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Employees working at Globoaves plant

 São Paulo – Globoaves, a producer of fertile eggs, one day-old cockerels, and poultry based in the Brazilian state of Paraná, is using this year’s edition of Dubai’s Gulfood fair to meet old customers and seek out new contacts. According to export manager Eduardo Kaefer, going to the fair is a chance to build “closer ties” with customers, go on technical visits, and look for new deals in the Middle East.

Meat exports account for 45% of the company’s revenues, and out of those, the Middle East accounts for 50%. Even the world economic crisis, which started in 2008 and still plagues wealthy and emerging countries alike, has failed to detract from the company’s relations with clients in the region.

“There was a slowdown in some countries, for different reasons, and not exclusively due to the international crisis. However, the Arab countries have always remained strong business partners, and our meat sales were not impacted in any significant way,” says Kaefer.

Since it first started exporting to the Middle East, in 2006, the company has been attending Gulfood. There, says the manager, Globoaves has the opportunity to get close to its clients. “Our goal in 2014, just as in past years, is to meet our clients, most of all so we can improve the services we provide. We are aware of the fact that in our line of business, making deliveries the way customers want us to, and meeting deadlines is as important as product quality. The Middle East is a market where relationship and trust are key in a negotiation,” he says.

The company, which is a member of the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, always goes to the fair with the Brazilian Poultry Union (Ubabef) and the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil). The 2014 edition of the Gulfood, due from February 23rd to 27th, will feature 77 companies at the stand organized by the Apex in partnership with the Arab Brazilian Chamber. During the event, technical visits will be paid to supermarkets in Dubai.

Globoaves was founded in 1976 as an animal food shop in Cascavel, Paraná. The company has since diversified its operations. Currently, it produces fertile eggs, sells one day-old chicks, makes animal food, operates with biotechnology, and slaughters chicken. The company posts annual revenues exceeding R$ 1 billion (US$ 414 million) and owns 90 hatcheries, five cold storage chambers, ten incubators and eight animal feed manufacturing plants.

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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São Paulo – Brasília and Copenhagen are the two finalists to host the 8th World Water Forum, in 2018. The event is attended by government officials, business delegates and researchers who convene to discuss the best ways to use and conserve water, trends, needs, and alternatives for making fresh water available to all people. In case Brasília wins, it will be the first time a city in the Southern Hemisphere hosts the forum.

The Federal District governor Agnelo Queiroz has said this Tuesday (11th), at the headquarters of the Brazilian Infrastructure and Base Industries Association (ABDIB), in São Paulo, that the federal capital has the chance to show that it is a city committed to sustainability. Brazil, in turn, could showcase its successful water resource management projects.

Marcos Carrieri/ANBA

Queiroz: advantages to city and country alike

The advantages of hosting the forum are manifold, ranging from the actual debate to the positive image that stems from displaying the sustainability [of Brasília], which is an important asset for attracting investment,” he said. Queiroz said Brazil possesses vast quantities of fresh water, but needs to manage different realities within its territory. Water is abundant in the North and South, but scarce in some areas of the Northeast. The theme of Brazil’s candidacy, “Sharing Water,” was designed to discuss ways to use water as pertains to consumption, food production, nature, and in regions with different characteristics and degrees of availability.

Queiroz said Brazil’s strengths in water resource management include advanced laws, master plans specifically targeting water, the National Water Agency (ANA, in the Portuguese acronym), and the fact that water is the main source of electric power. On the other hand, he noted that the country must expand its sewage treatment network.


According to ABDIB vice president Newton de Lima Azevedo, the forum is important to other Southern Hemisphere countries as well, such as Latin American countries. “The region is still underrepresented when it comes to debating water usage, and is still struggling when it comes to managing its water resources,” said Azevedo, who is one of the World Water Council’s 36 governors, the organization in charge of hosting the forum. The governors will vote to choose the host city.

The next voting session and the announcement of the winning city will take place in South Korea, which will host the forum on February 25th, 2015. Out of the 36 governors, nine are from the Americas, 12 are from Asia, three are from Africa, and 12 are from Europe. The first edition of the event was held in Marrakech, Morocco, in 1997. In 2000, Hague, in the Netherlands, hosted the event, as did Kyoto, Japan, in 2003, Mexico City (2006), Istanbul, Turkey (2009), and Marseille, in France (2012).

For the 2018 edition, Colombia, Syria, Qatar, Russia, Denmark, Brazil, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Myanmar expressed interested in hosting the forum, but only Brazil, Russia, Qatar and Denmark have presented actual bids. Out of these four countries, only Brazil’s Brasília and Denmark’s Copenhagen are finalists. The government of Brasília is expecting to receive 30,000 people during the Forum in case it wins. According to the governor, the city already boasts the necessary infrastructure for hosting the event.

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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São Paulo – Andacco, a footwear manufacturing company based in the state of Minas Gerais, is stepping up its sales to the Arab market. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Libya and Kuwait account for as much as 10% of the company’s exports.

“We have already seen [our exports to the Arabs] go up by 20% this year, as a result of deals closed at [industry] fairs,” says Export manager Leandro Oliveira. He explains that the company sells to distributors in Arab countries. “They come to the fairs, place the orders, we ship the product and they distribute it,” he says.

The top-selling items are men’s shoes. “Our product is leather-made and we do not use swine leather, not even the lining; the lining is made out of bovine leather,” says Oliveira, adding that the brands shoes are handmade.

Currently, the Andacco plant puts out 4,000 pairs of shoes per day, including men’s and women’s models. Of these, 40% are shipped abroad, to 22 different countries. The leading targets are Russia, the United States, Chile, and Bolivia.

Oliveira posits that Arabs are being attracted into buying due to the export-friendly exchange rates of the past two years, i.e. the high price of the US dollar against Brazil’s real. “I hadn’t seen as many Arabs as in the 2014 Couromoda fair in a long time,” says the manager of the leather fashion fair held last month in São Paulo.

Apart from Couromoda, Andacco does business with Arab clients on a regular basis at Francal, another fair in São Paulo, and at Expo Riva Schuh, in Riva del Garda, Italy. The company is preparing to go back to attending Micam, a shoe fair in Milan.

