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Trump y Clinton llegaban como favoritos al Supermartes y los resultados confirmaron la tendencia a su favor.

Los resultados de las primarias que se celebraron este martes en una docena de estados de Estados Unidos, en lo que se conoce como Supermartes, dieron como claros vencedores a la precandidata presidencial demócrata Hillary Clinton y al republicano Donald Trump.

La ex secretaria de Estado se apuntó la victoria en siete estados, igual que el polémico millonario.

Todavía se ha de conocer quién es el vencedor del caucus republicano celebrado en Alaska.

Mira la tabla de resultados del supermartes de republicanos y demócratas

Los resultados del Supermartes confirman la tendencia vista en las primarias efectuadas en las últimas semanas en los estados de Iowa, New Hampshire, Carolina del Sur y Nevada, en las que Clinton y Trump comenzaron a sacar ventaja a sus rivales.

En el bando demócrata, este martes al senador de Vermont Bernie Sanders le fue mejor de lo esperado, logrando la victoria en cuatro estados, mientras que en el republicano, Ted Cruz debió conformarse con declararse vencedor en dos estados y Marco Rubio en uno.

Los candidatos republicanos Ben Carson y John Kasich no lograron imponerse en ninguno de los territorios en juego.

El Supermartes es la jornada más importante del calendario estadounidense de primarias.

En esta fecha, demócratas y republicanos midieron fuerzas en 11 estados cada uno de manera simultánea.

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La elección presidencial estadounidense se realizará el 8 de noviembre de 2016.

Por el momento, tanto Clinton como Trump superan cómodamente a sus rivales en el número de delegados obtenidos en el proceso de primarias que se inició el pasado 1 de febrero.

Estos delegados serán los encargados de votar a favor de los precandidatos presidenciales que ganaron las primarias o caucus de sus respectivos estados en las convenciones demócrata y republicana que se celebrarán el próximo mes de julio.


En el Supermartes Clinton se impuso en las primarias de Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Texas y Virginia.

Mientras, Bernie Sanders triunfó en Colorado, Minnesota, Oklahoma y Vermont.

La ex secretaria de Estado celebró los resultados en Miami, Florida, junto a sus seguidores.

Sin mencionarlo, Clinton volvió a aludir a Donald Trump, al que criticó por su “retórica divisoria” y por “dar la espalda a los trabajadores y a la clase media”.

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Hillary Clinton celebró los resultados del Supermartes en Miami.

La carrera demócrata por lograr la nominación a la candidatura presidencial continuará en el estado de Luisiana, donde las primarias se celebrarán el 5 de marzo.


En el caso de las primarias republicanas, los resultados señalan que el millonario Donald Trump ganó en Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Vermont y Virginia.

Desde Florida, Trump no tuvo reparos en afirmar que “amplió al Partido Republicano” con la promesa de atraer votos demócratas e independientes.

“Vamos a ser un partido mucho más grande. Vamos a ser más inclusivos y unidos”, aseguró Trump.

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“Vamos a ser un partido mucho más grande. Vamos a ser más inclusivos y unidos”, aseguró Trump.

Uno de los competidores del magnate, el cubanoestadounidense Ted Cruz, logró imponerse en las primarias de Oklahoma y Texas.

En un encendido discurso después de conocer su victoria en esos dos estados, Cruz aseguró que es el único candidato que puede frenar a Donald Trump.

Marco Rubio, mientras tanto, logró ganar las primarias republicanas en Minnesota, en la que es su primera victoria de este ciclo electoral.

Desde Miami, Rubio se dirigió a sus electores que le esperaban con gritos de “Marco, Marco”.

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Marco Rubio logró ganar las primarias republicanas en Minnesota.

El próximo 15 de marzo vota Florida, estado del que es senador y en el que tiene puestas sus esperanzas.

“No hay ningún lugar en EE.UU. que entienda el sueño americano mejor que esta comunidad y este gran estado de Florida”, dijo acompañado de su esposa y sus hijos.

Igual que los demócratas, los rivales republicanos volverán a verse las caras el próximo 5 de marzo en las primarias de Luisiana.

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Demócratas y republicanos celebraron primarias simultáneas en 11 estados este martes.

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NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg speaks during a media conference at the end of the NATO summit in Madrid, Spain, on June 30. (Bernat Armangue/AP)

NATO military officials are walking back the secretary general’s announcement earlier this week that 300,000 troops “will” be placed on high alert across the alliance, now saying the high number is a “concept” the bloc aims to enact by mid-2023. 

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said on Monday that NATO “will increase the number of our high readiness forces to well over 300,000.” 

But it now appears that number is more aspirational, and is based on a new model NATO believes will take at least another year to accomplish. 

The initial announcement appeared to be a seven-fold increase from the 40,000 troops NATO currently has on high alert, and two NATO officials told CNN that number caught many NATO countries’ defense chiefs off guard. 

