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A windy, hot and dry weekend forecast has prompted the first red flag warning for parts of the North Bay in 2019, potentially leading to power outages over the weekend for thousands of area residents.

The National Weather Service on Friday morning warned that high-risk fire weather would return to Wine Country starting Friday night and last through Sunday afternoon for parts of Sonoma, Marin and Napa counties above 1,000 feet, including the Mayacamas Mountains and the hills of western Sonoma County.

Winds are expected to gust up to 50 mph Friday and Saturday on local peaks — potentially reaching 60 mph on Mt. St. Helena — with temperatures projected to get near or above 90 degrees, according to the weather service.

While trees and flowering brush might still be wet from May’s rains, potential fire fuels like grasses have already started to dry out, said Spencer Tangen, a weather service meteorologist. That development, combined with the potential for spiking wind speeds and dropping humidity, prompted the warning, he said.

“A lot of those finer fuels are really drying out and will be able to carry a fire,” Tangen said, referring to leaves and grasses in higher elevations that can fuel the rapid spread of flames.

PG&E announced late Friday it planned to shut off power to about 1,300 customers in eastern Napa County. The shutoff around the Lake Berryessa, Circle Oaks, Wooden Valley and Gordon Valley areas were set to begin at 6 a.m. Saturday, with affected customers set to be notified directly by PG&E. Smaller areas in Solano and Yolo counties were also set to be affected.

“We know how much our customers rely on electric service and would only consider temporarily turning off power in the interest of safety during extreme weather conditions,” Michael Lewis, PG&E’s senior vice president of electric operations, said in a statement.

The utility’s equipment has been blamed for sparking numerous wildfires over the past few years, including the Camp fire in Butte County, which killed 85 people last year and destroyed more than 10,000 homes in and around the town of Paradise. State regulators recently approved a new wildfire prevention plan featuring expanded capabilities for PG&E to shut off power indefinitely to broad regions of Northern California.

Sonoma County officials held a conference call Friday afternoon to coordinate with meteorologists and local public safety and government officials in light of the red flag warning, said Chris Godley, the county’s emergency management director. He said it was important for residents to communicate with each other and not rely solely on government when preparing for the potential impacts of the weather.

“It really does come down to people being able to maintain their own situational awareness and being able to take action,” he said.

The weather service has issued a heat advisory covering Santa Rosa and other North Bay valley areas on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. with forecasts calling for record or near-record high temperatures.

Sonoma County Supervisor David Rabbitt advised residents against mowing or trimming their lawns, kindling campfires, smoking cigarettes and driving with loose trailer chains. The first red flag warning of the year is a good opportunity to take stock of how one might evacuate if necessary, he said, noting that the spell of dry and windy weather was unlikely to be the last.

“This is the first of undoubtedly many to come, unfortunately,” he said.

More information about wildfire preparedness can be found at

Red flag warnings are generally more common in late summer after months of dry and hot weather, but Tangen noted that it wasn’t unusual to see such an advisory in early June.

Similar weather conditions were expected in Mendocino and Lake counties, but those areas are not yet under red flag warnings or fire weather watches Friday.

You can reach Staff Writer Will Schmitt at 707-521-5207 or On Twitter @wsreports.

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Los beneficiarios de DACA son conocidos como “dreamers”, soñadores en inglés.

El fiscal general de Estados Unidos, Jeff Sessions, anunció este martes que el gobierno de Donald Trump va a poner fin a la Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA, por su sigla en inglés), un programa de Barack Obama que protegía de la deportación a miles de indocumentados.

“Estoy aquí para anunciar que el programa DACA, promulgado por la Administración de Obama, va a ser rescindido”, dijo Sessions en una comparecencia leída ante la prensa en Washington.

Sessions justificó la controvertida decisión para “terminar el irrespeto al proceso legislativo del gobierno pasado” y por considerar el decreto “un ejercicio inconstitucional de autoridad por parte del Poder Ejecutivo”.

“Todas las políticas migratorias deberían respetar a los ciudadanos estadounidenses y a los inmigrantes que están aquí de forma legal”, agregó Sessions.

DACA, orden ejecutiva firmada en octubre de 2012 por el presidente Barack Obama, protege de la deportación a más de 750.000 jóvenes indocumentados conocidos como “dreamers” (soñadores).

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El anuncio del fin de DACA fue recibido con protestas frente a la Casa Blanca.

La orden contempla “diferir” cualquier acción sobre el estatus migratorio por un periodo de dos años, con opción a renovar, a personas que llegaron ilegalmente al país cuando eran niños.

El 78% de los beneficiarios de DACA son de nacionalidad mexicana y California es el estado del país con más inscritos en el programa.

El gobierno de México dijo en un comunicado que miles de jóvenes nacidos en su país son “potencialmente afectados por la decisión”.

“Frente a esta situación el gobierno federal (de México) tiene un imperativo moral de actuar, por la vía diplomática (…) para promover activamente antes los Poderes Ejecutivo y Legislativo de EE.UU. una pronta solución a la incertidumbre jurídica que enfrentan a partir de ahora los jóvenes DACA”.

Además de defensores de los inmigrantes, numerosos destacados líderes empresariales habían instado al presidente Trump a mantener DACA, entre ellos los jefes de Apple, Facebook y Microsoft, al argumentar el impacto negativo que tendría su supresión para la economía.

En un gesto inusual, el expresidente Barack Obama publicó un largo comunicado en redes sociales criticando la decisión del gobierno de Trump.

“Tomar como objetivo a jóvenes luchadores que crecieron aquí está mal, porque no han hecho nada malo”, escribió Obama, quien calificó la medida como cruel.

Obama explicó que la razón por la que emitió la orden ejecutiva que dio lugar al programa DACA en 2012 fue por la inoperancia del Congreso a la hora de legislar en esa materia.