In order to take its Middle East deals to an even higher level, the company became associated with the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and hired a company specializing in footwear to shop for new markets in the region.

“The aim is to determine the acceptance of our products on the Arab market, the outlook for new deals, to work on developing the market, and that includes taking part in local fairs,” Oliveira explains.

Headquartered in the city of São Sebastião do Paraíso, Andacco is a part of the leather and show conglomerate Cacique, established in 1967, and currently employing 600 people.

Tel.: +55 (35) 3531-1453

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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Alvarenga no habló mucho tras bajar del avión en el Aeropuerto Internacional de San Salvador.

José Salvador Alvarenga, el náufrago salvadoreño, lucía visiblemente agotado al bajar del avión en el Aeropuerto Internacional de San Salvador, luego de un largo viaje que lo trajo de vuelta a su país natal tras una casi interminable travesía a la deriva.

Lo único que pudo articular antes de dejar la terminal a bordo de una ambulancia fue un “no hallo qué decir”.

Se espera que pase las próximas horas en el hospital San Rafael de la capital salvadoreña antes de viajar a Garita Palmera, el pueblo donde vive su familia.

El hombre que apareció en las Islas Marshall tras haber pasado -según su historia- 13 meses en alta mar, sigue siendo el centro de una noticia que se ha convertido en un asunto de interés planetario y, para muchos salvadoreños, lo más notable desde los acuerdos de paz de 1992.

Alvarenga salió la víspera de las Islas Marshall rumbo a Hawai. De allí voló a Los Ángeles. Al llegar a ambos destinos fue sometido a evaluaciones de salud para determinar si era posible continuar su viaje. La parada en California tardó un poco más, por lo que muchos dudaron de que el hombre completaría la ruta el mismo martes.

Finalmente llegó, poco antes de las 08:00 pm, hora local.

La mayor noticia desde 1992

“Esta es una noticia de las más grandes, no solo del año, sino en varias décadas en este país”, explica desde San Salvador, la enviada especial de BBC Mundo, Lorena Arroyo, quien destacó la cantidad de medios nacionales y extranjeros que están cubriendo la noticia de la llegada de quien es sin duda el salvadoreño más ilustre del momento.

“Los colegas me aseguran que desde 1992, cuando se firmaron los acuerdos de paz que pusieron fin a la guerra civil no había habido una noticia tan grande sobre El Salvador. Pero sobre todo están contentos porque se trata de una positiva”.

En Garita Palmera esperan a José Alvarenga.

Arroyo advierte que hay un cierto escepticismo entre algunos que no terminan de creer la historia de Alvarenga, pero afirma que de sus conversaciones con colegas salvadoreños se puede concluir que “se sienten orgullosos de que esa ‘historia de valentía’, como la llaman, se conozca en todo el mundo”.

“El interés no es sólo mediático. Ha sido el tema de conversación de muchos salvadoreños desde que se conoció la noticia el 30 de enero. La gente tiene ganas de oír el testimonio de su propia boca. De saber cómo sobrevivió esos 13 meses que supuestamente estuvo en el mar”.

Sin embargo, la periodista Rosana Ruiz del canal 12 de Telenoticias, explicó a nuestra enviada que los pescadores de la zona de la que salió Alvarenga aprenden a sobrevivir las condiciones extremas que a veces implica la pesca.

“La mayoría de los hombres de Garita Palmera trabajan en la pesca. Para él no era inusual salir a buscar el sustento en el mar. Algunos pescadores de la zona dicen que ellos aprenden a subsistir comiendo peces crudos como él describe que hizo”, explica Ruiz.

Regreso a casa

Mientras tanto, Garita Palmera está engalanada para la ocasión con globos, música, comidas y un inmenso cartel de bienvenida a la entrada de la humilde casa.

No es para menos, no sólo se trata de una historia de sobrevivencia de repercusiones internacionales, sino de un reencuentro familiar.

Alvarenga dejó este pueblo hace más de 14 años para buscar una mejor vida en México y, según contaron a BBC Mundo sus padres, en todo ese tiempo sólo habían logrado hablar con él una vez por teléfono.

“Da compasión verlo y a mí me da sentimiento ver a mi hijo así. Lo he llorado a mi hijo, ver la situación en la que está, pero también le pido a Dios ver a mi hijo como era antes”, le dijo a BBC Mundo José Ricardo Orellana, el padre de Alvarenga, al día siguiente que se conoció la noticia de su aparición.

Los pescadores de Garita Palmera están orgullosos de la historia de “valentía” de Alvarenga.

Alvarenga apareció en el atolón de Ebon, de las Islas Marshall, donde fue asistido por un científico noruego que desarrolla un investigación en la zona.

Aunque el noruego no hablaba español, ni el salvadoreño hablaba inglés, el científico dio la voz de alarma a las autoridades en la capital, Majuro. Allí entraron en contacto con diplomáticos de México en la región, ya que en principio se pensó que el náufrago era mexicano.

Según el relato de Alvarenga, el pescador había salido de un pueblo de Chiapas, en el sur de México, a pescar tiburones en un pequeño barco de fibra de vidrio, cuyo motor se averió, por lo que quedó a la deriva.

A bordo iba también un compañero de origen mexicano, que no sobrevivió la travesía que Alvarenga asegura haber resistido alimentándose de pescado crudo y bebiendo sangre de tortuga.

Siga a la enviada especial de BBC Mundo a Garita Palmera, El Salvador clic


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En primer lugar, hemos sabido que Samsung podría lanzar simultáneamente las dos versiones de su próximo teléfono. Tanto el Galaxy S5 Standard como el Galaxy S5 Prime verían la luz a la vez, según el analista de KGI Securities.

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Este martes, en la Clínica del Country del norte de Bogotá, se apagó hacia las 7:50 p. m. la luz de uno de los más queridos presentadores de la televisión colombiana, Fernando González Pacheco.

Pacheco, como le conocían todos los colombianos, había venido sufriendo serios problemas respiratorios, aunque todavía se desconoce la causa cierta de su deceso. Por cuenta de esas complicaciones de salud ya había sido internado en ese mismo centro hospitalario a mediados del año pasado.

