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02 Jul 2017 / 07:48 PM


La periodista mexicana insta a las mujeres a revelarse contra el acoso sexual.

California, Estados Unidos.

La periodista mexicana Karla Amezola pasó de presentar noticias a conducir un Uber de la noche a la mañana.

La joven periodista denunció haber sido víctima de acoso sexual en el canal televisivo donde laboraba, por lo que tuvo que comenzar a trabajar como conductora de Uber.

La rubia trabajaba en Estrella TV, un canal local en Los Ángeles, propiedad de la empresa Liberman Broadcasting Inc. o LBI Media Inc., sin embargo en marzo decidió denunciar a su jefe, quien la acosaba sexualmente.

Ante esta situación fue despedida de la empresa y, al no encontrar empleo como reportera o conductora, la originaria de Tijuana decidió inscribirse en Uber y fue ella misma quien lo dio a conocer en su cuenta de Instagram con una fotografía donde se le ve en un auto.

Hasta el día de hoy, no se sabe si Amezola ha podido levantar cargos contra su jefe, Andrés Angulo, quien supuestamente es vicepresidente de noticias de Estrella TV.

Hace unos días, Karla fue entrevistada por la cadena Univisión Noticias y ahí explicó que, al no encontrar trabajo dentro de su profesión, tuvo que pensar en opciones alternas.

“Comencé a trabajar en Uber y Lyft porque tengo que pagar renta y tengo que comer y al mismo tiempo quiero seguir apoyando a mi familia en México”, indicó.

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Ángel Di María debió abandonar el campo de juego a los 42’ del primer tiempo ante Panamá por una fuerte molestia en su aductor derecho. Y este sábado, la Asociación Argentina de Fútbol (AFA) confirmó lo que tanto se temía.

El parte médico indica que el jugador presenta un pequeño desgarro en la zona, lo que hace muy probable que el “fideo” se ausente por lo que resta de Copa América.

Los médicos del seleccionado se aferran a la opción de que el futbolista pueda jugar una hipotética final el 26 de junio, pensando en el tiempo de recuperación que conlleva la lesión.

La preocupación también llegó a los medios trasandinos, que destacaron la noticia.

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Hurricane Dorian is on track to strengthen to a powerful Category 4 hurricane with possible life-threatening storm surge and dangerous winds as it slams into Florida’s east coast at the end of Labor Day weekend, forecasters said Thursday.

“Strengthening is forecast during the next few days, and Dorian is expected to become a major hurricane on Friday,” the National Hurricane Center said. Landfall on Monday is possible anywhere between the Florida Keys and southern Georgia, forecasters said.

Dorian is expected to slow as it approaches Florida, but forecasters say it’s too soon to determine where the greatest impacts will be.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis declared a state of emergency for 26 counties in Dorian’s possible path and said he spoke with President Donald Trump on Wednesday evening about storm preparations.

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“Every Florida resident should have seven days of supplies, including food, water and medicine, and should have a plan in case of disaster,” DeSantis said in a statement.

Dorian left the Caribbean relatively unscathed as it pushed past Puerto Rico and the U.S. and British Virgin Islands on Wednesday.

At 11 a.m. Thursday, Dorian was about 370 miles east of the southeastern Bahamas and heading northwest at 13 mph. With winds up to 85 mph, Dorian was a Category 1 hurricane but forecast to reach 130-mph wind as it approaches Florida on Monday.

Category 3: Dorian is forecast to become a Category 3 ‘major’ hurricane. What does this mean?

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Threats of storm surge, powerful winds and heavy rains all loomed for Florida and the Bahamas, though the hurricane’s exact path as it nears the U.S. remains uncertain.

Ken Graham, director of the National Hurricane Center, said Thursday that the storm will be slow moving as it approaches land, meaning it can dump more rains and bring more winds across Florida. He said tropical-storm force winds are set to arrive Sunday, so preparations to board windows and stock up on supplies need to be done through Saturday.

Parts of the southeastern U.S. could be drenched in 4 to 8 inches of rainfall, with isolated patches up to a foot, possibly causing “”life-threatening flash floods,” the weather service says.

Models of the storm’s possible track after landfall vary, but many maps show a turn north, possibly up the East Coast or out to sea.

Shoppers in Florida rushed to stores to buy bottled water and wooden boards. Lines began forming at gas stations, too. 

Nicole Krauss, a spokesperson for Publix, the state’s largest grocery store chain, said preparations were well under way before Dorian. Distributions centers were well stocked with bottled water and many of the chain’s stores have emergency generators, she added.

In a tweet Thursday morning, Trump described Puerto Rico as “in great shape” after the storm’s fury largely avoided the island. However, he warned Floridians to prepare.

“Florida get ready! Storm is building and will be BIG!” he tweeted.

Officials in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands breathed a sigh of relief as they assessed minimal impacts from Dorian.

“We’re happy because there are no damages to report,” said William Solís, the mayor of Culebra, a small Puerto Rican island. One community lost power, he said.

Airline wavers and cruise modifications: What travelers need to know about Hurricane Dorian

Island-wide blackouts affected St. Thomas and St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands, and St. Croix had scattered outages, government spokesman Richard Motta said.

“We are grateful that it wasn’t a stronger storm,” Motta said. Trees and only one electric pole were downed. 

Similarly, the British Virgin Islands saw no major damage, Gov. Augustus Jaspert said.

Meanwhile, far off the mid-Atlantic coast, Post-Tropical Cyclone Erin continued to move northeast, and hit parts of Canada as a weaker tropical storm Friday, forecasters said.

Contributing: Jeff Burlew, Tallahassee Democrat; The Associated Press. Follow USA TODAY’s Ryan Miller on Twitter: @RyanW_Miller

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WASHINGTON — The Justice Department is launching a federal investigation into policing practices in Minneapolis, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced Wednesday, one day after a jury found former city police officer Derek Chauvin guilty of murdering George Floyd.

