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A vigil for the victims of the recent shooting at STEM School Highlands Ranch that was organized by Team ENOUGH, a student-led initiative that is part of pro-gun control group Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, did not go as planned as students walked out to protest the group’s politicization of the tragedy.

During the vigil, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America activists, Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo., and Rep. Jason Crow, D-Colo., each made remarks the students in attendance did not appreciate because, according to them, the adults were politicizing the event.

[Also read: ‘I was going to go down fighting’: 12-year-old readied with baseball bat to take on Colorado shooter]

The students walked out of the event and held their own vigil outside the school.

Students had also chanted “mental health” in response to the speakers pushing for more gun control.

9NEWS anchor Kyle Clark reports some students returned to the gym and to continue their vigil, saying they did not want to be used to push for more gun control.

The Brady Campaign issued an apology to the students for the politicization of the vigil.

“We are deeply sorry any part of this vigil did not provide the support, caring and sense of community we sought to foster and facilitate and which we know is crucial to communities who suffer the trauma of gun violence,” the group said.

Moms Demand Action did not provide a comment in time for publication.

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Incredible GoPro footage takes you inside the gunfire-heavy raid that ended drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s six months on the run.

The video, obtained from Mexican authorities, looks as if it’s from an action movie. The camera follows the armed men as they storm the house, unleash grenades and bullets, and search room to room.

The Friday raid was called “Operation Black Swan,” according to the Mexican show “Primero Noticias.” Authorities decided to launch the raid Thursday after they got a tip about where Guzman was sleeping, the show reported.

Seventeen elite unit Mexican Marines launched their assault on the house in the city of Los Mochis at 4:40 a.m., “Primero Noticias” said.

They were met by about one dozen well-armed guards inside who were prepared for a fight, the show said.

The Marines moved from room to room, clearing the house. Upstairs they found two men in one room and found two women on the floor of a bathroom. All were captured, “Primero Noticias” said.

After 15 minutes, the Marines controlled the entire house, according to “Primero Noticias.”

In the end, five guards were killed and two men and two women were detained. One of the women was the same cook Guzman had with him when he was detained a couple years ago, according to “Primero Noticias.”

Eventually the marines determined that the only bedroom on the first floor was Guzman’s and they began pounding on the walls and moving furniture, finding hidden doors, the show said.

His room had a king-sized bed, bags from fashionable clothing stores, bread and cookie wrappers, and medicine including injectable testosterone, syringes, antibiotics and cough syrups, the show said. The two-story house had four bedrooms and five bathrooms. There were flat-screen TVs and Internet connection throughout the house, according to “Primero Noticias.”

The Marines eventually found a hidden passageway behind a mirror, with a handle hidden in the light fixture. The handle opened a secret door, leading down into the escape tunnel, the show explained.

The escape tunnel was fully lit and led to an access door for the city sewage system, “Primero Noticias” said, adding that Guzman had at least a 20-minute head start on the Marines.

The address where Guzman was captured had been monitored for a month, Mexican Attorney General Arely Gomez has said. According to Gomez, Guzman and his lieutenant escaped through that drainage system.

“Primero Noticias” said it obtained surveillance footage showing Guzman and his lieutenant emerging from the manhole cover, where they then stole two cars to flee, the show said.

Guzman was finally caught when he and the lieutenant were stopped on a highway by Mexican Federal Police, the show said.

Authorities took them to a motel to wait for reinforcement. The men were then taken to Los Mochis airport and transfered to Mexico City.

Rebecca Blackwell/AP PHOTO
Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman is escorted by soldiers and marines to a waiting helicopter, at a federal hangar in Mexico City, Jan. 8, 2016.

Guzman is now back in prison as his lawyers fight his extradition to the U.S.

The drug kingpin escaped from the Altiplano prison near Mexico City on July 11, launching an active manhunt. When guards realized that he was missing from his cell, they found a ventilated tunnel and exit had been constructed in the bathtub inside Guzman’s cell. The tunnel extended for about a mile underground and featured an adapted motorcycle on rails that officials believe was used to transport the tools used to create the tunnel, Monte Alejandro Rubido, the head of the Mexican national security commission, said in July.

