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Did Google News really close in Spain? If you consider Google News to be the ability to browse stories by topic, especially from a dedicated home page, yes. But if it’s the ability to search for and find news stories, then arguably, Google News still lives.

Anyone trying to reach the Google News Spain home page gets a closure message, as we covered yesterday. However, Google News as a dedicated vertical search engine continues to operate in two ways.

First, Google is inserting news content into a “En las noticias” box within regular search results of Google Spain, similar to how it does this with “In the news” box for its English language sites. This is all part of Google Universal Search, where Google blends results from its vertical search engines like shopping, images and maps into regular results.

Below is a screenshot from this morning reflecting news about the Pakistan school shooting from publisher El Pais and other news sites:

The other way is that after someone does a search, they can narrow listings down just to news content using the “Noticias” link (which is the same as the News link on English-language sites). This provides them with Google News Spain content, just without the ability to browse stories by topic. Here’s how it looks:

Google tells Search Engine Land that both the “en las noticias” box and the “Noticias” link will remain according to Google.

So, is this still “Google News” living on or merely the highlighting of news stories relevant to a topical query? Google would probably argue the latter. However, we may start to see a debate about whether the new Spanish “anti-piracy” law would apply to these results as well. I suspect the algorithm that powered Google News is still generating results for this box.

By the way, in the wake of the closure of Google News Spain yesterday “external traffic” had fallen 10 to 15 percent, according to data provided to Mathew Ingram by Chartbeat. However overall traffic at the time of the analysis was relatively stable, suggesting direct navigation.

In Germany news publishers saw a dramatic traffic loss upon removal of their “rich snippets” from Google News. It remains to be seen if there’s a comparable impact in Spain as a result of the shuttering of Google News. These early data suggest not.

What’s your view? Is Google maintaining an abbreviated version of Google News on its or is this something different?

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CHICAGO (CBS) — Five people have died following a workplace shooting in Aurora Friday afternoon.

The suspect, identified as Gary Martin, opened fired at Henry Pratt Company Friday afternoon in Aurora and was shot dead, police said.

Gary Martin was identified as the man who shot five people at an Aurora workplace on Friday. (Facebook)

Martin, 45, is believed to have been employed by the company.

Aurora Police Chief Kristen Ziman said police were notified about the shooting at 1:24 p.m. They arrived on the scene at 1:28 p.m. and were immediately fired upon.

Five officers were shot. A sixth suffered a knee injury.

Five civilians were killed. The names of the victims have not been released.

No motive for the shooting has been given.

At a press conference, Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin said the following:

“I don’t think I can be clearer in saying today is a sad day. We have seen similar situations around our nation. But to experience it first hand is even more painful. A shame these shootings are commonplace, a shame that someone would be so selfish to think he has the right to take an innocent life. We as a society cannot allow the heartless acts to become a spot on the 10 o’clock news.”

Gov. JB Pritzker also attended the press conference.

“There is no way to prepare for the pain of losing innocent people,” Pritzker said. “In the state that you were elected to lead, the state that you were elected to protect, there is no way to prepare. There are no words for the kind of evil that robs our neighbors of their lives.”

A police source told CBS 2 Mike Puccinelli that the first officers to arrive were shot at by Martin as they approached the building. They ran for cover when one of the officers said, ‘I’ve been hit!’

Another officer dragged his injured partner to safety and put a tourniquet on his leg.

Two officers were shot in the leg; another in the hip; one in the neck and a fifth officers was hit in the neck.



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Carmen Tello se ha convertido sin quererlo en la figura presencial de los desaciertos afectivos y de protocolo que se han originado tras la muerte de la duquesa de Alba. La mujer de Curro Romero quiere dejar clara su postura: “Cayetana era mi amiga, mi hermana mayor, mi familia y, por lo mucho que la he querido y la querré siempre, no voy a entrar en enfrentamientos. No los hay. Los amigos estamos muy tristes y, sobre todo, sus hijos. Lo único que queremos es respetar su memoria”, afirma Carmen Tello a Vanitatis.

Carmen Tello, junto a su hijo Fernando en el entierro (Gtres)

No hay enfrentamientos entre los amigos íntimos y los hijos de la duquesa de Alba, pero sí malentendidos con los que durante los últimos años han sido apoyos incondicionales de Cayetana. Estos desencuentros se han manifestado públicamente a lo largo de las últimas semanas por las destacadas ausencias en los funerales y liturgias religiosas celebradas en Sevilla por el fallecimiento de la duquesa. Como señalan desde el entorno de esta, un funeral no es una boda ni un acontecimiento de carácter social que hay que comunicar a través de un gabinete, pero en el caso de la Casa de Alba sí hubiera sido necesario cumplir tanto con los compromisos institucionales como con los personales y, sobre todo, con los afectivos de la fallecida.

Y es aquí cuando han surgido los problemas. A las personas que más cerca han estado de Cayetana en los últimos años les ha costado procesar ese distanciamiento por parte de algunos miembros de su familia, pero sobre todo algunos feos de la colateral. Hay parientes de la fallecida que no mantenían un trato directo con ella, solo epistolar, a través de felicitaciones en fechas señaladas. Sin embargo, el día de la primera celebración, levantaron de los primeros bancos de la catedral a los verdaderos amigos, como Curro Romero, Carmen Tello, los doctores Muñáiz y Trujillo y Carmen Talegón, aduciendo que ese lugar era “para la familia”. Un malestar que no lo reflejaron públicamente, pero que sí lo percibieron testigos presenciales. Esos ‘primos’ no se habían preocupado de Cayetana nunca y muchos menos en los últimos años, cuando la salud de Cayetana era ya muy baja.

