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São Paulo – Ten Arab importers are engaging in matchmaking with Brazilian pharmaceutical and pharma-chemical companies on August 5th and 6th, at the CPhI South America fair in São Paulo. The meetings are being organized by the Brazilian Pharma-Chemical and Pharmaceutical Inputs Industry Association (Abiquifi) and the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce.

Abiquifi International Projects manager Natalia Porto explains that Arab companies do not come to Brazil looking to purchase specific types of products, but to engage in broader negotiation.

“Brazilian industries offer rather vast portfolios. The goal [of the matchmaking] is to bring Arabs and Brazilians together so they may weigh the business opportunities. We are focusing on potential exports, joint venture formation, licensing for overseas manufacturing, and the internationalization of Brazilian enterprises,” she said.

In order to participate in the matchmaking, Brazilian companies must be affiliated with the Brazilian Pharma Solutions project, sponsored by Abiquifi and the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil). Affiliation is cost-free and so is the matchmaking.

Abiquifi is expecting 10 to 15 Brazilian companies at the meetings with the Arabs. Registration is still open and will remain so until July 31st.

The Arab companies attending the matchmaking are Tabuk (Saudi Arabia), Bajafar Medical (Sudan), Reopharm (Jordan), Ibn Hayyan&Mohdar (Yemen), Pharmacare (Palestine), Al Taqaddom Pharmaceutical Industries (Jordan), Al Multaqa Drugs & Pharmaceutical (United Arab Emirates), Unipharma (Iraq), Biopharm and SigmaTec Pharma (Egypt).

Every year, Abiquifi holds matchmaking events during the CPhI South America, featuring importers from one single country or region. In 2014, the matchmaking will involve buyers from the Middle East and North Africa exclusively. In 2013, the guest country was Russia.

“The Arab market is a large one, and some of the countries are on our target list, such as Saudi Arabia and the Emirates,” the executive says on explaining the choice of the region. She also says she received requests from Brazilian companies, which are very much interested in the Arab countries, but find it difficult to break into the region’s markets. “Our main goal is to enter the markets,” says Porto, adding that the participating Arab companies are medium and large-sized.
She notes that some Arab countries are exportation hubs, therefore other markets can be reached through them.

As a preparation for the matchmaking, on July 30th, a workshop will be held on Cultural Aspects and Negotiation with Arab Countries. The event, at the Arab Chamber headquarters, will focus on business techniques with Arab businessmen, and an overview of the region’s pharmaceutical industry. The seminar is open to all interested companies.

According to figures compiled by the Arab Chamber, in 2013, Arab countries imported US$ 17 billion worth of pharmaceutical products. Imports from Brazil, however, amounted to only US$ 11.57 million. The leading pharmaceutical product suppliers to Arab countries are Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium and England.


Matchmaking at CPhI South America
Expo Center Norte
José Bernardo Pinto Street, 333 Vila Guilherme – São Paulo
August 5th and 6th
To register, send an email to

Workshop on Cultural Aspects and Negotiation with Arab Countries
July 30th at 9:30 pm
Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce headquarters
Paulista Avenue, 326, 11th floor – São Paulo
For additional information call (+55 11) 3147-4092 or send an email to

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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Trump triunfó en todos los estados pese a la alianza de última hora de sus rivales para bloquearlo

El magnate inmobiliario Donald Trump celebró su arrolladora victoria en las primarias del Partido Republicano de este martes con una dura arremetida contra quien se perfila como su rival de cara a las elecciones presidenciales, Hillary Clinton.

“Francamente, si Hillary Clinton fuera un hombre, no creo que consiguiera ni el 5% de los votos”, dijo Trump ante una multitud de seguidores en Nueva York tras confirmarse que había ganado en Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pensilvania y Rhode Island. los cinco estados en los que se votó el martes.

“Lo único que tiene es la carta de que es mujer. Y lo más bonito es que no gusta a las mujeres”, agregó Trump.

Para Trump, Clinton sería una “presidenta terrible” que no tiene “ni la fuerza ni la energía” que requiere el cargo.

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Hillary Clinton superó la barrera de los 2.000 delegados con sus victorias de este martes.

Por su parte, la exsecretaria de Estado, quien ganó en cuatro de los estados en los que hubo primarias demócratas, también criticó a Trump durante su discurso.

Clinton insistió en que la propuesta del empresario no aumentará las oportunidades ni reducirá las desigualdades entre los estadounidenses.

Trump se ve ganador

Trump no ocultó que, después de la victoria de este martes, considera seguro que será el candidato. “En lo que a mí me concierne, esto ya se ha acabado”,dijo.

Las proyecciones señalan que Trump supera ya la barrera de los 900 delegados, cuando necesita 1.237 para asegurarse la nominación como candidato del Partido Republicano en las elecciones presidenciales de noviembre.

Expertos en política estadounidense señalan que en cualquier caso Trump quedará por delante de sus rivales, el senador Ted Cruz y el gobernador John Kasich.

Agregan que la única opción que tienen Cruz y Kasich es evitar que el empresario neoyorquino llegue a los 1.237 delegados y provocar una “convención negociada”.

Para Trump, Cruz y Kasich están “perdiendo el tiempo”.

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Cruz y Kasich anunciaron recientemente una alianza contra Trump.


Este martes, Clinton ganó cómodamente por más de 12 puntos en Delaware, Maryland y Pensilvania, pero en Connecticut, sin embargo, su victoria fue bastante más ajustada.

En Rhode Island, la única victoria que pudo cantar Sanders, el senador se impuso por más de 13 puntos.

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Bernie Sanders anunció que seguirá en la carrera demócrata.

Clinton suma 2.137 entre delegados y superdelegados, más del 89% de los 2.383 que se requieren para ser asegurarse la candidatura demócrata. En ese partido siguen en juego 651 delegados.

Pese a lo cerca que está Clinton del número que necesita, de acuerdo a las reglas de las primarias demócratas, ningún precandidato puede cantar victoria hasta la convención de julio.

Clinton llamó a los partidarios de Bernie Sanders a “unificar el Partido Demócrata” pensando en las elecciones presidenciales del 8 de noviembre.

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CNN anchor Jake Tapper has repeatedly acknowledged the latest sexual misconduct allegation against Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, yet apparently has no time to talk about the claims on his own show. 

On Tuesday afternoon, the Albany Times Union published claims by a sixth Cuomo accuser, an unnamed former staffer who alleged that Cuomo had touched her inappropriately at the governor’s mansion late last year. 

