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“El Chapo” Guzmán ya no resiste las medidas de seguridad en su encarcelamiento.

Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán Loera ya no soporta las condiciones de su encarcelamiento en México y por eso quiere ser extraditado lo antes posible a Estados Unidos.

Eso es lo que ha explicado José Refugio Rodríguez Núñez, abogado del narco, quien dijo que la salud de este ha empeorado en las últimas semanas.

“‘Yo no pido más que me dejen dormir’, me dijo. ‘Trate de tener lo más rápido posible la extradición'”, señaló Rodríguez a medios locales.

“Es un acto reflejo de desesperación ante la actitud que ha adoptado el Estado mexicano con él”, aseguró el letrado.

“El Chapo”, quien fue recapturado a principios de enero tras haberse fugado de la cárcel a mediados de 2015, se queja de que los custodios de la cárcel de máxima seguridad de El Altiplano, donde se encuentra recluido, lo despiertan constantemente.

También dice que es vigilado permanentemente, incluso con perros adiestrados.

Eso ha provocado que tenga problemas en la presión arterial, según afirmó su esposa, Emma Coronel, en varias entrevistas que ofreció hace unos días.

De ahí vendría su voluntad de ser enviado a una prisión estadunidense.

Las mujeres en la vida de Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán

Seguridad especial

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En la prisión de El Altiplano, donde está El Chapo, se reforzaron las medidas de seguridad.

Sin embargo, Renato Sales, de la Comisión Nacional de Seguridad de México (de la que dependen las prisiones federales) rechaza que Guzmán Loera sufra maltrato.

Según Sales, las condiciones en las que se encuentra “El Chapo” forman parte de un protocolo de seguridad para los casos de delincuencia organizada.

“La pregunta consecuente es ¿debe estar una persona que se fugó en dos ocasiones de penales de alta seguridad sujeta a medidas especiales de vigilancia?”, señala el funcionario.

“La respuesta por sentido común es sí. Sí debe estar sujeta a medidas especiales de vigilancia”.

Algunas de estas medidas son una vigilancia permanente de custodios, cámaras de video y sensores térmicos para constatar que se encuentra en su celda.

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“El Chapo” fue recapturado a principios de enero.

Cada cuatro horas debe responder preguntas de los vigilantes, incluso por las noches. A este procedimiento se le llama “prueba de vida”.

“El Chapo” se mueve esposado por los pasillos de la prisión y sólo una hora al día puede tomar el sol en un pequeño jardín.

No tiene permitido hablar con nadie, especialmente con los custodios, quienes incluso llevan una cámara en sus cascos.

Las imágenes se transmiten en tiempo real a un centro de vigilancia de la Comisión Nacional de Seguridad.


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Emma Coronel, esposa de Guzmán Loera, dice que su marido está enfermo.

A pesar de la petición de Guzmán Loera, su eventual extradición no sucederá pronto, según reconoce el abogado Rodríguez Núñez.

“No veo una solución antes de dos meses pero es mucho tiempo para las condiciones que tiene Joaquín”, insiste.

El abogado también dice que, por su lado, no acelerarán el proceso hasta conseguir “un buen acuerdo” con las autoridades estadunidenses.

Para ello ya están en busca de un abogado que lo represente en las cortes de ese país.

La Procuradora (fiscal) General de la República, Arely Gómez, ha dicho que el proceso para una posible entrega del capo a la justicia estadunidense puede tardar hasta un año.

Actualmente “El Chapo” enfrenta varios procesos judiciales por delincuencia organizada, delitos contra la salud y portación de armas exclusivas de las fuerzas armadas, entre otros cargos.

En Estados Unidos existen al menos dos juicios en su contra. En cortes de ese país está acusado de narcotráfico, conspiración y homicidio.

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Brian Rabbitt (right) has managed to largely stay out of the public eye as he handled the Russia investigation from multiple sides. | Alex Wong/Getty Images


Brian Rabbitt’s role reveals the carousel nature of the Russia probe, which has seen key players switching positions over the last two years.

Brian Rabbitt has seen the Russia investigations through from start to finish — from several sides.

At the beginning, Rabbitt was in the White House, helping the new administration navigate congressional probes into Moscow interference in the 2016 presidential election. At the end, Rabbitt was at the Justice Department as chief of staff to Robert Mueller’s boss, Attorney General William Barr, as Barr determined how to describe the special counsel’s investigation to the public. In between, Rabbitt prepped Barr for Mueller questions during his Senate confirmation.

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Rabbitt’s behind-the-scenes role reveals the carousel nature of the Russia probe, which has featured a number of players switching positions over the last two years. And it highlights the ethical challenge numerous DOJ and White House officials have had to grapple with as a result — whether to recuse themselves from working on the investigation at all.

Barr rejected calls to step back because of a 19-page memo he wrote before joining the administration contesting the legal grounds for Mueller’s obstruction-of-justice investigation. His predecessor, acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, also fended off recusal calls over his full-throated cable news denunciations of Mueller’s probe. And Trump’s first attorney general, Jeff Sessions, actually did recuse himself and the rest of his personal office because of the prominent surrogate role he played during the Trump campaign.

At the White House, counsel Don McGahn in mid-2017 chose to have his entire office stop working on Russia-related matters because staffers had been privy to some of the incidents under investigation.

So when Rabbitt became Barr’s chief of staff in February, he sought out the agency’s ethics officials to determine whether he could advise on Russia matters, given his prior work in the White House counsel’s office. The officials cleared Rabbitt, and within weeks he was assisting on what would become some of the most consequential decisions to date of Donald Trump’s presidency.

“Yes, in an abundance of caution, I requested guidance from career ethics officials and was cleared to advise and work with the attorney general on these issues,” Rabbitt told POLITICO in an email exchange.

Now, three months into his DOJ job, Rabbitt has played several key roles during the culmination of the Mueller investigation.

The 36-year-old conservative attorney called the White House on a March Friday afternoon to inform Emmet Flood, a former colleague and friend then serving as the president’s lead Mueller-response lawyer, that the special counsel’s work was officially over.

Two days later, Rabbitt made another call to Flood, this time to read aloud Barr’s four-page letter summarizing the special counsel’s top-line conclusions on collusion and obstruction of justice. (That Sunday morning, Rabbitt also delivered three boxes of donuts to reporters staked out for weekend duty at DOJ headquarters awaiting the release of Mueller’s findings.)

Rabbitt declined to comment about what specific role he played in helping Barr handle the nuances of the Mueller report, decisions that have since become a lightning rod of controversy and even drew a rare complaint from the special counsel that the attorney general “did not fully capture the context, nature and substance” of his work on the Russia probe over that mid-March weekend.

During Barr’s Senate hearing last week into the Mueller investigation, Rabbitt also whispered repeatedly into the attorney general’s ear as he looked to his staff for help on some questions.

“People should jump me if I’m wrong,” Barr said on more than one occasion, a reference that seemed aimed at his chief of staff and the other aides sitting nearby.

Rabbitt joined the Trump administration in March 2017 from the Washington, D.C., offices of Williams & Connolly, a law firm well known for its partners’ representation of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Rabbitt said in an email he wanted to start out in the Trump Justice Department, but his resume made its way to McGahn, who offered him a job.

