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President Trump mocked Beto O’Rourke at a rally in Mississippi

US President Donald Trump has ridiculed Beto O’Rourke just hours after the Democratic presidential hopeful ended his campaign.

The president used a profanity to describe his rival and said he “quit like a dog”.

Mr O’Rourke, a former Texas congressman, was highly critical of Mr Trump after a mass shooting in his hometown of El Paso in August.

He called the bloodshed a “consequence” of Mr Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric.

On Friday Mr O’Rourke said he was quitting the race for the White House as his campaign did not have “the means to move forward successfully”.

Mr Trump’s response came days after he said Islamic State (IS) leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had “died like a dog” during a US military operation in north-western Syria.

Media captionBeto O’Rourke: “We do not have the means to pursue this campaign successfully”

Speaking at a rally in Tupelo, Mississippi, the president branded Mr O’Rourke a “poor, pathetic guy”.

What did Trump say?

“He came out of Texas a very hot political property, and he went back as cold as you can be,” Mr Trump declared.

He had earlier mocked Mr O’Rourke on Twitter.

He also described former Vice-President Joe Biden, a frontrunner in the race for the Democratic nomination, as mentally deficient, and said he was “dropping like a rock”.

Turning to the impeachment inquiry against him, the president said he believed an “angry majority” of American voters would support him.

The investigation was launched over allegations that Mr Trump improperly sought help from Ukraine to boost his chances of re-election, which he denies.

How did Mr O’Rourke quit?

Announcing the end of his campaign, Mr O’Rourke tweeted: “Our campaign has always been about seeing clearly, speaking honestly, and acting decisively.

“In that spirit: I am announcing that my service to the country will not be as a candidate or as the nominee.”

In a blog post thanking supporters, he wrote: “We confronted institutional, systemic racism and called out Donald Trump for his white supremacy and the violence that he’s encouraged against communities that don’t look like, pray like or love like the majority in this country.”

Democratic frontrunners tweeted their tributes to Mr O’Rourke after he stood aside.

Mr Biden said he had inspired many.

Elizabeth Warren commended his “commitment to ending gun violence”, while Bernie Sanders thanked him “for running a campaign to bring millions of people together”.

Who is Beto O’Rourke?

Mr O’Rourke, 47, ran for president in March after losing his 2018 bid to oust Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz.

In that Senate race, he did better than any Democrat had in Texas for decades, running a campaign that invigorated the party nationwide and drew comparisons with former President Barack Obama.

Media captionWho is Beto O’Rourke?

His passionate delivery along with his good looks and background as a skateboarder and a punk rocker endeared him to liberals across the country.

But Mr O’Rourke struggled to carry that energy into a White House race crowded with more than 20 Democratic candidates.

As the initial buzz over his campaign began to subside, the former congressman tried to reboot his candidacy.

He began to focus on gun control, and vowed to remove assault-style weapons from private ownership, saying in one televised debate: “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15s.”

But he could not catch up with front-runners like former Vice-President Joe Biden, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

As he launched his campaign, he posed on the cover of Vanity Fair, telling the magazine about the White House race: “Man, I’m just born to be in it.”

He later said he regretted that move because it reinforced a “perception of privilege.”

From rock star to rock bottom

In just about 12 months, Beto O’Rourke went from Democratic rock star to political rock bottom.

During his 2018 Senate race, the former Texas congressman was fundraising like a top-tier presidential candidate. Beloved by Democrats across the country for his youthful energy, his passionate stump speeches became viral sensations.

His obvious political skills in his home state did not translate on to the national stage, however, where a lack of campaign organisation and an inability to stand out on a crowded debate stage cost him dearly.

Mr O’Rourke’s relatively thin CV, which wasn’t a concern for Democrats when he was facing conservative stalwart Ted Cruz in Texas, was also a liability in a match-up against senators and a former vice-president with extensive experience and in-depth policy knowledge.

Some presidential hopefuls can run unsuccessful campaigns and end up with an elevated stature among party faithful – with more political prospects than when they began. Mr O’Rourke, whose campaign started high and trended only downward, was not so fortunate. He may have a second act in national politics, but his 2019 effort will be an experience he will have to overcome, not build on.

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Esta mañana ocurrió un multiple choque en Ventanilla. El accidente vehicular fue provocado por un camión compactador que estaba fuera de control.

Según testigos, el camión perdió el control y se estrelló contra un paradero. El accidente se registró sobre la avenida Néstor Gambetta a la altura del paradero conocido como Inca Kola, en Ventanilla.

LEE MÁS: ‘Chosicano’: suspenden autorización de empresas de transporte tras choque

Hasta el momento se ha confirmado una persona muerta. La víctima fue identificada como Eduardo Hutia Pezo. En tanto, el conductor, identificado como Aurelio Hanco Leguía, fue trasladado a la comisaría de Ventanilla para rendir su declaración.

El camión impactó contra cinco vehículos, entre ellos, una movilidad escolar, una cúster y un vehículo particular color rojo. De acuerdo a un vocero de la Municipalidad de Ventanilla, el accidente vehicular dejó al menos 18 heridos, los cuales fueron llevados al hospital de la zona.

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Israel decidió abandonar la Unesco pocos después de que lo hiciera Estados Unidos

Israel se sumará a Estados Unidos y se retirará de la Unesco, la Organización de Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura.

El primer ministro de Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, aseguró este jueves que su país comenzó los preparativos para abandonar el organismo, pocas horas después de que el Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos hiciera lo mismo.

“El primer ministro ordenó a la Cancillería que preparase la salida de Israel de la organización junto con Estados Unidos”, apunta un comunicado distribuido por la oficina de Netanyahu..

Washington atribuyó su salida a la necesidad de una reforma del organismo y a una supuesta “tendencia anti-Israel” del mismo.

Netanyahu consideró que la decisión de su aliado fue “valiente y moral”.

En su opinión, la Unesco se ha convertido “en un teatro del absurdo” que “en lugar de preservar la historia, la distorsiona”.

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En los últimos años, las críticas de Israel a la Unesco no cesaron.


En los últimos años, Israel ha criticado duramente las resoluciones de la Unesco, por supuestamente discriminar a su país y posicionarse en la disputa entre Israel y Palestina.

Uno de los momentos de mayor polémica se vivió en 2011, cuando la Unesco aprobó la entrada de Palestina como miembro de pleno derecho.

Entonces, Estados Unidos suspendió sus contribuciones a la agencia en respuesta, lo que a su vez obligó a la Unesco a retirarle el derecho de voto.

La comunidad internacional recibió con pesar las últimas noticias.

La directora de la Unesco, Irina Bokova, consideró la salida de Estados Unidos “profundamente lamentable”, mientras otros consideran que es la continuación del giro en política exterior estadounidense a manos de la administración Trump, de espaldas al multilateralismo.

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La Unesco fue acusada de ignorar los vínculos del judaísmo con la Explanada de las Mezquitas.

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WASHINGTON — A White House security specialist has been suspended without pay for defying her supervisor Carl Kline, less than a week after NBC News reported Kline approved Jared Kushner for top secret clearance over the objections of career staff.

