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Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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São Paulo – The collection of Museu Imperial (the Imperial Museum), in the city of Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, includes precious keepsakes of Brazil’s ties with the Arab world in its empire days: the diaries of emperor Dom Pedro II’s travels through Brazil and the world, including Arab countries. The notepads contain accounts of the monarch’s trips to Egypt, in 1871, and then to Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and Egypt again, in 1876.

M. Delie & E. Bechard – Back to Light

Dom Pedro II (3rd, right to left) travelled to Egypt

“He is fascinated with Egypt. He made that clear in his writings on several occasions,” says the Imperial Museum‘s director Maurício Vicente Ferreira Júnior. He also highlights Dom Pedro II’s enthusiasm about the trip to Palestine. Júnior lists characteristics of the emperor that show through in his diaries – he was curious, easily moved and sarcastic, which becomes evident from his critical, light-hearted remarks about things.

“After sitting a mass at the Franciscanos church, which can only be reached by foot because of these streets akin to ant galleries, I went to the Pyramids of Giza. The path is almost entirely flanked by Acacias, a very many of which intertwine their crowns of the most splendid green, a worthy locale to such venerable monuments,” wrote Pedro II during his first trip to Egypt.

The accounts of his first trip to Egypt are basically about visits to landmark sites, interspersed with a few alternately endearing and high-spirited remarks about the people he met and the places he saw.

The museum’s director notes that the emperor’s Middle East travels were personal affairs rather than official missions. Proof of this is the fact that Dom Pedro II made a point of checking in at hotels as Pedro de Alcântara, and not as the Brazilian emperor. Júnior explains that the monarch took his first trip abroad in 1871, already a middle-aged man who had read a lot about different countries and studied different languages.

“At close to ¼ past 7 I was in Al- Eizariya (Bethany). Not many Arabs there. I crossed the village to go to Lazarus grave, where I arrived after almost lying down flat on my stomach to go through a hole that opens up to the hall from whence one walks down 5 steps, after having walked down another 27,” the emperor described on November 27th, 1876, already in his second trip to the Arab world, about his visit to the grave site of Lazarus, a biblical character who supposedly resurrected. The grave is located in what is now the occupied West Bank.

In the diaries from his second trip to Arab countries, the emperor takes his time to write about the landmarks he visits, displaying vast knowledge about them and making remarks at times analytical and at others funny. “Since I started sailing the Nile, above and near Aswan, I have heard nothing but the exclamation – look, a crocodile! – a beast I was unable to see and could only glimpse at, on three occasions, stuffed,” he writes of his second time in Egypt, in 1876.

The Museum’s archive holds a total of 47 notepads. Some of them also contain sketches, such as the one written in Egypt; The written material is not on display at the Museum to prevent wear and tear on the paper, but the contents are available online (see the link below). The travel logs have been the subject of a book and a CD produced by Museu Imperial in the 1990s, which are out of print, and were also featured in exhibitions. One of them was titled “O Imperador Viajante” (The Travelling Emperor) and travelled to 12 localities throughout Brazil that were visited by emperor Dom Pedro II.

Júnior explains that within the next two years, new materials based on the travel logs are set to be published, and that the museum is planning another exhibition. The items on showcase at the museum include a few keepsakes, but these are mostly from the emperor’s trip through Brazil, integrated into different rooms within the house, with no labelling to connect them to specific trips.

Press Release

The Imperial Museum houses items from the monarchy period

Museu Imperial was founded in 1940, in emperor Dom Pedro II’s former summer palace. The site was formerly a farm named Fazenda do Córrego (Creek’s Farm), which Dom Pedro I purchased to create a shorter route from Rio to Minas Gerais, bypassing São Paulo. Dom Pedro I dreamed of building a summer retreat there and name it Palácio da Concórdia (the Palace of Concord), but never did. After receiving the farm as inheritance, Dom Pedro II proceeded to fulfil his father’s dream by building the villa.

Afterwards, the city of Petrópolis was erected around the palace. After the Proclamation of the Republic, the estate was bought by government and converted into a school. During his administration, president Getúlio Vargas worked for the appreciation of all things national, therefore the villa was converted into a museum to hold items dating back from the monarchy period. Some of the items came from various organizations, but most are from the personal collection of Pedro de Orléans e Bragança, Dom Pedro II’s grandson.

The body of documentation of the emperor’s travels through Brazil and the world was nominated last year for the International Register of the Memory of the World Program of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco).

All quotes from: Museu Imperial/Ibram/Brazilian Ministry of Culture


Dom Pedro II Travel Diaries
Access the Museu Imperial archives (in Portuguese)

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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MPs have been voting on eight different options for the next steps in the Brexit process, including leaving without a deal, revoking Britain’s departure from the European Union, or seeking a customs union.

None of the proposals earned a majority of parliamentary support.

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Ken Clarke’s customs union proposal came closest to securing a majority, losing by eight votes – 272 to 264.

Margaret Beckett’s proposal for a second referendum to validate any withdrawal agreement received the most votes, 268, but 295 MPs voted against it.

Labour’s alternative plan was the only other option to get more than 200 votes.

The full list of how MPs voted is below, in order of the option with the most support. Conservative backbenchers were given a free vote, but cabinet ministers were told to abstain.

Labour MPs were asked to back proposals put forward by the party leadership.

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Michael Bloomberg senior campaign adviser Tim O’Brien has explained the message behind the $10 million ad focusing on gun violence that will air during Sunday’s telecast of Super Bowl LIV.

“I think it contrasts very sharply with where Donald Trump has been on this issue,” O’Brien told Jessica Rosenthal on Friday’s “Fox News Rundown.” 

We have had a wave of gun violence in the United States, a sharp escalation in hate crimes and domestic terrorism that are directly the result of, I think, the hateful language that Trump has deployed when he ran as a candidate and now as a president in an unwillingness to do the right thing on stemming gun violence.”