While working for McGahn, Rabbitt had a first-floor desk in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. His main portfolio involved legal issues surrounding the deregulation of the financial services industry, as well as helping the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau make its first transition into a GOP administration. He also worked on the confirmations for Supreme Court Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch and SEC Chairman Jay Clayton.

As one of the few White House lawyers with experience in trial litigation, Rabbitt was also tapped to help in the early stages of the Russia probe, as several House and Senate investigations were just getting started and FBI Director James Comey would publicly confirm a federal probe into possible links between the Trump campaign and Moscow’s election meddling efforts.

“He did a few simple things,” said one former White House colleague who declined to elaborate.

“Let’s just leave it with what you have,” added a second former colleague, who also declined further comment.

In an email exchange with POLITICO, Rabbitt said he was “involved as a lower-level junior lawyer in some of the early congressional inquiries on Russia-related matters.”

Former Trump White House attorney Ty Cobb was more fulsome with his praise.

“We worked closely on complex matters and I admired the judgment he displayed — judgment mature beyond his years!” he said in an email.

From the start, Rabbitt’s work has been almost entirely out of the public eye. And in the end, the Northern Virginia native managed to stay out of the legal fire himself. While several of his former White House colleagues’ names, notes and testimony are cited in the Mueller report, Rabbitt is nowhere to be found.

By the summer of 2017, Rabbitt and the rest of the White House counsel’s office were recused from working on the Russia probe, which by that point had morphed from the FBI investigation Comey had confirmed into the special counsel’s probe. McGahn made the recusal decision, Cobb explained last year, because many of his own attorneys “had been significant participants” surrounding key episodes at the center of the Russia probe, including the firings of Comey and national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Rabbitt left the White House that November to work for the SEC, starting out as a senior lawyer on enforcement and then moving into Clayton’s office as a senior policy adviser. Former colleagues say Rabbitt’s tenure at the White House during the Russia probe was wearing.

“A year in the White House counsel’s office is like 10 years in a normal job,” one of them said.

Rabbitt said he made the change for a “great opportunity to work for a great team and fantastic chairman at the SEC on issues related [to] what I had done in private practice.”

Rabbitt then leapt at the chance to work for Barr. He has known the attorney general since the mid-2000s, when he became close friends with Barr’s middle daughter, Patricia, while the two worked together at the U.S. attorney’s office in Alexandria, Va.

“Bill Barr eventually became a mentor to me,” Rabbitt said in an email about his current boss, who previously served as attorney general in the George H.W. Bush administration.

His Justice Department job actually started before Barr had been sworn in as attorney general. Rabbitt served as the sherpa for Barr’s Senate confirmation, helping the nominee prepare for a hearing loaded with questions about his allegiance to Trump and how he’d handle the release of a final Mueller report.

“He was always super prepared and thoughtful in his comments and was kind of issues-fodder extraordinaire,” said Reginald Brown, a former senior George W. Bush White House aide who also helped Barr in his Senate confirmation. “You can see why Bill liked him on the substance and it was just clear the relationship between them was one of complete trust.”

“That confirmation could have been a controversial one,” Brown added. “It wasn’t. That was in significant part to the quality of [Rabbitt’s] thinking and approach.”

People who know both men say it was a natural fit, offering the attorney general who had been out of government for more than 25 years a window onto Capitol Hill and inside the Trump White House.

“He has a set of relationships across the Trump administration that Bill might not have. He has the ability to be his eyes and ears across town,” said Brown.

Serving as Barr’s right-hand-man has meant a lot of Mueller — it’s the issue that has dominated the attorney general’s first three months on the job.

“There’s obviously been a lot of Mueller. He’s involved in everything the attorney general is involved in,” said one of his former White House colleagues.

Rabbitt, however, never became part of the probe itself. While other former White House colleagues had sat for questioning in the Mueller investigation — McGahn himself spent more than 30 hours with investigators — Rabbitt said the special counsel team didn’t interview him as a witness and he didn’t need to get his own personal lawyer.

Still, Rabbitt nonetheless considered whether another recusal was necessary when Barr became Mueller’s main supervisor, taking over from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

Rabbitt is actually one of several original McGahn hires now serving in the Barr Justice Department. The attorney general’s senior staff also includes deputy chief of staff John Moran and senior adviser Claire McCusker Murray — both worked in the White House counsel’s office with Rabbitt. And former Trump White House associate counsel James Burnham also now has a lead role on DOJ’s civil side representing the administration in trial courts around the country.

The Barr-Rabbitt relationship marks a big change from the first team at DOJ, which started out with Sessions and chief of staff Jody Hunt. Sessions recused all of his staff in the attorney general’s office from working on the Russia probe, which opened the door for Rosenstein to take the lead appointing and then supervising Mueller. Whitaker, a former federal prosecutor from Iowa and frequent conservative TV commentator, replaced Hunt in September 2017 and later became the acting attorney general after Trump ousted Sessions the day after the November 2018 midterms.

“Could I have seen him be Jeff Sessions’ chief of staff? No. Because that’d be weird,” said one of Rabbitt’s former White House colleagues. “Given the fact Bill Barr is the attorney general, it makes all the sense in the world.”

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Updated: Feb 22, 2019 – 4:02 PM

COOK COUNTY, Ill. – Singer R. Kelly was charged Friday with 10 counts of felony criminal sexual abuse involving four minors, according to the Cook County Prosecutor’s Office. The allegations span two decades.

The victims are between 13 and 16 years old, according to prosecutors. 

Friday’s charges come after years of allegations directed at Kelly accusing the now-52-year-old of sexual misconduct involving women and underage girls. Through his lawyers, he has consistently denied them.

Kelly, whose legal name is Robert Kelly, is one of the top-selling recording artists of all time. He has won multiple Grammys, including for his hit song, “I Believe I Can Fly.”

Stay with and watch Channel 2 Action News starting at 4 p.m. for updates on this developing story.

Jurors acquitted Kelly of child pornography charges at a 2008 trial. Those charges stemmed from a video prosecutors alleged showed Kelly having sex with a girl as young as 13.


Attorney Michael Avenatti said last week that he recently gave Chicago prosecutors new video evidence of Kelly having sex with an underage girl.

On Friday, Avenatti seemed to announce the charges against Kelly with a two-word tweet: “It’s over.”

“After 25 years of serial sexual abuse and assault of underage girls, the day of reckoning for R. Kelly has arrived,” he wrote in a subsequent tweet.

A Chicago judge has authorized a no-bail arrest warrant for Kelly.

Aggravated criminal sexual abuse is a class 2 felony with a sentencing range of three to seven years per count. It is also probationable, according to Kim Foxx, the state’s attorney for Cook County. 

Foxx held a news conference Friday afternoon and said she expects Kelly to appear in bond court Saturday afternoon.

ABC News, The Associated Press and the Cox Media Group National Content Desk contributed to this report.

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Seúl realizó ejercicios militares en respuesta a la prueba nuclear de Corea del Norte.

Corea del Sur realizó este lunes un simulacro de lanzamiento de misiles en el que, supuestamente, atacaba el sitio donde Pyongyang realiza sus pruebas nucleares.

El ejercicio, una de las respuestas de Seúl al desafío nuclear de su vecino, se realizó con aviones de combate y misiles balísticos lanzados desde tierra y se probó nuevamente el polémico escudo antimisiles THAAD colocado por Estados Unidos, al que se opone China.

