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Mr. Chernow described Hamilton as “an immigrant who arrived, thank God, before the country was full.” He noted that John Adams, who took steps to outlaw criticism of the government, failed to earn a second term. “Campaigns against the press don’t get your face carved into the rocks of Mount Rushmore,” he said, “for when you chip away at the press, you chip away at our democracy.” He concluded his remarks by quoting Mark Twain: “Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.”

A year ago, Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, stormed out in the middle of Ms. Wolf’s raucous set. On Saturday, he stuck around to the end, though he stopped short of endorsing Mr. Chernow’s remarks. “I had a lot of college professors who said the same thing,” Mr. Schlapp, whose wife, Mercedes, is a top White House adviser, said as he left the Hilton ballroom.

Another Trump associate in attendance gave better marks. “It was perfectly spot-on for the time and for where we are in the world,” Gary Cohn, the president’s former chief economic adviser, said afterward. “It sort of hit the spot.”

The writer and director Judd Apatow defended Ms. Wolf last year. But on Sunday, he praised Mr. Chernow’s performance as “a refreshing new approach.”

“On the surface, one might think it is a safe choice, a retreat,” Mr. Apatow wrote in an email. “But having someone who actually reads and understands the lessons of history, as opposed to our president, makes a very strong, even aggressive statement about the dangers of having a president with no grasp of history or the true spirit of our country.”

Once a high point of the Washington social calendar, the dinner has lost some of its glamour since Mr. Trump came to town. Hollywood agencies still threw parties the night before, but the big celebrity attraction this year was the actor Michael Kelly, who played Doug Stamper on the now-canceled political drama “House of Cards.” Sean Spicer, the former press secretary, showed up to an event with a camera crew from “Extra,” his current employer.

At a charity brunch on Saturday hosted by the Washington doyenne Tammy Haddad, Jay Leno was the featured guest — and even he seemed unimpressed. “We’ve pretty much reached the bottom of the barrel here,” the former “Tonight Show” host quipped of his appearance. Mr. Leno’s next joke, which compared the event’s “spring garden” dress code to a feminine hygiene product, did not exactly kill.

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Attorney General William Barr is reportedly threatening to pull out of a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee this week.

A committee source told CNN that Barr objects to the format planned for Thursday’s hearing, which is focused on special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., wants two rounds of questions, one for members and a second in which each counsel for the Democratic Party and Republican Party would have the opportunity to ask questions. He also proposed a closed session to discuss redacted sections in Mueller’s report.

Barr objects to the added sessions and the closed session. The Justice Department has signaled that Barr may not show up unless Nadler backs off.

“Discussions are still ongoing, to be picked back up tomorrow,” a Justice Department official told the Washington Examiner. “Our position is that it’s a congressional hearing, therefore members do the questioning.”

Nadler told CNN that Barr would not “dictate the format of the Judiciary Committee.”

Barr is also scheduled to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, which is still expected to happen.

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A doctor whose wife was killed in Saturday’s synagogue attack had started emergency CPR on her — unaware of who he was helping, according to a family friend.

Shooting victim Lori Gilbert-Kaye, 60, had been with her husband celebrating Passover at the Chabad of Poway Synagogue near San Diego when authorities say gunman John T. Earnest, 19, burst in and opened fire with “an AR-type weapon.”

Unaware that his wife had been fatally wounded when she leaped in front of Brooklyn-born Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, saving his life, her physician-hubby raced over to help victims of the bloodbath.

He started emergency CPR on one woman — unaware she was his wife, family friend Dr. Roneet Lev told The San Diego Union-Tribune.

The doctor fainted when he realized the victim was his spouse, Lev said.

Lev said Gilbert-Kaye, the mom of a 22-year-old daughter, had gone to the synagogue also to say Kaddish, a Jewish prayer for the dead, for her own mother who had recently passed away.

“The irony is people will be saying it for her now,” Lev, director of emergency operations at San Diego’s Scripps Mercy Hospital, told the paper.

“God picked her to die to send a message because she’s such an incredible person.

“He took her for a higher purpose to send this message to fight anti-Semitism.”

Earnest was arrested after the shooting, which also injured three others, including the rabbi and an 8-year-old girl.

An online manifesto suggests he was inspired by the mass shooting at a New Zealand mosque that killed 50 Muslims on March 15.

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(CNN)Rescuers are trying to reach a group of men trapped inside a cave in southwest Virginia who are battling exhaustion and threats of hypothermia.

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Top-performing fund manager who takes big risks says buy tech and…

Margaret Patel, manager of Wells Fargo Asset Management’s Diversified Capital Builder fund, says her secret is a simple one.

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A shooting at a synagogue outside San Diego where worshippers were celebrating the last day of Passover sent four people to the hospital Saturday, but the extent of their injuries was not clear, officials said. (April 27)

The woman killed during Saturday’s San Diego synagogue shooting stepped in front of the bullets aimed at her longtime friend and rabbi as he raced to evacuate children, according to her friends and authorities.