Tomar como objetivo a jóvenes luchadores que crecieron aquí está mal, porque no han hecho nada malo”.

Si bien reconoció que el asunto de la inmigración es controvertido, el expresidente opinó que la decisión de Trump es política y no tiene que ver con la legalidad.

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Horas antes del anuncio de Sessions, el presidente de EE.UU., Donald Trump, escribió en Twitter: “Congreso, prepárense para hacer su trabajo -¡DACA!”.

Promesa de campaña

Además de las críticas de Obama, el anuncio de Sessions fue recibido con protestas en la Torre Trump de Nueva York y frente a la Casa Blanca en Washington.

Poner fin a DACA era una de las medidas antiinmigración que había prometido el presidente Trump durante la campaña electoral.

El gobierno había recibido gran presión de sectores conservadores para que cumpla la promesa. De hecho, fiscales generales de nueve estados conservadores, encabezados por Texas, habían amenazado con interponer una demanda si no derogaba el programa.

Ya la semana pasada, la cadena conservadora Fox había anticipado que este martes el gobierno iba a anunciar el fin de DACA.

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Sessions considera DACA inconstitucional.

Otros medios informaron que el plan del presidente Trump era dar seis meses al Congreso para que encontrara una alternativa para los cientos de miles de beneficiarios, pero Sessions no ofreció detalles.

Sí dijo Sessions que el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS, por su sigla en inglés), conducirá “un cambio ordenado” que sirva para “crear un periodo de tiempo para que el Congreso actúe, si así lo deseare”.

Horas antes del anuncio de Sessions, el presidente, Donald Trump, escribió en Twitter: “Congreso, prepárense para hacer su trabajo -¡DACA!”.

No tardó en responder el presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, el también republicano Paul Ryan, quien dijo que espera que el Congreso y el Senado puedan encontrar consenso para dar con una solución permanente para los más de 750.000 jóvenes inmigrantes que perderán los beneficios de DACA.

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Mr. Kim put forth a much more modest bargain in Hanoi. The North would dismantle the Yongbyon nuclear complex, an aging facility at the heart of its nuclear program, for an end to the sanctions most damaging to its economy, those enacted since 2016.

Talks quickly broke down, and the summit collapsed, with both sides pointing fingers.

In a speech earlier this year, Mr. Kim warned that his country might take a “new way” of protecting its interest if the United States insisted on maintaining sanctions.

During Thursday’s test of the weapon, which was conducted by the North’s Academy of Defense Science, Mr. Kim said its development “serves as an event of very weighty significance in increasing the combat power of the People’s Army,” the North Korean news agency said.

The test was the first since last November when the country said Mr. Kim had attended the test of an unidentified “newly developed ultramodern tactical weapon.”

After that test, the South Korean news media, quoting government sources, said that North Korea appeared to have tested multiple-rocket launchers, not missiles. Besides the North’s nuclear weapons and missiles, which are probably capable of reaching the continental United States, such rockets are considered one of the greatest military threats to South Korea, because the North deploys them near the countries’ border to target the South’s capital, Seoul, a city of 10 million people.

The Defense Ministry of South Korea did not immediately comment on the North’s latest weapon test. But officials there said the test of a “tactical weapon” indicated that Mr. Kim was being careful not to step over the line by conducting nuclear and long-range ballistic missile tests.

While Mr. Kim is clearly impatient with Washington, he has avoided direct criticism of Mr. Trump. Instead, he has portrayed other members of the administration as hawks, or warmongers, making clear the only way to resolve the issues is in personality-driven diplomacy with Mr. Trump.

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La base incluye una poderosa antena de 35 metros para la investigación del “espacio profundo”.

Objetivo inmediato: avistaje lunar. Lugar: Paraje de Quintuco, provincia de Neuquén, en el corazón de la Patagonia Argentina.

La carrera espacial internacional escribe en los confines más australes de América del Sur un curioso capítulo, protagonizado por uno de los últimos jugadores en sumarse a la exploración del Universo: la República Popular de China.

Aquí, mediante un controvertido acuerdo con Argentina, el gigante asiático construye su tercera y “más moderna estación interplanetaria y la primera fuera de su propio territorio” como parte del Programa Nacional de China de Exploración de la Luna y Marte.

La llamada “Estación de Espacio Lejano” debería estar operativa, según el cronograma oficial, a fines de 2016.

Pero la instalación de esta base, que incluye una poderosa antena de 35 metros para investigación del “espacio profundo”, no está exenta de polémica, misterio y suspicacias.

El principal cuestionamiento se relaciona con su eventual uso militar y con la existencia de cláusulas secretas.

Estas, sorpresivamente, fueron desmentidas de plano a BBC Mundo por las autoridades espaciales argentinas, a pesar de que el nuevo presidente del país, Mauricio Macri, prometió revelarlas.

¿Existen o no existen?

Anexos secretos

No sé quién le ha informado al presidente que hay anexos secretos, porque no existen. Eso es una gran falacia”.

-¿Cómo que no hay cláusulas secretas, si el presidente prometió revelarlas? -preguntó BBC Mundo a Félix Menicocci, secretario general de la Comisión Nacional Aeroespacial (Conae) de Argentina.

-“No sé quién le ha informado al presidente que hay anexos secretos, porque no existen. Eso es una gran falacia -desmintió de forma categórica.

Sin embargo, la existencia de los anexos secretos es considerada un hecho no sólo por el presidente Macri, sino también por analistas, periodistas que han investigado el tema y dirigentes locales.

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Algunos analistas aseguran que la base “depende del Ejército Popular chino” y que el uso militar de esa información “es incontrolable”.

