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Federal prosecutors on Friday recommended a “substantial term of imprisonment” for President Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen, saying his efforts to cooperate with Special Counsel Robert Mueller were “overstated.”

The U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a sentencing memo as part of its criminal investigation and grand jury probe into Cohen’s personal business dealings. Cohen pleaded guilty to several counts of tax and business fraud. He also pleaded guilty to making an excessive campaign contribution.

The memo stated that the range of imprisonment for Cohen and his crimes is 51 to 63 months. It also noted that the court’s Probation Department had recommended a sentence of 42 months, “albeit for different reasons.”


“This range reflects Cohen’s extensive, deliberate, and serious criminal conduct,” prosecutors said in the memo. It added that while Cohen “should receive credit for his assistance” in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, he should still be given a “substantial term of imprisonment, one that reflects a modest downward variance from the applicable guidelines range.”

The filing acknowledged that while Cohen had cooperated with officials and disclosed important information to Mueller’s team, his cooperation was “overstated.”

“To be clear: Cohen does not have a cooperation agreement…and therefore is not properly described as a ‘cooperating witness,’ as that term is commonly used in this District,” the memo read.

The sentencing memo from the Southern District of New York comes just one week after Cohen pleaded guilty to making false statements to Congress about an abandoned Trump real estate project in Moscow as part of Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates in the 2016 presidential election.

Cohen’s guilty plea in Mueller’s investigation signaled his apparent willingness to cooperate with the special counsel and provide potentially valuable testimony to investigators regarding his relationship with the president and Trump’s actions in exchange for leniency when sentenced to prison—a move Trump himself has blasted in recent days.

Soon after the filing was made public, Trump tweeted that the document “Totally clears the President. Thank you!”

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said the filings “tell us nothing of value that wasn’t already known.

“Mr. Cohen has repeatedly lied and as the prosecution has pointed out to the court, Mr. Cohen is no hero,” Sanders added.

Federal prosecutors said that Cohen was “motivated” by “personal greed” and “repeatedly used his power and influence for deceptive ends.”

“Cohen, an attorney and businessman, committed four distinct federal crimes over a period of several years,” the memo read. “The crimes committed by Cohen were more serious than his submission allows and were marked by a pattern of deception that permeated his professional life (and was evidently hidden from the friends and family members who wrote on his behalf.)”

“He was motivated to do so by personal greed, and repeatedly used his power and influence for deceptive ends,”

— The U.S. Attorney General’s Office for the Southern District of New York

As part of his guilty plea in the criminal investigation led by the Southern District of New York, Cohen admitted to making an excessive campaign contribution, which refers to the $130,000 hush money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels in the weeks leading up to the 2016 presidential election in exchange for her silence over an alleged one-time sexual encounter with Trump, who is referred to as “Individual-1” in the documents. At issue was also a payment to Playboy model Karen MacDougal.

The memo revealed that Cohen arranged for one of the payments “through a media company and disguised it as a services contract, and executed the second non-disclosure agreement with aliases and routed the six-figure payment through a shell corporation.  After the election, he arranged for his own reimbursement via fraudulent invoices for non-existent legal services ostensibly performed pursuant to a non-existent ‘retainer’ agreement.”

The memo states that when payments began to surface, Cohen “told shifting and misleading stories about the nature of the payment, his coordination with the candidate, and the fact that he was reimbursed.”

Trump repeatedly denied having knowledge of the payment to Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford. He and his attorney, Rudy Giuliani, have provided conflicting accounts of whether the president was aware in the transaction.

Daniels’ lawyer, Michael Avenatti, tweeted that Cohen “lied to my client, the American people and investigators for years. He is a thug and deserves to be severely punished.”

The memo also revealed that during the 2016 presidential campaign, Cohen “privately told friends and colleagues, including in seized text messages, that he expected to be given a prominent role and title in the new administration.”

“When that did not materialize, Cohen found a way to monetize his relationship with and access to the president.  Cohen successfully convinced numerous major corporations to retain him as a “consultant” who could provide unique insights about and access to the new administration, the memo read. “Some of these corporations were then stuck making large up-front or periodic payments to Cohen, even though he provided little or no real services under these contracts.  Bank records reflect that Cohen made more than $4 million dollars before the contracts were terminated.”

In a separate memo, Mueller’s office detailed Cohen’s cooperation with the special counsel’s investigation. They described the information Cohen provided as “credible and consistent with other evidence obtained in the … ongoing investigation.”

The memo said Cohen had investigators that he had spoken with “a Russian national who claimed to be a ‘trusted person'” and offered the Trump campaign “‘political synergy’ and ‘synergy on a government level'” in November 2015. Cohen told investigators that the unidentified Russian repeatedly proposed a meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, which the person said “could have a ‘phenomenal’ impact ‘not only in political but in a business dimension as well.'” Ultimately, Cohen “did not follow up” with the individual.

Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s attorney, told Fox News that Cohen corresponded with the individual on his own and the person’s offers were not conveyed to then-candidate Trump.

Two months earlier, in September 2015, Cohen suggested in a radio interview that Trump meet with Putin during the Russian leader’s trip to the United Nations General Assembly. The special counsel memo said Cohen admitted that he had “conferred with [Trump] about contacting the Russian government before reaching out to gauge Russia’s interest in such a meeting.”

Cohen is scheduled to be sentenced Dec. 12.

Fox News’ Bill Mears, Jake Gibson, Matt Leach and John Roberts contributed to this report. 

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The Trump administration plans to ask for $2 billion in new border wall construction funding, senior administration officials confirmed.

The White House will officially release its budget proposal Monday. 

The $2 billion request is far less than the amount the White House sought for border wall funding last year, when the Trump administration asked for $5 billion for the wall on top of $3.6 billion to replenish funding for military construction projects the administration shifted for border wall construction. 

This year’s request does not include any money to reimburse the military, though the White House maintains Trump’s authority to reprogram funds again.

The Democratic-controlled House is unlikely to give Trump the amount he requests, but the amount is significantly closer to the $1.375 billion Congress has agreed to allocate in recent years.

The smaller request reflects that the administration needs fewer resources to build Trump’s proposed border wall with the Mexican border, as it has met its funding goals by shifting money from the military toward construction.

Trump then declared a state of emergency last February, which allowed him to move money allocated for military projects to his signature border wall.

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After WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested by British police Thursday, U.S. Senator Jerry Moran said: “I don’t see him as a hero, he broke the law.”

Speaking on “America’s Newsroom” Thursday he added: “People who break the law, if they’re convicted, then they need to pay the price.”

Assange has been in the Ecuadorian embassy in London since 2012 when British courts ordered the 47-year-old Australian native extradited to face questioning in a sexual assault case. That matter has since been dropped, but Wikileaks, an anti-secrecy site, is facing a federal grand jury investigation over its publication of American diplomatic and military secrets during the Iraq War.


Moments before he was arrested, Ecuador announced it had withdrawn Assange’s asylum for “repeatedly violating international conventions and protocol.”

“When I learned this news this morning, it was a sense that maybe justice will occur. I don’t know exactly what that justice will be but the idea that we’ll have the opportunity to question and for Julian Assange to have to stand for the charges that he’s been – allegedly, the things he’s done, I think that’s a good thing,” said Moran, R-Kan., Thursday. “One is justice, the other thing is that we’ll get some information particularly about Russian involvement in the election.”

Moran later said he would consider Assange a “villain” if he is convicted of a crime.

On “America’s Newsroom”, Moran also talked about his reaction to Attorney General William Barr stating under oath that “spying did occur” on the Trump campaign ahead of the 2016 election.


On Wednesday, Barr told a Senate Appropriations subcommittee hearing, “I think spying did occur, yes. I think spying did occur. The question was whether it was adequately predicated. And I’m not suggesting it wasn’t predicated. I need to explore that.”

“Those who are critics of the president, those who are perhaps critics of the attorney general are overemphasizing the word ‘spying,’” said Moran. “I think the attorney general made it clear. I was in the room, I was with the attorney general for about two hours. My takeaway is, what he was talking about was the efforts that commenced this investigation, were they based upon legal authority?”

He added that Barr made clear that he was concerned, “that something may have happened that was inappropriate and the question is, did that occur? That’s a very valid request of an attorney general to find out what the facts are. And this kind of overreaction to the word ‘spying’ seems to me just to be about partisan politics. Let’s find out what the facts are.”

Moran also said a lot of people have been “demanding answers about the Trump campaign involvement with the Russian interference in our election.”


He said: “We want answers. I think the same thing applies here. The people who are wanting those answers ought to want answers in this issue of the investigation and whether unpredicted, as the attorney general might say, spying occurred. In other words, unauthorized, illegal. Something without a warrant.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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SEATTLE — Two more people have been shot, one fatally, in the fourth shooting in 10 days within the boundaries of the free-protest zone set up near downtown Seattle amid a national wave of protests over police violence.

The latest shooting, at about 3 a.m. on Monday, has accelerated tensions over what happens next in the protest area, known as the Capitol Hill Organized Protest zone, or CHOP.

One victim arrived at Harborview Medical Center at 3:30 a.m. from the CHOP area, transported there by Seattle Fire Department medics, and died in the hospital. Another victim, a teenager, was taken to the hospital in a private vehicle and remained in critical condition in intensive care, said a spokeswoman for Harborview. Neither victim has been identified, but both are black, the authorities said.