The specialist, Tricia Newbold, had filed a discrimination complaint against Kline three months ago.

Newbold’s two-week suspension from the White House security office was for failure to supervise, failure to follow instructions and defiance of authority, according to the suspension decision notice obtained by NBC News. Security office chief Crede Bailey first proposed the suspension on Dec. 3, 2018.

Wednesday’s notice is signed by Bailey and mentions that in Newbold’s 18-year career she has not faced any “prior formal disciplinary action.” The document also harshly criticizes Newbold for her “defiance” and notes that Newbold said she would “continue to do what is best for the Executive Office of the President.”

In the notice, the chief security officer denies that the suspension has anything to do with Newbold’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaint.

Newbold’s lawyer, Ed Passman, considers her a whistleblower and said he believes the administrative charges were brought as payback for her decision to file the complaint against Kline.

“It’s clearly reprisal for her whistleblowing,” Passman said. “[It] has no basis in merit whatsoever.”

Newbold told NBC News, “I confidently feel that this is completely unwarranted and I am also confident that I have done nothing wrong, every decision I and my team have made have always been in the best interest of the United States,” she said. “There is no compromise of personal identifiable information or sensitive information.”

Tricia Newbold has filed an EEOC complaint against Carl Kline, alleging he discriminated against her because of her height.

Asked about Newbold’s suspension, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said, “We don’t comment on personnel issues.”

Kline was the subject of an NBC News article last week that revealed he had approved Kushner’s top-secret clearance after it was rejected by two career White House security specialists. The pair had made the decision to deny Kushner the clearance after an FBI background check raised concerns about potential foreign influence on him, two sources familiar with the matter told NBC News.

In her EEOC complaint, Newbold, who has a rare form of dwarfism, accused Kline of discriminating against her because of her height.

Her complaint states that, in December 2017, Kline moved security files to a new location that were too high and out of her reach. “You have people, have them get you the files you need; or you can ask me,” he told Newbold, according to her complaint.

Two sources who did not want to be identified confirmed that Kline had moved files out of Newbold’s reach.

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Tracking the milestones in Robert Mueller’s investigation can be tough, but if you’ve got three minutes, we’ve got a wrap-up of Michael Cohen for you.
Hannah Gaber Saletan, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON – Occasionally, his signature appears on court documents. But on the most consequential days of the nearly two-year investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, the man leading it – Robert Mueller – has been conspicuously absent.

When President Donald Trump’s senior aides and confidants paraded through federal courtrooms to face criminal charges his office had filed, the former FBI director was nowhere to be seen. When some of them came back to court to be convicted, he said nothing. 

It’s possible he never will. 

Mueller’s investigation has cast a shadow over nearly all of the first two years of Trump’s presidency. Prosecutors working to determine whether Trump’s campaign coordinated with Russian efforts to sway the election that put him in office have brought charges against some of his top aides and revealed extensive Moscow ties. But as the inquiry grinds closer to its conclusion, there are signs that the public might never learn the full extent of what Mueller has – or hasn’t – found.

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Justice Department rules require that Mueller submit a confidential report when his work is done. William Barr, the man likely to be confirmed as his next boss, has cast doubt on whether he would permit that document to be revealed. And those who know him say Mueller, reluctant to speak publicly even when the circumstances seem to require it, is unlikely to do it on his own.

“A public narrative has built an expectation that the special counsel will explain his conclusions, but I think that expectation may be seriously misplaced,” said John Pistole, who served as Mueller’s longtime top deputy at the FBI. “That’s not what the rules provide, and I really don’t see him straying from the mission. That’s not who he is.”

The Justice Department’s special counsel rules don’t call for Mueller to make any public statements about his work, let alone deliver a report of what he has found. Instead, his confidential report must explain why he filed the charges he did, and why he might have declined to bring charges against others. It would be up to the attorney general to decide whether that becomes public. 

Barr, who is widely expected to be confirmed this month as attorney general, told lawmakers he couldn’t commit to releasing Mueller’s report in full. Neither was he clear on whether he would permit Mueller to testify to Congress about his work. He said he wanted to be transparent about Mueller’s findings, but offered few details.

“Where judgments are to be made by me, I will make those judgments based solely on the law and department policy and will let no personal, political or other improper interests influence my decision,” Barr said during his confirmation hearing in January

Some lawmakers found the answer unsettling. 

After Barr’s testimony, Sens. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, and Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., introduced legislation that would require a special counsel to provide a report directly to Congress in addition to the attorney general.

People who know Mueller say that unless his bosses tried to derail his work, they would be surprised if the former FBI director did more than issue a brief statement indicating that a report had been submitted to the attorney general before quietly departing.

For any other major player in official Washington, where outsize egos routinely clash for political supremacy or simple adulation, such a scenario would be unthinkable. But Mueller’s aversion to the spotlight has been consistent across a lifetime in public service, from the battlefields of Vietnam to the office that now represents perhaps the most serious threat to the Trump presidency.

“I don’t think that there is any chance that he strays from what the regulations say,” said Chris Swecker, a former FBI assistant director who worked closely with Mueller. “So far, he has spoken through the indictments and other court documents his office has filed. You have to understand who he is. He will do what the law prescribes; he’s not going to be running his own pass patterns.

“None of this has ever been about his ego,” Swecker said. “He relishes the work as much as he hates the fanfare. It’s never been about him; it’s always been about the work.”

Meticulous investigator

Just as he transformed a maligned FBI in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks into his own image as a meticulous investigator, the Russia investigation has come to embody Mueller’s unflagging, buttoned-up personality.

“He’s not a warm and lovable guy,” Swecker said. “If you work for him, you are never going to feel appreciated. Things move too fast for that. He believes that you signed up to do a job. And it’s your mission to get it done. He doesn’t like drama.”

Mueller’s team appears to have embraced that approach.

His prosecutors have brought charges against 34 people and three companies including Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort; his first national security adviser, Mike Flynn and his former personal attorney, Michael Cohen. And outside of court filings, they’ve had nothing to say about any of them. 

When the team won a jury verdict after a three-week trial against Manafort, prosecutors retreated to their offices rather than appear at a clutch of microphones outside the courthouse. Asked by email if they had any comment, Mueller’s spokesman responded with a single word. 


Pistole, who served for six years as Mueller’s deputy at the FBI, describes his former boss as “totally apolitical,” with an unmatched work ethic.

“For him, it was about what is right for the country,” Pistole said. “Nothing else.”

‘Most transformative director since Hoover’

Mueller exited the FBI in 2013 as the longest-serving director since J. Edgar Hoover – amassing a legacy best defined by a grind-it-out style that kept the FBI intact.

Michael Chertoff, a former secretary of Homeland Security, once described Mueller in an interview with USA TODAY marking the FBI chief’s departure as “the most transformative director in the history of the FBI since Hoover.”

“And I mean that in a good way,” Chertoff said then. 


Robert Mueller will oversee the Russia investigation. Here’s a look at his background.