El ejército surcoreano aseguró que el “objetivo simulado” fue Punggye-ri, el lugar donde se encuentran los túneles en los que los norcoreanos realizan las pruebas de su armamento atómico.

“El entrenamiento demuestra la determinación de los militares surcoreanos de destruir no sólo el origen de la provocación, sino también el liderazgo del enemigo y las fuerzas de apoyo si amenazan la seguridad de nuestro pueblo”, dijo el coronel Roh Jae-cheon, portavoz del Ejército.

La agencia de noticias surcoreana Yonhap. indicó que Seúl y Washington acordaron “en principio” revisar las actuales directrices para que Corea del Sur pueda duplicar la carga máxima de sus misiles balísticos.

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El general James Mattis pidió a Corea del Norte que escuche los llamados del mundo en contra de su programa nuclear.

Estados Unidos, por su parte, aseguró este domingo que está listo para usar “sus capacidades nucleares” si Corea del Norte vuelve a amenazar su territorio o el de sus aliados, la segunda respuesta en un día a la prueba nuclear de Pyongyang.

Tras una conversación telefónica entre el presidente Donald Trump y el primer ministro japonés, Shinzo Abe, la Casa Blanca emitió una declaración en la que ratificó que la opción nuclear es una de las posibles respuestas a la crisis en la península coreana.

Ya en la tarde, el secretario de Defensa estadounidense, James Mattis afirmó que su país lanzará una “respuesta militar masiva” en contra de Corea del Norte si el país asiático vuelve a amenazar a sus territorios y a sus aliados, advirtió este domingo

Los ejercicios militares y las declaraciones de Mattis tuvieron lugar las pruebas nucleares que realizó Corea del Norte este domingo, cuyo gobierno aseguró que detonó una bomba de hidrógeno que puede ser instalada en un misil intercontinental.

“Cualquier amenaza a Estados Unidos o a sus territorios, incluyendo Guam, o a nuestros aliados, generará una respuesta militar masiva, una respuesta eficaz y abrumadora“, dijo el general Mattis en un mensaje pronunciado en la Casa Blanca.

La isla de Guam, un territorio de EE.UU. en el Pacífico, fue el objetivo que Pyongyang puso en la mira en un intercambio de amenazas con Estados Unidos en agosto.

La declaración del secretario de Defensa vino después de que miembros del Consejo de Seguridad Nacional de EE.UU. se reunieron con el presidente Donald Trump, este domingo, para analizar la “reciente provocación” de Corea del Norte.

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Las fotografías fueron publicadas por la agencia oficial de noticias horas antes de la prueba nuclear.

Le presentaron “muchas opciones militares”, dijo Mattis: “Dejamos claro que tenemos la capacidad de defendernos y defender a nuestros aliados, Corea del Sur y Japón, de cualquier ataque”.

La televisión estatal de Corea del Norte informó este domingo que su inteligencia militar logró desarrollar una bomba de hidrógeno que puede ser montada en un misil balístico intercontinental.

El líder norcoreano Kim Jong-un supervisó personalmente el último desarrollo de armamento de su país.

Aunque no es posible verificar de forma independiente este presunto desarrollo, EE.UU., Corea del Sur y Japón detectaron que hubo una detonación que generó un temblor de magnitud 6,3, el cual correspondería con este tipo de pruebas nucleares de alto poder.


Al comparecer ante la prensa este domingo, el general Mattis hizo un llamado a Kim Jong-un a que “tome en cuenta” la postura “unánime”, dijo, del Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas en contra de su programa nuclear.

Pero también lanzó una advertencia que eleva el tono hasta ahora visto sobre las tensiones entre Corea del Norte y Estados Unidos.

“No estamos buscando la aniquilación total de un país, a saber Corea del Norte, pero como he dicho, tenemos muchas opciones para hacerlo”, dijo Mattis.

Más temprano este domingo, el presidente Donald Trump publicó varios mensajes en Twitter en los que condenaba las recientes pruebas nucleares norcoreanas.

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Corea del Norte dijo que la prueba nuclear que realizó fue “un éxito perfecto”.

“Corea del norte es una nación paria que se ha convertido en una gran amenaza y vergüenza para China, que está tratando de ayudar pero con poco éxito”, escribió Trump.

Además de las opciones militares, el presidente dijo que EE.UU. está considerando “parar todo el comercio con cualquier país que haga negocios con Corea del Norte”.

Este lunes, el Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas sostendrá una reunión para analizar la situación en la península coreana.

El secretario general del organismo, António Guterres, dijo en un comunicado que el comportamiento de Pyongyang “socava los esfuerzos internacionales de desarme y no proliferación y desestabiliza profundamente la seguridad regional”.

A su vez, el director del Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica, Yukiya Amano, aseguró que la prueba nuclear es un acto “extremadamente lamentable“.

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JAKARTA/SINGAPORE/PARIS (Reuters) – The pilots of a doomed Lion Air Boeing 737 MAX scoured a handbook as they struggled to understand why the jet was lurching downwards, but ran out of time before it hit the water, three people with knowledge of the cockpit voice recorder contents said.

The investigation into the crash, which killed all 189 people on board in October, has taken on new relevance as the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and other regulators grounded the model last week after a second deadly accident in Ethiopia.

Investigators examining the Indonesian crash are considering how a computer ordered the plane to dive in response to data from a faulty sensor and whether the pilots had enough training to respond appropriately to the emergency, among other factors.

It is the first time the voice recorder contents from the Lion Air flight have been made public. The three sources discussed them on condition of anonymity.

Reuters did not have access to the recording or transcript.

A Lion Air spokesman said all data and information had been given to investigators and declined to comment further.

The captain was at the controls of Lion Air flight JT610 when the nearly new jet took off from Jakarta, and the first officer was handling the radio, according to a preliminary report issued in November.

Just two minutes into the flight, the first officer reported a “flight control problem” to air traffic control and said the pilots intended to maintain an altitude of 5,000 feet, the November report said.

The first officer did not specify the problem, but one source said airspeed was mentioned on the cockpit voice recording, and a second source said an indicator showed a problem on the captain’s display but not the first officer’s.

The captain asked the first officer to check the quick reference handbook, which contains checklists for abnormal events, the first source said.

For the next nine minutes, the jet warned pilots it was in a stall and pushed the nose down in response, the report showed. A stall is when the airflow over a plane’s wings is too weak to generate lift and keep it flying.

The captain fought to climb, but the computer, still incorrectly sensing a stall, continued to push the nose down using the plane’s trim system. Normally, trim adjusts an aircraft’s control surfaces to ensure it flies straight and level.

“They didn’t seem to know the trim was moving down,” the third source said. “They thought only about airspeed and altitude. That was the only thing they talked about.”

Boeing Co declined to comment on Wednesday because the investigation was ongoing.

The manufacturer has said there is a documented procedure to handle the situation. A different crew on the same plane the evening before encountered the same problem but solved it after running through three checklists, according to the November report.

But they did not pass on all of the information about the problems they encountered to the next crew, the report said.

The pilots of JT610 remained calm for most of the flight, the three sources said. Near the end, the captain asked the first officer to fly while he checked the manual for a solution.