It was not clear to them, for example, which troops from each member state would need to contribute to that new high-readiness force, or whether enough countries had even been asked or agreed to provide the sufficient forces for it. It was a point of apparent confusion and disjointedness in an otherwise highly choreographed show of unity among the allies. 

Two senior NATO officials told reporters in a briefing on Thursday that the new high-readiness model will eventually replace the NATO Response Force model, but that it is “still a work in progress.”

The officials indicated that under the new model, many of the troops would remain in their home countries rather than move under the command of NATO’s Allied Command Operations. But they would be quickly available to NATO should a security crisis arise, such as if Russia were to attack a member country. 

Asked what the trigger would be to move those forces to high alert under NATO command, one of the officials would only say it will involve “indications and warnings” of a potential attack. 

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As protesters and armed anarchists seized control last month of a swath of Seattle’s downtown that includes a police station, dubbing it Capitol Hill Organized Protest, the local and mainstream media largely echoed elected leaders by insisting it was a peaceful protest – until people started getting killed.

The spin by the Seattle Times and national outlets that covered it belied the violent and dangerous origin of the area that began on June 8, when Seattle police abandoned their own station and allowed self-described anarchists to create a “police-free” zone. On Wednesday, police went back in and finished clearing out the area, after multiple shootings, an alleged rape and at least two murders.

“CHOP violently seized six blocks of downtown Seattle, guarded the area they stole with semi-automatic rifles and appointed a leader who called himself a warlord and the media spun it as a fun time with ‘free snacks,’” Washington Times columnist Tim Young told Fox News.


“That’s as insane as saying Boko Haram was just trying to start a dating service when they kidnapped nearly 300 women in Nigeria a few years ago,” Young added. “And those liberal outlets probably still can’t figure out why people call them fake news.”

Since it was established, there have been at least four shootings, two of which left a 19-year-old and a 16-year-old dead in separate incidents. Seattle police made more than a dozen arrests after Mayor Jenny Durkan declared the gathering an unlawful assembly – a far cry from how it was originally portrayed by the media and by Durkan herself.

The mayor responded to criticism of her leadership by President Trump by tweeting that he should not be “so afraid of democracy.”

“The CHOP has become lawless and brutal,” Police Chief Carmen Best said Wednesday in a written statement. “Four shootings – two fatal – robberies, assaults, violence and countless property crimes have occurred in this several block area.”

The Seattle Times was perhaps the most egregious when it came to celebrating the cop-free area. The paper boasted about free snacks and pleasant smells inside the zone, called CHAZ at the time, on June 10.


“Free snacks at the No-Cop Co-op. Free gas masks from some guy’s sedan. Free speech at the speaker’s circle, where anyone could say their piece. A free documentary movie – Ava DuVernay’s “13th” – showing after dark,” Seattle Times reporter Evan Bush wrote. “Perhaps most important to demonstrators, the neighborhood core was free of uniformed police.”

Bush described the area as “Seattle’s quirky, lefty Capitol Hill,” noting that organizers “envisioned education initiatives, programs to address homelessness and building a community movement where unarmed police are designed to de-escalate.”

The Seattle Times even reported on the delightful odor the “calm and peaceful crowd” were providing residents.

“The streets smelled like the Fourth of July, as people seared hot dogs on curbside grills,” Bush wrote.

The following day, the Seattle Times focused on poets and artists performing inside the area, noting that despite the “festival-like atmosphere” gatherers are often reminded they’re protesting, not partying.

By June 13, Seattle Times business reporter Paul Roberts praised the “community garden” and ways the demonstrators could “advance the goals” of the city’s “newest tourist attraction.”

“Dozens of people with rakes and wheelbarrows spread topsoil and chicken manure in newly planted gardens,” Roberts wrote. “Others gathered in small groups to discuss plans for no-till farming and fundraising for medical supplies.”

“It’s obvious to media consumers that journalists put protesters above property. It remains to be seen how they would greet an occupation of the Seattle Times. It probably depends on which political agenda you’re pushing,” NewsBusters executive editor Tim Graham told Fox News.

“It’s also obvious that to cover something when you can glorify it as a ‘street festival’ and then stop covering it when people die, underlines why people dislike the fakery of liberal ‘news’ reporting,” Graham added, pointing to three recent NewsBusters studies as evidence.

While the Seattle Times celebrated CHOP on a local level, other mainstream news outlets raised eyebrows on a larger stage.


NewsBusters reported on June 22 that CBS’ “Evening News” and “NBC Nightly News” both skipped coverage of a deadly shooting inside CHOP. Another study, conducted on June 23, indicated that evening newscasts on ABC, CBS and NBC all ignored another shooting in the area.

“The networks had been actively trying to protect the encampment’s radicals from criticism. First, they turned a blind eye altogether, and when they had no choice but to cover the ‘Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,’ as it was called at the time, they downplayed the craziness and provided cover,” Media Research Center news analyst Nicholas Fondacaro wrote after studying coverage of CHOP on ABC, NBC and CBS’ newscasts.