Tapper, known as a regular Twitter user, retweeted the report after it was shared by Times Union editor Casey Seiler. 


However, Tapper made no mention of the sixth accuser on his show, “The Lead.” The rest of his CNN colleagues similarly avoided the story.

On Wednesday evening, the Times Union followed up its initial report with a bombshell containing disturbing details about the woman’s claims. 

“The staff member, whose identity is being withheld by the Times Union, had been called to the mansion under the apparent pretext of having her assist the governor with a minor technical issue involving his mobile phone,” the paper reported, citing a source with direct knowledge of the allegation. “They were alone in Cuomo’s private residence on the second floor when he closed the door and allegedly reached under her blouse and began to fondle her, according to the source.”


The report continued, “The person, who is not authorized to comment publicly, said the woman — who is much younger than Cuomo — told the governor to stop. Her broader allegations include that he frequently engaged in flirtatious behavior with her, and that it was not the only time that he had touched her.”

Cuomo denied the allegations but called the reported details “gut-wrenching.”

A report about the alleged groping has since been made to Albany Police by the New York State Executive Chamber.

Tapper not only posted the Times Union report to his account but retweeted Cuomo’s response to the groping allegation, which had been posted by others. 

However, there was still no mention of Cuomo’s sixth accuser on the air.

Instead, Tapper ran an expansive report on Thursday about the latest Cuomo drama, which featured New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio joining the calls for his resignation and his program’s own fact-checking of Cuomo’s misleading nursing home rhetoric in the early months of the coronavirus pandemic.


When addressing the sexual misconduct allegations, CNN correspondent Brynn Gingras told Tapper, “Five women, four who formerly worked with or for the governor, have publicly accused Cuomo of either sexual harassment or inappropriate behavior,” putting emphasis on the accusers who “publicly” came forward. 

The inexplicable omission continued Friday, even after New York magazine published an essay written by Cuomo’s seventh accuser, former Albany reporter Jessica Bakeman.  

Bakeman alleged that the governor touched her inappropriately and made her feel uncomfortable in an attempt to impose his power on the young journalist.


“I never thought the governor wanted to have sex with me. It wasn’t about sex. It was about power,” Bakeman wrote. “He uses touching and sexual innuendo to stoke fear in us. That is the textbook definition of sexual harassment.”

Like the previous reports, Tapper retweeted the essay twice after it was shared by two CNN analysts, New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman and Washington Post reporter Seung Min Kim. 

On Friday’s installment of “The Lead,” neither Bakeman’s nor the sixth accuser’s allegations were mentioned in Tapper’s report about Cuomo.

After panning Cuomo’s comments during a phone call with reporters in which the governor attacked “cancel culture” and asserted that he’s “not part of a political club,” Tapper referred to “at least five” accusers who have come forward, despite there being seven accusers by the time his show aired.  


Conservative commentator Stephen Miller, a vocal critic of Tapper on Twitter, told Fox News that CNN’s star anchor has a “reputation” of retweeting “damning stories of Democrats” and “that’s his way of covering it, and then topics on his show are different.”

“He plays the role [CNN President] Jeff Zucker wants him to play, like pretty much everyone else at CNN. Pretty simple,” Miller said. 

Tapper did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment. 

Tapper’s colleague, Wolf Blitzer did address Bakeman’s claims on “The Situation Room.” However, after a guest alluded to the sixth accuser’s groping allegation, Blitzer told viewers that CNN “has not confirmed” the unnamed woman’s claims. 

The pro-Cuomo network previously went two full days without mentioning the explosive reporting from the Times Union that outlined the groping allegation. Even on Thursday, as multiple CNN anchors reported on the “latest” developments, they steered clear of the sixth accuser’s claim. 

Nearly 40 minutes into the 3 p.m. ET program Thursday, CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin addressed the 59 New York Democrats who have signed a letter calling for Cuomo’s resignation and invited Democratic State Assemblyman Zohran Mamdani, who expressed his support for the governor’s impeachment. 


During the interview, Mamdani mentioned the Times Union report, but Baldwin refrained from acknowledging the sixth accuser and moved on to another question about the impeachment push. 

Later that day, both Tapper and Blitzer skipped over the groping allegation while covering the Cuomo scandals.

On Friday’s “New Day,” its daily morning show, CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota gently pushed back after her guest, New York Times journalist Jesse McKinley mentioned that “six” accusers had come forward at the time against Cuomo, telling viewers, “CNN hasn’t been able to confirm that number.”

CNN previously went roughly an entire day before mentioning the allegations made by Cuomo’s first accuser, Lindsey Boylan, a former aide who wrote an essay accusing her former boss of unwanted touching, inappropriate comments, and forcibly kissing her on the lips. 


Meanwhile, the liberal network had no problem running an anonymous woman’s sexual misconduct allegation against now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh after it was reported that a letter was sent to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., during the Trump appointee’s 2018 confirmation hearings. That woman was later identified as Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. 

CNN previously did not respond to Fox News’ request for comment. 

The mainstream media previously hailed Cuomo’s “leadership” in the early months of the coronavirus pandemic; CNN media correspondent Brian Stelter at one point sycophantically said Cuomo provided “hope” and he would pass Cuomo’s advice along to his own children.

The governor is the older brother of the network’s star anchor, Chris Cuomo, putting CNN in an awkward position.


Rather than cover the Democratic governor objectively, CNN allowed the “Cuomo Prime Time” host to welcome the governor for a series of chummy interviews that lacked in substance but were heavy in fanfare.

While Gov. Cuomo’s controversial nursing home policy went virtually unmentioned, the CNN anchor made plenty of time for brotherly banter, hyping the governor’s presidential prospects, and even prop comedy. 

Now, as his brother faces multiple scandals and investigations, as well as calls for his resignation and impeachment, Chris Cuomo has said he “obviously” cannot cover the embattled governor despite previously starring in what critics dubbed CNN’s “Cuomo-Cuomo variety hour.” 

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The president made no public appearances Friday, a day after the United States recorded 2,879 Americans deaths caused by COVID-19, 217,664 confirmed cases of the virus and over 100,000 hospitalizations — all records.

Trump has spent his waning days in office not focused on leading the United States through a historic, deadly crisis but rather fundraising for his future political endeavors and sowing doubt in the country’s democratic foundations.

Regurgitating debunked conspiracy theories about electoral fraud that courts across the country have rejected, the president and the Republican Party have collected hundreds of millions of dollars as Trump mulls another run for the presidency four years down the line.

