Updated 7:15 AM ET, Sun September 19, 2021
(CNN)Every breath Robby Walker takes is one that almost didn’t happen.
Updated 7:15 AM ET, Sun September 19, 2021
(CNN)Every breath Robby Walker takes is one that almost didn’t happen.
Source Article from https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/19/health/florida-man-inspires-covid-vaccinations/index.html
The Justice Department has announced when Robert Mueller’s report on the Russia investigation will be released to Congress and the public. Veuer’s Justin Kircher has the story.
Buzz60, Buzz60
WASHINGTON – Democrats are in an uproar over Attorney General William Barr’s handling of the highly anticipated report by special counsel Robert Mueller, demanding that he cancels a planned news conference on Thursday about Mueller’s findings before actually releasing the report to the public.
For weeks, House Democrats have criticized Barr’s handling of the report but those critiques intensified significantly on Wednesday, one day before the Justice Department is set to release a redacted version of the 400-page report to the public.
“Once again, Barr wants to shape the public’s perception of the report,” House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., wrote on Twitter. “This is not justice. Just PR.”
In a joint statement, Democratic House chairs called Barr’s news conference “unnecessary and inappropriate” and called for release of the full report.
“These new actions by the Attorney General reinforce our concern that he is acting to protect President Trump,” the statement says.
“He should let the full report speak for itself. The Attorney General should cancel the press conference and provide the full report to Congress, as we have requested,” the statement continues. “With the Special Counsel’s fact-gathering work concluded, it is now Congress’ responsibility to assess the findings and evidence and proceed accordingly.”
Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein will hold news conference at 9:30 a.m. EDT, Justice Department spokeswoman Kerri Kupec said. The report is expected to go to Congress between 11 a.m. and noon EDT and likely will be released to the public around the same time.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi railed against the decision and pointed to a New York Times report indicating that Justice officials had briefed the White House on the contents of the report in advance of its public release. White House and Justice officials declined to comment on The Times account.
More: AG William Barr to hold news conference Thursday on before Mueller report goes to Congress
“AG Barr has thrown out his credibility & the DOJ’s independence with his single-minded effort to protect @realDonaldTrump above all else,” Pelosi wrote on Twitter. “The American people deserve the truth, not a sanitized version of the Mueller Report approved by the Trump Admin.”
House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler said the idea to release the report after Barr’s news conference was ill-advised. “This is wrong,” he wrote in a tweet. He continued, saying he was “deeply troubled” by the Times report about contact between the Justice Department and the White House before the report was released.
Nadler, D-N.Y., along with four House Democrats, held a last-minute news conference in New York to discuss both Barr’s delayed release of the report and his handling of the probe as a whole.
“The attorney general appears to be waging a media campaign on behalf of President Trump, the very subject of the investigation at the heart of the Mueller report,” Nadler said during the news conference. “Rather than letting the facts of the report speak for themselves, the attorney general has taken unprecedented steps to spin Mueller’s nearly two-year investigation.”
He continued, listing out concerns echoed by fellow Democrats, saying that Barr was attempting to create a narrative about the report before its release to help the White House.
“The central concern here is that the Attorney General Barr is not allowing the facts of the Mueller report speak for themselves, but is trying to bake in a narrative about the report to the benefit of the White House,” Nadler said.
Alongside Nadler was Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., who tweeted that Barr’s handling of the report equated to a “dog and pony show” and urged Barr to “keep your mouth shut.”
“So-called Attorney General is presiding over a dog and pony show. Here is a thought. Release the Mueller report tomorrow morning and keep your mouth shut,” Jeffries said. “You have ZERO credibility.”
Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., also questioned Barr’s intentions.
“Why is William Barr holding a press conference if not to (once again) try and frame the Special Counsel’s findings,” he wrote on Twitter. “Just release the full report and let the American people judge for themselves!”
On Twitter, Rep. Doug Collins, R-Georgia, lashed out at Nadler while defending Barr’s handling of the report.
“The only person trying to spin the report is @RepJerryNadler,” Collins tweeted. “The AG has done nothing unilaterally. After partnering with DAG Rosenstein to share principal conclusions, Barr is releasing the report voluntarily, working with Mueller’s team step by step.”
Well before Wednesday, Barr had already become a magnet for Democratic criticism.
He was lambasted by Democrats for making the determination that Trump’s conduct did not constitute a crime after the special counsel did not make a decision on whether the president’s actions during the investigation amounted to obstruction of justice.
Barr was also criticized over his four-page letter to members of Congress that went over aspects of Mueller’s conclusions. Members of Mueller’s team said that Barr’s letter “failed to adequately portray the findings of their inquiry and that they were more troubling for President Trump than Mr. Barr indicated,” according to the New York Times, which cited a number of unnamed officials.
Democrats have pushed for Barr to release the full report, without redactions, and said they would subpoena a full copy. Barr, no doubt, will be criticized for any redactions made to the report when it’s released Thursday.
A less-redacted version would be made available to select members of Congress, according to a Wednesday court filing.
He has also been targeted for his past conduct before he was nominated attorney general by the president.
In June last year, Barr authored an unsolicited, 19-page memo outlining his opposition to an obstruction investigation of Trump. He shared that memo with White House lawyers.
That memo, written months before Trump selected him as the next attorney general, called the obstruction theory “fatally misconceived” and said that it was based “on a novel and legally insupportable reading of the law.” Barr acknowledged that he did not know what type of case Mueller was pursuing, but argued that Trump’s firing of former FBI Director James Comey didn’t constitute obstruction and that the president shouldn’t be forced to testify to Mueller’s investigators.
