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White paint was smeared on the window of a Lower Manhattan art gallery named Black Wall Street on the 100th anniversary of the infamous Tulsa Race Massacre — and the NYPD is probing the vandalism as a possible hate crime.

A security guard at a Nike store across from the Black Wall Street Gallery on Mercer Street spotted the vandalism around 7 a.m. Monday — the date in 1921 when white residents of Tulsa, Okla., laid deadly waste to the city’s Greenwood District, also known as Black Wall Street for its budding black business clout.

The Manhattan art gallery decried its shop’s defacement as “deliberate and intentional” in an Instagram post.

“Some perpetrator(s) vandalized our space at 26 Mercer Street sometime last night between 11pm and 7am,” the post read, noting that the business determined the earlier end of the timeframe based on when Dr. Ricco Wright, the gallery’s Tulsa-born curator, left Sunday night.

The post includes a photo of the gallery’s front window thick with white paint over much of its name.

An interior view of the Black Wall Street gallery in New York City, which was defaced early Monday.

The gallery said in the caption that the NYPD initially declined to categorize the vandalism as hate speech, though a department rep told The Post that the incident has been referred to the Hate Crime Task Force for investigation.

“We are demanding that the police review their policies on what constitutes hate speech because this was indeed deliberate and intentional,” the gallery’s post read. “All one has to do is look at the facts. We are Black Wall Street Gallery and this incident occurred exactly 100 years after the massacre.

“As far as we’re concerned, smearing white paint on the word ‘black’ is deliberate and intentional and therefore constitutes hate speech.”

The Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where an estimated 300 people were killed in one of the deadliest race massacres in US history.
Universal History Archive/Univer

The gallery noted that no other businesses on the block were vandalized overnight and that it had not previously been targeted since opening its doors in October.

An estimated 300 people were killed, hundreds more wounded, and businesses, homes and churches burned to the ground in the Tulsa Race Massacre.

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La Gran Época presenta las últimas noticias de Cuba. Ayer a la noche, oficiales de migración impidieron viajar al exterior al activista Carlos Amel Oliva, argumentando que tenía una prohibición para salir de la isla. Por otro lado, Cuba y Rusia firmaron un acuerdo para que los condenados cumplan sus sentencias en sus países de origen. En el mundo deportivo, hoy arranca la última fase clasificatoria de la Serie Nacional de Béisbol que definirá a los mejores cuatro equipos de la temporada. Por último, se estrenó en español la miniserie ‘Cuatro estaciones en La Habana’, que si bien se puede acceder a la misma desde la isla, el poco ancho de banda dificulta que cargue el film en internet.

Impiden viajar al exterior al opositor Carlos Amel Oliva

Carlos Amel Olvia, Coordinador del Frente Juvenil de UNPACU. (Twitter)

Oficiales de migración impidieron ayer por la tarde al activista opositor cubano Carlos Amel Oliva tomar el avión que lo trasladaría a Madrid, para luego viajar a Polonia para participar en un evento de partidos democráticos en Varsovia.

En el aeropuerto José Martí, en los controles de migración, los oficiales de control lo separaron de la fila y posteriormente le dijeron que en el sistema informático figuraba que tenía una prohibición para salir de Cuba, según comentó Oliva al portal 14ymedio.

“No tengo multas por pagar ni estoy sujeto a proceso investigativo judicial o policial”, dijo el activista. “El único motivo posible era mi condición de disidente, de opositor pacífico”, afirmó.

Cuba y Rusia acuerdan que los condenados cumplan castigos en sus países de origen

La Ministra de Justicia de Cuba, María Esther Reus González. (Calixto N. Llanes / Juventud Rebelde)

Cuba y Rusia acordaron que los condenados puedan cumplir las sentencias en sus países de origen.

El acuerdo fue suscripto el pasado martes en La Habana por la Ministra de Justicia de Cuba, María Esther Reus, y su par ruso, Alexander Konovalov.

El Ministerio de Justicia cubano señaló a través de un comunicado que el acuerdo aspira a contribuir en la colaboración de la justicia penal, “animados por el deseo de facilitar la rehabilitación de los sancionados”.

El ministro de Justicia de Rusia, Alexander Konovalov.