Malestar y tristeza

Seguramente los hijos, y sobre todo el primogénito, actual jefe de la Casa de Alba, deberían haber delegado el organigrama afectivo. No lo hicieron y de ahí el malestar y la tristeza por parte de amigos que, aunque no son familia de sangre, sí lo han sido en esencia.

La duquesa de Alba, junto a su marido y sus grandes amigos (Gtres)

Para muchos no fue comprensible que Curro Romero, una institución en el mundo taurino, un personaje con relevancia nacional que recibe invitaciones de Casa Real, tuviera que buscar acomodo en cualquier lugar. Y mucho menos que su mujer, Carmen Tello, que en los tiempos de más soledad de la duquesa estuvo siempre a su lado, tampoco tuviera su sitio. Y tampoco que los doctores Trujillo y Muñáiz, que consiguieron que los últimos años de Cayetana fueran físicamente envidiables, no recibieran una llamada de agradecimiento. Desaciertos que en cualquier familia y en momentos de tristeza infinita serían entendibles, pero que en la Casa de Alba deberían haber sabido procesar.

Como indican a Vanitatis, “si los hijos son los primeros en sufrir la pérdida, los amigos íntimos que en ocasiones son más que familia, también llevan su pena”.

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EXCLUSIVE: Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee say there is “significant circumstantial evidence” that the COVID-19 outbreak stemmed from a leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, urging the federal government to put “more pressure on China” to allow for a “full, credible investigation” into the source of the global pandemic. 

Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and Republicans on the panel released a report Wednesday, first obtained by Fox News, saying it is “crucial for health experts and the U.S. government to understand how the COVID-19 virus originated” to prevent “or quickly mitigate future pandemics.” 


“International efforts to discover the true source of the virus, however, have been stymied by a lack of cooperation from the People’s Republic of China,” Republicans wrote. “Nevertheless, significant circumstantial evidence raises serious concerns that the COVID-19 outbreak may have been a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.” 

Republicans pointed to China’s “history of research lab leaks resulting in infections,” and warnings from U.S. diplomats in China as early as 2017 that the Wuhan lab was conducting “dangerous research” on coronaviruses without following “necessary safety protocols, risking the accidental outbreak of a pandemic.” 

Republicans also pointed to public reports that “several researchers in the Wuhan lab were sickened with COVID-19-like symptoms” in Fall 2019, and the Chinese military’s “involvement in the Wuhan Lab.” 

“By contrast, little circumstantial evidence has emerged to support the PRC’s claim that COVID-19 was a natural occurrence, having jumped from some other species to human,” they wrote, saying Chinese authorities “have failed to identify the original species that allegedly spread the virus to humans, which is critical to their zoonotic transfer theory.” 

Committee Republicans also claimed there are “clear signs” that U.S. government agencies and academic institutions “may have funded or collaborated in Gain of Function research” at the Wuhan Lab, claiming that research “was published even after the U.S. government had paused these kinds of studies in the United States due to ethical concerns over their biowarfare applicability and their potential to accidentally unleash a pandemic. 

“To protect American citizens from future pandemics, the U.S. Government must place more pressure on China to allow full, credible investigations of the source of the COVID-19 pandemic and to allow probes of the likelihood that it resulted from a lab leak,” the report states. “The U.S. Government must also provide a full accounting of any American cooperation with the Wuhan lab’s coronavirus research, including the support of these projects through U.S. Government funds.” 

The report was released after Nunes and other GOP members on the committee penned letters to President Biden and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, accusing the intelligence community of failing to provide timely updates on its investigation into the origins of COVID-19 and of not being “forthcoming” about “what processes it undertook to make seemingly authoritative statements early in the pandemic about the origins of the virus — conclusions that are now in question.” 

The letters demanded that the intelligence community turn over all of its information on COVID-19’s origins, requesting any reporting on a possible “collaboration” between the Wuhan lab and the Chinese military. It asked for any evidence intelligence agencies had to prove coronavirus broke out naturally and originated in animals, and also asked if the intelligence community was involved in any reviews of “gain of function” research and whether it was appropriate to fund such research outside the U.S.

The letters set a deadline of May 31 to begin providing information relevant to the request.


The calls for more information come after the White House last month said it believes that China has “not been transparent” in releasing its findings on the origins of COVID-19, as part of a report it wrote in collaboration with the World Health Organization.

The report dismissed claims that COVID-19 had escaped from a lab in Wuhan and instead called the theory of zoonotic transmission, or transfer of infection from animals to humans, “likely to very likely.”

The White House said the WHO’s China report lacks crucial information and provides just a “partial, incomplete picture” of the virus’s origin.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki last month called on China and the WHO to allow international experts “unfettered access” to data and to allow them to ask questions of people on the ground at the time of the outbreak. Psaki said that U.S. medical experts are still reviewing the report, but the White House believes it “doesn’t meet the moment.”


The report calls the prospect that the virus transmitted from an animal reservoir to an animal host, followed by subsequent spread within that intermediate host that then transmits it to humans, “likely to very likely.” It calls the idea that the virus may have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology “extremely unlikely.”

The report called for further investigation in every area except the lab leak hypothesis.

Even WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the research team’s assessment on whether coronavirus entered the human population as a result of a laboratory incident was not “extensive enough.”

President Biden said last month he had not spoken to Chinese President Xi Jinping about the origins of COVID-19.

The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

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La agencia Reuters, con 165 años de trayectoria internacional, inició un camino que no se presenta fácil para intentar cobrar por los contenidos.

Una encuesta entre 1.230 de sus lectores más fieles mostró que quieren noticias de calidad y desarrollo, pero manifiestan que no quieren pagar por ellas.

Reuters afronta el desafío de lo que llaman “una batalla cultural”: mostrar que la producción de calidad tiene costos y vale.

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La protesta se concentró frente a la embajada ecuatoriana en La Habana.