The department already has an open criminal investigation into Floyd’s murder and whether federal civil rights laws were violated; Garland released a statement immediately after the Chauvin verdict confirming that probe is “ongoing.” But Garland’s latest announcement signals the start of a broader inquiry into whether the Minneapolis Police Department as a whole operates in ways that violate the constitutional rights of residents.

The civil investigation by prosecutors from the Civil Rights Division and the US attorney’s office in Minnesota will focus on whether Minneapolis police had a “pattern or practice” of using excessive force, including during protests; whether they engaged in discriminatory policing; and whether their treatment of people with behavioral health issues was unlawful, Garland said.

The verdict in Chauvin’s case “does not address potentially systemic policing issues in Minneapolis,” Garland said.

“I know that justice is sometimes slow, sometimes elusive, and sometimes never comes,” Garland said. “The Department of Justice will be unwavering in its pursuit of equal justice under law.”

Pamela Karlan, the principal deputy assistant attorney general in the Civil Rights Division, sent a letter on Wednesday to Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey and other city government and police department officials outlining the scope of the investigation. The letter, which was provided to BuzzFeed News by a spokesperson for the City of Minneapolis, tracks Garland’s public announcement about the focus of the probe, and explains that investigators will “review MPD policies, training, supervision, and investigatory files, as well as MPD’s systems of accountability, including misconduct complaint intake, investigation, review, disposition, and discipline.”

“We have not reached any conclusions about the subject matter of this investigation,” Karlan wrote. “We will consider all relevant information, including information pertaining to the efforts that the City and MPD have undertaken to ensure adherence to the Constitution and federal law. During our investigation, we will seek to speak with City and MPD officials, as well as individuals who have interacted with MPD, including community members and others who may have relevant insights into this matter. We assure you that we will seek to minimize any potential disruption on the City and MPD’s operations during our investigation.”

The Minneapolis Police Department released a statement saying that Chief Medaria Arradondo “welcomes this investigation” and that the department would “cooperate fully.”

“The Chief understands that the intent of this inquiry is to reveal any deficiencies or unwanted conduct within the department and provide adequate resources and direction to correct them. The Chief has been insistent that he wants to make the MPD the best department possible. With the assistance of the Department of Justice, the Chief believes he will have additional support, some of which he has been seeking over the last three years, to pursue changes he would like to see in his department,” the department said.

A senior Justice Department official, speaking on background, said that a team from the Civil Rights Division was already in Minneapolis working with the US attorney’s office, but declined to specify when exactly the department began considering whether to formally launch an investigation. The official said the department did not want to take any steps that could interfere with Chauvin’s trial and the work of state and local prosecutors, but felt it was appropriate to officially move forward now that the verdict was in. The official said that the Minneapolis Police Department was notified this morning in advance of Garland’s public announcement.

There’s a long history of these types of “pattern or practice” investigations by the Justice Department into police departments accused of civil rights violations, and they ramped up under the Obama administration. In 2018, then–attorney general Jeff Sessions dramatically scaled back the tools that prosecutors had available to enforce police reforms, placing new restrictions on when officials could enter into consent decrees that imposed long-term court supervision, as well as the scope of those agreements.

Just one week ago, however, Garland rescinded that Sessions memo and reinstated the department’s previous rules, which gave officials more leeway to sign off on consent decrees and other types of settlements, and removed a requirement that these agreements have a predetermined end date.

Other high-profile police killings of civilians, particularly Black people, have led to these types of oversight agreements, even if individual officers didn’t face prosecution. After officer Darren Wilson, a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, shot and killed Michael Brown, a Black man, state and federal investigations cleared him of criminal liability and he wasn’t charged. But a DOJ probe found unconstitutional practices by the Ferguson police department as a whole, and entered into a consent decree with the city in 2016 that mandated a series of changes, from how and when officers could use force to how they handled First Amendment–protected protests.

Garland said the lawyers involved in the investigation would be gathering information from community groups in Minneapolis as well as officers in the department. If DOJ does find a pattern of abuses or other constitutional violations, the department will issue a public report and potentially pursue legal action against the city in court, Garland said, noting the potential for a consent decree or settlement.

“Most of our nation’s law enforcement officers do their difficult jobs honorably and lawfully. I strongly believe that good officers do not want to work in systems that allow bad practices. Good officers welcome accountability because accountability is an essential part of building trust with the community, and public safety requires public trust,” Garland said.

Minneapolis City Attorney Jim Rowader said in a statement that, “The City welcomes the federal investigation announced today and has already begun working with the Department of Justice team both in Washington D.C. and in Minnesota to help them quickly get this investigation organized and underway.”

Jonathan Smith, who oversaw these types of pattern-or-practice investigations as head of the Civil Rights Division’s Special Litigation Section from 2010 to 2015, said that these investigations are labor and time-intensive, involving reviews of hundreds of thousands of pages of documents and interviews with hundreds of people. The DOJ team will likely start by combing through documents to understand how the Minneapolis Police Department operates, he said, and those materials can include any written policies and procedures, training programs, excessive force and traffic stop reports, and disciplinary records.

Investigators will spend time with the different communities in Minneapolis that come into contact with police, such as community representatives, faith and civil rights leaders, judges, prosecutors, defense lawyers, immigrant advocates, and jail officials, Smith said, as well as officers in the department. The DOJ team typically will set up a hotline or email account for the public to submit information and host town hall meetings, he said. Once they’ve collected all of that information, the career attorneys running the probe will analyze whether there is, in fact, a pattern of constitutional violations and, if so, they’ll solicit input from the community about potential reforms.

