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Jueves, 21 de Mayo 2015  |  2:48 pm

Créditos: Foto: MorgueFile

Investigacin de la Universidad de Pittsburgh sostiene que la grasa en los glteos de las madres sirve para construir el cerebro del beb.

Un estudio realizado por investigadores de la Universidad de Pittsburgh, en Estados Unidos, concluy que las mujeres con glteos grandes tienen hijos ms inteligentes.

Esa aseveracin se sustenta -de acuerdo a la investigacin- en que la grasa materna influye en el desarrollo del sistema nervioso de los bebs.

Segn explic el profesor Will Lassek, de la Universidad de Pitthsburg, la grasa acumulada en el trasero y los muslos de la mujer contienen “componentes esenciales” para el desarrollo del sistema nervioso de los bebs, los cuales se transmitiran mediante la lactancia.

La grasa en estas zonas es un almacn que sirve para construir el cerebro de un beb. Se necesitan muchas grasas para crear un sistema nervioso y las grasas en estas zonas estn enriquecidas con ADH (cido docosahexaenoico), un componente importante del cerebro humano”, seal en entrevista con Sunday Times.

Es as que las clulas de grasa son absorbidas por el feto, de ah se aprovechara la grasa corporal de la mujer, que supera la del hombre en casi 100 %.

El experto David Bainbridge, de la Universidad de Cambridge, respalda este estudio en su nuevo libro llamado Curvologa: orgenes y poder de la forma del cuerpo femenino.

Bainbridge seala que esta constitucin fsica de algunas fminas tambin ha influido en los mecanismos de atraccin para los hombres, quienes ven a las dueas de caderas ms curvas y nalgas grandes como las ms aptas para dar a luz a bebs sanos y ms inteligentes.




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A man who was allegedly shot in the arm by Kyle Rittenhouse during a deadly Wisconsin protest testified on Monday that he thought he was going to die as he faced the barrel of a semiautomatic rifle and saw the teenager “re-racking” the weapon.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 27, took the witness stand for the prosecution in the double homicide trial and testified that as a trained emergency medical technician and working paramedic, he went to Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Aug. 25, 2020, to provide medical aid to people who were injured during the protest as he had done at 75 demonstrations that summer.

Grosskreutz testified that as a legal observer for the American Civil Liberties Union, he was also recording the protest in Kenosha in that capacity for a Facebook Live broadcast.

A resident of Milwaukee, Grosskreutz testified that in addition to bringing his medical supplies to the protest, he brought his Glock-27 handgun despite having an expired concealed weapon permit.

‘You shot somebody?’

He said he had treated several people for minor injuries at the demonstration, which began after a Kenosha police officer shot and paralyzed Jacob Blake, a 29-year-old Black man, during a domestic incident. He said one of the protesters he treated had been shot in the arm with a rubber bullet he assumed was fired by the police.

Just before midnight, Grosskreutz testified that he was recording a live stream when he heard gunshots coming from the south of where he was and then saw Rittenhouse running in his direction being chased by people.

Grosskreutz’s video was played for the jury and he said he took it while running alongside the armed Rittenhouse and asking him, “Hey, what are you doing. You shot somebody?”

Rittenhouse continued to run while answering, “I’m going to get the police,” according to the video.

Grosskreutz said he briefly started to go back to where Rittenhouse was running from to see if he could find the person who was shot but then decided to follow Rittenhouse when people started yelling he had just shot someone.

“I thought that the defendant was an active shooter,” Grosskreutz said.

‘High likelihood I would be shot myself’

Prosecutors allege that at that point, Rittenhouse had already shot and killed Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, during an encounter at a car lot the teenager was helping to guard with other similarly armed men who answered an online call to come to Kenosha and help protect lives and property.

Grosskreutz said when he turned back to Rittenhouse’s direction, he saw Anthony Huber, 26, who video showed hitting Rittenhouse in the head with a skateboard, being fatally shot by the then-17-year-old gunman, who had been knocked to the ground and had also fired shots at an unidentified man who appeared to kick him in the face.

Video footage played for the jury by prosecutor Thomas Binger showed Grosskreutz holding his Glock handgun in his right hand and his cellphone in his left hand as he approached Rittenhouse, who was still on the ground.

Grosskreutz said that he saw Rittenhouse point his rifle at him but the gun didn’t go off. He said he then witnessed Rittenhouse “re-racking” the gun to prepare it to fire. The video showed Grosskreutz raising both hands in the air as he came within a few feet of Rittenhouse.

“I was very close to the defendant and I thought there was a high likelihood I would be shot myself,” Grosskreutz said. “By re-racking the weapon, I inferred that the defendant wasn’t accepting my surrender.”

‘I was never trying to kill the defendant’

Binger asked why he didn’t just shoot Rittenhouse.

Grosskreutz said that such a lethal response would have gone against the medical ethics ingrained in his mind and tattooed on his arm to “Do no harm.”

“I do know, though, I was never trying to kill the defendant. That was never something that I was trying to do,” Grosskreutz said looking directly at the jurors. “In that moment, I was trying to preserve my own life, but doing so while also taking the life of another is not something that I’m capable of or comfortable with doing.”

He said he was attempting to use a “non-lethal way to end that interaction” when, according to the video, he lowered his arms and moved toward Rittenhouse, who shot him in the right bicep.

Binger showed graphic photos of the gaping wound in Grosskreutz’s arm, an injury that has caused Grosskreutz to undergo multiple surgeries and physical therapy to recover from. The witness said he still has no feeling in his right arm from the elbow to his thumb.

During cross-examination from Rittenhouse’s attorney Corey Chirafisi, Grosskreutz said that he initially told investigators that he lost his gun that night before he was shot and the fact that he was armed was not mentioned in a $10 million lawsuit he filed against the city and county of Kenosha over the shooting.

“The way this case turns out has an impact on your ability to collect your $10 million, right?” Chirafisi asked.

Grosskreutz responded, “That is correct.”

“When you were standing 3 to 5 feet from him with your arms up in the air, he never fired, right?” Chirafisi asked Grosskreutz, referring to Rittenhouse.

“Correct,” Grosskreutz responded.

“It wasn’t until you pointed your gun at him, advanced on him, with your gun, now your hands down pointed at him, that he fired, right?” Chirafisi asked.

“Correct,” Grosskreutz said.

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Los Juegos Panamericanos se disputaron desde este fin de semana en la ciudad canadiense de Toronto y los más de 150 deportistas nacionales dejan todo en cada una de las pruebas para buscar la posibilidad de pelear por una medalla. Algunas disciplinas, como nado sincronizado, empezaron el jueves, pero el sábado y domingo se llevaron a cabo otras pruebas con buenos resultados.

PUEDES VER: Diego Elías, feliz por ser el abanderado de Perú

Nuestro abanderado, Diego Elías, estuvo en buena forma en su encuentro de squash ante el chileno Jaime Pinto y clasificó a los cuartos de final del torneo. Por su parte, en tenis, Bianca Botto derrotó por 3 sets a 0 a la ecuatoriana Charlotte Roemer y clasificó a la siguiente etapa donde enfrentará a la estadounidense Lauren Davis.

