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An attack last week against former Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke in his Connecticut prison cell reflects “the mentality out there … that people won’t rest until he is either given a life sentence or killed in prison,” his lead trial attorney said Thursday.

Daniel Herbert joined Van Dyke’s wife, Tiffany, in demanding to know why Van Dyke was transferred to an out-of-state federal prison and why he was placed in the general inmate population, where he was beaten in the face within days of his arrival.

“They put my husband in a setting to be harmed because of the fact that he was a white man who harmed a black gentleman in the line of duty,” Tiffany Van Dyke said at a news conference. “He is a police officer who was convicted for doing his job, and at the basic minimum they were supposed to keep him safe.”

Attorneys stressed the danger Van Dyke faces in custody — just days after prosecutors filed a legal petition before the state Supreme Court that, if successful, could significantly lengthen his sentence.

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NBC News’ legal analyst Danny Cevallos details the latest developments in the George Floyd case with new details emerging that rookie officers on the scene reportedly issued cautions about the way Floyd was being detained.
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Did Officer Chauvin Ignore Rookie Cops’ Cautions During George Floyd Arrest? | NBC News NOW

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La oficina de Google en la ciudad de Nueva York.

Claudia Cruz

La plaga de las noticias falsas se ha extendido a sitios Web creados para verificar datos y… supuestamente evitar noticias falsas.

Según un reporte del New York Times, varios anuncios de noticias falsas aparecieron tan recientemente como la semana pasada en páginas de verificación de datos como Snopes y PolitiFact. Un anuncio, por ejemplo, decía que la Primera Dama, Melania Trump, se estaba yendo de la Casa Blanca, según el informe.

Los anuncios publicitarios falsos fueron servidos por el sistema AdWords de Google, que publica automáticamente anuncios en función de un público objetivo. Según el Times, los anuncios tenían atractivos titulares falsos, que una vez que la gente hacía clic, los llevaban a sitios que imitaban publicaciones legítimas como People o Vogue. “Las historias falsas comenzaron con titulares y grandes fotos de las celebridades en cuestión, pero después de unas pocas frases, pasaron a ser un anuncio de una crema para la piel”, explica el Times en su reporte.

No está claro cómo terminaron esas noticias falsas en Snopes y PolitiFact. Google no hizo comentarios sobre cómo se aprobaron esos anuncios.

“Como siempre, cuando encontramos prácticas publicitarias engañosas en nuestras plataformas, nos movemos rápidamente para actuar, incluida la suspensión de la cuenta del anunciante si es apropiado”, dijo Suzanne Blackburn, una portavoz de Google.

La propagación de noticias falsas ha provocado el desprecio público de compañías como Google, Facebook y Twitter, ya que los gigantes tecnológicos no pueden mantenerse al día con la propaganda viral. Google se ha comprometido a ayudar a detener la propagación de noticias falsas, pero los engaños todavía han encontrado una forma de colarse en el motor de búsqueda.

Una investigación interna de Google descubrió que agentes rusos gastaron decenas de miles de dólares en anuncios en sitios propiedad de Google, incluidos los resultados de búsqueda, YouTube y Gmail.

Aaron Sharockman, director ejecutivo de PolitiFact, dijo que estaban al tanto de los anuncios falsos en su sitio Web durante días y creía que el sistema publicitario de Google era la causa de ello.

“Los ingresos que brindan los anuncios son fundamentales para financiar un sitio Web como el nuestro, pero es igualmente importante que hagamos todo lo posible para asegurarnos de que los anuncios que aparecen en nuestro sitio no sean engañosos o intencionalmente engañosos”, dijo Sharockman en un comunicado. Añadió que su compañía está trabajando con Google para eliminar los anuncios.

Snopes no respondió a una solicitud para hacer comentarios.

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The greatest teacher I ever had gave me some good advice before I went to college.

“When you start college, all of your peers are roughly worth nine dollars per hour,” he told my class. “Do everything you can to increase that value in those four years, and don’t hate your classmates who increased their economic value more than you did.”

He made clear to remind us that our economic value had zero correlation with our human value. To judge people with fewer marketable skills, he said, would be to go down “jerk road.” This was my rough introduction to understanding the evils of utilitarian ethics.

Somewhere along the line, the Democratic Party has had a divorce between Kantian liberals, who understand that a social safety net ought to exist for those lacking the skills or opportunities to finance themselves, and utilitarian leftists, who view market forces themselves as fundamentally evil. No one exemplifies this break more than socialist superstar Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.

