Even when obscene amounts of wealth aren’t being thrown around to let the “rich and famous” skate, sexual assault convictions are absurdly low. According to RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network), only five out of every 1,000 rapes committee ends in a felony conviction, while the Washington Post puts it slightly higher, at seven out of 1,000. Either way, the conviction to rape ratio is under 1%. That is abhorrent.
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1. Tres bancos reprueban en tarjeta de crédito
Inbursa, Banamex e Invex, fueron las que obtuvieron las peores calificaciones en sus tarjetas de crédito, con 2.4, 5.7 y 5.8 respectivamente, informó la Comisión Nacional para la Protección y Defensa de los Usuarios de Servicios Financieros (Condusef).
Como resultado de la primera supervisión a este producto en el 2017, al cierre del primer semestre, la dependencia precisó que, en contraparte, HSBC y Scotiabank fueron los bancos que obtuvieron la calificación más alta en tarjeta de crédito con 9.4 cada uno; seguidos de Bancoppel con 8.3; Banregio 8.2 y BBVA Bancomer con 8.0.
Tres bancos reprueban en tarjeta de crédito. Ver nota.
2. El 64% reprueba a Trump
La imagen de Donald Trump ante los estadounidenses mucho desde la primavera, golpeado por una percepción baja de su liderazgo en el extranjero, las acusaciones de intervencionismo de Rusia durante las campañas electorales de Estados Unidos y la complicada tramitación de la nueva ley de salud, aún trabada entre las paredes del Capitolio.
Su aprobación alcanzó cifras históricas: sólo 36% de los estadounidenses apoya su gestión, a diferencia de 42% que lo hacía en abril. Lo anterior, de acuerdo con la última encuesta de ABC News y The Washington Post.
3. Venezuela declara persona non grata a Vicente Fox
El gobierno venezolano declaró persona non grata al expresidente mexicano Vicente Fox, uno de los cinco exmandatarios latinoamericanos que participaron como observadores en la consulta opositora realizada este día contra la Asamblea Constituyente.
El ministro venezolano de Relaciones Exteriores, Samuel Moncada, informó que Fox “no entrará más a Venezuela por ser considerado indeseable”, debido a los comentarios que hizo sobre el gobierno venezolano.
Venezuela declara persona non grata a Vicente Fox. Ver nota.
4. Como consumidor, ¿cuándo debería ser indemnizado?
¿Qué m pasa cuando compramos un bien o contratamos un servicio y el proveedor no cumple con lo que promete?, usted como consumidor tiene derecho a una bonificación o compensación cuando la prestación de un servicio sea deficiente, o bien, no se preste, de acuerdo con la Ley Federal del Consumidor.
Según la Ley, hay tres casos específicos en los que usted puede ejercer este derecho: cuando el contenido neto de un producto o la cantidad entregada sea menor a la indicada; si el bien no corresponde a la calidad, marca, o especificaciones bajo los cuales se haya ofrecido y, en dado caso, si el bien reparado no queda en estado adecuado para su uso o destino, dentro del plazo de garantía.
Como consumidor, ¿cuándo debería ser indemnizado?. Ver nota.
function updateSeen(item, evt) {
var px = evt.visiblePx,
percent = evt.visiblePercent; // if some pixels are visible and we’re greater/equal to threshold
if (px && percent >= item.shownThreshold && !item.seen) {
item.seen = true;
setTimeout(function () {
item.trigger(“shown”, new VisibleEvent(“shown”, evt));
}, 15); // if no pixels or percent is less than threshold
} else if ((!px || percent = 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.bottom 1) {
result += getLinearSpacialHash(remainder, Math.floor(stepSize / base), optimalK – 1, base);
return {
left: offsetLeft,
top: offsetTop
* Create a new Visible class to observe when elements enter and leave the viewport
* Call destroy function to stop listening (this is until we have better support for watching for Node Removal)
* @param {Element} el
* @param {{shownThreshold: number, hiddenThreshold: number}} [options]
* @class
* @example this.visible = new $visibility.Visible(el);
President Donald Trump has branded as “disgraceful” the resolution passed after Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar’s comments suggesting House supporters of Israel have dual allegiances. (March 8) AP
President Donald Trump saw it as a political opportunity with Jewish voters.
