

“I never said there was no collusion between the campaign or between people in the campaign,” Giuliani told CNN’s Chris Cuomo, who immediately pushed back on that point.

“I have not,” Giuliani said in doubling-down on his first remark. “I said the president of the United States. There is not a single bit of evidence the president of the United States committed the only crime you could commit here, conspired with the Russians to hack the DNC.”

When Cuomo pushed back on that line as well, Giuliani said Trump “didn’t collude with Russia either!”

The president’s attorney has previously claimed “no collusion,” but that “collusion is not a crime.” Giuliani has also said no one in ”the upper levels of the Trump campaign“ colluded with Russia, adding in a Fox News interview that he had “no reason to believe anybody else did” either.

His latest comments sounded much different than Trump’s, who has denied that any collusion between his campaign and Russia took place.

“There was nobody to collude with,” Trump said at a press conference alongside Vladimir Putin last summer. “There was no collusion with the campaign.”

In a tweet from last February, Trump said his campaign “did nothing wrong — no collusion!”

And prior to his former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s sentencing hearing last month, Trump tweeted that it was going to be “interesting to see what he has to say, despite tremendous pressure being put on him, about Russian Collusion in our great and, obviously, highly successful political campaign.”

“There was no Collusion!” he added.

Giuliani was also pressed on the new revelations regarding former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, whose attorneys appeared to accidentally reveal information in what was supposed to be a redacted court filing that showed Manafort shared Trump campaign polling data with a Russian linked to the nation’s intelligence services.

“It’s not collusion,” Giuliani claimed. “Because polling data is given to everybody.”

The attorney added that Manafort “shouldn’t have given it to them” and that it was “wrong to give it to them,” however. But he also said such internal polling data “is cooked” and “the most inaccurate stuff.”

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The Daily Show” host Trevor Noah mocked 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., over the controversy surrounding her previously-claimed Native American heritage.


Despite her numerous attempts to put the issue to bed, Warren had to apologize again after a 1986 registration card for the Texas state bar showed that she had written “American Indian” as her race, which critics have labeled “cultural appropriation.”


“So all I know is during this time period, this is consistent with what I did because it was based on my understanding from my family’s stories,” Warren told reporters. “But family stories are not the same as tribal citizenship.”


Warren dodged questions about whether there are more documents out there that have her listed as Native American.

Well, Noah had some fun at her expense.

“God damn, so over 30 years ago, Elizabeth Warren said she was American Indian and almost every Virginian politician was in blackface.  Did no one want to be white in the 80s?” Noah asked. “And how many times is Warren gonna keep getting busted for this? Like at some point, even Rachel Dolezal is gonna be like, ‘Girl, enough already! You’re making things harder for us real women of color!’”


This isn’t the first time the Comedy Central star went after Warren for her heritage claims and previously defended President Trump’s attacks towards her.

“Elizabeth Warren did something problematic, the kind of thing we rightfully call each other out for every single day,” Noah said in 2017. “So as weird as it is to say, in his own racially offensive way, Donald Trump was being woke. Yeah, and that’s unfortunately the truth.”

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Ottawa police attempted to clear out the remaining “Freedom Convoy” demonstrators on Sunday — ending a 24-day occupation of the city’s center to protest COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

At least two people were arrested as police moved into the “logistics camp” and removed the last vehicles occupying the area, according to the Ottawa Citizen.

The convoy of trucks had caused traffic backups in the city for weeks.

A total of 191 protesters were arrested and 57 vehicles were towed since police began forcefully removing them on Friday.

The camp, located in a city parking lot on Coventry Road, amassed roughly 100 vehicles. Across the street, several tents had been erected for meetings and meals, as well as a trailer with heated toilets and two saunas, the paper reported.

Officials are now concerned that protesters, many of them truckers, will regroup outside of the capital and come back, shutting the city down again.

“We are trying to keep tabs on those that are leaving and potentially massing to come back,” Ottawa police chief Steve Bell said at a press conference on Sunday.

On Sunday, Ottawa police said businesses should feel comfortable reopening following the weeks-long demonstration. 

Ottawa police chief Steve Bell said the police presence will remain strong in the area.
AFP via Getty Images

“Businesses should feel safe to reopen if they had closed during this unlawful assembly,” Ottawa police said 

“Businesses and residents, we thank you for your patience throughout this operation. Supporting local businesses is considered lawful if you are entering the secured area.”

Bell said Ottawans can expect a heavy police presence in the area in the coming days. He told reporters at a press briefing on Sunday that his department has a long road ahead in restoring the public’s trust of his department.

Demonstrators organized a blockade for 24 days in protest of the country’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate and border policies.

“They woke up this morning to fencing and a very heavy police presence through the downtown core. While I know everyone is pleased to see many of the unlawful protesters are gone, this is not the normal state of our city,” Bell said.

“We know as a police service we have public trust to gain back.”

Police swooped into the areas occupied by protesters on Friday to squash the blockade leading to several scuffles between cops and demonstrators.

Dozens of vehicles were towed out of the area after police warned the demonstrators to stop the blockade.

On Saturday, police used pepper spray and stun grenades to remove those who remained, clearing most of the area in front of parliament and next to the prime minister’s office.

“We told you to leave,” Ottawa police said in a tweet Saturday. “We gave you time to leave. We were slow and methodical, yet you were assaultive and aggressive with officers and the horses.”

Most of those arrested were slapped with mischief charges, and dozens of vehicles had been towed, including all those blocking one of Ottawa’s major streets, authorities said.

Police used pepper spray and stun grenades to remove demonstrators who remained in the streets Saturday.

Ottawa represented the movement’s final stronghold after three weeks of trucker demonstrations and American border blockades created a political crisis for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

In a controversial move Trudeau invoked Canada’s Emergency Act for the first time in the country’s history, giving the federal government broad power to restore order including freezing protesters’ financial accounts.

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Depois do cãozinho que foi adotado após deitar no véu da noiva durante o casamento, um outro cachorro ganhou um lar depois de pregar uma peça no novo dono. Heinze Sánchez, de 27 anos, estava sentado na rua mexendo no celular quando, sem que ele percebesse, o animal se aproxima e faz xixi em suas costas. O vídeo, feito por uma câmera de segurança, caiu nas redes sociais e viralizou.

— Eu estava mexendo no celular. Ia responder uma mensagem e estava concentrado sentado no chão. Nem o vi chegar. Ele se aproximou devagar e eu só senti aquele negócio quente e tomei um susto. Quando olhei, vi que ele tinha feito xixi. Fiquei indignado com aquilo — falou Heinze rindo.

Com raiva, Heinze levanta e vai em direção ao cachorro, que corre assustado. Nas redes sociais, muita gente criticou o rapaz por chutar o animal.