Un grupo de varias decenas de cubanos se concentró este viernes frente a la embajada de Ecuador en La Habana para protestar contra el anuncio de que necesitarán visa para viajar al país sudamericano a partir del 1 de diciembre.

Con sus billetes de avión y pasaportes en mano y visiblemente indignados, los manifestantes gritaban “¡Visa!, ¡visa!”, ante la atenta mirada de los miembros de las fuerzas de seguridad.

Los cubanos se quejaban de haber comprado sus tiquetes bajo la política de no exigir visa y ahora de forma repentina se encuentran con esta restricción anunciada por el gobierno de Rafael Correa.

“Ahora están diciendo que no podemos viajar a Ecuador por los cubanos que se están marchando. ¡Eso no es culpa nuestra!”, le dijo Iván Balera a la agencia de noticias Reuters.

Balera, de 51 años, aseguraba haberse gastado más de mil dólares en su billete a Ecuador.

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Los ecuatorianos buscan ayudar a frenar el flujo de cubanos hacia EE.UU.

Ecuador dijo que pondrá en vigor la exigencia de visa como una forma de frenar el flujo de cubanos que inician en ese país su periplo hacia Estados Unidos.

La decisión la adoptó después de una reunión en El Salvador entre ministros de Relaciones Exteriores de los países afectados por el flujo de cubanos.

“Ecuador pedirá visa a los ciudadanos cubanos; no porque tenemos algo en contra de Cuba, lo hacemos para detener violaciones a los derechos humanos y hasta la pérdida de vidas”, manifestó la cancillería ecuatoriana el jueves.

Varios miles de cubanos están atrapados en la frontera entre Costa Rica y Nicaragua, que no permite su paso desde hace tres semanas.

Los cubanos buscan llegar a Estados Unidos donde la Ley de Ajuste les garantiza derecho a permanecer en el país.

Muchos cubanos temen que con la reapertura de relaciones diplomáticas entre Washington y La Habana, Estados Unidos termine con los privilegios migratorios que les otorga la mencionada Ley de Ajuste.

El gobierno de Cuba considera esa norma estadounidense es “genocida” porque incita a la emigración ilegal.

Y en las últimas semanas ha salido a relucir que son miles los cubanos que tratan de llegar a EE.UU. a través de la ruta centroamericana.

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Comienzan en Ecuador, donde pueden volar porque hasta ahora no les exigían visa. E inmediatamente atraviesan el país hasta Colombia, desde donde parten en barco a Panamá.

Los cubanos luego atraviesan luego varios países de Centroamérica hasta llegar a México.

En tierras mexicanas se concentran en Tapachulas, localidad del sur donde conseguían un salvoconducto para atravesar legalemente el país y llegar finalmente a la frontera estadounidense.

A diferencia de los centroamericanos, los cubanos no se esconden de las autoridades migratorias estadounidenses. Al contrario, hacen valer su condición de ciudadanos de la isla y se acogen a la Ley de Ajuste.

Si en 1980 fue el éxodo del Mariel y en 1994 la crisis de los balseros, 2015 parece el año de “los balseros en tierra firme”.

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Las explosiones ocurrieron en una terminal de contenedores con productos inflamables en la ciudad portuaria de Tianjin.

La tranquilidad de la noche del miércoles en la ciudad china de Tianjin se vio interrumpida por impresionantes explosiones en las que al menos 44 personas murieron y más de 500 resultaron heridas, según informó la prensa estatal.

Según medios estatales, el primer estallido se produjo cuando un cargamento de explosivos estalló a las 23.30 hora local (16:30 GMT).

Aunque las causas del suceso se desconocen por el momento, las informaciones facilitadas por el Departamento de Bomberos de Tianjin apuntan a que las explosiones se produjeron después de que se declarara un incendio en el almacén.

El Departamento de Bomberos de Tianjin afirmó que el incendio comenzó a ultima hora del miércoles y que se produjeron dos grandes explosiones con 30 segundos de diferencia, seguidas de otras menores.

Cientos de personas fueron ingresadas en hospitales cercanos, 32 de las cuales se encuentran en estado crítico.

Tianjin es una zona industrial y uno de los puertos principales al sureste de Pekín, la capital de China.

Las fotos y videos que circulan en las redes sociales muestran una gran bola de fuego y una columna de humo.

La primera explosión fue seguida por otra unos 30 segundos después.

La BBC habló con residentes de Tianjin que aseguraron que los hospitales locales están repletos de afectados.

Un funcionario de la agencia sismológica de China indicó que la fuerza de la primera explosión fue equivalente a tres toneladas de TNT y la segunda de 21 toneladas.

Cientos de personas ingresaron en los hospitales cercanos, según informó la agencia estatal china Xinhua.

Varios edificios cercanos se quedaron sin electricidad, de acuerdo a información del canal de televisión CCTV.

Todo tembló

Una testigo dijo a los medios locales que estaba afuera de compras cuando “de repente vio una gran bola de fuego seguida de una explosión”.

Las explosiones destruyeron edificios y cientos de autos en la terminal portuaria.

“En el momento de la explosión, el suelo se movía con fuerza y los autos y las edificaciones cercanas temblaban, algunas ventanas de edificios se rompieron y todos empezamos a correr”, dijo.

La gente salió a la calle buscando refugio.

Otro testigo, la maestra canadiense Monica Andrews, dijo que se despertó llena de pánico pensando que se trataba de un terremoto.

“Vi fuera de mi ventana y el cielo estaba rojo… Vi la segunda explosión y luego el caos, todo el mundo salía de sus apartamentos pensando que se trataba de un terremoto, autos intentando irse del complejo, era una locura la cantidad de luz que salía del lugar de la explosión”, dijo a la BBC.

La Radio Nacional de China reportó que eran visibles las grietas en edificios cercanos a la explosión.

