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Nike is doing it wrong.

I don’t mean the shoemaking, though that thing with Zion Williamson was pretty bad, I have to say.

No, Nike is doing it wrong because it managed to do something that all the neo-Nazis, Klansmen, alt-righters and other denizens of the lowest coprophagic phylum of our political life could never do: It turned the Betsy Ross flag into a racist symbol.

By now you’ve probably heard that Nike decided to take the advice of Colin Kaepernick, the former NFL quarterback who ignited so much controversy by refusing to stand for the national anthem. Nike was all set to release a line of sneakers for the Fourth of July featuring the original Betsy Ross American flag with 13 stars in a circle.

According to reports, Kaepernick took offense because a handful of extremist groups like to brandish the original American flag to make some sort of point about something no one should care about. (I gather it has something to do with how this was “their” country before the federal government was formed. Or maybe, like many gibbons, they just like the sparkly stars and bright colors.)

The thing is, most Americans — and when I say most, I mean, like, nearly all of them — had no idea white supremacists were doing this. In countless news stories, reporters contacted experts who either didn’t know about it or were only vaguely aware that this is one of the things these groups like to wear as capes during dress-up time.

“If all these historians didn’t know [the relationship between white supremacy and the Betsy Ross flag], then Nike shouldn’t be expected to know it,” Mary Beth Norton, an American history professor at Cornell University, told CNBC.


Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid kneel in protest during the national anthem in 2016.Getty Images

The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism has a database with more than 150 “hate symbols.” The Betsy Ross flag isn’t among them.

“The Betsy Ross flag is a common historical flag,” Mark Pitcavage of the ADL told CNBC. While it’s been used by white supremacists “from time to time,” he has “never once thought about” adding the Betsy Ross flag to the list.

Nonetheless, it’s true that if you search through enough old photos of Klan rallies and neo-Nazi pageants, you can spot a Betsy Ross flag from time to time.

Do you know what else you can probably spot if you look long and hard enough? Nike sneakers. Does that make Nikes symbols of white supremacy?

Of course not. But what if these groups started wearing T-shirts with the Nike “swoosh” on them?

Frankly, I think it would be a brilliant move by these hate groups to do just that. Nike would freak out, giving these attention-seekers a bonanza in free publicity.

Innocuous or even noble symbols can be appropriated for evil purposes. The swastika is an ancient symbol in various Asian cultures. It was adopted in Europe as a symbol of good luck until the Nazis made it their own. The KKK’s pointy hoods may have been inspired by the Catholic capirote of medieval Spain and Portugal, which looks dismayingly similar.

But here’s the thing: When evil people acquire symbols for their own ends, the only guarantee of success is when everyone else validates the acquisition.

If Nike had gone ahead with the special-edition sneakers, it would have been, in marketing terms, the equivalent of Godzilla versus Bambi. A few neo-Nazis and a few more social justice warriors would have complained, and everyone else would have gone about their day totally unconcerned.

Instead, Nike followed the advice of a man whose business model is to stir grievance and controversy for its own sake. Suddenly, millions of people who once thought the Betsy Ross flag was just an admirable bit of Americana now associate it with hate groups. Worse, other entirely decent and patriotic Americans will now likely start brandishing the flag to offend people who, until recently, had no idea some hate groups adopted the flag in the first place.

The ranks of the perpetually offended will misread this trolling-to-own-the-libs effort as an endorsement of hate speech, and the culture war will have yet another idiotic fight on its hands, and a symbol of the country’s founding that should be a uniting image for all Americans will now be reduced to a weapon in that war.

Thanks a lot, Nike.

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Sen. Kamala Harris has emerged as the most cynical and dishonest candidate seeking the 2020 Democratic nomination. But it just might work.

Most recently, Harris has surged toward the top of the crowded Democratic field after a masterful debate performance in which she seemingly took two bold stands: Backing the elimination of private health insurance and supporting federal mandated busing.

On healthcare, she obfuscated the next morning, retreating to her red herring position that emphasizes allowing for private “supplemental” coverage. In reality, the plan would kick 180 million people off of their current private insurance plans and place them on a single government-run plan, and would only allow insurers to offer benefits not on the government plan. But the government plan promises comprehensive medical, dental, optical, and prescription drug coverage, so in reality there would be effectively no role for private insurance.

