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No todo es el dólar, ni la ronda cero, o como se llame, ni la violencia desaforada. Gil está de plácemes. La Fórmula 1 vuelve después de veinte años de ausencia a nuestro país. Gamés no podía con la mortificación, cada noche le decía a su alma vagabunda: ¿por qué no hay Fórmula 1 en México? ¿Qué hicimos mal? ¿Por qué nos hemos acostumbrado a vivir sin la escudería? La verdad la vida no era una vida tan vida hasta que la noticia atravesó los portales, los foros televisivos, las redacciones de los diarios: Fórmula 1 vuelve a México. ¿Querían resultados de las reformas estructurales del gobierno de Peña? Ahí los tienen: Fórmula 1 en nuestro país. Gran noticia.

Para quienes lo ignoran: el Gran Premio de México es una carrera de campeonato mundial. El triunfo se lo han llevado a casa Ayrton Senna, Alan Prost y Ricardo Patrese. ¿Cómo les quedó el ojo? No empiecen, caracho. Si no saben nada de nada, Gilga les va a explicar: es como si dijéramos que en un equipo juegan Messi, Christiano y el gran Chícharo. Ya en serio: como si una mesa la compartieran Flaubert, Dickens y Dostoyevski. Como lo oyen. Si la lectora, el lector y el lectere supieran algo, Gamés añadiría que Senna y Prost vencieron en un Mclaren Honda, y que Patrese pasó por la meta como una ráfaga en un Ferrari, pero Gilga siente que quienes leen esta página del fondo no sintonizan con el apasionante deporte del automovilismo. Ah, el Autódromo de los Hermanos Rodríguez; ah, el inenarrable circuito; ah, la pasión por el deporte. Digan lo que quieran, pero se trata de un deporte de gran tensión. ¿No?

Ríos rojos
Esta semana sólo hemos leído en los periódicos noticias que retumban en esa zona del cerebro donde se produce la felicidad. Ya lo saben: la Nasa dio a conocer uno de los principales hallazgos hechos en el planeta rojo: la presencia de agua líquida salada durante las estaciones cálidas, agua que se evapora durante las épocas frías del año marciano. Si Gil ha entendido bien, cosa improbable, este descubrimiento pone al descubierto la posibilidad de encontrar vida en Marte, o bien que el hombre pueda colonizar ese mundo rojo.

Así las casas (muletilla patrocinada por Grupo Higa), Gilga ha meditado: al paso que vamos en la Tierra, quizá lo mejor sea emigrar al planeta rojo. Eso sí, pioneros mexicanos, y no es que Gamés albergue (no empiecen) nacionalismos inconfesados, pero ya le toca a México un planeta, qué diablos, le hemos dado al mundo el pulque, el sarape, el amaranto, al Chícharo Hernández, a Pascual Ortiz Rubio. Y el mundo, ¿qué nos ha dado? Nada, sólo sinsabores: petróleo a precios de risa, dólar caro, jamás el quinto partido. No hay derecho.

¿Saben qué?, vámonos a Marte. Dejamos aquí al PRI de Beltrones y a la Morena de Liópez, al PAN del enjundioso joven Anaya y a los partidos pequeños como el PRD. Nos llevamos un pie de cría de los Ángeles Azules, unos tacos de suadero, unas chelas bien muertas y verán si no fundamos una civilización poderosa como el Dios marciano manda. Porque efectivamente, al cambiar de planeta, cambia el Dios, ¿no es cierto? No se sabe bien, pero mientras lo averiguamos busquen a Gilga en Marte.

Gil caminó sobre la duela de cedro blanco y meditó: nadie sabe si en Marte hay populismo. El presidente Peña ha llamado la atención sobre los peligros del populismo en el planeta Tierra y en especial en México. En poder de Gilga obran documentos en los cuales se demuestra que en Marte sí hay populismo.

Un marciano que se dice bueno y que afirma representar a la marcianiza pobre está necio con que le robaron la presidencia marciana, que no cualquiera gana. Aquí en la Tierra es fácil, pero allá arriba (¿o abajo?) está muy cañón porque falta el oxígeno. A ver, ¿ganen unas elecciones sin oxígeno? Ese marciano quiere persuadir a su planeta de que puede ahorrarse 500 mil millones de marciapesos, que cotizan como la lumbre, no el pesito que tenemos de este lado del u
universo. El marciano mayor no se anda con pequeñeces. Según él, si nos ahorramos unos celulares y bajamos los salarios, en Marte todo será bienestar. En fon, cada quien su vida marciana.

La máxima de Baltazar Gracián espetó en el ático de las frases célebres: “Ciencia sin seso, locura doble”.

Gil s’en va.

Twitter: @GilGamesX

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Isaura Daniel/ANBA

Ikram: poultry business

São Paulo – Four Arab importers are taking part of the 15th Expodireto Cotrijal this Wednesday (12), the agribusiness fair that takes place in Rio Grande do Sul’s city of Não-Me-Toque. On their way to the fair, the group passed through São Paulo’s capital this Monday (11) and visited the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce. They are food and machinery distributors and, according to information supplied to ANBA, they intend to find suppliers on the fair.

One of them is Imran Ikram, general manager of Gusto Distribution, company that deals with importing and distributing food products in Oman, Dubai and Saudi Arabia, and will soon start operations in Libya and Iraq. Gusto works with products such as poultry, meat, French fries, green beans, frozen vegetables among others; but has in poultry 60% to 70% of their business. It is the first time Ikram has come to Brazil, but Gusto already purchases Brazilian poultry. Their goal in Expodireto Cotrijal, however, is to find new supplying plants.

Isaura Daniel/ANBA

Zamoum wants to buy more from Brazil

 Also in Brazil to take part in the fair is president and director-general of ONAB Trade, Mustapha Zamoum, from Algeria. The company imports food products and processes them to sell in their country. According to him, Algeria is a market with great opportunities. The company purchased last year 27,000 tonnes of meat and 32,000 tonnes of soy bean from Brazil, worth US$ 10 mn. Their goal is to increase these volumes, said Zamoum.

According to the Algerian’s perception, soy and corn from Brazil are competitive, but the country has infrastructure problems that affect business and goods transport. In Expodireto, he wants to know the producers, buy feed and be in touch with poultry equipment manufacturers for possible partnerships.

From Morocco to Brazil to take part in the fair in Não-Me-Toque is purchasing director of Koutobia Holding, Omar Iraqi. The company is the biggest meat industry in Morocco, with 75% local market share. It deals with poultry, meat and sausages, purchasing the raw material mainly from Europe. The company does not import from Brazil yet, but would like to do so, according to Iraqi. In Expodireto, the Moroccan intends to do business, find good price and products, according to the importer. He wants to arrange long term partnerships.

Isaura Daniel/ANBA

Mech works with the machinery sector

 Alanwar Trading Company, from Iraq, is an agricultural machinery and parts importer and distributor in the Arab country and is also represented in the Brazilian Fair. It deals with brands such as Massey Ferguson, AGCO, New Holand, John Deere, among others. The import manager from the company, Anwer Habesh Mech says the company imported from Brazil on three opportunities, in the years of 2009, 2011 and roughly two months ago. Mech claims that he wants to do direct business in Expodireto.