Varias cuadras del puerto de la ciudad quedaron sin electricidad, según la CCTV.

La explosión ocurrió en un área de depósitos donde son guardados productos peligrosos en la zona en construcción de Binhai, según informa la agencia Xinhua.

Tianjin, cuya población es de unas 15 millones de personas, es un puerto muy importante y un área industrial ubicada al sureste de la capital de China.

En un momento se vio una gran bola de fuego alumbrando la ciudad.

La onda expansiva de las explosiones llegó a sentirse hasta a diez kilómetros de distancia.

Algunos estaban desorientados y mareados.

La onda expansiva reventó cristales, incluso de automóviles.

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One anti-Fauci Twitter post last week said, “Sorry liberals but we don’t trust Dr. Anthony Fauci.”

The hashtag #FauciFraud has been used by more than 70 Twitter accounts, some posting hundreds of times a day, according to an analysis by The New York Times. Criticism of Dr. Fauci has also come from leading conservative voices and supporters of Mr. Trump, including Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, a conservative group; Bill Mitchell, the host of the far-right online talk show “YourVoice America”; and Shiva Ayyadurai, who has falsely claimed to be the inventor of email.

But Mr. Trump himself has praised the doctor. During Wednesday’s briefing, when a reporter asked about Dr. Fauci’s personal security, the president said: “He doesn’t need security. Everybody loves him.”

In fact, Dr. Fauci has earned plaudits from many medical experts and public health officials for his often grim assessment of the threats facing the United States from the coronavirus — even sometimes contradicting the president’s rosier outlook.

For weeks, Dr. Fauci’s remarks on television and at the White House stood in sharp contrast to the commentary from Mr. Trump’s fiercest supporters on Fox News, whose leading hosts repeatedly claimed that Democrats, the news media and public health experts were inflating the threat of the virus.

After the viral video of Dr. Fauci lowering his head, online attacks against him increased. A seven-year-old email that he wrote to an aide of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s was posted online by The American Thinker, a conservative blog. In the email, Dr. Fauci praised Mrs. Clinton for her stamina during hearings into the 2012 attacks on the American compound in Benghazi, Libya. The blog suggested falsely that the email proved that Dr. Fauci was part of a secret group who opposed Mr. Trump.

Ironically, in the past several days, the president has largely adopted Dr. Fauci’s more dire warnings about the dangers of the rapidly spreading virus. On Tuesday, Mr. Trump called it a “great national trial unlike any we have ever faced before” and echoed Dr. Fauci’s language about the need to minimize its spread.

“It’s a matter of life and death, frankly,” Mr. Trump said, offering a sober assessment of the pandemic’s effect. “It’s a matter of life and death.”

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Saturday morning’s temblor brought people outside once again, with many expressing fears that the aftershocks were getting worse.

“This is really screwed up,” said José M. Nazario, 76, said as he again looked in on his small, two-story house near the center of Guánica. The structure still stands, but the series of quakes damaged windows and tiles, broke a dish cabinet, knocked out drawers and broke a toilet. For four nights, he has slept in his Toyota Corolla.

“They say a 7 or 8 could be coming,” he said. “I don’t know. But they keep getting stronger.”

The United States Geological Survey has warned of a strong chance of continuing aftershocks of 5.0-magnitude or greater, but said Saturday morning that the chance of a temblor stronger than Tuesday’s big quake was only 4 percent.

Elizabeth Vanacore, a seismologist with the Puerto Rico Seismic Network, said tremors would continue for at least a few more weeks. A strong aftershock, like the one on Saturday morning, will also cause its own aftershocks, Ms. Vanacore said.

The fact that there are multiple faults within and around the island means that one earthquake can activate nearby faults, which Ms. Vanacore said may have caused Saturday morning’s earthquake.

“We suspect that we have at least a few faults involved right now,” she said. She likened the high density of faults to a crowded subway car, in which people bump into each other, causing a chain reaction of collisions.

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Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick, R., slammed Joe Biden’sNeanderthal thinking” comment on lifting COVID-19 restrictions on “The Faulkner Focus” on Thursday, calling the president a “hypocrite.”

Biden took a swipe at Republican governors in Texas and Mississippi Wednesday, accusing them of “Neanderthal thinking” following their decision to reverse coronavirus safety policies, including mask mandates.

“How dare him attack Texas for our policies when he is allowing the border to be overrun by people coming in here by the hundreds, by the thousands and testing positive and coming on a bus to your state wherever you happen to live in the United States of America,” Patrick said. “What a hypocrite.”


More than 100 illegal immigrants released by the Border Patrol into Texas since January have tested positive for COVID-19 following their arrival, officials on the U.S.-Mexico border told Fox News. 

Felipe Romero, a spokesperson for Brownsville, said Wednesday the 108 positives represent 6.3% of the number of total migrants who have been rapid-tested at the city’s main bus station, where they are being released by the Border Patrol. Rapid testing of the individuals began there on Jan. 25. 

He added Brownsville does not have the authority to prevent those who test positive from traveling elsewhere in the U.S. and is advising them to quarantine, follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, and socially distance. 


Sources at the White House told Fox News on Wednesday it is aware of instances where individuals may continue to travel despite testing positive and being told to quarantine, yet the federal guidance remains for them to isolate.

“What I would call ‘Neanderthal thinking’ would be Governor [Gavin] Newsom in California telling his people not to come out of their cave for a year,” Patrick said.  “I would call ‘Neanderthal thinking’ the Democrat Governor [Andrew] Cuomo of New York sending patients with COVID to nursing homes where he covered up 12,000 people dying.”

He added, “I would call ‘Neanderthal thinking’ of allowing people to cross the border illegally with COVID.”

Patrick went on to say that Biden “didn’t look at the facts,” noting 15 other states don’t have a mask mandate. He added people were still encouraged to socially distance.