Authorities said Lori Gilbert-Kaye, 60, was killed at Chabad of Poway when a nursing student opened fire with an AR-style rifle. Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein suffered defensive wounds to his hands but survived the attack and then gave a sermon to the huddled congregation before going to the hospital, Audrey Jacobs, a friend, said in a Facebook post.

Kaye leaves behind a husband and adult daughter.

“Your final good deed was taking the bullets for Rabbi Mendel Goldstein to save his life,” Jacobs wrote in a post she said had been approved by the other victims and their families. “Tragically the rabbi was still shot in the hand and he gave a sermon telling everyone to stay strong.”

Kaye’s husband, a doctor, was with her at the synagogue and rushed to help the victims, not knowing one was his wife, Dr. Roneet Lev, a family friend, told the San Diego Union Tribune.  

“God picked her to die to send a message because she’s such an incredible person,” Lev, who is the director of emergency medicine at San Diego-based Scripps Mercy Hospital, told the Union Tribune. “He took her for a higher purpose to send this message to fight anti-Semitism.”

Goldstein was in the synagogue’s banquet hall when he heard loud noises and became “face-to-face with this murderer, this terrorist” when he turned around, he said during a phone interview on “Sunday TODAY with Willie Geist.” Goldstein said he put his hands up to protect himself and lost one of his fingers in the shooting.

Goldstein said Kaye was one of his oldest friends and earliest supporters of the Chabad of Poway. He said he was in the synagogue’s banquet hall when he heard a loud noise and turned, thinking Kaye had fallen.

“As soon as he saw me, he started to shoot towards me and that’s when I put my hands up and my fingers got blown away,” he told TODAY. “Then he continued on and killed Lori Kaye right there on the spot.”

Also injured in the shooting were Noya Dahan, 8, and her uncle, Almog Peretz, 34, who was visiting from Israel, authorities said.

More: What we know about the California synagogue shooting

Israel’s minister of diaspora affairs, Naftali Bennett, on Sunday morning called Kaye a hero, the Jewish Press reported: “She sacrificed her own life, throwing herself in the path of the murderer’s bullets to save the life of the Rabbi. But it is clear that such heroism and good deeds are not only characteristic of dear Lori in death, but this is the way she lived her life – at the heart of her community, constantly doing charity and good deeds for those in need.”

And Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for an end to anti-Semitism. “I condemn the abhorrent attack on a synagogue in California; this is an attack on the heart of the Jewish people,” he posted on Twitter. “We send condolences to the family of Lori Gilbert-Kaye and our best wishes for a quick recovery to the wounded.”

More: ‘Face to face with this murderer’: Security boosted at mosques, synagogues after shooting; rabbi recalls terror

Witnesses said it appeared the shooter’s gun jammed during the attack. An off-duty Border Patrol agent attending services shot at the suspect as he fled, hitting his car. The suspect surrendered to police nearby.

“Anti-Semitism is real and is deadly. Hate crimes are real and are deadly. Lori would have wanted all of us to stand up to hate. She was a warrior of love and she will be missed,” Jacobs posted. “May Lori’s memory be a blessing.”


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Attorney General Bill Barr will be a no-show at a long-awaited hearing on Thursday before the Democrat-led House Judiciary Committee based on current negotiations over his appearance, a source on the committee told Fox News on Sunday.

The emerging spat comes after Barr has endured withering attacks from congressional Democrats, who have outright accused him of sacrificing his integrity to appease President Trump. Barr shepherded the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report in recent weeks, and he has largely become a punching bag for progressives frustrated that Mueller’s probe found no evidence to back up claims that the Trump team colluded with Russians.

Fox News has learned that Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., wants to have Judiciary Committee staff — rather than members of Congress — question Barr on his handling of Mueller’s report. But DOJ officials say members should conduct the inquiry.


“The attorney general agreed to appear before Congress; therefore Congress does the questioning,” a DOJ official told Fox News.

Justice officials also told the committee that they are opposed to the panel’s plan to go into a closed session if members want to discuss redacted portions of Mueller’s report, a Democratic senior committee aide told The Associated Press.

U.S. Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., chair of the House Judiciary Committee, speaks during a news conference, Thursday, April 18, 2019, in New York. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Discussions about Thursday’s hearing are ongoing, and expected to resume again Monday. Barr is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday and the House panel on Thursday. The GOP-led Senate committee is expected to have normal rounds of member questioning.

“Attorney General Barr wasn’t asked to testify before the committee—he offered,” a spokesperson for House Judiciary Committee Republicans told Fox News. “He provided the Mueller report voluntarily. He invited Democrat leaders to view the less redacted report in person. Yet the only thing, apparently, that will satisfy Democrats, who refuse to read the less redacted report, is to have staff pinch hit when a cabinet-level official appears before us.”


The spokesperson added: “What actual precedent is there for our committee making such demands of a sitting attorney general as part of our oversight duties? The attorney general isn’t a fact witness, and this committee’s investigations—as Democrat leadership reminds us daily—don’t constitute impeachment, so Democrats have yet to prove their demands anything but abusive and illogical in light of the transparency and good faith the attorney general has shown our committee.”