Contributing: Bart Jansen, USA TODAY
Source Article from https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/04/17/mueller-report-ag-william-barr-under-fire-over-handling-report/3502602002/
Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax calls the 15-year-old allegations lies amid uncertainty over Gov. Northam’s future; Garrett Tenney reports from Richmond.
Virginia Democratic Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax on Monday, when asked by a reporter, did not rule out the possibility that embattled Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam could be secretly pushing a newly revealed sexual assault allegation against Fairfax to derail his possible ascension to the governorship.
And in a separate, fiery statement late Sunday, Fairfax accused The Washington Post of “smearing an elected official,” reiterated that the sexual assault allegation against him is “false,” and seemingly threatened to sue the paper for rebuking his earlier characterization of the evidence surrounding the episode.
“This is what we meant when we said that people who continue to spread these false allegations will be sued,” Fairfax said.
Fairfax’s extraordinary comments came as Northam faces a torrent of pressure from both Democrats and Republicans to resign, after a now-infamous yearbook photo surfaced showing someone in blackface and someone in a KKK costume on Northam’s 1984 medical school yearbook page.
In a post published on the right-wing website Big League Politics on Sunday night, a woman accused a politician fitting Fairfax’s description of sexually assaulting her in a hotel room during the Democratic National Convention in Boston in 2004. In a statement Monday, Fairfax denied assaulting anyone, but acknowledged having a consensual encounter with the woman.
The Collective Political Action Committee (PAC), which says on its website that it “working to fix the challenge of African American underrepresentation in elected seats of power throughout our nation,” issued a statement on Monday charging it had “learned through various sources that Governor Northam’s team and advisors have now decided to start attacking Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax by spreading lies to reporters and state leaders in an attempt to quell support for the Lt. Governor as Governor Northam’s impending successor should he resign.”
Asked about the statement by the political action committee, which has supported Fairfax in the past, Fairfax did not dispute that Northam’s team could be responsible.
“Collective PAC has made its statement — you know, I don’t know precisely where this is coming from, you know, we’ve heard different things,” Fairfax said. “But here’s the thing: Does anybody think it’s any coincidence that on the eve of my potentially being elevated, that that’s when this uncorroborated smear comes out – does anybody believe that’s a coincidence? I don’t think anybody believes that’s a coincidence.”
He continued: “This is not the first time this was brought up. It was a year ago this was brought up. And The Post investigated three months, dropped the story, did not do it, and they did not do it because it was uncorroborated, and it was uncorroborated because it was not true.”
But on Monday, The Washington Post pushed back against Fairfax’s claim that the newspaper found serious problems with the original sexual misconduct accusation when it initially opted not to publish the account.
The Post said Monday that it was approached by the woman in 2017 and carefully investigated.
“The Post did not find ‘significant red flags and inconsistencies within the allegations,’ as the Fairfax statement incorrectly said,” the Washington Post said in a story published Monday, sharply disputing a separate statement by the lieutenant governor.
Fairfax had said that the accuser, a woman, “first approached the Washington Post” over a year ago, prior to Fairfax’s inauguration in 2018.
“The Post carefully investigated the claim for several months,” Fairfax’s office said in the statement. “After being presented with facts consistent with the Lt. Governor’s denial of the allegation, the absence of any evidence corroborating the allegation, and significant red flags and inconsistencies within the allegation, the Post made the considered decision not to publish the story.”
In its Monday story, the Washington Post acknowledged investigating the claims and deciding not to publish. But it said the Fairfax statement “incorrectly” claimed the paper found “significant red flags and inconsistencies within the allegations.”
“Fairfax and the woman told different versions of what happened in the hotel room with no one else present,” the paper said. “The Washington Post could not find anyone who could corroborate either version.”
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, left, gestures as his wife, Pam, listens during a news conference in the Governors Mansion at the Capitol in Richmond, Va., Saturday, Feb. 2, 2019. Northam is under fire for a racial photo the appeared in his college yearbook. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)
The Washington Post didn’t name the accuser. But the paper said Fairfax and the woman first met in Boston at the 2004 Democratic National Convention.
“The woman described a sexual encounter that began with consensual kissing and ended with a forced act that left her crying and shaken,” The Washington Post reported. “She said Fairfax guided her to the bed, where they continued kissing, and then at one point she realized she could not move her neck. She said Fairfax used his strength to force her to perform oral sex.”
The statement from Fairfax said that before Big League Politics posted about it, “not one other reputable media outlet has seen fit to air this false claim. Only now, at a time of intense media attention surrounding Virginia politics, has this false claim been raised again.”
“The Lt. Governor will take appropriate legal action against those attempting to spread this defamatory and false allegation,” the statement read.
Speaking to reporters in Richmond Monday, Fairfax discussed his relationship with the accuser, saying he was 25 and unmarried when they met at the convention. He denied any wrongdoing, calling it a “consensual encounter.” Fairfax called it a “totally fabricated story” and questioned the timing.
“Such a shame this is weaponized and used as a smear because this is a very real issue,” Fairfax said.
The Big League Politics post that prompted Fairfax’s denial published a purported Facebook post from the woman that read, “Imagine you were sexually assaulted during the DNC Convention in Boston in 2004 by a campaign staffer. You spend the next 13 years trying to forget it ever happened. Until one day you find out he’s the Democratic candidate for statewide office in a state some 3000 miles away, and he wins that election in November 2017. Then, by strange, horrible luck, it seems increasingly likely that he’ll get a VERY BIG promotion.”