“When the shooting and killing started, they tried to cover it up. They refused to report on the black teen who was shot and killed in the zone last Saturday. And there was no mention of the Sunday or Tuesday shooting at any point during the week,” Fondacaro wrote. ”It was those shootings that were the impetus for the businesses and residents to band together and sue the city for not protecting their rights and property.”

University of North Carolina professor Lois A. Boynton is a fellow in the University’s Parr Center for Ethics. She feels coverage of CHOP “points to some of the basic challenges journalists, all media outlets, face when reporting on contentious and polarizing issues.”


Boynton explained that biases can come from many things, including story angle, what gets emphasized and what doesn’t, who reporters select as sources and a reporter’s choice of words.

“Reporters, editors and producers need to be cognizant of how readers and viewers are interpreting their stories and what impact that may have on the community’s well-being and news outlet’s professional reputation,” Boynton told Fox News.

When Durkan announced last week that officials would end the police-free zone – CNN and MSNBC didn’t feel it was particularly newsworthy.

News broke during the 7 p.m. ET hour on Monday that Seattle’s mayor said the violence was distracting from changes sought by thousands of protesters seeking to address racial inequity and police brutality – but CNN’s 7 p.m. program, “Erin Burnett Outfront” did not mention the news as it unfolded.

CNN continued to ignore the news during its primetime programming, as there was no coverage on back-to-back editions of “Anderson Cooper 360” from 8-10 p.m. ET or during Don Lemon’s “CNN Tonight,” which aired from 10-midnight ET.


MSNBC completely ignored CHOP altogether from 7-midnight ET on the day of Durkan’s announcement as “MSNBC Live,” “All in with Chris Hayes,” The Rachel Maddow Show,” “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell and “The 11th Hour with Brian Williams” all declined to report the news of Seattle’s CHOP possibly drawing to a close.

“Most mainstream media outlets have bent over backward to portray the civil unrest as peaceful actions supporting the general aims of justice. That narrative gets largely disrupted if those news organizations now focus on the chaos in places like Seattle,” DePauw University professor and media critic Jeffrey McCall told Fox News at the time.

The mainstream media narrative has extended to other stories, like St. Louis. CNN’s Chris Cuomo was accused of siding with the “mob” on Tuesday night during a contentious interview with Mark McCloskey, the man who went viral for brandishing a gun alongside his wife as the couple protected their home from protesters.

An attorney for McCloskey insisted the couple only retrieved their weapons after they observed multiple people in the crowd who were armed.

Fox News’ Stephen Sorace and Michael Ruiz contributed to this report.  

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Es por eso que intenta que sus jugadores intercambien ideas y formen opinión, especialmente en temas como el racismo. Cuando los jugadores como LaMarcus Aldridge, Pau Gasol, “Manu” Ginobili, Kawhi Leonard o Tony Parker, entre otros, llegaron al campamento de entrenamiento, les dieron a cada uno una copia de “Between the World and Me”, un libro de Ta-Nehisi Coates sobre la vida de la raza negra en Estados Unidos, y otra del film “The Birth of a Nation”, que trata sobre la rebelión de los esclavos en 1831.

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“There is an extremely high level of COVID in your community,” Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders said, addressing people in those places. She urged them to “respect the virus” and take steps such as wearing masks, staying 6 feet apart, washing their hands, and staying home from work if they are ill.

Citing average daily cases per 100,000 residents as a metric many states use to measure community health, Baker said the 33 communities, which had more than 4 cases per 100,000 residents “require specific strategies to attack COVID there, and to work with them to stop the spread.”


Baker said he and Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito had reached out to leaders in the high- and moderate-risk communities in the past couple of days “because we want to partner with them in whatever way makes the most sense to help them deal with the spread in their communities.”

He said the state’s “key strategy” was to work with local government. “Every community is different,” he said, but the state could help with “additional testing, tracing, and isolation resources. And we’re also implementing stepped-up enforcement measures, and we’ll also work with these communities on messaging and other communication strategies as we and they see fit.”

“The good news here should not get lost,” Baker said. “Three hundred eighteen communities here in Massachusetts are at or below national benchmarks with respect to containing COVID-19 in their communities.”

But he also warned, “I want to be clear on one point. Regardless of where your community sits, COVID is not going away. Your actions, no matter where you live or where you work, will determine in many respects how this virus spreads.”


“We’re asking everyone to recognize that this virus continues to affect, injure, and kill people every single day,” he said.

The state released a color-coded map of all the cities and towns in the state showing them in red, yellow, green, and white, depending on their current level of coronavirus.

Baker said red indicated a community had more than 8 average daily cases per 100,000, yellow was 4 to 8 per 100,000, green was less than 4 per 100,000, and white indicated less than 5 total cases had been reported in the most recent 14 days.

Chelsea, Everett, Lynn, and Revere were the only communities marked in red on the map, which officials said would be updated weekly. Boston, Worcester, and Springfield were among the communities in yellow.

