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President Donald Trump criticized social media companies after Facebook banned a number of extremist figures, declaring that he was “monitoring and watching, closely!!”

Trump, who tweeted and re-tweeted complaints Friday and Saturday, said he would “monitor the censorship of AMERICAN CITIZENS on social media platforms. ” He has previously asserted that social media companies exhibit bias against conservatives, something the companies have rejected as untrue.

The president’s comments came after Facebook this week banned Louis Farrakhan, Alex Jones and other extremists, saying they violated its ban on “dangerous individuals.” The company also removed right-wing personalities Paul Nehlen, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson and Laura Loomer, along with Jones’ site, Infowars, which often posts conspiracy theories. The latest bans apply both to Facebook’s main service and to Instagram and extend to fan pages and other related accounts.

Facebook’s move signaled renewed effort by the social media giant to remove people and groups promoting objectionable material such as hate, racism and anti-Semitism. The company said it has “always banned” people or groups that proclaim a violent or hateful mission or are engaged in acts of hate or violence, regardless of political ideology.

On Twitter, Trump cited a number of individuals he said were being unfairly treated by social media companies, including Watson and actor James Woods. He insisted it was “getting worse and worse for Conservatives on social media!”

Woods, one of Hollywood’s most outspoken conservatives, has had his Twitter account locked. Twitter spokeswoman Katie Rosborough said Woods will need to delete a tweet that violated Twitter rules before he can be reinstated.

“We enforce the Twitter Rules impartially for all users, regardless of their background or political affiliation,” Rosborough said.

Mr. Trump on Saturday lashed out against members of the news media including the New York Times, Washington Post and CNN, suggesting the outlets should also be banned from Facebook and Twitter for their coverage of the Russia investigation. “Much of what they do is FAKE NEWS!,” he asserted. 

Trump, who uses Twitter extensively to push his message, recently met with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey at the White House after attacking the company and complaining that it was not treating him well because he was a Republican. He later described it as a “great meeting.”

The president had more than social media on his mind Saturday. Trump also tweeted that he was holding out hopes for a deal with North Korea on its nuclear program, as well as improved relations with Russia, now that he feels the special counsel investigation is behind him.

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Thousands of “All Black Lives Matter” demonstrators converged on Hollywood Boulevard in front of the TCL Chinese Theatre on Sunday, denouncing racial injustice and supporting LGBTQ rights, before marching on to West Hollywood as protests continued nationwide.

The march was organized by the Black Advisory Board, made up of Black LGBTQ+ leaders and organizations. On the event’s website, the board posted a statement announcing a protest “in direct response to racial injustice, systemic racism, and all forms of oppression.”

Some activists gathered around President Trump’s star on the Walk of Fame and demanded his removal from office because of his divisive rhetoric and insensitivity to racial justice issues.

Chantelle Hershberger, an organizer with in Los Angeles, connected the swell of concern about police tactics and racism with the president’s rhetoric in office.

“Trump is not separated from what’s happening right now. There is a whole connection with this normalization of police brutality,” she said, recalling a speech the president once made in which he jokingly encouraged rough treatment of people arrested by police. “It’s unbelievable that he’s in power. We can’t live another day in this nightmare.”

Some protesters gathered around the president’s star, which has been defaced in the past, and a handful of young men stopped to bang their skateboards on his name.

By 11 a.m., a large and peaceful crowd of protesters that appeared to number in the thousands had swelled along a stretch of Hollywood Boulevard, between North Highland and La Brea avenues, that was painted with the words “All Black Lives Matter” in rainbow colors to represent the diversity of the LGBTQ community.

A portrait of George Floyd, killed by a police officer in Minneapolis, flashed on a screen outside the legendary Chinese Theatre as protesters chanted, “No justice, no peace!”

Greg Austin, 31, said Sunday’s massive turnout, where activists for gay rights and racial justice carried rainbow-infused “All Black Lives Matter” signs and marched together, was evidence of a desire for change that’s been building for years amid high-profile police shootings across the country. e said the national outcry over Floyd’s death signaled momentum toward police reform.

“We’re not saying that every cop is bad. We just wish they would follow a different method,” said Austin, who is gay and Black. “This is an eye-opener for everyone. I’m hoping that this will show that the police need better training for their officers.”

Hollywood Boulevard was closed to traffic, and there was little police presence. Before the march to West Hollywood began, the crowd gathered around a few flatbed trucks parked in the middle of the street to listen to speakers in support of gay and transgender people of color and to cheer the “All Black Lives Matter” theme of the event.

Some speakers focused their attention on local elected officials, particularly Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Jackie Lacey, who’s locked in a competitive reelection contest against former San Francisco Dist. Atty. George Gascón.

Danny Gresham, an organizer with the Party for Socialism and Liberation, shouted encouragements over a loudspeaker to protest the incumbent prosecutor, whose record on police use-of-force cases has become an issue in the campaign. Gresham complained about the tactics shown by law enforcement during recent protests, calling it the “militarization” of law enforcement.

“This is what our hard-earned tax money is going to. Do we want that?” Gresham shouted, and the crowd shouted back, “No!”

