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WASHINGTON — President Trump said on Sunday that the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, should not testify before Congress, setting up another confrontation with Democrats over presidential authority and the separation of powers.

On Twitter, he argued that Mr. Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election, which found no conspiracy between Moscow and Mr. Trump’s campaign but did not exonerate the president on possible obstruction of justice, was conclusive and that Congress and the American people did not need to hear from Mr. Mueller. “Bob Mueller should not testify,” he said. “No redos for the Dems!”

That puts the president at odds with the Democrats, and with his own attorney general, William P. Barr.

Democrats have insisted that Mr. Mueller is the best person to provide a detailed interpretation of the 448-page report that he delivered last month to Mr. Barr, and set May 15 as a prospective date for him to appear before the House Judiciary Committee.

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China’s top trade negotiator, Liu He, will meet with President Donald Trump‘s trade team on Thursday without the title “special envoy” for President Xi Jinping, a role he has held in previous talks, suggesting the vice premier may have diminished authority to make concessions that could be key to striking a deal.

A source on the Chinese side told CNBC’s Eunice Yoon that Liu’s demotion suggests that he may not have much leeway to make compromises on his own.

That could leave negotiations to happen at a higher level. On Thursday afternoon, Trump said that Xi had written him a “beautiful letter” that he had “just received,” and said he will probably speak to Xi by phone.

The news of Liu’s title change comes as Washington and Beijing wrestle over the contours of a trade deal that has faced a number of setbacks in recent days.

Trump over the weekend set a Friday deadline to more than double the rate for existing tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods, a turnaround after weeks in which the administration signaled that negotiations were moving forward.

U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and other officials are scheduled to meet with Liu for dinner just hours before those tariffs are set to take effect.

Stocks continued to tumble Thursday after Trump said at a rally the night before that China “broke the deal” and reiterated his tariff threats. Meanwhile, China has signaled it is unlikely to back down in the face of American pressure.

Part of the China’s calculus has involved the suspicion that Trump’s public pressuring of Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell to lower the central bank’s benchmark interest rate is motivated by the president’s belief that the U.S. economy is weaker than he has claimed, The Wall Street Journal reported.

China backtracked on nearly every commitment that it had made in previous negotiations in a diplomatic cable sent Friday, according to Reuters.

In response, on Sunday, Trump issued his threat to raise tariffs on the country in a post on Twitter.

“The Trade Deal with China continues, but too slowly, as they attempt to renegotiate,” Trump wrote. “No!”

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ÚN.- El ministro de Interior y Justicia, Miguel Rodríguez Torres, anunció  la noche de este miércoles que los autores materiales del homicidio de la actriz y modelo, Mónica Spear, se encuentran en el grupo de los siete detenidos por el Ministerio Público.

ATENCIÓN. No se permite la publicación de mensajes violentos, ofensivos, difamatorios o cualquier contenido que infrinja lo estipulado en el artículo 27 de la Ley de Responsabilidad en Radio, TV y Medios Electrónicos. Antes de escribir tus comentarios lee las Normas de Participación en ÚN.

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Cal Fire spokesman Henry Herrera detailed the multitude of conditions that are fanning the flames of the monster Caldor Fire as it continues to burn across the Sierra Nevada mountain range and threaten the resort city of South Lake Tahoe, California.

“Everything has lined up, perfect recipe for a major fire like this,” Herrera said during a Wednesday evening interview on CNBC’s “The News with Shepard Smith”

“The topography’s very steep, very rugged terrain, the winds have been strong … we’ve been having gusts up to 35, 40 miles per hour a the top of the ridge tops. The winds are aligning perfectly with the canyons, which is really pushing the fire at a fast rate of spread.”

Firefighters are battling to contain the flames as it charges toward the south tip of Lake Tahoe. Herrera, who has been back and forth to the frontlines of the Caldor Fire, explained other contributing factors to the massive fire. They include embers igniting dry vegetation miles ahead of the fire that, in turn, creates new, small “spot fires” which grow and connect to the main fire.

The Caldor Fire burned more than 200,000 acres, which is larger than the entire city of Memphis. It’s also forced tens of thousands of people to evacuate. Herrera told host Shepard Smith that the firefighters are working to save homes and communities, and are currently focusing on the northeast end of the fire, around Meyers and South Lake Tahoe.

“We’ve been building containment lines to keep the fire from entering those areas,” said Herrera. “We are building contingency lines, areas in the event the fire crosses those containment lines, and so far, we’ve been successful keeping the fire away from the communities.”

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La oposición de Venezuela ha sido muy critica con el banco Goldman Sachs por la operación reportada por “The Wall Street Journal”.

El gobierno socialista de Venezuela siempre presume de pagar sus compromisos de deuda con Wall Street.