While in São Paulo, the importers met with Arab-Brazilian Chamber’s CEO, Michel Alaby, and watched presentations about Brazilian agribusiness, the entity’s work and Expodireto Cotrijal. They acquired information about the fair’s size, the Brazilian production of grains such maize and soy bean, agricultural machinery, among other products. Government relations manager of the entity, Tamer Mansour, and Market Intelligence director, Suelma Rosa dos Santos, placed the Arab-Brazilian Chamber at the executives and entrepreneurs’ disposal, in order to help them on their business with Brazil and put them in touch with potential importers.

 *Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça

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After nearly a week of searching, and enough legal twists and turns to write a movie plot, the tiger seen roaming the streets of a neighborhood in Houston has been found.

The tiger, named India, was found unharmed Saturday evening, after the pet’s owner got in contact with the Houston Police Department and said she wanted to surrender the animal.

The tiger was brought to BARC Houston, the city’s animal shelter, by the woman, police said.

“I think the public thought that it would be easy to catch a tiger, but it wasn’t at all,” HPD Cmdr. Ron Borza said at a press conference Saturday night. “I presumed right that it was still in Houston and I’m glad it worked out this way.”

Borza said the woman who surrendered the tiger was the wife of Victor Cuevas, who was previously taken into custody Monday night at his mother’s house in Richmond, Texas, according to the Houston Police Department.

The Houston Police Department also shared video of someone feeding the tiger after it was recovered.

Emily Ehrhorn, with the Humane Society of the United States, told ABC News they expect to move India from Houston’s Animal Control to their sanctuary at some point Saturday night.

“Just because we got India back today, doesn’t mean there aren’t other exotic animals in the city of Houston,” Borza said. I’d like to round them all up and put them in a safe environment, because it’s not safe in an apartment, it’s not safe in a house. They need to be with other animals.”

It is illegal to own a tiger in the city of Houston, officials said. Borza said India is only 9 months old and already weighs about 175 pounds.

The saga of the loose tiger began Sunday night when users on the Nextdoor app in west Houston began sharing news of seeing the big cat. Soon after, video of the cat began to emerge on social media.

In one video, a man who is allegedly Cuevas is seen approaching the cat, kissing it on the nose and taking it back inside a nearby house.

Cuevas, 26, allegedly fled the scene in a vehicle with the tiger Sunday night just as police were arriving, but he no longer had the tiger when police arrested him.

Cuevas was charged Monday with felony evading police.

Police said at the time of his arrest that Cuevas was the owner of the animal, though he has denied that throughout the week. Borza reiterated it was Cuevas’ tiger Saturday night, and said they don’t plan to charge his wife at this time.

Most recently, Michael Elliott, Cuevas’ attorney, said Friday after a court appearance that the cat did not belong to his client.

“Basically, as we’ve said all along, the cat was not Victor’s, and he was one that was a caretaker of the cat on occasion.”

“I think the cat probably still is with the owner, the information that we had from before is that the owner also loved India. So this literally was like a dog,” Elliott added Friday, prior to the cat’s return.

The tiger climbed a fence and escaped the property on Sunday night, Elliott said.

Cuevas’ bond was increased to $300,000 at the court appearance on Friday.

Cuevas was previously arrested in July 2020 and charged with murder stemming from a 2017 fatal shooting outside a sushi restaurant in Fort Bend County, Texas, according to police. He has pleaded not guilty and was free on bond at the time of his arrest this week.

“I know there is a family out there that they lost somebody, I’m not unsympathetic to them,” Elliott said Friday of the murder charge. “But at the same time, the allegation is that Victor intentionally killed this person. … His contention, from the beginning … this was an instance of self-defense in which I was attacked and defended myself.”

ABC News’ William Hutchinson, Zohreen Shah and Abby Shalawylo contributed to this report.

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Before the call in the Treaty Room, senior administration officials said the conversation became necessary after previous discussions had erupted in criticism and ended with few commitments to collaborate.

A meeting in March between China’s top diplomats and senior Biden administration officials, including Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, ended in denunciations and without any joint statement on an intention to collaborate. A trip by Wendy R. Sherman, the deputy secretary of state, to China in July similarly ended with little sign of progress.

During the most recent attempt to collaborate on addressing climate change, Chinese officials told John Kerry, the U.S. climate envoy, in Tianjin last week that the escalating tension would hinder any potential cooperation.

“Without political will at the very top of both governments, any stabilization of the relationship, any progress toward work of mutual concern like climate or the pandemic, is impossible,” said Myron Brilliant, the executive vice president and head of international affairs at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “It starts with the two leaders agreeing to a framework for working together on areas of shared concern.”

Mr. Brilliant said the next phase of dialogue between the two leaders would need “to be backed by more concrete steps toward engagement in areas where the two sides also have differences and challenges,” such as trade and technology.

Mr. Biden shared concerns with Mr. Xi over cybersecurity, two months after the administration accused the Chinese government of breaching Microsoft email systems used by the world’s largest companies and the United States rallied a broad group of allies to condemn Beijing for cyberattacks around the world.

The effort by the Biden administration to organize denunciations from multiple nations angered the Chinese Communist Party. But the Foreign Ministry’s summary of the call said that both countries “agreed that it was very important for the leaders of China and the United States to engage in thorough communication” and that they would maintain regular contact.

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Utah police recovered “multiple items of evidence” from a Salt Lake City home after serving a search warrant in connection with the disappearance of University of Utah student Mackenzie Lueck, department Chief Mike Brown told reporters. 

During a Thursday news conference shared on the department’s Facebook page, Brown said the owner of the home is a “person of interest” who has been questioned by detectives. No arrests have been made in connection with Lueck’s case.

“Our detectives collected multiple items of evidence throughout the night that are in the process of being tested and analyzed,” he said. “This will take some time.”

Police said they are also looking for a mattress and box spring given away by the homeowner last week. 

Lueck, 23, landed at Salt Lake City International Airport early on June 17 after visiting family in California. The University of Utah senior took a Lyft to Hatch Park in North Salt Lake and met up with another person in a car, police said. That, according to police, was the last time Lueck was seen.  

Lyft told USA TODAY the route that Lueck’s driver took contained no irregularities and ended at the destination as originally entered by the rider. The driver continued providing rides immediately after Lueck’s ride, Lyft said. 

Brown did not confirm if the owner of the home was the person Lueck met after taking Lyft from the airport. The Salt Lake Tribune reported the owner of the home turned part of the house into a rental he offers through AirBnB, citing a neighbor. 

Lueck took a Lyft to meet someone: Now she’s missing

“This is a digital forensic investigation,” he said. “This is covering computers, cell phones, IP addresses, URLs, texting apps. This is very complicated and it has a digital footprint that our investigators have been following since last Thursday.”

Brown said the warrant executed on the Utah home was “one of many” connected to the case. 