The 60-second ad features Calandrian Simpson Kemp, a Texas woman whose 20-year-old son, George Kemp Jr., was shot and killed in 2013. The issue has been a centerpiece of Bloomberg’s campaign. The former New York City mayor is also a founder and major financial supporter of the nonprofit Everytown for Gun Safety, which advocates for greater gun control.

“This is something that touches families,” O’Brien explained. “It most profoundly touches communities of color. Some of the most vulnerable communities in our country — it’s in our schools. It’s where people pray. And we can’t say we’re a civilized country if our kids have to hide under their desks or worry about hiding under their desks because there’s an active shooter in a school.”

With the Iowa caucuses four days away, O’Brien also addressed the Bloomberg campaign’s decision to skip the early-state nominating contests and focus instead on the states that award their delegates on March 3, a date known as Super Tuesday.

“We have a national footprint right now in over 35 states with about a thousand people on the ground. We’re running three campaigns simultaneously,” he explained. “Essentially, we’re running a general election campaign right out of the gates against Donald Trump.

“We’re also running, obviously, a primary campaign that really hinges on Super Tuesday states as our first showing. And we’re also prioritizing a handful of battleground states where we think the 2020 election is going to be won or lost.”

Bloomberg has struggled to gain support among people of color, in large part due to the controversial “stop-and-frisk” policy he implemented during his time as mayor of New York. In November, Bloomberg apologized for the policy, saying, “I was wrong.”

O’Brien said the campaign will “continue to apologize” for the policy and that the candidate is “pained” by the idea that it was driven by racist motivations.


“I think his goal was to reduce gun violence on the streets,” he said. “But the program and that approach was a mistake. He’s apologized for it … and I think it’s a measure of his self-confidence and openness as a candidate that he can apologize for his mistakes. Having said that, stop-and-frisk hardly defines his tenure as mayor of New York. He lowered the incarceration rate by over 34 percent … So ‘stop-and-frisk’ was not about throwing people in jail.”

To hear the full interview, subscribe and download The FOX News Rundown on your favorite podcast player.

The FOX NEWS RUNDOWN is a news-based daily morning podcast delivering a deep dive into the major and controversial stories of the day.

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São Paulo –Flora Néctar, Brazilian honey producer, plans to resume exporting to the Arab market. The company already exported to Saudi Arabia around three years ago and is scheduled to take part in food sector trade fair, Sial Middle East, next year, with the intention to resume sales to the Arabs. The fair is held annually in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The previous export to Jeddah was 35 tonnes large, according to Flora Néctar’s director and owner, José Eduardo Anibal.

Press release

Flora Néctar: partnership with beekeepers

“The Arab market is very interesting. During Ramadan, they consume a lot of honey. There is a large consumption,” says Anibal. The difficulty with selling to the region, according to the Brazilian businessman, is the competition with China. He says the Asian country usually exports honey to Germany and from there the product is sold to the Arab market. The competition against Chinese honey is not a hindrance to sell only to the Arabs, but to other countries in general. “But the quality of the Chinese honey is quite inferior”, says Flora Néctar’s owner.

The plant is in Barretos, São Paulo’s countryside, and it focuses on exporting. Currently 82% of the production is intended to the foreign markets. There are seven countries purchasing from the company, the United States and Canada are the largest buyers. And perspectives for exporting are bright. In the first five months of this year alone, Flora Néctar has already matched 2013’s total sales, driven by the good sales both domestically and abroad.  Last year production stood at 2.5 million tonnes of honey.

Press release

Pure honey is sold in a variety of packages

In Brazil Flora Néctar sells honey in several sizes and packages, ranging from sachets to packages of over one kilo. Abroad the product is usually sent in 280-kilo barrels. The choice of sending the product in bulk is to make the price more appealing. The company from Barretos sells both pure and compound honey, i.e. mixed to propolis, eucalyptus, guaco other extracts. They even produce honey in packages aimed at children.

Flora Néctar processes all the honey in its Barretos unit. The raw material, however, comes from virtually all Brazil, from beekeepers associated to the company. The company also has one of the largest projects for the production of organic honey in the country. Currently, around 80%  of the honey sold by the company is organic.

Flora Néctar
Phone: (+5517) 3322 3867

*Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça

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Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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The U.S. joined Saudi Arabia, Russia and Kuwait in blocking the incorporation of a key scientific study into global climate talks in Poland. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, in a landmark report released in October, warned of the dire effects of a global average temperature rise of 1.5 Celsius, and outlined ways to avoid it.

On Saturday, the four major oil and gas producing nations acted together to block endorsement of the study, which was commissioned at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris. 

Read More: Al Gore: Trump administration tried to “bury” climate change report by releasing it on Black Friday

“I think it was a key moment,” Alden Meyer of the Union of Concerned Scientists, told The Associated Press. “The fact that a group of four countries were trying to diminish the value and importance of a scientific report they themselves, with all other countries, requested three years ago in Paris is pretty remarkable.”

The chart below by Statista shows how global carbon dioxide emission levels have risen since 1990.

This chart shows how global carbon dioxide emission levels have risen since 1990. COP24 is attempting to build on the Paris climate deal and develop more climate-conscious policies to limit damaging emissions. Statista

The report was widely hailed by world leaders as a key step in efforts to tackle climate change. But negotiations at the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Katowice, Poland, hit an obstacle on Friday when the U.S., Russia, Saudia Arabia and Kuwait objected to the conference “welcoming” the study.

Instead, they had wanted the conference to “note” the study, as they didn’t endorse its findings. 

“The United States was willing to note the report and express appreciation to the scientists who developed it, but not to welcome it, as that would denote endorsement of the report,” the U.S. State Department said in a statement. “As we have made clear in the IPCC and other bodies, the United States has not endorsed the findings of the report.”

Delegates criticized the countries for blocking the report’s endorsement.

“It’s not about one word or another. It is us being in a position to welcome a report we commissioned in the first place,” said Ruenna Haynes, a diplomat from St. Kitts and Nevis.

“If there is anything ludicrous about the discussion it’s that we can’t welcome the report,” she said to applause, reported the BBC.