“We want reinvesting and rebuilding in our communities,” Gresham said. “We shouldn’t be having to fight for housing. We shouldn’t be having to fight for heathcare. We shouldn’t have to be demanding to defund the police.”

Chants rang out among the crowd: “Prosecute killer cops!” “Black lives matter!” Signs displayed the diversity of the crowd: “Jews for Black Lives.” “LatinX for Black Lives.”

On the Hollywood Walk of Fame, a white woman with a rainbow flag draped over her shoulders blew bubbles as she passed David Hasselhoff’s star, and a Black man passed with a cardboard sign that said, “Black Trans Lives Matter.”

Most people, by far, wore face masks because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Walking down Sunset Boulevard, Ammie Robinson, 37, of Huntington Park, said that as a Black and queer person and as a woman, it was a “triple whammy” of having to fight for her rights. She marched with her girlfriend, Kimiko McCarthy, 31, who also is Black. They both wore black face masks with the words “Black Lives Matter.”

Robinson says that, even within the LGBTQ community, it is mostly white voices that are heard and that discrimination exists.

“Sometimes, there’s not space for Black people,” she said. “You’re fighting for space in your own community.”

McCarthy carried a cardboard sign that read, “Hey WeHo Black Queers Exist!!! #MakeSpace.”

McCarthy says that, although it is a celebrated LGBTQ haven, West Hollywood — which is mostly white — is not always welcoming. McCarthy said LA Pride also was not welcoming. She said she’d just spoken with a friend, another Black queer woman, who did not come because she didn’t feel welcome in what she thought was a white space.

“I respect that,” McCarthy said. “I told her I’d let her know how it goes. I heard about this weeks ago, and of course I wanted to be here to represent both sides of who I am.”

McCarthy said before attending she’d given it some thought and decided that it was powerful and important to be seen. She was inspired by the massive, diverse crowd.

Among the signs people carried: “Racism ain’t a good look, honey.” “Racists, sashay away!” One sign read: “Less Karens, more caring.”

The smell of sage lingered in the air along much of the route, and every street was lined with people handing out water and snacks for marchers on a bright, warm summer day.

The crowd was huge, diverse — and young.

Jolie Ruffin, 24, of Leimert Park, wore a blue surgical mask and carried a sign that read: “To be a Black queer woman in Amerikkka is a triple threat … and NOT in a good way.”

This was her first-ever protest.

“I’m a Black bisexual woman in America,” she said. “It’s intimidating to men especially. … I’m hurt that Black people want to live their lives, and their lives are taken from them.”

Eyvonne Leach, 40, of Inglewood, wore a black face mask and a feathery pair of rainbow-colored wings as she stood near Hollywood Boulevard.

“I am a Black woman,” she said. “I am a lesbian woman. We’re tired of all the hate and all the killing.”

Leach said she thinks maybe there’s a broader purpose, that because everyone was forced to stay home and put their lives on pause because of the novel coronavirus, everyone saw the death of George Floyd. Everyone was forced to pay attention to the racism that the country has always struggled with.

“I believe this is the universe working,” she said. “People are tired. If we weren’t forced to stay in the house we wouldn’t have seen what happened. … It would have been another killing, another Black killing.”

As a Black lesbian, Leach said she’s got to fight doubly hard against discrimination. But she feels like being Black comes first.

“You have to put your Blackness first,” she said. “My lesbianism, that comes later. Being Black and a woman in America, it is really tough.”

The crowd on Sunday, she said, was inspiring. “It brings my heart much joy.”

Additional protests were scheduled across Los Angeles for Sunday — the latest actions in a weekend of demonstrations.

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Democratic presidential candidate and former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper says Democrats need to focus on “kitchen table issues” like jobs in order to beat President Trump in 2020.

Seth Wenig/AP

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Seth Wenig/AP

Democratic presidential candidate and former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper says Democrats need to focus on “kitchen table issues” like jobs in order to beat President Trump in 2020.

Seth Wenig/AP

Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper warned his party of straying too far to the left as it selects a nominee to face President Trump in next year’s election.

Hickenlooper, one of the 23 candidates running for the Democratic Party’s nomination, told NPR why he doesn’t believe in some of the party’s major policy proposals, such as the Green New Deal and “Medicare for All.”

“If we don’t stand up and say that we Democrats don’t stand for socialism, we’re going to end up reelecting the worst president this country’s ever had,” Hickenlooper said.

Hickenlooper spoke with Morning Edition as part of the show’s Opening Arguments conversations, exploring the presidential candidates’ core messages.

Interview Highlights

On the leftward shift in the Democratic Party

I don’t think we’re going to address climate change by guaranteeing every American a federal job, which is what part of the Green New Deal was. I don’t think we’re going to address the spiraling inflation in health care by forcibly telling 150 million people that we’re going to take away their private insurance. These are what a lot of Americans look at as facets or aspects of socialism.

On focusing on economic issues instead of social policies

Certainly we want to address income inequality. Right. Absolutely we want to make sure that women have a right to choose, that civil rights and social justice are addressed aggressively.