Lo inquietante, a criterio del reportero del diario La Nación Martin Dinatale, es que la base “depende del Ejército Popular chino, a diferencia de una estación espacial similar realizada por acuerdos con la Unión Europea en la provincia de Mendoza, más al norte, cuya contraparte es una entidad civil”.

El analista político Rosendo Fraga, director de la Consultora Nueva Mayoría, observa que “para China, lo satelital es una división del ejército, no importa el uso que se le dé al satélite. Y el uso militar de esa información, si existe, es incontrolable“.

“Fines pacíficos”

No obstante, la mera posibilidad de un uso militar es rechazada por el funcionario de la Conae.

Félix Menicocci además le mostró a BBC Mundo una Carta de Compromiso fechada el 20 de febrero de 2014, por la cual la empresa estatal china Lanzamiento de Seguridad y Control de Satelites (CLTC) afirma que los objetivos de la estación espacial son “totalmente civiles y no será operada por personal militar”.

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¿Cuáles son las razones que han llevado a China a elegir la Patagonia argentina como lugar de construcción de su base espacial?

La polémica es que esos “fines pacíficos” no están especificados en el acuerdo original de las dos entidades espaciales, firmado en el año 2012.

Allí tampoco se niega la utilización militar de las instalaciones, además de incluir un artículo de confidencialidad de equipos, actividades y programas.

“¿Por qué Quintuco, en el corazón de la Patagonia, y no Groenlandia?”, le dice a BBC Mundo el intendente de Neuquén, Horacio Quiroga, una de las voces críticas que se alzó desde el inicio del proyecto espacial.

“¿Hay alguna razón de telemedición o ubicación estratégica? Lamentablemente lo de la base sigue lleno de incógnitas“, añade.

“Se eligió ese paraje desértico de Neuquén porque se necesitaba un lugar plano en una especie de territorio parecido a una palangana donde haya cierto relieve montañoso alrededor, que sirviera para que no hubiese interferencia”, dice Menicocci sobre las razones del emplazamiento de la estación espacial en un predio de 200 hectáreas y con una zona de exclusión de frecuencias de un radio 100 kilometros, según establecen los acuerdos.

“Tiene que ser un lugar comunicado con rutas y fibra óptica pero a su vez tiene que estar aislado“.

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A pesar de que la carrera espacial parece apuntar a Marte, China quiere ir a la Luna.

Será que en la cultura china se piensa por milenios y 50 años no es nada, o bien que este tipo de desarrollo requiere plazos extensos.

Y esre es el otro punto polémico, porque los convenios bilaterales establecen un comodato o cesión de los terrenos y exenciones impositivas por 50 años para estas “instalaciones de seguimiento terrestre, comando y adquisición de datos”, cuyo costo inicial es de unos US$50 millones.

“Nos surge por decantación que por lo menos 50 años van a estar ahí”, estima Quiroga.

“En la base, a mi entender, no rige la ley argentina. De hecho es un lugar que prácticamente es territorio chino“, se inquieta.

A la Luna

¿Por qué quieren ir los chinos a la Luna?

-Llama la atención que cuando la carrera espacial parece apuntar a Marte, los chinos quieran ir a la Luna -le preguntó BBC Mundo al funcionario aeroespacial argentino.

-Los chinos fueron uno de los últimos jugadores internacionales en entrar al espacio. Por eso ante todo necesitan probar su tecnologíay llegar a la Luna es la primera fase. Dicen estar interesados en obtener allí helio 3, un combustible que les serviría para continuar su carrera hacia Marte, no con viajes tripulados sino con misiones robóticas -explica Menicocci.

Y todo vuelve a girar en torno de la antena de la polémica que, según el funcionario, está plenamente controlada por el seguimiento de sus frecuencias.

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Los especialistas advierten que la antena podría tener un uso dual.

“No sirven para el uso militar, para seguir un misil u otro tipo de artefacto militar. Además tenemos equipos para detectar transmisiones no autorizadas.”

En este punto el periodista Dinatale remarca que “los especialistas advierten que la antena puede tener un uso dual, con avistaje a la Luna o al espacio, pero a su vez para interceptar satelites y eventualmente enviar información vinculada con datos sensibles de otros paises”.

Esto ya valió la preocupación de agregados militares, que así lo manifestaron a la cancillería argentina.


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Prefectura Nacional Argentina

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El hundimiento de un pesquero de bandera china en Argentina agravó las tensiones.

La cuestión de la misteriosa base espacial china en la Patagonia es sólo uno de los temas delicados que impactan en la relación bilateral Argentina-China y tienen epicentro en la Patagonia.

A esta agenda diplomática acaba de sumarse el hundimiento de un pesquero de bandera china, por lo que Pekín ha expresado “seria preocupación” mediante una queja formal.

“El comunicado implica una escalada en la tensión bilateral”, afirma el analista Rosendo Fraga, categórico.

BBC Mundo se comunicó con fuentes de la Cancilleria argentina que buscan, en cambio, bajarle el tono al asunto y no analizan por ahora una respuesta pública.

La cautela del gobierno se enmarca en la redefinición de su relación con China, explica Fraga.

“Argentina no ha decidido si sigue adelante con las represas con inversión millonaria china en Santa Cruz -acordadas por el anterior gobierno- y a su vez China no ha renovado, como le pidió Agentina, el cambio de divisas acordado para reforzar las reservas del Banco Central”.

En tanto, entre el secreto o el secretismo que alimentaron el misterio estos años, la base que promete a Argentina “fomar parte del reducido club de países exploradores del Universo” apenas le concede al país sudamericano el 10% del tiempo de uso de la antena de la discordia.

Una eventual revocación del contrato requiere preavisos de cinco años.