I discussed the economic forces (mis)guiding this tweet earlier this week, but it’s worth considering the ethical fallacy here. Ocasio-Cortez insinuates here that the economic value of human labor ought to be tied not to market equilibrium but human value. A suboptimal airport croissant may be $7. An hour of unskilled labor may be worth $11.80 in New York, though LaGuardia is increasing its own minimum wage to $19. But the value of the human life itself has nothing to do with its economic potential or its earning power. It’s priceless.

I’ve been struggling to ascertain why Andrew Yang is so interesting. The self-described “Asian guy who likes math” provides plenty of policy wonkishness of which the 2020 race is sorely in need, but “candidate who provides actual details” or “caring about funding as much as costs” isn’t revolutionary. It took Yang’s latest interview with Wired for me to understand what fundamental truth Yang has highlighted.

When asked about the common platitude that people losing manufacturing jobs can simply learn to code, Yang responded:

To be clear, this is a liberal argument, not a conservative one. Yang’s specifically setting up the case for a $1,000 opt-in universal basic income which he dubs the “freedom dividend.” He argues that it will help those financially struggling to overcome the cognitive biases of fiscal instability and provide a baseline social safety net so that people have more flexibility in pursuing various careers.

But this is also a liberal argument, not a utilitarian one, that inadvertently diagnoses an ill that’s overtaken the insurgent wing of the Democratic Party. Two things can be true at once: People should feel obligated to increase their economic value insofar as they can sustain their own lives, and people also have an intrinsic human value that cannot be measured in dollars. Yang is effectively paving a potential neoliberal future for the Democratic Party — one which can call for increased government spending without engaging in goofy AOC economics that vilifies the free market, which has lifted more than a billion people out of poverty worldwide so far just this century, and billions more in the 20th Century, and which is the single most efficient form of allocating goods and services.

American socialists like to point to Scandinavian countries to justify increasing central planning. But Scandinavian countries rely on the free market to fund their welfare safety nets. They do not employ fundamentally centralized socialist systems with market forces on the fringes. As Veronique de Rugy pointed out late last March, the future that Ocasio-Cortez looks little like the increasingly deregulated Denmark and Sweden, and it bears little resemblance to the Norwegian petro-state either.

Ocasio-Cortez ought to listen to Yang. Yes, liberals believe in economic safety nets, but a UBI can provide it without harming the entire economy the way a $15 federal minimum wage would, especially in those states and regions with lower costs of living.

In other words, it’s a mistake for Democrats to go down “the jerk road,” and instead understand that economic value has a cap, but human value is infinite.

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Rudy Giuliani guilty? That’s what they want you to think! And who are they? The sinister cabal of Hunter Biden, the Lincoln Project and Department of Injustice, of course.

That would have been the impression of Fox News viewers on Thursday night when Giuliani gave his first TV interview since federal agents seized mobile phones and computers from his New York apartment, part of an investigation into his dodgy Ukrainian dealings.

The host was Tucker Carlson, whose smirking sympathy for the white supremacist “great replacement” theory, and insistence that making kids wear face masks is “child abuse”, have made him the true heir to Donald Trump as the rightwing conspiracy-theory king.

A split screen of Carlson and Giuliani was not for the faint hearted. The former maintained his notorious expression, eyebrows furrowed, mouth open just enough to catch a fly. Giuliani, in suit and tie with white handkerchief in top pocket, was in his office, a bald eagle model and books including his own on display. Wearing a ring on his little finger, he played nervously with his spectacles.

What the former New York mayor turned legal hatchet man for Trump had to say didn’t make much sense, but left viewers with the notion that somehow it was all Hunter’s fault, so in that sense it was a great success. Such was the fixation that at one point Giuliani even said “Hunter” rather than “Tucker” by mistake.

First, Carlson tried to coax Giuliani into a poignant, heart-tugging account of having his home raided at dawn. The ex-mayor, who on 9/11 touched everyone with his lament “the number of casualties will be more than any of us can bear”, is less limpid these days.

“Well, about six o’clock in the morning, there was a big bang! bang! bang! on the door and outside were seven FBI agents with a warrant for electronics,” he recalled. “And I looked at the warrant and I said it was extraordinary because I offered to give these to the government and talk it over with them for two years.

“I don’t know why they have to do this. The agents seemed somewhat apologetic. They were very, very professional and very gentlemanly.”

The FBI agents had taken seven or eight electronic devices, he went on, but had not been interested in hard drives that, Giuliani claims, contain evidence of Hunter’s wrongdoing. He offered them over and over but still they refused. Could it be they don’t spend their days watching Fox or diving down rightwing blog rabbit holes?

Giuliani led an effort to dig up dirt on Joe Biden and his son Hunter in Ukraine before last year’s election. Prosecutors are investigating whether he illegally lobbied the Trump administration on behalf of Ukrainian officials and oligarchs while also serving as Trump’s personal lawyer.