But we’ve also got to recognize to win in Ohio and Michigan and North Carolina and Wisconsin, we’re going to have to get more to those kitchen table issues that have to do with somebody’s job, or how many jobs they’re having to work just to balance a household budget.

On the identity fight within the Democratic Party

One of the things I’ve always loved about the Democratic Party is that it is a big-tent party, and it embraces opportunity for all people. I’m running for president because I think my life experience can address this. This Trump-fueled national crisis of division has been moving us backward.

I look at my experience of bringing people together — businesses and nonprofits, and Republicans and Democrats — and to really get things done; to get to near-universal health care, to have the No. 1 economy in the country for three consecutive years, I think that record stands for itself. … I think in some [ways] I’m the only person running who has actually accomplished what everyone else is talking about.

Victoria Whitley-Berry contributed to this story and produced for air.

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Aminah Mellion, 39, a public school employee from Springfield, Va., was at the march with her 6-year-old daughter, Ella, who was holding a “Black Lives Matter” sign.

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Si EE.UU. decide intervenir en Corea del Norte, Washington puede descubrir que Pyongyang es un enemigo más formidable de lo que muchos podrían esperar.

Aparte de sus armas nucleares y misiles balísticos, Corea del Norte cuenta con sistemas de defensa aérea que están más avanzados de lo que muchos podrían darse cuenta, según un artículo publicado este jueves en la revista estadounidense The National Interest.

Pyongyang también, ha tomado medidas para reforzar su defensa ante cualquier ataque aéreo que Estados Unidos podría lanzar en caso de guerra. La República Popular Democrática de Corea (RPDC) no ha olvidado las lecciones de la Guerra de Corea, que técnicamente aún no ha terminado.

“Entre 1950 y 1953, la Fuerza Aérea y la Armada de EE.UU. aplastaron a Corea del Norte, por lo que la RPDC ha tenido 65 años para pensar en cómo asegurarse de que eso no vuelva a suceder y cavar muchos refugios a prueba de bombas”, ha dicho a The National Interest el contralmirante jubilado Mike McDevitt, investigador principal del Centro de Análisis Navales.

Pero aparte de sus sofisticadas instalaciones, Pyongyang posee las defensas aéreas más avanzadas de que uno podría imaginar. Mientras que la inmensa mayoría de las defensas aéreas norcoreanas son sistemas soviéticos más antiguos, este país dispone de armas nativas sorprendentemente capaces.

“Tienen una mezcla de viejos soviéticos SAMs [misiles tierra-aire], incluyendo el S-75, S-125, S-200 y Kvadrat, que están probablemente en más o menos buenas condiciones”, según Vasily Kashin, becario del Centro de Estudios Europeos e Internacionales de la Escuela Superior de Economía de Moscú (Rusia).

“Solían producir el S-75 ellos mismos —y éstos misiles podrían haber recibido algunas mejoras significativas—. Además de ellos, desde principios de los años 2010 están aplicando un moderno sistema nativo SAM, al que Corea del Sur y EE.UU. llaman KN-06”, agrega Kashin.

Entre 1950 y 1953, la Fuerza Aérea y la Armada de EE.UU. aplastaron a Corea del Norte, por lo que la RPDC ha tenido 65 años para pensar en cómo asegurarse de que eso no vuelva a suceder y cavar muchos refugios a prueba de bombas”, ha dicho a The National Interest el contraalmirante jubilado Mike McDevitt, investigador principal del Centro de Análisis Navales.


No está claro cuántas baterías KN-06 Pyongyang ha construido, pero el arma norcoreana es un sistema sorprendentemente capaz que es similar a las primeras versiones del S-300 ruso. “Nadie sabe exactamente cuántos sistemas existen”, dice Kashin, y agrega que este sistema es “tal vez equivalente a las primeras versiones S-300P pero con mayor alcance”.

Kashin —especialista en asuntos asiáticos— dice citando a las fuentes surcoreanas que Pyongyang ha probado con éxito su sistema antiaéreo KN-06. Se cree que el arma tiene un alcance de hasta 150 km, hecho que le haría capaz de derribar un avión de guerra agresor.

El analista precisa que una de las razones por las que el KN-06 es a menudo ignorado es que los especialistas militares occidentales frecuentemente subestiman las capacidades industriales de Corea del Norte.

Kashin dice que el país asiático cuenta además con sistemas de defensa aérea de baja altitud bastante robustos. “A bajas altitudes, tienen un gran número de licencias producidas y MANPADs (sistemas de defensa aérea portátiles) y artillería antiaérea de 23-57mm de calibre”, agrega.

Sin embargo, mientras que la tecnología norcoreana es relativamente primitiva, las defensas aéreas de la nación están coordinadas. Kashin explica que “las unidades antiaéreas (de Corea del Norte) están utilizando extensivamente refugios subterráneos para cubrirse”, hecho que dificulta su destrucción.

Aunque la tecnología militar de Pyongyang es vieja, su filosofía de la autosuficiencia significa que puede producir la mayor parte de su propio hardware militar, y que convierte a este país en un objetivo muy difícil para sus enemigos.


