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Romney said he was merely following the law in making his decision rather than taking a position based on the recent blockade of President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, during the 2016 election. Romney said the “historical precedent of election year nominations is that the Senate generally does not confirm an opposing party’s nominee but does confirm a nominee of its own.”

He added that his decision is “not the result of a subjective test of ‘fairness’ which, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. It is based on the immutable fairness of following the law, which in this case is the Constitution and precedent.”

Though Romney’s position doesn’t mean Trump’s yet-to-be-named nominee will definitely have the votes to be confirmed, it does mean that McConnell and Trump can move forward without delay.

Other potential swing votes like Republican Sens. Cory Gardner of Colorado and Chuck Grassley of Iowa said on Monday evening they do not oppose considering a nomination. Only Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) have said the seat shouldn’t be filled this close to the election.

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El mes de junio representó un gran salto hacia la consulta de noticias desde móvil. Hasta el primer trimestre del 2015, el 86% de los usuarios de internet consultaron noticias desde un dispositivo Android y el 14% desde un iOS. continúa en la primera posición del ranking. En junio aumentó su tráfico móvil 86% gracias a su continuo envío de noticias a través de los móviles. En segundo lugar se encuentra El Deforma, sitio de parodias periodísticas, que aumentó 144% las visitas de usuarios desde smartphones. En tercer lugar se encuentra SDP Noticias, su tráfico incrementó 107 por ciento. En el cuarto lugar está Aristegui Noticias, sitio de la periodista Carmen Aristegui, que aumentó 91% las visitas en su web, porcentaje más alto del 2015. En la quinta posición se colocó Sin Embargo, con un crecimiento de 120% en comparación con el mes de mayo.

El número de visitas de los primeros lugares, en la mayoría de los casos, aumentó más del doble que el mes previo, debido a noticias como: las elecciones 2015, el polémico caso de Uber en México, el triunfo del candidato independiente Jaime Rodríguez Calderón, alias El Bronco, y la crisis en Grecia. Temas que fueron los más comentados en la web además de ser tendencias en redes sociales.

Medio Tiempo y Juan Futbol ocuparon el sitio seis y siete, respectivamente, en el Ranking de Medios Nativos Digitales. Medio Tiempo, aumentó las visitas en 69%; mientras que Juan Futbol 70 por ciento.

Los medios deportivos contaron con noticias de interés sobre la Copa América y el pésimo papel de la Selección Mexicana, así como el accidente automovilístico del delantero, Arturo Vidal justo después del encuentro Chile contra México.

Además de las noticias deportivas, Juan Futbol siguió las tendencias en su logotipo, ejemplo de ellos fue que después de la aprobación del matrimonio homosexual en México y Estados Unidos, modificó su logotipo añadiendo los colores de la bandera del arcoíris.

El sitio de noticias deportivas Futbol Total, salió del Ranking de Medios Nativos Digitales ya que de acuerdo con la metodología utilizada cada mes, nació como una publicación impresa en lugar de ser nativa digital, a diferencia de los otros medios.

El último lugar en el ranking lo ocupó Animal Político, que perdió visitas en su sitio web hasta alcanzar sólo 8,000 en el mes de junio.

De acuerdo con el ranking, los 10 primeros lugares en junio desde escritorio lo ocuparon: SDP Noticias (1.4 millones), Aristegui Noticias (1.3 millones), El Deforma (1.2 millones), Medio Tiempo (1 millón), Sin Embargo (876,000), Juan Futbol (603,000), Animal Político (585,000), De 10 (528,000), Sopitas (521,000) y Red Política (356,000).

En smartphones, el ranking sigue encabezado por Uno Noticias (9.1 millones), El Deforma (8.2 millones), SDP Noticias (8 millones), Aristegui Noticias (6.3 millones), Sin Embargo (4.4 millones), Medio Tiempo (2.8 millones), Juan Futbol (2 millones), López-Dóriga (1.5 millones), De 10 (1.3 millones) y Cultura Colectiva (1.3 millones).

