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La trama de los supuestos contactos que mantuvieron miembros de la campaña del presidente
Donald Trump con funcionarios rusos continúa abierta, después de que la cadena CNN revelara este jueves que la Casa Blanca intententara sin éxito que el FBI desacreditara públicamente las informaciones periodísticas que sacaron a la luz estos supuestos vínculos.

Funcionarios de la Casa Blanca habrían buscado la ayuda del FBI para desacreditar la información que publicó
The New York Times en la que destapó que varios
asesores de la campaña presidencial de Trump mantuvieron contactos frecuentes con agentes de la inteligencia rusa durante el año previo a las elecciones, contaron a la cadena funcionarios conocedores del caso.

Los contactos, según la CNN, los inició el jefe de gabinete de la Casa Blanca, Reince Priebus, que habló sobre el asunto con el subdirector del Buró Federal de Investigaciones (FBI), Andrew McCabe, al día siguiente de la publicación del artículo, aprovechando una reunión sobre otro tema que tuvo lugar en la residencia presidencial.

Priebus volvió a contactar después a McCabe y al director del FBI,
James Comey, para pedirles que la agencia hablara con periodistas bajo condición de anonimato para refutar las informaciones de prensa sobre Rusia, según CNN.

No obstante, otra fuente de la Casa Blanca consultada por la cadena subrayó que los contactos de Priebus fueron después de que McCabe le llamara tras ver el artículo para decirle que
The New York Times exageró sobre lo que el FBI sabía de esos contactos.

En cualquier caso el contacto directo entre un funcionario de la Casa Blanca y el FBI es un asunto delicado puesto que existen restricciones legales, que prohíben este tipo de contactos cuando aluden a investigaciones pendientes.

Este fue el motivo por el que Comey rechazó la petición para comentar los reportes de prensa, aseguraron las fuentes a CNN, puesto que sabía que las comunicaciones a las que hacían referencia entre los asesores de Trup y Rusia eran investigados por los servicios de inteligencia estadounidenses.

El presidente Trump salió desde su cuenta de Twitter este viernes a criticar a la agencia a la que acusó de “ser incapaz de terminar con las ‘personas de la seguridad nacional que filtran’ y que se han propagado por nuestro gobierno durante mucho tiempo. No son capaces de encontrarlos siquiera dentro del FBI. Información clasificada se ha dado a los medios y podría tener un efecto devastador para Estados Unidos”. Trump además instó a buscarlos a los responsables de manera inmediata.

El secretario de prensa de la Casa Blanca, Sean Spicer, rechazó el reporte de la CNN. “No intentamos descreditar la historia, les pedimos que dijeran la verdad”, señaló en declaraciones recogidas por la cadena. El FBI, por su parte, declinó hacer comentarios.

Los Comités de Inteligencia del Congreso investigan esos presuntos contactos rusos que tuvo la campaña de Trump, a pesar de que Priebus afirma que no hay nada en esos reportes, que
calificó de “basura”.

Las dudas sobre la relación del equipo de Trump con Rusia estuvieron presentes durante la camapaña por los
comentarios favorables del ahora presidente a su homólogo ruso, Vladimir Putin, -con quien el presidente Barack Obama acabó teniendo una tensa relación- y las llamadas a
que hackearan los correos del equipo de su rival, la demócrata, Hillary Clinton, como al final sucedió.

El colofón fue
la dimisión forzada la semana pasada de su asesor de seguridad nacional Michael Flynn, tras conocerse que mintió al vicepresidente de EEUU, Mike Pence, y a otros altos cargos del Gobierno sobre las conversaciones que mantuvo con el embajador ruso en Washington, Serguéi Kisliak, antes de asumir su cargo.

En fotos: Así transcurren los primeros 100 días de Donald Trump en la Casa Blanca

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Atlético va ahora por los grandes del continente  

Junior de Barranquilla ya es historia. Las fases clasificatorias se convirtieron en gratos recuerdos. Atlético venció a los colombianos por 3 a 1 (3 a 2 en el global luego de perder 1 a 0 de visitante) y aunque sus hinchas sufrieron en el tramo final de la revancha, el desahogo llegó de la mano de una clasificación que quedará grabada en la historia del club. Atlético accedió a la zona 5 de la competencia que organiza la Conmebol y donde están esperando Palmeiras, de Brasil, y Peñarol, de Uruguay, dos colosos del continente que tienen un pasado bañado de gloria deportiva con títulos internacionales incluidos. Ambos saben lo que es ganar la Copa Libertadores, aunque el presente de ellos no es tan rutilante. El cuarto integrante es Jorge Wilstermann, de Bolivia. La nueva aventura arrancará en el Monumental el 8 de marzo, contra los brasileños. Se viene una nueva instancia. Se renuevan los desafíos que son cada vez más exigentes. Pero para el “Decano”, que tiene un corazón enorme y una fortaleza anímica envidiable, nada parece ser imposible.

La ex novia de Viroche quedó en la mira de la Justicia

Personal de la División Homicidios se llevó de la casa de una joven varios celulares que serían de ella, de un hermano y de un tío. El fiscal Diego López Ávila ordenó esa medida porque sospechaba que desde esos teléfonos salieron los mensajes amenazantes que recibió el cura Juan Viroche, que fue encontrado ahorcado el 5 de octubre en la parroquia de La Florida. 

La hipótesis de que el sacerdote decidió quitarse la vida quedó más firme que nunca al conocerse los resultados de las pericias toxicológicas. No encontraron ningún indicio de que haya sido drogado para fingir un suicidio. Tampoco se comprobó que haya sido obligado a ahorcarse. Ahora sólo queda determinar si los mensajes de la joven, que confirmó haber tenido una relación con él, no llevaron a Viroche a tomar esa drástica decisión.

En marzo y en abril subirá la tarifa del celular

Empresas prevén un aumento del 12%

Tanto los servicios prepagos como los planes con abono del servicio de telefonía móvil registrarán un aumento promedio del 12% entre marzo y abril próximos. Así lo anticiparon las compañías que prestan esos servicios; algunas de ellas ya notificaron del reajuste a sus clientes. Asimismo, se anticipó que para abril también habrá subas para el servicio de comunicaciones fijas.

Investigan la trágica muerte de un joven

Cayó al vacío para no ser descubierto

Facundo Mangarella, de 18 años, estaba en el departamento de su novia, de 16. El padre de la chica, camarista del fuero laboral, llegó de manera sorpresiva. Para no ser descubierto, el joven se colgó de la ventana de un octavo piso. No aguantó y cayó al vacío. La autopsia reveló que no presentaba rastros de haber protagonizado una pelea o de haber recibido un golpe que provocara la caída.