Tucker Carlson. Photograph: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Ingeniously, Carlson and Giuliani cooked up the argument that Hunter’s position on the board of a Ukrainian gas company, and his fight against drug addiction, were equally worthy of a dawn raid. “We have a picture of him five days before, smoking a crack pipe behind the wheel of a car and then saying under oath that he’s not an addict.

“And it’s the left that gets all perturbed about people who are mentally unstable having guns. Well, he was unstable, unfortunately and tragically, I feel sorry for that part of Hunter Biden. I think his father exploited him but the reality is he’s still a danger to the public driving an automobile or holding a gun but they don’t care about that.”

Turning back to his own case, Giuliani said the FBI agents had hammered on his door “in a frightening way” but “I don’t get frightened very easily”. He added: “It is an illegal, unconstitutional warrant, one of many that this Department of Injustice tragically has done.”

The search warrant was, he said, “purportedly based on one single failure to file for representing a Ukrainian national or official that I never represented”.

Carlson sneeringly suggested that the Lincoln Project, a group of anti-Trump Republican consultants, had known in advance about the raid but noted that Biden says he did not. Giuliani duly scored more Fox points by mocking the president’s age: “Maybe he doesn’t remember. I’m not sure if he can retain anything for more than about the time it takes to read it.”

And so it went on, deflated campaign slogans for an election that was lost six months ago when Giuliani ended up at Four Seasons Total Landscaping outside Philadelphia. “Thirty years of the Biden crime family violating our laws. That is what’s on the hard drive that they have censored and that’s why they want to put me in jail.”

Giuliani claimed his iCloud account had been snooped upon in the middle of his attempt to defend Trump against impeachment (the first time around, for those who are counting). Cue a rapid escalation to comparisons with the Stasi.

“The prosecutors at the justice department spied on me and that is not taken seriously. If that doesn’t result in their being sanctioned, the case being dismissed and it stopping, this is no longer a free country. We might as well be in East Berlin before the wall fell. This is tactics only known in a dictatorship, where you seize a lawyer’s records right in the middle of his representation of his client.”

After 10 minutes that felt like 10 years, the interview was done, not likely to join the annals of David Frost and Richard Nixon. Even so, it was manna from heaven for a certain viewer at Mar-a-Lago in Florida. For these guys, he’s still the one that counts.

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Casos de justicia social y de ayuda desinteresada a personas con capacidades limitadas, muestras de amor y respeto a los familiares y un encuentro inesperado con visos de telenovela: les contamos siete conmovedores sucesos que han sido noticia esta semana, publicados por el portal Lenta

1. El viaje de la semana 

Las personas más pobres de la India probablemente no tendrán nunca la posibilidad de viajar en avión, y ni siquiera de ver una aeronave de cerca. Por ello, Bahadur Chand Gupta, un exingeniero de Indian Airlines, vendió su propiedad para comprar un Airbus que, de momento, ha adecuado como museo interactivo. Por solo un dólar los visitantes pueden observar el aparato, entrar a bordo, ocupar un asiento e incluso comer la característica comida de avión. Al final de la excursión los ‘pasajeros’ pueden deslizarse por el tobogán de evacuación en un simulacro de situación de emergencia. 

“Soy de Kasan, un pequeño pueblo del estado de Haryana”, explicó Gupta a ‘The National’. “Fui la primera persona del pueblo que se licenció como ingeniero. Ir a Deli para trabajar para Indian Airlines fue un logro muy importante. Cada vez que volvía al pueblo o cuando la gente venía a la ciudad todo el mundo quería hablar conmigo sobre mi trabajo. Nadie del pueblo había volado, y muchos me preguntaban si sería posible ver un avión por dentro. Por razones de seguridad eso nunca fue posible, lo que siempre me hizo sentir muy incómodo y decepcionado. Después de un tiempo empecé a pensar que debía hacer algo por ellos fuera del aeropuerto”, contó.

2. El deportista de la semana

Emmanuel Hilton, un estudiante de 17 años de la Escuela Secundaria Blackhawk de Chippewa, en Pensilvania (EE.UU.), nació sin la parte inferior de las piernas. Originario de la República del Congo, fue adoptado de pequeño por una pareja norteamericana. Actualmente Emmanuel es el portero suplente de la selección de fútbol de su escuela. “Es una motivación para los demás chicos. Y eso me motiva a mí también para hacer mejor mi trabajo”, dijo el entrenador del equipo al canal de televisión local CBS Pittsburgh

3. El ‘crowdfunding’ de la semana

El pasado 26 de septiembre el papa Francisco llegó al aeropuerto de Filadelfia en la última etapa de su gira de seis días por Estados Unidos. Cuando estaba siendo trasladado fuera del aeropuerto en auto, el pontífice pidió al conductor que detuviera el vehículo para bendecir a Michael Keating, un niño de 10 años que sufre parálisis cerebral. Los internautas, conmocionados por la historia del niño enfermo, han recogido para la curación y tratamiento de Michael unos 100.000 dólares, informa ‘The Huffington Post’. La madre del niño, Kristin Keating, ha dicho que la familia planea gastar una parte de este dinero en comprar un coche monovolumen para poder trasportar la silla de ruedas de Michael. 

