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Personal del Cuerpo de Bomberos de Panamá inspeccionó la estructura y coordinó con el Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil (Sinaproc), decidiendo en conjunto con el Ministerio de Obras Públicas (MOP), inhabilitar el puente.

El MOP informó que han iniciado los trabajos sobre el puente de Villa Lucre, para lo cual realizan corte de platos de acero para nivelar el soporte de las vigas que fueron golpeadas.

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Media caption“Canadians voted in favour of a progressive agenda” – Justin Trudeau’s victory speech

Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party has retained power in a narrow Canadian election win but he will now be prime minister of a minority government.

The Liberals are projected to win 157 seats, 13 short of a majority, and will find it harder to pass legislation in Mr Trudeau’s second term.

The opposition Conservatives are expected to win the popular vote but have not translated that into seats.

They are projected to take 121, up from the 95 they held before.

Although Monday night’s results saw a sharp decline in seats for the country’s left-leaning New Democratic Party (NDP), its leader, Jagmeet Singh, could become the kingmaker.

The NDP is projected to take 24 seats in the 338-seat parliament.

Quebec’s separatist party, the Bloc Québécois, which competes only in that province, fared much better. It is expected to take 32 seats, compared to the 10 it won in 2015.

Turnout is currently listed at 66%.

The federal election was seen as a referendum on Mr Trudeau, who had a bumpy first term, tainted by scandal.

Mr Trudeau told cheering supporters in Montreal that voters had “rejected division and negativity… and they rejected cuts and austerity and voted in favour of a progressive agenda and strong action on climate change”.

He said: “Thank you for having faith in us to move our country in the right direction.”

And to those who did not back him, he promised his party would govern for everyone.

His weakened grip on power is being seen as a rebuke of his record but the result is bitterly disappointing for Conservative leader Andrew Scheer.

Why has Trudeau’s popularity fallen?

Mr Trudeau swept into power in 2015 promising “real change” and a slew of progressive pledges.

But after four years in power, Mr Trudeau faced criticism for his ability to follow through.

Media captionFour years of Justin Trudeau in two minutes

His environmental record, for example, has been undercut by his support for the Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion project.

And Mr Trudeau’s vow to institute federal electoral reform was quickly abandoned, angering some left-leaning voters excited by the prospect of seeing an alternative voting system

Still, according to an independent assessment by two dozen Canadian academics, Mr Trudeau has kept – fully or partially – 92% of these promises, the most by any Canadian government in 35 years.

An ethics scandal early this year, known as the SNC-Lavalin affair, took a major toll on his support.

Last month an ethics watchdog found the prime minister had violated federal conflict of interest rules by improperly trying to influence a former minister in relation to a criminal trial facing major Canadian engineering firm SNC-Lavalin.

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Supporters of Conservative leader Andrew Scheer react to the latest results

Mr Trudeau’s election odds then seemed at risk when images of the prime minister wearing blackface make-up in three separate instances were widely circulated.

The images were seen as a major hit to Mr Trudeau’s cultivated political image, characterised by compassion and inclusion.

What have the leaders said?

In his speech, Mr Trudeau also addressed Quebec and the provinces in western Canada, where his party had not fared well, saying: “I’ve heard your frustration.”

Mr Scheer said he was “incredibly proud” of the larger Conservative team going to Ottawa.

He said the country was “further divided” and that his party had put Mr Trudeau “on notice, his leadership is damaged and his government will end soon”.

The Conservatives are projected to take 34.4% of the popular vote, compared to the Liberals’ 33%. However, the first-past-the-post system – awarding victory to the candidate with most votes in any given constituency – means that has not translated to seats won.

Speaking from his home district in Burnaby, British Columbia, Mr Singh acknowledged some disappointing results but focused on the future, promising to make “Canadians’ life… better”.

Green Party leader Elizabeth May said the election had been a success. It is expected to take three seats, compared to one in 2015.

US President Donald Trump and UK PM Boris Johnson tweeted congratulations to Mr Trudeau.

What next for Canada?

Minority governments are not uncommon – there have been three in the past 15 years.

A coalition government, however, is rare. It was last attempted in 2008 by the Liberals and NDP, but was disbanded when then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper, a Conservative, prorogued parliament.

Analysts believe the obvious link would again be between the Liberals and the NDP. They also believe the Bloc Québécois – which has softened its stance on demands for independence – will neither enter a coalition nor force another election.

Indeed, in his post-results speech, Bloc leader Yves-François Blanchet said: “We have to find a way to make this parliament work.”

Without any agreed coalition, Mr Trudeau would clearly need to compromise to get policies through.