It is unusual for committee counsels to question a witness. But committees can generally make their own rules, and other panels have made similar exceptions. In a confirmation hearing for Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh last year, for example, Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee hired an outside prosecutor to question a witness who had accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

At a fiery House hearing earlier this month — prior to the release of the complete Mueller report with only limited redactions — Barr faced a grilling from Democrats, who said it was “unacceptable” that he had released a 4-page summary of Mueller’s findings.

FILE – In this Sept. 27, 2018, file photo, White House counsel Don McGahn listens as Supreme court nominee Brett Kavanaugh testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington. Rep. Jerrold Nadler, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee has subpoenaed McGahn for testimony following the release of the report from special counsel Robert Mueller. (Saul Loeb/Pool Photo via AP, File)

The new dispute comes as tensions have escalated sharply between House Democrats and the Trump administration over full access to Mueller’s report and government witnesses who have defied congressional subpoenas to testify. Democrats have been eagerly anticipating the hearing with Barr as they try to build on Mueller’s findings with their own investigations into the president.


House Democrats have subpoenaed the Justice Department for the unredacted version of the Mueller report and underlying material gathered from the investigation. In response, the Justice Department has said they will make the full report, minus grand jury material (which legally must be withheld), available to a limited group of members — an offer that Democrats have so far refused. The dispute could eventually end up in court.

Democrats have criticized Barr for drawing his own conclusion that Trump did not obstruct justice after Mueller found he couldn’t exonerate the president on that point, and punted to Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said Barr is involved in a “staggering public effort” by the Trump administration to put a positive face on Mueller’s findings.

Nadler has also invited Mueller to testify and subpoenaed former White House counsel Don McGahn. McGahn was a vital witness for Mueller in the report, which recounted the president’s outrage over the Mueller investigation and his efforts to curtail it. The White House has asserted it will fight the McGahn subpoena.

Trump, for his part, told Fox News last week that he didn’t assert executive privilege to shield any aspect of the Mueller report — and that now, it’s time to move on.

Even liberal comedian Bill Maher seemed to agree on that point, telling Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., that Democrats appear to be “stalking” Trump by fixating on a discredited narrative that his campaign colluded with Russians.

Meanwhile, a former White House staffer who was at risk of being held in contempt of Congress has agreed to testify, potentially averting a separate showdown between Democrats and the White House.

The House Oversight Committee has scheduled an interview for Wednesday with Carl Kline, who worked as the White House’s personnel security director.

The panel subpoenaed Kline after a former subordinate told the panel that dozens of Trump administration officials were granted security clearances despite “disqualifying issues” in their backgrounds. Kline defied a subpoena to appear, prompting Democrats to threaten contempt action against him. The White House then said Kline could appear voluntarily on May 1 to discuss “personnel security policies and practices.”

Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings suggested contempt action against Kline is still possible if he refuses to answer questions.

Fox News’ Mike Emanuel and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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(CNN)When a gunman opened fire in a synagogue in California, killing one and injuring three others, Lori Kaye jumped between the shooter and the rabbi.

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    • Southwest Airlines and FAA officials overseeing the carrier never knew that Boeing turned off a standard safety feature on its 737 Max jets when Southwest brought the model into its fleet, reported Andy Pastzor of The Wall Street Journal.
    • FAA officials contemplated grounding Southwest’s Max fleet on two separate occasions, but both times, the discussions were quickly dropped, according to a new WSJ investigation.
    • Boeing has yet to specifically address why the feature was turned off, but in March, it unveiled a software fix and updated training procedures for the 737 Max.
    • Visit for more stories.

    Southwest Airlines and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials who monitor the carrier were unaware that a standard safety feature, designed to warn pilots about malfunctioning sensors, on Boeing 737 Max jets was turned off when Southwest began flying the model in 2017, reported Andy Pastzor of the Wall Street Journal.

    In earlier 737 models, the safety feature alerted pilots when a sensor called the “angle-of-attack vane” incorrectly conveyed the pitch of the plane’s nose, according to Pastzor. In the Max, it functions as such while also signaling when the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS) — a new automated system linked to both October’s Lion Air crash and March’s Ethiopian Airlines crash — could misfire; but these alerts were only enabled if carriers purchased additional safety features, Pastzor wrote.

    Like other airlines flying the Max, Southwest didn’t learn about the change until the aftermath of the Lion Air crash, Pastzor reported.

    According to WSJ’s investigation, which reviewed documents, the carrier then asked Boeing to reactivate the alerts on its Max fleet, causing FAA inspectors to contemplate grounding the Max fleet until it was determined whether or not pilots needed additional training — but the idea was quickly dropped.

    Once the feature was reactivated, some FAA officials again considered grounding Southwest’s 737 Max fleet to determine whether pilots needed new training — and again, the discussions, which happened via email, were dismissed after a few days, Pastkor reporter.

    Read more: Boeing just unveiled how it’s going to fix the 737 Max that was grounded after 2 fatal crashes in recent months

    Boeing has yet to specifically address why the feature was turned off, but in March, it unveiled a software fix and updated training procedures for the 737 Max, reported Business Insider’s Benjamin Zhang.