Baker noted that he had announced on Friday the creation of a multi-agency enforcement and intervention team and said its mission of ramping up enforcement and coordinating local intervention efforts “would make the most sense” in the moderate- and high-risk communities.

“The virus doesn’t care about boundaries. It certainly takes every opening any of us give it. We’re making progress and have made progress in our fight, but we have seen the effects of too many people letting your guard down,” he said.

Baker also suggested the numbers argued for letting children return to schools, something some parents in less-affected towns have advocated.


“We would certainly hope that, based on this data, if you’re in a green or white community, I can’t imagine a good reason not to go back, whether it’s full-time or in some sort of a hybrid, because for all intents and purposes, you meet all the benchmarks that are being used across the country, across New England, to make decisions about whether it’s safe to go back to school,” he said.

Both Baker and Sudders emphasized the importance of wearing face coverings, especially for those in higher-risk communities.

”Masks work,” Sudders said. “Wear a face covering at all times when outside of your home.”

Sudders even urged people to consider wearing a mask inside their homes “if an older individual or someone with a compromised medical condition is part of your immediate household, and safe distancing cannot be maintained and other members of your household are going to work [or] participating in recreational activities outside the home.”

Sudders also noted that Baker’s new gathering order, which went into effect Tuesday, now requires face coverings at private events where more than 10 people from different households will be mixing.

Baker underscored that point, noting: “If you’re putting a bunch of people in your house or backyard and they’re not the immediate people you have in your house every day that you live with, people need to wear face coverings, and they need to respect the fact we have a lot of asymptomatic transmission going on.”


Baker’s office didn’t immediately release a list, but a Globe review of the map indicated that, in addition to the four high-risk communities, the 29 moderate risk communities were: Northampton, Holyoke, Chicopee, Springfield, Longmeadow, Granby, Belchertown, Charlton, Auburn, Worcester, Marlborough, Framingham, Maynard, Wrentham, Taunton, Fall River, Brockton, Randolph, Quincy,Hull, Boston, Winthrop, Malden, Saugus, Peabody, Salem, Middleton, Lawrence, and Georgetown.

In other news from Baker’s news conference, the Republican governor expressed concern about the controversial executive order by Republican President Donald Trump to extend unemployment benefits to people in need during the pandemic.

Baker said his biggest concern was that the federal share of the benefits would come from money from Federal Emergency Management Agency disaster relief funds.

“You can make an argument, a credible one, that FEMA money would be an appropriate resource. It’s an emergency and all the rest,” he said. But he said the problem was that states were already expecting to apply for the FEMA funds as reimbursement for costs that they incurred in March, April, May, and June during the early days of the pandemic.

The unemployment funding “needs to be done through a separate appropriation, not by taking money from FEMA,” he said.

The coronavirus surged through the state this spring but is now at much lower levels. The state has recorded 8,741 confirmed and probable deaths from coronavirus as of Monday. One model says the death toll will likely climb over 10,000 by Dec. 1.

The state is in Phase 3 of a phased reopening process, but recent upticks in coronavirus metrics have sparked concerns among state officials and public health experts.


Peter Bailey-Wells of the Globe staff contributed to this report.

Martin finucane can be reached at Jaclyn Reiss can be reached at Follow her on Twitter: @JaclynReiss

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El reactor había sido clausurado en 2007.

Corea del Norte indicó que su principal instalación nuclear, el complejo de Yongbyon, reanudó sus operaciones normales.

Según informó la agencia de noticias estatal KCNA el país está mejorando sus armas nucleares “en calidad y cantidad”.

El reactor de Yongbyon fue clausurado en 2007 pero Pyongyang prometió reiniciarlo en 2013 después de su tercera prueba nuclear y en medio de crecientes tensiones regionales.

El reactor ha sido la fuente de plutonio para el programa de armas nucleares de Corea del Norte.

Expertos creen que una vez reiniciado, el reactor podría potencialmente fabricar plutonio para una bomba cada año.

El anuncio es la primera confirmación oficial de Corea del Norte de que ya reinició sus operaciones en Yongbyon.

Sin embargo, un centro de investigaciones estadounidense indicó a principios de este año que imágenes de satélite sugerían que ya se había iniciado el trabajo en la planta.

Lea: ¿Cuán sofisticado es el poderío nuclear de Corea del Norte?

Planes de lanzamiento de cohetes

KCNA también informó el martes que Pyongyang estaba dispuesto a enfrentar la hostilidad de Estados Unidos con “armas nucleares en cualquier momento”.

Sin embargo, no es claro cuál es la capacidad nuclear total del país.

Corea del Norte afirma que fabricó un dispositivo suficientemente pequeño para poderlo colocar en una ojiva nuclear en un misil, el cual podría lanzar contra sus enemigos.

Pero funcionarios estadounidenses dudan de esta afirmación y expertos aseguran que es difícil analizar el progreso que ha hecho el país en el proceso de miniaturización.