She did not name Fairfax, but the report implied she was referring to the lieutenant governor.
Big League Politics also broke the news of Northam’s yearbook photo on Friday.
Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax speaks during an interview in his office at the Capitol in Richmond, Va., on Saturday, Feb. 2, 2019. Fairfax answered questions about the controversial photo in Gov. Ralph Northam’s yearbook page. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)
Meanwhile, Democratic Virginia Sen. Mark Warner took a circuitous route on Capitol Hill to avoid reporters late Monday, before heading to a car which pulled up underneath the Senate Carriage Entrance.
Warner, in response to questions from Fox News, repeatedly referred back to his joint statement with fellow Virginia Demoratic Sen. Tim Kaine on Northam, which was issued Saturday.
When asked about Northam not heeding his calls to resign, Warner responded, “We have to find a way to move forward.”
Several prominent Democrats, including Hillary Clinton and New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have called on Northam to resign.
Should Northam resign, Fairfax would have the unusual opportunity in 2021 to seek another term as governor since he was not elected in the first place. Under Virginia law, governors can serve more than one term, but not consecutively.
“This scenario could not only create Virginia’s second African-American governor, but an environment where the second African-American governor would have the opportunity to have almost a seven-year term,” said University of Mary Washington political science professor Stephen Farnsworth. The state’s first African-American governor, Douglas Wilder, served from 1990 to 1994.
Late Monday, the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus said it was monitoring the situation.
“The Virginia Legislative Black Caucus takes all allegations of sexual assault or misconduct with the utmost seriousness,” its members said in a statement. “Given the recent allegations regarding Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax, the VLBC will continue to assess this developing situation as more details become available.”
Fox News’ Alex Pappas, Brooke Singman, and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Source Article from https://www.foxnews.com/politics/lt-gov-justin-fairfax-suggests-gov-northam-behind-leaked-sexual-assault-allegation
But Pence, in a 14-page filing brought by Justice Department attorneys, said the suit shouldn’t be aimed at him, since he is who Gohmert is trying to empower.
“A suit to establish that the Vice President has discretion over the count, filed against the Vice President, is a walking legal contradiction,” Pence’s brief said.
U.S. District Court Judge Jeremy Kernolde, a Trump appointee who sits in Tyler, Texas, has not scheduled a hearing in the case. Gohmert is due to file a reply to Pence’s brief on Friday morning.
Gohmert’s suit, filed Sunday, contends that the Electoral Count Act of 1887 — a law prompted by the disputed presidential election of 1876 — is unconstitutional because of the structure it imposes on the process of receiving electoral votes from each state.
Under the Electoral Count Act procedures, the vice president — presiding over the chamber — opens each state’s set of electors alphabetically. The law also sets out a process by which lawmakers can challenge sets of electors, triggering debates and votes by the House and Senate.
In the case of the 2020 election, Gohmert is among dozens of House GOP lawmakers who intend to object to Biden’s victory, alleging baseless claims of fraud. But those challenges appear doomed in a House controlled by Democrats and the closely divided Senate, where a slew of Republicans say there’s no evidence to reverse Biden’s win.
Gohmert is calling for the courts to throw out the rules altogether, which would leave the vague language of the Twelfth Amendment as the only guide to the process. Under that language, Pence would be the ultimate decider of which electoral votes to introduce to Congress.
In a 26-page brief calling on the court to reject Gohmert’s suit, House General Counsel Doug Letter described the effort as baseless and argued that both Gohmert and the Arizona electors lacked standing to bring it.
“At bottom, this litigation seeks to enlist the federal courts in a belated and meritless assault on longstanding constitutional processes for confirming the results of a national election for President,” Letter said.
Letter also says that Gohmert’s argument lacks substantive logic: It would make no sense for the framers to empower the sitting vice president to unilaterally control who becomes the next president, particularly when that sitting vice president is a candidate on the ticket. He also notes it would upend the accepted process for counting electoral votes that has been in practice for more than 130 years.
“Granting plaintiffs this extraordinary relief just days before the Joint Session would not only reward their inexcusably delayed filing,” Letter says, “it would also risk upending the orderly rules that have governed Congressional counting of electoral votes for more than a century and undermining the public’s confidence in the constitutionally prescribed processes for confirming—not overturning—the results of the election.”
Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued a statement Thursday calling Gohmert’s lawsuit an attempt to “unconstitutionally” empower Pence to override the will of the American voters — an effort she said would fail next week.
“There is no doubt,” she said, “that despite this desperate unpatriotic charade, on January 6, Joe Biden will be confirmed by the acceptance of the vote of the Electoral College as the 46th President of the United States.”
In his brief, Pence points to the House’s objections to Gohmert’s lawsuit as a reason for the court to reject it.
“It would be the Senate and the House of Representatives that are best positioned to defend the Act. Indeed, as a matter of logic, it is those bodies against whom plaintiffs’ requested relief must run,” the Pence filing says.
The Justice Department submission also argues that the suit against Pence is improper for another reason: the Constitution grants broad legal immunity to lawmakers. DOJ lawyers say that sweeping protection extends to Pence’s acts undertaken in an official capacity as president of the Senate.
Source Article from https://www.politico.com/news/2020/12/31/pence-overturn-election-results-lawsuit-453207
The Trump administration on Friday increased economic pressure on Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro by sanctioning 34 vessels used by the country’s oil company PDVSA to transport fuel to Cuba.
A senior administration official told reporters that the action could be followed by additional economic measures against Venezuela, in a protracted effort to force Maduro to step down and allow the country’s elected leader under the constitution, Juan Guaido, to take complete control.