Las ONG tucumanas tienen abiertas las puertas para sumar voluntarios

Son instituciones que realizan toda clase de acciones solidarias y necesitan aportes de tiempo y de trabajo. Una oportunidad para cambiar de vida en 2017.

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Noticias Telemundo’s “Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” (Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community) Town Hall broadcast on Sunday, February 12 at 7PM/6 C, ranked # 1 in Spanish-language TV in primetime across all key demographics, averaging 1.57 million total viewers, 708,000 adults 18 to 49 and 325,000 adults 18 to 34, according to Nielsen. The news special moderated by Noticias Telemundo News Anchor José Díaz-Balart also positioned Telemundo as the #1 Spanish-language network during the entire primetime on Sunday, across all key demos.

“Noticias Telemundo is empowering millions of Latinos with reliable and TRANSPARENT information at a time of change,” said José Díaz-Balart. “Viewers trust us because they know our only commitment is to present the facts the way they are, with professionalism and a total commitment to our community.”

“Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community” also reached 1.6 million viewers on Facebook, generating 23,000 global actions on the social network.

The Town Hall answered viewers’ questions about the impact of President Trump’s immigration policy on the Hispanic community. The news special featured a panel of experts, including immigration lawyer and Telemundo contributor Alma Rosa Nieto; Telemundo conservative political analyst Ana Navarro; the Deputy Vice President of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Clarissa Martínez, and CHIRLA’s Executive Director, Angélica Salas. In addition, “El Poder en Ti”, Telemundo’s robust community initiative, launched an Internet site for Hispanics looking for information, tools and resources on immigration in parallel to the Town Hall.

“Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” is part of a series of Noticias Telemundo specials, including “Trump en la Casa Blanca,” produced the day after the elections, and “Trump y los Latinos,” which aired on Inauguration Day. All of these programs share an emphasis on allowing audiences to express their views and empower them by giving them access to trustworthy, rigorous and relevant information presented under Noticias Telemundo’s banner “Telling It Like It Is” (“Las Cosas Como Son” in Spanish).

Noticias Telemundo is the information unit of Telemundo Network and a leader provider in news serving the US Hispanics across all broadcast and digital platforms. Its award-winning television news broadcasts include the daily newscast “Noticias Telemundo,” the Sunday current affairs show “Enfoque con José Díaz-Balart” and the daily news and entertainment magazine “Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste.” The rapidly-growing “Noticias Telemundo Digital Team” provides continuous content to US Hispanics wherever they are, whenever they want it. Noticias Telemundo also produces award winning news specials, documentaries and news event such as political debates, forums and town halls.

Source: Nielsen L+SD IMP, 2/12/17. TEL #1 SLTV (vs UNI, UMA, AZA, ETV). Shareablee, 2/6/17-2/12/17.

Image courtesy of Telemundo.

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Noticias Telemundo’s “Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” (Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community) Town Hall broadcast on Sunday, February 12 at 7PM/6 C, ranked # 1 in Spanish-language TV in primetime across all key demographics, averaging 1.57 million total viewers, 708,000 adults 18 to 49 and 325,000 adults 18 to 34, according to Nielsen. The news special moderated by Noticias Telemundo News Anchor José Díaz-Balart also positioned Telemundo as the #1 Spanish-language network during the entire primetime on Sunday, across all key demos.

“Noticias Telemundo is empowering millions of Latinos with reliable and TRANSPARENT information at a time of change,” said José Díaz-Balart. “Viewers trust us because they know our only commitment is to present the facts the way they are, with professionalism and a total commitment to our community.”

“Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community” also reached 1.6 million viewers on Facebook, generating 23,000 global actions on the social network.

The Town Hall answered viewers’ questions about the impact of President Trump’s immigration policy on the Hispanic community. The news special featured a panel of experts, including immigration lawyer and Telemundo contributor Alma Rosa Nieto; Telemundo conservative political analyst Ana Navarro; the Deputy Vice President of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Clarissa Martínez, and CHIRLA’s Executive Director, Angélica Salas. In addition, “El Poder en Ti”, Telemundo’s robust community initiative, launched an Internet site for Hispanics looking for information, tools and resources on immigration in parallel to the Town Hall.

“Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” is part of a series of Noticias Telemundo specials, including “Trump en la Casa Blanca,” produced the day after the elections, and “Trump y los Latinos,” which aired on Inauguration Day. All of these programs share an emphasis on allowing audiences to express their views and empower them by giving them access to trustworthy, rigorous and relevant information presented under Noticias Telemundo’s banner “Telling It Like It Is” (“Las Cosas Como Son” in Spanish).

Noticias Telemundo is the information unit of Telemundo Network and a leader provider in news serving the US Hispanics across all broadcast and digital platforms. Its award-winning television news broadcasts include the daily newscast “Noticias Telemundo,” the Sunday current affairs show “Enfoque con José Díaz-Balart” and the daily news and entertainment magazine “Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste.” The rapidly-growing “Noticias Telemundo Digital Team” provides continuous content to US Hispanics wherever they are, whenever they want it. Noticias Telemundo also produces award winning news specials, documentaries and news event such as political debates, forums and town halls.

Source: Nielsen L+SD IMP, 2/12/17. TEL #1 SLTV (vs UNI, UMA, AZA, ETV). Shareablee, 2/6/17-2/12/17.

Image courtesy of Telemundo.

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Noticias Telemundo’s “Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” (Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community) Town Hall broadcast on Sunday, February 12 at 7PM/6 C, ranked # 1 in Spanish-language TV in primetime across all key demographics, averaging 1.57 million total viewers, 708,000 adults 18 to 49 and 325,000 adults 18 to 34, according to Nielsen. The news special moderated by Noticias Telemundo News Anchor José Díaz-Balart also positioned Telemundo as the #1 Spanish-language network during the entire primetime on Sunday, across all key demos.

“Noticias Telemundo is empowering millions of Latinos with reliable and TRANSPARENT information at a time of change,” said José Díaz-Balart. “Viewers trust us because they know our only commitment is to present the facts the way they are, with professionalism and a total commitment to our community.”

“Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community” also reached 1.6 million viewers on Facebook, generating 23,000 global actions on the social network.

The Town Hall answered viewers’ questions about the impact of President Trump’s immigration policy on the Hispanic community. The news special featured a panel of experts, including immigration lawyer and Telemundo contributor Alma Rosa Nieto; Telemundo conservative political analyst Ana Navarro; the Deputy Vice President of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Clarissa Martínez, and CHIRLA’s Executive Director, Angélica Salas. In addition, “El Poder en Ti”, Telemundo’s robust community initiative, launched an Internet site for Hispanics looking for information, tools and resources on immigration in parallel to the Town Hall.

“Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” is part of a series of Noticias Telemundo specials, including “Trump en la Casa Blanca,” produced the day after the elections, and “Trump y los Latinos,” which aired on Inauguration Day. All of these programs share an emphasis on allowing audiences to express their views and empower them by giving them access to trustworthy, rigorous and relevant information presented under Noticias Telemundo’s banner “Telling It Like It Is” (“Las Cosas Como Son” in Spanish).

Noticias Telemundo is the information unit of Telemundo Network and a leader provider in news serving the US Hispanics across all broadcast and digital platforms. Its award-winning television news broadcasts include the daily newscast “Noticias Telemundo,” the Sunday current affairs show “Enfoque con José Díaz-Balart” and the daily news and entertainment magazine “Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste.” The rapidly-growing “Noticias Telemundo Digital Team” provides continuous content to US Hispanics wherever they are, whenever they want it. Noticias Telemundo also produces award winning news specials, documentaries and news event such as political debates, forums and town halls.

Source: Nielsen L+SD IMP, 2/12/17. TEL #1 SLTV (vs UNI, UMA, AZA, ETV). Shareablee, 2/6/17-2/12/17.

Image courtesy of Telemundo.

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MIAMI, Feb. 23, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Noticias Telemundo announced its latest news special, “Conoce tus Derechos” (Know Your Rights) to air this Sunday, February 26 at 7PM/6 C.  Hosted by Noticias Telemundo Anchor José Díaz-Balart, the special will feature immigration attorney and Noticias Telemundo contributor Alma Rosa Nieto and the Executive Director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA), Angélica Salas. “Conoce tus Derechos” will cover specific scenarios under President Donald Trump’s new immigration policies and inform the audience about their legal rights. The news special will also be available on Noticias Telemundo’s digital properties on YouTube and Facebook and at and the Noticias Telemundo App.

“Information is the best defense against fear and uncertainty,” said José Díaz-Balart.  “‘Conoce tus Derechos’ will help viewers become familiar with possible scenarios that could affect them. We’ll hear testimony from the audience as well as relevant information from experts, all part of our commitment to report the way things are.”

Airing from East Los Angeles College, the special news program will address scenarios of attempted detentions at home, at work and on the street, among others.  “Conoce tus Derechos” is the fifth news special Noticias Telemundo has produced following the election of President Donald Trump presented under the banner “Las Cosas como Son” (The Way It Is).  It follows on the heels of a town hall on immigration, “Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos,” which delivered the highest audience ratings of any program on Spanish-language television the day it aired.

In parallel to the news special, “El Poder en Ti”, Telemundo’s robust community initiative, launched a citizenship and immigration site for those looking for information, tools and resources to learn about their existing options.

Noticias Telemundo is the information unit of Telemundo Network and a leading provider in news serving the US Hispanics across all broadcast and digital platforms. Its award-winning television news broadcasts include the daily newscast “Noticias Telemundo,” the Sunday current affairs show “Enfoque con José Díaz-Balart” and the daily news and entertainment magazine “Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste.” The rapidly-growing “Noticias Telemundo Digital Team” provides continuous content to US Hispanics wherever they are, whenever they want it. Noticias Telemundo also produces award winning news specials, documentaries and news event such as political debates, forums and town halls.


TELEMUNDO is a world-class media company leading the industry in the production and distribution of high-quality Spanish-language content across its multiplatform portfolio to U.S. Hispanics and audiences around the world. The network features original scripted dramas from Telemundo Studios – the #1 producer of Spanish-language primetime content – as well as non-scripted productions, theatrical motion pictures, specials, news and first-class sports events, reaching 94% of U.S. Hispanic viewers in 210 markets through its 17 owned stations and 54 broadcast affiliates. TELEMUNDO is part of NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises, a division of NBCUniversal, one of the world’s leading media and entertainment companies. NBCUniversal is a subsidiary of Comcast Corporation.

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Noticias Telemundo’s “Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” (Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community) Town Hall broadcast on Sunday, February 12 at 7PM/6 C, ranked # 1 in Spanish-language TV in primetime across all key demographics, averaging 1.57 million total viewers, 708,000 adults 18 to 49 and 325,000 adults 18 to 34, according to Nielsen. The news special moderated by Noticias Telemundo News Anchor José Díaz-Balart also positioned Telemundo as the #1 Spanish-language network during the entire primetime on Sunday, across all key demos.

“Noticias Telemundo is empowering millions of Latinos with reliable and TRANSPARENT information at a time of change,” said José Díaz-Balart. “Viewers trust us because they know our only commitment is to present the facts the way they are, with professionalism and a total commitment to our community.”

“Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community” also reached 1.6 million viewers on Facebook, generating 23,000 global actions on the social network.

The Town Hall answered viewers’ questions about the impact of President Trump’s immigration policy on the Hispanic community. The news special featured a panel of experts, including immigration lawyer and Telemundo contributor Alma Rosa Nieto; Telemundo conservative political analyst Ana Navarro; the Deputy Vice President of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Clarissa Martínez, and CHIRLA’s Executive Director, Angélica Salas. In addition, “El Poder en Ti”, Telemundo’s robust community initiative, launched an Internet site for Hispanics looking for information, tools and resources on immigration in parallel to the Town Hall.

“Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” is part of a series of Noticias Telemundo specials, including “Trump en la Casa Blanca,” produced the day after the elections, and “Trump y los Latinos,” which aired on Inauguration Day. All of these programs share an emphasis on allowing audiences to express their views and empower them by giving them access to trustworthy, rigorous and relevant information presented under Noticias Telemundo’s banner “Telling It Like It Is” (“Las Cosas Como Son” in Spanish).

Noticias Telemundo is the information unit of Telemundo Network and a leader provider in news serving the US Hispanics across all broadcast and digital platforms. Its award-winning television news broadcasts include the daily newscast “Noticias Telemundo,” the Sunday current affairs show “Enfoque con José Díaz-Balart” and the daily news and entertainment magazine “Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste.” The rapidly-growing “Noticias Telemundo Digital Team” provides continuous content to US Hispanics wherever they are, whenever they want it. Noticias Telemundo also produces award winning news specials, documentaries and news event such as political debates, forums and town halls.

Source: Nielsen L+SD IMP, 2/12/17. TEL #1 SLTV (vs UNI, UMA, AZA, ETV). Shareablee, 2/6/17-2/12/17.