Reactor nuclear de Yongbyon

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Corea del Norte conmemora próximamente el 70 aniversario del Partido de los Trabajadores.

  • Es la principal instalación nuclear de Corea del Norte, Se cree que aquí se fabricó material para pruebas nucleares previas.
  • El reactor fue clausurado en julio de 2007 como parte de un acuerdo de desarme a cambio de ayuda.
  • En abril de 2009 se prohibió la entrada a inspectores internacionales cuando Corea del Norte se retiró de las conversaciones para desarme.
  • En 2010 se reveló una planta de enriquecimiento de uranio. Un científico nuclear estadounidense indicó que los centrifugadores parecían ser principalmente para energía nuclear para uso civil, pero que podrían convertirse para producir combustible para una bomba de uranio altamente enriquecido.
  • El reactor se reinició en 2013, el mismo año que Corea del Norte condujo una prueba nuclear. Quedó inactivo en agosto de 2014.
  • Los expertos creen que el reactor podría producir suficiente plutonio para una bomba al año.
  • Una prueba nuclear basada en un dispositivo de uranio sería más difícil de monitorear que uno de plutonio.


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La central de Yongbyong es la principal instalación nuclear de Corea del Norte.

La noticia surge antes del 70 aniversario del dirigente Partido de los Trabajadores el 10 de octubre, que Corea del Norte planea conmemorar con un desfile.

Pyongyang también anunció planes para lanzar un cohete de largo alcance que transporta un satélite, algo que los extranjeros han descrito como una prueba de cohete militar.

Corresponsales afirman que el reciente anuncio no significa que Corea del Norte tenga capacidad para lanzar misiles de largo alcance, pero sí muestra que el país tiene ambiciones de lograrlo.

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President Donald Trump’s often-touted “border wall” has recently been referred to as “beautiful steel slats” by the president, a “beaded curtain” by California Rep. Nancy Pelosi, “semantics” by White House adviser Kellyanne Conway, and “not a wall” by outgoing White House chief of staff John Kelly. Finally, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said on Sunday that the wall was nothing more than a “metaphor” for border security.

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Ex-British intelligence agent Christopher Steele, who authored the unverified dossier charging collusion between Russia and Donald Trump, still believes former Trump attorney Michael Cohen held secret meetings in Prague despite the Justice Department not substantiating the claim.

The dossier alleged Cohen had “secret meeting/s with Kremlin officials in August 2016” in Prague. However, Cohen testified before the House Oversight Committee in 2019 that he had never been to Prague and the Justice Department was unable to confirm Steele’s claim after a lengthy investigation.

ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos sat down with Steele for a special, “Out of the Shadows: The Man behind the Steele Dossier,” and asked him about Cohen directly. 

“One big claim the dossier, the FBI, according to the Inspector General’s report … is not true, is the claim that Michael Cohen had a meeting with Russians in Prague,” Stephanopoulos said. “Do you accept that finding that it didn’t happen?” 


Steele, who insisted the dossier is largely accurate throughout the interview, doesn’t buy Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz’s findings that Steele’s reporting couldn’t be corroborated. 

“No, I don’t,” Steele said. 

Cohen has since turned on Trump, sharing information about the former president with prosecutors. Cohen called Trump “a cheat, a liar, a fraud, a bully, a racist, a predator, a con man” and “amoral” in a book. 

But he still maintained the tale of his traveling to Prague in a Russian collusion-related plot was bogus. Cohen served prison time after pleading guilty to campaign finance violations and bank fraud, but was released to home confinement last year. 

Michael Cohen, former attorney to President Donald Trump, has long denied claims he meeting with Russians in Prague. (AP Photo/Kevin Hagen, File)


“Michael Cohen has completely turned on Donald Trump. He’s accused him of all kinds of things,” Stephanopoulos said. “It defies logic that if he did this, he wouldn’t say so now.” 

Steele didn’t agree. 

“It’s self-incriminating to a very great degree,” Steele said. 

Stephanopoulos asked what Cohen would be incriminating himself in, to which the dossier author responded, “Treason, presumably.”

Stephanopoulos shot back, “Since he’s gone to prison, since he’s turned on President Trump, he’s told every single story. Why wouldn’t he admit to this?”

“Because I think it’s so incriminating and demeaning and I think the other reason is he might be scared of the consequences,” Steele said.

(ABC News)

Stephanopoulos asked Steele if not believing the FBI, in this case, hurts his credibility.

“I am prepared to accept that not everything in the dossier is 100 percent accurate, I have yet to be convinced that that is one of them,” Steele said. 


The questions surrounding Cohen’s alleged travel to Prague come from the dossier, which was published in January 2017 by BuzzFeed News, detailing salacious and unfounded allegations against Trump. Horowitz ripped the FBI in his report for heavily relying on the dossier to obtain surveillance warrants on Trump campaign official Carter Page.

