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Sen. Doug Jones (D-Ala.) is questioning in a new op-ed whether a majority of senators will “pursue the truth” in the upcoming impeachment trial of President TrumpDonald John TrumpSchumer renews call for witnesses to testify in impeachment trial in wake of ‘game changer’ report Tulsi Gabbard: Impeachment has ‘greatly increased the likelihood’ of Trump reelection and GOP retaking House Susan Collins says she’s ‘open’ to calling witnesses in Senate impeachment trial MORE.

Jones, considered the most vulnerable Senate Democrat up for reelection next year, called for a “full, fair and complete trial” with all necessary witnesses and documents to fulfill the Senate’s “solemn constitutional duty.”

“I fear, however, that we are headed toward a trial that is not intended to find the whole truth,” he wrote Monday in The Washington Post. “For the sake of the country, this must change.”

Jones said the current amount of evidence may be enough to “make a judgment” but called it “clearly incomplete.” 

The senator requested at least four witnesses with “direct knowledge” of the White House’s withholding of military aid to Ukraine to testify: former national security adviser John BoltonJohn BoltonSchumer renews call for witnesses to testify in impeachment trial in wake of ‘game changer’ report Susan Collins says she’s ‘open’ to calling witnesses in Senate impeachment trial ‘Will a majority of senators pursue the truth over all else?’ Doug Jones asks in op-ed MORE, acting chief of staff Mick MulvaneyJohn (Mick) Michael MulvaneySchumer renews call for witnesses to testify in impeachment trial in wake of ‘game changer’ report Susan Collins says she’s ‘open’ to calling witnesses in Senate impeachment trial ‘Will a majority of senators pursue the truth over all else?’ Doug Jones asks in op-ed MORE, senior adviser to Mulvaney Robert Blair, and associate director for national security at the Office of Management and Budget Michael Duffey.

“Let me be clear: I do not know what their answers would be, but I want to hear from them, and so should every senator and every American,” Jones wrote. “We cannot allow the full truth to evade this trial only to be revealed in some future memoir or committee hearing.”

Trump is accused of pressuring Kyiv to announce investigations that would have benefited him personally ahead of the 2020 election while withholding hundreds of millions of dollars in congressionally approved assistance to Ukraine. Earlier this month, the House approved two articles of impeachment against him: abuse of office and obstruction of Congress.

Jones called for Bolton to answer under oath questions about his role in withholding the aid, his leaving of his position earlier this year and his response to testimony from Fiona Hill, the former National Security Council senior director for Europe and Russia. 

Republicans see Jones and Sen. Joe ManchinJoseph (Joe) Manchin‘Will a majority of senators pursue the truth over all else?’ Doug Jones asks in op-ed GOP predicts bipartisan acquittal at Trump impeachment trial Susan Collins set to play pivotal role in impeachment drama MORE (W.Va.) as the most likely Democrats to break party lines and vote to acquit the president.

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The police in Florida are still scouring a vast wildlife reserve in the state for Ms. Petito’s fiancé, Brian Laundrie, 23, who was described as a “person of interest” by the police. Before he went missing, Mr. Laundrie had through a lawyer declined to speak to investigators, the police said. The authorities later issued an arrest warrant for him on a charge of debit card fraud.

Ms. Petito and Mr. Laundrie set out to visit national parks and travel the country in July, in a white Ford van outfitted with a bed and other necessities as part of a “van life” adventure.

On Sept. 1, Mr. Laundrie returned to the North Port, Fla., home where he lived with his parents and Ms. Petito, in the van, which was registered to Ms. Petito.

Ten days later, Ms. Petito’s family reported her missing. The search for her soon involved the F.B.I. and National Park rangers and stretched across at least two states.

Then, six days after Ms. Petito was reported missing, Mr. Laundrie’s parents told the police they had not seen him for several days, starting a second search for a missing person. The authorities began to scour the 24,565 acres of a wildlife refuge, the Carlton Reserve, in Sarasota County, Fla., and the F.B.I. served a search warrant at the Laundrie residence.

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GULFPORT, Miss. (WKRG) – Gulfport Police are warning residents that scammers are already using the murder of a Biloxi Police officer to steal money. Biloxi Police Officer Officer McKeithen was shot and killed Sunday night. The 24-year veteran Robert McKeithen. Biloxi’s Police Chief says Officer McKeithen was due to retire at the end of the year. Now Gulfport Police are warning of a scam using his name, posting on Facebook, “sadly, last night’s murder of Biloxi Police Officer Robert McKeithen has brought out scammers who are taking advantage of a horrible event. There are already people using this to call citizens to collect donations for their “Benevolent Police Association”. DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR MONEY OR YOUR INFORMATION. If you would like to make a donation to the Biloxi Police Department, please contact them directly at 228-392-0641.

The only donation account set up the fallen officer is through Southern Coastal Credit Union. You can call them at 228-432-0284 or go by their office at 1042 E. Howard Avenue, Biloxi, MS.”

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El canciller de Venezuela, Samuel Moncada anunció la declaración del expresidente mexicano Vicente Fox de persona no grata.

La información fue confirmada por Moncada a través de su cuenta twitter “Como Canciller de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela anuncio la declaración del Sr. Vicente Fox como persona no grata“.


Durante una llamada telefónica transmitida por el canal estatal Venezolana de Televisión (VTV), el diplomático indicó que ante la falta de liderazgo en la oposición, sus representantes se ven obligados a contratar agentes extranjeros para impulsar acciones violentas contra el Estado.