In a tweet on Sunday, U.S. Senator Kamala Harris of California emphasized the need for the U.S. to take action to tackle climate change. 

“America can—and must—meet the challenge of climate change head-on. It’s up to us to do what is necessary to secure a safe, healthy future for generations to come,” she tweeted. 

The move casts doubt on whether delegates will be able to reach a consensus on measures to tackle climate change by Friday, when the conference concludes.

“It’s really an embarrassment for the world’s leading scientific superpower to be in this position of having to disbelieve a report that was written by the world’s scientific community, including a large number of pre-eminent U.S. scientists,” Meyer said.

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The states that bar abortion from conception tend to be located in the South and the Midwest, including Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri and Oklahoma. Wisconsin has conflicting laws that leave the legality of abortion uncertain, but clinics stopped providing abortions in the state after the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision, effectively ending abortion within its borders. Georgia, Idaho, Ohio and Tennessee have bans that begin when fetal cardiac activity can be detected, which can occur before many people realize they are pregnant.

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LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


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Ethan Crumbley, the 15-year-old accused of going on a rampage and killing four of his fellow students at Oxford High School in Michigan, was ‘intent on violence,’ prosecutors revealed Thursday.

The most troubling piece of evidence revealed was a drawing of a gun on a math homework sheet with the messages: ‘My life is useless,’ ‘Blood everywhere’ and ‘The thoughts won’t stop, help me.’ 

It’s part of Oakland County prosecutors’ attempt to paint his parents, James and Jennifer, both 43, as neglectful and aware of Ethan’s potential for violence. The prosecutors’ filings include allegations that Ethan’s mother was carrying on an affair while ignoring her son’s spiral and had texted her boyfriend about the murder weapon.

School counselors showed Crumbley’s parents messages and drawings just hours before he fatally shot four and injured seven others on November 30. 

Their son had allegedly drawn the messages earlier that morning and a teacher had found them, took a screenshot and got in touch with a counselor. 

It’s part of a pattern of signs that prosecutors accuse the Crumbleys of ignoring over the past six months suggesting that their teenager needed help. 

Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald revealed two versions of a screenshot of Ethan Crumbley’s drawings in a filing Thursday. In the first drawing, pictured, Ethan writes several troubling messages, such as ‘My life is useless,’ ‘Blood everywhere’ and ‘The thoughts won’t stop, help me.’

Pictured: A second piece of homework that Ethan allegedly altered crosses out other disturbing messages and adds ones like ‘video game this is,’ ‘we’re all friends here,’ ‘harmless act,’ ‘I love my life so much!!!!’ and ‘OHS rocks!’

Ethan, 15, (center) is charged as an adult with murder, terrorism and aggravated assault for the deadly shooting at Oxford High School on November 30 that killed four students and injured several others.  James, 45, (left) and Jennifer, 43, (right) have each been jailed on $500,000 bond since their arrest on December 4

Oakland County prosecutor Karen McDonald has charged James and Jennifer Crumbley in a rare move to hold the parents of an accused school shooter accountable

The Crumbleys’ lawyers allege the parents were unaware that Ethan, 15 (pictured in court on December 13), was a danger to other students and are ‘devastated by the school shooting’

They say that Jennifer and James ‘failed to take even the simplest actions that would have prevented the massacre’ in court documents. 

Prosecutors also point out that the parents had recently bought Ethan a gun.

The Crumbleys ‘knew their son was depressed, that he was fascinated with guns… that he had been researching ammunition while at a school and that he was seen watching violent videos of shootings that morning,’ prosecutors said, but they purchased the gun for Ethan as an early Christmas present anyway 

‘All they had to do was tell the school that they had recently purchased a gun for their son, asked him where the gun was, opened his backpack or just take him home,’ the prosecution alleges. ‘Defendants were in a better position than anyone else in the world to prevent this tragedy, but they failed to do so.’ 

Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald revealed two versions of the photo in the filing. A second version that Ethan allegedly altered crosses out the disturbing messages and adds ones like ‘video game this is,’ ‘we’re all friends here,’ ‘harmless act,’ ‘I love my life so much!!!!’ and ‘OHS rocks!’

Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald has been leading the county’s case against the Crumbleys

The Oakland County Prosecutors’ Office submitted filings Thursday in an attempt to keep the Crumbleys’ bond at $500,000

McDonald argued that instead of caring for their son, the Crumbleys spent time with their horses and Jennifer pursued an extramarital affair.  

Prosecutors allege Jennifer Crumbley had told her boyfriend the day of the shooting that the alleged murder weapon had been in her car. 

The filings are part of a response by McDonald to keep Ethan’s parents in jail on $500,000 bond. 

James, 45, and Jennifer, 43, have each been jailed on $500,000 bond since their arrest on December 4. In Wednesday’s filing, defense attorneys Shannon Smith and Mariell Lehman asked that their bond be lowered to $100,000 each and said the couple would wear electronic monitors if released from jail.   

McDonald, however, counters that the Crumbleys are a flight risk. They’re also behind on house payments to the tune of $11,000 and are trying to sell their assets, included horses and their home.  

Ethan is charged as an adult with murder, terrorism and aggravated assault for the deadly shooting at Oxford High School on November 30 that killed four students and injured several others.

Oakland County prosecutor Karen McDonald charged James and Jennifer Crumbley in a rare move to hold the parents of an accused school shooter accountable.  

James and Jennifer are accused of making a gun accessible to Ethan and for failing to pull him out of school when summoned about his cryptic writings before the shooting on November 30. 

Their lawyers allege that the Crumbleys were unaware Ethan was a danger to other students and are ‘devastated by the school shooting.’ 

Prosecutors have argued that a ‘don’t do it’ text Jennifer sent Ethan the day of the shooting proves she knew what was going on.

Defense attorneys said Jennifer was urging him not to kill himself, and not in reference to the deadly shooting that unfolded, her lawyers allege.