In tweets, public statements and speeches to supporters, Trump and his aides are trying to use claims of anti-Semitism to pry Jewish voters away from their longtime allegiance to the Democratic Party.
In his latest effort, a Friday morning tweet, Trump said Jewish people were leaving the Democratic Party in what he called a “Jexodus,” though he did not cite evidence for such a shift. He said Republicans were “waiting with open arms” for Jewish voters. “Remember Jerusalem (U.S. Embassy) and the horrible Iran Nuclear Deal!” he tweeted.
The phrase “Jexodus” stirred controversy on Twitter with some users calling it offensive to Jewish people.
Democrats increased their share of the Jewish vote between the 2016 and 2018 elections, from 71 percent to 79 percent. A new Gallup report, based on tracking poll data from 2018, said that “one in six U.S. Jews identify as Republican.” About half described themselves as Democrats.
“‘Jexodus’ is a Republican fantasy that will fail,” said Halie Soifer, executive director of the Jewish Democratic Council of America. Soifer was among many who said they were offended by Trump’s term.
Divide and attract – it’s a familiar tactic for the politically aggressive president who has also tried to woo members of other familiar Democratic constituencies, including women and African-Americans.
“He’s always stirring the pot,” said Stuart Rothenberg, senior editor at the Inside Elections newsletter.
Trump’s efforts to paint the Democratic party as anti-Jewish came after tweets and comments by freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., who suggested that pro-Israel lobbying groups controlled U.S. lawmakers through political money.
While some Democrats said the remarks played into anti-Semitic slurs about how Jewish money controls American politics, Omar said they were “not intended to offend my constituents or Jewish Americans as a whole.” Several Democrats said Omar was being attacked unfairly.
Trump, meanwhile, went on offense.
Seeking to foment Democratic discord, Trump issued a March 5 tweet that described Omar’s “terrible comments” as “a dark day for Israel!”
Three days later, after a fractious House debate over a resolution condemning hate, Trump raised the stakes while speaking with reporters as he left the White House on a weekend trip to Florida, describing the Democrats as an “anti-Israel party.”
“They’ve become an anti-Jewish party and that’s too bad,” he said while en route to Alabama to review tornado damage.
During his weekend in Florida, Trump reportedly went even further: The website Axios reported the president told donors during a fundraiser at this Mar-a-Lago estate that “the Democrats hate Jewish people.”
Jesse Lehrich, a foreign policy spokesman for 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, said Trump’s attacks ring hollow from a man who spoke sympathetically of some of the white supremacists who held a 2017 march in Charlottesville, Virginia.
“American Jews overwhelmingly vote Democratic, and a brazen attempt to weaponize anti-Semitism by a man who has mainstreamed bigotry seems like a bad way to win them over,” Lehrich said.
Matthew Brooks, executive director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, said “there’s a lot of enthusiasm and a lot of support” among Jewish voters for what Trump is doing, though he has not seen any new polling on the question.
“Everything at this point is anecdotal,” he said.
Brooks also said Trump is appealing to Jewish donors and was “smart to do so.”
In terms of elections, Jewish voters have remained overwhelmingly Democratic during the Trump political era.
According to exit polling conducted for a consortium of news organizations for the 2016 election, Clinton defeated Trump 71 percent to 24 percent among Jewish voters. In last year’s congressional elections, according to those exit polls, Jews broke for Democratic candidates over Republican ones by 79 percent to 17 percent.
While Jewish voters are a small part of the electorate – 3 percent in 2016; 2 percent in 2018 – they are a significant segment in key swing states like Florida and Pennsylvania. That’s why the the Trump campaign, and the Democrats, are making a concerted effort to attract them.
Soifer, the executive director of the Jewish Democratic Council of America, cited the drop-off of Jewish support for Republicans in the 2018 midterm elections to say that Trump and the GOP are losing traction with these voters.
Many voters know that Trump has appeared to welcome support from white supremacists who have also engaged in anti-Semitism, she said: “There is what he tweets and then there is reality.”
A Gallup report released Thursday said that, according to 2018 data, 52 percent of Jewish-Americans described themselves as Democrats, while only 16 percent identified themselves as Republicans. Among Jewish respondents, 26 percent approved of Trump’s performance as president; 71 percent disapproved.