“We just joined that group,” he said. “We’re not telling people not to wear masks. We’re just removing a mandate.”


A Biden spokesperson did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Fox News’ Caitlin McFall, Greg Norman, Peter Doocy and Griff Jenkins contributed to this report.

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Some of the grounded Boeing 737 MAX airplanes are seen parked in Moses Lake, Wash., in October 2019.

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Some of the grounded Boeing 737 MAX airplanes are seen parked in Moses Lake, Wash., in October 2019.

David Ryder/Getty Images

Boeing’s troubled 737 Max airplane will now remain grounded from passenger service until at least June or July, which is months later than the company had previously suggested.

And that means airlines will likely cancel Max flights through the busy summer travel season.

The three U.S. airlines that fly the 737 Max, American, Southwest, and United, had already removed the planes from their flight schedules into early June.

In a statement, Boeing confirms that it has told its customer airlines and its manufacturing suppliers that “we are currently estimating that the ungrounding of the 737 MAX will begin during mid-2020.” Industry sources tell NPR that means June or July at the earliest and ultimately, the FAA and other aviation regulators around the world will determine when the 737 Max is safe to fly passengers again, which could be months later.

The 737 Max has been grounded by regulators since last March, after the second of two crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia killed 346 people. Investigators primarily blame a faulty automated flight control system on the Max for the crashes. The company has been working on software fixes for that and other problems ever since.

Until recently, Boeing had often suggested the fixes were almost ready to be submitted to regulators and approval was imminent. But in December, FAA Administrator Stephen Dickson pushed back against Boeing’s then-CEO Dennis Muilenburg for suggesting repeatedly that the Max would be recertified before the end of the year, saying the regulatory agency would not be pressured into granting quick approval.

Dickson summoned Muilenburg to Washington for a hastily called meeting, in which the FAA chief told the company’s chief executive that “Boeing continues to pursue a return-to-service schedule that is not realistic.” In a statement, the FAA said Dickson was also concerned with “the perception that some of Boeing’s public statements have been designed to force FAA into taking quicker action.”

During the meeting, Dickson “made clear that FAA’s certification requirements must be 100% complete before return to service.” And “he reminded Mr. Muilenburg that FAA controls the review process” and will take all the time it needs to get the 737 Max review right.

Shortly after the FAA’s rebuke, Muilenburg was forced out and replaced by Boeing board member and former General Electric executive David Calhoun as CEO.

In a statement today, the FAA says “the agency is following a thorough, deliberate process to verify that all proposed modifications to the Boeing 737 MAX meet the highest certification standards. We continue to work with other safety regulators to review Boeing’s work as the company conducts the required safety assessments and addresses all issues that arise during testing. We have set no timeframe for when the work will be completed.”

Boeing’s efforts to fix the MCAS flight control system on the MAX have been plagued by setback after setback.

In pushing back the anticipated date of the plane’s return to service, new CEO Calhoun appears to be trying to set a new tone. The new estimate “is informed by our experience to date with the certification process,” Boeing says in its statement.

The new estimate of when the plane may finally be approved to return to service “is informed by our experience to date with the certification process,” Boeing says in its statement. “It is subject to our ongoing attempts to address known schedule risks and further developments that may arise in connection with the certification process. It also accounts for the rigorous scrutiny that regulatory authorities are rightly applying at every step of their review of the 737 MAX’s flight control system,” including pilot training requirements.

“Returning the MAX safely to service is our number one priority, and we are confident that will happen,” Boeing’s statement continues. “We acknowledge and regret the continued difficulties that the grounding of the 737 MAX has presented to our customers, our regulators, our suppliers, and the flying public.”

The 737 Max crashes and subsequent crisis at the airplane manufacturer has been taken a toll on morale among Boeing employees and retirees in the Seattle area, where most of the company’s planes are built.

CEO Calhoun is in Seattle this week, meeting with Boeing employees and for the first time, he plans to take questions from reporters in a conference call Wednesday.

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The U.S. has reported a record single-day number of daily Covid cases, with more than 1 million new infections.

A total of 1,082,549 new coronavirus cases were reported Monday, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University, as the highly infectious omicron variant continues to spread throughout the country.

The new daily tally brings the total number of cases confirmed in the U.S. since the start of the pandemic to 56,189,547. In total, the virus has caused 827,748 deaths across the country.

The record single-day total may be due in part to delayed reporting from over the holiday weekend. A number of U.S. states did not report data on Dec. 31, New Year’s Eve, and many do not report data on weekends, meaning that some of these cases could be from positive tests taken on prior days.

Nonetheless, as of Jan. 3, the seven-day average of daily new U.S. cases is 480,273, meaning the U.S. has the highest 7-day average of new cases in the world, according to JHU’s rankings.

About 98,000 Americans are hospitalized with Covid-19, according to a seven-day average of data from the Department of Health and Human Services as of Jan. 3, up 32% from a week ago. That figure is approaching peak delta wave levels when about 103,000 people were in hospital beds with Covid across the country in early September, but remains lower than last winter’s high mark of roughly 137,000 U.S. hospitalizations.

The U.S. is reporting an average of about 1,200 daily Covid deaths for the week ending Jan. 3, Hopkins data shows, well below the record numbers seen following last year’s holiday season when the daily average held above 3,000 for about a month starting in January 2021. The death toll tends to lag rises in case counts and hospitalizations, however.

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Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., arrives for the impeachment trial of President Trump at the Capitol on Friday. Alexander, a key vote in the trial, says he plans to vote no on hearing witnesses.

Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

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Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., arrives for the impeachment trial of President Trump at the Capitol on Friday. Alexander, a key vote in the trial, says he plans to vote no on hearing witnesses.

Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

Updated at 1:43 p.m. ET

Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., says that while he believes President Trump has acted inappropriately, he does not need to hear from witnesses in Trump’s impeachment trial.

Alexander is among a key group of Republicans whom Democrats hoped to persuade to join them in their effort to call witnesses.

“I don’t need to hear any more evidence to decide that the president did what he’s charged with doing,” Alexander told NPR’s Steve Inskeep on Friday. “So if you’ve got eight witnesses saying that you left the scene of an accident, you don’t need nine.”

Alexander announced on Thursday night that he would not vote to call witnesses, all but assuring the trial will end without senators hearing additional testimony.

“I agree he did something inappropriate, but I don’t agree he did anything akin to treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors. I think there’s a big gap there,” Alexander told NPR.

Citing an argument by Trump attorney Alan Dershowitz, Alexander said: “Forty presidents have been accused of abuse of power since Washington. So, many presidents have done inappropriate things. I think it’s appropriate for me as a United States senator to say, ‘Mr. President, you shouldn’t do that.’ But that doesn’t mean that I should take it upon myself to vote, to remove him from office and take him off the ballot. I think that’s up to the people.”

Alexander, who has announced he will be retiring at the end of his current term, said he still supports President Trump’s reelection.

It would take four GOP senators voting with the Democratic caucus to call for witness testimony.

Shortly after Alexander made his announcement on Thursday, Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said she will vote in favor of calling witnesses.

In a statement, she said, “I believe hearing from certain witnesses would give each side the opportunity to more fully and fairly make their case, resolve any ambiguities, and provide additional clarity. Therefore, I will vote in support of the motion to allow witnesses and documents to be subpoenaed.”

As the impeachment trial resumed Friday, Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, said she will vote no on witnesses. Murkowski is another Republican whom Democrats had hoped would support hearing from witnesses.

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Ilustración: Nadia Santos

Ilustración: Nadia Santos

Ilustración: Nadia Santos

El mundo aquí afuera es mejor de lo que dicen. Ya lo verás. A pesar de que yo mismo le hago a veces mala publicidad, no tengas la menor duda: la vida es fantástica. Hay días, sí, en que los hechos carecen completamente de sentido y lo instalan a uno muy cerca del desánimo, pero basta un destello de humanidad, nada muy preciosista ni logrado, humanidad solamente, para devolverte la fe y la terquedad.

Hubo un tiempo en el que la idea de la paternidad no me estimulaba en lo absoluto. Me parecía insensato traer a este planeta en franco proceso de descomposición a una criatura que, más temprano que tarde, acabaría contaminándose. Pensaba que la gente se reproducía por puro egoísmo, creyendo que así podría corregir una
especie condenada de antemano al fracaso de la mediocridad. Con los años, descubrí que detrás de esa forma de pensar había básicamente miedo. Y el miedo, aun siendo natural como reacción, es inaceptable como argumento vital.

Ahora veo todo muy distinto, aunque nunca dejo de sorprenderme de ciertos pensamientos súbitos. Hace casi seis meses, el día de diciembre que Natalia, tu mamá, me anunció, con una alegría inmensurable, que estaba encinta, una frase automática surgió, sólida, instintiva, desde lo más profundo de las taras y prejuicios de
mi educación: “Ojalá que sea hombre”. Sí, ya sé: flor de tarado. Te lo cuento así, sin reservas, porque, si es posible la transparencia entre padres e hijos, quisiera practicarla contigo. A diferencia de tu abuelo –que fue un hombre hermético que evitaba mostrar sus debilidades–, tiendo a irme hacia el otro extremo y no pierdo ocasión de mostrar mis fisuras. Espero que no sea también un error.

Sé muy bien qué fuerzas inconscientes me llevaron ese día a pedirles un varón a las máximas instancias divinas y cósmicas. Por un lado, la idea machista, y un tanto sobreestimada, de la complicidad masculina como símbolo de fortaleza de la tribu. Por otro, la sensación de que el mundo –pese a ser un lugar digno de conocer– sigue siendo más difícil de conquistar para las mujeres.

Con el paso de los meses, sin embargo, todas esas consideraciones fueron disolviéndose en mi mente como la arena cuando el puño empieza a soltarse. A cambio quedó vivo un único deseo: que haya en ti salud y bondad a partes iguales (la belleza e inteligencia, por el lado materno, están garantizadas).

Por eso cuando hace unas semanas, después de la última ecografía, la doctora nos informó que serías “una niña”, pensé en el eufónico nombre que ya habíamos elegido para ti –Julieta– y sentí que todo lo que hasta ese instante me parecía crucial y verdadero pasaba de golpe a un segundo plano.

Más adelante, contigo en brazos, podré contarte al detalle todo esto que te escribo. Por ahora me queda el privilegio de seguir interpretando los movimientos que haces por las noches, cuando me acerco al vientre de tu madre para balbucear unas palabras o musitar una canción y tú, desde ese otro lugar del mundo en el que te encuentras, estiras un brazo o una pierna en entusiasta señal de desacuerdo. Julieta del alma, no has nacido y ya me doblegaste. No quiero ni pensar lo que vas a hacer conmigo cuando aprendas a hablar.

Esta columna fue publicada el 27 de mayo del 2017 en la revista Somos.

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Rep. Duncan Hunter said Friday he would soon resign his congressional seat.

Gregory Bull/AP

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Gregory Bull/AP

Rep. Duncan Hunter said Friday he would soon resign his congressional seat.

Gregory Bull/AP

Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., who pleaded guilty this week to misusing campaign donations, announced Friday that he will resign his congressional seat.

“Shortly after the Holidays I will resign from Congress,” he said in a statement. “It has been an honor to serve the people of California’s 50th District, and I greatly appreciate the trust they have put in me over these last 11 years.”

