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Thousands of Russian Twitter accounts turned their misinformation focus to supporters of Sen. Bernie SandersBernard (Bernie) SandersHillicon Valley: Assange faces US charges after arrest | Trump says WikiLeaks ‘not my thing’ | Uber officially files to go public | Bezos challenges retail rivals on wages | Kremlin tightens its control over internet Overnight Health Care — Presented by PCMA — Sanders welcomes fight with Trump over ‘Medicare for all’ | DOJ attorney in ObamaCare case leaving | NYC mayor defends vaccination mandate | Ohio gov signs ‘heartbeat’ abortion bill Former DNC chairman endorses Buttigieg for president MORE (I-Vt.) in 2016 after he lost the Democratic Primary to Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonHillary Clinton says Assange must ‘answer for what he has done’ after arrest Hillicon Valley: Assange faces US charges after arrest | Trump says WikiLeaks ‘not my thing’ | Uber officially files to go public | Bezos challenges retail rivals on wages | Kremlin tightens its control over internet Gabbard: Assange arrest is a threat to journalists MORE.

A study by Clemson University researchers reported by The Washington Post found that thousands of tweets from Russian-owned accounts masquerading as conservative accounts supporting President TrumpDonald John TrumpJulián Castro: Presidential candidates should be required to release tax returns Hillary Clinton says Assange must ‘answer for what he has done’ after arrest Herman Cain expected to withdraw from consideration for Fed: report MORE began targeting Sanders’s supporters shortly after the primary concluded.

“#BlackMenForBernie Leader Switches to Trump! I will Never Vote for Hillary, Welcome aboard the Trump Train,” read one tweet sent by a Russian account pretending to be a “Southern., Conservative Pro God, Anti Racism” Twitter user from Texas.

“Conscious Bernie Sanders supporters already moving towards the best candidate Trump! #Feel the Bern #Vote Trump 2016,” read another account known as “Red Louisiana News” that was actually operated by Russians.

It’s not clear how successful or effective the efforts were.

About 12 percent of Sanders voters said they ended up voting for Trump over Clinton in the general election, according to the Post. That was smaller than the 24 percent of Clinton supporters who said they voted for Sen. John McCainJohn Sidney McCainMeghan McCain rips Trump transgender military ban days before implementation Meghan McCain hits Trump on National Former Prisoner of War day: ‘No one believes you care’ Press: What’s Donald Trump trying to hide? MORE (R-Ariz.) in his 2008 bid for the White House against the eventual winner, President Obama.

Still, the number of Sanders voters who supported Trump in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania — states considered key to Trump’s victory — was higher than Trump’s margin of victory in those states.

“I think there is no question that Sanders was central to their strategy,” Darren Linvill, one of the two Clemson researchers behind the study, told the Post. “He was clearly used as a mechanism to decrease voter turnout for Hillary Clinton.” 

A spokesman for Clinton said that it was imperative that Democrats work together in 2020 to stop Russian disinformation efforts aiding the president and to defeat Trump.

It’s important for “everyone else, especially Democratic candidates, to work together and support each other to defend against these threats,” Nick Merrill told the Post.

The Hill has reached out to the Sanders campaign for comment.

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WikiLeaks has made multiple disclosures over the past decade, including one in March 2017 when the group released what it said were CIA technical documents on a range of spying techniques.

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WikiLeaks has made multiple disclosures over the past decade, including one in March 2017 when the group released what it said were CIA technical documents on a range of spying techniques.

Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

To its supporters, the WikiLeaks disclosures have revealed a wealth of important information that the U.S. government wanted to keep hidden, particularly in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

This included abuses by the military and a video that showed a U.S. helicopter attack in Iraq on suspected militants. Those killed turned out to be unarmed civilians and journalists.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, now under arrest in Britain, has often argued that no one has been harmed by the WikiLeaks disclosures.

But many in the national security community say the leaks were harmful to a broad range of people. However, they generally say the damage was limited and has faded since the first big WikiLeaks dump in 2010, which included hundreds of thousands of classified documents from the U.S. military and the State Department.

Chelsea Manning, a former Army private, spent seven years in prison for leaking the documents to WikiLeaks in 2010. Manning, who was freed two years ago, was taken back into custody last month when she refused to testify before a grand jury in a case involving WikiLeaks and Assange.

P.J. Crowley, the State Department spokesman when the WikiLeaks story erupted in 2010, said those most at risk were civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq who were secretly passing information to the U.S. military.

“A number of people went into hiding, a number of people had to move, particularly those civilians in war zones who had told U.S. soldiers about movements of the Taliban and al-Qaida,” he said. “No doubt some of those people were harmed when their identities were compromised.”

WikiLeaks has made multiple disclosures over the past decade, including one in March 2017 when the group released what it said were CIA technical documents on a range of spying techniques.

This revealed ways that a state-of-the art television could serve as a listening device even when it was turned off.

Larry Pfeiffer, the CIA chief of staff from 2006 to 2009, said these kinds of breaches can impose long-term costs, though they can be difficult to quantify.

“It informs the potential enemies of a technique we use, that they can now develop countermeasures against,” Pfeiffer said.

This also forces the spy agency to go back to the drawing board, he added.

“Once invalidated, it now creates situations where the U.S. intelligence community is going to have to expend resources and going to have to spend both dollars and people to develop new methods,” said Pfeiffer, who now heads the Michael V. Hayden Center for Intelligence at George Mason University.

On the diplomatic front, WikiLeaks shared many examples of U.S. diplomats writing in unflattering terms about foreign leaders, causing the U.S. embarrassment.

But more importantly, said Scott Anderson, a former State Department lawyer who served in Iraq in 2012 and 2013, some of these countries have vulnerable opposition leaders and human rights activists who were quietly in contact with U.S. diplomats. These private, sensitive discussions suddenly became public with the WikiLeaks dumps.

“That can really chill the ability of those American personnel to build those sorts of relationships and have frank conversations with their contacts,” said Anderson, now at the Brookings Institution.

Anderson notes that the U.S. still has a program to issue visas to Afghans and Iraqis to the U.S. in return for the help they provided — and in recognition of the danger they face.

Crowley pointed to the impact of leaks that upset former Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.

“We had an ambassador in Libya, and we had to remove him from his post because he was directly threatened by Moammar Gadhafi’s thugs,” Crowley said.

Some countries, Crowley added, took a much more relaxed approach to the disclosures, even when they were criticized in the documents.

“One foreign minister told the U.S. secretary of state, ‘You know, don’t worry about it. You should see what we report about you,’ ” Crowley recalled.

Many of the assessments today are similar to the one offered nine years ago by Bob Gates, who served as defense secretary when the WikiLeaks disclosures took place.

“The fact is, governments deal with the United States because it’s in their interest. Not because they like us, not because they trust us and not because they believe we can keep secrets,” Gates said. “Is this embarrassing? Yes. Is it awkward? Yes. Consequences for U.S. foreign policy? I think fairly modest.”

Greg Myre is a national security correspondent. Follow him @gregmyre1.

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The plush neighborhood of Knightsbridge, a high-rent hub of deluxe retail and discreet diplomats, awoke Friday with one international curiosity fewer in its midst.

Julian Assange, the Australian bad boy and founder of WikiLeaks, had been dragged Thursday from the Ecuadoran Embassy, where he had entertained the likes of Lady Gaga and Pamela Anderson in the Victorian red-brick building a stone’s throw from Harrods, the luxury department store. He was arrested to face a hacking charge in the United States.

“We heard the helicopter overhead,” said James Smith, a local realtor. The scene outside the embassy was the dramatic climax of a seven-year diplomatic stalemate, as Ecuador revoked the anti-secrecy crusader’s asylum and turned him over to British authorities. 

Gone now are the demonstrators with “Free Assange” banners. But life goes on in Knightsbridge, Smith said. It’s not as if residents saw their notorious neighbor, holed up in the embassy since 2012. From his corner room, where he lived with his cat, an Internet star, and used a treadmill to stay in shape, Assange had become a fading fascination.

But his coming legal battle puts him back in the spotlight.

Half of Britons had no opinion on Ecuador’s decision to get rid of him, according to a YouGov poll. More than a third supported the move, and only one in seven wanted him to stay.