Mr Scheer will have to assess his position. He pitched himself to Canadians as the candidate speaking up for issues which directly affect voters’ lives and wallets.

But instead he faced scrutiny over where the Conservative Party stood on gay marriage and abortion.

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The Michigan Court of Claims has said Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s stay-at-home order does not infringe on the constitutional rights of residents.

The lawsuit, brought by plaintiff Steve Martinko and others, claimed that Whitmer’s initial “Stay Home, Stay Safe” executive order, as well as the recently adjusted version of the order, violated the rights of Michigan residents.

The orders were introduced to curb the spread of COVID-19 in Michigan, where there are 40,399 confirmed cases and the death toll has reached 3,670, according to data from Johns Hopkins.

The plaintiffs in the case claimed that the “mandatory quarantine,” along with interstate travel restrictions listed in an earlier version of the order, violated their rights to both procedural due process and substantive due process.

“But those liberty interests are, and always have been, subject to society’s interests—society being our fellow residents,” said Court of Claims Judge Christopher M. Murray.

“They—our fellow residents—have an interest to remain unharmed by a highly communicable and deadly virus, and since the state entered the Union in 1837, it has had the broad power to act for the public health of the entire state when faced with a public crisis.”

Whitmer announced an extension of the state’s stay-at-home order through to May 15.JEFF KOWALSKY/AFP via Getty Images

Murray stated that issuing injunctive relief “would not serve the public interest, despite the temporary harm to plaintiffs’ constitutional rights.”

The plaintiffs also alleged that the Emergency Management Act is an unconstitutional delegation of legislative power to the Governor.

But the Court noted the act does not provide the Governor with “uncontrolled, arbitrary power.” Instead, Judge Murray indicated that the act provides for very specific procedures and criteria for the Governor to declare a state of disaster or emergency, and what conditions qualify as a disaster or emergency.

Attorney General Dana Nessel announced: “I am pleased with the court’s decision. This pandemic has already taken more than 3,600 lives in Michigan and many more around the world. The primary goal of the ‘Stay Home, Stay Safe’ order has always been to protect human life.”

Last week, Whitmer announced an extension of the state’s stay-at-home order through May 15.

Whitmer described the extension—which includes the lifting of some personal and economic restrictions—as a “step forward” for the state. Discussions to lift additional restrictions would depend upon the number of cases continuing to decrease statewide and the state’s ability to boost its testing and contact tracing efforts, Whitmer said.

“We’ve got to do everything we can to avoid a second wave of COVID-19 spread,” Whitmer said during a news briefing. “As hard as this moment is for us right now, as isolated as we feel and as stressed as we are about getting back to work, reopening our businesses, we know that if we do it too fast, a second wave is likely and would be even more devastating than the moment we are in.”

Newsweek has contacted Whitmer for comment.

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Tras dos semanas de campaña, los militantes del PSOE deciden quien será el sucesor de Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba.

Los tres candidatos, Pedro Sánchez, Eduardo Madina y José Antonio Pérez Tapias, coinciden en proponer un partido más abierto y participativo e incluyen reivindicaciones tradicionales socialistas.

El PSOE ha adjudicado a cada uno de los tres un despacho propio provisional desde donde podrán seguir en Ferraz la votación, el escrutinio y el anuncio de resultados.

Las principales propuestas de los aspirantes a este proceso:

Pedro Sánchez

– Una regeneración profunda de la política: promover la limitación de mandatos en la Presidencia del Gobierno, fin del aforamiento de los cargos públicos, supresión del indulto por motivos políticos y desbloquear las listas electorales.

– Elecciones primarias abiertas para la elección del candidato o candidata a la presidencia del Gobierno.

– Cambio en la ley electoral y la financiación de partidos políticos para eliminar la financiación privada superior a 2.000 euros por persona y año.

– La reforma de la Constitución en clave federal de España, para que las comunidades autónomas ganen en autogobierno, con igual financiación y garantizando la solidaridad.

– Una renovación alianzas del PSOE con UGT y colectivos sociales.

– Abrir todas las agrupaciones locales del PSOE para que los españoles vayan a aprender, estudiar, compartir y debatir.

– Defensa de una política inequívocamente de izquierdas: laica, federal, con valores republicanos, feministas y comprometidos con el medio ambiente.

– Recuperar Educación para la Ciudadanía para educar en la diversidad y para fomentar el respeto al diferente.

– Ley de Muerte Digna.

Eduardo Madina

– ‘Un militante, un voto’ en la elección de todos los secretarios generales.

