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El secretario de Derechos Humanos de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Guido Carlotto, hijo de Estela y homónimo del nieto recuperado, el 114, había delantado que “por cuestiones legales lo único que puedo contar es que se trata de un músico y que se realizó el estudio de ADN voluntariamente”. El 25 de agosto de 1978 la Policía entregó a los Carlotto el cuerpo asesinado de Laura, quien fue secuestrada estando embarazada y según testigos pudo estar con su hijo Guido sólo cinco horas. Desde entonces Estela, junto con otras Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, encaró una larga búsqueda. “A pesar de todo, mi fe está enterita. Será porque no tengo rencor, no tengo sentimientos que me envenenan”, dijo hace algunos años. El 26 de junio de 2011, la propia Estela publicó en Página/12 A mi querido nieto Guido: “Hoy cumples 33 años. La edad de Cristo como decían, ‘decimos’, las viejas. Con esta inspiración pienso en los Herodes que ‘te mataron’ en el momento de nacer al borrar tu nombre, tu historia, tus padres. Laura (María), tu madre, estará llorando en este día tu crucifixión y desde una estrella esperará tu resurrección a la verdadera vida, con tu real identidad, recuperando tu libertad, rompiendo las rejas que te oprimen. Querido nieto, qué no daría para que te materialices en las mismas calles en las que te busco desde siempre. Qué no daría por darte este amor que me ahoga por tantos años de guardártelo. Espero ese día con la certeza de mis convicciones sabiendo que además de mi felicidad por el encuentro tus padres, Laura y Chiquito y tu abuelo Guido desde el cielo, nos apretarán en el abrazo que no nos separará jamás”.

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Santa Clara County Sheriff deputies and San Jose police are in a standoff with a driver in a UPS truck at North First Street and West Trimble Road in San Jose after a slow speed chase.

According to the sheriff’s office, this was a hostage situation. Deputies are saying the hostage is now safe.

The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office tells ABC7 News the suspect is now the only person in the UPS truck.

The truck is completely surrounded.

According to deputies, the pursuit started at Chynoweth Ave and Pearl Ave in San Jose. Deputies say the suspect shot at them during the pursuit.

SKY7 caught a woman walking with her hands up towards deputies. The Santa Clara County Sherriff’s office is calling her a suspect.

UPS also issued a statement saying, “UPS is working with local authorities to understand the situation.”

Drivers are being asked to avoid the area. This is an active scene.

Stay with ABC7 News for the latest details on this developing story.

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U.S. President Donald Trump and China’s state-run news agency Xinhua both announced “significant progress” from the last week of trade negotiations.

Encouragingly, both sides specifically mentioned the issues of technology transfer, intellectual property protection, currency, services and agriculture. Still, the U.S. and China will need to overcome significant hurdles if they’re to ink a deal resolving their long-term disagreements.

Trump said in a Sunday evening Twitter post he would delay an increase in tariffs on Chinese exports to the U.S. that was originally scheduled for March 1. “Assuming both sides make additional progress, we will be planning a Summit for President Xi and myself, at Mar-a-Lago, to conclude an agreement,” Trump tweeted. “A very good weekend for U.S. & China!”

Chinese stocks rallied following the news. The Shanghai composite soared 5.6 percent, sending the index back into bull market territory, or up more than 20 percent from a low touched in early January.

“In general it’s perceived as very positive,” Wang Huiyao, an advisor to the Chinese government and the president of Beijing-based think tank Center for China and Globalization, said in a phone interview on Monday. “If people think this is good for the country, the government can rally support (and be) more conciliatory, more cooperative.”

However, a delay of punitive measures isn’t the same as an agreement. Much of the foreign business community has been frustrated by Beijing’s slowness to act on commitments made when the country joined the World Trade Organization in 2001. Last year, Trump also abruptly changed the tone on trade negotiations when both sides thought they were nearing an agreement.

What’s important, analysts said, will be a timeline for implementation on any trade deal, and specific consequences if commitments are not enacted.

Even Xinhua pointed out in a Chinese-language article on Monday that, according to a CNBC translation, “negotiations become more difficult the closer they get to the end. The chance this causes greater uncertainty cannot be ruled out.”

The American Chamber of Commerce in China said in a statement Monday that it’s pleased with the latest developments on trade, but “what is common among all of our members is the desire to progress on the fundamental underlying issues, which will be necessary if a long-term solution is to be found.”

The chamber cited a survey of its members last week that showed they “most valued greater market access for their industries; guarantees that antitrust, environmental protection, product safety, and other measures will be enforced equally against Chinese and foreign enterprises and individuals; improvements in intellectual property protection and elimination of pressure to transfer technology; and participation by foreign companies in standard setting.”

