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Workers break ground on new border wall construction about 20 miles west of Santa Teresa, N.M., last month. The Trump administration has started the arduous process of canceling $3.6 billion in military construction projects to fund its plans to build more of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

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Cedar Attanasio/AP

Workers break ground on new border wall construction about 20 miles west of Santa Teresa, N.M., last month. The Trump administration has started the arduous process of canceling $3.6 billion in military construction projects to fund its plans to build more of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Cedar Attanasio/AP

The Trump administration has started the arduous process of canceling $3.6 billion in military construction projects to fund its plans to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Defense Secretary Mark Esper began notifying lawmakers Tuesday which projects will be canceled in their districts. Top Democrats immediately blasted the plan.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., was among the first lawmakers to say his district will be impacted by the funding cuts, for the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

“This decision will harm already planned, important projects intended to support our service members at military installations in New York, across the United States, and around the world,” Schumer said. “It is a slap in the face to the members of the Armed Forces who serve our country that President Trump is willing to cannibalize already allocated military funding to boost his own ego and for a wall he promised Mexico would pay to build.”

Schumer went on to say that Trump is trying to “usurp Congress’s exclusive power of the purse and loot vital funds from our military.” He also signaled Congress will strongly oppose any funds for new wall construction.

The Washington Post reported that Pentagon officials said they will halt 127 military construction projects to help build 175 miles of wall.

The plans come nearly seven months after Trump announced a national emergency to use roughly $8 billion to build a wall to curtail illegal immigration along the U.S. southern border. Of that, $3.6 billion was slated to come from the military construction funds, the Trump administration said during the Feb. 15 announcement.

The funds are being shifted from the Pentagon’s 2019 fiscal year budget, which was approved earlier this year and runs until Sept. 31.

“President Trump’s immigration efforts have failed since Day 1,” said Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., ranking Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee. “Today, he made it clear he is willing to take funds from our troops and disaster victims and divert them to try to protect his political right flank. And ultimately, that could put Americans at risk.”

For months, Democrats have pushed to get a list of the projects that would be held in lieu of the wall. However, the Pentagon has remained tight-lipped until this week.

Congressional sources said a full list was slated to be released Wednesday, with lawmakers learning from the Pentagon which additional projects are on the chopping block.

Reed said the diversion of funds should be legally challenged and struck down in the courts. He encouraged broad, bipartisan opposition in Congress and the courts to “misusing defense dollars.”

Traditionally, the Pentagon conducts a midyear review in April to hunt down budget savings that can be moved to programs that need the money. Now, the Pentagon is redirecting funds to the wall.

Congress is usually involved in approving the reallocation of military funds, otherwise known as “reprogramming.” But not this time.

Following demands from lawmakers, the Pentagon had been slated to release the list of cut military construction projects in May, but the plans were delayed.

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An off-duty firefighter opened fire Tuesday morning at a fire station north of Los Angeles, killing a 44-year-old member of the LA County Fire Department, fire officials said.

The shooting happened just before 11 a.m. at Los Angeles County Fire Station No. 81 in the 8700 block of Sierra Highway in Agua Dulce and touched off a rapidly unfolding series of events that ended with a standoff and fire that burned for hours at a property about 10 miles away in Acton.

Details about what led the gunfire were not immediately available, but authorities said it stemmed from some sort of dispute involving the shooter, also a member of Station 81, and victims.


Local news from across Southern California

Fire Chief Daryl Osby identified the slain firefighter as a 44-year-old specialist engineer who had been with the department for more than 20 years. The victim’s name was not released early Tuesday afternoon.

“This morning when I received the news, it was some of the worst news that I’ve heard in my career,” Osby said. “As a fire chief, I’ve dealt with a lot of death and a lot of fallen members of my department. I’ve always prayed that we would never have a line of duty death. I never thought that if it occurred, that it would occur in this fashion. 

This morning when I received the news, it was some of the worst news that I’ve heard in my career.

Fire Chief Daryl Osby

“I know that as firefighters, we are in a profession of providing assistance to others, but I ask that in this particular situation that we ask you for your support, that we ask you for your assistance, that we ask you for your prayers in our time of need.”

A 54-year-old fire captain was shot and injured. The victim remained hospitalized Tuesday afternoon in critical, but stable, condition.