More than 276,000 Americans have been killed so far, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday predicted 53,000 more lives could be lost by Dec. 26. On average, one person died every 30 seconds Thursday.

“The reality is, December and January and February are going to be rough times,” the CDC’s director, Robert Redfield, said Wednesday. “I actually believe they’re going to be the most difficult time in the public health history of this nation, largely because of the stress that it’s going to put on our health care system.”

Trump’s Twitter feed, meanwhile, has focused almost entirely on making wild, false accusations of electoral fraud.

Trump has held few public events since the election ended on Nov. 3, with just one devoted to the virus — a Nov. 13 Rose Garden gathering at which he touted what he characterized as the United States’ unprecedented pace at producing vaccines.

Asked Thursday what, if anything, the president was doing that day to address the pandemic, the White House did not offer any specifics. Asked about what he was doing Friday related to the pandemic, the White House did not respond.

As millions of Americans experience economic hardship, Trump on Thursday expressed general support for coronavirus-related relief from Congress. But he has shown little interest in engaging with Capitol Hill during negotiations over what form that support would take.

In pre-taped, scripted remarks that aired during the National Christmas Tree lighting ceremony Thursday, Trump did briefly mention the “once-in-a-century pandemic,” noting “the goodness of our fellow citizens” and workers producing “life-saving supplies and critical aid.”

“Brave doctors, nurses and first responders have courageously risked their lives to save others,” he said.

In recent days, Trump has lamented that President-elect Joe Biden could receive credit for the vaccines. Inoculations may begin as soon as late next week — pending authorization by the Food and Drug Administration — although most doses would be distributed after Biden takes office in January.

Trump on Wednesday posted a 46-minute diatribe filled with a dizzying array of falsehoods about the election he lost — which he delivered standing at a podium with the presidential seal, in the White House.

Declaring “this may be the most important speech I’ve ever made,” he only briefly mentioned the coronavirus — blaming Democrats for “using the pandemic as a pretext” to expand access to voting by mail.

“It is important for Americans to understand,” he said, “that these destructive changes to our election laws were not a necessary response to the pandemic.”

Trump offered no evidence to back his claim. He also made no reference to the virus’s victims.

As the president’s words and tweets became further detached from reality over the past month, more Americans died.

Trump’s former campaign manager, Brad Parsacle, said in an interview this week that he thought Trump’s lack of public empathy tipped the election in Biden’s favor.

“I think it was the decision on COVID to go for opening the economy vs. public empathy,” Parscale said in an interview with Fox News that aired Tuesday. “And I think a young family with a young child who, one, were scared to take them back to school, wanted to see an empathetic president and an empathetic Republican Party.”

“I think he could have leaned into it, instead of run away from it,” Parscale added.

Instead, Trump’s White House has become a poster child for behavior public health experts say will make the situation worse.

It has begun hosting large, indoor holiday parties — directly contradicting guidance from the CDC — one of which Trump attended on Monday. Few of the attendees wore masks or practiced social distancing.

Dozens of White House officials, Trump allies, campaign officials and others have tested positive for COVID-19 in a series of outbreaks, including the president, first lady and their 14-year-old son, sometimes after large or indoor events.

West Wing staffers eschew mask-wearing, and the president has publicly mocked those who follow common-sense precautions.

The president plans to hold another packed, outdoor campaign rally in Georgia Saturday for two GOP candidates facing Senate runoffs. It appears to be styled after the dozens he held in the final days of his reelection campaign, when thousands of his supporters crammed together and most did not wear masks.

ABC News’ Anne Flaherty and Josh Margolin contributed reporting.

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São Paulo – In 2013, Brazilian companies became more international than in 2012. According to a survey conducted by Dom Cabral Foundation, last year Brazilian companies attained 22.9% of internationalization. In 2012, the rate was 21.3%. The study covered 52 multinational companies and 14 companies which operate abroad via franchises.

The internationalization or transnationality index is the result of three calculations performed by the Dom Cabral Foundation: ratio of assets abroad to total assets; ratio of foreign revenue to total revenue; and ratio of foreign workforce to total workforce.

As per these ratios, construction company Norberto Odebrecht was the most international business in 2013, with a 0.549 score. Next on the list are Gerdau (steel), InterCement (cement), Stefanini (software consulting), Metalfrio (refrigerators), Magnesita (steel), Marfrig (meat), JBS (meat), Artecola (chemicals) and Ibope (statistics institute). This was the first time in the last four editions of the ranking that JBS did not top the list.

The ranking of companies active in the highest number of countries is topped by Stefanini, operating in 32 countries, followed by the electric engine manufacturer WEG, active in 31 countries, the mining company Vale, in 27 countries, bus manufacturer Marcopolo (25) and the bank Banco do Brasil (24).

In revenues, JBS leads the ranking, followed by Norberto Odebrecht, Magnesita, Marfrig and Gerdau. The ranking by assets is topped by Magnesita, followed by the meat plant Minerva Foods, Stefanini, Metalfrio and Gerdau. In the workforce index, the most international company is InterCement, followed by Marfrig, JBS, Metalfrio and Gerdau.

The ranking has shown that the Brazilian multinationals surveyed operate in 89 countries. The United States has the strongest Brazilian presence: 39 companies in total, followed by Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, China, Venezuela, Paraguay, Portugal, Bolivia and the United Kingdom.

Countries and franchises

Among the Arab countries, Brazilian companies are present in Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon and Oman. In Kuwait, Brazilian companies operate via franchises only. The survey shows that in 2013 five Brazilian companies fled Argentina due to its struggling economy. Brazilian companies did not flee Arab countries; in fact Saudi Arabia, the Emirates and Lebanon received one new Brazilian company each.

The most internationalized franchise-based company was car rental group Localiza, followed by the natural food store chain Mundo Verde, grooming parlor chain DepylAction, eyewear retailer Chilli Beans, shoe retailer Datelli, clothes manufacturer Hering, fast food chain Giraffas, yoghurt store chain Yogoberry, shoe store chain Arezzo and beauty spa Magrass.

As regards franchises, the index is calculated based on ratio of stores abroad to total number of stores; royalties from foreign operations to total royalties; and revenue from foreign franchisees’ sales in comparison to total franchisees’ sales.

According to the survey, 65.1% of the companies surveyed plan on expanding their operations in countries they already operate in this year, and 55.6% plan on entering new countries. The survey’s coordinator, Sherban Cretoiu, said the companies were more optimistic about sales abroad than domestic sales, which may be related to the slowdown in Brazil’s economy.

*Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça

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The FDA, CDC and American Medical Association have all warned against the use of ivermectin (shown here in India) in treating COVID-19 patients.

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The FDA, CDC and American Medical Association have all warned against the use of ivermectin (shown here in India) in treating COVID-19 patients.

Soumyabrata Roy/NurPhoto/Getty Images

A judge in Ohio has reversed an earlier emergency order that required a hospital to administer ivermectin to a COVID-19 patient against the hospital’s wishes. The anti-parasitic drug is most commonly used in the U.S. as a dewormer in animals.

Federal agencies and medical associations alike have cautioned against the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19, as there is little evidence it is effective. But prescriptions — and related calls to poison control centers — have skyrocketed in 2021 as right-wing media have hyped it as a treatment for COVID-19.

A previous ruling by a different judge had ordered the hospital, West Chester Hospital near Cincinnati, to administer the drug to a patient after his wife brought suit over the hospital’s refusal to administer a prescription written by an outside doctor.

“After considering all of the evidence presented in this case, there can be no doubt that the medical and scientific communities do not support the use of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19,” Judge Michael A. Oster wrote in the new ruling, issued Monday.

Ivermectin is used in humans to treat parasites such as lice and the worms that cause river blindness. It is also approved by the Food and Drug Administration for similar use in animals, including as a livestock dewormer and a heartworm preventative for dogs and cats.

But the FDA, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and American Medical Association have all warned against using ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment until additional clinical trials can be completed. The National Institutes of Health, which has not issued a formal recommendation, says most existing studies about the drug’s ability to fight COVID-19 “had incomplete information and significant methodological limitations.”

At the center of the lawsuit affected by Monday’s order is Jeffrey Smith, who tested positive for the coronavirus in July, court records say.

After Smith was admitted to West Chester Hospital, his condition deteriorated steadily. In mid-July, he was transferred to the intensive care unit. On Aug. 1, he was placed on a ventilator. By Aug. 20, doctors put him in a medically induced coma.

His wife, Julie Smith, contacted Dr. Fred Wagshul, affiliated with the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, which has lobbied for the use of ivermectin in COVID-19 patients. He is not board certified within any specialty and has not worked at a hospital in 10 years, according to his own testimony.

Wagshul provided a prescription for ivermectin, doing so without having seen Smith and despite lacking medical privileges at West Chester Hospital, court records say.

The hospital refused to administer the drug, saying it would interfere with other medications.

When Julie Smith filed suit, a different judge granted an emergency injunction on Aug. 23 that ordered West Chester Hospital to begin administering 30 milligrams daily for 21 days. The Smiths’ attorney say that Jeffrey Smith’s condition has since improved.

But in another hearing last week, doctors from West Chester Hospital told the court that ivermectin had not helped their patient. Wagshul, testifying on behalf of the Smiths, did not convince the judge otherwise.

“Plaintiff’s own witness … testified that ‘I honestly don’t know’ if continued use of ivermectin will benefit Jeff Smith,” Oster wrote in the ruling.

“While this court is sympathetic to the Plaintiff and understands the idea of wanting to do anything to help her loved one, public policy should not and does not support allowing a physician to try ‘any’ type of treatment on human beings,” the judge wrote.

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Oficina del Alguacil del condado de Hillsborough

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Mowry enfrenta cargos de abuso sexual.

Cuando tenía 22 años, en enero de 2014, Marissa Ashley Mowry tuvo relaciones sexuales con un menor de 11 años en una casa cerca de la ciudad de Tampa, Florida, en el sureste de Estados Unidos, según las autoridades.

Mowry quedó embarazada y en octubre de 2014 dio a luz a su hijo.

La mujer y el joven padre siguieron teniendo relaciones sexuales “múltiples veces” hasta que este cumplió 14 años, según la Oficina del Alguacil del Condado de Hillsborough, Florida.

Debido a estos hechos, Mowry, ahora de 25 años, fue arrestada el martes, informó la Oficina del Alguacil.

Fue detenida a la salida del parque temático Busch & Gardens, en Tampa, donde trabajaba en un puesto de comida, según los medios estadounidenses.

3 años después

La joven enfrenta cargos de abuso sexual contra una víctima menor de 12 años, de acuerdo con la Oficina del Alguacil.

El menor, que ahora tiene 15 años, “cooperó” con la investigación, le dijo la Oficina del Alguacil a BBC Mundo.

La mujer ha sido acusada recién ahora, tres años después de que supuestamente cometiera el delito, “porque el caso no fue reportado en 2014”, añadió la entidad.

El Registro Estatal de Abuso de Florida recibió un reporte anónimo en abril de 2017 y lo transmitió a las autoridades de Hillsborough, según le contó a BBC Mundo Larry Mckinnon, vocero de la Oficina del Alguacil.

Según le comentó la policía a la prensa, Mowry no tiene abogado por el momento. De ser hallada culpable, podría ir a prisión de por vida, indicó McKinnon.

Por su parte el hijo, que ahora tiene 3 años, vivirá “con un adulto responsable”.

La División de Protección Infantil del condado está colaborando en la investigación del caso, según las autoridades de Hillsborough.

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La Presidenta Cristina Fernandez se refirió anoche, a la cantidad de “noticias negativas” que se difunden en radio y televisión, según un análisis realizado por la Jefatura de Gabinete, que maneja Jorge Capitanich.

“Si alguno me proyecta la del circulito rojo, de las radios”, pidió ayer la mandataria en medio del acto que encabezó en la Casa Rosada para presentar el plan de 12 cuotas sin interés “Ahora 12”, y así comenzó su exposición sobre “la cadena del desánimo”, como suele llamar a los medios que informan supuestas “malas noticias”.

Según aseguró, el 79 por ciento de las noticias que se emiten en las primeras horas de los programas radiales son “negativas”, el 17 por ciento son “positivas” y el 4 por ciento son “neutras”. Cristina Kirchner no explicó a qué correspondía específicamente cada etiqueta.

No pueden pasar tantas cosas negativas, porque si no las gentes estarían suicidándose, realmente si todo esto pasara realmente en el país…

“No pueden pasar tantas cosas negativas, porque si no las gentes estarían suicidándose, realmente si todo esto pasara realmente en el país… (sic.)”, dijo la mandataria, antes de exponer un gráfico de torta en el que la porción más grande estaba pintada de roja y correspondía a las “malas noticias”.