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House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., took Democrats to task Thursday for blocking the Senate Republican police reform bill a day earlier, calling their treatment of Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., “appalling.”

“You know what Nancy Pelosi said yesterday, and doubled down [on], that Tim Scott and the Republicans were supporting murder,” McCarthy said on “The Daily Briefing with Dana Perino.” “She says this to Tim Scott, who didn’t start working on this bill a month ago after the death of George Floyd. He’s worked it his entire life. Tim Scott’s legislative achievements [are] opportunity zones, criminal justice reform, funding of black colleges.”


Pelosi asserted in an interview Tuesday that Republicans are “trying to get away with murder, actually — the murder of George Floyd” using the reform bill introduced by Scott.

Scott himself ripped Democrats Wednesday after his bill failed to receive the 60 votes required to open debate, accusing them of punting on the issue until after the election and abusing what he described as their “monopoly” on black voters.

McCarthy also blasted Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., who used the word “token” to describe the bill authored by Scott, the lone African-American GOP senator. Durbin later apologized.

“What’s most frustrating to me is watching the speaker of the House call Tim Scott, in essence, his bill as murder,” Scott said. “And the number two individual in the Democrat Senate side said it was ‘a token.’ That’s what they said to a man who rose above it all and sits in the U.S. Senate.”

McCarthy then recalled Scott telling him a story saying he had been stopped from entering the Senate because security didn’t believe he was a senator. According to McCarthy, Scott said he showed a guard his Senate pin, only to be asked who he had taken it from.

“That’s the passion that Tim Scott has to do something about this to unite this nation,” McCarthy said. “And the only people who are denying this is [Sen. Chuck] Schumer and Pelosi. It’s appalling.”


McCarthy also criticized Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., for voting to block debate on Scott’s bill.

“Why wouldn’t she vote to go forward, knowing what has gone on and knowing you need police reform and knowing you’re going to get 20 amendments?” McCarthy said. “No, she’s making a decision that she wants … to try to be a vice president instead of … represent the people [to whom] she swore that she would uphold the Constitution for. That’s appalling to me.”

Fox News’ Adam Shaw and Gregg Re contributed to this report.

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Sí, a mí también me llegaron. Sí, también me revolvieron el estómago a pesar de ocho años de ver autopsias y escenas de crimen en primera persona por haber trabajado en la justicia penal. Sí, también tengo mi teoría sobre si estuvo ahí desde hace dos meses o es un cuerpo plantado.

Podría hablar largo rato y dar ejemplos concretos ya ocurridos sobre cómo un cuerpo puede salir a flote luego de estar hundido a causa de los gases de la descomposición, o cómo es que algunas partes se descompusieron más que otras, o por qué no lo vieron antes y ahora sí, y un largo listado de preguntas que nos habríamos ahorrado si no hubiera comenzado todo el asunto con eso de “respetar un territorio sagrado” en un país con un sólo territorio y en el que lo sagrado no importa a la hora de allanar un convento al que se arrojan bolsos repletos de dinero o una congregación donde sacerdotes abusan de menores de edad.

El hallazgo de un cuerpo con intervención judicial siempre es un encontronazo con lo peor. Primero, si hay intervención judicial es porque no se dieron las cosas de la forma que culturalmente tenemos aceptadas este tipo de cuestiones. Creemos idílicamente que una persona debe morir en un lecho, de viejo, y en paz. Si intervino la justicia es porque algo se rompió en el camino, desde un homicidio hasta un infarto en la calle, un choque en una ruta o un ahogo.

Pero siempre hay algo que puede empeorar las cosas y son los que quedaron vivos. Y me refiero puntualmente a quien haya filtrado las fotos que todos vieron y que están circulando por Whatsapp y, por cuestiones de segundos, fueron a parar a las redes sociales.

En el río Chubut, puntualmente en la zona del hallazgo del cuerpo al que sólo le falta un “ok” de la justicia para que podamos ponerle el nombre y apellido que todos ya sabemos, no hay señal de celular. Y si bien habia varias personas, mirando las mismas fotos que fueron tomadas se puede saber que, al menos dos, sabían quién estaba tomando las fotos. Es cuestión de dos preguntas para saber quién filtró la documentación que, antes de que los celulares vinieran con cámaras, eran exclusivas de los expedientes judiciales y, por decoro, generalmente eran cubiertas dentro del mismo expediente para evitar tener que verlas cada vez que se trabajaba en una causa.

Quien las haya filtrado posee la misma pulsión de fama que todos los que también las hicieron circular a personas que no son peritos, no son periodistas ni  están abocados al asunto. Y lo hicieron con la misma ilusión: sentir que dieron una primicia, sentir que fueron partícipes de algo que no hicieron. Quien las haya filtrado a su primer contacto porque quiso o porque las vio por ahí, contribuyó una vez más a que una oleada de sujetos con título otorgado por la Escuela de Detectives de Facebook esté elaborando sus conjeturas con el rigor científico que da decir cosas en redes sociales desde la comodidad de un teclado virtual. Preferentemente, en mayúsculas.