    Most of the updates will be to the MCAS, which will “provide additional layers of protection if the AOA sensors provide erroneous data,” Boeing said in a release. The updates are also geared toward reducing the workload on pilots during emergency situations, Zhang reported.

    “Boeing will also change the training process for pilots to add increased focus on the understanding of the 737 Max control system, MCAS functionality and related crew procedures, and the associated software changes,” Zhang wrote, adding that the training will also highlight differences between the previous generation 737 NG and the new 737 Max.

    As of March, Boeing was still working with regulators to complete the certification of the software and training updates.

    Read the full story at The Wall Street Journal >>

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    Author and historian Ron Chernow speaks at the annual White House Correspondents’ Association dinner in Washington, D.C., on Saturday.

    James Lawler Duggan/Reuters

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    James Lawler Duggan/Reuters

    Author and historian Ron Chernow speaks at the annual White House Correspondents’ Association dinner in Washington, D.C., on Saturday.

    James Lawler Duggan/Reuters

    Separate events held Saturday evening in the nation’s capital and a Wisconsin arena painted two divergent pictures of the press.

    In Washington, the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, an annual comedic event, was light on jokes and replete instead with warnings about the consequences of attacks on the free press.

    Meanwhile, President Trump rallied supporters in Green Bay, touting economic growth and repeating familiar calls of “fake news” to a cheering crowd.

    He also disparaged special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, mocked Democratic presidential contenders Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and boasted about the media presence at his rally. “Can you imagine Sleepy Joe, Crazy Bernie. … Can you imagine any of those people up here doing what I’m doing?” he said.

    “I think, Pocahontas, she’s finished, she’s out, she’s gone,” he said as well, using his preferred nickname for Warren.

    The president’s decision to skip the glitzy, annual event in favor of a campaign rally came as no surprise. Trump has avoided the dinner every year since he became president, breaking with more than three decades of tradition.

    And while some White House officials had planned to attend as guests of the various news organizations that the event honors, the administration announced last Tuesday that it would completely boycott the celebration.

    Olivier Knox, WHCA president, asked attendees of the dinner to turn their attention to journalists who are “suffering for their craft” around the world and to advocate for the release of Austin Tice, a freelance journalist kidnapped while reporting in Syria in 2012.

    “This is not [Trump’s] dinner — it is ours,” said Knox. “And it should stay ours.”

    In another break with tradition, the evening’s keynote address was delivered by historian Ron Chernow. The dinner has typically featured a comedian cracking jokes at the expense of the president, who has also usually offered up his own roast of other politicians and the media.

    The change in format followed a controversial performance last year by comedian Michelle Wolf, who faced criticism for her remarks — mostly about the Trump administration — which were called “harsh” and “risqué.”

    Knox said he had asked Chernow to speak as part of an effort to focus the event more on journalism itself. The WHCA has previously faced criticism of the event, including that it seems extravagant, excessively cozy with the White House and removed from its stated purpose of supporting scholarships, as Politico reports.

    In his speech on Saturday night, Chernow narrated the history of journalists in the White House — touching on everything from how the press once shielded the private lives of presidents to Eleanor Roosevelt’s role in elevating female correspondents — as he made a case for the free press and the First Amendment.

    “Relations between presidents and the press are inevitably tough, almost always adversarial, but they don’t need to be steeped in venom,” he said.

    Chernow also offered a defense of comedians, quoting comedian Will Rogers in saying that the United States has arrived at a point where “people are taking their comedians seriously and their politicians as a joke.” In that spirit, he cracked more than a few jokes to varying degrees of success, the subjects of which included the Mueller report, Alexander Hamilton (“an immigrant who arrived, thank God, before the country was full”) and his own speech (a “20-minute sedative” for the evening).

    President Trump disparaged Democratic presidential candidates and the news media during a rally in Green Bay, Wis., on Saturday.

    Lauren Justice/Bloomberg via Getty Images

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    Lauren Justice/Bloomberg via Getty Images

    President Trump disparaged Democratic presidential candidates and the news media during a rally in Green Bay, Wis., on Saturday.

    Lauren Justice/Bloomberg via Getty Images

    Shortly before Chernow and Knox spoke about public mistrust of journalism and a tide of misinformation, a crowd at the president’s rally in Wisconsin chanted “CNN sucks” as the president joked about the network.

    “I’ll tell you, you know what sucks? Their ratings suck,” he said. “Because people don’t believe them.”

    Trump spent much of the night promoting the U.S. economy and talking about “unfair” trade practices from countries like India and China. He pointed to the 3.2% annualized GDP growth in the first quarter that showed the economy gaining steam — and cited job gains in Wisconsin, a state that served as a tipping point in the 2016 presidential election.

    He also discussed immigration and the detention of undocumented migrants, telling the crowd that “illegal immigrants” arriving at the border have placed “a massive strain on communities and schools and hospitals and public resources, like nobody’s ever seen before.”

    At one point he brought press secretary Sarah Sanders on stage and showered her with praise. Sanders told the crowd she was proud to work for the president.

