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A man was fatally shot Saturday evening near E. 38th Street and Chicago Avenue, the Minneapolis intersection known as George Floyd Square, where Floyd died in police custody last May.

According to police spokesman John Elder, police got a ShotSpotter notification about 5:45 p.m., and 911 callers reported that two people had been shot and were being brought to the barricades at the area’s entrance. When officers arrived, the victim was already gone.

Police later learned that the victim, a man believed to be in his 30s with a gunshot wound, had been taken to Hennepin County Medical Center, where he died. No second victim appeared, Elder said.

“Officers were met with some interference” when they arrived at the square to investigate, Elder said, without giving further details. He said that officers’ body cameras may provide more information.

Investigators’ initial findings are that the victim and a suspect had a verbal disagreement and the suspect shot the victim before fleeing the area, heading north in a cream or light-colored Suburban with gunshot damage.

“This appeared to be a very directed attack or assault. And we’re unaware of this being a threat to the community,” said Elder. “They had an argument. And so, it appears that there may have been some previous knowledge of one another.”

Erica Pearson • 612-673-4726

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Michael Bloomberg senior campaign adviser Tim O’Brien has explained the message behind the $10 million ad focusing on gun violence that will air during Sunday’s telecast of Super Bowl LIV.

“I think it contrasts very sharply with where Donald Trump has been on this issue,” O’Brien told Jessica Rosenthal on Friday’s “Fox News Rundown.” 

We have had a wave of gun violence in the United States, a sharp escalation in hate crimes and domestic terrorism that are directly the result of, I think, the hateful language that Trump has deployed when he ran as a candidate and now as a president in an unwillingness to do the right thing on stemming gun violence.”


The 60-second ad features Calandrian Simpson Kemp, a Texas woman whose 20-year-old son, George Kemp Jr., was shot and killed in 2013. The issue has been a centerpiece of Bloomberg’s campaign. The former New York City mayor is also a founder and major financial supporter of the nonprofit Everytown for Gun Safety, which advocates for greater gun control.

“This is something that touches families,” O’Brien explained. “It most profoundly touches communities of color. Some of the most vulnerable communities in our country — it’s in our schools. It’s where people pray. And we can’t say we’re a civilized country if our kids have to hide under their desks or worry about hiding under their desks because there’s an active shooter in a school.”

With the Iowa caucuses four days away, O’Brien also addressed the Bloomberg campaign’s decision to skip the early-state nominating contests and focus instead on the states that award their delegates on March 3, a date known as Super Tuesday.

“We have a national footprint right now in over 35 states with about a thousand people on the ground. We’re running three campaigns simultaneously,” he explained. “Essentially, we’re running a general election campaign right out of the gates against Donald Trump.

“We’re also running, obviously, a primary campaign that really hinges on Super Tuesday states as our first showing. And we’re also prioritizing a handful of battleground states where we think the 2020 election is going to be won or lost.”

Bloomberg has struggled to gain support among people of color, in large part due to the controversial “stop-and-frisk” policy he implemented during his time as mayor of New York. In November, Bloomberg apologized for the policy, saying, “I was wrong.”

O’Brien said the campaign will “continue to apologize” for the policy and that the candidate is “pained” by the idea that it was driven by racist motivations.


“I think his goal was to reduce gun violence on the streets,” he said. “But the program and that approach was a mistake. He’s apologized for it … and I think it’s a measure of his self-confidence and openness as a candidate that he can apologize for his mistakes. Having said that, stop-and-frisk hardly defines his tenure as mayor of New York. He lowered the incarceration rate by over 34 percent … So ‘stop-and-frisk’ was not about throwing people in jail.”

To hear the full interview, subscribe and download The FOX News Rundown on your favorite podcast player.

The FOX NEWS RUNDOWN is a news-based daily morning podcast delivering a deep dive into the major and controversial stories of the day.

