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Um eleitor foi morto a tiros neste domingo na Escola Municipal Professora Celina Guimarães Vieira, em Mossoró, no Rio Grande do Norte. Segundo o sargento Alfredo Carneiro, do 2º Batalhão da Polícia Militar, a vítima é Robson Diego de Moura Soares, 20 anos.

O sargento informou que o eleitor era procurado pela PM e conhecido como Robinho. Ele tinha envolvimento em ocorrências policiais. De acordo com a polícia, o autor dos disparos atirou no meio da multidão e não foi identificado.

Informações de testemunhas relatam que Robson Diego estava na fila, aguardando o momento de votar, quando um homem entrou na escola, foi até o local da seção onde estava o jovem e efetuou os disparos. Houve tumulto no local, mas não houve outras vítimas. O homem conseguiu fugir.

Robson Diego de Moura Soares estava desarmado e não chegou a reagir no crime, que resultou no isolamento da seção eleitoral para averiguação do incidente. Alfredo Carneiro informou que a seção deve ser reaberta mais tarde, quando o trabalho da polícia for concluído.

Guia do eleitor

Relembre jingles históricos


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Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot berated reporters during a press conference addressing the shooting death of officer Ella French on Wednesday, saying the media is in a “race to the bottom” and that their reporting on her in recent days has been “sickening.”

Two brothers have been arrested and charged in the fatal shooting of 29-year-old French during a traffic stop Saturday night. More than two dozen Chicago police officers turned their backs when greeted by Lightfoot late Saturday at the University of Chicago Medical Center, where French’s partner remains in critical condition.


Asked to address the officers’ protest, Lightfoot lamented that “we are living in a time where people don’t respect each other.”

“Larger than that is this moment where people feel like it is their right to spew hatred at everyone that they don’t agree with or make fun and mock, usually anonymously and cowardly from social media, not confronting somebody directly and talking to them, but using the power of the pen and the keyboard to just spew unbelievable hate,” she said.

“So this is a larger question than what may have happened with 10 or 15 officers on Saturday night,” she continued. “It’s why do we think it is OK for people to engage in such nasty, vicious talk, orally or worse, on social media, and then have it repeated by media as if it is fact and true.

“I think our media plays a very important role in our democracy, but you lose me, you lose me when it’s a race to the bottom and it’s all about the fight and it’s all about the conflict,” she said. “I’ve got to tell you, some of the reporting I’ve seen this week is just sickening. We all need to ask ourselves what we can do better to show our people everywhere that we have the capacity to be human beings again.”

Lightfoot got visibly irritated after another reporter asked her about reports that First Deputy Police Superintendent Eric Carter rushed French’s funeral procession by calling off a traditional honor guard and bagpipe salute.

“The reporting on that is just not true,” the mayor said. “It’s not true.” 


Lightfoot cited “COVID protocols” by the Medical Examiner’s Office and claimed a protest group that “wanted to hijack the procession” complicated matters outside of the Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office.

However, a spokeswoman for the Medical Examiner’s Office told WGN News that “protocols for processions at the Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office have not changed since the pandemic began.”

Lightfoot vehemently defended Carter’s decision to skip the tradition.

“Eric Carter made the right call,” she said. “I support what he did. And I’m horrified that in this moment, people are trying to savage him for whatever agenda or purpose.

“And I would just caution you all. Be careful. Be careful,” she said. “Check your sources. Make sure they’re accurate. Get the right context. Because I know firsthand, it’s really hard when the media becomes ferocious in propagating a story that’s just not true.”

Lightfoot then lashed out at another reporter who cited reports she “forced” her way upstairs at the hospital against the injured officer’s wishes.


“I’m not going to respond to that,” she said. “I don’t force my way anywhere. And that’s offensive, frankly, that you would ask me that question. … I just sat here and talked about the fact that we’ve got to be really careful and you have to be really careful in your reporting and be responsible. And you just keep lobbing this nonsense that’s offensive and insulting and really does a disservice to the moment that we’re in.

“Give me a break,” she added. “What else are you going to mine from the bottom of the chum barrel? Come on. You’re better than that. You’re better than that. You’re better than that.”