The official also said that the option of using military force to oust Maduro is still an option.
“It remains on the table” and is “seriously being considered,” the administration official said.
But for the time being, the administration will continue to use economic pressure to sway Maduro to step down, with a number tools left in its “toolbox,” the official noted.
The sanctions imposed Friday by the Treasury Department on the 34 vessels will “tighten the noose” around Maduro, the official added.
The Trump administration had already placed sanctions on the oil company PDVSA, restricting the sale of oil to U.S. refineries on the Gulf Coast, representing one of its largest customers.
The restrictions placed on the 34 vessels are meant to make it more difficult for Maduro to ship oil to other regional customers in order to generate revenue, and diminish his influence in the region.
“The story here is there is no future for PDVSA as long as Maduro” remains in power, the administration official said.
He noted that Venezuela’s U.S.-based refinery company, Citgo, has been able to transition to alternate supplies of oil, and is doing better financially than when under Maduro’s control. Citgo is now under the control of the president-elect Guaido.
Source Article from https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/energy/trump-adds-pressure-on-venezuela-by-blocking-oil-shipments-to-cuba
Trump has publicly invoked “treason” or “treasonous” on 26 occasions, according to the Factba.se compilation of Trump utterances. That’s in addition to various and sundry “traitor” references. He began by accusing the likes of Bowe Bergdahl, Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning, then moved on to include the executives of Univision and Macy’s, Republicans who didn’t support him, Democratic lawmakers who didn’t applaud him, the failing New York Times, the media generally, people in his administration who leak, and Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Huma Abedin, James Comey, James Clapper, Rod J. Rosenstein, Robert Mueller, Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page and Peter Strzok.
Source Article from https://www.sltrib.com/opinion/commentary/2019/04/16/dana-milbank-its-season/
In the portion of the report that focused on collusion, Mueller offered a big-picture overview of the myriad contacts between Trump associates and Russians that occurred in 2016.
“The Russian contacts consisted of business connections, offers of assistance to the campaign, invitations for candidate Trump and Putin to meet in person, invitations for campaign officials and representatives of the Russian government to meet, and policy positions seeking improved US-Russian relations,” Mueller wrote in the report.
Many of these contacts are already known. At least 16 Trump associates had Russian contacts during the campaign or transition, according to public statements, court filings, and reports from CNN and others. Some of the Trump aides lied about these contacts and were charged with lying to investigators.
These contacts include the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting, negotiations with a Russian company to build a Trump-branded tower in Moscow, meetings with the Russian ambassador, and more.
Source Article from https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/robert-mueller-report-public/index.html
A gunman opened fire in an Alabama shopping mall, killing an 8-year-old boy and injuring a girl and two adults.
The shooting started around 3:30 p.m. Friday at Riverchase Galleria in Hoover, a suburb of Birmingham. The shooter fled, AL.com reported.
Police identified the dead boy as 8-year-old Royta Giles Jr., who died at a hospital. The injured were all taken to hospitals, but officials didn’t give their names or list their conditions.
Royta was with his family — mother, stepfather and two siblings — outside a children’s clothing store, waiting to be allowed in because the story limits the number of customers because of coronavirus precautions, his mother told AL.com.
“That’s my baby, my firstborn,” she said of Royta, who was going to be in third grade and wanted to be a rapper. “The person who did this is going to have to answer for that whether it is to whoever they pray to or if it’s the streets.”
The mother, who asked not to be identified, added: “This one hits home. They took a good one.”
The principal of Royta’s school, Jonesboro Elementary, called him a jewel and talked about how smart he was. Dr. Anjell Edwards and other staff members tried to convince him to consider becoming a lawyer.
Officers are collecting evidence and reviewing surveillance tapes to try to identify possible suspects, Police Chief Nick Derzis told reporters late Friday, according to AL.com.
A trail of blood leading to a parking deck is leading investigators to believe the suspect left in a car, Derzis said.
The shopping mall has been the scene of other shootings in the past few years, AL.com reported.
A police officer who was responding to a shooting on Thanksgiving in 2018 killed Emantic Fitzgerald “EJ” Bradford Jr. The state later ruled the shooting was justified. And last June, police found a man inside a vehicle dead from a gunshot wound.
Source Article from https://nypost.com/2020/07/04/alabama-mall-shooting-leaves-8-year-old-boy-dead/
Sen. Bernie SandersBernie SandersOmar, Lee introduce House resolution preventing US military action against Iran not authorized by Congress Sanders leads in New Hampshire, in 3-way tie for first in Iowa: poll The Democrats’ strategy conundrum: a ‘movement’ or a coalition? MORE (I-Vt.) unloaded on former Vice President Joe BidenJoe BidenBiden receives endorsements from three swing-district Democrats Sanders leads in New Hampshire, in 3-way tie for first in Iowa: poll The Democrats’ strategy conundrum: a ‘movement’ or a coalition? MORE on Monday night, intensifying a battle between two top contenders for the Democratic nomination with the Iowa caucuses less than a month away.
In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Sanders attacked Biden’s record on foreign policy, trade and entitlements and questioned Biden’s electability in key Midwestern states.
The new attacks come just 28 days before the Iowa caucuses.
