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Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden told an audience in Atlanta Thursday that he no longer supports the Hyde Amendment, which bans most federal funding from paying for abortions.

John Bazemore/AP

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John Bazemore/AP

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden told an audience in Atlanta Thursday that he no longer supports the Hyde Amendment, which bans most federal funding from paying for abortions.

John Bazemore/AP

Former Vice President Joseph Biden said in Atlanta on Thursday that he now opposes the Hyde Amendment, which bans most federal funding for abortions through programs like Medicaid.

He attributed his change in stance to Republican legislators’ passing bills to limit access to abortions and efforts to topple the landmark Roe v. Wade decision that legalized the procedure.

“If I believe heath care is a right, as I do, I can no longer support an amendment that makes that right dependent on someone’s zip code,” Biden said at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser in Georgia, among the states that have have recently passed laws restricting abortions.

Biden, who has been consistently leading in the polls for the Democratic primary, has been a longtime supporter of the Hyde Amendment, just as it has been challenged by some in his own party. Many of the 2020 Democratic contenders are united in wanting the amendment to be repealed.

The Hyde Amendment is a 43-year-old law that prohibits taxpayer-supported health care programs from utilizing federal funds for abortions except in cases of rape, incest or to save a woman’s life.

Just earlier in the week, Biden’s campaign affirmed the candidate’s support for the ban, setting off criticism from abortion rights supporters, who called on Biden to reverse his long-held position.

Biden, 76, a Roman Catholic, told the crowd that he voted for the Hyde Amendment as a senator because he thought women could still have access to abortions even if federally-backed programs did not provide funding for the procedure.

“There was sufficient monies and circumstances where women were able to exercise that right, women of color, poor women,” Biden said. “It was not under attack,” he said. “As it is now.”

Now, Biden says, there are too many legal obstacles to seeking an abortion, which has prompted a turnaround on his position.

“I can’t justify leaving millions of women without access to the care they need and the ability to exercise their constitutionally protected right,” Biden said.

Leana Wen, president of Planned Parenthood, applauded Biden changing his mind on the issue, but she noted that his thinking on it has been lagging behind the women’s rights movement.

“Happy to see Joe Biden embrace what we have long known to be true: Hyde blocks people—particularly women of color and women with low incomes—from accessing safe, legal abortion care,” Wen said.

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Former Vice President Joe Biden holds an 11-point lead over the rest of the Democratic presidential primary field as he continues to outpace his opponents, according to a new survey released Thursday.

Roughly 27 percent of those surveyed who say they will vote in their states Democratic presidential primary or caucus said Biden is their first choice, according to the Economist–YouGov poll.

Another 16 percent said Sen. Bernie SandersBernie SandersWarren invokes Obama, Trump when asked about electability Warren invokes Obama, Trump when asked about electability Overnight Health Care: Biden infuriates abortion-rights groups with stance on Hyde Amendment | Trump tightens restrictions on fetal tissue research | Democrats plan event to scrutinize Trump’s mental health MORE (I-Vt.) is their first choice and 11 percent preferred Sen. Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth Ann WarrenTucker Carlson touts Warren’s ‘economic patriotism’ plan, says some ideas ‘make obvious sense’ Tucker Carlson touts Warren’s ‘economic patriotism’ plan, says some ideas ‘make obvious sense’ Warren invokes Obama, Trump when asked about electability MORE (D-Mass.).

No other candidate breaks double digits in the survey. The poll did show New York City Mayor Bill de BlasioBill de Blasio2020 Democrats distance themselves from Biden over Hyde Amendment 2020 Democrats distance themselves from Biden over Hyde Amendment De Blasio: Anti-Semitism is a ‘right-wing movement’ MORE (D), who announced his presidential bid last month, receiving 2 percent of respondents votes as their first choice, a notable rise from previous polling.

Biden emerged as the top choice among male and female Democratic primary and caucus voters, as well as those who identified as white, black and Hispanic. He topped his competition among older voters above the age of 45, though he was beaten by Sanders among younger voters aged 18-44 as the Vermont senator continues to energize the party’s young progressive flank.

Biden holds a 12-point lead over the rest of the field when the voters are asked which contenders they would consider supporting and were allowed to pick more than one candidate.

About 53 percent of voters would consider backing Biden with 41 percent saying they would weigh backing Warren. Another 40 percent would consider supporting Sen. Kamala HarrisKamala Devi HarrisOvernight Health Care: Biden infuriates abortion-rights groups with stance on Hyde Amendment | Trump tightens restrictions on fetal tissue research | Democrats plan event to scrutinize Trump’s mental health Overnight Health Care: Biden infuriates abortion-rights groups with stance on Hyde Amendment | Trump tightens restrictions on fetal tissue research | Democrats plan event to scrutinize Trump’s mental health Biden infuriates abortion rights groups with Hyde stance MORE (D-Calif.) and 39 percent would mull voting for Sanders.