Este lunes, esa contradictoria relación entre Caracas y la gran meca del capitalismo indignó a la oposición, que desde hace dos meses promueve protestas casi diarias contra el gobierno, en el marco de las cuales ya han muerto alrededor de 60 personas.

Este lunes hubo también manifestaciones, pero la noticia del día fue otra.

Julio Borges, presidente de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela, controlada por la oposición desde las legislativas de 2015, envió una carta al director ejecutivo del banco inversor estadounidense Goldman Sachs.

La razón de la misiva es el reporte publicado el fin de semana por el diarioThe Wall Street Journalen el que se aseguraba que el banco compró US$2.800 millones en bonos de la petrolera estatal PDVSA al Banco Central de Venezuela. Goldman Sachs pagó apenas US$865 millones por una deuda que vence en 2022.

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Julio Borges, presidente de la Asamblea Nacional, envió una carta al director ejecutivo de Goldman Sachs para criticar la operación.

BBC Mundo no pudo conseguir una confirmación del banco al ser un día festivo en Estados Unidos. Tampoco PDVSA ni el Banco Central de Venezuela se pronunciaron al respecto.

Que un banco inversor compre deuda a una empresa estatal pasa todos los días. Pero dos aspectos hacen especial la operación de la que habla el medio estadounidense:

Primero, el momento en el que llega, con un gobierno en una situación muy comprometida y con escaso flujo de caja

En segundo lugar, la tremenda rentabilidad para Goldman Sachs y el consiguiente perjuicio para las arcas futuras del Estado Venezolano.

Ya en la primera línea de la misiva, escrita en inglés a Lloyd Blankfein, director ejecutivo de Goldman Sachs, Julio Borges dice estar “preocupado” e “indignado”.

Luego califica la operación como un “salvavidas financiero” para el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro, al que define como “dictador”.

El presidente de la Asamblea acusa al banco de ayudar a financiar la “brutal represión” contra los manifestantes, que este mismo lunes volvieron a la calle.

Y le recuerda que el Parlamento investigará una operación que podría ir en contra del propio código de ética del banco, según el cual Goldman Sachs identifica potenciales violaciones de derechos humanos antes de hacer una transacción.

Ni reconocer ni pagar

Borges y la oposición denuncian así presuntas violaciones de derechos humanos por parte del gobierno, que a su vez califica como “operaciones terroristas” las protestas de la “ultraderecha”, a la que acusa de fomentar un golpe de Estado con ayuda de Estados Unidos.

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El presidente de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela, Julio Borges, envió una carta al director ejecutivo de Goldman Sachs, Lloyd Blankfein.

“Una cosa es que quieras aprovecharte del mercado. El dinero no tiene corazón y nadie le pide eso a los inversionistas. Pero es que las operaciones con la república están financiado delitos de lesa humanidad”, dijo a BBC Mundo Rafael Guzmán, diputado opositor y miembro de la comisión de finanzas de la Asamblea Nacional.

Tras esa estrategia hay una amenaza para los compradores de bonos. “Pretendo recomendar a cualquier futuro gobierno democrático no reconocer ni pagar esos bonos”, expresó Borges en la carta a Goldman Sachs.

Guzmán confirmó a BBC Mundo que la oposición ya ha hablado de ese asunto en los últimos meses con varios bancos de inversión.

“Muchos bancos se han echado para atrás. Otros no. Que cada quien asuma las consecuencias”, afirmó el diputado.

Problema de liquidez

El gobierno recurre a este tipo de operaciones porque se enfrenta a un grave problema de liquidez.

La caída de los precios del petróleo y la merma en su producción han supuesto una severo recorte de divisas: 96 de los 100 dólares que llegan al país los aporta el crudo.

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Los bonos de PDVSA vencen en 2022 y podrán dar una alta rentabilidad a Goldman Sachs.

Además, entre sus principales compradores de petróleo sólo Estados Unidos paga en efectivo.

Todo ello afecta a las arcas de un gobierno que ha tenido que restringir severamente sus importaciones. En enero, el presidente Maduro admitió en 2016 una caída de importaciones del más de 50% respecto a 2015.

Y esa es la principal razón de la actual escasez de alimentos y medicinas, uno de los problemas más graves del país con las mayores reservas de petróleo del mundo.

A pesar de todo, el gobierno es buen pagador de una deuda que cada vez coloca en los mercados a mayor coste.

Y en ese sentido se enmarca la operación de Goldman Sachs, que la compró con un descuento del 69%.

“Es el rendimiento más grande de la historia de los mercado financieros internacionales”, dijo a BBC Mundo el economista Alejandro Grisanti, experto en deuda.

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Queda por conocer quién fue el intermediario de la operación entre el Banco Central y Goldman Sachs.