Konovalov, por su parte, destacó que el convenio se enmarca en un tratado más amplio que se suscribió hace poco más de un año entre ambas naciones.

Serie Nacional de Béisbol: inicia la última fase clasificatoria

Los seis mejores equipos de la Serie Nacional de Béisbol comienzan hoy -en una jornada de dobles juegos en los estadios- la última etapa clasificatoria de la Serie Nacional de Béisbol.

El líder del torneo, Matanzas, recibe a Camagüey en el estadio Victoria de Girón. El visitante necesita mejorar su desempeño para posicionarse en los primeros lugares de la tabla.

Por su parte, el último campeón, Ciego de Ávila, se medirá con Holguín en el parque José Ramón Cepero.

Por último, en Mártires de Barbados, Villa Clara y Granma buscará sumar puntos para lograr ubicarse en los cuatro primeros puestos que darán el pase a las semifinales.

 ‘Cuatro estaciones en La Habana’ se estrenó en Netflix

El viernes pasado se estrenó en Netflix en español la miniserie ‘Cuatro estaciones en La Habana’, que es una adaptación de las novelas policíacas de Leonardo Padura Four Seasons.

La historia de la serie –dividida en cuatro partes- cuenta la investigación del capitán Mario Conde, interpretado por Jorge Perugorría, a partir del asesinato de un profesor en La Habana, a mediados de los noventa.

Dirigida por Félix Viscarret,  la serie se complementa con las actuaciones de Carlos Enrique Almirante, Mario Guerra, Luís Alberto García y Juana Costa.

Si bien se puede acceder a Netfilx desde Cuba, la poca velocidad de navegación hace que sea difícil ver vídeos online. Sin embargo, este tipo de films populares se distribuyen alternativamente en la isla.

La Gran Época le recomienda el siguiente artículo: “No puedo describir el dolor que sufrí”: la historia de Yu Zhenjie

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MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faced fresh questions on Wednesday about his dealings with a company at the center of a conflict-of-interest scandal, after it emerged that he enjoyed rent-free use of a house belonging to the firm as a campaign office.

Already under pressure over the government’s handling of the presumed massacre of 43 students abducted by corrupt police in southwestern Mexico in September, Pena Nieto is facing his most difficult period since taking office two years ago.

On Nov. 3, the government announced a Chinese-led consortium had won a no bid contract to build a $3.75 billion high-speed rail link in central Mexico.

Three days later, the government abruptly canceled the deal, just before a report by news site Aristegui Noticias showed that a subsidiary of Grupo Higa, a company that formed part of the consortium and had won various previous contracts, owned the luxury house of first lady Angelica Rivera.

Under public pressure, Rivera said she would give up the house. But neither she nor Pena Nieto have addressed the apparent conflict of interest stemming from the government’s business with Grupo Higa.

On Wednesday, Aristegui Noticias published a new story that said Pena Nieto used a different property belonging to another Grupo Higa subsidiary as an office when he was president-elect in 2012.

Eduardo Sanchez, the president’s spokesman, said Pena Nieto unwittingly used the property. Sanchez said it was leased from the Grupo Higa firm by Humberto Castillejos, the president’s legal adviser, who lent it rent-free to Pena Nieto’s team.

“If I invite you to my house, do you come to my house and ask me under whose name it is? Neither does the president,” Sanchez said, denying there were conflicts of interest.

The spokesman also said there were no more properties Pena Nieto or his team had used belonging to Grupo Higa.

“No, there is no other house that was used in a professional capacity,” Sanchez said.

Castillejos could not immediately be reached for comment.

Jorge Luis Lavalle, a senator with the opposition conservative National Action Party, said the public saw a clear conflict of interest in the dealings of Pena Nieto and his government with Grupo Higa.

“It needs to be investigated. All these doubts need to be dispelled fully and clearly,” he said. “We now have another case with no explanation.”

(Additional reporting by Ana Isabel Martinez; Editing by Simon Gardner and Tom Brown)

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Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear (D) took to Twitter Saturday to condemn the attack on the Louisville home of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

The vandalism to @senatemajldr McConnell’s home is unacceptable,” he wrote in a tweet.

“While the First Amendment protects our freedom of speech, vandalism is reprehensible and never acceptable for any reason,” he added.