In August 2017, Cohen denied the allegations made in the dossier, calling them “totally false.” Cohen’s attorney said Cohen “never traveled to Prague, Czech Republic, as evidenced by his passport” and “did not participate in meetings with Kremlin officials in Prague in August 2016.”

Former British spy Christopher Steele’s unverified dossier was a major element in warrant applications the FBI filled out to spy on Trump associate Carter Page.

When the dossier was first published, Cohen tweeted on Jan. 10, 2017: “I have never been to Prague in my life. #fakenews.”

Steele compiled information for the controversial file on behalf of Fusion GPS, which was hired to conduct opposition research funded by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign through law firm Perkins Coie.

Fox News’ Brooke Singman and Tyler Olson contributed to this report. 

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Angelica Salas, executive director of the nonprofit Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, said her group has been meeting with others as part of a rapid response network of community organizations and attorneys, who are on call to provide legal representation to people arrested by immigration agents.

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¿Cómo reaccionaron los chilenos ante la elección de Donald Trump? ¿Cuál fue el impacto del caso SQM en los usuarios de Twitter?

Son preguntas que podrán hacerse periodistas, historiadores, profesionales de las ciencias sociales y ciudadanos en “Galean”, archivo digital de Twitter que reúne reacciones, opiniones, impresiones de los usuarios chilenos ante eventos noticiosos.

El archivo digital es obra de investigadores del Núcleo Milenio de la Web Semántica (CIWS), en conjunto con la Biblioteca Nacional. Allí los ciudadanos podrán explorar las reacciones de los usuarios ante eventos noticiosos.

Al igual que un archivo histórico, Galean es un sistema web de recolección y visualización de noticias chilenas extraídas desde Twitter.

“La idea general es que los medios chilenos en Twitter nos sirven de ‘semillas’ para extraer titulares importantes y nosotros luego recolectamos la mayor cantidad de tweets de personas naturales que hablen de cada noticia. Luego extraemos el lugar del cuál se trata la noticia y lo visualizamos en una interfaz interactiva”, señala Bárbara Poblete, investigadora del Núcleo Milenio CIWS.

Cabe destacar que en “Galean” se pueden encontrar todo tipo de noticias que hayan sido comunicadas en algún medio chileno con presencia en redes sociales, incluyendo medios nacionales y también medios de regiones.

“El sistema de recolección detecta y almacena eventos tanto de alto impacto, como de bajo impacto. Sin embargo, una noticia debe haber sido mencionada por más de un medio noticioso para que pueda ser detectada, aunque no sea usando las mismas palabras exactas. Es decir, mientras existan varios medios que reporten la noticia, Galean lo considerará”, explica Poblete.

“Creemos que periodistas, historiadores y cientistas sociales pueden sacarle mayor provecho en su trabajo diario pues Galean es muy simple de utilizar y no requiere de conocimientos extras”, finaliza la investigadora.

Galean estará disponible a usuarios partir del segundo semestre de 2017.

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GUADALAJARA, JALISCO (10/FEB/2015).- Revisa lo más importante del 10 de febrero en México a través de este resumen de noticias publicadas a través de los sitios web de los medios que conforman los Periódicos Asociados en Red.


La Segob reconoce más de seis mil plazas con incidencias

Rubén Núñez, secretario general de la Sección 22 de la Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (CNTE), informó que tras la mesa de negociación de este martes en la Secretaría de Gobernación, se acordó reconocer y pagar a todos los maestros que no habían cobrado sus quincenas de enero por no ser regulares.


Coahuila, segundo estado en Ronda 1

La Ronda Uno de licitaciones de contratos para la extracción de hidrocarburos significará para Coahuila la explotación de al menos 62 mil 034.8 hectáreas que afectarán a cuatro municipios.

Apoyarán a taxistas en Coahuila si sus peticiones son congruentes

Una vez que el cien por ciento de los choferes coloquen el taxímetro en sus unidades, 30 días serán suficientes para saber si este es o no funcional.


Continúa nevada en zona sierra de Durango

La presencia de nieve continúa en la zona serrana del municipio de Canelas, informó el presidente municipal del lugar, Santiago Cháirez Beltrán, al dar a conocer que las lluvias que se registraron a inicio de mes provocaron que esta demarcación se mantuviera incomunicada por espacio de 24 horas.


Detienen a familiares del ex gobernador Ángel Aguirre

La PGR detuvo a Carlos Mateo Aguirre, hermano del exgobernador de Guerrero, Ángel Aguirre, luego de un cateo realizado en una propiedad ubicada en el fraccionamiento Costa Azul, en Acapulco, Guerrero.

Mateo Aguirre es señalado por varios empresarios y políticos porque pedía comisiones para la autorización de contratos en el gobierno del estado.


Peña Nieto inaugura Colegio del Aire en Zapopan

El Presidente de México, Enrique Peña Nieto acudió a Jalisco con la finalidad de conmemorar el primer Centenario de la creación de la Fuerza Aérea de México.

En su visita a la Base Aérea Militar Número 5 en Zapopan, el mandatario inauguró las instalaciones del Colegio de Aire en esta entidad.