Grisanti afirmó que el hecho de que el Banco Central haya vendido “muy por debajo del precio de mercado” habla del mal momento por el que pasa la economía del país y la necesidad de liquidez del gobierno.

El economista cree clave conocer quién fue el intermediario, ya que Goldman Sachs no compró los bonos directamente al Estado.

Grisanti opinó, sin embargo, que el banco no se puede escudar en que la operación fue en el mercado secundario.

“Es muy difícil que unos banqueros con la experiencia que tienen en esta compra y venta de bonos no supieran que están financiando de manera indirecta al Estado”, dijo.

“No es oxígeno, es heroína”

Esos márgenes, aseguran los expertos consultados, pueden ser indicador de que no hay intención de pagar la deuda, por lo que Venezuela se vería obligada pronto a una reestructuración.

“No es oxigeno, es heroína. Es endeudarse al 48%. El que se endeuda y no tiene cómo salir del hueco se mete más hondo”, dijo a BBC Mundo el economista venezolano Ricardo Hausmann, profesor en Harvard, exministro de Planificación y muy crítico con el gobierno de Maduro.

Hausmann califica de “inmoralidad” la operación de Goldman Sachs. “Son nuevas heridas en la piel de Wall Street”, afirmó.

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La noticia llega en plena ola de protestas que han dejado ya casi 60 muertes.

Pero más allá de las consideraciones éticas de las finanzas internacionales, este momento de zozobra en un país, como el que vive ahora Venezuela, es el más rentable para los inversores, que se aprovechan de una alta probabilidad de impago.

Así lo reconoce Mike Conelius. El fondo que dirige, T. Rowe Price Emerging Markets Bond Fund, es uno de los principales tenedores de deuda de Venezuela.

Conelius atisba pronto un cambio de gobierno en Venezuela. Y en eso se basa su tesis para comprar bonos, aunque de alguna manera ayude a mantenerse a ese mismo gobierno.

El momento de acumular exposición

“Por difícil de aceptar que parezca poseer riesgo de Venezuela, es precisamente el momento en el que los inversores a largo plazo normalmente quieren acumular su exposición”, escribió en un mail, según informó Bloomberg el 5 de mayo.

La alta probabilidad de impago alienta a los bancos de inversión, que se aprovechan de un gobierno que está necesitado y que emite deuda a una tasa de interés muy alta.

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La oposición de Venezuela busca crear un problema de reputación al banco Goldman Sachs.

“Cuando llegue el cambio, las valoraciones de hoy serán muy difíciles, por no decir imposibles, de encontrar”, escribió el inversor Conelius.

Goldman Sachs también prevé que un cambio de gobierno puede duplicar el valor de la deuda, según The Wall Street Journal.

Es esa expectativa de cambio la que alimenta las ganancias futuras de los inversores capitalistas. Y lo que paradójicamente da algo de oxígeno en Venezuela al gobierno socialista.

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New York State issued an air quality health advisory for Tuesday, lasting until midnight, because of high levels of fine particulate matter in the air, which wildfires contribute to.

By late afternoon, the Air Quality Index for New York City had reached 170, well above average. The concentration of microscopic particulate pollution called PM2.5 was nine times above exposure recommendations from the World Health Organization.

In a statement, the Department of Environmental Conservation noted that while it was not rare for traveling wildfire smoke to reach the New York region, the smoke usually stayed high in the atmosphere. But in this case, “data showed that the smoke is extending down to the ground level,” since much of it is coming from relatively nearby fires in western Ontario and eastern Manitoba.

Climate change is making wildfires larger and more intense, with results visible from satellites and on the ground. The Bootleg Fire in Oregon now covers more than 388,000 acres and is so intense that it is essentially making its own weather. Satellite images from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration show smoke from that fire and others making its way across wide swaths of the United States and Canada. It first reached New York City around July 15.

Mr. Cristantello said that a cold front pushing through the New York City area on Wednesday should clear out the haze, but it could return if the fires persist.

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Attorney General Chris Carr on Thursday announced the indictment of former District Attorney Jackie Johnson, who was strongly criticized over the way she handled the Ahmaud Arbery case.

Johnson was indicted on charges of violation of oath of public officer and obstruction of a police officer. The charges, as alleged in the indictment, are related to the investigation surrounding the deadly shooting of Arbery.

Specifically, the indictment (in full at end of the article) accuses Johnson in February 2020 of violating her oath as district attorney “by showing favor and affection to Greg McMichael during the investigation…”

Johnson also failed “to treat Ahmaud Arbery and his family fairly and with dignity,” the indictment states. It alleges that after Arbery’s death, Johnson sought the assistance of Waycross Judicial Circuit District Attorney George Barnhill and, after disqualifying her for office, recommended Barnhill to the Attorney General’s Office for appointment as the case prosecutor without disclosing that she had previously sought Barnhill’s assistance on the case.