In a court filing seeking lower bond for parents Jennifer and James Crumbley, their attorneys claim the text Jennifer sent Ethan, 15, was a plea not to commit suicide following the shooting that had already taken place and is not an indication the couple knew of their son’s plans. 

In Wednesday’s filing, the defense argued that the prosecution will be unable to prove Jennifer and James knew Ethan would take the gun they bought him as an early Christmas to his high school and fire at other members of the community.

‘The prosecution will not be able to prove that the Crumbleys … knew their son was a danger to other students, or that they knew there was a situation that required them to take care to avoid injuring another,’ the lawyers wrote.

‘The last thing they expected was that a school shooting would take place, or that their son would be responsible

Also, for the first time, the defense shared how James and Jennifer felt following the shooting.

‘The Crumbleys, like every parent and community member, are devastated by the school shooting,’ the court filing alleges. ‘This situation is entirely devastating.’ 

The defense also noted there are community members who would ‘vouch for the Crumbleys’ but who wish to remain anonymous due to the ‘overwhelming media attention’ surrounding the case. 

The legal team offered to provide the names of those individuals privately to the judge and prosecution. 

Their attorneys argued the charges against the parents are ‘inappropriate’ and the case will raise ‘unprecedented legal issues.’

‘It is clear from the media appearances by Ms. McDonald that this case is one she takes very personally, was filed out of anger and filed in an effort to send a message to gun owners,’ the defense stated in court documents.

In Wednesday’s filing, the defense argued the prosecution will be unable to prove Jennifer and James knew Ethan would take the gun they bought him as an early Christmas to his high school (pictured) and fire at other members of the academic community

In an effort to stress their point, the attorneys cited statements McDonald made about the case in a Dec. 18 interview with NPR: 

‘I absolutely acknowledge that it hasn’t been done before, though I didn’t know that at the time,’ McDonald said, according to the filing. 

‘I did receive pushback, but prosecutors don’t like to do things for the first time, and they also don’t like to do things that might result in a ‘not guilty.”

The Crumbleys, like their son, are being held at the Oakland County Jail. 

They were arrested on Dec. 4 after the U.S. Marshals offered a $10,000 bounty for information leading to their capture. Their absence prompted a manhunt involving several agencies, including the Marshals’ Fugitive Task Force, state police and the FBI.

Law enforcement sources say the couple withdrew $4,000 from an ATM and were last seen around 2-3 pm shortly before the 4pm deadline to turn themselves in. 

Smith said they had planned to appear the next day at a different court handling Saturday arraignments and were not trying to flee.

‘It should be noted that the Crumbleys would not have retained (us) if their plans were to flee,’ Smith and Lehman wrote in the filing. 

A bond hearing for the parents has been set for Jan. 7. 

McDonald has said she would oppose a lower bond. The Crumbleys were arrested at a Detroit art studio less than a mile from the Canadian border, hours after their charges were announced and they failed to appear in court on December 3. 

Meantime, Jennifer’s text message to Ethan only added fuel to the narrative surrounding the parents’ alleged knowledge of the shooting. 

Before the shooting, Jennifer bragged on social media about going out with her son to test his Christmas present – a 9mm handgun – just three days before the shooting and just one day after her husband, James, had purchased the gun for Ethan

According to authorities, Ethan was seen in class browsing for ammunition on his cellphone a day before the massacre.

When Jennifer was made aware of her son’s ‘inappropriate’ web search researching firearm ammunition while at school, she texted him: ‘LOL I’m not mad at you. You have to learn not to get caught.’ She never responded to the school’s message about the ‘inappropriate internet search.’

Hours before the school shooting begun, the Crumbleys were called to the school to discuss Ethan’s disturbing behavior including drawings depicting a gun, a bullet, blood everywhere, a shooting victim and a laughing emoji.

The note included the words: ‘Thoughts won’t stop, help me’; ‘my life is useless’ and ‘the world is dead,’ McDonald said. After the meeting, the Crumbleys left their son to finish the day at school when he opened fire on his classmates and teachers.   

Both Crumbleys have pled not guilty to all four charges of involuntary manslaughter – one for each Oxford High School student who was killed. Each count is punishable by up to 15 years in prison along with a $7,500 fine and mandatory DNA testing. 

Their 15-year-old son is accused of killing Madisyn Baldwin, 17; Tate Myre, 16; Hana St. Juliana, 14; and Justin Shilling, 17, and injuring several others after opening fire in the school. Ethan was charged as an adult with two dozen crimes, including murder, attempted murder and terrorism, and is being held at the same jail as his parents.  

Madisyn Baldwin, 17, (left) and Hana St Juliana, 14, (right) died in a shooting rampage at Oxford High School in suburban Detroit 

Justin Shilling, 17, (left) died in the hospital the morning after the shooting and Tate Myre (right) died in the school on November 30

‘These two individuals could have stopped it and had every reason to know he was dangerous,’ McDonald told the judge during the Crumbleys’ arraignment. She claimed that not one person in the community would vouch in favor of either Crumbley.

But Smith denied that James and Jennifer had any responsibility for their son’s alleged crimes. She adamantly declared that it is ‘absolutely not true’ that they gave their child ‘free access’ to the weapon he used to kill several students at his Michigan high school.

The Crumbleys appeared in court on December 14 for a 20 minute hearing and asked to reschedule the preliminary exam which was scheduled for Wednesday. The court was adjourned until next month. 

The hearing concluded with Judge Julie Nicholson granting a request by prosecutors and defense lawyers to postpone until February 8 a key preliminary hearing that will determine whether the Crumbleys will face a trial.  

McDonald said she needs more time to collect a ‘staggering’ amount of evidence from investigators and share it with the defense.

 The Crumbleys appeared in court on December 14 for a 20 minute hearing and asked to reschedule the preliminary exam which was scheduled for Wednesday. The court was adjourned until next month

The Crumbleys will all spend the holidays in jail pending a bond hearing for the parents in January (Pictured: James Crumbley being escort out of the courtroom on December 14)

‘We have police narratives, we have digital evidence, we have video evidence,’ McDonald later told reporters. ‘We have viewed a lot of it, certainly enough to establish charges here. But there’s also more investigation that needs to be done.’ 