Polling has been sparse in recent weeks, but both Biden and Sanders look strong in the final stretch, with polls finding them jockeying for a top finish alongside former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete ButtigiegPeter (Pete) Paul ButtigiegSanders leads in New Hampshire, in 3-way tie for first in Iowa: poll Sunday shows – Pompeo makes rounds in defense of Soleimani strike Buttigieg: No one believes Trump considered all ‘consequences’ of strike MORE and Sen. Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth Ann WarrenJudge Judy rules in favor of Mike Bloomberg, will join him on campaign trail Sanders leads in New Hampshire, in 3-way tie for first in Iowa: poll Sunday shows – Pompeo makes rounds in defense of Soleimani strike MORE (D-Mass.).
On Monday night, Sanders ripped Biden for voting to authorize military action in Iraq in 2002. Sanders voted against the measure.
“Joe Biden voted and helped lead the effort for the war in Iraq, the most dangerous foreign policy blunder in the modern history of this country,” Sanders said.
Presidential candidate @BernieSanders hammers Joe Biden for his Iraq War, NAFTA votes.
“I just don’t think that that kind of record is going to bring forth the kind energy we need to defeat Trump.” pic.twitter.com/3JIIVCNE48
— Anderson Cooper 360° (@AC360) January 7, 2020
That issue has come to the forefront of the Democratic primary in recent days after President TrumpDonald John TrumpGolden Globes host Ricky Gervais to celebs: Don’t get political Trump says he’ll sanction Iraq if US troops forced to leave Trump doubles down on threat to Iran cultural sites MORE ordered a military strike that killed a top Iranian military commander. A CNN poll from late November found Biden with a 34-point lead over his closest rival on the question of who Democratic voters trust the most on foreign policy.
Sanders also ripped Biden for voting for the North American Free Trade Agreement, saying that deal had cost the U.S. “millions of jobs.”
The electability argument has been central to Biden’s pitch, but Sanders argued that Biden’s record on trade would make him unelectable in the key battlegrounds that Democrats must win back to take the White House.
“Do you think that’s going to play well in Michigan, Wisconsin or Pennsylvania?” Sanders asked.
Sanders is also looking to cut into Biden’s big lead among older voters, and on Monday night he accused Biden of supporting cuts to entitlement programs that many seniors rely on.
“Joe Biden has been on the floor of the Senate talking about the need to cut Social Security or Medicare or Medicaid,” Sanders said.
And Sanders accused Biden of pushing “a bankruptcy bill that has caused enormous problems for working families.”
Warren has also clashed with Biden over his support for a 2005 bankruptcy bill that critics said favored the credit card companies.
Some centrist Democrats have become alarmed by Sanders’s aggressive tone in the stretch run to Iowa and are pointing to remarks he made on Sunday about how he had not attacked his rivals.
“You have not heard me disparage any of the candidates. Do you? I don’t,” Sanders said.
Source Article from https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/477059-sanders-unloads-on-biden-as-battle-for-iowa-intensifies
Thousands of protesters on foot and in vehicles converged Wednesday on Michigan’s capital to rally against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s stay-at-home orders in the state.
“Operation Gridlock,” organized by the Michigan Conservative Coalition, created a huge bumper-to-bumper traffic jam around the Michigan Capitol Building in Lansing, Fox 2 Detroit reported.
Meshawn Maddock, an organizer for the group, said the demonstrators include Republicans, Democrats and independents.
“Quarantine is when you restrict movement of sick people. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people,” Maddock told Fox News. “Every person has learned a harsh lesson about social distancing. We don’t need a nanny state to tell people how to be careful.”
The protests had been expected to start at noon, but a line of vehicles stretching for miles began earlier in the morning.
“Operation Gridlock” was just one of many demonstrations planned across the country to push back on the stay-at-home orders, calling on state governments to focus on the economic toll the coronavirus pandemic has caused along with taking care of the sick.
Nearly 17 million Americans have been laid off or furloughed in the past three weeks – or one out of every 10 workers.
Echoing President Trump that “we cannot let the cure be worse than the disease,” Maddock said the restrictions are wrecking people’s lives and may have killed more than the virus.
“The health-care system is basically shut down,” she said. “People with issues are having trouble seeing a doctor because everyone is focused on the virus. My husband and I are checking in on my in-laws, but even doing that is now breaking the law.”
Trump has created a White House task force charged with trying to find ways to reopen the economy.
He has suggested a May 1 deadline, but some governors have said that timetable is too soon.
The US has more than 610,000 coronavirus cases and the death toll has surpassed 26,000.
There are more than 25,000 cases in Michigan, and 1,602 have died from the virus.
Whitmer, who acknowledged that people in Michigan are under pressure by the orders she signed last week, compared the stay-at-home orders to being snowed in.
“So we just had snow. I got snow on the ground here in Michigan. I got snow on the ground in Lansing and we’re expecting up to 30 inches of snow in the Upper Peninsula,” she said on the “Today” show.
“The fact that we’re cracking down on people traveling between homes or planting or landscaping or golfing, really, for a couple more weeks is not going to meaningfully impact people’s ability to do so, because the snow will do that itself.”
Asked what factors she is looking at to determine whether it’s safe to return to work, Whitmer said more testing capability.
“It’s that we get robust testing, and that is still a struggle across this nation. We need some assistance from the federal government when it comes to swabs and reagents and making sure that we get the kind of robust testing that we need so we get data that we can actually rely on,” Whitmer said.
Some governors, including New York’s Andrew Cuomo, have joined regional task forces to decide when to have their states ease restrictions and reopen their economies.
Source Article from https://nypost.com/2020/04/15/michigan-citizens-protest-over-coronavirus-stay-home-order/
Firman convenio en Baja California para sanear Issstecali
Esta mañana se realizó la firma de la iniciativa de reforma y el financiamiento para el saneamiento financiero del Issstecali, donde se solicitará un endeudamiento de dos mil 800 millones de pesos para atender el rezago de la institución.
