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En las noticias más leídas del día, un vuelo de Interjet que iba desde Tuxtla Gutiérrez a la CDMX fue cancelado luego de varias horas de demora por motivos climatológicos, por lo que la aerolínea podría no pagar por las molestias causadas a los usuarios. SDP Noticias se posiciona como el líder del tráfico entre los medios mexicanos nacidos en internet en cualquier categoría: móvil, tableta y escritorio. En mayo impuso un récord histórico en la captación de lectores desde móviles.

1. Interjet los deja varados por 13 horas, pero no les resarcirá daños

Usuarios del vuelo de Interjet que viajaba de Tuxtla Gutiérrez a la Ciudad de México quedaron varados más de 13 horas en el aeropuerto de esa ciudad chiapaneca desde la noche del jueves, luego que la aerolínea suspendió el vuelo con el argumento de mal clima.

El vuelo 2606 de Interjet estaba programado para partir a las 2:45 horas del jueves, pero a las nueve horas del viernes los viajeros aún se encontraban en tierra.

Trabajadores de Interjet anunciaron a los usuarios que el vuelo se encontraba demorado por 20 minutos, que luego se convirtieron en varias horas de demora y finalmente la aerolínea decidió cambiar de vuelo a los viajeros, a un vuelo que también tardó en llegar.

2. SDP Noticias supera por más de 50% al segundo del ranking, Uno TV

Este mes SDP Noticias registró 8.3 millones de visitantes únicos desde smartphones, 56 por ciento más que Uno TV, que ocupó el segundo lugar y registró 5.2 millones de visitantes.

Ambos medios informativos pelearon por conservar la corona desde la creación del ranking, pero desde diciembre del año pasado SDP Noticias se ha mantenido en el primer lugar, algo que afianzó la compra de la mitad de su capital por Grupo Televisa en marzo del 2017.

La estrategia de contenido noticioso, viral, de estilo de vida, los videos, sus 4 millones de seguidores en Facebook y la asociación con la televisora más grande de México, hicieron que SDP Noticias tomara distancia de los otros integrantes del Ranking de Medios Nativos Digitales

3. La Alianza del Pacifico madura con más integración

No todo lo que se discute y promueve dentro de la Alianza del Pacifico gira en torno a la facilidad de realizar negocios. Colombia, México, Perú y Chile trabajan para incrementar el grado de su integración.

Esta unión cumple seis años y realiza su XII Asamblea Anual en Cali, Colombia, involucra otros aspectos como la investigación en materia de cambio climático, facilitar la movilidad estudiantil y académica, el tránsito migratorio y la promoción turística.

4. No, no estamos para ser de élite

La Selección Mexicana perdió su noveno partido decisivo en una competencia oficial fuera de la Concacaf.
Las derrotas de los mundiales (2002, 2006, 2010 y 2014), Copa América (2004, 2007, 2016) y Copa Confederaciones (2005 y 2017) en duelos de eliminación directa dejan claro que México ya está fuera de la élite futbolística.

Alemania superó 4-1 a México en las semifinales de la Copa Confederaciones Rusia 2017, lo que significa la tercera derrota en la gestión de Juan Carlos Osorio, el técnico que tampoco ha llevado a ganar al combinado nacional en una cita trascendente. El domingo disputará el juego por el tercer lugar del torneo ante Portugal.

5. Extradición a Impunilandia

Un cartón de Perujo.


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Media captionSpeaker John Bercow announced the results of the eight Brexit indicative votes

None of MPs’ eight proposed Brexit options have secured clear backing in a series of votes in the Commons.

The options – which included a customs union with the EU and a referendum on any deal – were supposed to help find a consensus over how to leave the EU.

Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay said the results strengthened ministers’ view their deal was “the best option”.

The results capped a dramatic Wednesday in which Theresa May promised to stand down as PM if her deal was passed.

The prime minister told a meeting of Tory MPs she would leave office earlier than planned if it guaranteed Parliament’s backing for her withdrawal agreement with the EU.

Her announcement prompted a number of Tory opponents of her deal to signal their backing but the Democratic Unionists suggested they would continue to oppose the agreement.

MPs hoped Wednesday’s unprecedented series of “indicative votes” would help break the parliamentary deadlock over Brexit.

The failure to identify a clear way forward led to angry exchanges in the Commons with critics of the process saying it had been “an abject failure”.

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How MPs voted

The proposal which came closest to commanding majority support was a cross-party plan – tabled by former Conservative chancellor Ken Clarke – for the whole of the UK to join a new customs union with the EU to ensure tariff-free trade after the UK’s exit.

Its supporters included five Conservative ministers: Mark Field, Stephen Hammond, Margot James, Anne Milton and Rory Stewart.

All Conservative MPs – excluding cabinet ministers – were given a free vote, meaning they were not ordered to vote in a certain way.

Eight Conservatives voted for a referendum to endorse the deal, the proposal which secured the most affirmative votes. Labour controversially whipped its MPs to back the proposal but 10 shadow ministers abstained and Melanie Onn quit her job to vote against.

Labour’s own alternative plan for Brexit – including “close alignment” with the single market and protections for workers’ rights – was defeated by 307 votes to 237.

Five other propositions – including backing for a no-deal exit, the so-called Common Market 2.0 plan, a separate proposal to remain in the European Economic Area and one to stop the Brexit process by revoking Article 50 – all failed to secure the backing of a majority of MPs.

What’s the reaction been?

Brexiteer Mark Francois said “this attempt to seize the order paper” by MPs had failed and the public would be looking on “with amazement”.

But Conservative MP Sir Oliver Letwin, who oversaw the unprecedented process of indicative votes, said the lack of a majority for any proposition was “disappointing”.