Salt Lake City police investigate a tip that may be connected to the disappearance of Mackenzie Lueck on Wednesday, June 26, 2019, in Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City Assistant Police Chief Tim Doubt said Wednesday night that detectives were serving a search warrant at the home in relation to the case, but refused to provide any more details. Lueck disappeared after taking a Lyft car June 17 from the airport to a park located miles from her apartment. (Francisco Kjolseth/The Salt Lake Tribune via AP)

When Brown was asked Thursday if he believed foul play was involved, he said, “We’re not revealing that right now.” Earlier in the investigation, police had said they didn’t suspect foul play.

Brown added he’s spoken with Lueck’s father, Greg, over the last few days. 

“I can tell you I can feel the heartache and the pain and the suffering in his voice as we spoke,” Brown said. “And my commitment to Greg was that we would do within our power at the Salt Lake City Police Department to bring Mackenzie home. And that is our charge and that is what we’ve committed to do.”

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Police: ‘Multiple items of evidence’ found in home searched in Mackenzie Lueck’s disappearance

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Dubai – The Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) has confirmed to ANBA this Tuesday (25th) that it plans on opening an office in São Paulo in a bid to help its 150,000 member companies invest in yet under-tapped markets. According to the DCCI Commercial Services Department senior director, Atiq Juma Faraj Nasib, the organization plans on opening offices in countries that may become major partners with Dubai-based companies, and the bureau in São Paulo is “on the radar.”

Marcos Carrieri/ANBA

Saeed (L), Abdalla, Abdouni & Alaby discussed projects

 This Tuesday (25th), at the DCCI headquarters in Dubai, Nasib welcomed the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce CEO, Michel Alaby, Institutional Relations director, Silvio Abdalla, and Gulf director, Mohamad Abdouni. There is no set date for the opening of the office in São Paulo.

“Africa is our primary target right now. After that we will move onto other regions. Why leave Dubai? We have many members and the local market is already saturated. We must find new opportunities. Thus, we are moving into markets that can offer the type of product we need, products we can import. We are also looking to gather information and conduct studies on other regions for our members. There are plenty of opportunities in South and Central America, especially in Brazil, which is a food supplier, with quality beef and poultry, and which is also a competitive country,” said Nasib.

According to the DCCI press office, the chapter in São Paulo will provide a facility for Dubai-based enterprises to arrange meetings with potential local partners, as well as promotional meetings.

The office will also be used for promoting Dubai as an international business hub, and to publicize the DCCI’s services and initiatives. the organization has informed that it hopes its Brazilian office will result in foreign direct investment being made in the emirate.

Last Sunday (23rd), the Foreign Trade undersecretary to the Ministry of Economy of the United Arab Emirates, Abdullah Saleh, had already told the Arab Brazilian Chamber directors that the Gulf country is looking to increase business and investment with South American countries. On Monday (24th), the Emirati minister of Foreign Affairs, Anwar Gargash, confirmed that the emir of Dubai, Mohamed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, is visiting Brazil and other South American countries in April.

At the meeting this Tuesday, Alaby and the DCCI delegate also discussed allowing mutual access to the two commerce chambers’ databanks, so the members of both can find details about other members. It will be a way to promote bilateral trade and information exchange between companies from Brazil and Dubai.

They also discussed implementing an exchange program between the two organizations. The idea is to have Arab Brazilian Chamber members spend a month at the DCCI headquarters and vice versa, so they can learn about the business environment, daily activities, and document issuance procedures.


Shared databank and exchange program proposals were also discussed with delegates from the Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry, who welcomed the Arab Brazilian Chamber directors this Tuesday in Dubai’s neighbouring emirate. On Monday (24th), Alaby also proposed setting up an exchange program with the Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

During the meeting this Tuesday (25th), the vice president of the Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Saeed Obaid Al Jarwan, and its director general, Hussain Mohamed Mahmoudi, invited Alaby to attend a seminar due in late March. They want to have a Brazilian lecturer speak at the event on major business opportunities with the country.

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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Senator David Perdue and Jon Ossoff are headed for a close election, although polls have shifted in the incumbent senator’s favor in recent days.

Mail-in and early in-person voting for the Georgia runoff election has already begun and there’s just about two weeks until Election Day. With control of the Senate on the line, Democrats and Republicans have a vested interest in the outcome of the race between Perdue and Ossoff and Georgians have already cast about 500,000 ballots.

On average, Perdue has a .8 point lead over his Democratic challenger, according to FiveThirtyEight, a margin that makes for a statistical tie. The most recent poll came out on Thursday from Emerson College and gave Perdue a 3 point advantage, a lead that’s within the poll’s margin of error.

Of the 600 people polled, 51 percent said they were going to vote for Perdue and 48 percent were planning on supporting Ossoff. Democrats have the lead among younger voters and Republicans have an advantage with those over the age of 45.

Given that there are a limited number of voters who plan to cast votes for a Republican in one race and a Democrat in another, Spencer Kimball, Director of Emerson College Polling, suspected one party would win both seats.

If Ossoff and Reverend Raphael Warnock, who is challenging Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler for her seat in a runoff election, oust the two Republicans from office, there will be a 50-50 split in the Senate. This effectively gives Democrats control because Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will cast any necessary tie-breaking votes.

Senator David Perdue has a slight edge over Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff but the race is still too close to call. Perdue addresses the crowd during a campaign rally at Peachtree Dekalb Airport on Monday in Atlanta, Georgia.
Jessica McGowan/Getty

President-elect Joe Biden benefitted from mail-in voting and it turned the tide of the election in his favor. President Donald Trump largely dissuaded voters from casting their ballots by mail, but this time around, the president and vice president have pushed Georgians to vote by any available method.

Emerson’s poll found 61 percent of people who already voted went for Ossoff and 39 percent cast ballots for Perdue. However, 68 percent of those polled who plan to vote on January 5 are planning on casting ballots for Perdue.

One of the top priorities for voters in the Georgia election is the COVID-19 response and in that area, Ossoff leads among voters. The Democratic candidate has been a vocal advocate for a second round of stimulus checks and has hit Perdue for not having the same level of enthusiasm about the measure.

Perdue voted in favor of the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act in March, but said he opposed direct payments on a personal level.

In November, Perdue received about 80,000 more votes than Ossoff, but because he fell short of the 50 percent threshold needed to win an election in Georgia, it forced the race into a runoff. Although he had the advantage in November, nothing is guaranteed come January and pollsters expect the race to come down to the wire.

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CNN host Chris Cuomo has been scolded by just about everyone in the media industry since the New York attorney general revealed his involvement in his brother’s sexual harassment scandal with one seemingly notable exception: CNN’s prominent female anchors. 

The Poynter Institute, an MSNBC column, countless Twitter personalities, media watchdogs, journalism professors and even liberal former U.S. attorney Joyce Vance have condemned Chris Cuomo for advising his brother, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, not to step down amid sexual misconduct allegations.