Campeche, listo para aplicar nuevo sistema penal procesal acusatorio
Desde los primeros minutos de este miércoles, en Campeche se aplicará el Sistema Procesal Penal Acusatorio, con lo cual se ratifica la convicción y la congruencia con la determinación de fortalecer el Estado de derecho, afirmó el gobernador Fernando Ortega Bernés.
Separan del cargo al Oficial Mayor de la ALDF
De manera inesperada la comisión de Gobierno de la Asamblea Legislativa del DF dio a conocer la separación del cargo como Oficial Mayor de la propia legislatura local, de Aarón Josué Ramos Miranda.
No dieron a conocer los motivos de la separación del funcionario, a quien en un video que apareció en las redes sociales del autodenominado grupo “Anonymous” lo señaló de estar presuntamente involucrado con la delincuencia organizada.
Noviembre, con menos homicidios: Gobierno de Coahuila
En noviembre se registró una disminución del 33.33 por ciento en el estado en relación a los homicidios dolosos del mismo mes, pero de 2013, con 38 hechos, índice que fue de los más bajos del año.
En 2014, 70 nuevos casos de VIH-SIDA en Durango
En lo que va del presente año se han diagnosticado 70 nuevos casos entre Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) y Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida (SIDA), informó el secretario de Salud del Estado, Eduardo Díaz Juárez.
Nombran secretario de Seguridad en Iguala a policía estatal
A 67 días del secuestro de los 43 normalistas de Ayotzinapa, el presidente municipal de Iguala, Silviano Mendiola Pérez, tomó protesta al nuevo secretario de seguridad pública, Jorge Berrios Flores.
Amplían videovigilancia a 50 escuelas de Guadalajara
Con miras a mantener vigilado el entorno educativo, el sistema de cámaras con circuito cerrado de la Secretaría de Educación Jalisco (SEJ) se ampliará este ciclo escolar a 50 planteles escolares, para dar un total de 100 escuelas públicas que cuentan con este equipo de seguridad.
Así lo dio a conocer el secretario de Educación, Francisco Ayón López, quien informó que el costo de dichos equipos será de un millón 750 mil pesos para beneficiar a 30 mil estudiantes.
Aplicarán sanciones a invasores de espacios ciclistas en Jalisco
Dentro de 15 días la Policía Vial comenzará a aplicar multas a los automovilistas que invadan las ciclovías y otros espacios ciclistas en el polígono de MiBici, programa que arrancó ayer lunes. Para vigilar la zona se enviaron a partir del lunes 40 cicloviales.
Plan Michoacán concluirá año con 12 MMDP para infraestructura
El subsecretario de Infraestructura de la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes, Raúl Murrieta Cummings, dijo que el “Plan Michoacán” está vigente y se aplica correctamente en el estado, y precisó que el techo financiero 2014 en materia de infraestructura es de 12 mil 600 millones de pesos.
Fase I de Los Ramones aumentará importación de gas natural: Peña Nieto
La Fase I del gasoducto “Los Ramones” incrementará en 45 por ciento la importación de gas natural, anunció el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto.
Al inaugurar la obra en Nuevo León, el mandatario dijo que esta primera fase impactará y detonará otras regiones de Nuevo León y de Tamaulipas en la ruta de llevar más gas natural al centro del país.
Mando Único tendrá que hacer excepción en Oaxaca: DDHPO
Ante la propuesta del Ejecutivo federal para establecer un mando policial único en el país, el defensor de los Derechos Humanos del Pueblo de Oaxaca (DDHPO), Arturo Peimbert Calvo, señaló que es prioridad conocer los mecanismos en los que se generará dicha fuerza, pues en el caso de Oaxaca no se puede ignorar la plurietnicidad, ni pasar por alto la existencia de las policías de los municipios regidos por Usos y Costumbres.
Policías despedidos de Sinaloa viven en la incertidumbre
Algunos policías de los 27 despedidos en el pasado examen de control y confianza aseguran que no han tenido aún resolución sobre su jubilación y pensión, a pesar de que siguen recibiendo la quincena que les corresponde.
Analizan programa de remediación para el Río Sonora
El gobernador Guillermo Padrés Elías participó por primera vez en la reunión del Fideicomiso Río Sonora el lunes, donde se presentó el Plan de Remediación, mismo que será analizado.
Presentan el proyecto Agua Chocolate en Tabasco
El gobernador Arturo Núñez Jiménez se reunió con la titular de Sectur Federal, Claudia Ruiz Massieu, en Palacio de Gobierno; después se dirigieron al municipio de Comalcalco donde realizaron un recorrido por la hacienda cacaotera “La Luz”.
Reportan avance en ampliación del Aeropuerto de Veracruz
El administrador del Aeropuerto Internacional Heriberto Jara Corona, Simón Salazar Antón, reportó un avance del 55%, en las obras de ampliación y remodelación de las instalaciones.
Source Article from http://www.informador.com.mx/mexico/2014/563092/6/mexico-en-resumen-las-noticias-del-02-de-diciembre.htm
Year of Good Citizen Service
Source Article from http://www.andina.com.pe/Ingles/noticia-peru-inca-citadel-remains-found-in-cusco-686051.aspx
Los comentarios publicados son de exclusiva responsabilidad de sus autores y las consecuencias derivadas de ellos pueden ser pasibles de sanciones legales. Aquel usuario que incluya en sus mensajes algún comentario violatorio del reglamento será eliminado e inhabilitado para volver a comentar. Enviar un comentario implica la aceptación del Reglamento.