During the initial call for help from the fire station to dispatch, the person who made that call was able to identify the attacker by name. Witnesses said the shooter left the scene in a pickup truck, law enforcement sources told NBCLA.

Deputies followed the truck to an Acton house about 10 miles from the shooting scene where a fire broke out. At some point, the individual indicated there were weapons on the property and anyone who approached would be shot, law enforcement sources said. 

Several law enforcement department SUVs and armored SWAT vehicles were parked in the neighborhood in the 2700 block of Bent Spur Drive.

Water-dropping helicopters, usually deployed to fight wildfires, attacked the flames. The fire was out early Tuesday afternoon. No other structures were damaged.

A body, believed to be that of the shooter, was found at the property, investigators said. No shots were fired by deputies during the standoff, leading authorities to believe the man died from a self-inflicted gunshot, investigators said.

The body had not been positively identified.

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Cuando Mercedes Casanellas despertó, le trajeron un bebé de piel mas oscura. “También habíamos hecho una huella de los pies del bebé. El bebé que me llevé a casa tenía huellas diferentes, más pequeñas y con una forma distinta”, dijo la madre.

Una madre salvadoreña y su esposo británico recuperaron a su bebé de cuatro meses, intercambiado al nacer, luego de una lucha desesperada ante la justicia del país centroamericano.

Mercedes Casanellas y su esposo Richard Cushworth, ambos misioneros en El Salvador, siempre habían sospechado que el bebé que llevaron a casa tras el parto en una clínica privada en la capital salvadoreña no era su hijo biológico.

Luego del regreso de la pareja a su hogar en Estados Unidos, una prueba de ADN confirmó las sospechas de que el niño, al que llamaron Jacob, no era hijo biológico del matrimonio.

Los padres regresaron a El Salvador y acudieron al hospital privado donde tuvo lugar el parto, el Hospital Ginecológico, para determinar en primer lugar si el bebé había sido cambiado por error, algo que negó el centro médico.

La pareja decidió entonces interponer un recurso ante la Fiscalía General de la República y denunciar el caso públicamente.

El médico que atendió el parto, Alejandro Guidos, fue arrestado como parte de la investigación, mientras los padres expresaron temores de que el intercambio fuera parte de las acciones de una red de tráfico de niños.

En una emotiva audiencia la semana pasada, la madre confrontó a Guidos, exigiéndole que dijera la verdad sobre el paradero del niño.

Finalmente, en otra audiencia a puertas cerradas en la sede de la Fiscalía General de la República, los bebés intercambiados en el Hospital Ginecológico fueron entregados a sus verdaderas familias a las 10 de la noche, hora local, del lunes, según informes en la prensa salvadoreña.

Cesárea de emergencia

Estaba previsto que Casanellas diera a luz alrededor del 20 de junio, pero el Dr. Guidos dijo a la madre cinco semanas antes que era imperativo realizar una cesárea de emergencia.

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El médico dijo a Casanellas que era necesario practicar una cesárea de emergencia. Su esposo estaba de viaje.

Jacob nació a mediados de mayo, cuando su padre estaba de viaje.

En una foto tomada por un amigo de la familia poco después del nacimiento se ve a un bebé de piel clara.

Cuando la madre despertó luego de un breve descanso, le trajeron a un bebé no sólo de piel más oscura sino de facciones faciales diferentes.

El médico dijo a la madre que esos cambios en las características faciales eran “comunes en las primeras horas después del nacimiento”, según informes en la prensa local.

“También habíamos hecho una huella de los pies del bebé. Pero luego me di cuenta de que el bebé que me llevé a casa tenía huellas diferentes, más pequeñas y con una forma distinta”, dijo la madre.

Casanellas dijo que jamás había sospechado de Guidos, con quien realizó los controles médicos durante seis meses de embarazo.

Sin embargo, recordó que Guidos había sido inusualmente atento.

“Una noche en enero en que se temió que perdiera al bebé, el médico se quedó conmigo durante toda la noche”, dijo la madre.

“Me pareció algo muy profesional y no fue sino hasta después de la denuncia que los investigadores me dijeron que eso no era nada común”.

“El Dr. Guidos era además la única persona que sabía que mi esposo era británico y que estaría fuera del país durante un mes”.

“Sólo pedimos al niño”

Mercedes Casanellas siempre sospechó que el niño que amamantaba no era su hijo.

