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La pareja que bailaba entre cadáveres

El alcalde de Iguala y su esposa, buscados en México por la desaparición de 43 estudiantes, sembraron el terror bajo la sombra del narco. 

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São Paulo – Oil barrel prices have bottomed out to their lowest in two years this week due to heightened supply and weak demand. The industry expects prices to remain around US$ 85 per barrel of the Brent Crude oil type (traded on the London Stock Exchange) for the next few months. If the trend bears out, major oil companies will have to revise their investment and debt plans. Even major global producing and exporting countries will need to cut down their spending.

According to the global news director at New York’s commodities consulting firm Platts, John Kingston, oil prices are bearish because the world economy is in “big trouble” and recovering slowly. Conversely, production and supply are on the way up.

“Demand is sluggish and growth is very slow around the world, which is still depending on the recovery of the United States’ economy,” Kingston told ANBA.

The director of the Brazilian Infrastructure Centre (CBIE), Adriano Pires also believes the world economy is recovering very slowly. He remarks that recent conflicts in Middle East countries like Palestine and Syria, coupled with the Ukrainian crisis, had postponed the price drop. Besides, the United States’ output is strong right now and investment projects rolled out over the past few years are beginning to bear fruit, causing exploration to increase.

Pires notes, however, that the commodity’s price has ups and downs. It peaked in 1973 and 1989, and plummeted in 1986 and throughout the 1990s. In 2008, however, oil sold for as much as US$ 140. By October 15th, 2012, the Brent barrel was selling for US$ 115.07. A year later, it cost US$ 110.86. This Thursday (16th), it closed at US$ 86.12.

Prices may keep falling, but not much further. Pires expects them to remain close to US$ 80. They may even increase slightly in the days leading up to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) meeting scheduled for late November. Countries like Venezuela and Libya want to reign in output so prices will rise, driving up revenues. Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, for their part, would rather wait longer before slowing the output down.

The impact will likely not be as strongly felt by the United States. The country is producing oil domestically through unconventional gas extraction, thus reducing its dependence on imports and their influence on the country. Extraction of this type of gas and oil costs more, but Kingston claims some producers can “withstand” prices as low as US$ 70. “It all depends on the extraction technology and the productivity it affords,” he says.

The effects on Brazil

Low oil prices may influence the Brazilian federal government and Petrobras’ decisions in the short, medium and long run. According to Pires, plummeting oil prices relieve pressure on the government to raise fuel prices, which have been kept lower than they should be in order to curb rising inflation.

On the one hand, lower prices will also drive down costs for Petrobras. The downside is they should weigh down on the state-owned company’s revenues. “These prices will cut losses for Petrobras, but they will also jeopardize its investments, because the company is working with a price estimate of US$ 100 until 2018, and then with US$ 95. If this scenario persists, then Petrobras and other oil companies will have to reformulate their investment strategies,” he asserts.

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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São Paulo – Oil barrel prices have bottomed out to their lowest in two years this week due to heightened supply and weak demand. The industry expects prices to remain around US$ 85 per barrel of the Brent Crude oil type (traded on the London Stock Exchange) for the next few months. If the trend bears out, major oil companies will have to revise their investment and debt plans. Even major global producing and exporting countries will need to cut down their spending.

According to the global news director at New York’s commodities consulting firm Platts, John Kingston, oil prices are bearish because the world economy is in “big trouble” and recovering slowly. Conversely, production and supply are on the way up.

“Demand is sluggish and growth is very slow around the world, which is still depending on the recovery of the United States’ economy,” Kingston told ANBA.

The director of the Brazilian Infrastructure Centre (CBIE), Adriano Pires also believes the world economy is recovering very slowly. He remarks that recent conflicts in Middle East countries like Palestine and Syria, coupled with the Ukrainian crisis, had postponed the price drop. Besides, the United States’ output is strong right now and investment projects rolled out over the past few years are beginning to bear fruit, causing exploration to increase.

Pires notes, however, that the commodity’s price has ups and downs. It peaked in 1973 and 1989, and plummeted in 1986 and throughout the 1990s. In 2008, however, oil sold for as much as US$ 140. By October 15th, 2012, the Brent barrel was selling for US$ 115.07. A year later, it cost US$ 110.86. This Thursday (16th), it closed at US$ 86.12.

Prices may keep falling, but not much further. Pires expects them to remain close to US$ 80. They may even increase slightly in the days leading up to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) meeting scheduled for late November. Countries like Venezuela and Libya want to reign in output so prices will rise, driving up revenues. Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, for their part, would rather wait longer before slowing the output down.