Pero, principalmente, quien las haya filtrado perdió de vista algo superior a todo y que poco tiene que ver con la solidaridad, sino con el egoísmo más narcisista: creer que a él no le puede pasar lo mismo, que su vida terminara con tranquilidad en un lecho y que sus fotos no terminarán en los celulares de todos, entre videos pornos y fotos de gatitos.

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His appearance in El Paso on Wednesday, March 27, 2019, came as a temporary satellite processing center was set up under the Paso Del Norte International Bridge.
Mark R Lambie and Aaron Martinez and Samuel Gaytan, Wochit

EL PASO – Under a bridge connecting the U.S. with Mexico, dozens of migrant families cram into a makeshift camp set up by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The families are there because permanent processing facilities have run out of room.

Seven hundred miles east, busload after busload of weary, bedraggled migrants crowd into the Catholic Charities Humanitarian Respite Center in McAllen, Texas. Organizers there are used to handling 200 to 300 migrants a day. Lately, the migrants have been arriving at a clip of around 800 a day, overflowing the respite center and straining city resources.

“It’s staggering,” McAllen City Manager Roy Rodriguez said. “Really, we’ve never seen anything like this before.”

Along the Texas border with Mexico – from El Paso to Eagle Pass to the Rio Grande Valley – masses of migrants have been crossing the border in unprecedented numbers, overwhelming federal holding facilities and sending local leaders and volunteers scrambling to deal with the relentless waves of people.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan said Wednesday during a visit to El Paso that the border had hit its “breaking point” and urged Congress to come up with legislative solutions to the problem.

Border Patrol officials were on pace in March for more than 100,000 apprehensions and encounters with migrants – the highest monthly tally in over a decade, he said. Around 90 percent of those – or 90,000 – crossed the border between legal ports of entry.

The vast majority of those crossing between ports of entry turn themselves into Border Patrol agents, seeking asylum. 

“The surge numbers are just overwhelming the entire system,” McAleenan said.

President Donald Trump recently declared a national emergency at the border to secure funding for a proposed wall, despite Congressional opposition. On Friday, the president in a tweet threatened to close the U.S.-Mexico border if Mexico didn’t stop undocumented migrants from coming. 

But not even Trump’s proposed wall could stop the wave of migrants overflowing shelters in the Rio Grande Valley, where the vast majority are turning themselves in to apply for asylum, McAllen Mayor Jim Darling said. 

A wall would go up on levees about a mile from the winding Rio Grande, which is the U.S.-Mexico border. Migrants will just have to cross the river to be in U.S. territory and seek asylum, he said. 

“That’s not a solution for asylum-seekers,” Darling said. 

Once in the U.S., the migrants – mostly families from Central America – are crowding into facilities designed to hold single adult men, said Theresa Brown, director of immigration and cross-border policy at the Washington-based Bipartisan Policy Center and a former CBP policy adviser for Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama.


CBP Commissioner Kevin McAleenan says border region is at “breaking point” because of influx of migrants from Central America.
Mark R Lambie, El Paso Times

Increasingly, smugglers are bringing larger numbers of families together and delivering them across the Rio Grande, knowing they’ll overrun facilities and be released until their immigration court date, she said. Under U.S. law, Border Patrol is not supposed to hold any migrant for longer than 72 hours.

Usually, Border Patrol hands them over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which can detain families for up to 20 days. But all of those facilities are overcrowded, Brown said, leading Border Patrol to skip the transfer to ICE and release migrants to shelters en masse.

“This is a system-wide collapse,” she said.

In El Paso, migrant families pressed their faces against the chain-link fencing at the makeshift outdoor shelter under the Paso Del Norte International Bridge as they awaited their turn to seek asylum. Children covered their mouths with swaths of Mylar blankets and peeked through the fencing at passing Border Patrol guards.

On Wednesday, more than 850 migrants were released to local shelters, marking a new high for El Paso. The numbers are expected to keep rising, according to Ruben Garcia, executive director of Annunciation House, a nonprofit that provides services to migrants released by federal authorities. 

“It’s going to be very, very challenging,” he said.

Garcia and other shelter organizers have relied on a growing number of volunteers to help with the increased migrants. Ande McArthy, a retired nurse, and her husband, Michael, a retired physician assistant, traveled from Lake Huron, Michigan, to El Paso last week after their church put out a call to help for the Annunciation House.

The McArthys are among 12 full-time volunteers who help to sort clothes, handle day-to-day donations and tend to the needs of hundreds of migrants arriving at the shelters each day. 

“We’re here trying to show that [migrants] are fleeing conflict,” McArthy said. 

The El Paso City Council and County Commissioners voted recently to fund a position that would help coordinate volunteers. Mayor Dee Margo said the city will seek reimbursement from the federal government.

“It allows us to frankly take more action than we’ve been able to do in the past and justify that for a humanitarian need — an emergency need,” Margo said. “If we are required to spend some funds, we will.”

In McAllen, migrants deemed to have credible asylum cases are released to the Catholic Charities respite center, where they’re allowed to shower, given medical attention and helped with getting a bus or airplane ticket to their final U.S. destination.