McConnell’s home was vandalized, along with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi‘s (D-Calif.), over the New Year’s holiday after a bill to increase coronavirus stimulus checks to $2,000 failed to pass in the Senate several times. 

A message that read “Where’s my money” was written on McConnell’s home in graffiti.

Following the incident, McConnell’s office released a statement from the lawmaker that read, “I’ve spent my career fighting for the First Amendment and defending peaceful protest. I appreciate every Kentuckian who has engaged in the democratic process whether they agree with me or not.”

“This is different. Vandalism and the politics of fear have no place in our society,” the senator added. “My wife and I have never been intimidated by this toxic playbook. We just hope our neighbors in Louisville aren’t too inconvenienced by this radical tantrum.”

Beshear did not mention the paint on Pelosi’s home in his tweet.

“Cancel rent!,” “$2K” and “We want everything!” were among the messages spray painted on the lawmaker’s home in San Francisco.

The House passed a bill late last year that would increase stimulus checks from $600 to $2,000 late last year.

On Friday, Senate Republicans blocked the bill as well as an attempt by Sen. Bernie SandersBernie Sanders Kentucky governor calls vandalism to McConnell’s home ‘unacceptable’ Senate Democrats rebuke GOP colleagues who say they’ll oppose Electoral College results Frustrations flare as ,000 checks blocked for fourth straight day MORE (I-Vt.) to set up votes on the House bill and a competing proposal from McConnell that would link the money to two other provisions including repealing Section 230 and establishing a new elections commission. 

The stalemate ensures that Congress will not be able to get a bill on President TrumpDonald TrumpAppeals court dismisses Gohmert’s election suit against Pence Kentucky governor calls vandalism to McConnell’s home ‘unacceptable’ Pence ‘welcomes’ efforts of lawmakers to ‘raise objections’ to Electoral College results MORE‘s desk to sign before the 116th Congress ends on Sunday morning. 

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A new storm is beginning to organize along the Texas-New Mexico border, and it’s expected to deliver a first round of severe weather today from Texas to Mississippi.

Gusts of almost 60 mph and golf ball-sized hail already have been reported in west Texas this morning.

(ABC News) A new storm is forming in west Texas, and it’s forecast to head east over the weekend.
(ABC News) Eastern Texas likely will be battered by massive storms later this afternoon.

The system will head east across the southern Plains from San Antonio toward Dallas, with numerous severe storms predicted for later this afternoon.

Weather models also are showing intense local storms in northwest Louisiana and southern Arkansas over that time period.

(ABC News) Northeast Texas is bracing for severe weather tonight.

In an enhanced risk region, there’s the greatest chance of damaging wind, large hail and tornadoes, as even outside that region, several storms will be developing from San Antonio all the way to Memphis. The main storm is expected to move north into the Midwest overnight.

(ABC News) The severe weather will be heading out of Texas by tomorrow afternoon.
(ABC News) Areas around New Orleans may see significant rainfall Sunday night.

Tomorrow, another system is expected to develop, delivering a second ground of severe weather across that same area — roughly San Antonio to New Orleans — as severe scattered storms spread into the Mississippi and Ohio River valleys. A larger region at slight risk for severe weather on Sunday stretches from Texas to Kentucky and includes major cities such as Houston, Nashville and Louisville. The biggest risk, again, will be damaging wind, hail and potential tornadoes.

(ABC News) Severe weather is expected Sunday throughout much of the South and Midwest.
(ABC News) Flooding will threaten the South through Monday.

More than 4 inches of rain could be possible through Monday, especially along the Mississippi River Valley, where flash flooding from a massive or slow-moving storm remains be a concern. Fewer severe threats are expected on Monday.

(ABC News) Warmer temperatures are expected on Sunday.
(ABC News) Warmer temperatures are expected on Monday.

Following the storms across the U.S. should be temperatures 10 to 15 degrees above normal. Atlanta may see 84 as a high on Sunday, with St. Louis predicted to reach 80. That warm air will slide east and push north on Monday, probably increasing temps along the east coast to about 15 degrees above historical averages.

Cooler air over the Atlantic Ocean will begin pushing back to the west over New England on Monday, keeping parts of the region cool and cloudy and potentially with drastic temperature differences over just a few hundred miles.