En el caso de las tabletas, el mes de junio hubo también un incremento importante. Los 10 primeros medios que aparecen son: SDP Noticias (695,000), Aristegui Noticias (685,000), El Deforma (549,000), Sin Embargo (362,000), Medio Tiempo (295,000), López-Dóriga (224,000), Animal Político (182,000), De 10 (177,000), Kiwilimón (160,000) y Cultura Colectiva (140,000).

Twitter: @pegatinaa


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New details have emerged in the death of Andrew “AJ” Freund, the 5-year-old allegedly murdered by his parents and buried in a shallow grave last week in a Chicago suburb.

According to a Thursday criminal complaint obtained by BuzzFeed News, AJ’s parents, JoAnn Cunningham, 35, and Andrew Freund Sr., 60, killed the boy by making him stay “in a cold shower for an extended period of time” and “struck” him.

They did this on or about April 15 “knowing said acts would cause the death” of their young son, the complaint states.

Cunningham, who is currently 7 months pregnant, faces charges of murder, aggravated battery, aggravated domestic battery, and failure to report a missing child or child death.

Freund faces the same charges, as well as additional ones for concealing a homicide.

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Colorado Gov. Jared Polis has reduced a 110-year sentence to 10 years for a truck driver who killed four people in 2019 after he said his brakes gave out. 

Polis announced Rogel Aguilera-Mederos’ commutation on Thursday, a week after a Colorado district attorney asked the court to reconsider his sentence, and explained his reasoning in a clemency letter.

“You were sentenced to 110 years in prison, effectively more than a life sentence, for a tragic but unintentional act. While you are not blameless, your sentence is disproportionate compared with many other inmates in our criminal justice system who committed intentional, premeditated, or violent crimes,” Polis wrote in his letter to Aguilera-Mederos.

The “arbitrary and unjust sentence” was a result of Colorado’s mandatory minimum sentencing laws, the governor wrote.

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(CNN)It’s not just that US Supreme Court majorities upheld Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban and overturned Roe v. Wade. The opinion also skewed the crux of the conversation going forward — with just three words.

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    Three factors suggest President Trump has chosen well in selecting Robert O’Brien to replace John Bolton as national security adviser — with one caveat.

    On the positive side, as shown by Trump’s warm announcement of his selection on Twitter, O’Brien retains Trump’s trust. This is the most crucial ingredient to working effectively with Trump. Ivanka Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and CIA Director Gina Haspel have mastered this trust-effect calculation. They are able to give Trump honest assessments, even when those assessments conflict with Trump’s impulses. But they are able to do so because they don’t undercut the president in public or private and because they know when to shut up.

    Second, O’Brien is a civilian with a strong background in foreign policy. As the president’s special envoy for hostage affairs, O’Brien has 16 months’ experience managing high-level and shadowy negotiations. While the media is obsessing over O’Brien’s role in securing rapper A$AP Rocky’s release from a Swedish prison earlier this year, it is likely O’Brien’s close engagement with North Korea and Iran that attracted Trump most to him. There’s a stark contrast here between O’Brien’s deal-with-difficult-nations mentality and John Bolton’s deep skepticism at Trump’s outside-the-box negotiating style.

    O’Brien also recognizes the importance of American leadership matched to effective alliances. His 2016 book, While America Slept, speaks to these themes. That’s a good thing. While Trump is absolutely right to push NATO allies hard on their failure to even approach defense expenditures close to U.S. spending as a percentage of GDP, we need allies to deal with major international challenges, especially China.

    Yet O’Brien does have one scratch against his name: his increasing enjoyment of the limelight. I’m reliably informed that O’Brien sometimes strayed out of the hostage negotiating area and made ill-advised remarks on some sensitive issues. While O’Brien’s focus is now necessarily much broader, he’ll quickly find himself out of favor if he says things that undercut Trump’s stated position or policy priorities. This, admittedly, is a difficult balancing act with a president as prone to opinion changes as Trump, but it is a necessity.

    All in all, however, O’Brien is a good choice for national security adviser.

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    As time wears on, competing forces will come into play. More obstruction from Republicans on a variety of issues could cause frustration to mount, leading Democrats who had opposed doing away with the filibuster to at least support weakening it. But as the midterm elections approach, some senators may become less willing to initiate a fight that reeks of partisanship.