Gallup added: “With Jewish Americans representing about 2% of the U.S. population, most opinion polls do not have enough Jewish respondents in a single poll to report reliable estimates for the group.”
Aides said Trump will continue pursuing Jewish votes as he seeks re-election in 2020. “The long history of anti-Semitism from Ilhan Omar and the failure of House Democrats to take appropriate action in response has shown all Americans that Democrats stand squarely with their radical left base,” said Michael Glassner, the campaign’s chief operating officer.
Trump’s basic argument, a claim that Democrats have failed a longtime constituency, is one he has used with other groups of voters, particularly African-Americans – and there is evidence he is having success.
According to a YouGov daily tracking poll released Monday, 15 percent of African-Americans somewhat or strongly approved of the president’s job performance – still low but better than his election numbers. Trump carried only 8 percent the African-American vote in 2016, according to exit polls.
Rothenberg, the senior editor at Inside Elections, said there is no doubt some Democrats are uncomfortable with some of the new voices in the Democratic Party, but there are also some uncomfortable with Trump and how he
“goes overboard” with his “stream-of-consciousness aggression.”
“Could it move a handful of Jewish votes? Yeah, I guess it could,” Rothenberg said. “But, on the other hand, Trump is very simplistic … He is a very polarizing figure.”
El Instituto Uruguayo de Meteorología (Inumet) actualizó su alerta amarilla y ahora rige para todo el país hasta las 22:00 horas de este domingo por tormentas intensas.
El Inumet indicó que una masa de aire cálida húmeda e inestáble afecta el país, por lo cual es probable que se generen tormentas aisladas, algunas puntualmente intensas.
También se podrán presentar fenómenos como actividad eléctrica, rachas de viento entre 60-75 km/h que ocasionalmente pueden ser superiores, probables granizadas y precipitaciones puntualmente abundantes (20-30 mm en cortos períodos de tiempo).
Se esperan mejoras temporarias y se monitorea la situación.
(CNN) The US military negotiated a secret arrangement with the Taliban that resulted in Taliban members escorting groups of Americans to the gates of the Kabul airport as they sought to escape Afghanistan, according to two defense officials.
One of the officials also revealed that US special operations forces set up a “secret gate” at the airport and established “call centers” to guide Americans through the evacuation process.
The officials said Americans were notified to gather at pre-set “muster points” close to the airport where the Taliban would gather the Americans, check their credentials and take them a short distance to a gate manned by American forces who were standing by to let them inside amid huge crowds of Afghans seeking to flee.
The US troops were able to see the Americans approach with their Taliban escorts in most cases in an attempt to ensure their safety.
The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the arrangements, which have not been disclosed until now because the US was concerned about Taliban reaction to any publicity as well as the threat of attacks from ISIS-K if its operatives had realized Americans were being escorted in groups, the officials said.
Throughout the evacuation, Biden administration officials stressed that the Taliban was cooperating and senior officials stated they had committed to provide “safe passage” for Americans.
The Taliban escort missions happened “several times a day” according to one of the officials. One of the key muster points was a Ministry of Interior building just outside on of the airport’s gates where nearby US forces were readily able to observe the Americans approach. Americans were notified by various messages about where to gather.
“It worked, it worked beautifully,” one official said of the arrangement. As of Monday when the US completed its withdrawal, more than 122,000 people in total had been airlifted from Hamid Karzai International Airport since July and more than 6,000 Americans civilians evacuated. However, 13 Americans service members and more than 170 Afghans were killed in a suicide blast at the airport last week.
It is not clear if the Taliban who were checking credentials during these efforts turned away any of the Americans. There have been numerous reports that some Americans with passports and US green card holders were turned away from Taliban checkpoints close to the airport.
In another separate secret arrangement not disclosed until the operation was over, troops from the elite Joint Special Operations Command and other special operations units were also on the ground helping Americans escape by contacting them through “call centers,” one of the officials said. Special operations forces set up their own “secret gate” at the airport and was at times in direct communication with Americans telling them exactly where to walk to find the gate and be able to get inside the airport.