“Tengo un bebé hermoso en casa. No es mío y tal vez otra madre está sufriendo como yo”, había declarado semanas atrás.

Aún no se dio a conocer el nombre de los padres biológicos del niño que Mercedes Casanellas criaba como suyo.

Los bebés fueron identificados luego de realizadas pruebas de ADN a cuatro familias, según informes en la prensa local.

La investigación continúa. No se ha determinado aún si el intercambio fue producto de un error o si hubo algún tipo de acción criminal, pero la fiscalía confirmó que se investigará también a varias enfermeras y otros empleados del Hospital Ginecológico.

El fiscal general, Luis Martínez, informó en una conferencia de prensa que la entrega de los bebés a sus respectivas familias se realizó en presencia de una jueza de paz y se evitó hacer un “espectáculo mediático” por respeto a los niños y a sus padres.

“Hemos sido testigos de un cuadro muy emotivo e intenso por parte de ambas familias”, dijo Martínez.

Antes de que se dilucidara el caso, el abogado de Mercedes Casanellas y su esposo habían declarado: “Necesitamos al niño. Sólo eso pedimos, al niño”.

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El presidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa, felicitó a Colombia por el histórico acuerdo alcanzado este martes en lo que refiere al punto cinco de la agenda de los Acuerdos de Paz: las víctimas del conflicto armado colombiano.

“La paz de Colombia, la mejor noticia de las ultimas décadas para América Latina, sobre todo por Colombia y aunque nos beneficia, nos alegramos sobre todo por Colombia”, Fueron las primeras palabras de Correa al saludar el pacto. 

“Lo que son buenas noticias para Colombia también lo son para el Ecuador”.

Correa se pronunció sobre este hecho histórico en el VI Gabinete Binacional que realizan ambas naciones en Cali (sur de Colombia) donde tratarán temas concernientes a infraestructuras, seguridad u otros.

Vea→ En claves: Acuerdo de justicia entre las FARC y el Gobierno



Por su parte, el Ministro Coordinador de la Producción, Empleo y Competitividad en Ecuador, Vinicio Alvarado, publicó a través de su cuenta en Twitter el agradecimiento de Santos a Correa por su apoyo en el proceso de paz en su país.



No deje de ver→ Cronología de los Acuerdos de Paz

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Como ya es habitual al concluir sus viajes, el papa Francisco concedió una rueda de prensa, el 29 de abril pasado, en el vuelo de retorno a Roma tras su visita a Egipto. Ante la pregunta del periodista Antonio Pelayo, del medio español Antena 3, sobre la posibilidad de que se retome el diálogo en Venezuela con la mediación de la Santa Sede, que se estancó en diciembre, el sumo pontífice respondió: “No resultó porque las propuestas no eran aceptadas, o se diluían, era un sí-sí, pero no-no… Y sé que ahora están insistiendo… Yo creo que tiene que ser con condiciones ya, condiciones muy claras. Parte de la oposición no quiere esto. Es curioso, la misma oposición está dividida, y por otro lado parece que los conflictos se agudizan cada vez más”.

Su frase, en la que habló de la oposición sin cuestionar al gobierno de Nicolás Maduro, acusado por sus detractores de violar los derechos humanos, fue un polvorín para quienes lideran las protestas contra el régimen venezolano.

Lea también: Papa Francisco llama a un cese de la violencia en Venezuela

Uno de los primeros en reaccionar fue el líder opositor Enrique Capriles: “Escuché unas declaraciones del papa, que habla de que la oposición está dividida, eso no es verdad. Habla como que si unos quisieran dialogar y otros no. Los venezolanos queremos dialogar, pero no estamos dispuestos a un diálogo (al estilo de José Luis Rodríguez) Zapatero”, dijo sobre el exmandatario español, a quien la oposición acusa de haber favorecido los intereses del gobierno de Maduro.

Y los integrantes de la Mesa de la Unidad Democrática (MUD), coalición de partidos opositores, publicó el domingo pasado una carta abierta al papa: “Los venezolanos estamos hoy más unidos que nunca en torno a la demanda de un cambio político”.