Biden and Sanders had consistently finished first and second in national and state polls prior to Thursday’s survey.

The polling comes as the former vice president faces a string of recent criticisms from some Democrats.

Biden drew the ire of several of his 2020 opponents and abortion rights groups after his campaign confirmed his support for the Hyde amendment, which prevents government health care programs like Medicaid from paying for abortions except in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the woman.

Biden was also criticized after it was revealed his camp lifted passages from other sources for his education and climate platforms. 

The Economist–YouGov poll surveyed 1195 registered voters from June 2-4 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

This report was updated to clarify who voters first choice in the survey.

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Take, for instance, the 1974 investigation of President Richard Nixon, when the House gave the president the opportunity to refute the charges against him either personally or through counsel and with additional fact witnesses. (Nixon chose to appear only through his attorney, James St. Clair.) After its impeachment proceedings, the House Judiciary Committee drafted particularized findings less in the nature of accusations to be assessed by the Senate – which of course never weighed in, given Nixon’s resignation – than in the nature of determinations of fact and law and verdicts of guilt to be delivered by the House itself, expressly stating that the president was indeed guilty as charged.

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Mr. Newsom said he is not interested in a “midway” deal requiring California to loosen its rules. “A rollback of auto emissions standards is bad for the climate and bad for the economy,” he wrote in an email. “I applaud the automakers for saying as much in their letter today to the President. We should keep working towards one national standard — one that doesn’t backtrack on the progress states like California have made.”

The letters are the latest twist in Mr. Trump’s effort to roll back regulations on auto manufacturing, an industry he has vowed to support. Some industry chief executives and lobbyists have been privately telling the White House for months that the president’s efforts may do more harm than good, but Thursday’s action represents a particularly strong pushback.

“Our thinking is, the rule is still being finalized, there is still time to develop a final rule that is good for consumers, policymakers and automakers,” said Gloria Bergquist, a vice president at the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers.

Criticizing the president’s plan comes with risk for the automakers. The White House has courted their support for his moves, and, privately, some officials have said that they fear industry criticism could lead the president to retaliate by imposing tariffs on auto imports. That, too, could be painful, because many cars and components are now made or partly assembled across the border in Mexico or Canada.

But they also fear the costs of the uncertainty and regulatory headaches that potentially await them should Mr. Trump’s rollback go through as planned.

For example, automakers would have to demonstrate that the average mileage of all the cars they sell in California is much higher than in states like Utah, where the new Trump standard of about 37 miles per gallon would be in effect.

But because Americans increasingly prefer SUVs over thriftier vehicles, manufacturers might have to significantly cut prices on electric vehicles in the high-mileage states, a potentially money-losing proposition, while raising the prices of gas guzzlers. At the same time, auto lots in low-mileage states might hold a completely different mix of vehicles at different prices.

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Sara Fitzgerald and Michael Martin, both with the group One Virginia, protest gerrymandering in front of the Supreme Court in March 2018.

Jacquelyn Martin/AP

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Jacquelyn Martin/AP

Sara Fitzgerald and Michael Martin, both with the group One Virginia, protest gerrymandering in front of the Supreme Court in March 2018.

Jacquelyn Martin/AP

The way Thomas Hofeller talked about redistricting — the drawing of political boundaries and the sifting of voters into buckets — you could be forgiven if you assumed he was speaking about a loved one or a favorite holiday.

“Redistricting is like an election in reverse! It’s a great event,” he said with a smile at a National Conference of State Legislatures event in 2000. “Usually the voters get to pick the politicians. In redistricting, the politicians get to pick the voters!”

A mapmaker and Republican strategist, he saw holes in the democratic system that could be exploited by technology and guile. Hofeller, who died in August 2018, saw a way to turn small vote margins into supermajorities for GOP legislators.

Now a trove of his data has been uncovered that could undo some of the work he spent decades perfecting.

The strategy

In North Carolina, after Republican successes in the 2010 election, Hofeller helped draw new maps that netted the party 10 of the state’s 13 congressional seats, despite the popular vote in that state being nearly even.

Hofeller also knew the key to success in this niche field was protecting against lawsuits. He spent 10 PowerPoint slides in a presentation he gave about redistricting in 2011 just on legal issues and privacy.

“Treat every statement and document as if it was going to appear on the FRONT PAGE of your local newspaper,” he implored on one slide. “Emails are the tool of the devil.”

He knew the practice was unseemly, and if politicians were going to partake, Hofeller warned, they needed good lawyers. And a way to keep secrets.