– Primarias abiertas para la elección de candidato a la Presidencia del Gobierno de España, de las Comunidades Autónomas y a alcaldes.

– Establecer la imposibilidad de, después de haber ejercido un cargo público, realizar tareas de dirección, gestión o asesoramiento de empresas privadas relacionadas con el área de decisión desarrollada en el cargo.

– ‘Una persona, un cargo’: Cada afiliado socialista no podrá ejercer más de un cargo.

– Limitación del número máximo de mandatos en los cargos de dirección del partido.

– Garantizar en la Constitución un mínimo de inversión en Educación y Sanidad.

– Defensa de la Ley de Dependencia

– Impulsar la dación en pago como solución a los desahucios y desarrollar el derecho de los jóvenes a la emancipación y a un proyecto de vida propio.

– Puesta en marcha un plan nacional para formar al 40% de la población activa que en España está sin cualificar.

– Aprobación de una Ley de Igualdad de Trato, una nueva Ley Integral de Transexualidad y defensa del Derecho a la Reproducción Asistida.

– Ley de Muerte Digna.
– Reforma en profundidad del sector energético.

José Antonio Pérez Tapias

– Primarias abiertas para candidato a Presidencia del Gobierno: un simpatizante, un voto, sin avales y con doble vuelta.

– En contra de la duplicidad en cargos orgánicas institucionales.

– Elección directa de los secretarios generales bajo la fórmula: ‘un militante, un voto’.

– Elección de delegados a Congresos y conferencias políticas así como de los candidatos a los parlamentos y concejales por listas y primarias abiertas.

– Limitación efectiva de mandatos a dos en el ejercicio de cargos institucionales y orgánicos.

– Renovación cada ocho años en los cargos.

– Consulta a los militantes para toma de decisiones relevantes.

– Apoyo al revocatorio para que los incumplimientos del programa deban explicarse y someterse a consideración ciudadana.

– Ningún imputado por malversación de caudales públicos u otros delitos asociados a una responsabilidad política) estará en las listas ni en los cargos.

– Homologar el permiso de paternidad al de maternidad como proponía la Directiva Europa del 2012.

– Reforma del artículo 135 de la Constitución que garantiza el pago de la deuda.

– Implantación de una normativa de segunda oportunidad de forma que se paralice el desahucio de los hogares insolventes. Asimismo, promoverá la creación de un parque público de viviendas de alquiler.

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Un nuevo volcamiento de un bus vuelve a dejar dolor en familias ecuatorianas. El accidente ocurrió cerca del mediodía de este domingo en la vía Pichincha-Quiroga, sector La Guajira, del cantón Bolívar, en Manabí. Hasta las 19:00 de ayer se conocía de tres pasajeros fallecidos y 26 heridos.

Las víctimas mortales fueron identificadas como Janis Marisol Sánchez Vera y Sacha Dallanara Celi Sánchez, de ocho años. Ellas eran del sitio Pechichal de Junín.

Un tercer fallecido no portaba documentación, pero se presume que sea de Ventanas. Los cadáveres fueron trasladados al Instituto de Ciencias Forenses, en Manta.

El bus de la cooperativa de transportes Bolívar habría perdido pista debido a que la vía estaba mojada por la neblina que se registró por la mañana, según versiones preliminares.

“Se trata de un accidente tipo pérdida de pista con volcamiento, un bus de la cooperativa Bolívar, disco 21”, aseguró el subteniente Miguel Andrade, quien emitió un reporte desde el ECU911.

Varias unidades del Ministerio de Salud y Bomberos se desplazaron al sitio para atender la emergencia.

José Vélez, bombero del cantón Pichincha, dijo que hasta las 14:00 personas de entidades de socorro ayudaban aún a sacar a los heridos, que se suman a la larga lista de víctimas que han dejado accidentes de buses en los últimos meses.

En julio pasado, un choque entre buses en la vía Durán-Yaguachi produjo 2 muertos y 26 heridos. Mientras, el 23 de junio, en el km 33 de la vía Santo Domingo-Quevedo, una unidad chocó con un carro liviano, dio vueltas de campana, dejando 5 muertos y 25 heridos.

Días antes, el 17 de junio, tres personas resultaron heridas en el volcamiento de una unidad de la cooperativa, a unos 6 kilómetros de la terminal terrestre de Manta.

Un reporte del Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP) refirió que las personas heridas, entre las cuales están tres extranjeros, fueron trasladadas al hospital de Calceta.

Dos pasajeros habían sido enviados hasta el hospital Verdi Cevallos de Portoviejo, ambos con amputaciones en sus extremidades superiores.