El cuestionamiento también se dio por parte de un sacerdote católico de Maracaibo. En entrevista con Infobae, el padre José Palmar calificó de lamentable “el mutismo de Francisco sobre la realidad totalitaria, dictatorial y violenta del régimen de Maduro”. Añadió que el papa emitió esa opinión porque no conoce la realidad y que el “regaño” a la oposición no hubiese sido un problema si criticaba por igual al régimen: “Nos estamos muriendo de hambre…, no hay insumos para pacientes, aquí los niños se nos mueren y el papa debería decirle a Maduro que permita que vengan los barcos con comida, los aviones con medicina”.

Lea también: Maduro busca la ayuda del papa

Palmar dijo que afirma lo que ve: “Habla un cura de un barrio donde los pobres están todos los días comiendo basura. El domingo hacemos una olla comunitaria para que coman 300 personas y esa es la única comida caliente que tienen en el día”, agregó en medio de los enfrentamientos que superan los 30 muertos en Venezuela.

Al día siguiente de la rueda de prensa en el vuelo, Francisco volvió a hablar: “Hago un sentido llamado al Gobierno y a todos los estamentos de la sociedad venezolana para que eviten cualquier otra forma de violencia, que se respeten los derechos humanos y que se busque una solución negociada”. Y ocho gobiernos de América Latina, entre los que están Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Perú, Paraguay y Uruguay, se han adherido a esta última petición. (I)

No le dijo nada al régimen, no se expresó sobre el estado de hambruna, muerte y miseria. Habló de nuestra división… ¿Y del otro lado qué?”.
José Palmar,
Sacerdote venezolano

La Unidad… ha dejado claro ante los venezolanos y ante el mundo que el único diálogo que se acepta hoy en Venezuela es el de los votos”.
Carta de la Mesa de Unidad Democrática al papa Francisco

Se ha dado un diálogo inicial con condiciones no cumplidas… Sobre todo con respecto a la liberación de los presos políticos de parte del Gobierno”.
César Piechestein,
Sacerdote ecuatoriano

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Speaker Nancy PelosiNancy PelosiPelosi: Impeachment worth losing House in 2020 Pelosi: Turning Texas blue is ‘our hope for the future’ Trump rips impeachment as ‘single greatest scam’ MORE (D-Calif.) told a crowd Saturday that Texas is a top target for Democrats come 2020.

Pelosi said at Tribune Fest hosted by the Texas Tribune that she agreed with Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairwoman Rep. Cheri BustosCheryl (Cheri) Lea BustosPelosi: Turning Texas blue is ‘our hope for the future’ Here are the Democrats who aren’t co-sponsoring an assault weapons ban GOP struggles with retirement wave MORE‘ (D-Ill.) characterization of the state as “ground zero” for the party.

“This is it,” Pelosi said. “Texas is our hope for the future. And I’m not just talking about Democrats. I am talking about the country and the world. When Texas goes blue, that’s going to be very wholesome for our nation.  It is a beautifully diverse state in every way.”

Her remarks follow those from Manny Garcia, executive director of the Texas Democratic Party, who told Hill.TV earlier this month that his state would be the top swing state in the nation in 2020.

“Texas is the biggest battleground state in the country,” he said. “We are dramatically changing, we’re changing quite rapidly.”

“When you ask Texans if they would vote for Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPelosi: Impeachment worth losing House in 2020 Pelosi: Turning Texas blue is ‘our hope for the future’ State Dept. ramps up probe into Clinton email server: report MORE or someone else, someone else currently wins,” Garcia added.

Four Texas Republicans have announced their retirements in recent weeks, and some districts including Rep. Will HurdWilliam Ballard HurdPelosi: Turning Texas blue is ‘our hope for the future’ Sunday shows lineup: Trump impeachment dominates the talk circuit The Hill’s Campaign Report: Impeachment fight poses risks to both Trump, Dems MORE‘s (D-Texas) have been moved from “toss up” to “lean Democratic” in recent weeks by the Cook Political Report.

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Florida on Thursday passed new voting laws that place restrictions around vote-by-mail and ballot drop boxes.

Florida’s state legislature passed a bill that specifies who can drop off a ballot at a drop box and where drop boxes can be placed. It also stipulates that drop boxes cannot be moved 30 days before the election and that an election official must be around when the drop box is opened, NBC News reported.

Along with drop boxes, voters will have to request to vote by mail more frequently. The bill also gives new powers to election observers and specifies that private funds cannot be used to pay election officials.