Now that Assange has lost his bolt-hole in Knightsbridge, the 47-year-old will battle extradition from a British jail. Shortly after his arrest, he was swiftly convicted Thursday of skipping bail in 2012, and he faces up to a year in prison for that offense. 

American prosecutors seek his extradition to face a federal charge of conspiring to hack into a Defense Department computer network in 2010. His attorney, Jennifer Robinson, warned that his arrest sets a “dangerous precedent” for press freedoms.

There are many questions. How long will the extradition process take? Likely years. Will Assange remain in prison as his case proceeds? Almost certainly. He will first be sentenced — probably six months to one year — for jumping bail. Finally, what about the cat? The Ecuadoran Embassy has not revealed what happened to the pet. An Italian newspaper suggested it was given to a friend months ago.

The issue of Assange’s extradition instantly exposed divisions within British politics, already riven by the deep divides over the country’s exit from the European Union, known as Brexit. 

Prime Minister Theresa May said his arrest showed that “no one is above the law,” while Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the opposition Labour Party, said the government should oppose Assange’s extradition. The left-wing leader said Assange was being targeted “for exposing evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan.” 

Labour’s spokeswoman for domestic affairs, Diane Abbott, said the request should be blocked on human rights grounds. She told the BBC that the U.S. government’s true motivation for prosecuting Assange was its “embarrassment of the things he’s revealed about the American military and security services.” 

Right-wing politician Nigel Farage, an ideological ally of President Trump, told the broadcaster on Friday that he had visited Assange once in the embassy, swatting away the suggestion that he was a conduit between Trump and WikiLeaks. The American president, who once said he loved WikiLeaks, professed Thursday to know nothing about the group. “He’s going to be extradited, and that’s the end of it,” Farage said. 

Assange’s fight against extradition could keep him jailed in Britain for years, as the case winds its way through legal challenges in multiple courts, experts said.

Because of the seriousness of the charge and the fact that Assange has already skipped bail once — when Sweden sought his extradition to answer allegations of sex crimes during a visit there — he will likely do battle from a prison cell.

His new life will not be as comfortable as the previous years in the Ecuadoran Embassy, where was free to drink wine, skateboard down the halls and receive guests. Until his exasperated hosts cut off his Internet, Assange was all over social media. In British prisons, mobile phones are prohibited and Internet access highly restricted. 

Assange’s lawyers vow they will fight the extradition order, from the Magistrates’ Court to the Court of Appeal to the Supreme Court — and possibly to the European Court of Human Rights. 

Even if the United Kingdom manages to leave the European Union, the exit will almost certainly include a lengthy transition period, which could put Assange in front of E.U. judges.

 “It will be some years before a final decision is reached — at least a year and probably longer,” said Amy Jeffress, a former Justice Department legal attache in London. “My over and under would be three years.”

She said, “These cases can become very political in the U.K.”

One high-profile terrorism case dragged on for 13 years before the defendant was finally extradited to the United States. Assange’s previous battle against extradition to Sweden took 18 months. 

Daniel Sternberg, a barrister specializing in extradition law at Temple Gardens Chambers in London, said he expects Assange to mount a vigorous challenge, pressing “every conceivable point.”

He said the most relevant arguments would contest the forum of prosecution — reasoning that Assange’s physical location when he engaged in the conduct of which he stands accused is more relevant than the country targeted by his activities.

 Sternberg also said Assange’s legal team will likely rise fears of human rights violations, should the WikiLeaks founder be destined for a federal “supermax” prison, where some inmates spend 23 hours a day alone in a 7-by-12-foot concrete cell.

 “Although this indictment is relatively limited, his lawyers might argue that there could be other charges waiting in the wings,” Sternberg said.

Even if defense lawyers do not thwart American efforts to prosecute him, he said, they could significantly slow the proceedings. Before the extradition order can move forward, Assange must first serve the sentence he was handed for failing to surrender to British authorities.

From his British prison cell, Assange would have limited use of a landline telephone, on which he would be able to call previously approved numbers, Sternberg said. If he were given access to the Internet, it would be highly supervised, he said.

“The world will have to get used to hearing less of Assange, filtered by people who see him in prison or his lawyers,” Sternberg said.

Opponents of extradition point to a decision in 2012 by May, who was home secretary at the time, to refuse to hand over Scottish computer hacker Gary McKinnon to the American criminal justice system. May cited medical reports indicating that McKinnon risked becoming a danger to himself if he stood trial in the United States. 

But the man who now holds that post in the government, Sajid Javid, suggested that his thinking about Assange’s case was different. In the House of Commons on Thursday, he excoriated the Labour Party for defending Assange and echoed the prime minister’s judgment. “There’s no one in this country that is above the law,” he said.

Meanwhile, prosecutors in Sweden said Thursday that they have received a request to reopen an investigation into Assange’s conduct from an attorney for a woman who accuses him of rape. The investigation was closed in 2017 but can be renewed at any time before August 2020. 

Prosecutors said they had not been alerted to Assange’s arrest and learned of the developments in his case from media reports. 

When Sweden’s director of public prosecutions, Marianne Ny, closed the probe two years ago, saying she could not proceed while Assange enjoyed safe haven in the Ecuadoran Embassy, she noted that it would be possible to resume the process if he were expelled. 

The investigation involves a 2010 complaint from a woman who says she met Assange at a WikiLeaks conference in Stockholm. She alleges that he engaged in nonconsensual unprotected sex with her — accusations that he denies.

If Sweden asks for Assange’s extradition, it will be up to Britain to decide in which order it heeds the requests, if at all, from the United States and Sweden. 

Ellen Nakashima in Washington contributed to this report.

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WASHINGTON — When some of President Donald Trump’s top national security advisers gathered at the White House Tuesday night to talk about the surge of immigrants across the southern border, they discussed increasing the U.S. military’s involvement in the border mission, including whether the military could be used to build tent city detention camps for migrants, according to three U.S. officials familiar with the conversations.

During the meeting, the officials also discussed whether the U.S. military could legally run the camps once the migrants are housed there, a move the three officials said was very unlikely since U.S. law prohibits the military from directly interacting with migrants. The law has been a major limitation for Trump, who wants to engage troops in his mission to get tougher on immigration.

Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan was at the White House meeting Tuesday night and was open to sending more U.S. troops to support the border mission, so long as their assigned mission is within the law, according to the three U.S. officials.

Thousands of troops are currently deployed along the southern border, and are mainly used for reinforcing existing fencing with barbed wire.

Potential new projects for the troops that were mentioned Tuesday, according to the three officials — two from the Pentagon and one from Homeland Security — also included conducting assessments of the land before the construction of new tent cities in El Paso and Donna, Texas. They would also be used in assessments before construction of a new central processing center for migrants in El Paso, said the DHS official.

The creation of the processing center was announced last month. It is being designed to temporarily detain arriving immigrants, many of whom are being released in El Paso due to the lack of detention space.

The processing center will be similar to one currently used in McAllen, Texas, where children were kept in chain-link areas, which some called “cages,” while the Trump administration’s family separation policy was in effect last summer, according to two Customs and Border Protection officials.

The tent cities would hold immigrants while Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facilities continue to be at capacity. The Obama administration also used tents to hold immigrants in Donna, Texas, in 2016.

The idea has trickled down into planning meetings held this week at DHS, one of the officials said.

Discussions this week, at the White House meeting and afterward, have included the suggestion that troops may be needed to run the tent city detention camps once immigrants are being housed there, according to the U.S. officials familiar with the conversations.

The Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the use of federal troops for domestic law enforcement inside the U.S. This prevents them from direct interaction with immigrants crossing into the country. One U.S. official said recent meetings have included discussions about whether using active duty troops to run a detention camp would be a violation of Posse Comitatus.

While there has been discussion of an increase in troops, no specific numbers have been mentioned, and officials do not expect a large number of additional troops to be needed for any new mission.

A U.S. border patrol official speaking on the condition of anonymity said the military allows for faster construction than private contractors, who can protest decisions and slow down the process.

“The importance of DOD is that they are able to mobilize quickly because we face an immediate crisis now,” said the border patrol official.

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As an example of the crisis, the border patrol official said on Tuesday, 253 Central Americans, mainly families were stopped in Santa Teresa, New Mexico. Large groups present a challenge for border agents who must process, shelter and often find medical care for immigrants.