“China is likely to agree (to) some sort of deal and just run the clock down on the Trump administration.”
-Chris Rogers, research analyst at Panjiva

China has made some progress in reducing the requirement for joint ventures, analysts said. Beijing is also increasing its efforts to improve intellectual property protection, especially as the country tries to move into its own production of higher-value technologies.

Still, the Chinese government’s preferred pace of action may not be fast enough for the U.S., or businesses affected by tariffs.

“China is likely to agree (to) some sort of deal and just run the clock down on the Trump administration,” Chris Rogers, research analyst at Panjiva, a supply chain data company that’s part of S&P Global Market Intelligence, said in a phone interview last week.

Tariffs have hit both Chinese and U.S. businesses, data show. Beijing is also struggling to crack down on high debt levels while maintaining stable growth. A boost from a surge in Chinese exports that happened in anticipation of tariff increases is also fading.

The U.S. imposed tariffs on $250 billion worth of Chinese goods last year, while Beijing retaliated with duties on $110 billion worth of imports from America. During a G-20 meeting in Argentina that concluded Dec. 1, Trump agreed not to raise duties further if both countries could reach an agreement on trade within 90 days.

“Finding a resolution to the trade (tensions) that eliminates tariffs would greatly reduce uncertainty in the business community,” Jake Parker, vice president of China operations for the U.S.-China Business Council, said Monday. He noted that the tariffs have had a significant impact on U.S. businesses, especially those in agriculture and retail.

“We’ve also heard from a number of companies because their costs have risen, that has put them in a less competitive position vis-a-vis their European and Japanese counterparts,” Parker said. “Once you lose market share it’s very hard to regain that in the near term.”

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not respond to CNBC’s faxed requests for comment on Monday. Details on a potential meeting between Trump and Xi were unclear.

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+ Elecciones Estados Unidos
– Videos: Cinco polémicas de la campaña electoral de EEUU
– Así se elige al presidente de Estados Unidos
– Los escándalos de Trump y Clinton que han marcado la carrera presidencial
– Perfiles: Conoce la historia de Donald Trump y Hillary Clinton

Los estadounidenses negros y de origen latino han acudido masivamente a las urnas en las elecciones presidenciales, una señal de alarma para el sueño de Donald Trump de llegar a la Casa Blanca.

El magnate neoyorquino de 70 años le dijo al electorado afroestadounidense que “no tiene nada que perder” con él y ha afirmado que los hispanos “aman” sus ideas. Pero un abrumador voto de esas minorías solo puede favorecer a su rival Hillary Clinton, según las encuestas.

Para algunos su voto fue tanto a favor de la demócrata como contra Trump.

“Creo que va a ser un Hitler del 2016”, dice a la AFP la activista demócrata Adriana Martínez, una venezolana nacionalizada hace dos años. Esta joven de 26 años compara el espumoso ascenso del magnate con el de Hugo Chávez, cuyas políticas populistas la empujaron junto a su madre a dejar su país natal hace 15 años.

Martínez, de 26 años, trabaja en Washington pero votó en Florida –muchos estados permiten el voto antes del día del escrutinio–. Este estado es vital en el rompecabezas de los comicios del martes y es donde los latinos ocupan el 18% del electorado.

En Florida (sureste), la participación en las urnas de los hispanos (565.000) habría duplicado a la de 2012 en la votación anticipada, según los análisis de politólogos y de una firma especializada que usa bases de datos sobre votantes, Catalist, citada por CNN.


En Nevada, números “excepcionales”

En Nevada, donde 17,2% de los votantes son hispanos, los medios locales reportaron largas filas de espera en los sectores latinos de Las Vegas, lo que el director de campaña de Clinton, Robby Mook, calificó el sábado de números “excepcionales”.

“Hay un efecto Trump en la orientación partidista: los latinos abrumadoramente están rechazando a Donald Trump y al partido Republicano, votando por el partido Demócrata en índices más altos”, y acudirán masivamente a las urnas, señaló a la AFP Adrián Pantoja, analista de Latino Decisions, refiriendo a sondeos.

Nunca tantos latinos –27,3 millones, cuatro millones más que en 2012; 12% del electorado nacional– han estado habilitados para votar en Estados Unidos, según el Pew Research Center (PRC).

Se espera que se decanten por Clinton, especialmente porque Trump ha acusado a los inmigrantes mexicanos indocumentados de violadores y narcotraficantes, y prometió construir un muro y expulsar a los 11 millones de personas que viven clandestinamente en Estados Unidos.

Según una encuesta de PRC divulgada el 11 de octubre, cerca de seis de cada diez latinos registrados para votar en el país (58%) están a favor de Clinton, mientras apenas el 19% apoya a Trump.

Y una elevada participación en estados como Florida podría catapultar una victoria de Clinton en una reñida lucha por la Casa Blanca que tiene al mundo en vilo.