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Un grupo de activistas y periodistas que entre 2015 y 2016 fueron víctimas de intentos de espionaje gubernamental mediante el uso de la plataforma Pegasus presentaron una denuncia penal ante la Procuraduría General de la República (PGR) y solicitaron la conformación de una comisión independendiente para poder realizar la investigación.

La denuncia consta de 23 páginas más los anexos en los que se entregan copias de al menos 88 mensajes de texto recibidos por los afectados de Aristegui Noticias, el Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad (IMCO), el Centro Pro de Derechos Humanos, la organización Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad (MCCI) y el Poder del Consumidor.

En la demanda de hechos entregada a la Fiscalía Especializada para la Atención de Delitos contra la Libertad de Expresión (Feadle) de la PGR se solicita la intervención de la División de la Policía Cibernética de la Policía Federal para identificar la procedencia y los titulares de los números celulares que se usaron para enviar enlaces o links que contenían enlaces o links maliciosos para poder infectar los teléfonos celulares de las víctimas de espionaje.

Además, se solicita a un Juez de Control la geolocalización de los concesionarios de telecomunicaciones que fueron utilizados por los espías o agresores para enviar los mensajes de texto vinculados con direcciones de internet asociadas o vinculadas con la compañía israelí NSO Group, las cuales alojaban el malware o programa malicioso conocido como Pegasus utilizado en todos estos ataques.

El Director del Centro de Derechos Humanos “Agustín Pro”, Mario Patrón, solicitó la conformación de una comisión independiente que coadyuve con la investigación de este caso, debido a que los principales sospechosos del espionaje son las dependencias gubernamentales que han pagado alrededor de 80 millones de dólares, entre ellas, la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional (Sedena); el Centro de Investigación y Seguridad Nacional (CISEN) y la propia PGR.

“¿Tendrá el gobierno la capacidad y la voluntad de investigarse a sí mismo? Creo que todos sabemos cuál es la respuesta, por eso necesitamos una comisión independiente que haga la investigación”, señaló Patrón.

Cabe señalar que la licencia para el manejo de Pegasus por parte de la PGR se maneja directamente por la Subprocuraduría Especializada en Investigación de Delincuencia Organizada (SEIDO), instancia que en teoría solo se enfoca en el seguimiento a células del crimen organizado, según fuentes de de la misma dependencia.

Los delitos cometidos por los servidores públicos que autorizaron el espionaje a periodistas y activistas son violación de correspondencia y acceso ilícito a sistemas y equipos de informática.

¿Para qué quiere el gobierno la información de un adolescente?: Carmen Aristegui

Ante la gravedad del caso que incluye el espionaje a Emilio Aristegui, menor de edad al momento de los ataques con ligas maliciosas, la periodista Carmen Aristegui responsabilizó de manera directa al Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto de los intentos de espionaje gubernamental y le exigió aclarar el uso que el gobierno mexicano pretendía darle a la información robada de su teléfono personal a un estudiante y adolescente.

Tanto Carmen Aristegui como Mario Patrón resaltaron como el espionaje se incrementó en coyunturas críticas para el gobierno federal como la revelación del reportaje de la Casa Blanca, los informes del Grupo Interdisciplinario de Expertos Independientes (GIEI) para tratar de esclarecer el caso de los 43 estudiantes desaparecidos de la normal de Ayotzinapa y las resoluciones derivadas del caso Tlatlaya en el Estado de México, por la presunta ejecución extrajudicial de 22 personas a manos de soldados pertenecientes al Ejército Mexicano.

“No es casual que precisamente en los momentos más difíciles para el gobierno, en lugar de dar explicaciones o respuestas, hubo espionaje”, enfatizó la periodista.

La directora de la organización Artículo 19 que defiende la libertad de expresión en nuestro país, Ana Cristina Ruelas, explicó que el espionaje en México se ha convertido en otra forma de intimidación, por lo que urgió a la Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos (CNDH) y a organismos internacionales en la materia, implementar medidas cautelares a favor de los afectados, además de exigir a las autoridades federales que rindan cuentas sobre el uso indiscriminado de los aparatos de inteligencia del Estado en contra de los ciudadanos.

