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Sérgio Tomisaki/Arab Chamber

Monteiro gave a lecture at the Arab Chamber

São Paulo – Possessing good financial control that are conducive to managerial reports makes it easier, and even cheaper, for enterprises to raise funds on the market. The tip was given lsat Tuesday (20th) by the PhD at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation School of Economics (FGV) in São Paulo, Claudio Jorge Monteiro, during a lecture to business executives at the offices of the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, in São Paulo.

“Whatever the market does not know is made up for in pricing, the price of credit goes up, it becomes more expensive and difficult to obtain,” said the specialist on the importance of having information on one’s business organized and available. Monteiro discussed two types of fundraising by businesses, one being banks, and the other, the equity market, either via becoming listed, selling stakes, taking in new partners, letting go of existing ones, etc.

For the two fundraising varieties, Monteiro said having managerial reports is crucial, since they are, in practical terms, the language the market speaks. “It is critical so the market may communicate with the enterprise and ascertain whether it is doing well or not,” he said. The professor listed important aspects of financial control, such as cash flow, treasury, accounts payable and accounts receivable, all of which combined provide a measure of the business’s performance, and may be used on obtaining lower interest rates.

Sérgio Tomisaki/Arab Chamber

Sallum (centre) and Rizkallah (right) were in attendance

These managerial reports, however, must not contain errors or inconsistencies. “This may cause the bank to overestimate the risk,” said Monteiro. In the case of the equity market, the company sell for a lower-than-actual price. Potential report errors cited by the professor include mixing natural and legal persons’ data. Including partners’ personal expenditures into the company’s statements may cause results to take a turn for the worse. Technical errors may also take place, such as not including certain revenues, among others.

In order to achieve a good financial control, according to Monteiro, a business must have clearly defined job assignments. The person who does the planning cannot be the same one in charge of implementation or control. But according to the FGV professor, 95% of Brazilian businesses have no accounting department, let alone an audited one.

In Brazil, businessmen are often people who are good sellers or manufacturers who lack management skills, unlike modern businessmen who have studied Economics, attended specialization courses abroad, outlined a business plan, and then set up their business, following opportunity studies, among other measures. “The vast majority of these businesses are one-man businesses,” says Monteiro, concerning professionals who plan, implement and control their enterprises.

Sérgio Tomisaki/Arab Chamber

The event was attended by businessmen and executives

The lecturer explained to attendees the process a request for credit undergoes in a bank. He discussed the 4Cs (character, capability of management, conditions and capital) which are taken into consideration on assessing a client’s risk profile. Character is assessed by looking into aspects such as timeliness and payment history, management capability entails the strategic decisions made, conditions involve how the industry the company is a part of is behaving, and capital means a company’s figures.
As regards figures, at this time the market’s “totem pole” is the ratio of net debt-to-Ebitda (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization). In other words, by what proportion the debt exceeds a business’ cash flow generation capacity. The best-case scenario, according to Monteiro, is for the debt to be payable with three years’ worth of cash flow generation. “Whenever the debt requires over three years to be paid, the bank is going to require further guarantees,” says the professor.

Apart from the client’s risk, banks assess other hazards, also called Cs, such as Collateral, i.e. securities offered, Covenant, i.e. the company’s commitment to a successful operation, Conglomerate, I.e. whether the company is part of a group whose business and finances are in good shape, Cross Selling, i.e. whether the loan can be used as leverage in negotiation so that, for instance, the bank can take charge of the company’s payroll, among other aspects.

According to Monteiro, fundraising via the equity market is usually more expensive. “The process takes longer, is more sophisticated, more detail-rich, and requires specialized consulting,” he said. There are several methods on the market for assessing a company’s value when it comes to raising funds this way, but he told the audience which is best: according to Monteiro, third-party capital (banks) is always cheaper than proprietary capital (equity).

The Arab Chamber president Marcelo Sallum opened the lecture, which was organized and mediated by former director Mário Rizkallah. The meeting was part of a lecture cycle hosted by the Chamber, covering topics ranging from economics and business to law, history, and culture. Registration was free of charge. 

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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Former Vice President Joe Biden promised to be respectful of people’s personal space after allegations of unwanted and inappropriate behavior.

WASHINGTON – Joe Biden’s speech Friday to a labor union will be his first following allegations of unwanted touching by several women, but few expect the former vice president will spend a lot of time addressing the issue.

“He doesn’t want it to become the Joe Biden apology tour,” said Dante Scala, a political science professor at the University of New Hampshire who specializes in presidential politics and was speaking generally. “If he feels like he needs to speak more in depth, he’ll find the proper opportunity to do it and it’ll be one and done.”

Biden, a Democrat who served 36 years representing Delaware in the U.S. Senate prior to his time as vice president, is expected by many to announce his entry into the 2020 presidential race in the coming weeks.

The timing of that decision has been complicated by allegations of improper conduct that began when Lucy Flores, a former member of the Nevada Legislature, accused Biden in a March 29 New York Magazine article of “demeaning and disrespectful” behavior for an alleged 2014 incident.

Since then, at least six other women have come forward with similar stories of Biden’s unwanted conduct.

Biden, known for his hugging and hands-on politicking style, promised to be more “mindful and respectful” in a video released Wednesday.

Related: Trump tweets video mocking Joe Biden’s explanation for touching, making a ‘human connection’

Related: How Democrats in early primary states view allegations against Joe Biden

“Social norms are changing. I understand that, and I’ve heard what these women are saying,” he said in a tweet accompanying the video. “Politics to me has always been about making connections, but I will be more mindful about respecting personal space in the future. That’s my responsibility and I will meet it.”

The former vice president will be speaking Friday to the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, representing approximately 775,000 members in the construction, manufacturing, railroad and utilities fields – the kind of blue-collar workers who helped propel Donald Trump to the White House in 2016.

It will be a friendly audience, given the union’s antipathy to Trump, and one that’s likely to be more interested in hearing Biden talk about the need to improve working conditions and paychecks than how he’ll change his campaign style.

“Nothing (the Trump) administration does or proposes is designed to enhance the quality of life or working conditions for our federal employees,” IBEW Government Employees Department Director Paul O’Connor said after the president proposed deep cuts in his 2020 budget.

A spokesman for Biden, 76, declined to say what he planned to say in his remarks Friday.