Obama, el porrista

Junto a los hispanos, el voto de los negros fue fundamental en las dos victorias de Barack Obama.

Pero de hecho cuando el voto anticipado arrancó hace dos semanas en Estados Unidos, la participación del electorado afroestadounidense era baja.

No obstante eso cambió luego que Obama y la primera dama Michelle hicieran una seguidilla de llamados a los votantes negros a favor de Clinton, y la misma candidata se uniera en un mitin con las estrellas Beyoncé y Jay-Z.

“En los últimos días, hemos visto la participación de los negros explotar, con más afroamericanos votando temprano, en persona, que en 2012”, dijo a AFP Daniel Smith, un profesor de la Universidad de Florida que registra la participación electoral.

Un total de 777.000 negros ya votaron en Florida, dijo.

Pero el presidente del partido Republicano, Reince Priebus, rechazó toda proyección, señalando que “hay límites en lo que el voto anticipado dice”.

¿Se despertará el gigante?

Aunque los latinos son la primera minoría del país, su asistencia en las urnas ha sido históricamente baja.

Algunos se preguntan si ante el discurso antiinmigrante de Trump millones de latinos se habrán registrado a votar por primera vez o pagado el trámite de la ciudadanía.

Siete años después de nacionalizarse estadounidense, la guatemalteca Esperanza Cruz depositó su primer voto, parte por el apoyo a Clinton a los programas de ayuda a madres, parte por temor a las deportaciones de Trump.

“Tengo miedo. Yo ya soy ciudadana, pero las demás personas ¿a dónde van a ir?”, dijo a AFP.

Sin embargo “no hay estadísticas suficientes” para dibujar una tendencia nacional, afirmó Pantoja de Latino Decisions.

Un estudio de mediados de octubre del diario USA Today observó 50 condados con las mayores poblaciones de hispanos en diez estados claves y encontró que el incremento de electores en 2016 solo reflejó el alza poblacional.

“Hay más hispanos cada año. ¿Hay una mayor tasa de incremento debido a Trump? No parece”, dijo a AFP Mark Hugo López, director de investigación sobre hispanos del PRC.

¿Desafiarán la historia y votarán más del estimado normal –unos 13 millones?

“Si son más de 15 millones sería inusual y un efecto Trump”, dijo López.

Revisa el despacho de la enviada especial de TVN desde Nueva York.


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President Donald Trump’s legal team said Saturday that his campaign has requested a recount of votes in the Georgia presidential race after results showed Democrat Joe Biden winning the state.

Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on Friday certified the state’s election results, which had Biden beating Trump by 12,670 votes out of about 5 million cast, or 0.25%. Republican Gov. Brian Kemp then certified the state’s slate of 16 presidential electors.

The statement from Trump’s legal team said: “Today, the Trump campaign filed a petition for recount in Georgia. We are focused on ensuring that every aspect of Georgia State Law and the U.S. Constitution are followed so that every legal vote is counted. President Trump and his campaign continue to insist on an honest recount in Georgia, which has to include signature matching and other vital safeguards.”

On Friday, in certifying the results, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp also brought up concerns about signatures. But Raffensperger has reiterated confidence in the results, and in a Saturday opinion piece in the Washington Post he said: “Georgia’s voting system has never been more secure or trustworthy.”

And in fact, the signatures on absentee ballot applications and envelopes are required to be checked when they are received.

Georgia law allows a candidate to request a recount if the margin is less than 0.5%. The recount would be done using scanners that read and tabulate the votes. County election workers have already done a complete hand recount of all the votes cast in the presidential race. But that stemmed from a mandatory audit requirement and isn’t considered an official recount under the law.

State law requires that one race be audited by hand to ensure that the machines counted the ballots accurately, and Raffensperger selected the presidential race. Because of the tight margin in that race, a full hand count of ballots was necessary to complete the audit, he said.

Video: Georgia governor certifies electors for Biden

Trump has criticized the audit, calling it a “joke” in a tweet that claimed without evidence that “thousands of fraudulent votes have been found.” Twitter has flagged the post as containing disputed information.

Votes that hadn’t previously been counted were found in several counties during the audit, which required recertification of the election results in those counties before state certification of the results.

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Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan has spoken out in support of Joe Biden, telling CNN that when it comes to accusations of sexual assault, “not every claim is equal”.

“We need to give people an opportunity to tell their story,” Whitmer said. “Then we have a duty to vet it.”

Tara Reade, a former congressional aide, alleges Biden assaulted her in a Senate corridor in 1993. Last month, she filed a complaint with police in Washington DC.

Biden, 79, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, has denied the allegation and called for Reade’s original complaint to a congressional personnel office to be located.

He has also committed to naming a woman as his running mate for the campaign against Donald Trump. Whitmer is thought to be in the frame.