Image courtesy of Telemundo.

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Noticias Telemundo’s “Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” (Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community) Town Hall broadcast on Sunday, February 12 at 7PM/6 C, ranked # 1 in Spanish-language TV in primetime across all key demographics, averaging 1.57 million total viewers, 708,000 adults 18 to 49 and 325,000 adults 18 to 34, according to Nielsen. The news special moderated by Noticias Telemundo News Anchor José Díaz-Balart also positioned Telemundo as the #1 Spanish-language network during the entire primetime on Sunday, across all key demos.

“Noticias Telemundo is empowering millions of Latinos with reliable and TRANSPARENT information at a time of change,” said José Díaz-Balart. “Viewers trust us because they know our only commitment is to present the facts the way they are, with professionalism and a total commitment to our community.”

“Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community” also reached 1.6 million viewers on Facebook, generating 23,000 global actions on the social network.

The Town Hall answered viewers’ questions about the impact of President Trump’s immigration policy on the Hispanic community. The news special featured a panel of experts, including immigration lawyer and Telemundo contributor Alma Rosa Nieto; Telemundo conservative political analyst Ana Navarro; the Deputy Vice President of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Clarissa Martínez, and CHIRLA’s Executive Director, Angélica Salas. In addition, “El Poder en Ti”, Telemundo’s robust community initiative, launched an Internet site for Hispanics looking for information, tools and resources on immigration in parallel to the Town Hall.

“Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” is part of a series of Noticias Telemundo specials, including “Trump en la Casa Blanca,” produced the day after the elections, and “Trump y los Latinos,” which aired on Inauguration Day. All of these programs share an emphasis on allowing audiences to express their views and empower them by giving them access to trustworthy, rigorous and relevant information presented under Noticias Telemundo’s banner “Telling It Like It Is” (“Las Cosas Como Son” in Spanish).

Noticias Telemundo is the information unit of Telemundo Network and a leader provider in news serving the US Hispanics across all broadcast and digital platforms. Its award-winning television news broadcasts include the daily newscast “Noticias Telemundo,” the Sunday current affairs show “Enfoque con José Díaz-Balart” and the daily news and entertainment magazine “Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste.” The rapidly-growing “Noticias Telemundo Digital Team” provides continuous content to US Hispanics wherever they are, whenever they want it. Noticias Telemundo also produces award winning news specials, documentaries and news event such as political debates, forums and town halls.

Source: Nielsen L+SD IMP, 2/12/17. TEL #1 SLTV (vs UNI, UMA, AZA, ETV). Shareablee, 2/6/17-2/12/17.

Image courtesy of Telemundo.

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Noticias Telemundo’s “Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” (Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community) Town Hall broadcast on Sunday, February 12 at 7PM/6 C, ranked # 1 in Spanish-language TV in primetime across all key demographics, averaging 1.57 million total viewers, 708,000 adults 18 to 49 and 325,000 adults 18 to 34, according to Nielsen. The news special moderated by Noticias Telemundo News Anchor José Díaz-Balart also positioned Telemundo as the #1 Spanish-language network during the entire primetime on Sunday, across all key demos.

“Noticias Telemundo is empowering millions of Latinos with reliable and TRANSPARENT information at a time of change,” said José Díaz-Balart. “Viewers trust us because they know our only commitment is to present the facts the way they are, with professionalism and a total commitment to our community.”

“Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community” also reached 1.6 million viewers on Facebook, generating 23,000 global actions on the social network.

The Town Hall answered viewers’ questions about the impact of President Trump’s immigration policy on the Hispanic community. The news special featured a panel of experts, including immigration lawyer and Telemundo contributor Alma Rosa Nieto; Telemundo conservative political analyst Ana Navarro; the Deputy Vice President of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Clarissa Martínez, and CHIRLA’s Executive Director, Angélica Salas. In addition, “El Poder en Ti”, Telemundo’s robust community initiative, launched an Internet site for Hispanics looking for information, tools and resources on immigration in parallel to the Town Hall.

“Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” is part of a series of Noticias Telemundo specials, including “Trump en la Casa Blanca,” produced the day after the elections, and “Trump y los Latinos,” which aired on Inauguration Day. All of these programs share an emphasis on allowing audiences to express their views and empower them by giving them access to trustworthy, rigorous and relevant information presented under Noticias Telemundo’s banner “Telling It Like It Is” (“Las Cosas Como Son” in Spanish).

Noticias Telemundo is the information unit of Telemundo Network and a leader provider in news serving the US Hispanics across all broadcast and digital platforms. Its award-winning television news broadcasts include the daily newscast “Noticias Telemundo,” the Sunday current affairs show “Enfoque con José Díaz-Balart” and the daily news and entertainment magazine “Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste.” The rapidly-growing “Noticias Telemundo Digital Team” provides continuous content to US Hispanics wherever they are, whenever they want it. Noticias Telemundo also produces award winning news specials, documentaries and news event such as political debates, forums and town halls.

Source: Nielsen L+SD IMP, 2/12/17. TEL #1 SLTV (vs UNI, UMA, AZA, ETV). Shareablee, 2/6/17-2/12/17.

Image courtesy of Telemundo.

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La situación de Nadine Heredia se compromete con las declaraciones de Jorge Barata. | Fuente: Andina

Tres millones de dólares al cash. Esa es la cantidad que el ex director ejecutivo de Odebrecht, Jorge Barata le entregó a la ex primera dama Nadine Heredia, según una nota publicada este jueves por Caretas.

El exrepresentante de la constructora brasileña en Perú dijo que el dinero fue entregado para financiar la campaña presidencial de 2011 del líder del Partido Nacionalista de Ollanta Humala, la cual terminó ganando. “Barata compromete a Nadine”, titula la revista en su portada, citando las declaraciones que Barata habría hecho a represantes del Ministerio Público peruano en una reciente audiencia en Brasil.

Caretas asegura que Barata recibió en 2010 la llamada de Marcelo Odebrecht, quien le dijo que debía realizar una donación de tres millones de dólares para la campaña de Humala, a solicitud del Partido de los Trabajadores de Brasil. Este es el movimiento político del expresidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva y de la expresidenta Dilma Rousseff.

El interrogatorio. En su edición de este jueves, el diario El Comercio publicó las respuestas que Barata dio a los fiscales. “Fueron tres o cuatro entregas. Ella me llamaba, me pregunta cuando iba a llegar el recurso, y yo le decía que de acuerdo a las circunstancias, en una semana o algunos días. La presión era grande, porque necesitaban para la campaña, pero no era tan sencillo realizar la operatividad para hacernos de ese dinero”.

