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Born in Brooklyn, with an accent to match, Mr. Sanders ran unsuccessfully in the 1970s for governor and United States senator in Vermont before being elected mayor of Burlington in 1981. For 16 years, he served as the only congressman in the state before he was elected to the Senate in 2006.

Mr. Sanders has been a modest legislator and something of a lone wolf in Washington, promoting largely the same legislative agenda since his early days as a mayor. He voted against the Iraq War and, in 2008, he was one of roughly two dozen senators to vote against the $700 billion bailout of big banks.

And while he is often viewed as a pesky left-wing gadfly, he is also known to reach across the aisle, working on legislation with Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa and Senator John McCain of Arizona, both Republicans. He has rationalized voting for the 1994 crime bill, now heavily criticized for some its draconian provisions, by saying he had favored progressive parts of the bill, including the Violence Against Women Act, while strongly opposing measures that would lead to mass incarceration.

Mr. Sanders is the longest-serving independent in congressional history, a point of pride for him but one of consternation and annoyance for some Democrats who are quick to suggest he does not have the party’s interests at heart. Some Democrats blame him for Mrs. Clinton’s loss in 2016, saying his anti-establishment rhetoric during his campaign inflamed divisions in the party that proved insurmountable.

Mr. Sanders largely avoided scrutiny during his 2016 presidential run but he will likely face more direct attacks from his opponents and more attention from the news media in a second bid for the White House.

One 2016 campaign issue that will almost certainly resurface is his past record on gun control, Democratic strategists have said, given the intensity of the debate around gun violence following recent mass shootings. In 2005, Mr. Sanders voted for a law that granted immunity to gun manufacturers and dealers from most liability lawsuits. Mr. Sanders has also come under fire for support he received from the N.R.A. when he was running for Congress in 1990, in part because he vowed not to support a bill that mandated a waiting period for handgun sales.

Though his message is well worn, Mr. Sanders has indicated recently that he is trying to remedy weaknesses from his first presidential campaign. In recent months, he has made a series of trips to the South, where in 2016 he drew less than 20 percent of the black vote. On the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday this year, he made a two-day swing through South Carolina — where black voters made up about 60 percent of the Democratic primary vote in 2016 — that included addressing supporters and students and speaking with lawmakers.

He has also tried to shore up his foreign policy credentials, becoming a vocal critic of the United States support of Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen. Late last year, the Senate passed a resolution, which Mr. Sanders helped introduce, to end American military assistance for the kingdom’s war there.

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President Trump on Tuesday ridiculed California for its “failed Fast Train project” as he fired back at a multi-state lawsuit opposing his declaration of a national emergency on the southern border.

“As I predicted, 16 states, led mostly by Open Border Democrats and the Radical Left, have filed a lawsuit in, of course, the 9th Circuit! California, the state that has wasted billions of dollars on their out of control Fast Train, with no hope of completion, seems in charge!” he tweeted.


Trump was referring both to the lawsuit and to California’s high-speed rail project from Los Angeles to San Francisco, which was canceled last week amid delays and cost overruns. The $77 billion project would dwarf the cost of a wall at the border — estimated to be $20-25 billion.

“The failed Fast Train project in California, where the cost overruns are becoming world record setting, is hundreds of times more expensive than the desperately needed Wall!” he tweeted.

The lawsuit, filed Monday by attorneys general of California, New York and 14 other states in the Ninth Circuit, challenges Trump’s announcement on Friday declaring a national emergency over border security — a move that allows him to potentially access more funds for the proposed wall on the southern border.

The lawsuit seeks an injunction to prevent Trump from shifting billions of dollars from military construction to the border without explicit congressional approval. The suit also asks a court to declare Trump’s actions illegal, arguing that Trump showed a “flagrant disregard of fundamental separation of powers principles engrained in the United States Constitution” by violating the Constitution’s Presentment and Appropriations Clauses, which govern federal spending.

The litigation also includes allegations that Trump is violating the National Environmental Policy Act, by planning to build a wall that could impact the environment without first completing the necessary environmental impact reports.


“President Trump treats the rule of law with utter contempt,” California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said Monday. “He knows there is no border crisis, he knows his emergency declaration is unwarranted, and he admits that he will likely lose this case in court.”

Trump had previously predicted that opposition to his declaration would come through the Ninth Circuit, a court he has had issues with before. The San Francisco-based circuit has long been a legal stumbling block for conservative policies, and the White House has sought to appoint conservative justices to thin out the liberal ranks on the court. Last year, Trump bypassed traditional protocols and ignored the concerns of the state’s Democratic politicians to nominate prominent conservatives to the Ninth Circuit.


Trump announced his decision to declare a national emergency on Friday after a compromise spending bill to keep the government open gave only $1.4 billion for barriers, and that money came with strings attached about where it could be used and on what barriers. It was well short of the $5.7 billion Trump had demanded.