After all of that work is done, Justice Department attorneys will then try to negotiate an agreement with city officials that they can present to a federal judge, Smith said. Once a consent decree gets the court’s approval, the judge will appoint an independent monitor to track the city’s progress in complying with the terms of the agreement and whether it’s actually making a difference on the ground.

Smith, now the executive director Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs, said that although political appointees at the Justice Department backed away from these investigations and consent decree enforcement under former president Donald Trump, a number of career attorneys stayed on in the Special Litigation Section who have experience with this kind of work and would be ready to pick it up again.

Garland’s announcement “sends a message that the Department of Justice is going to be doing more of these investigations,” Smith said. “There was a four-year pause in the Department of Justice using its enforcement authority to ensure that police departments comply with the Constitution under the Trump administration. I’m very encouraged. I hope this is the first of many and expect that it is the first of many.”

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Macri fue intervenido en la mañana de este miércoles en una rodilla que lo tiene a mal traer desde hace poco más de un año. Si bien es una intervención menor y de bajo riesgo, muestra el cuidado que le dedica el Presidente a su salud, por más mínimo que sea. Tiene sus motivos.

Cuando Mauricio Macri desembarcó en la Quinta de Olivos mandó a remodelar la cancha de paddle para colocarle pasto sintético que ayudara a cuidarle las piernas. Con antecedentes de problemas, el presidente pensó que era la forma de evitar futuras lesiones.

En junio de 2016, tras regresar de un acto por el Día de la Bandera en la ciudad Rosario, el cesped sintético no impidió que Macri se esguinzara la rodilla derecha jugando al paddle. Ese mismo día fue atendido por la Unidad Médica Presidencial, al día siguiente se realizó estudios en el Centro Atrostópico Jorge Batista y al tercer día se sometió a una intervención quirúrgica en el Sanatorio Agote, en la que le extrajeron el trozo de menisco lesionado.


Ver más:
Franco y Mauricio Macri, unidos por los problemas cardíacos


En aquella ocasión, el doctor en kinesiología y fisiatría Norberto Furman relató a NOTICIAS que “Macri tuvo hace un tiempo largo una operación en una rodilla, producto de un accidente mientras esquiaba. Eso hace que las piernas no queden bien, que estén castigadas”.

La intervención quirúrgica a la que fue sometido en 2016 tras jugar al paddle, duró apenas 25 minutos y el Presidente retomó sus actividades normales ese mismo día. Todo parece indicar que esta segunda intervención seguirá la misma evolución.

El primer semestre de su gobierno no solamente llegó cargado de problemas económicos, sino también de dificultades en su salud, entre los que se incluyó la fisura de una costilla, el esguince de una rodilla y, quizás la que mas susto genero, sufrió una arritmia cardíaca.

Los problemas de salud de Macri que sí preocuparon comenzaron a menos de un mes de haber asumido. El 8 de enero de 2016 Macri se fisuró el arco posterior de la décima costilla. El parte oficial explicaba que el accidente sucedió “mientras jugaba con su hija Antonia en la quinta ‘Los Abrojos’”. Pero una fuente de la mesa chica del Presidente confirmó a NOTICIAS que eso fue un invento para la prensa. Una de las versiones, que no fue admitida por su entorno, fue que el golpe habría sido fruto de un desmayo.

Cinco meses después, otro episodio alteraría la salud presidencial. Fue en la tarde del viernes 3 de junio, cuando lo aquejó una arritmia mientras estaba reunido con Edi Zunino, jefe de redacción de NOTICIAS, y otros periodistas. Macri decidió continuar con el encuentro, restándole importancia a lo que sucedía. Pero luego debió ser internado en la Clínica Olivos para corregir la alteración del ritmo cardíaco. Otra vez, la comunicación oficial fue un tema de debate: la noticia de la internación llegó a las redacciones incluso antes de que los voceros presidenciales estuviesen enterados y hubo desmentidas a medias y mucha desprolijidad. Por ese tema, el jueves 23 de junio la Unidad Médica Presidencial sumó a dos cardiólogos: Ramiro Santos y Christian Adrián Caroli.

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The Manhattan district attorney’s office is expected to charge the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer with tax-related crimes on Thursday, people familiar with the matter said, which would mark the first criminal charges against the former president’s company since prosecutors began investigating it three years ago.

Any charges against the Trump Organization and Allen Weisselberg, the company’s longtime chief financial officer, would be a blow to former President Donald Trump, who has fended off multiple criminal and civil probes during and after his presidency. But the initial charges won’t implicate Mr. Trump himself, his lawyer said, falling short of an expectation built during a high-profile probe that included a battle over the former president’s tax returns that went twice to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The defendants are expected to appear in court on Thursday afternoon, the people said.

The Trump Organization and Mr. Weisselberg are expected to face charges related to allegedly evading taxes on fringe benefits, the people said. For months, the Manhattan district attorney’s office and New York state attorney general’s office have been investigating whether Mr. Weisselberg and other employees illegally avoided paying taxes on perks—such as cars, apartments and private-school tuition—that they received from the Trump Organization.

A sole focus on fringe benefits would be unusual, former prosecutors said. It is rare to charge an individual or company for failure to pay taxes on employee benefits alone, although such charges are used as part of larger cases.

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Hasta ahora sólo había sido llamado a declarar en calidad de testigo, pero ahora lo acusan de estar directamente involucrado en el esquema de corrupción.

El expresidente brasileño Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva fue conducido este viernes por la policía a un interrogatorio ante sospechas de que recibió “pagos disimulados” procedentes de la red de corrupción en la petrolera estatal Petrobras, informó la fiscalía de este país.

“Hay evidencias de que el expresidente Lula recibió valores oriundos del esquema Petrobras por medio de la destinación y reforma de un apartamento triplex y de un sitio (casa de campo) en Atibaia”, señaló en un comunicado la procuraduría de Paraná, el estado brasileño donde se investiga la causa.