La dupla de bádminton formada por Mario Cuba y Martín del Valle se llevaron la victoria, tras imponerse a la pareja conformada por los brasileños De Oliveira y Tjong. En el mismo deporte y modalidad, pero en damas las peruanas Macías y Nishimura ganaron a sus rivales de Jamaica, al igual que la formada por Zomoza-Winder, quienes se impusieron 2 a 0 a la dupla cubana.

Resultados hasta el momento:

08:00 hrs. Bádminton Dobles Femenino – Ronda de 16

Macías/Nishimura (Perú) 2-0 Williams/Winter (Jamaica)

08:15 hrs. Tiro – 10m pistola de aire masculino – clasificación

Eliminados Enrique Arnaez  (28°) y Marko Carrillo (11°)

(Solo clasifican los ocho primeros de 30)

09:10 hrs. Bádminton Dobles femenino – Ronda de 16

Zornoza-Winder (Perú) 2-0 Azcuy Pérez-Oropeza (Cuba)

09:45 hrs. Bádminton Dobles masculino – Ronda de 16

Cuba-Del Valle (Perú) 2-0 De Oliveira-Tjong (Brasil)

09:45 hrs. Gimnasia Artística Equipo femenino –  Clasificaciones – subdivisión 1  

Ariana Orrego (momentáneamente 5° con 51.100) y Mariana Chiarella

10:15 hrs. Tiro Equipo femenino – Clasificaciones – subdivisión 1

Mariana Quintanilla (11°) y Brianda Rivera (21°)

(Solo clasifican las ocho primeras de 24)

10:20 hrs. Bádminton Dobles masculino – ronda de 16

Corpancho-Guevara (Perú) 0-2 Artuso-Paiola (Brasil)

10:35 hrs. Carrera 1 (retrasado)

Vela Laser Radial Femenino – Paloma Schmidt

Vela Laser Estándar Masculino – Stefano Peschiera.

Vela Windsurf RSX Femenino – María Belén Bazo

Vela Sunfish Masculino – Jean Paul de Trazegnies

Vela J-24 Abierto Masculino – Jorge Castro, Luis Olcese, Joel Raffo, Christian Sas Baumann.

11:30 hrs. Bádminton Individual femenino Ronda de 16

Luz María Zornoza 1-2 Haramara Gaitán (México).

12:35 hrs. Carrera 2 (retrasado)

Vela Laser Radial Femenino – Paloma Schmidt

Vela Laser Estándar Masculino – Stefano Peschiera

Vela Windsurf RSX Femenino – María Belén Bazo

Vela Sunfish Masculino – Jean Paul de Trazegnies

Vela J-24 Abierto Masculino – Jorge Castro, Luis Olcese, Joel Raffo, Christian Sas Baumann.

12:45 hrs. Squash Individual Masculino – Cuartos de Final Partido 16

Diego Elías 3-0 Christopher Gordon (Estados Unidos)

El peruano venció al estadounidense y es semifinalista del torneo. Esta noche, a las 8.45 p.m., luchará por llegar a la final de la competencia. 

13:15 hrs. Bádminton Individual masculino – Ronda de 16

Mario Cuba 0-2 Andrew D’ Souza (Canadá)

14:05 hrs.(Carrera 3) Vela Windsurf Femenino

María Belén Bazo

14:25 hrs. Bádminton Individual femenino Ronda de 16

Daniela Macías 2-0 Alejandra Paiz Quan (Guatemala)  

14:30 hrs. Judo

Jesús Gavidia vs. Carlos Tondique (Cuba)

El cubano venció al peruano.

Para esta tarde se espera el debut de la selección Sub-22, que dirige Víctor ‘Chino’ Rivera. La figura más destacada del cuadro nacional es Víctor Cedrón, quien con su experiencia en Alianza Lima y César Vallejo busca sumar de a tres con el cuadro nacional.

Resto de la jornada:

15:30 hrs. Levantamiento de Pesas – Hombres 69 kg Grupo A

Junior Lahuanampa  y Óscar Terrones. Estos son los resultados de los peruanos.

15:35 hrs. Bádminton Dobles Mixtos Ronda de 16

Cuba-Winder vs. Reid-Williams (Jamaica). Peruanos ganaron a los centroamericanos. 

16:35 hrs. Fútbol – Primera Ronda

Perú 1-2 Panamá

16:45 hrs. Bádminton Dobles Mixtos Ronda de 16

Corpancho-Zornoza  vs. Ng-Bruce (Canadá). Peruanos no pudieron contra el equipo canadiense. 

18:00 hrs. Levantamiento de Pesas Mujeres 58 kg Grupo A

Tessy Sandi. La peruana quedó tercera en esta primera prueba.

20:45 hrs. Squash individual masculino – Semifinales

Diego Elías (Perú) vs. Ganador del  Pezzota (Argentina) – Salazar (México)


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President TrumpDonald John TrumpKobach ‘very concerned’ voter fraud may have happened in North Carolina Trump Jr. makes fun of Ocasio-Cortez by sharing meme that suggests socialists eat dogs Trump’s 2020 campaign will be headquartered at Trump Tower: report MORE on Friday unleashed a barrage of early-morning tweets aimed at Robert MuellerRobert Swan MuellerSasse: US should applaud choice of Mueller to lead Russia probe MORE, blasting him as a conflicted and biased special prosecutor before Mueller is expected to file new documents in the Russia investigation. 

The president called the investigation “a total Witch Hunt” and also sought to undermine the credibility of his own deputy attorney general, Rod RosensteinRod Jay RosensteinFormer Attorney General William Barr is Trump’s leading contender for AG: report FBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet Rosenstein jokes at DOJ conference: Tell Trump ‘his favorite deputy attorney general was here’ MORE, who had been overseeing the probe, by arguing he is “totally conflicted.”

“Robert Mueller and Leakin’ Lyin’ James ComeyJames Brien ComeyFBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet As a former federal prosecutor, I can’t help wondering: Did Manafort plead guilty, to spy for Trump? Top FBI official Bill Priestap to retire MORE are Best Friends, just one of many Mueller Conflicts of Interest,” Trump tweeted, referring to the man he fired as FBI director. 


In a subsequent tweet, Trump asked whether “Robert Mueller’s big time conflicts of interest be listed at the top of his Republicans only Report.” 

He also argued that the Justice Department should investigate 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonTrump praises ‘beautiful tribute’ for Bush Boston Globe pans Warren as ‘divisive figure’ ahead of potential 2020 run Feds received whistleblower evidence in 2017 alleging Clinton Foundation wrongdoing MORE, the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton Foundation. 

“Will all of the substantial & many contributions made by the 17 Angry Democrats to the Campaign of Crooked Hillary be listed in top of Report. Will the people that worked for the Clinton Foundation be listed at the top of the Report?” he wrote. 