While he said he believed MPs should be allowed to have another go at reaching a consensus on Monday, he said this would not be needed if the PM’s deal was approved before then.

Independent Group MP Anna Soubry said more people had voted for the idea of another referendum than voted for Mrs May’s deal on the two times it had been put to Parliament.

And Labour MP Dame Margaret Beckett, who put forward the motion for a confirmatory referendum, said the objective had not been to identify a single proposition at this stage but to get a sense of where a compromise may lie by, in her words, “letting a thousand flowers bloom”.

The prime minister offered to pay the ultimate price, and leave office – the grandest of gestures any leader ever really has.

For a moment it seemed it might work and line up the support she so desperately needs.

But within a couple of hours her allies in Northern Ireland were refusing to unblock the progress of Theresa May’s main mission.

That might not be terminal – one cabinet minister told me the PM may yet have another go at pushing her deal through Parliament against the odds on Friday.

But if Plan A fails, Parliament is not ready with a clear Plan B that could yet succeed.

For our politics, for businesses trying to make decisions, for all of us, divisions and tensions between and inside our government – and our Parliament – are too profound to bring this limbo to an end.

Commons Speaker John Bercow said the process agreed by the House allowed for a second stage of debate on Monday and there was no reason this should not continue.

While it was up to MPs, he said there was an understanding Wednesday’s objective was to “shortlist” a number of options before moving on to consider the “most popular”.

Mr Barclay appealed to MPs to back the PM’s deal “in the national interest” when it returns to the House for a third time – which could happen as soon as Friday.

“The House has considered a wide variety of options as a way forward,” he said.

“And it demonstrates there are no easy options here. There is no simple way forward. The deal the government has negotiated is a compromise…That is the nature of complex negotiations.

“The results of the process this House has gone through today strengthens our view that the deal the government has negotiated is the best option.”

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Amy Cooper, the white woman who called 911 over an encounter with a Black man while walking her dog in Central Park last year, has sued her former employer for alleged racial and gender discrimination.

The footage of the incident went viral on social media and sparked outrage. The following day, Amy Cooper was fired from her job at the Franklin Templeton investment firm. In a statement, the company said it terminated Amy Cooper immediately following an “internal review” of the incident and that “we do not tolerate racism of any kind.”

The lawsuit alleged that Amy Cooper was “characterized as a privileged white female ‘Karen'” due to the company’s public statements and alleges that the company did not perform an investigation into the incident, as publicly stated, and did not speak with Christian Cooper or obtain the full 911 calls.

“Even a perfunctory investigation would have shown that Plaintiff did not shout at Christian Cooper or call the police from Central Park on May 25, 2020 because she was a racist — she did these things because she was alone in the park and frightened to death after being selected as the next target of Christian Cooper, an overzealous birdwatcher engaged in Central Park’s ongoing feud between birdwatchers and dog owners,” the complaint stated.

The dispute occurred after Christian Cooper asked Amy Cooper to leash her dog, which was off-leash in a part of the park known as the Ramble where that is not allowed.

The lawsuit alleges that Franklin Templeton “perpetuated and legitimized the story of ‘Karen’ vs. an innocent African American to its perceived advantage, with reckless disregard for the destruction of Plaintiff’s life in the process” and charges that the company would not have fired her if she were a different race and gender.

It also claims the company’s actions caused Amy Cooper to suffer “severe emotional distress” and that she was suicidal.

The lawsuit is seeking damages for loss of wages, bonus and unvested funds as well as emotional distress damages for alleged racial and gender discrimination, defamation and negligence, among other counts, in an amount to be determined at trial.

Franklin Templeton defended its actions in a statement to ABC News.

“We believe the circumstances of the situation speak for themselves and that the Company responded appropriately,” a spokesperson said. “We will defend against these baseless claims.”

A day after the confrontation, Amy Cooper issued a public apology in an interview with CNN.

“It was unacceptable, and I humbly and fully apologize to everyone who’s seen that video, everyone that’s been offended … everyone who thinks of me in a lower light. And I understand why they do,” she said.

“I’m not a racist. I did not mean to harm that man in any way,” she added. “I think I was just scared. When you’re alone in the Ramble, you don’t know what’s happening. It’s not excusable, it’s not defensible.”

Christian Cooper accepted her apology in an interview with “The View” but said the incident was part of a much deeper problem of racism in the United States that must be addressed.

In July, Amy Cooper was charged with falsely reporting an incident in the third degree. The charge was ultimately dismissed earlier this year after she completed a counseling program intended to educate her on the harm of her actions.

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President Donald Trump is scheduled to leave the White House on Friday for the first time in a month to travel to Camp David, the day after the expiration of federal social distancing guidelines.

As many states move toward reopening after a horrific April that saw nearly 60,000 deaths because of the coronavirus, one California county isn’t waiting for permission. Sparsely populated Modoc County, in the Golden State’s far northeastern corner, plans to reopen on Friday despite a statewide stay-at-home order.

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Here are the most important developments Friday on the coronavirus pandemic. Scroll down for the latest updates. 

  • The White House released a three-phase plan on reopening the U.S. economy. President Donald Trump said he has no plans on extending social distancing guidelines, which quietly expired Thursday. But Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force, suggested that social distancing would exist in some form through the summer. 
  • Trump said Thursday he’s seen evidence suggesting the new virus originated in a Chinese virology lab. The president didn’t provide the evidence, but his top national intelligence official said the virus was not man-made or genetically modified, as scientists have concluded. The intelligence community “will continue to rigorously examine” the virus’ origin, the national intelligence director’s office said.
  • Layoffs amount to 1 in 6 American workers and encompass more people than the entire population of Texas. Some economists say the U.S. unemployment rate for April may be as high as 20% – a figure not seen since the Depression of the 1930s, when joblessness peaked at 25%.
  • Amid all the reopening talk this week, Dr. Tom Inglesby, a leading expert on pandemics, reminded us: We will not have complete “normal” – no masks, fully social – until we have a vaccine. Read more in The Back Story.