Agregó que “también son investigados pagos al expresidente, hechos por empresas bajo investigación” en la causa de sobornos de la petrolera, “a título de supuestas donaciones y conferencias“.

La fiscalía precisó que los posibles delitos que se investigan son de corrupción y lavado de dinero. El exmandatario siempre ha sostenido que actuó de acuerdo a la ley.

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El escándalo ha salpicado a numerosas figuras de la política brasileña.

Lula, un exsindicalista de 70 años que gobernó Brasil entre 2003 y 2010 con una amplia popularidad a nivel mundial, fue llevado por la Policía Federal al aeropuerto de Congonhas, en la ciudad de São Paulo, cumpliendo una orden de conducción coercitiva para interrogarlo.

La policía realizó además operativos en un domicilio del exmandatario y en la sede del Instituto Lula en São Paulo, autorizados por el juez Sérgio Moro que conduce la causa de sobornos en Petrobras.

Algunos incidentes se registraron entre partidarios y críticos de Lula que manifestaban en el aeropuerto de Congonhas y frente a la casa del expresidente.

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La vinculación de Lula con el escándalo de corrupción de Petrobras ha detonado varias protestas.

En los últimos meses Lula ha negado reiteradamente haber cometido delito alguno en los casos por los que está siendo investigado.

Sin embargo, el comunicado de la fiscalía sostuvo que “el expresidente, además de líder partidario, era el responsable final por la decisión de quiénes serían los directores de Petrobras y fue uno de los principales beneficiarios de los delitos”.

“De hecho, surgieron evidencias de que los crímenes lo enriquecieron y financiaron campañas electorales y la caja de su agremiación política”, agregó.

“Arbitraria e injustificable”

Un comunicado del Instituto Lula señaló que “la violencia practicada hoy” contra el expresidente y allegados a él que también son investigados supone “una agresión al Estado de Derecho que alcanza a toda la sociedad brasileña”.

El texto calificó la acción a la que fue sometido Lula como “arbitraria, ilegal, e injustificable”.

“Nada justifica un mandato de conducción coercitiva contra un expresidente que colabora con la Justicia, espontáneamente o siempre que lo invitan”, sostuvo el instituto del expresidente.

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Un policia custodia la entrada del Instituto Lula en São Paulo.

Las investigaciones del caso Petrobras procuran desmantelar un esquema de desvío de dinero y sobornos multimillonarios que beneficiaba a directores de la petrolera, empresas constructoras y políticos.

El escándalo ha derrumbado la popularidad de la actual presidenta Dilma Rousseff, que enfrenta un pedido de juicio político para destituirla en el Congreso y denuncias ante el tribunal electoral de que realizó campaña con fondos ilícitos.

Rousseff, que al igual que Lula integra el Partido de los Trabajadores (PT), ha negado que conociera la red de corrupción en Petrobras antes de que el escándalo estallara públicamente.

Sin embargo, la revista brasileña “IstoÉ” informó el jueves que un senador del PT procesado por la misma causa realizó un acuerdo de delación premiada con la policía en el que acusa directamente a Rousseff y Lula.

Según la publicación, el senador Delcídio Amaral sostuvo que la mandataria intentó interferir en las investigaciones de Petrobras y que Lula intentó comprar el silencio de un exdirector de la petrolera.

No obstante, tras divulgarse la noticia Amaral dijo que no reconocía los documentos publicados por la revista. Para que la supuesta delación tenga validez debería ser homologada por un ministro de la máxima corte de justicia de Brasil.

Rousseff divulgó el mismo jueves un comunicado en el que afirmó que su gobierno respeta la ley y repudia “el uso abusivo” de filtraciones de datos “como arma política”.

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HONG KONG—Tech giant Apple Inc. shut its stores early citywide on Monday, as fears of escalating violence and spiraling lawlessness linked to weekslong protests spurred concern among businesses and the public.

A day after police fired tear gas in clashes with thousands of protesters, Hong Kong remains on edge as officials conceded no ground and activists accused the government of coddling a rise in vigilante justice. In the north of the city, a mob of white-shirted men stormed a subway station late Sunday and beat people whom…

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Niamh Ni Dhomhnaill esperaba que su exnovio mostrara algún tipo de arrepentimiento.

Niamh Ní Dhomhnaill mantuvo una relación amorosa con Magnus Meyer Hustveit por casi un año.

Vivían juntos en un apartamento en Dublín, la capital de la República de Irlanda, pero algunas veces él se enfadaba y Niamh evitaba ir a casa.

Niamh no era consciente de que Hustveit la estaba atacando sexualmente y la violaba cuando dormía.

Niamh lo confrontó y él admitió que había estado abusando de ella entre tres y cuatro veces a la semana durante su relación.

Niamh renunció a su derecho al anonimato para hablar con Newsbeat, uno de los programas de radio de la BBC, sobre el abuso sexual que sufrió y que no le hacía despertar.

Me desperté y no tenía los pantalones de mi piyama“, recuerda.

“Me di cuenta de que estaba empapada de algo que parecía ser semen”.

Esa fue la primera vez que Niamh se dio cuenta de que algo no estaba bien. Confrontó a Magnus y le preguntó si había tenido sexo con ella mientras ella dormía.

Se mostró totalmente indiferente y solo dijo: ‘Sí, lo hice’“.

“Le dije que si estaba dormida no era capaz de dar consentimiento y me dijo: ‘Está bien, no lo haré otra vez'”.

Pero Magnus lo volvió a hacer.

La evidencia

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Organizaciones que atienden a mujeres que han sido víctimas de violaciones aseguran que es muy común que entre los perpetradores haya parejas y exparejas.

Para Niamh era raro lo que su pareja estaba haciendo y le preguntó qué era lo que estaba pasando.

“Me dijo: ‘He estado haciendo esto tres a cuatro veces a la semana desde que nos conocemos'”.