Pressed on CNN’s State of the Union over whether her support for Biden was hypocritical, given her view of allegations against the supreme court justice Brett Kavanaugh, Whitmer said “there is not a pattern” of sexual abuse allegations against Biden.

She then disputed anchor Jake Tapper’s framing of the question around her being a woman and a survivor of sexual assault.

“Just because you’re a survivor doesn’t mean that every claim is equal,” she argued. “It means we give them the ability to make their case. And then to make a judgment that is informed.”

Tapper said the question was asked because Whitmer was the only Democrat on his show.

On Saturday, Reade disputed an Associated Press report in which she is reported as having said that she had not explicitly referenced sexual harassment or assault in her original complaint.

“This is false,” Reade tweeted.

She maintains that she neither has a copy of the complaint nor remembers specific details of its content, telling NBC News she is “not sure” what wording she used.

Reade did not provide any information about what, if anything, in the AP report was false.

Skeptics have focused on other inconsistencies in her story, including evolving details of the alleged assault. Former colleagues have also disputed her claims to have reported the incident to them directly and to have been forced out of her job for speaking up.

Senior Democrats continue to rally round Biden. On Sunday the party chair, Tom Perez, dismissed calls for the Democratic National Committee to launch an investigation.

Biden is an “open book” who has been thoroughly vetted, the former labor secretary told ABC’s This Week, adding: “[The Obama administration] looked at the entire history of Joe Biden, his entire career. If Barack Obama had any indication that there was an issue, Barack Obama would not have had him as his vice-president.

“Barack Obama trusted Joe Biden. I trust Joe Biden. And those investigations have been done.”

Biden has refused to authorize the release of Senate documents stored at the University of Delaware, where some critics say a record of Reade’s complaint may be stored. In an interview with MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Friday, Biden argued the files would not contain personnel records.

Some observers said Biden’s response was only fueling the fire Republicans are determined to turn his way. On Sunday Ronna McDaniel, chair of the Republican National Committee, said Biden’s denials were not enough.

“We’ve seen him really be challenged for the first time in five weeks on allegations that many in the media have ignored, and finally, those are coming to light,” she told ABC.

McDaniel did not address allegations against Trump, who was memorably recorded bragging about grabbing women’s genitals without consent.

Trump denies claims of sexual misconduct and assault made by more than a dozen women. According to a report in the Daily Beast, he appears to doubt Reade’s claim.

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Tras el movimiento telúrico se produjeron al menos doce réplicas y, según el Ministerio del Interior del país asiático y el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), dos de ellas marcaron 5,5 y 6,6, grados y al menos cuatro más fueron iguales o superiores a 5 grados.

En varias zonas de la capital nepalí se produjeron derrumbes de edificios, particularmente antiguos, incluidos templos y monumentos, y miles de personas se dispusieron a pasar la noche en la calle ante el riesgo de colapso en otras estructuras.

Todos los hospitales están en estado de emergencia, mientras el personal de los servicios públicos buscan entre los escombros a posibles supervivientes. La última información oficial, brindada por el Ministerio del Interior, estimó que hay al menos 1457 personas fallecidos confirmados y más de mil heridos, pero se espera que con el correr de las horas la cantidad de víctimas fatales aumente.

El terremoto afectó también el aeropuerto internacional de Katmandú que estuvo cerrado durante varias horas y algunas calles y vías alrededor de la capital quedaron completamente destrozadas y con grietas. La histórica Plaza Durbar y la emblemática Torre Dharahara de Katmandú, calificadas por la Unesco como Patrimonio Mundial de la Humanidad, quedaron reducidas a escombros. Se cree que la caída e esta última torre, de nueve pisos y una altura 61,88 metros, provocó la muerte de unas 250 personas, la mayoría turistas que la visitaban al momento del terremoto.

Además, el sismo terminó la vida con al menos 10 montañistas que estaban en el campamento base ubicado al pie del Everest donde el movimiento de la tierra produjo varias avalanchas.

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A woman was sexually assaulted by an armed man claiming to be a ride-share driver near the University of Delaware early Saturday, police said. Authorities are now searching for the man responsible.

The 21-year-old woman was walking on South Chapel Street near East Delaware Avenue in Newark, just a couple blocks from campus, at about 1:15 a.m. when a man pulled up, identified himself as a ride-share driver and asked if she needed a ride, according to the Newark Police Department.

The woman had not called for a ride, but got into the vehicle.

Newark Police Department
A 21-year-old woman was sexually assaulted by a man posing as a ride-share driver in Newark, Del., on Saturday, May 4, 2019. The suspect was driving a silver GMC pickup truck.

After she got into the vehicle, the man drove northbound before pulling over and forcing the woman at knifepoint to perform a sex act, police said.