What we’re talking about: A Kentucky woman went grocery shopping while dressed in a vast hoop skirt and donning a begoggled beak. She was an instant hit on social media. Here’s why she did it and check out photos below. 

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Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, who faces calls to resign over a 1984 yearbook photo of two men in blackface and a Ku Klux Klan outfit, had a questionable nickname that may have been a racial slur, according to a separate 1981 yearbook photo.

Northam apologized Friday for the 1984 picture, first surfaced by Big League Politics, and called it “racist and offensive” but did not specify whether he was the figure seen in blackface, or the one in KKK hood and cloak.

In a news conference on Saturday, he shifted gears, though, saying he was not in the picture at all. He also reiterated that he wouldn’t resign..


CBS News first reported that another picture from Northam’s 1981 yearbook page shows that he was given the nickname “Coonman” – a possible racial slur. He was also known as “Goose.”

Fox News obtained a copy of 1984 yearbook page from the Eastern Virginia Medical School library in Norfolk.


At the press conference Saturday, he said that his nickname in 1981 was “Goose” and that only two people had called him the other nickname — but didn’t know their motive for calling him that.

Earlier Saturday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called on Northam to “do the right thing” and called the 1984 photo “racist and contrary to fundamental American values.”

“The situation that he has put himself and the Commonwealth of Virginia in is untenable. It’s time for Ralph to step down, and for the Commonwealth to move forward,” Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe said, calling the photo “racist, unacceptable and inexcusable at any age and at any time.”


The Virginia Legislative Black Caucus said in a statement on Friday that the yearbook photos “rip the scabs of an excruciatingly painful history and are a piercing reminder of this nation’s sins. Those who would excuse the pictures are just as culpable.”

The caucus was not impressed by Northam’s press conference, and amplified its calls for him to resign.

“In light of his public admission and apology for his decision to appear in the photo, he has irrevocably lost the faith and trust of the people he was elected to serve. Changing his public story today now casts further doubt on his ability to regain that trust,” a statement Saturday afternoon said.

Fox News’ Alexandria Pamias contributed to this report.

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Former President Donald Trump has offered a new explanation for his claims of voter fraud, saying his political opponents “used COVID” to change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

The former president, who has made frequent claims of widespread voter fraud despite federal and state election officials assuring that the votes were secure, said the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic afforded his foes the opportunity to cheat.

“They used COVID in order to cheat. They used COVID in order to rig the election and in order to steal the election. They used COVID,” he said during the Saturday night rally in Ohio. “That’s as simple as it gets.”


Several states took steps toward allowing for remote voting, such as vote-by-mail, in the 2020 election in an effort to curb the transmission of COVID-19, which the former president argued allowed for malfeasance because mail-in ballots are “treacherous.”

Trump praised the new moves taken by Republicans in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to reexamine the results of the 2020 presidential election, calling those leading the investigations “patriots.”

“I hear now that Wisconsin is looking very, very seriously [into the allegations of voter fraud], and I respect Wisconsin so much. It’s a great state. They’re looking very seriously. Pennsylvania is really starting to take this very seriously,” he said, thanking legislators in both states for their efforts.

Pennsylvania has signaled an openness to ordering an audit of its 2020 election results, with state Sen. David Argall, who heads a committee that oversees elections, telling local outlets last week that a forensic audit similar to the one being conducted in Arizona is now a “very real possibility.”

Wisconsin’s state Assembly Speaker Robin Vos announced in May that he would hire police officers and an attorney to investigate parts of the November 2020 general election. Contracts obtained by the Associated Press reported this week show that he has already hired some people to investigate “potential irregularities and/or illegalities” in the 2020 presidential election.

Trump’s support for the Wisconsin investigation was an apparent reversal from his position on Friday, when the former president chastised Vos by name for “working hard to cover up election corruption in Wisconsin.”

Trump contrasted his praise of Pennsylvania and Wisconsin with condemnation for other states, such as Michigan, where “the [Republicans in Name Only] in the Michigan Senate” recently released a report confirming Biden carried the state in 2020.

“Michigan is not [taking the allegations of voter fraud seriously]. You can’t get those Republicans. Some are great, by the way, but Michigan is not doing the job. … How do you win Ohio by so much, record numbers, and lose Michigan?” he said during the rally, suggesting that the only way would be through voter fraud.

Trump also singled out Georgia for criticism, saying Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s decision to remove 100,000 “out of date” names from the state’s voter rolls came too little, too late.

“Now, they’re saying they’re going to delete over 100,000 names. I said, ‘Why the hell didn’t you delete them before the election, not after the election?'” he said of Georgia.

The former president accused his political adversaries of a double standard, saying former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Georgia’s Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams did not attract the same criticism for failing to accept their electoral losses.

“Stacey Abrams goes around saying she won the election. Nobody says anything. Hillary Clinton says she won the election. Nobody says anything. I say we won the election. ‘That’s terrible. That’s terrible,’ [they say],” he said. “Isn’t it a terrible situation?”


Both Clinton and Abrams contested their respective losses, with Clinton calling for recounts in several swing states after her 2016 loss and Abrams refusing to use the word “concede” when acknowledging that Brian Kemp would become the governor of Georgia following the state’s 2018 election.

Trump, who continues to assert there are “mountains of evidence” of widespread cheating in the 2020 presidential contest, filed several claims alleging massive voter fraud, most of which were tossed by federal courts.