Guzman had been sent there after he was arrested in February 2014. He spent more than 10 years on the run after escaping from a different prison in 2001. It’s unclear exactly how he had escaped, but he did receive help from prison guards who were prosecuted and convicted.

Guzman, the leader of the Sinaloa cartel, was once described by the U.S. Treasury as “the most powerful drug trafficker in the world.” The Sinaloa cartel allegedly uses elaborate tunnels for drug trafficking and has been estimated to be responsible for 25 percent of all illegal drugs that enter the U.S. through Mexico.

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LONDON – A day after two people were killed in a terror-related stabbing attack on a bridge in central London, reports emerged of the brave actions taken by members of the public to detain the alleged assailant before he was shot dead by British police. 

Scotland Yard identified the suspect as Usman Khan, 28, an extremist previously jailed for plotting to bomb the London Stock Exchange, Britain’s Parliament and the U.S. Embassy. After serving prison time for his role in that plot, Khan was released in 2018 and fitted with an electronic tag to monitor his movements, according to a report in The Times (of London). Khan was wearing a fake suicide belt when he was fatally shot Friday. Police feared it was real and that he was trying to detonate it.

Terror in London:Suspect had served time for terror crimes, UK police say

The two people killed in the incident on London Bridge have not been named. Three others, a man and two women, remain in the hospital with serious injuries.

While Khan’s motivations remain unclear, investigators are treating the incident as terrorism and it marks the third time in the run up to the last four national votes that Britain has experienced a terrorist attack. A general election is taking place Dec. 12.

More:British lawmakers vote to hold rare December election due to Brexit

On Saturday, investigators confirmed that Khan began his assault inside Fishmongers’ Hall, a historic venue near the north end of London Bridge. There, he was registered to take part in a conference on rehabilitating former prisoners. It was organized by the University of Cambridge. Police believe that after Khan started his attack inside the hall, he proceeded to the bridge looking for more victims. They believe he acted alone.

However, according to footage that has circulated on social media, some of which has subsequently been confirmed in statements from police and witnesses, at some point when Khan got to London Bridge he was tackled by passers-by. 

“This man was walking behind us on the other side of London Bridge when the attack began,” a Twitter user identified as George Roberts wrote on the social media platform.

“He ran through traffic and jumped the central partition to tackle the attacker with several others. We ran away but looks like he disarmed him. Amazing bravery.” 

Stevie Hurst, a tour guide, was one of the people who helped restrain the attacker.

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En Canelones, en el cruce de avenida Giannatassio a la altura del kilómetro 24, tres jóvenes fueron embestidos por un camión cuando cuando intentaron cruzar la avenida. Circulaban por la calle Horacio García Lagos. Murieron dos mujeres de 23 años y un hombre de 27 años según informó Radio Montecarlo. 

En Soriano una beba de 4 meses falleció en otro accidente de tránsito en la ruta 105, en la localidad de Palmitas.

En el auto viajaban una mujer de 39 años, la beba y su hermana de cinco. El auto circulaba por la ruta 105. Según confirmó la vocera de Policía Caminera a Radio Montecarlo, Jennifer De León, por razones que aún se desconocen el auto despistó y volcó. La beba falleció en el lugar, cuando fue despedida por el impacto. La mujer quedó atrapada y fue rescatada por personal de Bomberos.

Policía Caminera confirmó que en el auto había sistema de retención infantil para ambas niñas. La niña de cinco años y la mujer resultaron politraumatizadas y están internadas en el hospital de Palmitas.

De León confirmó a Montecarlo que la ruta es una ruta que está en muy mal estado y hay muchos baches y pozos.

Horas más tarde, hoy sábado un auto chocó contra una moto en el kilómetro 28 de la ruta 101. Según informó Subrayado, el conductor de la moto, un joven de 18 años, falleció en el acto. 

El conductor del automóvil, de 28 años, sufrió traumatismo de cráneo leve y hematomas.