About one minute before the plane disappeared from radar, the captain asked air traffic control to clear other traffic below 3,000 feet and requested an altitude of “five thou”, or 5,000 feet, which was approved, the preliminary report said.

As the 31-year-old captain tried in vain to find the right procedure in the handbook, the 41-year-old first officer was unable to control the plane, two of the sources said.

The flight data recorder shows the final control column inputs from the first officer were weaker than the ones made earlier by the captain.

“It is like a test where there are 100 questions and when the time is up you have only answered 75,” the third source said. “So you panic. It is a time-out condition.”

The Indian-born captain was silent at the end, all three sources said, while the Indonesian first officer said “Allahu Akbar”, or “God is greatest”, a common Arabic phrase in the majority-Muslim country that can be used to express excitement, shock, praise or distress.

The plane then hit the water, killing all 189 people on board.

French air accident investigation agency BEA said on Tuesday the flight data recorder in the Ethiopian crash that killed 157 people showed “clear similarities” to the Lion Air disaster. Since the Lion Air crash, Boeing has been pursuing a software upgrade to change how much authority is given to the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System, or MCAS, a new anti-stall system developed for the 737 MAX.

The cause of the Lion Air crash has not been determined, but the preliminary report mentioned the Boeing system, a faulty, recently replaced sensor and the airline’s maintenance and training.

On the same aircraft the evening before the crash, a captain at Lion Air’s full-service sister carrier, Batik Air, was riding along in the cockpit and solved the similar flight control problems, two of the sources said. His presence on that flight, first reported by Bloomberg, was not disclosed in the preliminary report.

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The report also did not include data from the cockpit voice recorder, which was not recovered from the ocean floor until January.

Soerjanto Tjahjono, head of Indonesian investigation agency KNKT, said last week the report could be released in July or August as authorities attempted to speed up the inquiry in the wake of the Ethiopian crash.

On Wednesday, he declined to comment on the cockpit voice recorder contents, saying they had not been made public.

Reporting by Cindy Silviana in Jakarta, Jamie Freed in Singapore and Tim Hepher in Paris; writing by Jamie Freed; Editing by Gerry Doyle

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A supporter of President Trump’s border wall proposal has started a GoFundMe to help pay for the project — and the fund skyrocketed to more than $2 million on Wednesday night after being live for just three days.

Brian Kolfage, a Trump voter and disabled Iraq War veteran with no connection to the administration, wrote that he set up the page because “President Trump’s main campaign promise was to BUILD THE WALL. And as he’s followed through on just about every promise so far, this wall project needs to be completed still.”

Trump campaigned on building a “great wall” on the southern border during the 2016 presidential election.

As the end of Trump’s second year in office comes to a close, his administration has not built the wall or secured funds for it — and a budget proposal passed Wednesday by the Senate did not fulfill Trump’s call to provide funds for it.

Kolfage wrote on his fundraising page that if every Trump voter donates $80 to his wall-building campaign, they will raise $5 billion needed to build the border wall.

“Even if we get half, that’s half the wall. We can do this,” Kolfage wrote on the GoFundMe page.

As of Wednesday night, the campaign had raised nearly $2 million, with large and small donations pouring in nearly every minute.

Kolfage assured donors that he has contacted the Trump administration and every penny of their donations would go to funding the “Trump wall.”

“We have many very high level contacts already helping,” he wrote.

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is seen Wednesday, a day after a tough election night for Democrats.

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is seen Wednesday, a day after a tough election night for Democrats.

J. Scott Applewhite/AP

Paid family and medical leave is back in Democrats’ sweeping domestic policy bill.

In a letter to colleagues Wednesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., wrote that the inclusion of paid leave is at the urging of members of the House Democratic caucus.

It also comes the morning after Republicans performed strongly in Tuesday’s elections, including among suburban voters and women in places like Virginia.

Pelosi said she expects the changes to the legislation to be debated in the House Rules Committee Wednesday, potentially setting up a vote later this week.

Among the other changes to the bill to be debated is a plan to reduce the cost of prescription drugs for seniors. Democrats announced a deal on that Tuesday.

The legislation that House Democrats are working on has a four-week paid leave program. It would include all leave types and not just be for new parents, start in 2024, and be permanent.

The price tag would be around $200 billion, a source familiar with the legislation tells NPR.

Manchin’s position

Pelosi had hoped to craft a spending bill that would pass the Senate unchanged, but centrist Joe Manchin, a Democrat from West Virginia, had opposed inclusion of paid leave in the so-called Build Back Better bill, and it was taken out.

Given his opposition to the measure, it is unclear that it would pass the Senate. Pelosi acknowledged the difficult road ahead for this priority.

“Because I have been informed by a Senator of opposition to a few of the priorities contained in our bill and because we must have legislation agreed to by the House and the Senate in the final version of the Build Back Better Act that we will send to the President’s desk, we must strive to find common ground in the legislation,” she said.

Manchin told reporters Wednesday that he’s “all for paid leave. I’m just not for unpaid leave.”

He’s been concerned that revenues raised through the bill would not fully pay for all the programs in it. Throughout the negotiations on President Biden’s agenda, he’s been calling for a fiscally responsible bill that does not add to the nation’s debt.

On paid family leave, Manchin said Congress should be working in a bipartisan way on the issue and that he’s been talking to Republicans “who want to work with us.”

NPR’s Kelsey Snell contributed to this report.

This story originally appeared on the Morning Edition live blog.

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Un nuevo incidente se produjo en los últimos días a bordo de un avión de United Airlines y tuvo como protagonista a un escorpión.

El mismo día en que un pasajero era sacado a rastras de un vuelo de esta empresa a causa de la sobreventa de boletos, en un vuelo que saldría desde Houston rumbo a Calgary (Canadá), un hombre fue picado por un artrópodo.

Según informó CNN, el escorpión cayó el pasado domingo desde un compartimento de equipaje en la parte superior del avión al pelo de Richard Bell, un pasajero que en ese momento almorzaba en clase ejecutiva.

Linda Bell, esposa del herido, contó que el hombre “sintió algo en su pelo”, lo tomó, lo tiró y “cayó sobre la mesa de la comida”. “Mientras lo tomó por la cola lo picó”, agregó.

El hombre ahuyentó al artrópodo, que cayó al pasillo del avión y llamó la atención de otro pasajero, quien al verlo gritó “¡Dios mío, eso es un escorpión!”

Según la plataforma de rastreo de vuelos FlightAware, el avión había llegado desde Costa Rica el día anterior. Hasta el momento no se sabe cómo llegó el animal hasta ahí.

Según reveló Linda Bell, los pasajeros acorralaron al escorpión, lo lanzaron al inodoro del baño y tiraron la cadena.

Desde United se informó que los asistentes del vuelo “ayudaron a un cliente que fue picado por lo que al parecer era un escorpión en un vuelo la semana pasada” y que la tripulación “inmediatamente consultó con un médico en tierra que les indicó lo que debían hacer y aseguró que no era un asunto que amenazara la vida del pasajero”.

El personal médico atendió al pasajero luego de que el avión aterrizara en Canadá. United llamó a Richard Bell el pasado miércoles para disculparse por el incidente y le ofreció una compensación, informó su esposa.

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Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai: “Peace is more difficult than war”

The Taliban official who has led the group’s peace negotiations with the US has told the BBC the insurgents do not want to seize “the whole country by [military] power”.