En la conferencia de prensa para dar a conocer este caso, los periodistas Salvador Camarena y Daniel Lizárraga calificaron el espionaje a través del programa Pegasus como una operación de estado que vulnera el derecho de las audiencias a recibir información y que además afecta la labor periodística al exponer a las fuentes de una filtración o de una denuncia periodística.

A través de un videomensaje, el periodista Carlos Loret de Mola reconoció que los intentos de espionaje gubernamental a los llamados teléfonos inteligentes, no se deben minimizar, puesto que forman parte de la misma espiral de violencia que sufren los periodistas.

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California Sen. Kamala Harris joined the call for President Donald Trump’s impeachment on Monday in a prime-time town hall meeting.

WASHINGTON – Sen. Kamala Harris joined the ranks of 2020 Democratic presidential candidates advocating for the impeachment of President Donald Trump before they get the chance to unseat him at the ballot box. 

The California Democrat said she supports impeachment proceedings during a CNN town hall event on Monday. 

“I believe that we need to get rid of this president. That’s why I’m running to become president of the United States,” Harris said in response to an audience member who asked if she thought special counsel Robert Mueller’s report was damning enough to warrant Trump’s impeachment. 

But while she would be happy to defeat him at the ballot box, Harris said the evidence from the report “tells us that this president and his administration engaged in obstruction of justice.” 

“I believe Congress should take the steps towards impeachment.” 
Harris cautioned that the process “doesn’t end there,” however. She said the Democratic majority in the House would likely be able to impeach Trump, but she did not think that enough Republicans would join Democrats to secure the two-thirds majority needed in the Senate that would remove Trump from office. 

“I’ve not seen any evidence to suggest that they will weigh on the facts instead of on partisan adherence to being protective of this president,” Harris said. “So we have to be realistic about what might be the end result, but that doesn’t mean the process should not take hold.” 

2020 candidates list: Who is running for president? An interactive guide

‘Time is short’: Why experts warn Russian meddling detailed in Mueller report could happen again

Other 2020 Democrats who have called for impeachment proceedings against Trump include Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Miramar, Florida, Mayor Wayne Messam. 

Warren called for impeachment in a tweet last week after the release of the redacted Mueller report. 

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“The severity of this misconduct demands that elected officials in both parties set aside political considerations and do their constitutional duty. That means the House should initiate impeachment proceedings against the President of the United States,” she said. 

Warren repeated that call Monday during a CNN town hall.  

“If any other human being in this country had done what’s documented in the Mueller report, they would be arrested and put in jail,” she said. 

During his own CNN town hall on Monday. Vermont independent Sen. Bernie Sanders called for Congress to “do a hard investigation” to “get to the truth” and determine whether or not Trump obstructed justice. 

But Sanders cautioned that if Congress focused on impeachment and not about “issues that concern ordinary Americans” then he fears “that works to Trump’s advantage.”

Further investigations: After Mueller report, House panel subpoenas ex-Trump White House Counsel Don McGahn

GOP Sen. Mitt Romney: ‘I am sickened’ over Trump’s conduct revealed in Mueller report

Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar also called for further hearings on Mueller’s findings in the House and Senate during a town hall on Monday. She said Mueller’s report included “very disturbing things that would lead you to believe there’s obstruction of justice” but “impeachment proceedings are up to the House.” 

She said that if the House votes to impeach Trump, as a member of the Senate she would become a juror, “so I am not going to predispose things.” 

During his CNN town hall, South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg said it is “pretty clear that he deserves impeachment,” when asked if would support moving forward with proceedings against Trump. But he said he is “going to leave it to the House and Senate to figure that out.” 

“My role in the process is trying to relegate Trumpism to the dust bin of history” via the ballot box, Buttigieg said. 