The tweets come on what is expected to be a momentous day in Mueller’s long-running investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 election. 

His office is expected to submit new filings later in the day detailing the status of cases against former Trump campaign chairman Paul ManafortPaul John ManafortFox News legal analyst disputes Giuliani: Mueller isn’t on a ‘fishing expedition’ Justices seem reluctant to make changes to double jeopardy clause Trump says approval rating would be 75 percent without Mueller MORE and former Trump personal lawyer Michael Cohen, both of whom pleaded guilty. 

Trump’s tweets break a relatively brief period of silence on the Mueller probe during memorial services for former President George H.W. Bush.  

For the second time in recent weeks, the president turned his fire on Rosenstein. He asked if the No. 2 Justice Department official’s “scathing document written about Lyin’ James Comey” will be included in Mueller’s final report on the probe. 

Referring to a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant signed by Rosenstein against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, Trump asked, “isn’t Rod therefore totally conflicted?”  

The debate over whether Rosenstein should recuse himself has long hung over the Russia probe, but the deputy attorney general said he has consulted with appropriate officials and that his position did not present a conflict. 

ActingMatthew G WhitakerFlake stands firm on sending a ‘message to the White House’ on Mueller Corsi finalizing criminal complaint against Mueller Trump retweets Pence parody account attacking Clinton MORE Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, a Trump loyalist, is now believed to be overseen the probe in the wake of former attorney general Jeff SessionsJefferson (Jeff) Beauregard SessionsFlake stands firm on sending a ‘message to the White House’ on Mueller Former Attorney General William Barr is Trump’s leading contender for AG: report Sessions says he has no plans to return to Senate MORE‘ ouster. 

The president last week retweeted a photoshopped image showing several Trump opponents in jail, including Rosenstein, suggesting they should be locked up for treason. 

The president also took aim at top Mueller deputy Andrew Weissman, calling him a “horrible and vicious” prosecutor who “wrongly destroyed people’s lives, took down great companies.”

Updated at 9:12 a.m. 

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Leonardo Boff fue sancionado por el Vaticano en 1985.

El permiso temporal concedido por el papa Francisco para que los sacerdotes perdonen a mujeres que hayan abortado supone “abrir una puerta” que “ya no se cierra” para la iglesia católica, afirmó el teólogo brasileño Leonardo Boff.

Uno de los principales referentes de la Teología de la Liberación, condenado al ostracismo en 1985 por el Vaticano por su libro “Iglesia, carisma y poder”, Boff expresó su entusiasmo con el actual pontífice durante una charla con BBC Mundo.

“El Papa está inaugurando otro tipo de Iglesia, adecuada a la globalización”, dijo el exsacerdote, quien contó que colaboró con la encíclica sobre ecología que Francisco divulgó este año.

Lea: El papa da permiso para perdonar durante el Año Santo a las mujeres que hayan abortado

Lo que sigue es un resumen del diálogo telefónico con este escritor de 76 años, que vive en una zona campestre del estado de Río de Janeiro.

¿Qué opina del permiso temporal que concedió el papa Francisco para que los sacerdotes puedan absolver del “pecado de aborto a quienes lo han practicado y que estén arrepentidos”?

Esta decisión está ligada directamente al concepto fundamental que el Papa tiene del evangelio como misericordia. Dios tiene un amor incondicional y su misericordia no tiene límites. Solamente un cristianismo doctrinario, apologético, yo diría casi machista y sin misericordia, es duro en eso.

Este Papa ha declarado claramente: yo no voy a dirigir la Iglesia por el poder sino por el amor y la misericordia. Esta decisión es absolutamente coherente con su mensaje.

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Boff es uno de los principales exponentes de la Teología de la Liberación.

Usted habla de una misericordia sin límites, pero el perdón se podrá conceder sólo durante el Año Santo (entre el 8 de diciembre próximo y el 20 de noviembre de 2016). Visto así no parece un cambio duradero…

Sí, pero esto es abrir una puerta. Y una vez abierta la puerta, ya no se cierra. Significa que él tiene cierta pedagogía, cierto sentido de proceso. No es un proceso que va a retroceder. Empezó ahora y el Año Santo es una ocasión muy oportuna, porque es el año de la misericordia y del perdón de todas las deudas. Se abre una puerta y esta será una actitud pastoral permanente en la Iglesia.

Lea también: Perdón de la Iglesia a las mujeres que abortaron: ¿cambio profundo o retoque estético?

¿Cree que esto anticipa un cambio doctrinario dentro de la Iglesia?

Creo que el Papa no va a discutir las doctrinas. Él dice siempre que la realidad está por encima de las doctrinas. Si la realidad dice que hoy hay muchos divorcios, el concepto de familia está cambiando cada vez más, y para él lo importante es que hay amor. Donde hay amor, sea en el primero o segundo matrimonio, ahí hay algo de Dios.

La Iglesia rechaza por ejemplo que aborte una niña de 10 años violada y embarazada, como ocurrió en Paraguay. ¿Cómo se coloca la realidad sobre las doctrinas ahí?

Creo que el Papa no iba a hacer eso; él iba a entender. El obispo local o la iglesia local pueden hacer eso porque hacen deducciones: no se puede cometer aborto porque importan las personas. Eso es abstracto.

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Según Boff, Francisco I está inaugurando un nuevo tipo de iglesia.

La pregunta es cuán reformista es el papa Francisco: algunos creen que está impulsando cambios de fondo y otros que son apenas actos cosméticos de alguien que en definitiva es el guardián de la doctrina católica…

El es guardián de la tradición de Jesús. Porque la doctrina católica es una invención de teólogos. Cada época elabora su teología. Pero hay valores que marcan una ruptura. Es decir: aquí empieza algo nuevo. Y este Papa vive de esa ruptura. No es populista, no es nada. Él vive su profunda convicción como hombre religioso. Ya lo vivía como cardenal en Argentina fuera del palacio, utilizando los medios comunes, el bus y el metro, iba solo a las villas miseria.

El papa también dijo que no era quién para juzgar a una persona gay, pero su Iglesia sigue condenando la práctica homosexual y oponiéndose al matrimonio gay. ¿Cómo ve eso?

El Papa en eso está innovando en la línea de la misericordia y la comprensión. Él dice: hay que hacer una revolución pastoral, el pastor tiene que tener olor de oveja, caminar junto con su pueblo. Y él entiende la condición humana, entonces no tiene nada de rigidez.

Y respecto a los abusos sexuales dentro de la Iglesia, ¿está haciendo todo lo que debe para atacar este problema grave?

Ahí el Papa es implacable, es tolerancia cero. Ese nuncio apostólico de Santo Domingo fue inmediatamente condenado. Un cardenal de Irlanda fue inmediatamente dimitido y enviado a un convento a hacer penitencia. Es rígido porque es pecar contra un inocente, abusar de quien no puede defenderse. Ese crimen tiene que ser juzgado por la justicia civil, y el Papa tiene claro eso. Un crimen no puede ser ocultado como fue en los dos pontificados anteriores.