Indudablemente él está en la lista del colombianos de todos los tiempos aunque haya nacido en España. Es reconocido desde hace más de 40 años por ser uno de los primeros presentadores de televisión en el país, es recordado por programas como ‘Animalandia’, ‘Charlas con Pacheco’, ‘Compre la Orquesta’, y ‘¿Quiere cacao?’, entre otros.

Se trata de uno de los pioneros de la televisión colombiana, quien, junto a Gloria Valencia de Castaño y Jota Mario Valencia, se convirtió en icono de una televisión que se hacía a pulso y no con la fastuosa tecnología de hoy.

El presidente Juan Manuel Santos expresó su pesar por el fallecimiento de Pacheco: “Lamentamos de veras la muerte de ese gran personaje de la televisión que fue Pacheco. Se nos fue un gran hombre y un gran señor”, trinó en su perfil de Twitter.

Después de más de treinta años de carrera, en los que fue sin discusión el hombre más popular de la televisión, Pacheco se había alejado de la pantalla chica por cuestiones personales y de salud. Pero aunque pase el tiempo, Pacheco siempre será Pacheco, presente para siempre, con su voz ronca y su risa bonachona, en el corazón de los colombianos.

Este fue el despacho de prensa oficial de la clínica:


La Clínica del Country lamenta informar que el señor FERNANDO GONZALEZ PACHECO falleció hoy a las 19:50 luego de haber sido tratado en nuestra institución a causa de una enfermedad crónica que lo venía aquejando desde hacía mucho tiempo.

La Clínica del Country siente la pérdida de esta figura entrañable para los colombianos y expresa sus condolencias sus los familiares y amigos.

11 de febrero de 2014

Entrevistas célebres de Pacheco (Charlas con Pacheco)

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Martes, 11 de Febrero 2014  |  7:45 pm

Créditos: RPP

Universitario decepcionó en el debut y cayó 1-0 ante Vélez Sarsfield en el Estadio Monumental. Héctor Canteros anotó el único gol.

Universitario perdió por la mínima (1-0) ante Vélez Sarsfield en la primera fecha del grupo 1 de la Copa Libertadores.

El duelo se desarrolló en el Estadio Monumental y nunca apareció el once de Comizzo, que sufrió ante el oficio de los de Liniers.

Sigue aquí las incidencias del encuentro, “minuto a minuto” como solo lo hace RPP Noticias.



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Martes, 11 de Febrero 2014  |  12:42 pm

Créditos: Captura YouTube / Funny Fun

En opinión de algunos críticos ha sido un exceso el que una persona dormida fuera atada a su cama, y que luego esta saliera volando por los aires en medio de fuegos artificiales, como si fuera un cohete.

En la televisión japonesa se han visto las bromas más crueles y descabelladas, pero una más reciente ha encendido la polémica en el país nipón.

En opinión de algunos críticos ha sido un exceso el que una persona dormida fuera atada a su cama, y que luego esta saliera volando por los aires en medio de fuegos artificiales, como si fuera un cohete.

La “broma” ha sido catalogada de peligrosa y escalofriante. Sin embargo, para la gente que participa de esta broma en vivo, parece no haber límites, ya que se les ve estallar de risa e incluso llegan a las lágrimas al ver la reacción de la víctima.



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Lo simple del éxito de Flappy bird

Miles de jugadores en todo el mundo se quedaron consternados ante la retirada repentina del juego para dispositivos móviles Flappy Bird, una aplicación que generó un auténtico y obsesivo furor entre muchos.


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Utilizar un reproductor alternativo

Hace más de 24 horas que “Flappy Birds”, un sencillo juego de teléfono, salió de circulación, pero la fascinación por la también exasperante aplicación y el hombre que la creó no pierden impulso.

Supuestas presiones legales, especulaciones sobre estrategia de mercadeo y hasta amenazas de muerte se han añadido a una historia de negocio y misterio.

Tras su lanzamiento en 2013, el juego se volvió viral con más de 50 millones de descargas. Pero, ¿qué sabemos sobre su creador? Lamentablemente, no mucho.

Nguyen Ha Dong prefiere el semianonimato.

Nguyen Ha Dong es un desarrollador de juegos vietnamita de 29 años cuya presencia en internet no ha sido muy destacada hasta ahora, a pesar de haberse convertido en un éxito de la noche a la mañana gracias al pajarito amarillo que vuela entre tuberías.

Tiene una cuenta de Twitter a través de la cual anunció la retirada de Flappy Birds y suele participar en el foro

También dirige .GEARS, una compañía creadora de juegos para móviles inteligentes y tabletas con sede en Vietnam.

En una entrevista con TechCrunch a través de correo electrónico, Dong confirmó que él es la única persona que dirige .GEARS.

También dijo que ha estado creando juegos durante cuatro años. Aparte de Flappy Birds ha diseñado Smashing Kitty, Dr Plet Shuffle, Shuriken Block y Ninjas Assault.

Pero, aparte de estos datos, no se sabe mucho más de su persona.

Más misterio

Dong dijo que el éxito de Flappy Birds le “arruinó la vida”.

Nguyen Ha Dong prefiere permanecer en el semianonimato. Nunca ha dudado en rechazar ser entrevistados sobre su vida. Según él no le gusta ser expuesto al público.

Y por supuesto, esta determinación suya a evitar la publicidad sólo añade más misterio en torno a su figura y la corta historia de Flappy Birds.

Un año después de ser lanzado y convertirse en viral, Dong decidió retirar de las tiendas el juego diciendo que el éxito “ha arruinado mi sencilla vida”.

“Ya no lo soporto más”, tuiteó.

Una explicación que ha sorprendido a muchos, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que estaba ganando hasta US$50.000 al día por concepto de anuncios.

Para otras personas no se trata más que de un truco publicitario.

En opinión del especialista de tecnología de la BBC, Rory-Cellan Jones, tal vez la principal lección que debemos aprender de Flappy Bird es que “hemos visto el nacimiento de un genio del mercadeo”.

Hemos visto el nacimiento de un genio del mercadeo

Rory-Cellan Jones, BBC

“Al matar a la gallina de oro tan rápidamente, Dong Nguyen ha asegurado que una gran audiencia esté esperando con anticipación y sin aliento su próximo juego. Y si eso no funciona, siempre puede permitir que Flappy Bird vuele otra vez”, añadió.