El exejecutivo de Odebrecht aseguró que el Departamento de Operaciones Estructuradas de la empresa llevaba el registro de dinero pagado a Nadine Heredia, pero que no sabe si ella hacía lo mismo. 

También contó que el pago se hizo en persona a la propia ex primera dama en una reunión privada dentro de una oficina de la avenida Armendáriz en el distrito de Miraflores. “Entrábamos en la habitación pequeña, conversábamos, hacía la entrega y eso era todo. En una oportunidad, no recuerdo si antes o después de la entrega, llegó Ollanta Humala, el cual comenzó a hablar de su proyecto político. Al final de la conversación, me dijo que agradezca a Marcelo, en referencia a Marcelo Odebrecht”. 

El caso Heredia. La ex primera dama Nadine Heredia es investigada por el presunto delito de lavado de activos a raíz de los aportes que recibió su partido para las campañas del 2006 y 2011. En estas pesquisas está incluido Ollanta Humala, Martín Belaunde Lossio, Rocío Calderón, Antonia Alarcón, entre otros.

En enero, el diario brasileño Folha de Sao Paulo aseguró el expresidente de ese país Lula da Silva dispuso la entrega de $3 millones para la campaña de Ollanta Humala en el 2011, lo que coincide con la versión de Barata.

Jorge Barata respondió a un pliego de preguntas a representantes del Ministerio Público peruano. | Fuente: Andina

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Noticias Telemundo’s “Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” (Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community) Town Hall broadcast on Sunday, February 12 at 7PM/6 C, ranked # 1 in Spanish-language TV in primetime across all key demographics, averaging 1.57 million total viewers, 708,000 adults 18 to 49 and 325,000 adults 18 to 34, according to Nielsen. The news special moderated by Noticias Telemundo News Anchor José Díaz-Balart also positioned Telemundo as the #1 Spanish-language network during the entire primetime on Sunday, across all key demos.

“Noticias Telemundo is empowering millions of Latinos with reliable and TRANSPARENT information at a time of change,” said José Díaz-Balart. “Viewers trust us because they know our only commitment is to present the facts the way they are, with professionalism and a total commitment to our community.”

“Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community” also reached 1.6 million viewers on Facebook, generating 23,000 global actions on the social network.

The Town Hall answered viewers’ questions about the impact of President Trump’s immigration policy on the Hispanic community. The news special featured a panel of experts, including immigration lawyer and Telemundo contributor Alma Rosa Nieto; Telemundo conservative political analyst Ana Navarro; the Deputy Vice President of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Clarissa Martínez, and CHIRLA’s Executive Director, Angélica Salas. In addition, “El Poder en Ti”, Telemundo’s robust community initiative, launched an Internet site for Hispanics looking for information, tools and resources on immigration in parallel to the Town Hall.

“Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” is part of a series of Noticias Telemundo specials, including “Trump en la Casa Blanca,” produced the day after the elections, and “Trump y los Latinos,” which aired on Inauguration Day. All of these programs share an emphasis on allowing audiences to express their views and empower them by giving them access to trustworthy, rigorous and relevant information presented under Noticias Telemundo’s banner “Telling It Like It Is” (“Las Cosas Como Son” in Spanish).

Noticias Telemundo is the information unit of Telemundo Network and a leader provider in news serving the US Hispanics across all broadcast and digital platforms. Its award-winning television news broadcasts include the daily newscast “Noticias Telemundo,” the Sunday current affairs show “Enfoque con José Díaz-Balart” and the daily news and entertainment magazine “Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste.” The rapidly-growing “Noticias Telemundo Digital Team” provides continuous content to US Hispanics wherever they are, whenever they want it. Noticias Telemundo also produces award winning news specials, documentaries and news event such as political debates, forums and town halls.

Source: Nielsen L+SD IMP, 2/12/17. TEL #1 SLTV (vs UNI, UMA, AZA, ETV). Shareablee, 2/6/17-2/12/17.

Image courtesy of Telemundo.

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Noticias Telemundo’s “Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” (Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community) Town Hall broadcast on Sunday, February 12 at 7PM/6 C, ranked # 1 in Spanish-language TV in primetime across all key demographics, averaging 1.57 million total viewers, 708,000 adults 18 to 49 and 325,000 adults 18 to 34, according to Nielsen. The news special moderated by Noticias Telemundo News Anchor José Díaz-Balart also positioned Telemundo as the #1 Spanish-language network during the entire primetime on Sunday, across all key demos.

“Noticias Telemundo is empowering millions of Latinos with reliable and TRANSPARENT information at a time of change,” said José Díaz-Balart. “Viewers trust us because they know our only commitment is to present the facts the way they are, with professionalism and a total commitment to our community.”

“Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community” also reached 1.6 million viewers on Facebook, generating 23,000 global actions on the social network.

The Town Hall answered viewers’ questions about the impact of President Trump’s immigration policy on the Hispanic community. The news special featured a panel of experts, including immigration lawyer and Telemundo contributor Alma Rosa Nieto; Telemundo conservative political analyst Ana Navarro; the Deputy Vice President of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Clarissa Martínez, and CHIRLA’s Executive Director, Angélica Salas. In addition, “El Poder en Ti”, Telemundo’s robust community initiative, launched an Internet site for Hispanics looking for information, tools and resources on immigration in parallel to the Town Hall.

“Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” is part of a series of Noticias Telemundo specials, including “Trump en la Casa Blanca,” produced the day after the elections, and “Trump y los Latinos,” which aired on Inauguration Day. All of these programs share an emphasis on allowing audiences to express their views and empower them by giving them access to trustworthy, rigorous and relevant information presented under Noticias Telemundo’s banner “Telling It Like It Is” (“Las Cosas Como Son” in Spanish).

Noticias Telemundo is the information unit of Telemundo Network and a leader provider in news serving the US Hispanics across all broadcast and digital platforms. Its award-winning television news broadcasts include the daily newscast “Noticias Telemundo,” the Sunday current affairs show “Enfoque con José Díaz-Balart” and the daily news and entertainment magazine “Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste.” The rapidly-growing “Noticias Telemundo Digital Team” provides continuous content to US Hispanics wherever they are, whenever they want it. Noticias Telemundo also produces award winning news specials, documentaries and news event such as political debates, forums and town halls.

Source: Nielsen L+SD IMP, 2/12/17. TEL #1 SLTV (vs UNI, UMA, AZA, ETV). Shareablee, 2/6/17-2/12/17.

Image courtesy of Telemundo.