En los planes del gigante asiático, el tiempo apremia. A fines de año, China podría lanzar su segunda misión a la Luna, justo cuando esté del todo operativa su flamante base en Argentina.

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The governor’s choice of Ms. Jones, which seemed designed to grant him some measure of control over the outcome, was met with a torrent of criticism. Many elected officials — including the leaders of the State Senate and Assembly — seemed skeptical of Ms. Jones’s ability to act with total independence, while under Mr. Cuomo’s purview.

“I believe the Attorney General should make an appointment to ensure that it is a truly independent investigation,” Carl E. Heastie, the Assembly speaker, wrote on Twitter, referring to the state attorney general, Letitia James.

“There must be an independent investigation — not one led by an individual selected by the Governor, but by the office of the Attorney General,” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Queens congresswoman, said on Twitter Sunday morning.

“With all due respect, you can’t pick a federal judge who works with your good friend and decide that that’s going to be the investigator,” said Liz Krueger, a Democratic state senator from Manhattan.

Kathleen Rice, a Long Island congresswoman and a former Nassau County district attorney, put it even more bluntly.

“The accused CANNOT appoint the investigator,” Ms. Rice wrote on Twitter. “PERIOD.”

A handful of lawmakers from the Democratic Party’s leftmost flank joined with some Republicans to demand that Mr. Cuomo immediately resign.

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Las últimas e intensas 24 horas en Siria han estado marcadas por la liberación de la ciudad de Alepo, el comienzo de la evacuación de los rebeldes que quedaban es esta ciudad, así como la estabilización de la situación en Palmira. Esta es una breve enumeración de las noticias más importantes. 

El Ejército sirio recupera el control de todos los barrios

El Ejército sirio ha logrado expulsar a los rebeldes de todos los barrios de Alepo en el transcurso de su ofensiva, según el representante del Estado Mayor ruso, Víktor Poznijir.

  • Se han liberado 105 manzanas en un territorio total de unos 80 kilómetros cuadrados.
  • Los zapadores rusos han podido desminar más de 300 edificios, de los que 37 son de importancia social.
  • 900 rebeldes armados han sido abatidos y decenas de equipos militares han quedado destruidos.

El presidente sirio Bashar al Assad ha comentado la derrota de los rebeldes armados en la ciudad de Alepo afirmando que “se está haciendo historia“.

Empieza la evacuación de los rebeldes

Paralelamente, desde la mañana de este jueves se lleva a cabo la evacuación de los rebeldes y de sus familias de la parte oriental de Alepo. Se estima que en la ciudad aún quedaban unos 5.000 rebeldes y también 50.000 civiles.

  • El Centro ruso para la Reconciliación en Siria preparó la salida de los rebeldes a instancias del presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin y en colaboración con el Gobierno sirio.
  • Se ha asegurado un corredor de 21 kilómetros, que pasa por el territorio de Alepo controlado por fuerzas leales a Al Assad (6 km.) y por territorio controlado por rebeldes (15 km.).
  • La retirada de los rebeldes y de sus familiares se efectúa con ayuda de 20 autobuses y 10 vehículos de ambulancia.
  • Alrededor de 1.500 de ellos ya han sido amnistiados y puestos en libertad, mientras que los demás están siendo investigados.
  • Más de 9.500 personas, entre ellas 4.500 rebeldes, han sido evacuadas de Alepo, según el Ministerio de Defensa de Rusia.
  • Todos los niños y las mujeres han abandonado los barrios de este de la urbe, controlados por los milicianos.

Este viernes la evacuación, tanto de civiles como de milicianos, ha quedado suspendida por el ataque rebelde contra la salida del barrio Ramusa de Alepo.

Las fuerzas de Siria y Rusia estabilizan la situación en Palmira

El Ejército de Siria, apoyado por la Fuerza Aérea de Rusia, “ha repelido numerosos ataques de combatientes del Estado Islámico” y han logrado estabilizar la situación en Palmira, según lo anunció el general Poznijir.

  • La línea del frente se encuentra en la zona del pueblo de Tiyas, 50 kilómetros al oeste de Palmira.
  • Rusia está ayudando a las fuerzas gubernamentales sirias a organizar una contraofensiva.

Los siguientes pasos en Siria

  • Rusia y Turquía propondrán nuevas negociaciones en “un nuevo escenario” a las partes del conflicto sirio. Según Putin, Moscú trabajará con el Gobierno sirio, mientras que Ankara propondrá a los representantes de la oposición armada la continuación del proceso de las negociaciones de paz en Astaná (Kazajistán).
  • “El siguiente paso es alcanzar un acuerdo sobre el cese del fuego total en toda Siria”, declaró el presidente ruso, que también espera que después de la “exitosa” liberación de Alepo, el Ejército “logre fortificarse en el terreno” y crear un escenario en el que los civiles “puedan volver a una vida normal”.

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MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faced fresh questions on Wednesday about his dealings with a company at the center of a conflict-of-interest scandal, after it emerged that he enjoyed rent-free use of a house belonging to the firm as a campaign office.

Already under pressure over the government’s handling of the presumed massacre of 43 students abducted by corrupt police in southwestern Mexico in September, Pena Nieto is facing his most difficult period since taking office two years ago.

On Nov. 3, the government announced a Chinese-led consortium had won a no bid contract to build a $3.75 billion high-speed rail link in central Mexico.

Three days later, the government abruptly canceled the deal, just before a report by news site Aristegui Noticias showed that a subsidiary of Grupo Higa, a company that formed part of the consortium and had won various previous contracts, owned the luxury house of first lady Angelica Rivera.

Under public pressure, Rivera said she would give up the house. But neither she nor Pena Nieto have addressed the apparent conflict of interest stemming from the government’s business with Grupo Higa.