— Muita gente me criticou por ter chutado ele. Mas não pegou não. Eu retraí a perna na hora. Foi uma reação do momento e não tive a intenção de machucá-lo. Ainda chegou outro cachorrinho perto e eu falei “viu o que o teu amigo fez comigo?” — contou.

O estudante de Educação Física descobriu que o vídeo estava na internet por coincidência, no último sábado.

— Estava no metrô indo à praia. Um rapaz que eu não conheço que me mostrou. Ele comentou assim “o cara foi mijado nas costas”. Lembrei de mim na hora e pedi para ver. Ele me reconheceu por causa da tatuagem — falou.

Enzo dormindo na nova casa Foto: Reprodução/Facebook Heinze Sánchez

Neste domingo, Heinze resolveu sair em busca do cachorro. Voltou à rua onde tudo aconteceu e perguntou aos moradores sobre o animal. Ao encontrá-lo, o estudante conta que o cão correu abanando o rabo.

— Eu fiquei com ele na cabeça porque tinha brigado com ele. Fui procurando pela vizinhança, perguntei se ele tinha dono. Quando o encontrei, chamei e ele veio abanando o rabo. Estava começando a chover. Fiquei brincando um tempo com ele e depois resolvi levá-lo para casa. Ele se aproximou de mim. É muito dócil, fica grudado, chora quando saio de casa. Faz algumas bagunças na casa do vizinho, mas é um bom cachorro — disse.

O animal recebeu o nome de Enzo Sánchez. Nas redes sociais, Heinze publicou diversas fotos do novo membro da família.

— Dei esse nome porque sempre falava que quando eu tivesse um filho, se chamaria Enzo. Agora está comigo, alimentado e limpinho — falou.

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“Had that law not been passed that allowed these people to be armed, I fear we could have lost hundreds,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said in an interview with Fox News.

But gun safety advocates argued that the shooting itself wouldn’t have happened if the U.S. — and Texas — had stronger gun regulation.

“Media referencing the White Settlement shooting owe the public a nuanced discussion; we need watchdogs to make sure it’s so,” tweeted Shannon Watts, founder of gun safety group Moms Demand Action.

“Two are dead due to Texas’ lax gun laws; a man with a long criminal history was able to access a long gun,” she added.

According to media reports, the assailant’s criminal history includes charges of assault, theft, arson and possession of an illegal weapon in Texas, Oklahoma and New Jersey.

Texas had the 25th highest rate of gun homicides in the U.S. from 2008 to 2017, according to research compiled by Everytown, the gun safety group that runs Moms Demand Action.

Divisions around the shooting in Texas come amid a broader political debate over gun safety in the U.S. The issue is a major topic among Democratic presidential candidates who are running for the right to take on Trump next November. Leading candidates, including Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and former Vice President Joe Biden, have advocated for universal background checks and closing loopholes that allow people to buy guns more easily from unlicensed sellers or online.

Mike Bloomberg, a late entrant to the race, has made gun safety a seminal issue in his campaign. Bloomberg helped found Everytown and he remains a major financial backer of the organization. His financial support helped Democrats in Virginia take back state government in November, in an election that featured gun regulation as a leading issue.

In addition to closing loopholes and requiring universal background checks, Bloomberg has said that if elected president he would pour $100 million a year into local violence intervention programs and spend at least $100 million on public health research into gun violence.

Trump, whose White House bid benefited from $30 million from the NRA in 2016, has said he wants to ensure the gun-rights lobby’s views are “represented and respected” in evaluating gun legislation, including H.R. 8, a bill that mandates background checks.

H.R. 8 passed the Democratic-controlled House in February but has yet to come to a vote in the GOP-controlled Senate. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has said he will not put any bill up for a vote unless he is sure that Trump would sign it.

In a tweet on Tuesday, Trump praised the benefits of allowing guns in church.

“If not for the fact that there were people inside of the church that were both armed, and highly proficient in using their weapon, the end result would have been catastrophic,” he wrote.

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Corea del Norte ha realizado tres pruebas nucleares en Punggye-ri en los últimos diez años.

Corea del Norte anunció sorpresivamente que ha realizado exitosamente su primera prueba de una bomba de hidrógeno.

Una presentadora de televisión del canal estatal norcoreano dijo: “La primera prueba de una bomba de hidrógeno del país ha sido realizada exitosamente a las 10 de la mañana del 6 de enero”.

Inmediatamente, la confirmación de este ensayo generó alarma internacional. Estados Unidos llamó a Corea del Norte a acatar sus compromisos y obligaciones internacionales, y dijo que respondería a sus provocaciones.

El primer ministro de Japón, Shinzo Abe, dijo que la detonación era una amenaza a la seguridad de su país y que no podía tolerarse.

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Esta presentadora de televisión dio el anuncio de la prueba nuclear en Corea del Norte.

El gabinete de ministros surcoreano tendrá hoy miércoles una reunión de emergencia con el Consejo Nacional de Seguridad para tratar las actividades nucleares de su vecino, según la agencia estatal de noticias surcoreana, Yonhap.

Corea del Sur considera que el experimento fue un serio desafío a la paz mundial y una violación a las resoluciones del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.

Sospechas previas

Horas antes de esta confirmación, ya había sospechas de que Corea del Norte había realizado una detonación nuclear.

Los rumores corrieron cuando el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés) detectó un sismo de una magnitud de 5.1 a unos 50 kilómetros de un lugar llamado Punggye-ri y se temió que pudiera haber sido provocado.

Esta zona de Punggye-ri ya había sido usada por el gobierno de Pyongyang para realizar tres pruebas nucleares en los últimos 10 años, con las que se ganó la condena internacional.

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Las pruebas militares de Corea del Norte le han acarreado el rechazo internacional.

La última de ellas, en febrero de 2013, también causó un sismo de magnitud 5,1.

El corresponsal de la BBC en Corea del Sur, Kevin Kim, explica que los expertos van a ver si es posible detectar alguno de los gases emitidos por la explosión subterránea para determinar qué tipo de material nuclear fue usado.

De esta manera sería posible confirmar si se trató de una bomba de hidrógeno.

Este tipo de bomba utiliza el proceso de fusión para crear una explosión mucho más potente que la de la bomba atómica, y con una carga más ligera.


En diciembre del año pasado, el líder norcoreano Kim Jong-un aseguró durante una aparición pública en Pyongyang que su país “posee una bomba de hidrógeno”.

“Corea del Norte está lista para detonar de forma autosuficiente una bomba atómica y una bomba de hidrógeno”, dijo el mandatario, según informó la agencia norcoreana de noticias KCNA.

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El pasado mes de diciembre, el líder norcoreano Kim Jong-un aseguró que su país “posee una bomba de hidrógeno” (Foto de archivo).

En ese momento varios expertos en seguridad mostraron su escepticismo sobre la veracidad de estas afirmaciones.

Corea del Norte ya había hecho referencia sus capacidades nucleares, pero esa fue la primera vez que se habló de una bomba de hidrógeno.