    “Last year, this night, I was at a slightly different event, not quite the best welcome, so this is an amazing honor,” she said, referring to her attendance at the 2018 WHCA dinner, where she was the subject of several of Wolf’s controversial cracks.

    Trump also took time at the start of his rally to offer condolences to the victims of Saturday’s synagogue shooting near San Diego and to denounce anti-Semitism. “Our entire nation mourns the loss of life, prays for the wounded and stands in solidarity with the Jewish community,” he said.

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    “The Democratic National Committee, sometimes referred to as the DNC, is again working its magic in its quest to destroy Crazy Bernie Sanders….,” President Donald Trump tweeted. | Evan Vucci/AP Photo

    2020 Elections

    The Democratic Party is again trying to manipulate its presidential primary elections, President Donald Trump suggested in a two-part tweet on Saturday night.

    “The Democratic National Committee, sometimes referred to as the DNC, is again working its magic in its quest to destroy Crazy Bernie Sanders….,” the president began, following those remarks with: “….for the more traditional, but not very bright, Sleepy Joe Biden. Here we go again Bernie, but this time please show a little more anger and indignation when you get screwed!“

    Story Continued Below

    Sanders, whom Trump frequently refers to as “Crazy Bernie,” doesn’t usually get Trump‘s sympathy or support, except when the president is implying that Democrats are doing inappropriate things to keep him away from the party’s presidential nomination. It was a common refrain by Trump both during and after Sanders’ battle with Hillary Clinton. “Bernie Sanders supporters have every right to be apoplectic of the complete theft of the Dem primary by Crooked Hillary!,” he tweeted in November 2017.

    During the 2016 campaign, he frequently coupled that with a suggestion that Sanders should decline to endorse Clinton and instead run as an independent — clearly a divide-and-conquer strategy on his part.

    “Bernie Sanders has been treated terribly by the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise. He should show them, & run as an Independent,” he tweeted on May 5, 2016. He added two weeks later: “Bernie Sanders is being treated very badly by the Democrats – the system is rigged against him. Many of his disenfranchised fans are for me!“

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    POWAY, Calif. (KGTV) — New details are beginning to emerge about the victims injured in a shooting at a synagogue in Poway Saturday morning.

    One woman was killed in the shooting and three others were injured. According to Palomar Hospital, the woman killed in the attack was 60-years-old. The other three victims range in age from a juvenile, whose exact age is unknown at this time, to the 57-year-old Rabbi.

    The shooting happened at the Chabad of Poway on the 16000 block of Chabad Way around 11:30 a.m., investigators said.


    What to know about Poway synagogue shooting suspect John Earnest

    Read about the victims below:

    Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein

    According to hospital staff, Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein was shot in the hand. The hospital says Goldstein was shot in both index fingers.

    A doctor who spoke at a hospital news conference said the Rabbi’s injuries were most likely defensive wounds and that he is most likely to lose his right index finger.

    The Rabbi is in surgery but is listed in stable condition.

    Almog Peretz described as hero

    The second victim, 34-year-old Almog Peretz, is being described as a hero.

    A man who went to visit Peretz in the hospital says he scooped up many of the children in his arms and ran away from the shooter.

    According to Palomar Hospital staff, Peretz received shrapnel injuries. He is listed in stable condition and expected to recover from his injuries.

    Peretz was visiting from Israel at the time of the shooting.


    Shooting at Poway synagogue leaves one dead, three injured

    Juvenile female

    A juvenile female was also injured in the shooting.

    Authorities haven’t specified the age of the young victim. Her name is also unknown at this time.

    Hospital staff say she received shrapnel injuries to the leg and face. She is listed in stable condition and expected to recover from her injuries.

    60-year-old woman killed

    A 60-year-old woman, who was identified by a friend as Lori Kaye, was killed in the shooting.

    According to Palomar Hospital, the woman was rushed to the hospital after the shooting where she passed away.

    Authorities have not issued further details about the victim or her injuries at this time.


    San Diego reaches out to Poway synagogue victims

    Watch the hospital’s full news conference in the player below:

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    SUMNER COUNTY, Tn. (WBKO) — UPDATE: 4/27/19, 10:24 p.m.

    According to the TBI Twitter account, Michael Cummins has been taken into custody.

    Five people have been found dead in Sumner County and the suspect is on the run.

    According to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, four people were killed at a home on Charles Brown Road in Sumner County near Westmoreland, Tennessee. Allen and Simpson counties in Kentucky border Sumner.

    A fifth victim has been found deceased at a home on Luby Brown Road, TBI confirm.

    TBI says Michael Cummins is a person of interest wanted in connection to the homicides.

    Police said he may be in the woods near the scene at Luby Daniels Road and armed.

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    The bell has rung on round two of the Democratic Party’s civil war.

    Former Vice President Joe BidenJoseph (Joe) Robinette BidenBiden campaign says it will not accept support from super PACs Chasten Buttigieg emerges as Mayor Pete’s secret weapon Qatari embassy’s correspondents weekend party light on jokes, big on dancing MORE’s entry into the 2020 presidential primary sets the stage for another knockdown, drag-out fight between the establishment wing of the party and the ascendant left, led by Sen. Bernie SandersBernard (Bernie) SandersBiden campaign says it will not accept support from super PACs Moulton: Sanders, Warren too liberal to beat Trump in 2020 Chasten Buttigieg emerges as Mayor Pete’s secret weapon MORE (I-Vt.).