“It will not bring peace to Afghanistan,” Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai said.

However, he said the group would not agree to a ceasefire until foreign forces were withdrawn from Afghanistan.

UN data shows that the Taliban are responsible for more civilian casualties than any other warring party.

Mr Stanikzai, who until recently was the head of the Taliban’s political office in Qatar and remains a leading figure in the group, was giving his first interview to the international media while attending a meeting in Moscow with senior Afghan opposition politicians.

He said the Taliban’s experiences in power in the 1990s, when it faced armed opposition from rival Afghan groups, had led the group to conclude it was preferable to reach a solution by “coming to the table”.

“Peace is more difficult than war,” Mr Stanikzai added, alluding to the difficulties in reaching a settlement. But he expressed hopes that the conflict could be brought to an end.

Mr Stanikzai has overseen a series of meetings with the US Special Envoy for Afghanistan Reconciliation, Zalmay Khalilzad, in recent months.

In January, they reached what Mr Khalilzad termed as a “draft framework” of an agreement.

It was based on a commitment to withdraw US forces from the country, and a guarantee by the Taliban not to allow international jihadist groups to use Afghanistan as a base in the future.

Both sides have indicated that a number of issues still need to be resolved. However US President Donald Trump has made clear his desire to bring an end to the 17-year conflict and withdraw at least the vast bulk of American forces.

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Taliban militants have carried a number of deadly attacks across Afghanistan

Mr Stanikzai told the BBC he believed the Trump administration wanted to “bring peace to Afghanistan.”

The meeting in Moscow is separate from the US-Taliban peace talks.

In addition to a Taliban delegation, it was also attended by former Afghan President Hamid Karzai, as well as other high-profile opposition figures.

Topics of discussions included how the country could be governed in the future, if the Taliban were to become a mainstream political force.

Mr Stanikzai addressed the meeting in a hotel in Moscow, saying the group did not want “a monopoly of power” – but that Afghanistan’s constitution had been “imported from the West” and was an “obstacle to peace”.

The Taliban governed Afghanistan in 1996-2001 with an ultra-conservative and often brutal interpretation of Islamic law.

The group was notorious for its treatment of women, banning most of them to work or go to school.

However, Mr Stanikzai said “women should not worry” about the prospect of increasing Taliban influence as they would seek to grant women all their “rights according to Islamic rule and Afghan culture”.

“They can go to school, they can go to universities, they can work,” he added.

Fawzia Koofi, an Afghan MP and one of only two women present at the Moscow meeting, told the BBC: “It’s a positive step that the Taliban who were using bullets against the people of Afghanistan, especially women, are now using microphone and listening to women’s voices.”

She said a Taliban member had told her a woman should not be able to become president but could serve in political office.

“We need to make sure everything they say here, they mean it,” Ms Koofi added.

The Afghan government were not part of the talks in Moscow.

President Ashraf Ghani has repeatedly called on the Taliban to begin direct negotiations with his representatives, but so far the group has refused, dismissing them as puppets of the US.

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US soldiers provide training for the Afghan military

US negotiators have tried to persuade the Taliban to meet Afghan officials, but Mr Stanikzai remained vague when questioned about the circumstances under which they would ever agree to do so.

He said that “when the American forces announce the withdrawal of their troops” there could be further “intra-Afghan dialogue”. It could include representatives of the current Afghan government, alongside others, to “select or elect a future government”.

Officials in Kabul have suggested the discussions in Russia are an attempt by political rivals to undermine the Afghan government, and explore a potential deal with the Taliban without their input.

Mr Stanikzai said the Taliban had decided in Moscow to meet Afghan political figures who had “manpower” on the ground.

Speaking to Afghan TV channel TOLOnews, President Ghani said: “Those who have gathered in Moscow have no executive authority. They can say what they want.”

Despite the talks in Moscow, and a further round of US-Taliban discussions being scheduled for 25 February, violence in Afghanistan continues.

On Tuesday, Taliban forces reportedly killed dozens of members of the Afghan security forces in a series of attacks in the north of the country.

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El Ministerio de Telecomunicaciones de Ecuador (Mintel) recordó que en un mes y medio se podría iniciar el apagón analógico. Es fecha tentativa, según la nota publicada en un medio público. Con ello, cesarán las emisiones de Televisión Analógica para dar paso a la Televisión Digital Terrestre.

¿Qué implica?

Los televidentes ecuatorianos deben prepararse para la televisión digital con la compra de televisores que tienen el sintonizador del estándar ISDBT-Tb o ISDB-T Internacional, ya disponibles en el país. Por eso, los funcionarios gubernamentales aconsejan a los ciudadanos que al adquirir un nuevo televisor deberán verificar si el receptor permite sintonizar o desplegar señales digitales con el estándar ISDB-T Internacional, observando una etiqueta en la parte posterior o frontal del mismo.

Este cambio, que estaba previsto originalmente para fines del 2016, se ha retrasado seis meses, debido a que el Ministerio trabaja aún para conseguir la cobertura requerida en nuestro territorio para esta tecnología.

La Televisión Digital Terrestre muestra mejor calidad de video y audio. Además, el Mintel asegura que hay la posibilidad de ver una guía de programación, televisión móvil y con mayor eficiencia energética. (I)

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Malas noticias se han dado a conocer este sábado desde las faenas de rescate de los dos mineros atrapados en el yacimiento Delia II, cerca de Chile Chico, en la región de Aysén.

La sonda que había estado perforando sin éxito, finalmente logró llegar al nivel 55, a 200 metros de profundidad. Este es el nivel en donde los trabajadores estaban desempeñando sus labores el día del hundimiento e inundación de la mina y también el nivel donde se encuentra el refugio. Lamentablemente, la sonda encontró agua.

Esta novedad se da un día después de que el Gobierno y el Ejército asumieran los trabajos de la emergencia, que quedaron a cargo de general de brigada del Ejército, Fernando San Cristóbal. Lo anterior, luego de que la presidenta Michelle Bachelet decretara Estado de Excepción Constitucional en la comuna.

Confirmación y trabajos

El propio San Cristóbal fue quien comunicó esta triste novedad, asumiendo que la mina está inundada y que el refugio no es hermético, pero que ,sin embargo, se continúa con todas las labores.

La información fue confirmada por el geólogo Felipe Matthews, experto técnico de las labores de rescate, quién dijo que en lo pronto esperan poder bajar una cámara para grabar mayores antecedentes.

Cabe recordar que la hipótesis con la cual se llevaba a cabo el rescate, implicaba la existencia de derrumbes interiores en el mismo momento del hundimiento, cuyos sedimentos hubieran actuado como “tapón” para impedir el curso de agua hasta el nivel más bajo.

“Un segundo punto en el que creemos dice que el hundimiento de tierra aledaña a la Laguna Verde, que causó la inundación de la mina, debió haber provocado un derrumbe de la estructura interior, que a su vez pudo haber generado un tapón o bloqueo del agua, que no haya llegado entonces hasta el último nivel (55), que está a unos 200 metros”, había dicho Erich Schnake, subsecretario de Minería, algunos días atrás.


Las autoridades ya se reunieron con los familiares de ambos mineros, Enrique Ojeda y Jorge Sánchez, así lo confirmó la ministra de Minería, Aurora Williams.