El representante del Gobierno venezolano dijo que el presidente Nicolás Maduro ha sido tolerante con estos agentes que han promovido y apoyado acciones criminales en Venezuela.

>> Presidente Maduro: El pueblo venezolano dijo hoy “basta de violencia”

Explicó el diplomático que el expresidente Fox “vino pagado a Venezuela para promover la violencia y la intervención de potencias extranjeras” y añadió que el exmandatario abusó de la hospitalidad del pueblo venezolano injuriando nuestro gentilicio.



No es un dato menor que Andrés Pastrana, Jorge Quiroga, Laura Chinchilla, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez y Vicente Fox, participaron como “observadores” de la encuesta antichavista de tipo plebiscitario, sin asidero constitucional y sin la participación de la institución correspondiente, que realizaron este domingo.

>> Canciller Moncada acusa a Reino Unido de participar en campaña contra Venezuela

El canciller Moncada indicó que este lunes realizará una rueda de prensa en la sede de la cancillería para dar detalles de la intervención de los agentes extranjeros y los resultados del ensayo electoral constituyente.  

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El presidente alterno de la Cámara de Comercio de Guayaquil (CCG), Miguel Ángel González, confirmó la presencia de siete de los ocho candidatos presidenciales al debate organizado por la entidad que representa para el 25 de enero de 2017, a las 21:00.

“Solo estamos esperando la confirmación del candidato oficialista (Lenin Moreno) y esperamos su aceptación en los próximo días”, señala González

Al momento, varios de los aspirantes se preparan para este intercambio de ideas.

Iván Espinel, del movimiento Fuerza Compromiso Social, indica que no tiene una capacitación específica, pero que realiza un simulacro de debate cada semana. “Mis asesores son mis contrincantes y dedicamos dos horas y media para el tema. Las propuestas de los otros candidatos son sin sustento y los haremos leña el día del evento”, manifiesta.

Paco Moncayo, Acuerdo Nacional por el Cambio, considera que el momento de instruirse para el encuentro será días antes del mismo. “Me imagino que para el debate el equipo de campaña y yo analizaremos una semana antes en qué debemos enfocarnos, ahora estamos concentrados en que nuestro mensaje llegue a los electores”, manifestó.

Para Patricio Zuquilanda, Partido Sociedad Patriótica (PSP), la instrucción específica en estos temas no es necesaria por su experiencia política. “Estoy al día en la economía nacional, de los sectores sociales, las vivencias son de carácter personal y difícilmente los libros me van a decir qué hacer en el debate presidencial”, indica.

Esta idea es compartida por Cynthia Viteri, presidenciable por el Partido Social Cristiano (PSC), ya que no recibe formación puntual para este evento, según su coordinadora de campaña, Susana González.

“El contacto es con los ciudadanos, lo que ellos manifiestan en sus recorridos, los problemas reales de la crisis que afrontan”, añadió ella.

En cambio, el candidato por Fuerza Ecuador (FE), Abdalá Bucaram Pulley, recibe ayuda extranjera en estos tópicos. Indica que evalúa lo que realizarán en el encuentro con “asesores internacionales de coaching, media training y expertos en cada una de las áreas”.

Gustavo Gaitán, asesor del aspirante por Unión Ecuatoriana Washington Pesántez, dijo que realizan sesiones de media training y se imparte fogueo periodístico, técnicas de oratoria y debate al postulante. “Cada quince días analizamos los discursos, intervenciones, entrevistas y desarrollamos ejercicios de corrección. En nuestra sede en Quito adecuamos una especie de set de televisión con cámaras, luces y micrófonos”, aseguró.

Mientras tanto, Guillermo Lasso, postulante por el movimiento Creando Oportunidades (CREO), se prepara con su equipo de campaña, dedicando unas horas todas las semanas a revisar cada tema del debate. “Guillermo se prepara con su equipo de campaña, consultores y en conversatorios con ciudadanos. Esto se completa con recorridos por el país, sus visitas a las casas de los ecuatorianos”, indica Fernando Coronel, jefe de Campaña de CREO.

Al cierre de esta edición los asesores de Lenin Moreno no respondieron las llamadas realizadas por EL UNIVERSO.

Será televisado
La Asociación Ecuatoriana de Radiodifusión (AER), Asociación de Canales de Televisión del Ecuador y la televisora colombiana NTN24 emitirán la señal para todo el país y el extranjero.

Mercado laboral, política tributaria, libertad de expresión, macroeconomía y corrupción serán los tópicos que se discutirán. (I)

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El trágico hecho ocurrió en el oriente de Cali. La víctima es una joven de 27 años de edad.

La enfermera Gisela Perlaza Santana vivía en una vivienda del barrio Llano Verde, donde su pareja sentimental llegó y la asesinó con arma blanca. El motivo habría sido el hecho de que, recientemente, ella le manifestó que no quería vivir más con él.

“Lo que se reporta es que ahí sale una persona de esa residencia un poco afanada. Eso les genera curiosidad y llaman al cuadrante para verificar qué había sucedido dentro de la residencia”, dijo el mayor César Rivera, comandante encargado del Distrito 4 de la Policía de Cali.

El agresor huyó minutos después de cometer el hecho, registrado durante la noche del pasado viernes 18 de agosto. Las autoridades ya lo tienen identificado.

“Un evento lamentable en una residencia. Reportan el cuerpo sin vida de una señora. Al verificar, es una señora que presenta unas heridas con arma blanca y, a partir de ahí, se genera una investigación”, afirmó el oficial.