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Noticias Telemundo’s “Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” (Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community) Town Hall broadcast on Sunday, February 12 at 7PM/6 C, ranked # 1 in Spanish-language TV in primetime across all key demographics, averaging 1.57 million total viewers, 708,000 adults 18 to 49 and 325,000 adults 18 to 34, according to Nielsen. The news special moderated by Noticias Telemundo News Anchor José Díaz-Balart also positioned Telemundo as the #1 Spanish-language network during the entire primetime on Sunday, across all key demos.

“Noticias Telemundo is empowering millions of Latinos with reliable and TRANSPARENT information at a time of change,” said José Díaz-Balart. “Viewers trust us because they know our only commitment is to present the facts the way they are, with professionalism and a total commitment to our community.”

“Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community” also reached 1.6 million viewers on Facebook, generating 23,000 global actions on the social network.

The Town Hall answered viewers’ questions about the impact of President Trump’s immigration policy on the Hispanic community. The news special featured a panel of experts, including immigration lawyer and Telemundo contributor Alma Rosa Nieto; Telemundo conservative political analyst Ana Navarro; the Deputy Vice President of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Clarissa Martínez, and CHIRLA’s Executive Director, Angélica Salas. In addition, “El Poder en Ti”, Telemundo’s robust community initiative, launched an Internet site for Hispanics looking for information, tools and resources on immigration in parallel to the Town Hall.

“Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” is part of a series of Noticias Telemundo specials, including “Trump en la Casa Blanca,” produced the day after the elections, and “Trump y los Latinos,” which aired on Inauguration Day. All of these programs share an emphasis on allowing audiences to express their views and empower them by giving them access to trustworthy, rigorous and relevant information presented under Noticias Telemundo’s banner “Telling It Like It Is” (“Las Cosas Como Son” in Spanish).

Noticias Telemundo is the information unit of Telemundo Network and a leader provider in news serving the US Hispanics across all broadcast and digital platforms. Its award-winning television news broadcasts include the daily newscast “Noticias Telemundo,” the Sunday current affairs show “Enfoque con José Díaz-Balart” and the daily news and entertainment magazine “Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste.” The rapidly-growing “Noticias Telemundo Digital Team” provides continuous content to US Hispanics wherever they are, whenever they want it. Noticias Telemundo also produces award winning news specials, documentaries and news event such as political debates, forums and town halls.

Source: Nielsen L+SD IMP, 2/12/17. TEL #1 SLTV (vs UNI, UMA, AZA, ETV). Shareablee, 2/6/17-2/12/17.

Image courtesy of Telemundo.

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En las noticias más leídas del día, si tienes más de 65 años y cotizas para el IMSS, tienes derecho a pedir una pensión por vejez, sigue leyendo y entérate de qué forma poder lograrlo. Así como en Estados Unidos, también Alemania lanzó un proyecto de ley, el cual acelerará la expulsión del país de todos los inmigrantes y cuáles es una de las ventajas y una de las desventajas de que Agustín Carstens, después de la petición de Peña Nieto, se quede hasta noviembre en Banxico, Enrique Campos Suárez te lo explica.

1. Trabajadores IMSS de 65 y más

Para tener derecho a una pensión por vejez, de acuerdo con la Ley del Seguro Social publicada en 1973, se requiere que el trabajador haya cotizado al Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, tenga cumplidos 65 años de edad y tener reconocidas ante el instituto un mínimo de 500 semanas cotizadas. Además, los trabajadores que cumplan con estos requisitos podrán solicitar la devolución de recursos que tenga acumulados en la cuenta individual del SAR.

Los recursos que podrás retirar de tu cuenta individual dependen de la situación en que te encuentres; en la nota completa te mencionamos los tres posibles casos.

2. Alemania también acelera las expulsiones de inmigrantes

El día de hoy, Alemania aprobó un controvertido proyecto de ley para acelerar las expulsiones de miles de solicitantes de asilo cuya petición haya sido rechazada.

Las medidas del gobierno de Angela Merkel, que todavía tendrán que recibir el visto bueno del Parlamento, forman parte de un acuerdo de principios concluido hace dos semanas por los Estados regionales, responsables en el país de la puesta en marcha de las expulsiones, y del gobierno federal.

Con esto, la canciller busca mostrarse firme ante las críticas recibidas, también desde su campo, conservador, por haber abierto la puerta a más de un millón de migrantes en el 2015 y 2016.

3. ¡Carstens se queda! Lo bueno y lo malo de esta decisión

Dentro de su columna, la gran depresión, Enrique Campos Suárez, opina que la buena noticia de que Agustín Carstens haya aceptado postergar seis meses su partida a Suiza es que tendremos a uno de los más experimentados gobernadores del Banco de México en los momentos de más incertidumbre de la relación México – Estados Unidos.

En cuanto a la mala noticia, es que haber convencido a Carstens de que se quedara en estos momentos le resta bonos a los aspirantes a sucederlo y, de paso, a la propia institución que aparece hoy como incapaz de sobrevivir sin este personaje.
A una de las conclusiones que llega Campos Suárez es que Carstens se debe ir como gerente general del Banco de Pagos Internacionales porque eso es lo que él quiere en su vida profesional, porque esa es la decisión que tomaron dentro de su familia y porque en México la esclavitud está prohibida y él no es de nuestra propiedad. Si quieres conocer más sobre su opinión, entra a la nota completa.

4. El Banco de México ofrecerá a bancos coberturas cambiarias

Según la Comisión de Cambios, a partir del lunes 6 de marzo, Banxico ofrecerá coberturas cambiarias liquidables en moneda nacional a las instituciones financieras hasta por 20,000 millones de dólares.

Se trata de un nuevo instrumento para estabilizar al mercado cambiario, que no afectará el saldo de las reservas internacionales y se suma al arsenal de mecanismos a disposición de las autoridades.

Los instrumentos que ha utilizado la Comisión para limitar la presión al mercado cambiario desde el 2015 son las intervenciones discrecionales y las subastas de divisas. Y se mantiene latente la activación de la Línea de Crédito Flexible, por 86,200 millones de dólares, abierta en el Fondo Monetario Internacional.

5. Al final Donald Trump sí tenía razón sobre Suecia

Mucha controversia causaron las más recientes declaraciones de Donald Trump asociando a la inmigración y criminalidad en Suecia, hecho que ha reavivado indirectamente un debate en el país escandinavo sobre los éxitos y fracasos de su política de integración.

Dos días después de las afirmaciones lanzadas por el presidente estadounidense en Florida, estallaron disturbios en un barrio del norte de Estocolmo donde la mayoría de la población es descendiente de migrantes, dejando en aguas de borraja el argumento desplegado por el gobierno sueco para responder al mandatario norteamericano.