In explaining her decision to seek the delay, the district attorney said she wants to give witnesses ‘time to heal’ through the holiday season before subjecting them to interviews as part of the ongoing investigation, the Detroit Free Press reported.

McDonald added that she and her prosecutors ‘owe it to the victims’ to go through every single piece of evidence and ‘do this right.’  She says that the hearing will involve 15-20 witnesses and last 3-5 days.

The couple did not speak, beyond acknowledging, when asked, that they understood and were waiving their right to a speedy preliminary exam, and confirmed that they wished to continue being represented together by their two attorneys.  

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But when the Trump administration rebuffed the request, Neal subpoenaed the records. The subpoena was ignored and in July 2019, the House filed suit.

The litigation dragged on for months and then stalled out entirely in early January 2020, when the judge — Trump-appointee Trevor McFadden — put the proceedings on hold while a federal appeals court considered a separate case, concerning the House’s subpoena of former White House counsel Don McGahn for testimony.

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Cuatro meses después de dar a conocer la historia y las necesidades de su niño de 10 años, Adrián Marcelo Gutiérrez, una pareja nicaragüense celebra el éxito de un trasplante de médula ósea realizado en México que le ha salvado la vida. La operación fue llevada a cabo el pasado 21 de enero y hace unos días el niño fue dado de alta en el Hospital Ángeles, en la capital mexicana.

Adrián fue diagnosticado con leucemia a los cuatro años y en su batalla contra ese tipo de cáncer sanguíneo sufrió dos recaídas. La última fue durante el segundo semestre del año pasado. En el hospital infantil La Mascota, en Managua, le dijeron a sus padres que otro tratamiento con quimioterapia podía ser fatal para el menor y que era en todo caso insuficiente para la gravedad de su enfermedad.

En octubre de 2015, Mario Alfonso Gutiérrez y Samantha Espinoza, los padres leoneses del niño de 10 años, emprendieron una faraónica misión de recolección de fondos para costear el siguiente paso necesario: un trasplante de médula ósea, el área más afectada por su leucemia. Inexistente en Nicaragua, el valor total del procedimiento rondaba los 350 mil dólares.

Asimismo, los padres de Adrián tocaron múltiples puertas y aplicaron a diversos programas de ayuda. Para suerte de la pareja, sus peticiones no fueron ignoradas.


El lunes 12 de octubre de 2015, un día después de publicada la historia del niño en la Revista Domingo, de LA PRENSA, el Instituto Nicaragüense de Seguridad Social (INSS) dio a conocer que asumiría los gastos médicos en el extranjero para apoyar el caso. Y a través del sitio web de recolectas con fines caritativos, Generosity, la pareja reunió 5,718 dólares; dinero que emplearon para la compra de medicamentos y demás gastos que la primera ayuda no cubriera.

“Con mucha felicidad les compartimos este momento maravilloso y esperado, después de cuatro meses de ardua lucha. Con mucho esfuerzo, fortaleza, valentía y fe, nuestro pequeño Adrián Marcelo fue dado de alta del Hospital Ángeles en Ciudad de México. Aunque su lucha continúa, celebramos y agradecemos a Dios (el) habernos concedido este importante paso en su proceso de recuperación”, anunciaron los padres del niño de forma pública en la página de Facebook de ayuda para el segundo de sus tres hijos.


El optimismo de Mario Alfonso, músico y empresario, y de Samatha, profesora universitaria, está más que justificado. En total ya son 6 años de una intensa lucha en la que juntos han salido adelante. Sin embargo, el panorama no es sencillo para “Adriancito”, como lo llama de cariño su padre. En octubre pasado la hematóloga Andrónica Flores, que siguió de cerca el caso en el hospital La Mascota, reveló que había “afectaciones en la médula ósea y también en el cerebro”. “Esto ensombrece el pronóstico pero no se sabe cómo va a responder (a la operación)”, había dicho la doctora Flores. Y Adrián respondió bien. Por ahora le gana 2 a 0 a sus recaídas.

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The gunman in a deadly shooting spree at a manufacturing warehouse in Aurora, Ill., where five employees were killed and five officers were wounded Friday, was set to be fired by the company, Police Chief Kristen Ziman told reporters at a news conference Friday night.

The suspect, identified as Gary Martin, 45, of Aurora, used a handgun and had worked for Mueller Water Products for 15 years, she said. He was killed at the scene.

“We don’t whether he had the gun on him at the time or if he went to retrieve it,” Ziman said, adding that authorities were not sure if Martin planned the shooting. “We can only surmise with a gentleman who was being terminated that this was something he intended to do, I’m not sure.”


It was not immediately known if the victims were the managers who were firing Martin. The company employs around 200 people, but authorities were not sure how many were in the 29,000-square-foot warehouse at the time of the shooting.

In a statement Friday night, the company it “is shocked and deeply saddened by the horrific tragedy that occurred today at out Henry Pratt Facility.”

“Our hearts are with the victims and their loved ones, the first responders, the Aurora community and the entire Mueller family during this extremely difficult time. Our entire focus in the health and wellbeing of our colleagues, and we are committed to providing any and all support to them and their families. We continue to work closely with law enforcement, with whom we share our deepest gratitude for their support,” the statement continued.

Police conducted a search on Martin’s home, but no weapons were found inside, Ziman said.

Law enforcement officers gather outside the Henry Pratt Co. manufacturing plant Friday, Feb. 15, 2019, in Aurora, Ill. Police say a gunman killed several people and injured police officers before he was fatally shot. (Associated Press)

Several calls of an active shooter were reported around 1:24 p.m. local time at the manufacturing warehouse and officers arrived roughly four minutes later “and were fired upon immediately,” Ziman said.