“Loose lips sink ships,” he said, at the same NCSL event in 2000. “Remember, a journey to legal hell starts with but a single misstatement.”

All the more surprising, then, that his own files have prompted legal action.

After Hofeller’s death, his daughter found hard drives and thumb drives holding close to 100,000 files, according to The New York Times. She turned them over to Common Cause, a voting-rights nonprofit.

The first hint at what they could contain came in a court filing last week.

Census case offers a sliver

An unpublished 2015 report, authored by Hofeller, concluded that adding a citizenship question to the 2020 census would produce data that would help redraw political maps “advantageous to Republican and Non-Hispanic Whites.”

Plaintiffs in one of the New York-based lawsuits over the question also say that Hofeller later ghostwrote an early draft of the Trump administration’s request for the question. A Justice Department spokesperson called that accusation “false.”

The Trump administration has said it wants to add the question to help minority representation, even though Census Bureau research disputes that.

Ohio State law professor Daniel Tokaji says the Hofeller discovery is just another example of how the administration’s justification doesn’t hold up.

“It was not really, as they claimed, to get better enforcement of the Voting Rights Act so that Latinos could be fairly represented,” said Tokaji. “In fact, there was a deliberate plan, and that plan includes the dilution of Latino votes and the enhancement of Republican voting strength.”

The question now is, what else is in the newly uncovered files?

The data, as some have theorized, could potentially be useful in other partisan gerrymandering lawsuits that are floating around the country.

Attorneys for Common Cause said in court filings made public Thursday the Hofeller files reveal that Republicans in North Carolina made false statements to a federal court to avoid special elections in 2017.

Legislators repeatedly said districts that had been ruled unconstitutional couldn’t be quickly thrown out because work on new ones had not yet begun. The newfound files, however, show that Hofeller had almost completely finished new maps at the time those statements were made.

Kathay Feng, the national redistricting director for Common Cause, wouldn’t discuss what else is in the files because of ongoing litigation, but she spoke generally about the dangers of politicians drawing district lines that favor their own party.

“This is an American democracy, and we don’t want a situation where, perhaps the best analogy is like Russia, where you have fake choices on the ballot,” Feng said. “Where there is no such thing as true democracy, where your vote doesn’t matter.”

The public’s view on “vote-stealing”

Public opinion about partisan gerrymandering is consistently negative. Last fall, voters in four states voted to reduce the role of elected officials in the redistricting process.

A Campaign Legal Center poll from earlier this year found that about two-thirds of likely 2020 voters view gerrymandering unfavorably.

Tokaji says the public getting a closer look at the unsavory details of Hofeller’s work will only fuel those feelings.

“I think it’s a little bit like the Wizard of Oz,” he said. “It allows those of us who have not been in the backroom to see behind the curtain, and see the real partisan agenda behind some of these decisions.”

The more the public knows and understands about the practice, the less brazen politicians may be when lines are redrawn in 2021.

For much of Hofeller’s career, redistricting was considered a wonky practice that operated in the shadows of the political process.

“Redistricting is a very complex field, but I think it’s a field which affects Americans a lot more than they understand,” Hofeller said in 1991. “I define redistricting as the only legalized form of vote-stealing left in the United States today.”

What remains an open question is exactly how much of his work will be undone by the data that have now come to light.

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A total of 20 cadets were injured in this morning’s West Point accident that also killed one, the academy announced on Twitter.

Two soldiers were also wounded in the Light Medium Tactical Vehicle accident, according to the West Point Military Academy.

Here’s what the academy said on Twitter:

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President Donald Trump traveled to Normandy on Thursday to commemorate the 75th anniversary of D-Day and pay tribute to American and allied forces who led the invasion of Nazi-occupied France that was the turning point in World War II.

“You are among the very greatest Americans who will ever live. You are the pride of our nation. You are the glory of our republic. And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts,” the president said, addressing the over 60 veterans in attendance who fought in the consequential battle.

Sean Gallup/Getty Images
President Donald Trump speaks at the main ceremony to mark the 75th anniversary of the World War II Allied D-Day invasion of Normandy at Normandy American Cemetery on June 06, 2019, near Colleville-Sur-Mer, France.

During his remarks, the president singled out and recognized the contributions of some of the veterans in attendance, retelling their stories and joining the audience in applause for their service.

Alex Brandon/AP
President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron, talk to a World War II veteran during a ceremony to commemorate the 75th anniversary of D-Day on June 6, 2019, in Colleville-sur-Mer, Normandy, France.

The president and first lady Melania Trump were joined at the commemoration by French President Emanuel Macron and his wife at the American Cemetery in Normandy, where 9,380 American service members lay in final rest. Marcon offered his country’s heartfelt thanks for the sacrifices of allied partners in liberating France, telling the audience, “France has not forgotten those fighters to whom we owe the right to live in freedom.”