4. La donación de la semana.

El jugador de la Liga Nacional de Fútbol estadounidense DeAndzhelo Williams ha pagado una mamografía a 53 mujeres desconocidas en memoria de su madre, que falleció de cáncer de mama cuando tenía 53 años. “Trato de hacer todo lo posible para convencer a las mujeres de que se sometan a una observación preventiva contra el cáncer de mama”, dijo Williams.  

5. La mejor hija de la semana. 

La estadounidense Diane Hoit, de Albany (Nueva York), se sentía muy sola desde que a su esposo le diagnosticaron la enfermedad de Alzheimer hace unos 10 años y fuera trasladado a una residencia, contó a ‘The Huffington Post’ su hija Kate. 

En un esfuerzo para encontrarle a su madre un novio para poder compartir recuerdos con alguien, Kate inició una campaña en Twitter con la etiqueta #DateDiane (cita con Diana), compartiendo en la red social distintas razones divertidas de por qué los hombres deberían tener una cita con su madre. 

6. La boda de la semana.

Una pareja de Jordania, Mutaz Mango y Basma Omar, invitaron a su boda, celebrada el pasado 2 de octubre, a 200 refugiados que viven en Amán, informó ‘Jordan Times’. Los recién casados compartieron su primera cena familiar con los refugiados que residen en el barrio Hashmi al Shamali de la capital jordana. 

7. El encuentro de la semana. 

Holly Hoyle O’Brien y Meagan Hughes, dos hermanas huérfanas que durante décadas estuvieron separadas y sin saber nada la una de la otra, se reencontraron casualmente después de haber sido contratadas por el mismo hospital de Florida. Las mujeres, que ahora tienen 40 años, se habían visto por última vez en la década de los 70. Lógicamente, su sorpresa fue mayúscula cuando se enteraron de que son hermanas de sangre. La casualidad del reencuentro es aún mayor si se tiene en cuenta que nacieron en Corea del Sur y, después de vivir en varios orfanatos, ambas fueron adoptadas por familias estadounidenses, cuenta ‘The Guardian’

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Dangerous flooding from Tropical Depression Barry is threatening 11 million people along the Gulf Coast. Flood warnings are up across eight states with some areas potentially facing another 5 inches of rain. Barry made landfall as a category one hurricane in Louisiana on Saturday, but was quickly downgraded to a tropical storm.

More than 90 people were rescued in several communities over the weekend, reports CBS News’ Omar Villafranca. All eyes were on Louisiana as the state braced for Barry’s impact, but they were mostly spared as the slow-moving system lost its strength.

Heavy rains, tornadoes and winds up to 65 mph uprooted trees, damaged houses and flooded roads.  More than 90 people trapped in floodwaters had to be rescued but mostly there is relief. The hurricane-turned-tropical depression left many who feared the worst, unscathed.

Floodwaters forced Donz Bar in Mandeville to close. But when the waters receded, workers rushed to get the business back open — less than 24 hours after they had a foot of water inside the bar. 

Levees that were overhauled after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 held up, but some back levees overtopped. As the rain continues to drench the region and the Mississippi River is at historic flood levels, officials are urging people to remain vigilant.

“We’re thankful that the worst case scenario did not happen, but we understand here in Louisiana if nowhere else that will not always be the case,” Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards said.

Only about 300 people are using some of the 23 shelters open in Louisiana Monday morning. Another sure sign that things are getting back to normal? The bars on New Orleans’ Bourbon Street are back open. 

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Gil leyó con los ojos de plato la noticia aparecida en sus periódicos: El presidente Peña ha enviado a 2 mil 500 militares y 500 policías oficiales de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública contra los huachicolereos. Equipos artillados y helicópteros  avanzarán sobre los refugios de la banda que desde el año 2011 se dedica al robo de hidrocarburos en la zona del Triángulo rojo. Las fuerzas del gobierno federal intentarán desactivar a las organizaciones criminales de El Bukanas y El Toñín, culpable de la muerte de cuatro soldados durante una refriega en el Palmarín.