Washington Examiner Videos

Tags: News, Donald Trump, Campaigns, Ohio, 2020 Elections, Vote Recounts, Voter Fraud, Coronavirus, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin

Original Author: Carly Roman

Original Location: Trump says opponents ‘used COVID to steal the election,’ applauds election investigations in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin

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JUPITER, Fla. – At least five people have died in the Abaco Islands in the wake of Hurricane Dorian, Bahamas Prime Minister Hubert Minnis said Monday evening. 

Hurricane Dorian continues to pound the region as a Category 4 storm.

Minnis said that there are also people in Great Bahama island in serious distress. Rescue crews will respond to calls for help as soon as weather conditions allow.

“We are in the midst of a historic tragedy,” Minnis said.

Historic Hurricane Dorian stalled over the northern Bahamas on Monday, pounding the islands with heavy rains, storm surge and howling winds before the storm directs its rage toward the U.S. coast.

Get the latest on Hurricane Dorian: Get USA TODAY’s Daily Briefing in your inbox

As of 5 p.m. EDT, Dorian’s advance westward along the archipelago slowed to a crawl while top sustained winds eased slightly to 145 mph, according to the National Hurricane Center, causing Dorian to slip from a Category 5 to Category 4 – still a brutal storm.

The hurricane will continue its assault on Grand Bahama Island into the night, the center said. Some areas could see up to 2 feet of rain, and storm surge could reach 23 feet, forecasters warned. Heavy rains capable of creating life-threatening flash floods over the northern part of the Bahamas are expected through Friday. 

Everyone there should remain sheltered and not venture into the eye, the center said Monday evening. 

Dramatic video: Hurricane Dorian’s devastating force in the Abaco Islands, Bahamas

Emergency responders were already overwhelmed.An estimated 13,000 homes have been destroyed, according to the Salvation Army, which has volunteers stationed in the group of islands.

Power and communications outages made damage assessment difficult. The few videos that have emerged from the Abaco Islands show destroyed homes, flooded roads and residents pleading for help and prayers. 

Florida and the U.S. East Coast remained a target. The storm will move “dangerously close” to the Florida east coast late Monday through Wednesday night, the center said. Dorian is forecast to turn toward the northwest, roaring parallel to Florida about 30 to 40 miles offshore, before continuing north along the East Coast deep into the week.

Dangerous surge and hurricane winds are expected on parts of Florida’s east coast and the coastal South Carolina and Georgia, the center said Monday evening. The risk of life-threatening surge in North Carolina continues to increase. 

Heavy rains that could cause flooding are expected in the lower mid-Atlantic and the coastal southeast of the United States through Friday as well.

That gap remains right on the edge of delivering the worst of Dorian to the Florida coastline. Center Director Ken Graham stressed that the state’s east coast will be dealing with wind, rain and storm surge as high as 7 feet through Wednesday.

“No matter the track, no matter the characteristics of the storm, the water’s coming, so please just everyone listen to the local officials,” Graham said. “Remember water can rise a lot earlier before the storm gets there. This is life and death.”

Weather concerns brought havoc to air travel on the busy Labor Day holiday as airlines canceled more than 1,100 Monday flights within, into or out of the United States, according to flight tracker FlightAware.

President Donald Trump declared a state of emergency and was being briefed regularly about what he called a “monstrous” storm.

“I spoke with President Trump. He’s fully engaged in this,” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said at a news conference Monday. “He just reiterated that he’s going to provide any resources we need to weather Dorian.”

DeSantis said all coastal counties have issued evacuation orders, and 72 nursing homes have been evacuated. More than 4,000 members of the state National Guard have been called up, and power companies are prepared to dispatch 17,000 personnel to combat outages.

The hurricane center said wind gusts exceeded 220 mph when the storm made landfall in the Bahamas on Sunday afternoon. The winds matched the records set by the Labor Day hurricane of 1935, which tore through the Florida Keys, killing more than 400 people in the days before hurricanes were given names.

“This is probably the saddest and worst day for me to address the Bahamian people,” Prime Minister Hubert Minnis said Sunday. “We are facing a hurricane that we have never seen in the Bahamas. Please pray for us.”

The only recorded storm that was more powerful was Hurricane Allen in 1980, with 190 mph winds, though it did not make landfall at that strength.

Dorian made landfall in Elbow Cay in the Abaco Islands in the northern Bahamas around noon Sunday, then made a second landfall near Marsh Harbor on Great Abaco at 2 p.m. The raging winds wrought destruction and terrified islanders who sought shelter in schools, churches and other facilities.

“It’s devastating,” said Joy Jibrilu, director general of the Bahamas’ Ministry of Tourism and Aviation. “There has been huge damage to property and infrastructure.”

Florida, Georgia, Carolina coasts

The storm was about 110 east of West Palm Beach, Florida. In Jupiter, 20 miles to the north, rain pelted Michael Schrimsher’s bright yellow slicker. Dorian-driven waves crashed into the Jupiter Beach Park jetty under grey skies.

“I think everybody’s a little worried,” Schrimsher said. “We have a concrete house. But this one’s a little scary.”

After rolling up along the Florida coast, the hurricane was forecast to track near the Georgia and Carolina coasts late this week.

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster ordered mandatory evacuation of his state’s entire coast effective Monday. The order covers about 830,000 people, and state troopers planned to make all lanes on major coastal highways one-way heading inland.

“We can’t make everybody happy, but we believe we can keep everyone alive,” McMaster said.

Labor Day flight cancellations: Hurricane Dorian approaches East Coast

Hurricane Dorian cruise update: Extended vacation for some

A few hours later, Georgia’s governor, Brian Kemp, ordered evacuations for that state’s Atlantic coast, also starting at midday Monday.