Other changes include giving Gov. Ron DeSantisRon DeSantisFlorida joins Georgia in passing new voting restrictions, including limits on vote-by-mail, drop boxes Pence urges ‘positive’ agenda to counter Biden in first speech since leaving office Trump: I would ‘certainly’ consider DeSantis as 2024 running mate MORE (R) the power to appoint officials to local offices if the positions are left by those running for state office.

The bill was passed in the state House 77-40 and in the Senate 23-17, according to NBC News.

The bill was amended to be less strict, with the original version banning drop boxes completely.

Florida joins Georgia in passing more stringent voting laws. Georgia earlier this month passed stricter voting laws that resulted in outrage from Democrats, including President BidenJoe BidenBiden prepping cybersecurity executive order in response to SolarWinds attack Photoshopped deer in Kevlar vests circulate after Biden gun control comment Majority of viewers approved of Biden address to Congress: poll MORE, who compared the Peach State’s new voting restrictions to Jim Crow laws. Other states with GOP-controlled legislatures such as Arizona are also looking at amending voting laws.

A Florida state Democrat, Rep. Omari Hardy, mimicked language used to describe the Georgia voting bill in calling Florida’s bill the “the revival of Jim Crow in this state, whether the sponsors admit it or not.”

“I take some issue with the fact that we’re trying to somehow restrict the vote. There are more ways to vote in Florida and a longer opportunity than just about any state in the nation,” state Rep. Ralph Massullo (R) said.

“Fraud will be reduced as much as we can possibly do it with the work we’re doing today,” Massullo added.

The bill not goes to DeSantis’s desk to be signed.

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US authorities fired tear gas into Mexico on Tuesday as about 150 asylum seekers tried to breach the border fence. 

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said in a statement that tear gas was used to target rock throwers, not those attempting to cross the border south of San Diego, California.

A photographer of the Associated Press (AP) news agency saw at least three volleys of gas launched onto the Mexican side of the border near Tijuana’s beach that affected the migrants, including women and children, as well as journalists. The photographer said rocks were thrown only after US agents fired tear gas. 

CBP said, “no agents witnessed any of the migrants at the fence line, including children, experiencing effects of the chemical agents, which were targeted at the rock throwers further away.”

The agency also said agents saw “toddler-sized children” being passed over concertina wire with difficulty. It said its agents could not assist the children because of the rocks being thrown. Agents responded with smoke, pepper spray and tear gas, it said.

About 25 people were arrested by CBP. The incident is being reviewed by the agency’s Office of Professional Responsibility. 

Amnesty International called the use of tear gas “cruel and inhumane”. 

“The Trump administration is defying international law and orchestrating a crisis by deliberately turning asylum-seekers away from ports of entry, endangering families who see no choice but to take desperate measures in their search for protection,” Justin Mazzola, Amnesty’s deputy director of research, said in a statement. 

Migrants and refugees run as tear gas is thrown by US Border Protection officers to the Mexican side of the border fence [Daniel Ochoa de Olza/AP Photo]

Migrants and refugees who spoke to the Associated Press said they arrived in Tijuana last month with a mass exodus from Honduras, initially dubbed a caravan. 

The exodus, which left Honduras in mid-October, grew to more than 6,000 members during its month-and-a-half trek north. It has been a constant target of US President Donald Trump, who has falsely labelled it an “invasion” and has sought to use it to sow fear and drum up support for his proposed border wall. 

Many Central Americans have told Al Jazeera they are fleeing violence, political persecution and extreme poverty. 

‘Where there’s life, there’s hope’ 

Those who have arrived in Tijuana to seek asylum in the United States have been told they may have to wait months before being allowed to make their claims. Rights groups and asylum seekers have accused the US government of stalling the asylum process, an allegation the US denies. 

The long process has prompted many to attempt to cross the border between official ports in hopes of making their asylum claims sooner. Others have found jobs in Tijuana while they want to apply at an official port. And others have made the journey home. 

“I haven’t seen my family in two months, but right now, God willing, we’ll reach our dream,” Marvin Ceballos, a Honduran asylum seeker, told Al Jazeera.

“If I’m caught, I can plead and fight for asylum. If I’m deported, I guess I’ll keep moving forward,” he said.

“Where there’s life, there’s hope.”

Last month, the Trump administration announced that it would send asylum seekers back to Mexico to wait out their immigration proceedings. Details regarding the new policy, including when it would take effect, have not been disclosed. 