On Wednesday, Aristegui Noticias published a new story that said Pena Nieto used a different property belonging to another Grupo Higa subsidiary as an office when he was president-elect in 2012.

Eduardo Sanchez, the president’s spokesman, said Pena Nieto unwittingly used the property. Sanchez said it was leased from the Grupo Higa firm by Humberto Castillejos, the president’s legal adviser, who lent it rent-free to Pena Nieto’s team.

“If I invite you to my house, do you come to my house and ask me under whose name it is? Neither does the president,” Sanchez said, denying there were conflicts of interest.

The spokesman also said there were no more properties Pena Nieto or his team had used belonging to Grupo Higa.

“No, there is no other house that was used in a professional capacity,” Sanchez said.

Castillejos could not immediately be reached for comment.

Jorge Luis Lavalle, a senator with the opposition conservative National Action Party, said the public saw a clear conflict of interest in the dealings of Pena Nieto and his government with Grupo Higa.

“It needs to be investigated. All these doubts need to be dispelled fully and clearly,” he said. “We now have another case with no explanation.”

(Additional reporting by Ana Isabel Martinez; Editing by Simon Gardner and Tom Brown)

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Federal authorities also must field a work force that by design reflects the heavily Hispanic communities across the Southwest they are expected to police. Agents sometimes have relatives, friends and neighbors whom they know or suspect are undocumented. In South Texas, one of the most heavily traveled migrant corridors in the country, Border Patrol agents or their spouses have sometimes hired undocumented housekeepers, as do many of their neighbors.

Mr. De La Garza’s deception was unusual for Customs and Border Protection, the largest law enforcement agency in the country, with nearly twice the staff of the F.B.I. Yet it was not unprecedented. There have been at least three other cases of undocumented people working as Customs officers or Border Patrol agents who were prosecuted in federal court in recent years.

One of those cases involved Oscar Antonio Ortiz, a Border Patrol agent in the San Diego area, who first applied for work in the weeks after the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Like Mr. De La Garza, Mr. Ortiz was a Mexican citizen with a fraudulent birth certificate who had also served in the Navy. But once he was hired by Border Patrol, Mr. Ortiz got involved, along with another agent, in human smuggling: transporting migrants for money into the United States, sometimes in their Border Patrol vehicles, according to court documents. Mr. Ortiz, who had been assigned to the Border Patrol station in El Cajon, Calif., was sentenced in 2006 to five years in prison.

Mr. Ortiz was later deported and now lives in Mexico. His lawyer, Stephen P. White, said his client had believed, like Mr. De La Garza, that he was born in the United States, based on what his parents told him and the fraudulent birth certificate they had provided him.

A photo of Marco De La Garza submitted as part of a court filing.

“He got security clearances, background checks multiple times and was as surprised as anybody else to find out that he wasn’t a U.S. citizen when he got arrested on the alien smuggling charge,” Mr. White said.

Mr. De La Garza worked at the port of entry in Douglas, Ariz., about 120 miles southeast of Tucson. He lived with his wife and children about 40 miles west of Douglas in the town of Hereford, and appeared to relish his job, filling his home with mugs, clocks and other trinkets bearing Customs or Navy logos.

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Texas reported more than 13,700 new coronavirus cases Thursday, bringing its seven-day average for new infections to 16,482, according to data compiled by The Washington Post. Nearly 13,000 people are hospitalized in the state for covid-19, including more than 3,200 in intensive care units.

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Sen. Cory BookerCory Anthony BookerBooker on Trump reportedly floating pardon for border official: ‘That should shake every American’ Georgetown students vote overwhelmingly to approve fee for slavery reparations Two dozen Dem senators urge Trump to extend nuclear treaty with Russia MORE (D-N.J.) hammered President TrumpDonald John TrumpAppeals court rules Trump admin can temporarily continue to send asylum seekers back to Mexico Federal investigation finds rampant sexual harassment at company led by Trump nominee: report Booker on Trump reportedly floating pardon for border official: ‘That should shake every American’ MORE for reportedly telling the head of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) that he would pardon him if he were jailed for violating immigration law. 

“That should shake every American. We basically have a president telling people to break the law and that he will pardon you,” Booker, one of more than a dozen Democrats running for president, told MSNBC host Joy Reid.

“And again, we’re sitting in Newark where kids are going to prison for things that two of the last three presidents admitted to doing and nobody’s pardoning them,” he said, referring to smoking marijuana. 

CNN first reported Friday that Trump made the remark to CBP Commissioner Kevin McAleenan during a visit to the border at Calexico, Calif. McAleenan is now Trump’s pick to serve as acting Homeland Security Secretary following Kirstjen NielsenKirstjen Michele NielsenBooker on Trump reportedly floating pardon for border official: ‘That should shake every American’ Nadler on new Trump ‘sanctuary cities’ plan: ‘morally repugnant and probably illegal’ Trump told border official he’d pardon him if he went to jail over immigration moves: CNN MORE’s resignation.

Trump reportedly told McAleenan he ”would pardon him if he ever went to jail for denying U.S. entry to migrants,” according to two anonymous officials briefed on the conversation. 

“At no time has the President indicated, asked, directed or pressured the Acting Secretary to do anything illegal,” a Department of Homeland Security spokesman said in a statement to The Hill. “Nor would the Acting Secretary take actions that are not in accordance with our responsibility to enforce the law.” 

It was reported earlier this week that during his trip to Calexico, Trump also urged CBP agents to block migrants from entering the U.S., which would break federal immigration laws and court orders.

Trump has doubled down on his hard-line immigration tendencies in recent weeks, threatening to close the border with Mexico, cutting off funding to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, and overseeing a purge at the Department of Homeland Security.