On busing, Harris attacked Biden during the debate for opposing federally forced busing in the 1970s. “Well, there was a failure of states to integrate public schools in America,” she argued and said, “that’s where the federal government must step in.”

When New York Times reporter Astead Herndon asked on Twitter, “Does Harris support busing for school integration right now?” her spokesman Ian Sams answered “yes.”

Then, when Harris herself was asked in a gaggle of reporters, “What is your position on busing and what do you think the federal role should be?” She responded, “I support busing. Listen, the schools of America are as segregated, if not more segregated today than when I was in elementary school. And we need to put every effort, including busing, into desegregate the schools…” She went on to call busing “one of the ways by which we can create desegregation.” When reporters again followed up by asking her about the federal role, she said, “The federal government has to step up.”

Yet in Iowa on Wednesday, Harris shifted, merely saying “Busing is a tool among many that should be considered” by school districts, but not actually mandated by the federal government.

So Harris milked the issue for what it was worth at the time. It was the MacGuffin that allowed her to reduce Biden to an out-of-touch doddering old man, while she came off as tough and was able to throw in an inspirational personal story of being bused to school. Allahpundit predicted that Harris would “chuck this issue into the ocean within eight seconds of clinching the nomination.” But it turned out she casually tossed it in the Des Moines River once she got her polling bounce.

Being so brazenly dishonest has proven both an asset and liability in presidential politics, when leading candidates undergo more scrutiny than running for any other office.

Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton were both calculating liars, and that contributed to their 2008 primary losses, as well as their respective losses in the 2012 and 2016 general elections. Of course, there are many examples in the opposite direction. Bill “Slick Willie” Clinton was a routine liar and mostly managed to pull it off during his political career — at least electorally.

President Trump is a brazen and shameless liar. His healthcare statements while running for president were totally incoherent and he casually made up facts. He made promises everybody knew were unattainable, such as Mexico paying for his border wall and boasting that he would pay off the federal debt within eight years while dramatically cutting taxes, boosting military spending, and not touching entitlements. Yet he won.

A reason for that could be that Clinton and Romney were in many ways standard lying politicians who took positions based on what would be most politically beneficial at a given time and came off as inauthentic (though Clinton was more corrupt).

In contrast, Trump’s often long and meandering campaign speeches actually came off as unrehearsed and natural. He was willing to dig in on controversial positions unapologetically. He challenged the orthodoxy of the Republican Party on trade, immigration, and foreign policy so he didn’t come off as pandering, even though he reversed his old liberal positions on abortion, guns, taxes, and healthcare. His base supporters thought he “told it like it is” and were distrustful of the media and thus any fact checks. And actual media errors just provided Trump with more justification.

As of the early stages, it’s difficult to know exactly how Harris’ strategy will play out. Opponents could use it to portray her as shifty and unreliable. On the other hand, at a time when the number one priority for Democrats is finding a candidate who could defeat Trump, primary voters may decide they don’t want somebody who plays by the rules. Harris’ ability to change positions on a dime based on the venue, lie, and obfuscate shamelessly may make them think she’s just the person to counter Trump’s mendacity. Once she gets into the general election, her supporters could then just dismiss any lies or further calculated moves by contrasting them with Trump’s chronic dishonesty.

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WASHINGTON—President Trump delivered his elaborate Fourth of July celebration, defying critics and honoring the military.

Rain fell throughout a hot, muggy afternoon in the nation’s capital, but thousands showed up to hear the evening address, part of Mr. Trump’s “Salute to America” that featured flyovers of booming jet fighters, military…

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July 5 at 6:00 AM

From the president’s vantage point, his supporters looked like they were in cages. Their fingers curled around chain-link. Bellies smushed against butts. When their knees gave out, they sat on ponchos and muddy blankets and squares of wet cardboard. The air, scented by sodden socks and bug spray, sagged with humidity. When the breeze picked up, so did the sensation that everything was surrounded by a battalion of toilets. It was difficult to move, to escape, but then no one was trying to do so. They were grateful to be here, soaked by hours of drizzle, hugged by a lazy heat, waiting hours and hours for him, for the show. The president had invited them to express their love of country in a maze of corrals, on a truly crappy day of weather, but they didn’t feel like prisoners of pomp, or slaves to circumstance, but jubilant pilgrims thrilled to be counted as citizens of the “most just and virtuous republic ever conceived,” as the president put it.