Los vecinos de la víctima rechazaron el trágico suceso. Dicen que en el sector ya son varias las mujeres asesinadas en el transcurso del año.

“Muy triste porque es una mujer y, de todas  maneras, eso no aguanta con un hombre que lo esté jodiendo a uno y que lo mate por alguna bobada, no aguanta”, dijo una residente del sector.

“Maluco, grave. Ya no hay confianza entre la pareja. En fin, qué se puede hacer”, anotó otro vecino.

La velación de Gisela se lleva a cabo en una funeraria de la capital del Valle del Cauca y su cuerpo será llevado hasta El Charco, Nariño, donde será sepultada este martes 22 agosto.

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One Democratic Congresswoman is facing some high profile criticism from the left. They’re upset over her comments about the Syrian chemical attack. Veuer’s Nick Cardona (@nickcardona93) has the story.

WASHINGTON – Rep. Tulsi Gabbard announced Thursday that she is considering boycotting next week’s Democratic primary debate, claiming without proof that the Democratic National Committee and the press are trying to rig the election.

“The DNC and the corporate media are trying to hijack the entire election process, so in order to bring attention to this serious threat to our democracy, and to ensure that your voice is heard, I’m seriously considering boycotting the next debate on Oct. 15,” she said in a video statement posted to Twitter.

Gabbard said she will announce whether she will officially boycott the debate in the coming days.

In her statement, the Hawaii congresswoman said that voters in early states such as Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada expressed to her how frustrated they are that “the DNC and the corporate media are essentially trying to usurp your role as voters in choosing who our Democratic nominee will be.”

Gabbard pointed to her belief that the DNC tried to rig the 2016 election against Sen. Bernie Sanders in favor of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Emails released in July 2016 by Wikileaks showed that some DNC officials, including Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida — who at the time was chairwoman of the committee — criticized Sanders’ campaign. 

Gabbard also claimed in her video Thursday that the “DNC and the corporate media are rigging the election again” in 2020.

“This time it’s against the American people in the early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada,” she said. “They are attempting to replace the roles of voters in the early states using polling and other arbitrary methods which are not transparent or democratic, and they’re holding so-called debates which really are not debates at all but rather commercialized reality television, meant to entertain rather than to inform or enlighten.”

Gabbard is one of 12 candidates that made it to the debate stage for October. She also qualified for the June and July debates, with the September debate being the only one so far that she didn’t meet the requirements for.

The DNC first released the qualifications for the June and July debates in February; the qualifications for the September and October debates in May; and the qualifications for the November debate in September.

To make it to the debate stage in November, candidates must receive individual donations from at least 165,000 people, consisting of at least 600 unique donors in at least 20 states. In terms of polling, candidates must stand at 3% or higher in at least four approved national or early state polls, or they can reach 5% or higher in two early state polls.

Gabbard has hit the donor mark for the November debate, but is currently at 0.6% in polling, according to an average by Real Clear Politics. In a Quinnipiac poll released this week, Gabbard didn’t even hit 1%.

Over the past several months, Gabbard has repeatedly criticized the DNC and the primary debates.Author Marianne Williamson, who is also running for president, agreed with Gabbard’s sentiments.

“I have great respect for Tulsi for saying such inconvenient truth,” Williamson wrote in a tweet. “She is absolutely correct.”

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Por fin, después de 30 años de silencio, el hombre comenzó a hablar. Y contrariamente a lo que podría esperarse, no exponía complicadas teorías que sólo los sabios entenderían. En vez de eso, sus palabras estaban dando una noticia.

 Es lo que dice el evangelio este domingo:

 “Se fue a Galilea, y empezó a proclamar de parte de Dios la Buena Noticia.”

(Recuerde usted que esta palabra “evangelio” significa “buena noticia.”)

Y esa Buena Noticia era tan revolucionaria, tan distinta, tan inesperada y tan buena, que muy pocos la creyeron.

¿Qué diría hoy el Señor si nos quisiera dar esa Buena Noticia a usted y a mí? ¿Qué nos escribiría si le pusiéramos como límite algo que pudiera leerse en dos minutos? Creo que trataría de revelarnos al menos dos cosas que, de entenderlas, renovarían toda nuestra vida.


Usted es muy importante para Dios

Es decir, usted no es un desconocido para Él. Dios lo conoce a usted “por su nombre”, y le dice “Yo te aprecio, eres valioso para mí y yo te quiero.” (Isaías 43)  

Aún más: usted es un hijo de Dios, a quien Él ama incondicionalmente, y a quien ofrece su amistad personal e íntima.

Y ese amor de Dios, y esa amistad íntima, tienen una potencia liberadora, de modo que usted ya no tiene que ser esclavo del miedo y de la angustia, sino heredero de la paz y de la fortaleza.

La inmensa mayoría de la gente que conozco nunca ha vivenciado esta verdad. Nunca ha hecho suya esta realidad acerca de su ser, de quiénes son, de cuál es su llamado y su herencia, de quién es su padre ¡increíble!


Ese padre suyo desea que usted sea plenamente feliz.

Y esa felicidad puede empezar ahora mismo. En efecto, aun en esta etapa de nuestra vida, las personas que han recibido esta buena noticia, son, sin lugar a dudas, las más felices.

Y lo son porque pueden comprender, y pueden perdonar, y esperar, y confiar.Y lo son porque han creído en el Señor que vino “para destruir la muerte y manifestar la resurrección.”

De modo que los que han recibido esta noticia saben que, no solo no morirán, sino que vivirán eternamente felices.