Pablo Chinga Guerrero, uno de los pasajeros, manifestó que ya se le había llamado la atención al conductor de la unidad, pero este supuestamente hizo caso omiso y siguió con la marcha acelerada.

El ECU911 de Portoviejo indicó a través de un comunicado que al sitio se desplegaron 5 unidades de la Policía Nacional, tres unidades del Cuerpo de Bomberos, cuatro ambulancias del Ministerio de Salud Pública y tres más del IESS.

El conductor de la unidad accidentada se dio a la fuga. Las investigaciones están en marcha. (I)

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NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Today, Time Warner Cable News NY1 Noticias, New York City’s only 24-hour
Spanish language local news network, announced it will commemorate the
10-year anniversary of Pura Política, with a special documentary
with highlights from the past decade of the longest-running local
Spanish language political talk show in New York City, on Friday, June 5th
at 6 p.m. and 11p.m.

The documentary special will feature guests including, Congresswoman,
Nydia Velazquez, State Senator, Adriano Espaillat, and City Council
Speaker, Melissa Mark-Viverito,
who will explore the highs and lows
for Latinos during the past decade. The commemorative program will also
include an exclusive sit-down interview with New York City Mayor Bill
de Blasio
where he is asked to name one Latino politician he
believes would be a strong candidate for New York City Mayor in the near

Pura Política first premiered as a weekly political talk show on
June 3, 2005, with then Mayor Michael Bloomberg as its first guest.
Bloomberg had just kicked off his re-election campaign with a
Spanish-language commercial.

“Since we aired our first program, Hispanic influence has grown
tremendously and the Spanish language has become ubiquitous in city
politics. Pura Política is a key platform for political leaders looking
to engage Latinos and talk about their issues. We look forward to many
more decades of great interviews and political analysis,” said program
host, Juan Manuel Benitez.

NY1 Noticias’ Pura Política’s 10th
Anniversary Special
will air Friday, June 5th at 6 p.m.
and 11p.m. on channel 95 and channel 831 on Time Warner Cable in New
York, and channel 194 on Cablevision in New York City.

Time Warner Cable News (TWC News) provides in-depth local news
programming exclusively for Time Warner Cable video customers. Time
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New York (Rochester, Buffalo, Albany, Hudson Valley, Central New York
and the Southern Tier); North Carolina (Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro,
Wilmington); Antelope Valley, CA, and the group’s flagship network NY1
and Spanish language network TWC News NY1 Noticias in New York City. NY1
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Time Warner Cable Inc. (NYSE: TWC) is among the largest providers of
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CNN anchor John King defended Republicans on Thursday, arguing they made a “legitimate point” in asking why the intelligence community whistleblower — who brought the complaint that prompted Trump’s impeachment — hadn’t been questioned.

“You’re asking the Congress, the Senate now, to remove the President of the United States,” King said. “It’s a legitimate point for the president’s team and the Republicans to say: ‘Shouldn’t we go to the very origin of this?'”


His comments came after Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., tried asking a question that mentioned the name of a person reported to be the whistleblower. Chief Justice John Roberts shut down the question, which Paul described as “atypical.”

Fox News has not confirmed the name of the whistleblower.

King said he wouldn’t help Paul “air his grievances” over the issue, but proposed certain questions for Democrats.

“Republicans make a good point — the whistleblower started all of this. Why hasn’t the whistleblower been questioned?” he said. “Shouldn’t the House Democrats have found a secure way to do that? It’s a legitimate point of debate as we go through this.”

“Is outing the whistleblower in a public setting the way to make your point? I think we could have a conversation about that … the Democrats’ argument is that just about everything the whistleblower alleged has been proven through other sources, so we don’t need to do this.”

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The chief justice, who plays the rare role of fielding questions during the impeachment trial, had communicated through his staff to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office that he did not want to read the whistleblower’s name, according to a Republican unauthorized to discuss the private conversation and granted anonymity.


Senators faced eight hours of final questions Thursday ahead of an expected vote Friday on whether to call additional witnesses. Senators could also vote Fridayon whether to end the trial with the expected acquittal of the president.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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U.S. military forces have returned to eastern Syria weeks after President Trump ordered the complete withdrawal of American troops from the area. The move comes as the top Kurdish leader of a U.S.-backed militia accuses Turkey of “continuing its war” against the Kurds in Syria.

A U.S. military spokesman tweeted early Wednesday the Army National Guard’s 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team, known as “Old Hickory,” arrived in eastern Syria to protect oil fields the Pentagon does not want to see fall back into ISIS hands.