North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper warned his state that it could see heavy rain, winds and floods later in the week. Mandatory evacuations of visitors to North Carolina’s Outer Banks will begin Tuesday morning, according to government officials from Hyde and Dare counties. 

“The time to prepare is now,” Coooper warned. “North Carolina must take this seriously.”

Rodriguez and Bacon reported from McLean, Va.

Contributing: Morgan Hines, Dawn Gilbertson and Hannah Yasharoff, USA TODAY; Janine Zeitlin, Fort Myers (Fla.) News-Press; Amber Roberson, Tallahassee Democrat; Dan DeLuca, Treasure Coast Newspapers; the Associated Press

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Connecticut’s highest court has cleared the way for families of nine victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting to sue over the marketing of the semiautomatic rifle Adam Lanza used to kill.

The families argued that the manufacturer, distributor and seller of the weapon negligently entrusted to civilian consumers an assault rifle that is suitable for use only by military and law enforcement personnel and violated the Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices Act (CUTPA) through the sale or wrongful marketing of the rifle.

The lawsuit, which lists Bushmaster Firearms International as the defendant, has already overcome years worth of legal hurdles after first being filed more than four years ago, more than two years after the shooting at the Connecticut school left 26 people dead.

The families released a statement saying that they are “grateful that our state’s Supreme Court has rejected the gun industry’s bid for complete immunity, not only from the consequences of their reckless conduct but also from the truth-seeking discovery process,” said attorney Josh Koskoff of Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder.

“The families’ goal has always been to shed light on Remington’s calculated and profit-driven strategy to expand the AR-15 market and court high-risk users, all at the expense of Americans’ safety. Today’s decision is a critical step toward achieving that goal,” Koskoff said in the statement, referencing Remington Outdoor Company which owns Bushmaster.

Jessica Hill/AP, FILE
A Connecticut State Police officer holds up a Bushmaster AR-15-style rifle, the same make and model of gun used by Adam Lanza in the Sandy Hook School shooting at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford, Conn., Jan. 28, 2013.

The lawsuit, which was filed in 2015, was dismissed in 2016 by a lower court, ruling that gunmakers have broad immunity from liability under a federal law known as PLCAA, the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. The case was then moved up to the state’s highest court, and the decision to move forward was issued Thursday.

At a November 2017 hearing, Koskoff argued that the company targeted people like the Sandy Hook shooter with their marketing, using “images of soldiers in combat” and referring to “missions” where the guns could be used.

Joshua Roberts/Reuters, FILE
AR-15 rifles are displayed for sale at the Guntoberfest gun show in Oaks, Pa., Oct. 6, 2017.

“Remington may never have known Adam Lanza but they had been courting him for years,” Koskoff said in that 2017 hearing.

Defense attorney James Vogts conceded at that same hearing that “what happened in the school that morning was horrific.”

But, Vogts quickly added, “the law needs to be applied dispassionately. The manufacturer and the sellers of the firearm used that day are not legally responsible for his crimes and harms that he caused.”

ABC News’ Meghan Keneally and Emily Shapiro contributed to this report.

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El descubrimiento de Próxima b fue anunciado como una de las noticias del siglo, pero el exoplaneta más cercano a la Tierra podría ser menos habitable de lo que nos gustaría, según una nueva investigación de la NASA.

Un estudio publicado en The Astrophysical Journal Letters sugiere que los cuerpos que orbitan en la zona de habitabilidad de una enana roja, como Próxima b, pierden demasiado oxígeno de su atmósfera para formar agua líquida, y podrían no ser compatibles con la vida tal y como la conocemos.

Hasta ahora, los científicos habían determinado las zonas habitables de los sistemas estelares en base a la cantidad de luz y calor que reciben de sus estrellas. Este nuevo enfoque tiene en cuenta además las fulguraciones estelares y la tasa de pérdida de oxígeno de las atmósferas para construir un baremo más refinado con el que buscar otro planeta como el nuestro.



El equipo de investigadores de la NASA desarrolló un nuevo modelo matemático para analizar el efecto que tienen las emisiones de luz ultravioleta y rayos X de una enana roja sobre el oxígeno de una atmósfera planetaria en la zona supuestamente habitable de su órbita.

Y, bueno, la manera en la que nuestra estrella vecina Próxima Centauri erosiona la atmósfera de Próxima b son malas noticias para los que esperábamos encontrar vida a menos de cinco años luz de la Tierra.

En resumen, la brutal energía de la luz ultravioleta extrema y los rayos X de alta potencia de la enana roja ioniza la atmósfera y produce un fuerte efecto escape de los electrones de oxígeno hacia el espacio.

El equipo calculó que en un planeta como Proxima b, que está 20 veces más cerca de su estrella que nosotros, las tormentas estelares se descargan contra la atmósfera cada dos horas. En diez millones de años, su oxígeno habrá desaparecido por completo.


Hay una noticia aún peor dentro de esta mala noticia: las enanas rojas son las estrellas más comunes de nuestra galaxia. De las 60 estrellas más cercanas a la Tierra, 50 son enanas rojas.

A medida que seguimos descubriendo lo que hace falta para ser una estrella progenitora de la vida, parece cada vez más claro que el Sol es una madre perfecta. [The Astrophysical Journal Letters vía NASA]

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GULFPORT, Miss. (WLBT) – An arrest warrant has been issued for the man who accosted an MSNBC reporter live on the air Monday morning in Gulfport, Mississippi.

The man has now been identified as Benjamin Eugene Dagley of Wooster, Ohio.

Arrest warrants have been issued for Dagley, charging him with two counts of simple assault, one count of disturbing the peace and one count of violation of emergency curfew.

According to police, Dagley is currently on probation for a previous charge in Ohio. One of the conditions of his probation was restriction in travel.