A rousing speech to a friendly audience and a tweeted video promising to change his behavior won’t sweep away the challenge facing Biden, said Susan MacManus, a retired political science professor at the University of South Florida in Tampa.

“It’s very clear the younger generation is not buying it,” she said, noting that attention around Biden’s behavior has overshadowed a presidential field that includes several strong female candidates after they saw sexism contribute to Hillary Clinton’s defeat in 2016. “A number of women Democrats are saying, ‘I’ve had enough.’ Those two things together are really part of why there’s outrage.”

The allegations against Biden come amid #MeToo, a movement of mostly women speaking out against innappropriate behavior. It has led to the resignation and downfall of more than 100 entertainers, executives and politicians, including Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer and Kevin Spacey. Former Minnesota Democrat Sen. Al Franken announced his resignation in 2017 following accusations of sexual misconduct. Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., also stepped down, along with Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., who resigned amid reports he discussed with female staffers the possibility they could be surrogates for his and his wife’s baby.

President Donald Trump has been accused of having affairs with multiple women and making unwanted advances at others. In an “Access Hollywood” tape that surfaced during the final weeks of the presidential campaign in 2016, Trump was heard making lewd comments and bragging about groping women. Trump has denied the allegations.

Several polls show Biden leading a large field of candidates even though he has yet to officially announce his candidacy.

About three in 10 Democrats (31%) said they agree Biden is “out of touch” with the challenges that younger Americans face today, compared to 52% who disagree, according to a Morning Consult/Politico poll released Thursday.

The poll of 1,945 registered voters nationwide has a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points. It was conducted from March 29 through April 1, about the time the first allegations against Biden surfaced.

Related: How Joe Biden could make me start forgiving him for Anita Hill (first, stop touching)

Related: Joe Biden’s physicality is a mark of old-school politicians, not a creepy old man

In addition, a third of Democrats (33 percent) agree that Biden is not progressive enough to make the changes Democrats need, compared to 48 percent who disagree.

A number of former female staff members and prominent Democratic women have come out to defend Biden. One of the latest was Stacey Abrams, who nearly won a 2018 race to become Georgia governor. 

“We cannot have perfection as a litmus test,” Abrams said when asked her opinion of the video Biden released Wednesday. 

“The responsibility of leaders is to not be perfect but to be accountable, to say, ‘I’ve made a mistake. I understand it and here’s what I’m going to do to reform as I move forward.’ And I think we see Joe Biden doing that,” she said.



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Quedó registrado cómo, en medio de peatones y conductores, policías se enfrentaron a un hombre señalado de matar a un comerciante en Hayuelos.

La balacera se registró en horas de la mañana de este viernes, en la avenida Boyacá con calle 12, occidente de Bogotá.

Se desató luego de que policías emprendieran la persecución de dos sicarios que, a bordo de una moto, asesinaron a un comerciante.

Uno de los señalados homicidas se bajó del vehículo y disparó contra las autoridades, que reaccionaron activando sus armas.

Tras balacera, capturan a sicario que habría matado a un hombre…




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The CDC’s updated face mask guidance is likely to prompt vaccine-hesitant Americans to get a Covid shot, Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CNBC on Friday.

“This is going to provide a pretty strong incentive for a lot people who might’ve been on the fence about getting vaccinated to go out and get vaccinated,” the former U.S. Food and Drug Administration commissioner said on “Squawk Box.”

In most indoor and outdoor settings now, fully vaccinated people do not need to wear a face covering or keep 6 feet of social distance from other individuals, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday. Masks still need to be worn at businesses that require them, the CDC said, as well as on airplanes and public transportation.

Nevertheless, the public health agency’s relaxed stance is a major development in America’s efforts to fight the coronavirus. It comes as 36% of the U.S. population has been fully vaccinated against Covid, per CDC data. About 47% of Americans have received at least one Covid vaccine dose.

The pace of new vaccinations has slowed in recent weeks, prompting government officials to look for ways to encourage more Americans to sign up for a Covid shot. That includes efforts to build trust in the vaccine, expand availability into harder-to-reach communities and create incentives. In Ohio, for example, Gov. Mike DeWine unveiled a plan to give $1 million to five of the state’s residents via a lottery; the recipient must be vaccinated in order to be eligible for the prize.

The eased guidance from the CDC might be enough on its own to spur an uptick in vaccinations, according to Gottlieb, who led the FDA from 2017 to 2019 in the Trump administration. He now serves on the board of vaccine maker Pfizer.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a bump up in the number of people going out to get vaccinated because now, being vaccinated provides more value. You can go around in a mask in an honest fashion,” he said.

Gottlieb acknowledged the concerns shared by some public health experts who believe unvaccinated people will use the new CDC guidance as cover to forgo a mask in businesses. However, he said, “I think people who will do that, would’ve done it anyway.”

In general, Gottlieb said the CDC’s mask decision is the right one now that the country has seen sustained declines in new coronavirus infections and a significant share of the population has been vaccinated, offering protection against severe disease and death.

He pointed specifically to the high vaccination rates among older Americans, who have an elevated risk of dying from Covid. Nearly 72% of Americas aged 65 and up have been fully vaccinated.

“I think the worst thing you could say about the action that the CDC took is, ‘Well, maybe they could’ve waited another week,'” Gottlieb said. “At some point, we’re going to have to move past coronavirus and start living normally again,” he added. “We’re at that point right now. We’re right at the cusp of being able to take masks off and start reengaging in normal activities.”

Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of Brown University’s School of Public Health, told CNBC on Thursday that the new mask guidance is “really terrific news” for fully vaccinated people. However, Jha said he believes states should keep their indoor mask mandates in place for one more month. That would allow people who got their first Covid shot on April 19 — the day all U.S. residents aged 18 and up became eligible — to become fully vaccinated, he said.

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No todas las plantas son eficaces en la absorción de contaminantes.

Son alegres, vistosas y le agregan a cualquier ambiente un toque de color.

Pero además, las plantas cumplen una función que a veces solemos pasar por alto: son ideales para purificar el aire del ambiente.

Sin embargo no todas lo hacen con la misma eficacia. A la hora de filtrar las sustancias contaminantes, unas son mejores que otras.

En 1989, la NASA llevó a cabo un estudio para determinar cuáles son las más idóneas para cumplir con esta misión en un espacio cerrado.