Antes de esta última prueba, los medios estatales norcoreanos dijeron que el país “merecía tener armas nucleares, para contrarrestar las amenazas nucleares de Estados Unidos”.

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Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden harshly criticizes President Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic in remarks Tuesday at Alexis duPont High School in Wilmington, Del.

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Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden harshly criticizes President Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic in remarks Tuesday at Alexis duPont High School in Wilmington, Del.

Alex Wong/Getty Images

Former Vice President Joe Biden took direct aim at President Trump on Tuesday, saying that Trump, who once called himself a “wartime president” taking on the coronavirus pandemic, seems to have now “surrendered.”

“Remember when he exhorted the nation to sacrifice together in the face of this … ‘invisible enemy’? What happened? Now it’s almost July, and it seems like our wartime president has surrendered,” Biden said in prepared remarks.

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee urged Trump “immediately” to adopt his updated plan for dealing with the COVID-19 crisis in the United States.

“American people [didn’t] make enormous sacrifices over the past four months so they could just waste their time,” Biden said. “They didn’t make these sacrifices so you could ignore the science and turn responsible steps like wearing masks into a political statement. And they certainly didn’t do it, Mr. President, so you could wash your hands and walk away from this responsibility.”

Speaking at Alexis duPont High School in his hometown of Wilmington, Del., the former vice president went through his new COVID-19 response, which piggybacks off his original plan released in March.

Among its provisions, Biden’s plan calls for scaling up testing and hiring at least 100,000 Americans to build a national workforce of contact tracers. He’s also seeking to accelerate vaccine plans and implement a coordinated effort to build up supplies.

Biden took issue with the White House’s reopening recommendations, saying that while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention attempted to push through “guidelines about what the stages of reopening should look like, the administration delayed and scaled back those plans.”

“We need clear, evidence-based steps that states can adopt now — both the standards that must be met in order to safely proceed with further openings, and the reimposition of social distancing rules when cases begin to rise,” Biden added.

The Democrat’s address comes as the country has recorded nearly 2.7 million positive cases of COVID-19 and nearly 130,000 deaths.

In recent days, sharp increases in cases have been seen in several states that originally reported lower totals this spring and had begun to reopen — including Florida, Texas, Arizona and Georgia, according to NPR’s case tracker.

On Capitol Hill on Tuesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s top infectious disease expert, warned members of Congress that he “would not be surprised if we go up to 100,000 [confirmed COVID cases] a day if this does not turn around.”

Before Biden’s speech, the campaign released a statement saying that “minutes after [Biden] is declared the winner of the election,” he will ask Fauci to serve in his administration and continue working to combat the virus.

Trump’s reelection campaign briefed reporters before Biden’s remarks. Tim Murtaugh, the campaign’s director of communications, said that Biden has attempted to use the coronavirus as a campaign issue and tried to undermine confidence in the federal response to the virus to bolster his political aspirations.

Following his speech, Biden took questions from the press — something that the Trump campaign has criticized him for avoiding in recent weeks.

Biden was asked repeatedly about the allegation that Russia placed bounties on U.S. troops stationed in Afghanistan and that Trump was made aware of the situation in the spring of 2019.

“If these allegations are true, and he did nothing about any of this, then in fact I think the public should — unrelated to my running — conclude that this man isn’t fit to be president,” Biden responded. He added later that he may ask for a classified briefing on the subject.

Contrasting with the Trump campaign, Biden said he doesn’t plan to hold rallies but will continue traveling to states to campaign. He also disclosed he has not been tested for the coronavirus.

Looking ahead to the rest of the summer and into the fall, Biden was asked about his preparation for upcoming debates against Trump.

“I can hardly wait,” he responded.

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WASHINGTON, July 25 (Reuters) – Sixteen U.S. Marines were arrested on Thursday for their alleged involvement in illegal activities including human smuggling and drug-related offenses, the U.S. military said.

In a press release, the Marine Corps said that the Marines were arrested at Camp Pendleton in California based on information gained from a previous human smuggling investigation.

The statement added that in addition to the Marines arrested, eight others were questioned for unrelated alleged drug offenses.

The Marine Corps said none of those arrested or detained were serving in support of the military’s mission along the border with Mexico.

The arrest comes a day after the military said a Navy SEAL team was sent back from Iraq because of discipline issues. An official said it was because, in part, they had been drinking alcohol, something that is prohibited.

The Marine Corps band called ‘The Presidents Own’ was created in 1798. Here they are in 1893.

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

The Marines pose for a photo in Egypt in 1907.

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Marines pose with a German trench mortar in 1918.

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Marines duing WWI circa 1918. 

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Marines run a drill during combat training in Germany, 1918. 

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Grumman FF-2, circa 1930

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Pearl Harbor survivor Technical Sergeant Anglin on December 8th 1941.

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Marines patiently wait to be called for ‘chow time’ 1943.

Photo Credit: U.S. Marine Corps

Marines admire a photo of a pin-up girl in 1943 while in Japan. 

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

James Wrobel, Designer of VMF-312 Insignia, circa 1943

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Marines arrive on the Japanese island Saipan. 1944 WWII

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Marines stationed in Bougainville.

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Marines wait for letters from home to be distributed. 

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Pictured here : ‘Code Talkers’  1943 were a group a Native American Marines would used their native language to relay coded messages. 

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

 Marines fire a 155mm Howitzer Iwo Jima.

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

A Navy Corpsman administers blood plasma to a Marine. 1944

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Marines are surrounded by bullet shells at  the base of Mount Suribachi.

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Marines raise the American flag in Iwo Jima. 1945

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Marines celebrate the end of WWII. 1945

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Korean War 1950. 

Photo Credit: U.S. Marine Corps

Female Marines began training in Parris Island, South Carolina, 1949.

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Marines line up to receive items from home. Usually soda, candy and cigarettes. 

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

A welcome banner can be seen here in Vietnam welcoming the Marines in Danang in 1965. 

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

A Marine rests while he can in Vietnam. 1968. 

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Moment of Peace: Corporal Larry G. Nabb (Brush, Colorado) finds a moment of peace in front of a gaily decorated Christmas tree at Quang Tri Combat Base. Nabb is serving as a truck driver with 3d Marine Division’s Headquarters Battalion, and is one of thousands of Marines celebrating their Christmas in Vietnam 

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Private First Class Ronald Duplantis prepares a 122mm enemy field weapon for shipment.

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Marines carry supplies from a cargo plane to a nearby base. 1969.

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Marines register to vote for the 1969 presidential election.

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

David Gurfein sits next to a Christmas tree in Saudi Arabia while serving during Operation Desert Shield/Storm.

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Marines prepare to enter Saddam Husseins palace in 2003.

Photo Credit: Lance Corporal Kevin Quihuis Jr./U.S. Marine Corps

Marines can be seen fighting in Fallujah in 2004.