Philippe Wojazer/AP
British Prime Minister Theresa May and French President Emmanuel Macron attend a Franco-British ceremony to mark the 75th anniversary of D-Day landings.

“On behalf of France, I bow down before their bravery, I bow down before their immense sacrifice of those killed and those missing, who died as heroes in Normandy between June and August 1944 and who for many were to rest there for eternity,” said Macron, turning to the remaining veterans and adding: “On behalf of my country, I just want to say, thank you.”

Alain Jocard/AFP/Getty Images
President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron hug in front of U.S. WWII veterans during a ceremony at the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in Colleville-sur-Mer, Normandy, northwestern France, on June 6, 2019.

When Macron concluded his remarks, Trump embraced the French president on stage with an extended handshake and hug.

Macron then awarded France’s highest award for military merit, the Legion of Honour, to several American veterans onstage.

Trump also extended appreciation on behalf of the American people for the French people’s role as caretakers of the American cemetery, with each grave having been adopted by a French family.

“They come from all over France to look over our boys,” Trump said. “Today, America embraces the French people and thanks you for honoring our beloved dead. Thank you.”

Ian Langston/POOL/EPA via Shutterstock
President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Macron react during the commemoration marking the 75th anniversary of the Allied landings on D-Day in France, June 06, 2019.

Following the ceremony, there was a 21-gun salute from the beach as the two couples walked down to an overlook of Omaha Beach. They observed a moment of silence looking out over the water before the taps was played, and then a show of French and American military jets flew overhead — with the final set of jets leaving red, white and blue streaks in the sky.

After the ceremony, President Trump and his wife visited the graves at the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial.

Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump visit graves after a French-U.S. ceremony in Normandy, northwestern France, on June 6, 2019, as part of D-Day commemorations.

Trump is just the latest in a long string of U.S. presidents to commemorate the anniversary of the battle Normandy — a tradition that began with Ronald Reagan on the 40th anniversary.

“These are the boys of Pointe du Hoc. These are the men who took the cliffs. These are the champions who helped free a continent. These are the heroes who helped end a war,” Reagan said in 1984.

President Jimmy Carter visited before Reagan, in 1978, but his visit did not coincide with the anniversary. President Bill Clinton traveled to Normandy for the 50th anniversary, President George W. Bush on the 60th, and President Barack Obama on the 70th.

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Auto loans hit record high, sending borrowers to the used market

People buying a new vehicle continue pushing the envelope, borrowing more and, on average, paying more each month for their auto loan.

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  • House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reportedly told top Democrats that she wants to see President Donald Trump “in prison.”
  • Pelosi’s comments, first reported by Politico, came during a meeting among senior Democrats to debate impeachment.
  • “I don’t want to see him impeached, I want to see him in prison,” the House Speaker said, according to Politico.
  • Pelosi’s reasoning stems from her desire to see Trump defeated in the 2020 election so that he can potentially face criminal prosecution for any alleged wrongdoing.
  • Visit for more stories.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told senior Democratic lawmakers that she wants to see President Donald Trump “in prison” at a recent meeting at which they debated over impeachment, Politico reported.

Sources told the outlet Pelosi made the comment — which represents some of her strongest language yet against Trump — after butting heads with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler about starting an impeachment inquiry into the president.

Nadler has pushed Pelosi to allow his committee to formally launch an impeachment inquiry once before, and he pressed the issue again at the meeting, but Pelosi is said to have shot him down.

“I don’t want to see him impeached, I want to see him in prison,” the House Speaker said, according to Politico. Pelosi’s reasoning stems from her desire to see Trump defeated in the 2020 election so that he can potentially face criminal prosecution for any alleged wrongdoing.

UNITED STATES – JULY 23: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat from California, right, and Nuri al-Maliki, Iraq’s prime minister, shakes hands while addressing the media before a meeting at the Capitol in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Thursday, July 23, 2009. Maliki pledged to mend sectarian divisions and fight corruption as he urged the international community to continue providing support to his nation. (Photo by Brendan Hoffman/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

U.S. Vice President-elect Mike Pence, right, shakes hands with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat from California, following a meeting in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Thursday, Nov. 17, 2016. During their closed-door meeting, Pelosi expressed strong concerns about Trump’s decision to name former Breitbart News chief Steve Bannon to be his chief White House strategist, and asked him to reconsider the appointment. Photographer: Chip Somodevilla/Pool via Bloomberg

Read more:Congress is using the Watergate playbook to take on Trump and drum up support for his impeachment

It’s not the first time she’s alluded to the possibility. During an appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” last week, Pelosi said she wanted the Democratic-led House of Representatives to investigate Trump to the fullest extent so they could have an airtight case against the president.