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Las recomendaciones tomaron en cuenta la disponibilidad de las plantas en el mercado.

El informe tomó en cuenta los diversos contaminantes presentes en el aire, las características de las plantas, y la facilidad para conseguirlas en el mercado.

Los contaminantes más comunes y que las plantas se encargan de filtrar son benceno, xileno, amoníaco, tricloroetileno y formaldehído, según el estudio.

BBC Mundo se comunicó con Bill Wolverton, director de la organización ambiental Wolverton Environmental Services y autor principal de aquel estudio, para verificar si las recomendaciones del informe aún siguen vigentes.

Wolverton resumió la lista y nos recomendó las 5 mejores plantas para limpiar el aire de la casa.

También sugirió “tener variedad, ya que algunas son mejores para eliminar sustancias químicas específicas del aire que otras”.

Esta es su selección.

Potus (Epipremnum aureum)

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Zoo Fari

Ésta es una planta muy popular y fácil de conseguir.

Es muy resistente y no requiere de grandes cuidados, por eso se utiliza ampliamente para decorar oficinas, centros comerciales y otros lugares públicos.

Se adapta fácilmente a temperaturas de entre 17º y 30ºC. Sólo hay que regarla cuando notamos que la tierra está seca.

Es eficaz para absorber formaldehído, xileno y benceno.

Espatifilo, flor de la paz, vela del viento, flor de muerto (Spathiphyllum sp.)

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Puede sobrevivir con poca luz y poca agua.

Crece en temperaturas superiores a los 18ºC. Se recomienda mantenerla lejos de las corrientes de aire.

Son plantas longevas. Su flor, en realidad, es una hoja que envuelve a las semillas.

Absorbe los cinco contaminantes presentes en el aire analizados por el informe de la NASA.

Palmera de bambú o palmera china (Raphis excelsa)

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Esta palmera originaria de Asia puede llegar a crecer hasta 3 metros de altura.

Se encarga de eliminar del aire formaldehído, xileno y amoníaco.

Lengua de suegra, lengua de tigre, sansevierias, espada de San Jorge (Sansevieria trifasciata)

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Es muy usada en la decoración de interiores. Tiene la ventaja de sobrevivir en condiciones desfavorables.

Si se la cultiva en exteriores puede aguantar temperaturas muy altas (incluso de 40ºC) y también muy bajas (-5ºC), siempre y cuando estos extremos sean esporádicos.

Buena para eliminar benceno, xileno y tolueno, tricloroetileno y formaldehído.

Árbol del caucho (Ficus robusta)

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En pocos años puede crecer muy rápido, así que debes tener en cuenta que es una planta que necesita espacio.

Es eficaz para eliminar formaldehído del aire.

También es muy resistente a las enfermedades. Y como tiene un índice elevado de transpiración ayuda a mantener la humedad en el ambiente.

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Washington (CNN)The Transportation Security Administration said one in 10 of its employees scheduled to work Sunday took the day off, with many employees citing “financial limitations” preventing them from working.

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    Trump said Kim has a “certain vision, it’s not exactly our vision but it’s a lot closer than it was a year ago.”

    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told the news conference that he hopes a deal will be reached “in the weeks ahead.”

    He added: “We didn’t get all the way. We asked him to do more, he was unprepared to that. I’m still optimistic.”

    The president also touched on Michael Cohen’s scathing congressional testimony Wednesday, saying that his former personal lawyer and fixer hadn’t lied about everything.

    Earlier, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders released a statement confirming that no agreement had been reached, but the “respective teams look forward to meeting in the future.”

    While Trump has said he was not in a hurry to make a comprehensive pact with Kim, the president touted a “very strong partnership” with the North Korean leader before departing Vietnam for Washington empty-handed.

    The president also said that Kim had pledged that “testing will not start” of rockets or missiles “or anything having to do with nuclear.”

    The apparent breakdown in talks is sure to come as a relief to many North Korea experts — including some Democratic and Republican lawmakers — who worried Trump was ready to make concessions to Kim without securing a firm and verifiable disarmament commitment from the dictator.

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    Noticias Telemundo’s “Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” (Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community) Town Hall broadcast on Sunday, February 12 at 7PM/6 C, ranked # 1 in Spanish-language TV in primetime across all key demographics, averaging 1.57 million total viewers, 708,000 adults 18 to 49 and 325,000 adults 18 to 34, according to Nielsen. The news special moderated by Noticias Telemundo News Anchor José Díaz-Balart also positioned Telemundo as the #1 Spanish-language network during the entire primetime on Sunday, across all key demos.

    “Noticias Telemundo is empowering millions of Latinos with reliable and TRANSPARENT information at a time of change,” said José Díaz-Balart. “Viewers trust us because they know our only commitment is to present the facts the way they are, with professionalism and a total commitment to our community.”

    “Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community” also reached 1.6 million viewers on Facebook, generating 23,000 global actions on the social network.

    The Town Hall answered viewers’ questions about the impact of President Trump’s immigration policy on the Hispanic community. The news special featured a panel of experts, including immigration lawyer and Telemundo contributor Alma Rosa Nieto; Telemundo conservative political analyst Ana Navarro; the Deputy Vice President of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Clarissa Martínez, and CHIRLA’s Executive Director, Angélica Salas. In addition, “El Poder en Ti”, Telemundo’s robust community initiative, launched an Internet site for Hispanics looking for information, tools and resources on immigration in parallel to the Town Hall.

    “Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” is part of a series of Noticias Telemundo specials, including “Trump en la Casa Blanca,” produced the day after the elections, and “Trump y los Latinos,” which aired on Inauguration Day. All of these programs share an emphasis on allowing audiences to express their views and empower them by giving them access to trustworthy, rigorous and relevant information presented under Noticias Telemundo’s banner “Telling It Like It Is” (“Las Cosas Como Son” in Spanish).

    Noticias Telemundo is the information unit of Telemundo Network and a leader provider in news serving the US Hispanics across all broadcast and digital platforms. Its award-winning television news broadcasts include the daily newscast “Noticias Telemundo,” the Sunday current affairs show “Enfoque con José Díaz-Balart” and the daily news and entertainment magazine “Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste.” The rapidly-growing “Noticias Telemundo Digital Team” provides continuous content to US Hispanics wherever they are, whenever they want it. Noticias Telemundo also produces award winning news specials, documentaries and news event such as political debates, forums and town halls.