    “As you get closer to the midterms, people get more nervous about anything that might be seen as controversial,” Ornstein said.

    First introduced in the run-up to the Civil War by John Calhoun, a staunchly pro-slavery senator from South Carolina, the filibuster was heavily used during the Jim Crow era by segregationists who sought to prevent widely popular civil rights laws from being put in place. Nationwide polls from the 1930s through the 1950s showed that most Americans supported anti-lynching legislation, the abolition of poll taxes and other such laws — but Dixiecrat senators from the segregated South used the filibuster to stop legislation.

    After the civil rights movement, pushback against the filibuster led to the reforms of 1975; in the years after that, it remained the primary domain of conservative Southern senators like James Allen and Jesse Helms, who were “considered outlaws, almost pariahs among their colleagues,” Jentleson said, calling them “absolutely the Ted Cruzes of their day.”

    “If Republican leaders at the time could’ve had their way, they would’ve made these guys stop and cast them out of the party,” he said. “But it turns out that they were kind of the progenitors of where their party was headed.”

    In his book, Jentleson writes that it may not be a coincidence that the G.O.P. leaned in to using the filibuster after the rise of Barack Obama, the nation’s first Black president. McConnell, who declared in 2010 that his main goal was to ensure Obama was “a one-term president,” started using the 60-vote threshold to stop almost all legislation from passing.

    “Prior to McConnell, no leader had tried to deploy it against nearly everything that came before the Senate,” Jentleson said. “It turned out that Republicans were able to dodge blame easily — and that voters held the party in power accountable for failing to get anything done, and particularly held Obama accountable for failing to deliver on his promise to break the gridlock in Washington.”

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    “);var a = g[r.size_id].split(“x”).map((function(e) {return Number(e)})), s = u(a, 2);o.width = s[0],o.height = s[1]}o.rubiconTargeting = (Array.isArray(r.targeting) ? r.targeting : []).reduce((function(e, r) {return e[r.key] = r.values[0],e}), {rpfl_elemid: n.adUnitCode}),e.push(o)} else l.logError(“Rubicon bid adapter Error: bidRequest undefined at index position:” + t, c, d);return e}), []).sort((function(e, r) {return (r.cpm || 0) – (e.cpm || 0)}))},getUserSyncs: function(e, r, t) {if (!A && e.iframeEnabled) {var i = “”;return t && “string” == typeof t.consentString && (“boolean” == typeof t.gdprApplies ? i += “?gdpr=” + Number(t.gdprApplies) + “&gdpr_consent=” + t.consentString : i += “?gdpr_consent=” + t.consentString),A = !0,{type: “iframe”,url: n + i}}},transformBidParams: function(e, r) {return l.convertTypes({accountId: “number”,siteId: “number”,zoneId: “number”}, e)}};function m() {return [window.screen.width, window.screen.height].join(“x”)}function b(e, r) {var t = f.config.getConfig(“pageUrl”);return e.params.referrer ? t = e.params.referrer : t || (t = r.refererInfo.referer), ? t.replace(/^http:/i, “https:”) : t}function _(e, r) {var t = e.params;if (“video” === r) {var i = [];return && && ? i = [,] : Array.isArray(l.deepAccess(e, “”)) && 1 === ? i =[0] : Array.isArray(e.sizes) && 0

    Washington (CNN)The Transportation Security Administration said one in 10 of its employees scheduled to work Sunday took the day off, with many employees citing “financial limitations” preventing them from working.

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      The Biden administration has halted Border Patrol agents’ use of horses in Del Rio, Texas, amid public outcry over video and photos showing mounted agents grabbing Haitian migrants trying to cross into the U.S. 

      Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told civil rights leaders Thursday that the administration “would no longer be using horses in Del Rio,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters during a briefing.

      The Department of Homeland Security did not respond to a request for comment.

      When asked why President Joe Biden has not publicly condemned the images, one of which shows an agent on horseback grabbing a migrant by his shirt, Psaki said the change in policy demonstrates that the president finds the images “horrific.”

      “I think people should take away that his actions make clear how horrible and horrific these images are, including an investigation, including a change of policy, including conveying clearly that this is not acceptable, and he’s not going to stand for this in the Biden-Harris administration,” she said.