“Con toda seriedad, vamos a salvaguardar la integridad, los valores y el patrimonio de las familias poblanas”, dijo el gobernador Gali Fayad. Gil se llevó los dedos índice y pulgar al nacimiento de la nariz y caviló: Gil quiere pensar que una noticia como ésta pudo leerse en el viejo periódico mexicano El País de principios de siglo XX: “Carranza envía 2 mil efectivos, artillería y caballería contra los alzados”. Gamés quiere decir algo que se sabía: México está en guerra. Dirán la misa quienes matizan la violencia, pero lo que se ve ni se pregunta y lo que se pregunta ni se ve.

Gil lo leyó en su periódico MILENIO: en Jalisco, un grupo armado irrumpió en un depósito de vehículos resguardado por la PGR y recuperó seis pipas con combustible. Integrantes de la procuraduría recuperaron 16 pipas robadas por los huachicoleros; en respuesta, la banda atacó el depósito y recuperó seis tanques.

El Bukanas y El Toñín

Los sicarios de la organización de El Toñín usan a niños y mujeres como escudos durante los enfrentamientos. Las bandas se adueñaron de los municipios y absorbieron a la población empleándola como halcones, halconcitos, choferes de camionetas robadas y les pagan para que escondan el combustible en sus casas. Si Gil ha entendido algo, cosa improbable, los habitantes participan en mayor o menor medida con el crimen organizado. El Triángulo rojo es el refugio de los huachicoleros y se encuentra dividido: por el lado de Esperanza y el Palmar opera El Bukanas; en Quecholac El Toñín. En fon. Todo muy bonito.

Lectora, lector, ustedes se van dormir, entran en sueño profundo, tienen movimientos oculares rápidos, sueñan y, al despertar, se enteran de que una nueva banda criminal fuertemente armada se ha adueñado de varios municipios en Puebla y que sus integrantes operan como salteadores de caminos, extorsionadores, organizadores del mercado negro del combustible.

O sea: poderosas bandan armadas invaden amplias zonas del país. Pues que venga Carranza, o contratemos al sanguinario Pancho Villa, o que Orozco haga una campaña militar. Gil leía sus periódicos y se alarmaba más a cada minuto, como la tía Eduviges: el país ha sido destruido por la violencia imparable. ¿Y si la tía Eduviges tuviera razón?

Otros frentes

Mientras tanto, dos asaltos en el Estado de México dejaron ocho muertos, entre ellos cuatro policías y un militar retirado. Una pandilla de cuatro pistoleros entró a robar dinero en efectivo en las oficinas de una organización de filiación priista en Neza. Por cierto, y dicho sea de paso, nadie sabe por qué en ese lugar había dinero en efectivo, pero en fon, al huir, los policías interceptaron y los asaltantes los repelieron a tiros.

En Reynosa, informa su periódico MILENIO, las alertas se reactivaron, por cuarto día consecutivo, “situación de riesgo en varios puntos de la ciudad”, y las autoridades dieron a conocer dos asesinatos más para sumar la macabra cifra 14 en tres días. El consejo del gobierno: “Se recomienda resguardarse y tomar precauciones”. Los grupos rivales se enfrentan en las calles de la ciudad convirtiendo a Reynosa en un auténtico campo de guerra. Durante uno y otro zafarrancho, la policía ha decomisado fusiles AK-47, cargadores, cartuchos, pistolas, un potente arsenal. El 90 por ciento de las escuelas abre sus puertas, pero los alumnos no asisten. Reynosa y otros lugares de Tamaulipas viven una situación de excepción, toque de queda, desabasto.

La guerra no ha remitido; al contrario, se ha recrudecido regresando a los niveles siniestros de 2011. Estas bandas criminales se dedicaban a llevar y traer droga, al narcotráfico. Cuando los grandes jefes caen, muertos o en prisión, las pandillas armadas se dedican a otros negocios: ordeña, secuestro, extorsión, tortura, ejecuciones por encargo. No se necesita ser Churchill para saber que las mismas políticas seguirán dando los mismos resultados rojos de sangre.

Jean Paul Sartre en el mullido sillón: La violencia, sea cual sea la forma en que se manifieste, es un fracaso

Gil s’en va

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Una triste noticia dio a conocer la tarde de este sábado la esposa de Claudio Bravo, Carla Pardo.

Mediante su cuenta de Twitter, la mujer informó que una de sus perritas murió. “Te fuiste mi pequeña y tan poquito que faltaba para vernos. Me dejas destrozada mi Susy. Te llevaré siempre en mi corazón pequeña mía (sic)”, escribió.

La noticia de inmediato causó la reacción de sus seguidores que solidarizaron con su pérdida.