The Guard soldiers come from North Carolina, South Carolina, Ohio and West Virginia, according to a tweet by Col. Myles B. Caggins III, a U.S.-led coalition spokesman, in announcing the deployment.

The Guard soldiers come from North Carolina, South Carolina, Ohio and West Virginia, according to a tweet by Col. Myles B. Caggins III, a U.S.-led coalition spokesman in announcing the deployment.

Another tweet by the U.S. military’s Special Operations Joint Task Force in Iraq and Syria says the new U.S. forces are “repositioning” to “Deir ez Zor Syria to continue partnering w/ [Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF)] to defeat ISIS remnants, protect critical infrastructure, & deny ISIS access to revenue sources. @30thabct  mechanized forces provide infantry, maneuver, and firepower.”


Roughly 500 Guard members will be part of the deployment to eastern Syria’s Deir ez Zor to protect the oil fields, according to officials.

A photo of the Guard unit arriving earlier this month to Kuwait were posted to a Pentagon website.

Earlier this month, the unit, including its MIAI Abrams main battle tanks, trained at Fort Bliss in Texas, according to the Pentagon:

It’s not clear if the tanks will also be deploying to eastern Syria, along with Bradley Fighting Vehicles in photos the Pentagon released when announcing the deployment to eastern Syria.


The announced deployment of more troops to Syria from the region follows a series of what some critics are calling contradictory statements from the White House over its Syria policy.

President Trump said last week in a tweet about Syria, “COMING HOME! We were supposed to be there for 30 days – That was 10 years ago. When these pundit fools who have called the Middle East wrong for 20 years ask what we are getting out of the deal, I simply say, THE OIL, AND WE ARE BRINGING OUR SOLDIERS BACK HOME, ISIS SECURED!”

But just two days prior to the tweet, in a White House speech announcing a cease-fire agreement between Turkey’s President Erdogan and U.S.-backed Kurdish fighters in northern Syria, the president said that not all U.S. troops would be coming home.

“A small number of U.S. troops will remain in the area where they have the oil,” President Trump said on Oct. 23.  “We’re going to be protecting it, and we’ll be deciding what we’re going to do with it in the future.”


In a tweet from his recently created Twitter account, established after the cease-fire was announced, Kurdish Gen. Mazloum Abdi said Thursday:

“Turkey has not adhered to the ceasefire agreement with USA and is continuing its war. Turkey with Jihadists, began to occupying Christian villages and trying to break into Tall Tamir predominantly Assyriens, threatened with annihilation.  USA must fulfill its obligations.”

Protecting the oil could mean U.S. forces defending the oil not just from the 15,000 estimated ISIS fighters remains in Syria and Iraq, but from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s troops, Russian and Iranian-backed forces as well.

Last year, Russian mercenaries along with “pro-Assad” forces advanced near the oil fields guarded by U.S. Special Operations forces along with their Kurdish allies.  When they began taking fire, the U.S. troops called in devastating air strikes from orbiting Apache helicopter and AC-130 gunships to annihilate the Russian troops, as then-Defense Secretary Jim Mattis later characterized the engagement to lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

The president also acknowledged in a recent statement that a small number of U.S. troops would remain at a garrison in southern Syria to block a well-known smuggling route used by Iranian-backed forces to move weapons from Iran to Damascus and Beirut.  ISIS is not known to inhabit the area.

The president said U.S. troops leaving Syria would, “stay in the region,” in the days since his abrupt order to pull all American forces out of northeast Syria after speaking to his Turkish counterpart on Oct. 6. Turkey launched an invasion of northeast Syria days later.  U.S. Special Operations forces ordered to retreat from the Syrian border felt they were abandoning and betraying their Kurdish allies.  The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) lost over 11,000 fighters battling ISIS over the past five years.

Despite President Trump wanting to pull American forces from the Middle East and end what he called “endless wars,” the Pentagon recently said just the opposite is happening.


In a statement on Oct. 11 announcing roughly 2,000 more troops would be deploying to Saudi Arabia, the Pentagon said: “Since May, the Department of Defense has increased the number of forces by approximately 14,000” to the Middle East.

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São Paulo – Lebanese citizens no longer need to request a visa in each trip to Brazil. They will be entitled to three-year visas, for tourism and business trips, and may use them whenever they visit the country within that period. The measure was announced by the Brazilian minister of External Relations, Luiz Alberto Figueiredo Machado, in Brasília, in a meeting with the Lebanese minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, Gebran Bassil, who is in Brazil. The multiple-entry visa may be used for 90-day stays in Brazil, and is renewable for another 90-day period within a year.