On Monday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., left the door open to impeachment saying, “if that’s the place the facts take us, that’s the place we have to go.”

Mueller fallout: Democrats ‘may’ pursue impeachment against Donald Trump as Giuliani defends president

Impeachment debate: Mueller report revives impeachment talk, even as Democratic leaders try to tamp it down

More: Attorney General William Barr faces a political firestorm after release of the Mueller report





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Durham, N.C. — Is it taking a stand or disrespecting the flag? That’s the question some are asking after a Durham 10 year old took a knee during the Pledge of Allegiance at Monday night’s City Council meeting, reports CBS Raleigh affiliate WNCN-TV.

Video of the meeting shows Liam Holmes drop down. The council invited Cub Scout Pack 451 to lead the pledge. Liam said he is a Cub Scout.

“What I did was took a knee against racial discrimination, which is basically when people are mean to other people of different colors,” said Liam.

His dad, Scott Holmes, said he talked to Liam about it beforehand, but he wasn’t sure if he’d follow through.

“When he did it I was really surprised and also really proud of him,” Scott Holmes said.

“No one saw it except the people that were watching. And the mayor noticed and he thanked me,” Liam said.

Cub Scout Liam Holmes, 10, taking knee during Pledge of Allegiance at Durham, N.C. City Council meeting on February 4, 2019


“Thank you, councilman, and thank you, scouts. To the scout that expressed his conscience by kneeling, we will say we endorse and appreciate all expressions of conscience in Durham City Council,” Mayor Steve Schewel said.

Not everyone shared that opinion.

“It just blew my mind that this was Cub Scouts and politics,” Brandon LaRoque said.

LaRoque is a lifelong scout and veteran. He reached out to WNCN after he heard what had taken place.

“Part of the scout oath is to God and your country, and I understand people have the right to freedom of speech. I just don’t understand why it has to be during the Pledge of Allegiance,” LaRoque said.

Schewel said he “was surprised but also I was very respectful and appreciative of (Liam) expressing his conscience.

He said he disagrees with those who say Liam is too young to understand what he was doing

“At a very young age, you can be a moral person and stand up for what you believe in,” Schewel observed, adding that kneeling at the flag is a right anyone has.

“One of the things that we have to really be aware of is what our flag really stands for,” Schewel continued. “Our flag stands for freedom of individual expression and freedom to express your conscience and we need to support that — all the time.

For his part, Liam said that won’t be the last time he takes a knee during the pledge.

“I just like the idea of it and now, I just feel like doing it every time when we do the Pledge of Allegiance.”

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NEW YORK, Jun 04, 2015 (BUSINESS WIRE) —
Today, Time Warner Cable News NY1 Noticias, New York City’s only 24-hour
Spanish language local news network, announced it will commemorate the
10-year anniversary of Pura Política, with a special documentary
with highlights from the past decade of the longest-running local
Spanish language political talk show in New York City, on Friday, June 5th
at 6 p.m. and 11p.m.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here:

The documentary special will feature guests including, Congresswoman,
Nydia Velazquez, State Senator, Adriano Espaillat, and City Council
Speaker, Melissa Mark-Viverito,
who will explore the highs and lows
for Latinos during the past decade. The commemorative program will also
include an exclusive sit-down interview with New York City Mayor Bill
de Blasio
where he is asked to name one Latino politician he
believes would be a strong candidate for New York City Mayor in the near

Pura Política first premiered as a weekly political talk show on
June 3, 2005, with then Mayor Michael Bloomberg as its first guest.
Bloomberg had just kicked off his re-election campaign with a
Spanish-language commercial.

“Since we aired our first program, Hispanic influence has grown
tremendously and the Spanish language has become ubiquitous in city
politics. Pura Política is a key platform for political leaders looking
to engage Latinos and talk about their issues. We look forward to many
more decades of great interviews and political analysis,” said program
host, Juan Manuel Benitez.