She exited the vehicle “after the sexual act was completed” and called 911 from a nearby residence, according to Newark police.

The woman told police the man was driving a silver, four-door GMC truck with an extended cab. Authorities later released pictures of the suspected vehicle in the area.

She was treated for minor injuries at a local hospital.

Newark Police Department
A 21-year-old woman was sexually assaulted by a man posing as a ride-share driver in Newark, Del., on Saturday, May 4, 2019. The suspect was driving a silver GMC pickup truck.

Police have not said whether the woman is a student at the University of Delaware. Spring semester at the university, which has about 18,000 undergraduates, does not end until May 30.

The incident is part of a trend of assaults by people posing as ride-share drivers. The problem was brought further into the national consciousness when a student at the University of South Carolina was killed after getting into what she thought was an Uber.

Samantha Josephson, a 21-year-old from New Jersey, was out drinking with friends near the campus when she got into a car she thought was the Uber she had requested. Instead, the man was posing as a driver and later killed the woman.

Nathaniel Rowland has been charged with murder and kidnapping in the case.

ABC News’ Amanda Maile contributed to this report.

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“I think it is so cruel what he is doing,” said Angelica Salas, the executive director of the nonprofit Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, or CHIRLA. “It’s clear that he has no sense of how this impacts real human beings.” What was particularly striking, Salas argued, was the “level of dishonesty, in that he’s using the fear and people as leverage for his demands on Congress.”

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On Tuesday, a Federal Reserve Bank of New York survey showed weakening manufacturing activity in the United States, the latest in a line of similar warnings. Economists at JPMorgan Chase called the data an early indication of additional slowing in the sector, adding that the shutdown was probably hurting business sentiment.

Michael L. Corbat, the chief executive of Citigroup, told analysts on Monday that “right now, we see the biggest risk in the global economy as one of talking ourselves into a recession.”

With no end in sight, federal workers appear ready to seek alternate employment before things get worse.

The online jobs site Indeed analyzed job search behavior from mid-December through mid-January for workers at some affected federal agencies, including the I.R.S. and Transportation Security Administration. It found clicks on job listings rose at least 17 percent for each of those worker groups over that period, a sign that employees affected by the shutdown “are searching for jobs more right now than they usually do at this time of year,” said Martha Gimbel, Indeed’s director of economic research.

“With the shutdown occurring in a tight labor market, many workers have other options, and they seem to be trying to take advantage of them,” Ms. Gimbel said. “If the shutdown leads to a loss of talent for the federal government, it could be harder for it to compete for new hires in a labor market this tight.”

That might already be happening inside the White House. Mr. Hassett said on Tuesday that a prospective new hire had told the council that he might turn down the job he had been offered out of graduate school because the government is unable to bring him onto the payroll.

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CHICAGO (WLS) — Two Chicago police officers were shot Sunday morning in Lawndale on the West Side.

The shooting happened about 7:30 a.m. in the 1500 block of South Lawndale Avenue, Chicago police said.

A man fired shots at the two officers who approached him, according to Chicago police.

The officers were transported to Mt. Sinai Hospital, according to CPD spokesman Tom Ahern.

One officer is in critical, but stable after being shot in the hip and shoulder-upper chest area, according to police. The other is in good condition after being struck in the hand, police added.

Police officials and Mayor Lori Lightfoot addressed the shooting Sunday morning at Mt. Sinai Hospital.

“This is the 29th officer in 2021 with the Chicago Police Department shot at or shot,” said CPD Supt. David Brown. “The fifth and sixth officers shot in 2021. This totals for the last 15 months a 108 shot at or shot. Sixteen shot in the last 15 months.”
“It just underscores the danger the men and women in the police department face every single day,” Mayor Lightfoot said.

The person who fired shots at the officers was also struck, according to Ahern. One of the officers returned fire and struck him on the leg, police said.

A weapon was recovered and the offender was then placed into custody, according to a preliminary statement from Supt. Brown.

That offender’s condition is stable at Stroger Hospital, police said.

The specifics of the incident, including the comprehensive use of force investigation, are being investigated by the Civilian Office of Police Accountability with full cooperation of the Chicago Police Department, the statement said. The officers involved will be placed on routine administrative duties for a period of 30 days, the statement added.

Sun-Times Media contributed to this report.

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Imágenes del interior del Manchester Arena.

Una explosión en el interior de un estadio de la ciudad inglesa de Manchester, donde se celebraba un concierto de la cantante estadounidense Ariana Grande, dejó al menos 19 muertos y cerca de 60 heridos.

La policía de Manchester informó que el suceso -que está siendo investigado como un posible acto terrorista- se produjo a las 22:35 hora local (21:35 GMT) de este lunes.

“Los servicios de emergencia se encuentran atendiendo a reportes de una explosión en el Manchester Arena“, señaló el comunicado policial.