Por otra parte, en la madrugada de este sábado, al rededor de las 5:45 un hombre de 26 años que circulaba en moto por la ruta 1 de camino a San José, perdió la vida tras chocar contra un mojón de la Policía al costado de la ruta.

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All indoor public places across New York state must require masks for all people or proof of full vaccination prior to entry, a sweeping measure the governor announced Friday in an effort to curb a winter COVID surge that shows no signs of slowing.

It goes into effect on Monday. and covers any indoor space that is not a private residence.

Noncompliance comes with fines up to $1,000 for each violation and local health departments are being asked to enforce the requirements. The measure will be reassessed on Jan. 15, Gov. Kathy Hochul said. In the meantime, here’s a look at three options the affected places will have starting Monday and what businesses, patrons and employees need to know about each of them. Learn more here.

Read the full text of the new state mask mandate right here.

1. Proof of Full-Course Vaccination Requirement

Businesses and venues that implement a proof-of-vaccination requirement can accept Excelsior Pass, Excelsior Pass Plus, SMART Health Cards issued outside of New York state or a CDC Vaccination Card.

In accordance with CDC’s definition of fully vaccinated, full-course vaccination is defined as 14 days past an individual’s last vaccination dose in their initial vaccine series (14 days past the second shot of a two-dose Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine; 14 days past the one-shot Janssen/Johnson & Johnson vaccine).

The state also accepts WHO-approved vaccines for these purposes. Parents and guardians can retrieve and store an Excelsior Pass and/or Excelsior Pass Plus for children or minors under legal guardianship.

New Yorkers can retrieve their Excelsior Pass or Excelsior Pass Plus here. Businesses and venues can download the Excelsior Pass Scanner app — free for any business nationwide and available in more than 10 languages — here.

More Coverage

2. Mask-Wearing Requirement

Businesses and venues that implement a mask requirement must ensure all patrons 2 years and older wear a mask at all times while indoors.

3. Continued Masking Requirements

People who aren’t vaccinated are still responsible for wearing masks, in accordance with federal CDC guidance. The state’s masking requirements continue to be in effect for pre-K to grade 12 schools, public transit, homeless shelters, correctional facilities, nursing homes and healthcare settings per CDC guidelines.

New York state continues to strongly recommend mask-wearing in all public indoor settings as an added layer of protection, even when not required. Children under 5 who remain ineligible for vaccination must wear a proper-fitting mask.

COVID-19 vaccines and booster doses are free and widely available statewide. New Yorkers can visit, text their ZIP code to 438829, or call 1-800-232-0233 to find nearby locations.

To schedule an appointment at a state-run mass vaccination site, New Yorkers can visit the Am-I-Eligible site or contact their health providers, county health departments, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), rural health centers or pharmacies.

New York City and New Jersey Vaccine Providers

Click on each provider to find more information on scheduling appointments for the COVID-19 Vaccine.

Data: City of New York, State of New Jersey • Nina Lin / NBC

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Un policía de la fuerza de Intervención Territorial custodia la entrada de una escuela primaria en el municipio de Soyapango, en El Salvador.

Menos muertos. El número de homicidios disminuyó sensiblemente en El Salvador durante el pasado abril, cuando se registró la cifra más baja en más de un año.

En total, según cifras preliminares de la Policía Nacional Civil que no han sido contrastadas todavía con las de la Fiscalía y Medicina Legal, durante ese mes en el país centroamericano “únicamente” se produjeron 352 homicidios.

Y eso representa una disminución de casi el 42% con respecto a marzo, 47% con respecto a febrero y 52% con el primer mes del año.

La cifra total de homicidios en lo que va de año –2.355 hasta el 30 de abril– sigue siendo escalofriante, peor incluso que la registrada a esa fecha en 2015, cuando el país se volvió a “coronar” como el más violento del mundo.

Pero la dramática reducción ofrece algo de esperanza.