Y además saben que como han creído en Jesús, ni siquiera serán juzgados. (Juan 3,18)


¿Qué le sucede a quien entiende estas dos noticias?

Tengo dos compadres, Víctor y Cuco, que escucharon bien estas dos noticias. Y en la medida en que fueron creyéndolas, adquirieron una paz, una alegría interior y una felicidad que dependía cada vez menos de lo exterior. ¡Se liberaron de la dependencia de las cosas!

Creo que ambos, desde donde están ahora, están tratando de que nosotros también escuchemos y nos atrevamos a creer estas insuperables Buenas Noticias. Usted es un hijo querido, creado por el Padre, redimido por el Hijo, y conducido por el Espíritu Santo. Eso es lo que usted ES. Alégrese por ser lo que ES. La persona que no se alegra por su ser, vivirá creyendo que sólo vale por su hacer, y el amor de Dios por ella se frustrará.

Pido a Dios nos abra el entendimiento para poder convertirnos, como Víctor y Cuco, en personas libres y felices.

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(Caracas, 15 de febrero. Noticias24).- 49 empleados pertenecientes a la red de Abastos Bicentenario fueron capturados tras el despliegue de una operación nacional contra la corrupción.

Así lo indicó el Ministro de Interiores, Justicia y Paz, Gustavo González López: “Desde la madrugada de hoy estamos en proceso de la operación que se desplegó a nivel nacional conocida como ataque al gorgojo (…)la misma busca desmantelar redes de corrupción que atentan contra el pueblo”.

“Hemos desplegado 965 funcionarios (…) en 53 establecimientos de servicio alimentario en todo el país (…) estamos decididos y vamos contra todos los bandidos y que nadie se aproveche de las circunstancias del país”, expresó González López.

Asimismo el Ministro indicó que los resultados que se han arrojado hasta ahora son: “49 detenidos que se encuentran en proceso de investigación por estar presuntamente incursos en delitos tipificados en las leyes; en el estado Miranda 4 detenidos, el gerente del Abasto Bicentenario de Guarenas, el técnico de operaciones, el jefe de la carnicería (…) ahí detectamos el acaparamiento de productos carnicos (…) 7.000 kilos de porcino y 600 kilos de pollo aproximadamente”.

Igualmente González López destacó que se encontró gran cantidad de papel higiénico acaparado que debió ser vendido en diciembre. También que: “En el estado Zulia 6 detenidos, los gerente de los Abasto Bicentenario de la tienda 5 de Julio, Metrosol, Costa Verde, Perijá, Cabimas y el de Lagunillas (…) todos incurrieron en delitos relacionados con la economía criminal.

En breve más información

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El Comando del Pacífico de Estados Unidos confirmó el sábado que Corea del Norte llevó adelante otro lanzamiento de misil.

“El Comando del Pacífico de Estados Unidos detectó y rastreó un lanzamiento de misil de Corea del Norte” aproximadamente a las 20H30 GMT del sábado, dijo el organismo en un comunicado, y agregó que el tipo de misil todavía está siendo evaluado.

De acuerdo al comando, el misil fue lanzado cerca de la ciudad noroccidental de Kusong y aterrizó en el Mar de Japón. El comuunicado agrega que “el vuelo no era consistente con un misil balístico intercontinental”.

Se trata del primer ensayo militar de Pyongyang desde la llegada al poder en Seúl del nuevo presidente, Moon Jae-In.

El Estado Mayor Conjunto de Seúl informó más temprano, también en un comunicado, que el misil recorrió cerca de 700 kilómetros y anunció que Corea del Sur y Estados Unidos analizaban más detalles.

Este es el segundo lanzamiento de un misil en cerca de dos semanas, y el primero desde que el nuevo presidente sucoreano Moon Jae-In llegó al poder, tras las elecciones anticipadas celebradas esta semana.

Este ensayo se produce en un momento de fuertes tensiones en la península de Corea, en medio de intercambios de declaraciones cada vez más hostiles, tanto de Washington como de Pyongyang.

Pyongyang ha lanzado dos pruebas atómicas y decenas de ensayos de misiles desde el inicio del año pasado, en su intento por desarrollar un sistema nuclear que pueda alcanzar territorio estadounidense. (I)

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A federal judge has completely barred former Trump political adviser Roger Stone from speaking publicly about his ongoing prosecution on obstruction and false statement charges, after a picture of the judge appeared on Stone’s Instagram this week with what appeared to be crosshairs in the background.

The ruling followed a hearing on Thursday in which Stone took the stand to insist he was “heartfully sorry” for the picture, which Stone said he had reviewed prior to posting it — although he suggested someone else had first selected the image.

U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson tore into Stone during the proceeding, saying she simply didn’t believe his explanation that an unnamed “volunteer” was to blame.

“I have serious doubts about whether you learned anything at all,” Jackson said. “From this moment on, the defendant may not speak publicly about this case — period. No statements about the case on TV, radio, print reporters, or Internet. No posts on social media. [You] may not comment on the case through surrogates. You may send out emails about donating to the Roger Stone defense fund.”

Jackson added an apparent threat to revoke Stone’s bail and send him to jail: “This is not baseball. There will be no third chance. If you cannot abide by this, I will be forced to change your surroundings so you have no temptations.”

Jackson had issued a limited gag order in Stone’s case last week, preventing him from discussing the case near the courthouse. Stone was being questioned Thursday by Jackson and government lawyers as to why Jackson should not take action in response to the image.