Alisyn Camerota, Brianna Keilar, Kate Bolduan are among the prominent women at CNN that have been silent about Chris Cuomo’s role in his brother’s sexual harassment scandal.
(Getty Images)

New York Attorney General Letitia James announced Tuesday that an investigation into sexual harassment allegations against Gov. Cuomo found that he harassed multiple women from 2013 to 2020. James’ report also indicated that CNN’s Cuomo crafted a statement for his big brother while he was simultaneously serving as a news anchor for the liberal network. The “Cuomo Prime Time” namesake has yet to comment publicly on the debacle, but he’s not the only prominent person from the network to remain silent. 

None of CNN’s female anchors have condemned their colleague on air for helping the governor navigate sexual harassment claims, according to a search of Grabien Media. 

CNN female personalities Alisyn Camerota, Brianna Keilar, Kate Bolduan, Erin Burnett, Dana Bash, Pamela Brown, Ana Cabrera and Christine Romans haven’t condemned Chris Cuomo’s role on Twitter, either. Bolduan and Bash did express shock at Gov. Cuomo’s reported behavior itself following James’ press conference.


It’s obviously awkward for anyone to publicly criticize a colleague, and CNN’s prominent females aren’t expected to do anything that could make them uncomfortable in the workplace. CNN’s “Early Start” co-anchor Laura Jarrett retweeted the full attorney general report on Twitter, but did not directly mention Chris Cuomo’s involvement. 

Some female CNN personalities, such as Kate Bennett and S.E. Cupp, have taken to Twitter to express disgust with Gov. Cuomo, but none of them have appeared to publicly criticize Chris Cuomo’s role. 

CNN is the only major cable news network without a female anchor during primetime. Despite that, CNN fancies itself as a progressive workplace. Their recent projects include “Badass Women of Washington” and a celebration of the 100th anniversary of women being allowed to vote, so it raises eyebrows as to why the network’s prominent females haven’t mentioned their colleague’s growing scandal. 

CNN did not immediately respond when asked if female staffers were told not to publicly speak out against Chris Cuomo. One female CNN host told Fox News she was not instructed how to cover the story by management.

However, women from other networks and industries have been vocal. 

“CNN’s Chris Cuomo running cover for his powerful brother amid sexual harassment allegations is why so many women do not come forward,” activist Jen Perelman tweeted. “There should be a price to pay for this.”

Journalist Laura Bassett wrote Tuesday for MSNBC that CNN’s Cuomo “should resign from covering politics or be fired” over advising his brother.

“It’s extremely inappropriate and unethical for a journalist to advise and craft the statements of a politician, regardless of family relation,” Bassett wrote. 


“The View” co-host Meghan McCain slammed Chris Cuomo, too, noting that failing to report on his brother’s scandal is “the worst kind of nepotism.”

The New York Times reported on Wednesday that CNN executives even “floated the idea” earlier this year that he take a “temporary leave” as his brother faced multiple controversies, including accusations of sexual misconduct. 

Prior to the damning attorney general report, Cuomo previously apologized to his CNN colleagues on air for putting them in a “bad spot” and acknowledged he was in a “unique and difficult situation” as the brother of the nation’s most prominent governor while being CNN’s star anchor, but he insisted “I know where the line is.”


When the governor’s scandals first emerged, Cuomo told his viewers that he “obviously” cannot cover his brother, but that wasn’t the case last year when he invited the New York Democrat nearly a dozen times for chummy interviews where he praised the “Luv Guv’s” leadership during the pandemic. The two of them even performed prop comedy with a giant Q-tip. 

At the time, CNN had lifted its rule that barred Cuomo from interviewing his brother. But ever since the governor went from being a media darling to an embattled figure, CNN reinstated its rule on the Cuomo siblings.

CNN also recently welcomed back its top legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin from an extended leave of absence that was granted when he was caught masturbating on a Zoom call in front of several female staffers at his other gig as a writer for the New Yorker. The prestigious magazine fired Toobin for his actions, but CNN allowed him to stick around and even enlisted Camerota to explain the graphic details to viewers on his first day back. 

Fox News’ Joseph A. Wulfsohn contributed to this report. 

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São Paulo – In 2013, Brazilian companies became more international than in 2012. According to a survey conducted by Dom Cabral Foundation, last year Brazilian companies attained 22.9% of internationalization. In 2012, the rate was 21.3%. The study covered 52 multinational companies and 14 companies which operate abroad via franchises.

The internationalization or transnationality index is the result of three calculations performed by the Dom Cabral Foundation: ratio of assets abroad to total assets; ratio of foreign revenue to total revenue; and ratio of foreign workforce to total workforce.

As per these ratios, construction company Norberto Odebrecht was the most international business in 2013, with a 0.549 score. Next on the list are Gerdau (steel), InterCement (cement), Stefanini (software consulting), Metalfrio (refrigerators), Magnesita (steel), Marfrig (meat), JBS (meat), Artecola (chemicals) and Ibope (statistics institute). This was the first time in the last four editions of the ranking that JBS did not top the list.

The ranking of companies active in the highest number of countries is topped by Stefanini, operating in 32 countries, followed by the electric engine manufacturer WEG, active in 31 countries, the mining company Vale, in 27 countries, bus manufacturer Marcopolo (25) and the bank Banco do Brasil (24).

In revenues, JBS leads the ranking, followed by Norberto Odebrecht, Magnesita, Marfrig and Gerdau. The ranking by assets is topped by Magnesita, followed by the meat plant Minerva Foods, Stefanini, Metalfrio and Gerdau. In the workforce index, the most international company is InterCement, followed by Marfrig, JBS, Metalfrio and Gerdau.

The ranking has shown that the Brazilian multinationals surveyed operate in 89 countries. The United States has the strongest Brazilian presence: 39 companies in total, followed by Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, China, Venezuela, Paraguay, Portugal, Bolivia and the United Kingdom.

Countries and franchises

Among the Arab countries, Brazilian companies are present in Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon and Oman. In Kuwait, Brazilian companies operate via franchises only. The survey shows that in 2013 five Brazilian companies fled Argentina due to its struggling economy. Brazilian companies did not flee Arab countries; in fact Saudi Arabia, the Emirates and Lebanon received one new Brazilian company each.

The most internationalized franchise-based company was car rental group Localiza, followed by the natural food store chain Mundo Verde, grooming parlor chain DepylAction, eyewear retailer Chilli Beans, shoe retailer Datelli, clothes manufacturer Hering, fast food chain Giraffas, yoghurt store chain Yogoberry, shoe store chain Arezzo and beauty spa Magrass.

As regards franchises, the index is calculated based on ratio of stores abroad to total number of stores; royalties from foreign operations to total royalties; and revenue from foreign franchisees’ sales in comparison to total franchisees’ sales.

According to the survey, 65.1% of the companies surveyed plan on expanding their operations in countries they already operate in this year, and 55.6% plan on entering new countries. The survey’s coordinator, Sherban Cretoiu, said the companies were more optimistic about sales abroad than domestic sales, which may be related to the slowdown in Brazil’s economy.

*Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça

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ST. JOHNS COUNTY, Fla. – St. Johns County Sheriff Rob Hardwick described the killing of 13-year-old Tristyn Bailey as “not an accident” and called her death a “cold-blooded murder,” News 6 partner WJXT-TV reported.

“This is a cold-blooded murder of a 13-year-old young girl who did not deserve to die,” the sheriff said Tuesday.

[TRENDING: Pipeline shutdown prompts state of emergency | 13-year-old girl was stabbed to death, ME says | 226 gators removed from Disney World]

Hardwick has been in law enforcement a long time but just recently became the sheriff in St. Johns County. Like so many others have expressed, the killing of Bailey is shocking for a growing neighborhood seen as safe.

The St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office said Tuesday that the chief medical examiner determined the teenage girl’s death was a homicide caused by “sharp force trauma by stabbing.”

“That being said, I don’t want to mention the number of times, but it is horrific. It is horrible,” Hardwick said. “And the word accident is nowhere involved in this case.”

Hardwick said Aiden Fucci, 14, is the only suspect detectives have in the case.

Fucci, a schoolmate of Bailey’s at Patriot Oaks Academy, is charged with second-degree murder in connection with her death.

Fucci appeared in court Tuesday for the first time. The 7th Circuit State Attorney’s Office has not yet decided if he will be charged as an adult. While the State Attorney’s Office makes that determination, Fucci was ordered to be held in Department of Juvenile Justice custody for the next 21 days or until the next court order.

The sheriff said determining a motive is not clear-cut yet, so the investigation is ongoing.

“We’re going to look at every aspect, every crime that’s out there. Our guys and girls are going to leave no stone unturned,” Hardwick said. “So those facts will come forward as the office of the medical examiner will actually complete their investigation.”

The sheriff’s office said about 100 detectives are working the case. The sheriff said they will follow up on as many leads as they have, looking for cellphone and video footage.

Source Article from

Tunisian children participate in the
reopening of the Bardo Museum

after a terror attack targeting one of the Arab world’s most successful

democracies killed 21 people, mostly European tourists.



Evidence that
Muslims are Indeed Capable of Democracy (Diário de Notícias, Portugal)


democratic experience of the Arab world remains a fragile one. … Nevertheless,
the Arab world and the Islamic world are not synonymous. … It is not hard to
find examples of democracy in Islamic countries. Turkey is the most obvious,
even if it didn’t make the demanding Index of 24 countries listed by The
Economist as full democracies. Indonesia, Malaysia and Senegal are also the
scenes of competition between parties and pluralism in the media – two
indicators of democracy. What to say about Pakistan, despite having half of its
history marked by generals as presidents? It’s not a lack of parties or an
absence of an alternating government that so bedevil the country, which is also
a reminder that democracy is never perfect.”


By Leonídio Paulo Ferreira



Translated By Brandi Miller


March 26, 2015


Portugal – Diário
de Notícias – Original Article (Portuguese)

On the promise of the Arab Spring, listen to a man born
during the First World War: “We have a much better chance of establishing
– I hesitate to use the word democracy – but some sort of open, tolerant
society, if it’s done within their systems, according to their
traditions.” British scholar Bernard Lewis, nearly a century old, is one
of the most famous Islamologists. Four years ago that
was his response to The Wall Street
when the fall of dictators in Tunisia and Egypt led us to
believe that a wave of democracy was rippling through the Arab world. Lewis’
caution is understandable today, especially a week after Tunisia
suffered an attack
designed to undermine the most successful of the Arab
Spring countries – perhaps not by chance where it all began.


“These terrorists in Tunisia were targeting
democracy,” denounced Lina
Ben Mhenni in the Guardian
In 2011 she became famous as the Tunisian Girl: an account of how an Arab
blogger helped in the fall of Ben Ali.


Mubarak was deposed and arrested shortly after Ben Ali went
into exile in Saudi Arabia. There were free elections and an old Mubarak
opponent, Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood,
won. However, the military showed who in Egypt was really in charge and deposed
the first civilian president in the history of the country. The strongman of
the armed forces, General Sissi, then took off his
uniform and was elected. That is how the Arab Spring was synthesized in Egypt,
where the absence of tourists left the economy in tatters – a crisis eased only
by the injection of Saudi and Kuwaiti capital.


After months of a civil war thrown out of balance by a
U.N.-approved bombardment, the forces faithful to Mohammar Qaddafi were
defeated in Libya with the dictator, in power since 1967, killed. If it quickly
became apparent that some of the rebels hesitated between banditry and
al-Qaeda, the victory of liberals in the first elections brought hope. Today,
though, there are two governments, everyone seems to be fighting everybody
else, and a branch of Islamic State is persecuting Christians. A sad synthesis
of the Arab Spring in a Libya with a sparse population and such an abundance of
oil wells that it should be an oasis.


A year after the start of the Arab Spring, Ali Abdullah Saleh negotiated his departure from Yemen. Before that
he was injured in an attack. His deputy succeeded him in February 2012 and was
elected president with promises of democracy, but with the country divided
between tribes and al-Qaeda cells, a Shiite rebellion took power and is now
under attack by Islamic State bombs – another bleak synthesis.


That’s to say nothing of Bahrain, where a popular revolt
against the king was framed by an old rivalry between Shiites and Sunnis and,
facing the threat of Iranian influence, Saudi Arabia quickly sent troops. Nor
will we return to the much-discussed issue of Syria, where an uprising against
Assad transformed into a jihadi revolution that the regime has successfully
confronted for the past four years, particularly since the world has realized
that a secular Arab dictator might be the lesser evil in comparison to the
Islamic State.


Let’s look at how even someone like Tahar
ben Jelloun,
the Moroccan author of The Spark – Revolt in the Arab Countries
[L’Étincelle – Révolte dans
les pays arabes
], allowed himself
to get carried away with enthusiasm over the Arab Spring:


“The liberating violence of the riots will not be
halted by repression. It is vibrant and creative. It embodies a new generation
of young people, some of whom have lived abroad and who, unlike their parents,
have opened up windows facing the world. They saw how other young people live
and have proven that freedom is synonymous with life. As in a dream, they
suddenly glimpsed that they, too, have a chance to live better, of ending
dictatorships, of regaining their dignity.”


Utopias aside, Tunisia will succeed. Habib
, the father of Tunisian independence, made Tunisia a
modern state. He gave rights to women and opened the country. Tunisians learned
in school that if their society is Muslim, it had older roots, whether Carthage
or Rome which defeated it. It is inspiring that so many people took to the
streets of Tunis after the attack on the Bardo Museum, even if at the
same time they were frightened that thousands of Tunisians have joined the
Islamic State.


The democratic experience of the Arab world remains a
fragile one. Morocco is on the right path and already had a socialist prime
minister. But the king’s role means it is a neutered form of democracy. In
Lebanon the situation is different: political pluralism must coexist with a
constitution that reserves the presidency to a Christian and the government to
a Sunni. As for Algeria, parties exist, elections are held, but generals give
the orders.