Posturas enfrentadas

Aunque como destaca el periódico digital El Faro, las explicaciones para la misma son ahora objeto de debate en el país.


homicidios en lo que va de año

  • 352 homicidios en abril de 2016

  • 42% menos con respecto a marzo

  • 47% menos con respecto a febrero

  • 52% menos con respecto a enero

“Por un lado, distintas voces de peso dentro del gabinete de seguridad lo han explicado como una consecuencia directa de las medidas extraordinarias con las que se está haciendo frente al fenómeno de las pandillas desde finales de marzo”, explica El Faro.

“(Pero), la versión oficial diverge con la que sobre el mismo bajón tienen las pandillas“, destaca la publicación, que ha recibido numerosos premios por su cobertura de la violencia en El Salvador y las actividades del crimen organizado en la región centroamericana.

Efectivamente, en un reciente comunicado emitido por la Mara Salvatrucha y las dos facciones de la Mara 18 –”Revolucionarios” y “Sureños”–, las pandillas atribuyen la reducción en el número de muertos al cese al fuego indefinido que entró en vigor el pasado 26 de marzo.

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El gobierno emprendió el mes pasado una política de mano dura contra las pandillas que inició con el aislamiento de casi 300 cabecillas presos.

“Hemos girado línea a toda nuestra gente […] para que cesen todo tipo de homicidio a nivel nacional“, informaron en esa ocasión las pandillas, a través de un video de YouTube.

Y en su comunicado del 18 de abril, los voceros de los tres grupos afirman que “la cifra de homicidios de las últimas semanas demuestran que somos hombres de palabra y cumplimos”.

La cifra de homicidios de las últimas semanas demuestran que somos hombres de palabra y cumplimos”

“El gobierno trata de convencer a la opinión pública que la reducción de los homicidios […] es resultado de sus operativos y que por tanto su política de solución militar al conflicto es exitosa”, afirma el texto.

“Por el contrario […]. Los continuos operativos de exterminio del gobierno no son los responsables de la reducción sino del lamentable hecho de que todavía mueren 11 salvadoreños todos los días”, se agrega ahí.

En nada de eso, sin embargo, están de acuerdo las autoridades.

Para empezar, según el ministro de Seguridad, Mauricio Ramírez Landaverde, la actual cifra diaria de homicidios es en realidad más alta.

“Tenemos un promedio diario de 19 casos. Es alta, preocupante, pero tampoco podemos desconocer el hecho de que hay una tendencia positiva“, le dijo este miércoles a varios medios salvadoreños.

“La lucha es por mantenerla y acentuarla más. Todo el trabajo está orientado a eso”, agregó.

El periodista de El Faro Nelson Rauda señala que, aunque es una buena noticia, estadísticamente un mes no es suficiente para hablar de una tendencia.

Medidas extraordinarias

El trabajo al que se refiere Ramírez Landaverde está inserto en una política de mano dura contra las pandillas que se inició con el aislamiento de casi 300 cabecillas presos, que fueron trasladados a un centro penal especial, así como la declaratoria de un estado de emergencia en siete cárceles asignadas a las maras.

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El fiscal general de El Salvador, Douglas Meléndez, ordenó este martes la captura de 21 personas conectadas con la tregua que Mara Salvatrucha y Barrio 18 hicieron entre 2012 y 2013.

Y el gobierno del presidente Sánchez Cerén también creó una Fuerza Especial de Reacción con más de 1.000 efectivos provenientes de las tropas especiales del ejército y unidades especiales de la Policía Nacional Civil “para dar persecución y capturar a los grupos criminales”.

“Con estos crueles criminales no es posible tener una actitud de tolerancia. No daremos tregua a los criminales. No vamos a retroceder”, declaró el mandatario al momento de anunciar las medidas.

Las acciones tomadas por el gobierno también incluyeron reformas al código penal para aumentar las penas por asociación ilícita, prohibir hacer treguas con pandillas y permitir la captura administrativa de menores de edad sin necesidad de una orden judicial.

También se ordenó bloquear la señal telefónica en los alrededores de los penales para impedir la comunicación entre las pandillas y los reos, prohibir las visitas y la asistencia de los prisioneros a las audiencias, indicó Rauda.