A senior administration official told Fox News the White House is planning to move $8 billion in funds toward the wall, $3 billion of which would be diverted with help from the emergency declaration.

Fox News’ Gregg Re, John Roberts and Barnini Chakraborty contributed to this report.

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised eyebrows after comparing President Trump’s border wall plans to the Berlin Wall separating communist Germany from the free world.

The New York Democrat made her remarks during a livestream for supporters on Friday, where she spoke out about the scrutiny she received ever since she won the election last year and dethroned top Democrat Joe Crowley.


“No matter how you feel about the wall, I think it’s a moral abomination,” Ocasio-Cortez said on the issue of the border wall that Trump has been pushing for since getting into office.

“I think it’s like the Berlin Wall. I think it’s like any other wall designed to separate human beings and block out people who are running away from the humanitarian disasters. I just think it’s wrong,” she added.

The Berlin Wall, which became the most notable border of the “Iron Curtain” during the Cold War, was built following the Soviet Union’s recommendation amid exodus of Germans living under the communist rule in East Germany following the World War II and the partition of the country.

The wall, guarded by soldiers on the East’s side, was a way to block the East Germans from fleeing communism to West Berlin and West Germany, a free and Democratic country. Multiple people were shot by the soldiers in their desperate efforts to escape East Berlin.

“Dear @AOC: Let me serve as your private professor here. The Berlin Wall was meant to keep people inside the socialist/communist utopia and stop them from fleeing to the decadent capitalist west. So as the New Millennial Lenin, you might want to refrain from using this example,” Gad Saad, an evolutionary behavioral scientist at the John Molson School of Business, tweeted.


“People who compare the US-Mexico border wall to the Berlin wall failed or slept through the easiest history classes in middle school and high school,” wrote another Twitter user.

President Trump’s proposed border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, meanwhile, has been touted as a deterrent against drug and human trafficking, in addition as a way to reduce illegal immigration numbers.


The White House is planning to move $8 billion in currently appropriated or available funds toward construction of the wall. Of that, $3 billion could be diverted with help from the national emergency declaration.

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When ordinary people too cavalierly throw around the word “treasonous,” they devalue civil discourse and constitutional understanding. When a president wantonly uses the word, he himself is being almost, well, treasonous.

And if that second sentence above is a slight overstatement, even with the modifier “almost” included, well, it’s still a lot closer to truth and reason than it was for President Trump to tweet the accusation Monday morning at two top law-enforcement officials. Trump concluded a series of tweets by saying that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then-Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe had done something “ illegal and treasonous” in questioning his fitness for office.

No, Mr. President. What they did was patriotic by some lights, and at the very least was dutiful. But what you do by your charges of “treason,” coming from the Oval Office, is to dangerously ratchet up the political temperature. The president is not a king. Opposition to him is not a crime. And mere consideration of a constitutional provision to remove him is nowhere near treason.

Trump was reacting to McCabe telling TV newsmagazine “60 Minutes” that he and Rosenstein were at least somewhat serious in wondering whether Trump was mentally fit for office, and in trying to figure out ways to ascertain the answer in a way that would be dispositive – including including a wiretap if it could be done legally. In doing so, they were in the very earliest stages of considering use of the Constitution’s 25th Amendment, a section of which allows for the removal of an incapacitated president.

It is almost inarguable that Trump acts strangely sometimes, and mercurially and rashly. It is beyond question that a spirited public debate was occurring about whether Trump was indeed mentally unfit in 25th Amendment terms. The amendment is there for good reason. Prior presidents have suffered incapacitation. Witness former President Woodrow Wilson, who suffered a stroke and was forced to rely on his wife to carry on his official duties.

The amendment is not to be used lightly, and it contains significant internal safeguards against misuse. It was a well-considered reaction by the public at large, supported by two thirds of Congress and by the legislatures of three-fourths of the states, to the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy.

To even suggest that the mere consideration of beginning a process of ascertaining a president’s mental fitness is illegal, much less treasonous, is to suggest that the 25th Amendment itself should be ignored. It is to suggest that the American people acted illegitimately in instituting the amendment, and that public officials are acting unlawfully by taking it seriously. It is to suggest that the president is a law unto himself, and that the mere act of questioning his fitness is not just a crime, but also is the single worst crime against the state itself that the Constitution recognizes.

A president holds a unique position of power. When he yells “treason,” it carries particular weight. And when he uses it to suggest that questioning him is illegitimate, he at least suggests that he is above the law.

For Trump to use the word treason in this way, as he now has done several times during his presidency, is to create a public impression which, if it takes hold, would undermine our constitutional order.