Nevertheless, the Arab world and the Islamic world are not
synonymous, and this is the mistake of those with elaborate theories about the
incompatibility of Islam with democracy and who sometimes raise the issue of
the Hijri year, a calendar that begins in 622AD, to
argue that Muslims live in the Middle Ages and therefore never experienced the
equivalent of the Renaissance or the Enlightenment.


It is not hard to find examples of democracy in Islamic
countries. Turkey is the most obvious, even if it didn’t make the demanding
Index of 24 countries listed by The Economist
as full democracies.
Indonesia, Malaysia and Senegal are also the scenes of competition between
parties and pluralism in the media – two indicators of democracy. What to say
about Pakistan, despite having half of its history marked by generals as
presidents? It’s not a lack of parties or an absence of an alternating
government that so bedevil the country, which is also a reminder that democracy
is never perfect. A Pakistani newspaper, Dawn,
dedicated an editorial to Tunisia after secular Beji
Caid Essebsi
was elected: Tunisia’s
Example was the title
May the Tunisians, secular and Islamic parties alike such as those from the Ennahda Movement [aka/Renaissance
], continue to believe that democracy can be Arab – and for
them to surprise Lewis, aged 98.




Folha, Brazil: Disproportionate Anti-U.S. Reaction Threatens the Arab Spring

Al Watan, Libya: If the Prophet Can be Insulted, then Holocaust can be Questioned

Le Quotidien d’Oran, Algeria: Why Insulting the Prophet Always ‘Pays Off Big’

Der Spiegel, Germany: Muslim Protests Show
Limits of Free Speech

Frankfurter Rundschau, Germany: Islam in Turmoil: Religion as ‘Ersatz-Identity’

Al Watan, Libya: Libyan Fatwa Court Calls Attack on Americans an ‘Offense to Islam’

The Independent, U.K.: Obama’s Foreign Policy of Reconciliation Lies in ‘Tatters’

Die Zeit, Germany: Romney’s ‘Nostalgia’ Ill-Suited to Reality of Fast-Changing World

Die Tageszeitung, Germany: Muslim Unrest Raises Stakes of U.S. Election Even Higher

Independent, U.K.: ‘Inside Story’ of U.S.
Envoy’s Assassination

Global Times, China:
America is ‘Disrespectful’ of Other Cultures

Daily Star, Lebanon: Influential Lebanon MP
Says Israel Backed
Film to Defeat Obama

Debka File, Israel: Al-Qaeda Chief Zawahri
‘Personally Ordered’ Murder
of U.S. Envoy

Independent, U.K.: ‘Provocateurs’ East and West Know: Politics and Religion Don’t Mix ’

Telegraph, U.K.: Arab Spring Turns Sour for United States

Telegraph, U.K.: Ambassador Chris
Stevens: Man of Drive, Passion

Independent, U.K.:
Fear and Loathing:
Another Unholy Row about Islam

Guardian, U.K.:
Attack in Libya Underlines
Threat of Salafi Islamists

Global Times, China: America ‘Disqualified’ as Global Human Rights Judge

Xinhua, China: Human Rights Record of the United States in 2011

Rodong Sinmun, North Korea: America by Far World’s Leading Human Rights Abuser

Yezhednevniy Zhurnal, Russia: Putin is Mistaken to Favor China Over the United States

Huanqiu, China: U.S. Should Keep its Nuclear Weapons Away from Koreas

Guardian, U.K.: It Should
Have Been Clear – Deposing
Qaddafi was the Easy Part



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[Posted By Worldmeets.US, March 26, 2015, 6:15pm]

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With Russia collusion claims all but off the table as an impeachable offense against President Trump, Democrats have moved on to the next shiny thing. Even then, it’s nothing new. They have begun to chase his ever-elusive tax returns.

In seeking the highest office of the free world, Trump ought to have released his tax returns in 2016, and he ought to do so again in 2020. No one buys his equivocation over auditing, and in a vacuum and an election against someone who’s not Hillary Clinton, voters by default may have supremely cared whether a megalomaniac billionaire spent decades gaming the American tax code.

But to say that the president should do something discretely differs from saying that Congress should make him do it with legislation. It’s a distinction lost on some members of media and the commentariat who are now going after Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, for denouncing as “moronic” Democratic demands that the IRS turn over Trump’s tax returns to the House Ways and Means Committee.

This is actually really simple. The following three things can all be true.

First, Trump’s refusal to reveal his tax returns not only defies important norms but also implies he’s guilty of something, and that should perhaps give voters pause.

Second, Romney has solidly opposed Trump on legal matters — voting, for example, to overturn his national emergency declaration.

Third, Democrats’ demand that the IRS release Trump’s tax returns may very well violate existing law and precedent, preventing Congress from investigating individuals with no legislative purpose.

For what it’s worth, Trump’s legal defense is fairly strong. Although Congress has the theoretical authority to demand tax returns from the Treasury without a rationale, Congress likely lacks the constitutional authority to acquire returns without legislative purpose, as the Supreme Court ruled in Watkins v. United States. Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote that “there is no congressional power to expose for the sake of exposure,” and unless Democrats can offer a stronger reason than “Orange Man Bad,” demands for his tax returns merely play politics with the law.

Romney’s no hypocrite for recognizing a difference between the law and presidential norms. Every president since Richard Nixon has released his tax returns, and Trump’s refusal to do the same demonstrates a certain lack of care for accountability and transparency. But Congress probably can’t do anything about it, and Romney’s right to call out Democrats for attempting to bring back McCarthyite tactics just to score a cheap political win over the president.

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Police have taken a juvenile male into custody after two students were shot at a Virginia high school Monday following an “altercation.”

The alleged gunman was arrested Monday afternoon – hours after going on the run following the shooting at Heritage High School in Newport News.

It was not immediately clear where he was arrested. Police also haven’t disclosed his age, his identity or whether he was a student at the school.

A male and female, both 17, were wounded — he was shot in the side of the face and she suffered a gunshot wound to the leg — when gunfire broke out at the school at about 11.30 a.m.

Newport News Police Chief Steve Drew said the gunman is believed to have known the two shooting victims.

At least two people were injured during a shooting at Heritage High School in Newport, Virginia on September 20, 2021.

Police reviewed surveillance video from inside the school before tracking down the shooter. Drew said some evidence had been recovered at the scene and other parts of the school grounds but would not elaborate.

The two teens who were shot were rushed to the hospital, but their injuries are non-life-threatening.

Three other students were injured in the aftermath of the shooting, including one who broke or sprained their arm and another who had breathing issues because of asthma.

Two students were injured in a shooting at Heritage High School in Newport News, Va.
Peter Casey-USA TODAY/Sipa USA
People embrace outside Heritage High School as Newport News Police are on scene responding to a shooting incident Monday, Sept. 20, 2021.
Police outside Heritage High School in Newport News, Va.

Students were evacuated from the school and directed to the tennis courts on campus where they could be met by their parents, police said.

Cops said reports that there are active shooters at other schools in the city are false.