Consultada sobre las posibilidades de encontrar con vida a los dos mineros, la secretaria de Estado dijo que seguirán haciendo los esfuerzos con los cuales se comprometieron, a pesar de la mala noticia que se ha tenido este sábado: “hoy día las posibilidades son menores”.

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“While the world will not be surprised, it’s a sad reminder of where the world’s former leader on climate change now stands,” Susan Biniaz, a lecturer at Yale Law School and former State Department climate negotiator, said in an email about Monday’s announcement. “The decision of two years ago [to abandon the Paris accord] is now even more grotesque — the reasons for withdrawing are no more correct, and the science is even clearer that, far from withdrawing, we should be increasing our efforts.”

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En diálogo con la prensa en la puerta de la Torre Le Parc, donde se desarrolló el operativo policial iniciado a primera hora de la madrugada en torno al edificio situado en Azucena Villaflor 450, la fiscal Federal Viviana Fein detalló además que el cuerpo del fiscal “fue encontrado dentro de la unidad por su madre”, quien acudió al domicilio de Puerto Madero al no tener novedades de su hijo en toda la jornada.

Poco después, el Ministerio de Seguridad confirmó a través de un comunicado que “los efectivos de la custodia de Nisman, pertenecientes a la Policía Federal Argentina, habían alertado a su Secretaría en horas de la tarde de su falta de respuesta a los insistentes llamados telefónicos. Al constatar que el hombre tampoco respondía al timbre de la casa y que el periódico del domingo aún se encontraba en el palier, decidieron notificar a los familiares”.

“El fiscal disponía de 10 efectivos de la Policía Federal Argentina para su custodia personal. La custodia entonces recogió a la madre de Nisman en su domicilio y la llevó a la torre Le Parc. Al intentar ingresar, la mujer constató que la puerta se encontraba cerrada con la llave colocada en la cerradura por dentro”, se resaltó.

El ministerio de Seguridad agregó que “los familiares solicitaron entonces al personal de mantenimiento del edificio que convocaran a un cerrajero para ingresar al departamento” “A primera hora de la noche, la madre ingresó a la vivienda acompañada por uno de los custodios, hallando el cuerpo de Nisman en el interior del baño de su habitación, bloqueando la puerta ingreso al mismo”, subraya el comunicado.

Inmediatamente, “se notificó a la justicia de turno” y “ante la presencia del juez Manuel De Campos y de la fiscal Fein, el personal policial logró ingresar al baño”. El comunicado concluye que “junto al cuerpo de Nisman, que se hallaba en el suelo, se encontró un arma de fuego calibre 22, además de un casquillo de bala”.

Cerca de la 1 de la madrugada se montó el gigantesco operativo en torno al domicilio, cuando Gendarmería estableció un cerco perimetral y en el lugar trabajó personal de la Unidad Criminalística Móvil, de la Unidad Médica Forense, Prefectura y Same. Minutos después de las 3.30, fuentes policiales confirmaron el deceso de Nisman, y dos horas después su cuerpo fue retirado por la Unidad de Traslado Forense de Bomberos rumbo a la morgue de Tribunales, en la calle Viamonte.

La fiscal trabajó en el lugar junto al juez de la causa, Manuel de Campos, y el secretario de Seguridad de Nación, Sergio Berni, quien se constituyó en el edificio para supervisar la aplicación de los protocolos de preservación de la escena del crimen por parte de los servicios de policía científica de la Prefectura Naval Argentina y de la Policía federal Argentina convocados por los funcionarios judiciales a cargo de la investigación.

“Confío en la Policía Federal y Prefectura, trabajaremos con prudencia y cerca del mediodía tendremos precisiones, porque todavía no podemos confirmar el suicidio”, puntualizó la fiscal antes de retirarse.

Nisman debía presentarse esta tarde en el Congreso para explicar la denuncia que presentó contra la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner por la firma del Memorando de Entendimiento con Irán. La reunión había sido convocada para las 15 por la oposición, y el oficialismo había confirmado su presencia para el encuentro de comisión.

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Tourists visiting Times Square on Monday expressed fears for their safety — and the city’s future — following the second shooting there in as many months.

“Worrying about getting killed in a crossfire was not on my itinerary when I booked this trip with my girlfriends — especially while touring the biggest attraction,” said Pat Flanagan of Cleveland.

“It’s actually more sad than scary because I want to see New York pick up again.”

Flanagan, 44, added: “Crime can be controlled if you control it. New York learned how to do it in the past, so why not now? It’s got the biggest police department in the country and it can’t stop people from firing guns in Times Square?”

“Right now, tourism is making a comeback after COVID,” she said.

“Don’t kill it by letting crime run rampant.”

Police at the scene of a shooting near 45th St. and 7th Avenue in Times Square.
William C. Lopez/NYPOST

Retired teacher Arthur Escalera of Harrisburg, Penn., who was vacationing with his wife, said Sunday’s shooting made it seem like “you’re in a city that’s lost the power to police itself.”

“We remember Times Square the way it was in the ‘70s and ‘80s, and if we had tickets to a Broadway show we would consider it a sort of walk on the wild side to walk down 42nd Street at night,” he said.

“But we never feared for our lives. Getting mugged was a fear, but death by a stray bullet? Never.”

Police patrol in Times Square following another daytime shooting yesterday in the popular tourist destination on June 28, 2021.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Meghan Nash, a dental hygienist from Charlotte, N.C. — who’s staying at a Hampton Inn just blocks from the scene of Sunday’s shooting — was unaware of the incident until learning about it from a reporter.

“That’s insane. That’s really terrible,” said Nash, 30.

The NYPD released additional footage of the suspect.

“I knew crime was up but I didn’t think things had gotten so bad that people were firing guns in Times Square.”

Nash added, “I probably would have picked a different destination. I really just wanted to have fun, not worry about getting randomly killed by a stray bullet.”

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“La vida es corta. Ten un affaire” es uno de los lemas de Ashley Madison.

Dos clientes de la página de infidelidades matrimoniales Ashley Madison al parecer se suicidaron, según informó la policía de Canadá.

Los dos canadienses, cuyos nombres no fueron dados a conocer, decidieron poner fin a sus vidas luego de que se revelaran sus datos asociados al sitio, como parte de lo que se considera uno de los mayores ataques de piratas informáticos jamás visto.

Por otra parte, Avid Life Media, la empresa que publica el sitio, ofreció una recompensa de US$500.000 a cambio de información sobre la identidad de los hackers, que la semana pasada filtraron 9 gigabytes de datos de los clientes de Ashley Madison.

“Hoy puedo confirmar que Avid Life Media está ofreciendo (esta recompensa) a cualquiera que ofrezca información que lleve a la identificación arresto y enjuiciamiento de los responsables de esta filtración”, dijo el portavoz de la policía canadiense Bryce Evans.

Evans señaló que el caso Ashley Madison constituye “uno de las mayores filtraciones de datos del mundo y es un caso único, ya que pone al descubierto a decenas de millones de personas”.

Por otra parte, una amplia lista de correos electrónicos del buzón del director ejecutivo de Ashley Madison está siendo analizada por expertos en seguridad.

Los 30 gigabytes de datos contenidos en correos electrónicos vinculados al sitio de infidelidades matrimoniales incluye alrededor de 200.000 correos de su jefe, Noel Biderman.