The border patrol official said he is not aware of plans to use troops to run detention facilities for migrants and noted it would be in violation of U.S. law.

The White House meeting came just two days after Trump tweeted that his secretary of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, was leaving and that Kevin McAleenan, the CBP commissioner, would replace her as acting secretary. DHS Acting Deputy Secretary Claire Grady has also resigned.

On Wednesday, during a visit to Texas, Trump spoke about increasing the number of U.S. troops assigned to the border mission and alluded to the limitations to using active duty troops there.

“I’m going to have to call up more military. Our military, don’t forget, can’t act like a military would act. Because if they got a little rough, everybody would go crazy. … Our military can’t act like they would normally act. … They have all these horrible laws that the Democrats won’t change. They will not change them.”

DHS did not immediately respond to a request for comment. In a statement, Defense Department spokesperson Lt. Col. Jamie Davis, said: “As we said last year when we were looking at possible facilities at Fort Bliss and Goodfellow Air Force Base, DOD could be involved in the possible construction of facilities to house immigrants. There are currently no new requests for assistance.”

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Vice President Mike Pence accused Democratic White House hopeful Pete Buttigieg of attacking his Christian faith, as the two men spent the week trading increasingly personal barbs.

“I hope that Pete will offer more to the American people than attacks on my Christian faith or attacks on the president as he seeks the highest office in the land,” Pence said in an interview on CNN. “He’d do well to reflect on the importance of respecting the freedom of religion of every American.”

Pence, who was Indiana governor from 2013 to 2017, said he and Buttigieg, mayor of the state’s fourth-largest city, South Bend, “worked very closely together when I was governor, and I considered him a friend. And he knows I don’t have a problem with him.”

[ Read: Pence on Buttigieg’s straw man attacks: What gives old pal?]

Pence was referring to comments Buttigieg made about his homosexuality in which he called out the vice president.

“If me being gay was a choice, it was a choice that was made far, far above my pay grade,” Buttigieg said Sunday. “And that’s the thing I wish the Mike Pences of the world would understand. That if you got a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me — your quarrel, sir, is with my creator.”

Buttigieg added that marrying his husband “has made me a better man, and yes, Mr. Vice President, it has moved me closer to God.” He also accused Pence of being “the cheerleader of the porn star presidency” and “at best complicit” in the rise of white nationalism.

When asked to respond to Buttigieg’s remarks, Pence told CNN that “all of us have our own religious convictions. Pete has his convictions, I have mine.” He continued, “I think Pete’s quarrel is with the First Amendment. All of us in this country have the right to our religious beliefs. I’m a Bible-believing Christian.”

Buttigieg claimed this week that he didn’t want a row with Pence, even as he continued his attacks on the vice president.

“I’m not interested in feuding with the vice president, but if he wanted to clear this up, he could come out today and say he’s changed his mind, that it shouldn’t be legal to discriminate against anybody in this country for who they are. That’s all,” Buttigieg said on Friday’s episode of “The Ellen Show.”

“I’m not critical of his faith; I’m critical of bad policies,” said Buttigieg, who came out as gay in 2015. “I don’t have a problem with religion. I’m religious too. I have a problem with religion being used as a justification to harm people and especially in the LGBTQ community.”

[ Related: Karen Pence says Pete Buttigieg is attacking her husband for ‘notoriety’]

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Deputy Attorney General Rod RosensteinRod Jay RosensteinRosenstein: ‘Bizarre’ to say Barr misleading public on Mueller report Comey: ‘I accept that Bill Barr’s letter accurately portrays’ Mueller report The Hill’s Morning Report – Female candidates search for liftoff in 2020 presidential race MORE defended Attorney General William BarrWilliam Pelham BarrRosenstein: ‘Bizarre’ to say Barr misleading public on Mueller report Hillicon Valley: Assange faces US charges after arrest | Trump says WikiLeaks ‘not my thing’ | Uber officially files to go public | Bezos challenges retail rivals on wages | Kremlin tightens its control over internet Dems say attorney general undermined credibility with Trump talking point MORE‘s summary of the special counsel’s report in an interview published Wednesday. 

“He’s being as forthcoming as he can, and so this notion that he’s trying to mislead people, I think, is just completely bizarre,” Rosenstein told The Wall Street Journal.

Barr last month released a four-page synopsis of special counsel Robert MuellerRobert Swan MuellerSasse: US should applaud choice of Mueller to lead Russia probe MORE‘s approximately 400-page report on his investigation into whether Russia interfered in the 2016 election and whether the country colluded with the Trump campaign.

Barr said investigators did not find that there was collusion and that Mueller’s team did not make a decision on whether Trump obstructed justice, but that he and Rosenstein decline to pursue those charges. He has also said he planned to release a redacted version of the report by mid-April. 

“It would be one thing if you put out a letter and said, ‘I’m not going to give you the report,’” Rosenstein told the Journal.  “What he said is, ‘Look, it’s going to take a while to process the report. In the meantime, people really want to know what’s in it. I’m going to give you the top-line conclusions.’ That’s all he was trying to do.”

He added that the public should have “tremendous confidence” in Barr. 

Democrats have demanded the release of the full report. Barr also faced sharp criticism from Democrats after he suggested Wednesday that there was “spying” on the Trump campaign. He later walked back his remarks, saying that he was merely concerned that there may have been “improper surveillance” and that he was “looking into it.”

Rosenstein, who has worked at the Justice Department for almost 30 years, is expected to leave the department soon.

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New York Assembly Democrats on Tuesday blocked a bill that proposed expanding college tuition aid for children of deceased and disabled military veterans after– having a week earlier– approved a state budget that set aside $27 million in college tuition aid for illegal immigrants.

The Assembly’s Higher Education Committee voted 15 to 11 on Tuesday to shelve the bill, effectively quashing its chances of going to the floor, the Post-Standard reported.

The decision came after committee chair Deborah Glick, D-Manhattan, and Speaker Carl Heastie said $27 million from the state’s budget would go towards supporting the Jose Peralta New York State DREAM Act, which allows illegal immigrants to qualify for state aid for higher education, Newsweek reported.


Glick said any expansion of college tuition aid to Gold Star families was not within the state’s budget and pointed to an already-existing program that provides $2.7 million to 145 students who are dependents of vets who served in combat zones, the New York Post reported.

“Assemblywoman Glick should be ashamed of herself,” said State Sen. Robert Ortt, R-Niagara. “We set aside $27 million dollars for college for people that are here illegally… Apparently, $2.7 million is all that the families of soldiers who are killed, get. If you’re a child of a fallen soldier, you do not rank as high and you know that by the money.”


Mike Whyland, a spokesman for Assembly Democrats, said the Republican-led bill “would have expanded the eligibility beyond the scope and should be considered within the context of the budget.”

When asked about objections by GOP lawmakers, he said: “It’s purely political and it’s unfortunate that they are using children as pawns.”


Assemblyman Will Barclay, R-Pulaski, surmised that the Democrats’ refusal had less to do with budget restraints and more to do with the bill’s author: a Republican, Steve Hawley, R-Batavia.

“We get so caught up in majority and minority issues here, we can’t see the forest through the trees,” Barclay said. “I don’t know how they don’t justify this.”

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Herman Cain is expected to remove his name from consideration for appointment to the Federal Reserve, according to a report Friday.

The former Republican presidential contender and Godfather’s Pizza CEO has come under repeated fire since President Donald Trump announced his intention to nominate Cain as a central bank governor. In recent days, at least four GOP senators said they would not support the move, seeming to torpedo the effort before it even become official.

ABC news reported that Cain will pull his name before it even gets that far. The network said it confirmed the withdrawal with multiple sources, including an administration official and a person close to the matter.

A White House official declined comment. CNBC also has reached out to Cain for comment.

Greg Valliere, chief U.S. policy strategist at AGF, said in a note Friday that he is “betting on this afternoon” for when Cain withdraws.

The potential nomination drew quick criticism from multiple corners.

Cain briefly was among the leaders in the race for the 2012 Republican primary before fading and giving way to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who later lost to Barack Obama. Romney, now a senator from Utah, was among top Republicans who said they would not support Cain if his name came to the floor.

Among other issues, Cain likely would have faced questioning over sexual misconduct accusations from two women relating to his time as CEO of the National Restaurant Association in the late 1990s.