“Two of the initial four officers entering the building were shot. Additional officers began to arrive and were also fired upon,” she said. “A total of five officers were struck by gunfire.”


All of the officers were taken to nearby hospitals and two were later airlifted to trauma centers in the Chicago area, Ziman said, adding that “a sixth officer is being treated for a knee injury.”

Five Aurora police officers suffered non-life-threatening injuries, Ziman said. One employee suffered a non-life threatening gunshot wound.

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La paz parece cada vez más cerca. Pero, para consolidarla, los colombianos primero tendrán que ponerse de acuerdo en las causas de tantos años de violencia.

Es el conflicto interno más antiguo del hemisferio occidental y en sus más de 50 años no hay ningún colombiano cuya vida no haya afectado.

Las cifras lo dicen todo: más de 260.000 muertos, decenas de miles de desaparecidos, casi siete millones de desplazados, violaciones, secuestros e incontables tragedias personales.

Pero, ¿cómo empezó el conflicto? ¿quiénes son sus protagonistas? y ¿por qué una de las democracias más estables de América Latina ha vivido en guerra por más medio siglo?

BBC Mundo hace un repaso por estos puntos, para trazar los orígenes, causas e hitos del conflicto armado interno colombiano.

¿Cuáles son los orígenes de la violencia?

Tal vez decir que los conflictos colombianos pueden rastrearse hasta la época de la Conquista, es remontarse demasiado atrás en el tiempo.

Pero sí es relevante saber que en el siglo XIX y hasta los primeros años del XX hubo unos niveles muy intensos de violencia fratricida que marcaron el futuro de Colombia, con decenas de miles de muertos.

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El inicio del conflicto con las FARC marcó el fin del período conocido como La Violencia.

Era un enfrentamiento entre partidarios liberales y conservadores, una relación de fuerzas que alimentaría todos los conflictos del país a partir de entonces.

La confrontación bipartidista nunca cesó.

La más profunda expresión del enfrentamiento conservador-liberal se desató a partir de 1948, con el asesinato del popular candidato liberal Jorge Eliécer Gaitán.

En todo el país comenzaron salvajes choques, en un primer momento con epicentro en Bogotá, aunque luego se fue convirtiendo en un conflicto principalmente rural, terriblemente sangriento.

Este período, que se extendió hasta fines de la década del 50, recibió el sencillo y explícito nombre de La Violencia. También dejó más de 200.000 muertos.

¿Cómo comenzó el conflicto con las FARC?

“En esa época había mucha desigualdad social y ahí empezaron los conflictos”, recuerda Juan Esteban Vélez Cañaveral, un campesino de Antioquia que tuvo que dejar su tierra por varios años escapando de los reclutadores de las FARC.

Aunque las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia no comenzaron como tales.

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Las FARC nacieron como un grupo campesino de autodefensa.

Sus orígenes son los de un grupo de autodefensa integrado por campesinos de tendencia liberal desplazados durante el período de La Violencia, que más tarde adoptaron la ideología comunista.

“Tumbaron monte para abrir un claro en la selva o se establecieron en la parte alta de las cordilleras”, explica el libro “Violentología”, de Stephen Ferry. “Eran colonos que aprendieron a sobrevivir en la frontera, sin ningún tipo de lealtad hacia el Estado”.

Hacia 1964 estos campesinos comunistas se habían concentrado en una de esas zonas de cordillera, en el centro del país. El lugar se llama Marquetalia, en el departamento del Tolima.

“Las zonas de guerrilla eran imaginadas o representadas como zonas de dominio de la libertad”, dice el historiador Gonzalo Sánchez, director del Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica y una de las personas que más ha estudiado el conflicto colombiano.

En Marquetalia, habían constituido una suerte de “república independiente”, conformada por unos 50 hombres que pelearon durante La Violencia, junto a sus familias.

Era una de las más de 100 bandas armadas que rechazaron la posibilidad de desmovilizarse tras ese conflicto y que tenían un razonable poder militar y político.

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Pedro Marín, quien pasaría a la historia con el nombre de Manuel Marulanda Vélez y el apodo de “Tirofijo”, fue el fundador de las FARC.

A la cabeza de este grupo estaba Manuel Marulanda Vélez, “Tirofijo”, un combatiente formado en las guerrillas liberales de inicios de los 50, quien se convertiría en el primer jefe de las FARC.

A mediados de 1964, las fuerzas del gobierno atacaron Marquetalia con centenares de hombres, forzando la huida de los campesinos armados.

Tras ser derrotados y dispersarse, Marulanda, junto a Jacobo Arenas (otro de los líderes originales del grupo), fundan primero una guerrilla de nombre Bloque Sur, que en 1966 finalmente adopta el nombre de Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia.

Ese es generalmente considerado el origen de la más grande guerrilla de Colombia, con la que las fuerzas del Estado han venido combatiendo desde entonces.

Pero las FARC no fueron sólo un producto de la historia colombiana, sino también de lo que ocurría en el mundo: surgen en el marco de las luchas de liberación latinoamericanas, alimentadas por la tensión EE.UU.-Unión Soviética de la Guerra Fría. Son una guerrilla comunista, de inspiración marxista-leninista.

Y no son las únicas organizaciones guerrilleras de corte comunista que nacen a partir de esa época.

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A finales de la década de los 80, las FARC intentaron juntar fuerzas con los otros grupos guerrilleros de izquierda en la llamada Coordinadora Guerrillera Simón Bolívar.

Casi en simultáneo se constituye el Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN), inspirado en la Revolución Cubana, que entrenó a sus líderes, y que hoy continúa en lucha con el gobierno.

Más tarde surgen el Ejército Popular de Liberación (EPL, maoísta), el M-19 (más urbano) y otras guerrillas, que ya se han desmovilizado.

Recrudecimiento del conflicto

Recién a principios de la década del 80, las FARC deciden que tendrán como objetivo explícito la toma del poder, cuando pasan a llamarse FARC-EP (por Ejército del Pueblo).