Of course, we all know that Trump tweets with abandon and often from ignorance. We know we aren’t supposed to take all his tweets literally. But that doesn’t excuse him. It just means we have even more reason to question his judgment, even if not his sanity.

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President Donald Trump, speaking in a major foreign policy address in Miami to members of the Venezuelan community, declared Monday that “a new day is coming in Latin America” and issued a stark assessment that “socialism is dying” across the world.

In a wide-ranging rebuke of socialism that seemed targeted as much at Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua as it was at congressional Democrats, Trump remarked: “We know that socialism is not about justice, it’s not about equality, it’s not about lifting up the poor — it’s about one thing only: power for the ruling class. And, the more power they get, the more they crave. They want to run health care, run transportation and finance, run energy, education, run everything. They want the power to decide who wins and who loses, who’s up and who’s down, what’s true and what’s false, and even who lives and who dies.”

Before a supportive and raucous crowd at Florida International University in Miami Trump announced, flanked by large American and Venezuelan flags, “This will never happen to us. … To those who would try to impose socialism on the United States, we again deliver a very simple message: America will never be a socialist country.”

The president’s vow came as Democrats have proposed an evolving agenda of “Medicare-for-all,” free college tuition, minimum wage increases and even guaranteed basic income.

“When Venezuela is free, and Cuba is free, and Nicaragua is free, this will become the first free hemisphere in all of human history,” Trump said.

The address was the second time Trump publicly and forcefully has condemned what he has called “the horrors of socialism and communism” and “massive wealth confiscation” in recent weeks, following his similar vow during the State of the Union address that “America will never be a socialist country.”

That remark, which left Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., stone-faced, came as part of a larger condemnation of disputed President Nicolas Maduro for “turning that nation from being the wealthiest in South America into a state of abject poverty and despair” through a mixture of “brutality” and “socialist policies.”

Venezuelan boys holding cups of a grape-flavored drink, part of the free lunch that is given out daily at the “Divina Providencia” migrant shelter in La Parada, near Cucuta, Colombia, on the border with Venezuela, on Monday. (AP Photo/Fernando Vergara)

On Monday, Trump hammered that theme repeatedly and called on Venezuela’s military to rise up and take on Maduro, who has blocked U.S. humanitarian aid shipments.

“We know the truth about socialism in Venzuela, in Cuba, in Nicaragua, and all around the world. Socialism promises prosperity, but it delivers poverty,” Trump said. “Socialism promises unity, but it delivers hatred and it delivers division. Socialism promises a better future, but it always returns to the darkest chapters of the past. That never fails. It always happens. Socialism is a sad and discredited ideology rooted in a total ignorance of history and human nature, which is why socialism, eventually, must always give rise to tyranny — which it does. Socialists profess a love of diversity, but they always insist on absolute conformity.”


As the crowd chanted “USA,” Trump, who was joined by first lady Melania Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and National Security Adviser John Bolton, asserted, “The people of Venezuela stand at the threshold of history — ready to reclaim their country and to reclaim their future. Not long ago, Venezuela was the wealthiest nation by far in South America. But, years of socialist rule have brought this once-thriving nation to the brink of ruin.

“The results have been catastrophic,” Trump continued. “Almost 90 percent of Venezuelans now live in poverty. In 2018, hyperinflation in Venezuela exceeded one million percent. Crippling shortages of food and medicine plague the country. Socialism has so completely ravaged this great country that even the world’s largest reserves of oil are no longer enough to keep the lights on.”


As the monthslong political crisis in Venezuela continued, Trump took multiple generalized shots at socialism that pointedly were not limited to the country’s borders.

“America will never be a socialist country.”

— President Trump

“The days of socialism and communism are numbered not only in Venezuela, but in Nicaragua and Cuba as well,” Trump said, as the crowd roared. “Do we love Cuba? Do we love Nicaragua? Great countries. Great potential.”


Trump again declared that Guaido was the country’s rightful president amid what he called an unprecedented “humanitarian disaster.” He also made a public case to Venezuela’s military, which has remained loyala to Maduro and could play a decisive role in the stalemate, to support Guaido’s government.

Trump issued a dire warning to Venezuela’s military that if they continue to stand with Maduro, “you will find no safe harbor, no easy exit and no way out. You will lose everything.”

Trump added: “We seek a peaceful transition of power, but all options are open.”

Trump urged the Venezuelan military to accept Guaido’s offer of amnesty and refrain from violence against those opposing Maduro’s government. And he praised the Venezuelan opposition, saying of the people of Venezuela, “They are turning the page on dictatorship and there will be no going back.”

Free lunches prepped with lentils, a slice of bologna, rice and a piece of plantain ready to be served at a migrant shelter in La Parada, near Cucuta, Colombia, on the border with Venezuela, Monday. (AP Photo/Fernando Vergara)

The Maduro-controlled military has blocked the U.S. from moving tons of humanitarian aid airlifted in recent days to the Colombian border with Venezuela. The aid shipments have been meant in part to emphasize the hyperinflation and shortages of food and medicine that are gripping Venezuela.