Trump also has announced his intention to nominate economic commentator Stephen Moore to the Fed board. That move, too, has come under fire from congressional leaders who have questioned Moore’s credentials, and as revelations have come up relating to delinquent taxes and child support payments.

However, Washington observers have indicated that Moore would likely have an easier time in the confirmation process than Cain.

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Georgetown University students overwhelmingly voted to increase their tuition to pay reparations to the descendants of slaves once owned by the school. The move comes as reparations are increasingly being discussed on the campaign trail for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

The Georgetown University Student Association held the referendum this week, with students supporting the measure by a two-to-one margin. The fee would increase tuition at the nation’s oldest Catholic university by nearly $28 per semester for every student. The money would go into a fund for descendants of the 272 slaves the Jesuits sold in 1838 to keep the deeply indebted university open.

The vote is not binding, however. University leadership will make the final decision on whether to implement a mandatory fee for reparations.

“There are many approaches that enable our community to respond to the legacies of slavery,” Todd Olson, vice president for student affairs, said in a statement. “This student referendum provides valuable insight into student perspectives and will help guide our continued engagement with students, faculty and staff, members of the Descendant community, and the Society of Jesus.”

Reparations have become a topic of debate in the race for the Democratic nomination for president. At least four White House hopefuls — Obama-era housing secretary Julián Castro, California Sen. Kamala Harris, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke — support payments to descendants of slaves. New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker has ripped into his opponents for not doing enough to make reparations a reality.

Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders disagrees with the idea, however, saying that he would rather focus on the economic inequality that puts African Americans at a disadvantage.

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WASHINGTON — It was a far cry from ‘‘I love WikiLeaks!’’

President Trump declared that ‘‘I know nothing about WikiLeaks’’ after its disheveled founder Julian Assange was hauled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London to face charges, a stark contrast to how candidate Trump showered praise on Assange’s hacking organization night after night during the final weeks of the 2016 presidential campaign.

Asked about Thursday’s arrest, Trump said at the White House, ‘‘It’s not my thing. I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange. I’ve been seeing what’s happened with Assange and that will be a determination, I would imagine, mostly by the attorney general, who’s doing an excellent job. So, he’ll be making a determination . I know nothing really about him.’’

‘‘It’s not my deal in life.’’

But WikiLeaks was Trump’s deal in 2016 as he welcomed the political boost his campaign got and cheered on the release of Clinton campaign emails.

On the same October day that the ‘‘Access Hollywood’’ tape emerged, revealing that Trump had bragged in 2005 about groping women, WikiLeaks began releasing damaging emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta. Trump and his allies, facing a tough battle in the campaign’s final month, seized on the illegal dumps and weaponized them.

‘‘WikiLeaks, I love WikiLeaks,’’ Trump said in Pennsylvania.

‘‘This WikiLeaks is like a treasure trove,’’ Trump said in Michigan.

‘‘Boy, I love reading WikiLeaks,’’ Trump said in Ohio.

All told, Trump extolled WikiLeaks more than 100 times, and a poster of Assange hung backstage at the Republican’s debate war room. At no point from a rally stage did Trump express any misgivings about how WikiLeaks obtained the emails from the Clinton campaign or about the accusations of stealing sensitive U.S. government information, which led to the charges against Assange on Thursday.

Assange for years has been under U.S. Justice Department scrutiny for WikiLeaks’ role in publishing thousands of government secrets. He was an important figure in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe, as investigators examined how WikiLeaks obtained emails that were stolen from Democratic groups.

When asked about Assange in 2017, Trump said he did not ‘‘support or unsupport’’ WikiLeaks’ move to release hacked emails and that he would not be involved in any decision for the U.S. government to arrest Assange.

‘‘I am not involved in that decision,’’ whether or not to arrest Assange, Trump told The Associated Press then, ‘‘but if they want to do it, it’s OK with me.’’

The Justice Department now has charged Assange with taking part in a computer hacking conspiracy, accusing him of scheming with Chelsea Manning, a former Army intelligence analyst, to break a password for a classified government computer.

The single charge of computer intrusion conspiracy carries up to five years in prison, though the Justice Department can add additional charges depending on the evidence it gathers. Manning was ordered jailed last month for refusing to testify before a grand jury in Alexandria, Virginia, suggesting that prosecutors are still at work.

It was unclear why the Assange charge, which was brought under seal last year, was made public at this time and why he was taken into custody now — weeks after Mueller’s investigation had concluded. None of the allegations in the case relate to Russian election interference or WikiLeaks’ role in publishing emails stolen from Democrats by Russian intelligence operatives.

An indictment against 12 Russians last year described WikiLeaks’ role in publishing hacked emails in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election. Though the indictment said WikiLeaks had worked to coordinate the release of information, there was no allegation that the organization solicited the hacking of Democratic email accounts or worked with Russians.

Assange’s arrest provoked passionate responses overseas, and from some who had expressed concern about whistleblower protections, but the initial bipartisan reaction in Washington was relief.

‘‘I’m glad to see the wheels of justice are finally turning when it comes to Julian Assange,’’ tweeted Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., a Trump ally. ‘‘In my book, he has NEVER been a hero. His actions – releasing classified information – put our troops at risk and jeopardized the lives of those who helped us in Iraq and Afghanistan.’’

And Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, ranking Democrat on the intelligence committee, said he hoped the British courts would quickly transfer Assange to U.S. custody ‘‘so he can finally get the justice he deserves.’’

Assange’s lawyer has previously said he planned to fight any U.S. charges against him. Assange took refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in 2012 after he was released on bail in Britain while facing extradition to Sweden on sexual assault allegations that have since been dropped. British police said Assange had been arrested Thursday for breaching his bail conditions and in relation to the U.S. arrest request.

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Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton said Thursday that Julian Assange — whose organization, WikiLeaks, played a damaging role in her 2016 electoral defeat — needs to “answer for what he has done.”

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Numerous significant questions are left unanswered, including what, if anything, Mr. Assange knew about the identity of Guccifer 2.0, a mysterious hacker who American intelligence and law enforcement officials have identified as a front for Russian military intelligence operatives.

Court documents have revealed that it was Russian intelligence — using the Guccifer persona — that provided Mr. Assange thousands of emails hacked from the Democratic National Committee and the personal account of John D. Podesta, the chairman of the Clinton campaign.

Another question is whether Mr. Assange was a conduit between the Russian hackers and the Trump campaign. Mr. Assange exchanged emails with Donald Trump Jr., Mr. Trump’s eldest son, during the campaign, and a Trump campaign official sent Roger J. Stone Jr., a longtime adviser to the president, to get information about the hacked Democratic emails, according to a January indictment by Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel.

Mr. Mueller concluded his investigation without an indictment that directly connected WikiLeaks, the Russians and the Trump campaign, suggesting that prosecutors did not find sufficient evidence that Mr. Assange knowingly engaged in a conspiracy with Russia to help the Trump campaign.

But the report drafted by Mr. Mueller’s team, and expected to be released next week, could have additional details about the ties between the Trump campaign and Mr. Assange. Those details could be redacted by the Justice Department, however, if officials believe the material includes classified intelligence, said Carrie Cordero, a former official with the Justice Department’s National Security Division and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

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A group of more than 30 top leaders of the conservative movement sent a letter to President Trump pushing a terrific idea: Appoint former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli as the next secretary of homeland security.

Cuccinelli, who lost a close race for Virginia governor in 2013, is an accomplished administrator, well versed in the law, superb at communications, and philosophically in line with Trump. He is a principled conservative, unwavering but with a practical bent. He’s also politically fearless, with enough backbone to handle a tough and controversial job.

Yet he also has a record of compassion. As a student at the University of Virginia, he helped convince the administration to create a position for a full-time coordinator of education against sexual assault. Later, as attorney general, he worked tirelessly to exonerate a 27-year prison inmate after new evidence indicated the man’s innocence. He also worked to pass laws against human trafficking, and for better public access to mental healthcare.

“In this time of national crisis and emergency over national security and immigration, Ken’s background as a non-nonsense law enforcement officer and a major constitutional lawyer, along with his reputation as a fighter, combined with his extensive media experience, including television, make him ideally suited to carry out the duties of the Department of Homeland Security,” wrote the conservative leaders.