On Thursday, Stone made the risky decision to take the stand, after an initial series of questions from Jackson to Stone’s lawyer, Bruce Rogow.

The longtime Trump confidante walked into court wearing his signature circle framed glasses, but took them off before Jackson entered the courtroom. Stone’s wife and daughter sat in the front row.

Under questioning from prosecutors and Jackson, the 66-year-old Stone — who frequently looked directly at Jackson as he spoke — said the image had been selected by a volunteer who was working for him, though he couldn’t say who picked the photo or list the five or six volunteers who have been working for him when he was asked by prosecutors.

He said he had several photos to choose from and posted the image himself to his profile.

“You had a choice?” the judge interjected.

Stone said he picked the photo “randomly,” a suggestion the judge almost immediately dismissed.

“It was an egregious mistake. I obviously wish I could do it over again, but I cannot,” Stone said. “I recognize I let the court down, I let you down, I let myself down. … It was a momentary lapse in judgment.”

He has said the photo was “misinterpreted,” the symbol was actually the Celtic cross, not crosshairs of a gun, and he was not trying to threaten the judge. But, he added, he wasn’t sure what the symbol meant, because “I’m not into the occult.”

Former campaign adviser for President Donald Trump, Roger Stone walks out of the federal courthouse following a hearing, Friday, Jan. 25, 2019, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Stone was arrested Friday in the special counsel’s Russia investigation and was charged with lying to Congress and obstructing the probe. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)
(Associated Press)


At one point during Thursday’s hearing, Rogow called the post that featured Jackson’s image “indefensible.” Jackson replied: “I agree with you there.”

“I am under enormous pressure,” Stone testified. “I now have TV people saying I will be raped if I go to jail. I’m having trouble putting food on the table and paying the rent.” (Indeed, CNN senior political analyst David Gergen pondered on air Monday if Stone — whom he called a “dandy” — would be raped in prison.)

Stone deleted the Instagram photo shortly after posting it, but later posted the same one again, this time without the apparent crosshairs.

In court, Stone said he “didn’t recognize it as a crosshair” and “didn’t notice” a crosshair in the image.

“This was a screwup,” Stone said. “I admit it.”


Jackson reminded Stone before his testimony that he would be subject to government cross-examination and was under oath. Asked whether he understood the picture could be construed as a threat, Stone replied: “I now recognize that. … I can’t rationalize my thinking because I wasn’t thinking, and that’s my fault.”

“I am kicking myself for my own stupidity, but not more than my wife is kicking me,” Stone later told Jackson. He added that “my consulting business has dried up” and said, “I’ve exhausted my savings.”

“This is not baseball. There will be no third chance.”

— U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson

Stone has pleaded not guilty to charges he lied to Congress, engaged in witness tampering and obstructed a congressional investigation into possible coordination between Russia and President Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. The charges stem from conversations he had during the campaign about WikiLeaks, the anti-secrecy group that released material stolen from Democratic groups, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

The political operative and self-described dirty trickster is the sixth Trump aide or adviser charged in Mueller’s investigation. He was arrested last month and has remained free on a $250,000 personal recognizance bond. Stone has maintained his innocence and blasted the special counsel’s investigation as politically motivated.

Fox News’ Jake Gibson, Kelly Phares, Adam Shaw, and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Update, 1:37 a.m.: An “all-clear alert” was given following a lockdown that began at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Thursday night. The lockdown was lifted shortly after 1:30 a.m. early Friday morning.

Update, 12:54 a.m.: Security personnel at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base are still conducting sweeps following reports of an active shooter Thursday night. 

“At this time, Wright-Patt Security Forces are still conducting sweeps of NASIC,” states a tweet posted by the base at 12:44 a.m. on Friday. 

The post is referring to the National Air and Space Intelligence Center where emergency personnel responded to a report of an active shooter around 9:25 p.m. on Thursday. 

Previous reporting: Wright-Patterson Air Force Base is on lockdown following a report of an active shooting Thursday night. 

Emergency personnel responded to a report of an active shooter at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center in Area A around 9:25 p.m., according to a tweet from the base. 

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    Alan García served as president of Peru from 1985 to 1990 and again from 2006 to 2011

    Former Peruvian President Alan García has died after shooting himself as police arrived at his home to arrest him over bribery allegations.

    Mr García was rushed to hospital in the capital, Lima. His death was confirmed by current President Martín Vizcarra.

    A crowd of supporters gathered outside the hospital and were held back by a line of police.

    Mr García was accused of taking bribes from Brazilian construction company Odebrecht – claims he denied.

    Mr García served as president from 1985 to 1990 and again from 2006 to 2011.

    What happened at his home?

    Officers had been sent to arrest him in connection with the allegations.

    Interior Minister Carlos Morán told reporters that when police arrived, Mr García asked to make a phone call and went into a room and closed the door.

    Minutes later, a shot rang out, Mr Morán said. Police forced the door open and found Mr García sitting on a chair with a bullet wound to his head.

    Mr García underwent emergency surgery in the Casimiro Ulloa hospital in Lima.

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    Supporters of Mr García gathered outside the hospital in Lima

    Health Minister Zulema Tomás said Mr García had to be resuscitated three times after suffering cardiac arrests before finally succumbing to his injuries.

    In a post on Twitter, Mr Vizcarra said he was “shocked” by the former president’s death and sent his condolences to his family.

    What was Mr García accused of?

    Investigators say he took bribes from Odebrecht during his second term in office, linked to a metro line building project in the capital.