A finales de esa década, el surgimiento de grupos paramilitares de derecha alentados por sectores de las Fuerzas Armadas y algunos terratenientes, empresarios y políticos, así como narcotraficantes, profundizaron la violencia del enfrentamiento armado.

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Las FARC combatían contra el ejército de Colombia pero también contra grupos paramilitares.

Además de enfrentarse con la guerrilla, asesinaron a campesinos y dirigentes sociales.

Por esta misma época comienza a tener más y más influencia el narcotráfico en el conflicto armado colombiano, del que progresivamente se van sirviendo tanto los grupos paramilitares como la propia guerrilla.

Hacia el año 2000, Estados Unidos comienza a proveer asistencia técnica y económica en la lucha contrainsurgente y antidrogas, en el marco del Plan Colombia, inyectando en 15 años unos US$10.000 millones en el país.

Eso permitió la modernización de las Fuerzas Militares y Policía, que hoy suman cerca de medio millón de efectivos.

También hacia el año 2000, las FARC alcanzan su mayor capacidad militar, con unos 20.000 hombres en armas.

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Con apoyo de Estados Unidos, Colombia modernizó e incrementó a sus fuerzas de seguridad.

Los años siguientes registran una sucesión de hechos dramáticos, con métodos más violentos de guerra.

En el caso de la guerrilla se destaca el secuestro, mientras que los grupos paramilitares realizan numerosas masacres. Ambos grupos, además de fuerzas estatales, realizaron violaciones a los derechos humanos.

Consecuentemente, la mayoría de los muertos del conflicto han sido civiles.

¿Por qué el conflicto se extendió por tanto tiempo?

Cuando se pregunta en las calles de las ciudades y en el campo, las causas que dan muchos colombianos son recurrentes: falta de empleo y oportunidades; desigualdad, concentración de la riqueza, injusticia social; falta de tolerancia, indiferencia; corrupción.

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El conflicto armado colombiano también fue afectado por el contexto internacional marcado por la Guerra Fría.

A pesar de sus riquezas naturales, Colombia es uno de los países más desiguales del mundo, el tercero después de Haití y Honduras en el continente americano.

“El conflicto en Colombia es distinto de otras guerras civiles en el mundo que suelen tener causas étnicas, económicas o religiosas claras”, argumenta era libro de Stephen Ferry.

Es incluso difícil para los colombianos definir la naturaleza del conflicto, agrega, y cita diferentes explicaciones: un lucrativo negocio bélico que se autoperpetúa influenciado por el narcotráfico; “un ciclo de represalias por las atrocidades cometidas en el pasado“; una guerra de clases de campesinos revolucionarios contra un sistema corrupto.

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El exterminio del partido de izquierda Unión Patriótica, acusado de vínculos con las FARC, convenció a muchos guerrilleros de la inutilidad de las vías democráticas.

Y según Álvaro Villarraga, del Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica, hay tres elementos que están en el origen del conflicto:

  • la tendencia a ejercer violencia desde el poder y la política
  • la falta de resolución en la cuestión de la propiedad de la tierra en el campo
  • las faltas de garantías para la pluralidad y el ejercicio de la política.

¿Por qué llega el fin del conflicto con las FARC ahora?

Este no es la primera vez que se trata de alcanzar la paz entre gobierno y FARC.

En 1984, hubo un primer intento en el que parte de las FARC se sumaron a un partido político, la Unión Patriótica, cuyos miembros fueron blanco de escuadrones de extrema derecha y miles fueron asesinados.

Así viven guerrilleros de las FARC en un campamento rebelde en Colombia

Desde entonces, esa guerrilla ha tenido una profunda desconfianza de dejar las armas.

Hubo un nuevo intento en 1991-92 y otro en 1998-2002 que por diversos motivos fracasaron.

Durante los gobiernos del presidente Álvaro Uribe (2002-2010) se lanzó una profunda ofensiva contra las FARC, que incluyó bombardeos a campamentos rebeldes, y se extendió durante el gobierno de su sucesor y actual presidente, Juan Manuel Santos.

En los ataques del gobierno se diezmaron las fuerzas guerrilleras y mataron a varios de sus máximos líderes (entre los cuales no estaba Manuel Marulanda, quien murió de viejo en un campamento del grupo).

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Las negociaciones para el desarme se dieron después de un recrudecimiento de la confrontación que empezó a principios de siglo.

Hoy se estima que las FARC tienen unos 7.000 hombres en armas.

Existe el argumento de que este debilitamiento puso a los rebeldes en una posición más razonable para negociar.

Pero también hay un contraargumento: que tras más de una década de ofensiva estatal militar las fuerzas del gobierno no lograron derrotar a las FARC. Para ellos también era razonable pensar en negociar.

En cualquier caso, en noviembre de 2012, se iniciaron los diálogos de La Habana entre los líderes guerrilleros y el gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos.

¿Paz definitiva?

Los acuerdos de La Habana con las FARC son un elemento esencial para alcanzar una paz estable y duradera en Colombia, pero no son suficientes.

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Las negociaciones entre la guerrilla y el gobierno colombiano comenzaron en noviembre de 2012.

Por una parte, el ELN sigue activo y, aunque hubo avances hacia un proceso de paz con esta guerrilla, todavía no ha comenzado y no parece que esté cerca su inicio.

Por otra parte, los grupos paramilitares que surgieron para combatir a las FARC y que se desmovilizaron oficialmente a mediados de la década pasada, no entregaron las armas por completo.

Muchos de sus miembros se aglutinaron en las que hoy el gobierno llama grupos armados organizados (antes las llamaba bandas criminales o bacrim), entidades criminales con capacidad de control territorial en ciertas partes del país y alto poder de fuego.

Estos grupos se dedican a la extorsión, al narcotráfico, al tráfico de personas y a la minería ilegal, entre otras actividades y representan una seria amenaza para la paz.

Y según muchos activistas sociales y defensores de derechos humanos, algunos siguen en su rol original, como instrumentos de la extrema derecha, atemorizando a la población y tratando de acallar a los líderes comunitarios.