Photo Credit: via Wikimedia

‘Darkhorse’ Marines lost the most men in Afghanistan over any other Marine unit. They can be seen here in 2010.

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Cpl. Chris Lawler observes a  F/A-18C Hornet with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 122 approach during Exercise Pitch Black 2016 on Aug. 9, 2016.

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Around 20,000 recruits are trained in Parris Island every year. 

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Sgt. Justin Glenn Burnside motivates a recruit with Echo Company, 2nd Recruit Training Battalion 

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

Marines take their oath at the 2012 U.S. Naval Academy Class of 2012 graduation.

Photo Credit: US Marine Corps

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In announcing the Doral pick just days earlier, White House acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney described the resort as “the best place”.
Wochit, Wochit

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump rejected suggestions Monday that hosting the G-7 summit of world leaders at his resort in Doral, Florida, would have run afoul of the U.S. Constitution.

Speaking to reporters in the White House Cabinet Room, Trump dismissed as “phony” a section of the Constitution that bars federal office holders from accepting gifts from foreign governments.

“You people with this phony Emoluments Clause,” he said.

Trumps remarks came as he was chiding Democrats for pushing back against his decision to host the G-7 at his Doral resort.

Democrats and some Republicans, as well as government watchdogs, decried the administration’s decision to award the event to one of the president’s properties. Under pressure, Trump announced Saturday on Twitter that he was reversing his decision to host the summit at Doral, suggesting Camp David could serve as an alternative site.

On Monday, Trump defended his choice of Doral.

“I would have given it for nothing,” he said. “The Democrats went crazy, even though I would have done it free.”

A change of plans: Donald Trump pulls his Doral property from consideration for G-7 after bipartisan blowback

Trump also rejected criticism that he would have personally profited from hosting it at his Florida club.

“I don’t need promotion,” he said. “It would have been the best G-7 ever.”

The Emoluments Clause is an anti-bribery provision that forbids any U.S. president from receiving gifts from foreign leaders and is derived from the Latin word “emolumentum,” meaning “profit” or “gain.”

The Emoluments Clause is Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution. It prohibits any “Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under [the United States]” from accepting “any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

Suit dismissed: Federal appeals court rejects Maryland, D.C. lawsuit over President Donald Trump’s business

In July, a three-judge of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a lawsuit from Maryland and the District of Columbia that alleged Trump violated the Emoluments Clause by benefiting from his business while in office. The full appeals court, however, agreed last week to rehear the case.

The suit challenged the financial benefits Trump has reaped from government entities patronizing his businesses while he is president, pointing in particular to government bookings at his Trump International Hotel, a few blocks from the White House.

Trumps dismissive remarks about the Emoluments Clause drew immediate fire on Twitter.

“There are two Emoluments Clauses that he’s violating and they are very much in the very real Constitution,” wrote the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., asked: “What other parts of the Constitution does President @realDonaldTrump think are ‘phony’? Freedom of speech?”

A couple of Democratic presidential candidates also weighed in on Trump’s remarks.

“You can’t uphold your oath to protect and defend the Constitution if you think it’s phony,” Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Ind., wrote on Twitter.

Billionaire activist Tom Steyer mocked Trump in a tweet dripping with sarcasm.

“Donald Trump – noted Constitutional scholar,” he wrote. 

Breaking precedent: ‘There’s a perception of impropriety’: Former White House officials say Doral G-7 breaks precedent

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The killers of Ahmaud Arbery were led to their cells in handcuffs on Friday to begin their life sentences, as rifle-toting members of the New Black Panther Party protested outside the Georgia courtroom. 

Travis and Gregory McMichael were both sentenced to life without parole for the February 2020 murder, while their neighbor William Roddie Bryan, 52, – who filmed the murder – will be eligible for parole. 

The trio were later seen being led away from the courtroom in handcuffs – the McMichaels never to be seen in public again. 

Travis McMichael was shackled by the ankles as well as being handcuffs; the other two men were just handcuffed. 

During the sentencing hearing, heavily-armed members of the New Black Panther Party gathered outside, raising their fists in a show of support for the Arbery family.

Members of the black nationalist group, which is also anti-white and anti-Semitic, also congregated outside the courthouse during closing arguments, leading the defense lawyers to call for a mistrial and accuse them of intimidation.

Along with banners showing Ahmaud Arbery’s face, the group also carried black and white coffins with mannequins inside them that feature the names of black men killed by police, such as George Floyd and Trayvon Martin.  

The NBPP was founded in 1989 and is designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The group is not affiliated with the original Black Panthers from the 1960s, and members of the original Panthers have accused the NBPP of the misappropriation of their name, both in public statements and in legal action. 

Travis McMichael, 36, (left) and his father Gregory, 66, were handcuffed as they were led from court on Friday to begin their sentences

William Bryan, the 52-year-old neighbor of the McMichaels, is seen being led away. He too was sentenced to life, but unlike the McMichaels he has the possibility of parole

A member of the New Black Panther Party is seen outside the Glenn County courthouse on Friday

The heavily-armed NBPP members marched outside the courthouse on Friday as the trio were sentenced for Arbery’s killing

Arbery’s parents asked a judge to sentence his killers to life without parole on Friday at a courthouse in Georgia, saying they ‘lynched him in broad daylight’ and targeted him when he felt most ‘free and alive’. Pictured are members of the NBPP

The NBPP flag is hoisted aloft as the party members march in front of the Georgia courthouse

Members of the NBPP raise their fists to show support for the Arbery family during Friday’s sentencing

Judge Timothy R. Walmsley did not specify how long he would have to spend in prison – prosecutors asked that he spend at least 15 years behind bars. Typically, the minimum in Georgia is 30 years. 

In handing down his sentence, Judge Walmsley called the murder ‘chilling’ and ‘disturbing’. He talked about the ‘terror’ Arbery must have felt for the five minutes the men chased him in their pick-up trucks with a shotgun and revolver. 

‘As we all now know based on the verdict that was handed down in this courtroom, Ahmaud Arbery was murdered. It’s a tragedy. It’s a tragedy on many, many levels.

‘On February 23, 2020…a young man with dreams was gunned down in this community. As we understand it, he went for a run and he ended up running for his life.’ 

To emphasize how long the five-minute chase must have felt for Arbery, the judge sat silently for a minute in the courtroom. 

‘That one minute represents a fraction of the time that Ahmaud Arbery was running in Satilla Shores. The chase that occurred, occurred over a five minute period. 

‘When I thought about this, I kept coming back to the terror that must have been in the mind of the young man running through Satilla Shores,’ he said. 

‘He was hunted down and shot and he was killed because individuals took the law into their own hands.’ 