NY1 Noticias’
Pura Política’s 10th
Anniversary Special
will air Friday, June 5th at 6 p.m.
and 11p.m. on channel 95 and channel 831 on Time Warner Cable in New
York, and channel 194 on Cablevision in New York City.

Time Warner Cable News (TWC News) provides in-depth local news
programming exclusively for Time Warner Cable video customers. Time
Warner Cable’s 17 news networks operate in Texas (Austin, San Antonio);
New York (Rochester, Buffalo, Albany, Hudson Valley, Central New York
and the Southern Tier); North Carolina (Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro,
Wilmington); Antelope Valley, CA, and the group’s flagship network NY1
and Spanish language network TWC News NY1 Noticias in New York City. NY1
Noticias is also available online at
Viewers can follow the news team on twitter @NY1Noticias or visit
for the latest news coverage on NY1 Noticias including real-time

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is among the largest providers of
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connecting 15 million customers to entertainment, information and each
other. Time Warner Cable Business Class offers data, video and voice
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SOURCE: Time Warner Cable Inc.

Time Warner Cable Inc.
Evelyn Galarza, 212-364-8305

Copyright Business Wire 2015

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En las noticias más leídas del primer día de junio, el servicio de transporte, Uber, reportó la mañana de este jueves pérdidas multimillonarias en el primer trimestre del año a pesar de que sus ingresos están aumentando. Recibió ingresos por 3,400 millones de dólares en el periodo. Para poder viajar a Estados Unidos, ahora será necesario enseñar tus distintas redes sociales a las autoridades. En la nueva película Wonder Woman, nuestra heroína titular deja Themyscira, su isla de mujeres empoderadas, para llegar a la sociedad acorsetada de Londres en la Primera Guerra Mundial.

1. Uber perdió 708 mdd en los primeros tres meses del año

La empresa de servicio de transporte Uber reportó este jueves pérdidas multimillonarias en los primeros tres meses del año a pesar de que sus ingresos están aumentando.

La empresa con sede en San Francisco avisó que sus pérdidas se redujeron a 708 millones de dólares, comparado con 991 millones en el período anterior.

Uber informó a The Associated Press que había recibido ingresos por 3,400 millones de dólares en ese período, un aumento de 18% con respecto a los primeros tres meses del año pasado.

2. Gobierno paga 37% más en intereses por deuda

Durante el primer cuatrimestre del año, el gobierno federal pagó 128,479 millones de pesos en los intereses que genera por endeudarse, lo que significó 37.4% más de lo que desembolsó en el mismo periodo del 2016. Este monto es el más alto que se haya registrado desde 1990, año desde donde se tiene registro y considerando sólo los primeros cuatro meses de cada año, de acuerdo con información de la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público (SHCP).

Lo anterior se debe, en gran medida, a los intereses que se generaron por la deuda externa, la cual se vio impactada por la volatilidad que se presentó en el tipo de cambio a inicios del año, expusieron expertos.

3. EU revisará redes sociales para tramitar visas

El Gobierno de Donald Trump actualizó el cuestionario para las personas de todo el mundo que soliciten una visa para entrar a Estados Unidos, e incluyó preguntas sobre perfiles en redes sociales durante los últimos cinco años e información biográfica que se remonta a unos 15 años.

Las nuevas preguntas, parte de un esfuerzo por endurecer la revisión de antecedentes de quienes quieran visitar Estados Unidos, fueron aprobadas el 23 de mayo por la Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto pese a las críticas de varios sectores.

4. De que la Eva es brava…

Un cartón de Nerilicón.

5. Wonder Woman rompe esquemas en Hollywood

En la nueva película de La Mujer Maravilla, nuestra heroína titular deja Themyscira, su isla de mujeres empoderadas, para llegar a la sociedad acorsetada de Londres en la Primera Guerra Mundial. Mientras sus acompañantes tratan de convencer a la guerrera de la tribu amazónica para que cambie su falda de cuero por el confuso bullicio de un mundo occidental dominado por hombres, Diana Prince tiene una pregunta natural: ¿cómo peleas con este atuendo?