The impact will likely not be as strongly felt by the United States. The country is producing oil domestically through unconventional gas extraction, thus reducing its dependence on imports and their influence on the country. Extraction of this type of gas and oil costs more, but Kingston claims some producers can “withstand” prices as low as US$ 70. “It all depends on the extraction technology and the productivity it affords,” he says.

The effects on Brazil

Low oil prices may influence the Brazilian federal government and Petrobras’ decisions in the short, medium and long run. According to Pires, plummeting oil prices relieve pressure on the government to raise fuel prices, which have been kept lower than they should be in order to curb rising inflation.

On the one hand, lower prices will also drive down costs for Petrobras. The downside is they should weigh down on the state-owned company’s revenues. “These prices will cut losses for Petrobras, but they will also jeopardize its investments, because the company is working with a price estimate of US$ 100 until 2018, and then with US$ 95. If this scenario persists, then Petrobras and other oil companies will have to reformulate their investment strategies,” he asserts.

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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Todas las noticias sobre el ébola

Reacciones políticas, datos oficiales, protocolos seguidos, evolución de los contagiados…consulta todas las noticias relevantes y la última hora sobre el virus del ébola.

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CETEG y normalistas anuncia la toma de 81 alcaldias en Guerrero

La asamblea nacional popular que se integró ayer en Ayotzinapa, guerrero, por 53 organizaciones sociales y estudiantiles del país, decidieron tomar hoy las 81 alcaldías del estado para exigir la presentación con vida de los 43 normalistas desaparecidos el 26 de septiembre…

* Los ayuntamientos de Tlapa, Huamuxtitlán, Chilpancingo, Atenango, Copalillo e Iguala ya fueron tomados de manera pacífica por los integrantes de la CETEG…

* De acuerdo con la línea de acción en las protestas de normalistas, se tiene prevista una mega marcha en Acapulco para mañana, en la que participarán normalistas, la CETEG, el CNTE de Oaxaca y sindicatos…

* En la siguiente fase se plantea el 19 de octubre, la toma de casetas de cobro de autopistas y a partir del 20 de octubre,  la toma de carreteras federales, aeropuertos y refinerías…


Redes sociales alrededor del mundo se convulsiona ante caso Ayotzinapa

* Además, en redes sociales comenzaron a circular videos con el hashtag #43convidaya de universitarios de todo el país y de otros como China, Bolivia y España, en demanda del regreso de los normalistas de Ayotzinapa…

* Ayer, la policía comunitaria encontró seis fosas clandestinas más, cerca de iguala…con estas ya suman 19 en esa zona…


PGR ofrecerá recompensa para encontrar responsables del caso Iguala

* La PGR ofrecerá recompensas para encontrar a los presuntos responsables prófugos del caso Iguala, adelantó el senador Omar Fayad, luego de la reunión de la comisión bicameral de seguridad con funcionarios del gabinete de seguridad…

*Mañana el congreso de guerrero votará la suspensión de poderes del alcalde de iguala, José Luis Abarca…si no es en el congreso, que sufrió daños por las protestas de normalistas, será en otro lugar, pero se realizará la sesión, advirtió el diputado local Jorge Camacho….


Desaparecer poderes en Guerrero no es una solución de fondo: Andrés Bahena

* Desaparecer los poderes en guerrero no es una solución de fondo…la prioridad debe ser encontrar a los 43 normalistas con vida, dice en entrevista con imagen, Andrés Bahena, líder del pan en guerrero…

*Por otro lado, fue detenido en Acapulco el presunto operador financiero del grupo delictivo ‘guerreros unidos’, Raúl Núñez Salgado… el director de la agencia de investigación criminal, Tomás Zerón, dijo que este sujeto entregaba 600 mil pesos mensuales al subdirector de seguridad pública de iguala, francisco salgado valladares, quien se encuentra prófugo…

*El alcalde de Cocula, César Peñaloza, regresó a sus funciones luego de declarar como testigo tras la detención de 14 de sus policías municipales por la desaparición de los normalistas… Afirma que no tenía conocimiento, del involucramiento de éstos en los hechos del 26 y 27 de septiembre en iguala…


Continúa el paro por tiempo indefinido del IPN

Esta mañana 19 de 24 escuelas de la UNAM que se sumaron al paro de labores, en apoyo a los normalistas, volvieron a clases…permanecen tomadas las FES Acatlán y de economía, así como los planteles Naucalpan y Atzcapotzalco del Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades y la Escuela Nacional Preparatoria número 2…

* Mientras tanto, continua el paro de actividades en el Instituto Politécnico Nacional “por tiempo indefinido”… La ‘asamblea general politécnica’ consideró ‘insatisfactoria’ la respuesta del gobierno federal a su pliego petitorio, porque aseguran que “no resuelve el conflicto”… hoy la asamblea general politécnica retomó el debate…