After the FBI, Mueller stayed on the public stage, but seldom in the spotlight.

As a partner at the high-powered law firm of Wilmer Hale, Mueller’s clients included some of the most recognizable corporate brands, including the National Football League. 

The NFL hired Mueller in 2015 to examine the league’s handling of a domestic violence incident involving then-Baltimore Ravens running-back Ray Rice. When it was complete, the 96-page report, which cleared the NFL of any intentional improper conduct, was simply posted online. No press conference; no public appearance by Mueller to discuss the findings. 

In a surprise turn of events, Mueller was among those Trump interviewed to replace his ousted successor at the FBI, James Comey. Instead, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller in May 2017 to head the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. 

Since then, the public has had only occasional glimpses of Mueller. One photo captured him waiting for an airplane at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, just a few yards away from an oblivious Donald Trump Jr. The photograph immediately went viral, a measure not only of the chance passing of the two potential adversaries, but the intense interest in the intensely private man leading perhaps the most widely watched criminal investigation in a generation.

It was months before Mueller’s appointment as a Russia special counsel when Pistole last had an extended visit with his former boss. At the time, Pistole said he was surprised to encounter a “jovial” Mueller, a feature that few have ever witnessed in such an outwardly serious character.

“He had been away from government for a while,” Pistole said. “He was laughing and joking. I thought: ‘Who is this guy? What have you done with my director?’ I doubt he’s had many moments since he took this job.”

The case for saying nothing

Barr has suggested that if the Senate confirms him, the public is unlikely to hear from Mueller directly. 

Barr, who served as attorney general in the administration of George H.W. Bush, has made no secret of his allegiance to the chain of command. In the midst of the 2016 campaign, he objected to then-FBI Director Comey’s decision not to recommend criminal charges against Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton for her use of private email server while Secretary of State because he said the decision should have been left to the attorney general or the deputy attorney general, not the chief investigator.

Barr told lawmakers he would “provide as much transparency as I can consistent with the law” about what Mueller’s investigation concludes. 

But he also cast doubt on how much detail he would be able to reveal. Justice Department rules require only that he notify Congress about instances in which he had overruled Mueller’s decisions about how the investigation should be handled. Some of the facts Mueller has gathered could be the result of grand jury proceedings, which are required by law to remain secret.

And he pointed to a Justice Department policy to avoid publicizing “derogatory” information about people who aren’t charged with a crime. Senate Democrats have expressed concern that the policy, combined with the department’s view that a president cannot be indicted, could lead Barr to keep confidential parts of the investigation that relate to Trump. 

That could in turn set up a battle with Congressional Democrats eager to know the details. 

“If the attorney general doesn’t issue a public report, they can expect it to be subpoenaed by Congress because of the high public value of Americans understanding just what the Russians did and who worked with them,” said Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif. 

Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s lead attorney, has said repeatedly that he fully expects Mueller to produce a final report, indicating that the president’s legal team would issue a “counter-report.”

Last month, acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker raised expectations when he told reporters that Mueller’s work was “close to being completed.”

“I hope we can get the report from Director Mueller as soon as possible,” Whitaker said then, only to suggest last week in testimony before the House Judiciary Committee that even he wasn’t really sure of the timing and hadn’t received a report.

“Bob Mueller is going to finish his investigation when he is going to finish his investigation,” Whitaker told lawmakers.

But some are casting doubt that a substantial final report from the special counsel is even in the offing.

“He’s a federal prosecutor; they don’t write public reports,” said George Washington University law professor Randall Eliason, a former federal prosecutor. “Everybody is breathlessly waiting for the Mueller report and I’m not sure that one is even coming.”

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El Estado Mexicano espió a integrantes de la sociedad civil y periodistas con las herramientas compradas para perseguir a delincuentes, comprobó una investigación de Artículo 19, R3D y Social Tic con asistencia del Citizen Lab de la Universidad de Toronto, Canadá.

Los ataques fueron dirigidos a integrantes del Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez, Aristegui Noticias, Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad (IMCO), Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad y el periodista Carlos Loret de Mola.

El estudio documenta que los ataques fueron realizados con el malware Pegasus, que fue desarrollado por la empresa israelí NSO Group y debido a las leyes internacionales únicamente es vendido a gobiernos para perseguir a criminales.

La investigación concluye que los ataques fueron dirigidos cuando los blancos cuestionaron las políticas del actual gobierno federal, por ejemplo: la difusión del reportaje La Casa Blanca de Peña Nieto, el acompañamiento a la investigación independiente del caso Ayotzinapa, la actuación de la Policía Federal en Tanhuato y el debate de las leyes anticorrupción.

En el caso de este medio de comunicación, además de los periodistas también fue atacado Emilio Aristegui, hijo de la directora editorial Carmen Aristegui.

Los objetivos de esta estrategia recibieron mensajes de texto en sus celulares con amenazas o trampas diseñadas para visitar ligas de internet que automáticamente descargan e instalan el virus.

El teléfono infectado da acceso a los espías a todos sus contenidos y funciones: se pueden activar las cámaras y micrófonos para seguir al objetivo en todo momento. Mensajes, fotos, contactos, agendas y aplicaciones se transfieren en tiempo real mediante internet.

La investigación de Artículo 19, R3D y Social Tic con asistencia técnica del Citizen Lab concluyó que los periodistas y activistas mexicanos fueron perseguidos con la tecnología de NSO Group.

En 2016, NSO Group dijo a Forbes que únicamente venden tecnología a gobiernos para combatir el terror y el crimen. “La compañía vende únicamente a agencias de gobiernos autorizadas y cumple con estrictos controles y regulaciones. Además, la compañía NO opera ninguno de los sistemas”.

The New York Times documentó que cada infección exitosa cuesta alrededor de 77 mil dolares.

Para las organizaciones mexicanas, el uso del software no cumple con el principio de legalidad, no persigue un fin legítimo, no contó con la autorización de un juez, no es una medida necesaria ni proporcional y los atacantes, agentes del Estado de mexicano, cometieron delitos graves. Es un #GobiernoEspía.



El reporte documenta cinco ataques contra el Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez justo cuando documentaba violaciones graves en los casos Ayotzinapa y Tlaltaya.

El director de la organización, Mario Patrón, recibió el mensaje “EL GOBIERNO DE MEXICO MADRUGA AL GIEI” (más el enlace malicioso) justo el día en que el Grupo Interdisciplinario de Expertos Independientes publicó un reporte que desmentía la posibilidad de un fuego de gran magnitud en el basurero de Cocula.

Además de Mario Patrón, también fueron atacados Stephanie Brewer, coordinadora del área internacional del Centro Prodh, cuando impulsaba la Ley General contra la Tortura; y, Santiago Aguirre, subdirector del centro, quien recibió mensajes engañosos para revisar tesis de sus alumnos en internet.

Aquí puedes ver el detalle de cada ataque (representación gráfica de los mensajes recibidos por los blancos):


El estudio documenta que Carmen Aristegui recibió 24 ataques, Rafael Cabrera siete y Sebastián Barragán uno.