The “silver lining” of impeachment for Trump, Pelosi said, is that “he believes that he would be exonerated by the United States Senate. And there is a school of thought that says, if the Senate acquits you, why bring charges against him in the private sector when he’s no longer president?”

“So when we go out there with our case, it’s got to be ironclad,” Pelosi added.

Sources told Politico that the House Speaker understands Democrats who want to impeach Trump, but she doesn’t believe it’s time to take that step yet.

A key determinant of Pelosi’s and other top Democrats’ reluctance to launch impeachment proceedings right now is that the idea doesn’t have broad public support and bipartisan backing.

Read more:Majority of Americans in new poll agree with GOP Rep. Justin Amash that Trump ‘committed impeachable offenses’

At the same time, Congress is better positioned now than it was at the start of the Watergate hearings in 1973.

A higher percentage of people support impeaching Trump now than the percentage of adults who supported impeaching Nixon at the beginning of the Watergate hearings in 1973.

By June of that year, as the televised hearings had just kicked off, public support for Nixon’s impeachment was at just 19%, according to Gallup polling data obtained by The Washington Post.

Comparatively, in a CNN poll conducted last week, 41% of respondents said they support impeaching Trump.

House Democrats have been grappling with talk of impeachment since the former special counsel Robert Mueller’s final report in the Russia investigation was released in April with light redactions.

Mueller did not charge Trump or anyone on his campaign for conspiring with the Russian government in the 2016 election. In his obstruction-of-justice case against Trump, Mueller did not make a “traditional prosecutorial judgment,” citing Justice Department guidelines that say a sitting president cannot be indicted.

But the former special counsel laid out an extensive roadmap of evidence against Trump and emphasized that even though he didn’t bring charges in the obstruction case, the report “does not exonerate” the president. Prosecutors also noted that if they had confidence that he did not commit a crime, they would have said so.

Mueller also highlighted two points that legal experts say indicate his belief that the president engaged in potentially criminal conduct. First, Mueller said the constitutional remedy for accusing a sitting president of wrongdoing lies with Congress, not the criminal justice system. Second, he said a president is not immune from criminal prosecution once he leaves office.

NOW WATCH: Fox News pundits are using white supremacist language tied to ‘The Great Replacement’ conspiracy theory

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SEE ALSO: Congress is using the Watergate playbook to take on Trump and drum up support for his impeachment

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With the Mueller fiasco, the damage to the idea of a special counsel is complete, and that is a good thing. Long ago I served as law clerk to the panel of circuit court judges that selected “independent counsels” because the judge I clerked for, Roger Robb, was its senior member. As a special assistant to Attorneys General William Smith and Ed Meese, and a member of the White House Counsel’s Office under the estimable Fred Fielding, I saw firsthand how difficult it was for the Justice Department and the White House to deal with the bizarre idea of a prosecutor independent of everyone, an idea deeply at odds with the framers’ design for the executive branch. I’ve taught constitutional law for 25 years and always teach that the Supreme Court affirmed the constitutionality of the independent counsel statute that replaced the ad hoc special counsel arrangements of the Nixon era. But I also point out that, crucially, Congress decided not to renew that statute because of its malignant consequences.

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President Trump arrived at his golf course in Doonbeg, Ireland, on Wednesday for a two-night stay — pausing between official events in Europe to visit a business that has cost him $41 million and never reported turning a profit.

Trump, coming off an official state visit to Britain, landed at Shannon Airport in the west of Ireland and met briefly with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar before flying to Doonbeg, about 40 miles away.

The Irish Times reported that Trump originally wanted to meet with Varadkar at his golf club, but Varadkar wanted to meet at another nearby hotel. The two leaders settled on an awkward compromise: the VIP lounge at the airport.

Trump will leave Doonbeg on Thursday, visiting France for D-Day commemorations. He will return to Doonbeg on Thursday night, before flying home Friday.

Despite the odd geography of that schedule — which requires flying hundreds of miles west to Ireland, then hundreds more miles back east to France — Trump said he stayed at Doonbeg for convenience.

“We’re going to be staying at Doonbeg in Ireland because it’s convenient and it’s a great place. But it’s convenient,” Trump said before he left Washington.

The visit marks the third time Trump has paused during an overseas trip to visit one of his businesses, which he has maintained ownership of as president. He made a brief stop at his Waikiki hotel in Hawaii on the way to Asia in 2017 and spent two nights at his Turnberry golf resort in Scotland last summer.

This visit has brought a large contingent of U.S. and Irish officials, as well as police and security forces, to a village of about 750 people. It was not clear how many of them, besides Trump, were staying at the Doonbeg course’s 120-room hotel.