    Odebrecht has admitted paying almost $30m (£23m) in bribes in Peru since 2004.

    But Mr García maintained he was the victim of political persecution, writing in a tweet on Tuesday that there was “no clue or evidence” against him.

    In November last year he unsuccessfully applied for political asylum in Uruguay.

    Alan García – ‘Latin America’s Kennedy’

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    • Born on 23 May 1949 in Lima
    • Studied law and sociology
    • Elected to Peru’s Chamber of Deputies for the Aprista Party of Peru (APRA)
    • Became Peru’s youngest ever president in 1985 at the age of 36
    • A gifted orator, he was described by some as “Latin America’s Kennedy”
    • Served two terms as president, first from 1986-1990, then from 2006-2011

    Source: BBC Monitoring

    What is the Odebrecht scandal?

    Odebrecht is a Brazilian construction giant behind major infrastructure projects around the world, including venues for the 2016 Olympics and 2014 World Cup in its home country.

    But under the glare of anti-corruption investigators the company admitted paying bribes in more than half of the countries in Latin America, as well as in Angola and Mozambique in Africa.

    Investigators say Odebrecht bribed officials or electoral candidates in exchange for lucrative building contracts.

    BBC South America business correspondent Daniel Gallas says the scandal shows no sign of abating almost four years since it was uncovered.

    No other company in Latin America has had such an ability to sustain so many high-level connections across so many different parties and countries for such a long period of time, he says.

    How is Peru affected?

    Four of Peru’s most recent presidents are all being investigated for alleged corruption, with a fifth – Alberto Fujimori – serving a prison sentence for corruption and human rights abuses.

    Ex-leader Pedro Pablo Kuczynski was taken to hospital with high blood pressure on Wednesday just days after his own arrest in connection with Odebrecht charges. Reports said he was in intensive care.

    The current leader of the opposition, Keiko Fujimori, is also in pre-trial detention on charges of taking $1.2m (£940,000) in bribes from Odebrecht.

    In October, an opinion poll by Datum showed 94% of Peruvians believed the level of corruption in their country was either high or very high.

    The scandal embroiling Peru’s presidents

    • Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, in office 2016-2018, resigned over a vote-buying scandal and detained last week
    • Ollanta Humala, in office 2011-2016, accused of taking bribes from Odebrecht to bankroll his election campaign, in pre-trial detention in Peru
    • Alan García, in office 2006-2011, suspected of taking kickbacks from Odebrecht, sought asylum in Uruguay’s Lima embassy but had his request denied
    • Alejandro Toledo, in office 2001-2006, accused of taking millions of dollars in bribes from Odebrecht, currently a fugitive in the US

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    Authorities in Illinois said on Monday they had identified another victim of John Wayne Gacy, who was convicted of killing 33 young men and boys in the 1970s.

    Francis Wayne Alexander, a North Carolina man who moved to Chicago, would have been 21 or 22 when Gacy killed him some time between early 1976 and early 1977, the Cook county sheriff, Tom Dart, told reporters.

    In a statement, Alexander’s sister, Carolyn Sanders, thanked the sheriff’s office for giving the family some level of “closure”.

    “It is hard, even 45 years later, to know the fate of our beloved Wayne,” Sanders said. “He was killed at the hands of a vile and evil man. Our hearts are heavy, and our sympathies go out to the other victims’ families … We can now lay to rest what happened and move forward by honoring Wayne.”

    Alexander’s remains were among 26 sets police found in the crawl space under Gacy’s home just outside Chicago. Three victims were found buried on Gacy’s property and four others whom Gacy admitted killing were found in waterways south of Chicago.

    In 2011, Dart’s office exhumed the remains of eight victims buried without police knowing who they were. Dart called on anyone who had a male relative disappear in the Chicago area in the 1970s to submit DNA.

    Within weeks, the sheriff’s office announced it had identified one set of remains as those of William Bundy, a 19-year-old construction worker.

    In 2017, the office identified a second set as those of 16-year-old Jimmy Haakenson, who disappeared after he phoned his mother in Minnesota and told her that he was in Chicago.

    The details of Alexander’s life in Chicago are sketchy. He first moved to New York and then to Chicago, where he was married for about three months before a divorce in 1975.

    According to the sheriff’s office, the last known record of Alexander’s life was a traffic ticket received in Chicago in January 1976 – a year in which he earned little money.

    How he crossed paths with one of the most notorious serial killers in American history is a mystery, as authorities say all they know is that “Alexander lived in an area that was frequented by Gacy and where other identified victims had previously lived”.

    Alexander was identified when the sheriff’s department teamed up with a non-profit, the DNA Doe Project, which uses genetic information to locate relatives of dead people who have not been identified.

    The organization compared the DNA profile from the unidentified victim’s remains to profiles on a genealogy website. That led it to Alexander’s family, and Alexander’s mother and half-brother provided DNA for comparison.

    Between the genetic testing, financial records, postmortem reports and other information, investigators were able to confirm that the remains were Alexander’s.

    The submission of DNA from people who suspected Gacy might have killed their loved ones has helped police solve at least 11 cold cases that had nothing to do with Gacy, who was executed in 1994.

    It has also helped families find loved ones who while missing were alive, including a man in Oregon who had no idea his family was looking for him.

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    The rain has started to move in from the west as the weekend winter storm continues to track eastward. Rain will be the main form of precipitation today. Roads will be slippery and minor flooding can occur, but for the most part, today will have the lesser of impacts. Starting late tonight, the rain will begin transitioning to snow, and tomorrow will see all snow in the morning before the entire storm wraps up.