    That showdown threatens to tear open old wounds the party suffered in the bitter 2016 primary contest between Sanders and Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonDems raise prejudice concerns with pledges against male running mates Bill Maher hits Mueller after report: ‘Prosecutor Jesus’ didn’t leave adequate road map for impeachment Meet the 2020 spouses who could make history MORE.

    Party leaders have tried to move on from that divisive episode, but there are still deep wells of suspicion and distrust between mainstream Democrats and the left.

    “The civil war that started in 2016 never ended,” said one veteran Democratic hand. “It’s still going on.” 

    The 2016 primary contest left liberals fuming at what they viewed as establishment interference in the race, underscored by the hacked Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails that showed favoritism toward Clinton.

    And some mainstream Democrats are unnerved by what they view as a group of left-wing interlopers, online brawlers and sore losers trying to take over the party.

    The same fight played out in 2017, when party officials elected Tom PerezThomas Edward PerezClinton’s top five vice presidential picks Government social programs: Triumph of hope over evidence Labor’s ‘wasteful spending and mismanagement” at Workers’ Comp MORE to be the next DNC chairman. Perez, who was backed by Biden, narrowly defeated Sanders’s preferred candidate, former Rep. Keith EllisonKeith Maurice Ellison18 state attorneys general call on Justice Dept to release Mueller report Keith Ellison: Evidence points to Trump being ‘sympathetic’ to white nationalist point of view Trump: Media ‘working overtime to blame me’ for New Zealand attack MORE (Minn.). That race similarly cut along establishment and grassroots lines.

    Now liberals are on the lookout for any whiff of malfeasance and warning party insiders that they’re playing fire if they meddle in the 2020 primary.

    “If I were in charge of the DNC or Joe Biden’s campaign or any other entity associated with the traditional Democratic Party, I would be going out of my way to embrace the new energy on the left and these anti-establishment forces,” said Robert Reich, Bill ClintonWilliam (Bill) Jefferson ClintonImpeachment without conviction plays right into Trump’s hands 5 memorable moments from White House Correspondents’ Association Dinners past Meet the 2020 spouses who could make history MORE’s former Labor Secretary and a leading progressive thinker.

    “I hope the establishment wing understands how dangerous it would be to attack Bernie Sanders or anybody else who they may feel represents the left wing of the party. That would be a really stupid thing to do.”

    The left has won a slew of victories in the years since Sanders’s primary defeat. 

    There have been changes at the DNC to limit the power of superdelegates, the party officials who propelled Clinton to victory in 2016. A robust debate schedule will ensure that voters are exposed to the full field of candidates.

    And many of Sanders’s once-fringe ideas have gone mainstream in the Democratic Party.

    “Bernie Sanders has already defined the soul of the party if you look at the current conversation on health care, college tuition, foreign policy and wealth inequality,” said Jonathan Tasini, a progressive writer. “That debate is over if the party looks at what voters thirst for.”

    But many on the left feel like outsiders in the Democratic Party. They’re still worried about officials exerting influence over the primary, particularly if there is a contested convention, which seems likelier this year with the massive field of candidates splitting votes.

    “A lot of people still feel burned,” said Jacob Limon, who was the Texas state director for Sanders’s 2016 campaign. “We corrected a lot of the imbalances, like the unfair superdelegates dynamic, but there are still a lot of raw feelings around that and a sense that you absolutely cannot burn the grassroots again.”

    Biden is trying to avoid the perception that he’s the anointed establishment candidate. In an interview on ABC’s “The View,” Biden said that he specifically asked former President Obama not to endorse him in the primary.

    “I didn’t want it to look like he’s putting his thumb on the scale here,” Biden said. “I’m going to do this based on who I am, not by the president going out and saying, ‘this is the guy you should be with.’”

    But many centrist Democrats are just as worried about how the left will approach the primary contest.

    They’re frustrated by Sanders’s steadfast refusal to officially join the Democratic Party and worried by what they view as his team of political assassins. And they wonder whether Sanders’s supporters will accept the outcome of the primary and turn out to vote for the nominee in the general election if Sanders falls short again.

    “There is a ‘Bernie or bust’ coalition and they have no allegiance to the party,” said the Democratic strategist. “They don’t care about campaign infrastructure or winning up and down the ballot. They’re just concerned about bullshit litmus tests and defending their guy no matter what and pretending that everyone else is a member of the big bad establishment.”

    Liberal groups have torn into Biden since he launched his campaign, casting him as a relic of the “old guard” and an establishment figure beholden to corporate interests.

    The Sanders campaign swiped at Biden for holding a fundraiser at the home of a lobbyist. The Justice Democrats, a liberal group started by former Sanders campaign aides, tore into the former vice president, saying he “stands in near complete opposition to where the center of energy is in the Democratic Party today.”