Among the signatories were former Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, former U.S. senator and Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint, longtime conservative publisher Al Regnery, pioneering direct-mail impresario Richard Viguerie, Leadership Institute President Morton Blackwell (no relation to Kenneth), Ronald Reagan biographer Craig Shirley, and leading conservative lawyer Cleta Mitchell.

They closed the letter extolling Cuccinelli’s “tough on crime stance, his solution-oriented approach, his dedication to the rule of law, his love for America, and most importantly, his loyalty to the cause of making America great again.”

In conversations and interviews both on and off the record over the years, I’ve been equally impressed. If Trump wants a smart, take-charge guy to protect the American homeland, Cuccinelli should be his man.

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The faces on the right often stay the same while titles change in the Trump era. Hence the latest news that President Trump is considering former Virginia attorney general and longtime conservative sojourner Ken Cuccinelli to become his next Homeland Security secretary.

Cuccinelli is in the running to succeed ousted DHS Chief Kirstjen Nielsen, reportedly competing for the job with current Department of Energy Secretary Rick Perry and former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach.

Major qualifications for the position are simple. Frustrated by a rise in illegal crossings along the southern U.S. border, Trump wants an immigration hardliner. Conservatives are convinced Cuccinelli fits the bill.

In a letter postmarked for Friday and obtained by RealClearPolitics, 19 outside conservative organizations urged the president to pick Cuccinelli. Longtime Trump boosters, including former South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint, Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center, and Ginni Thomas — the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas — lent their signatures.

“In this time of national crisis and emergency over national security and immigration, Ken’s background as a no-nonsense law enforcement officer and a major constitutional lawyer, along with his reputation as a fighter, combined with his extensive media experience, including television, make him ideally suited to carry out the duties of the Department of Homeland Security and your immigration agenda,” the letter reads.

Cuccinelli has all the prerequisites for the Trump Cabinet, whose members regularly double as cable TV guests. He is tough on crime, hawkish on the border, and an articulate, often feisty, interviewee. The longtime lawyer regularly made the cable news circuit to defend the president before signing with CNN in 2017 as a legal commentator.

A combative Cuccinelli notably caught flak there for clashing with Ana Navarro. During a shouting match over Trump’s immigration policies, he told the former Republican strategist and current co-host of “The View” that he was “sick and tired of listening to your shrill voice in my ears.”

That kind of pugilistic punditry likely appeals to the president, and Trump has experienced it firsthand. As a Virginia delegate, Cuccinelli engineered an effort at the 2016 Republican National Convention to force a debate on the nominating rules. It failed.

Party holdouts had hoped a roll-call vote would either embarrass the presumptive nominee or deny him the nomination altogether.  The plan fell apart when Arkansas Rep. Steve Womack called a voice vote instead before hurrying off the podium to escape an outcry from angry delegates. Cuccinelli threw down his credentials in disgust.

He later promised to support the nominee, and in the years since Cuccinelli has become a trusted ally of the president. A senior administration official confirmed to RCP that the 2013 Republican nominee for Virginia governor has earned the admiration of key Trump advisers Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller.

Cuccinelli made several trips to the White House ahead of the Senate vote on criminal justice reform earlier this year and also met with skeptical Republicans in Congress to push the Kushner-backed First Step Act. He would later herald its passage as “historic,” describing it as a move toward “redemption in the federal criminal justice system.”

His record as an immigration hardliner is more extensive, going back to his time as an Old Dominion lawmaker and attorney general. The liberal editorial board of the Washington Post bemoaned his candidacy for governor, pointing to his opposition to birthright citizenship, his authorization of lawsuits against employers who hire illegal immigrants, and his support of efforts to block immigrants from collecting unemployment benefits.

Cuccinelli lost that 2013 race but his record won him devotion from others tough on illegal immigration. Supporters and critics note that there is little ideological daylight between Cuccinelli and Miller, the aide reportedly responsible for the purge of Nielsen at DHS.

Kushner and Miller have not backed any potential nominee. And Kobach, who is also in the running and who knows Trump personally, is as much of an immigration hawk.

Cuccinelli’s admirers include Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who recruited him during his 2016 presidential campaign and who described him to RCP as “a patriot.”

“Our broken immigration system and years of unwillingness to secure our southern border has produced a security and humanitarian crisis. With his loyalty to the Constitution and extensive legal experience, Ken is well equipped to address this crisis and would be an exceptional Secretary of Homeland Security,” Cruz said in a statement.

Among Cuccinelli’s detractors is Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who asked Republicans to head off problematic nominees before they are tapped by the president. According to Politico, the Kentucky Republican singled him out by name.

The two have been crossways since at least 2014 when Cuccinelli joined the Senate Conservative Fund, a political action committee that supported a primary challenge to McConnell.

Whoever gets the nod at DHS, Trump confidant and North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows told RCP, must be “someone who will address the inherent barriers that exist, which keep our communities from being safe.”

“There is a crisis at the border,” he continued, “and it needs to be addressed in crisis mode.”

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Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signed the “heartbeat bill” one day after it passed the Republican-led General Assembly.

Paul Vernon/AP

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Paul Vernon/AP

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signed the “heartbeat bill” one day after it passed the Republican-led General Assembly.

Paul Vernon/AP

The six-week abortion ban known as the “heartbeat bill” is now law in Ohio. That makes Ohio the sixth state in the nation to attempt to outlaw abortions at the point a fetal heartbeat can be detected.

Gov. Mike DeWine signed the bill Thursday afternoon, just one day after it passed the Republican-led General Assembly. The law is slated to take effect in 90 days, unless blocked by a federal judge.

Now known as the “Human Rights Protection Act,” SB 23 outlaws abortions as early as five or six weeks into a pregnancy, before many women know they’re pregnant. It is one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country.

The bill does include an exception to save the life of the woman, but no exceptions for cases of rape or incest.

“The essential function of government is to protect the most vulnerable among us, those who don’t have a voice,” DeWine said as he signed the bill. “Government’s role should be to protect life from the beginning to the end.”

Federal judges in Kentucky and Iowa have blocked the laws or struck them down as unconstitutional. Another bill in Georgia has yet to be signed by the governor.

DeWine’s signature will set off a lengthy legal fight. The ACLU of Ohio announced it will sue to stop the law, which the group says “virtually bans all abortion care.”

“This legislation is blatantly unconstitutional and we will fight to the bitter end to ensure that this bill is permanently blocked,” said ACLU of Ohio legal director Freda Levenson in a statement.

The group plans to sue on behalf of Pre-Term Cleveland, Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio, Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio and the Women’s Med Center of Dayton.

But DeWine and lawmakers said they aren’t dissuaded by the threat of legal action. Since taking office in January, DeWine had said he planned to sign whichever version of the heartbeat bill ended up on his desk.

“Will there be a lawsuit? Yeah, we are counting on it,” said state Rep. Ron Hood on Wednesday. “We’re counting on it. We’re excited about it.”

Anti-abortion groups such as Ohio Right To Life say they intend the heartbeat bill to trigger a U.S. Supreme Court case striking down the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. That case legalized abortion up until viability, usually at 22-24 weeks.

“If this is what it takes, we will see you at the Supreme Court,” said Planned Parenthood of Ohio President Iris Harvey at a rally Wednesday outside the Statehouse.

The Ohio Senate originally passed the bill last month. The Republican-led House Health Committee then made several changes before sending it to the House floor, where it passed by party-line vote.

Beyond changing the name, the Ohio House version allows for the use of transvaginal ultrasounds to detect a fetal heartbeat even earlier in a pregnancy.

The bill institutes criminal penalties for doctors who violate the law. Doctors who perform abortions after detecting a heartbeat would face a fifth-degree felony and up to a year in prison. The legislation also allows the State Medical Board to take disciplinary actions against doctors found in violation and impose penalties of up to $20,000.

After hearing testimony from lawmakers and advocates, the Ohio House passed the bill Wednesday afternoon, 56-40, and the Ohio Senate quickly followed to affirm the changes, 18-12.

“Pro-life Ohio thanks Governor DeWine for taking a courageous stand on behalf of unborn children with beating hearts,” said Ohio Right to Life President Mike Gonidakis in a statement.

Currently, Ohio prohibits abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, and lawmakers in 2018 passed a law banning the “dilation and evacuation” method of abortion used most commonly after 12 weeks of pregnancy. The latter was blocked from taking effect by a federal judge in March.