The violence, with a total of six people shot in an area of the city known in the past as a party corner of Seattle, noted for its bars, restaurants and colorful student-infused street life, has raised new questions over what happens next.

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Greene also called for President Biden to be impeached, but did not specify why, and name-dropped other Democratic members of Congress with whom she has clashed, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) and Reps. Cori Bush (Mo.), Marie Newman (Ill.) and Maxine Waters (Calif.).

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“La responsabilidad de si no somos Gobierno hoy no la busquen en mí, sino en todos los errores que se cometieron antes. Yo no soy funcionario, soy un humilde periodista”. Así se descargo el periodista deportivo y panelista Diego Brancatelli tras ser apuntado como supuesto responsable del resultado electoral del último domingo. Primer dato insólito: si están seguros de que ganaron ¿de qué sería culpable?

La supuesta responsabilidad se le atribuyó desde las redes sociales, donde Brancatelli siempre oficia de blanco preferido de los opositores al kirchnerismo por sus comentarios como panelista del ciclo Intratables que se emite por América.

Sin embargo, a “Branca” comenzaron a pegarle los propios. La punta de lanza de la política de comunicación en redes del kirchnerismo, Anita Montanaro, quien dijo “Brancatelli es ellos, déjense de joder”.

No fue el primer ni único caso. Una de las cuentas más activas en el universo kirchnerista publicó un video del filósofo Darío Sztajnszrajber en el que se puede ver una exposición sobre cómo se contribuye al poderoso desde una oposición poco inteligente.

La idea es pintar a Brancatelli como una suerte de Herminio Iglesias del siglo XXI. De hecho, se ha usado abundantemente esa comparación según la cual es lo mismo un panelista entrevistando que un dirigente y candidato de un partido prendiendo fuego un ataúd con el logo de la competencia.

Y así se van extendiendo las puteadas contra Brancatelli (pueden chusmearlas en el buscador de la red social) a quien, de pronto, señalan como un agente infiltrado en las filas del kirchnerismo, un ser funcional a la derecha, un empleado macrista al que le pagan por hacer de kirchnerista en un show con el objeto de caricaturizar al kirchnerista promedio. De ser así, el papel le sale muy bien.

Lo insólito es que, si uno repasa los hechos, lo único que hizo Brancatelli fue preguntarle, cara a cara, a María Eugenia Vidal por todos los argumentos que el kirchnerismo utiliza para pegarle al macrismo. En ese marco, el desapego hacia Brancatelli sólo se explica si el plan de acción era mentir sin dar derecho a réplica. Si tan seguro está el antimacrismo de las críticas que sostienen, ¿cuál sería el problema de preguntárselo cara a cara a una de sus mayores figuras? ¿O acaso Brancatelli no le enrostró a Vidal todos y cada uno de los puntos por los que cuestionan al oficialismo? Todo pareciera tener una respuesta: es preferible repetirlo en Twitter y Facebook que preguntarlo de frente. Porque en la cara no vale. Mirá si responden, todavía…

Comparar a Brancatelli con Herminio es un chiste, y lo sabemos todos. No era candidato a nada y no realizó ninguna incitación a la violencia en un contexto de odio. Sólo preguntó lo que para algunos son mentiras, pero otros presentan como verdades absolutas. De pronto, pareciera que no eran ni tan absolutas ni tan verdades. De pronto, pareciera que eran conscientes de que no eran ni tan absolutas ni tan verdades. De allí la bronca a Brancatelli de parte de los kirchneristas: los puso en evidencia.

Culparlo por un resultado marca dos problemas. El primero ya fue detallado: de qué sería culpable si dicen que ganaron.  El segundo presupone que un votante de Cristina no tiene idea de quién es esa mujer, ni de qué hizo durante ocho años de gobierno, y que por una pregunta se horrorizó y decidió votar a la contra. No hay forma de que eso suceda ni remotamente, ya que es el principal problema que tuvo Cristina para sumar votos: la conocen demasiado.

En todo caso, deberían felicitarle a Brancatelli el coraje de preguntar cuando tuvo la oportunidad de hacerlo. Pero en tiempos de relatos, una verdad no puede manchar una buena historia. Los que facilitan la mancha, son traidores por acción u omisión. No se bancaron la respuesta y la culpa no es del que respondió sino de quien le dio el pie para que lo hiciera.

Siempre resultó más fácil matar al mensajero.

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Caos y violencia en EE.UU.