    Source: Nielsen L+SD IMP, 2/12/17. TEL #1 SLTV (vs UNI, UMA, AZA, ETV). Shareablee, 2/6/17-2/12/17.

    Image courtesy of Telemundo.

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    Este martes 30 de mayo de 2017, el programa Hoy No Circula aplica para los vehículos con engomado rosa, terminación de placa 7 y 8, con holograma de verificación 1 y 2, no podrán circular en la Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México.

    La medida aplica en las 16 delegaciones de la Ciudad de México y 18 municipios del Estado de México: Atizapán, Coacalco, Cuautitlán, Cuautitlán Izcalli, Chalco, Chimalhuacán, Ecatepec, Huixquilucan, Ixtapaluca, La Paz, Naucalpan, Nezahualcóyotl, Chicoloapan, Nicolás Romero, Tecámac, Tlalnepantla, Tultitlán y Valle de Chalco.

    Quedan exentos de esta restricción, los vehículos de personas con discapacidad, eléctricos e híbridos, el transporte escolar, de perecederos, de residuos peligrosos y de servicios de seguridad pública, protección civil, unidades que funcionen con gas natural y de servicios urbanos.

    ¿Qué días no circula cada holograma?

    Engomado amarillo: Lunes, terminación de placa 5 y 6, hologramas, 1 y 2.

    Engomado rosa: Martes, terminación de placa 7 y 8, hologramas, 1 y 2.

    Engomado rojo: Miércoles, terminación de placa 3 y 4, hologramas, 1 y 2.

    Engomado verde: Jueves, terminación de placa 1 y 2, holograma, 1 y 2.

    Engomado azul: Viernes, terminación de placa 9 y 0, permisos y hologramas, 1 y 2.

    Hoy No Circula sabatino

    Holograma 1: Los automóviles con este holograma deberán descansar al menos 2 sábados al mes.

    El primero y tercer sábado los vehículos con terminación de placas “impar” no podrán circular.

    El segundo y cuarto sábado los automóviles con placas “par” deberán descansar.

    Holograma 2: Los automóviles con holograma 2 deberán no podrán circular ningún sábado del mes

    Los automóviles con holograma 0 y 00 podrán circular diario siempre y cuando aprueben las nuevas normas de verificación vehicular

    El programa Hoy No Circula tiene un horario de 5:00 a 22:00 horas

    Verificación Vehicular

    Los vehículos deberán realizar y aprobar la verificación de emisiones vehiculares cada semestre.


    Lluvias azotan al sur de la CDMX; se inunda Coapa y suspende servicio Tren Ligero


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    Press release/Itamaraty

    Al-Nahyan and Amorim signed the treaty

    São Paulo –Brazil and the United Arab Emirates signed this Tuesday a cooperation agreement in the defense area. The document was signed during Dubai’s emir, vice president and prime minister of the Emirates, Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, visit to Brasilia.

    The partnership provides for the two countries to exchange technologies in the sector, cooperate in military instruction and training, in weapons, equipment, crisis management, logistic support, United Nations peace missions and to promote the exchange of military information, among other measures.

    The agreement was signed by the United Arab Emirates minister of foreign affairs, Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and Brazilian minister for Defense, Celso Amorim, in the meeting of Maktoum with Brazil’s vice-president, Michel Temer, at the Ministry of External Relations, known as Itamaraty. The meeting also had the participation of minister of External Relations Luiz Alberto Figueiredo Machado. The emir has also met with president Dilma Rousseff at government seat Palácio do Planalto.

    This is the first visit Maktoum makes to Latin America. Prior to Brazil, he has also been to Mexico and has already proceeded with his trip to Argentina on this Tuesday, and Chile afterwards.

    Roberto Stuckert Filho/PR

    The emir and the president: bilateral cooperation

    The Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce’s president, Marcelo Sallum, and CEO, Michel Alaby, BRF’s (parent company of the brands Sadia and Perdigão) chairman, Claudio Galeazzi, the company’s director for Corporate Affairs, Marcos Jank, Embraer’s vice executive president of Defense and Safety, Jackson Schneider, defense company Avibras’ president, Sami Hassuani, and the Federation of Muslim Associations of Brazil (Fambras)’s president, Mohamed Hussein El Zoghbi, also took part of the meeting with Temer.

    The undersecretary general for Middle East and Africa at the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations, Paulo Cordeiro, and the director for Middle East Department, Carlos Ceglia, were also present at the event.

    Double Taxation

    According to Alaby, the United Arab Emirates minister of foreign affairs says that companies from both countries should expand mutual investments to increase the presence in both markets. “But he (Nahyan) said that in order for this to happen it is necessary to avoid the double income taxation”, points out Alaby.

    Press release/Itamaraty

    Al-Maktoum and Temer received businessman at the Itamaraty

    Brazil and the Emirates do not have an anti-double taxation agreement to prevent the profit obtained by a company’s branch in another country to be taxed in both.  

    Alaby claimed that the meeting was “positive”, but there is a need for further talks on how to facilitate visa issuance to Brazilian businessmen traveling on business to the Emirates.

    Another agreement that was scheduled to be signed, for cooperation on the development of African agriculture, was not finished in due time. According to the Itamaraty, the negotiations are to continue.

    The president of the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority and of Emirates Airline, Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, minister of State, Reem Bint Ibrahim Al Hashemi, and the Minister of Cabinet Affairs in the Federal Government of the Arab country, Mohammed Bin Abdullah Al Gargawi, are also part of Maktoum’s delegation.

    *Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça

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    WASHINGTON — When some of President Donald Trump’s top national security advisers gathered at the White House Tuesday night to talk about the surge of immigrants across the southern border, they discussed increasing the U.S. military’s involvement in the border mission, including whether the military could be used to build tent city detention camps for migrants, according to three U.S. officials familiar with the conversations.

    During the meeting, the officials also discussed whether the U.S. military could legally run the camps once the migrants are housed there, a move the three officials said was very unlikely since U.S. law prohibits the military from directly interacting with migrants. The law has been a major limitation for Trump, who wants to engage troops in his mission to get tougher on immigration.

    Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan was at the White House meeting Tuesday night and was open to sending more U.S. troops to support the border mission, so long as their assigned mission is within the law, according to the three U.S. officials.

    Thousands of troops are currently deployed along the southern border, and are mainly used for reinforcing existing fencing with barbed wire.

    Potential new projects for the troops that were mentioned Tuesday, according to the three officials — two from the Pentagon and one from Homeland Security — also included conducting assessments of the land before the construction of new tent cities in El Paso and Donna, Texas. They would also be used in assessments before construction of a new central processing center for migrants in El Paso, said the DHS official.

    The creation of the processing center was announced last month. It is being designed to temporarily detain arriving immigrants, many of whom are being released in El Paso due to the lack of detention space.

    The processing center will be similar to one currently used in McAllen, Texas, where children were kept in chain-link areas, which some called “cages,” while the Trump administration’s family separation policy was in effect last summer, according to two Customs and Border Protection officials.

    The tent cities would hold immigrants while Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facilities continue to be at capacity. The Obama administration also used tents to hold immigrants in Donna, Texas, in 2016.

    The idea has trickled down into planning meetings held this week at DHS, one of the officials said.

    Discussions this week, at the White House meeting and afterward, have included the suggestion that troops may be needed to run the tent city detention camps once immigrants are being housed there, according to the U.S. officials familiar with the conversations.

    The Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the use of federal troops for domestic law enforcement inside the U.S. This prevents them from direct interaction with immigrants crossing into the country. One U.S. official said recent meetings have included discussions about whether using active duty troops to run a detention camp would be a violation of Posse Comitatus.

    While there has been discussion of an increase in troops, no specific numbers have been mentioned, and officials do not expect a large number of additional troops to be needed for any new mission.

    A U.S. border patrol official speaking on the condition of anonymity said the military allows for faster construction than private contractors, who can protest decisions and slow down the process.

    “The importance of DOD is that they are able to mobilize quickly because we face an immediate crisis now,” said the border patrol official.

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    As an example of the crisis, the border patrol official said on Tuesday, 253 Central Americans, mainly families were stopped in Santa Teresa, New Mexico. Large groups present a challenge for border agents who must process, shelter and often find medical care for immigrants.

    The border patrol official said he is not aware of plans to use troops to run detention facilities for migrants and noted it would be in violation of U.S. law.

    The White House meeting came just two days after Trump tweeted that his secretary of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, was leaving and that Kevin McAleenan, the CBP commissioner, would replace her as acting secretary. DHS Acting Deputy Secretary Claire Grady has also resigned.

    On Wednesday, during a visit to Texas, Trump spoke about increasing the number of U.S. troops assigned to the border mission and alluded to the limitations to using active duty troops there.

    “I’m going to have to call up more military. Our military, don’t forget, can’t act like a military would act. Because if they got a little rough, everybody would go crazy. … Our military can’t act like they would normally act. … They have all these horrible laws that the Democrats won’t change. They will not change them.”

    DHS did not immediately respond to a request for comment. In a statement, Defense Department spokesperson Lt. Col. Jamie Davis, said: “As we said last year when we were looking at possible facilities at Fort Bliss and Goodfellow Air Force Base, DOD could be involved in the possible construction of facilities to house immigrants. There are currently no new requests for assistance.”

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    Facebook decide las noticias “tendencias” a partir del juicio de un pequeño gurpo de editores.

    Según devela un artículo del periódico The Guardianlas noticias que la red social con más usuario del mundo coloca como “tendencias” son elegidas por un grupo de apenas 12 editores, quienes las seleccionan de medios de prensa pertenecientes a grandes transnacionales de la comunicacón. Lo que Facebook resalta como sucesos más importantes y compartidos de cada día es en realidad una farsa. 

    Hasta el 2014, esta red social utilizaba un algoritmo para decidir cuáles serían las tendencias según la cantidad de “me gusta”, la ubicación de los usuarios, entre otros datos. Las “Tendencias” sólo aparecen en la versión en inglés.

    La responsabilidad de ese pequeño grupo de editores es bien grande, pues Facebook es desde hace varios años una de las principales fuentes de información para millones de personas. Por tanto, las noticias que prioricen pueden repercutir en la agenda internacional y favorecer cierto tipo de discursos en detrimento de otros. 

    Por ejemplo, en Estados Unidos, para que una noticia resulte marcada de importancia nacional, debe ser cubierta por al menos cinco de los diez medios siguientes: BBC News, CNN, Fox News, ‘The Guardian’, NBC News, ‘The New York Times’, ‘USA Today’, ‘The Wall Street Journal’, ‘The Washington Post’ y Yahoo.

    Aunque admiten que a veces “ponen” en las tendencias temas de manera artificial, los empleados de Facebook involucrados en esta actividad que hablaron con The Guardian aseguran ser imparciales.

    Descargue en PDF (4,48 Mb): La guía original que Facebook preparó para que sus editores escogieran las Noticias Tendencias (en inglés) 

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    As top Democrats meet with President Donald Trump at the White House on Tuesday to discuss possibly forging a bipartisan infrastructure package, the underlying issue that’s derailed big road and bridge bills over the past ten years remains an unsolved political riddle, and that’s how the feds pay for hundreds of billions of dollars in additional highway construction.

    “We look forward to hearing your ideas on how to pay for this package to ensure that it is big and bold enough to meet our country’s needs,” top Democrats told the President in a Monday letter.

    That letter didn’t mention that Democrats haven’t identified how they would pay for their plan, either – or how big it would be, reportedly somewhere in the range of $1-to-$2 trillion.

    At the White House, there has been the same type of mushiness when it comes to funding details.

    “The President’s target of $1 trillion in infrastructure investment will be funded through a combination of new Federal funding, incentivized non-Federal funding, and newly prioritized and expedited projects,” officials wrote last year, as the acting White House budget chief said earlier this year that Congress should fill in the blanks.

    “It continues to be a major priority of this administration,” acting Office of Management and Budget chief Russ Vought told a House hearing last month.

    But Democrats were having none of it.



    “We’ve gone over two years and all we have is the same one page description of the President’s plan that we had this time last year,” said Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX).

    A very similar political dance over infrastructure went on during the Obama Administration; in President Obama’s 2012 budget, he proposed spending $328 billion extra over ten years on new roads and bridges – but officials never spelled out for Congress the source of the new funding – and Republicans never acted on the request.