Authorities have discovered that Dagley is no longer on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and is believed to be traveling in a white 2016 Ford F150.

His license plate number is: PJR1745.

The reporter Dagley attacked, Shaquille Brewster, tweeted moments after the incident that he and his team were “all good.”

Copyright 2021 WLBT. All rights reserved.

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LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


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Detail of a scarf print from the Beyond Buckskin Boutique. Photo courtesy of
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Morris said by spearheading innovative partnerships and leveraging resources from ASU, tribes and community organizations, she hopes that Inno-NATIONS will create a “collision community,” causing a ripple effect of economic change in tribal communities.

The first collision takes place with the inaugural learning lab series, “Beyond Buckskin: Beyond Online” on March 1 followed by “Protection in All Directions: A Fashion & Resistance Awareness Event” on March 4. The latter will include discussions, multi-media discussions and a fashion show highlighting local Native American designers including Jared Yazzie of OxDX.

Both events are free and take place at The Department in downtown Phoenix.

Inno-NATIONS will also launch a three-day pilot cohort with approximately 20 Native American businesses starting in June.

“Beyond Buckskin” features Jessica Metcalfe, a Turtle Mountain Chippewa, Dartmouth graduate and entrepreneur, who grew a small online store into a successful boutique on the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation in North Dakota.

The store promotes and sells Native American-made couture, streetwear, jewelry, and accessories from more than 40 Native American and First Nations artist, employing tribe members from the Turtle Mountain community.

ASU Now spoke to Metcalfe to discuss her work.

Jessica Metcalfe

Question: We’ve seen Native American fashion emerge and evolve. How did you get into the business?

Answer: I was writing my master’s thesis in 2005 and my advisor at the time had told me about some research she had done, which looked at Native American fashion in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. She had wondered if I was interested in picking up where her research left off. I looked into it and found that there were these breadcrumbs, little bits here in there, that something had been going on in the past 60-70 years, but hadn’t been looked at as a collective movement.

Through my doctoral dissertation, what I discovered was that Native American fashion has gone through waves of acknowledgements by the broader public, but what we’re experiencing now is perhaps the biggest wave yet.

You have designers like Patricia Michaels out at New York’s Style Fashion Week and the Native Fashion Now traveling exhibit touring the country, so there’s really a lot of exciting things happening lately. It’s coming from a collective movement. Designers basically grouping together to share costs but also to put together more events to cause a bigger ruckus.

Q: How did you build your online store into a brick-and-mortar business?

A: I first launched a blog in 2009 as an outlet for my dissertation research, and wanted to share it with more people and to also get more stories and experiences. My readers kept asking where could they see and buy these clothes? At that time, there wasn’t an easy way to access functions like a Native American Pow Wow or market in order to do that.

I had established a rapport with designers through my research and writing. They saw what I was doing through the blog and then a question popped into my head. “How would you feel about creating a business together?” There were 11 initial designers who said they needed the space, and I worked with them to sell their goods online. We just now opened our design lab on the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation. We are creating a system where we can meet demand and maximize a need in Indian Country.

We employ Native Americans from ages 15 to 22. There aren’t a whole lot of opportunities for people that age on the reservation. They either work at the grocery store or the gas station. One of them is interested in film and photography and so they run our photo shoots. Another person is interested in business entrepreneurship, and they get to see how an idea goes from concept to execution.

Q: The subtext is that this isn’t just about fashion but, history, representation and cultural appropriation?

A: Our clothing is just more than just objects. It’s about how the material was gathered, what the colors represent, what stories are being told and how does that tie into our value system. One of the things I often discuss is the Native American headdress. Our leaders wear them as a symbol of their leadership and the dedication to their communities. These stories are a way to share our culture with non-Natives and protect our legacy for future generations.

Q: Why is it important for Native American businesses to branch out into other cultures?

A: Native American people desperately need to diversify their economic opportunities on and off the reservations. Up until recently, people haven’t thought of fashion or art as a viable career path.

A recent study conducted by First Peoples Fund that found a third of all Native American people are practicing or are potential artists. That is a huge resource we already have in Indian Country and we need to tap it and develop it, and push for Natives in various fields to look at themselves as entrepreneurs and launching businesses.

Now, Native American people have an opportunity to make a positive impact in their local communities by reaching people through their art and sharing our culture with the rest of the world.

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El juez federal Luis Rodríguez dispuso un peritaje químico sobre una fotografía del difunto fiscal Alberto Nisman aparecida en un ejemplar de la revista “Noticias”, en la que se lo ve con un punto negro circular sobre su frente.

Se trata de una foto tomada de un ejemplar de la publicación que compró la actual pareja de Sandra Arroyo Salgado para enviársela por WhatsApp a la jueza federal de San Isidro y ex mujer de Nisman cuando ésta todavía estaba en Europa, en enero pasado, con sus dos hijas.

Un peritaje técnico ya determinó que la marca fue sobreimpresa después de la salida de la revista a la venta.

El nuevo estudio estará a cargo de expertos de la Gendarmería Nacional.

El juez Rodríguez ordenó, además, que la editorial que publica “Noticias” informe sobre los detalles técnicos del material utilizado para la impresión del semanario.

La foto de Nisman con ese círculo en su frente apareció en la casa de la actual pareja de Arroyo Salgado cuando el fiscal aún estaba vivo, y le fue enviada a la jueza de San Isidro vía el programa de mensajería instantánea por telefonía celular WhatsApp cuando estaba en Europa.

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Iranian officials accused “hardliners” in the United States and elsewhere of attempting to orchestrate an incident that would ratchet up tensions with the Islamic Republic, as the supreme leader vowed there would be no war.