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Sen. Susan Collins is facing a difficult reelection in Maine — a state deeply divided over President Trump.

Andrew Harnik/AP

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Andrew Harnik/AP

Sen. Susan Collins is facing a difficult reelection in Maine — a state deeply divided over President Trump.

Andrew Harnik/AP

As President Trump’s impeachment trial approaches, Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, is under close scrutiny from Democrats and her fellow Republicans ahead of a vote that could once again test her reputation for centrism and independence.

The spotlight on Collins has come a bit earlier than expected.

In the narrowly divided Senate, just four Republicans could force Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to reconsider his vow for a speedy acquittal and “total coordination” with the Trump White House.

Collins is among the potential swing votes, and she already faces a difficult reelection in a state deeply divided over the president. Hillary Clinton won Maine in 2016, but Donald Trump made history by snagging an electoral vote despite losing statewide by winning big in the state’s vast and rural 2nd Congressional District.

Since August, Republican and Democratic groups have been running ads designed to influence Collins’ reelection, although she didn’t announce her bid until mid-December — the same day the House of Representatives voted to impeach Trump.

It was curious timing. Collins had already seen her once sky-high favorability drop because of controversial votes she has taken during the Trump presidency.

Collins, who is seeking a fifth term, has generally said little about impeachment, citing her role as a juror, a position her Democratic challengers say is a cop-out.

Now, Trump’s opponents want her to use her leverage to ensure a fair and thorough trial. The group Republicans for the Rule of Law has joined the Democrats’ pressure campaign to get Collins to push for documents and witnesses whom the White House has so far blocked from testifying. Collins has been characteristically quiet about what she’ll do, but in an interview with Maine Public Radio, she said there should be bipartisan agreement on how the trial goes, just as there was during President Bill Clinton’s impeachment trial in 1999.

At the same time, Collins acknowledged that this kind of agreement seems unlikely today.

“One hundred to zero,” said Collins, referencing the 1999 Senate vote outlining the framework of the impeachment trial. “I can’t imagine anything like that happening today, regrettably.”

She also echoed recent criticism from her friend and close ally Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who told a local TV station in Anchorage that she was “disturbed” by McConnell’s vow to coordinate with the White House.

Collins called McConnell’s declaration inappropriate but also chastised Democrats like Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren for saying she’s ready to convict the president.

“There are senators on both sides of the aisle who, to me, are not giving the appearance of — and the reality of — judging this in an impartial way,” she told Maine Public Radio this week.

Like Murkowski, Collins made headlines for her criticism of McConnell. But both were critical of Democrats in the House, saying they rushed the impeachment vote and did not ask the courts to compel Trump aides to testify.

Collins also said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi should transmit the articles of impeachment to the Senate instead of holding on to them.

“So it seems an odd way to operate,” Collins said.

Unlike many Senate Republicans, Collins says that she’s open to witnesses in the Senate trial but also that it’s too early to say which ones. That drew a rebuke from the Maine Democratic Party for not using her clout to ensure key witness testimony and documents.

“Senator Collins often touts her position of power within the Republican caucus and clearly has a close relationship with Mitch McConnell, and if a fair and impartial impeachment trial is really her priority, it’s time for her to act to ensure that is what takes place,” Maine Democratic Party Executive Director Lisa Roberts said in a statement released Thursday.

In her Maine Public Radio interview, Collins stopped short of saying she’ll publicly lead the charge to call for witnesses and testimony. She said she has discussed the matter, as well as her desire for a bipartisan agreement, with McConnell.

Her critics have noted that she was more forceful about her desire for more information during the Clinton impeachment.

“I need more evidence. I need witnesses and further evidence to guide me to the right destination, to get to the truth,” Collins said at the time.

The president’s supporters are also keeping a close eye on Collins, who declared in 2016 that Trump was unfit for office.

If she breaks ranks on impeachment, Collins could draw a primary challenge. The deadline for the primary is in mid-March. The Maine Republican Party has said it’s united behind Collins.

Nevertheless, Trump is also paying attention.

Last week he retweeted an endorsement of Collins’ reelection bid to his 68 million followers.

It marked the first time Trump has mentioned Collins in a tweet since he became president.