La escena refleja el reto de la directora Patty Jenkins: en una industria siempre plagada de sexismo, se preguntó, ¿cómo puedo tener éxito como la primera mujer en dirigir una película de superhéroes de gran presupuesto?


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The states that bar abortion from conception tend to be located in the South and the Midwest, including Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri and Oklahoma. Wisconsin has conflicting laws that leave the legality of abortion uncertain, but clinics stopped providing abortions in the state after the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision, effectively ending abortion within its borders. Georgia, Idaho, Ohio and Tennessee have bans that begin when fetal cardiac activity can be detected, which can occur before many people realize they are pregnant.

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On Friday, Venezuelan forces shot at protesters along Venezuela’s border with Brazil escalating the growing conflict between embattled and illegitimate president Nicholas Maduro and U.S. backed, self-declared interim president Juan Guaido. That violence, which left two dead and at least 14 wounded, signals that there will be no easy resolution to the crisis in Venezuela.

The violence comes ahead of a Saturday deadline, called for by Guaido and supported by the Trump administration, for U.S. aid to enter the country.

With the goal of forcing regime change, the U.S. has sent millions of dollars wroth of food, medicine, and other necessities to the border. By attempting to force aid across the border, the U.S. hopes to destabilize Maduro’s grip on power, undercutting his control of supplies and facing the military to abandon support for his regime.

But if Friday’s violence is any indicator of events to come, the military is more likely to fire on anyone attempting to break through the barricaded border than to turn their weapons on their colleagues and Maduro.

For Venezuela, that means that Saturday’s looming showdown is not likely to trigger a peaceful transition of power or redirect the country away from its current trajectory of precipitous decline.

Instead, forcing a conflict over aid entering the country that is likely to result in more violence will only make it that much more difficult to incentivize the military to switch sides. That makes sense, once you’ve shot at and killed civilians, in addition to blocking food from reaching starving people, they’re far less likely to offer amnesty. That reality combined with Trump’s threat this week that should the military remain loyal to Maduro they’ll “lose everything,” means that the military is likely more entrenched in their support.

For Venezuela, where the key to power lies in securing the backing of the military, that means that the conflict over the country’s future is likely to worsen, potentially setting the stage for a long-term standoff that continues to deprive the country’s already suffering population of desperately needed supplies.

As the U.S. weighs further involvement and the possibility of using Saturday’s likely conflict as an excuse to throw more support behind Guaido, Washington must recognize that the violence already unfolding at the border makes a limited engagement and a quick resolution unlikely if not impossible.

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Domingo, 16 de Agosto 2015  |  8:43 pm

Créditos: Carlos Preciado

El portero de Alianza Lima respald al jugador que err el penal al minuto 84, con el cual mantena con vida a su club rumbo al ttulo del Torneo Apertura.

Leao Butrón, golero de Alianza Lima, no responsabilizó a Carlos Preciado por perder la chance de seguir peleando por el título del Torneo Apertura.

El delantero que erró un penal al minuto 84 está muy triste y Butrón tuvo palabras de aliento.

“Carlos (Preciado) nos ha salvado muchas veces, es un jugador con mucho coraje para pararse al frente de un penal ante tanta gente. Esto es parte del fútbol”, dijo el arquero de Alianza Lima.

“Sí, está triste, pero sé que lo va dirigir cuando esté más tranquilo”, agregó Butrón.

Alianza Lima jugará la última fecha ante la Universidad César Vallejo.



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Someone associated with the White House wanted the USS John McCain out of sight while President Trump visited Japan. This is not fake news.

Of course, the usual suspects are calling it so anyway.

But the original Wall Street Journal article which broke the story hasn’t fallen apart. In fact, other news outlet have independently corroborated most of the details.