The Ohio Senate in March passed another bill requiring the burial or cremation of fetal remains. The bill is now being considered in the Ohio House.

Legislators attempted several times before to pass the heartbeat bill, but the legislation was twice vetoed by former Gov. John Kasich, who warned it would prove costly for the state to defend in court.

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A group of family members of murder victims in California, along with a number of district attorneys from across the state, gathered in Sacramento on Thursday to denounce Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent moratorium on the death penalty.

At a press conference led by Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer, the family members and district attorneys slammed Newsom’s move to put a moratorium on the executions of the 737 inmates currently incarcerated in the Western Hemisphere’s largest death row and called on the California governor to rescind his executive order.

“Governor Newsom took a knife and stabbed all the victims and all the victims’ families in the heart,” Spitzer said.

Spitzer also criticized Newsom for travelling to El Salvador this week instead of meeting with murder victims’ families. Newsom is in the Central American nation in an attempt to counter the Trump administration’s harsh immigration stance and recent moves to cut millions of dollars in U.S. aid to the country.


“The governor decided to spend the week out of state, out of country, to meet with people he thinks are victims, when he could have met with victims in his own state,” he said.

Newsom’s office did not immediately return Fox News’ request for comment.

The press conference comes a day after prosecutors in the state announced they will seek the death penalty if they convict the man suspected of being the notorious “Golden State Killer,” who eluded capture for decades.

Prosecutors from four counties, including Orange County, announced their decision on Wednesday during a short court hearing for Joseph DeAngelo. He was arrested a year ago based on DNA evidence linking him to at least 13 murders and more than 50 rapes across California in the 1970s and ’80s.

Ron Harrington, whose brother Keith Harrington’s murder is one of those linked to the alleged Golden State Killer, castigated Newsom’s decision. Keith Harrington, along with his wife, Patti, were found bludgeoned to death in August of 1980 inside their home in a gated community just outside Dana Point, Calif.


“The Golden State Killer is the worst of the worst of the worst ever,” Ron Harrington said Thursday during the press conference. “He is the poster child for the death penalty.”

Harrington added: “Gov. Newsom, please explain to the Golden State Killer’s victims how they should be lenient and compassionate.”

Steve Herr – whose son, Sam Herr, was murdered and then dismembered by Daniel Wozniak in May 2010 inside an apartment in Costa Mesa, Calif. – also criticized Newsom.

Wozniak, who was sentenced to capital punishment in 2016, killed Herr and his college friend and tutor, Julie Kibuishi, as part of a plan to steal money Herr had saved from his military service in Afghanistan so that he could pay for his upcoming wedding and honeymoon.

Wozniak then staged the crime scene to make it appear as though Kibuishi had been sexually assaulted by Herr and that Herr had gone on the run.

The convicted murderer also dismembered both victims by cutting off the hands of both and removing Herr’s head.

“Gov. Newsom wasn’t there when I walked into my son’s apartment and found the body of Julie Kibuishi absolutely defiled,” Herr’s father said. “He wasn’t there when I walked into the mortuary and saw my son all sewed up.”


Newsom’s moratorium, which he signed last month, is seen as largely a symbolic move as California has not executed an inmate since 2006 amid legal challenges, but it still marked a major victory for opponents of capital punishment given the state’s size and its national political influence.

“I’ve gotten a sense over many, many years of the disparity in our criminal justice system,” Newsom said during a press conference on Wednesday. “We can make a more enlightened choice.”

Newsom also ordered in March that the equipment used in executions at San Quentin State Prison – the facility where capital punishment was carried out for men in California – be shut down and removed.

“We cannot advance the death penalty in an effort to soften the blow of what happens to these victims,” Newsom said. “If someone kills, we do not kill. We’re better than that.”

Despite recent polling indicating that support for the death penalty is at its lowest level since the early 1970s, Newsom’s order still bucks the will of most California residents. California voters previously rejected an initiative to abolish capital punishment in the state and instead, in 2016, voted in favor of Proposition 66 to help speed up executions.


Newsom’s move to halt executions was panned last month by President Trump, who has been a harsh critic of Newsom’s ever since the governor took office earlier this year.

“Defying voters, the Governor of California will halt all death penalty executions of 737 stone cold killers. Friends and families of the always forgotten VICTIMS are not thrilled, and neither am I!” Trump tweeted.

California has executed 13 inmates since the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976 and the state has the most people on death row in the country. Since the 1970s, 79 death row inmates have died of natural causes in the state and 26 by suicide. The last execution held in California occurred in 2006 when 76-year-old Clarence Ray Allen, who was convicted of killing three people, was executed.

Since then a series of stays of execution issued by the Federal District Court in San Francisco have held up any executions in the state, but there are now 25 inmates on death row who have exhausted all their appeals. Newsom said that none of the inmates currently on death row will have their sentences commuted, but will possibly be transferred back into the state’s general prison population.

“I believe I’m doing the right thing,” he said. “I cannot sign off on executing hundreds and hundreds of human beings knowing that among them there will be innocent people.”

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Clockwise from top right: Lt. Col. “B” Fram, Kathryn Fram, Peg Fram, Alivya Fram,

Amr Alfiky/NPR

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Amr Alfiky/NPR

Clockwise from top right: Lt. Col. “B” Fram, Kathryn Fram, Peg Fram, Alivya Fram,

Amr Alfiky/NPR

Lt. Col. Bree “B” Fram left a doctor’s office on April 2. Presenting that day as Bryan, the name given to them at birth, B should have been relieved.

“Overall, it’s a good thing,” said B. “It just didn’t feel great to have to do it on someone else’s timeline other than my own.”

“It” was an official diagnosis of gender dysphoria. As a transgender member of the military, B had to secure the diagnosis by April 12 in order to continue serving openly.

That’s when the Trump administration’s new policy on transgender military service takes effect. It effectively bans transgender people from joining the military. The more than 14,000 already serving will be allowed to do so openly, so long as they have that formal diagnosis of gender dysphoria filed by the deadline. If not, they must serve under the gender assigned them at birth – or leave the armed forces.

President Trump first announced the ban in July 2017.

B, who is in the Air Force, met that deadline when a civilian doctor in Ithaca, New York secured their diagnosis. But B’s personal journey of identity — shared with their wife Peg — is far from finished.

“I realize that I’m scared,” Peg said. “It’s accelerated everything so quickly…all of a sudden, we’re being forced to make this choice that I don’t think we were quite at yet.”

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders defines gender dysphoria as “a difference between one’s experienced/expressed gender and assigned gender, and significant distress or problems functioning.”

B says that language, specifically the term “distressed,” was a major disincentive in deciding whether to get the diagnosis — that the idea of having such a medical designation in their employment file is painful, especially when being transgender has never affected their job performance.

And for Peg, making the diagnosis official at this point was unwelcome. She just wasn’t ready.

“I have my own journey to deal with,” she says. “I met Bryan. I fell in love with Bryan. I married Bryan. We had kids. We moved on. Bree has come into our lives but it’s almost like bringing a new person in. It challenges everything from my sexuality to my femininity. And that is a hard thing for me to deal with on a daily basis, let alone have someone come up to me and say ‘deal with it faster.’ “

Not that Peg isn’t grateful that the diagnosis came through, mere days before the deadline. She remembers what it was like to live what she calls an “edited life” before the Obama administration announced it would allow transgender people in the military in 2016.

They have two kids, six and ten, who see their dad’s gender identity as “business as usual.” But Peg says the family spent years hiding B’s gender dysphoria, afraid it would destroy their military career.

B remembers, too — and doesn’t want transgender troops who missed the deadline, current and future, to go through that. A week after the doctor’s appointment, the Fram family traveled to Washington so B could meet with members of Congress and talk about the Trump administration’s ban. B told lawmakers how much harder it is to serve when forced to stay in the closet…or, in the case of those who don’t get the diagnosis in time, forced back into the closet.

In contrast, when allowed to serve openly, B says:

“You don’t have to have this filter in your brain that has to sit between your thoughts and the words or actions that come out of you…you can reach your full potential.”

So why not take that potential elsewhere? Leave the military for a job where the policy doesn’t affect B and their family?

“I have so much invested in the military,” says B. “The reasons why I joined haven’t changed…I joined right after September 11th. That had a profound impact on me and my ability to give back,” adding that the military is where they found purpose.