Travis McMichael, left, has been sentenced to life in prison without parole for shooting dead Ahmaud Arbery in 2020 

Gregory McMichael, Travis’s 66-year-old father, will also die in prison under the life without parole sentence

William Roddie Bryan, the 52-year-old neighbor who filmed the murder, was sentenced to life but he has been given the possibility of parole. Prosecutors asked that he have to serve at least 15 years behind bars 

Judge Timothy Walmsley on Friday called the killing ‘chilling’ and ‘disturbing.’ He talked about the ‘terror’ Arbery must have felt as the men chased him in their pick-up trucks for five minutes 

He then recited some of the comments made by the McMichaels after the shooting to prove that it was a ‘callous’ execution, and said they never showed any remorse. 

‘Remorse is something that’s felt and demonstrated. In this case, getting back to the video, after Ahmaud Arbery fell, the McMichael’s turned their backs. They walked away. This was a killing. It was callous and it occurred because confrontation was being sought. 

‘The most violent crime in Satilla Shores was the murder of Ahmaud Arbery. 

‘The record speaks for itself. Greg McMichael tried to establish a narrative. He said he was ‘trapped like a rat.’

Ahmaud Arbery was shot and killed in Brunswick, Georgia, U.S. on February 23, 2020,one year on

‘He said, ‘stop or I’ll blow your f*****g head off.’ 

‘He told Travis ‘you have no choice’. He also said, ‘If I could have gotten a shot at the guy, I would have shot him.” 

Unlike the father and son, Bryan appeared to show some remorse in the days and weeks after the killing, he said. 

However all three acted as vigilantes, chasing down Arbery and then murdering him because they were ‘seeking confrontation.’  

‘Taking the law into your own hands is a dangerous endeavor. Ultimately with regard to the murder of Ahmaud Arbery it holds us all accountable. At a minimum his death should force us to consider expanding our definition of what a neighbor may be and how we treat them. 

‘I believe that assuming the worst in others, we show our worst character. Assuming the best in others is always the best course of action. Maybe those are the grand lessons of this case,’ the judge said.

There were celebrations outside the court as the sentences were read aloud.  

Earlier, Arbery’s parents asked a judge to sentence his killers to life without parole on Friday at a courthouse in Georgia, saying they ‘lynched him in broad daylight’ and targeted him when he felt most ‘free and alive’.  

On February 23, 2020, they chased Arbery, a 26-year-old black man, through a street in Satilla Shores. They said they thought he was a burglar. Travis pulled the trigger, with his father nearby. Bryan filmed the entire incident on his phone. 

In November, they were all convicted of murder – which carries a mandatory life sentence. Prosecutors chose not to seek the death penalty.  

Gregory and Travis McMichael and their neighbor William Brian Jr were found a guilty of murder in state court on November 23 by a panel of 11 white jurors and one black juror. In compiling that jury pool, 1,000 people in the mostly-white Glynn County were called. Pictured: The moment Arbery was shot by Travis McMichael

Ahmaud Arbery’s mother Wanda Cooper Jones celebrates as she leaves court with her family on Friday after her son’s killers were sentenced to life behind bars without parole

Ahmaud Arbery’s mother Wanda Cooper-Jones, center, speaks with supporters after Superior Court Judge Timothy Walmsley sentenced Greg McMichael, his son, Travis McMichael, and a neighbor, William ‘Roddie’ Bryan, Friday, Jan. 7, 2022, at the Glynn County Courthouse in Brunswick 

(FILES) In this file photo taken on May 23, 2021 a woman holds portraits of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd during an event in remembrance of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Ahmaud Arbery’s mother Wanda Cooper Jones (left) and father Marcus (right) asked a judge to impose the maximum sentence possible for his killers – life without parole

Arbery’s father Marcus spoke first, telling the court: ‘The man who killed my son has sat in this courtroom every day next to his father. I’ll never get the chance of sitting next to my son ever again. Not at a dinner table, not at a holiday, not at a wedding. I pray that no one in this courtroom has to do what we had – bury their child.’ 

Arbery’s mother Wanda Cooper Jones, pleaded: ‘They were fully committed to their crimes – let them be fully committed for the consequences.’ 


I want to speak directly to my son. This verdict doesn’t bring you back, but it does help bring closure to this very difficult chapter of my life.

I made a promise to you the day I laid you to rest. I told you I loved you and someday, somehow I would get you justice.

Son, I love you as much today as the day you were born. Raising you was the honor of my life and I am very proud of you.

Your honor, these men have chosen to lie and attack my son and his surviving family. They have no remorse and do not deserve leniency. 

This wasn’t a case of mistaken identity or mistaken fact. They chose to target my son because they didn’t want him in their community they chose to treat him differently when they couldn’t sufficiently scare him or intimidate him, they killed him.

My young son, he was born on mothers’ day of 1994. He had a smile so bright it lit up the room. He was a greedy baby and it seemed like he was always searching for something to stick in his mouth. 

He was always a loving baby who seemed to never tire of cuddling, hugs and kisses He loved. He never hesitated to tell me, his sister Jasmine or brother Marcus, and we loved him back, He was messy. He sometimes refused to wear socks.

I wish he would have cut and cleaned his toenails before he went out for his jog that day. I guess he would have if he knew he would be murdered.

My family is going to miss Ahmaud, his jokes, impersonations, his warm smile. These men deserve the maximum sentence for their crimes. Ahamud never said a word to them. He never threatened them, he just wanted to be left alone.

They were fully committed to their crimes – let them be fully committed for the consequences.

I’m standing here before you asking you to please give all three defendants who are responsible for the death of my son, the maximum punishment in this court which I do believe is life without bars without the possible chance for parole. 

She also referred to her son’s toenails on the day of the murder – something that was brought up during the trial in by a defense attorney who stoked outrage by referring to his ‘long, dirty toenails’. 

Wanda, on Friday, said: ‘I wish he would have cut and cleaned his toenails before he went out for his jog that day. I guess he would have if he knew he would be murdered.’  

She then pleaded with the judge: ‘Your honor, I am standing here before you today as the mother of Ahmaud Arbery asking you to please give all three defendants who are responsible for the death of my son, the maximum punishment which I do believe is life without bars without the possible chance for parole.’ 

The men’s lawyers are asking that they be granted parole after 30 years. Prosecutors have asked the judge not to grant any of the men parole. 

Cooper Jones spoke about Ahmaud as a ‘loving’ baby who ‘never seemed to tire of cuddles, hugs and kisses.’

His father Marcus told how he loved to run more than anything because it made him feel ‘free’. 

‘Not only did they lynch my son in broad daylight but they killed him when he was doing what he loved more than anything – running. 

‘That’s when he felt most alive. Most free. And they took all of that from him.

‘When I close my eyes, I see his execution over and over. I’ll see that for the rest of my life.  

‘When I became a father my life became bigger than me, it became bigger than me about my family, protecting him, protecting my boy. I know in my head that there is nothing I could have done that day to have saved my son. 

‘To save him from this evil and hate. My heart is broken and always will be.