Signs of distress were isolated. “CLOSE the CAMPS” said one sign, pressed against the fence toward the Lincoln Memorial, in reference to the squalid detention centers holding asylum-seeking migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border. Even if the letters were big enough for the president to read, his attention was on his teleprompter text. He was talking about conquering other planets.

“Someday soon,” President Trump declared from a dais of red carpet, “we will plant the American flag on Mars.”

The United States has turned 243 years old, which is adolescent for an empire (at least when compared to Rome). This might explain the national mood swings and infatuations, the cliques and the clumsiness, the tendency to bully or be bullied. It might explain why the 45th president wanted to fly a series of loud machines over the Mall, and why his haters wanted to fly a blimp of him as an infant, diapered and cranky. The blimp was inflated, but never flew.

“Officials pulled the plug yesterday right when we were about to get helium,” grumbled Joe Kennedy, the blimp baby’s guardian, across the street from the World War II Memorial on Thursday morning. Armed with nearly a dozen sandbags, two turbine leaf blowers and one bike pump, eight sweaty volunteers unfurled the baby’s flattened skin and inflated it in parts: first, its tiny orange hands. Then its body, but only halfway, because the ears had to be filled before the body could be hoisted upright.

People had staked out spots around the Reflecting Pool by 9 a.m. — a full nine hours before the “Salute to America” program started — as the president himself arrived at his golf club in Sterling, Va. The earthbound blimp was fully inflated by 11. By midafternoon a slight but stubborn rainstorm settled over the capital and a wild assortment of Americans mingled in front of the White House. An irate New Yorker, a wolf tattoo on his bicep, shouted about how men have no rights anymore. A Bernie Sanders supporter with a Go-Pro on his shoulder debated people through a megaphone. Black-clad members of the Revolutionary Communist Organization set fire to an American flag. Tourists took selfies as if it was all perfectly natural.

Around the Reflecting Pool, in the hours before the president’s address, all was joyful and polite, if crowded and with limited views.

Normally a Trump rally is a Caucasian affair, but his “Salute to America” was a mishmash of ethnicities, languages, ages and intentions. Some were there for the spectacle. Some were there to bask in the president’s glory. Some with there as proud soldiers of Q, a baffling conspiracy theory that has flourished in the Trump era. Is it a religion that believes in secret cabals? Or a cult fantasizing about a coup?

“Think of it as a frequency, as a resonance,” said a Q guy from Atlanta who declined to give his name because he preferred to be “clandestine.” He had a shirt that said “TRUMP/JFK JR. 2020,” which was not meant to be interpreted as a literal ticket, he said, but as an occasion to liberate your mind from the usual parameters of, uh, life and death and the space-time continuum — maybe? They’re awfully nice people, these Q people here, and they love how President Trump has exposed the cracks in our accepted reality. They love how the light is shining through now.

A wall of dark clouds had begun building behind the Lincoln Memorial, sack-clothing the sunset. Trump’s exit from the White House was broadcast live to the crowd on giant screens. At 6:37 p.m. the presidential airplane buzzed the Mall, and then Trump walked onstage as if he had parachuted out. “Hello, America,” he said, though he was obscured from the crowd, fittingly, by the biggest TV screen of all.

The president, who loves to veer off script, stuck to it. He talked about Lewis and Clark, about Thomas Edison, about Apollo 11, about Sept. 11. He began to list the military accomplishments of the United States. A thousand feet to his left — beyond the memorial to the war he avoided with five draft deferments — was a statue of Albert Einstein, who said 90 years ago that “Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.”

As the military flyovers continued, 18-year-old Lucia Driessen ventured into the crowd blowing a whistle and holding a sign that said, “TRUMP DOESN’T CARE ABOUT YOU.” As a recent high school graduate who lives in the heavily Democratic capital, this was by far the largest amount of Trump supporters she’d ever seen in person.

“Close the camps!” she yelled to attendees.

“U-S-A!” the crowd chanted back at her, and she cringed at the implication of the rejoinder. A B2 stealth bomber, a jagged black terror, screamed overhead as the president held his chin high.