      Mayorkas and Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz on Monday rejected allegations that “whips” were used by agents in a compilation of images and videos that fueled an outcry on social media. They said the agents were wielding reins to control their horses.

      However, the images still drew sharp criticism from Democratic lawmakers this week.

      Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., used Twitter to denounce the Border Patrol’s actions.

      “It doesn’t matter if a Democrat or Republican is President, our immigration system is designed for cruelty towards and dehumanization of immigrants,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a Twitter post. “Immigration should not be a crime, and its criminalization is a relatively recent invention. This is a stain on our country.”

      Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., echoed this sentiment in her own Twitter post Monday.

      “These are human rights abuses, plain and simple. Cruel, inhumane, and a violation of domestic and international law,” Omar said in the post. “This needs a course correction and the issuance of a clear directive on how to humanely process asylums seekers at our border.”

      Vice President Kamala Harris told reporters Tuesday that she was “deeply troubled” by the photos and fully supported a “thorough investigation,” because “human beings should never be treated that way.”

      The policy change comes as the Biden administration faces backlash for its handling of the more than 10,000 Haitian migrants who have tried to cross the Rio Grande to enter the U.S. from Mexico since mid-September.

      Psaki said 3,206 Haitian nationals have been moved to Customs and Border Protection custody to either be placed in removal proceedings or expelled through Title 42, a Trump-era health law that denies certain migrants the opportunity to apply for asylum.

      The Biden administration recently appealed a federal judge’s order to stop the use of Title 42, much to the dismay of immigration advocates and progressive Democrats who had hoped the policy would come to an end.

      A total of 1,401 Haitians have also been sent back to Haiti through repatriation flights that began Sunday, Psaki added. Fewer than 5,000 migrants remain under the bridge in Del Rio on Thursday, she said.

      The administration’s response to what has become both a border and humanitarian crisis led the U.S. special envoy for Haiti, Daniel Foote, to resign Thursday over what he called “inhumane” treatment of Haitian migrants. 

      “Our policy approach to Haiti remains deeply flawed, and my recommendations have been ignored and dismissed,” Foote said in a resignation letter Wednesday obtained by NBC News.

      Psaki said Foote had “ample opportunity to raise concerns about migration during his tenure” but “he never did so.” She added that there had been “disagreements” within the Biden administration over its policy response to the surge of Haitian migrants.

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      Almost 300 migrant children have been removed a border patrol facility in Texas after media reports of lawyers describing “appalling” and potentially dangerous conditions, Department of Homeland Security officials told NBC News.

      Lawyers who recently visited two Texas facilities holding migrant children described seeing young children and teenagers not being able to shower for days or even weeks, inadequate food, flu outbreaks and prolonged periods of detention.

      The children who were removed were being held at a border station in Clint, Texas. Some were wearing dirty clothes covered in mucus or even urine, said Elora Mukherjee, the director of the Immigrants’ Rights Clinic at Columbia Law School. Teenage mothers wore clothing stained with breast milk. None of the children had access to soap or toothpaste, she said.

      “Almost every child I spoke with had not showered or bathed since they crossed the border — some of them more than three weeks ago,” she said. “There is a stench that emanates from some of the children because they haven’t had an opportunity to put on clean clothes and to take a shower.”

      The children have been taken to a tent detention camp also in El Paso, Texas, where they will remain under the custody of Border Patrol until they can be placed with the Department of Health and Human Services, the DHS officials said. The Associated Press first reported on the conditions at the facility.

      Mukherjee was part of the team of lawyers who visited the facility last week. She said that although the border station has the capacity for slightly more than 100 people, when they arrived Monday morning there were about 350 children there. The group spoke to more than 60.

      “I have never seen conditions as appalling as what we witnessed last week,” she said. “The children are hungry, dirty and sick and being detained for very long periods of time.”

      “Children who are young themselves are being told by guards they must take care of even younger children,” Mukherjee said, adding that children as young as 7 and 8 were forced to care for 2-year-olds.

      She said almost all the children had been separated from the adults they crossed the border with — siblings, aunts or grandparents, or even their parents.