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El gobierno del presidente venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, anunció hoy el inició de un proceso de revisión “profunda” de sus relaciones con Estados Unidos, luego de que la Casa Blanca amenazará al país con “fuertes y prontas” sanciones económicas de concretarse la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente.

“Aviso, desde ya, por instrucción del presidente de la República, nosotros haremos una revisión profunda con el gobierno de Estados Unidos porque nosotros no aceptamos humillaciones de nadie”, dijo el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Samuel Moncada, en una declaración televisada.

Moncada dijo que el presidente estadounidense Donald  Trump “es un presidente que disfruta humillando a sus vecinos, que coacciona, pero con Venezuela no puede”.

Trump, amenazó con “fuertes y prontas” sanciones económicas contra Venezuela si el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro sigue adelante con sus planes de formar una Asamblea Nacional Constituyente, cuyo proceso electoral está convocado para el próximo día 30.

“Estados Unidos no se quedará quieto mientras Venezuela se desmorona. Si el régimen de Maduro impone su Asamblea Constituyente el 30 de julio, Estados Unidos tomará fuertes y prontas acciones económicas”, apuntó Trump en un comunicado.

El presidente estadounidense también se refirió a la consulta convocada este domingo por la oposición en la que votaron 7,5 millones de personas: “El pueblo volvió a dejar claro que apoya la democracia, la libertad y el estado de derecho”.

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Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., left, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., maintain social distancing as they attend a press conference after meeting with Senate Republicans at their weekly luncheon on Capitol Hill in May.

Patrick Semansky/AP

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Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., left, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., maintain social distancing as they attend a press conference after meeting with Senate Republicans at their weekly luncheon on Capitol Hill in May.

Patrick Semansky/AP

Ever since the pandemic struck, state and local election officials across the country have made it clear: To avoid an election disaster in November, they need more money now.

Congressional Republicans are now signalling a new willingness to provide that, after initial fears from voting rights advocates that the federal government would provide no more support than the $400 million that came as part of a March relief package.

Experts expect as many as 70% of all ballots cast in November’s presidential election will be cast through the mail, a quick and radical shift that will require equipment upgrades and greatly increase costs for cash-strapped states and counties. During the 2018 midterms, about a quarter of ballots were cast by mail.


Officials across the country, like Lynn Bailey, who is the board of elections executive director of Augusta, Ga., are looking ahead to November and wondering how they will pay for it.

Bailey testified Wednesday as part of an Election Assistance Commission hearing about the 2020 primaries. She said Georgia’s June 9 primary cost about 60 percent more than a normal election would have in her jurisdiction, due to adjustments made as a result of the pandemic.

“We had about a 35 percent turnout rate in our jurisdiction in this past election, and we know that in November that number will likely double,” Bailey said. “We can only expect therefore that our budget will likely double over what we spent this time, if not more.”

Similarly, the executive director of Kentucky’s state board of elections testified that the state had already spent the majority of money Congress allocated in March just on the state’s primary in late June.

“We can’t afford not to get the money [from Congress],” said Wendy Weiser, who directs the Democracy Program at NYU’s Brennan Center for Justice. “The consequences would be so dire. It would be so devastating, not just to our election, but to America’s standing in the world overall.”

New optimism

Democrats in Congress have supported a massive influx of elections funding virtually since the onset of the pandemic to help the country adjust to voting during a national emergency. The Brennan Center estimated the total cost of such adjustments to be $4 billion, which is how much was allocated in a proposal that passed the Democratic-controlled House in May.

What’s unclear now is how much Senate Republicans are actually willing to approve as part of the next relief package that Congress is expected to begin negotiating later this month.

After the CARES Act was passed in March, “there was a time it looked like more funding would be off the table,” Weiser said.

But, she added, it’s only become more apparent since, after a number of primaries saw huge lines and bungled mail voting expansions, why the funding is necessary.

“We’ve already had four months slip between our fingers,” said Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold. “The decision on whether to act or not is really the decision of whether you want your citizens to have to risk their health to have their voice heard in November.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also released new guidances for elections safety that noted that in addition to providing “a wide variety of voting options,” election administrators must also adjust their Election Day precincts to respond to the pandemic. They will need to provide adequate hygiene supplies and try to find bigger spaces that provide more room to social distance, all of which will cost more money.

While President Trump has made a series of false claims in an effort to discredit voting by mail, many state and congressional Republicans support efforts to expand it.

Senate Rules Committee chair Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., said on the Senate floor before lawmakers went on recess, that he was “prepared to look at more money for the states to use for elections this year.”

The Senate Rules Committee, which has jurisdiction over federal election law, is expected to hold a hearing about elections safety in late July, which may also be a precursor to more funding being approved.