Hunter’s resignation marks a dramatic change in fortunes for the son of Rep. Duncan Hunter, the once-powerful Republican member of the House Armed Services Committee. The younger congressman, a Marine veteran of the war in Iraq, was an early and ardent supporter of President Trump’s. But his political fortunes began to sink after his indictment last year on charges that he and his wife, Margaret, used more than $250,000 in campaign funds for their personal use.

As NPR’s Jessica Taylor noted this week, Margaret Hunter agreed to a plea deal over the summer that required her to testify against the congressman. The indictment against the congressman alluded to several extramarital affairs he had. Hunter had initially planned to fight those charges, but this week he said he would reverse course and plead guilty.

He told KUSI, a TV station in San Diego, that he would plead guilty to charges of illegal use of campaign funds. “It’s important not to have a public trial for three reasons, and those three reasons are my kids,” he told KUSI.

On Thursday, the House Ethics Committee urged Hunter to stop voting on legislation to “preserve public confidence in the legislative process when a sitting Member of Congress has been convicted of a serious crime.” Hunter had voted on the House floor a day earlier.

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Seleccionado por jóvenes para los jóvenes, Aussie News Today compartirá historias de toda Australia y las retransmitirá directamente a las fuentes de noticias de millones de jóvenes y de viajeros potenciales de todo el mundo.

El director general de Tourism Australia, John O’Sullivan, dijo que la nueva campaña destacaría muchos de los destinos y experiencias únicas disponibles para los jóvenes viajeros y los turistas ne vacaciones con trabajo en Australia.

“Con Aussie News Today pretendemos poner una sonrisa en los rostros de los jóvenes al ofrecer historias de noticias divertidas, a veces irreverentes e inspiradoras, de la vida cotidiana allá abajo.

“Desde inmersiones en jaulas de cocodrilos y selfis con quokkas, hasta carreras de camellos y competiciones de lanzamiento de atún, bananas gigantes y enormes piñas, Australia es un continente singular con tantas grandes historias para compartir como buenas razones para visitarlo,” dijo el Sr. O’Sullivan.

Aussie News Today será una campaña dirigida a las redes sociales , que ha sido lanzada por tres jóvenes y carismáticos miembros de la selección de rugby de Australia, Nick Cummins (también conocido como “el tejón de la miel”), la presentadora  de televisión Teigan Nash y el anteriormente actor de Home and Away, Lincoln Lewis. Los tres viajarán y cubriran información desde lugares de todo el país.

Con dicha cobertura noticiosa,se recopilarán contenidos únicos australianos de todo el país y se compartirán internacionalmente a través de los canales de comunicación digitales y sociales de Tourism Australia, incluidos los perfiles dedicados de Aussie News Today en Facebook e Instagram y un centro de noticias en

La campaña tambien se creará contenido adicional para jóvenes como parte de una asociación de contenidos en primicia mundial con BuzzFeed, para lo que se enviará a ocho jóvenes viajeros de Europa a un viaje de tres meses por Australia para que informen de sus experiencias sobre la cultura, festivales, eventos, comida y vino locales.

Los jóvenes viajeros representan el 25 por ciento de todas las llegadas de visitants internacionales a Australia (2,1 millones) y el 46 por ciento del gasto de los visitantes (18.700 millones de dólares australianos).

El ministro de Comercio, Turismo e Inversión de Australia, el honorable parlamentario Steven Ciobo, reconocio que los jóvenes viajeros menores de 30 años son una parte muy importante del conjunto de visitantes a Australia.

“Muchas personas simplemente subestiman lo importante que es el mercado juvenil para el turismo australiano. Los jóvenes viajeros y los turistas en vacaciones con trabajo se quedan más tiempo, recorren el país ampliamente y, por último, gastan más que la mayoría de los otros segmentos de viajes.

“Esta campaña es una gran manera de compartir un poco de nuestra tierra de Allá Abajo con jóvenes viajeros de todo el mundo que buscan diversión, aventura y experiencias de viaje que cambian la vida”, dijo el ministro Ciobo.

Animamos a los australianos, a las empresas turísticas australianas y a los turistas que nos visitan a que envíen propuestas de noticias a través de #AussieNewsToday y a que visiten para encontrar los mejores itinerarios y actualizaciones de Aussie News Today.

La campaña se centrará inicialmente en cuatro de los mercados juveniles más grandes de Australia: el Reino Unido, Francia, Alemania e Italia, antes de extenderse a otros mercados el próximo año.

Acerca de Tourism Australia:

Tourism Australia es la agencia gubernamental australiana responsable de promover Australia en el mundo como destino para viajes de ocio y de negocios. La organización tiene como objetivo aumentar la demanda de las experiencias turísticas del destino mediante la promoción de sus características únicas, lo que persuadirá a las personas a visitarl.


SOURCE Tourism Australia

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Even if the UFOs that hundreds of military pilots and thousands of everyday citizens have spotted are extraterrestrial in origin, they are likely far too complex for us to understand, UFO experts told Fox News in the wake of an inconclusive report released Friday by the Director of National Intelligence on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). 

The report, which was ordered by Congress last year, examined 144 reports of UAPs from U.S. government sources since 2004. 

Eighty of the reported incidents were observed with multiple sensors, including “radar, infrared, electro-optical, weapon seekers, and visual observation.”

In 18 of the incidents, “unusual UAP movement patterns or flight characteristics” were observed, including the ability to “remain stationary in winds aloft, move against the wind, maneuver abruptly, or move at considerable speed, without discernable means of propulsion.”

Despite the intriguing sightings, U.S. intelligence analysts could only explain one of the sightings, which was a large balloon deflating. 


Colonel John B. Alexander, who developed an interagency task force to explore UFOs while in the U.S. Army in the 1980s, said that if the phenomena are extraterrestrial, they are likely far beyond what humans are capable of understanding with our current faculties. 