El 7 de julio en la ciudad de Dallas (Texas, EE.UU.) tuvo lugar un tiroteo en el que cinco policías perdieron la vida disparados por Micah Xavier Johnson. La violencia se encendió después de una serie de muertes de afroamericanos a manos de la Policía. La serie de hechos empezó la noche del martes, cuando un hombre afroamericano, Alton Sterlingmurió tras recibir varios disparos durante una confrontación con la Policía en la ciudad de Baton Rouge, en el estado de Luisiana. La noche siguiente otro afroamericano, Philando Castile, falleció en Falcon Heights (Minnesota) abatido por los disparos de un agente de Policía que le había dado el alto porque su vehículo tenía un faro trasero roto. Las dos muertes provocaron una ola de protestas multitudinarias en todo el país: en Minnesota, Phoenix y también Dallas. El 7 de julio esa ciudad acogió protestas ciudadanas para pedir justicia por los dos afroamericanos cuando se produjo un tiroteo que acabó con las vidas de los cinco agentes.

Barack Obama condenó los hechos diciendo que se trató de un ataque “atroz, calculado y despreciable contra agentes de seguridad” y señaló que habrá que reabrir el debate sobre la facilidad con la que se pueden conseguir armas de fuego en el país.

‘El informe Chilcot’ sobre Irak 

El 6 de julio se publicó en el Reino Unido ‘el informe Chilcot’. Se trata de los resultados de una investigación independiente que el Reino Unido inició en el año 2009 para determinar la involucración del Gobierno de Tony Blair en la campaña bélica estadounidense en Irak en 2003.

El propio Tony Blair reaccionó a la publicación declarando que estos datos hacen ‘reales y materiales’ las críticas a la preparación y planificación de la invasión británica de Irak. “Eliminar a Saddam Hussein era importante y su derrocamiento no fue la causa del actual aumento del terrorismo”, dijo. Añadió también que está dispuesto a asumir toda la responsabilidad por los errores relacionados con la campaña militar.

La cumbre de la OTAN en Varsovia

El 8 y el 9 de julio tuvo lugar en Varsovia (Polonia) la 28.ª cumbre de la OTAN, que reunió a las delegaciones de los 28 países miembros y las 26 de los países socios, así como a representantes de la Unión Europea, la ONU y el Banco Mundial. 

En esta reunión de alto nivel los Estados miembros de la OTAN adoptaron la Declaración de Seguridad Transatlántica de Varsovia, en la que establecieron que los retos procedentes el sur y del este siguen siendo una fuente esencial de inestabilidad. 

Aunque según la Declaración “la OTAN no amenaza a ningún país” y el bloque está dispuesto al “diálogo con Rusia”, otros puntos del documento indican lo contrario. Por ejemplo, la declaración recuerda que la alianza proporcionará más apoyo a Georgia y Ucrania y que continuará ayudando a Moldavia, reforzando de este modo su presencia cerca de las fronteras de Rusia.

La Eurocopa en Francia, en la fase final

Este domingo en el Estadio de Francia las selecciones de Francia y Portugal se medirán en la gran final de la Eurocopa 2016, un encuentro que pondrá en la cancha a dos de los grandes protagonistas de la edición de este año del torneo: Cristiano Ronaldo y Antoine Griezmann. El portugués, reconocido por su gran historial de triunfos individuales y la fama que lo caracteriza, busca lograr un título con su selección que lo pondría como gran favorito a obtener su cuarto Balón de Oro. Por otro lado, el ‘Principito del fútbol francés’, como se ha catalogado a Griezmann, quiere marcar una época con el seleccionado galo al igual que lo hicieron Platini y Zidane en su momento y convertirse en ‘rey’.

Histórico lanzamiento de la Soyuz MS

La nueva nave espacial de tercera generación Soyuz MS, con tres astronautas a bordo, tras dos días de viaje realizó el 9 de julio el histórico acoplamiento con la Estación Espacial Internacional (EEI).

La tripulación de la nave, la ‘Expedición 48’, integrada por el cosmonauta de la agencia espacial rusa Roscosmos Anatoli Ivanishin, la astronauta de la NASA Kathleen Rubens y el astronauta de la Agencia Japonesa de Exploración Aeroespacial Takuya Onishi, fueron recibidos por el comandante de la NASA Jeff Williams, y por Oleg Skripochka y Alexey Ovchinin, un cosmonauta y un ingeniero de vuelo de Roscosmos que ya se encontraban en la estación.

La visita de Barack Obama a España

El presidente estadounidense, Barack Obama, llegó a Madrid el 9 de julio procedente de la Cumbre de la OTAN, celebrada en Varsovia. Se trata de la primera visita oficial de un líder de la Casa Blanca a España en casi 15 años.

España ha recibido a Obama con protestas y el rechazo ciudadano a la presencia militar de EE.UU. en el país.