* Donovan Garrido, estudiante de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería y Arquitectura Unidad Zacatenco, habló en la primera con Adela sobre el análisis de la respuesta entregada por la SEP…

*Maestros del politécnico insistieron en que respetan la decisión de los alumnos de continuar el paro indefinido pero se corre el riesgo de perder el semestre, afectando a más de 170 mil estudiantes advirtió el líder de los maestros de la sección 60 del SNTE, Bernardo Quezada Salas…


EPN inaugura Foro Internacional Alternativas Verdes

En Morelos, el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto, inaugura el Foro Internacional Alternativas Verdes que busca impulsar el uso de las energías renovables desde una perspectiva económica, sustentable y de innovación…


Dirigentes de partidos se reunirán para evaluar situación del país

Hoy se reunirán los líderes del pan Ricardo Anaya, del PRI, César Camacho y del PRD anticipó el dirigente nacional del sol azteca Carlos Navarrete…el objetivo es evaluar la situación del país…

*Carlos Navarrete también tendrá un encuentro con el grupo parlamentario del PRD en el senado, esto luego de que Alejandro Encinas solicitó a la PGR investigar posibles infiltraciones del crimen organizado  en el partido….


Adolescente apuñala a compañero por bullying

En Saltillo Coahuila, un alumno de secundaria de 14 años, murió por lesiones de arma blanca herido por un compañero cuando pelearon adentro de la escuela secundaria, General Otilio González…agentes de la policía municipal detuvieron al agresor, de quien no se reveló su nombre…


Entregan cuerpo de ‘El Benjamón’ a sus familiares

Ya fue entregado a sus familiares el cuerpo de Benjamín Mondragón pereda,  presunto jefe de plaza en Morelos del grupo delictivo Guerreros Unidos…


Nezahualcóyotl y la problemática de la basura

Los tiraderos de basura a cielo abierto, como el que opera en el municipio mexiquense de Nezahualcóyotl, producen tóxicos que pueden costarle la vida a alguien, así lo alerta la organización ecologista, Greenpeace

*Pero además el problema de la basura acumulada en las calles ante la falta de contenedores afecta a los Comercios de Neza


En las imágenes de los números y las finanzas.-

Este mediodía inició en la cámara de diputados la discusión sobre la ley de egresos 2014-2015 cuyo gasto ascendería a 4.7 billones de pesos…entre otros puntos se debate el precio de barril de petróleo…


La bolsa mexicana de valores gana  0.01 por ciento… en estados unidos, el dow jones sube 0.18 por ciento y el Nasdaq disminuye 0.08  por ciento…

* El dólar se compra en 13 pesos con 22 centavos y se vende en 13 pesos con 82 centavos… el euro se adquiere en 17 pesos con 11 centavos y se ofrece en 17 pesos con 58 centavos…


En las imágenes internacionales

El aeropuerto de Madrid activó el protocolo de emergencia sanitaria ante la sospecha de que un pasajero procedente de lagos, Nigeria, tenga ébola…el paciente hizo escala en Francia antes de viajar a Madrid…fue internado en el hospital Carlos Tercero donde está la enfermera teresa romero cuya salud reporta mejoría…

* En tanto, en Cleveland, dos escuelas del poblado de Solón, cerraron por precaución tras conocerse que uno de sus directivos viajó en el mismo avión en que lo hizo la enfermera texana Amber Jay Vinson contagiada de ébola…

* Además de acuerdo con el centro para el control y prevención de enfermedades una familia, incluido un niño, que viajó en el mismo vuelo que Vinson está en aislamiento…

Hoy se celebra el día mundial de la alimentación, con la que se busca promover un debate sobre las dificultades a las que se enfrentan los pequeños productores de alimentos, ya que coincide con el lema del año internacional de la agricultura familiar, que propone “alimentar al mundo y cuidar el planeta”…


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São Paulo – Using the creativity of citizens, promoting their integration and circulation are some of the solutions to the problems of large, medium and small cities. In a lecture delivered last Tuesday evening (14th) at the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in São Paulo, the coordinator of the Cultural Economics course at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), Ana Carla Fonseca Reis, outlined the key elements for cities to grow and solve their problems with popular involvement. Approximately 50 people watched the presentation, including the Arab Chamber president Marcelo Sallum and former director Mário Rizkallah.

Some examples of creative cities presented by the public administrator and economist include London, in the United Kingdom, Barcelona, in Spain, and Ankara, in Turkey. In Brazil, she mentioned Paraty, in Rio de Janeiro, and Guaramiranga, in Ceará. “These are cities that have set out to innovate their reality and popular culture from the inside out, i.e. from within the city to other localities,” she said.