“Whatever this is, it is more complex than we can possibly imagine,” Alexander told Fox News. “We’re not at the point of even asking the right questions, much less expecting simple answers.”

Military pilots have seen dozens of UFOs in recent years. 
(Department of Defense)

Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the SETI Institute who is doubtful that these UAPs are extraterrestrial, pointed out that aliens would nonetheless have technology that is incomprehensibly more advanced than what we’re accustomed to. 

“The universe is three times as old as the earth. There’s plenty of time for societies to arise that are not just a thousand years more advanced than we are, but they could be a billion years more advanced than we are,” Shostak told Fox News. 

“So if you ask yourself, ‘What could that kind of a society do?’ There are things they could do that we simply can’t conceive of.” 

Shostak bets that humans will have better luck looking to the stars to find aliens than scouring our own atmosphere. 

“We’re not looking for them a couple of miles up. We’re looking for them lightyears away,” Shostak said. “We look at star systems, other suns that are relatively nearby, that are either known to have planets and maybe planets like earth.” 

A study published in The Astronomical Journal last year found that there are likely billions of Earth-like planets just in our galaxy. 


Even if these UAPs aren’t proof of extraterrestrial life, Alexander agreed that aliens are out there, in some form or another. 

“Is there life elsewhere in the universe? The answer is yes, and that’s not speculation, that’s math,” Alexander said. “That’s just based on the number of Earth-like planets or inhabitable planets that are out there.” 

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São Paulo – The Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) expects to more than triple the business turnover generated during the 2014 Carnival Project in relation to the 2013 edition of the event. Last year, participating companies generated an estimated US$ 104 million in business, and this year’s edition, to be held from February 24 to March 11, has the potential to reach US$ 340 million in exports during the 12 months counting from the start of the program.

Press Release

Braga: Brazilianity in business

The project exists since 2009 and consists in inviting importers from different countries for business meetings in Brazil, ending with the samba carnival parade in Rio de Janeiro, at the agency’s box. “It is a type of platform that helps sell Brazilian products,” said the Relationship Marketing executive manager at Apex, Jacy Braga.

According to him, the program’s differential is indeed the fact that it is tied with the unique Brazilian carnival festivities, that is, foreign entrepreneurs visit Brazil not only for business, but also to see a cultural particularity. Obviously it is not the only one since, as well as the parade, they will try typical foods and beverages, listen to the music, etc. “It is our Brazilianity turned to business,” observed Braga. This type of action is what he calls “relationship marketing”.

For the 2014 edition, 314 people from over 50 countries were invited, according to Apex. They are importers and “opinion makers”. Among them are representatives from Arab companies in Algeria, Morocco, Jordan, Kuwait, Egypt, Oman, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

The main thing this year, however, is on the Brazilian side, which involves 45 companies and 27 sector entities. Previously the project was organized only with associations, which defined the agenda and invited the participants. Now the agency has opened space for the companies to do so individually and, consequently, has expanded the number of participants. Hence the expectation for more business.

The schedule varies according to the company or entity and may include business roundtables, technical visits, lectures and seminars, in a total of 159 activities around the country.

The initiative is promoting goods such as foods, beverages, pet accessories, software, biotechnology, medical, dentistry and hospital equipment, medication, cosmetics, jewelry and costume jewelry, shoes, textiles, sporting equipment, machinery, electronic devices, plastic, construction materials, furniture, handicrafts, works of art, as well as services such as design, TV productions, and franchises, among others.

The project is organized by Apex with the participating companies and entities. According to Braga, the companies are responsible for identifying prospect importers and covering travelling expenses.

*Translated by Silvia Linsey

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Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick, R., slammed Joe Biden’sNeanderthal thinking” comment on lifting COVID-19 restrictions on “The Faulkner Focus” on Thursday, calling the president a “hypocrite.”

Biden took a swipe at Republican governors in Texas and Mississippi Wednesday, accusing them of “Neanderthal thinking” following their decision to reverse coronavirus safety policies, including mask mandates.

“How dare him attack Texas for our policies when he is allowing the border to be overrun by people coming in here by the hundreds, by the thousands and testing positive and coming on a bus to your state wherever you happen to live in the United States of America,” Patrick said. “What a hypocrite.”


More than 100 illegal immigrants released by the Border Patrol into Texas since January have tested positive for COVID-19 following their arrival, officials on the U.S.-Mexico border told Fox News. 

Felipe Romero, a spokesperson for Brownsville, said Wednesday the 108 positives represent 6.3% of the number of total migrants who have been rapid-tested at the city’s main bus station, where they are being released by the Border Patrol. Rapid testing of the individuals began there on Jan. 25. 

He added Brownsville does not have the authority to prevent those who test positive from traveling elsewhere in the U.S. and is advising them to quarantine, follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, and socially distance. 


Sources at the White House told Fox News on Wednesday it is aware of instances where individuals may continue to travel despite testing positive and being told to quarantine, yet the federal guidance remains for them to isolate.

“What I would call ‘Neanderthal thinking’ would be Governor [Gavin] Newsom in California telling his people not to come out of their cave for a year,” Patrick said.  “I would call ‘Neanderthal thinking’ the Democrat Governor [Andrew] Cuomo of New York sending patients with COVID to nursing homes where he covered up 12,000 people dying.”

He added, “I would call ‘Neanderthal thinking’ of allowing people to cross the border illegally with COVID.”

Patrick went on to say that Biden “didn’t look at the facts,” noting 15 other states don’t have a mask mandate. He added people were still encouraged to socially distance.

“We just joined that group,” he said. “We’re not telling people not to wear masks. We’re just removing a mandate.”


A Biden spokesperson did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Fox News’ Caitlin McFall, Greg Norman, Peter Doocy and Griff Jenkins contributed to this report.

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