‘If I could trade places with Ahmaud, I would in a heartbeat but I can’t’. I’m standing here to do what he can’t – that is to fight for him. His memory, his legacy and to tell you who he was. 

‘That’s the one thing you didn’t hear in this courtroom. More than anything else, you should know who my boy was.

‘We love our son and we will never have him with us to celebrate anything. Thanksgiving, Christmas…his birthday his killers should spend the rest of their lives thinking about what they took from us. 

‘It should be behind my bars.

‘Me and my family have got to live with this for the rest of our lives. They should stay behind those bars the rest of their lives. They didn’t give him a chance.’  

Ahmaud’s mother spoke directly to him, saying: ‘This verdict doesn’t bring you back. But it does help bring closure to this very difficult chapter of my life. 

‘I made a promise to you the day I laid you to rest. 

‘I told you I loved you and someday, somehow I would get you justice. 

‘Son, I love you as much today as the day you were born.

‘Raising you was the honor of my life and I am very proud of you.’ 

She said none of the killers showed remorse for their actions, and deserved to die in prison.  

‘They have no remorse and do not deserve leniency. This wasn’t a case of mistaken identity or mistaken fact. 

‘They chose to target my son because they didn’t want him in their community. 

‘They chose to treat him differently. 

‘And when they couldn’t sufficiently scare him or intimidate him, they killed him.’   

Arbery, a 25-year-old avid jogger, was running through the mostly white residential neighborhood of Satilla Shores on the afternoon of Feb. 23 when the McMichaels decided to grab their guns, jump in a pickup truck and give chase. 

The younger McMichael would later testify to the jury they had a hunch Arbery might be fleeing a crime.

Bryan joined the chase in his own pickup truck after it passed his driveway, and pulled out his cellphone to record Travis McMichael firing a shotgun at Arbery at close range. 

Arbery had nothing on him besides his running clothes and sneakers.

The video caused outrage when it emerged months later and it became clear that none of the men involved had yet been arrested after a local prosecutor concluded the killing was justified. 

Ahmaud Arbery’s mother Wanda Cooper-Jones wipes a tear from her eyes while listening to her daughter’s impact statement to Superior Court Judge Timothy Walmsley

Ahmaud Arbery’s sister Jasmine Arbery wipes a tear from her eyes while listening to her mother’s impact statement to Superior Court Judge Timothy Walmsley during the sentencing of Greg McMichael and his son, Travis McMichael, and a neighbor, William ‘Roddie’ Bryan in the Glynn County Courthouse, on January 7, 2022 in Brunswick, Georgia

Ahmaud Arbery’s father Marcus Arbery, center, sits in the courtroom with other family members during the sentencing of Greg McMichael, his son, Travis McMichael, and a neighbor, William ‘Roddie’ Bryan in the Glynn County Courthouse

William Roddie Bryan, 52, arrives at court in Brunswick, Georgia, on Friday to be sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Ahmaud Arbery 

Travis McMichael, 35, arrives in court in shackles on Friday morning to be sentenced for the murder of Ahmaud Arbery. He will be at least 65 before he gets out of prison

Gregory McMichael, 66, is shown arriving at court for the 10am sentencing hearing

Gregory McMichael makes his way into court on Friday to be sentenced to life in prison

‘The day has finally come that we will get justice. 

‘The day my family an I have prayed for… it has finally come.’ 

Defense attorneys then pleaded with the judge not to sentence the men to the harshest possible term. 

Gregory McMichael’s attorney, Laura Hogue, called him a ‘man of goodness’ and referred to the killing as a ‘five minute chase that ended in tragedy.’

‘Greg McMichael is a good man. He is not a perfect person but none of us are. 

‘The choices he made as a young man, all the way through to the rest of his life, to serve, not to acquire wealth, but to quietly go through the business of choosing career options to help other people. 

‘I say without hesitation he remains a man of goodness,’ she said. 

Three white men guilty of Ahmaud Arbery faced 27 charges between them – this is what each of them mean


This is defined as causing a person’s death with deliberate intention without provocation and ‘where all the circumstances in the killing show an abandoned and malignant heart’. 

Travis McMichael – Guilty

Gregory McMichael – Not guilty

William ‘Roddie’ Bryan – Not guilty  


This applies when a death is caused in the course of committing another felony whether or not the killing was intentional or unprovoked. 

Travis McMichael – Guilty on all counts

Gregory McMichael – Guilty on all counts

William ‘Roddie’ Bryan – Guilty on three counts, not guilty on one counts


Under Georgia law this is an assault using a deadly weapon. Count six refers to the shotgun used, count 7 refers to the two pickup trucks, driven by Gregory McMichael and William ‘Roddie’ Bryan, used to box Arbery in.

Travis McMichael – Guilty 

Gregory McMichael –  Not guilty on count 6; Guilty on count 7

William ‘Roddie’ Bryan – Not guilty on count 6; Guilty on count 7 


This is when a person ‘arrests, confines, or detains’ another person without legal authority. 

Travis McMichael – Guilty 

Gregory McMichael –  Guilty

William ‘Roddie’ Bryan – Guilty


This refers to performing ‘any act which constitutes a substantial step’ toward the intentional commission of a crime  

Travis McMichael – Guilty 

Gregory McMichael –  Guilty 

William ‘Roddie’ Bryan – Guilty 

Ahmaud Arbery’s father Marcus Arbery arrives at court on Friday for the sentencing. He spoke briefly before the hearing, telling reporters he is a ‘different man now’

Ahmaud Arbery’s family and friends arrive at the courthouse in Brunswick, Georgia, on Friday morning 

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Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., has acted wisely in telling FBI Director Christopher Wray that he has some explaining to do, but the chairman should slightly broaden his inquiry.

Graham sent a Jan. 30 letter to Wray demanding a “briefing” to the committee about why the Bureau used such apparently disproportionate force in its pre-dawn raid on longtime political consultant Roger Stone, who stands accused of perjury by special counsel Robert Mueller. Graham’s specific questions of Wray are good, but they seem focused too heavily on the Stone arrest alone. The bigger questions should be about FBI arrest methods more broadly.

Some of us thought the Stone arrest methods were abusive, but they weren’t unique. The FBI used similar tactics on Stone’s former business partner, Paul Manafort, and they and their Drug Enforcement Agency brethren use such raids dozens of times each year not just on people thought to be violent but on low-level offenders and on doctors suspected of overprescribing painkillers.

When such heavily armed force is used, innocents get terrorized and hurt. Wives of suspects, in their nightgowns, awake to find semiautomatic weapons in their faces; an elderly orchard hobbyist watches his furniture smashed while agents look for evidence of flower “smuggling”; doors at wrong addresses get chain-sawed open; children get injured by flash grenades or even killed by clumsy agents.

No matter what some FBI defenders might say, most people suspected of low-level crimes such as perjury are not likely to try to shoot their way out of an arrest. Four or six agents with holstered pistols, not 29 heavily armed agents in full riot gear, should be perfectly able to take Roger Stone into custody.