    “The level of nastiness we see here is completely up to Sanders and his camp,” said Jon Reinish, a Democratic strategist. 

    “Joe Biden is an optimistic guy. I can’t think of a sunnier or more unifying person. The way he communicates is in stark contrast to Sen. Sanders, who unfortunately tends to campaign in a language of grievances, conspiracies and victimhood. It’s my hope that Sen. Sanders campaigns on his own merits and polices, but so far his surrogates and he have engaged in the same old attacks. No other Democrat is doing that. Sanders is the one that sets the tone for his campaign here.”

    Still, some Democrats are optimistic that the party will come together in the end no matter the outcome.

    “In 2016, the question was do you want Bernie or Hillary,” said Howard Gutman, a former Obama administration ambassador. “The circumstances couldn’t be more different this time around. We have a broad array of strong candidates from the entire Democratic family and the only issue is, how do we beat Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPrevention is a critical tool in the fight against addiction USMCA is a needed reprieve from Trump-induced uncertainty Sam Donaldson slams Sarah Sanders: She’s had ‘a lifetime achievement Oscar for lying’ MORE? That’s the great unifier.”



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    SEATTLE, Wash. – UPDATE: The Seattle Fire Department has confirmed that four people are dead and three injured after a construction crane fell into traffic Saturday afternoon. 


    The Seattle Fire Department responded to a fallen crane on Mercer St and Fairview Saturday afternoon, where it was reported that several people were killed. 

    A tweet released by the department initially confirmed that the crane fell on multiple cars. 

    KOMO News and the Department of Transportation reported footage from the scene, where reporters with KOMO said that several people were killed. 

    This is a developing story. 

    Catch up on the day’s news and look ahead to tomorrow by signing up for the Daily Local email newsletter from KXLY4. Headlines, events, and staff picks every weeknight at 8 p.m. Sign up HERE to get your news on the D.L.

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    Brother Stanley was the pastor in charge of the Zion church in the Mattakalappu area of Sri Lanka when the bombing happened.

    Speaking to BBC Tamil, he recalls meeting the suspected bomber outside the church and inviting him inside after he had enquired at what time the Easter service would begin.

    The bombings targeted churches that were packed full for the Easter holiday, as well as hotels popular with tourists.

    Sri Lankan authorities blamed a local Islamist extremist group, National Tawheed Jamath, for the attacks, although the Islamic State group (IS) has also claimed it played a role.

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    Author and historian Ron Chernow speaks at the annual White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner in Washington, D.C. Saturday.

    James Lawler Duggan/Reuters

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    James Lawler Duggan/Reuters

    Author and historian Ron Chernow speaks at the annual White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner in Washington, D.C. Saturday.

    James Lawler Duggan/Reuters

    Separate events held Saturday evening in the nation’s capital and a Wisconsin arena painted two divergent pictures of the press.

    In Washington, the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, an annual comedic event, was light on jokes and replete instead with warnings about the consequences of attacks on the free press.

    Meanwhile, President Trump rallied supporters in Green Bay, touting economic growth and repeating familiar calls of “fake news” to a cheering crowd.

    He also disparaged special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, mocked Democratic presidential contenders Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and boasted about the media presence at his rally. “Can you imagine Sleepy Joe, Crazy Bernie. … Can you imagine any of those people up here doing what I’m doing?” he said.

    “I think, Pocahontas, she’s finished, she’s out, she’s gone,” he said as well, using his preferred nickname for Warren.

    The president’s decision to skip the glitzy, annual event in favor of a campaign rally came as no surprise. Trump has avoided the dinner every year since he became president, breaking with more than three decades of tradition.

    And while some White House officials had planned to attend as guests of the various news organizations that the event honors, the administration announced last Tuesday that it would completely boycott the celebration.

    Olivier Knox, WHCA president, asked attendees of the dinner to turn their attention to journalists who were “suffering for their craft” around the world and advocate for the release of Austin Tice, a freelance journalist kidnapped while reporting in Syria in 2012.

    “This is not [Trump’s] dinner, it is ours,” said Knox. “And it should stay ours.”

    In another break with tradition, the evening’s keynote address was delivered by historian Ron Chernow. The dinner has typically featured a comedian cracking jokes at the expense of the president, who has also usually offered up his own roast of other politicians and the media.

    The change in format followed a controversial performance last year by comedian Michelle Wolf, who faced criticism for her remarks — mostly about the Trump administration — which were called “harsh” and “risque.”

    Knox said he had asked Chernow to speak as part of an effort to focus the event more on journalism itself. The WHCA has previously faced criticism of the event, including that it seems extravagant, excessively cozy with the White House and removed from its stated purpose of supporting scholarships, as Politico reports.

    In his speech on Saturday night, Chernow narrated the history of journalists in the White House — touching on everything from how the press once shielded the private lives of presidents to Eleanor Roosevelt’s role in elevating female correspondents — as he made a case for the free press and the First Amendment.

    “Relations between presidents and the press are inevitably tough, almost always adversarial, but they don’t need to be steeped in venom,” he said.