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Muchos en la iglesia católica se oponen tajantemente al aborto.

En marzo hubo una polémica en Chile porque el Vaticano defendió el nombramiento de un obispo acusado de encubrir abusos sexuales. Hay quienes señalan que en los hechos no se ven tantos cambios…

Todos los cambios necesitan procesos, no se hacen de la noche al día. Se hacen con prácticas nuevas y es un proceso pedagógico donde las mentes van madurando. Muchos se quedan atrás y otros que son muy conservadores serán cada vez más aislados.

El Papa está inaugurando otro tipo de Iglesia, adecuada a la globalización. No puede ser una iglesia occidental, porque Occidente es cada vez más un accidente en la historia y la iglesia no puede ser rehén de esa cultura occidental.

¿El Papa consultó sus escritos para preparar la encíclica que lanzó este año sobre ecología?

No es bueno hablar sobre esto. Pero tres veces fui solicitado a enviar materiales mediante el embajador argentino en la Santa Sede. Con gran alegría he constatado que muchas cosas fueron aprovechadas. Pero la encíclica es del Papa, no es mía. Lo nuevo de la encíclica es superar la visión de la ecología como ambientalismo. No es una encíclica verde, es una encíclica de la ecología integral, política, económica, espiritual, no solamente de la relación con la naturaleza. El Papa parte ya del nuevo paradigma.

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Boff está entusiasmando con el nuevo Papa.

¿Hay algún cambio con este Papa en la Iglesia respecto a la Teología de la Liberación?

La Teología de la Liberación tiene varias tendencias. En Argentina a raíz de la represión militar y la furia antimarxista no utilizaba ninguna categoria de clase, pero era la teología del pueblo oprimido y la cultura silenciada. Es lo mismo. Y Bergoglio nunca fue contra la Teología de la Liberación. Estuvo siempre del lado de los pobres que son oprimidos, a favor de la justicia social.

Pero usted mismo había criticado a Bergoglio como un exponente de conservadurismo de la Iglesia, alguien que apoyó al régimen militar argentino que cometió crímenes de lesa humanidad. ¿Quién cambió, él o usted?

No hay que olvidar que (en Argentina) la Iglesia católica es la iglesia oficial del Estado, entonces todos los obispos y sacerdotes tenían dificultad en oponerse al régimen. Y Bergoglio sufrió con eso. Pero no se puede decir que él sencillamente ha adherido a eso. Ha salvado a muchísimas personas, como jesuitas que envió a Brasil, Uruguay y otras partes. Pero la Iglesia como sigue hoy todavía es en gran parte conservadora, a excepción de algunos.

En 2005 usted no opinaba eso. Cuando el diario “Página/12” le preguntó sobre la candidatura del cardenal Bergoglio, dijo que debía ser descartada ad limine, porque “un papa no puede haber estado ligado a los militares como lo estuvo él”…

Pero eso es de 2005. Estamos en 2015. Hay 10 años de diferencia. No doy valor a eso. Estaba pensando que en el contexto global era difícil que viniera alguien de América Latina —en Chile era mucho peor, en Brasil menos— donde de alguna manera muchos habían colaborado con regímenes porque eran anticomunistas, por temor al comunismo, etcétera. Pero no era en el sentido de decir que Bergoglio estaba comprometido; pertenecía a una Iglesia que en su conjunto tiene mucho que pedir perdón al pueblo argentino por no haber sido suficientemente profética y denunciadora de los crímenes.

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In an unprecedented move, Columbus police showed body camera footage of the shooting by a Columbus police officer of a 16-year-old girl just hours after the incident.

The video shows an officer approaching a driveway with a group of young people standing there. In the video, it appears that the 16-year-old, identified now as Ma’Khia Bryant, who was moments later shot by police pushes or swings at a person who falls to the ground.

Ma’Khia then appears to swing a knife at a girl who is on the hood of a car, and the officer fires his weapon what sounds like four times, striking the girl.

Columbus police stressed that the Bureau of Criminal Investigation is leading the investigation into the case, but the city wanted to release the body camera to give the public more information.

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The new hard line taken by China in trade talks—surprising the White House and threatening to derail negotiations—came after Beijing interpreted recent statements and actions by President Trump as a sign the U.S. was ready to make concessions, said people familiar with the thinking of the Chinese side.

High-level negotiations are scheduled to resume Thursday in Washington, but the expectations and the stakes have changed significantly. A week ago, the assumption was that negotiators would be closing the deal. Now, they are…

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via press release:



Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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March 16 at 9:02 PM

Former vice president Joe Biden is expected to announce soon whether he will seek the White House in 2020. On Saturday night, he seemed — for a moment — to get ahead of himself.

“I have the most progressive record of anybody running for the United . . . anybody who would run,” Biden told Delaware Democrats at their party fundraising dinner.

The crowd at a ballroom at the Dover Downs casino complex began to cheer, as Biden laughed and crossed himself.

Biden, 76, has repeatedly pushed back possible announcement dates for what would be his third run for the presidency. He has tapped staffers who would be expected to lead a national campaign, leaving many of his political allies convinced he’ll run. But he has yet to make those plans official.

Saturday night’s state Democratic gala, which also celebrated a top-to-bottom Democratic sweep in the state’s midterm elections, repeatedly turned to Biden’s own plans.

Sen. Thomas R. Carper (D-Del.) referred to him as “President Biden.” Sen. Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.) told the crowd that he was “praying” for a president who “unites us and heals us,” referring to Biden. Sonia Schorr Sloan, an activist accepting an award at the dinner, said she had told Biden that she had “one campaign left” in her.

“Joe doesn’t just look like he’s back,” Delaware Gov. John Carney said. “He looks like he’s ready for a fight.”

The Delaware speech was Biden’s second political appearance of the week, after an address to the International Association of Fire Fighters that resembled a campaign rally, with “Run Joe Run” signs waving in the audience.

At both speeches, Biden described the Trump presidency as a dangerous sham.

“Trump turned his back on the very people he said he would help,” Biden said in Dover. He decried the president’s praise for Vladi­mir Putin and Kim Jong Un, noting that some foreign dictators had borrowed the president’s “fake news” rhetoric to crack down on opposition in their countries.

“If you asked me a few years ago whether our democracy could ever crumble, I would have laughed at you,” said Biden.

The former vice president offered a few hints of what a 2020 campaign could focus on, telling the crowd it was “gonna hear a lot” from him about a “new corporate ethic” focused on workers’ prosperity, and attacking the health-care cuts in the Trump administration’s proposed budget, released this week.

But Biden also continued his running argument with the Democratic Party’s “new left,” returning several times to the idea that politics had been broken by people who refuse to seek consensus. He referred to Delaware’s election tradition of “returns day,” where victorious and defeated candidates literally bury a hatchet together and ride in a parade, as an example of the way politics should be.

“We don’t demonize our opponents,” he said. “We don’t belittle them. We don’t treat the opposition as the enemy. We might even say a nice word about a Republican if they do something good.”