Ángeles Maestro, diputada en el Congreso por Izquierda Unida entre 1989 y 2000, se mostró muy crítica con las políticas de EE.UU.: “Tienen más de 800 bases militares en más de 100 países del mundo”. “Se calcula que el programa militar aprobado por Obama hasta el año 2024 será de un billón de dólares”, añadió.

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Una revista austríaca ha impreso su última edición usando sangre de tres personas seropositivas como un acto simbólico para luchar contra “miedos irracionales” y el “estigma” social que todavía conlleva el virus que causa el sida.

La revista “Vangardist” ha lanzado este mes una edición limitada de 3.000 ejemplares creados con tinta mezclada con 150 mililitros de sangre donada por tres portadores de VIH.

Cada ejemplar de esta revista, dedicada a “hombres progresistas, curiosos y abiertos de mente”, lleva textos en inglés y alemán, y se vende a 50 euros.

El dinero recaudado con la venta de este número especial se destinará a proyectos benéficos para afectados por el virus.

Para el lector, la revista es totalmente segura y no existe ningún riesgo de contagio.

“Queríamos enviar un mensaje contra el estigma porque después de 30 años de investigación, la medicación es ahora muy buena, pero el estigma aún es una losa para la gente que sufre el virus”, explica a Efe Julian Wiehl, fundador y director de Vangardist.

“De forma increíble existe todavía ese estigma, y se puede ver en ciertos comentarios a nuestra campaña”, agrega.

“Algunos piensan que se pueden infectar con esta revista, nos han llamado asesinos, como si quisiéramos matar a alguien. Eso solo lo puede decir alguien que piensa que esto es peligroso”, lamenta.

Desde hace mucho tiempo se sabe que el VIH muere con rapidez fuera del cuerpo y sólo puede transmitirse por contacto directo con fluidos corporales, principalmente en la sangre y el semen.

Además, para garantizar la plena seguridad para los lectores, los responsables de la revista han recibido ayuda médica y científica de las universidades de Harvard (EEUU) y de Innsbruck (Austria).

Los investigadores de Innsbruck esterilizaron la sangre y volvieron a analizarla después sin encontrar rastros de patógenos.

La cantidad de sangre empleada es más bien simbólica, y según explica el director, la medida empleada se corresponde a una unidad de sangre por cada 28 de tinta.

“Hemos utilizado muy poca sangre. El color rojo que uno ve en la revista no es por la sangre. Es por la tinta que utilizamos, pero hemos mezclado la sangre con la tinta roja”, asegura.

Wiehl confía en que esta campaña sirva para luchar contra los prejuicios que sufren las personas que son VIH positivo y que lleva a muchos a aislarse socialmente y sufrir depresiones.

“Los miedos irracionales son lo que nos están frenando como sociedad, porque no tienen ninguna base y están causando mucho daño a la gente que sufre el virus”, aclara.

“Cuanto más se hable de un tema más miedo se pierde y más crece el conocimiento”, defiende Wiehl, al asegurar que la campaña ha servido para que “la gente hable en sus casas sobre esto”.

El lema de esta edición es “Héroes del VIH” y la revista se presenta dentro de un envoltorio transparente con un precinto.

“Romper el precinto de la revista es una forma de romper el estigma, y si la tienes en la mano y hablas de ello, eres parte de la solución”, asegura.

¿Y quiénes son esos héroes a los que se refiere la revista en esta edición?

“Héroe es la persona que se enfrenta con sus miedos y los supera. Y esa gente no es la que tiene el sida, sino todos nosotros que tenemos miedo del sida o del VIH o de las personas que lo tienen. Todos esos miedos que hay que superar”, contesta Wiehl.

La revista se puede encargar en Internet, y quien quiera sólo leer su contenido también lo puede hacer en la web

Entre el material de la campaña también hay declaraciones grabadas en vídeo de los tres donantes de la sangre que se ha usado para este proyecto.

“Si esto hace reflexionar sólo a dos personas entonces ya ha merecido la pena”, cuenta Wiltrut Stefanek, una madre austríaca de 47 años a quien el virus se lo transmitió su marido.

Los responsables de la publicación aseguran que la edición de la revista está siendo todo un éxito, tanto por las ventas como por el debate creado en las redes sociales, y que se puede seguir en Twitter bajo el hashtag #HIVHeroes.

La campaña no es fruto de la causalidad y se ha lanzado en un momento en el que Viena acaparará la atención internacional.

Mañana, sábado, se celebra el llamado “Life Ball”, la mayor fiesta caritativa de Europa para recaudar fondos para luchar contra el sida, y a la que asistirán la actriz Charlize Theron y el modisto Jean Paul Gaultier.

La semana siguiente la capital austríaca acoge la 60 edición del festival de Eurovisión.



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President Donald Trump dances with first lady Melania Trump at the Liberty Ball in 2017. Federal prosecutors subpoenaed Trump’s inaugural committee Monday, reportedly to find out how the inauguration was funded, and by whom.