But if they wanted to stay in Doonbeg, they didn’t have many other choices. TripAdvisor lists three hotels, total. Trump’s hotel is rated No. 1. The No. 3 is not a typical hotel but a group of “camping pods” that resemble cozy wooden sheds.

The visit is also bringing worldwide publicity to a course that Trump bought in 2014, after its former owners had struggled to turn a profit.

Trump paid $11.9 million, according to Irish corporate records. After that, Trump put in an additional $30 million into renovating and operating the property, without taking a mortgage loan.

Doonbeg was one of 14 properties that Trump bought without loans between 2006 and 2014, an all-cash spending binge that topped $400 million — defying his history as the heavy-borrowing “King of Debt.” The Trump Organization has explained this unusual spending — which defies the usual practices of the debt-loving real estate industry — by saying its other businesses produced enough cash to make it easy.

“I took a chance, I bought it and — no options, no nothing, just bought it for cash, no mortgage, no debt, no nothing,” Trump told The Washington Post in 2016. “I don’t have debt on any of them. I don’t have debt on very much, period.”

Since then, Doonbeg has never reported turning a profit, losing more than $1 million every year from 2014 to 2017, according to Irish corporate records.

In 2018, the course’s revenue rose slightly — up about 2 percent from $14.2 million to $14.5 million, according to Trump’s latest U.S. financial disclosures. But those disclosures do not show whether the course turned a profit, and the Irish records that would show profit or loss are not yet available.

The course is now waiting on two decisions from Irish planning authorities that the Trump Organization says are crucial to the club’s future.

One is on a proposed sea wall to stop the Atlantic Ocean from eroding away part of the golf course.

The Trump Organization cited climate change in its application for the permit, according to a Politico report from 2016, saying that sea-level rise and more-powerful storms had worsened the threat of erosion. Trump the politician, of course, has questioned idea that climate change is a threat at all — defying the overwhelming scientific consensus and his own golf course’s assessment of its future.

The application for that sea wall is now before Ireland’s national planning authority.

In 2018, the Trump Organization also applied to local authorities to expand the hotel by adding more than 50 new rental cottages and a large ballroom for events. It is awaiting approval from local officials.

At Doonbeg, Trump is likely to find something that escaped him in London: a warm welcome. Trump’s club employs more than 200 people, making it one of the largest employers in a rural area of County Clare. Reporters visiting the area in advance of his visit found that locals — even those who disagreed with his politics — thanked him for bringing customers and money to Doonbeg.

“People divorce Donald Trump the owner of the golf course from his politics,” said James Griffin, a member of the Trump club interviewed by the Irish Times. “People have their own ideas about his policies. The big thing here are the jobs he supports.”

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Members of the Guadalajara-based faith, if they were willing to talk at all on Wednesday, said they believe their 50-year-old leader is the target of a smear campaign. It is designed, they said, to tear Garcia down, along with the church his father led before him, the one his grandfather founded 93 years ago.

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WASHINGTON — American and Mexican negotiators failed to reach a deal Wednesday to prevent punitive U.S. tariffs from going into effect over border security, Trump administration officials told NBC News.

Vice President Mike Pence hosted Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard, as well as other top U.S. and Mexican officials, at the White House for a meeting on Wednesday that lasted roughly an hour and a half. According to a senior administration official who attended the meeting, the Mexican delegation offered what the White House viewed as a “good faith,” if “minimalist,” approach to solving the “crisis” at the border.

According to another senior administration official, in order for a deal to be made, the White House is asking Mexico to hold Central American asylum seekers in a “safe third country” designation, rather than letting them cross the US border. Additionally, the White House is also asking Mexico to accept the “Migration Protection Protocols,” which require migrants to remain in Mexico until their cases are processed. The administration official was skeptical that a deal could be struck before the Monday deadline, noting that it was likely tariffs would go into effect.

Trump sparked the last-minute meeting between the two countries after announcing on Twitter that he would impose a 5 percent tariff on all Mexican imports beginning this Monday “until Mexico substantially stops the illegal inflow of aliens coming through its territory.” The president warned that the tariffs could increase monthly if the Mexican government failed to adequately address illegal immigration, with the penalties potentially climbing as high as 25 percent.

Ebrard told reporters after the Wednesday meeting that he remained optimistic about reaching a deal before the tariffs deadline, pointing out that such tariffs would hurt people in both the U.S. and Mexico.

Trump, who was traveling abroad Wednesday, tweeted that “[p]rogress is being made, but not nearly enough!” He added that negotiations would continue on Thursday “with the understanding that, if no agreement is reached, Tariffs at the 5% level will begin on Monday, with monthly increases as per schedule.”