Twitter: @davee_son

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Noticias Telemundo’s “Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” (Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community) Town Hall broadcast on Sunday, February 12 at 7PM/6 C, ranked # 1 in Spanish-language TV in primetime across all key demographics, averaging 1.57 million total viewers, 708,000 adults 18 to 49 and 325,000 adults 18 to 34, according to Nielsen. The news special moderated by Noticias Telemundo News Anchor José Díaz-Balart also positioned Telemundo as the #1 Spanish-language network during the entire primetime on Sunday, across all key demos.

“Noticias Telemundo is empowering millions of Latinos with reliable and TRANSPARENT information at a time of change,” said José Díaz-Balart. “Viewers trust us because they know our only commitment is to present the facts the way they are, with professionalism and a total commitment to our community.”

“Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community” also reached 1.6 million viewers on Facebook, generating 23,000 global actions on the social network.

The Town Hall answered viewers’ questions about the impact of President Trump’s immigration policy on the Hispanic community. The news special featured a panel of experts, including immigration lawyer and Telemundo contributor Alma Rosa Nieto; Telemundo conservative political analyst Ana Navarro; the Deputy Vice President of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Clarissa Martínez, and CHIRLA’s Executive Director, Angélica Salas. In addition, “El Poder en Ti”, Telemundo’s robust community initiative, launched an Internet site for Hispanics looking for information, tools and resources on immigration in parallel to the Town Hall.

“Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” is part of a series of Noticias Telemundo specials, including “Trump en la Casa Blanca,” produced the day after the elections, and “Trump y los Latinos,” which aired on Inauguration Day. All of these programs share an emphasis on allowing audiences to express their views and empower them by giving them access to trustworthy, rigorous and relevant information presented under Noticias Telemundo’s banner “Telling It Like It Is” (“Las Cosas Como Son” in Spanish).

Noticias Telemundo is the information unit of Telemundo Network and a leader provider in news serving the US Hispanics across all broadcast and digital platforms. Its award-winning television news broadcasts include the daily newscast “Noticias Telemundo,” the Sunday current affairs show “Enfoque con José Díaz-Balart” and the daily news and entertainment magazine “Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste.” The rapidly-growing “Noticias Telemundo Digital Team” provides continuous content to US Hispanics wherever they are, whenever they want it. Noticias Telemundo also produces award winning news specials, documentaries and news event such as political debates, forums and town halls.

Source: Nielsen L+SD IMP, 2/12/17. TEL #1 SLTV (vs UNI, UMA, AZA, ETV). Shareablee, 2/6/17-2/12/17.

Image courtesy of Telemundo.

Source Article from

Noticias Telemundo’s “Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” (Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community) Town Hall broadcast on Sunday, February 12 at 7PM/6 C, ranked # 1 in Spanish-language TV in primetime across all key demographics, averaging 1.57 million total viewers, 708,000 adults 18 to 49 and 325,000 adults 18 to 34, according to Nielsen. The news special moderated by Noticias Telemundo News Anchor José Díaz-Balart also positioned Telemundo as the #1 Spanish-language network during the entire primetime on Sunday, across all key demos.

“Noticias Telemundo is empowering millions of Latinos with reliable and TRANSPARENT information at a time of change,” said José Díaz-Balart. “Viewers trust us because they know our only commitment is to present the facts the way they are, with professionalism and a total commitment to our community.”

“Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community” also reached 1.6 million viewers on Facebook, generating 23,000 global actions on the social network.

The Town Hall answered viewers’ questions about the impact of President Trump’s immigration policy on the Hispanic community. The news special featured a panel of experts, including immigration lawyer and Telemundo contributor Alma Rosa Nieto; Telemundo conservative political analyst Ana Navarro; the Deputy Vice President of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Clarissa Martínez, and CHIRLA’s Executive Director, Angélica Salas. In addition, “El Poder en Ti”, Telemundo’s robust community initiative, launched an Internet site for Hispanics looking for information, tools and resources on immigration in parallel to the Town Hall.

“Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” is part of a series of Noticias Telemundo specials, including “Trump en la Casa Blanca,” produced the day after the elections, and “Trump y los Latinos,” which aired on Inauguration Day. All of these programs share an emphasis on allowing audiences to express their views and empower them by giving them access to trustworthy, rigorous and relevant information presented under Noticias Telemundo’s banner “Telling It Like It Is” (“Las Cosas Como Son” in Spanish).

Noticias Telemundo is the information unit of Telemundo Network and a leader provider in news serving the US Hispanics across all broadcast and digital platforms. Its award-winning television news broadcasts include the daily newscast “Noticias Telemundo,” the Sunday current affairs show “Enfoque con José Díaz-Balart” and the daily news and entertainment magazine “Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste.” The rapidly-growing “Noticias Telemundo Digital Team” provides continuous content to US Hispanics wherever they are, whenever they want it. Noticias Telemundo also produces award winning news specials, documentaries and news event such as political debates, forums and town halls.

Source: Nielsen L+SD IMP, 2/12/17. TEL #1 SLTV (vs UNI, UMA, AZA, ETV). Shareablee, 2/6/17-2/12/17.

Image courtesy of Telemundo.

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El Observador presenta un nuevo servicio: noticias por Whatsapp. La principal nota del día o las novedades destacadas de último momento, serán enviadas a su celular.

Para recibirlas solo debe agendar el celular 097 100 302 como Observador Noticias, por ejemplo, y enviar un mensaje por la aplicación con la palabra “Observador”. Recibirá luego la confirmación de que forma parte de esta lista de distribución y comenzará a recibir las alertas, noticias destacadas y en algunos casos audios y videos de El Observador TV.

Por día serán enviadas solo algunas de las noticias destacadas relevantes (en general entre una y tres por día).

El Observador protegerá su datos personales. En la conversación solo participa el lector, que puede hacernos llegar su opinión o sugerencias. No es un grupo de Whatsapp sino una lista de difusión.

Si en algún momento quiere dejar de recibir las noticias de El Observador en su Whatsapp, lo podrá hacer solo con borrar de su teléfono el contacto agregado.

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Noticias Telemundo’s “Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” (Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community) Town Hall broadcast on Sunday, February 12 at 7PM/6 C, ranked # 1 in Spanish-language TV in primetime across all key demographics, averaging 1.57 million total viewers, 708,000 adults 18 to 49 and 325,000 adults 18 to 34, according to Nielsen. The news special moderated by Noticias Telemundo News Anchor José Díaz-Balart also positioned Telemundo as the #1 Spanish-language network during the entire primetime on Sunday, across all key demos.