Evan Vucci/AP

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Evan Vucci/AP

President Donald Trump dances with first lady Melania Trump at the Liberty Ball in 2017. Federal prosecutors subpoenaed Trump’s inaugural committee Monday, reportedly to find out how the inauguration was funded, and by whom.

Evan Vucci/AP

President Trump’s inaugural committee has received a subpoena from Justice Department investigators. The subpoena reportedly orders the committee to hand over a wide-ranging collection of documents related to how it was funded, and by whom.

The investigation is separate from the probe being conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller into the Trump campaign’s possible ties with Russia, which has resulted in several indictments and guilty pleas. Mueller’s team has been expected to wind down its investigation soon; this new inquiry could mean continuing headaches for the president and fodder for his political opponents.

“We have just received a subpoena for documents,” a spokeswoman for the committee tells NPR. “While we are still reviewing the subpoena, it is our intention to cooperate with the inquiry.”

The subpoena reportedly seeks extensive information about who donated to the inauguration, who the vendors and contractors were, and if there are any foreign contributors, The Washington Post reports. Federal election law prohibits foreign nationals from donating money to an inaugural committee.

The documents are being requested by the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office, which opened its criminal investigation into the inaugural committee in December, The Wall Street Journal reported at the time.

The Journal found that prosecutors were looking at how the committee spent its money, who funded it, and whether those funders got anything improper in return. The inaugural committee raised a record $107 million in donations.

Monday’s subpoena also seeks “communications about payments made directly by donors to vendors — which would flout disclosure rules,” the Journal reported. Prosecutors are particularly interested in documents related to “a Los Angeles financier who gave $900,000 to the committee through his private-equity firm and once registered as a foreign agent working on behalf of the Sri Lankan government.”

That man, Imaad Zuberi, was the only individual named as part of the request for documents, according to The New York Times. Zuberi, who had raised money for President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, was reportedly trying to develop a relationship with Trump.

Prosecutors are also requesting information about who attended inaugural events, and whether they were promised photo ops with the president-elect, ABC News reports.

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1. Usuarios reportan caída de WhatsApp a nivel mundial

Mediante sus redes sociales, los usuarios de la aplicación de mensajería instantánea más popular del mundo, WhatsApp, informaron que tenían fallas con el servicio aproximadamente desde las 3:30 horas de la tarde.

La cuenta de Twitter @WABetaInfo informó que la aplicación comenzó con problemas en la característica de “visto en”, en particular para ver la última vista de los usuarios de Android.

Además de que el total de personas que se encuentraban fuera de línea fue de 1.2 billones que han sido afectadas dos veces por la caída del servicio este día.

2. ¿Te conviene estudiar una carrera universitaria?

Cada vez son requeridos en mayor número trabajadores especializados por los países de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos. Por esta razón, las personas con un mayor nivel de estudios tienen más probabilidades de encontrar empleo y de que éste sea mejor remunerado, lo que ocasiona un alejamiento con respecto a las personas que no cuentan con una carrera universitaria.

Según un análisis de la OCDE sobre la educación en los países miembro, “las disparidades en el ingreso al mercado de trabajo contribuyen a ensanchar la desigualdad económica y social”.

. Ver nota.

3. Hillary Clinton culpa al FBI y hackers rusos por su derrota

La ex candidata demócrata por la residencia de Estados Unidos, Hillary Clinton aseguro estel martes que se encaminaba a la victoria en las elecciones del pasado 2016 hasta que la interferencia de hackers rusos y del director del FBI James Comey alejaron a potenciales votantes.

En sus comentarios más extensos desde la derrota ante Donald Trump en la elección del 8 de noviembre, Clinton dijo en una conferencia en Nueva York que sufrió un duro golpe con la carta de Comey al Congreso a fin de octubre, en la que informó que el FBI había reabierto la investigación sobre el uso de un servidor privado de correos electrónicos cuando era secretaria de Estado.

4. Jalisco, en alerta por el fuego

El número de hectáreas afectadas durante el incendio en el Bosque La Primavera, en la zona conocida como cerro el 18 del área natural protegida, asciende a 250 y una buena parte de éstas es también de arbolado, informó el presidente municipal de Zapopan, Pablo Lemus Navarro.

El bosque La Primavera es un área natural protegida de 30,500 hectáreas, localizado en los municipios de Zapopan, Tala y 
Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, al oeste de Guadalajara. El lugar es considerado el pulmón más importante de esta zona metropolitana y cuenta con un promedio de 3 millones de visitantes al año.

5. Pejíllary

Un cartón de Perujo

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During a gut-wrenching scene in “Miracle,” the best amateur hockey players from across the country are taken to the brink of their physical limits while they stubbornly and repeatedly fail to recognize they no longer play for their individual college teams.