That’s what’s at stake for the service members who didn’t manage to get a diagnosis in time. B works with SPART*A, an organization that represents active duty transgender service members. The group was working with several people trying to file their paperwork up until the last minute.

Delays took many forms, particularly for those serving remotely where military doctors are not available. Even if a soldier gets a diagnosis from a civilian doctor, the paperwork needs a signature from a military medical professional.

And that paperwork itself raises other concerns for the Frams. Having lived through several policy changes as a military spouse, Peg is wary of how the documentation of B’s gender dysphoria might be used in the future.

“It opened up another avenue of fear for me,” says Peg. “Now that they’ve been forced to go into this box, it’s easier to call them out later.”

“The fear is always that this is the tip of the iceberg,” says B, believing the current policy is already a social step backward. “What comes next?”

Selena Simmons-Duffin edited this story for broadcast.

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Former oil and gas lobbyist David Bernhardt was confirmed by the Senate on Thursday to lead the Interior Department, an agency that controls nearly half a billion acres of public land and the vast amount of oil and gas mineral resources resting beneath it.

The 56-to-41 vote Thursday promoted Bernhardt from Interior’s acting secretary, a job he assumed after his predecessor, Ryan Zinke, resigned amid numerous investigations into his behavior and management of the agency. Bernhardt had served as Zinke’s deputy until his departure in December.

The vote tally made Bernhardt the Interior Department’s least popular nominee for secretary in 40 years, according to the Center for American Progress, a liberal-leaning policy institute. Before Thursday, Zinke had the most votes in opposition, 31. Before President Trump’s two picks, every nominee over that time received fewer than 25 no votes, the group said.

Bernhardt’s extensive experience at Interior, where he served as solicitor during the George W. Bush administration, was cited by his supporters who said he is more than qualified to lead the agency.

But his work as a lobbyist for the oil and gas industry in the West, as well as large water utilities, led to concerns about conflicts of interest. The Interior Department oversees 700 million acres minerals and other resources underground and 1.7 billion acres offshore. The department works closely with some of Bernhardt’s former clients.

Bernhardt has so many potential conflicts of interest that he carries an index card listing companies and people he should avoid. Concerns over ethics led to a heated confrontation between a Democrat who opposed Bernhardt’s nomination and a Republican who supported it at his confirmation hearing.

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) said Bernhardt came to his office and assured him that he would follow ethics rules. Shortly after the meeting, Wyden said, he was startled to see that Bernhardt was the subject of a newspaper article that said he intervened on behalf of the oil industry and others to stop a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service analysis that said certain toxic pesticides used by such businesses threatened endangered animals.

“Why would you come to my office and lie?” Wyden asked. The actions “make you sound like just another corrupt official,” the lawmaker said.

Wyden’s statement was immediately countered by Bernhardt’s friend and fellow Coloradan, Sen. Cory Gardner (R), who said Democrats exhibited a double standard by supporting former interior secretary and petroleum engineer Sally Jewell but not Bernhardt.

In the end, the Energy and Natural Resources Committee approved Bernhardt’s nomination by a 14-to-6 vote. Several Democrats joined Gardner in supporting the nominee.

A day before the vote by the full Senate, Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) explained his support for Bernhardt.

“I need to be able to pick up the phone and talk to the secretary of interior on a regular, regular basis because these things have direct impacts on New Mexico,” Heinrich said Wednesday. “We didn’t win the election in 2016, so I’m not going to get my choice for secretary of interior. In the meantime, I have to be able to work with these folks.”

Heinrich expressed particular concern about potential oil and gas drilling in the Chaco Canyon area near massive stone ruins considered sacred to the descendants of the ancient Pueblo civilization.

“I’m going to put my state, and the protection of public lands in my state, ahead of the sort of political battle that happens in Washington, D.C.”

On the day of the Senate vote, Gardner again denounced Bernhardt’s opponents and said the “Washington, D.C., political smear machine has been working overtime” to bring down a good man.

Democrats and conservation groups in turn say Bernhardt has worked overtime to roll back key regulations protecting public lands and wildlife.

With Bernhardt acting as an influential deputy under Zinke, Interior held oil and gas lease sales that resulted in more than a billion dollars in revenue for the national treasury.

But the agency also weakened enforcement of the 100-year-old Migratory Bird Treaty Act, allowing individuals and companies to kill scores of protected birds so long as investigators determine it was not intentional, reversing a long-standing rule.

The pair also oversaw a rollback of National Park Service rules on federal land in Alaska that will allow hunters to kill mother bears and their cubs sleeping in dens as well as shooting animals from boats as they swim between shores.

Interior is considering an unprecedented plan to offer federal offshore leases that could lead to drilling on nearly the entire U.S. outer continental shelf, including the Arctic and Atlantic, areas where drilling has been largely forbidden.

Five companies are seeking permits from Interior that would allow them to use seismic air guns to map the Atlantic floor in search of oil and gas deposits. Last year, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration granted the companies permits that allow them to unintentionally harm or even kill marine animals while conducting operations.

Conservationists and several attorneys general representing coastal Atlantic states are fighting the NOAA permits and the applications for Interior permits in court.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) said Thursday that she opposed Bernhardt’s nomination for several reasons, including his role in weakening enforcement of the law to protect birds and “stacking the deck in favor of the fossil fuel industry.”

Like other Democrats, Klobuchar decried his actions to limit opportunities for the public to comment on Interior’s policy decisions and his directive to agency employees to not factor climate and environmental effects into guidance.

Under Bernhardt, she said, Interior has not only downplayed climate science, it has engaged in decisions and rulemaking “that will accelerate its effect. The question is not is it happening … the question is what will we do about it,” she said.

National Ocean Industries Association President Randall Luthi praised Bernhardt’s confirmation. “NOIA looks forward to working with the Department of the Interior,” Luthi said, adding that the group encouraged timely decisions on important pending offshore policies, including Atlantic seismic permits, an expanded national offshore oil and gas leasing program, and a reliable and consistent schedule of future offshore wind lease sales.

But Jamie Rappaport Clark, president and chief executive of the Defenders of Wildlife, had the opposite reaction.

“We are deeply disappointed that the Senate decided to confirm the Secretary of Interior with a record full of ethical conflicts and unwavering allegiance to the oil and gas industry,” said Rappaport. Interior “badly needs leadership that restores the public’s trust in its mission to conserve our natural resources, not more of the same failed policies and ethical challenges that have plagued the department under this administration.”

Dino Grandoni contributed to this report.

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Vaughan Smith, who had been a longtime supporter of Mr. Assange and helped put up his bail money, said that “Julian’s a big bloke, with big bones, and he fills the room physically and intellectually.”

“It’s a tiny embassy with a tiny balcony,” he added, “small, hot and with not great air flow, and it must be jolly difficult for everyone there.”

But from there, Mr. Assange for years held court for admirers and famous curiosity seekers, among them the soccer star Eric Cantona, and Nigel Farage, the pro-Brexit radio host and former head of U.K. Independence Party.

Still, Mr. Assange’s isolation was wearing on him, a friend said on Thursday, especially the long, lonely weekends in an essentially empty embassy he could not leave.

Even his friends have described him as difficult, a narcissist with an outsized view of his importance and a disinterest in mundane matters like personal hygiene.

He was becoming deeply depressed and wondered about simply walking out, the friend said, speaking on condition of anonymity. And relations with his hosts were becoming deeply strained, even adversarial.

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Greg Craig, former White House counsel for then-President Barack Obama, was indicted Thursday on two counts of making false and misleading statements to investigators — including Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team — in connection with his work on behalf of Russia-backed former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych.

Craig is the first prominent Democrat to be indicted in a case arising from Mueller’s now-completed probe into Russian election interference. Mueller referred the Craig case to prosecutors in New York last year after uncovering possible wrongdoing while he investigated former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s Ukraine lobbying work.

The Washington-based lawyer was indicted by a grand jury in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia for allegedly falsifying and concealing “material facts” and making false statements both to Mueller and to the DOJ National Security Division’s Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) Unit.

The FARA Unit is responsible for enforcing foreign lobbying laws that require the disclosure of certain overseas activity, including public relations work for foreign entities. At issue were Craig’s 2012 lobbying and media contacts on behalf of Yanukovych, while Craig was a partner at the law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom.