Sérgio Tomisaki/Arab Chamber

Reis and Sallum: event showcased the potential cities have

According to Reis, Guaramiranga, in Ceará, is a city that used to live off of coffee farming. As traditional families left the small town and growing competition from state capital Fortaleza as a tour destination, the city became threatened by mounting problems. 

“However, they capitalized on their local culture of Northeastern musical rhythms; they have projects for developing young musicians; they host a jazz festival every year, during Carnival, of all times; and they have watched as their population soared from 5,000 to 15,000. Besides, they work in tandem with other nearby small towns,” she said.

“Cities can be creative regardless of their size, but those that wish to be or are creative often have clear-cut features: they innovate, for instance, by implementing a solid waste reuse system. They also value the connections between people. Whenever the people connect, they exchange ideas and experiences of their emotional ties with their cities or neighbourhoods; thereby, civil society participation increases. The third feature of these cities is that they value local culture and potential,” she asserted.

As case in points, she cited Peru, a country that has gone beyond its well-known tourist destinations such as Machu Picchu to tap into other aspects of its culture, such as cuisine. Ankara, in Turkey, has developed a project for local artisans to sell their items to tourists, and the government takes charge of shipping the product and insuring the purchase. Reis also mentioned object sharing in large cities, such as electric car rental in Lyon and Paris. “The culture of sharing, of having citizens use, but not own objects.”

In Brazil, Reis listed Paraty and Guaramiranga as the best examples of creative cities, but remarked that the concept is still met with challenges in the country. “They [the cities] don’t foster connections between their residents; they are still too divided into ‘ghettos.’ This remains a hurdle,” she claimed.

In terms of Arab cities, Reis cited Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, which has a plan of integrating leisure, culture and work activities by 2030. Abu Dhabi’s population should double by then, and therefore, said Reis, the city is investing in transformation by integrating activities and inhabitants. As an example, she discussed museums designed by award-winning architects that are currently under construction in a designated area within the city.

Reis’ presentation is part of the Arab Chamber Lecture Cycle, held on a regular basis and covering myriad topics. The next guest will be the historian Demétrio Magnoli, who will tackle progress and challenges for Brazil and the Mercosur. The meeting with Magnoli is set to take place on November 18th.

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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São Paulo – The Brazilian government visited irrigation projects in Morocco and Spain with the objective of bringing back to the country knowledge of different global experiences in the segment. The Brazilian secretary for Irrigation at the Brazilian Ministry of National Integration, Guilherme Costa, visited the Arab country in the first four days of this month and saw up close the project in the Taroudant region, East of Agadir. The mission was promoted by the World Bank.

“They are heroes, they plant in a difficult soil, in a difficult climate, they are hardworking, engaged, I was in awe with what they are doing with the resources they have,” the secretary told ANBA in an interview. Costa says that the irrigation project he has visited was sponsored by the Moroccan government. The producers who benefit from it also contribute financially, but the system is primarily supported by the public sector.

The crops in the region are predominantly of citrus fruit. However, some other products such as greens are also grown there. The secretary says that Morocco and Brazil share some similarities in the distribution of wealth, therefore the Moroccan experience can be used in Brazil. “Sometimes the government needs to contribute without getting anything in return,” he said.

Costa stayed from September 28th to 30th in the other country he visited, Spain, and there the projects are developed in a partnership between government and private enterprises. In one of the regions he visited, first the rural producers organized the project, then the government made the investments and later the project was passed on to private enterprises for improvement, maintenance etc. The producers pay a fee to use it. “We believe we need to have solutions to cater to several segments, this irrigation model needs to be in our portfolio,” said Costa about the Spanish system.

Currently there are six million hectares of irrigated land in Brazil, 95% of which are owned by private enterprises and 5% by the public sector. The government’s goal, according to the secretary, is to double this area in ten years’ time. Public-private partnerships are considered another option for this expansion, but Costa says different models are needed for each segment. Brazil’s irrigation projects span several regions, such as Northeast, Southeast, South and Midwest.

The mission Costa took part in also had officials from other countries: Uruguay, Argentina, Peru and Guatemala. A similar trip, this time to Peru, should take place next March. The World Bank wants to create a forum for international debate and knowledge exchange in the area.

*Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça

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São Paulo – The Brazilian government visited irrigation projects in Morocco and Spain with the objective of bringing back to the country knowledge of different global experiences in the segment. The Brazilian secretary for Irrigation at the Brazilian Ministry of National Integration, Guilherme Costa, visited the Arab country in the first four days of this month and saw up close the project in the Taroudant region, East of Agadir. The mission was promoted by the World Bank.