“The higher the Tariffs go, the higher the number of companies that will move back to the USA!,” he added.

Trump’s plan to hit Mexico with tariffs in order to compel them to sign on to his immigration policies has been met with significant bipartisan blowback.

After meeting with Senate Republicans on Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., asked White House officials to urge Trump to delay the tariffs until the president is back in the country and able to meet with party members to hear out their concerns.

McConnell also told the administration officials that because the policy is so vast they need to hear from the president himself. The senators also wanted to hear from Trump because the officials in the lunch on Tuesday couldn’t answer many of their questions, a separate source familiar with the conversation told NBC News.

Citing negative economic effects, other Republicans warned the White House that Trump would not have the political backing necessary to follow through with his plan. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., went as far to warn the White House that the Senate would be prepared to vote to disapprove of the president’s action, or even override a potential veto by the president if necessary.

Democrats, for their part, have accused the president of using the unexpected tariff announcement as a mechanism to distract from special counsel Robert Mueller’s findings and ongoing inquiries into potential wrongdoing by the president.

“I don’t even think it rises to the level of policy,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said of Trump’s tariff announcement to reporters on Wednesday. “It’s a distraction from the Mueller report. And it’s served its purpose, right? Here we are.”

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Donald Trump greets veterans before starting his speech.  MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images

US President Donald Trump singled out another veteran, Private Pickett, describing his ordeal on the beaches at Normandy.

“And today, believe it or not, he has returned to these shores to be with his comrades. Private Pickett, you honor us all with you presence,” Trump said.

Private Pickett then rose to a huge round of applause, before Trump walked over to hug him. “Tough guy,” Trump said, after returning to the podium.

“Today, America embraces the French people, and thanks you for honoring our beloved dead,” Trump went on. “To all of our friends and partners, our cherished alliance was forged in the heat of battle, tested in the trials of war, and proven in the blessings of peace. Our bond is unbreakable.”

He turned back to US troops who took part in the Normandy landings. “They were fathers who would never meet their infant sons and daughters, because they had a job to do — and with God as their witness, they were going to get it done.”

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Donald Trump joked “he can handle it” as a 93-year-old D-Day veteran flirted with US First Lady Melania today.

Thomas Cuthbert laughed, “if I was 20 years younger” as he shook 49-year-old Melania’s hand – right in front of President Trump, 72.

Trump added: “It’s my honor, believe me, thank you very much.”


Speaking after the meet-and-greet, Mr. Cuthbert, from Elmstead Market, Essex, said that Trump “came across very well”.

He added: “He surprised me, when you see someone on the TV but he seemed different, he seemed one of the boys.

Melania Trump and US President Donald Trump meet veteran Thomas Cuthbert during commemorations for the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day landings at Southsea Common, Portsmouth.
(PA via Getty)


“His wife was very pleasant as well.”

The joke came at the end of an hour-long D-Day ceremony to remember the historic moment hundreds of thousands of troops stormed the beaches in World War Two.


President Trump performed a reading at the ceremony, which also featured a series of poems, dramatizations, songs and speeches.


This article originally appeared in The Sun. For more from The Sun, click here.

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In his conduct of the office of president of the United States, Richard M. NixonDonald J. Trump, contrary to his oath faithfully to execute the office of president of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has failed without lawful cause or excuse to produce papers and things as directed by duly authorized subpoenas issued by the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives on April 11, 1974, May 15, 1974, May 30, 1974, and June 24, 1974April 19, 2019, April 22, 2019, and May 21, 2019; the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the House of Representatives on April 15, 2019; the Committee on Financial Services of the House of Representatives on April 15, 2019; the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives on April 15, 2019, and May 8, 2019; and the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives on May 10, 2019, and willfully disobeyed such subpoenas. The subpoenaed papers and things were deemed necessary by the committee in order to resolve by direct evidence fundamental, factual questions relating to presidential direction, knowledge or approval of actions demonstrated by other evidence to be substantial grounds for impeachment of the president. In refusing to produce these papers and things Richard M. NixonDonald J. Trump, substituting his judgment as to what materials were necessary for the inquiry, interposed the powers of the presidency against the lawful subpoenas of the House of Representatives, thereby assuming to himself functions and judgments necessary to the exercise of the sole power of impeachment vested by the Constitution in the House of Representatives.

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Greater China markets struggle for gains as investors expect Fed…

In China, the Shanghai composite fell 1.17% to 2,827.80 and the Shenzhen composite was down 2.08% at 1,463.70. Taiwan’s Taiex fell 0.5% to 10,409.20 while Hong Kong’s Hang…

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Operation Overlord — or D-Day as it came to be known — was the highest risk venture of World War II. Researching my upcoming book, “Three Days at the Brink: FDR’s Daring Gamble to Win World War II,” I was struck by the drama involved in the decision to launch an invasion across the English Channel on Western Europe.