“Unfortunately, Dictator Maduro has blocked this life-saving aid from entering the country. He would rather see his people starve than give them aid, than help them,” Trump said. “Millions of Venezuelans are starving and suffering while a small handful at the top of the Maduro regime plunder the regime into poverty and death. We know who they are and we know where they keep the billions of dollars they have stolen.”

The aid is supposed to be moved into Venezuela on Feb. 23 by supporters of Guaido. But, Maduro has called the aid unnecessary and said it constituted an attempt to destabilize his government.

Trump delivered the remarks to a supportive audience at Florida International University in Miami. South Florida is home to more than 100,000 Venezuelans and Venezuelan-Americans, the largest concentration in the country. Trump has largely been spending the holiday weekend at his private club in West Palm Beach.

Juan Guaido speaking during an economic forum in Caracas last week. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Critics said Maduro’s re-election last year was fraudulent, making his second term illegal.

On Sunday, Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio — whom Trump invoked in his Monday address — visited a border staging point for U.S. aid to Venezuela and warned soldiers loyal to Maduro that it would be a “crime against humanity” if they blocked entry of the goods being channeled through Maduro’s rivals.


An enthusiastic throng of Venezuelan migrants, some chanting “Rubio! Liberty,” met the senator as he visited Cucuta and held a news conference in sight of a border bridge that has been flooded in recent months by people escaping the hardships of Venezuela’s hyperinflation and severe shortages of food and medicine.

While Russia, China, Turkey and a large number of Asian and African countries still back Maduro, Rubio dismissed them, saying in English: “The countries that support Maduro do not surprise us. All of them are corrupt and none of them is a democracy and many of them are owed billions of dollars that they want to get paid by the corrupt regime.”

Fox News’ Greg Wilson and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Washington (CNN)It’s a high bar given the wild swings of his two years in power, but Donald Trump seems more untethered to any traditional notion of the presidency than ever.

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    (CNN)Sixteen states filed a lawsuit on Monday challenging President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration for the southern border.

    The lawsuit was filed in the US District Court for the Northern District of California.

    The attorneys general from Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon and Virginia joined California Attorney General Xavier Becerra in the lawsuit.

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    President Trump speaks to Venezuelan Americans in Miami Monday, denouncing the Maduro government and military members who support it.

    Andrew Harnik/AP

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    Andrew Harnik/AP

    President Trump speaks to Venezuelan Americans in Miami Monday, denouncing the Maduro government and military members who support it.

    Andrew Harnik/AP

    At a campaign-style speech in Miami on Monday, President Trump said the Venezuelan military should not interfere with humanitarian aid coming into the country, or resort to violence, as the U.S. and other nations throw their support behind parliamentary leader Juan Guaidó as interim president over the current leader, socialist Nicolás Maduro.

    Trump cautioned that time is running out for Maduro and that those who have been slow to embrace the opposition leader, whom the U.S. recognized as that nation’s legitimate president last month, are confronted with a perilous choice as the world watches.

    Trump specifically addressed the military, saying that backing Guaidó would lead to “a safe and prosperous future for all of the people of Venezuela.” But continuing to back Maduro, whom Trump called a “Cuban puppet,” would lead to a world of personal suffering.

    “If you choose this path you will find no safe harbor, no easy exit and no way out. You will lose everything,” Trump said to cheers from the crowd. “They are risking their lives and risking their future for a man controlled by the Cuban military.”

    Trump accused Maduro and the handful of elites he said run the country of plundering the nation “into poverty and into death.” And Trump railed against what he described as the “tyrannical socialist” governance that has brought the once-wealthy nation to the brink of ruin.

    He urged military leaders to turn away from socialism and toward democracy, reiterating Guaidó’s promises of amnesty under which military leaders would be allowed to live life “in peace with your families and your countryman.”

    “End this nightmare of poverty, hunger and death for your people,” Trump pleaded, noting that the U.S. delivered a shipment of humanitarian assistance for Venezuela to Colombia over the weekend, including thousands of nutrition kits for children.

    As NPR has reported, U.S. officials have admitted the delivery is part of a sweeping effort in the past two weeks to amass such a vast supply of much-needed food and medicine just out of reach of the desperate population, that Venezuelan military officers will be forced to capitulate and defy Maduro by allowing aid to enter the country.

    So far, the Venezuelan president has refused to allow the foreign aid to cross the border, insisting it is “a Trojan horse” and “a precursor to an American invasion,” NPR’s Eyder Peralta told All Things Considered.