In November, US agents launched tear gas across the border after some migrants tried to breach the border following a peaceful march in Tijuana. Hundreds of migrants and refugees who were downwind of the gas were affected.

Trump is currently locked in a fight with congressional Democrats over funding for the border wall that he wants to build. The stalemate has led to a partial government shutdown.

On Friday, Trump threatened to seal the US-Mexico border “entirely” if Congress did not approve billions of dollars in funding for the wall.

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LOS ANGELES – Sam Taylor-Johnson no regresará para dirigir las próximas películas de “Cincuenta sombras de Grey”.

“Dirigir ‘Cincuenta sombras de Grey’ ha sido un viaje intenso e increíble del cual estoy enormemente agradecida”, dijo la realizadora el miércoles en un comunicado al sitio especializado Deadline en el que agradeció a Universal Pictures.

Su adaptación de 40 millones de dólares de la novela erótica de E.L. James ha recaudado la impresionante suma de 558 millones de dólares en tan sólo en seis semanas en cines, pero incluso antes de que la película se estrenara había rumores de que Taylor-Johnson no sería la persona a cargo de la adaptación de “Cincuenta sombras más oscuras” y “Cincuenta sombras liberadas”.

Se espera que los protagonistas Dakota Johnson y Jamie Dornan regresen para ambas, pero este anuncio no se ha hecho oficialmente.

Aunque no es nada nuevo que una serie de películas tenga distintos directores, como “Crepúsculo”, “Los juegos del hambre” y “Divergente”, que cambiaron de director entre la primera y la segunda cinta, las diferencias de Taylor-Johnson y James fueron ampliamente reportadas.

Previamente en el año James, quien también es una de las productoras del filme, hizo alusión a sus conflictos diciendo a The Associated Press: “Tuve que pelear muy duro por muchas cosas”, que incluyeron un desacuerdo sobre el último diálogo de la película.

A pesar de esto en su comunicado Taylor-Johnson destacó “las relaciones estrechas y duraderas” que creó con el elenco, los productores y el equipo de producción y “especialmente con Dakota y Jamie”.

“Le deseo éxito a quien que asuma los emocionantes de retos de las películas dos y tres”, dijo.

Un representante de Universal Pictures dijo que no tenían comentarios al respecto.

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Kudlow says Trump and Xi are likely to meet at G-20 summit…

Kudlow, however, said there are “no concrete, definite plans” yet for when U.S. and Chinese negotiators will meet again.

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Este humorista había superado casi todas las pruebas que le había puesto la vida.

Hace 12 años Francisco Fuentes decidió aprovechar esa chispa humorística que lo caracterizaba y seguir los consejos de su madre para presentarse a Sábados Felices. Con el tiempo se preparó e hizo su rutina, presentó casting y quedó elegido.

Fue así como un 18 de agosto grabó el primer programa y aunque estaba nervioso lo logró y empezó el trabajo profesional como humorista, un sueño cumplido para el boyacense.

Fuentes afirmaba que su vida real no se parecía en nada a la de ‘Pacho sin fortuna’, pues él contó con suerte y miles de bendiciones; hasta estando en los momentos más duros aprendió de ellos.

Ver aquí: Francisco, Pacho sin fortuna, un luchador de la vida

Otro de los milagros fue el recuperarse de un cáncer diagnosticado en el 2005. “Cuando a uno le dicen cáncer, lo primero que se piensa es en la muerte”, afirmó Francisco, pero afortunadamente le regalaron una segunda oportunidad.

Y aunque pensó que lo más duro ya había pasado, lo esperaba una segunda prueba. Después de las quimioterapias recibió radioterapias, lo que debilitó a su organismo, generándole tuberculosis. Este suceso creó en su madre una gran tristeza, tanto que se le desarrolló a ella un cáncer y falleció en 2006. En ese momento Francisco superó varias pruebas, pero todavía le quedaba la más difícil, aquella que definiría si seguía o no con vida.

Sus compañeros de Sábados Felices nunca lo abandonaron. Fue tanto así que le rindieron un homenaje en su ciudad natal que le abrió puertas para ser el ganador a mejor cuenta chistes en diciembre del 2006. 