Diputado del PRI golpea a secretario de Turismo en Oaxaca

El presidente de la Junta de Coordinación Política del Congreso local, Félix Serrano Toledo, suspendió las comparecencias al considerar que no existen condiciones de seguridad, luego de que el diputado por el Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), Fredy Gil Pineda Gopar, agredió al secretario de Turismo y Desarrollo Económico (STyDE), José Zorrilla de San Martín Diego.


Proponen precio base para el maíz en Sinaloa

 A puerta cerrada, el gobernador del estado, Mario López Valdez,  se reúne con dirigentes agrícolas y funcionarios de Aserca.


La PGR destruye seis toneladas de mariguana en Sonora

La Procuraduría General de la República (PGR), a través de la Subprocuraduría de Control Regional, Procedimientos Penales y Amparo (SCRPPA), por conducto de su Delegación en el estado de Sonora, incineró seis toneladas 299 kilos de marihuana en Sonoyta.


Anuncian colaboración entre Indesol y Gobierno de Tabasco

La sociedad organizada no debe verse sólo como un objeto de los programas públicos, debe ser sujeto de ellos con una compartición responsable” expresó el gobernador Arturo Núñez Jiménez durante el anuncio del acuerdo en el marco del Programa de Conversión Social 2015.

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La noche, que comenzó siendo una fiesta netamente carnavalera y popular, terminó con un enfrentamiento entre un grupo de personas y un grupo de choque de la Policía local.

Los 23 detenidos fueron recuperando la libertad, a lo largo de la jornada de este domingo, por disposición judicial.

El hecho tuvo su punto central en los alrededores de la Plaza Treinta y Tres Orientales, lugar de la culminación de una multitudinaria y colorida fiestas, que había comenzado en la Plaza Artigas, lugar de partida de este desfile.

Ya en esa Plaza comenzaron los primeros incidentes entre personas que estaban alcoholizadas y drogadas, quienes intentaban enfrentarse a la Policía, cuando los agentes intentaban poner orden.

Mas tarde y ya avanzada la madrugada cuando la última comparsa culminó su actuación y la fiesta inaugural concluía comenzaron las primeras corridas y apedreos contra los uniformados.

Éstos, al no poder calmar a los inadaptados, recurrió al uso de la fuerza para proceder a la detención de las 23 personas que ayer declararon en el juzgado y quedaron libres. Entre los detenidos hubieron dos mujeres y siete adolescentes.

En este procedimiento resultaron heridos dos policías, uno de ellos en el rostro producto del impacto de un trozo de hormigón y otro en una pierna con similar objeto.

Según informaron a El País, fuentes policiales, en la próximas horas los efectivos heridos realizarán una denuncia penal a causa de este ataque.

Esta situación no es nueva en los desfiles del departamento salteño.

Los mismos cobran más intensidad cuando aumenta el uso de drogas y alcohol en el lugar y bandas de adolescentes y jóvenes se enfrentan, provocando la intervención de la Policía, punto culmine de este tipo de enfrentamientos.

Seguridad para las llamadas

En Montevideo, se ultiman los preparativos para el tradicional desfile de llamadas, que se realizará el próximo jueves 5 y viernes 6 de febrero, por los barrios Sur y Palermo. La Intendencia de Montevideo y Jefatura de Policía anunciaron ya previo al desfile inaugural un importante operativo que tendrá casi 600 funcionarios policiales y municipales, monitoreando la zona donde se realizará el desfile, durante dos jornadas.

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In a letter released Monday, some 450 organizations representing 45 million health-care workers called attention to the way rising temperatures have increased the risk of many health issues, including breathing problems, mental illness and insect-borne diseases. One of the papers analyzed for the Nature study, for example, found that deaths from heart disease had risen in areas experiencing hotter conditions.

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Eight Minnesota correctional officers working at the facility where fired police officer Derek Chauvin was held following his arrest for the murder of George Floyd say they were forbidden from coming into contact with him and have reportedly filed a complaint with the state’s Department of Human Rights.

The officers — all people of color — say they were told they would be a “liability” around Chauvin because of their race, The Star Tribune of Minneapolis reported. Chauvin is the white officer who was seen on video pressing his knee into Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes as the Black man gasped for breath.

According to a copy of racial discrimination charges obtained by the newspaper, once Chauvin arrived at the Ramsey County Jail, officers of color were ordered to a separate floor. The only officers left to guard Chauvin were white and minority employees were prohibited from having contact with Chauvin, the Star Tribune reported. 