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Updated 9:07 PM ET, Wed October 30, 2019

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(CNN)In May 2017, Samantha went to a book burning in upstate New York. She had entered the inner circle of the modern white power movement called the alt-right, and it was the moment its activists see in retrospect as the peak of its power.

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Spicer ha tenido duros enfrentamientos con los periodistas y algunos momentos de humor.

Su trabajo es similar al de un malabarista.

Cada día Sean Spicer tiene que hacer equilibrios para mantener una relación llevadera con la prensa, al mismo tiempo que defiende las posiciones del presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, quien tiene una abierta confrontación con los medios de ese país.

El nuevo portavoz de la Casa Blanca tuvo su primer cara a cara con los periodistas apenas unas pocas horas después de haber asumido el cargo, cuando intentó desmentir la información sobre la menor asistencia de público a la toma de posesión de Trump en comparación con la del presidente Barack Obama en 2009.

Spicer acusó a los medios de mentir de forma deliberada y de tomar fotografías desde un ángulo escogido para minimizar la magnitud del apoyo que los ciudadanos dieron a Trump ese día.

Desde ese primer encuentro con la prensa en la Casa Blanca, los choques de Spicer con los medios no han cesado, pero, de alguna manera, esta tensa relación parece haber sido mutuamente beneficiosa: los medios y la Casa Blanca han despertado el interés de la audiencia.

Telenovela presidencial

Cuando cada día pasado el mediodía, Spicer aparece en la sala de prensa de la Casa Blanca aumentan las cifras de audiencia de las cadenas de noticias que transmiten su comparecencia en vivo.

Las ruedas de prensa del portavoz gubernamental compiten en número de televidentes con programas que transmite la televisión estadounidense en horario estelar como MasterChef Junior, que suma unos 4 millones de televidentes, y con populares telenovelas como “Hospital General”.

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Cada día millones de espectadores encienden sus televisores para ver lo que ocurre en la sala de prensa de la Casa Blanca.

De acuerdo con los estudios más recientes, las comparecencias de Spicer transmitidas en directo por los principales canales de noticias han alcanzado a 4,3 millones de espectadores.

La audiencia de cadenas como CNN, Fox News o MSNBC crece 10% en promedio cada vez que el portavoz de la Casa Blanca aparece en pantalla para intentar explicar las últimas decisiones del gobierno de Trump, según datos de Nielsen, una empresa especializada en medición de audiencias de medios, obtenidos por BBC Mundo.

“Lo que ocurre es que hay mucho interés en las cosas que está haciendo el presidente Trump e, incluso, en las que no está haciendo”, dijo Donald Wright, profesor de Comunicación de la Universidad de Boston, en una entrevista con BBC Mundo.

“Desde que era candidato ha habido mucho interés en él, no sólo por parte de sus seguidores sino además de quienes no le apoyan que ven esto para saber cuál es su nueva jugada”, agregó.

Consultado sobre si cree que este nivel de interés en las actividades de la Casa Blanca puede mantenerse en el tiempo, el experto señaló que eso dependerá de varios factores, incluyendo cuánta cobertura están dispuestos a darle los medios de comunicación.

“En las escuelas de periodismo se dice que si un perro muerde a una persona no es noticia, pero si una persona muerde a un perro, entonces, es distinto y se cubre. Hay muchas situaciones en las que lo que hace Trump es tan distinto de lo que han hecho los presidentes anteriores que los medios le van a seguir dando cobertura”, vaticinó Wright.

Nace una celebridad

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La parodia que hace la humorista Melissa McCarthy de Sean Spicer ha tenido muy buena acogida entre la audiencia.

Pero, Spicer también se ha convertido en una suerte de celebridad.

Su consagración como figura mediática llegó hace poco, cuando la comediante Melissa McCarthy comenzó a parodiarle en el mítico programa de la televisión estadounidense Saturday Night Live (SNL).

A Spicer no parece haberle gustado mucho que le convirtieran en un personaje de SNL y, consultado por la prensa al respecto, dijo que SNL “solía ser divertido”, pero se había convertido en “infame”.

Pese a su disgusto, el personaje de McCarthy ha resultado ser inmensamente popular entre la audiencia de SNL. De hecho, el programa del pasado 11 de febrero, en el que McCarthy hizo su segunda parodia de Spicer tuvo los niveles de audiencia más altos de los últimos cinco años, según informó la web especializada The Hollywood Reporter.