“We continue to work toward an election that produces a result that people have confidence in,” Blunt said. “And done in a way that everybody that wants to vote, gets to vote.” On Friday he announced a Senate committee will hold a hearing on July 22 about preparing for the general election.

In addition to more money, Democrats had wanted broader policy changes, including mandated weeks of early voting and universal access to mail ballots nationwide, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has said that such requests are a non-starter.

While many congressional Republicans have voiced support for mail voting as an option for voters, they are loathe to have the federal government set national standards over U.S. elections, which are run mostly by the individual states and localities.

Senate Democrats now seem resigned to the fact that more money may be the most they can get. Still, they are pushing for individual states to greatly expand access to mail voting, and they see providing more funding as a means to allow that.

“I would rather put ballots in the mail, than voters in the hospital,” said Senate Rules Committee ranking member Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.

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The accusations against Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman grow more disturbing by the day, as recently unsealed documents reveal that the drug lord had sex with girls as young as 13, often after drugging them, and referred to the pills as the “vitamins” that give him “life.”

The new and disturbing details were made during Guzman’s trial at the U.S. Federal Court in Brooklyn, New York on Friday. The witness, his former personal secretary Alex Cifuentes Villa, said that he would sometimes help Guzman incapacitate the girls by placing a “powdery substance” in their drinks, the New York Times reports.

Guzman’s lawyer said in a statement that the drug lord denied the allegations, which he called “extremely salacious.”

“Joaquin denies the allegations,” his lawyer, Eduardo Balarezo, said. He added that the claims “lack any corroboration and were deemed too prejudicial and unreliable to be admitted at trial.”

Balarezo also questioned the timing of the documents. “It is unfortunate that the material was publicly released just prior to the jury beginning deliberations,” he continued. The documents were unsealed by Judge Brian Cogan in response to a request by Vice Media and the New York Times.


In this courtroom sketch, Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, center, listens as a prosecutor delivers closing arguments during his trial, Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2019, in New York. Guzman was portrayed Wednesday in closing arguments at his U.S. trial as a ruthless Mexican drug lord who also became skilled at evading capture and escaping prison because he feared facing justice on American soil. (Elizabeth Williams via AP)

Guzman’s former secretary Cifuentes alleged that the young girls were brought to the drug lord by a woman named only as “Comadre Maria.” She “regularly” sent photos of girls for Guzman to choose from, and would allegedly send his selections to his home in the mountains to engage in sexual activity for a fee of $5,000.


“Comadre Maria” was brought up another time in the trial, for her alleged role as an intermediary when Guzman reportedly paid a $100 million bribe to former Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.

Guzman, 61, has been on trial since November, when he was extradited to the United States to face a litany of charges. He is accused of leading the Sinaloa drug cartel, largely considered to be one of the most powerful and ruthless criminal organizations in existence.

He is facing 10 total charges, including engaging in a continuing criminal enterprise, conspiracy to launder narcotics proceeds, international distribution of cocaine, heroin, marijuana and other drugs, and use of firearms. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges.


The jury begins deliberation on Monday after hearing from a total of 57 witnesses: 56 presented by the prosecution and one called by Guzman’s defense team.

He faces life in prison if found guilty.

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Once it begins, heavy, steady rainfall is likely to continue over central Louisiana through at least tomorrow afternoon, with intermittent heavy rain extending into Monday.
Ryan Truchelut, WeatherTiger

Hurricane Barry Saturday pushed ashore along the Louisiana coast west of New Orleans Saturday and quickly weakened to a tropical storm. But its torrential downpours still promise the risk of “life-threatening” inland floods in Louisiana and Mississippi, the National Weather Service said.

Barry, which earlier packed just enough sustained winds — 75 mph — to qualify as the nation’s first hurricane this season, went ashore near Intracoastal City, about 150 miles west of New Orleans, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Moving overland, Barry quickly dropped to 70 mph, falling back to tropical storm status while remaining a threat into next week from heavy rain. 

Forecasters said Barry could unload 10 to 20 inches of rain through Sunday across a swath of Louisiana that includes New Orleans and Baton Rouge, as well as southwestern Mississippi, with pockets in Louisiana getting 25 inches. 

Watch Live: Webcams show Barry’s landfall in New Orleans and the Louisiana coast

That is a lot of rain: How will Barry compare to Louisiana’s 2016 flooding?

NHC Director Ken Graham warned slow-moving rain cells would create especially dangerous flooding conditions in southeastern Louisiana, as well as Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi and parts of Tennessee into next week.

“When you put that much rain down in areas around Baton Rouge and Mississippi, those rivers and creeks are filling quickly,” he said. Graham urged residents to heed local authorities and stay off the roads when the flooding begins.