En este caso, las intervenciones ilegales se extendieron al hijo de la directora editorial, Emilio Aristegui, quien recibió 24 mensajes con engaños para infectar su teléfono personal.

Los mensajes se enviaron entre enero de 2015 y julio de 2016. El reporte indica que los ataques pudieron detenerse debido a una actualización de seguridad que realizó Apple a toda su línea de Iphone tras una alerta del Citizen Lab por el uso de estos programas maliciosos.

Algunos mensajes se refieren a la tarea periodística de este equipo (“POR TEMA DE CASA BLANCA PRESIDENCIA PODRIA ENCARCELAR REPORTEROS MIENTRAS INVESTIGA”) o al nacimiento de un nuevo espacio informativo (“Carmen la pagina esta intermitente, esta apareciendo este error al intentar ingresar”).

Otros mensajes fueron engaños relacionados con visas, compras no realizadas o noticias falsas.

Aquí puedes ver la cronología y consultar los mensajes.


El periodista Carlos Loret de Mola recibió ataques entre agosto de 2015 y abril de 2016, justo cuando publicó información que cuestionaba la versión oficial sobre la balacera en Tanhuato, Michoacán, y cuando presentó informes sobre la captura de Joaquín Guzmán Loera.

El 20 de agosto de 2015 recibió el primer mensaje, tras varias columnas y tuits cuestionando a la Procuraduría General de la República (PGR) sobre el caso Tanhuato.

“Los mencionados en mi reportaje (Tanhuato) son los responsables de hacer espionaje para el gobierno (Policía Federal y Secretaría de Gobernación)”, dijo Carlos Loret para el reporte de Artículo 19, R3D y Social Tic.


Juan Pardinas,  director general del Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad (IMCO) y Alexandra Zapata, directora de educación e innovación cívica del instituto, recibieron  cuatro mensajes con el virus.

El primer ataque se registró luego de que Pardinas afirmó que “si en México la corrupción es un tema cultural, entonces Grupo Higa es Conaculta” y que se uniera de lleno a la creación de las leyes anticorrupción.

La directora de Educación e Innovación Cívica recibió dos ataques. En el primero le enviaron una nota falsa de UNO TV sobre un caso de corrupción en el IMCO. En el segundo intento se mencionó un video íntimo que involucraba a personal del instituto.



Daniel Lizárraga y Salvador Camarena, de Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad, fueron víctimas de ataques luego de publicar investigaciones periodísticas y al presentar su equipo de investigación.

Daniel Lizárraga recibió un mensaje el 18 de mayo de 2016, sobre un supuesto adeudo con Telcel. Unos días antes, el 3 de mayo, participó en el equipo de Aristegui Noticias que publicó los #PanamáPapers con el reportaje “El constructor de La Casa Blanca de EPN ocultó una fortuna en paraísos fiscales”.

Salvador Camarena recibió ataques tras publicar una columna sobre el reportaje de las empresas fantasma de Javier Duarte, del que Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad fue parte,   y tras presentar públicamente su nueva organización y equipo de trabajo.

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The mass shooter of the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) in San Jose, Calif., was said to be not only a “disgruntled employee” but was also facing a disciplinary hearing Wednesday due to alleged racist remarks.

Since 2016, when Customs and Border Protection agents questioned him, authorities knew Samuel Cassidy, 57, and described him as “highly disgruntled.” But he still managed to obtain firearms and explosives and bragged about them to some of his co-workers.

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In 2016, authorities found a black notebook detailing Cassidy’s hatred for his job as a maintenance worker and his colleagues, as well as books on terrorism, Raw Story reported. More recently, some of his co-workers have reported that Cassidy made inappropriate racial remarks.

He was supposed to attend a hearing Wednesday, but he came to work with a duffel bag loaded with two semi-automatic handguns and 11 magazines, according to CBS News.

He killed nine of his colleagues, most of whom are people of color. Before he killed himself, surveillance footage shows that he was searching for others around the station’s campus, a local NBC affiliate reported.

His ex-wife, Cecilia Yolanda Nelms, who is a person of color, told NBC that she recalls times he talked about killing his co-workers during their marriage, which ended in 2004. But she says she didn’t take it seriously.

Nelms said she was stunned to see her former husband on a killing spree.








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Para el exsecretario de Energía Daniel Montamat, 2016 cerró con dos buenas noticias que no fueron “debidamente subrayadas por la propia comunicación oficial”.
La primera de ellas es el éxito que cosecharon las rondas 1 y 1.5 del Plan RenovAr, a través de las cuales, “en un país que durante años relegó la inserción en la matriz energéticas de las renovables, se adjudicaron proyectos por 2.400 MW”.
El especialista describe la segunda buena noticia de la siguiente manera: “En una visión de largo plazo, yo veo –en el mundo, y en la Argentina, con potencialidades muy importantes– una transición intrafósil. El gas natural (que tiene ya un lugar muy importante, siendo el principal recurso en nuestra matriz primaria y la principal fuente de abastecimiento eléctrico) consolida por segundo año un crecimiento en su producción local”. De este modo, y luego de una suba de 3,9% un año antes, en los primeros 10 meses de 2016 el incremento fue de 5,3% respecto del periodo anterior.
“El epicentro de la crisis energética tiene que ver con el gas natural, porque nos quedamos sin reservas probadas de gas y dependíamos muchísimo del gas natural. Entonces, es una buena noticia que el gas empiece a consolidar tendencias de crecimiento en la producción local”, desarrolla el exfuncionario.
Es más, en sus palabras, si se resuelve el problema del gas en unos años, todo el resto de los problemas que actualmente posee el sector energético se reacomodarán, incluyendo aquí a la inserción de las renovables.
“La Argentina tiene un gran potencial de gas, incluido Vaca Muerta, 77% del cual es gas. Empezamos a explotar Vaca Muerta por el lado del shale oil cuando deberíamos haberlo hecho con el shale gas”, remata.
En este sentido, la potencialidad que podría implicar subsanar la crisis energética argentina no debe ser pasada por alto. “La energía puede aportarle, como inversión, entre tres y cinco puntos más a la tasa de inversión del país”, concluye Montamat.

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MIAMI – The First Lady of Haiti, Martine Moïse, is being heard from publicly for the first time since she was badly injured during the assassination of her husband, Haitian President Jovenel Moïse.

On Saturday, Moïse posted an audio message on her personal Twitter account.

In the message, she says, “I’m alive by God’s grace, but I lost my husband Jovenel.”

Moïse arrived in South Florida for medical treatment Wednesday afternoon, several hours after the early-morning attack took place outside the Port Au-Prince home she shares with her husband.

About the attack, she said, “One blink of an eye, mercenaries came to my house and riddled my husband with bullets.”

“After 25 years of marriage they took my husband away from me. I knew going into politics wasn’t going to be easy. We must continue the fight. Jovenel was for the people. They assassinated him because he wanted to change the country. We must stand up and continue the fight…he was fighting for us, and we must continue fighting for him.”