Mientras, el vietnamita ha recibido amenazas de muerte por parte de algunas personas obsesionadas con el juego y furiosas por su retirada.

Incluso se circuló la noticia que se había suicidado de un tiro a la cabeza en su casa, horas después de sacar a Flappy Birds del mercado. Historia que poco después se demostró que no era verdad.

Entonces, ¿quién es Nguyen Ha Dong? ¿Un genio de la publicidad o una persona tímida abrumada por la publicidad y la fama? Hasta que no sepamos más sobre él, su persona continuará siendo toda una incógnita.

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Telemundo Media has named A. Victoria Rivas-Vázquez as Noticias Telemundo Bureau Chief in Washington, D.C., reporting to Noticias Telemundo SVP Sylvia Rosabal. Rivas-Vázquez’s appointment is part of the expansion of Noticias Telemundo that has included additional on-camera and production talent, new studio space, and an enhanced relationship with NBC News, the largest television news organization in the U.S., Telemundo said.

“Victoria will play a key role at Noticias Telemundo,” Rosabal said in a release. “Her experience and training are ideal for leading our operations at the heart of national policy and political developments and will undoubtedly strengthen our department.”

Rivas-Vázquez’s responsibilities include directing the editorial and news production teams and managing Noticias Telemundo’s operations in the nation’s capital and surrounding region.

Her career has spanned television journalism, strategic communications and public opinion analysis in both the private and public sectors. Her public sector experience includes positions with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Department of the State and the White House, where she was assistant press secretary during President Clinton’s first term. In the private sector, Rivas-Vázquez served as director at Zogby International, where she was in charge of public opinion research and polling for the U.S. Hispanic and Latin American markets. More recently, she served as VP of communications at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, D.C. 

She also has ample experience in the television industry, as both a local and national news producer for Univisión in Miami, and was part of the network’s political unit, coordinating the coverage of presidential elections and key issues and races at the state and local levels.

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Meknes – The city of Meknes, in eastern Morocco, is the main agricultural center in the country. “We have the greatest food hub in Morocco,” emphasized Hassan Bahi, Director of the Meknes-Tafilalet Regional Investment Center. “This is a region with great biodiversity potential,” he stated this Wednesday (29), in an interview with a group of Brazilian journalists.

Aurea Santos/ANBA

Ouazzani: Brazilian market has opportunities

To promote the sector in the region, the government recently created an industrial park, called Agropolis, where companies in the sector are beginning to settle in, such as the Swiss bio-fertilizers company, Elefante Verde.

The area, currently under the first phase of development that covers 130 hectares, will hold research and development laboratories, as part of the Green Morocco Plan, created in 2008 to double the sector’s income by 2020. The government’s aim, according to Abdelkarim Ouahchi, Investment Consultant, is to expand the park to 450 hectares. Currently, 15 companies are preparing to set shop at Agropolis.

Already established at the park is Agro-pôle Olivier, an olive oil production and export promotion center for the region of Meknes. “Olives are an opportunity for business between Brazil and Morocco, because Brazil is an olive oil importer,” recalled Noureddine Ouazzani, who is in charge of the center.

The region of Meknes currently produces 120,000 tons of olive oil per year. “We account for 60% of Morocco’s olive oil and we export 90% of what we produce,” said Ouazzani. “Our olive oils are intense, with a fruit flavor, which are most appreciated by consumers,” he evaluated.

According to Ouazzani, the region produces various types of olives. “We have not only the Moroccan type, but also Greek, Spanish and Italian. In Meknes we are capable of producing the best quality olive oil, with international standards,” he emphasized.

Currently, most of the Moroccan olive oil is exported to the United States, but the country has an eye on the Brazilian market. “Morocco could have a share of that market, particularly in the high-end olive oil segment,” stated Ouazzani.

According to him, only 5% of the world population consumes olive oil. “The potential market is of 95%,” he stated. In Morocco, the annual olive oil consumption is of only two kilos per person. In Italy, this figure reaches 19 kilos, while in Greece the average is 23 kilos per person per year.

Dairy products

Meknes also hosts one of the four factories of Centrale Laitière, a branch of Danone in Morocco. With a 65% market share, the company produces 800,000 tons of dairy products per year, of which 220,000 tons at the plant visited by ANBA alone.

Aurea Santos/ANBA

Danone factory produces 220,000 tons/year

 In 2014, the Meknes plant expects to produce 249,000 tons. “The greatest part of our production is pasteurized milk, which is a product that sells every day,” says the Factory Director, Abdellah Noau,

At the plant, which counts on 274 employees, the entire process is automated and investments are ever increasing. In 2013 investments added up to US$ 4.28 million (35.25 million dirhams), and the amount this year is expected to reach US$ 14.59 million (120 million dirhams), due to a plant expansion.

The factory also produces many types of yogurt and dairy beverages, and the company believes in the potential for increase in domestic consumption. In Morocco, the annual milk consumption per person is of 62.7 kilos. In Finland, country with the highest milk consumption, this figure reaches 150 kilos per person per year.

Brazilian brakes

During the visit to Meknes, ANBA also met an entrepreneur interested in importing auto parts. Saaoud Abdeslam, from Enterprise Saaoud, said he is currently negotiating with Fras-Le, from the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul and a branch of road equipment manufacturer Randon, to import and distribute Brazilian brakes.

“I have visited Brazil five times. I want to first develop business in Morocco, and then take it to Algeria and other countries in North Africa,” said Abdeslam.

*The journalist travelled at the invitation of the Moroccan Investment Development Agency (AMDI)

*Translated by Silvia Lindsey

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Rafael Abdulmassih/Arab Brazilian Chamber

Brazilian stand: very busy

São Paulo – The Brazilian products being exhibited at the Khartoum International Fair, which started this Thursday (30) in the Sudanese capital city, are catching the eye of the public. According to the Business and Markets Manager at the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, Rafael Abdulmassih, who is in the country, the space reserved for Brazil is always busy, with visits by consumers and entrepreneurs alike. The exhibit is open to the general public. The Arab Chamber is responsible for the Brazilian stand at the fair, together with the Brazilian Foreign Office, Itamaraty.