Sister Norma Pimentel, who oversees the shelter, said she received a phone call two weekends ago from a Border Patrol official warning that the numbers were about to skyrocket. The next day, around 800 migrants showed up to the shelter, she said.

On Wednesday, clusters of migrants crowded the halls of the center. Lines stretched down long halls, as migrants waited to use the shower or pick up diapers. Teams of volunteers called migrants’ relatives to get bus tickets. Every 20 minutes or so, a new tour bus would drive up and deliver another 50 migrants into the shelter.

Among the throngs were Fredy Escobar, 27, and his wife, Katherine Lopez, 23, and three-year-old daughter, Ayleen Escobar. The family fled Guatemala earlier this year when corrupt police officers threatened to take over his car wash business in Guatemala City and tried to kidnap him, Fredy Escobar said. 

They crossed into the U.S. from nearby Nuevo Progreso, Mexico, waiting 10 days at the international bridge and sleeping in a nearby church, until they were allowed to cross and seek asylum. He said he was surprised by the throngs of other migrants joining him in U.S. processing centers but was excited to get to Houston to start a new life. 

“It won’t be easy. We’re starting over,” he said, “but we pray everything will turn out OK.”

Despite the crush, Pimentel said she will continue taking in the migrants. “If you drop them off on the street, they’re not going to know what to do,” she said. “We’re going to have chaos. We’re going to have a terrible problem.”

As the respite center started to overflow last week, city officials got involved, opening new shelters and contracting buses to take the migrants directly to shelters rather than have them cluster around the bus station downtown.

Rodriguez, the city manager, said he’s dedicated several city officials to spearhead the problem and the city’s spending thousands of taxpayer dollars a day on the buses and other services.

He’s lobbied the federal government for reimbursement, but he’s not overly hopeful. In 2014, when a similar crush of Central American migrants strained city resources, local officials applied for $600,000 in federal disaster funds. After years of wrangling, they got just $140,000, he said.

“This is very similar to what we saw then,” Rodriguez said. “It’s real people and real time and real money.”

Follow Jervis on Twitter: @MrRJervis.


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A Clark County, Nev., School District school bus drives through a Summerlin neighborhood last month. The National School Boards Association included an incident from Clark County in its letter to President Biden.

Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call/Getty Images

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Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call/Getty Images

A Clark County, Nev., School District school bus drives through a Summerlin neighborhood last month. The National School Boards Association included an incident from Clark County in its letter to President Biden.

Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call/Getty Images

Confrontations over masks, vaccines and how race is taught in schools have many school board members across the U.S. worried for their safety.

Mobs are yelling obscenities and throwing objects. In one district, a protester brandished a flagpole against a school board official. Other cases have included a protester yelling a Nazi salute, arrests for aggravated battery and disorderly conduct, and numerous death threats against public officials.

School board meetings, usually one of the most mundane examples of local democracy in action, have exploded with vitriol across the country in recent months, and school leaders are scared.

That’s according to a letter that the National School Boards Association sent this week to President Biden. It’s asking for help from federal law enforcement, including the Justice, Education and Homeland Security departments as well as the FBI, saying: “These heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”

The letter names incidents that have disrupted school board meetings in California, Georgia, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

The association mentioned a chaotic school board meeting in Loudoun County, Va., in which one person was arrested and another was injured. A local TV reporter posted video of a portion of it:

In Ohio, a school board member reportedly received a piece of hate mail that said, “We are coming after you and all the members on the … BoE [Board of Education]. … You are forcing them to wear mask—for no reason in this world other than control. And for that you will pay dearly.” Threats have prompted school board members, many of whom are volunteers, to resign.

Increasingly, these protests are being coordinated by national groups such as Let Them Breathe. Turning Point USA, a group closely aligned with former President Donald Trump, maintains a website called School Board Watchlist, which includes the names and photos of members of school boards around the country who have adopted mask mandates or anti-racist curricula. The group maintains a similar website targeting professors for liberal views that has been linked to several incidents of harassment.

Most of the school board protests have been over mask mandates. There have also been disruptions over vaccines, policies toward LGBTQ students and the way race and history are taught in schools, which right-wing activists have misleadingly labeled critical race theory. Critical race theory, as this letter points out, is an advanced topic taught in law schools and undergraduate sociology courses.

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LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


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El candidato socioliberal Emmanuel Macron sería el vencedor de la segunda vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales francesas que se celebran hoy con más del 60% de los sufragios, según las estimaciones de voto publicadas por varios medios de Bélgica y Suiza.

Según publican hoy las ediciones digitales del diario francófono “Le Soir” y de la televisión francófona RTBF belgas, el centrista Macron se impondría así con una ventaja “amplia” a la candidata ultraderechista, Marine Le Pen.

El diario “Le Soir” cita como fuente los sondeos a pie de urna realizados por cuatro institutos estadísticos diferentes y de acuerdo con estas estimaciones también habría un “número importante” de votos blancos o nulos.