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ROCKTON, Ill. (WIFR) – One firefighter was injured and several fire crews are at the scene of a structure fire at Chemtool on Prairie Hill Road in Rockton Monday morning.

Around 7 a.m. multiple area fire departments were called to 1165 Prairie Hill Road in Rockton for reports of smoke showing at Chemtool Incorporated. Some neighbors reported hearing small explosions and fire burns with smoke being seen for miles.

According to the Rockton Fire Chief, an area within a one-mile radius of the Chemtool plant in Rockton is under a mandatory, full-scale evacuation.

Those within the evacuation zone map, head to Rockton Middle School and Roscoe Middle School, according to the Village of Rockton and the Rockton Police Department.

All residents and businesses within a one-mile radius of Chemtool are directed to evacuate to Roscoe Middle School at 6121 Elevator Rd. immediately, according to an emergency alert sent out to mobile devices. Williams Tree Farm and Stephen Mack School have shifted their evacuees to Roscoe Middle School.

As of 10:50 a.m., the fire in Rockton has caused smoke to cover the eastern third of Ogle County. Close windows and doors if you live east of Meridian Road and monitor your indoor air quality. Please do NOT call 911 unless you are having an emergency, according to the Ogle County Health Department.

Doctors are recommending that people around the Rockford Region wear a mask all day Monday and possibly Tuesday to protect themselves from the chemicals in the air from the Chemtool fire in Rockton, Kristin Camiliere reports.

Here is a statement from The Lubrizol Corporation, which owns the Chemtool facility in Rockton.

“At approximately 7 a.m. today, local emergency personnel responded to a fire at the Lubrizol Corporation’s Chemtool Facility in Rockton, Ill. We have confirmed all on site are safe and accounted for. Our concern right now is for the safety of all our employees and the surrounding community. As a precaution, authorities have evacuated residents in a one-mile radius of the site.

We do not yet know what caused this incident, but we will be working with local authorities and with our own risk management team to determine what happened and identify any corrective actions. We will share more details as they are known. We are grateful to our employees, first responders and safety forces responding to this incident,” Alicia Gauer, Senior Director, Global Communications for the Lubrizol Corporation said.

Statement in response to the event at the Chemtool site in Rockton.(The Lubrizol Corporation, a Berkshire Hathaway company)

Doctors are recommending that people around the Rockford Region wear a mask all day today and possibly tomorrow to protect themselves from the chemicals in the air from the Chemtool fire in Rockton. At this time, it is unclear what caused the fire and if there are any hazardous chemicals involved.

The Village of Rockton asks the public to avoid Rt. 2 and E. Rockton Road so first responders from other communities can quickly respond to the fire.

“Please do your part in helping fight this fire. No landscape watering today and any unnecessary water use,” according to the Village of Rockton.

Salvation Army staff and volunteers are responding to the Chemtool fire, sending a mobile feeding unit, including a field kitchen and rapid response unit to provide meals, snacks and beverages to first responders, according to the Salvation Army of Winnebago County.

Frisellabrations, on Yale Bridge in South Beloit, is opening their doors for anyone evacuated who would like shelter and AC.

The Rockford Fire Department told WIFR they are fully aware and are monitoring the situation. Rockford fire officials are recommending people in the area to stay inside (no mandatory order at this time) or to do what they feel comfortable with.

A statement was released by the Northern Illinois PIO.

“At a news conference this morning, it was stated that at this time there is ‘no danger to air quality at ground level.’ This information is based on an initial limited test of VOCs, or volatile organic compounds, done by local agencies. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is now arriving on scene and working with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and other local partners. They are setting up to do more in-depth testing to measure the impact to air, water and land. We will communicate as soon as we have more information.

The County Emergency Operations Center is actively tracking the smoke plume and wind direction. The specific area impacted at this time is two miles south of Chemtool. If you are within the one-mile evacuation zone around Chemtool, please evacuate. If you are two miles directly south of Chemtool, please stay indoors as a precaution, close your windows and doors, and turn off your air conditioner/HVAC units. The Illinois Department of Public Health is advising people to wear a mask if they are within the evacuation zone.

At this time, these recommendations are only for Rockton-area residents. Anyone outside of the Rockton area does not need to take action at this time, but continue to monitor local media outlets for additional information.

Reminder: Evacuating residents can go to Rockton Middle School,” according to the Northern Illinois PIO.

This is a developing story. Stay with 23 News as updates become available.

Copyright 2021 WIFR. All rights reserved.

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WASHINGTON—In the strongest sign yet that an accord is near, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said Wednesday that the U.S. was abandoning for now its threat to raise tariffs to 25% on $200 billion of Chinese goods.

His comments came following a House Ways and Means Committee meeting where Mr. Lighthizer said that the U.S. and China have reached a tentative agreement on a mechanism to enforce the trade deal, which has long been a stumbling block in talks.

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NORTH LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Authorities in North Las Vegas released further information on this weekend’s deadly crash that took the life of nine people.

North Las Vegas Assistant Police Chief Jacqueline Gravatt, North Las Vegas Mayor John Lee and Councilwoman Pamela Goynes-Brown spoke to the media on Sunday evening:

Originally, North Las Vegas police said the nine people were killed Saturday in a “mass casualty” traffic collision on Cheyenne Avenue near Commerce Street.

RELATED: North Las Vegas police investigate ‘mass casualty’ crash; at least 9 dead

A Dodge Charger was speeding northbound on Commerce approaching Cheyenne around 3 p.m. and ran a red light. The Charger hit multiple vehicles, according to the North Las Vegas Police Department

In total, 15 people were involved in the incident. One person remained in critical condition at the University Medical Center.

NLVPD Officer Alexander Cuevas called it a “chaotic event.”

Six vehicles total were involved in the crash.