One of the exhibiting firms is Fame, manufacturer of electric showers. The device that heats the water is built into the shower, while in Sudan there is an apparatus separated from the shower, which many times is installed on the outside of the home. According to Abdulmassih, as well as the Sudanese, entrepreneurs from other countries, such as Jordan and Egypt, have stopped by the Brazilian stand to ask for information about the product.

According to the manager, the hair cosmetics by Kans BR have also attracted attention from the public in Khartoum. Businessmen want to know if the product is available in the Sudanese market. Ever since she landed in Sudan, the owner of Kans BR, Katia Timani, has been showing her products to professionals in beauty salons. On Thursday (30), she visited a market and a wholesale warehouse in the city of Omdurman.

The Brazilian delegation visited other places, apart from the fair, to evaluate the local market, such as the Afra Mall and supermarket Sena Mart. According to Abdulmassih, who is representing the Arab Chamber in the trip together with the entity’s Business Executive Rafael Solimeo, there are other visits scheduled for the group. The other company participating in the Brazilian stand is CTC, which imports agricultural machinery from Brazil and represents them at the fair.

The exhibit is taking place at the Sudanese Freezone, in six pavilions, in an open area with entertainment activities. The fair was inaugurated by the Deputy Prime-Minister of Sudan, Bakri Hassan Salih, and the Brazilian space received a visit from the Secretary General of the Sudanese Employers Association, Bakri Yousef. The Brazilian ambassador in Khartoum, Antonio Carlos do Nascimento Pedro, visited the stand with Minister Counselor Patrícia Lima, and will meet with Brazilian entrepreneurs in the coming days.

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Rabat – Morocco wishes to increase the country’s agricultural GDP to US$ 17 billion (140 billion dirhams) by 2020. In 2013, the sector generated US$ 11.56 billion (95 billion dirhams). A strategy created in 2008 by the government, the Green Morocco Plan, aims to promote Moroccan agribusiness and foresees new investments of US$ 1.1 billion (9 billion dirhams) by the end of the decade.

Aurea Santos/ANBA

Elguerrouj: sector is the national economy?s driving force

“There is an effort in Morocco to invest in the agricultural sector as the driving force of the national economy,” stated Mohammed Elguerrouj, Director General of the Agricultural Development Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Morocco, this Wednesday (29) to a group of Brazilian journalists. When it was created, the objective of the Green Morocco Plan was to double the agricultural sector’s revenues, which that year was of US$ 8.5 billion (70 billion dirhams).

The plan is an integrated effort that also involves the Ministries of the Interior, Finance and Industry. Currently, the main agricultural goods produced in Morocco are oranges, milk, beef and vegetables.

In order to expand production, Morocco started leasing land for agriculture projects. Participation is open for both Moroccan and foreign investors. Up to now, 100,000 hectares of lands have been leased and another 600,000 hectares should be leased by 2020.

In order to participate, interested parties should offer projects that promote the sector’s development. According to Abderrahim Benyassine, Partnership and Associations Director of the Moroccan agency, the quality of the project is more important to win the bidding process than the amount the company is willing to invest. The country is seeking projects with added value, with the possibility of developing the work of local farmers and small property owners, for example.

Among the countries that have invested in projects in Morocco are the United Arab Emirates, France, Portugal and Spain. The tenders, however, have attracted the attention of investors from other countries, such as the United States, Belgium, Argentina, Gabon, Senegal, Tunisia, South Africa and Australia.

There have been 31 foreign projects approved by the program, with a total land lease of 7,800 hectares. The leased land may be used for a period of more than 40 years, with the possibility for contract renovation, and the conditions for participating in the process are the same for Moroccans and foreigners.

Another product that sparks the interest of foreign investors, according to Benyassine, is argan oil, used in cosmetics. “Argan oil is produced only here, where it is certified and then sold around the world,” he emphasized.

When questioned about what could Morocco have to offer Brazilians, since Brazil has an abundance of fertile lands, Benyassine noted the advantages his countries poses for exports. “There is a strong demographic growth in Africa, and the workforce here, trained workforce, costs less than in Europe,” he stated. Also, Morocco has an association agreement with the European Union, which Brazil does not have.

*The journalist travelled at the invitation of the Moroccan Investment Development Agency (AMDI)

*Translated by Silvia Lindsey

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São Paulo – The Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) expects to more than triple the business turnover generated during the 2014 Carnival Project in relation to the 2013 edition of the event. Last year, participating companies generated an estimated US$ 104 million in business, and this year’s edition, to be held from February 24 to March 11, has the potential to reach US$ 340 million in exports during the 12 months counting from the start of the program.

Press Release

Braga: Brazilianity in business

The project exists since 2009 and consists in inviting importers from different countries for business meetings in Brazil, ending with the samba carnival parade in Rio de Janeiro, at the agency’s box. “It is a type of platform that helps sell Brazilian products,” said the Relationship Marketing executive manager at Apex, Jacy Braga.

According to him, the program’s differential is indeed the fact that it is tied with the unique Brazilian carnival festivities, that is, foreign entrepreneurs visit Brazil not only for business, but also to see a cultural particularity. Obviously it is not the only one since, as well as the parade, they will try typical foods and beverages, listen to the music, etc. “It is our Brazilianity turned to business,” observed Braga. This type of action is what he calls “relationship marketing”.

For the 2014 edition, 314 people from over 50 countries were invited, according to Apex. They are importers and “opinion makers”. Among them are representatives from Arab companies in Algeria, Morocco, Jordan, Kuwait, Egypt, Oman, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

The main thing this year, however, is on the Brazilian side, which involves 45 companies and 27 sector entities. Previously the project was organized only with associations, which defined the agenda and invited the participants. Now the agency has opened space for the companies to do so individually and, consequently, has expanded the number of participants. Hence the expectation for more business.

The schedule varies according to the company or entity and may include business roundtables, technical visits, lectures and seminars, in a total of 159 activities around the country.

The initiative is promoting goods such as foods, beverages, pet accessories, software, biotechnology, medical, dentistry and hospital equipment, medication, cosmetics, jewelry and costume jewelry, shoes, textiles, sporting equipment, machinery, electronic devices, plastic, construction materials, furniture, handicrafts, works of art, as well as services such as design, TV productions, and franchises, among others.