La entidad pidió al público que se mantuviera lejos de la zona del estadio.

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“Sólo queríamos salir lo más rápido posible porque no sabíamos qué estaba pasando”, narró uno de los presentes en el concierto.

La causa de la explosión todavía es desconocida, pero la Unidad de Lucha Contra el Terrorismo del noroeste de Reino Unido está investigando el hecho, dijeron fuentes involucradas en el caso a la BBC.

Imágenes de video en redes sociales mostraron a los espectadores tratando de salir del recinto en pánico.

La primera ministra británica, Theresa May, rindió homenaje a los fallecidos y familiares de las víctimas y confirmó que la policía está tratando el hecho “como un aterrador ataque terrorista”.

May convocó a su comité de crisis para una reunión de emergencia el martes.

Más detalles

El jefe de policía de Manchester, Ian Hopkins, informó que los heridos están siendo atendidos en seis hospitales de la ciudad.

Hopkins añadió que los servicios británicos de inteligencia y fuerzas antiterrorismo de del país coordinan la investigación de lo sucedido con la policía.

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El Manchester Arena tiene capacidad para 21.000 personas.

Los administradores del Manchester Arena informaron en su cuenta de Twitter que el incidente sucedió en el exterior de la sala principal mientras la gente se retiraba del concierto.

Nuestros pensamientos y oraciones están con las víctimas“, señaló el breve pronunciamiento.

El Manchester Arena es un centro deportivo cubierto con capacidad para 21.000 personas en el que se realizaron grandes presentaciones como conciertos de U2 y Madonna.

También se celebran eventos de boxeo, artes marciales y básquetbol.

Ariana Grande publicó un tuit en el que se declaró “rota” tras lo sucedido.

“Desde el fondo de mi corazón, lo siento mucho. No tengo palabras”. afirmó la cantante.

La estadounidense saltó a la fama como actriz de televisión en la adolescencia y a sus 23 años es considerada una estrella de la música pop.

Gran parte de sus seguidores son jóvenes menores de 20 años.

En el momento del incidente habían muchos padres en las afueras del lugar del concierto esperando a sus hijos.

Un vocero de la artista informó que tanto ella como su equipo se encuentran bien y no sufrieron daños por el incidente.

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La policía confirmó que se registraron muertos y heridos.

Una hora después de lo sucedido en el Manchester Arena, la policía tuvo que realizar una explosión controlada en el parque Cathedral Gardens, cerca del lugar donde se produjo el incidente, debido a que encontró un objeto sospechoso.

Finalmente se constató que se trataba sólo de ropa abandonada.

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Desde el lugar de los hechos: Tom Mullen, periodista de la BBC

La actividad policial alrededor del Manchester Arena es enorme. Hay luces intermitentes azules y cordones de seguridad en casi cada esquina de la zona.

Una amplia área alrededor del lugar fue completamente cerrada, y la escena del crimen parece estar ampliándose, con la policía empujando a la gente más y más atrás.

He hablado con personas que están sacudidas, asustadas y a menudo llorando.

Una cosa que es evidente es que hay muchos, muchos jóvenes, algunos de ellos con padres o tutores. Una madre me dijo que su prioridad era simplemente conseguir que sus hijas regresaran a casa.

Otros han descrito ver personas cubiertas de sangre, o ser tratadas por paramédicos. Todavía hay un enorme sentimiento de confusión y la gente está constantemente buscando información mientras deja que sus familias sepan que están a salvo.

Los testimonios

Testigos relataron que después de que se escuchó “un fuerte ruido”, la confusión y el pánico se apoderó de los presentes en el concierto.

Robert Tempkin, de 22 años, contó como “todo el mundo estaba gritando y corriendo, había abrigos y teléfonos de la gente en el suelo“.

“Algunas personas gritaban que habían visto sangre. Había un montón de ambulancias, vi a alguien siendo tratado y no podría decir lo que le había sucedido”, añadió.

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Se estima que existían muchos menores entre los asistentes al concierto.

Josh Elliott, hablando a BBC Radio 5, dijo que estaba sorprendido por las noticias de las muertes.

“Fue un alboroto, fue horrible. Nos levantamos cuando pensamos que era seguro y salimos lo más rápido posible”.

Elliot narró que fuera del Manchester Arena “la gente solo lloraba y lloraba. “Había vehículos de la policía por todas partes“.

“Sólo queríamos salir lo más rápido posible porque no sabíamos qué estaba pasando”, concluyó.

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Un vocero de Ariana Grande informó que tanto ella como su equipo se encuentran bien (foto de archivo).

Michelle Sullivan asistió al concierto con sus hijas, de 12 y 15 años.

“Fue muy aterrador”, dijo. “Justo cuando las luces se apagaron oímos una explosión muy fuerte. Todos gritaron”, señaló.