Source Article from http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1980468-las-facebook-stories-y-otras-novedades-para-compartir-en-redes-sociales
Washington — President Biden has tapped Gene Sperling, a longtime economic adviser under Democratic administrations, to oversee implementation of his $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief plan, the White House announced Monday.
“Gene will be on the phone with mayors and governors, red states, blue states, a source of constant communication, a source of guidance and support, and above all, a source of accountability for all of us to get the job done,” Mr. Biden said during an event at the White House on the implementation of his rescue plan.
The president said Sperling is charged with ensuring the benefits in the package “go out quickly and directly to the American people, where they belong.”
Sperling, who lives in Los Angeles, twice served as the director of the National Economic Council, first under former President Bill Clinton and again under former President Barack Obama. He also worked as a senior counselor at the Treasury Department in the Obama administration, and was under consideration to lead the Office of Management and Budget for Mr. Biden after Neera Tanden, the president’s initial pick, withdrew her nomination.
Sperling will be working remotely until he receives his coronavirus vaccine, press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters during the White House press briefing. News of Sperling’s appointment was first reported by The Washington Post.
“There’s no one who knows how the federal government works better than Gene Sperling, and there’s no one better qualified to take charge of the implementation of the Rescue Plan and make sure it delivers for the American people,” an administration official told CBS News.
The official said that in his role, Sperling will work with the heads of the White House policy councils and leaders at federal agencies to ensure money is distributed swiftly and maximize the impact of the stimulus package.
“The president felt it was important to have a point-person who could of course pull all of these levers,” Psaki said during the White House press briefing.
Mr. Biden last week signed the $1.9 trillion aid measure, known as the American Rescue Plan, into law, and he, Vice President Kamala Harris, first lady Dr. Jill Biden and second gentleman Doug Emhoff will hit the road this week to promote the package. The president is also slated to deliver remarks on implementation of the measure at the White House on Monday afternoon.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki said last week the president planned to appoint a “point person” to oversee enactment of the sweeping plan and noted Mr. Biden played a similar role with the rollout of the Obama administration’s stimulus package in 2009 to address the Great Recession.
The coronavirus relief plan, which passed without any Republican support, includes $1,400 direct payments to Americans making up to $75,000, and checks began hitting bank accounts through direct deposit this weekend. It also provides $350 billion in aid to state and local governments, a child tax credit of up to $3,600, $14 billion for vaccine distribution and $130 billion to assist schools with safely reopening. The measure also includes an additional $300 billion in weekly unemployment benefits through September.
The aid package is Mr. Biden’s first major legislative victory and seeks to stabilize the economy, which has been hobbled by the coronavirus pandemic.
Source Article from https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-gene-sperling-implementation-american-rescue-plan/
David Niven, a professor of political science at the University of Cincinnati holds a map demonstrating a gerrymandered Ohio district.
John Minchillo/AP
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John Minchillo/AP
David Niven, a professor of political science at the University of Cincinnati holds a map demonstrating a gerrymandered Ohio district.
John Minchillo/AP
A federal court has ruled that Ohio’s congressional map is an “unconstitutional partisan gerrymander” and must be redrawn by the 2020 election.
In their ruling Friday, a three-judge panel from the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio argue that the map was intentionally drawn “to disadvantage Democratic voters and entrench Republican representatives in power.” The court argues the map violates voters’ constitutional right to choose their representatives and exceeds the state’s powers under Article I of the Constitution.
“Accordingly, we declare Ohio’s 2012 map an unconstitutional partisan gerrymander, enjoin its use in the 2020 election, and order the enactment of a constitutionally viable replacement,” the judges wrote in their decision.
The decision is likely to be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which is currently deliberating challenges to congressional maps from Maryland and North Carolina.
The League of Women Voters, ACLU and other voting rights groups sued Ohio last year, saying Republicans redrew the state’s congressional map in 2011 with intention of maintaining their three-to-one advantage. Since the map came into effect in 2012, Ohio’s congressional delegation has been locked in at 12 Republicans and four Democrats.
The judges agree with voting rights groups in their argument that Ohio’s districts were “intended to burden Plaintiffs’ constitutional rights, had that effect, and the effect is not explained by other legitimate justifications.”
Ohio’s current map was drawn in 2011 by Republican state lawmakers, with input from party consultants in a Columbus hotel room. Democrats argue they were shut out of the process completely.
“These national Republicans generated some of the key strategic ideas for the map, maximizing its likely pro-Republican performance, and had the authority to approve changes to the map before their Ohio counterparts implemented them,” the judge write. “Throughout the process, the Ohio and national map drawers made decisions based on their likely partisan effects.”
The judges also ruled that Ohio’s map has proven to advantage Republicans in every election. The decision says experts “demonstrated that levels of voter support for Democrats can and have changed, but the map’s partisan output remains stubbornly undisturbed.”
A ballot issue overwhelmingly passed in May 2018 to place new requirements on Ohio’s map-drawing process, but the new map wouldn’t be created until after the 2020 Census. No congressional election would be affected until 2022.
Under the amendment, a congressional map that lasts 10 years must win 50 percent support from the state’s minority party. If it fails to do so, the map would be drawn instead by a bipartisan commission. If that map doesn’t get enough support, a 10-year map could then pass with just one-third of the minority party’s support, or a four-year map could be passed without minority support but with stricter rules.