Haitian police officers identify 20 suspects in Haitian president’s assassination

Miami’s Notre Dame d’Haiti Catholic Church prays for Haitian First Lady Martine Moïse

Congresswoman Wilson calls on Biden to appoint special envoy to Haiti following president’s assassination

Haitian President Jovenel Moïse assassinated during armed attack at home

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Saoirse Kennedy Hill, the granddaughter of Robert F. Kennedy, died at the Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts Thursday. She was 22. 

The Kennedy family confirmed her death in a statement to the Associated Press, saying, “Our hearts are shattered by the loss of our beloved Saoirse.”

“She lit up our lives with her love, her peals of laughter and her generous spirit,” the statement said, noting that Hill was passionate about human rights, women’s empowerment and volunteer work in indigenous communities. “We will love her and miss her forever.”

Hill was the only child of Courtney Kennedy Hill, the fifth of Robert and Ethel Kennedy’s eleven children. Hill’s father is Paul Michael Hill, one of four falsely convicted in the 1974 Irish Republican Army bombings of two pubs.

Robert’s widow Ethel, 91, said the “world is a little less beautiful today” following her granddaughter’s sudden death. 

The night the light faded: Bobby Kennedy’s assassination changed history

Although the political family’s statement did not list a cause of death, the New York Times and The Hyannis News report that Hill died of an apparent overdose. 

The Cape and Islands District Attorney’s Office told the Times and People that Barnstable police responded to “a reported unattended death” Thursday afternoon.

“The matter remains under investigation by the Barnstable police as well as state police detectives assigned to the Cape and Islands District Attorney’s Office,” Assistant District Attorney Tara Miltimore said. 

The district attorney’s office did not immediately respond to USA TODAY’s request for comment.

Hill was a member of Boston College’s class of 2020, the university confirmed to the Boston Globe. Before that, she attended Deerfield Academy in Deerfield, Massachusetts, where she opened up about her struggles with mental illness. 

“My depression took root in the beginning of my middle school years and will be with me for the rest of my life,” she wrote in a 2016 essay for the school’s student newspaper. “Although I was mostly a happy child, I suffered bouts of deep sadness that felt like a heavy boulder on my chest.”

Hill revealed that she “attempted to take my own life” two weeks before her junior year began and took a “medical leave” from school to receive treatment for depression. She said she returned to Deerfield Academy her senior year. 

“Just because the illness may not be outwardly visible doesn’t mean the person suffering from it isn’t struggling,” she wrote. “Let’s come together to make our community more inclusive and comfortable.”

Saoirse’s death adds to the compendium of tragedies that have befallen the Kennedy family, exemplifying the so-called “Kennedy curse.” Among such tragedies is the assassination of her grandfather, “Bobby” Kennedy, who was killed the same night he won the New York and California presidential primaries in the 1968 election. Bobby’s death was preceded by the assassination of his brother, former president Kennedy, in 1963. 

Other members of the Kennedy family have died from other causes, including plane crashes, World War II combat, alcohol and drug addiction, and various other accidents. Those individuals include a brother and sister of former president John and congressman Bobby, as well as the former president’s son, wife, and sister-in-law. 

Additionally, last month marked the 50th anniversary of the Chappaquiddick incident, in which Edward “Ted” Kennedy, then a senator, drove off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island in Martha’s Vineyard. Though he survived, his 28-year-old passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne, was killed.

Saoirse’s uncle, David Anthony Kennedy, struggled with alcohol and drug addiction and was found dead in 1984 at a Palm Beach hotel, the Times reported. Thirty years afterward, Saoirse wrote an online message to her uncle, in which she called him a “kind and gentle spirit who went through unimaginable struggles” in his life, according to the Times.

Contributing: Associated Press

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Thailand’s King Maha Vajiralongkorn has been crowned on the first of three days of coronation rites.

King Vajiralongkorn inherited the throne in 2016 when his long-reigning father Bhumibol Adulyadej died.

Days ago in a surprise announcement the palace said the king had married his long-term partner and royal consort who would now be Queen Suthida.

Thailand has a constitutional monarchy, but the royal family is highly revered by Thais and wields considerable power.

Thailand also has strict laws, called lese majeste, which ban criticism of the monarchy. The laws have shielded the royal family from public view and scrutiny.

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The monarchy commands widespread reverence in Thailand

During Saturday’s ceremony the 66-year-old king was handed the 7.3kg (16lbs) Great Crown of Victory, which he placed on his head.

He then issued his first royal command, promising to reign with righteousness, as his father had done at his coronation 69 years ago.

The coronation comes at a time of political uncertainty. A general election was held on 24 March, the first since the army took control in a coup in 2014, but a new government has yet to be declared.

Who is the king?

King Vajiralongkorn is the second child, and first son, of Queen Sirikit and Bhumibol Adulyadej.

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King Vajiralongkorn’s father was the longest-reigning monarch in the world

He was educated in the UK and Australia and has been trained at the Royal Military College in Canberra. He went on to become an officer in the Thai armed forces and is a qualified civilian and fighter pilot.

He became crown prince and official heir to the throne in 1972. He is now known as Rama X, or the 10th King of the Chakri dynasty.

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Thai TV showed the wedding ceremony of King Vajiralongkorn and Queen Suthida

Queen Suthida, who is his fourth wife, is the deputy commander of his personal security unit. She was made a full general in the army in December 2016.

What are the coronation ceremonies?

The coronation rituals began at 10:09 (03:09 GMT), an auspicious time, when King Vajiralongkorn changed into a white robe to go through purification and anointment ceremonies using sacred water that has been collected from more than 100 locations around the country.

He is receiving the five Royal Regalia – the symbols of kingship – which includes the Great Crown of Victory.

Most of the main Brahmin and Buddhist rituals take place on Saturday, and the coronation continues until Monday.

While King Vajiralongkorn has been on the throne since 2016, in Thai tradition he cannot be considered a divine representative on Earth nor the main patron of Buddhism until he is consecrated.

How are Thais marking the occasion?

On Sunday, King Vajiralongkorn will take part in a procession around the capital, Bangkok, giving people a chance to celebrate.

Large crowds are expected for this event as well as when he makes a public appearance on a balcony at the Grand Palace on Monday.

King Vajiralongkorn spends most of his time abroad and is not as well known to the public as his father.

But huge portraits of him can now be seen at many buildings after it was made mandatory for state offices to erect them in the weeks leading up to the celebration.

Civil servants were also asked to wear yellow – the colour associated with the king. Many ordinary Thais will also be wearing yellow to show their loyalty to the monarch.

Key events

Saturday 4 May

  • The Royal Purification and Anointment – sacred water is poured over the king
  • Royal Regalia – the king is presented with the crown, sword and other items
  • Temple of the Emerald Buddha – the king proclaims himself the Royal Patron of Buddhism
  • Assumption of the Royal Residence – he symbolically moves into the official residence with a housewarming ceremony

Sunday 5 May

  • Royal Procession on Land – the king rides the Royal Palanquin encircling the city allowing people to pay homage

Monday 6 May

  • The king grants a public audience on a balcony in the Grand Palace. Later he grants an audience to international diplomats.