Source Article from–almost-joe-biden-gets-ahead-of-himself-in-saturday-speech-to-cheers-from-the-crowd/2019/03/16/afdb83ee-4847-11e9-8aab-95b8d80a1e4f_story.html

The first U.S. omicron case was reported on Dec. 1. It took the heavily mutated variant less than three weeks to establish its dominance in America — and nowhere is its unprecedented infectiousness more evident than in the New York area.

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Wednesday a “staggering” nearly 11,000 new COVID cases across the five boroughs. He said the daily rate would likely continue to rise for the next few weeks, at least, as the new variant sweeps the region. The numbers from the state (17,221) and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (20,454) were even more stunning, as both figures would have NYC representing nearly a tenth of all cases nationwide from Tuesday.

The CDC estimates more than 90% of current cases in the metro area — one that for its genomic surveillance purposes includes New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands — are associated with omicron. That’s up from 25% last week.

The agency has said New York and New Jersey were detecting omicron at four times the national average rate. The Garden State’s latest numbers show a similar pattern, spiking 42% in a day as cities rush to impose mask rules and shut schools.

Delta, which for months exerted near-total dominance on New York area cases, is now believed to account for less than 8% of new infections, according to CDC data. And while that remains New York’s prime variant of concern as far as its impact on hospitalizations, the sheer pace of omicron’s spread has stunned health experts.

“Intense surge, limited impact,” de Blasio said regarding the severity of omicron cases thus far. “That does not suggest doing the same things we did last year. That suggests a different game plan. Vaccination is the game-changer.”

President and CEO of NYC Health + Hospitals Dr. Mitchell Katz sought to drive home the point when asked to reconcile the perceived “hysteria” over the sheer surge in new cases with officials’ continued assurances of calm.

“What you’re seeing as a mixed message is how people respond to the transparency of the data,” Katz told the reporter who asked the question. “What the data show is cases are astronomically increasing, no question. Cases themselves, we’ve never seen as high levels. Very sick people? No.”

Katz said his 11 H + H hospitals have 54 COVID patients in the ICU at this point. That’s down from 970 at the latest peak this past March. It’s only 34 patients higher than the lowest number (20) his network experienced over the course of the pandemic. Katz said that should add some perspective to the numbers, and shed more light around his own previously professed concerns about the omicron surge.

“It’s not because I’m worried about a deluge of sick patients,” Katz explained. “What I’m worried about is a large number of my staff exposed to omicron and then on 10-day isolation. That’s the staffing problem that I’m worried about.”

Source: CoVariants
Amy O’Kruk/NBC

“We continue to see mild disease,” he added, though noted the question of whether unvaccinated hospitalized patients with omicron have more severe experiences than vaccinated hospitalized patients with omicron requires further study.

New York City’s variant reporting data hasn’t had a chance to catch up to the spread. It still lists omicron as accounting for 1% of tested COVID samples in the five boroughs, though acknowledges that its data “does not yet reflect the spread.

The five boroughs’ rolling daily case average is up more than 141% over the rolling average for the prior four weeks, while hospitalizations are stable by the same metric after a marginal increase earlier this month.

Statewide, Gov. Kathy Hochul reported record-breaking daily COVID cases for four straight days before the number fell a bit Tuesday (22,258). Hospitalizations, though, topped 4,300, the highest total since April 7 and a 125% jump since Nov. 1.

Both de Blasio and Hochul have sought to assuage public concerns ahead of the holidays. Both assure New Yorkers the current climate is nothing like March 2020 or even December 2020, that vaccinations remain the most effective tool to beating back COVID, including the omicron strain. Both have said multiple times this week there will be no shutdowns.

De Blasio warned New Yorkers a few days ago that the omicron case surge will likely only get worse before it gets better, though the surge is expected to be far milder and far less lengthy than delta’s earlier this year. Much of this expectation depends on people getting vaccinated and especially getting boosted, he says.

The Democrat launched a booster incentive program on Tuesday that awards $100 to anyone who gets a booster dose at a city-run or SOMOS partner site by Dec. 31.

Long lines at testing sites have been a bigger issue than vaccine lines lately. De Blasio announced another seven would open this week on top of the 23 already pledged, bringing the city’s testing options up closer to 120 amid the demand.

Five new city mobile sites launching on Thursday will supplement the effort by handing out free at-home tests for New Yorkers. The locations of the trucks weren’t immediately released, but the mayor said they’d be throughout the city.

“We know the COVID era will end, hopefully as early as 2022,” de Blasio said Wednesday. “If we do the right thing, if we get vaccinated, we know the COVID era will end. We have powerful tools and we know the COVID era will end.”

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De Blasio’s triumphant talk of recovery has been harder to swallow for some New Yorkers, as the one-time pandemic epicenter reels from this latest case onslaught and breakthrough infections shake Broadway to its core. Although this omicron outbreak is expected to be mild in terms of infection severity, it has renewed questions around holiday gatherings, especially when it comes to New Year’s Eve.

De Blasio had said tens of thousands of fully vaccinated people could return in person to Times Square this year. That was just a few weeks ago. The mayor says his team is still in discussions about have to make it safer. He has pledged to announce a decision on the end-of-year bash before Friday.

While much is still to learn about omicron — and what could come next — de Blasio has said research shows it is most certainly more transmissible than any previous strain and likely more vaccine-resistant, but that vaccinations are still effective.

Source: CoVariants
Amy O’Kruk/NBC

That appears most true when it comes to preventing severe illness from omicron. Mounting evidence shows two vaccine doses have plunging efficacy against the newest variant of concern. Boosters provide even more protection, Pfizer and Moderna have said their data shows. And any doses of the three main COVID vaccines provide more protection than no doses at all, the CDC director has said.

While about 1% of all New York residents have tested positive in the last 10 days, Hochul, de Blasio and leading national experts continue to drive home those points.

Indoor mask rules, vaccine mandates and other protective measures have been re-implemented to slow the spread, and New York’s leaders ask their pandemic-weary people to ride out this wave a bit longer.

“Cases are rising due to the winter surge, but this is not March 2020 – we knew this was coming and New York is taking action to make vaccines, boosters, and testing more widely available,” Hochul said in a statement Tuesday.

“We know what works – get vaccinated, get the booster, mask up, and exercise caution in indoor public spaces,” she added. “Now is the time for all of us to do our part and help protect those more vulnerable to make sure we all get through this holiday season safely.”

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Mañana 13 de mayo se cumplen dos meses de la salida del aire del programa Aristegui Noticias.

Se extraña ese espacio radiofónico que cada mañana sorprendía gratamente con investigaciones periodísticas inéditas, con enfoques informativos novedosos y con un profundo sentido de crítica social.

Cada emisión parecía diseñada, ejecutada y orientada a obtener un premio de periodismo en cualquiera de sus versiones conocidas.

De ese tamaño es el profesionalismo y la adicción informativa que un periodismo comprometido con causas sociales y ciudadanas (no partidistas ni personales) puede generar.