“Noticias Telemundo is empowering millions of Latinos with reliable and TRANSPARENT information at a time of change,” said José Díaz-Balart. “Viewers trust us because they know our only commitment is to present the facts the way they are, with professionalism and a total commitment to our community.”

“Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community” also reached 1.6 million viewers on Facebook, generating 23,000 global actions on the social network.

The Town Hall answered viewers’ questions about the impact of President Trump’s immigration policy on the Hispanic community. The news special featured a panel of experts, including immigration lawyer and Telemundo contributor Alma Rosa Nieto; Telemundo conservative political analyst Ana Navarro; the Deputy Vice President of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Clarissa Martínez, and CHIRLA’s Executive Director, Angélica Salas. In addition, “El Poder en Ti”, Telemundo’s robust community initiative, launched an Internet site for Hispanics looking for information, tools and resources on immigration in parallel to the Town Hall.

“Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” is part of a series of Noticias Telemundo specials, including “Trump en la Casa Blanca,” produced the day after the elections, and “Trump y los Latinos,” which aired on Inauguration Day. All of these programs share an emphasis on allowing audiences to express their views and empower them by giving them access to trustworthy, rigorous and relevant information presented under Noticias Telemundo’s banner “Telling It Like It Is” (“Las Cosas Como Son” in Spanish).

Noticias Telemundo is the information unit of Telemundo Network and a leader provider in news serving the US Hispanics across all broadcast and digital platforms. Its award-winning television news broadcasts include the daily newscast “Noticias Telemundo,” the Sunday current affairs show “Enfoque con José Díaz-Balart” and the daily news and entertainment magazine “Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste.” The rapidly-growing “Noticias Telemundo Digital Team” provides continuous content to US Hispanics wherever they are, whenever they want it. Noticias Telemundo also produces award winning news specials, documentaries and news event such as political debates, forums and town halls.

Source: Nielsen L+SD IMP, 2/12/17. TEL #1 SLTV (vs UNI, UMA, AZA, ETV). Shareablee, 2/6/17-2/12/17.

Image courtesy of Telemundo.

Source Article from

Noticias Telemundo’s “Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” (Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community) Town Hall broadcast on Sunday, February 12 at 7PM/6 C, ranked # 1 in Spanish-language TV in primetime across all key demographics, averaging 1.57 million total viewers, 708,000 adults 18 to 49 and 325,000 adults 18 to 34, according to Nielsen. The news special moderated by Noticias Telemundo News Anchor José Díaz-Balart also positioned Telemundo as the #1 Spanish-language network during the entire primetime on Sunday, across all key demos.

“Noticias Telemundo is empowering millions of Latinos with reliable and TRANSPARENT information at a time of change,” said José Díaz-Balart. “Viewers trust us because they know our only commitment is to present the facts the way they are, with professionalism and a total commitment to our community.”

“Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community” also reached 1.6 million viewers on Facebook, generating 23,000 global actions on the social network.

The Town Hall answered viewers’ questions about the impact of President Trump’s immigration policy on the Hispanic community. The news special featured a panel of experts, including immigration lawyer and Telemundo contributor Alma Rosa Nieto; Telemundo conservative political analyst Ana Navarro; the Deputy Vice President of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Clarissa Martínez, and CHIRLA’s Executive Director, Angélica Salas. In addition, “El Poder en Ti”, Telemundo’s robust community initiative, launched an Internet site for Hispanics looking for information, tools and resources on immigration in parallel to the Town Hall.

“Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” is part of a series of Noticias Telemundo specials, including “Trump en la Casa Blanca,” produced the day after the elections, and “Trump y los Latinos,” which aired on Inauguration Day. All of these programs share an emphasis on allowing audiences to express their views and empower them by giving them access to trustworthy, rigorous and relevant information presented under Noticias Telemundo’s banner “Telling It Like It Is” (“Las Cosas Como Son” in Spanish).

Noticias Telemundo is the information unit of Telemundo Network and a leader provider in news serving the US Hispanics across all broadcast and digital platforms. Its award-winning television news broadcasts include the daily newscast “Noticias Telemundo,” the Sunday current affairs show “Enfoque con José Díaz-Balart” and the daily news and entertainment magazine “Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste.” The rapidly-growing “Noticias Telemundo Digital Team” provides continuous content to US Hispanics wherever they are, whenever they want it. Noticias Telemundo also produces award winning news specials, documentaries and news event such as political debates, forums and town halls.

Source: Nielsen L+SD IMP, 2/12/17. TEL #1 SLTV (vs UNI, UMA, AZA, ETV). Shareablee, 2/6/17-2/12/17.

Image courtesy of Telemundo.

Source Article from

Se pensó que el cáncer lo superaría pero finalmente no fue así. Pau Donés, el mítico vocalista y compositor de la banda española Jarabe de Palo, volvió a recaer y los médicos le informaron que su enfermedad es terminal.

Los doctores de Donés habrían determinado que las posibilidades que tiene de sobrevivir es solamente un 20%. Aproximadamente, un poco más de cinco años.

“Los médicos han dicho que solo hay un 20% de posibilidades de que viva más de cinco años. ¡Pues ya son 20! Y yo quiero ser uno de esos. Me gustaría no pensar en el cáncer ni en que dentro de cinco años ya no estoy aquí. Ya no he vuelto a preguntar cuánto tiempo me queda de vida porque no me importa saberlo”, afirmó el cantante a la revista española XLSemanal.

La noticia ha sido resentida por fans y amigos de la banda. Aún así, Donés confesó en la publicación que esta enfermedad lo ha hecho feliz, ya que sin ella se estaba perdiendo en muchas otras cosas de la vida que ahora sí aprovecha.

“Yo no era un tío feliz antes del cáncer y ahora lo soy. Creo que desde que ejerzo de padre de mi hija, me quiere un poquito más. Intenté dar mucha calidad al tiempo que le he dispensado, pero ha sido muy poco. Ahora la he recuperado y por eso digo que no me quiero morir, porque la gente que me quiere no se lo merece”, señaló.

Con estas palabras, Pau se ha convertido en un ejemplo y hasta un ídolo para otros que sufren de cáncer. Cabe recordar que el pasado mes de diciembre, Jarabe de Palo realizó conciertos con el objetivo de recaudar fondos para estudios del cáncer colorrectal con metástasis.

Más de 83 mil euros se han logrado recaudar en eventos de ayuda que fueron destinados a identificar y desarrollar nuevos fármacos para el tratamiento del oncogén BRAF y que está llevando a cabo el Vall Hebron Instituto de Oncología (VHIO).

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