    Rain has already started and will continue through the day. Heavy showers are expected midday as the front pushes closer. This will be the time that flooding has the best chance. Watch for streams, creeks, and rivers to start swelling. Ponding on roads is also possible and may lead to hydroplaning. Rain will begin to slacken in the afternoon, but may not completely finish.

    As we approach midnight, temperatures will begin cooling rapidly. We’ll quickly drop to freezing by midnight and a brief line of freezing rain or wintry mix will slide eastward. Ice amounts will be minimal with this feature. Still, some light ice accumulations are possible on bridges and overpasses. Snow flakes will begin to mix in, but the main show is still a few hours out.

    As we move into the early hours of Sunday, snowflakes will become more plentiful and as surface temperatures drop to freezing, sticking will occur. Sticking will occur first on non-road surfaces like grass, sidewalks, roofs, and cars. It will take a while for road surfaces to drop to freezing. When they do, snow will have a chance to start sticking to the roads.

    Snow will wrap up before noon for Central Kentucky, and around noon for southeastern counties. Late day sun is possible, especially for the Bluegrass region.


    Amounts with the winter storm will be heavy in rain, and mainly light in snow. Rainfall amounts will range in the 1” to 2” with some localized spots up to 3” through today. Once again, minor flooding is possible as the heavier rains and rain rates arrive midday.

    Snow amounts will be fairly minor. That being said, caution must be exercised during travel overnight and tomorrow morning. Heavier amounts will be seen closer to the Ohio River where 3” to 6” will fall. The Bluegrass and east along I-64 will range between 1” to 3.” Southern and eastern counties will see the least amount with accumulations up to 2.”

    One note to make with the rapid freezing overnight is the formation of ice on roads. Water will still be around on roadways after the heavy rains today. If the wind doesn’t dry the roads before the temperature drops, ice will have a good chance to form. Keep in mind that roads could be icy tomorrow morning before the snow starts and even under the snow. Try to stay off roads at all costs tomorrow morning.

    Hazardous Travel will be present in areas that see between 3” and 6” of snow. Roads in the red shaded areas should be avoided at all costs through Sunday at noon. Major roads included are I-64 West of Lexington, I-75 north of Lexington, I-71, The Bluegrass and Western Kentucky Parkways. Some impacts will be seen on roads elsewhere across the state. Those looking to get on the roads Sunday morning should avoid driving unless you absolutely have to.

    The WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY is in effect for all Kentucky Counties until noon. This will be the areas that could see as high as 3” of snow. The counties that are expected to receive up to 6” of snow are under a WINTER STORM WARNING.

    Due to the winter weather overnight and tomorrow morning, the Winter Threat Index has been raised to a Level ONE or SLIGHT.

    Stay with the StormTracker Weather Team for more information and the latest updates with the weekend winter storm. More information can be found on the LEX 18 Weather Page.

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    White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany singled out CNN anchors Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon for their coverage over the ongoing riots that have plagued cities across America.

    There has been a heightened focus on the violence that has taken place after the Kenosha unrest with  Democrats and members of the media sounding the alarm that recent polling shows President Trump benefiting with his “law and order” message that he touted during last week’s Republican National Convention.

    Before closing her press briefing on Monday, McEnany highlighted the tonal shift.

    “It’s so interesting to me to see Democrats who once disbarred, or ignored the violence I should say, all of a sudden caring about it. But let’s not forget what they said previously,” McEnany said.

    She called out several top Democrats and what they said about the unrest in cities throughout the country.

    “Speaker Nancy Pelosi downplaying the violence rocking U.S. cities, ignorantly saying, ‘People will do what they do.'” McEnany said. “Jerry Nadler, when asked about Antifa, he said that was a ‘myth being spread around Washington, D.C.’ It’s not a myth. In fact, an Antifa individual took the life of an innocent Trump supporter in Portland. You have Ayanna Pressley saying that she wanted ‘unrest’ in the streets.”


    The press secretary then also called out to CNN’s most prominent anchors.

    White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany speaks during a press briefing at the White House, Monday, Aug. 31, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

    “Chris Cuomo saying, ‘Show me where it says that protesters are supposed to be peaceful.’ I’ll give you an idea, Chris. It’s in the Constitution,” McEnany swiped the anchor.

    “Don Lemon saying quote, ‘The rioting has to stop, Chris, as you know and I know. It’s showing up in the polls. It’s showing up in the focus groups. It’s the only thing right now that’s sticking.'” McEnnay said. “So now all of a sudden, 90 days, I, from this podium, have talked about law and order, the president has talked about law and order repeatedly, but because the polling has shifted, now it’s time for the Democrats to deny what they said previously and all of a sudden focus on law and order.”

    “That’s like the arsonist blaming the firefighter,” she added before walking away from the podium.


    In June, Cuomo raised eyebrows for appearing to defend the violence that has taken place after the death of George Floyd.

    “Now too many see the protests as the problem. No, the problem is what forced your fellow citizens to take to the streets: persistent, poisonous inequities and injustice,” Cuomo told his viewers on June 2. “And please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Because I can show you that outraged citizens are what made the country what she is and led to any major milestone. To be honest, this is not a tranquil time.”

    Cuomo later attempted to explain that he was “borrowing” the rhetoric of the late congressman and civil rights icon John Lewis after his death in late July.