Con estos crueles criminales no es posible tener una actitud de tolerancia. No daremos tregua”

Y la captura este martes de Raúl Mijango, un excompañero de lucha de Sánchez Cerén en la guerrilla del FMLN y el principal artífice de la tregua pandillera ensayada entre 2012 y 2013 por el gobierno anterior, parece confirmar que se ha descartado completamente la vía de la negociación con las maras.

Mijango, arrestado bajo los cargos de tráfico de objetos prohibidos y agrupaciones ilícitas, es una de las 21 personas que ahora tendrán que enfrentar la justicia por causa de una tregua que también logró reducir dramáticamente el número de homicidios.

Sería injusto decir que reina la paz. Todavía hay asaltos, control del territorio y extorsiones”

Pero el gobierno de Cerén no quiere repetir el experimento.

Y el hecho de que los mismos pandilleros justificaran la tregua unilateral iniciada el pasado 26 de marzo para “demostrar que no hay necesidad de poner medidas que solo vienen a violentar nuestra Constitución” podría terminar de convencer a algunos del potencial de la nueva estrategia gubernamental.

Las maras, sin embargo, insisten en que no se han debilitado.

En su último comunicado advierten además que no los van a encontrar “desarmados y sin voluntad de responder” en los que llaman “operativos de exterminio” de las autoridades.

Vida cotidiana

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Después de un mes de cese al fuego de las pandillas, ¿ha cambiado algo en las calles de El Salvador?

Pero, ¿cómo han cambiado las cosas en El Salvador luego de un mes de cese al fuego anunciado por las Maras?

La población se ha acostumbrado a realizar sus quehaceres diarios entre territorios controlados por las pandillas y donde a menudo se enfrentan, señaló Rauda.

“Sería injusto decir que reina la paz. Todavía hay asaltos, control del territorio y extorsiones“, añadió el periodista de El Faro.

Lo que significa que todavía habrá que esperar para averiguar si la cifra de homicidios del mes de abril se convierte en una tendencia a la baja que pueda llevar a El Salvador a algo parecido a la normalidad.

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Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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BOCA RATON, Fla. – Police responded to a report of shots fired at the Town Center at Boca Raton mall Sunday afternoon. 

Boca police later confirmed that one man was taken to Delray Medical Center after suffering a trauma-related incident. 

Police said his injuries are not considered life threatening. 

According to authorities, the incident was contained to the food court. Police said the response time was immediate due to officers already being on scene at the mall. 

Some shoppers were evacuated and others placed on lockdown inside the mall as a large police presence gathered outside.  

Police also said some minor injuries were reported as a result of people evacuating the mall. 

Additionally, officers with guns drawn were captured on cellphone video entering the mall. 

Some stores locked their doors and turned off the lights, ushering customers to back rooms. 

While locked inside a store, shopper Rodney Parker captured video of officers with guns drawn, searching through a main mall corridor. 

Officers urged anyone in the mall to shelter in place and wait for police to assist with a safe evacuation.

Boca police said officers SWAT teams were conducting an active search of the area but that there was no active shooter. 

Early Sunday evening, Town Center at Boca Mall released the following statement: 

As this is a police matter, please refer all inquiries to Boca Raton Police Services Department. 

Police urge anyone with information to contact authorities at 561-416-3359.

Copyright 2019 by WPLG – All rights reserved.

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Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, pictured earlier this month, issued an executive order on Monday recalling all National Guard and Airmen troops from the U.S.-Mexico border.

Jose Luis Magana/AP

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Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, pictured earlier this month, issued an executive order on Monday recalling all National Guard and Airmen troops from the U.S.-Mexico border.

Jose Luis Magana/AP

Gov. Tony Evers recalled Wisconsin’s National Guard troops from the southern border, making him the third state leader to challenge the Trump administration’s claims of a national emergency along the U.S.-Mexico line.

“There is simply not ample evidence to support the president’s contention of a national security crisis at our southwestern border,” Evers, a Democrat, wrote in a tweet on Monday afternoon.

“Therefore, there is no justification for the ongoing presence of Wisconsin National Guard personnel at the border,” the newly sworn-in governor added.