“McCarthy no es divertida en su papel de Spicer por ser mujer. Es divertida como Spicer porque ella tiene una carrera representando personajes agresivos que con frecuencia están molestos sin ninguna razón“, escribió Anna North en una crítica del programa en The New York Times.

“Cuando ella levanta su podio para atacar a los reporteros, queda claro que nació para representar al portavoz de un gobierno que ya se ha definido por los estallidos de ira”, agregó.

Un hombre de confianza

Spicer es considerado como un aliado cercano del jefe de gabinete de la Casa Blanca, Reince Priebus, con quien trabajó en el Comité Nacional Republicano (RNC, por sus siglas en inglés).

Priebus era presidente del RNC, mientras Spicer era director de comunicaciones.

Durante la campaña para las elecciones primarias, Spicer sirvió de vínculo entre el partido y los precandidatos presidenciales.

Sus esfuerzos parecen haber rendido frutos.

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Spicer es considerado un aliado de Reince Priebus, el nuevo jefe de gabinete de la Casa Blanca.

Más allá del cargo de portavoz, Spicer también ha sido designado temporalmente como director de comunicaciones de la Casa Blanca, un cargo que implica otras responsabilidades y que usualmente ocupa alguien distinto al portavoz.

Según la prensa estadounidense, la Casa Blanca ha tenido dificultades para hallar a alguien adecuado para esa otra tarea.

Que mientras tanto lo hayan puesto en manos de Spicer ha sido interpretado como una muestra de la confianza que el nuevo gobierno tiene en sus capacidades.

En todo caso, Spicer puede estar tranquilo, si su carrera política llega a descarrilar, ya puede contar con un plan b en el mundo de la televisión.

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Talking about “the wall” is now like banging your head against one. President Trump did a fantastic job selling the idea to the public, but the debate on controlling our jungle-like immigration system has shifted and now he needs to adjust. Otherwise, the border will be no more secure when he leaves the White House than when he arrived.

That means he needs to stop yelling about “the wall,” where Democrats are completely uncompromising and screaming “racism” for entirely political reasons. He needs to start talking about “more wall,” which all the border patrol agents I spoke to in Texas (mostly Latinos, by the way) are asking for.

There is no “the wall” that will ever get built — not least because Trump has never explained what it would look like or where it would go. But more importantly, there is already “wall” in place. We just need more of it, and depending on where it goes, it’s going to look different.

In the Rio Grande Valley sector at the southern border of Texas, more people are illegally crossing into the U.S. than anywhere else. There are sections of wall there — 25 feet of concrete and steel — that work to slow down or stop aliens, aiding in their apprehension by agents.

A portion of the border barrier in the Rio Grande Valley sector of the Texas southern border.

When I went there two weeks ago, they said they want more of that wall to fill in gaps where it hasn’t been built. They also want more money for cameras and additional agents.

This has nothing to do with Trump. The pieces of wall that are there now were recommended by the border patrol in the 1990s and were built in 2008.

But Trump on Saturday, after caving on the government shutdown, tweeted again about a “a powerful Wall” necessary to keep illegals at bay.

Okay, maybe? But if Democrats are simply going to call that “racist” and never say yes to building it, force them instead to say no to what the border patrol wants.

If they do, then we can once and for all drop the lie that Democrats are “for border security.”

Border agents aren’t asking for “a powerful Wall.” They’re asking for more of what they already have, which Democrats said yes to in the past. Some in the conservative media aren’t helping by making dumb demands about “the wall,” insisting we replicate the barrier Israel has up around Gaza. Yes, Israel has a “wall” there, but guess what: It’s 40 miles long on mostly flat desert. You can’t build that over the 1,000 miles of canyons, mountains, and forest that make up our border with Mexico.

Trump moved the country in the right direction on immigration. His repeated “We either have a country, or we don’t” argument in favor of border control was essential to his victory and should go down as one of the great political lines of all time.

But he dragged his feet on fixing the problem when he had Republicans controlling both houses of Congress. Now he has to deal with Democrats who, if unwilling to build “the wall,” should at least be forced on the record to opposing what the Border Patrol wants: “more wall.”

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