On Wednesday night, the Journal reported that, per planning with the White House Military Office and the Seventh Fleet of the Navy, a U.S. Indo-Pacific Command official emailed instructions to Navy and Air Force officials to keep the USS John McCain out of sight. The Journal did not charge Trump with ordering the removal of the ship, but three U.S. officials confirmed the existence of the email to the Associated Press, and two Navy officials confirmed to CNN that the directive did originate from the White House Military Office. Two Navy sailors told the New York Times that, unlike sailors from other American warships at the Yokosuka Naval Base, sailors from the McCain were not invited to meet with Trump. The Pacific Fleet even confirmed to CBS the Journal’s assertion that the ship was covered by a tarp on Friday, although the plan was abandoned and the tarp removed by the time Trump arrived in Japan.

The only piece of the original Journal story not independently corroborated is the allegation that acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan knew of the scheme. For what it’s worth, Shanahan categorically denies having known anything about it and has promised to get to the bottom of the scheme.

So save for the Shanahan allegation, what part of this story is fake? Trump denies ordering the plan, but the journalists who wrote these stories never accused him of doing so. The plan to obscure the ship clearly wasn’t executed by the time Trump arrived in Japan, let alone at Yokosuka, but the journalists who wrote these stories never said it was.

What we do know is that someone from the White House thought that Trump would be so triggered by the ship that he or she had the audacity to direct multiple groups of people to conceal a first class destroyer. And we now know that, on some level, that person’s instincts were correct.

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President Trump promised the “show of a lifetime” with his Fourth of July celebration “Salute to America.” But critics say the president is playing politics on a holiday that typically brings Americans together. Weijia Jiang reports.

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Unlike the geopolitical-related oil surges during previous tense periods in the Middle East, the price now may not inflate as much as it may have because of the growth of U.S. oil output in the last decade. The U.S. is now the world’s top producer, pumping 12.9 million barrels a day.

Yergin said oil prices have been responding more to trade matters than geopolitics recently, and that could change with the approach of the signing of the phase one trade deal between the U.S. and China. Trade worries had been outweighing other factors before the U.S. and China signaled a deal was close at hand. The concern was that the trade war would hurt demand globally, and there is a better market for oil and other commodities if tensions remain at bay.

“Shale has changed the psychology of the world oil market,” he said. Growth in U.S. production has been rapid, with more than 1 million barrels added this year, but that growth could slow. The U.S. growth spurt has also helped mitigate the impact of the loss of oil output from both Iran and Venezuela, also under U.S. sanctions.

“I think we’re not going to see the kind of volumetric increases of the last few years. This year, we expect the U.S. will add about 400,000 to 450,000 barrels a day. Capital discipline is going to put a big cap on production of shale. The still going to be a 13 million barrel a day plus producer. This production is not going away,” said Yergin.

The U.S. has changed the oil market, but it could still remain elevated because of uncertainty which may not go away for some time.

“There are times when the geopolitical risk premium is inflated and other times it’s nonexistent. It’s getting inflated again,” said Kilduff.

However, Ed Morse, Citigroup head of commodities research, says that could be temporary.

He said there could be attacks by Iran in the near-term but ultimately the situation could be bearish for the oil market if it ends in Iran and the U.S. ultimately negotiating a new deal on Iran’s nuclear program.

“Despite clear short-term oil market concerns, there could be bearish factors at work later in 2020, with the possibility that Iran and the US could find common purpose in working out a new agreement,” Morse wrote in a note. “The push and pull on politics in Iran have involved three different parties— the clerical establishment, elected officials in parliament and the administration, and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and their Quds forces, whose leader has now been eliminated by US attacks. Of the three, the Quds forces have been the major target of US sanctions. They and the IRGC have been the one party least interested in a bilateral accord with the US.”

— CNBC’s Jason Gewirtz contributed to this story.

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