“They are heroes, they farm a difficult soil, in a difficult climate, they are hardworking, engaged, I was in awe with what they are doing with the resources they have,” the secretary told ANBA in an interview. Costa says that the irrigation project he has visited was sponsored by the Moroccan government. The producers who benefit from it also contribute financially, but the system is primarily supported by the public sector.

The crops in the region are predominantly of citrus fruit. However, some other products such as greens are also grown there. The secretary says that Morocco and Brazil share some similarities in the distribution of wealth, therefore the Moroccan experience can be used in Brazil. “Sometimes the government needs to contribute without getting anything in return,” he said.

Costa stayed from September 28th to 30th in the other country he visited, Spain, and there the projects are developed in a partnership between government and private enterprises. In one of the regions he visited, first the rural producers organized the project, then the government made the investments and later the project was passed on to private enterprises for improvement, maintenance etc. The producers pay a fee to use it. “We believe we need to have solutions to cater to several segments, this irrigation model needs to be in our portfolio,” said Costa about the Spanish system.

Currently there are six million hectares of irrigated land in Brazil, 95% of which are owned by private enterprises and 5% by the public sector. The government’s goal, according to the secretary, is to double this area in ten years’ time. Public-private partnerships are considered another option for this expansion, but Costa says different models are needed for each segment. Brazil’s irrigation projects span several regions, such as Northeast, Southeast, South and Midwest.

The mission Costa took part in also had officials from other countries: Uruguay, Argentina, Peru and Guatemala. A similar trip, this time to Peru, should take place next March. The World Bank wants to create a forum for international debate and knowledge exchange in the area.

*Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça

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São Paulo – The Brazilian government visited irrigation projects in Morocco and Spain with the objective of bringing back to the country knowledge of different global experiences in the segment. The Brazilian secretary for Irrigation at the Brazilian Ministry of National Integration, Guilherme Costa, visited the Arab country in the first four days of this month and saw up close the project in the Taroudant region, East of Agadir. The mission was promoted by the World Bank.

“They are heroes, they farm a difficult soil, under harsh climate, they are hard working, engaged, industrious. I was in awe with what they are doing with the resources they have,” the secretary told ANBA in an interview. Costa says that the irrigation project he has visited was sponsored by the Moroccan government. The producers who benefit from it also contribute financially, but the system is primarily supported by the public sector.

The crops in the region are predominantly of citrus fruit. However, some other products such as greens are also grown there. The secretary says that Morocco and Brazil share some similarities in the distribution of wealth, therefore the Moroccan experience can be used in Brazil. “Sometimes the government needs to contribute without getting anything in return,” he said.

Costa stayed from September 28th to 30th in the other country he visited, Spain, and there the projects are developed in a partnership between government and private enterprises. In one of the regions he visited, first the rural producers organized the project, then the government made the investments and later the project was passed on to private enterprises for improvement, maintenance etc. The producers pay a fee to use it. “We believe we need to have solutions to cater to several segments, this irrigation model needs to be in our portfolio,” said Costa about the Spanish system.

Currently there are six million hectares of irrigated land in Brazil, 95% of which are owned by private enterprises and 5% by the public sector. The government’s goal, according to the secretary, is to double this area in ten years’ time. Public-private partnerships are considered another option for this expansion, but Costa says different models are needed for each segment. Brazil’s irrigation projects span several regions, such as Northeast, Southeast, South and Midwest.

The mission Costa took part in also had officials from other countries: Uruguay, Argentina, Peru and Guatemala. A similar trip, this time to Peru, should take place next March. The World Bank wants to create a forum for international debate and knowledge exchange in the area.

*Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça

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Cae líder de los Guerreros Unidos en Morelos

Esta madrugada, el líder del cártel Guerreros Unidos en Morelos, Benjamín Mondragón pereda, alias el ‘Benjamón’, fue abatido en el municipio de Jiutepec, confirmó el secretario de gobierno, Matías Quiroz Medina…

* “Guerreros Unidos”, es el grupo criminal al que se acusa de estar detrás de la desaparición de los 43 estudiantes de Ayotzinapa hace más de dos semanas en Iguala…

Ángel Aguirre admite que hay lugares donde manda el crimen organizado en Guerrero

* Admite el gobernador de Guerrero, Ángel Aguirre, que hay lugares en el estado donde manda la delincuencia organizada…

* Estudiantes, maestros y padres de familia de la escuela normal de Ayotzinapa piden la renuncia del gobernador y la detención del alcalde con licencia de iguala, José Luis Abarca…los responsabilizan del asesinato de 6 personas, entre ellas 3 normalistas en el ataque del 26 de septiembre…