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Urgen distensión en Cataluña

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Una marcha de miles de personas en Barcelona a favor de la unidad española, el 8 de octubre

Pau Barrena/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

A un día de que los líderes catalanes posiblemente declaren la independencia de la región, cuando el presidente regional Carles Puigdemont comparezca ante el parlamento, las tensiones en España están a flor de piel.

El fin de semana hubo manifestaciones masivas a favor de la unidad, con personas ondeando la bandera española y gritando consignas como “Puigdemont a prisión” o “Yo soy español”, mientras otros, con banderas blancas, exigían que haya un diálogo entre Madrid y Barcelona.

También hubo muestras a favor del independentismo, lideradas en parte por la llamada Tractorada, un grupo de agricultores que está a favor de separarse de España y lo ha mostrado marchando con sus tractores.

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La alcaldesa de Barcelona, Ada Colau, durante una conferencia de prensa el 9 de octubre

Gonzalo Fuentes/Reuters

Ante la situación, la alcaldesa de Barcelona, Ada Colau, se pronunció hoy en una conferencia de prensa en la que señaló que la región y el país se encuentran “ante la crisis institucional más grave que se ha producido en este país desde la recuperación de la democracia”. En su pronunciamiento, urgió a Puigdemont a no tomar decisiones que puedan “poner en peligro ni la cohesión social ni las instituciones catalanas” y exhortó al presidente español, Mariano Rajoy, “corresponsabilidad de Estado” y que “contribuya a reducir la tensión” para “abrir un espacio de diálogo y recuperar la normalidad institucional”.

“Les pido que no tomen ninguna decisión que podría dinamitar un espacio de diálogo”, indicó Colau.

Las divisiones han ido en aumento en lo que va del mes, después de que el gobierno catalán celebrara un referéndum independentista el domingo 1 de octubre pese a que las cortes y el gobierno español ya habían declarado ilegal la votación; estas respondieron movilizando a la Policía Nacional y a la Guardia Civil para clausurar casillas e impedir el voto –con golpes de porra y usando balas de goma, en algunos lugares– y presentando cargos de sedición contra varios funcionarios catalanes, entre ellos el jefe de la policía autonómica, Josep Lluís Trapero.

De cara a que Puigdemont acuda ante el parlamento mañana, donde posiblemente haría la declaración independentista, la vicepresidenta española, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, también había sugerido que el gobierno de Rajoy podría aplicar el artículo 155 de la Constitución, con el cual se suspendería la autonomía catalana. “Aplicar el 155 puede suponer muchas cosas, porque está poco estudiado”, declaró.

A todo esto, ¿cómo se sienten los migrantes que han vuelto de Cataluña su hogar? Hablamos con algunos de ellos al respecto.

Citan a Fernández de Kirchner después de elecciones

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Cientos de personas en Buenos Aires levantan retratos de las víctimas de la bomba en la Asociación de Mutuales Israelitas Argentinas, donde murieron 85 personas hace más de dos décadas.

Alejandro Pagni/Agencia France-Presse — Getty Images

La expresidenta argentina Cristina Fernández de Kirchner fue citada hoy a comparecer el próximo 26 de octubre ante los tribunales como parte de una investigación en su contra por haber alcanzado un pacto comercial con Irán presuntamente a cambio de hacer caso omiso del involucramiento de ese país en un atentado contra la Asociación Mutual Israelita de Argentina (AMIA), en el que murieron 85 personas en 1994.

La pesquisa contra Fernández de Kirchner corría antes a cargo del fiscal Alberto Nisman, quien murió en enero del año pasado en circunstancias misteriosas que ahora están siendo indagadas como probable homicidio. Toda la situación, junto con otro caso de alto perfil que es investigado como desaparición forzada, han causado revuelo antes de las elecciones legislativas del 22 de octubre.

En estas, Fernández de Kirchner podría ser elegida como senadora por la provincia de Buenos Aires, unos días antes de tener que ir a testificar.

Un muro para los ‘dreamers’

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El muro fronterizo entre Tecate, México, y Tecate, California

Paul Buck/European Pressphoto Agency

El gobierno estadounidense de Donald Trump ha anunciado el desmantelamiento del programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia, o DACA, que protege de la deportación a unos 800.000 inmigrantes indocumentados jóvenes para que puedan seguir estudiando o trabajar en Estados Unidos. El programa terminaría en marzo de 2018 y la última oportunidad para renovar el estatus temporal de dos años de duración culminó el jueves pasado, con miles de personas haciendo fila para intentar asegurarse de tener el permiso por el poco tiempo que queda.

Al anunciar la revocatoria, Trump indicó que DACA, una acción ejecutiva, debe ser remplazada por un plan legislativo impulsado en el congreso antes de marzo. Ahora, además de esa fecha límite, la Casa Blanca acaba de anunciar más exigencias.

En un documento entregado al congreso el domingo, la Casa Blanca insiste en que se implementen otras medidas en materia migratoria para siquiera considerar el plan a favor de los dreamers que pueda surgir del Capitolio, entre ellas, el financiamiento para construir un muro fronterizo con México, la autorización prespuestaria para contratar a 10.000 agentes de inmigración y que estén prohibidos los subsidios del gobierno federal a las llamadas ciudades santuario que no cooperan con las autoridades migratorias.

Por otra parte, Trump ha desatado críticas bastante duras de un integrante de su propio partido después de hacer declaraciones que dejaron perplejos a muchos: en una reunión con comandantes militares el jueves pasado, indicó que esa era “la calma antes de la tormenta” sin indicar qué tormenta podría ser esa, y después tuiteó varias referencias a que la acción diplomática y políticas como las sanciones “no han funcionado con Corea del Norte” y que “solo una cosa va a funcionar”, sin especificar cuál. En respuesta, el senador por Tennessee Bob Corker dijo ayer que “cada día en la Casa Blanca todo se trata de intentar contener” a Trump y que este bien podría desatar una tercera guerra mundial.

Aniversario luctuoso

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Una estatua del Che Guevara en La Higuera, en Bolivia, donde fue asesinado en 1967

Nadia Shira Cohen para The New York Times

A exactamente cincuenta años de la muerte de Ernesto “el Che” Guevara, el pueblo de Bolivia donde fue asesinado, La Higuera, intenta conciliarse con el peso de esa historia. Para muchos de ellos, la llegada del Che significó la llegada de masacres y, en palabras de una mujer que vivió todo, “fue una tortura y un momento de sufrimiento”.

Viajamos por toda La Higuera para descubrir qué opinan otros habitantes sobre el legado del guerrillero, en momentos en que varios movimientos izquierdistas que lo nombran como figura clave o inspiración enfrentan sus propias batallas en la región.