Rutinas como estas le significaron un par de premios y millones de aplausos: Pacho sin fortuna, peor que siempre

Pero cuando todo parecía estar bajo control, en marzo del 2013 una obstrucción intestinal, un déficit renal y un problema en sus pulmones, lo dejaron en coma 15 días, los médicos no daban esperanzas, entonces su esposa fue a la iglesia y le encomendó su salud a dios; sólo él podría decidir si su misión en la tierra había terminado o todavía quedaba algo pendiente.

Vea aquí: “Dios es el único que sabe cuándo es que le toca a uno”: Pacho Sin Fortuna

Duramente golpeado por las múltiples enfermedades, el querido personaje de Sábados Felices falleció la tarde del domingo 24 de enero en la Clínica de Bucaramanga, el mismo lugar en el que milagrosamente había recibido otra oportunidad. 




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CHICAGO, April 3, 2014 /PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/ — Hoy, the leading Hispanic print and digital media company in Chicago, announced today its entrance into broadcasting with the upcoming launch of Hoy Noticias MundoFox 13, a Spanish-language daily newscast in partnership with MundoFox. The newscast will be produced in Chicago by the recently-formed Hoy broadcasting team and televised on MundoFox 13 every Monday through Friday from 9-9:30pm (CDT). The first newscast will air on April 18.

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Hoy Noticias MundoFox 13 will focus on selectively-curated stories that are tailored to Chicago’s Spanish-speaking community, with a focus on in-depth reporting, analysis, and original content. Content will be reflective of the show’s new tagline: “El poder de la informacin” – the power of information.

“The dynamic and innovative Hoy Chicago team is once again breaking new ground,” said John Trainor, General Manager and Publisher of Hoy Chicago. “Partnering with a reputable broadcasting company like MundoFox, and their local affiliate WOCK-TV, positions Hoy for audience growth and creates valuable opportunities for our advertising clients to expand their reach and use of video.”

Hoy Noticias MundoFox 13 will feature news stories highlighting the most important issues affecting Hispanics in the Chicago community.

Additionally, regular segments covering business, sports, education, and lifestyle will be offered, as well as several special interest segments, including:

  • Immigration: discussing the latest on immigration laws, trends and reform.
  • Mexico Hoy: covering the latest news on economics, politics and social issues in Mexico.
  • Motores: showcasing the latest trends in the automotive industry.
  • Home Improvement: providing tips on home care and property management.
  • Gana Hoy: an engaging game-show segment allowing viewers the chance to win exciting prizes.

“MundoFox 13 is Chicago’s fastest-growing Hispanic TV station,” said Donald Bae, General Manager of WOCK-TV. “The next step in the evolution of our station is, not only to entertain, but also to educate and inform our viewers. The partnership with an established news organization like Hoy will allow us to deeply connect with our viewers and, at the same time, give our advertisers a unique opportunity within our two powerful brands.”

“MundoFox is changing the way Hispanics get their information in this great country. I applaud the leadership, vision and passion that MundoFox 13 and Hoy have demonstrated in bringing this project to fruition and I believe that this groundbreaking partnership will become an example for others to follow in the news industry,” said Jorge Mettey, SVP Noticias MundoFox.

While Hoy dominates Chicago’s Hispanic print market with more than 770,000 weekly copies distributed (including Hoy Fin de Semana) and a robust digital experience at , the MundoFox partnership ventures into unchartered broadcast territory, further expanding Hoy’s product offerings across all media platforms. Hoy’s recently-appointed Executive Producer of Video Content, Andres Lombana, together with award-winning journalist and Hoy’s Managing Editor, Fernando Diaz, will lead the broadcasting division, seeking to go beyond traditional reporting and analysis to find unique ways to serve the diverse Hispanic population.

“Technology allows brands to blur the lines and enter new spaces across mediums,” said Joseph Schiltz, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Targeted Media for Tribune Publishing. “We are eager to bring this opportunity to the marketplace.”

About Hoy:

Hoy is part of Tribune Media Group, publishing two of the leading Spanish-language newspapers in Chicago and Los Angeles. Hoy Fin de Semana is distributed in Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Tijuana and Mexicali; Hoy and Hoy Fin de Semana have a combined weekly distribution of over 2 million copies. Hoy boasts the only Spanish-language daily newspaper in Chicago and the Los Angeles Fin de Semana product is the largest home-delivered Spanish-language newspaper in the nation. Hoy has a diversified portfolio that includes online, mobile, out-of-home and digital signage solutions. Hoy is committed to engaging Latino audiences through a strong community presence. Its culturally-relevant content provides advertisers with an effective and trustworthy way to reach Hispanic communities in these two key markets. For more information about Hoy visit .