Normalistas y maestros vandalizan Palacio de Gobierno de Guerrero

* Ayer en protesta incendiaron las oficinas del palacio de gobierno de guerrero y la alcaldía de Chilpancingo, para exigir la presentación con vida de los 43 normalistas de Ayotzinapa que están desaparecidos desde entonces…

Se esperan manifestaciones de normalistas en Guerrero

* Para hoy se esperan manifestaciones de los normalistas, ahora en las sedes de los partidos políticos, advirtió el legislador y presidente de la comisión de justicia del congreso de Guerrero Jorge Camacho, al asegurar que en guerrero se percibe una ausencia total de la autoridad…

Alcalde de Chilpancingo prevé protestas en la ciudad

* En ‘la primera por Adela’, el alcalde de Chilpancingo, Mario Moreno Arcos, anticipó una segunda jornada de protestas en la ciudad, con la llegada de normalistas de Oaxaca y Michoacán…

* También en imagen, Uriel Alonso, representante del comité estudiantil de la normal rural de Ayotzinapa, habló de los desmanes que protagonizaron ayer en Chilpancingo…

* La Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la educación anunció caravanas hacia Guerrero para solidarizarse con los normalistas… Los contingentes saldrán el 15 de octubre de Oaxaca y el Distrito Federal…

* El secretario de gobierno de Guerrero, Jesús Martínez Garnelo, anunció el arribo a Chilpancingo fuerzas antimotines para resguardar a los habitantes de la ciudad y sus actividades, mientras continúa el diálogo con los normalistas…

Violencia en Guerrero daña la percepción sobre el país

* La situación y los hechos de violencia en Guerrero dañan la percepción sobre el país, pero no tocan la economía aseguró el secretario de hacienda Luis vadeara…

Cuatro escuelas de la UNAM realizan paro de labores en apoyo a normalistas de Ayotzinapa

* Cuatro escuelas de la UNAM: las Facultades de Filosofía y Letras, Ciencias Políticas, la escuela Nacional de Trabajo Social y las FES Zaragoza amanecieron en paro en apoyo a los normalistas de Ayotzinapa que demandan la aparición con vida de 43 de sus compañeros… en el resto de los planteles de la máxima casa de estudios superiores hay clases normales…

* Mañana serán recibidos los familiares de los normalistas desaparecidos en las islas de Ciudad Universitaria y para la tarde tienen planeado un plantón frente a la PGR… para el viernes 22 está prevista una caminata nocturna con veladoras en paseo de la reforma, además de un segundo paro de labores…

* La universidad pedagógica nacional y la UAM Xochimilco también se unieron a este paro por Ayotzinapa…


Académicos y trabajadores del IPN entregan pliego petitorio a Segob

Académicos y trabajadores del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, entregaron en las Secretarías de Gobernación y de educación pública, para entregar su propio pliego petitorio… Mientras, la asamblea general de estudiantes espera hoy respuesta de las autoridades a su contrapropuesta entregada el viernes pasado… Por la tarde se reunirán para definir si continúa el paro educativo…


Trasladan al penal de Puente Grande a ‘El Viceroy’

El líder del cártel de Ciudad Juárez, Vicente Carrillo Fuentes, alias “El Viceroy”, fue trasladado al penal federal de Puente Grande, en Jalisco, de acuerdo con informes de la procuraduría general de la república…


No habrá impunidad en la muerte de Atilano Román: Malova

Advierte el gobernador de Sinaloa, Mario López Valdés, que no habrá impunidad en el asesinato del líder comunero Atilano Román, perpetrado mientras conducía un programa semanal de radio en la estación ABC-El Sol de Mazatlán… Un grupo especial investiga el caso e incluso se pidió apoyo a la PGR para dar con los agresores…

* También allá en Sinaloa, familiares del director general de la revista ‘Nueva Prensa’, Jesús Antonio AGmboa, denunciaron su desaparición desde el pasado viernes por la noche…


Encuentras 21 cadáveres en Edomex

Crea polémica el posible hallazgo de cadáveres en el rio de los remedios, Ecatepec, Estado de México… ayer el legislador perredista local Octavio Martínez, denunció via twitter el hallazgo de 21 cadáveres durante trabajos de limpieza realizados en las últimas semanas en el lugar…

* El secretario general de gobierno del estado de México José Manzur rechazó que el río de los remedios se haya convertido en un tiradero de cuerpos…reconoció que se han encontrado restos óseos, pero no se sabe si son de origen animal o humano…

* El problema de la basura representa un foco de infección las 24 horas del día, para poco más de un millón de habitantes del municipio mexiquense de Nezahualcóyotl… y es que el tiradero a cielo abierto, Neza 3, refleja la falta de planeación para el manejo de los desechos urbanos.