The deceased range from at least one juvenile to middle-aged adults, according to authorities. The driver of the Dodge Charger is among the nine who died.

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If Mr. Biden’s plans were enacted, the government would spend what amounts to nearly a quarter of the nation’s total economic output every year over the course of the next decade. It would collect tax revenues equal to just under one fifth of the total economy.

In each year of Mr. Biden’s budget, the government would spend more as a share of the economy than all but two years since World War II: 2020 and 2021, which were marked by trillions of dollars in federal spending to help people and businesses endure the pandemic-induced recession. By 2028, when Mr. Biden could be finishing a second term in office, the government would be collecting more tax revenue as a share of the economy than almost any point in modern statistical history; the only other comparable period was the end of President Bill Clinton’s second term, when the economy was roaring and the budget was in surplus.

The documents also show the conservative approach Mr. Biden’s economic team is taking with regard to projecting the economy’s growth, as compared to his predecessor’s. Mr. Biden’s aides predict that even if his full agenda were enacted, the economy would grow at just under 2 percent per year for most of the decade, after accounting for inflation. That rate is similar to the historically sluggish pace of growth that the nation has averaged over the past 20 years. Unemployment would fall to 4.1 percent by next year — from 6.1 percent today — and remain below 4 percent in the years thereafter.

Former President Donald J. Trump consistently submitted budget proposals that predicted his policies would push the economy to a sustained annual rate of nearly 3 percent for a full decade. In his four years in office, annual growth only reached that rate once. The final budget submitted by President Barack Obama, when Mr. Biden was vice president, predicted annual growth of about 2.3 percent on average over the span of a decade.

The Biden forecasts continue to show his administration has little fear of rapid inflation breaking out across the economy, despite recent data showing a quick jump in prices as the economy reopens after a year of suppressed activity amid the pandemic. Under the Biden team’s projections, consumer prices never rise faster than 2.3 percent per year, and the Federal Reserve only gradually raises interest rates from their current rock-bottom levels in the coming years.

Mr. Biden has pitched the idea that now is the time, with interest rates low and the nation still rebuilding from recession, to make large up-front investments that will be paid for over a longer time horizon. His budget shows net real interest costs for the federal government remaining below historical averages for the course of the decade. Interest rates are controlled by the Federal Reserve, which is independent of the White House.

Even if interest rates stay low, payments on the national debt would consume an increased share of the federal budget. Net interest payments would double, as a share of the economy, from 2022 to 2031.

A spokesman for the White House budget office declined to comment on Thursday.

Administration officials are set to detail the full budget, which will span hundreds of pages, on Friday in Washington. On Thursday, Mr. Biden is scheduled to deliver an address on the economy in Cleveland.

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Rep. Matt Gaetz filed a complaint against the Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee in a move that could usher an end to a decadeslong bipartisan ethics détente.

The Florida Republican sent a letter to the 10-member bipartisan panel led by Rep. Ted Deutch, calling on the committee to investigate Rep. Adam Schiff over the California lawmaker’s handling of impeachment proceedings against President Trump.

It’s rare for a lawmaker to file an ethics complaint against another member, in part because lawmakers are fearful of sparking retaliatory complaints.

House lawmakers have seldom filed ethics complaints, particularly across party lines, after the two sides agreed to end a partisan ethics war that consumed Congress more than two decades ago.

Since then, ethics investigations have typically been self-initiated by the committee or referred by an independent outside panel, the Office of Congressional Ethics, which was created by the House and can field complaints from groups and individuals not serving in Congress.

Gaetz wants the panel to investigate Schiff’s opening statement at the only public impeachment hearing so far, in which Schiff delivered a parody account of President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which is at the heart of the impeachment proceedings.

Gaetz also wants Ethics to investigate Schiff’s past statements in which Schiff claimed to have knowledge of evidence Trump colluded with Russia ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

A two-year investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller did not charge Trump with colluding with the Russians, although Democrats say the Mueller report includes evidence of collusion.

And Gaetz wants the Ethics panel to look into Schiff’s decision to block Gaetz and other Republicans from the closed-door impeachment proceedings taking place in the Capitol basement.

Gaetz has tried to gain entry into the proceedings, which are limited to the House Intelligence, Foreign Relations, and Oversight and Government Reform Committees. The House parliamentarian has ruled that Gaetz and other lawmakers who do not sit on the three invited panels cannot attend the closed-door proceedings.

Gaetz said he should be allowed into the proceedings because he is a member of the House Judiciary Committee, which has handled impeachment investigations in the past.

“Chairman Schiff has abused his authority and seems to believe that the rules of the House of Representatives do not apply to him,” Gaetz said in a statement. “We cannot have a multi-tiered justice system in the United States or in the Congress. His egregious behavior must change immediately.”

The Ethics panel is unlikely to open a formal subcommittee hearing into Schiff’s actions.

But the panel will at least have to review the complaint and issue a statement, even if it dismisses it. His complaint will undoubtedly ratchet up the partisan discord in the House and could make it more tempting for Democrats to file complaints against GOP lawmakers they believe have broken House rules.

In his letter to the Ethics panel, Gaetz urged the committee, after it investigates the matter, “to make all appropriate referrals to the Department of Justice, for further investigation and prosecution.”

A Schiff spokesman hasn’t yet responded to a request for comment about the complaint.

Schiff’s opening statement, delivered during a Sept. 26 public hearing about the Ukraine call, generated bipartisan criticism.

“We’ve been very good to your country,” Schiff said, pretending to read the call transcript. “Very good. No other country has done as much as we have. But you know what? I don’t see much reciprocity here. I hear what you want. I have a favor I want from you, though. And I’m going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of it. On this and on that.”

Gaetz is the subject of a House ethics inquiry that was first filed with the Office of Congressional Ethics by an outside Democratic political action committee that accused him of using his Twitter account and role in Congress to threaten Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen.