“Analizamos las noticias, y los programas periodísticos, de primera y segunda mañana, tienen 79 por ciento de noticias políticas y económicas negativas; un 17 por ciento positivas y un 4 por ciento neutras”, expuso la Presidenta, que luego marcó una excepción a su propia regla: “¿No me creen? Vamos a los medios para que vean. Radio Nacional es la única positiva, bueno fuera también que Radio Nacional fuera también mala onda y neutra una sola: Del Plata, el resto… ¡Dios mío! Apágalo porque si no te das un tiro, está hecho todo por grupos, por medios, por segundo, por participación”.

Finalmente, Cristina Kirchner aseguró que no escucha radio

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Know about college admissions wrongdoing? Tell us here.

A Harvard graduate, Mark Riddell had an uncanny knack for standardized tests, able to calibrate his answers perfectly to get any score.

His mastery made him an invaluable commodity in the college admissions bribery scheme, an SAT and ACT ringer who doctored entrance exams or took the tests on behalf of students at least 25 times, prosecutors said Friday in federal court in Boston. He was paid a total of $240,000, they said.

Riddell, a 36-year-old former tennis pro from Palmetto, Fla., pleaded guilty Friday to two federal felony charges in connection with the nationwide college admissions scandal.

He faces a sentence of 33 to 41 months in prison under sentencing guidelines, and is the latest defendant to plead guilty in the college admissions cheating scheme that helped the children of celebrities and wealthy power brokers get into elite colleges that otherwise may not have accepted them.

Many of the students were unaware of the fraud. But in at least one case, the daughter of a Silicon Valley hedge fund leader was there when Riddell helped her with the SAT, and gloated about it afterward, prosecutors say.

“They celebrated the successful cheating on the car ride to Riddell’s hotel,” Assistant US Attorney Eric S. Rosen told a federal judge Friday.

After his arrest, Riddell was placed on leave from his job as director of college entrance exam preparation at IMG Academy, a private prep school in Florida that coaches elite high school athletes.

Dressed in a navy blue suit and wearing a black scarf, Riddell appeared calm as he sat in US District Court and told Judge Nathaniel M. Gorton that he understood the charges.

“I’m here to plead guilty to fraud for cheating on the SAT and ACT test,” he told the judge.

Riddell admitted to conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services fraud, and to conspiracy to money laundering. He was paid $10,000 for each fraudulent test, prosecutors said.

He is slated to be sentenced July 18. His attorney, Benjamin Stechschulte of Florida, said he would not comment on the case.

The scheme was carried out in two ways: Riddell and others would help students cheat on tests, or fix their scores, with the test proctors allegedly having knowledge of the fraud; or, those involved in the scheme would bribe athletic coaches to list potential students as recruits, which could facilitate their admission, even if the student had never played the sport competitively before, and wouldn’t for the college.

The alleged architect, William “Rick” Singer, 58, of California, who authorities say collected $25 million, has already pleaded guilty and is slated to be sentenced on June 19.

Singer is cooperating with investigators and helped unravel the conspiracy. Authorities say he set up a set up fake charitable organizations that collected bribes from wealthy parents, and funneled the money to coaches and others, such as Riddell, who helped falsify test scores.

Earlier this week, 13 parents, including Hollywood actress Felicity Huffman, said they plan to plead guilty to a sole count of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud.

Separately, 16 other parents, including actress Lori Loughlin and her husband, Mossimo Giannulli, were indicted this week on money laundering charges.

The parents allegedly paid bribes ranging from $50,000 to $1.2 million.

Prosecutors have said Riddell knew the material in tests well enough, without any advance information, to help students score well, but not so well that the scheme would raise suspicion.

“Just a really smart guy,” US Attorney Andrew Lelling told reporters in March.

He first helped fix a student’s scores in 2011, Rosen said. He traveled to Vancouver, Canada, where he used fake identification and posed as the older son of David Sidoo, a Canadian businessman, to take the son’s SAT test. The son was admitted to Chapman University in California. Another son was admitted to the University of California Berkeley, allegedly with Singer’s help.

Sidoo allegedly paid Singer $300,000. He has pleaded not guilty and is awaiting trial.

The student who allegedly celebrated the cheating with Riddell was the daughter of Elizabeth and Manuel Henriquez, who allegedly paid $450,000 to Singer, for helping to fix the scores for two daughters, and for bribing a Georgetown tennis coach. The couple has been charged with mail fraud and money laundering.

Federal authorities have also charged several people involved in the scheme, including two people who oversaw the SAT and ACT tests in Texas and California, with racketeering.

After Riddell’s arrest last month, he released a statement through his attorney apologizing “for the damage I have done and grief I have caused . . . as a result of my needless actions.”

“I understand how my actions contributed to a loss of trust in the college admissions process,” he said.

“I will always regret the choices I made,” he added. “But I also believe that the more than 1,000 students I legitimately counseled, inspired, and helped reach their goals in my career will paint a more complete picture of the person I truly am.”

Milton Valencia can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @MiltonValencia

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No matter what President Trump says or does when he holds a second historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Wednesday and Thursday in Vietnam, he will never satisfy his Republican and Democratic critics.

However, if Trump sticks to his realist instincts – above all else, working in a pragmatic manner to preserve his America First agenda – and if Kim is serious about reaching some kind of nuclear arms control agreement, the odd couple could make history in Hanoi.

And who knows, Trump – or perhaps Trump and Kim – might even be awarded the Nobel Prize.


None of this will be easy.

Kim’s father and grandfather – who ruled North Korea before him – have a history of stringing along past U.S. presidents of both parties with assurances of cooperative behavior and then breaking their promises.

The North has invested heavily to develop a small nuclear arsenal that Kim is not eager to give up, seeing it as his best guarantee against any U.S. effort to attack his impoverished communist nation.

President Trump’s critics on the left and right portray him as naïve and desperate to reach some sort of agreement – any agreement – with Kim to boast about in his expected re-election campaign next year.

While Kim clearly believes that nuclear weapons are his best insurance policy against a future American attack, Trump must convince the North Korean leader that the exact opposite is true: only denuclearization will ensure North Korea’s security.

Will Trump succeed in getting a real agreement that at minimum moves North Korea significantly closer to the U.S. goal of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula? Or are Washington and Pyongyang destined to be enemies far into the future, with no hope of the North peacefully giving up its nukes?

I have faith in President Trump – at least when it comes to this crucial national security issue. While I am a proud registered Republican, I can’t say I always agree with the president, nor do I embrace some of the more outlandish and fiery rhetoric he has displayed when it comes to North Korea.

But the good news is that Trump has a unique set of traits that the foreign policy elites in Washington lack: a clear imagination to see things differently, with a knack for applying his successful business skills to the hard knocks arena of global politics.