Se registra explosión de gas en Tepito

Esta mañana una acumulación de gas provocó una explosión en una vecindad de la colonia Morelos…el saldo es de 10 personas heridas, 3 de gravedad que fueron trasladadas al hospital Rubén Leñero…


En las imágenes de los números y las finanzas

El grupo bancario estadounidense Citigroup cerrará operaciones de banca minorista en once países, seis de América latina…los países de donde se retira son costa rica, el salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panamá, Perú, Hungría y República checa, además de Egipto, Japón y la Isla de Guam…

* Este anuncio lo hizo pese a que sus acciones repuntaron 2.3%  de acuerdo con su reporte trimestral y de un nuevo fraude, por 15 millones de dólares, en su unidad antisecuestros de Banamex, que aseguran, no frena a los inversores por las acciones de Citigroup…

La bolsa mexicana de valores gana 0.24 por ciento… en estados unidos, el Dow jones gana 0.50 por ciento y el Nasdaq aumenta 0.72 por ciento…

El dólar se compra en 13 pesos con 10 centavos y se vende en 13 pesos con 70 centavos… el euro se adquiere en 16 pesos con 73 centavos y se ofrece en 17 pesos con 19 centavos…

En las imágenes internacionales…

Los obispos que participan en el sínodo del vaticano continúan el debate sobre la apertura a parejas homosexuales y a las que conviven sin casarse…aclaran que no tomado ninguna decisión como se difundió desde ayer…

En los próximos dos meses habrá 10 mil contagios de ébola cada semana en todo el mundo, si no se intensifica la respuesta ante la crisis, advirtió el director general adjunto de la organización mundial de la salud, Bruce Aylward…

Las autoridades de el salvador declararon hoy alerta de tsunami en el océano pacífico tras el terremoto de 7.4 grados Richter que sacudió las costas del país… la dirección de protección civil informó que el sismo se sintió en Honduras, Nicaragua y Costa Rica…en Chile se reportó un muerto y 3 heridos…

Sobrevivientes del ataque emprendido por los Yihaidistas del estado islámico para tomar la ciudad siria de Kobani, aseguran que en las calles hay decenas de cuerpos decapitados; caras sin ojos o con la lengua cortada…así lo declararon a un fotorreportero del diario  “The Daily Mail”…

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Martes, 14 de Octubre 2014  |  10:32 am

Créditos: EFE(Referencial)

Jesús Antonio Gamboa Urías, director de la revista política Nueva Prensa en Sinaloa, uno de los estados más violentos de México, cuna de los principales cárteles del narcotráfico.

El periodista mexicano Jesús Antonio Gamboa Urías, director de la revista política Nueva Prensa del municipio de Ahome en el noroccidental estado de Sinaloa, desapareció el viernes pasado, denunciaron este martes 14 de octubre sus familiares.

El comunicador, a quien sus amigos apodan Tony Gamboa, fue visto por ultima vez la noche del pasado viernes en un negocio de uno de sus hermanos, y desde ese día, no se le ha vuelto a ver, explicaron sus familiares al ministerio público de esa ciudad.

Según sus hermanos, el periodista no llegó a su casa y, aunque se le ha buscado desde el sábado, no contesta su celular y tampoco ha sido visto en los lugares que normalmente frecuenta.

“Lo hemos buscado en lugares que más o menos frecuenta y no, y ayer igual lo buscamos con la policía y en diferente lugares y seguimos aquí desesperados y sin noticias”, declararon sus familiares ante la autoridad.

“La última vez que lo vimos fue el viernes cerca de la medianoche en el negocio de su hermano. Estuvo ahí un buen rato, se fue y no volvimos a saber de él”, explicó un amigo cercano del periodista de 39 años.

En agosto pasado, el Congreso del estado de Sinaloa derogó una disposición que limitaba la cobertura periodística sobre hechos delictivos y que fue objeto de un firme rechazo de comunicadores y organizaciones civiles.

Sinaloa es uno de los estados más violentos de México, fue cuna de los principales cárteles del narcotráfico, y la violencia se ha agravado a raíz de la captura del líder del cártel de Sinaloa, Joaquín “el Chapo” Guzmán, en febrero pasado.




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El ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud de Venezuela realizó este martes el primer simulacro de diagnóstico a personas que pudieran presentar síntomas del virus del ébola.

De acuerdo con el protocolo de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), la cartera ministerial llevó a cabo el ensayo de la operación preventiva en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Maiquetía (IAIM), específicamente en la terminal aérea “Simón Bolívar”, en el estado Vargas (centro-norte).