The project is organized by Apex with the participating companies and entities. According to Braga, the companies are responsible for identifying prospect importers and covering travelling expenses.

*Translated by Silvia Linsey

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São Paulo – Global foreign direct investments (FDI) flows reached US$ 1.46 trillion last year, an increase by 11% in relation to 2012, according to the data released this Tuesday (28) in the Global Investment Trends Monitor, published by the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The total is still below the record US$ 2 trillion registered in 2007, but is closer to the average observed in the years prior to the international financial crisis of 2008.

FDI in developing countries, however, was record-breaking in 2013. Investments reached the US$ 759 billion, that is, 52% of the total. There was an increase by 6.2% in relation to the previous year, driven mainly by Latin America and Caribbean and Africa, although emerging Asia is the bloc of developing nations that most received investments in nominal terms.

Investments in Latin America added up to US$ 294 billion, an increase by 18% in comparison to 2013. It was the fifth consecutive year of increases in the region, as per the UNCTAD report. According to the organization, the performance was influenced by the acquisition of the Mexican brewery Grupo Modelo for US$ 18 billion by the Belgium-Brazilian conglomerate AB InBev, which is the union of the Brazilian group Ambev, the Belgium Interbrew and North American Anheuser Bush.

Brazil, nonetheless, is still the main FDI receiver in the region, with US$ 63 billion last year, 3.9% less than in 2012. The information recently published by the Brazilian Central Bank (BC), however, is slightly different, indicating FDI flows greater than US$ 64 billion, with a 2.9% drop in relation to the previous year.

In global terms, Brazil was the seventh greatest destination for investments in 2013, whereas in 2012 it occupied the fifth position. The UNCTAD report emphasizes that, despite the decline, the sum received by the Brazilian economy is still “significant”, having followed “strong growth” and “historical highs” in previous years.

According to UNCTAD, expectations related to the end of quantitative easing in the United States, where the Federal Reserve injects dollars in the country’s economy, led to some volatility in the international market. The impact was strongly felt in some emerging countries, which suffered currency depreciation, stock market declines and foreign capital withdrawal. Brazil fits in with this scenario.


FDI flows in Africa also increased, by 6.8%, to US$ 56.3 billion. The highlight of North Africa was Morocco, which received US$ 3.5 billion, an increase by 24% in relation to the previous year. According to the UNCTAD report, it was the only Arab country in the continent to register a “solid growth”. The organization noted, however, that “there are signs that investors are ready to return to the region, with many big cross-border deals targeting Egypt.”

The Middle East, however, tells another tale. There was a decline in FDI flows for the fifth consecutive year. This time, investments decreased by 20% to US$ 38 billion. There were significant FDI reductions in the main destinations in the region: Saudi Arabia, by 19% to US$ 9.9 billion, and Turkey by 15% to US$ 11 billion.

“Turkey witnessed virtually a total absence of large FDI deals. In addition, the worsening political instability in many parts of the region have caused uncertainty and negatively affected investment,” reports UNCTAD.

The organization also highlighted the investments in the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), the main emerging economies in the world, of US$ 322 billion, or 22% of the global FDI flow and twice the sum registered before the 2008 crisis. From 2012 to 2013, there was an increase by 21%. The greatest increase in all, by 126%, was registered in South Africa, and Brazil, which registered a decline in investments, was at the bottom of the list of bloc members in terms of performance from one year to the next.

Investments in developed economies, in turn, increased by 12% and reached US$ 576 billion, indicating a recovery process, according to the study. The sum, however, is still 44% lower than the record reached in 2007. The share of rich countries in global FDI flows, which was once the greatest, now adds up to 39%. FDI in the United States is still declining, but the country once again heads the list with highest foreign resources.

*Translated by Silvia Lindsey

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Aurea Santos/ANBA

Brick: partnership with three universities

Rabat – With over 40 companies in an area of 130,000 square meters, Technopolis is a space dedicated to high-technology foreign companies, in the fields of electronics, biotechnology, nanotechnology and other services, only a few minutes away from the Moroccan capital city center. Created in 2008, the park will undergo two expansion phases and is seeking new partners interested in setting shop, including Brazilian companies.

“We have two industrial zones. One of them is a free zone, open to companies that export at least 8% of their production. The other follows the normal legislation and is open to those interested in establishing themselves here,” explained Hnya Brick, Project and Development Director at Technopolis, to a group of Brazilian journalists who visited the place this Monday (27). The free area inside Technopolis is the most recent in the country, set up less than one year ago, and the first companies in this part of the park should be established by the end of 2014.

Brick notes that one of the main attracting factors for companies to come to Technopolis are the human resources from the universities located in the region. “We have partnerships with three universities, one private, the International University of Rabat, and two public, University of Souissi and University Mohammed V,” she emphasized. With the partnership, as well as technicians and engineers, the companies may also benefit from these institutions’ research and development laboratories.

Among the companies that have already established themselves at Technopolis are known names in Brazil, such as Nestlé, Dell, Accenture, HP, Bosch and BNP Paribas. The procedure for moving into Technopolis is quite flexible, and companies may customize their contracts with the park administration, choosing whether to purchase or rent the land, negotiate building construction and the duration period.

The Moroccan state-owned long-term investment fund manager, CDG (Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion), is responsible for the Technopolis construction costs. According to Brick, the companies at the park do not reveal their revenues, but information from the Technopolis website indicates that from it’s opening until 2015, the park is expected to contribute with over US$ 606 million to the Moroccan GDP.

The second phase of the expansion project includes the construction of another 13,000 square meters. Currently 8,000 people work at Technopolis.

Automotive systems

Aurea Santos/ANBA

Lear: sales expected to reach US$ 250 million this year

One of the firms to establish themselves at Technopolis is Lear Corporation, of automotive systems, particularly seating and electrical distribution, whose clients include the great German carmakers. The North American company opened their Moroccan plant at the Rabat park in 2011.

“In our first year revenues added up to US$ 20 million; in 2012, US$ 100 million; last year we reached US$ 150 million and we expect to sell US$ 250 million this year,” revealed Aissam Chaouki, the Rabat Factory Manager.