Más en América Latina y el Caribe

• La corrupción va en aumento en la región, de acuerdo con un nuevo informe de Transparencia Internacional que indica que el 62 por ciento de los latinoamericanos y caribeños que participaron en su sondeo opina que la situación respecto a la corrupción e impunidad ha empeorado durante los últimos doce meses. Una tercera parte de los encuestados también dijo que había tenido que pagar un soborno para recibir algún servicio público. La policía y los funcionarios electos empataron, con 47 por ciento, como los organismos públicos más corruptos en todos los países que son parte del estudio. El país con un mayor índice de percepción de corrupción fue México, pues el 51 por ciento de los encuestados dijo haber pagado un soborno en el último año; le siguen República Dominicana (46 por ciento) en segundo y Perú (39 por ciento) en tercer lugar, mientras que Brasil y Trinidad y Tobago tuvieron los menores índices de pago de sobornos, con 11 y 8 por ciento, respectivamente.

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Una manifestación en Bogotá en repudio a las muertes de civiles en Tumaco, el 6 de octubre

Leonardo Munoz/European Pressphoto Agency

• En Colombia se gesta una crisis después de la muerte de por lo menos seis civiles en circunstancias extrañas en la zona de Tumaco, donde hay más hectáreas del cultivo ilegal de hoja de coca, durante una manifestación en contra de programas de sustitución de cultivos y la erradicación, el jueves pasado. Una comisión que acudió a la ciudad para verificar los hechos y deslindar responsabilidades fue recibida a balazos. Se sospecha que la muerte de los civiles corre a manos de la policía, que asegura que solo abrió fuego después de que exintegrantes de las Farc que han decidido no desmovilizarse ni dejar las armas les lanzaron explosivos. Por lo pronto, los policías que habrían estado involucrados fueron suspendidos.

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Residentes de un albergue para personas trans en Río de Janeiro: Leon Albuquerque, Clarice Telles, Persefone Gray y Cristiane Vasconcelos

Dado Galdieri para The New York Times

• Las personas transgénero y transexuales en Brasil sufren de una violencia desmedida: el año pasado 144 de ellas fueron asesinadas en todo el país, de acuerdo con una asociación que ha contabilizado 138 muertes este año, entre ellas una golpiza mortal contra una mujer trans que fue captada en video y conmocionó al país. Sin embargo, hay una luz a final del túnel para algunos de los brasileños de este sector poblacional, pues una telenovela, A Força do Querer (El poder del amor) se ha vuelto una sensación con su trama de la transición de un personaje, Ivana, a Ivan.

Rendición masiva

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Hombres desplazados que se sospecha son integrantes del Estado Islámico son revisados en un centro de seguridad cerca de Kirkuk, en Irak.

Ivor Prickett para The New York Times

En las últimas semanas, miles de integrantes del Estado Islámico han comenzado a rendirse ante las autoridades de Irak después de varias derrotas del grupo, que siempre se había presentado como uno en el que los milicianos peleaban hasta morir.

Varios de los integrantes que se han rendido en los centros de detención cerca de la zona kurda de Kirkuk aseguran que solo eran cocineros o limpiaban, y que apenas habían estado en el grupo por unos pocos meses. Seguimos a uno de ellos durante todo el proceso de rendición e interrogación.

Nobel por el estudio conductual

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El comité que otorga el premio describió el trabajo de Robert H. Thaler, uno de los pioneros en la disciplina de la economía conductual.

Jonathan Nackstrand/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

El economista Richard H. Thaler, profesor de la Escuela de Negocios Booth de la Universidad de Chicago, fue reconocido hoy por el comité del Nobel como el galardonado del Premio en Ciencias Económicas por su trabajo como uno de los pioneros en incorporar preceptos de la psicología al estudio de la economía. Sus estudios, de acuerdo con el comité, volvieron a la economía conductual una de las ramas más conocidas del estudio de la política económica al intentar descubrir por qué la gente actúa de manera irracional. Ante la pregunta de cómo aprovecharía el dinero que es otorgado junto con la presea, Thaler dijo: “Es una buena pregunta. Creo que lo gastaré de la manera más irracional posible”.

The New York Times Magazine entrevistó a Thaler en 2001; puedes leer aquí un perfil sobre cómo decidió incorporar disciplinas que revolucionaron la economía: ¿fue porque unos amigos no podían dejar de comer las nueces que puso en la mesa durante una reunión a pesar de que sabían que estaban ingiriendo demasiada sal? ¿será porque un amigo dijo que pagaría diez dólares para que le poden su césped, pero que él nunca cobraría diez dólares por podar el césped de alguien más? “Thaler propuso que la mayoría de la gente se comporta como… gente. Son propensos a cometer errores, a ser irracionales y emocionales y a actuar en maneras que no siempre son consistentes con maximizar su propio bienestar financiero”, dice el reportaje.

Estos fueron los otros ganadores de Premios Nobel este año:

• Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash y Michael W. Young recibieron el premio de Fisiología o Medicina por sus hallazgos sobre los mecanismos moleculares que regulan el “reloj biológico”: el ritmo circadiano de los humanos que dicta nuestro metabolismo y varias otras funciones.

• Rainer Weiss, Kip Thorne y Barry Barish recibieron el Nobel de Física por su descubrimiento y registro de las ondas gravitacionales predichas por Albert Einstein hace casi un siglo y que representan olas en el tiempo y el espacio causadas por eventos violentos como la colisión de dos hoyos negros.

• El Premio Nobel de Química fue para Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank y Richard Henderson por el desarrollo de la criomicroscopía electrónica, una forma de microscopía que permite construir imágenes tridimensionales de biomoléculas para poder estudiarlas más a fondo.

• El autor inglés Kazuo Ishiguro fue premiado por su mezcla de géneros literarios y una prosa que ha hablado sobre gigantes, clones y mayordomos.

• El Premio Nobel de la Paz fue otorgado a ICAN, la Coalición Internacional para Abolir las Armas Nucleares, por su promoción del primer tratado internacional que prohíbe explícitamente el armamento nuclear, que fue consolidado en el seno de la ONU en julio pero que no ha sido firmado por ninguno de los poderes nucleares del mundo.

Un anuncio que causa conmoción

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Dove se vio forzada a retirar un anuncio y a disculparse este fin de semana ante el furor generado en redes debido a que su publicidad mostraba a mujeres cambiando de camisa después de usar un producto de la empresa: una de ellas era una mujer negra que transicionaba a una blanca, como si Dove la hubiera “limpiado”.

Una portavoz de Dove, Marissa Solan, dijo que el GIF pretendía “mostrar que Dove Body Wash es para cualquier mujer y ser una celebración de la diversidad, pero nos equivocamos y, en consecuencia, ofendimos a mucha gente”.

Dove está lejos de ser la primera marca criticada por publicidad considerada racista; hicimos un compendio de casos anteriores de alto perfil.

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Since he was traveling by gigantic boat and not by car, he’d been en route since Monday.

“I’m sitting in my cabin right now,” he said.

Captain Rotruck is the commanding officer of the Mercy, the 1,000-bed U.S. Navy hospital ship heading to the Port of L.A. to alleviate pressure on the region’s health care systems caused by an anticipated surge in coronavirus patients.

Officials have said the medical staff aboard the ship will treat Angelenos with conditions not related to Covid-19, like heart attacks, or who have been in car crashes.