Combined with President Trump’s willingness to try new approaches in international affairs that others think are crazy, he has taken the old playbook on how to handle the hermit kingdom and lit it on fire.


The U.S. president’s imagination and principled realism could make history in the coming days. I believe there is a clear blueprint to usher in a new era of peace on the Korean Peninsula, protect our allies in the region and offer a real chance at seeing North Korea give up its nuclear weapons.

What’s needed now?

Building on the Singapore summit last June, here are some steps that could make the summit in Hanoi a success:

First, President Trump needs to make Kim understand that America is not North Korea’s enemy, has no desire to overthrow Kim and his regime, and can be trusted.

To do this, President Trump must set the conditions whereby Kim feels comfortable enough that he can begin the process of denuclearization.

While Kim clearly believes that nuclear weapons are his best insurance policy against a future American attack, Trump must convince the North Korean leader that the exact opposite is true: only denuclearization will ensure North Korea’s security.

If Trump and Kim agree to sign a simple political declaration ending the Korean War once and for all, tensions between the two nations could ease dramatically.

Kim would have the proof he needs to not only trust our intent but to go back to his own people – especially those in the military and in his leadership circle – and say America no longer has any hostile intent and our relationship has fundamentally changed.

A peace treaty would also enable Trump to claim a historic win. The U.S. president should offer a treaty with no preconditions.

After all, a peace treaty would not really be a U.S. concession. It would simply acknowledge the obvious fact that the Korean War ended with an armistice in July 1953. That was long before Kim was born and when President Trump was just a 7-year-old boy.

Second, U.S. officials must ensure we have the means to communicate with the North Koreans – especially if another crisis erupts in the future.

To do that, both sides should establish small liaison offices in each other’s capitals. This would allow for near-instant communication and understanding to ensure that important messages do not take days to travel from one part of the world to another.

Many will argue this is a type of de facto diplomatic recognition of the North Korean government. Maybe that is true, but with North Korea potentially having the capability to strike the U.S. with nuclear weapons, being able to understand the thinking of that nation’s leaders is more important than ever.

The establishment of liaison offices would also allow the North to get a better window into our own diplomatic strategies and national security thinking, helping ensure that Kim and his regime do not misperceive our intent.

There is no weakness in wanting to have a dialogue with those you have differences of opinion with in order to avert an armed conflict. That’s why we have diplomatic relations with Russia, China and many other nations we disagree with.

Look at it this way: North Korea was created in 1948, when Korea was divided into North and South. The U.S. has never had diplomatic relations with the North and even fought a war against the nation for three years. But a strategy of using diplomatic isolation to topple the regime hasn’t worked for 71 years – so why should we think continuing this strategy will work now?

Third – and crucially important – the world must see the first steps towards the North giving up its nuclear weapons.

The formula to do this is well know by now. Kim has already said he would dismantle his Yongbyon nuclear facility if Washington offers “corresponding measures” – meaning relief from economic sanctions crippling the North.

The Trump administration has only recently began to move away from the idea that no sanctions relief can be granted until full North Korean denuclearization is complete.

President Trump needs a way to take pressure off Kim without getting a political shellacking back in the U.S. by critics who say he is making a gigantic concession for meaningless promises by Kim.

That’s where South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in comes in. Moon told Trump he would move forward quickly on inter-Korean economic projects that would be worth tens of billions of dollars to the North to get Kim to give up his nuclear weapons.

Considering North Korea’s economy is only worth $16 billion – half the size of Vermont’s – an economic shot in the arm would be a game changer for the Kim regime. My bet is that the North would jump at the opportunity and all sides would clearly get something they want.

Finally, we should not forget about the more than 7,000 brave American warriors who are still “unaccounted for” from the Korean War.

In addition to these Americans missing in action in the long-ago war, there are also many North Korean soldiers whose status was never resolved. Both nations should step up efforts to solve these cases once and for all.

Washington and Pyongyang should form joint teams that can work together and excavate the battlefields and areas where it is likely remains can be found.

History tells us this can build important trust between nations and heal the wounds of an old war. This is what happened when Vietnam and the U.S. embarked in such efforts before diplomatic relations were restored.

History proves that nations that inherently don’t trust one another have a long way to go to bridge the gap and achieve a lasting peace.


It is in both the U.S. and North Korea’s interest to end a state of war between us that – in the worst-case scenario – could erupt again with nuclear weapons, killing millions of people.

Even those of you who oppose President Trump and want him out of the White House as soon as possible should be rooting for his success at the summit. If he can somehow eliminate the North Korean nuclear threat in exchange for economic and diplomatic concessions, that will be a victory for the American people and for people around the world.


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DAVIE (CBSMiami) – Davie Fire Rescue is working to put out a fire after a tanker truck drove off the highway Sunday.

According to fire rescue, the accident happened just before 4 p.m. near the area of eastbound I-595 at Davie Boulevard.

READ MORE: ‘Get The Shot Today’: Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried Urging Vaccinations As Florida COVID Cases Skyrocket

Florida Highway Patrol said the driver somehow lost control of the fuel tanker.

WATCH: Massive Fire From Tanker Truck Crash In Davie


FHP has confirmed there’s been a fatality at the scene.

READ MORE: Miami PD Searching For Hit-&-Run Driver Who Struck Motorcyclist

While FHP noted it was a fuel tanker, it’s still unclear what it was carrying at the time of the accident.

SEE IT: Tanker Truck Fire In Davie Caught On Cam


In addition to closing all eastbound lanes at I-595 and Davie Boulevard, FHP has also shut down the southbound entrance to I-595 from the Florida Turnpike.

MORE NEWS: 2 Hospitalized After Double Stabbing In Miami Beach

It’s not known how long the closures will last, so drivers are asked to avoid the area.

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São Paulo – Last Thursday (26th), for the first time in history, Algeria earned a spot in the round of eight of the Fifa World Cup in Brazil. But this is not enough. The team’s striker who scored the goal against Russia and moved the Arab national team into the second round of the tournament, Islam Slimani, has told the website of the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) that now he is dreaming of defeating his next rival: Germany, one of the favourites to take the trophy home.

Press Release/Curitiba City Hall

Players celebrate as the game ends

 “We came to Brazil with a goal of making it to the second round. Now that we did it, we can be proud, but we will not settle for this. We always want more, and we hope to be able to continue with our dream. I don’t want anyone to wake me up from it,” said Slimani.