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1. GM deja Venezuela luego de que le confiscaron una planta

La automotríz, General Motors cesó sus operaciones en Venezuela y despidió a 2,678 empleados luego de que el gobierno le confiscó una planta dentro del país.
El día de ayer la fabrica fue inesperadamente tomada por las autoridades venezolanas, que impidieron que siguiera operando con normalidad, aseguró Julia Bastos, portavoz de GM en Brasil, en un correo electrónico este jueves.
Otros activos de la compañía, como vehículos, fueron ilegalmente retirados de las instalaciones

2. El 2018, determinante para el futuro de México, dice Lagarde

El años que viene será el decisivo para México con dos eventos determinantes para su futuro, a los que estará atento del Fondo Monetario Internacional: la posible renegociación del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte y las elecciones, comentó la directora gerente del organismo, Christine Lagarde.
Lo que más le interesa en estos momentos al organismo sobre México es la discusión de si se renegociará el TLCAN, cómo se renegociará y cómo le afectará, porque realmente es un asunto crítico para el país.
Al participar en uno de los seminarios previos a las Reuniones de Primavera del FMI y el Banco Mundial, la funcionaria dijo que México se tiene que analizar un poco aparte de los demás países de América Latina, porque está en medio de las dos regiones.

3. La máquina viral de BuzzFeed abre oficina de noticias en México

BuzzFeed anunció su nueva unidad de noticias en México bajo la dirección de Rafael Cabrera, uno de los periodistas que revelaron la existencia de la llamada Casa Blanca de la primera dama Angélica Rivera.
La unidad comenzó operaciones a un año de las elecciones presidenciales de 2018, que este medio digital de origen estadounidense espera cubrir con rigor y sin presiones comerciales. BuzzFeed es más conocido por sus noticias virales y sus contenidos de listas numeradas, pero también es el medio que tuvo una entrevista exclusiva con Barack Obama en 2015 y que entre sus reporteros cuenta con ganadores de premios Pulitzer.

4. Recursos a los estados, con el mayor crecimiento

Las participaciones federales registraron recursos por 136,434.3 millones de pesos durante los dos primeros meses del 2017, lo que representó un crecimiento anual real de 19.4%, de acuerdo con datos de la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público.
En los últimos siete años, esta es la variación más elevada considerando sólo el primer bimestre; además, este aumento rompió la tendencia de dos caídas consecutivas previas. Por monto, fue el mayor nivel observado.
De 13 fondos que componen las participaciones federales, los que mostraron mayores incrementos anuales reales fueron: Municipal (23.3%), 0.136% de la Recaudación Federal Participable (23.3%), General (23.2%), IEPS (23.2%) e Incentivos Económicos (20.4 por ciento).

5. Hermanos de leche

Un cartón de Perujo


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NEW YORK, Jun 04, 2015 (BUSINESS WIRE) —
Today, Time Warner Cable News NY1 Noticias, New York City’s only 24-hour
Spanish language local news network, announced it will commemorate the
10-year anniversary of Pura Política, with a special documentary
with highlights from the past decade of the longest-running local
Spanish language political talk show in New York City, on Friday, June 5th
at 6 p.m. and 11p.m.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here:

The documentary special will feature guests including, Congresswoman,
Nydia Velazquez, State Senator, Adriano Espaillat, and City Council
Speaker, Melissa Mark-Viverito,
who will explore the highs and lows
for Latinos during the past decade. The commemorative program will also
include an exclusive sit-down interview with New York City Mayor Bill
de Blasio
where he is asked to name one Latino politician he
believes would be a strong candidate for New York City Mayor in the near

Pura Política first premiered as a weekly political talk show on
June 3, 2005, with then Mayor Michael Bloomberg as its first guest.
Bloomberg had just kicked off his re-election campaign with a
Spanish-language commercial.

“Since we aired our first program, Hispanic influence has grown
tremendously and the Spanish language has become ubiquitous in city
politics. Pura Política is a key platform for political leaders looking
to engage Latinos and talk about their issues. We look forward to many
more decades of great interviews and political analysis,” said program
host, Juan Manuel Benitez.

NY1 Noticias’
Pura Política’s 10th
Anniversary Special
will air Friday, June 5th at 6 p.m.
and 11p.m. on channel 95 and channel 831 on Time Warner Cable in New
York, and channel 194 on Cablevision in New York City.

Time Warner Cable News (TWC News) provides in-depth local news
programming exclusively for Time Warner Cable video customers. Time
Warner Cable’s 17 news networks operate in Texas (Austin, San Antonio);
New York (Rochester, Buffalo, Albany, Hudson Valley, Central New York
and the Southern Tier); North Carolina (Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro,
Wilmington); Antelope Valley, CA, and the group’s flagship network NY1
and Spanish language network TWC News NY1 Noticias in New York City. NY1
Noticias is also available online at
Viewers can follow the news team on twitter @NY1Noticias or visit
for the latest news coverage on NY1 Noticias including real-time

Time Warner Cable

Time Warner Cable Inc.

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is among the largest providers of
video, high-speed data and voice services in the United States,
connecting 15 million customers to entertainment, information and each
other. Time Warner Cable Business Class offers data, video and voice
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SOURCE: Time Warner Cable Inc.

Time Warner Cable Inc.
Evelyn Galarza, 212-364-8305

Copyright Business Wire 2015

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