The ruling against Ohio comes just over one week after a federal court in Michigan struck down that map as unconstitutional. The judges said Republicans drew the map to unfairly disadvantage Democrats, and the state must redraw its district lines by August 1.
You can view the complete ruling below or at this link.
Source Article from https://www.npr.org/2019/05/03/720047669/federal-court-throws-out-ohios-congressional-map
10 de junio de 2017 01:15 AM
La mañana del miércoles es caótica. La ciudad está revuelta por una convocatoria a marcha, el cierre de estaciones del Metro y la lluvia intermitente que hace que los transeúntes interrumpan su paso.
Chacaíto es el punto de encuentro. Allí, el equipo de El Bus TV espera la camionetica de pasajeros, esa que por menos de 5 minutos se convertirá en su audiencia. Los usuarios recibirán informaciones breves sobre los últimos acontecimientos del país, hechos o cifras que no suelen revelarse en tiempos de censura, especialmente en medios tradicionales. Y es que no hay nada más transversal que el transporte público. En él convergen personas con distintos ingresos, edades y oficios. No hay separación de ningún tipo en los llamados carritos. No hay este ni oeste.
El primero en subir es el músico Víctor Rodríguez, quien habla con el conductor para que les permita “decir unas palabras”. Cuando reciben una respuesta afirmativa se montan la reportera María Gabriela Fernández y la cantante Claudia Lizardo. La primera es la elegida para ser el ancla. Lleva una chaqueta que se coloca poco antes. No dejan a un lado la puesta en escena, esa que durante tantos años se vio en noticieros como El Observador de RCTV. Su compañera sostiene el marco que simula un televisor, mientras Rodríguez queda atento a todo lo que ocurre alrededor y otra persona graba con una pequeña cámara. Dereck Blanco asiste ese día como invitado.
Cuando el autobús inicia su recorrido hacia la avenida Libertador no hay mucho espacio en el pasillo. Todos los asientos están llenos y hay como seis personas de pie. Huyen de la lluvia y de lo que muchos interpretan como una arbitrariedad: el cierre de las estaciones del Metro cuando hay marcha.
Fernández comienza: “Buenos días, este el es noticiero El Bus TV”. Inmediatamente informa sobre la unidad de Metrobús quemada en Altamira y las protestas en sectores como El Valle y La Vega. No ha terminado de leer el titular cuando una mujer de aproximadamente 60 años de edad alza la voz: “¿Eso es lo que vienen a decir? Yo lo que necesito es un paquete de harina pan”. Alguien le pide que haga silencio: “Shhhhhh, queremos escuchar, por favor”.
La narradora no pierde la concentración e informa que un kilo de alas de pollo cuesta 9.700 bolívares, por lo que un venezolano que gana sueldo mínimo debe trabajar día y medio para poder pagarlo.
“Es interesante que haya reacciones que no necesariamente tienen que ver con la defensa del chavismo. Demuestran descontento, mas no rechazo a lo que estamos diciendo”, afirma Rodríguez luego de bajarse.
Todo comenzó el sábado 27 de mayo, cuando se cumplieron 10 años del cierre de RCTV. La iniciativa, que ya se replicó en Carabobo, tiene entre sus fundadoras a la periodista Laura Helena Castillo, parte de un equipo que se dirige especialmente a quienes no suelen revisar redes sociales. También están Nicolás Manzano y Abril Mejías.
Los organizadores actualizan el guion cada semana. “Si bien buscamos lo más vigente, hay informaciones que mantenemos por la reacción que causa en la gente, que cotidianamente no repara en ciertos asuntos”, relata Lizardo sobre un dato que repiten desde el primer día. Es el que se refiere a que cada bomba lacrimógena cuesta 40 dólares, que al dólar paralelo son 200.000 bolívares, un ingreso mínimo integral.
En otro transporte público el chofer se sorprende cuando escucha que hasta ese momento habían muerto más de 65 personas en las protestas. Al finalizar, los pasajeros aplauden y una mujer, también en sus sesenta, dice: “Que Dios los guarde”.
Hasta ahora han estado en rutas por las avenidas Francisco de Miranda, Libertador y Solano. La Baralt es una meta.
Source Article from http://www.el-nacional.com/noticias/entretenimiento/noticias-que-transmite-vtv-escuchan-camioneticas_186972
La coordinadora del Consejo de Pueblos Indígenas de Honduras (Copinh), Berta Cáceres, fue asesinada en la madrugada de este jueves por parte de sujetos desconocidos.
La corresponsal de teleSUR en Honduras, Gilda Silvestrucci, confirmó que la líder hondureña fue asesinada a la 01H00 hora local en el interior de su vivienda ubicada en el sector La Esperanza, departamento del Intibucá del sur-occidente del país.
Cáceres era líder de la comunidad indígena lenca y movimientos campesinos, además era defensora de los derechos humanos.
Según fuentes locales los asesinos esperaban que se durmiera para forzar las puertas de su vivienda y matarla. En el hecho, el hermano de Cáceres también resultó herido.
Silvestrucci lamentó lo sucedido y manifestó que tras establecer comunicación con sus compañeros le informaron que ya llegaron funcionarios de la policía a la vivienda.
“Existe mucha confusión de quienes estaban dentro de la vivienda y actualmente las autoridades inician las investigaciones”, dijo la periodista.
La semana pasada ofreció una rueda de prensa en la que denunciaba que cuatro dirigentes de su comunidad habían sido asesinados y algunos recibieron amenazas.
Source Article from http://www.telesurtv.net/news/Asesinan-a-Berta-Caceres-lider-indigena-de-Honduras–20160303-0016.html