Eso fue hace casi 12 meses. Había todo desde besos, pasando por caricias hasta sexo con penetración.

Niamh abandonó a Magnus, originalmente de Noruega, y le envió un correo electrónico en el que le preguntaba más información sobre lo que le había pasado a ella.

Sabía que no tenía sentido acudir a la policía irlandesa si no tenía ningún tipo de prueba“, explicó.

“Tenía que ser más inteligente”.

Esperaba que él accediera a reunirse para tomarse un té con ella y así poder grabar una confesión, pero eso no fue necesario.

Magnus admitió lo que hizo en un correo electrónico y Niamh lo reportó a la policía.


Se celebró un juicio y Magnus se declaró culpable de uno de los cargos de violación y un cargo de asalto sexual.

Le dictaron una sentencia suspendida de siete años, lo que significa que no tuvo que ser encarcelado.

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Magnus fue procesado judicialmente.

El juez dijo que era “importante” tener en cuenta que Magnus había confesado y que sin una confesión un proceso judicial habría sido imposible.

“No hubo expresión alguna de remordimiento a lo largo del juicio y recuerdo haber pensado que era raro que no hubiese hecho el intento de decir que lo sentía”, Niamh dijo.

“Me llevó tiempo darme cuenta de lo que pasaba. Me culpo de la misma manera que me culpa la gente por internet. ¿Por qué me estoy cuestionando a mí misma? ¿Por qué estoy poniendo la responsabilidad de sus acciones sobre mí? Es algo que algunas veces me atormenta”.

“Me gustaría saber cómo responde a esto y lo que siente”.

Niamh dice que recuerda haber escuchado al juez decir: “siete años”, pero no recuerda haber oído: “totalmente suspendida”.

Fue su madre la que le tuvo que explicar que Magnus no iría a prisión.

Dice que siente frustración frente al sistema de justicia irlandés y que ahora está apelando.

Se cree que Magnus ha regresado a Oslo, en Noruega.

“Mi mayor preocupación es que la gente que oye esta historia no se atreva a reportar una violación o un asalto sexual”, Niamh dijo.

“Yo no creo que los abusadores abusen una sola vez. Y esto está evitando que pase”.


A muchas personas les puede costar entender cómo una persona puede dormir mientras es violada.

“Es muy difícil decir cuán común es una violación cuando la víctima está dormida, mayormente porque los asaltos sexuales son algo sobre lo que a las sobrevivientes les cuesta hablar”, le dijo a Newsbeat Katie Russell, vocera de la organización británica sin fines de lucro Rape Crises.

“Lo que sí sabemos es que es extremadamente común que una persona sea violada o agredida sexualmente por alguien que conoce”.

“Y muy frecuentemente el perpetrador es alguien en quien la víctima ha confiado e incluso ha amado, como una pareja, una expareja o un familiar“.

“Es muy raro para las mujeres o las chicas mentir sobre una agresión sexual”, dijo Russell.

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Ciudad de México.- En redes sociales comenzó a circular un video en donde se observa cómo pierde la vida Mario Gámez Villegas, escolta del secretario de Gobierno de Guanajuato, Antonio Salvador García.

Los hechos ocurrieron en la alberca de la Procuraduría de Justicia de Guanajuato, durante unos ejercicios de adiestramiento, el pasado 21 de marzo.

En el video, con duración de menos de un minuto, se ve el momento en que Gámez Villegas se lanza desde el trampolín a la alberca.

Mario Gámez Villegas tenía 30 años; su cuerpo fue rescatado por elementos de Protección Civil y bomberos.

Los familiares del escolta denunciaron que se le obligó a aventarse a la alberca, a pesar de que advirtió que no sabía nadar.


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‘Our parents lived for their children, we live for ourselves’

Jia Shicong is a 31-year-old education project manager. She is married to Hu Xuancheng, also 31, an engineer. They have a baby girl who is one year and seven months old. They live in Xi’an, in central China

Jia Shicong with her husband, Hu Xuancheng, and their daughter. Photograph: Handout

When hearing the news today, my colleagues joked that unless the government rewards us with a flat and a degree for every single child we give birth to, the policy has nothing to do with us at all.

Chinese couples – especially women – are less willing to give birth these days. This is because the pressure is too high in today’s society. After giving birth, as a woman, you are not likely to return to work any time soon due to childcare. The more babies you have, the more you’ll have to sacrifice in your career.

In addition, when you become a parent you’ll have to think – and worry – about kids’ education in the future. Parents want the best of everything for their children, but the competition in China is way too fierce today.

In short, my generation of Chinese people is rather different from that of my parents. My parents’ generation lived for their children, but my generation lives for ourselves.”

‘If the government is serious they should improve childcare’

Wang Zhenyu is a 33-year-old researcher, married to Miao Dong, a 26-year-old freelance writer. They live in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, and have no children.

Miao Dong and Wang Zhenyu. Photograph: Handout

I don’t think the relaxation of the rules is going to be very effective at all. In China these days, there are very few people who would like to consider having more than two children. Even among those who contemplate having that many kids, it is way too costly for young couples to raise them.

But today’s announcement from the top level is a signal that the central government is worried about the demographic trends these days. It’s a big challenge ahead for our country.

I am from a village in rural China. I was born in 1987. Even though it was still under China’s one-child policy, I had two siblings. My family back then paid some penalties to the authorities, and it was fine. My wife was born in a city, and she is the only child in her family.

I like children, but the competition is way too stiff in China these days. I have many things to worry about: how to live a better life for my small family and for my wider family.

My wife does not want children. It is because she wants to pursue her own career. It’s too much of a burden to raise a child – let alone more than one.

If the government is really serious about encouraging more babies, they should improve things such as welfare, childcare and eradicating discrimination against women in workplace. On top of that, educational resources is another big issue. They will all be factored into Chinese couples’ decisions.”