Commander of US Central Command Gen. Frank McKenzie first publicly revealed the involvement of special operations forces at a Monday press conference saying those forces helped evacuate more than 1,000 American citizens and more than 2,000 Afghans “via phone calls, vectors, and escorting.”
Special operations forces “reached out to help bring in more than 1,064 American citizens and 2,017 SIVs or Afghans at risk, and 127 third-country nationals all via phone calls, vectors, and escorting,” he said. But in public comments, McKenzie did not specify the involvement of JSOC which includes forces that carry out the most dangerous counterterrorism missions such as the Army’s Delta Force and Navy SEALS.
Para demostrar “transparencia informativa”, un canal de TV de Albania puso a sus presentadoras a dar las noticias mostrando parte de sus pechos. El escote de la conductora del noticiero de Zjarr TV (Fuego TV) se convirtió en eje de una polémica que excede a Tirana, la ciudad donde se emite el programa.
La idea fue del dueño del canal, el director de teatro Ismet Drishti, conocido en Albania por sus cámaras ocultas. En “360 grados”, noticiero central de este canal de cable local de Tirana, la presentadora se sienta delante de un escritorio, como en la escenografía de cualquier informativo. La diferencia está en que la presentadora, una chica atractiva, no tiene corpiño y su escote generoso deja ver parte de sus senos.
La estrategia fue efectiva. Según reporta el diario español El Mundo, los niveles de audiencia treparon exponencialmente. Ya tiene 120.000 espectadores y el canal pasó de estar en el puesto 91 del servicio de cable Abcom (que tiene 60.000 abonados) al 9° lugar.
Las críticas contra Drishti por sexista no se hicieron esperar. El empresario descartó ante la agencia EFE que sea machista. “Esta forma de vestirse es simbólica. Hemos asumido la misión de decir a la gente la verdad sin censura, la verdad desnuda”, asegura, y dice que la desnudez de las conductoras tiene que ver con la transparencia informativa que su canal sostiene, porque no responde a los intereses de ningún partido.
“Mis presentadoras no van desnudas. Tienen el mismo escote que el de Elhaida Dani, la representante albanesa en Eurovisión 2015. ¿Quién decide que en un show está permitido un gran escote y en el informativo no?”, contraataca Drishti.
Elhaida Dani, la representante albanesa en Eurovisión 2015 (YouTube)
Las presentadoras no son periodistas. Y, de hecho, la primera que se animó a dar las noticias sin corpiño ya firmó un contrato para posar desnuda en Playboy. Se trata de Enki Bracaj, una estudiante de relaciones públicas de 21 años. Con su generoso escote, la chica se hizo conocida más allá de las fronteras de Albania. “No espero convertirme en famosa de la noche a la mañana, pero no es fácil entrar en el negocio de la TV”, afirmó la joven cuando tomó el trabajo de dar las noticias casi en topless.
Enki Bracaj, la primera presentadora que se animó al escote (Facebook)
Después, ante el éxito de audiencia, reconoció que la bombardearon con propuestas laborales desde todo el mundo y que recibe tantos mensajes en Facebook que no los puede ni llegar a leer. Aparentemente al dueño del canal le molestó que la contactaran de la revista masculina y la despidió. Drishti lo negó: “La eché simplemente porque es incapaz en su trabajo”.
Las fotos que Enki Bracaj subió a su Facebook
Su reemplazante es otra bella joven, Greta Hoxha, pero menos “pulposa” que Enki. “Yo vivo mi propio camino e ignoro los prejuicios –escribió Hoxha en su Facebook para cuestionar a quienes la critican–. Camino para adelante y vivo para grandes cosas”.
Greta Hoxha en el noticiero (Facebook)
“Estoy muy feliz con mi trabajo. Lo hago con ganas. No veo nada extraño. Las chicas sacan su desnudez por placer en Facebook, mientras yo lo hago para un trabajo serio”, dijo Hoxha a EFE.
Fotos del Facebook de Hoxha
Después del éxito y la polémica, el dueño de Zjarr TV piensa en subir la apuesta. Ampliará su noticiero a otros idiomas (incluido el español) y piensa poner a conductores masculinos con trajes transparentes. Dice que las primeras cinco o seis veces las chicas llaman más la atención, pero que hasta el más pervertido sexual termina prestándosela a las noticias.