La línea editorial e informativa de Aristegui Noticias parecía diseñada por Voltaire: se podía estar o no de acuerdo con el enfoque, pero lo que no se podía hacer era ignorar el programa, dejar de escucharlo o negar el derecho a escuchar y ver un periodismo diferente.

Ese derecho a la diferencia informativa y editorial, o el derecho a la audiencia, es lo que ha sido vulnerado todo este tiempo en que Aristegui Noticias ha estado ausente.

No hay derecho a negar el derecho de audiencia a los cientos, miles o millones de radioescuchas que cada mañana, por decisión propia y de manera voluntaria, nos volvimos adictos —para aquellos que pensamos que la información es una droga—, a Aristegui Noticias. Derecho de audiencia que por lo demás es también un derecho humano básico, en tanto que está materialmente vinculado a dos derechos universales del hombre: el derecho a la información y a la libre manifestación de las ideas.

¿Qué opciones existen para restituir el programa? La primera es la restitución de las cosas a su estado original. Es decir, la reinstalación del noticiario y su equipo de trabajo en el horario y en el cuadrante de MVS. Sin embargo, es una opción cada día más lejana y distante, por el quiebre irreparable de confianza entre las partes.

La segunda opción es el camino largo, sinuoso y tortuoso del litigio jurídico. Se puede llevar años y, al final del proceso, el resultado podrá ser benéfico para alguna de las partes, pero desastroso para el tercero interesado (en este caso, “tercero perjudicado”) que somos las audiencias.

Hay una tercera opción que las circunstancias y la coyuntura dibujan. Por un lado, un equipo profesional de investigación e información periodística; por el otro, una audiencia ciudadana a la espera de que “su” programa sea restituido; por último, una licitación fallida de una cuarta cadena de televisión nacional, que podría relanzarse en versiones regionales, donde el Valle de México, asiento natural de la audiencia de Aristegui Noticias, bien podría levantar la mano y llevársela.

La constitución de un programa de radio-televisión-internet en una empresa de participación ciudadana, donde los socios fundadores sean los integrantes de la misma audiencia, con emisión de acciones de
diversa denominación, con una administración profesional y autónoma, supervisada y auditada por un fideicomiso, daría a la libertad de expresión y al derecho a la información una solidez política y una independencia ideológica reales, a prueba de censuras y vetos de poder. Este nuevo medio bien podría llamarse Libre Expresión.

Para emprender este proyecto, Aristegui Noticias tiene el principal recurso que una empresa de este tipo necesita: la confianza y la credibilidad de miles de mexicanos.


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Media captionBoris Johnson says about 74 convicted terrorists have been released early from prison

Boris Johnson has told the BBC that 74 people jailed for terror offences and released early will have their licence conditions reviewed.

The Ministry of Justice launched the urgent review after convicted terrorist Usman Khan, who had served half of his sentence, killed two people in a knife attack at London Bridge on Friday.

The prime minister claimed scrapping early release would have stopped him.

But Labour is blaming budget cuts for “missed chances to intervene”.

One of the victims has been named by police as 25-year-old Jack Merritt. The second victim has not been named, but the University of Cambridge has confirmed she was a former student.

One of the three other people injured was a member of staff from the university.

Dr Vin Diwakar, medical director for NHS London, said two victims remain in a stable condition in hospital, while a third has been discharged.

They were all attending an event to mark five years of the Learning Together programme – which gives students and inmates the opportunity to study together to help reduce re-offending.

Friday’s attack was brought to an end when police shot Khan dead.

The 28-year-old had previously been jailed over a plot to bomb the London Stock Exchange in 2012.

He was sentenced to indeterminate detention for “public protection” with a minimum jail term of eight years.

This sentence would have allowed him to be kept in prison beyond the minimum term.

But in 2013, the Court of Appeal quashed the sentence, replacing it with a 16-year-fixed term of which Khan should serve half in prison.

He was released on licence in December 2018 – subject to an “extensive list of licence conditions”, Met Police Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu said.

Media captionVideo footage shows moment London Bridge attacker was apprehended


The prime minister told the BBC’s Andrew Marr show it was “repulsive” that someone as “dangerous” as Khan could be released from prison after “only serving eight years”.

He blamed Khan’s release on legislation introduced under “a leftie government”, insisting the automatic release scheme was introduced by Labour – but was challenged about what the Conservatives had done to change the law over the past 10 years in government.

“I’m a new prime minister,” said Mr Johnson. “We take a different approach.”

He added: “I opposed [automatic release] both in 2003 and 2008, and now that I am prime minister I’m going to take steps to make sure that people are not released early when they commit… serious sexual, violent or terrorist offences.

“I absolutely deplore that fact that this man was out on the streets… and we are going to take action against it.”

Mr Johnson said there are “probably about 74 people” who had been subject to early release following serious offences, adding that action had been taken immediately following London Bridge attack “to ensure there is no threat to the public”.

The Ministry of Justice confirmed the 74 figure following the interview.

How the law on early release changed

2003 – The Criminal Justice Act meant most offenders would be automatically released halfway through sentences, but the most “dangerous” would have their cases looked at by a Parole Board. Sentences with no fixed end point, called Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP), were also introduced.

2008 – Criminal Justice and Immigration Act removed review process by Parole Boards, meaning more offenders were released automatically halfway through sentences. Judges could still hand down life sentences or IPPs for dangerous offenders.

2012 – Usman Khan was handed a sentence with no fixed end date because of the risk he posed to the public. In the same year, the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act scrapped IPPs and reintroduced the role of the Parole Board for extended sentences of 10 years or more – this time after two-thirds of the sentence has passed. But that did not mean those already serving IPPs would have them lifted.

2013 – During an appeal, Lord Justice Leveson ruled that Khan’s indeterminate sentence should be substituted for an extended sentence with automatic release at the halfway point.

At an event in York, Jeremy Corbyn called for an inquiry into “everything surrounding” Khan, including his sentence and what happened to him in prison.

But he warned against “knee-jerk legislation”, saying the country could “pay a price later”.

Media captionJeremy Corbyn says cuts in public services could put more lives at risk

In his speech, the Labour leader said: “No government can prevent every attack. No-one would believe any political leader who said they could.

“But the government can act to make such acts of terror less, rather than more likely.”

Mr Corbyn said there needed to be more funding for public services, including probation and mental health, as when they are cut “they leave behind gaps”.

He added: “That can lead to missed chances to intervene in the lives of people who go on to commit inexcusable acts, whether it’s during their childhood, their first brush with the law, their first conviction or in prison through rehabilitation programmes.

“You can’t keep people safe on the cheap.”

Mr Corbyn told Sky’s Sophy Ridge programme terrorists should “not necessarily” serve their full sentences automatically, but that it “depends on circumstances”.

“There has to be an examination of how our prison services work and crucially what happens when they are released from prison,” he said.

Both parties have been accused of politicising the attack.