    The supplies remain stuck, blocked by Maduro’s army at the Colombian-Venezuelan border.

    During the speech Trump said the U.S. seeks a peaceful transfer of power in Venezuela, but he added “all options are open.”

    The spirited speech did not contain any specifics regarding imminent diplomatic or policy changes. But, in what’s likely a field-test of some of Trump’s 2020 re-election themes, the president continually bashed socialism in the swing state of Florida before an audience of Venezuelan exiles and Cuban-Americans.

    “The twilight hour of socialism has arrived,” Trump said, adding that the 50 nations that have recognized Guaidó as the legitimate leader of Venezuela have a “shared interest in preventing the spread of “socialism.”

    Trump also condemned the “ugly alliance” between the Cuban and Venezuelan governments, which he said propped one another up.

    “To those who would impose socialism on the U.S.,” he said, “we again deliver a very simple message: America will never be a socialist country.”

    Trump’s speech came on the same day that Maduro’s government expelled a group of European Union diplomats who planned to meet with Guaidó .

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    A Mexican national who was detained by Border Patrol for illegal re-entry died Monday at a hospital in Texas, becoming the third detainee since December to die while in custody.

    U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman said the 45-year-old man was initially apprehended Feb. 2 and requested medical attention.

    He was taken to a medical center and later cleared to return to the Rio Grande City Border Patrol Station.


    “This loss of life is tragic. Our condolences go out to the family and loved ones,” CBP said in a release. “CBP remains committed to ensuring the safe and humane treatment of those within the care of our custody.”

    The next day, he requested medical attention again and was taken to a hospital where he stayed until he died Monday.


    Meehan says the official cause of death is not yet known, but the medical center diagnosed him with cirrhosis of the liver and congestive heart failure when he was admitted.

    The death is under investigation.

    The Associated Press contributed to this report

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    The founder of Huawei has said there is “no way the US can crush” the company, in an exclusive interview with the BBC.

    Ren Zhengfei described the arrest of his daughter Meng Wanzhou, the company’s chief financial officer, as politically motivated.

    The US is pursuing criminal charges against Huawei and Ms Meng, including money laundering, bank fraud and stealing trade secrets.

    Huawei denies any wrongdoing.

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    The audience also responded heartily to her veiled references to President Trump, whom she did not name. They rose to their feet and cheered when she denounced “his vanity project,” the wall on the southern border with Mexico.

    Although Ms. Harris’s lack of history in the state might fly in the face of New Hampshire tradition, it does not seem to have hindered her in the slightest.

    “There was some question about whether she was going to campaign here,” said Michael O’Leary, 62, a retired insurance manager. “But she made that commitment to retail politics, and that’s what people here expect.” He called her “fantastic.”

    Ms. Harris has already hired a state campaign director, Craig Brown, as well as a political director here, Meredith Shevitz.

    Dante Scala, a political scientist at the University of New Hampshire, said that with Ms. Warren and possibly Mr. Sanders in the race, New Hampshire was not an essential win for Ms. Harris, which may partly explain her late start.

    “A third-place showing here would be fine,” he said. “For her, South Carolina is more of a make-or-break state.”

    And in any event, he said, “she has California waiting for her,” referring to the earlier-than-usual 2020 primary in her home state that could play a major role in the nomination contest.

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    Illinois State Police acknowledged Monday that the agency wrongly issued a gun license to the shooter in the Aurora warehouse murders, but in a detailed statement the agency also suggested that the Aurora Police Department may have failed to do its part to ensure the man no longer owned a weapon.

    According to state records, Gary Martin applied for a firearm owner’s identification card on Jan. 17, 2014. He provided his name and birth date for a background check, and falsely answered “no” when asked if he had ever been convicted of a felony.

    A records search only returned Martin’s criminal history in Illinois, a series of minor infractions that did not disqualify him from owning a gun. The screening process failed to detect a mid-1990s felony conviction for aggravated assault in Mississippi for which he served five years in prison and was released in 1997.

    Martin received his gun license on Jan. 31, 2014. Less than five weeks later, he purchased a .40-caliber Smith & Wesson from an Aurora gun dealer. The purchase was approved March 6, 2014, after Martin’s name and birth date cleared a second background check.

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    It would be nice if, just once, one of President Trump’s fervid supporters would admit just how stupendously incompetent he is proving to be.

    The latest example is perhaps the most egregious. The very fact that this president is trying to use dubious executive authority to solve a spurious “national emergency,” to finance a wall he said Mexico would pay for, to make an end-run around a Congress that had offered him more wall money than he eventually settled for, after costing taxpayers billions of dollars and a nightmare of lost services in a government “shutdown” he deliberately engineered while having no idea how to “win” it, should make it blindingly obvious that he is as feeble a negotiator as the Oval Office has ever seen.