This is Algeria’s fourth time in the World Cup. The country has played the editions of 1982, in Spain, 1986, in Mexico, and 2010, in South Africa. In the 1982 World Cup, Algeria beat West Germany 2 to 1. “We know what the victory against Germany in 1982 was like, with players such as Madjer, Assad and Belloumi. We want to follow on their footsteps, because if it has been achieved once, then why not dream about doing it again?,” the striker said.

Algeria qualified for the second round in the second half of the match against Russia, at Arena da Baixada in Curitiba, Paraná. The Arab team had lost to Belgium 2 to 1 on their first game, then defeated South Korea 4 to 2, and could not afford to lose their last game of the first round to Russia. After the latter scored a goal early on in the game, coach Vahid Halilhodzic’s team tied after the Russian goalkeeper made a mistake, 14 minutes into the second half.

“We had support from everyone in the Arab countries, which was wonderful. People here in Brazil have also appreciated our sincerity and enthusiasm, and I take pride in this. But most of all I take pride in how the team has played. Now, everyone will be talking about 1982, when Algeria beat Germany, but 32 years ago is a long time,” Halilhodzic said at the end of the game, according to FIFA.

Germany, with whom Algeria will play for a spot in the round of eight next Monday (30th), in Porto Alegre, finished first in Group G, after defeating Portugal 4 to 0, tying 2 to 2 with Ghana and beating the United States 1 to 0.

Brilliant qualification

Press Release/Curitiba City Hall

Fans party in Curitiba

Algeria’s feat was even lauded by the Algerian president, Abdelaziz Bouteflika. According to news agency APS, he said the Arab team’s achievement has been a “brilliant qualification.”

According to a report released this Friday by the state-owned news agency, on Thursday (26th) Bouteflika sent a message congratulating the players and the management staff. “Your success is neither coincidence nor a gift. It is the result of your good performance, your perseverance and your adequate preparation,” the president said.

Bouteflika also noted that not only the Algerians, but also the fans of African and Muslim countries are supporting the North African team. “I want to express my sincere congratulations. May God almighty be with you so you may be successful in your next round,” he said. After the game ended, fans took to the streets in Algiers, the Algerian capital, and in French cities where Algerian immigrants live.

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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You can find the latest on the investigation involving Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie hereDownload the WFLA app for breaking news push alerts and sign up for breaking news email alerts.

NORTH PORT, Fla. (WFLA) — The attorney for the Laundrie family, Steven Bertolino told 8 On Your Side a phone was purchased on Sept. 4 and Brian opened an account with AT&T for that phone

Bertolino says Brian left that phone at home the day he went for a hike in the Carlton Reserve 10 days later. The FBI now has the phone.

When asked if Laundrie had a phone while traveling out west with Petito, Bertolino told 8 On Your Side he didn’t know.

According to public records obtained by 8 On Your Side, Brian Laundrie’s mother checked into a campground at Fort De Soto Park on Sept. 6. The record of registered campers shows Roberta Laundrie checked into “Site 001-Waterfront” between Sept. 6 and Sept. 8.

A spokeswoman with the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office says they gave surveillance video from the campground to the FBI Tuesday.

The FBI is still searching the Carlton Reserve with search teams are focusing on areas of water.

Not far from that area, a memorial for Gabby Petito is growing. People from all over the state and country and coming by to pay their respects.

“We have to keep the momentum going because eventually, he’s going to be found,” Ashley Sindaco said. “It just shows what impact somebody that nobody has met has left on this society and as America as a whole.”

A small memorial is also growing at the Laundrie’s home for Petito. A couple of protestors also returned Wednesday.

“It’s a nice reminder to the family that they should come forward and say something,” Sindaco said.

The FBI has not released that surveillance video from Fort De Soto. A spokeswoman says they’re not addressing specific questions about the investigation.

A spokeswoman with FBI Denver Division sent 8 On Your Side this statement:

Since this is an ongoing federal investigation, we cannot address specific questions about the investigation, nor can we offer any comment other than what is posted in our official statements on our Twitter feed (@FBIDenver).

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Abortion rights supporters take part in a protest Thursday in St. Louis. A state license that allows a Planned Parenthood health center in Missouri to perform abortions could soon expire.

Jeff Roberson/AP

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Jeff Roberson/AP

Abortion rights supporters take part in a protest Thursday in St. Louis. A state license that allows a Planned Parenthood health center in Missouri to perform abortions could soon expire.

Jeff Roberson/AP

With hours to go before the expiration of a state license that allows a Planned Parenthood health center in Missouri to perform abortions, clinics in neighboring states say they’re preparing for an influx of additional patients.

“No one one knows what’s gonna happen in the next day or two, but we have to be ready for this clinic to be closed, and for patients to have nowhere else to go,” said Dr. Erin King, who runs a health center in Illinois across the river from the Planned Parenthood clinic in St. Louis.

King said her facility, the Hope Clinic for Women in Granite City, Ill., has been hiring additional doctors and medical support staff for more than a year in preparation for the possibility that abortion could be restricted in Missouri. Illinois is one of several states considering legislation to expand abortion rights as states including Missouri work in the opposite direction, passing laws banning the procedure in the early stages of pregnancy.

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson last week signed a law criminalizing most abortions after eight weeks. That law has yet to take effect, but the dispute between Planned Parenthood and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services over regulatory enforcement is threatening to shut down abortion services at Missouri’s last remaining clinic.

Parson said this week that Missouri health regulators have safety concerns about the clinic. Planned Parenthood officials say they’ve done all they can to comply, and accuse the state of arbitrarily enforcing regulations for political reasons. The two sides have been unable to reach an agreement, and Planned Parenthood has filed a lawsuit asking for a restraining order to prevent the center from being forced to stop offering the procedure.

Providers like King in neighboring states say they’re watching the situation and expecting to take additional patients from Missouri.

“[This] is happening much more quickly than any of us anticipated, so we’re really scrambling” to communicate with patients and open up additional appointments for abortions in the coming days, King said.

Michele Landeau of Gateway Women’s Access Fund, which helps Missouri women pay for abortions, said her organization is looking at ways to connect patients with clinics outside the state and help arrange for transportation, childcare, and other needs.

“People are confused, and they’re scared, and it’s pretty chaotic-feeling right now,” Landeau said.

Abortion providers in other neighboring states said they’re expecting additional patients from Missouri, and planning accordingly.

“We will do our very best to serve any women from Missouri that need to see us,” said Rebecca Terrell of CHOICES health center in Memphis, Tenn. “It may be that we have to add hours; we may have to open on a Saturday; we may have to make some changes, but we will make sure that everybody gets seen.”