“Our office is committed to ensuring those who are entrusted to serve are carrying out their duties ethically and honestly,” Carr said in a prepared statement. “While an indictment was returned today, our file is not closed, and we will continue to investigate in order to pursue justice.”

If convicted, the violation of oath of public officer is a felony charge that carries a sentence of one to five years. The obstruction and hindering a law enforcement officer charge is a misdemeanor that carries up to 12 months.

Gregory and Travis McMichael, a father and son, and their neighbor William “Roddie” Bryan Jr. are awaiting trial this fall for chasing and killing 25-year-old Arbery last year as he ran in their neighborhood outside coastal Brunswick. Jury selection is scheduled to start Oct. 18.

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Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) released 15 years of tax returns Sunday. No other candidate has released more returns, and a Harris campaign aide said the release makes her “the most transparent candidate in the field when it comes to information about personal finances.”

Harris released returns from 2004, when she was San Francisco’s district attorney, to 2018, when she was a U.S. Senator. The senator has filed jointly with her husband, lawyer Douglas Emhoff, since they married in 2014.

The couple reported a combined income of $1.89 million in 2018 and paid $697,000 in taxes at a rate of 37 percent. The majority of the couple’s 2018 income came from Emhoff’s work as an entertainment and intellectual property law partner at the DLA Piper Law Firm. Harris reported a personal income of $157,352 from her work as a US senator and $320,125 in income from her memoir, The Truths We Hold. Last year, Emhoff and Harris donated $27,259 to charity.

Prior to her marriage, Harris’ income came mainly from her public service work as a district attorney, California attorney general, and US senator.

Harris’ flex on taxes is meant provide contrast to President Donald Trump who, two years into his presidency, has yet to release tax returns. Rep. Richard E. Neale (D-MA), the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, sent a letter to the IRS Saturday giving the Trump administration until April 23 to release six years’ worth of the president’s tax returns.

The Trump administration has indicated it has no plans to release the returns and has argued that Congress requesting the records represents a violation of the president’s privacy. The Trump administration missed an April 10 deadline to provide the tax returns to the House Ways and Means Committee.

Which other Democratic candidates have released their returns?

Thus far, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Sen. Klobuchar (D-MN), Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), and Gov. Jay Inslee (D-WA) have all released their tax returns. None of them report as much income as Harris has.

Warren, who also filed jointly with her husband, reported $846,394 in income in 2018. Klobuchar has released her tax returns up to 2017, when she reported a combined income with her partner of $299,446. On her most recent returns, Gillibrand reported her Senate salary along with $50,000 in book revenue, the Washington Post reported. Inslee netted $202,912 in income last year.

House Democrats passed H.R. Bill requiring all presidential and vice presidential candidates to release tax returns in March. But that law, which would also create a federal election holiday, automatic voter registration, require dark money groups to report their funding, set up public funding of congressional campaigns, and increase same-day voter registration, has not been taken up by the Republican-controlled Senate.

Warren, who released her taxes last week, said that she would back Senate legislation requiring presidential candidates to disclose their tax returns.

“I’ve put out 11 years of my tax returns because no one should ever have to guess who their elected officials are working for,” Warren said. “Doing this should be law.”

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said he will release his tax returns by Monday.

Several other Democratic candidates, including Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg, former DHS secretary Julián Castro, and former Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke have not yet released their tax returns, but have pledged to do so soon.

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En las noticias más leídas del día, los países comienzan a tener la necesidad de formar expertos que puedan neutralizar y resguardar su infraestructura, protegerlos de ciberdelincuentes y de gobiernos espías. La asesora presidencial Kellyanne Conway dijo a The Associated Press que Michael Dubke presentó su renuncia antes del viaje del presidente Donald Trump a Medio Oriente y Europa. Diputados del Congreso del Estado aprobó la iniciativa de Reforma al artículo 17 del Código Penal del Estado de Nuevo León a través de la cual dará mayores alcances a los particulares sobre la legítima defensa.

1. Un concurso de hackeo para formar a futuros ciberdefensores de México

Estados Unidos, Rusia o China, entre algunas otras potencias cuentan con ejércitos de hackers que se dedican de tiempo completo a atacar los sistemas e infraestructura de sus adversarios, tanto para intereses políticos o económicos, dijo el experto de ciberseguridad Daniel Regalado. Los ciberataques de Estado se suman a otras amenazas como el espionaje electrónico y el cibercrimen.

Este hecho hace más que evidente que países como México deben formar expertos que puedan neutralizar y resguardar la infraestructura de los países, proteger a los ciudadanos de los ciberdelincuentes y de los gobiernos que los espían ilegalmente.