Graham is surely right to question Wray about the raid on Stone’s house, but question 2 in his letter to the FBI chief is the one that is the most relevant, and that should be expanded: “Was the manner of Stone’s arrest consistent with the arrests of, and procedures for the arrests of, similarly charged individuals?”

The further questions should be: What factors determine how many agents are used? What determines how heavily armed they should be? What criteria govern how much time should be allotted before doors are broken down? Or how rough the agents are to the suspect once inside? Or how careful they are to use the least disruptive means of searching the house for evidence?

What data, if any, supports the use of riot gear for suspects never known to be violent? How many times have suspects or, worse, innocent bystanders or people subject to mistaken identity, been injured or killed in heavily armed raids? And how often, conversely, have FBI agents been injured or killed, and under what circumstances? Have agents been badly injured or killed by white-collar suspects with no record of violence, and did any neutral analysis determine that the agent’s injury or death would have been avoided if the Bureau had made a greater show of force?

In other words, if there is objective justification for heavy use of force — real evidence that it does more good than the downside risks it carries, rather than just a macho sense that efficacy and safety are bolstered by “overwhelming presence” — then let’s see it. Maybe there is. If so, it should not be difficult for Wray to produce.

Despite what some might say, these concerns amount to substantially more than mere “pearl clutching.” We live in a nation founded on the idea of maximum liberty under law, of limited government, and of protections against state overuse of force. We wisely exclude the military from domestic law enforcement, and we at least look with suspicion at turning domestic law enforcement into a quasi-military function.

Yet not only with the Stone arrest, but all too often, we see federal agents who are overarmed and for no good reason, and who act abusively toward citizens they are supposed to protect. The difference this time was that the raid was televised for all the world to see. It led several conservative, pro-law-enforcement people I know — including those who dislike Stone, Manafort, and Trump — to use expressions like “jackboots” and “thugs” in conversations when they offered their impressions of the Stone raid.

One can fully support Mueller’s investigation and think the Trumpist effusions about a “deep state” are overblown nonsense and yet still see that the FBI’s conduct with regard to Trump and Hillary Clinton has been unprofessional and tawdry enough to suggest the bureau needs a thorough housecleaning. The housecleaning should begin with the examination of rules concerning use of force, in the “briefing” Graham is holding with such appropriate dispatch.

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The U.S. and its allies are poised to unveil further, sweeping sanctions against Russia after Moscow launched what President Biden called “an unprovoked and unjustified attack” on Ukraine, hoping a fresh tranche of penalties will punish Russia and persuade it to ratchet down hostilities.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said Thursday morning that the European Union will place “massive and targeted” sanctions on Russia over its aggression in Ukraine, aiming at its financial sector, freezing Russia assets and banning the export of technology to Russia. Late Wednesday in Washington, Mr. Biden condemned the attack and said he would confer with allies about next steps in response to Moscow’s military action. Leaders from the Group of Seven countries will meet Thursday.

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Un centenar de personas fallecieron este martes luego de que México se viera estremecido por
un poderoso terremoto de magnitud 7.1, que derrumbó varios edificios en la capital y dejó a personas en varios estados atrapadas entre los escombros.

Sigue aquí el minuto a minuto

Las autoridades han reportado
un total de 120 muertos, aunque la cifra podría aumentar mientras buscan sobrevivientes entre las estructuras caídas. En la tarde del martes, el jefe de gobierno de la Ciudad de México anunció que había
9 fallecidos en el estado de México,
1 en Oaxaca,
54 en Morelos,
26 en Puebla y
30 en Ciudad de México.

“Es el peor terremoto que he sentido en mi vida”, lamentó Carlos Leal, un mexicano que vive al sur de la capital y que dio uno de
varios testimonios sobre la intensidad del sismo a Univision Noticias. “Me tenía que levantar de mi escritorio a detener las cosas y al mismo tiempo llamaba a mi esposa sabiendo que estaba trabajando en un edificio”.

200 km


100 mi


de México


Ciudad de México


Intensidad: 7.1


55 km al suroeste

de Puebla










200 km


100 mi


de México


Ciudad de México


Intensidad: 7.1


55 km al suroeste

de Puebla











200 km

100 mi


de México


Ciudad de México


Intensidad: 7.1


55 km al suroeste

de Puebla












de México




Ciudad de México


Intensidad: 7.1


55 km al suroeste

de Puebla

200 km

100 mi










Irónicamente el sismo se dio en
el aniversario de otro muy poderoso que ocurrió en 1985, y por el cual se realizan simulacros en todo el país cada 19 de septiembre. De hecho, el sismo real del martes ocurrió casi una hora después del simulacro anual: “Pero
esta vez no hubo alerta, solo sentimos el temblor: el terremoto nos tomó por sorpresa”, contó Janet Cacelín, una periodista de Univision que envió
una crónica desde la capital.

Las fachadas de algunas edificaciones en Ciudad de México se vinieron abajo, destrozando autos que se encontraban en las calles adyacentes. Una escuela en la zona de Coapa se derrumbó, dejando a los vecinos preocupados por los alumnos que podrían quedar atrapados. Y se reportaron
evacuaciones masivas de edificios a lo largo del Paseo de la Reforma.

De un momento a otro, la capital se vio llena de viviendas agrietadas y de casas derrumbadas, imágenes que pronto recorrieron las redes mientras los mexicanos buscaban a sus seres queridos y pegaban listas en las calles con los nombres de los rescatados. Los rescatistas pedían silencio a lo largo de la tarde mientras intentaban detectar cualquier alerta de algún atrapado.

Las fugas de gas son una de las preocupaciones de las autoridades por los potenciales peligros que traen consigo. Residentes de la capital han reportado en redes sociales un fuerte olor a gas en áreas muy localizadas.

Según informó la agencia de noticias española EFE, en el estado de Puebla
se vinieron abajo las torres de la Iglesia de Cholula. En
Morelos y Oaxaca también se reportan daños.

El sismo de la tarde de este martes ocurre poco más de una semana después del que estremeció Oaxaca, Chiapas y Tabasco, que dejó unos 100 muertos.

Source Article from

Attorney General Bill Barr testified Wednesday that he believes “spying did occur” on the Trump campaign in 2016, as he vowed to review the conduct of the FBI’s original Russia probe — and the focus of a related internal review shifted to the role of a key FBI informant.

“I think spying did occur. The question is whether it was adequately predicated. … I think it’s my obligation. Congress is usually very concerned with intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies staying in their proper lane,” he testified before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, while noting that “spying on a political campaign is a big deal.”


The comments follow a new report that the Justice Department’s internal watchdog also is scrutinizing the role of an FBI informant who contacted members of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, as part of a broader review of the early stages of the Russia investigation. The New York Times reported that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz is looking into informant Stefan Halper’s work during the Russia probe, as well as his work with the FBI prior to the start of that probe.