    Chernow also offered a defense of comedians, quoting comedian Will Rogers in saying the country had arrived at a point where “people are taking their comedians seriously and their politicians as a joke.” In that spirit, he cracked more than a few jokes to varying degrees of success, the subjects of which included the Mueller report, Alexander Hamilton (“An immigrant who arrived, thank god, before the country was full”) and his own speech (a “20-minute sedative” for the evening).

    President Trump disparaged Democratic presidential candidates and the news media during a rally in Green Bay, Wis., on Saturday.

    Lauren Justice/Bloomberg via Getty Images

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    Lauren Justice/Bloomberg via Getty Images

    President Trump disparaged Democratic presidential candidates and the news media during a rally in Green Bay, Wis., on Saturday.

    Lauren Justice/Bloomberg via Getty Images

    Shortly before Chernow and Knox spoke about public mistrust of journalism and a tide of misinformation, a crowd at the president’s rally in Wisconsin chanted “CNN sucks” as the president joked about the network.

    “I’ll tell you, you know what sucks? Their ratings suck,” he said. “Because people don’t believe them.”

    Trump spent much of the night promoting the U.S. economy and talking about “unfair” trade practices from countries like India and China. He pointed to 3.2% GDP growth in the first quarter that showed the economy gaining steam — and cited job gains in Wisconsin, a state that served as a tipping point in the 2016 election.

    He also discussed immigration and detention of undocumented migrants, telling the crowd that “illegal immigrants” arriving at the border have placed “a massive strain on communities and schools and hospitals and public resources, like nobody’s ever seen before.”

    At one point he brought press secretary Sarah Sanders on stage and showered her with praise. Sanders told the crowd she was proud to work for the president.

    “Last year, this night, I was at a slightly different event, not quite the best welcome, so this is an amazing honor,” she said, referring to her attendance at the 2018 WHCA dinner when she was the subject of several of Wolf’s controversial cracks.

    Trump also took time at the start of his rally to offer condolences to the victims of Saturday’s synagogue shooting near San Diego and denounce anti-Semitism. “Our entire nation mourns the loss of life, prays for the wounded and stands in solidarity with the Jewish community,” he said.

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    National Rifle Association President Oliver North said Saturday that he won’t serve a second term as the leader of the gun-rights group.

    The resignation appears to be the culmination of an internal power struggle among the leadership that has recently engulfed the group, which reached a crescendo on Friday when the NRA’s executive vice president Wayne LaPierre, the effective public face of the organization, accused North of pressuring him to resign.

    In a letter read out by a board member Saturday, North said: “Please know I hoped to be with you today as NRA president endorsed for reelection. I’m now informed that that will not happen.”

    He said that the NRA should form a committee to probe the group’s finances, adding that it represents a “clear crisis” that “needs to be dealt with” if the organization wants to remain a viable organization.


    In a separate letter dated Thursday to NRA board members, LaPierre said North asked him to resign on Wednesday. North told LaPierre the NRA’s longtime advertising firm, Ackerman McQueen, planned to send a letter to the board through North that would be “bad for me” unless he resigned.

    National Rifle Association President Oliver North said Saturday that he won’t serve a second term as the leader of the gun-rights group.<br data-cke-eol=”1″>

    “Yesterday evening, I was forced to confront one of those defining choices — styled, in the parlance of extortionists — as an offer I couldn’t refuse,” the letter, which was obtained by the Wall Street Journal, read. “I refused it.”

    He added that North said “the letter would not be sent — if I were to abruptly resign,” noting that “He stated that he could ‘negotiate’ an ‘excellent retirement’ for me.”

    The Daily Beast reported Saturday that the organization had also suspended its top lawyer, Steve Hart, although it was not immediately clear why. Meanwhile, NPR reported that the organization’s membership opposed an executive session of the meeting and a secret session without the media present.

    A lawsuit filed by the NRA against Ackerman last month claims the company overbilled the group and that North had a conflict of interest because Ackerman paid him.

    LaPierre accused North of having “contractual and financial loyalties” to Ackerman in addition to his criticism that the NRA’s messaging has moved too far from the original mission of gun safety and the outdoors.


    “As you know, the NRA. has over this past year taken steps to strengthen its efforts to document and verify compliance by our vendors with our purchasing practices and their contracts,” LaPierre wrote in his letter on Thursday to the board. “We’ve met extraordinary resistance from one vendor — Ackerman McQueen.”

    North’s reign at the organization lasted less than a year and shows the NRA’s internal support for LaPierre who became a symbol of gun-rights movement in the U.S. after being the public face of the group and its policies for decades.

    “Wayne has the confidence of a strong majority of the board,” Todd Rathner, a board member from Arizona, told the Associated Press.

    “They trust him. They know that he’s the face of the NRA. And quite frankly I think that anybody that wants to remove him, they’re going to have to get through this board first.”


    The turmoil in the organization played out as it held its 148th annual conference in Indianapolis, with President Trump headlining the convention Friday and promising to protect gun rights in the 2020 elections and oppose gun-control efforts by Democrats.

    Fox News’ Louis Casiano and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

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