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São Paulo – Businessmen and investors who were in Brazil during the World Cup this year, invited by the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil), will do business amounting to US$ 6 billion with Brazilian companies in the next twelve months. The project brought to Brazil, between June and July, 2,836 businessmen, investors and foreign opinion makers, from those 81 were Arabs. They engaged in matchmaking, got to know companies and watched the matches.

Press release

Guests saw World Cup matches

“The delight of the guests, including the Arabs, was very positive,” says the Relationship Marketing manager at Apex-Brasil, Jacy Braga. There were 104 participating countries, including 15 Arab nations.

The manager says that the majority of the participants came from nations which are already leading markets for Brazilian products, such as the United States, Latin American and European countries. “But the participation of new markets such as the Arabs was very important for the Apex-Brasil and for the Brazilian companies,” Braga told ANBA in an interview. The fact that Qatar will host the World Cup in 2022, according to him, helped bring together Brazilians and Arabs who attended the project.

The Arab importers invited by the Apex to visit Brazil represented 18 sectors: medical and dental equipment, personal hygiene products, toiletries and perfumery, ceramics and ceramic tiles, pharma chemicals, marble and granite, agricultural machines and equipment, foodstuff, shoe industry, chocolates and chocolate products, fruit and juices, non-ferrous metals, textiles, rubber industry, alcohol industry, dairy and dairy products, rice, defense and multi sector companies, segment which comprises the trading companies.

The World Cup project had the participation of 708 Brazilian companies from 18 estates and 837 separate business schedules were carried out – i.e. sets of appointments to be kept by the international visitors for the duration of the tournament – according to the Apex-Brasil. All of the 64 matches were watched by the foreigners invited by the organization. The best results came from housing and construction, machinery and equipment, foodstuff, beverages and agribusiness, health technology, and also fashion and services. From the Brazilian companies which participated in the program, 70% said sales increased and 30% entered in new markets.

The foreigners’ perception of Brazil and Brazilian production also improved. The Apex-Brasil enquired them before the trip and by the end of it about how they felt about the country. The answers “high” and “very high” increased from 83% to 90% on the question about the quality of the Brazilian products and services, from 65% to 81% about the creativity and innovation of the products and from 77% to 90% about the professionalism of Brazilian businessmen.

Braga also mentions that the project was focused on the business schedules and also on image building.

 *Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça

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En el exterior de la cínica se vio como la policía se llevaba a un hombre detenido.

Al menos tres personas –una de ellas un agente de policía– murieron este viernes en un tiroteo en una clínica de Planned Parenthood en la ciudad de Colorado Springs, Colorado, en el oeste de EE.UU.

La policía ya detuvo al sospechoso de realizar los disparos, quien se atrincheró durante horas en el interior de la clínica, informó el alcalde de la localidad, John Suthers.

Al menos 9 personas –cinco de ellas policías– resultaron heridas en el tiroteo, que se produjo en instalaciones del que es el mayor proveedor de servicios reproductivos de EE.UU.

Una fuente de la policía identificó al autor de los disparos como Robert Lewis Dear, de Carolina del Norte. No se dieron más detalles.

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Un hombre armado abrió fuego en las inmediaciones de una clínica de Planned Parenthood en Colorado Springs.

“Quiero transmitir a los seres queridos de las víctimas que esto es una tragedia terrible, es terrible lo que ocurrió hoy en Colorado Springs”, declaró el alcalde Suthers.

“Obviamente, perdimos dos víctimas civiles. Y lamentamos la pérdida de un agente de policía muy valiente”.

El agente muerto fue identificado como Garrett Swasey, de 44 años, casado y con dos hijos.

Motivos inciertos

Las autoridades dijeron que todavía no está claro si este incidente está vinculado con el trabajo que se realiza en las cínicas de Planned Parenthood.

La organización emitió un comunicado en el que coincide en decir que no se sabe “si la organización era objetivo del ataque”.

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No está claro si algún civil ha resultado herido en el incidente

Según la teniente Catherine Buckley, varias personas fueron evacuadas de la clínica mientras el atacante permanecía dentro.