2. Director de comunicaciones de la Casa Blanca deja a Trump

Michael Dubke, director de comunicaciones de la Casa Blanca, presentó su renuncia hace unos días, se informó la mañana de este martes.

La asesora presidencial Kellyanne Conway dijo a The Associated Press que Dubke presentó su renuncia antes del viaje del presidente Donald Trump a Medio Oriente y Europa.

3. Aprueban en Nuevo León matar en defensa propia

Fue aprobada la iniciativa de Reforma al artículo 17 del Código Penal del Estado de Nuevo León, por los diputados del Congreso del Estado, a través de la cual dará mayores alcances a los particulares sobre la legítima defensa.

En la exposición de motivos, el diputado Marcos Mendoza Vázquez señaló que los ciudadanos del distrito por diferentes medios le han comunicado que viven con el temor de sufrir alguna agresión o de ser víctimas de la delincuencia.
Por tal motivo, se amplió el criterio para los ciudadanos quienes actúen en defensa de su persona, de su familia, de su honor o de sus bienes, o de la persona, honor o bienes de otro, repeliendo una agresión actual, violenta, sin derecho, y de la cual resulte un peligro inminente. ¿Crees que sea una buena medida?

4. Precio del aguacate presenta el mayor incremento en casi dos décadas

Durante la primera quincena de mayo, el precio del aguacate al consumidor mexicano aumentó 122.44% a tasa anual, debido a la detonación de la demanda externa de este producto, así como a la depreciación del peso frente al dólar.

Este aumento de la cotización del fruto significó el mayor nivel en alrededor de 18 años, cuando se registró una variación anual de 201.78% en la segunda quincena de agosto de 1999, de acuerdo con datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía.

Kristobal Meléndez, investigador del Centro de Investigación Económica y Presupuestaria, explicó que el comportamiento del aguacate se debió a la alta demanda de Estados Unidos, ya que es un producto que se ha exportado, entonces se presenta una menor disponibilidad para el consumo nacional y esto contribuye a que se eleve el precio.

5. El ABC para financiar una carrera universitaria

En estos tiempos, estudiar una carrera es indispensable, pero cuando se trata de instituciones privadas, también pareciera inalcanzable. De acuerdo con estimaciones de entidades como HSBC, AXA y el Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad, el costo de una licenciatura oscila entre 400,000 y 1 millón de pesos, dependiendo del tipo de carrera y dónde se quiera cursar.
Jorge Blasco, de AXA México, explicó que en instituciones como la Universidad Iberoamericana o el Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, la anualidad ronda entre 150,000 y 200,000 pesos, lo que se traduce en que el semestre oscila entre 80,000 y 90,000 pesos.

Dicho esto, las opciones de financiamiento deben contemplar estos factores, por lo que se requiere de mucha planeación previa. Si quieres conocer cómo debería ser esa planeación, entra a la nota completa.


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Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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Fernando Godoy

Cordeiro: bringing Brazil and the Arabs closer

São Paulo – The Brazilian foreign policy for the Arab world has found its best ambassador among the Arab community living in Brazil. The statement was made this Monday (31st) by the undersecretary general for Middle East and Africa Politics at the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations, Paulo Cordeiro de Andrade Pinto, at the Jockey Club in São Paulo. The ambassador has been named the 2014 Arab Brazilian Chamber Personality, and was awarded the Order of Merit and named Commander by the organization. The event also celebrated the Day of the Arab Community in Brazil, whose official date is March 25th.

At the ceremony, speaking to the attendees, Cordeiro mentioned relations between the Arab world and Brazil, and how mutually important their economies are. “Brazilian businessmen have carried out construction work that has revolutionized the Arab countries,” the ambassador said, citing Brazilian participation in the construction of the Algiers metro and in the implementation of cotton farming in Sudan. On the other hand, he discussed Gulf-based funds which invest in Brazil. Regarding humanitarian aid, Cordeiro mentioned that Brazil has welcomed Syrian and Palestinian refugees.

He also touched on other actions designed to bring Brazilians and Arabs together, such as the introductory course on Islam offered by Brazil’s diplomatic academy Instituto Rio Branco, the work of Brazilian physicians who share their knowledge with Arab countries such as Algeria, and the sports centre Brazil helped establish in Palestine.

Fernando Godoy

Sallum (left) presented Cordeiro with the medal

The Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce president Marcelo Sallum also spoke to the audience, and discussed Cordeiro’s own role in Brazilian-Arab relations. “He is a representative of Brazilian diplomacy who has made many contributions to establishing closer Brazil-Arab relations,” he said.