At a critical conference in Tehran in November 1943, the “Big Three” – President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Josef Stalin –fiercely debated the wisdom and timing of such a launch. They all knew it was a high-stakes gamble and that failure could lead to a catastrophic bloodbath that would turn the war in German leader Adolf Hitler’s favor. And yet, they decided it must be done.

Supreme Commander Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower was aware that, despite the peril, Overlord was a necessity.


“Every obstacle must be overcome, every inconvenience suffered and every risk run to ensure that our blow is decisive,” Eisenhower wrote to his commanders. “We cannot afford to fail.”

He had devised an elaborate plan, choreographed to the last detail, but he knew that some circumstances were out of his control.

On June 4, 1944, hearing discouraging weather reports and already having delayed the invasion a day because of storms, Eisenhower faced an agonizing moment of decision: to go on June 6 or wait for better weather.

When President Trump delivers his D-Day remarks Thursday at the U.S. Cemetery in Normandy, he has the rare opportunity to pay tribute with emotion, personal stories, and soaring words to the service and the sacrifice of those who died on those beaches and saved the world.

At Southwick House, the invasion headquarters in the southern English town of Portsmouth, Eisenhower sat bowed, head in hands, and contemplated a seemingly impossible choice. He wasn’t all-knowing; he could only judge circumstances as they were set before him.         

Further delay might mean scrapping the mission altogether; the tides allowed only the narrowest window for invasion, and the troops were already poised. “How can you keep this invasion on the end of a limb and let it hang there?” he asked.

On the other hand, if Allied forces invaded as a storm rolled across the Channel, landing craft would be overwhelmed, air support would be impossible, and thousands could perish to no avail.

Indeed, unbeknownst to Eisenhower, German Gen. Erwin Rommel had already decided the Allies would never risk the invasion and had left the theater to meet with Hitler in Germany.

Eisenhower finally rose from his seat, unwilling to decide just yet. He suggested to his team that they try to get a few hours sleep and reconvene later.

At 3:30 a.m. on June 5, Eisenhower brought his team back together and polled them for their opinions, pacing the room as they spoke. He was heartened by an improved weather forecast.

After everyone had finished speaking, he paused, and then said, “OK, we’ll go.”

The invasion was on for the following day.

FILE — June 6, 1944: U.S. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, left, gives the order of the day to paratroopers in England prior to boarding their planes to participate in the first assault of the Normandy invasion. (U.S. Army Signal Corps via AP)

Back in his quarters, Eisenhower privately agonized over the decision. He wrote a note in longhand, which he folded into his wallet, accepting responsibility in the event of Overlord’s failure.

The note said: “Our landings in the Cherbourg-Havre area have failed to gain a satisfactory foothold and I have withdrawn the troops. My decision to attack at this time and place was based upon the best information available. The troops, the air, and the navy did all that Bravery and devotion to duty could do. If any blame or fault attaches to the attempt it is mine alone.”

That night Eisenhower drove to Newbury, where the 101st Airborne Division was preparing to fly out. He walked among the paratroopers, with their blackened faces, and spoke to as many of them as he could. Then he waited until the last of them were in the air before returning to headquarters around midnight, his mind filled with thoughts of the brave men who would risk their lives at dawn.

On Thursday, as we commemorate the 75th Anniversary of D-Day, we know the story of what happened on the Normandy coast. The scenes of courage, of horror, of loss and ultimately triumph are stamped on our minds.

It was the beginning of the end for Hitler, and although VE Day would not occur until May 8, 1945, we know we have the brave forces who fought on D-Day to thank for our victory.         

On the evening of June 6, as the early positive reports from the invasion reached his desk in the Oval Office, President Roosevelt, who had accepted the risk of the invasion back in Tehran, was filled with a mixture of relief and also heartache over the sacrifices suffered that day. He chose to broadcast to the nation — not a speech, but a prayer.


President Roosevelt said this prayer to radio listeners: “Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity … they will need Thy blessings. Their road will be long and hard. For the enemy is strong. He may hurl back our forces. Success may not come with rushing speed, but we shall return again and again; and we know that by Thy grace, and by the righteousness of our cause, our sons will triumph … Some will never return. Embrace these, Father, and receive them, Thy heroic servants, into Thy kingdom.”

When President Trump delivers his D-Day remarks Thursday at the U.S. cemetery in Normandy, he has the rare opportunity to pay tribute with emotion, personal stories, and soaring words to the service and the sacrifice of those who died on those beaches and saved the world.


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