‘When I was growing up as a single child I hoped for a big family’

Gloria Ai is a 34-year-old TV presenter based in Beijing. She is looking forward to having babies soon.

Gloria Ai. Photograph: Handout

I am a single child born in 1987 under the previous one-child policy. When I was growing up, I had always hoped for a big family. I enjoy being surrounded by children.

I have been running my own media business for the last few years. I understand that because I am financially well-off, I can afford to have a big family. This is a privilege. I think the new policy will allow me to do so, and would incentivise me to work harder for my children and my family.

More and more successful Chinese women around my age are becoming mothers. I have been sharing tips on better parenting with my friends of late, too.”

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Jaap Arriens/NurPhoto/Getty Images

El video es un gran negocio en las redes sociales, y Twitter espera ganar algo de dinero de la mano de Bloomberg.

La plataforma de medios sociales se está asociando con la compañía de medios financieros para transmitir noticias 24/7, según un reporte del Wall Street Journal. El canal será anunciado este mismo lunes y se lanzará hacia el final del año, según el informe. La cadena mostrará reportes en vivo de periodistas de Bloomberg de todo el mundo, en lugar de reflejar la programación de TV de la agencia de noticias.

También incluirá algunos videos publicados por los usuarios de Twitter, según el WSJ.

Twitter ha intentado durante mucho tiempo profundizar en el juego de los streams en vivo, firmando un acuerdo con la NFL en abril del año pasado para transmitir fútbol americano en su plataforma.

Sin embargo, Amazon le ganó la jugada, tras anotarse los derechos de los partidos del jueves por la noche para la temporada 2017-18. El acuerdo con Bloomberg, no obstante, parece tener menos que ver con acercar a los espectadores de Bloomberg a Twitter, y más centrado en atraer a aquellos que prefieren no recibir sus noticias en la televisión.

Twitter y Bloomberg declinaron hacer comentarios al respecto.

Con la colaboración de Laura Martínez.

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PG&E says that the second phase of power outages is now delayed due to weather forecast changes.

VIDEO: PG&E answers questions: What does it take to turn power back on, where to go for updates

Shutoffs for the second phase of counties, initially scheduled to start around noon on Wednesday, have been delayed by a few hours. The counties impacted are: Alameda, Alpine, Calaveras, Contra Costa, Mariposa, Mendocino, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Stanislaus and Tuolumne.

About 513,000 customers were part of the first phase of this PSPS in Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, El Dorado, Glenn, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Shasta, Sierra, Solano, Sonoma, Tehama, Trinity, Yolo and Yuba counties.

LIST: Counties, cities affected by PG&E power outage in Bay Area, rest of California

About 21,000 in Calaveras and 800 customers in Mendocino were not part of the first phase and will be turned off during the second phase coming later Wednesday.

A third phase is being considered for the southernmost portions of PG&E’s service area, impacting approximately 42,000 customers. Specific locations are still to be determined.

MAPS: PG&E power outage is affecting these Bay Area cities

PG&E says the decision to turn off the power was based on forecasts of dry, hot and windy weather including potential fire risk. However several residents have noticed little to no wind this morning in the region. That could change by this afternoon with gusts expected to pick up.

The strongest winds are forecasted to reach 60 to 70 mph at higher elevations, according to forecast models being used by PG&E.


There are 186,000 people without power in Marin, Napa, Solano, Sonoma, Mendocino and Lake counties according to PG&E.

Traffic has been a mess with backups at several intersections due to the outage.

PG&E shut off the power in Sonoma at midnight, causing problems for residents and bringing many to question why this was happening.

“There’s no wind. So I am a little confused with that. PG&E has a little problem with information, I think,” said Chris Lely around 6 a.m. outside the Safeway, where he was looking to get a cup of coffee.

The store had some lights on but was closed. Safeway had a generator to try and save some food but did not have enough power to open for business.

“This is the start of it. We will see how many days it runs. That will be the problem. It’s not fun. It’s better than a fire though,” Lely said.

As the morning progressed, a beautiful Fall day unfolded. But the power remained off.

RELATED: North Bay residents upset, hot air balloons continue to fly after no winds develop overnight

“It’s a little ridiculous. It’s beautiful out… short sleeves… I don’t know what prompted the power outages,” said Josh Crozat, the general manager of G&C Auto Body

He says his office is closed but his garage workers pulled out their hand tools to try and work today. They don’t like it but say it’s better than not working at all.

“It’s exhausting. Normally you hit a button and it goes. Now you’re wrenching with your shoulder, your arm. I wouldn’t want to do it, I use a pen,” Crozat said.

Classes at Sonoma schools were cancelled because of the power outage. Gas stations were closed. People still pulled in to some stations in search of fuel….hoping for an escape.

“I thought I might want to drive to a hotel in a beautiful area that has power, but I don’t think so unless I can find some gas,” said Glen Delman.

Sonoma Market is open but with limited service. The grocery store has a generator to power its cash registers and lights but its ovens don’t work and the coffee is cold. The store is putting its meat and frozen goods in refrigerated trucks behind the store to try and save them. The
manager says if the power outage lasts for days, though, they will lose a lot of it to expiration dates.

It’s all about timing for the people in Napa, fending for themselves with a PG&E power outage that started for them at midnight, some feeling very lucky that they arrived to the local Nob Hill Market just as a new load of ice was being unloaded.

“I think they jumped the gun in my opinion,” said Napa resident Chris Vannoy as he loaded four big bags of ice into his SUV. “There’s no breeze. There’s still due on my car. Turning it off is good, but wait till it’s dangerous.”

Beyond the coping, there is a bit of frustration as residents awakened to a power outage PG & E claims it had to do because of high winds, but here, there is barely any. At least not yet.