“Nuestra preocupación se centra en la seguridad de los pacientes, el personal y los agentes de seguridad”, escribió la directora ejecutiva de Planned Parenthood, Vicki Cowart.

Planned Parenthood tiene 700 clínicas repartidas por todo EE.UU. y ha estado en el centro de la polémica en los últimos meses después de que un grupo antiabortista hiciera públicos unos videos en los que aparecían algunos de sus altos ejecutivos supuestamente discutiendo con un lenguaje gráfico la venta de órganos y tejidos de fetos abortados.

Desde la organización se defendieron asegurando que los videos fueron editados para dañar su imagen y que no hacen negocio con los abortos que practican.

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Los niños fueron rescatados de una de estas casas, en San Antonio, Texas.

La Policía de Texas, Estados unidos, rescató este viernes a ocho niños de una situación de “abuso horrendo” en la ciudad de San Antonio.

El rescate se produjo después de que un vecino de los menores llamara a las autoridades y para advertir que había escuchado a uno de ellos llorando por un largo rato.

Cuando los oficiales llegaron al lugar, encontraron a un niño de dos años encadenado en el jardín.

También había una pequeña de tres años amarrada a una puerta con una correa de perro.

Esta menor tenía un brazo roto, por lo que fue llevada a un hospital local.

Padres arrestados

Seis niños más, de edades entre 10 meses y 13 años, estaban solos dentro de la casa.

Cuando los padres de seis de los ocho llegaron a la casa, fueron arrestados.

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El abuso ocurrió en San Antonio, al este de Texas.

“Es deprimente”, dijo el vocero de la policía del condado de Bexar, James Keith, al diario local San Antonio Express News.

“Calificar a este hecho como horrendo sería atenuarlo. Si no hubiera sido por nuestros oficiales y por el vecino que nos llamó, sabemos que esto pudo haber terminado peor”, agregó.

Una agencia del estado de Texas está cuidando a los niños ahora.

La policía está buscando a los padres de las otras dos víctimas.

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After images of drunken spring-breakers partying amid a contagion were broadcast nationally, DeSantis — a protégé of President Donald Trump — was thrust into the vanguard of Republican governors balking at issuing a broad shelter-in-place order to limit the spread of the virus.

As the state’s coronavirus caseload has increased, so has the criticism of DeSantis, making him an inevitable target for Biden in a state Trump must carry in order to win the White House.

“Floridians deserve science-based action from Governor Ron DeSantis,” Biden said in a written statement that faulted the “absence of leadership from President Trump.”

“While other large states continue to take strong, urgent, and sweeping action to stop the spread of COVID-19, Florida has not. I urge Governor DeSantis to let the experts speak to the public and explain why this is the case,” Biden said. “In this moment of growing uncertainty and anxiety, Floridians want — and deserve — to hear from the public health officials leading the charge.”

Republicans called Biden’s statement a desperate political move to damage the president by attacking DeSantis, a top ally whose successful 2018 primary campaign revolved around fealty to Trump.

Trump has since changed his residency to Florida, made sure to focus his attention deeply on the state and, on Wednesday, approved a disaster declaration to let federal aid flow more easily to the state.

Florida, which has the highest percentage of 65 and older population in the nation, has been slow to test for coronavirus. But as testing has ramped up, so have reported caseloads, which surged 35 percent in a day’s time to 1,977.

The president’s national poll numbers have improved since he began holding regular White House news briefings, where he occasionally praises DeSantis. At the same time, Trump has occupied the spotlight, Biden has been stuck at home, maintaining social distance as he slowly ramps up ‘virtual’ public appearances from a newly installed home studio in Wilmington, Del.

“The Gallup Poll today had President Trump at a 60 percent approval for how he’s handling the crisis and the governor’s polling was pretty close last week on how he’s handling it,” said Evan Power, chairman of the council of county chairs for the Republican Party of Florida.

“So it’s not a great move to criticize DeSantis or the president over this,” Power said. “It’s a cry for relevancy.”

After the March 10 round of primaries, Biden has struggled to capture the media spotlight as national TV news turn its near-complete attention to coronavirus and away from the 2020 campaign trail.