The second batch of documents includes 295 pages of heavily redacted witness memoranda and notes from FBI interviews, CNN reported. The Justice Department is expected to release a new tranche of memos at the beginning of each month for the next eight years.
A summary of Cohen’s interview sheds new light on efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow amid the 2016 campaign and how much Trump knew about the negotiations.
“Cohen told Trump he spoke with a woman from the Kremlin who had asked specific and great questions about Trump Tower Moscow, and that he wished Trump Organization had assistants that were that good and competent,” an FBI summary said, according to BuzzFeed News.
Sekulow said it was “not necessary to elaborate or include those details because the transaction did not take place.” Per a summary of the interview, Sekulow also said that “Cohen should not contradict Trump and that it was time to move on.”
Cohen in 2018 pleaded guilty to making false statements to Congress about the effort to build a Trump Tower in Moscow during the 2016 presidential campaign.
Rosenstein also told FBI interviewers that he was “angry, ashamed, horrified and embarrassed” over the handling of Comey’s ouster in May 2017. He said that by May 9 he had come to the realization that White House officials’ narrative regarding Comey’s firing was “inconsistent with my experience and personal knowledge.”
He claimed that he refused to attend a press conference on Comey’s dismissal. He also said he emphasized to a Justice Department official that the department could not “participate in putting out a false story.”
Hicks told investigators that Trump was “angry, surprised, and frustrated” after Rosenstein appointed Mueller as a special counsel after Comey’s dismissal.
The Justice Department in April released a 448-page report detailing Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference. The investigation did not establish that there was a conspiracy between Russia and the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 election.
But the report noted that the former special counsel was unable to “conclusively determine” whether Trump committed obstruction of justice.
That theory has gained increased attention amid the House impeachment inquiry into Trump’s dealings with Ukraine. Trump appeared to reference it during a July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Former administration officials have dismissed the allegations. Tom Bossert, who served in the administration between 2017 and 2018, said in September that he once told Trump the claim is a “completely debunked” conspiracy theory.
Un sonido metálico y agudo no les está permitiendo dormir a los habitantes de un suburbio de la ciudad de Portland, en el noroeste de Estados Unidos.
Y a pesar de los esfuerzos de la policía y los bomberos, que han cortado el suministro de luz, el sistema de alarmas y las redes de gas, hasta ahora no ha sido posible identificar el origen del molesto ruido.
“Es sin duda un ruido insoportable”, le dijo a la cadena ABC Dave Nemeyer, jefe del servicio de rescate de Forest Grove, un barrio ubicado a 40 kilómetros del centro de Portland.
“Lo primero que pensamos es que era el sonido de los frenos del tren. Pero no hay vías de ferrocarril cerca. Después pensamos que era una fuga de una tubería de gas, pero estaban cerradas”, agregó.
Escuche el sonido aquí
El sonido es una mezcla de una irritante alarma de incendio y el de una más gentil flauta traversa.
Comenzó a escucharse desde la semana pasada, especialmente durante la noche, y ha afectado también el comportamiento de las mascotas.
“El pitido es una inusual combinación de tono alto y un ambiguo punto de origen que dificulta la posibilidad de encontrar de dónde proviene“, le dijo el ingeniero de audio Tobin Cooley a la agencia de noticias Reuters.
“Las altas frecuencias como ésta son sonidos bastantes direccionales que van mezclados con otras notas de baja frecuencia que pueden venir desde cualquier lugar cercano a alguna vivienda del sector, por eso me sorprende que ninguno de los vecinos pueda decir de dónde viene el sonido”, agregó.
A pesar del análisis hecho por los expertos, y pese a que los bomberos de Forest Grove siguen reuniendo pistas para hallar el origen del sonido, nadie sabe muy bien cómo continuar con la investigación.
“Hay una orden de capturar a la persona que esté creando un sonido así, en la noche, con el propósito de molestar a los vecinos”, dijo a los medios el capitán de la policía, Mike Herbs.
“Pero en este punto no tenemos información que nos pueda conducir a la conclusión de que es algo premeditado. Seguimos investigando“.
A pesar del desconcierto y el insomnio reinante, lo cierto es que esta no es la primera vez que un sonido de estas características azota el sueño de los habitantes de Forest Grove.