The dean of the Council of Arab Ambassadors in Brazil and Palestinian ambassador Ibrahim Alzeben said the undersecretary has raised the bar for relations between the two regions. “A man who works with something he believes in. A tireless champion of the dignity and freedom of human beings. A loyal friend to the Arab nation,” Alzeben said of Cordeiro. “He is a landmark of ethics, kindness and humility,” the dean said.

Cordeiro gave a display of his modesty by stating that he thought himself unworthy of the decoration, and wanted to give credit for it to the organization he serves, the Ministry of External Relations (aka Itamaraty). The undersecretary said the actions carried out by Brazil in the Arab country give international visibility to Brazil and strengthen Brazil’s foreign policy. “The policy focuses on fostering peace and unity,” said Cordeiro.

Paulo Cordeiro

Fernando Godoy

Cordeiro thanked his wife

Undersecretary general Cordeiro has been in his current position for three years. Born in Salvador, in the state of Bahia, and the holder of a degree in History, he told those in attendance at the Jockey Club that he owes the decoration to his wife, Vera Estrela. “One day she said to me: go make more money,” said Cordeiro with a smile on his face. According to the diplomat, Vera’s ultimatum prompted him to apply for the Foreign Ministry.

In his address, the Arab Brazilian Chamber president recounted the diplomat’s career. He mentioned Cordeiro’s work as Brazilian ambassador in Haiti, the importance of his work with the United Nations’ mission to stabilize the country, and the medals he has been awarded, including the Grand Cross of the Order of Rio Branco and the Peacemaker’s Medal, both in 2006.

Arab Day

Speaking of the Arab Community Day, Sallum told the audience of how present the Arabs are in Brazilian daily life, with their influence on the vocabulary, on mathematics and music, among others. According to him, the Arab community in Brazil comprises 12 million descendants. “Here we live in complete harmony with wildly diverse nationalities and religions,” he said.

Fernando Godoy

Guests enjoyed a cocktail at the Jockey Club

Sallum also discussed commercial ties between the Arab world and Brazil, and the work the Arab Brazilian Chamber has carried out for over 60 years. “We helped build and rebuild cities and integrate regions by building railways, roads, ports and airports,” he said, referring to some of the areas in which Brazilians made contributions with the Arab world. He also mentioned the Arab Brazilian Chamber’s involvement with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) for developing assistance campaigns.

The dean Alzeben also discussed the situation in Palestine. He noted how Arabs are well received in Brazil, but urged people not to forget their motherland, the childhood homes they left behind. And he said that on celebrating the Arab community, he felt disillusioned for two reasons. “Firstly, the fact that Palestine remains occupied and death surrounds my brothers every day,” he said. The second reason is the Syrian situation. “What is taking place in Syria right now is a crime against humanity,” he said.

Arabian horses

Fernando Godoy

The horse Atentaddo VE won the race

The guests were welcomed with a cocktail at São Paulo’s Jockey Club and watched a race of thoroughbred Arabian horses. The contest was part of the celebrations sponsored by the Arab Brazilian Chamber and featured seven horses.

The winner, which received a prize of R$ 20,196.00 (US$ 8,909.00) was the horse Atentaddo VE, ridden by José Ventura, and owned by José Luiz Aranha. The second horse was All Pol Rach, ridden by Antônio Queiroz, and owned by Lucas Quintana, and the third was Mahogany HVP, ridden by the jockey Gelson Ribeiro, and owned by Eduardo Garcia. Total betting was R$ 18,000 (US$ 7,940).

Before the race, three horses paraded wearing colourful Arab clothing. The jockeys riding them also wore typical Arab attire.

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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MADISON, Wis. — The Dane County Board of Canvassers certified election results Sunday, concluding the county’s recount.

President-elect Joe Biden was declared the winner in Dane County.

The final results of the recount found a 91-vote reduction for Biden, taking his vote count from 260,185 to 260,094. There also was a 46-vote reduction for President Donald Trump, changing his vote count from 78,800 to 78,754. In essence, in Dane County, Trump gained 45 votes on Biden, but still trails the state by more than 20,000 votes.

The disqualified votes were those that were missing voter or witness signatures or addresses, according to the Dane County Clerk.

Dane County election officials finished recounting ballots Saturday night after eight days of counting. County clerk Scott McDonell said they still needed to meet Sunday to reconcile some precinct information and get their data ready for certification.

The entire recount process in Dane County had been open to the public and livestreamed online.

McDonell said that there was no evidence of voter fraud.

The Milwaukee County Board of Elections certified its election results Friday evening. President-elect Biden’s lead increased by 132 votes after Milwaukee County election officials recounted more than 450,000 votes.

Wisconsin counties have until Tuesday to certify their results.

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As the press gives more attention to the mounting accusations against former Vice President Joe Biden for inappropriate touching, it is only doing more to confirm all of the suspicions that conservatives have about liberal media bias.