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Casi 50.000 personas marcharon este lunes en Colombia en el Día Internacional del Trabajador. (Colombia) Foto: AFP

Abogaron por la implementación del acuerdo de paz con la guerrilla Farc y por mejoras laborales.(Colombia) Foto: AFP

Millones de trabajadores protestaron en el mundo para conmemorar la fecha. En algunas ciudades, la tensión terminó en choques con la Policía. (Venezuela) Foto: AFP

Los europeos salieron a las calles este lunes para conmemorar del Día Internacional de los Trabajadores con una serie de marchas. (Alemania) Foto: AFP

En China los trabajadores exigieron la implementación de políticas que favorecieran los derechos de los millones de trabajadores de ese país. (China) Foto: AFP

Millones de cubanos marcharon este 1 de mayo, el último con Raúl Castro al frente del gobierno, para proclamar lealtad al socialismo. (Cuba) Foto: AFP

En Madrid defendieron los derechos de los trabajadores y protestaron “contra la corrupción”. (España) Foto: AFP

Miles de pakistaníes marcharon en las calles de diferentes ciudades para unirse a la conmemoración mundial. (Pakistán) Foto: AFP

En Turquía, los sindicatos dijeron que no intentarían marchar hacia la Plaza Taksim, el tradicional punto de encuentro de las protestas antigubernamentales. (Turquía) Foto: AFP

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A major winter storm has dumped several inches of snow across the Chicago area Monday and made a mess of the morning commute.

Higher snow totals were recorded in the northern suburbs close to the Wisconsin border. As of 7:15 a.m., 7 inches of snow fell in Gurne, 6 inches of snow fell in Algonquin, and 5 inches of snow fell in Arlington Heights and Fox Lake. In the western suburbs, Romeoville received 4.9 inches of snow and Aurora received 5 inches of snow. In the city, O’Hare had received 3.1 inches of snow and Midway received 2.9 inches of snow. In the southern suburbs, Oak Lawn received 4 inches of snow and Homewood received 3 inches of snow.

School Closings: Chicago Area Complete List

A Winter Weather Advisory is in effect for the Chicago area, including Boone, Cook, DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kendall Lake, McHenry, Ogle and Will counties in Illinois and Lake and Porter counties in Indiana. The advisory will expire at 6 p.m. Monday.

The snow began falling Sunday night and moderate snow persisting until about 9 a.m. with light snow continuing in the afternoon. Winds are also creating blowing and drifting snow, reducing visibility.

The snow is making for a messy commute across the area Monday. The ABC7 Stormtracker checked out conditions on Lake Shore Drive, where the roadway was covered in snow, as was the outbound Eisenhower Expressway.

The Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation is deploying 287 snow vehicles to clear the city’s streets, focusing on the city’s arterial streets and Lake Shore Drive before transitioning to side streets when the snow stops.

RELATED: Find a Chicago area warming center near you

According to CTA, during conditions like this, track switch heaters are turned on to keep them from freezing and to keep trains moving at a consistent pace.

MEASURING SNOW: How to make an accurate snowfall measurement

The city’s buses are equipped with engine pre-heaters so that they can be started up quickly and to keep commuters warm.

The Illinois Tollway is reminding drivers who need help that they can call star-9-9-9 motorist assistance.

Chicago’s Top 5 Biggest Snowstorms

Stranded motorists should turn on their emergency lights and remain in their vehicles until help arrives.

When there is snow and extreme cold the Tollway recommends that you have your cell phone fully charged before heading out, be sure tires are properly inflated, keep your gas tank at least half full to avoid gas line freeze-up and keep a cold weather safety kit in your car with items such as a flare, a blanket and flashlight.

The snowstorm has created significant problems at Chicago’s airports. As of 9:17 a.m., O’Hare reports average delays of 49 minutes and 637 flight cancellations and Midway reports average delays of under 15 minutes and 198 flight cancellations.

Sunday, Chicago Public Schools said it was closely monitoring conditions, but that school would be in session Monday. Meanwhile, a number of schools across the area have cancelled. For a complete list, click here.
The snowstorm comes ahead of another week of brutal cold as the polar vortex continues to bear down on the area – bringing historically low temps mid-week.

Polar Vortex Explainer: Get ready for bitter cold the next few weeks

Wednesday’s expected high is sitting well below zero, and wind chills will make it feel like as much as 50 degrees below. It has the potential to be the second-coldest day in the history of Chicago.

The record for the coldest day in Chicago was December 24, 1983, with an average temperature of -18 degrees recorded at O’Hare. Wednesday could be as cold as -15.5 or -16, which could make it the second or third coldest day in Chicago’s recorded history.

1. Dec. 24, 1983: -18
2. Jan. 18, 1994: -16
3. Jan. 20, 1985: -15.5
4. Jan. 10, 1982: -15.0
5. Dec. 23, 1983: -13.5
6. Jan. 29, 1966: -13.0
7. Jan. 15, 1972: -13.0
8. Jan. 23, 1963: -12.5
9. February 3, 1996: -12.0

A Wind Chill Watch will go into effect at 6 p.m. Tuesday through noon on Thursday.

Dozens of warming shelters in the city and throughout Cook County have been opened as an additional safety precaution. Officials say everyone should limit their outdoor exposure over the next few days.

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Este martes, en la Clínica del Country del norte de Bogotá, se apagó hacia las 7:50 p. m. la luz de uno de los más queridos presentadores de la televisión colombiana, Fernando González Pacheco.

Pacheco, como le conocían todos los colombianos, había venido sufriendo serios problemas respiratorios, aunque todavía se desconoce la causa cierta de su deceso. Por cuenta de esas complicaciones de salud ya había sido internado en ese mismo centro hospitalario a mediados del año pasado.

Indudablemente él está en la lista del colombianos de todos los tiempos aunque haya nacido en España. Es reconocido desde hace más de 40 años por ser uno de los primeros presentadores de televisión en el país, es recordado por programas como ‘Animalandia’, ‘Charlas con Pacheco’, ‘Compre la Orquesta’, y ‘¿Quiere cacao?’, entre otros.

Se trata de uno de los pioneros de la televisión colombiana, quien, junto a Gloria Valencia de Castaño y Jota Mario Valencia, se convirtió en icono de una televisión que se hacía a pulso y no con la fastuosa tecnología de hoy.

El presidente Juan Manuel Santos expresó su pesar por el fallecimiento de Pacheco: “Lamentamos de veras la muerte de ese gran personaje de la televisión que fue Pacheco. Se nos fue un gran hombre y un gran señor”, trinó en su perfil de Twitter.

Después de más de treinta años de carrera, en los que fue sin discusión el hombre más popular de la televisión, Pacheco se había alejado de la pantalla chica por cuestiones personales y de salud. Pero aunque pase el tiempo, Pacheco siempre será Pacheco, presente para siempre, con su voz ronca y su risa bonachona, en el corazón de los colombianos.

Este fue el despacho de prensa oficial de la clínica:


La Clínica del Country lamenta informar que el señor FERNANDO GONZALEZ PACHECO falleció hoy a las 19:50 luego de haber sido tratado en nuestra institución a causa de una enfermedad crónica que lo venía aquejando desde hacía mucho tiempo.