      “They don’t know where their loved ones are who they crossed the border with,” she said.

      Many also had family members already in the United States waiting to take them in, she said.

      Federal law requires unaccompanied or separated migrant children be transferred to HHS custody within 72 hours, but some children at the Clint facility had been in Border Patrol custody for weeks, she said.

      Migrant children are increasingly finding themselves stuck on concrete benches or even outside at Border Patrol stations, with HHS close to exceeding its capacity, according to three government officials and documents reviewed by NBC News.

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      During a coronavirus briefing, Dr. Anthony Fauci discusses President Trump’s tweets about a possible coronavirus treatment and how implementing it might work.


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      “Tristemente, Cara falleció esta mañana. Estábamos con ella en la sala de operaciones y falleció pacíficamente a las 4:31 am. Antes de morir, tomó la decisión de donar sus órganos”, escribió en Facebook Keith Jones, novio de Cara McCollum.

      La joven de 24 años protagonizó un accidente la semana pasada y falleció el lunes. Al parecer, la ganadora de Miss América 2014 conducía sin cinturón de seguridad y a una velocidad más alta de la permitida cuando el auto patinó por el agua de lluvia, impactó contra un árbol y terminó cayendo en un terraplén.

      “Las palabras se quedan cortas para describir el dolor y la pena que siento, pero su compañía fue una bendición. Nunca había vivido nada igual. Sostuve su mano hasta el final”, escribió Jones en Instagram junto a una imagen suya con Cara, tomada en su primera cita.

      McCollum era conocida por ser la ganadora de Miss América 2014 y presentadora del programa SNJ Today News

      Please say a prayer for my sweet, beautiful girlfriend, Cara McCollum, my “Béshe”. She is the light of my life, the…

      Posted by Keith Jones on jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016

      Thank you all for this tremendous outpouring of love and support for my sweet, beautiful everything, Cara. We can’t…

      Posted by Keith Jones on lunes, 22 de febrero de 2016

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      White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Tuesday she is not aware of any changes to President Biden’s support of ending cash bail amid a spike in violent crime, though she did not expressly stand up for the proposal. 

      Biden is set to detail his administration’s crime prevention strategy in a formal address on Wednesday, as cities across the U.S. battle a surge in crime. He’ll make the address following a meeting with state and local officials and law enforcement representatives. 

      “End the criminalization of poverty,” reads one section of Biden’s criminal justice policy. “Cash bail is the modern-day debtors’ prison. The cash bail system incarcerates people who are presumed innocent. And, it disproportionately harms low-income individuals.”

      Asked by Fox News’ Peter Doocy if Biden still thinks now is the right time to end the cash bail system, Psaki said: “I don’t think I have any new position on that for you but I’m happy to check.” 

      Doocy asked Psaki what Biden thinks is a “deterrent” for committing crime without cash bail.

      Psaki, in making a pitch for gun control, argued the surge in crime centered on a surge in gun violence. Doocy pointed to a similar rise in robberies and rape cases. 

      Psaki said the White House is “still finalizing the specifics” of Biden’s crime policies, but pointed to the president’s proposals for ending gun violence, including strengthening regulations on ghost guns, stabilizing braces that make firearms more lethal, and helping state and local governments “keep more cops on the beat.” 


      She added that the president has “never supported” defunding the police. “He’s always supported community policing programs. He supported giving funding to states and localities around the country, including through his American Rescue Plan, because he thinks there is an essential role to play for community policing.”

      Psaki distanced the president from the violent trend, noting: “There’s been, actually, a rise in crime over the last five years, but really the last 18 months.”


      Homicide rates rose about 25% across the nation in 2020.

      In Chicago, in the year before George Floyd’s death – May 25, 2019, to May 25, 2020, there were 2,885 shootings that resulted in 525 deaths. In the year following – May 25, 2020, to May 25, 2021, there were 818 deaths from 4,562 shootings, according to the New York Times. 


      Asked if the crime uptick could thwart police reform negotiations, Psaki said the two matters aren’t “mutually exclusive,” and the White House didn’t think lawmakers involved in the talks had that “particular concern.” 

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