Bassil (R) and Temer (L): Lebanon wants Brazilian help in Middle East

The two countries have also signed an agreement exempting diplomatic passport bearers, officers and professionals on special mission or on duty from visa requirement. By the agreement, citizens during such trips, from any of the two countries, may stay in the other nation for a period of up to 90 days without a visa. The period may be extended on request during the professional’s mission in Lebanon or Brazil.

Bassil arrived in the country on Wednesday (9th) and this Thursday (10th), he had meetings with several Brazilian authorities in Brasília. He also signed with Machado a memorandum that provides for bilateral consultations between Lebanon and Brazil, so opinions can be exchanged on local and international issues of common interest. According to the text released by the minister of Foreign Affairs, the goal is to strengthen “traditional bilateral and cooperation relations.”

The Lebanese minister was also welcomed by Brazilian vice president, Michel Temer (affiliated with political party PMDB), in Brasília. He asked the Brazilian vice leader for Brazil’s intermediation to help solve conflicts in Middle East, according to information released by the website of the vice presidency. “Brazil encourages dialogue, pacification and more dialogue in that region, especially via the UN. The conflict must be ended because Lebanon is often the stage for neighboring conflicts, especially from Syria today,” said Temer.  According to the vice president, the minister asked for the Brazilian Army’s help. The Brazilian Navy is already active in Lebanon as part of the United Nations Peace Mission.

Temer promised to discuss the subjects brought up by Bassil with the Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff (affiliated with PT, the Worker’s Party). At the meeting with Temer, Bassil also manifested interest in intensifying trade relations and investments between the two countries. “We want Brazilian companies to invest in Lebanon. We are also interested in direct commercial flights connecting both countries,” said the Lebanese chancellor.  The agreements signed with The Brazilian Ministry of External Relations (also known as Itamaraty) should boost trade and diplomatic relations. Both the visa agreement and the memorandum of understanding should enter into force as soon as each country complies with their own internal procedures for such.

This Friday (11th) Lebanon’s foreign minister will be in the city of São Paulo, where he will have a series of meetings with local authorities. The plans include meetings with governor Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB), mayor Fernando Haddad (PT) and ex-president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Bassil will also be welcomed for a luncheon by the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce president Marcelo Sallum.

*Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça

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Martes, 21 de Julio 2015  |  2:42 pm

Créditos: Juan Nunura

Rescatistas a bordo de dos helicpteros ya estn en tierra firme luego de que el mal tiempo impidiese que aterrizaran en horas de la manaa.

Dos helicópteros, uno la Fuerza Aérea y el segundo del Ejército, salieron esta mañana (martes) rumbo a la agreste zona entre Ayabaca y Huancabamba para sumarse a las acciones de búsqueda de las tres personas desaparecidas cuando cumplían una misión para la empresa minera Rio Blanco Cooper.

Los rescatistas de la Policía Nacional, al mando del coronel Luis Quiñones llegaron a la zona acompañados por el sobreviviente rescatado ayer, Manuel Herrera Peña; quien indicará la zona exacta en dónde estuvieron perdidos, pero además con la misión de ubicar las coordenadas que se han registrado en el GPS del sobreviviente.

“Los helicópteros salieron desde la mañana. Hubo problema por el clima en la mañana pero ya aterrizaron y están en tierra firme rumbo al punto exacto que señala las coordenadas. Ellos (los rescatistas) ya han descendiendo. En el trascurso del día se tendrá información oficial sobre esta operación”, declaró el coronel Isaac Alvarado a RPP Noticias.

Tanto la Policía Nacional, las Fuerzas Armadas, como la población, esperan que la operación sea exitosa y pese a lo que se teme, la esperanza es hallar con vida a los desaparecidos.

En Piura, los representantes de la minera, así como los familiares y la prensa, esperan noticias en la base del Grupo Aéreo N°07, de la FAP.

Lea más noticias de la región Piura



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Pero este no será el único cambio. La pareja de presentadores formada por Matías Prats y Mónica Carrillo se pone al frente de las ediciones de fin de semana. Mientras que Álvaro Zancajo y Sandra Golpe presentarán el informativo de las 21:00 horas de lunes a viernes. Vicente Vallés y Lourdes Maldonado se mantienen en la edición del mediodía. También lo hacen María José Sáez y Esther Vaquero, en la edición matinal.

Juego de colores en el plató | Foto: Atresmedia


Antena 3 mantiene su apuesta por la mejor información deportiva con Manu Sánchez, en Antena 3 Noticias 2; Ainhoa Arbizu, en la primera edición; Javier Alba en Las noticias de la mañana; y Óscar Castellanos, en el fin de semana.