Halper, an American professor who reportedly is deeply connected with British and American intelligence agencies, has been widely reported as a confidential source for the FBI during the bureau’s original investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. That official counterintelligence operation was opened by then-senior agent Peter Strzok, who has since been fired from the bureau.

During the 2016 campaign, Halper contacted several members of the Trump campaign, including former foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos and former aide Carter Page. Page also was the subject of several Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants during the campaign — which is an issue at the heart of the IG’s investigation. Republicans, including President Trump, have alleged misconduct in the bureau and Justice Department’s handling of those FISA warrants.

“It was an illegal investigation. … Everything about it was crooked,” Trump told reporters on Wednesday, describing it as an attempted “coup” and reiterating his interest in digging into the probe’s origins. “There is a hunger for that to happen.”

Professor Stefan Halper
(Voice of America, File)

The Times, in its report, noted that Halper also contacted former Trump campaign aide Sam Clovis. It is unclear whether Halper had the FBI’s permission to contact Clovis, according to the report.

Horowitz, more broadly, is probing alleged wrongdoing related to the issuance of FISA warrants to surveil Page during the election. During a prior hearing on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, Barr testified that Horowitz’s investigation is expected to be complete by May or June.

While vowing to release Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s now-completed Russia report in a matter of days, Barr also announced Tuesday that he was reviewing the origins of the Russia investigation at the FBI and the Justice Department, amid mounting calls for scrutiny of the probe’s beginnings from Trump and prominent congressional Republicans.

“More generally, I am reviewing the conduct of the investigation and trying to get my arms around all of the aspects of the counterintelligence investigation that was conducted in the summer of 2016,” Barr told the House Appropriations Committee on Tuesday.


Also on Tuesday, Fox News reported that a source said Barr had assembled a “team” to investigate the origins of the bureau’s counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign.

On Wednesday, Barr testified that he hasn’t technically “set up a team” but has colleagues helping him as he reviews the case.

“This is not launching an investigation of the FBI,” he stressed. “Frankly, to the extent there were issues at the FBI, I do not view it as a problem of the FBI. I think it was probably a failure of the group of leaders—the upper echelons of the FBI. I think the FBI is an outstanding organization and I am very pleased Director Chris Wray is there.”

He added, “If it becomes necessary to look over former officials, I expect to rely on Chris and work with him. I have an obligation to make sure government power is not abused and I think that’s one of the principal roles of the attorney general.”

The FBI’s 2016 counterintelligence investigation, formally opened by Strzok, began with a “paucity” of evidence, according to former FBI counsel Lisa Page, with whom Strzok was romantically involved. During a closed-door congressional interview, Page admitted that the FBI “knew so little” about whether allegations against the Trump campaign were “true or not true” at the time they opened the probe, adding that they had just “a paucity of evidence because we [were] just starting down the path” of vetting allegations.

Page also said in her interview that it was “entirely common” that the FBI would begin an investigation with just a “small amount of evidence.”

Barr’s team will also review the FISA warrants issued against Carter Page. The issuance of the FISA warrants relied, in part, on the unverified anti-Trump dossier authored by ex-British Intelligence Agent Christopher Steele, who worked on behalf of Fusion GPS—a firm paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee through law firm Perkins Coie to do opposition research against the Trump campaign. In the dossier, Steele accused Page of conspiring with Russians. Page was not charged with any wrongdoing in either the FBI’s Russia probe or Mueller’s.

Fox News exclusively obtained internal FBI text messages last month showing that just nine days before the FBI applied for the Page FISA warrant, bureau officials were battling with a senior Justice Department official who had “continued concerns” about the “possible bias” of a source pivotal to the application.

Barr’s review could also dovetail with the work U.S. Attorney John Huber has been doing. In 2017, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed Huber to review not only alleged surveillance abuses by the Justice Department and the FBI but also the handling of the probe into the Clinton Foundation and other matters.

The day following Barr’s release of his summary of the Mueller report, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said his panel also would investigate alleged FISA abuses at the start of the Russia investigation and called on Barr to appoint a new special counsel to investigate “the other side of the story.” Graham has been calling for a second special counsel since 2017 to investigate “whether or not a counterintelligence investigation was opened as a back door to spy on the Trump campaign.”

Also, House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said over the weekend he was preparing to send eight criminal referrals to the Justice Department this week regarding alleged misconduct by DOJ and FBI officials during the Trump-Russia investigation. It is unclear whom Nunes will refer for investigation, and what the process at the Justice Department might be.

When asked Tuesday about Nunes’ referrals, Barr said he hasn’t seen them yet, but, “Obviously, if there is a predicate for investigation, it will be conducted.”

Fox News’ Gregg Re and Jake Gibson contributed to this report.

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El español Fernando Alonso (Ferrari), que abandonó este domingo el Gran Premio de Japón ganado por el inglés Lewis Hamilton (Mercedes), declaró tras la lluviosa y accidentada carrera, que “lo único bueno” fue no haber gastado un motor que espera que aguante “hasta final de año”. No obstante, su cara delataba que su mente estaba puesta en otro sitio, con Bianchi tras su evacuación de Suzuka en estado “insconsciente”, tal y como informó la FIA. “Ahora mismo estamos más pendientes de Bianchi. Estaba cambiándome y comiendo algo cuando vi por la tele que enfocaban el ‘motorhome’ de Marussia. No sé nada aún”, comentó Alonso en Suzuka, nada más darse por concluida la carrera”. Su estado “es crítico”, apuntó el padreo del piloto de la Ferrari Academy Driver.

El golpe de Bianchi se llevó por delante las noticias sobre su futuro -“hace meses que tomé una decisión y la daré a conocer cuando corresponda. Ahora lo único que pretendo es ayudar al equipo para poder asegurar la tercera plaza en el Mundial de constructores”- y que Ferrari, por primera vez en 82 carreras, se marchase de un trazado sin puntuar. “Debe haber sido un cortocircuito o algo, todo se quedó sin corriente, el volante se apagó. Una pena, porque la carrera se disputó en unas condiciones que podían salir bien o mal, pero en la que no teníamos nada que perder y en la que, como mínimo, nos hubiéramos divertido”, explicó el doble campeón mundial asturiano este domingo en Suzuka, quien también recordó que “cuando no se está en la pista es difícil sumar puntos para el equipo“, en alusión al duodécimo puesto de Kimi Raikkonen. Y eso que reconoció que “había opciones de subir al podio”.

“La única noticia buena es que al menos no hemos desgastado más este motor. Así que a ver si podemos aguantar con él hasta final de año, porque así nos evitaríamos tener que salir desde el ‘pit lane’ o algo así”. El reglamento indica que el propulsor sólo puede cambiarse cinco veces durante la temporada, así que una hipotética nueva sustitución implicaría la pérdida de diez puestos en parrilla.

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