Trump’s been doing this kind of thing for years, though never with the U.S. military as his production team. In April 1990, when he opened the doomed Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, a 43-year-old Donald Trump arranged 5 ½ minutes of fireworks that were half-obscured by his own building, insinuated that he had cured a disabled guest of honor and — after his podium spittled theatrical fog — told the crowd to “have a nice life.” (His business would file for bankruptcy the following year.)

“There goes a good man,” a retired Coast Guardsman told The Washington Post at that long-ago event.

“It’s the media who projects him as a bigot or a racist,” retiree David Limina told The Post on Thursday, seated in a red camper chair.

Trump’s takeover of Washington’s holiday custom only went so far. Over on the other side of the Mall was the usual “Capitol Fourth” concert, where MAGA attire was scarce. Around 7 p.m. there was only one visible red hat, and it belonged to Wendy McHugh, 55, a registered nurse from Georgia. She took a circumspect view of the flyovers, the tanks, the president’s spin on the holiday.

“There’s going to be controversy, there’s going to be division, but that’s okay,” McHugh said. “That’s how we grow.”

Soon after Trump departed one side of the Mall, the concert began on the other side. In between, near the Washington Monument, was a wide expanse of families on blankets, waiting for the fireworks. The mood was peaceful, save for a single locus of agitation. By a portable statue of Trump sitting on a giant gold toilet, a handful of protesters blew whistles until their faces were flushed pink. They held signs that called attention to militarization, to the crisis at the border, to the precarious state of the rule of law. They were blowing whistles to puncture the picnic vibe, to signal that America was in crisis, that the empire was not maturing but devolving.

A nearby stack of speakers thundered with Sousa marches until TV star John Stamos kicked off the Capitol Fourth concert.

“I see a mosaic of different histories,” Stamos said, his voice piped all over the Mall, echoing into a garble.

A band of young white supremacists began to confront the protesters.

“All part of the fabric that makes us an American family,” went the disembodied voice of Stamos.

A scowling man in a MAGA hat put his fist near a protester’s face and turned his thumb down. Dusk was falling. The whistles reached a shrieking volume.

“Let’s love each other as citizens,” Stamos said, and the whistles kept going and going and going.

Travis DeShong and Terry Nguyen contributed to this report.

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The nation’s capital ended a day full of Independence Day celebrations with fireworks.

WASHINGTON – Fourth of July festivities in the nation’s capital were anything but typical this year. It wasn’t just the military tanks, jet flyovers or the speech by President Donald Trump

The president’s role in what is usually a nonpartisan celebration created what felt like three different events: Protesters who decried his administration and its policies; a campaign rally where supporters cheered for him to keep the White House for another term; and those who simply wanted to enjoy hot dogs and fireworks with their families for the annual Independence Day festivities.

On a holiday marking America’s birthday, the country’s divisions were on full display.

There was a giant blimp depicting the president as an orange infant. There was also a sea of red, “Make America Great Again” hats. And there were families spread out along the National Mall with blankets and children anxiously awaiting the fireworks display and not focused on politics. 

When the protesters and Trump supporters clashed over a flag burning in front of the White House, there were two arrests, although most confrontations did not go beyond shouting matches. 

‘Nothing America cannot do’: Donald Trump touts U.S. military strength in 4th of July speech

Uh-oh: Donald Trump trips up on history in 4th of July speech, mentions airports during Revolutionary War

Trump supporters line parade route 

Trump’s influence on the annual celebrations were easy to spot.

Supporters poured into the National Mall throughout the day, many waving “Trump 2020” flags or wearing “MAGA” hats. They passed by the heckling of protesters with disgust, some yelling “SNOWFLAKES!” to the crowds gathered in opposition of Trump. 

In the afternoon at the National Independence Day Parade parade, thousands of people lined the streets of Washington to watch floats, drum lines and military units march by. As the parade marched on, the heat did too. Spectators migrated towards the shade, picking up ice-cold bottles of water from vendors, to watch the parade. 

Hundreds of Trump supporters were part of the crowd that lined Constitution Avenue.

Trump’s new campaign slogan, ‘Keep America Great,’ also filled the surrounding streets of the parade. Vendor stands at nearly every corner pushed Trump hats and paraphernalia on energetic supporters. 