It takes grueling determination from the head coach to awaken the players that they now play for Team USA. It’s a gritty, emotional scene that ultimately captures one of the most patriotic sports moments to ever reach the big screen.

Watching Team USA unite together to give their very best while putting country and team-first can be inspirational.


Fast forward to Team USA’s women’s soccer team; a talented mix of players of various ages, socio-economic backgrounds, races, and sexual orientations. You know, Americans. They win a lot of games while fans sway American flags in the stands and little kids daydream about playing on the same field while wearing the red, white and blue.

Then there’s Megan Rapinoe. She is co-captain for Team USA. As should be expected, Rapinoe is arguably one of the best soccer players in the world. She won the World Cup and is an Olympic gold medalist. Nike and Samsung sponsor her. Just how talented is she? Ask her: “Because I’m as talented as I am, I get to be here, you don’t get to tell me if I can be here or not,” she said in a recent interview.

When she’s not playing soccer, she advocates for LGBT issues. She also served on a round-table for Hillary Clinton. Good for her.

She also can’t stand President Trump and seems intent on letting us all in on her feelings about that. She’s already announced she would refuse to visit the White House if invited to do so.

Until the U.S. team ruled all players needed to stand for the anthem, Megan Rapinoe showed a propensity to take a knee. Now she stands but refuses to put her hand over her heart or sing along with her teammates. Her actions are causing fans to boycott watching the team play. 

What a missed opportunity.

Our national anthem is a song about standing up for freedom despite all of the odds. When the bombs are bursting in air, the flag remains flying strong, giving hope and optimism that victory and freedom will win the day.

Captain Rapinoe has an opportunity to be a role model for all Americans, not just those that agree with her. She and she alone chose to put on the uniform and represent all of us.

How about just kicking butt, winning and enjoy it? That’s an American thing. So is encouraging all of us to enjoy the experience along with you.  It unites us. People from all backgrounds and political beliefs, including me, are proud of your accomplishments on the field and want the same freedoms and opportunities for you, your teammates and those who support your causes.

Visit the White House with enthusiasm if given the chance; it’s the center of the greatest nation on Earth that helped free more people around the world and expanded rights to more people than ever before.


And if you truly want to help your cause, ask for a private meeting with the president to discuss your concerns. Half of us didn’t agree with our last president. Half don’t now. Get over it.

Stand up for your cause in a way that we can all support. Anything less is a missed opportunity.


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Este jueves estuvo marcado por novedades sobre la muerte del fiscal Alberto Nisman, que luego fueron desplazadas por las declaraciones de Cristina Fernández de Kirchner sobre ese caso, la desaparición de Santiago Maldonado y las críticas al gobierno actual. Te resumimos lo más destacado a continuación:

1. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner denunció un clima de autoritarismo en el Gobierno de Mauricio Macri, durante el cual “nadie puede opinar nada”. En el extenso reportaje que concedió este jueves al periodista Luis Novaresio, la expresidenta destacó que durante su gestión “hubo una libertad absoluta en Argentina”.

2. En la primera entrevista que brinda a un medio no kirchnerista, la exmandataria y actual candidata a senadora, Cristina Fernández habló sobre su exsecretario de Obra Pública, José López. “Creo que lo odié, como pocas cosas odié en mi vida”, sostuvo en diálogo con Infobae.

3. Consultada sobre el supuesto informe sobre la escena de la muerte del extitular de la UFI-AMIA, Alberto Nisman, la expresidenta recordó que “la Dirección de Criminalística de Gendarmería acaba de desmentir que no es cierto que no es un informe conclusivo y que todavía siguen las pericias”.

4. Una pericia clave de la Gendarmería confirmaría en los próximas días que al fiscal Alberto Nisman lo mataron. Así se desprende de un informe preliminar que elaboran peritos de la Gendarmería, luego de que ayer se hiciera una recreación en el edificio Centinela sobre lo sucedido en el baño del departamento de Le Parc donde el fiscal de la UFI AMIA apareció con un tiro en la cabeza el 18 de enero de 2015.

5. Antes de partir a España, donde ayer también viajó Nicole Neumann generando una polémica con Fabián Cubero, Facundo Moyano dio algunos detalles al respecto. El diputado, que también es presidente de la Mutual de los Trabajadores de Peajes y afines, aseguró que el costo del viaje lo pagó este sindicato.

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Michael Cohen, the president’s former fixer who once famously claimed he was willing to “take a bullet” for Donald Trump before later turning against his boss, was sentenced to three years in prison Wednesday by a federal judge in New York after pleading guilty to numerous crimes while cooperating with prosecutors.