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Los asistentes relataron escuchar un fuerte ruido y que después el pánico se apoderó de la gente.

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Vice President Kamala Harris Friday said the right to abortion is “nonnegotiable” even as the Supreme Court declined to put a stop to a Texas law that curtails abortions while allowing further litigation over the statute

The Court ruled Friday that a lawsuit by abortion providers against Texas over its abortion law may proceed, despite arguments by Texas that the way the law was written made it so that parties could not sue against the law until it was enforced.

“As far as I’m concerned, and as far as our administration is concerned, a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body is non-negotiable,” Harris said, claiming that the ruling is an “attempt to undo” precedent.


Harris’s remarks followed the swearing-in ceremony of former Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., to serve as US Ambassador to Turkey.

Later, President Biden questioned the Court’s decision.

“I am very concerned by the Supreme Court’s decision to allow SB8 to remain in effect in light of the significant consequences that law has for women in Texas and around the country, and for the rule of law,” Biden said in a statement. “I am deeply committed to the constitutional right recognized in Roe v. Wade nearly five decades ago.”

President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the debt ceiling during an event in the State Dining Room of the White House, Monday, Oct. 4, 2021, in Washington. 
(AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

In addition, Biden claimed there is “so much more work to be done” in states like Texas and Mississippi where “women’s rights are currently under attack” as restrictive abortion measures have been implemented.

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at the Tribal Nations Summit in the South Court Auditorium on the White House campus, Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2021, in Washington.
(AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Harris noted that the administration will “continue to fight for the constitutional right of all women to make decisions about their own body without interference” by legislative groups.

In its ruling, the court also let the law remain in effect pending legal challenges. The ruling is procedural and will not be the final word on the law’s constitutionality.

Pro-abortion rights activists protest outside the Supreme Court building, ahead of arguments in the Mississippi abortion rights case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, in Washington, December 1, 2021.
(REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst)

The Texas law bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy and uses a unique system to enforce that ban – allowing private individuals to bring suit in state court against people who perform abortions.


In a September tweet, Harris offered similar remarks on the “right of women” to have an abortion.

“Our Administration will always fight to defend the right of women to make decisions about their own bodies,” Harris wrote. “It is non-negotiable.”

Fox News’ Tyler Olson contributed to this article.

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New York City mayoral candidate Eric Adams’ complaint about possible irregularities in the 2021 Democratic primary drew outrage from some prominent liberal writers, but the city’s beleaguered Board of Elections acknowledged a huge disparity in the count Tuesday.

The Brooklyn Borough president and former police chief currently holds a lead in the ranked choice primary, where voters ranked their top five preferred candidates rather than just choosing one, but Adams said the vote total on Tuesday was 100,000 more than the total counted on election night. The NYC Board of Elections acknowledged a “discrepancy” in Tuesday’s ranked choice voting count, revealing it counted “both test and election night results, producing approximately 135,000 additional records” and would have to re-tabulate the results.


But before Adams’ concerns were validated, left-wing writers attacked him as no better than former President Donald Trump claiming the 2020 election was rigged against him. Their outlets also notably did not push back and even promoted Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams’ claims that her 2018 gubernatorial defeat was rigged by Republican opponent Brian Kemp. 

Vox writer Ian Millhiser called Adams’ statement “some Donald Trump s–t.”

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes reacted to the situation, “Something to consider is that the corrosive Big Lie conspiracy-theorizing and delegitimization of elections that Trump and the GOP have unleashed, won’t necessarily just stay contained to them.”

Like many of his MSNBC colleagues, Hayes was receptive to Abrams’ repeated argument that she lost a rigged election to Kemp. On Hayes’ podcast in 2020, she told him, “I can’t prove I would have won, but it’s a pretty solid thing that I would have been the governor of Georgia” if voter suppression, in her view, hadn’t taken place.


“It was a 50,000-vote margin,” Hayes said sympathetically.

Hayes went onto criticize the Board of Elections on Tuesday as news of the number discrepancy broke.

Another liberal writer, Jeet Heer, wrote sarcastically, “Big shout out to the pundits who celebrated Adams as a “‘normie’ and the sensible centrist” in response to Adams’ statement.

“Everyone’s ‘Eric Adams is like Trump’ tweets could use an edit function right now,” writer Anthony Fisher tweeted Tuesday night.

Under New York City’s new ranked-choice voting system, voters can choose their top five candidates in order. If no candidate receives a majority of votes in the first round, election officials knock off the candidate with the least amount of first-choice votes and count the second-choice option on the ballots that ranked the losing candidate highest. 

It won’t be known until July at the earliest who won the Democratic primary. The winner will be the favorite to win the general election this fall to succeed term-limited Bill de Blasio, D.