Liberal Democrat deputy leader Ed Davey told Sophy Ridge on Sunday that he was “alarmed” at Mr Johnson’s reaction to the London Bridge attack.

“In the middle of an election, we shouldn’t be making political capital out of a tragedy, and he’s doing that, and he’s doing that in a way which is misleading people about what the law actually says.”

But Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage tweeted that those convicted of terror offences “should never be released”.

“It is appalling that 74 convicted terrorists are on our streets,” he added. “These are not ordinary criminals but people with a jihadi virus.”

Media captionUsman Khan speaking to the BBC in 2008: ‘I ain’t no terrorist’

The father of Jack Merritt, who was a course co-ordinator for Learning Together, said in a now-deleted tweet that his son “would not wish his death to be used as the pretext for more draconian sentences or for detaining people unnecessarily”.

Foreign secretary Dominic Raab said David Merritt should be listened to, declaring “nobody wants to see the politicisation of this”.

But he added: “The question is, who is going to make sure that the overriding priority is avoiding any unnecessary risk to the public?”

“I think if you look at what we’re saying on sentencing… it is the Conservatives who are saying we will stop at nothing to keep people safe.”

Khan was living in Stafford and wearing a GPS police tag when he launched his attack inside Fishmongers’ Hall, where he was one of dozens of students and offenders attending a conference hosted by Learning Together, a prisoners’ rehabilitation programme.

The attack then continued onto London Bridge itself.

Mr Basu said officers had been working “flat out” to try to establish the “full circumstances” of the stabbing.

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En un esfuerzo conjunto entre Policía y el CTI se logró desarticular la banda que tenía su centro de operaciones en la localidad de Fontibón. De las 22 personas capturadas, 13 eran mujeres.

Según el general Humberto Guatibonza, la líder de La saga de los González llevaba 20 años dedicada a negocios relacionados con el tráfico de los estupefacientes.

A través de sus nueve hijos distribuía la droga en parques y vías públicas. La banda tendría nexos directos con narcotraficantes del norte del Valle del Cauca.

Durante los allanamientos se decomisaron varios kilos de marihuana, bazuco, dinero en efectivo y dos armas de fuego, con las cuales realizaban los cobros e intimidaban a otras bandas de microtráfico.  

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Billionaire financier Tom SteyerThomas (Tom) Fahr SteyerTom Steyer’s campaign to impeach Trump will continue after Steyer enters 2020 race Five things to know about Tom Steyer Don’t dismiss Tom Steyer: He’s the most media-savvy candidate going MORE announced he would join the 2020 presidential race on Tuesday — and the dominant reaction from Democrats was annoyance.

Critics on the left accuse Steyer, a liberal activist from California, of mounting a vanity project that they say has no real chance of success.

They worry he could damage the chances of more prominent candidates whose views align with his own, notably Sens. Bernie SandersBernie SandersRussian intel planted Seth Rich conspiracy theory: report Poll: Trump trails Biden and Sanders, beats Buttigieg, Harris, and Warren Democrats are too far left to win Middle America MORE (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth Ann WarrenPoll: Trump trails Biden and Sanders, beats Buttigieg, Harris, and Warren Democrats are too far left to win Middle America Poll: Biden leads 2020 Democratic pack by 15 points, Warren, Harris, Sanders tie for second MORE (D-Mass).

The threat from Steyer is simple: His wealth means he can run a well-funded campaign for almost as long as he likes. A Steyer spokesman told The New York Times that he was willing to spend “at least $100 million” on his presidential bid.

“Anybody with $100 million to spend will have an impact,” said Jonathan Tasini, a well-known progressive writer and activist in New York. “I just think it is a massive case of ego run amok. There is absolutely nothing that Steyer is saying that other candidates, especially Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are not saying.”

“He typifies the kind of candidate that Democrats hate the most, which is somebody who thinks they can buy the primary or buy support,” said a party strategist who is unaligned with any current presidential candidate and requested anonymity to speak candidly blasted the Democratic mega-donor.

Still, the criticisms of Steyer bump up against the fact that he has espoused causes that are popular with the liberal grass roots.

After making his fortune, he first came to political prominence as a vigorous advocate for action on climate change. 

More recently, he has been best known for spearheading a drive to impeach President TrumpDonald John TrumpGraham open to investigating Acosta-Epstein plea deal Sustaining progress with Mexico on migration Government to issue licenses for business with Huawei MORE — an effort that has collected more than 8 million supporters and has encompassed a major TV ad campaign, with most them putting Steyer front and center.

Some progressives acknowledge Steyer’s commitment to their causes even as they are skeptical of his 2020 chances.

Charles Chamberlain, chairman of progressive group Democracy for America, emphasized Steyer’s record on climate change as one potential upside to his candidacy.

On that topic, he said, “What is exciting about Tom getting into the race is, with the kind of money he has, he may be able to drive forward solutions in a way that could be positive for America.”

Even so, Chamberlain noted that overall, “It’s a little difficult to see what Tom Steyer has to offer, other than bringing a billionaire’s finances into it.”

In an emailed statement, Adam Green, the co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which has endorsed Warren, said of Steyer’s choice to enter the race this late: “Especially for a rich white male, this decision should be gut checked in a major way.”

But Green also noted that “Steyer will likely add attention to two issues he and Warren have led on: impeachment and addressing the climate crisis. Those issues deserve attention.”

Sanders and Warren seem less than thrilled to have Steyer in the race. 

He would appear to pose a much bigger threat to them than to more centrist candidates such as former Vice President Joe BidenJoe BidenTransgender activist Sarah McBride announces bid for Delaware state Senate Poll: Trump trails Biden and Sanders, beats Buttigieg, Harris, and Warren Democrats are too far left to win Middle America MORE, who continues to top national polls despite losing some of his lead following the first debates last month.

Sanders and Warren already face a challenge in trying to get progressive voters to coalesce behind one or the other.

That will be an even steeper climb now that a candidate with a presumptive $100 million in his campaign coffers has joined the race.

In the second quarter of this year, Warren and Sanders raised $19.1 million and $18 million respectively.

On Tuesday, Warren tweeted, “The Democratic primary should not be decided by billionaires, whether they’re funding Super PACs or funding themselves” — a clear shot at Steyer.

Sanders, in an MSNBC interview, said he was personally fond of Steyer but was “a bit tired of seeing billionaires trying to buy political power.”

Bill Carrick, a Democratic strategist and admaker in Steyer’s home state of California, told The Hill that Sanders and Warren have cause to be concerned: “The candidates who are running to the more progressive, left side — they just got another candidate doing that as well, and one with unlimited resources. That may complicate things for those candidates.”

Carrick noted that Steyer’s pro-impeachment ads have boosted his name recognition among the public and that his access to the email addresses of the people who signed up to that effort could help him enormously.

Elsewhere in the progressive world, however, there is carping that Steyer — if genuinely concerned about the issues rather than self-promotion — could have put his wealth to use in more effective ways.