En Francia, una ley del 19 julio de 1977 prohíbe la difusión de sondeos relativos a las elecciones presidenciales desde el viernes a medianoche hasta el domingo a las 20 horas (18.00 GMT), en que cierran los colegios electorales.

El diario belga subraya que estos datos se basan en encuestas realizadas durante la jornada y recuerda que las primeras estimaciones procedentes del recuento de votos no se conocerán hasta que cierren los colegios electorales, a partir de las 19.00 horas (17.00 GMT) en las ciudades pequeñas.

La cadena de televisión francófona belga informa también en su página web de que Emmanuel Macron “estaría claramente en cabeza” y “obtendría más del 60% de los votos”, según los datos obtenidos también de encuestas a pie de urna y varios estudios.

Los medios belgas no proporcionan por el momento información sobre el número de votos que habría obtenido la candidata del Frente Nacional.

En Suiza, los diarios francófonos “La Tribune de Génève” y “24 Heures” en sus ediciones digitales apuntan a que Macron, líder del movimiento “En Marche”, sería el ganador de la segunda vuelta de las presidenciales francesas, con entre el 62% y el 64% de los votos.

Los dos diarios helvéticos basan sus estimaciones en las primeras indicaciones de tres institutos de sondeos, pero no publican de momento el porcentaje que habría obtenido la candidata ultraderechista Marine Le Pen.

De acuerdo con estas mismas fuentes en las urnas galas habría un 10% de votos en blanco y nulos.

Las elecciones presidenciales de Francia registraron al mediodía una participación del 28,23%, casi igual que a la misma hora en la primera ronda (28,54%) en abril pasado.

Los colegios electorales en la Francia metropolitana abrieron hoy a las 08.00 horas (06.00 GMT) y permanecerán abiertos hasta las 19.00 horas (17.00 GMT) en la mayor parte de las ciudades y una hora más tarde en las de mayor tamaño.

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President Trump on Sunday pushed back against Democrats who have described Washington as being in a “constitutional crisis” over the White House’s refusal to cooperate with congressional follow-up investigations to special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

“The “Constitutional Crisis” is the Democrats refusing to work. Let them start by fixing the mess that their Immigration Laws have caused at the Southern Border,” Trump tweeted Sunday evening.

The claim came as Trump railed against the Democrats’ lack of action.

“When the Mueller Report came out showing NO Collusion with Russia (of course), it was supposed to be over, back to work for the people. But the Dems have gone “nuts,” and it has actually gotten worse! Hope the Republicans win back the House in 2020, or little will get done!” he tweeted.

Trump has insisted his administration will not comply with House and Senate Democrats’ subpoenas because he claims they are politically motivated. The White House has said Trump and his campaign were cleared of collusion and wrongdoing in the special counsel’s report.

“The Dems have been working overtime to damage me and the Republican Party by issuing over 80 demands for documents and testimonies, and with NO REASON. That’s all they want to do – don’t care about anything else!” he tweeted Sunday.

However, 750 federal prosecutors recently released a letter stating that Trump obstructed Mueller’s investigation, even if it did conclude no illegal action took place during the 2016 election.

Trump’s Sunday evening tweet accuses liberal lawmakers of not focusing on other issues, mainly the surge of noncitizen families illegally entering and applying for asylum at ports of entry along the southern border in record-high numbers.

Republicans have called for asylum law changes and legislative fixes to a 2015 court ruling that only allows families in federal custody to be held up to 20 days before being released into the U.S. without having their asylum claims resolved.

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August 27 at 12:33 PM

President Trump on Tuesday blamed “Radical Left Democrats” for spreading a “false and nasty rumor” about a bedbug infestation at his golf resort in Doral, Fla., after he said he would like to hold next year’s Group of Seven summit at the property.

“No bedbugs at Doral,” Trump wrote in a midmorning tweet. “The Radical Left Democrats, upon hearing that the perfectly located (for the next G-7) Doral National MIAMI was under consideration for the next G-7, spread that false and nasty rumor. Not nice!”

In 2016, Doral was sued by a former guest, Eric Linder, who said he had been bitten multiple times by bed bugs while staying in the luxe Jack Nicklaus Villa at Trump’s property. His complaint alleged that he awoke to discover “welts, lumps and marks over much of his face, neck, arms and torso.”

Linder alleged that the villa had “a history of severe bed bug infestation.”

The Trump Organization denied the allegation, without going into detail. It settled the case in 2017, shortly after Trump’s inauguration.

Neal Hirschfeld, a Florida attorney who represented Linder in the bedbug lawsuit, said he could not comment Tuesday because the settlement included a confidentiality clause.

Reports about the settlement resurfaced on social media Monday after Trump held a joint news conference with French President Emmanuel Macron at the end of the G-7 summit in Biarritz, France. At the news conference, Trump sought to make a case for convening at the Trump National Doral Miami next year when the United States hosts the G-7 summit.

By Monday night, the hashtag “#TrumpBedBugs” was trending on Twitter.

Those needling Trump included university professor and author Seth Abramson, who wrote: “Next year it’s the ‘G-7 Million’ — seven world leaders and the 6,999,993 bedbugs at Trump Doral.”