“The wind is two miles an hour right now,” said George Wesowitch, as he walked his two dogs in South Napa. “It was 11 miles an hour last night. No wind.”
But high winds are still forecast, prompting a strike team of firefighters from all over the area to gather at a fire station near Silverado Country Club. The contingent includes firefighters from Napa County, St. Helena and American Canyon, as well as the City of Napa.

“We’re formed up as a task force,” said Captain Dan D’Angelo with the City of Napa Fire Department. “We’re pre-positioned, ready to go for a rapid response.”

At a busy intersection South of Napa, the failure of a battery backup system led to a huge backup of cars, where Highways 29 and 221 meet. It was so bad, the CHP had to step in and control traffic by flashlight.

At the Village Liquor on Monticello Road, in the heart of the outage area, the power outage is a little less dangerous, but still disruptive. The store is open, but all transactions are cash only. A portable generator is powered up at the rear of the store to keep the frozen case and the cash registers up and running, but otherwise the store is completely in the dark.


Power outages could impact 32,680 residents Alameda County and 51,310 residents in Contra Costa County starting at noon.

Caltrans announced that the Caldecott Tunnel will remain open through the outage. Crews worked to provide backup generators so that it can remain open.

The Oakland Zoo has been closed today, but crews are working to prepare for the outages.

Joaquin Miller Park along with Dimond, East Oakland and Sheffield Village recreation centers in Oakland will also be closed.

In Hayward, city officials are increasing firefighter, police and emergency-dispatch staffing levels. A cooling and device-charging center at city hall.

“We believe in backups, and backups, and backups,” said Andrea Pook, a spokesperson for East Bay MUD.

Pook says EBMUD, rented 29 portable generators, to pump water to their customers since much of our water supply relies on electricity too.

LIST: Schools impacted by potential PG&E power shutoff

“What we want to do is preserve that water supply, so what we’re asking people to do is conserve water, shut off their outdoor irrigation, when the PG&E power shut down occurs.”

“This is not a good contingency for their customers,” said Marilyn Varnado, who lives in the Oakland Hills. Like many people in the Bay Area, she checked into a hotel, when she found out her home was in an outage area.

“Most people don’t realize what an outage really means,” said Varnado, who added, “stoplights are not going to be working, there’s going to be a lot of crazy things going on and I just think there’s going to be some tragedies because of that.”


As the line of cars inches toward a San Jose Chevron off of East Capitol Expressway, vehicles were also moving closer and closer to PG&E’s public safety power shutdown.

“This is insane,” Yaneth Miluitin, a San Jose resident said. “We are not a third world country.”

Although PG&E believes 38,000 customers in Santa Clara County could be impacted by the outage, that’s counting “customer accounts.” The city said about 200,000 people could be impacted in San Jose.

“They think by shutting off the power they’re going to resolve a problem, but the problem is a lot deeper than what we’re experiencing right now,” Milutin said.

“It’s very frustrating on our part to not know what’s going on in a large swath of our city and have their power taken away,” Kip Harkness, San Jose’s deputy city manager, said.

The city’s best advice right now is to be prepared for up to seven days without power. The empty water shelves inside a South San Jose Target show at least some residents are listening to the warnings.

If you don’t have the right supplies, San Jose has opened three community resource centers to help. PG&E has a community resource center operating inside Avaya auditorium.


In San Mateo County, most of the areas in the PG&E fire zone are south of Highway 92, all the way to the Coast.

PG&E contractors worked near Highway 92 in San Mateo, trimming trees too close to power lines. PG&E appeared to have a new fire break around its Jefferson substation.

Upscale Emerald Hills, with its expensive homes, was in PG&E’s fire zone, a community with narrow winding roads where strong winds from the northwest sweep down in the afternoons.

The ACE Hassett Hardware Store was the most popular spot in Half Moon Bay, some of its shelves empty by noon. Generators were selling like hotcakes.

The Tom Lantos Tunnel at Devils Slide on Highway One is expected to remain open through the outage.

RELATED: Are you ready for a blackout? Here’s how to prepare if PG&E cuts electricity during high wind, fire danger

PG&E says power restoration will begin Thursday afternoon after the weather event. PG&E crews will then have to inspect every inch of their power lines and infrastructure, and depending on damage from the expected wind, power could be off in some areas until Monday or Tuesday.

PG&E says as the weather evolves, they will provide updates about the power shutoff and restoration timing.

For the latest stories about PG&E’s Public Safety Power Shutoff go here.

ABC7 News’ Laura Anthony, Amy Hollyfield, Jobina Fortson and Liz Kreutz contributed to this report.


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Decenas de personas esperaban angustiadas la noche del domingo por información sobre sus familiares, a dos cuadras del club nocturno de Orlando en el que un asaltante solitario mató a cuando menos 50 personas e hirió a otras 53, en lo que es considerado como el peor tiroteo masivo en la historia de Estados Unidos.

Algunos estaban allí para expresar su solidaridad con las víctimas del tiroteo, mientras otras buscaban averiguar el paradero de sus seres queridos.


Entre ellos Rafael Rivera, un vecino del sector de origen puertorriqueño, quien expresó su preocupación por dos de sus amigos que se encontraban en el club Pulse en la madrugada del domingo y de quienes no ha tenido noticia desde entonces.

“Si no están acá, vamos a ir de hospital en hospital hasta que los encontremos”, dijo Rivera. “Estamos todos preocupados, orando y esperando que estén bien”.

Al parecer las víctimas son en su mayoría de origen hispano, ya que los sábados en la noche era fiesta latina, aseguró Siomaira Hernández, quien frecuentaba el lugar.


De hecho, las autoridades han dado a conocer hasta ahora los nombres de siete víctimas mortales, todas hispanas. Ellos son Edward Sotomayor Jr., de 34 años, Stanley Almodovar III, de 23 años, Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo, de 20 años, Juan Ramón Guerrero, de 22 años, Eric Iván Ortiz-Rivera, de 36 años, Peter O. González-Cruz, de 22 años y Luis S. Vielma, de 22 años.