Una temporada más, la información meteorológica sigue a cargo de Roberto Brasero, director de un equipo integrado por Himar González, Gema Chiverto y César Gonzalo.

Junto a ellos, ha regresado hoy ‘Espejo Público’, el magazine producido por informativos que presenta Susanna Griso y que se mantiene fiel a su seña de identidad: la actualidad y la información, incorporando nuevas caras a las distintas secciones del programa como Lara Álvarez, Estíbaliz Gabilondo y Diego Revuelta.

Como en cursos anteriores, Antena 3 Noticias volverá a contar con los principales protagonistas de la actualidad en directo en su plató. El líder socialista, Pedro Sánchez, acudirá al plató de informativos a las 21:00 horas para inaugurar la temporada de entrevistas de la directora general de Antena 3 Noticias, Gloria Lomana, el próximo miércoles 10 de septiembre en prime time.

Los informativos de Antena 3 se mantienen como referencia informativa en televisión. Antena 3 Noticias 1 es la edición líder absoluta de las Sobremesas de lunes a viernes en lo que va de año, con una media del 14,1% de cuota y 1.864.000 espectadores.

Los fines de semana, Antena 3 Noticias 1 es además el informativo más visto y líder absoluto con una media en 2014 de 15,4% de share y 1.942.000 espectadores. ANTENA 3 Noticias fin de semana lidera también con una media de cuota de pantalla del 13,4% y 1.783.000 espectadores. Los informativos Antena 3 han conseguido una audiencia media de todas sus ediciones de 12,7%.

Con la nueva temporada, los informativos de Antena 3 estrenan nueva identidad gráfica que incorpora el rojo para elementos destacados, así como cabecera. ANTENA 3 Noticias jugará con los colores en función de las diferentes ediciones y del contenido informativo. El imponente plató se aligera y se hace más versátil y mantiene una de sus ya clásicas señas de identidad, la redacción como fondo. Un segundo y polivalente set servirá de apoyo al principal. La realización se adapta al nuevo espacio para aprovechar al máximo la puesta en escena.

Pedro Sánchez, secretario general del PSOE, ha elegido Antena 3 Noticias para conceder su primera entrevista a un medio audiovisual (televisión y Radio). La entrevista, en directo y en horario de máxima audiencia, estará realizada por Gloria Lomana, Directora General de Antena 3 Noticias, y responde una vez más a la vocación de los servicios informativos de la cadena por la actualidad y por llevar al espectador los mejores contenidos informativos.

El plató de informativos volverá a recibir en este curso a grandes figuras de la política y la actualidad para ser entrevistados por Lomana. A la vanguardia de la innovación y la modernidad y fieles al compromiso con la actualidad

Antena 3 noticias se mantiene a la vanguardia de la innovación y la modernidad desde que hace cuatro años revolucionara la forma de ofrecer la información con su nuevo plató que incorporaba la mayor pantalla táctil del panorama televisivo español (11 x 2,5 metros), con tecnología LED y emisión en Alta Definición como una ventana al mundo.

Además, los informativos de Antena 3 sostienen su compromiso con la actualidad y potenciarán su cobertura en los momentos informativos que así lo requieran. Los presentadores continuarán saliendo de la redacción central para recorrer la geografía española y compartir y trasladar los acontecimientos más relevantes con el espectador, allí donde se produzcan.

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On Saturday, November 16, 2019, President Donald Trump made an unexpected visit to Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. That visit is among the many things that author Michael S. Schmidt discusses in the new book, “Donald Trump v. the United States: Inside the Struggle to Stop a President.”

New York Times reporter Gabriel Debenedetti, discussing Schmidt’s book, notes that it “reports the White House wanted Mike Pence ‘on standby to take over the powers of the presidency temporarily if Trump had to undergo a procedure that would have required him to be anesthetized.’ The vice president never had to take this step.”

The fact that Trump’s visit to Walter Reed in November 2019 was unannounced raised questions about the president’s health. But Dr. Sean Conley, Trump’s physician, described the visit as “routine” that month and wrote, in a memo, that it was only kept secret because of “scheduling uncertainties.” And Trump described the visit as a “very routine physical.”

“Despite some speculation, the president has not had any chest pain; nor was he evaluated or treated for any urgent or acute issues,” Conley said in the memo. “Specifically, he did not undergo any specialized cardiac or neurologic evaluations.”