La Clínica del Country siente la pérdida de esta figura entrañable para los colombianos y expresa sus condolencias sus los familiares y amigos.

11 de febrero de 2014

Entrevistas célebres de Pacheco (Charlas con Pacheco)

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During the first House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing on Wednesday, Republicans led by ranking member Doug Collins made it clear almost immediately that their strategy would be to interrupt the proceedings at every available opportunity and dismiss testimony from a panel of law professors as meaningless.

But during her opening statement, one of those law professors — Pamela Karlan, a Stanford law professor and appellate attorney — made clear that she had little patience for Collins’s tactics in particular.

“Here Mr. Collins I would like to say to you, sir, that I read transcripts of every one of the witnesses who appeared in the live hearing because I would not speak about these things without reviewing the facts,” she said. “So I’m insulted by the suggestion that as a law professor I don’t care about those facts.”

Karlan was responding to comments Collins made in his opening statement, including this shot at her profession:

America will see why most people don’t go to law school. No offense to our professors. But please, really, we’re bringing you in here today to testify on stuff most of you have already written about, all four, for the opinions that we already know out of the classrooms that maybe you’re getting ready for finals in, to discuss things that you probably haven’t had a chance — unless you’re really good on TV of watching the hearings over the last couple of weeks, you couldn’t have possibly actually digested the Adam Schiff report from yesterday or the Republican response in any real way.

On Tuesday, the House Intelligence Committee voted along party lines to approve a report summing up its weeks of investigation, which included scores of hours of testimony both behind closed doors and broadcast to the American public. The report’s conclusion was damning — “that President Trump, personally and acting through agents within and outside of the U.S. government, solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, to benefit his reelection” — but easy to anticipate if you’d been paying attention to the two months of the impeachment inquiry.

The opening statements offered by Karlan and three other law professors made it clear why Republicans are focused on procedural distractions and making a mockery of the proceedings instead of defending Trump on the merits: Each of them with the exception of Jonathan Turley explicitly said that based on the record of last month’s witness testimony, they’ve concluded that Trump committed impeachable offenses.

The news moves fast. To stay updated, follow Aaron Rupar on Twitter, and read more of Vox’s policy and politics coverage.

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Los documentos hallados en la cápsula de tiempo nazi son exhibidos en el Museo Nacional de Szczecin en Polonia.

El paso del tiempo no dejó rastro alguno en los documentos de la Alemania nazi encontrados hace unos días en Polonia. Estaban intactos.

Un grupo de arqueólogos armados con martillos derribaron parte de la estructura de una antigua edificación nazi hasta dar con una cápsula que llevaba 82 años enterrada en la ciudad polaca de Złocieniec.

Fue muy emocionante dar por fin con el lugar donde estaba escondida”, le dijo a la BBC la arqueóloga Alicja Witowiak, quien participó en el descubrimiento.

Witowiak detalló que se había iniciado una primera búsqueda en la década de los 70 por parte de soldados de la Unión Soviética que ocupaban la construcción, un antiguo campo de entrenamiento nazi.

Pero el intento fue fallido.

“Hicimos una investigación documental exhaustiva para ubicar el sitio preciso”, señaló la investigadora.

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Dentro de la cápsula del tiempo se encontraron varios retratos de Adolf Hitler (imagen de archivo).

¿Qué había en su interior?

Lo más sorprendente, según Witowiak, fue encontrar unos documentos que describían con detalle la creación de la escuela de Krössinsee, que se levantó en ese mismo lugar antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Dentro del tubo de cobre había periódicos locales con fechas del 21 y 22 de abril de 1934 que hablaban de la inauguración del instituto, uno de tres que se fundaron para formar a los futuros combatientes nazis.

También había una invitación a la apertura del lugar y un programa con las celebraciones que se llevarían a cabo en la ciudad de Falkenburg, hoy llamada Złocieniec, en el noroeste de Polonia.

El cilindro también almacenaba fotografías de Adolf Hitler, varias copias de su manifiesto nazi “Mein Kampf” (“Mi lucha”), monedas y fotos de la ciudad, así como un folleto publicado con ocasión del 600 aniversario de esta y un cuaderno ilustrado que incluía información de la misma.

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En el tubo de cobre se hallaron monedas, fotografías, periódicos y copias del manifiesto nazi “Mi lucha”.

El inventario fue dado a conocer a la prensa recientemente por el Museo Nacional de Złocieniec, donde se exhibirán las piezas históricas.

Pero, ¿qué interés tenían los nazis en enterrar objetos y documentos de aquella época?

La arqueóloga Alicja Witowiak explicó a la BBC que su objetivo era capturar el tiempo en que la ideología nazi empezaba a ponerse en práctica.

La ciudad de Zlocieniec formó parte de Alemania hasta 1945, cuando las tropas de Hitler fueron derrotadas por los Aliados.

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Una primera búsqueda del cilindro de cobre se realizó en los 70.

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President Trump ended 2019 with a strong economy, a string of domestic policy achievements—and the notoriety of becoming the third president to be impeached by the House.

The mix of political highs and lows that has characterized Mr. Trump’s presidency was especially pronounced in his third year. He welcomed a special counsel report that found insufficient evidence the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election, though it drew no conclusion about whether the president obstructed justice. But his…

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Stephen Colbert marveled at the fire-fighting advice dispensed by President Donald Trump as Notre Dame Cathedral burned.

Seeing the nearly 900-year-old cathedral engulfed in flames via TV news, Trump offered his help tweeting “So horrible to watch the massive fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out. Must act quickly!”

“Does he think every time there is an emergency in France they shout, ‘The cathedral is on fire! We must check Donald Trump’s Twitter feed! He says we must act quickly, get the water! Why didn’t we think of water?! We’ve been using cheese!’”

The French Civil Security agency did respond to Trump’s tweet, issuing one of their own to say, “Hundreds of firemen of the Paris Fire Brigade are doing everything they can to bring the terrible #NotreDame fire under control. All means are being used, except for water bombing aircraft which, if used, could lead to the collapse of the entire structure of the cathedral.”

“For fire fighters, they really know how go give a sick burn,” Colbert said approvingly.

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WASHINGTON — President Trump said on Sunday that the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, should not testify before Congress, setting up another confrontation with Democrats over presidential authority and the separation of powers.

On Twitter, he argued that Mr. Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election, which found no conspiracy between Moscow and Mr. Trump’s campaign but did not exonerate the president on possible obstruction of justice, was conclusive and that Congress and the American people did not need to hear from Mr. Mueller. “Bob Mueller should not testify,” he said. “No redos for the Dems!”

That puts the president at odds with the Democrats, and with his own attorney general, William P. Barr.

Democrats have insisted that Mr. Mueller is the best person to provide a detailed interpretation of the 448-page report that he delivered last month to Mr. Barr, and set May 15 as a prospective date for him to appear before the House Judiciary Committee.

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