    Toto has pulled back the curtain. The wizard is a blowhard and a fraud.

    Trump was the one who elevated the “wall” from a moderately important need to a symbol of totemic importance. Trump was the one who said he could make it happen, and that it would be easy. It was Trump who said he would make Democrats bend to his will on the issue, thus turning a give-and-take negotiating scenario into a test of testosterone. How ironic that he lost that particular test to the nation’s first female speaker of the House.

    Trump was effectively the head of a party that held both houses of Congress, yet could not pass the healthcare reform he so loudly promised. Trump could have insisted that Congress take another bite at that apple in 2018, but didn’t, thus demoralizing the Republican economic “base.” Trump, having been told Democrats were making mincemeat of Republicans on the campaign trail specifically on healthcare, could have countered with a message talking about Republicans’ own healthcare successes: Lower premiums. More options. No unwanted “mandate.” An end to a potential “death panel.”

    Or, he could have taken the copious advice he received to the effect that he should make the 2018 campaign all about the apparently booming economy.

    But no: Trump insisted this was a race about “the wall.” In event after event, he may as well have been Pink Floyd, insisting his imaginary wall was the be-all and end-all, not only keeping criminals out of the country but keeping Democrats out of power.

    In short, he put all his eggs in a lopsided basket resting on the wall and dozens of Humpty Dumpty Republicans then lost their seats. All of Trump’s billions and all of Trump’s blather couldn’t put Trump’s majority back together again.

    When Trump’s own miscalculations cost his party control of the House, Trump lost his bet on the wall right then. Trump chose the issue, Trump chose the message, and Trump chose the high-noon showdown. Result: The Democrats played Trump like a chump. To repeat: Trump ended up with less wall money than Democrats had offered him several different times before the government shutdown began.

    So now Trump has declared an “emergency” for a project he himself said he “ didn’t need to do” right away. He has set a precedent that future Democratic presidents will gladly exploit. He has obliterated the spirit and design of the Constitution’s intention that only Congress can appropriate taxpayer money. And he has invited a major rebuke from courts across the land, including, I predict, from a unanimous Supreme Court — including two of his own appointees.

    Trump promised the best deals, but now has delivered the biggest “fail.” At the border, the lone and level sands stretch far away.

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    First lady Melania Trump took the stage at a Miami rally Monday to introduce her husband and told Venezuelan-Americans that she, too, knows what it is like to have lived without freedom.

    “Many of you in the room know what it feels like to be blessed with freedom after living under the oppression of socialism and communism,” Trump told the Miami audience in a rare public appearance.

    Trump was born in Slovenia in 1970. In 1990, the Socialist Republic of Slovenia dropped the “socialist” part of its name but did not officially become an independent republic until 1991.

    Trump became a permanent resident of the U.S. in 2001 and obtained citizenship in 2006.

    She told Venezuelan-Americans that their family and friends back home are “on the brink of reclaiming their own liberty.”

    “Today we must let the Venezuelan people hear us all with one united voice. There’s hope. We are free and we pray together loudly and proudly that soon the people of Venezuela will be free as well,” said Trump. “My husband is here today because he cares deeply about the current suffering in Venezuela.”

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    Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris appeared to be caught off guard Monday when she was asked about the latest developments in the alleged attack on “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett.

    During an appearance at a bookstore in Concord, N.H., a female reporter asked the senator from California if she wanted to amend a tweet from Jan. 29, in which she said Smollett was the victim of “an attempted modern day lynching” and called the actor “one of the kindest, most gentle human beings I know.” Harris has also used the Smollett attack to push legislation that would make lynching a federal hate crime.

    “Which tweet? What tweet?” Harris asked. As the reporter specified the tweet in question, Harris appeared to look around for a campaign staffer before responding.

    “OK, so, I will say this about that case,” she said. “I think that the facts are still unfolding, and, um, I’m very, um, concerned about obviously, the initial, um, allegation that he made about what might have happened.


    “And it’s something we should all take seriously whenever anyone, um, alleges that kind of behavior, but there should be an investigation,” Harris added. “And I think that once the investigation has concluded then we can all comment, but I’m not going to comment until I know the outcome of the investigation.”

    “Kamala Harris had no problem using inflammatory rhetoric to tie the #JussieSmollettHoax to @realDonaldTrump & his supporters,” Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel tweeted late Monday. “Now that she has the facts, why can’t she even remember her divisive language? Why is she giggling about it?”

    On Sunday, Harris’ fellow senator and Democratic presidential candidate, Cory Booker, told reporters he would “withhold” judgment on the matter “until all the information actually comes out from on-the-record sources.” Booker also referred to the alleged Jan. 29 attack on Smollett as “an attempted modern-day lynching” and called on Congress to make lynching a federal hate crime.