    Some veteran transportation officials aren’t sure this effort by President Trump is going to be any different.

    “I am one person very skeptical about any major infrastructure program,” said Emil Frankel, a former Connecticut Department of Transportation Commissioner, who was also appointed to serve in the federal Transportation Department under President George W. Bush.

    “First of all the atmosphere is such, that it seems to me impossible to imagine any agreement across party lines,” Frankel told a Capitol Hill event last week hosted by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation.

    National business and transportation industry groups have pushed for years to have Congress spend more money on infrastructure – and they continue to make that point this week.

    “This is a great opportunity to get to work on modernizing America’s infrastructure,” the U.S. Chamber of Commerce tweeted on Monday.

    But it still all comes down to money – and with the yearly deficit expected to be over $1 trillion in 2019, there’s not a lot of extra cash just sitting on the shelf, waiting to be turned into highway concrete.

    And a quick internet sample of headlines from around the country shows right now might not be the best time to increase gas taxes.

    “Gas prices rising in Syracuse, across Upstate New York,” read one.

    “Tuscon gas prices rising,” one TV station reported in Arizona.

    “Gas prices are still rising,” a Florida TV station noted.

    “Historically, the gas tax has provided adequate funding, but the increasing number of electric vehicles and hybrids as well as fuel tax evasion makes the gas tax an increasingly inefficient funding mechanism,” argued Baruch Feigenbaum and Austill Stuart of the Reason Foundation earlier this year.

    If a gas tax increase is out of the mix, the other options to fund an infrastructure package might include:

    + Shifting money from general revenues into new roads and bridges;

    + Allowing states the option to levy tolls on older interstate highways;

    + A financing route involving the private sector;

    + Or moving to a futuristic system known as “Vehicle Miles Traveled,” where a transponder would track the distance individual vehicles go, and motorists would be charged accordingly.

    The federal gasoline tax has not increased since 1993; experts say that means the inflation adjusted value of that revenue has gone down by close to 50 percent in the last 26 years.

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    Los propagandistas del gobierno critican a los medios independientes por no publicar noticias positivas, sobre las gestiones gubernamentales del FMLN, lo cual es un error o una confusión o ambos

    Hay en Internet un sitio que se llama noticias positivas, que trabaja en varias plataformas de comunicación; me llamó la atención la agencia de noticias y otra publicación periódica; no termino de saber si se trata de empresas diferentes o si forman una unidad, lo que sí tengo claro es que sus productos tienen en común una visión semejante de cómo manejar la información, desde el ángulo positivo.

    También me queda claro que poseer una visión positiva va más allá de publicar únicamente lo bueno, lo bonito y lo agradable de un gobierno, de una organización o de las personas; se trata de una cuestión mucho más de fondo, tiene que ver con la perspectiva de quienes publican las noticias, lo que los teóricos llaman: “el punto de vista desde donde se observan los hechos”. Ese criterio, en el caso de las noticias positivas, tiene que ver con resaltar los nuevos proyectos sociales, el trabajo innovador y el emprendimiento creativo y responsable.

    Popularmente esto tiene que ver con aquel dicho de que las cosas se ven según el color de los lentes que llevamos puestos. El punto de vista, el lente de estas publicaciones, es mostrar a los constructores de realidades que buscan hacer las cosas cada vez mejor, construir una sociedad donde todos podamos vivir con mayores oportunidades para desarrollarnos.

    En pocas palabras el propósito es desvirtuar la confusión que quiere proyectar el actual gobierno que se queja de no encontrar noticias en los medios independientes acerca de lo bueno que hace su gestión; la cosa va más allá de errado concepto difundido por los propagandistas del gobierno efemelenista que pretenden que las noticias y los medios de comunicación privados e independientes se vuelvan, como lo son ellos, propagandistas como en el caso de Canal 10 de Televisión, Transparencia, como medio digital, o Radio Nacional, en radiodifusión.

    En este sentido, en su sitio web, la agencia de noticias positivas dice que “su labor es dar a conocer a la opinión pública iniciativas y propuestas desarrolladas por quienes piensan que otro mundo es posible”. 

    Asimismo da seguimiento noticioso a temas que contribuyen a la consecución del objetivo global: comercio justo, economía alternativa, energías renovables, proyectos educativos, nuevas tecnologías, fomento de la paz entre los pueblos, además de otros asuntos de interés público.

    Desde esta perspectiva, este medio informativo “contribuye a un cambio positivo en la sociedad creando valores a través de la difusión de actuaciones sustentables e innovadoras de personas y organizaciones”. Y su visión editorial es que fomenta “un estilo periodístico conciliador, constructivo y optimista. Nos ocupamos de temas que no están en los medios masivos y leemos la realidad desde una visión que rescata lo positivo. No se busca el conflicto sino soluciones posibles y sustentables”.

    Las noticias que publican estos medios tratan sobre educación, el trabajo de una organización no gubernamental que ha puesto el tema educativo en la agenda nacional; otro ejemplo, cómo llegará el mundo a la nueva cumbre climática en París, artículo que fue retomado del diario La Nación, uno de los principales periódicos argentinos.

    En la sección denominada buenas prácticas, se publica una noticia de Avon, la compañía para la mujer que propone una belleza que hace la diferencia; otros ejemplos son desarrollo sostenible y marketing, vehículos eléctricos para combatir el calentamiento global.

    En síntesis se puede decir: uno, las noticias son eso, noticias y no tienen que ver con lo positivo o lo negativo, sino que la relevancia, lo novedoso, lo curioso, lo trascendental de la realidad y esto puede ser un descubrimiento científico, una masacre, la tragedia de las migraciones en Europa como que algunos países latinoamericanos recibirán inmigrantes sirios; dos, no se puede obligar ni encasillar a todos los medios para que tengan una única visión de trabajo, como los comunicadores de noticias positivas; tres, medios que se dedican a las noticias positivas los hay y son valiosos, como también hay medios informativos de los gobiernos o de propaganda, o medios religiosos cuya óptica es la religión; y cuatro, los medios de noticias positivos no se reducen en ningún momento a promover o promocionar las gestiones de ningún gobierno de turno. 
    *Editor Jefe de El Diario de Hoy. 