Algunas personas que vivieron en la localidad le dijeron a varios medios que décadas atrás habían escuchado el mismo ruido. Y algunos hasta bromearon que podría tratarse de un fenómeno extraterrestre.
“Tal vez sea porque volvió la serie de televisión “X files” (“Expedientes secretos”). Voy a estar pendiente del sonido”, le dijo Chester Epperson, un habitante de Forest Grove, a la cadena de noticias NBC.
The Dutch-led joint investigation team (JIT) named the men as Igor Girkin, Sergei Dubinsky and Oleg Pulatov from Russia, as well as Ukrainian Leonid Kharchenko.
The JIT, which is seeking to try the suspects under Dutch law, had previously said it had a “long list” of persons of interest and appealed again for witnesses as the investigation continues.
Who are the suspects?
The most prominent of the four is Igor Girkin (also known as Strelkov), who prosecutors say is a former colonel in Russia’s FSB intelligence service. He was given the minister of defence title in the rebel-held eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk.
He is believed to be the highest military officer in the area who was in direct contact with the Russian Federation. In a statement Mr Girkin said: “I can only say that militia did not shoot down the Boeing.”
The others charged are:
Sergei Dubinsky (known as Khmury), who prosecutors say was employed by Russia’s GRU military intelligence agency, was a deputy of Mr Girkin and was in regular contact with Russia
Oleg Pulatov, known as Giurza, who the JIT says was a former soldier of GRU special forces and deputy head of the intelligence service in Donetsk
Ukrainian national Leonid Kharchenko, who has no military background but led a combat unit as a commander in Eastern Ukraine, according to prosecutors
“These suspects are seen to have played an important role in the death of 298 innocent civilians”, said Dutch Chief Prosecutor Fred Westerbeke.
“Although they did not push the button themselves, we suspect them of close co-operation to get the [missile launcher] where it was, with the aim to shoot down an airplane.”
Investigators, he added, had “evidence showing that Russia provided the missile launcher”.
The passenger jet left Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport at 10:15 GMT on 17 July 2014 and was due to arrive at Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia the following day.
A few hours after take-off, the plane lost contact with air traffic control about 50km (30 miles) from the Russia-Ukraine border.
At the time, an armed conflict was raging on the ground in eastern Ukraine between Russian-backed separatists and Ukrainian government forces, and several government military aircraft had been downed in the previous weeks, while air strikes were carried out on rebel-held areas.
The plane crashed in the Donetsk area, in territory controlled by separatists. Parts of the wreckage were found distributed over an area of about 50 sq km (19 square miles).
In October 2015, the Dutch Safety Board concluded the plane had been hit by a Buk missile, causing it to break apart in mid-air.
Russia responded by denying any of its anti-aircraft missile systems had ever crossed the Ukrainian border. Its foreign ministry has accused the JIT investigation of being “biased and politically motivated”.
Under Article 61 of Russia’s constitution, no Russian citizen can be extradited to another state.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the BBC before the charges were announced that his country had been given “no chance to take part” in the official investigation.
However, unnamed Dutch officials told news agencies that Russia had refused to co-operate with their investigation.
A former rebel official in Donetsk, Andrei Purgin, said it was “absurd” to accuse the separatists of involvement in downing the plane, Russia’s Interfax news agency reports.
Asked by AFP news agency, Ukrainian security services said they had “no information” on Leonid Kharchenko’s whereabouts or whether he was even still alive.
What reaction has there been to the charges?
UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said Russia “must co-operate fully with the prosecution and provide any assistance it requests” in accordance with UN Security Council resolution 2166, which was passed in response to the downing of MH17.
“The international community stands together against the impunity of those responsible for the despicable murder of 298 innocent people,” he added.
Nato chief Jens Stoltenberg said the bringing of charges marked an “important milestone in the efforts to uncover the full truth and ensure that justice is done”.
Who were the victims?
A total of 283 passengers, including 80 children, and 15 crew members were killed on the flight.
The dead included 193 Dutch nationals, 43 Malaysians, 27 Australians, 12 Indonesians, 10 Britons, four Belgians, four Germans, three Philippine nationals, one New Zealander and one Canadian.