Chaouki says that 70% of the Moroccan production is sold to BMW. Other clients of the Arab branch include Volkswagen, Jaguar, Audi, Land Rover and Renault-Nissan.

“We chose Morocco because of the country’s economic development and political stability. From here we are able to supply the main carmakers in Europe,” he emphasized. In august last year, the company opened a second plant in the company, in the city of Kenitra.

An interesting fact about Lear in Morocco is that of the 700 employees working at the factory, over 90% are women. “They are more precise,” says the manager. Among the engineers, 15% are women.

Investment opportunities

With two main trade partners, France and Spain, Morocco wishes to diversify the country’s investment sources and aims to include countries like Brazil. Among the strategies the Arab country is employing to attract Brazilian attention is to promote business opportunities using the national press. The government is also seeking to approach Brazilian entrepreneurs, by organizing workshops and a business trip with Brazilian executives to Morocco, planned for this year.

Aurea Santos/ANBA

For Fihri, Africa is the future

“The message we are sending to Brazilians is that Africa is the future, it is a green field (to be developed), and we can help form partnerships between Brazilian and Moroccan companies,” stated Ahmed Fihri, General-Manager at the Moroccan Investment Development Agency (AMDI).

According to him, Morocco wishes to develop partnerships in sectors such as agribusiness, aerospace technology and renewable energy. “Morocco may be a platform to access other countries in the Middle East and North Africa,” said Fihri.

Driss Sekkat, Business Development Manager at the AMDI, noted the joint efforts of his agency with the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Fiesp). “The Chamber is doing an excellent job,” he stated, about the help offered by the entity in introducing the Brazilian market.

For the Brazilian ambassador in Rabat, Frederico Meyer, there are good business opportunities for Brazilians in Morocco. “Bombardier is here, and even so Royal Air Maroc purchased two Embraer 190 aircrafts,” he noted, referring to the Canadian and Brazilian jet companies. According to Meyer, Embraer’s representation in the fleet of the Moroccan company, which started direct flights between São Paulo and Casablanca at the end of 2013, may still increase.

“Royal Air Maroc announced last year it was planning to buy 10 to 15 airplanes. There are three competitors, the Russians, Canadians and Brazilians, and we are well set in the competition,” said Meyer.

*The journalist travelled at the invitation of the Moroccan Investment Development Agency (AMDI)

*Translated by Silvia Lindsey

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São Paulo – If current deforestation rates persist in the coming years, 849 million hectares of green areas will be lost by 2050, according to a report by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), launched this Friday (24) in Davos, Switzerland, at the World Economic Forum.

According to the report, called “Assessing Global Land Use: Balancing Consumption with Sustainable Supply”, the need to feed the population, which is growing, has led to 30% of the lands of the world being used for agriculture, which has resulted in degradation and biodiversity loss in many areas.

“Recognizing that land is a finite resource, we need to become more efficient in the ways we produce, supply and consume our land-based products. Recommendations from the report are meant to inform policy and contribute to on-going discussions on targets and indicators for sustainable resources management as the world charts a new course for sustainable development post-2015,” said the UN Under-Secretary-General and UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner, when launching the report.

The report points out the need to balance consumption and sustainable food production. It offers methods that show countries if they are at sustainable consumption levels and suggests policies that may be adopted to reach this balance. According to the study, the increase in food demand in the developing countries and the search for biofuels affect the use of the land.

According to the UNEP, degradation of the lands already in use also leads producers to new areas, further increasing deforestation. With the increasing demand for land, therefore, prices tend to go up, with negative consequences for food safety.

*Translated by Sílvia Lindsey

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Roberto Stuckert Filho/PR

Dilma exchanges gifts with WEF founder, Klaus Schwab

Brasilia – Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff said the country offers plenty opportunities for business and that Brazil’s success in the coming years is closely tied to partnerships with foreign and domestic investors. She spoke this Friday (24) at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Dilma emphasized that Brazil has always welcomed foreign investments. “Aspects of the recent conjuncture should not obscure reality. Brazil more than needs and more than welcomes partnerships with the domestic and foreign private sector,” she said.

She added that investments in infrastructure must face the challenge generated by decades of underinvestment, worsened by the increase in population demand in recent years.

The Brazilian president spoke about concessions. “The aim is to add resources, increase efficiency and perfect the management of services associated to these works. Private consortiums that are participating in the concessions are related to great national and international companies,” she declared, referring to the recent bids for roads, airports and the new regulatory framework of the Brazilian port system.

Dilma emphasized the importance of improving railways to help exports of mineral ores and grains. She noted that in 2014 there will be the first railway bid for the Midwestern region of Brazil.

In relation to urban mobility, the president mentioned investments worth US$ 62 billion in subways, monorails and light rail. “One of the greatest challenges is to create a modern network that is compatible with the continental size of the country,” she said.

About oil, Dilma said that the bid for the Libra Field, in the southeast coast of Brazil, in 2013, led to a turnover expectation of US$ 8 billion, a sum which will affect the entire oil and natural gas productive chain.

The issue of using oil royalties for education was also raised during her speech. “We will transform finite richness into perennial heritage for the population: education,” she declared.

Emerging countries

When speaking about trade, the president said that it was time to overcome defensive disputes and acknowledge the sector’s role in economic recovery. “A new global economic growth cycle is beginning. As the crisis begins to fade away, a new outlook on emerging countries will take shape. With a long-term strategy focused on investments, education and productivity, we hope for an even better recovery of this international crisis.”

Remy Steinegger/WEForum

Tombini: there is space for growth in Brazil

Dilma emphasized that the emerging economies, such as Brazil, are fundamental for global economic recovery. She believes it is premature to assert that these countries will lose strength with the end of the international crisis.

“We are speaking of countries with the greatest opportunities for investments and consumption increase. Countries that need diversified logistics infrastructure, social and urban infrastructure, energy, oil, gas, mineral ores, industrial and agricultural investments. We are societies going through a strong process of social changes, where new, dynamic markets are formed, internal markets formed by hundred millions and, in some cases, billion consumers,” she stated.

Before her, the president of the Brazilian Central Bank, Alexandre Tombini, said in Davos that the Brazilian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth by about 2% in 2013 is insufficient, but noted that there is space for growth, particularly by supplying manufactured products.