In Wichita, Kansas, Julie Burkhart of the Trust Women clinic, said she would expect to see more patients from central, southern, and western Missouri if the St. Louis facility stops providing abortions. She said her facility might look at expanding its hours, but it would take time to hire, train, and license new staff members.

Abortion rights opponents have praised Missouri regulators’ scrutiny of the St. Louis clinic.

In a statement, Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the anti-abortion Susan B. Anthony List, said ending abortion services there “would be good news for health and safety.”

If the St. Louis clinic loses its license, some hospitals in the state could still offer the procedure, primarily for medical emergencies, Planned Parenthood officials say.

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São Paulo – The Omani delegation that held the Brazil-Oman Economic Forum last Monday (12th) in São Paulo paid a visit to the offices of the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce late this Tuesday afternoon (13th), and was welcomed by the organization’s president Marcelo Sallum and CEO Michel Alaby.

Sérgio Tomisaki/Arab Chamber

Alaby (L), Al Jabri, Sallum & Al Jaradi: partnership

“The Sultanate of Oman is very well represented in Brazil, first by the ambassador [Khalid Al Jaradi], who is doing a magnificent job, and second by the Arab Chamber, which has carried out a strong commercial promotion work [for the country],” said Sallum.

The delegation comprises representatives from government agencies and state-owned companies and has travelled to Brazil looking to promote business opportunities in the sultanate. In addition to the forum, the Omanis attended separate meetings with Brazilian executives, paid a visit to the São Paulo Investment and Competitiveness Promotion Agency (Investe São Paulo) and will go the Port of Santos on Wednesday (14th).

“Our visit has been a huge success,” said the head of the delegation, Yahya Said Abdullah Al Jabri, chairman of the Duqm Special Economic Zone Authority. He highlighted the participation of the Brazilian vice president Michel Temer in the forum, the meetings with Brazilian executives and the visit to Investe São Paulo, where they learned about investment opportunities in the state.

Alaby gave a presentation on economic relations between Brazil and Oman, and delegation members inquired which sectors the Arab Chamber believes hold the most promise for bilateral business.

Sallum cited infrastructure. “We took delegates from Brazilian infrastructure companies along with us, and they told me they were interested in following up with the visit,” he said, referring to the trip Michel Temer took to the sultanate in 2013, alongside businessmen. He also envisions partnership possibilities in ports. The Omani delegation includes executives from the Duqm, Sohar and Salalah ports.

Sérgio Tomisaki

Group is looking to attract investment into Oman

Alaby added that infrastructure in Brazil yields “good profitability,” as do retail and the hotel industry. In his opinion, however, the best opportunities for Arabs, especially those from the Gulf, lie in agribusiness. “And that is also due to [the issue of] food security,” he asserted.

Delegation members also requested information about heavy industry companies that may be interested in doing business with Oman, and about fish farming experiences in Brazil. Fishing is an important activity in the sultanate, due to the length of its coastline and its maritime tradition.

Jabri said a Brazil-Oman Business Council should be established swiftly to conduct an in-depth evaluation of the outlook for mutual investment, and to foster bilateral trade. The council’s establishment has been entrusted to the Arab Chamber and the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He also suggested that more trade missions be carried out.

Ambassador Jaradi stated that the Arab Chamber is the embassy’s “number one” partner in Brazil, and thanked Sallum, Alaby and the employees who gave assistance through the forum and during the delegation’s visit. “I am certain that we will see the concrete results of this forum,” he said.

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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Este martes 30 de mayo de 2017, el programa Hoy No Circula aplica para los vehículos con engomado rosa, terminación de placa 7 y 8, con holograma de verificación 1 y 2, no podrán circular en la Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México.

La medida aplica en las 16 delegaciones de la Ciudad de México y 18 municipios del Estado de México: Atizapán, Coacalco, Cuautitlán, Cuautitlán Izcalli, Chalco, Chimalhuacán, Ecatepec, Huixquilucan, Ixtapaluca, La Paz, Naucalpan, Nezahualcóyotl, Chicoloapan, Nicolás Romero, Tecámac, Tlalnepantla, Tultitlán y Valle de Chalco.

Quedan exentos de esta restricción, los vehículos de personas con discapacidad, eléctricos e híbridos, el transporte escolar, de perecederos, de residuos peligrosos y de servicios de seguridad pública, protección civil, unidades que funcionen con gas natural y de servicios urbanos.

¿Qué días no circula cada holograma?

Engomado amarillo: Lunes, terminación de placa 5 y 6, hologramas, 1 y 2.

Engomado rosa: Martes, terminación de placa 7 y 8, hologramas, 1 y 2.

Engomado rojo: Miércoles, terminación de placa 3 y 4, hologramas, 1 y 2.

Engomado verde: Jueves, terminación de placa 1 y 2, holograma, 1 y 2.

Engomado azul: Viernes, terminación de placa 9 y 0, permisos y hologramas, 1 y 2.

Hoy No Circula sabatino

Holograma 1: Los automóviles con este holograma deberán descansar al menos 2 sábados al mes.

El primero y tercer sábado los vehículos con terminación de placas “impar” no podrán circular.

El segundo y cuarto sábado los automóviles con placas “par” deberán descansar.

Holograma 2: Los automóviles con holograma 2 deberán no podrán circular ningún sábado del mes

Los automóviles con holograma 0 y 00 podrán circular diario siempre y cuando aprueben las nuevas normas de verificación vehicular

El programa Hoy No Circula tiene un horario de 5:00 a 22:00 horas

Verificación Vehicular

Los vehículos deberán realizar y aprobar la verificación de emisiones vehiculares cada semestre.


Lluvias azotan al sur de la CDMX; se inunda Coapa y suspende servicio Tren Ligero


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Our Spanish language channel, NY1 Noticias, reached a milestone Monday.

It was 11 years ago that the channel was launched.

Since then, the Noticias staff has more than doubled in size and its coverage continues to grow.

The executive editor says the station is looking forward to serving the community for many years to come.

“We are so happy to be, and we are so proud to be part of this community for more than 10 years and we’re looking forward for this next decade and providing the same content, the same vital information that our community needs. Our community knows that they have a voice—that they can come here and we’re open 24/7 for them,” said NY1 Noticias Executive Editor Roberto Lacayo.

To check out NY1 Noticias, turn to channel 95 on Time Warner Cable, or channel 194 on Cablevision, or visit ny1 noticias dot com.

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