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Pese al desarme de las FARC, persisten en Colombia otros grupos con capacidad de control territorial y poder de fuego.

Finalmente, y esto es crucial, muchos creen que una paz sólida en Colombia sólo se podrá conseguir cuando se hayan resuelto las causas fundamentales del conflicto que todo ciudadano de este país parece tener tan claras.

Como decíamos más arriba: falta de empleo y oportunidades; desigualdad, concentración de la riqueza; injusticia social; falta de tolerancia, indiferencia; corrupción.

Tal vez el esperado acuerdo con las FARC abra una oportunidad para comenzar a resolverlas de una vez por todas.

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A federal judge on Monday ordered the parties in a lawsuit over President TrumpDonald John TrumpSharpton: Trump has ‘particular venom’ for blacks, people of color Trump signs 9/11 compensation fund bill alongside first responders Trump continues assault on Fed: It ‘has made all of the wrong moves’ MORE‘s state tax returns to see if they can reach an agreement to prevent the case from becoming moot.

Judge Carl Nichols of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ordered Trump, the House Ways and Means Committee, and New York officials to confer and file a status report by 6 p.m. Tuesday that either outlines an agreement or lays out the parties’ positions if there’s no agreement.

Nichols issued the order after Trump filed an emergency motion last week. The motion asked the court to enjoin the Ways and Means Committee from requesting Trump’s state tax returns under a new New York law until the president has an opportunity for judicial review. 

The Ways and Means Committee argued that the court lacks jurisdiction to bar it from requesting Trump’s state tax returns. It also argued that its decision about whether to utilize the New York law is protected against a legal challenge under the Constitution’s Speech or Debate Clause.

Nichols said there seems to be a risk that without Trump receiving some sort of relief, the Ways and Means Committee could quickly request and receive Trump’s tax returns, making the case quickly ripe and then moot.

He said he thought it was problematic that the Ways and Means Committee and the New York officials weren’t committing to the court that they wouldn’t request and produce Trump’s state tax returns “tomorrow or Monday, or the Monday after.”

At the same time, Nichols said that it seems inappropriate to enjoin the committee from requesting Trump’s state tax returns because Trump wouldn’t be harmed by the request itself.

Nichols said he wanted the parties in the lawsuit to see if they could reach an agreement to provide relief to Trump that’s as modest as possible; that treads as lightly as possible, if at all, on concerns about separation of powers and the Speech or Debate Clause; and that preserves the ability for the court to adjudicate on the lawsuit only when more information is available.

The law Trump is challenging in the lawsuit allows the chairmen of Congress’s tax committees to request public officials’ state tax returns from the state’s department of taxation and finance.

Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard NealRichard Edmund NealWhat to know about the fight over Trump’s tax returns On The Money: US growth slows to 2.1 percent | Trump vows response to French tech tax | Trump won’t give Apple tariff waivers | House panel releases documents on Nixon tax return request to bolster case against Trump House panel releases documents of presidential tax return request before Trump MORE (D-Mass.), who is seeking to obtain Trump’s federal tax returns from the IRS, has not made a final decision about whether he will use the New York law to request Trump’s state tax returns.

In court papers filed Monday morning, Trump also suggested that instead of enjoining the Ways and Means Committee, the court could instead enjoin the New York officials, preventing them from providing Trump’s state tax returns to Congress until the president can be heard in court. The New York officials argued that they were blindsided by this request and that the court shouldn’t consider it until they can respond to it.

The lawsuit over the New York law is one of two closely watched ongoing lawsuits in the fight over Trump’s tax returns. At the beginning of the month, the Ways and Means Committee filed a lawsuit against the Treasury Department and the IRS asking a judge to order the agencies to comply with Neal’s request and subpoenas for Trump’s federal tax returns.

Trump last week had argued that the two lawsuits were related and should be handled by the same judge. But Judge Trevor McFadden, who is handling the lawsuit over Trump’s federal tax returns, disagreed, leading the lawsuit over the president’s state tax returns to be randomly assigned to Nichols.

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Sus integrantes serán elegidos por sectores de la sociedad y no por voto popular, explicó.

El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, convocó este lunes a una Constituyente “popular” para redactar una nueva Carta Magna, parte de cuyos integrantes serán elegidos por sectores de la sociedad y no por voto universal.

“Convoco al poder constituyente originario para lograr la paz que necesita el país, para derrotar el golpe fascista, una Constituyente ciudadana, no de partidos políticos. Una Constituyente del pueblo”, dijo Maduro ante miles de seguidores congregados en el centro de Caracas por el Día del Trabajador.

El mandatario socialista anunció que este lunes entregará al Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) las bases del proceso, que contempla la elección de 500 asambleístas, una parte por sectores sociales que escogerán directamente a sus representantes, y la otra por municipios. 

“Va a ser una Constituyente electa con voto directo del pueblo para elegir a unos 500 constituyentistas: 200 o 250 por la base de la clase obrera, las comunas, misiones, los movimientos sociales (…) Los movimientos de personas con discapacidad van a tener a sus constituyentes propios electos, los pensionados”, detalló el presidente. 

Maduro dijo que los restantes asambleístas “se van a elegir en un sistema territorializado, con carácter municipal y local”.

La actual Carta Magna venezolana -vigente desde 1999- establece que la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente se convoca para “transformar el Estado, crear un nuevo ordenamiento jurídico y redactar una nueva Constitución”.

La puede convocar el presidente en Consejo de Ministros, el Parlamento mediante acuerdo de las dos terceras partes de sus integrantes, los concejos municipales o a través de firmas del 15% de los electores.

Los miembros de la Constituyente de 1999 fueron elegidos mediante una votación nacional, y no por sectores como plantea Maduro, y pertenecían mayoritariamente al chavismo.

“Les entrego el poder que me dio Hugo Chávez, vayan a ganar la batalla”, añadió el gobernante, quien ofrecerá detalles de su anuncio en las próximas horas.

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