The fiasco is not only frustrating the candidates and New York City voters who want to know who the Democratic nominee will be, but also CNN.


The liberal outlet fretted Wednesday that “in flubbing the exercise, the board also risked handing additional fodder to right-wingers in states and municipalities across the country, who might now seek to parlay the error into momentum for suppressive new voting laws.”

Fox News’ Morgan Phillips contributed to this report.

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WASHINGTON — Sen. Joe Manchin declared Tuesday that President Joe Biden’s vast social and environment bill is “dead,” using his strongest language to date to underscore that any revival of Democrats’ top domestic priorities would have to arise from fresh negotiations.

“What Build Back Better bill?” Manchin said Tuesday, using the legislation’s name, when reporters asked about it. “There is no, I mean, I don’t know what you’re all talking about.” Asked if he’d had any talks about it, he added, “No, no, no no. It’s dead.”

That lack of activity, along with Biden’s dismal approval rating in polls, has prompted Democratic worries that the effort could fade away.

“I’m open to talk to everybody, always have been,” he said Monday. “I just want to make sure we find a balance and something we can afford, and do it and do it right.”

And while he expressed support for the original bill’s provisions bolstering renewable energy, he said he also wants to “use all the fossil industry in the cleanest, absolute possible versions that you can.” Manchin’s state is a significant coal producer and he has added clout on the issue as chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

In December, Manchin’s abrupt announcement of his opposition to the 10-year, roughly $2 trillion measure, which had already passed the House, snuffed out its prospects in the Senate. His party needs his vote to prevail in that chamber, where every Republican opposes the legislation but Vice President Kamala Harris can vote to break ties.

Manchin, perhaps his party’s most conservative senator, has said the bill could further fuel inflation, is too expensive and finances too many programs.

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Plano, Texas — More than 3.5 million homes and businesses are without power in Texas, where some of the coldest temperatures in decades have hit the state. A second winter storm is moving in Tuesday night, with more snow and ice.

The storm has dumped snow and ice, knocking out power across dozens of states, and is blamed for at least 17 deaths, including a grandmother and three children who died in a house fire trying to keep warm in Sugar Land, Texas.

National Guard troops and thousands of state troopers are checking in on families who are struggling to stay warm. In parts of Texas and Oklahoma, temperatures haven’t been this low in 100 years — causing pipes to freeze and then explode.

The storm has also forced COVID-19 vaccination sites to close and has caused delays in new doses from being shipped across the country. Texas Governor Greg Abbott called the storm “the winter version of Hurricane Harvey.” State officials have asked people to conserve power if they have it.

In Houston, two others died of carbon monoxide poisoning while trying to stay warm inside their car. There was outrage after some skyscrapers were still lit up, while downtown Dallas went dark Monday night.

A woman crosses the street in Dallas on February 16, 2021. 

LM Otero / AP

In Oklahoma City, the temperature dropped to minus 14 Tuesday morning — the coldest temperature there since 1899. And in Galveston, medical examiners have requested a refrigerated truck after reports of several cold weather-related deaths.

Residents in Fort Worth were forced to boil their own water after a water treatment plant shut down.

Jamie Blanton scrambled to cook and recharge her devices every time the lights come on. “We’ve probably had a total of maybe 2.5 hours of power. And that whole time since Sunday,” she said.

The situation is so bad, Terra Davis is leaving the state after she, her husband and 8-month-old baby had to huddle around their fireplace to stay warm. They went without power for 30 hours.

“It was negative 2 degrees last night,” Davis said. “We had our daughter wrapped up in as many pieces of clothing as we possibly could, but we were really scared.”

Texas is the only state in the continental U.S. that has its own power grid. It is not regulated by the federal government and residents are angry that it’s failed.

“I understand that people are angry that this has happened … let us get the power back on,” said CEO Bill Magness of ERCOT, the power utility that supplies Texas.

People seeking shelter from below-freezing temperatures in Houston on February 16, 2021.

David J. Phillip / AP

The same storm created a powerful tornado in a coastal region of North Carolina that blew apart homes and killed three people and injured 10 others. The powerful twister ripped homes from their foundations, snapped trees and pulled down power lines.

Ellen Acconcia and Bill Callahan rode out the storm in their laundry room before discovering their neighbor trapped under rubble. He later died. “I was able to talk to him … All he was able to say was basically that he hurt everywhere and was in so much pain,” Callahan said.

North Carolina was one of 15 states battered by the same massive storm system. Tornadoes also hit Georgia and Florida.

Officials said the tornado developed so quickly, people didn’t know it was coming. Many were in bed and didn’t have a chance to take cover. Acconcia and Callahan said they got an emergency alert after it had already hit their house.

North Carolina tornado kills at least 3


Jessi Mitchell contributed to this report.

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