¿Cómo actuará el IAIM en caso de sospecha del virus?

En la rampa 4 del aeropuerto se habilitó una sala de aislamiento que será utilizada en caso de presentarse la sospecha de una persona con los síntomas del virus.

Luego de aislar a la persona en la sala, se trasladará a uno de los centros hospitalarios seleccionados para atender los casos en Vargas.


La ministra para la Salud, Nancy Pérez, informó que el próximo miércoles llegarán al país un mil 500 trajes de bioseguridad fundamentales para atender estos casos.

Igualmente, anunció que Venezuela adquirió un laboratorio de bioseguridad. Éste es un container que estará equipado para realizar los exámenes de sangre necesarios para confirmar o descartar la presencia del virus en la persona.

Pérez dijo que se instalará una sala situacional en la que se divulgará información actualizada del comportamiento del Ébola en el mundo.

Más temprano la periodista y corresponsal de teleSUR en Venezuela, Madelein García tuiteó  (@madeleintlSUR) en la red social los adelantos del simulacro en el país suramericano:

La periodista informó la juramentación de 60 médicos integrales y epidemiológicos para promover la campaña de lucha contra el ébola en ese país.

Source Article from

Lebanese Ministry of Tourism

A Muslim mosque in Beirut

São Paulo – Travel agency and tour operator Lynden, headquartered in São Paulo, is focused at promoting the Arab world as a travel destination for Brazilians. Owned by Khaled Fayez Mahassen, a Lebanese who has been living in Brazil for 44 years, the company specializes in Middle East, but also offers packages to other parts of the world, and sends around 150 Brazilian tourists to the region per year. 

Within the Arab world, the leading tourist destination for Lyden’s clients is Lebanon. The Middle East packages also include, besides the airplane ticket and accommodation, cultural and historical tours, such as a ride through the south part of the country, where tourists can see a 13th-century castle in the city of Sidon, trips to the region of Baalbeck, with an archeological site and vineyards, and visits to places like the Gibran Khalil Gibran Museum or Beirut central district.

According to Mahassen, in the package to Lebanon, five days are reserved for planned tours, as the ones mentioned above, and two days are left for the travellers to enjoy the hotel, beaches and go shopping at leisure. The visitors can purchase not only Arab products in the country, says the businessman, but also European brands’ products at better prices than in Brazil.

Lebanese Ministry of Tourism

The arab country has mountainous regions

Mahassen explains that the largest demand for packages to Lebanon does not come from Brazilian people of Arab descent. “It comes from people with no ties to the Arab world. Lebanon has a very rich history. Brazilians who are a little more educated know what Lebanon can offer and seek it,” he says. The package is usually offered with other destination in the region, such as Jordan, Turkey or even the United Arab Emirates.

Lynden had, until 2011, a flagship package which included Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. Due to the conflict in Syria, however, the package can no longer be offered. Previously to the political and social turmoil Middle East is currently in, the agency used to send between 400 and 500 Brazilian tourists to Arab countries. “There are those who still take a risk and say: I am going there today because tomorrow the risk might be higher”, he says about the travellers to Lebanon.

Mahassen says that clients look for trips to Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, for different reasons than those going to Lebanon, as the destination was promoted as being a luxurious place, with tall skyscrapers and modernity by the Emirates, an airline with direct flights from Brazil there. Travellers do not usually go only to Dubai, but the destination is a four- or five-day stopover in trips to India, China and Japan.

Press release

Mahassen: first, textile and later tourism

According to Mahassen, Lynden offers tour packages to all Arab countries which have a tourism industry, including Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, Qatar, Tunisia and Morocco, in addition to those mentioned above. They also offer packages to destinations such as Cuba, Colombia, Mexico, Armenia, Turkey, Greece and other countries in Europe and Central America. The company works as a tour operator, selling packages to travel agencies, but also as a travel agency, offering packages directly to clients. The head office, alongside a store, is located on Ipiranga Avenue, downtown São Paulo.

Lynden’s owner has been living in Brazil since he was 19 years old. He was born in the village of Drih, in the district of Shouf, and moved from the country as he was politically persecuted there. As soon as he came to Brazil, he started working with his uncles, who were textile manufacturers, and later he became a manufacturer himself, producing clothes and curtains. Later on he started working with wholesale, and even owned a restaurant. Mahassen studied Journalism and History, but dropped out of both courses. After opening Lynden, 20 years ago, he quit the other businesses. Mahassen is also a poet, with some poetry books published. He is a member of the Brazilian Communist Party (PCdoB, in the Portuguese acronym), and tried to run for state congressman in São Paulo earlier this year, but was not elected.

Phone: (+5511) 3313 1150

*Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça

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