‘This says something’: Thousands gather in Washington for Donald Trump’s 4th of July celebration

‘Tanks’ a lot: Trump 4th of July celebration isn’t first time armored vehicles have rumbled into DC

Jim Sutton usually attends the parade each year with his wife, Gigi. But the couple, who sported head-to-toe Trump gear, said something felt different this year. 

“It’s just fantastic,” Gigi Sutton said, in her white Trump T-shirt and flag pants. The pair said the criticism of Trump’s use of military equipment in the event was unwarranted. 

“We’ve been having all these problems with Iran, North Korea. This says something,” Gigi Sutton said. Her husband chimed in, “It let’s the world know our nation’s defense is well at hand.”

After watching Trump’s speech and the military aircraft flyovers for each branch of the military, Amiee LeDoux was left in tears.

“That was the first time I ever cried during the Fourth of July,” LeDoux, who traveled with her family from New Hampshire, said as she started to tear up again. “I just felt like it really embraced who we are and it just felt like God was really honored, and America was honored and the military was honored.”

Wearing a blue Trump hat, LeDoux said she thought Trump’s speech helped bring the country together. 

“I think there was a lot of unity and the mentioning of our history and how rich of a history we have, it was just so beautiful,” she said. 

Blimps, toilet robots, burning flags

While the event was mostly peaceful, a fight broke out at a flag burning event in front of the White House that led to at least two arrests. 

Trump supporters, some wearing hats emblazoned with Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan, charged a circle of protesters who were burning a flag, causing the protesters to topple over. The Trump supporters, some of whom were wearing attire identifying themselves as Proud Boys, a far-right organization, attempted to stamp out the fire. 

But the flag burning was far from the only act of protest happening in the heart of Washington. Many wore shirts about impeaching Trump or supporting Hillary Clinton, Trump’s Democratic rival in the 2016 election. They carried balloons depicting Trump as a small, orange baby — a miniature depiction of a famous blimp that was briefly inflated on the National Mall. 

More: Flag burning in front of White House leads to scuffle amid 4th of July celebrations

More: ‘Baby Trump’ blimp appears grounded for July 4 protest during president’s DC celebration

Along with the Baby Trump blimp, the liberal activist organization Code Pink also parked a 16-foot-tall “Dumping Trump” robot featuring the president sitting on a golden toilet wearing a MAGA-style hat saying “Make America Great Again: Impeach Me.”

The robot sporadically shouted out some of Trump’s most-used lines, including “no collusion” and “witch hunt.”

Nearby, Noel Eldridge gathered with the nearly 100 protesters, holding a sign plastered with photographs of migrant detention centers. It read “Are you proud to be American? Today?”

Eldridge said he grew up in the same New York neighborhood as Trump. “I know the particular kind of bully and racist he is,” Eldridge said.

Just yards away, a miniature baby Trump balloon was locked inside of a metal cage. Linda Berns said she has traveled from her home in Bethesda, Md. each year for 40 years to watch the fireworks along the National Mall. This year, she came to protest.

She said she joined the protest against Trump’s immigration policies because of her family’s history. “This is a country of immigrants,” Berns said. “My grandparents were immigrants.”

Anne and Emily Balderson, both waving mini-Trump-baby balloons, came to D.C. from Texas to experience the holiday in the capital but said Trump role in the event was unnecessary and causing more division in the country. 

“I think it’s making 4th of July more of a divisive holiday,” Emily Balderson said. “He’s making it about himself instead of the country and it should just be about how our country was founded.”

An apolitical event for families 

At the opposite end of the National Mall, near the U.S. Capitol and Washington Monument, things were different. There were no protests. Scarcely anyone wore Trump attire. 

Instead, families, wearing red, white and blue, sat on blankets, held up small American flags and enjoyed the music from the “A Capitol Fourth” concert. 

After the last of the military jets flew over the crowd and many left, families were left camped out on picnic blankets, and kids huddled together under umbrellas eager to watch the fireworks display. Some came more prepared than others, with plastic bags to put under their blankets and rain ponchos with hoods. 

David Portis was among those camped out. He said there were remarkably fewer people along the Mall than he remembered in past years, which he blamed on the rain and not the additions to the program.

Portis said he was neutral on Trump’s presence during the holiday. “I even brought my daughter and her friend,” he said, pointing to an open grassy area near the Washington Monument where a group of children were playing ball barefooted.