    Smollett, who is black and openly gay, claimed he was assaulted by two men who yelled racist and anti-gay slurs– as well as the phrase “This is MAGA country!” — as Smollett was walking to his Chicago apartment. Chicago police arrested and questioned two Nigerian brothers in the alleged attack, but released them on Friday without charges. Investigators said they’ve requested a follow-up interview with Smollett, but the actor’s representatives said there have been no plans to meet with police for the time being.

    The Chicago Police Department has repeatedly declined to confirm local media reports that the attack was staged.

    Fox News’ Mariah Haas contributed to this report.

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    It has become difficult, almost painful, to watch: the public diminution of James Comey’s #2 at the FBI, Andrew G. McCabe, eerily following the post-bureau reputational arc of his former boss. McCabe’s interview with “60 Minutes” on Sunday had been billed as must-see-TV. But for this retired agent whose career had crossed with McCabe’s almost 20 years ago, the figure on the screen who’d once enjoyed a meteoric ascension to the apex of the bureau food chain has transformed into a pitiable figure. It was difficult to believe this was the same man I had once defended.

    The fired former FBI deputy director has a book to sell: The Threat: How the FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump. A widely anticipated televised interview would assuredly bolster book sales.

    The sit-down with CBS’s Scott Pelley was conducted in far cozier confines than the ones McCabe was subjected to by the Department of Justice’s Inspector General. In a blistering 35-page report released last year, McCabe was sanctioned for lying three times under oath, related to an unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information (media leak) predicated upon, as the IG asserts, making himself, not the FBI, “look good.” The IG made a recommendation to then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions that McCabe be fired from the FBI for intentionally misleading internal FBI and inspector general investigators. Sessions fired McCabe on March 16, 2018 — just more than 24 hours before his scheduled retirement.

    McCabe claimed to have been “confused” by the questions and “distracted” by all the events swirling around him at the time. It was “stressful,” he laments. This is pitiable, coming from a man in that position. Many of his responses to Pelley were self-serving and reminiscent of the feckless director he had served under and so openly and fawningly admires. To hear McCabe speak about Comey is not to witness respectful, professional appreciation, but something bordering on sycophancy and idolatry.

    He argues there was adequate predication to authorize the opening of a counterintelligence investigation into potential Russian meddling in the 2016 election. No sane person can find fault with this decision. But speaking from the position of someone familiar with FBI executive decisions, his decision was seemingly infected by confirmation bias. Comey’s seventh floor at FBI headquarters wasn’t exactly Lincoln’s “team of rivals.” It was a gaggle of many promoted-before-their-time, callow, overly ambitious, like-minded acolytes and activists.

    His assertion that he ordered the opening of an obstruction of justice investigation into Trump following Comey’s firing is laughable and lamentable. McCabe misguidedly argues that he had became “very concerned that I was able to put the Russia case on absolutely solid ground, in an indelible fashion,” and that were he to be “removed quickly, or reassigned or fired, that the case could not be closed or vanish in the night without a trace.”

    That sound you hear are the groans of countless FBI leaders who seemingly understand better than McCabe that innumerable levels of oversight by career professionals within the FBI and DOJ have always acted as a guardrail to prevent political interference into case investigations. Then again, it’s awfully rich that McCabe – rightly criticized for political influence in his own decision-making — would be the one to argue this fear.

    McCabe, who only spent a few years conducting investigative work in the field, had been hustled through the obligatory senior assignments in order to be brought back as deputy director after the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized email server case had been opened. He makes that point to Pelley. What he fails to mention is that he waited far too long to recuse himself from oversight of that case upon his return. He acknowledges that “I was a part of that team and those decisions.” Pelley curiously refuses to press on this point, gently reminding us that McCabe did recuse himself some months before the election.

    The question is this: What ethical, experienced, mature, and sensitive-to-appearance-of-impropriety FBI senior executive in his right mind would not have steered clear of any perceived influence on a politically charged case when his spouse has decided to accept campaign funding from a governor with control of a political action committee and deep political ties to the Clintons? Answer: McCabe.

    Pretending his decision here was not demonstrably reckless, selfish, and stupid makes you a partisan. His arguments that he acted “appropriately” only serve to further erode his credibility, cast more doubts on his other leadership decisions, and irrevocably tarnish the legacy of the FBI.

    McCabe also exhibited poor judgment and a complete misunderstanding of his role as acting director while discussing that he had consulted with the Deputy Attorney General about invoking the 25 th Amendment following Comey’s firing. The FBI is not part of the decision-making process that the amendment provides to the vice-president and cabinet. McCabe had a bevy of FBI attorneys at his avail. Not one of them advised him this wasn’t his call to make, and that removal of a duly-elected president, via 25 th Amendment means, must be related to death, resignation, impeachment, or incapacitation?