Algunos detalles del contenido de estos correos ya están siendo distribuidos a través de la red social Twitter.

Lea también: “Publican los datos de la página de infidelidades matrimoniales Ashley Madison”

Datos verificados

El ataque contra Ashley Madison se considera una de las mayores filtraciones de datos, según la policía.

Algunas empresas especializadas ya han verificado que los correos son reales.

TrustedSec, una firma de seguridad estadounidense, publicó un blog en el que confirmó la veracidad de los datos.

La empresa señaló que éstos incluyen 6.800 personas que enviaron correos a través de la página y 3.600 receptores.

El experto en seguridad noruego Per Thorsheim también confirmó la autenticidad de los datos, en particular de los correos electrónicos.

“Vi uno o dos correos electrónicos y pude verificar a quién envió el correo, al recipiente, los dominios y todo. Y se trata definitivamente de un correo del buzón (del jefe de Ashley Madison)”.

“No hay ninguna duda”, agregó.

Thorsheim dijo a la BBC que no tiene interés en hurgar en los datos, más allá de establecer su veracidad.

Ataque inusual

La firma contratada por Ashley Madison para investigar el caso señaló que el ataque de los hackers fue llevado a cabo utilizando “medios inusuales”.

“Puedo confirmar que al contrario de muchos ataques similares, en los que el atacante se ha aprovechado de una debilidad en los sistemas de seguridad para inyectar un SQL o lenguaje de consulta estructurado para acceso de datos, esto no sucedió en este caso”, dijo a la BBC Joel Eriksson, experto de seguridad de Cycura.

El sitio web Motherboard ha publicado extractos de varios correos electrónicos, que parecen contener discusiones sobre la política de seguridad del sitio de infidelidades matrimoniales.

“Este ataque pirata afecta potencialmente a millones de personas”, dijo a la BBC el periodista Joseph Cox.

“Los correos electrónicos filtrados, que parecen ser legítimos, ofrecen una cierta idea de lo que pensaban los encargados del sitio sobre la seguridad de éste”, señaló.

Impacto en los usuarios

La más reciente filtración de datos contiene unos 200 mil correos electrónicos del director del sitio, Noel Biderman.

Mientras tanto, el impacto sobre usuarios cuyos datos fueron revelados la semana pasada ya se ha hecho sentir, como lo muestra el suicidio de al menos dos personas.

Troy Hunt, que ha escrito blogs al respecto, describió el caso de un pastor de iglesia que contactó a una feligrés cuyo correo electrónico estaba vinculado a una cuenta de Ashley Madison.

Hunt dijo que ha recibido “una gran cantidad de solicitudes” de personas que temen estar asociadas con Ashley Madison, hayan creado o no una cuenta en el sitio.

“La gente está desesperada por obtener esos datos”, dijo a la BBC.

“Están recurriendo a cosas que los puede meter en problemas serios, como tratar de bajar los datos ellos mismos”.

Agregó que no cree que sea correcto exponer los datos de individuos que figuran en la base de datos de Ashley Madison.

“En muchos casos, esta gente es completamente inocente”.

Chantajes y extorsiones

Dos firmas de abogados ya lanzaron sendas demandas contra Ashley Madison.

Los expertos temen que muchos usuarios puedan ser objeto de chantajes y extorsiones.

El experto en seguridad Brian Krebs informó que la semana pasado rastreó correos electrónicos demandando pagos en (la moneda digital) Bitcoins, y que tenían como blanco direcciones que aparecen en los datos de Ashley Madison.

Aunque las implicaciones de esta filtración de datos están todavía por verse, algunos comentaristas sostienen que el caso podría tener amplias repercusiones.

Dos firmas de abogados ya lanzaron dos demandas contra Ashley Madison y es posible que los demandantes busquen utilizar los correos filtrados del director del sitio para usarlos en su contra, según señaló el abogado británico Mark Watts.

Explicó que aunque los datos fueron filtrados ilegalmente, cualquier información será de utilidad, y agregó que en todo caso el contenido de esos correos habría sido revelado eventualmente.

Esencialmente los demandantes tienen acceso a estos correos prematuramente.

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Bank of America Merrill Lynch has cut its outlook on Boeing, saying the airline manufacturer’s recent troubles with its 737 are worse than expected. Boeing shares tumbled 4% on the move.

Two crashes of the Boeing 737 Max 8 forced the company to cut its production. BofA now estimates delays with the 737 will last six to nine months, longer than the three- to six-month delay originally forecast.

BofA cut its rating on the Dow component from buy to neutral and lowered its price objective to $420 from $480.

The company’s issues stem from crashes of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 and Lion Air Flight 610 over the past six months. Questions have been raised about the safety of the Max 8 and 9 jets as well as the general oversight being provided by the Federal Aviation Administration.

“The reputational loss from these events could erode long-term market share and pricing power of the 737 MAX,” BofA analyst Ronald Epstein said in a note to clients.

Though still up 21.5 percent year to date, Boeing’s shares have fallen nearly 9 percent in the past month.

In addition to the initial 737 Max delays, BofA estimates it will take Boeing through 2021 to catch up to delivery orders for its aircraft.

“A six month delay also means lower margins due to penalties owed to customers, weaker negotiating position with airlines as airlines consider cancellations, and operational inefficiencies from the production disruption,” Epstein wrote.

Boeing is reducing its production of the 737 Max to 42 per month, down 10 from its original target.

Correction: This story was revised to correct that BofA’s new rating of Boeing stock is neutral.

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William Montanez is used to getting stopped by the police in Tampa, Florida, for small-time traffic and marijuana violations; it’s happened more than a dozen times. When they pulled him over last June, he didn’t try to hide his pot, telling officers, “Yeah, I smoke it, there’s a joint in the center console, you gonna arrest me for that?”

They did arrest him, not only for the marijuana but also for two small bottles they believed contained THC oil — a felony — and for having a firearm while committing that felony (they found a handgun in the glove box).

Then things got testy.

As they confiscated his two iPhones, a text message popped up on the locked screen of one of them: “OMG, did they find it?”

The officers demanded his passcodes, warning him they’d get warrants to search the cellphones. Montanez suspected that police were trying to fish for evidence of illegal activity. He also didn’t want them seeing more personal things, including intimate pictures of his girlfriend.

So he refused, and was locked up on the drug and firearms charges.

William MontanezCourtesy of William Montanez

Five days later, after Montanez was bailed out of jail, a deputy from the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office tracked him down, handed him the warrants and demanded the phone passcodes. Again, Montanez refused. Prosecutors went to a judge, who ordered him locked up again for contempt of court.

“I felt like they were violating me. They can’t do that,” Montanez, 25, recalled recently. “F— y’all. I ain’t done nothing wrong. They wanted to get in the phone for what?”

He paid a steep price, spending 44 days behind bars before the THC and gun charges were dropped, the contempt order got tossed and he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor pot charge. And yet he regrets nothing, because he now sees his defiance as taking a stand against the abuse of his rights.

“The world should know that what they’re doing out here is crazy,” Montanez said. The police never got into his phones.

While few would choose jail, Montanez’s decision reflects a growing resistance to law enforcement’s power to peer into Americans’ digital lives. The main portals into that activity are cellphones, which are protected from prying eyes by encryption, with passcodes the only way in.