A statement about the executive order, signed Monday, offers a bit more detail: 112 Guard Soldiers and Airmen, under the command of then-Gov. Scott Walker, a Republican, were deployed to the Arizona border on June 21, 2018, to assist with border security.

Now, Evers is revoking that order.

It is unclear exactly when the troops will return but Evers said he had directed the adjutant general to “promptly withdraw” all personnel.

“I cannot support keeping our brave service men and women away from their families without a clear need or purpose that would actively benefit the people of Wisconsin or our nation,” he said.

Earlier this month, President Trump declared a national emergency in order to fund a border wall, citing mounting criminal activity.

“It’s a great thing to do because we have an invasion of drugs, invasion of gangs, invasion of people. And it’s unacceptable,” Trump said at the announcement.

But even before the declaration, New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lunan Grisham, also a Democrat, ordered the removal of the majority of Guard troops deployed at her state’s border — including soldiers from Arkansas, Kansas, Kentucky, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Wisconsin.

About a week later, California’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom also moved to pull out most of the 360 troops serving as border security alongside federal agents.

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El Tribunal Superior de Medellín acaba de revocar la sentencia absolutoria que un Juez de Bello había decretado a favor del cantante de música urbana Carlos Alberto Pizarro, Alberto Stylee.

En la decisión, tomada por la Sala Penal de ese organismo, se ordena la captura inmediata del cantante para que pague por los delitos de tentativa de homicidio y porte ilegal de armas de fuego.

Los hechos por los que el alto Tribunal tomó esta medida ocurrieron la madrugada del 26  de febrero en una fiesta privada que se celebró en una finca en Copacabana (Antioquia).

Edwin Alfredo Moná, de 36 años, denunció que el artista interrumpió su presentación para perseguirlo durante más de 100 metros y dispararle con un arma de fuego porque él estaba hablando con la acompañante del artista.

Moná fue herido en dos ocasiones, una en el estómago y otra en uno de sus brazos (este mismo proyectil alcanzó su cráneo).

Posteriormente falleció.

Stylee había sido capturado el primero de junio de 2012 y recuperó la libertad el 30 de octubre del mismo año después de que el Juez que llevaba su caso le dictara sentencia absolutoria.

La defensa de Moná apeló la decisión y acaba de ser revocada.


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The Biden administration has struggled to offer a specific number of Americans still in Afghanistan in recent days, prompting criticism from conservatives and others about the administration’s preparedness to evacuate U.S. citizens.

White House national security adviser Jake SullivanJake Sullivan National security adviser doesn’t rule out more sending additional US troops to Afghanistan Sunday shows – Afghanistan’s collapse in the spotlight Sullivan: US taking Afghanistan ISIS threat ‘absolutely deadly seriously’ MORE said Monday the difficulty pinpointing an exact number was because some Americans did not notify the U.S. Embassy when they arrived in Afghanistan or when they left.

“Many people have asked, reasonably, why we can’t provide a precise number of American citizens still in country,” Sullivan said at a White House press briefing.

“When Americans have come to Afghanistan over the years, we asked them to register with the embassy. Many have left without deregistering. Others never registered at all,” Sullivan said. “That is their right, of course. And it’s our responsibility to find them, which we are now doing hour by hour. In the days remaining, we believe we have the wherewithal to get out the American citizens who want to leave Kabul.”

Sullivan said a “significant majority” of the 37,000 individuals evacuated by the U.S. military over the last nine days are Afghan civilians and allies of the war effort because there are several thousand more Afghans seeking to leave the country. But Sullivan estimated “a few thousand Americans” have been evacuated from Afghanistan since the Taliban began taking over major cities en route to seizing the capital of Kabul.

Biden administration officials have been asked repeatedly in recent days about how many American citizens are in Afghanistan that need to be evacuated. Spokespeople have struggled to offer an answer more specific than several thousand.

Sullivan said the government has tried contacting those believed to be in Afghanistan through email, text, phone calls and public means, such as radio.