Speaking ahead of Wednesday’s announcement, Silene Fredriksz, who lost her son Bryce, said that in the five years since the downing of MH17, some relatives had died not knowing the truth.
“We all get older… I hope that I will know the truth before I close my eyes,” she said.
Barry Sweeney, father of 28-year-old British victim Liam, said he was still looking for the truth.
“It’s not going to bring anyone back, but if I found out why it happened, it would bring a bit of closure,” he said.
Nevada state Sen. Yvanna Cancela and Erin Wilson, the Biden-Harris campaign’s national political director, will both serve as deputy executive directors on the inaugural committee.
Accompanying Biden and Harris’ announcement on Monday was the committee’s digital rollout, including a new website featuring an online store “with exclusive inaugural merchandise and collectables.”
In their statement, Biden’s inaugural team said the committee would “work closely with the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies … to coordinate all activities surrounding the 59th inaugural ceremonies, prioritizing keeping people safe and preventing the spread of COVID-19 while engaging all Americans.”
It remains unclear how the ongoing coronavirus pandemic will affect planning for the inauguration in less than two months, as public health experts warn of surging caseloads during the holiday season.
Allen, the committee’s CEO, acknowledged in a statement that “this year’s inauguration will look different amid the pandemic, but we will honor the American inaugural traditions and engage Americans across the country while keeping everybody healthy and safe.”
Stock futures recovered from earlier losses to trade higher early Tuesday morning stateside after White House trade advisor Peter Navarro clarified that the U.S.-China trade deal is not over.
As of early Tuesday morning stateside, Dow Jones Industrial Average futures were 190 points higher, implying a opening gain of around 246 points. S&P 500 and Nasdaq futures also pointed to a positive open for the two indexes.
“My comments have been taken wildly out of context,” Navarro said in a statement. “They had nothing at all to do with the Phase I trade deal, which continues in place.”
President Donald Trump also tweeted that the existing trade deal remains in place.
Earlier in the session, Dow futures had dropped about 400 points. Futures plunged after Navarro’s Monday interview on Fox News’ “The Story.”
Fox’s Martha MacCallum asked, “Do you think that the president sort of- I mean, he obviously really wanted to hang onto this trade deal as much as possible. And he wanted them to make good on the promises, because there had been progress made on that trade deal, but given everything that’s happened and all the things you just listed, is that over?”
“It’s over. Yes,” Navarro responded.
In his subsequent statement, Navarro said, ” I was simply speaking to the lack of trust we now have of the Chinese Communist Party after they lied about the origins of the China virus and foisted a pandemic upon the world.”
In his interview with Fox, Navarro said “the turning point” came when the U.S. heard about the coronavirus outbreak in China. Navarro claimed that the administration only heard about the virus after the trade deal between Washington and Beijing was signed on Jan. 15.
Chile is set to become the first country to issue “immunity cards” to those who have recovered from the coronavirus, allowing holders to return to work, despite questions about whether those who have recovered are in fact immune, how long any immunity might last, and the accuracy of antibody tests.
“We have to learn to live differently,” Dr. Paula Daza, the undersecretary in Chile’s health ministry, said on Sunday, adding that Chileans must “gradually resume our lives.”
Anyone can apply for the cards, which will be issued starting Monday. To qualify, Chileans have to take a test that shows they have antibodies for the novel coronavirus. Those who have had the disease must be free of symptoms for at least 14 days — or 28, if they have a compromised immune system.
Under those criteria, 4,338 people are eligible, Dr. Daza said.
But critics have questioned the notion that recovered patients are not contagious and immune to re-infection, and raised doubts about the tests’ accuracy.
Chile has imposed quarantines that remain in place across parts of the capital, Santiago, and in other regions of the country. It has also tested more people for the virus than any other Latin American country, identifying 10,088 coronavirus cases, and 133 deaths.
The health minister, Jaime Mañalich, has reiterated that “the worst is yet to come,” with the number of cases expected to peak in May. The flu season, which is fast approaching along with winter in the southern hemisphere, is likely to strain Chile’s public health system further.
“Everyone is lying,” he continued in a post Trump shared with his 83 million followers. “The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most, that we are told to trust. I think it’s all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is about the election. I’m sick of it.”
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