    “I was borrowing from Brother Lewis when I said, ‘Who says protests are supposed to be peaceful and quiet and polite,’ Cuomo said. “I know it says ‘peaceful’ in the First Amendment, but if you just go in and sing your songs and go home, nothing changes. And that’s what he was encouraging.”


    Last week, Don Lemon made a direct plea to Biden amid a third night of violence in Kenosha, Wis. following the police shooting of Jacob Blake, stressing the political ramifications of the unrest.

    “He’s got to address it. He’s got to come out to talk about it. He’s got to do a speech like Barack Obama did about race,” Lemon said late Tuesday. “The rioting has to stop… it’s showing up in the polling, it’s showing up in focus groups. It is the only thing right now that is sticking.”

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    Santa Clara County Sheriff deputies and San Jose police are in a standoff with a driver in a UPS truck at North First Street and West Trimble Road in San Jose after a slow speed chase.

    According to the sheriff’s office, this was a hostage situation. Deputies are saying the hostage is now safe.

    The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office tells ABC7 News the suspect is now the only person in the UPS truck.

    The truck is completely surrounded.

    According to deputies, the pursuit started at Chynoweth Ave and Pearl Ave in San Jose. Deputies say the suspect shot at them during the pursuit.

    SKY7 caught a woman walking with her hands up towards deputies. The Santa Clara County Sherriff’s office is calling her a suspect.

    UPS also issued a statement saying, “UPS is working with local authorities to understand the situation.”

    Drivers are being asked to avoid the area. This is an active scene.

    Stay with ABC7 News for the latest details on this developing story.

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    U.S. President Donald Trump and China’s state-run news agency Xinhua both announced “significant progress” from the last week of trade negotiations.

    Encouragingly, both sides specifically mentioned the issues of technology transfer, intellectual property protection, currency, services and agriculture. Still, the U.S. and China will need to overcome significant hurdles if they’re to ink a deal resolving their long-term disagreements.

    Trump said in a Sunday evening Twitter post he would delay an increase in tariffs on Chinese exports to the U.S. that was originally scheduled for March 1. “Assuming both sides make additional progress, we will be planning a Summit for President Xi and myself, at Mar-a-Lago, to conclude an agreement,” Trump tweeted. “A very good weekend for U.S. & China!”

    Chinese stocks rallied following the news. The Shanghai composite soared 5.6 percent, sending the index back into bull market territory, or up more than 20 percent from a low touched in early January.

    “In general it’s perceived as very positive,” Wang Huiyao, an advisor to the Chinese government and the president of Beijing-based think tank Center for China and Globalization, said in a phone interview on Monday. “If people think this is good for the country, the government can rally support (and be) more conciliatory, more cooperative.”

    However, a delay of punitive measures isn’t the same as an agreement. Much of the foreign business community has been frustrated by Beijing’s slowness to act on commitments made when the country joined the World Trade Organization in 2001. Last year, Trump also abruptly changed the tone on trade negotiations when both sides thought they were nearing an agreement.

    What’s important, analysts said, will be a timeline for implementation on any trade deal, and specific consequences if commitments are not enacted.

    Even Xinhua pointed out in a Chinese-language article on Monday that, according to a CNBC translation, “negotiations become more difficult the closer they get to the end. The chance this causes greater uncertainty cannot be ruled out.”

    The American Chamber of Commerce in China said in a statement Monday that it’s pleased with the latest developments on trade, but “what is common among all of our members is the desire to progress on the fundamental underlying issues, which will be necessary if a long-term solution is to be found.”

    The chamber cited a survey of its members last week that showed they “most valued greater market access for their industries; guarantees that antitrust, environmental protection, product safety, and other measures will be enforced equally against Chinese and foreign enterprises and individuals; improvements in intellectual property protection and elimination of pressure to transfer technology; and participation by foreign companies in standard setting.”

    “China is likely to agree (to) some sort of deal and just run the clock down on the Trump administration.”
    -Chris Rogers, research analyst at Panjiva

    China has made some progress in reducing the requirement for joint ventures, analysts said. Beijing is also increasing its efforts to improve intellectual property protection, especially as the country tries to move into its own production of higher-value technologies.

    Still, the Chinese government’s preferred pace of action may not be fast enough for the U.S., or businesses affected by tariffs.

    “China is likely to agree (to) some sort of deal and just run the clock down on the Trump administration,” Chris Rogers, research analyst at Panjiva, a supply chain data company that’s part of S&P Global Market Intelligence, said in a phone interview last week.

    Tariffs have hit both Chinese and U.S. businesses, data show. Beijing is also struggling to crack down on high debt levels while maintaining stable growth. A boost from a surge in Chinese exports that happened in anticipation of tariff increases is also fading.

    The U.S. imposed tariffs on $250 billion worth of Chinese goods last year, while Beijing retaliated with duties on $110 billion worth of imports from America. During a G-20 meeting in Argentina that concluded Dec. 1, Trump agreed not to raise duties further if both countries could reach an agreement on trade within 90 days.

    “Finding a resolution to the trade (tensions) that eliminates tariffs would greatly reduce uncertainty in the business community,” Jake Parker, vice president of China operations for the U.S.-China Business Council, said Monday. He noted that the tariffs have had a significant impact on U.S. businesses, especially those in agriculture and retail.

    “We’ve also heard from a number of companies because their costs have risen, that has put them in a less competitive position vis-a-vis their European and Japanese counterparts,” Parker said. “Once you lose market share it’s very hard to regain that in the near term.”

    The Chinese Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not respond to CNBC’s faxed requests for comment on Monday. Details on a potential meeting between Trump and Xi were unclear.

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