“It was not good enough. We have to do more, move forward. The government has a wide range of areas to work on. We have a broad infrastructure agenda – airports, great games coming up (2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games) -, emphasizing on education, on a pro-growth agenda. We are very well organized in this sense,” declared Tombini.

According to information from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the GDP of Brazil increased by 2.2% in the third quarter of 2013.

*Translated by Sílvia Lindsey

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São Paulo – Artifacts produced in Brazil are getting new drive for exports. The Brazilian Association of Leather Artifacts and Travel Articles Manufacturers (Abiacav) launched this month an international brand, Brasil by Bags, which will be part of their sales campaigns abroad and used as a common identity by companies participating in the exports project created by Abiacav and the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex).

Press Release

Brand brings out the colors of Brazil

The brand’s slogan is “Brasil by Bags – Welcome to a Brazil made of leather, colors and inspiration”. It synthesizes the main characteristics of artifacts made in Brazil and should work as an identity for the national product. “We are good in making leather products, above average,” stated the Brasil by Bags project manager, Paulo Kieling, noting that Brazil has excellent tanneries and works in all steps of the production chain.

“Brazil is also colorful,” he said, explaining that the brand’s colors are green, yellow and blue, like the national flag. Abiacav used different shades of green, observing the tones of the forests; the yellow for the sun, the sunset and all its nuances; blue for the beaches and sea. All of this was translated into a color sheet. Also part of the campaign is the joy of Brazilian folklore and festivities. “We decoded Brazilianity.”

To arrive at this identity, Abiacav started working in September last year. The association used as a starting point a research made in 2012 with 2,500 companies in the sector. This study helped provide a production profile, with capacity, average price, types of products. They then held meetings and discussions with the manufacturers, in order to have a strong sector representation in creating the brand. About 30 companies participated, according to Kieling.

The Brasil by Bags brand shall be used whenever Abiacav and Apex promote international events, such as the participation in trade fairs abroad. Next week, companies in the export project will travel to Colombia for a trade show, where their exhibit stand will be entirely set under the Brasil by Bags theme. There are 50 companies in the project, and they may also use the brand in their campaigns, with authorization by Abiacav. In order to do so, they have a manual with guidelines and a series of requirements to follow.

“Foreigners want products that look like Brazil,” said Kieling. The internationalization project was first started last year and the objective for the first half of this year are the markets in Colombia, United States and Italy. According to the project manager, Colombia is also a hub for other markets such as Peru, Panama and Ecuador. The United States are the greatest importer in the world in the segment and Italy is a starting point for the Eastern Europe and Middle Eastern markets.

For the project’s second phase, another two markets chosen as targets are Russia and the United Arab Emirates. According to Kieling, the aim is to reach the Arab market as a whole, through the UAE, which is also a regional hub. The segment’s exports are at around US$ 50 million per year, and the idea is to double it in one year with the exports project.

According to information from 2012, the segment produces 50 million pieces per year with revenues of US$ 3 billion. Production is concentrated mainly in the South and Southeast regions of Brazil. The main article are handbags, but production is varied and includes also wallets and belts, laptop, tablet and passport cases, leather bracelets, among other things.

*Translated by Silvia Lindsey

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São Paulo – Growth in Brazil and the countries in the Middle East and North Africa is expected to slow down this year, according to forecasts released this Tuesday (21) by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). According to the institution, the Brazilian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) should increase by 2.3% this year, 0.2% less than what had been predicted last October, when the World Economic Outlook was published, and which has now been updated.

In the revised edition of the document, the institution also stated that the Arab countries are expected to grow less: from the 3.6% estimated in October to 3.3% in the most recent calculations. The IMF believes that the Brazilian GDP will also grow less in 2015. From 3.2% forecasted in October to 2.8% in the latest estimate. The Arab countries, which had been forecasted an increase by 4.1% in the previous estimate are now being forecasted 4.8% in 2015, therefore an increase in forecasts in this case.

The revised IMF calculations, however, indicate greater growth than expected for the world economy and the developed countries. The global GDP is expected to increase by 3.7% this year, 0.1% more than the October calculations. For 2015, the 3.9% growth estimate was maintained. The United States economy is expected to grow 2.8% in 2014, whereas the previous forecast indicated an increase by 2.6%. For 2015, however, the country is expected to increase by 2.6% and not 3%, as was previously estimated. The Euro Zone GDP is expected to grow by 1% this year and 1.4% in 2015, against the previous forecasts of 0.9% and 1.3%, respectively, made in October.

In an announcement released this Tuesday, the IMF chief economist, Olivier Blanchard, stated that global recovery is stronger, and that it “was largely anticipated”, despite still being mild and uneven. He observes that growth is stronger in the United States than in Europe and more consistent in parts of the Euro Zone than in some countries in the south of the European continent. Furthermore, stated Blanchard, unemployment is still high and the risks of deceleration persist.

“The basic reason behind the stronger recovery is that the brakes to the recovery are progressively being loosened. The drag from fiscal consolidation is diminishing. The financial system is slowly healing. Uncertainty is decreasing,” stated Blanchard in the announcement.

At a press conference, Blanchard spoke specifically about Brazil. He observed that public investment in infrastructure was insufficient to drive the economy, and that the country, much like other emerging nations, depends on the demand from developed countries, forecasting that the Brazilian economic performance will probably not be noteworthy with the low commodity prices.

The growth forecast for emerging countries this year is of 5.1% and 5.4% in 2014, due above all to the acceleration of the Chinese economy. The IMF expects the Asian country’s GDP to grow by 7.8% this year and 7.5% next year due to investments in infrastructure. As for the countries in the Middle East and North Africa, the IMF report explains that the lower growth forecasts in 2014 and 2015 mainly reflect the expectations of a slow recovery of oil production in Libya, because of the uprisings that affected production in some of the country’s fields in 2013.

Despite the challenges, Blanchard stated that the IMF forecasts a “strong” growth for the emerging economies in 2014 and 2015, although not as strong as before. “On the one hand, these countries will benefit from higher advanced growth in advanced economies. On the other, as US monetary policy normalizes, they will face tighter financial conditions,” he said.

*Translated by Silvia Lindsey

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