“That is just an amazing amount of moisture,” he said on Facebook Live, pointing to a weather data board. “That is off the chart.”

Even with winds below hurricane strength, the storm still puts locals at risk. Graham stressed that in the past three years, inland flooding has accounted for 83% of the deaths during tropical cyclones, half of those in vehicles.

The hurricane brings a tornado threat, too. The highest-risk area is on the east side of the storm, along the Mississippi coast, and Mobile Bay, Graham said.

As the storm drew closer Saturday morning, the Coast Guard said it was rescuing more than a dozen people stranded by flooding on a remote Louisiana island that has been shrinking for years.

Petty Officer Lexie Preston told the Associated Press some of the people were on rooftops on the Isle de Jean Charles, about 45 miles south of New Orleans. He said four people and a cat had been removed by helicopter and a boat was heading to the area to help get the rest of the people off the island.

What about dogs?: Rescue dogs flown out of Louisiana ahead of Barry to avoid euthanasia. They’re adoptable

Anthony Verdun chose to ride it out in his home in Isle de Jean Charles despite watching the water rise eight feet in 10 minutes near his raised house.

Verdun, noting his refrigerator was still stocked with a fresh catch of fish from Friday, said he waved off a Coast Guard helicopter Saturday morning that hovered above his house, one of the highest on the island.

“I gave them the all good,” Verdun said via text message. “My son is in the (Coast Guard) and he told me how to signal so we signaled back, ‘All clear.’ “

Early Saturday, water spilled over a “back levee” in Plaquemines Parish, outside New Orleans. 

But Gov. John Bel Edwards assured residents the levees were “stronger than they’ve ever been” and the state was better prepared than ever.

The threat to New Orleans diminished late Friday. Officials said the levee system would crest Monday at only 17 feet at the critical Carrollton gauge. That is about three feet lower than a previous forecast and two feet below the levee’s height.

For the first time since Hurricane Katrina ravaged the city 14 years ago, the governor said all floodgates were sealed in Hurricane Risk Reduction System. The city did not offer any sandbags, although some businesses did make them available.

Residents of the Big Easy had been urged to “shelter in place” in lieu of evacuation orders, which are normally issued only for Category 3 hurricanes.

More than 100,000 people were without power as the storm hit Louisiana Saturday. 

Contributing: Doyle Rice, USA TODAY; Andrew J. Yawn, Leigh Guidry, Nick Siano, Lafayette Daily Advertiser; Greg Hilburn, Monroe News-Star; Associated Press

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Ben Domenech, publisher of The Federalist, called out the double standard from mainstream media on President Biden‘s handling of the pandemic. On “The Brian Kilmeade Show,” Domenech pointed to constant updates on COVID cases and deaths during Trump’s presidency but a seemingly normal portrayal of American life on mainstream media outlets during Biden’s time in office.


BEN DOMENECH: I wonder sometimes whether Joe Biden actually watches television, whether he sees how people are living or what’s going on. Because it’s such a bizarre situation to hear all of these orders and mandates and the like and then flip over to a college football game or to a basketball game and see all these people who are living life as close to normal as we’ve seen yet. 


And to me, the real dynamic here too is a revelation about media hypocrisy. Under the previous administration, you had tickers going constantly on every newspaper and on every news channel, updating people on the level of deaths and suggesting that they were Donald Trump’s responsibility. Where are those today? 


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China’s rapidly graying population has started to impose increasing pressures on the state. In Monday’s announcement, the party said it would increase funding to expand services for the country’s retirees.

The number of young workers that has powered the world’s factory floor is also declining. A three-child policy would help “maintain our country’s advantages in human resource endowments,” the Politburo said.

In 2020, the number of people age 60 and above in China stood at 264 million, accounting for about 18.7 percent of the population. That figure is set to grow to more than 300 million people, or about one-fifth of the population, by 2025, according to the government.

The party’s announcement on Monday is likely to revive longstanding complaints about the government’s invasive control over women’s bodies in China. On China’s popular social media platform, Weibo, users were quick to post remarks criticizing the move as ineffective.

“Don’t they know that most young people are already tired enough just trying to feed themselves?” wrote one user, pointing to a common lament about the rising costs of living.

The party, in describing the decision on Monday, acknowledged the need for broader changes that would make it easier for couples to have more children. It also pledged to improve maternity leave and “protect the legitimate rights and interests of women in employment.”

For decades, China’s family planning restrictions empowered the authorities to impose punishing fines on most couples who had more than one child and compel hundreds of millions of Chinese women to have abortions or undergo sterilization operations. Civil servants were fired for violating birth restrictions.

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