Jamelle Bouie, a liberal columnist with The New York Times, tweeted, “if i were a liberal billionaire with a $100 millions to burn i’d spend it on a nationwide voter registration drive instead of a vanity presidential campaign.”

Tasini, the progressive activist in New York, argued Steyer could have made more of a substantive difference if he had been prepared to use his money to buttress Democratic hopes of taking back control of the Senate next November.

Tasini poured cold water on the suggestion that Steyer would have a real impact in terms of taking votes away from the top progressive candidates. 

“That’s unlikely because I think his status as a white man billionaire does not chip in to the base of either Warren or Sanders,” Tasini said. “Would he win five of their votes? Maybe. But not 5 percent of them.”

The Memo is a reported column by Niall Stanage, primarily focused on Donald Trump’s presidency.

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Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

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(Seated from left) Associate Justices Stephen Breyer, Clarence Thomas, Chief Justice John Roberts, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Samuel Alito; (standing from left) Associate Justices Neil Gorsuch, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Brett Kavanaugh

The US Supreme Court has ruled against the Trump administration’s policy to deny asylum to any migrants crossing the US-Mexico border illegally.

The top court rejected the policy 5-4, with Chief Justice John Roberts siding with the court’s liberals.

Federal judges had previously stayed the asylum ban, ruling it tried to circumvent existing laws granting anyone the right to asylum in the US.

The government had described the policy as a way to address the border crisis.

Conservative justices Neil Gorsuch, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Brett Kavanaugh dissented.

The court offered no opinion, just a document noting the order upholding the lower courts’ ruling against the ban.

What was the asylum ban?

On 9 November, President Donald Trump issued a proclamation stating that only asylum claims made at official ports of entry would be heard.

Lower federal courts blocked the policy from going into effect soon after.

In Solicitor General Noel Francisco’s request to the Supreme Court to give the proclamation the go-ahead, he claimed the president’s decree was for border security and to discourage dangerous crossings.

The petition claimed that migrants entered the US illegally and then claimed asylum, allowing them to remain in the country while their cases were being processed – even if those cases were unlikely to be granted.

“These measures are designed to channel asylum seekers to ports of entry, where their claims can be processed in an orderly manner; deter unlawful and dangerous border crossings; and reduce the backlog of meritless asylum claims.”

The government added that the temporary ban would “assist the president in sensitive and ongoing diplomatic negotiations” with Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

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Honduran migrants try to climb the Mexico-US border fence to cross to San Diego County from Tijuana, Mexico

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which issued the legal challenge to the ban, said the policy was unjustifiable and unfair.

The ACLU noted that many legitimate asylum seekers, fearing for their lives, enter illegally “through no fault of their own”.

“The government’s statutory arguments boil down to the contention that it would be more ‘rational’ and ‘sensible’ to deny asylum to people who enter illegally. But Congress expressly rejected that argument,” ACLU court documents stated.

The ACLU concluded that the administration was addressing “the wrong branch of government” with its request.

“It should make its case to Congress rather than seeking emergency intervention from this court regarding an almost 40-year-old statute.”

What did the lower courts say?

Though the administration’s ban was described as temporary, the lower courts ruled that it was not up to the White House to change existing federal laws in this way.

Under US law, there is a legal obligation to hear asylum claims from migrants if they say they fear violence in their home countries – regardless of how they have entered the country.

US District Judge Jon Tigar in California had first blocked Mr Trump’s proclamation in November, and extended his order this month.

A panel of appeals court judges upheld that injunction.

Conservative Judge Jay Bybee wrote in the appeals opinion: “Just as we may not, as we are often reminded, ‘legislate from the bench,’ neither may the Executive legislate from the Oval Office”, the Washington Post reported.

Media captionTrump and the facts about the migrant caravan

What is the situation at the border?

The latest group of migrants seeking entry into the US come from across Central America. They travelled north for weeks in what Mr Trump described as a “caravan of people”.

They say they are fleeing persecution, poverty and violence in their home countries of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

In the run-up to the US mid-term elections, President Trump said most were criminals, called the caravan an invasion, and ordered troops to the border.

On Thursday, the Department of Homeland Security announced that any migrants who illegally enter the US – including asylum seekers – will have to wait in Mexico for their cases to be heard.

The Mexican government has said it will offer migrants work visas and protections while they await asylum proceedings, according to the US Department of State.

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La operación continúa en Bruselas, que vive en estado de alerta.

La policía de Bruselas mantiene el cerco sobre dos sospechosos en una redada antiterrorista que se saldó de momento con cuatro agentes de policía heridos y con la muerte de uno de los sospechosos en un tiroteo y que sigue activa.

El operativo tuvo lugar en Forest, en el oeste de Bruselas. El suburbio permanece sellado por las fuerzas de seguridad porque la operación continúa.

“Al parecer dos personas se han refugiado en una vivienda”, dijo el alcalde de Forest, Marc-Jean Ghyssels.

“Se ha encontrado un cuerpo en la casa de Rue du Dries. Su identidad se desconoce, pero en cualquier caso no se trata de Salah Abdeslam”, dijo el portavoz de la Fiscalía sobre el asalto al primer apartamento.

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Hay tres agentes heridos, uno de ellos de gravedad.

El operativo está conectado con los ataques de noviembre pasado en París que dejaron más de 130 muertos. El denominado Estado Islámico (EI) se responsabilizó de los ataques.

Abdeslam es uno de los dos sospechosos de los atentados de París que sigue fugado.

“Durante la operación, una o varias personas abrieron fuego sobre los policías cuando entraron en el apartamento”, informó la Fiscalía.

“Un sospechoso armado con un (fusil) kalashnikov también murió”, agregó.

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La policía cerró varias calles en el barrio de Bruselas donde se realizó la redada.

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El tiroteo se presentó en el barrio de Forest, en el oeste de Bruselas.

Damian Grammaticas, reportero de la BBC en la escena, asegura que además del tiroteo hubo más disparos durante la persecución y que la zona está sellada.

Dos escuelas y dos guarderías permanecieron cerradas durante horas con unos 100 niños dentro.

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Dos escuelas permanecen cerradas con unos 100 niños en su interior.

Participación de Francia

El ministro francés del Interior, Bernard Cazeneuve, aseguró que agentes franceses participaron en la redada en Bruselas.

Surya Jonckheere, residente en la zona, dijo a la BBC que hay mucha confusión en la zona.

Desde los atentados del 13 de noviembre, las autoridades han identificado a la mayoría de personas que creen que realizaron o idearon los ataques.

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Los sospechosos se han refugiado en una vivienda.

La mayoría murió el mismo día o en los operativos policiales posteriores.

Pero dos sospechosos, Abdeslam y Mohamed Abrini, siguen fugados.

Además, 11 personas fueron arrestadas y acusadas en Bélgica en relación con los atentados en París. Otros ocho siguen detenidos a la espera de cargos.

Tras los atentados en París hubo redadas en varias zonas de Bruselas, donde vivían varios sospechosos, lo que durante días hizo pensar también en un posible atentado en la capital belga.

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