The New York Times quoted two more women as saying they felt uncomfortable by the way Biden touched them, which follows two other accusations of a similar nature.

However, there is nothing particularly new about the idea that Biden is handsy. The fact was well known for years and demonstrated in many photos and videos. A number of conservatives tried to argue that his creepy behavior shouldn’t simply be dismissed as just a cuddly Biden being Biden. At the time, though, the matter was largely ignored by the media, treated as a joke, or waved off as “faux outrage.”

It’s hard to argue that the issue was irrelevant at the time, and that it’s only emerging now because Biden is considering a run for president. It’s not as if he were an obscure figure at the time these incidents occurred. He was the vice president of the United States.

The only thing that’s changed is Biden’s opponents. Had the media scrutinized Biden’s behavior back then, it would have benefited Republicans and caused headaches for the Obama administration. Now, however, Biden’s opponents are a dozen or more Democrats. Given that he’s been consistently on top of polls for the 2020 Democratic nomination, all of the rival camps are gunning for him, and hoping to destroy his candidacy before it even gets off the launch pad.

So, it’s entirely predictable that the media are suddenly focusing on Biden’s touching problem now, even while acknowledging that it was an open secret for years.

Should Biden go on to win the Democratic nomination, expect the media to go back to suddenly not caring about this issue. And any attempt by conservatives to raise it will just be shut down by pointing to President Trump’s record of boasting about grabbing women.

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TAMPA (WFLA) – 8 On Your Side spoke directly with the Teton County, Wyoming Coroner Dr. Brent Blue about the autopsy of Gabby Petito on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, Dr. Blue announced he had determined Petito’s cause of death was strangulation with the manner of death being ruled a homicide.

Petito was reported missing by her family on Sept. 11 after she did not return from a months-long cross-country trip with her fiancé, Brian Laundrie. Her remains were found on Sept. 19 at a campground in Wyoming’s Grand Teton National Park.

She was last seen alive on Aug. 27, on that day, a video from Florida travel bloggers placed Petito’s white van in the camping area close to where her remains were discovered.

On Sept. 21, the autopsy was conducted in Teton County. Within hours, authorities announced Petito’s death was in fact a homicide.

Dr. Blue’s office performed the autopsy with him personally interpreting the results.

“What factors led you to believe so quickly that this was in fact a homicide?” asked 8 On Your Side Investigative Reporter Mahsa Saeidi.

“We look at the scene, we look at the…. apparent injuries, we look at the whole situation,” said Dr. Blue.

Three weeks later, Dr. Blue confirmed the cause of death: manual strangulation or throttling.

“Manual strangulation or throttling is strangulation by use of hands as opposed to mechanical strangulation,” said Dr. Blue.

“How do you determine a finding of manual strangulation, what is the state of the body in general, that allows you to come up with that conclusion?” asked Saeidi.

“Well it’s dictated by the type of injuries,” the doctor responded.

Dr. Blue says, two things can occur during a strangulation.

“One is the cutting off of blood flow to the brain through the carotid arteries, the other is a collapse in the windpipe so the person can’t breathe,” Dr. Blue said.

While manual strangulation is often considered to be murder, there could be a set of facts that make it not murder, like self-defense.

8 On Your Side also asked Dr. Blue to elaborate on comments that appeared to identify a suspect in Petito’s death.

“Unfortunately this is only one of many deaths around the country of people who are involved in domestic violence,” said Dr. Blue during a zoom news conference with reporters Tuesday.

“Did you determine that her cause of death was the result of domestic violence or was that just, you know, a comment that you made in the moment?” asked Saeidi.

After the news conference, some assumed Dr. Blue was confirming that Laundrie was involved in Petito’s death.

“That was a comment I made in the moment,” he said.

Right now, the FBI and federal prosecutors are not releasing any more information.

Laundrie is still a person of interest in Petito’s disappearance, and has been missing according to police since Sept. 17. According to police, his parents reported last seeing him last Monday, Sept. 13, in hiking gear. He has not been named as a suspect in the ongoing investigation. and law enforcement are looking for him.

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Danilo Medina, el actual presidente, encabeza el conteo.

El presidente de República Dominicana, Danilo Medina, es el que encabeza el conteo de papeletas y se vislumbra como posible ganador de las elecciones generales, celebradas este domingo.

Medina, quien representa al Partido de la Liberación Dominicana y a sus formaciones aliadas, lleva una ventaja de más de veinte puntos con respecto a su principal contrincante, el empresario Luis Abinader, del Partido Revolucionario Moderno.

El tercer boletín oficial emitido por la Junta Central Electoral (JCE) a las 10:30am hora local (14:30 GMT), otorga a Medina el 61,99% de los votos, mientras que Luis Abinader del Partido Revolucionario Moderno (PRM), su principal adversario, obtuvo el 35,18%.