The allegation by Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Tuesday came as tensions in the Gulf continue to rise as American military forces head to the region and amid a series of attacks on oil infrastructure.

Four ships – two Saudi, one Norwegian and one Emirati – were damaged on Sunday off the coast of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in what Emirati officials described as acts of sabotage near the port of Fujairah.

The incident happened 140km south of the Strait of Hormuz, where about one-third of all oil traded by sea passes through.

“We … talked about the policies that hardliners in the US administration as well as in the region are attempting to impose,” Zarif told Iranian state TV in India after a bilateral meeting with Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj.

“We raised concerns over the suspicious activities and sabotage that are happening in our region. We had formerly anticipated that they would carry out these sorts of activities to escalate tension.”

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Tuesday there would be no war with the US despite mounting concerns. He also reiterated Iran would not negotiate with the US on a new nuclear deal.

“There won’t be any war. The Iranian nation has chosen the path of resistance,” he said. “Neither we nor them seek war. They know it will not be in their interest.” 

Norwegian-flagged oil tanker MT Andrea Victory off the coast of Fujairah [UAE National Media Council via AP]

Details of the alleged oil vessel sabotage remained unclear, and UAE officials have declined to say who they suspected was responsible.

Mohammad Javad Jamali, an Iranian member of parliament, accused unidentified countries in the region of trying “to drag Trump into a war”.

“I think the talk of explosions in Fujairah is just a hasty scenario and it suffers many shortcomings. Whoever stands behind this is pushing for a failed plan,” said Jamali.

Fatemeh Aman, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s South Asia Center, said the attacks on the vessels may have been planned as a pretext to start a conflict with Tehran.

“The attack on the ships was predictable and it looks like it was orchestrated to function as a pretext to attack Iran,” Aman told Al Jazeera. “Any incident or sabotage could be falsely attributed to Iran, even if Iran had no involvement.”

Arch foes Saudi Arabia and Iran have both used proxy forces in the region to further their aspirations. 

Asked by Al Jazeera if Riyadh may be attempting to push the US towards war with Iran, analyst Tim Constantine said: “Considering the Saudi position on Iran and the well-known position of the Trump administration on Iran, yes I think the Saudis can be counted on to stir the pot and encourage a very aggressive stance by the United States.” 

No conclusive proof

The alleged attacks demonstrated the raised risks for shippers in a region vital to global energy supplies as tensions are increasing between the US and Iran over its unravelling nuclear deal with world powers.

The Iran-backed Houthi rebel group in Yemen, meanwhile, claimed responsibility for a series of drone attacks on two Saudi Arabian oil facilities in its eastern region on Tuesday, further ratcheting up tensions.

The US Maritime Administration said last week Iran could target US commercial ships including oil tankers sailing through Middle East waterways.

An unnamed US official familiar with American intelligence told Reuters news agency that Iran was a prime suspect in Sunday’s sabotage off the UAE coast, although Washington had no conclusive proof.

The US ambassador to Saudi Arabia said Washington should take what he called “reasonable responses short of war” after it determined who was behind the attacks near Fujairah.

“We need to do a thorough investigation to understand what happened, why it happened, and then come up with reasonable responses short of war,” Ambassador John Abizaid told reporters in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, on Tuesday.

“It’s not in [Iran’s] interest, it’s not in our interest, it’s not in Saudi Arabia’s interest to have a conflict.”

US military plan? 

On Monday, the New York Times reported that the top US defence official has presented an updated military plan to Trump’s administration that envisions sending up to 120,000 troops to the Middle East, should Iran attack US forces or accelerate work on nuclear weapons.

US President Donald Trump on Tuesday denied the report.

“I think it’s fake news, okay? Now, would I do that? Absolutely. But we have not planned for that. Hopefully we’re not going to have to plan for that. And if we did that, we’d send a hell of a lot more troops than that,” Trump told reporters at the White House.

Tensions between Iran and the US have intensified since Trump pulled out of a 2015 international deal to curb Iran’s nuclear activities and imposed increasingly strict sanctions on Tehran.

Trump wants to force Tehran to agree to a broader arms control accord and has sent an aircraft carrier and B-52 bombers to the Gulf in a show of force against what US officials have said are threats to US troops in the region.

Iran has said the US is engaging in “psychological warfare”, called the US military presence “a target” rather than a threat and said it will not allow its oil exports to be halted.

Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi said on Tuesday he was getting indications from talks with both the US and Iran that “things will end well” despite the current ramping up of rhetoric.

But analysts suggest things could quickly escalate as the American military presence in the region grows. 

“Iran could actually view some of this as being a potential buildup for some type of offensive action,” said Becca Wasser, a RAND Corp analyst specialising in Gulf security.

“It raises the risk of accidental escalation. Because the US and Iran don’t have clear lines of communication at the moment, everything can be perceived in a very different light than one side is intending.”

Al Jazeera’s Ali Younes contributed to this report 

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La figura de la selección chilena, Arturo Vidal, sufrió un accidente de auto con su esposa cuando se dirigía a la concentración de la ‘Roja‘, informaron los medios chilenos. 

Vidal, a bordo de un lujoso Ferrari, chocó con otro vehículo en el 54 km al sur de Santiago, y no sufrió heridas de gravedad, informó la televisión pública TVN.

TVN mostró imágenes del auto del astro de la ‘Roja‘ con la parte delantera destrozada y otro vehículo volcado a un lado.

Se conoce que los seleccionados chilenos se encontraban libres y debían incorporarse a la concentración en Juan Pinto Durán antes de las 23 horas.



arturo vidal


copa america


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Police cited officers’ safety when applying for the no-knock search warrant on a downtown Minneapolis apartment that led to 22-year-old Amir Locke’s death, court records unsealed on Thursday show.