Others also weren’t preoccupied by the politics thrust into the event. 

Mitchell Reed, the band director for a group of 99 Florida high school students who attended the concert and played during a parade earlier in the day, said the event took on a different meaning for his group. 

“It’s been crazy,” he said as he watched the nearby concert. “But it’s a day everyone in our band will never forget.”

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CNN cut to a commercial about a half-hour into President Trump’s Fourth of July speech Thursday, the event having evidently not proven important enough to remain tuned in to despite several days of controversy leading up to it.

The cable network cut away as Trump was giving a salute to the U.S. Air Force, part of the event’s tribute to the five branches of the U.S. military, and a B-2 flyover.

The cable channel had devoted the hours leading up to the event to covering the controversy surrounding it. When leaked excerpts of Trump’s speech revealed nothing that was controversial, the network’s pundits suggested that Trump might still stray from the speech.

“Military chiefs have concerns about the politicization of President Donald Trump’s July 4 event, a source with direct knowledge told CNN … If the President turns what is meant to be celebration into an overtly political event, he could put military personnel in the position of violating Defense Department guidelines prohibiting men and women in uniform from engaging in political activity,” the network reported earlier in the day.

Trump’s speech turned out to be a roughly 50-minute salute to the soldiers, sailors, pilots, and marines who defend the country.

“Today, we come together as one nation with this very special Salute to America. We celebrate our history, our people, and the heroes who proudly defend our flag — the brave men and women of the United States military,” he said.

Among CNN’s cable news competitors, Fox News carried the “Salute to America” event live while MSNBC aired the first Democratic presidential primary debate instead.

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In the presidency of Donald Trump, even Fourth of July fireworks become controversial. The controversies arise both because of Trump’s extraordinary way of doing things and because of the overblown reactions of the news media and other members of the opposition.

We share some of the standard criticisms of Trump’s show, although not the vehemence. But we’d like to add one point that we hope will take root with the Left. It is about localism and centralization.

Maybe you’re more concerned about the prospect of tanks rolling down Constitution Avenue. We understand. We don’t think this is a good look, either. We’ve editorialized that governments who do these ostentatious displays of military might typically are compensating for a sense of insecurity.

But such a parade is hardly unprecedented. John F. Kennedy, the Democrats’ great hero, had a military parade through Washington, D.C., with missiles and armored cars as part of his inauguration. JFK did it for a show of strength during the Cold War. Trump could make a similar argument, but we don’t agree. The United States could destroy any enemy in short order, and the rest of the world knows it.

Once again, Trump does something unneeded but precedented, and opposing partisans falsely call it unnecessary or unheard of.

Then, there’s the problem of Trump mixing campaign fundraising and government. The Republican National Committee is hosting a private party at the Lincoln Memorial. That means that military grandeur is helping the GOP court its bigwigs. This use of the incumbent advantage is not new either, but it’s fairly swampy.

We also mildly lament the imposition on Washingtonians. Trump’s decisions have added headaches and hassles to Independence Day in the federal capital. Flights will have to halt out of Reagan Airport. Security will be tighter around the National Mall. The Lincoln Memorial will be mostly off-limits. Tanks will clog the streets and possibly exacerbate the potholes, although plenty of children and adults will probably like the idea of taking selfies with the military hardware.

But our main objection is none of these things. It is, rather, that the president should not try to make himself or Washington the center of national attention on Independence Day.

The Fourth of July is a patriotic holiday, and American patriotism has most often manifested itself locally. When you ask old men and women, in their “Make America Great Again” garb, what was great about America back in the day, they’ll often cite a greater sense of national unity and pride. But the examples they give are very local, such as the Memorial Day parade through town, the local heroes hill, and, of course, their town’s fireworks show.

Americans salute America and its founding not through focusing our attention on the seat of government but by rekindling connections with neighbors, parading tricycles through town, grilling burgers and hot dogs, and laying down a picnic blanket to take our ease and view the local pyrotechnics.

Other countries have their national holiday on a day of unification. Belgium celebrates the crowning of King Leopold. France celebrates with a big military parade on Bastille Day; that’s where Trump got the idea. But in this country, we celebrate something different: independence. Being free in America, first of all, means breaking away.