At Monday’s news conference, Trump touted the location and amenities of his property.

“Doral happens to be … only five minutes from the airport, the airport’s right next door,” he told reporters. “And by the way, my people looked at 12 sites, all good, but some were two hours from the airport, some four hours.

“We have a series of magnificent buildings, we call them bungalows, they each hold from 50 to 70 rooms, they have magnificent views,” he added. “And what we have also is Miami.”

It was unclear late Monday whether Trump had formally chosen Doral. Trump said he had not. But after he spoke, the White House’s official Twitter account seemed to say he had — calling Doral “the location of the next [G-7] summit.”

In other morning tweets, Trump took aim at the news media, claiming it had unfairly covered a summit in France that ended with no major breakthroughs.

“The G-7 was a great success for the USA and all,” Trump wrote. “LameStream Media coverage bore NO relationship to what actually happened in France – FAKE NEWS. It was GREAT!”

Josh Dawsey contributed to this report.

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“A vos te paga Stiuso para perjudicarme, vos mentís, esta es una operación berreta para perjudicarme a mí y al Papa Francisco“, gritaba furioso del otro lado de la línea el diputado Gustavo Vera en octubre de 2016, cuando NOTICIAS lo consultó sobre la denuncia de un ciudadano boliviano por la que estaba imputado en la Justicia.

“Con la devolución de las máquinas, la causa quedó sin efecto”, insistía el ahora precandidato a legislador por el Partido Justicialista junto al también polémico ex secretario de Comercio, Guillermo Moreno. Sin embargo, tal como lo había anticipado NOTICIAS, el juez consideró que había elementos suficientes para dictar su procesamiento por el delito de peculado y así lo hizo finalmente el viernes 7.

Todo comenzó en octubre de 2015 cuando, alertado por un allanamiento a un taller textil, Vera se presentó en calidad de “depositario judicial” para disponer de las 19 máquinas confiscadas con el objetivo de darle “un fin social”.

Según Lucas Schaerer, vocero de Vera, esto es un procedimiento habitual desde 2008, en lo que llaman “incautación con reinserción social”: lo decomisado en procedimientos contra el trabajo esclavo se utiliza con fines benéficos, como la capacitación de trabajadores en cooperativas. Sin embargo, al poco tiempo se le dictó la falta de mérito al dueño del taller allanado, quien le solicitó a Vera la devolución de su material de trabajo. Ante la falta de respuesta luego de meses de reclamos, lo denunció por el delito de “maversación de caudales públicos”. En su escrito, el abogado Alejandro Kim dejó constancia de que no se trataba de un hecho aislado, sino de una forma de proceder de un grupo en el que se ven implicados jueces y fiscales, quienes, con la excusa de combatir el trabajo esclavo en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, se apropian de bienes de los comerciantes textiles. Esta es quizá la razón del nerviosismo de Vera ante la consulta periodística.

Por ese entonces, y a pesar de los intentos del legislador por frenar su difusión, NOTICIAS publicó la información que rápidamente se viralizó y provocó que, no conforme con los agravios telefónicos, se despachara por escrito en un comunicado que todavía puede leerse en el sitio web de La Alameda con el sugerente título “Respuesta a las Calumnias”. En ese texto, en el que aclara que “hay algunos periodistas muy enojados con el Papa Francisco que hace tiempo vienen desinformando y demonizando su figura y a todos los que estamos cercanos a él”, el diputado afirma que las máquinas ya habían sido devueltas y que “toda la denuncia es una maniobra con el claro objetivo de calumniar a nuestra organización, al referente y al Papa Francisco“. El Sumo Pontífice llegó a escribirle una carta solidarizándose con él, difundida por el propio imputado.

Sin embargo, según consta en el acta de procesamiento firmada por el juez Claudio Bonadio, la Justicia entiende que Vera no sólo no restituyó las máquinas denunciadas, sino que también presentó documentación falsa para simular que estaban siendo refaccionadas. 

El dirigente se defiende: “Toda la causa es un cachivache de Bonadio, que es un empleado de Clarín y busca perjudicarme en plena campaña”. La prueba estaría, según Vera, en que el juez sólo lo procesó a él mientras que Julio Piumato, el otro depositario judicial denunciado en la causa, fue sobreseído. Ahora, el precandidato a legislador porteño por el PJ enfrenta una pena de 2 a 10 años de presión y un embargo por 20 mil pesos. 

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The U.S. death toll rose to 26, infections spread to all but a handful of states and two cruise ships languished on each side of the country Tuesday as the coronavirus rolled unabated across the nation and around the world. 

The global death toll that has now topped 4,000 and the number of confirmed cases approached 115,000. The epidemic continued its global torment, prompting Dublin and Boston to cancel their famous St. Patrick’s Day parades.

Following the worst drop in U.S. stocks since 2008, President Donald Trump said he would be proposing “very major” and “very dramatic” measures to help workers and businesses hurt by the virus outbreak. Details to come.

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U.S. stocks collapsed Monday, with the Dow Jones industrial average plummeting by more than 2,000 points, but futures were sharply positive territory early Tuesday.

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