The Minneapolis Police Department requested the warrants to aid in a St. Paul homicide case and carried them out before dawn the morning of Feb. 2 at the Bolero Flats building on South Marquette Avenue.

The warrants signed by Hennepin County District Judge Peter Cahill — the same judge who presided over former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin’s state trial — request searches at three separate Bolero Flats apartments and another at an apartment building on the 2700 block of Minnehaha Avenue.

The petitioner states that investigators were in search of blood, forensic evidence, firearms, ammunition, electronic devices, drugs, identifying documents, money, fire extinguishers, Mercedes key fobs and specific sets of clothing tied to persons of interest associated with each of the addresses.

Locke was not named in the warrants and was staying at the home of his cousin. That cousin’s brother, 17-year-old Mekhi Speed, was named in the warrants as a suspect. Speed was arrested in Winona earlier this week in connection with the Jan. 10 death of 38-year-old Otis Elder.

Police applied for both standard daytime warrants and nighttime no-knock warrants “outside the hours of 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.” The no-knock warrants were necessary “to prevent the loss, destruction or removal of the objects of the search or to protect the searchers or the public,” police said, because the suspect used a .223 caliber rifle capable of piercing police body armor when he shot Elder.

Executing the warrant outside of daytime hours “will not only increase officer safety, but it will also decrease the risk for injuries to the suspects and other residents nearby,” the warrant states.

During the no-knock warrants at Bolero Flats, police did seize evidence related to Elder’s killing, including marijana, clothing, a bullet and several cell phones.

Tracking a Mercedez-Benz

Elder was sitting in his car outside a recording studio at 502 Prior Ave. N. at the time of the Jan. 10 shooting. Surveillance footage taken from the studio shows a light-colored Mercedes parked nearby.

The warrant then describes the following:

Two people were outside Elder’s car when a gunshot was heard, and they ran back to the Mercedes and drove off. One suspect was wearing a dark jacket and a gray hooded sweatshirt, while the other was wearing all dark clothing.

Traffic camera footage tracked the Mercedes driving west on Interstate 94 and exiting at Grant and 11th streets. The Mercedes eventually stopped outside Bolero Flats.

Criminal analysts with the Minneapolis Police Department and the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office matched the description of the suspect vehicle with a gray 2014 Mercedes-Benz CLS250 with Massachusetts plates that had been stolen after a test drive on Nov. 27. That same vehicle was linked to several armed robberies and thefts, including the theft of a Maserati in south Minneapolis.

An off-duty University of Minnesota police officer spotted the stolen Mercedes in a downtown Minneapolis parking ramp and recognized it from an alert sent out to law enforcement. A search warrant on the vehicle found latent fingerprints matching multiple people, including Speed.

Jan. 10 video shows the Mercedes in the Bolero Flats parking garage around 10:16 p.m. Two people matching the descriptions of the homicide suspects left the car, along with a third person. They got in the elevator and went up to the front desk. The suspect in the dark jacket and hooded sweatshirt was seen obscuring an object in his front sweatshirt pocket using his outer jacket.

The Bolero Flats connection

The warrant states that investigators reviewed Bolero Flats security footage with staff at the apartment building. They told police they believed the suspect in the sweatshirt was connected to Apartment 701. That unit was being rented to the girlfriend of Speed’s brother, who also lived there. Locke was staying on the couch in that apartment the morning the search warrant was executed.

Staff said Speed had requested a key to Apartment 701 in the past, and medics had transported him from that apartment on Jan. 22.

Hennepin County probation officers listed Apartment 1402 in the same building as Speed’s home address. The woman who rents that unit lists Speed as her child who lives with her, the warrant states. Cahill had also authorized both daytime and nighttime warrants for Apartment 1402, as well as neighboring apartment 1403.

No-knock controversy

The records released Thursday indicate police were not searching for Locke when they executed the search warrant at Bolero Flats Apartment 701. They were, however, anticipating some sort of firearm.

Body camera footage of the search warrant shows police unlock the door to the apartment and announce, “Police search warrant,” right as they walk through the door. Locke is huddled under a blanket on the living room couch and is seen emerging with a pistol in hand. That’s when Minneapolis Police Officer Mark Hanneman shot Locke three times.

Locke’s family says he was a lawful gun owner and was not aiming his gun at anyone or preparing to shoot when Hanneman opened fire. Video of the incident appears to show Locke pointing the barrel toward the ground with his finger off the trigger.

MPD originally said Locke was pointing the gun at an officer, and when pushed on that detail in a news conference last week, interim Police Chief Amelia Huffman insisted it was being pointed at an officer who was standing off-camera.

Critics have said pre-dawn no-knock warrants like this one are more hazardous than a standard daytime warrant, and activists have repeatedly called for them to be banned in Minneapolis.

Mayor Jacob Frey listed an end to the practice as one of his achievements during campaign materials last year, but he later backtracked on that claim, saying only “unannounced entries” had been banned. In the 10 months after that purported no-knock ban in November 2020, MPD had requested 90 such warrants, University of St. Thomas law professor Rachel Moran said in a presentation to the Minneapolis City Council last week.

Frey issued a formal moratorium on no-knock warrants on Friday, but it’s still not a total ban; no-knock warrants can be requested in cases of “an imminent threat of harm to an individual or the public.”

The agency that asked for Minneapolis police to assist with its homicide investigation has abstained from no-knock warrants for years. St. Paul Police Department spokesman Steve Linders said the city’s police force last executed a no-knock warrant in 2016.

State lawmakers are now exploring legislation to heavily restrict when no-knock warrants can be issued, and activists propse police should wait 30 seconds after knocking for someone to come to the door.

Stay with 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS and for updates on this developing news. Refresh your page to make sure you are seeing the most current information.

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