But if this is true, it’s not clear why, as Schmidt reported, Pence was prepared to take over the presidential duties. Other vice presidents have taken this step when the president has been temporarily incapacitated. For example, Dick Cheney stood in for George W. Bush when the then-president had to have a colonoscopy.

While it wouldn’t be unprecedented for such an event to take place, it’s perplexing why such arrangements were reportedly made for Trump and Pence in November when no clear explanation has been provided to the press.

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LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — One man has died and dozens of homes have been destroyed by the wind-driven Saddle Ridge Fire raging through the foothill communities of Sylmar, Porter Ranch and Granada Hills in Los Angeles.

(credit: CBS)

Fire officials said the Saddle Ridge Fire had grown to 7,500 acres as of 1:50 p.m. Friday and was 13% contained. The fire was initially reported as a 1-acre blaze at 9 p.m. Thursday near the 210 Freeway at the Yarnell Street exit in Sylmar.

One man in his 50s died of a heart attack amid the wildfire, which damaged at least 25 homes, Los Angeles Fire Department Chief Ralph Terrazas said.

A firefighter was also injured, suffering a minor eye injury.

Gusty Santa Ana winds whipped up the blaze, which officials said was moving at a rate of 800 acres per hour toward the 5/14 Freeway interchange and the Santa Clarita area.

The cause of the fire was not immediately known, though some residents along Saddle Ridge Road in Sylmar said they were interviewed by investigators about a burning electrical transmission line tower they saw in the hills above their homes.

A red flag warning over the Los Angeles and Ventura County Mountains, the Santa Clarita and Ventura County valleys and the northern/western portions of the San Fernando Valley — where the Saddle Ridge Fire continued to burn — had been extended until 6 p.m. Saturday. Gusts overnight reached up to 60 mph in higher elevations, according to the National Weather Service.

RELATED: Sandalwood Fire Kills 1, Burns 800 Acres In Riverside County’s Calimesa


About 23,000 homes  — 100,000 residents — remained under mandatory evacuation orders.

Six emergency shelters were opened to evacuated residents and their small pets, but Mason Park in Chatsworth, and the recreation centers in Sylmar and Granada Hills were all at capacity. Northridge Recreation Center is still accepting evacuees. Van Nuys Rec Center and the Balboa Rec Center were opened Friday afternoon. Shepherd Church, a megachurch in Porter Ranch, was not an official evacuation center, but has been providing food and shelter to residents.

(credit: CBS)

A total of 1,000 firefighters have been deployed to battle the Saddle Ridge Fire, 500 from neighboring local agencies. The department also had 25 rescue ambulances assisting with the evacuations of the elderly and disabled.

With daybreak, Terrazas said that a more thorough damage assessment could be done and that super scoopers and a Sky Crane can be deployed to also battle the blaze.

“This is a very dynamic fire,” he said. “The public can help us by listening to police officers and firefighter directions, especially when we are talking about evacuations. Do not wait to leave. If we ask you to evacuate, please evacuate.”

A request for assistance from FEMA was granted Friday morning as Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency for Los Angeles and Riverside counties, even as eight other large fires burn uncontrolled within the state.

Sylmar’s Juvenile Courthouse will be closed and cases scheduled to be heard Friday will be continued. Los Angeles Superior Court officials said cases with statutory deadlines would be heard at Eastlake Juvenile Courthouse, 1601 Eastlake Ave., in Los Angeles. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service’s offices in Chatsworth and San Fernando will also be closed.

SoCal Gas says its Aliso Canyon storage facility is safe and has been evacuated. Firefighters have taken up defense positions around the facility, and SoCal Gas says they don’t anticipate any damage to its storage wellheads from the fire.

The fire shut down a key freeway interchange between southern and central California and caused major backups well beyond the borders of the fire. The 118 Freeway between Balboa and DeSoto was shut down, along with both directions of the 210 Freeway between the 5 and 118 freeways.

Residents who want to receive emergency alerts about the Saddle Ridge Fire can text READY to 888-777 or sign up at

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A federal judge has ordered redacted copies of the search warrant materials from the FBI’s raid of former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s home and office last spring be made public.

The documents will be placed on the docket Tuesday, according to a brief order by U.S. District Court Judge William Pauley III.

Included in the approved redactions are Cohen’s phone numbers, apartment number, and safety deposit box number.

The materials were obtained as part of an FBI raid of Cohen’s New York City home, office, and safety deposit box last April.

Cohen pleaded guilty in August to tax and bank fraud, and to violating campaign finance law by arranging payments to silence women alleging affairs with President Trump. In November, he pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about efforts to open a Trump Tower in Moscow.

Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison, and he’s due to start that sentence in May.

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