De acuerdo con versiones periodísticas, en el interior de la discoteca todavía hay decenas de cadáveres en proceso de identificación.


La tragedia ocurrió la madrugada del domingo, cuando Omar Mateen, un ciudadano estadounidense de origen afgano, ingresó al local armado con un fusil de asalto AR-15 y una pistola de mano y comenzó a disparar sobre una multitud de al menos 300 personas. El Pulse es uno de los clubes gay más populares de Orlando.

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Imágenes de Omar Mateen en redes sociales

La ex esposa de Omar Mateen, presunto responsable por la masacre en Orlando que dejó un saldo de al menos 50 muertos, identificó estas fotografías subidas a la red social My Space, en declaraciones al diario Washington Post.

Fotos tomadas de My Space


En las cercanías del club, personas de diferentes orígenes, nacionalidades, identidades sexuales y religiones también acudieron al lugar a expresar su voz de rechazo. Uno de ellos, Hasan Shibly, director ejecutivo del Consejo de las Relaciones Americanas e Islámicas, dijo que estaba allí para reiterar que el autor de la masacre no representaba la ideología de la religión islámica.

“Estoy acá para rechazar todo tipo de violencia contra mis conciudadanos de la Florida”, dijo Shibly.

Cientos de personas se presentaron también a las instalaciones de OneBlood con el objetivo de donar sangre para los heridos. Sin embargo, esta organización se ciñe a las normas de la FDA (Administración de Alimentos y Drogas), que no permite que las personas que hayan tenido relaciones homosexuales durante el último año, donen su sangre.

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Obama: Tiroteo en Orlando es un ataque contra todos nosotros

El presidente Barack Obama calificó el ataque contra un club nocturno de Orlando como un acto de terror y odio. Un hombre armado atacó la madrugada del domingo una discoteca gay en Orlando, matando al menos a 50 personas y dejando heridas a otras 53.

Casa Blanca


Mientras tanto, los helicópteros sobrevolaban el lugar de los hechos, y las autoridades vigilaban el perímetro. Algunas personas, como Ángel Ayala repartían agua a quienes se encontraban afuera del área acordonada.

“En estos momentos de necesidad sentimos que nos tenemos que desbordar y ayudar a los familiares de las víctimas y aportar un granito de arena de la forma en la que podamos”, dijo Ayala.

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Centenares de manifestantes protestaban este sábado contra lo que llaman ‘la invasión de los extranjeros’ en Suecia. Foto: AFP

Los agentes de policía montan guardia con sus caballos, para evitar posibles desmanes. Foto: AFP

Las personas que participaron de la protesta eran antifascistas que se enfrentaron a la Policía. Foto: AFP

La policía logró implementar un cordón de seguridad para evitar posibles desmanes en la manifestación. Foto: AFP

Manifestantes antifascistas deseaban enfrentarse con los neonazis y las autoridades lo impidieron. Foto: AFP

La dispersión de la manifestación estuvo caracterizada por breves enfrentamientos que causaron dos heridos leves y algunos más detenidos. Foto: AFP

Miles de personas en contra de esta manifestación organizada por el Movimiento de Resistencia Nórdica (NMR) se aglomeraron en el centro de la capital sueca. Foto: AFP

Cinco personas fueron detenidas y dos resultaron heridas este sábado en la manifestación en Suecia de un movimiento neonazi. Foto: AFP

El Movimiento de Resistencia Nórdica (NMR), fue creado en el año 1997 en Estocolmo, Suecia. Foto: AFP

Según la revista Expo especializada en la extrema derecha, el NMR nunca había logrado congregar tantas personas. Foto: AFP

Un policía fue golpeado por los manifestantes y otra persona resultó herida en circunstancias aún no esclarecidas. Foto: AFP

Simpatizantes neonazis se manifestaron en el centro de Estocolmo este sábado para protestar contra los migrantes. Foto: AFP

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Kellyanne Conway embarrassed CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta during a press gaggle on Tuesday, referring to him as a “smarta–” unliked by other reporters.

Acosta asked Conway if she could promise that President Trump would tell the truth when addressing the nation on Tuesday night.

“Yes, Jim,” Conway shot back, “Can you promise that you will? The whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Am I allowed to mention ‘God’ to you?”

Acosta – who has emerged as a household name for interruptions when Trump and members of his administration are made available to the press – responded by telling Conway that he doesn’t have an “alternative facts” problem like she does.

“Make sure that goes viral. This is why I’m one of the only people around here who gives you the time of day,” Conway said. “You’re such a smarta– most of the time and I know you want this to go viral.”

Conway then told Acosta that “a lot of these people” don’t like him, while pointing to his peers.

“Don’t you put it back in my face for all corrections your network needs to issue,” she continued, mocking CNN. “I was on your network 25 or 26 times in 2018. I’m one of the last people here who even bothered to go on, and the disrespect you show to me personally, I’ll look past it.”


Acosta replied, “Ma’am.”

“Don’t call me ma’am,” Conway responded.

Last year Acosta was briefly banned from the White House after he engaged in a contentious back-and-forth with Trump during a Nov. 7 press conference. During the now-infamous moment, Acosta refused to pass the microphone to a female White House aide.

Acosta’s press pass was restored on Nov. 19 after CNN argued that keeping him out of the White House violated the network and Acosta’s First and Fifth Amendment rights.


To coincide with Acosta being allowed to return to the White House, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders implemented a series of rules to govern White House press conferences going forward.

The CNN reporter has been praised by liberal comedians such as Jimmy Kimmel, and even appeared in the most recent season of the Netflix political drama “House of Cards.”

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