    There was not one question from McCabe’s television interviewer about his relationship with the disgraced former deputy assistant director, Peter Strzok, and one of his FBI attorneys, Lisa Page, regarding private discussions in his office that Strzok and Page had discussed in private text message exchanges. Discovery of the partisan communications resulted in their removals from the special prosecutor’s Russian election interference team. It’s hard not to view McCabe’s victim persona as pathetic, when explanations related to the “insurance policy” in the event Trump was elected have all fallen woefully short of passing the smell test.

    McCabe still awaits notification of any criminal referral to the Justice Department on the IG’s findings, with no denials that he perjured himself by lying under oath — this is why he had to be fired. FBI agent trainees are warned that lying in an official capacity results in termination, as damning Giglio material will be generated. This witness-impeachment information is required to be turned over to defense attorneys in cases the agent would ordinarily testify in, rendering the agent incapable of doing the job.

    So how should we take anything McCabe says now as truthful?

    Politicians often misrepresent things. In reality, they lie. Trump (crowd size), Obama (keep your health plan), and Gillibrand/Klobuchar (serve out my term). But for a senior FBI executive to do so is egregious and intolerable. So when McCabe sharpens his axe to make second-hand claim that an FBI official at a meeting with Trump heard him reject a U.S. intelligence assessment on North Korea’s intercontinental ballistic missile capabilities and remark, “I don’t care. I believe Putin,” it’s not that we can’t necessarily imagine Trump saying this – it’s that it comes from McCabe.

    His assertions that Rosenstein offered to wear a wire and record the president have been flatly denied by the deputy attorney general and resulted in a department spokesperson describing Rosenstein as having “never authorized any recording that Mr. McCabe references.”

    In a more salacious section of his axe-grinding tome, McCabe alleges that former Attorney General Jeff Sessions made repugnant remarks about the composition of the FBI. “Back in the old days,” McCabe claims an openly racist Sessions confided in him, “you all only hired Irishmen. They were drunks, but they could be trusted.”

    I served on various FBI protection details that required close travel and association with four Attorneys General – Janet Reno, John Ashcroft, Alberto Gonzales, and Michael Mukasey. It defies credulity that any modern AG would ever utter such blatantly racist remarks around anyone – much less the acting director of the FBI.

    I don’t believe Andy McCabe, especially since the most prominent targets in his book are Trump, Sessions, and Rosenstein; three men who had a direct impact on the termination of his FBI career.

    What I do believe is that a president who currently lives under an impeachment sword of Damocles appears to have been injudiciously targeted by a small group of supposedly apolitical public servants who panicked during a time of gravity-defying populism and ignored time-tested processes, protocols, and prohibitions for law enforcement intersection with the political process.

    Andy McCabe has only served to convince me further of this abomination.

    James A. Gagliano (@JamesAGagliano) worked in the FBI for 25 years. He is a law enforcement analyst for CNN and an adjunct assistant professor in homeland security and criminal justice at St. John’s University.

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    The photograph has appeared in exhibitions around the world

    The US sailor famously photographed kissing a stranger in New York’s Times Square to celebrate the end of World War Two has died aged 95.

    The picture of George Mendonsa bending over and kissing 21-year-old Greta Zimmer Friedman on VJ Day (Victory over Japan) became one of the most enduring images of the period.

    It was one of four photographs taken by Alfred Eisenstadt as a round-up of celebration pictures for Life magazine.

    Ms Friedman died in 2016 aged 92.

    Mr Mendonsa’s daughter, Sharon Molleur, said her father suffered a seizure and died on Sunday after a fall at a care home in Middleton, Rhode Island.

    Alfred Eisenstadt did not give the names of the kissing strangers and it was years before Mr Mendonsa and Ms Friedman were confirmed as the featured couple.

    The photographer described how he watched the sailor running along the street on 14 August 1945, grabbing any girl in sight.

    “I was running ahead of him with my Leica looking back over my shoulder but none of the pictures that were possible pleased me,” he wrote in the book Eisenstadt on Eisenstadt.

    “Then suddenly, in a flash, I saw something white being grabbed. I turned around and clicked the moment the sailor kissed the nurse. If she had been dressed in a dark dress I would never have taken the picture.”

    Ms Friedman, who had been working as a dental assistant, said she had not been aware of the photo until the 1960s.

    “It wasn’t much of a kiss,” she later recalled. “It was just somebody celebrating. It wasn’t a romantic event.”

    Mr Mendonsa had served in the Pacific and was on home leave when the picture was taken.

    However, not everyone sees the photograph as something to celebrate. Although it was widely lauded as an expression of the joy felt across the US on the day Japan surrendered, in more recent times some have considered it, as Time Magazine wrote, “as little more than the documentation of a very public sexual assault”.

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