As police now routinely seek access to people’s cellphones, privacy advocates see a dangerous erosion of Americans’ rights, with courts scrambling to keep up.

“It’s becoming harder to escape the reach of police using technology that didn’t exist before,” said Riana Pfefferkorn, the associate director of surveillance and cybersecurity at the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School. “And now we are in the position of trying to walk that back and stem the tide.”

While courts have determined that police need a warrant to search a cellphone, the question of whether police can force someone to share a passcode is far from settled, with no laws on the books and a confusing patchwork of differing judicial decisions. Last month, the Indiana Supreme Court heard arguments on the issue. The state supreme courts in Pennsylvania and New Jersey are considering similar cases.

As this legal battle unfolds, police keep pursuing new ways of breaking into cellphones if the owners don’t cooperate — or are enlisting help from technology firms that can do it for them. This has put them at odds with cellphone makers, all of whom continually update their products to make them harder for hackers or anyone else to break into.

But the hacking techniques are imperfect and expensive, and not all law enforcement agencies have them. That is why officials say compelling suspects to unlock their cellphones is essential to police work. Making the tactic more difficult, they say, would tilt justice in favor of criminals.

“It would have an extreme chilling effect on our ability to thoroughly investigate and bring many, many cases, including violent offenses,” said Hillar Moore, the district attorney in East Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who got the FBI’s help in breaking into a cellphone belonging to a suspect in a deadly Louisiana State University fraternity hazing ritual. “It would basically shut the door.”

Clashes over passcodes

In the part of Florida where Montanez lives, authorities are guided by a case involving an upskirt photo.

A young mother shopping at a Target store in Sarasota in July 2014 noticed a man taking a picture of her with his phone while crouching on the floor. She confronted him. He fled. Two days later, police arrested Aaron Stahl and charged him with video voyeurism.

Authorities got a search warrant for Stahl’s iPhone, but he wouldn’t give them the passcode, citing his Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate himself. A trial judge ruled in his favor, but a state appellate court reversed the decision in December 2016, saying Stahl had to provide the code. Facing the possibility of getting convicted at trial and sentenced to prison, Stahl agreed to plead no contest in exchange for probation.

While Stahl did not provide the passcode in the end, prosecutors still rely on the precedent established by the appellate ruling to compel others to turn over their passcodes under the threat of jail.

“Up until that point you could be a pedophile or a child pornogropher and carry around the fruits of your crime in front of law enforcement officers, prosecutors and judges and taunt them with fact that they couldn’t get the passcode,” said Cynthia Meiners, who prosecuted Stahl at the 12th Judicial Circuit State’s Attorney’s Office. “You could say, ‘I’m a child pornographer and it’s on my phone but I’m not giving you my passcode because I would be incriminating myself.’”

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U.S. Border Patrol agents stand in front of a secondary fence in San Diego, Calif., looking across the border wall toward Mexico. This area is one where the Pentagon will spend more resources shifted away from military construction projects.

Rebecca Blackwell/AP

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Rebecca Blackwell/AP

U.S. Border Patrol agents stand in front of a secondary fence in San Diego, Calif., looking across the border wall toward Mexico. This area is one where the Pentagon will spend more resources shifted away from military construction projects.

Rebecca Blackwell/AP

In a letter, Defense Secretary Mark Esper alerted members of the Senate and House Armed Services committees of the plans to proceed with cutting military construction projects in lieu of the wall.

In all, he detailed 11 wall projects that would be completed as a result of the diversion of Pentagon funds. They include new pedestrian fencing and barriers in San Diego, Calif., replacement of vehicle barriers in El Paso, Texas, and new fencing at the border in Yuma, Ariz.

Congressional sources said the full list of cut military projects was slated to be released Wednesday after lawmakers were directly alerted of which ones were located in their districts.

Esper cites the national emergency that President Trump declared in February that required the use of armed forces for projects along the southwest border.

“Based on analysis and advice from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and input from the Commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Department of the Interior and pursuant to the authority granted to me in Section 2808, I have determined that 11 military construction projects along the international border with Mexico, with an estimated total cost of $3.6 billion, are necessary to support the use of the armed forces in connection with the national emergency,” Esper states in a letter to House Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith, D-Wash.

Democrats on Capitol Hill decried the move and argued that moving money from planned projects to border construction efforts could put U.S. forces at risk.

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In one of the key moments of his March 20 press conference about the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, President Trump touted hydroxychloroquine, a common anti-malaria drug, as a potential treatment for the illness, even while the top health official beside him urged caution about it.

“This is prescribed for many years for people to combat malaria, which was a big problem and it’s very effective,” Trump said. “It was a strong drug.” He later added, “I sure as hell think we ought to give it a try.”

Dr. Tony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a beacon of evidence-based policy in the administration’s botched pandemic response, had been asked by a reporter whether hydroxychloroquine could be used against Covid-19 after reports surfaced this week of doctors using it in other countries to treat patients. Fauci was clear: The evidence was thin and anecdotal. (Their extended exchange was bizarre and revealing, as my colleague German Lopez reported.)

But what is the deal with hydroxychloroquine, you ask? With the spread of the coronavirus across the world and increasing numbers of infected people, there’s now an international race to develop effective treatments for Covid-19. And hydroxychloroquine, a less-toxic derivative of chloroquine, another malaria drug, has emerged as one of the frontrunners. (Chloroquine itself is related to quinine, an ingredient in tonic water.)

Hydroxychloroquine, the less toxic version, is an appealing option mainly because it’s an off-the-shelf drug. Companies know how to make it, there are low-cost generic versions available, and the drug has already been tested and approved for use against malaria and to treat inflammation in conditions like arthritis.

But as Fauci noted, it has not been approved as a treatment for Covid-19, and right now, the evidence for its effectiveness is sparse.

Chinese researchers showed in lab cell culture tests that hydroxychloroquine can slow infections from the virus behind Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2, blocking it from entering cells. Some doctors in China and South Korea have also used it to treat patients. And a recent study by researchers in France found that the drug was “efficient” in clearing upper airways from the virus in three to six days in most patients. That timing is important because an untreated infected person can transmit the virus for 20 days or more, even without showing symptoms. So it’s important to shrink the amount of time a person carries the virus in order to limit its spread.

“Such results are promising and open the possibility of an international strategy to decisionmakers to fight this emerging viral infection in real-time even if other strategies and research including vaccine development could be also effective, but only in the future,” the French researchers wrote. “We therefore recommend that COVID-19 patients be treated with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to cure their infection and to limit the transmission of the virus to other people in order to curb the spread of COVID-19 in the world.”

But the researchers only looked at 36 patients and only 26 actually received hydroxychloroquine in the study — a tiny sample size. Hydroxychloroquine can also have side effects like headaches, dizziness, and diarrhea, so it’s not something that doctors can blanketly prescribe. And the study wasn’t blinded, meaning the patients knew what they were getting, nor was it randomized. That limits the scientific merit of the study.

That said, there are plans for wider testing. At least six clinical trials for hydroxychloroquine are recruiting patients or in planning stages around the world. In the meantime, health officials are scrambling to get enough Covid-19 tests and to build up the capacity to care for a looming surge in patients.

Right now, the most effective way to fight the virus remains not getting infected in the first place, which means using good personal hygiene like handwashing and social distancing measures.

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