Sin embargo, aún no se ha terminado el conteo.

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Además del favorito Danilo Medina, los candidatos a presidente son (de izquierda a derecha): Hatuey De Camps (Partido Revolucionario Social Demócrata), Soraya Aquino (Partido de Unión Nacional), Guillermo Moreno (Alianza País), Luis Abinader (Partido Revolucionario Moderno), Pelegrín Castillo (Fuerza Nacional Progresista), Minerva Tavárez Mirabal (Alianza por la Democracia) y Elías Wessin Chávez (Partido Quisqueyano Demócrata Cristiano).

Para que Medina fuera proclamado vencedor tendría que acumular más del 50% de los votos una vez contadas todas la papeletas.

Y si ninguno de los candidatos obtiene más del 50%, tendrá que celebrarse una segunda vuelta.

La jornada de votación se extendió una hora más por los retrasos causados por fallas técnicas en algunos centros y por la renuncia de 3.000 técnicos contratados para el montaje de las mesas.

Por este motivo la Junta Central Electoral (JCE), el órgano electoral del país, continúa contabilizando votos manuales y electrónicos.

En estas elecciones generales, también se elige al vicepresidente, a los representantes municipales y a congresistas y diputados.

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President Joe Biden’s latest vaccination push is the most aggressive effort yet by his administration to get the raging coronavirus pandemic under control.

Critics see the move by the president as a reversal of his previous promise to avoid vaccine mandates. Federal health officials, however, believe it is the next step in the fight against the highly contagious delta variant, which is killing more than 1,500 Americans every day, according to a CNBC analysis of Johns Hopkins University data, and filling hospitals in unvaccinated pockets of the country to the brim.

“We’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers,” Biden said Thursday in announcing the plan. “We’re going to reduce the spread of Covid-19 by increasing the share of the workforce that is vaccinated in businesses all across America.”

The multipronged approach affects hundreds of public and private companies and tens of millions of American workers. It mandates vaccines and eliminates testing options for federal government employees, including those in the health-care sector, and calls for stiff penalties for those who don’t comply.

Here’s what you need to know about Biden’s latest bid to get more Americans vaccinated.

Where vaccination is mandatory, with no testing option

Where vaccination or weekly testing is mandatory

Despite the broad scope of the president’s push, most U.S. workers, more than 80 million, will still have the option of proving they are not carrying the virus by submitting to weekly Covid tests.

To boost the pace of daily shots, which have slowed down after a spike in mid-August, the president ordered the Department of Labor to create a new rule requiring any company with more than 100 employees to mandate vaccines for their employees or weekly Covid tests for workers who cite religious or health reasons for not getting vaccinated. However, those reasons for opting out are likely to be more scrutinized by employers going forward.

The new rule will be implemented by the Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA. OSHA can issue an emergency temporary standard if it proves that employees are in danger and that the proposed rule can avert that danger.

Employers will also be ordered to provide paid time off for employees to get vaccinated. This applies to both the public and private sectors.

“No one should lose pay in order to get vaccinated or take a loved one to get vaccinated,” Biden said.

Consequences for violating the rules

Most Americans support vaccine mandates in workplaces, with 62% of Americans backing the idea, according to an August poll by USA Today and Ipsos.

Still, among the 29% of U.S. voters who are unvaccinated, 83% say they do not plan to get the lifesaving shots, a new CNBC survey shows.

Employees who fail to comply with the new mandates could face a range of consequences, including termination, as companies feel pressure to fall in line.

Companies will face a $13,600 penalty per violation of the OSHA rule, though the new rules could take some time to implement and enforce. OSHA has experienced a steady decline in staffing and currently provides one inspector for every 83,000 workers, according to the AFL-CIO, the largest federation of unions in the U.S.

Appeal to unvaccinated Americans

In his announcement, Biden questioned why 80 million Americans have still not received the shots after they were made free and accessible and were approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

“What more is there to wait for? What more is there to see?” Biden said. “We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin.”

Biden appealed to those running large entertainment venues, sports arenas and movie theaters to require vaccination or proof of a negative test for entry. New York City and San Francisco already require proof of vaccination for activities such as dining indoors and attending movies and entertainment venues, with New York City requiring proof of at least one dose and San Francisco requiring proof of full vaccination.

Biden also asked physicians across the country to “reach out to unvaccinated patients … and make a personal appeal to them to get the shot.”

About 75% of U.S. adults have received at least one dose of a Covid vaccine and about 54% of all Americans are fully vaccinated, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data. Experts are still split on what percentage of a population needs to be vaccinated in order for the population to reach herd immunity, though estimates range between 70% and 90%.

“This is not about freedom or personal choice. It’s about protecting yourself and those around you,” Biden said.

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