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Lawyers for Ghislaine Maxwell are highlighting a fund that awarded nearly $125 million to Jeffrey Epstein’s victims as part of their effort to discredit four accusers who testified at trial.

All four accusers who testified for the prosecution at Ms. Maxwell’s trial said they had received awards from the fund, ranging from $1.5 million to $5 million. The Epstein Victims’ Compensation Program, which was created after the financier’s death, ended its claims process earlier this year after paying about 150 of Epstein’s accusers with money from his estate.

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Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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En su entrevista del viernes en RPP Noticias, PPK volvió a hablar sobre el posible indulto a Alberto Fujimori. | Fuente: RPP Noticias | Fotógrafo: Marcos Reátegui

El indulto a Alberto Fujimori está nuevamente en el centro de la política nacional. Pedro Pablo Kuczynski ha dicho que esta posibilidad se “resolvería” antes de fin de año pero no como indulto, sino como “perdón médico”. Desde Fuerza Popular han pedido que se concrete, mientras que en las calles, miles de personas marcharon este viernes contra la posibilidad. Al margen de las posiciones a favor y en contra, ¿qué dice la Constitución?

Dos menciones. El artículo 118 de la Constitución Política del Perú señala las atribuciones del Presidente la República. El punto 21 dice que una de estas es “conceder indultos y conmutar penas. Ejercer el derecho de gracia en beneficio de los procesados en los casos en que la etapa de instrucción haya excedido el doble de su plazo más su ampliatoria”.

La segunda mención está en el artículo 139, en el capítulo VIII, dedicado al Poder Judicial. El punto 13 habla de “la prohibición de revivir procesos fenecidos con resolución ejecutoriada”, por lo que “la amnistía, el indulto, el sobreseimiento definitivo y la prescripción producen los efectos de cosa juzgada”. No se puede reabrir un caso por el que se indultó a alguien.

¿Perdón médico? A fines de abril, cuando se también se debatía la posibilidad de un indulto o un arresto domiciliario para Fujimori, la ministra de Justicia, Marisol Pérez Tello, dijo en RPP Noticias que hay dos tipos de indulto y que Fujimori solo podría calificar a uno de ellos. No podría recibir un indulto común, de iniciativa del presidente, porque fue “condenado por delitos de secuestro y lesa humanidad. Si lo aplicáramos, la Corte Interamericana diría que hay un intento de eludir la justicia”.

La otra posibilidad es el ‘indulto humanitario’. Según dijo Pérez Tello, este es pedido por la familia y debe pasar por un informe que pruebe que el reo cumple con las condiciones: tener una enfermedad terminal u otra no terminal que sea degenerativa, incurable y que se agudice en la cárcel. Tras esto, depende del Gobierno aprobarla.

En ese momento, la ministra dijo que Fujimori no reunía esas condiciones, pero este viernes Kuczynski dijo que “un perdón médico” sería “determinado exclusivamente por la opinión de doctores de primer nivel que verán cual es el estado de salud del expresidente”.

Fujimori fue condenado a 25 años de prisión por los casos de Barrios Altos y La Cantuta, matanzas durante su gobierno (1900-2000). | Fuente: Andina
El viernes por la noche, miles marcharon por las calles del Centro de Lima contra el indulto a Fujimori. En las últimas dos elecciones presidenciales del Perú, el voto antifujimorista fue clave en clave en las victorias de Ollanta Humala y Pedro Pablo Kuczynski. | Fuente: AFP

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(CNN)The nine victims of a mass shooting in San Jose on Wednesday have been identified as investigators begin the process of figuring out why such a fierce burst of violence happened during the early morning hours at a light rail yard.

Eight of the victims, who ranged from ages 29 to 63, were identified Wednesday by the Santa Clara County office of the Medical Examiner-Coroner as Paul Delacruz Megia, 42; Taptejdeep Singh, 36; Adrian Balleza, 29; Jose Dejesus Hernandez III, 35; Timothy Michael Romo, 49; Michael Joseph Rudometkin, 40; Abdolvahab Alaghmandan, 63; and Lars Kepler Lane, 63.

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