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    El secretario de Estado de EE.UU., John Kerry, aseguró que están ganando terreno a EI.

    “Hemos ganado territorio. Estado Islámico lo ha perdido”, dijo con seguridad recientemente John Kerry, el secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos.

    Se refería al resultado de las operaciones que la coalición internacional liderada por Washington está llevando a cabo contra el grupo en Siria e Irak.

    Las declaraciones las replicó el primer ministro británico, David Cameron.

    Hacía apenas cuatro días de los ataques en París, en los que los yihadistas se cobraron la vida de más de 130 personas, y la ofensiva se había intensificado.

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    La ofensiva contra el grupo se intensificó tras los ataques de París.

    Francia respondió inmediatamente con bombardeos aéreos sobre Raqa, el bastión de EI en Siria.

    Sin embargo, no era la primera vez que los líderes de las grandes potencias hacían declaraciones similares.

    En abril el Departamento de Defensa de EE.UU. había presentado un informe sobre la supuesta pérdida de terreno del grupo también conocido como ISIS.

    Washington y sus aliados, además de las fuerzas kurdas que apoyan al gobierno iraquí, habían logrado arrebatar al grupo -desde el punto álgido de su expansión en agosto de 2014- entre un 25 y un 30% del territorio.

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    El Departamento de Defensa de EE.UU. había presentado un informe sobre la supuesta pérdida de terreno del grupo.

    Esto es, entre 13.000 y 17.000 kilómetros cuadrados.

    Así aseguraba el informe del Pentágono.

    Según éste, pudieron recuperar el control de las ciudades sirias de Kobane y Tal Hamis, así como avanzar en el progresivo cerco en Irak de Sinjar, Tal Afar, Mosul o Baiji.

    ¿Pero cuán veraces son estas estadísticas y declaraciones?

    ¿Está el autodenominado Estado Islámico perdiendo terreno realmente?

    Y si es así, ¿cuánto?

    “Idea engañosa”

    La idea de que están perdiendo el 25% de su territorio, tal como dijo David Cameron, es engañosa”, dice Frank Gardner, el corresponsal de seguridad de la BBC.

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    EI “todavía sigue allí”, dice Frank Gardner.

    “Quizá se puede encontrar una forma de representar eso en un mapa, pero el hecho es que solo el año pasado se hicieron con el control de Palmira, tomaron Ramadi y aún no hay señales de que hayan cedido Mosul, la segunda ciudad más importante de Irak”, explica.

    “Todavía siguen ahí. No se han ido”, advierte.

    “No hay duda de que los ataques aéreos están haciendo daño a EI”, reconoce el periodista al programa More or Less de Radio 4, de la BBC.

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    Los expertos reconocen que los ataques aéreos han hecho daño a EI.

    “De acuerdo a EE.UU. están perdiendo un líder de primer nivel o de medio nivel prácticamente a diario con los ataques, pero están siendo capaces de reemplazarlos”, señala.

    Por su parte, el profesor Paul Rogers, consultor de seguridad global del Oxford Research Group, un organismo independiente de investigación de Reino Unido, duda al responder sobre la exactitud de las estadísticas del Pentágono.

    “Es cierto que EI ha dejado de avanzar en Irak y que ha sufrido varios reveses en el noreste, donde los kurdos han hecho avances, así como en el norte de Bagdad, en Tikrit y en Badgi”, reconoce a la BBC.

    “Tikrit fue recuperada por las tropas iraquíes y parece que Badgi también está en manos del gobierno”, detalla.

    “Pero se ha visto que en las principales ciudades, Faluya y Ramadi, donde ha tenido lugar un largo asedio, y Mosul es difícil hacer frente a EI”.

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    Tikrit fue recuperada por las tropas iraquíes .

    Además, señala que existen evidencias de que en Siria los yihadistas están controlando más territorio.

    Sin embargo, dice que la cifra podría ser exacta de corresponder a áreas despobladas y no a ciudades clave.

    “La preocupación principal”

    De todas formas, el experto no cree que el avance de terreno sea la mejor forma de medir el progreso de la guerra de la coalición contra el grupo yihadista.

    “Lo preocupante de EI es que ha vuelto a usar una táctica que utilizaba Al Qaeda hace diez años, cuando empezó a lanzar ataques en el extranjero”, dice Rogers.

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    Hasta hace poco se había concentrado casi exclusivamente en el desarrollo de su propio territorio geográfico, pero están cambiando de estrategia, dicen los expertos.

    Y se explica: “Hasta hace poco se había concentrado casi exclusivamente en el desarrollo de su propio territorio geográfico, su propio califato, su proto-califato como ellos lo llaman”.

    “Se está moviendo realmente en el extranjero. Lo hemos visto con el terrible atentado en París, con el ataque al avión ruso, y el reciente atentado en Beirut, en el que también mataron a mucha gente”, recuerda.

    “Ahora estamos entrando en una era en la que EI tiene más determinación que nunca para facilitar y animar ataques en el extranjero”, dice.

    “Y eso debería ser la preocupación principal”.

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    Denver voters have narrowly approved a ballot initiative to decriminalize psilocybin mushrooms. The ordinance effectively bars the city from criminally prosecuting or arresting adults 21 or older who possess them.

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    Denver voters have narrowly approved a ballot initiative to decriminalize psilocybin mushrooms. The ordinance effectively bars the city from criminally prosecuting or arresting adults 21 or older who possess them.

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    Denver voters narrowly approved a grassroots ballot initiative to decriminalize psilocybin mushrooms, commonly referred to as psychedelic mushrooms.

    What appeared to be a failed effort on the evening of Tuesday’s referendum made an unexpected comeback the following afternoon, when Denver election officials released the final count. It showed a slim majority of 50.56% voted in favor of ordinance 301.

    The action doesn’t legalize psilocybin mushrooms, but effectively bars the city from criminally prosecuting or arresting adults 21 or older who possess them. In the ballot language, adults can even grow the fungus for personal use and be considered a low priority for Denver police. The changes could take effect as soon as next year.

    What happened in Denver may be the start of a much larger movement, which seeks safe access to psilocybin for its purported medicinal value. Supporters point to research, suggesting psilocybin is not addictive and causes few ER visits compared to other illegal drugs. Ongoing medical research shows it could be a groundbreaking medicine for treatment-resistant depression and to help curb nicotine addiction.