Before sentencing, Cohen ripped into his former boss in federal court, telling the judge he felt it was his duty to cover up the president’s “dirty deeds.”

Cohen appeared before U.S. District Judge William Pauley III for sentencing after pleading guilty to campaign finance violations, tax evasion and lying to Congress about Trump’s past business dealings in Russia. He was seen entering the Manhattan courthouse Wednesday accompanied by members of his family.

Cohen doesn’t have to report to prison until March 6. He also was ordered to pay $1.4 million in restitution and a $50,000 fine, and forfeit $500,000.

Speaking in court before the judge issued the sentence, Cohen said “blind loyalty” to Trump led him “to take a path of darkness instead of light.”

But Rudy Giuliani, an attorney for Trump, argued in a phone interview with Fox News that Cohen wasn’t always loyal – citing Cohen’s secret recordings of Trump that were later leaked to the press. The Cohen case, he said, shows the Mueller probe has turned into a “witch hunt.”

“Tell me what this has to do with Russia collusion?” Giuliani said of Cohen’s admission of guilt.

In court, a contrite Cohen told the judge he takes “full responsibility for each act,” saying the “sooner I am sentenced, the sooner I can return to my family.”

Cohen also apologized to the people of the United States, saying, “You deserve to know the truth.”

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former personal attorney and fixer, arrives with his family at federal court for his sentencing hearing on December 12, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

The sentence, while not the maximum, signifies a remarkable fall for the hard-charging lawyer who for years was part of Trump’s inner circle. The charges against Cohen arose from two separate investigations – one by federal prosecutors in New York, and the other by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Both cases hold potential implications for Trump. His admission in the former to breaking the law in making hush-money payments during the 2016 campaign to two women who claimed affairs with Trump has raised questions about whether prosecutors may eventually pursue charges against the president. Cohen said he did so at Trump’s direction. Sentencing memos filed last week showed Cohen also told investigators about more Russia contacts that could fuel the collusion aspect of Mueller’s probe.

Lawyers for Cohen — who worked as Trump’s counselor before the presidential campaign, advocated for him on television during the presidential race and remained his personal lawyer at the beginning of the administration — had asked for leniency because of his cooperation with both the office of Special Counsel Mueller and prosecutors looking into campaign finance violations in New York.

But on Friday, federal prosecutors recommended a “substantial term of imprisonment” for Cohen, saying his efforts to cooperate with Mueller have been “overstated.” Federal prosecutors said that Cohen was “motivated” by “personal greed” and “repeatedly used his power and influence for deceptive ends.”

Among other charges, Cohen recently pleaded guilty to misleading Congress about his work on a proposal to build a Trump skyscraper in Moscow, hiding the fact that he continued to speak with Russians about the proposal well into the presidential campaign.

In the New York case, prosecutors accused Cohen of a years-long “tax evasion scheme” to avoid paying federal income taxes on more than $4 million made through a number of ventures, including through his ownership of taxi medallions, his selling of real estate in Florida and his consulting work for other clients.

Cohen also pleaded guilty in August to breaking campaign finance laws by helping orchestrate payments to silence former Playboy model Karen McDougal and adult film actress Stormy Daniels, who said they had sexual encounters with Trump while he was married.


Prosecutors said Cohen orchestrated payments to McDougal and Daniels at Trump’s direction.

A contrite Cohen, speaking in court, told the judge he takes “full responsibility for each act,” saying the “sooner I am sentenced, the sooner I can return to my family.” (Photo by Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images)

The U.S. Attorneys Office also announced Wednesday they have agreed not to prosecute American Media, Inc., which publishes the National Enquirer, for its role in paying $150,000 for the rights to McDougal’s story. By purchasing and then refusing to run the story, the company was doing Trump a favor to keep the story out of the news before the 2016 election, prosecutors said. The U.S. Attorneys Office said AMI has cooperated with prosecutors.

Trump has lashed out at Cohen over his cooperation with prosecutors, recently saying Cohen “lied” and deserves to “serve a full and complete sentence.”

A sentencing memo filed by prosecutors said Cohen “acted in coordination and at the direction of” Trump in making those payments.” But in a tweet this week, Trump denied the payments to Daniels and McDougal were campaign contributions, instead calling them a “simple private transaction.” Trump also said if mistakes were made, the “liability” should be with Cohen, his lawyer, and not him.

“Cohen just trying to get his sentence reduced,” the president tweeted Monday.

Cohen is the latest example of people connected to Trump who have pleaded guilty or been convicted of crimes since Trump has entered the White House, including former national security adviser Michael Flynn, former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, former campaign aide Rick Gates and former campaign adviser George Papadopoulos.

Fox News’ Catherine Herridge, John Roberts, Lissa Kaplan, Tara Prindiville and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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