America’s strength has always been in its decentralization, our hundreds of thousands of little platoons. We wish Trump well with his fireworks show and dinner party on Constitution Avenue. We just hope he doesn’t expect Americans to tune in to his show rather than staring at the neighborhood sky.

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    Washington, DC, United States – US President Donald Trump has praised the military in his Independence Day speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC amid a display of military strength.

    “We celebrate our history, our people, and the heroes who proudly defend our flag – the brave men and women of the United States military!” he said on Thursday.

    Trump became the first US president in more than 70 years to deliver an Independence Day address as hundreds of people – both his supporters and opponents – gathered to celebrate the country’s declaration of independence from Britain on July 4, 1776.

    Inspired by the exhibition of French military strength he witnessed while attending Bastille Day in Paris in 2017, the Republican president turned the event into a celebration of the US military.

    The Salute To America event boasted flyover from army jets and helicopters, as well as a collection of armoured vehicles that included Abrams tanks and Bradley armoured vehicles.

    Trump’s speech to the nation centred on the US’s military strength, lavishing extensive praise on each branch of the military, touting the armed forces and their history as the example of strength and unity to which ordinary citizens should aspire to.

    “There will be nothing that America cannot do” as long as Americans remain true to their history and “never stop fighting for a better future,” said Trump. He also promised to plant the US flag on Mars.

    Politicisation of holiday

    Critics of the president, including members of the press and the opposition Democratic party and even former military leaders, expressed concern that Trump was not only politicising a national holiday, but also the military in the process.

    Despite reports of sightings of military vehicles around the US capital in the days preceding the event, the military hardware remained hidden from the general public for most of the day, tucked far behind chain link fences surrounding the Lincoln Memorial.

    Much more visible were the displays of partisan affiliation among Trump supporters, large numbers of whom attended the parade and subsequent events sporting shirts, flags, and hats emblazoned with pro-Trump slogans.

    Lore Emelio, a North Carolina resident who attended Thursday’s event with her six-year-old son, described the atmosphere as feeling “more politicised” and “resentful” than July 4 celebrations she was accustomed to.

    Emelio also wanted to take her son to the Lincoln Memorial, “the one thing he wanted to see most”, only to find it cordoned off ahead of Trump’s speech.

    Carmen Arrezola from Virginia also expressed dissatisfaction with this year’s proceedings, saying the presence of military vehicles gave her the impression of “living in a military order”.

    Ashton Whitty, a Trump supporter from Berkeley, California, couldn’t see anything wrong with the military hardware on display and disagreed that Trump had politicised this year’s celebrations.

    “It’s not a Nazi thing,” she said, standing near the chain-link fence separating the Lincoln Memorial from the general public. “[Americans] live in the greatest country in the world. I think all presidents should address the American people like this.”

    ‘This is not North Korea’

    Jason Frank, a Las Vegas resident who had been conversing with Whitty, agreed. Having registered to vote for the first time at the age of 41 with the express purpose of re-electing Trump, Frank described this year’s Independence Day celebration as “a beautiful thing”. “Without [Independence Day] we don’t have anything. If you know the history, you honour it for what it is.”

    Less than a mile away and still on the National Mall, the anti-imperialist group CodePink held a small protest anchored by a blimp depicting Trump as an enormous baby and a five-metre statue of Trump sitting on a golden toilet.

    “We’re glad we have a little liberated space here to say this is not what our holiday should be about,” said CodePink co-founder Medea Benjamin.

    “We’re opposed to a lot of the policies that Trump has been instrumental in implementing like caging children on the border, like threatening to go to war with Iran, whipping up  Islamophobia and racist sentiments.”

    Nearby, a man carrying a yellow flag with the words: “Don’t Tread on Me” written across it sparred loudly with a woman who had come to join the CodePink protest.

    While most of the discussions taking place between Trump supporters and anti-Trump protesters appeared relatively cordial, some occasionally devolved into abrasive exchanges.

    In spite of Benjamin saying she didn’t think clashes were likely, CodePink had asked park police to intervene when a Trump supporter threatened to attack the baby blimp.

    Felicia, who had come all the way from New Jersey to participate in the protest, rued the politicisation of the event.