    In Iowa, a Republican lawmaker recently proposed two bills to remove the drug from the state’s list of controlled substances. And in Oregon and California, campaigns are working to get similar issues on the ballot for the 2020 elections.

    Kevin Matthews, director of the Denver campaign, often recounted his personal experience of using mushrooms to treat what he described as a crippling depression. He told NPR that the results from the Denver vote proves society’s perception of psychedelics has changed.

    “Our victory today is a clear signal to the rest of the country that Americans are ready for a conversation around psilocybin,” he said.

    Officials with the DEA office in Denver said they will continue prosecuting cases of psilocybin possession and trafficking. Under federal law, it remains a Schedule 1 drug that’s considered to have “no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.”

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    ÚN | Nia Silva.- Miles de pasajeros que viajaban por la aerolínea Venezolana se quedaron varados ayer en el Aeropuerto Nacional Simón Bolívar de Maiquetía, al no abrir ninguno de sus vuelos nacionales.

    Fuentes extraoficiales señalaron que la medida extrema se debió a que la aerolínea tenía vencidos los permisos para volar.

    Durante la mañana los mostradores permanecieron solos y sin ningún empleado que explicara la situación.

    “Nadie da la cara, es una falta de respeto”, señaló Luisa Márquez.

    En horas de la tarde la única opción que les dio Venezolana a los usuarios como parte de indemnización, fue que tomaran el vuelo, según el destino, en otras aerolíneas.

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    A group of family members of murder victims in California, along with a number of district attorneys from across the state, gathered in Sacramento on Thursday to denounce Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent moratorium on the death penalty.

    At a press conference led by Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer, the family members and district attorneys slammed Newsom’s move to put a moratorium on the executions of the 737 inmates currently incarcerated in the Western Hemisphere’s largest death row and called on the California governor to rescind his executive order.

    “Governor Newsom took a knife and stabbed all the victims and all the victims’ families in the heart,” Spitzer said.

    Spitzer also criticized Newsom for travelling to El Salvador this week instead of meeting with murder victims’ families. Newsom is in the Central American nation in an attempt to counter the Trump administration’s harsh immigration stance and recent moves to cut millions of dollars in U.S. aid to the country.


    “The governor decided to spend the week out of state, out of country, to meet with people he thinks are victims, when he could have met with victims in his own state,” he said.

    Newsom’s office did not immediately return Fox News’ request for comment.

    The press conference comes a day after prosecutors in the state announced they will seek the death penalty if they convict the man suspected of being the notorious “Golden State Killer,” who eluded capture for decades.

    Prosecutors from four counties, including Orange County, announced their decision on Wednesday during a short court hearing for Joseph DeAngelo. He was arrested a year ago based on DNA evidence linking him to at least 13 murders and more than 50 rapes across California in the 1970s and ’80s.

    Ron Harrington, whose brother Keith Harrington’s murder is one of those linked to the alleged Golden State Killer, castigated Newsom’s decision. Keith Harrington, along with his wife, Patti, were found bludgeoned to death in August of 1980 inside their home in a gated community just outside Dana Point, Calif.


    “The Golden State Killer is the worst of the worst of the worst ever,” Ron Harrington said Thursday during the press conference. “He is the poster child for the death penalty.”

    Harrington added: “Gov. Newsom, please explain to the Golden State Killer’s victims how they should be lenient and compassionate.”

    Steve Herr – whose son, Sam Herr, was murdered and then dismembered by Daniel Wozniak in May 2010 inside an apartment in Costa Mesa, Calif. – also criticized Newsom.

    Wozniak, who was sentenced to capital punishment in 2016, killed Herr and his college friend and tutor, Julie Kibuishi, as part of a plan to steal money Herr had saved from his military service in Afghanistan so that he could pay for his upcoming wedding and honeymoon.

    Wozniak then staged the crime scene to make it appear as though Kibuishi had been sexually assaulted by Herr and that Herr had gone on the run.

    The convicted murderer also dismembered both victims by cutting off the hands of both and removing Herr’s head.

    “Gov. Newsom wasn’t there when I walked into my son’s apartment and found the body of Julie Kibuishi absolutely defiled,” Herr’s father said. “He wasn’t there when I walked into the mortuary and saw my son all sewed up.”


    Newsom’s moratorium, which he signed last month, is seen as largely a symbolic move as California has not executed an inmate since 2006 amid legal challenges, but it still marked a major victory for opponents of capital punishment given the state’s size and its national political influence.

    “I’ve gotten a sense over many, many years of the disparity in our criminal justice system,” Newsom said during a press conference on Wednesday. “We can make a more enlightened choice.”

    Newsom also ordered in March that the equipment used in executions at San Quentin State Prison – the facility where capital punishment was carried out for men in California – be shut down and removed.

    “We cannot advance the death penalty in an effort to soften the blow of what happens to these victims,” Newsom said. “If someone kills, we do not kill. We’re better than that.”

    Despite recent polling indicating that support for the death penalty is at its lowest level since the early 1970s, Newsom’s order still bucks the will of most California residents. California voters previously rejected an initiative to abolish capital punishment in the state and instead, in 2016, voted in favor of Proposition 66 to help speed up executions.


    Newsom’s move to halt executions was panned last month by President Trump, who has been a harsh critic of Newsom’s ever since the governor took office earlier this year.

    “Defying voters, the Governor of California will halt all death penalty executions of 737 stone cold killers. Friends and families of the always forgotten VICTIMS are not thrilled, and neither am I!” Trump tweeted.

    California has executed 13 inmates since the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976 and the state has the most people on death row in the country. Since the 1970s, 79 death row inmates have died of natural causes in the state and 26 by suicide. The last execution held in California occurred in 2006 when 76-year-old Clarence Ray Allen, who was convicted of killing three people, was executed.

    Since then a series of stays of execution issued by the Federal District Court in San Francisco have held up any executions in the state, but there are now 25 inmates on death row who have exhausted all their appeals. Newsom said that none of the inmates currently on death row will have their sentences commuted, but will possibly be transferred back into the state’s general prison population.

    “I believe I’m doing the right thing,” he said. “I cannot sign off on executing hundreds and hundreds of human beings knowing that among them there will be innocent people.”

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