About MundoFox 13 Chicago:

MundoFox is a joint venture between Fox International Channels (FIC), 21st Century Fox’s international multimedia business, and RCN, the leading Latin American television network and production company belonging to Organizacin Ardila Llle (OAL). Together FIC and RCN currently reach over 1.6 billion subscribers worldwide with original series, novelas, dramas, game shows, reality, news and lifestyle programming. MundoFox is estimated to reach nearly 80% of Hispanic households in the United States and is broadcast over-the-air in the Chicago DMA on WOCK-TV, which is owned by Skoki-based KM communications Inc. In addition, WOCK-TV currently airs over the air on Channel 50.3, Channel 388 in SD and 178 in HD on Comcast, Channel 33 on RCN and Channel 13 in SD and 1013 in HD on AT&T U-Verse.


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Donald Trump has hit back at Barack Obama’s criticism of his administration’s handling of the coronavirus crisis, accusing the former US president of being “grossly incompetent” during his time in office.

It is rare for a former president to rebuke a successor, but Obama did so during an online speech to graduating university and high school students yesterday, although he did not name Trump in his comments.

“More than anything, this pandemic has fully, finally torn back the curtain that so many of the folks in charge know what they’re doing. A lot of them aren’t even pretending to be in charge,” Obama said during an online commencement address to graduates of historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) on Saturday.

On Sunday, Trump said he had not seen Obama’s comments, but added: “Look, he was an incompetent president, that’s all I can say. Grossly incompetent.”

Trump has faced widespread criticism for his administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, which has killed almost 90,000 people in the US, far higher than any other country in the world. Trump has insisted the US is making great progress against the virus, and has encouraged states to reopen their economies despite warnings from public health experts that such a move will lead to more deaths.

Trump accuses Obama of ‘gross incompetence’ – video

“So I think we had a great weekend. We did a lot of terrific meetings. Tremendous progress is being made on many fronts, including coming up with a cure for this horrible plague that has beset our country,” said Trump on Sunday. “It was a working weekend, it was a good weekend. A lot of very good things have happened.”

Although Obama has largely avoided criticizing Trump’s performance in office, in a call leaked last week the former president described the US government’s coronavirus response as, “an absolute chaotic disaster”, and questioned whether the justice department’s recent decision to drop charges against former national security advisor Michael Flynn could endanger the “rule of law” in the United States. The remarks prompted the US Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, a Republican, to tell the former president to “keep his mouth shut”.

Trump has recently sought to distract from the pandemic, including by pushing “#Obamagate” a conspiracy theory that accuses Obama of attempting to frame Trump for colluding with Russia to win the 2016 election. One former CIA analyst described as “a hashtag in search of a scandal”.

It is not the first time Trump has sought to promote conspiracy theories about the former president.

“Doing what feels good, what’s convenient, what’s easy – that’s how little kids think,” Obama said in a second virtual speech on Saturday evening for graduating US high school students. “Unfortunately, a lot of so-called grown-ups, including some with fancy titles and important jobs, still think that way – which is why things are so screwed up.”

The former president’s comments came amid dual crises – one a pandemic disproportionately sickening people of color in the US, and another born by the economic impacts of attempts to contain the virus through lockdowns. So far, there have been 1.4m confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the US, and millions of people are out of work.

“Let’s be honest, a disease like this just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country,” said Obama in the HBCU speech earlier on Saturday. “We see it in the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on our communities.”

Those crises, as well as the high-profile killings of black people by police, loomed large in the virtual event, itself necessitated by the shutdown of large gatherings to stem the spread of the disease.

“These aren’t normal times. You’re being asked to find your way in a world in the middle of a devastating pandemic and a terrible recession,” said Obama.

He added that the injustices faced by African Americans are not new, and described the recent high-profile killing of Ahmaud Arbery, an unarmed black jogger who was shot and killed after being pursued in broad daylight by a white former police officer and his son through a neighborhood in Georgia.

“We see it when a black man goes for a jog and some folks feel like they can stop and question and shoot him, if he doesn’t submit to their questioning,” said Obama.

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