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“Somos conscientes y somos ubicados en ese sentido de que es un momento muy delicado. Sentimos muchísimo lo que ha sucedido, lo digo de corazón y llegará el momento de que las familias se encontrarán y se arreglarán las cosas como seres humanos” dijo el delantero uruguayo Edinson Cavani luego de visitar a su padre en la cárcel y anunció que se comunicará con la familia del joven fallecido.

“Es un momento difícil. Estamos todos muy tristes por las cosas que han pasado, estos son los golpes de la vida y hay que darle para adelante. Somos todos conscientes las cosas que están pasando las dos familias y nosotros estamos acá apoyando al viejo y tratando de dar la fuerza que podemos dar” dijo el futbolista al dejar el recinto luego de permanecer dos horas junto a su padre y su hermano Walter Guglielmone.

“Ustedes se pueden imaginar cómo están las cosas, pero ya les digo, es la vida y hay que ponerle pecho a las cosas que vienen y hay que darle para adelante. De alguna manera y otra hay que seguir” respondió Cavani cuando le consultaron como se encontraba su padre.

Dijo que después de ver cómo se trabaja en la cárcel abierta de Fray Bentos, modelo en el interior del país, se retira sumamente tranquilo por el trato que recibirá su padre.

“Es una tranquilidad para mí, saber que está en un lugar donde todas las personas son iguales y tratados de la misma forma. Somos todos conscientes de que hubo un accidente, un error y que hay que pagar de alguna manera. Es la ley de la vida.

Cavani estará lo más que pueda junto a su padre, antes de volver al Paris Saint Germain y no descartó alquilar una casa en la zona para estar más cerca.

“Entre visita y visita habrá entre dos y tres días, por lo que también voy a aprovechar para estar con mi otra familia y poder pasarle también un poco de noticias de él porque están todos pendientes de saber cómo van las cosas” dijo el futbolista.

La Policía montó un operativo inusitado para recibir al futbolista y aunque la cárcel es abierta, mientras estuvo Cavani no había ningún otro recluso recibiendo visitas o cumpliendo tareas.

Cavani ingresó por un acceso diferente al que ingresa el resto de las personas y se le permitió llegar con su automóvil hasta la puerta del salón de visitas, lo que no ocurre con los visitantes que acuden regularmente.

La cárcel.

Tras el dictamen judicial del procesamiento con prisión, Luis Cavani fue trasladado al día siguiente al Centro No 19 del Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación, Cañitas, un centro de reclusión de mínima seguridad, que actualmente cuenta con 83 reclusos.

Prácticamente todos trabajan o estudian. Se acaba inaugurar una panadería que se suma a la herrería y carpintería que ya existe en el predio, donde además se fabrican bloques y ladrillos, se cultiva una huerta y se corta leña para venta al público.

Hace 3 días se firmó un convenio con una empresa rural mediante el cual hasta 15 reclusos trabajaran en una estancia en tareas de poda y recolección de arándanos.

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Irma pasó de tormenta tropical a huracán de categoría cinco en menos de una semana.

Las islas del Caribe y el estado de Florida (sureste de EE.UU.) permanecen en alerta ante la llegada del huracán Irma, que alcanzó la categoría 5 este martes y presenta ya rachas de vientos de hasta 295 km/h.

Según el Centro Nacional de Huracanes de Estados Unidos (NHC, por sus siglas en inglés), que calificó a Irma de “extremadamente peligroso”, el huracán podría tocar tierra en la noche de este martes sobre el norte de las islas de Sotavento, en las Antillas Menores.

Con ráfagas más fuertes previstas para las próximas 24 horas, Irma continúa su desplazamiento sobre el Atlántico hacia el oeste, rumbo al Caribe, a una velocidad de 22 km/h.

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La previsión apunta a que buena parte de los países del Caribe y el estado de Florida se verán afectados por Irma.

El NHC indicó que hay una vigilancia constante ante la llegada inminente del ciclón a las islas de Antigua, Barbuda, Anguila, Montserrat, San Cristóbal y Nieves, Saba, San Eustaquio y Sint Maarten.

Estado de emergencia

El gobernador del estado de Florida, Rick Scott, declaró el lunes el estado de emergencia ante la posibilidad de que Irma pueda torcer su rumbo hacia el norte y tocar el sur de la península el próximo fin de semana, como indican algunas proyecciones.

También el gobierno de Puerto Rico decretó la misma medida y preparó más de 450 refugios con capacidad para albergar unas 62.000 personas. En la isla -donde podrían sentir la fuerza de Irma a partir del miércoles- la población acudió en masa a tiendas y supermercados para aprovisionarse de agua y víveres.

Las autoridades de República Dominicana, Bahamas y Cuba -donde el huracán llegaría a partir del jueves- permanecen igualmente en alerta y realizaron llamados a la ciudadanía para extremar las precauciones.

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Centro Nacional de Huracanes de EE.UU.

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Los vientos más fuertes afectarán a los países caribeños de las Antillas.

En menos de una semana, Irma pasó de ser tormenta tropical a huracán de categoría 5, el máximo de la escala de intensidad de Saffir-Simpson.

En Estados Unidos siguen con especial atención su trayectoria, ya que el sur del país y en particular el estado de Texas todavía se está recuperando del devastador paso hace una semana del huracán Harvey, que dejó al menos 60 muertos, y causó graves inundaciones y pérdidas por valor de decenas de miles de millones de dólares.

Tras Frankly, Gert y Harvey, Irma es el cuarto huracán de la temporada ciclónica de este año en el Atlántico.

Este mismo martes alcanzó la categoría de tormenta tropical José, la décima que se forma en el Atlántico.

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