    “This is not Red Square, this is not North Korea. Why does he [Trump] need to turn traditional family celebration into a show of military might?” she asked.

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      KVOA, virtual channel 4, is an NBC-affiliated television station licensed to Tucson, Arizona, United States. KVOA consistently delivers the stories that people care about, and a highlight of its top-rated newscasts is News 4 Tucson Investigators, the station’s award-winning investigative unit.

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      From military tanks and aircraft flyovers, President Trump hosted a military-style display on the National Mall in Washington.
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      Watch President Donald Trump’s Full July 4th ‘Salute To America’ Military Event | NBC News

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      President Donald Trump celebrated America as “the most exceptional nation in the history of the world” in a Fourth of July commemoration before a soggy, cheering crowd of spectators. He spoke on the grounds of the Lincoln Memorial Thursday. (July 4)
      AP, AP

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      Ticketing controversy sparks criticism

      The “Salute to America” event is open to the public. But, as CBS News chief White House correspondent Major Garrett has reported, there is a specific, ticketed area for VIPs, friends and family and members of the military, although the White House has refused to clarify exactly who would get those tickets. Garrett reports many tickets will be going to GOP donors.

      The Pentagon, as CBS News’ David Martin has reported, was given 5,000 tickets to hand out to military families.

      That’s controversial because taxpayers, not the Trump campaign or the Republican party or anyone else, is funding the “Salute to America” event.

      The Republican National Committee (RNC) confirmed they did receive some tickets for the event.

      “It’s standard practice for the RNC to receive a small number of tickets to events just as the DNC did under Democrat presidents. This is routine for events like the White House Christmas open houses, garden tours in spring and fall, etc.,” a spokesperson for the RNC told CBS News’ Sara Cook.

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      Multiple protesters were arrested in front of the White House on Thursday after an American flag was set ablaze in protest to President Trump’s “Salute to America” event, scheduled to take place later in the evening.

      While it is unclear who or what group burnt the flag, video from Washington shows a number of protesters forming in a circle before the flag goes up in flames. At least three people were detained by the Secret Service.

      The burning was followed by scuffles between left-wing activists and supporters of Trump.


      A group called the Revolution Club had earlier sent out a press release on Wednesday announcing its intent to burn an American flag.

      “Tomorrow on the Fourth of July, I am going to be [burning the American flag] right here … in front of the White House,” Gregory “Joey” Johnson, a member of the Revolution Club, said during a Wednesday press conference. “I’m going to be speaking to the people of the world letting them know that there are people inside the borders of this country who stand with the people of the world.”

      Besides the flag burning, Washington police and District of Colombia National Guard troops have had their hands full this Fourth of July dealing with the influx of both protesters and revelers in town for Trump’s extravaganza.

      In the shadow of the Washington Monument, the anti-war organization Codepink erected a 20-foot tall “Trump baby” balloon to protest what it called the president’s co-opting of Independence Day.


      “We think that he is making this about himself and it’s really a campaign rally,” said Medea Benjamin, the organization’s co-director. “We think that he’s a big baby. … He’s erratic, he’s prone to tantrums, he doesn’t understand the consequences of his actions. And so this is a great symbol of how we feel about our president.”

      The balloon remained tied down at the Mall because park officials restricted the group’s permission to move it or fill it with helium, Benjamin said.

      Protesters also handed out small Trump-baby balloons on sticks. Molly King of La Porte, Ind., a 13-year-old Trump supporter in sunglasses and a “Make America Great Again” hat, happily came away with one.

      “They’re making a big stink about it but it’s actually pretty cute,” she said. “I mean, why not love your president as you’d love a baby?”


      A small crowd gathered to take pictures with the big balloon, which drew Trump supporters and detractors.

      “Even though everybody has different opinions,” said Kevin Malton, a Trump supporter from Middlesboro, Ky., “everybody’s getting along.”

      But Daniela Guray, a 19-year-old from Chicago who held a “Dump Trump” sign, said she was subjected to a racial epithet while walking along the Constitution Avenue parade route and told to go home.

      She said she did not come to the Mall to protest but ended up doing so. “I started seeing all the tanks with all the protests and that’s when I said, ‘Wait, this is not an actual Fourth of July,'” she said. “Trump is making it his day rather than the Fourth of July.”

      Fox News’ Kellianne Jones and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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