Specifically, Craig and the law firm were commissioned by Yanukovych and Ukraine’s government to write a report to assess whether the government’s prosecution of dissident Yulia Tymoshenko — a criminal case that was criticized widely as an abuse of power — was a “fair trial.”

Critics charged that the apparent aim of the Skadden report was to provide cover for what critics called an obviously politically motivated prosecution, and Manafort and others used the published document to advance Yanukovych’s standing in the international community. But, if Skadden and Craig registered as foreign agents of Ukraine under FARA, the report’s appearance of impartiality likely would have been compromised.

In a videotaped statement uploaded to YouTube on Thursday, Craig asserted that the report was “independent,” and denied helping Ukraine spin the information it contained. He also strongly denied the charges against him, saying he was “always honest” about his activities.

Craig, speaking directly to the camera, also slammed the prosecution as “unprecedented and unjustified.”

In the indictment, prosecutors cited several emails between Craig and the report’s co-author, including one April 2012 email in which Craig wrote that a follow-up Skadden report on Yanukovych’s then-upcoming second trial would “help make it go better and look better vis a vis the West.”

Although Ukraine officials said they paid only $12,000 for the report, prosecutors charged that Manafort illegally used an offshore account to ensure Skadden received approximately $4 million for its services.

“People in Kiev are very happy. You are ‘THE MAN.'”

— Lobbyist email to Greg Craig, cited in indictment

In February 2012, prosecutors said, Craig emailed the co-author of the report, saying, “I don’t want to register as a foreign agent under FARA. I think we don’t have to with this assignment, yes?”

In April that year, Craig emailed, “I don’t really care who you ask [about the FARA requirements] but we need an answer from someone who we can rely on with a straight face.”

On December 15, 2012, after the report’s release, a lobbyist wrote to Craig that media coverage on the report was glowing: “You are back in the headlines internationally. … People in Kiev are very happy. You are ‘THE MAN.'”

Yanukovych was overthrown in the 2014 Ukrainian revolution and has lived in exile in Russia since. Tymoshenko, who was also one of the leaders of the Orange Revolution, was convicted on charges including embezzlement in 2011 but was released in 2014 upon Yanukovych’s ouster.

In 2013, the DOJ sent Skadden a letter informing Craig that the firm and Craig’s work with Ukraine meant they had to register as foreign agents under FARA. Craig resisted those requests, providing false information to Skadden’s general counsel, the indictment said.

Based on Craig’s false assurances — including his claims that his statements to the media on the Ukraine matter were merely to correct misinformation — thte FARA Unit changed its determination and said Craig did not need to register, prosecutors said in the indictment.

On October 19, 2017, according to the indictment, Craig repeated the lies to Mueller’s team — allegedly providing misleading statements on his contacts with journalists concerning the report.


“The purpose of the scheme was for Craig to avoid registration as an agent of Ukraine,” the indictment read. “Registration would require disclosure of the fact that Private Ukrainian had paid Craig and the Law Firm more than $4 million … [and] undermine the Report and Craig’s perceived independence; and impair the ability of Craig and others at the Law FIrm to later return to government positions.”

It was not clear why Mueller — who prosecuted other Trump officials, including Manafort, Michael Flynn, and George Papadopoulos for making false statements — did not handle the Craig case himself, and opted instead to farm it out to prosecutors in New York.

Alex van der Zwaan, another former Skadden lawyer, pleaded guilty last year to lying to investigators about the report.

Craig faces up to 10 years in prison in all — up to five years and a possible $250,000 fine for allegedly willfully falsifying and concealing material facts from the FARA Unit and another five years and $10,000 fine for making false and misleading statements to the FARA Unit.

FARA violations had been prosecuted rarely until Mueller took aim at Manafort for his own lobbying work in Ukraine. Manafort, who counted Yanukovych as one of his most lucrative clients, has been convicted on numerous bank and tax fraud charges and separately was accused of FARA violations as well.

Manafort was sentenced earlier this year to approximately seven years in prison. No Americans were indicted for colluding with Russia or obstruction of justice following the completion of Mueller’s nearly two-year-long investigation, despite multiple attempts by Russians to involve the Trump campaign in a conspiracy to hack Democrats’ emails.

Craig left Skadden last year after his work with Manafort became public. Skadden agreed this past January to cooperate with the DOJ’s registration requirements and paid $4.6 million in a settlement to avoid criminal prosecution.

“We have learned much from this incident and are taking steps to prevent anything similar from happening again,” the firm said in a statement at the time.

Craig’s attorneys on Wednesday night told The Associated Press in a statement that the “government’s stubborn insistence on prosecuting Mr. Craig is a misguided abuse of prosecutorial discretion.”

On Thursday, the attorneys, William Taylor and William Murphy, told reporters: “This indictment accuses Mr. Craig of misleading the FARA Unit of the Department of Justice in order to avoid registration. It is itself unfair and misleading. It ignores uncontroverted evidence to the contrary. Mr. Craig had no interest in misleading the FARA Unit because he had not done anything that required his registration. That is what this trial will be all about.”


The indictment was announced by Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers, U.S. Attorney Jessie K. Liu for the District of Columbia, and Assistant Director in Charge William F. Sweeney, Jr. of the FBI’s New York Field Office.

Separately, another Mueller-referred investigation into Clinton-linked Washington insider Tony Podesta related to his overseas lobbying work also reportedly is heating up.

Fox News’ Mike Emanuel and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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  • Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Democrat from Minnesota and one of the first two Muslim women elected to the US House of Representatives, appeared on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” Wednesday night.
  • There she had a simple response to comments made by “Fox & Friends” host Brian Kilmeade, who seemed to question the congresswoman’s loyalty to the United States.
  • “I took an oath,” she said. “I took an oath to the Constitution. I am as American as everyone else is,” Omar said.
  • Visit for more stories.

Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Democrat from Minnesota and one of the first two Muslim women elected to the US House of Representatives, appeared on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” Wednesday night. There she had a simple response to comments made by “Fox and Friends” host Brian Kilmeade, who seemed to question the congresswoman’s loyalty to the United States.

“I took an oath,” she said. “I took an oath to the Constitution. I am as American as everyone else is,” Omar said.

The congresswoman’s appearance on the show, Colbert pointed out, had been a while in the making — before Omar became the subject of controversy.

“You’ve become a lightning rod certainly for the people on the right and for some Democrats. Would you like me to go through the timeline of the lightning rodding?” he joked. “Or would you like to explain how you perceive becoming a lightning rod for people? Because that’s part of your story right off the bat.”

Colbert was referring to both comments that Rep. Omar made that were condemned by members of both parties as anti-Semitic, and Islamophobic comments made about the congresswoman, a Somali refugee who immigrated to the United States.

Read more:‘We must call it out!’ Chuck Schumer slams Ilhan Omar, comparing her comments about Israel to Trump’s remarks on neo-Nazis

“If you think about, historically, where our nation is right now, there are many members of our community that their identities are a lightning rod,” Omar responded.

FILE – In this Jan. 5, 2017, file photo, new State Rep. Ilhan Omar is interviewed in her office two days after the 2017 Legislature convened in St. Paul, Minn. Omar, already the first Somali-American to be elected to a state legislature, is jumping into a crowded race for a Minnesota congressional seat. Omar filed Tuesday, June 5, 2018, for the Minneapolis-area seat being vacated by U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison. (AP Photo/Jim Mone, File)

She continued by saying that the “whole process really has been one of growth,” acknowledging that she is learning the historical context behind the comments.

“And as I’ve said to my constituents, to my colleagues, when you tell me you are pained by something that I say, I will always listen, and I will acknowledge your pain,” she said.

The congresswoman told Colbert that she would like the same consideration with respect to comments made about her, and she referred to Kilmeade who wondered on “Fox & Friends” if she was “an American first.”

In the extended interview posted to Facebook, Colbert asked Omar to respond to those who would tell her, along with her freshman colleagues, the Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib, to slow down.

“We are there to follow the lead of Congressman John Lewis and make ‘good trouble,'” she said.

See Also:

SEE ALSO: House votes to condemn anti-Semitism and ‘all forms of hatred’ as Rep. Ilhan Omar’s comments on Israel threaten to tear Democratic Party apart

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