Though the task may sound grim, for many of the roughly 1,000 sailors aboard, including a full-time crew of 61 who maintain the vessel, it’s a new kind of mission, Captain Rotruck said.

“I see a tremendous amount of enthusiasm,” he said. “It’s very unusual for us to be able to do something this directly for the American people.”

Typically, he said, the ship goes out every couple years to provide care or to help build medical capacity in other countries, like the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia.

This time, the mission is hitting much closer to home, not just because it’s on American soil, but because many of the crew are based in San Diego.

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  • A New York man was arrested and charged Friday with threatening to assault and murder Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, according to authorities.
  • The US Attorney’s Office for the Western District of New York said in a statement that 55-year-old Patrick W. Carlineo, Jr. made the threats in a March 21 phone call to her office.
  • Carlineo told a staffer that Omar, who is one of the first two Muslim women to serve in Congress is a “terrorist.”
  • Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

A New York man was arrested and charged with threatening to assault and murder Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, according to the US Attorney’s Office for the Western District of New York.

Authorities said in a statement that 55-year-old Patrick W. Carlineo, Jr. is facing a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison, a $250,000 fine, or both in connection with a complaint that said he made death threats in a March 21 phone call to her office.

“Do you work for the Muslim Brotherhood?” Carlineo said to a staffer over the phone, according to a press release. “Why are you working for her, she’s a (expletive) terrorist. I’ll put a bullet in her (expletive) skull.”

The FBI reportedly said in a complaint that Carlineo sounded angry during the call but “spelled his name correctly and provided contact information” to a staffer.

Carlineo appeared before a US magistrate judge Friday and is being held ahead of a detention hearing next Wednesday, according to New York’s Elmira Star Gazette.

Omar first gained attention when she became one of the first two Muslim women to serve in Congress after a victory in the November 2018 midterm elections.

She came into the center of controversy after she accused pro-Israel lawmakers of having an “allegiance to a foreign country” in a tweet last month, earning sharp reactions from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, including President Donald Trump and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

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Young people gathered Wednesday by the Seine River in Paris, largely without masks and without social distancing. French President Emmanuel Macron has ordered the country into a third lockdown because of the continued spread of COVID-19.

Eleanor Beardsley/NPR

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Eleanor Beardsley/NPR

Young people gathered Wednesday by the Seine River in Paris, largely without masks and without social distancing. French President Emmanuel Macron has ordered the country into a third lockdown because of the continued spread of COVID-19.

Eleanor Beardsley/NPR

PARIS – Calling the new, faster-spreading variants of the coronavirus “an epidemic within the epidemic,” French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday extended a lockdown to the entire country and closed schools through the end of April.

In a televised address to the nation, Macron said a “more dangerous, contagious and deadly” virus surging in France left him no choice.

“If we are choosing to close down the whole country it’s because no area of the country is spared,” Macron said. “Everywhere the virus is spreading faster and faster and everywhere, hospitalizations are rising.”

Gatherings inside and outside are also banned and people will not be allowed to travel more than 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) from their homes. Macron said unlike the first confinement last spring, people who leave their homes will not have to fill out a form with the time, date and purpose of their outing. “We are choosing to have confidence in people’s sense of responsibility,” he said.

“Everyone has to make sure not that they close themselves in, but that they limit, to the maximum, their contacts, meetings and time spent with others,” said Macron.

The president’s announcement was entirely anticipated. France’s intensive care units are at capacity with more than 5,000 COVID-19 patients health officials say, and hospitalizations have already surpassed the second wave of this past winter. They are on track to surpass even the first deadly wave of last spring.

Over the weekend, several dozen emergency room doctors signed an open letter in the newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche, warning that if something is not done, hospitals would soon have to begin choosing which patients receive treatment. “We cannot remain silent without betraying our Hippocratic oath,” they said.

Jacob Kirkegaard, who studies health care systems as a senior fellow with the German Marshall Fund, says the new strains of the virus are forcing countries to step up their public health measures. Britain, Germany and Italy are also in various forms of lockdown.

“When COVID cases in a country are suddenly much more contagious, the lockdowns need to be adjusted and made much tougher,” he said.

Kirkegaard said vaccinations in France have not yet increased to a level which would make a difference in transmission. Thirteen percent of the French have received one dose of a vaccine. Only 4% have been fully vaccinated. But Macron said the pace of vaccination would go faster very soon.

“We are putting all our means behind vaccinating, vaccinating, vaccinating,” he said, “on Saturday and Sunday just like during the week.” Macron said some 250,000 health professionals – doctors, pharmacists, veterinarians and fire fighters – will be involved in the massive vaccination effort across the country.

Over the last few warm, spring days, the banks of the Seine River in Paris have looked a lot like Venice Beach, Calif., with young people working-out and sunbathing, their masks under their chins. Macron said there will be patrols enforcing restrictions on alcohol consumption in public and plenty of fines given. Bars and restaurants have been closed since last fall.

Doctors say COVID-19 patients in France’s ICUs are younger and younger, often without any underlying health problems. Macron said 44% of patients in intensive care are younger than 65.

The country’s Scientific Council, which advises the government on measures to combat the virus, called for a strict lockdown in January. Macron defended his decision not to lock the country down then, saying people had benefitted from “precious weeks of liberty.”

But he said the accelerating pandemic propelled by new variants meant France had to set a new course for the coming months.

Writing of the gravity of the situation this week in the newspaper Libération, Patrick Bouet, president of the National Council of the Order of Doctors, called on Macron to institute stricter measures. “The virus is winning and we have lost control of the pandemic,” Bouet said.

France is now approaching 100,000 coronavirus deaths. “That’s the equivalent of wiping the city of Nancy from the map,” wrote Bouet.

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President Trump lashed out at House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings over his criticisms of the border situation.

“Rep, Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border, when actually his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous. His district is considered the Worst in the USA,” Trump said in a trio of tweets Saturday morning. “As proven last week during a Congressional tour, the Border is clean, efficient & well run, just very crowded. Cumming District is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous & filthy place.”

He added, “Why is so much money sent to the Elijah Cummings district when it is considered the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States. No human being would want to live there. Where is all this money going? How much is stolen? Investigate this corrupt mess immediately!”

Cummings, who represents the Baltimore-area 7th Congressional District, has been a harsh critic of what he argues is the Trump administration’s poor treatment of migrants seeking asylum in the U.S. The House Oversight Committee chairman shouted down acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan over conditions in migrant camps during a hearing on Thursday.

Last week, Cummings also gained the authority to subpoena top White House aides for their personal email and text messages, including those of Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, and son-in law Jared Kushner, as part of an inquiry into whether there have been any violations of federal record-keeping laws.

A watchdog group asked the Maryland attorney general earlier this month to investigate whether Cummings and his wife used a charity for improper self-enrichment.

Trump’s criticism of Cummings’ majority-black district comes after the president engaged in a war of words with a group of four liberal minority women lawmakers who call themselves “the squad,” Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, insisting that they “go back” to their home countries, although only Omar was born outside of the United States.

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