Over the period beginning March 11 through Wednesday, Trump has gotten 440,785 television mentions nationally compared to roughly 83,000 for Biden, according to TV Eyes, a program that tracks mentions.

Biden also received a fraction of the attention Trump got on March 17, the day the former vice president won a key bloc of primary states — including Florida — and essentially ended his primary contest with Bernie Sanders. In a typical election year, that performance would have given any presidential candidate a big shot of momentum and national airtime.

That day, Biden’s name was mentioned 5,417 times nationally, compared to Trump’s 16,488.

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En Venezuela, un país que tiene severas restricciones en los medios de comunicación, hay un canal que está emitiendo un noticiero que se llama “Desnudando La Noticia”.

“Damos noticias desnudas, sí, pero no faltamos al respeto a nadie”, afirmó una de las periodistas, pero una detractora defensora de la mujer dijo, “lo que menos claro queda es la noticia”, así que hay opiniones para todos los gustos tras esta polémica forma de dar información.

Las presentadoras, a medida que van dando las noticias se van quitando la ropa hasta quedarse totalmente desnudas, y a pesar del corto tiempo que lleva en el aire, como era de esperar, ya tiene un mar de seguidores por todo el mundo, pero también detractores como hemos visto.

De lo que seguro no queda duda es de que los níveles de audiencia deben estar por los aires y que el éxito está asegurado.

Habría que ver también cuál es el género mayoritario de su audiencia y qué opinan las espectadoras sobre esta curiosa forma de dar la información.

Si la noticia es una exposición de la verdad, DLN podría tener un slogan como: “La verdad nos hará libres… libres de ropa”

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Ivanka Trump is bringing in the new year in style. 

The mother of three and daughter of President Trump, 38, celebrated New Year’s Eve with family and friends at Trump’s annual New Year’s Eve party at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. 

Ivanka was attired in an elegant, red satin gown complete with cape as she arrived at the festivities hand-in-hand with her 8-year-old daughter, Arabella. Her husband and Arabella’s father, Jared Kushner, and the couple’s other two children – sons Joseph, 6, and Theodore, 3 – were also in attendance. 

First Lady Melania Trump looked festive in a black-and-gold ombre gown that featured a cascade of sequins. She arrived with the president, who wore a classic black tuxedo and a black bowtie. 

‘You can do something’:James Corden recalls confronting Ivanka Trump at a wedding

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Everywhere hillsides and mountain peaks rise above the landscape, there was snow to be seen around the San Francisco Bay Area.

Residents woke Tuesday morning to the unlikely sight of mountaintops frosted in powder sugary-snow after a cold storm dropped down from the Northwest, pushing temperatures down into the 20s and 30s and delivering snow.

Snowfall on the Bay Area’s highest mountain peaks above 4,000 feet elevation occurs annually, but with this storm the snow levels dropped remarkably low with accumulation down to 1,000 feet and snow that didn’t stick as low as 400 feet.

MORE: National Weather Service confirms dusting of snow on Twin Peaks

SFGATE readers are sending in images of their snow-covered cars, backyards and roads as well as lots of snowy views of Mt. Tamalpais, the East Bay hills, Mt. St. Helena and the Santa Cruz mountains that saw more than eights inches of accumulations in some spots.

San Francisco resident Jeanette Flodell, who shared an image of the Marin hills taken from the city, shared, “For a brief second, I thought I had teleported back to Scandinavia, and wanted to bring out the x-country skis!”

Rob Ferber of the Santa Cruz Mountains sent in an image taken from Skyline near Bear Gulch early Tuesday morning, and wrote, “It is snowing now!”

Please take a look at readers’ photos in the gallery above and email your images to and we’ll add them to the gallery.

While temperatures are forecast to remain chilly with highs in the 40s Tuesday, the snow is unlikely to last long as the skies clear and the sun shines over mountaintops.

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Si eres de los que no toma un diario o ve los noticiarios en televisión hace mucho, estás dentro del resultado de este estudio.

La empresa especializada en el diseño y desarrollo de estudios de mercado, DatosClaros entregó el informe sobre cuál es el país donde se leen más noticias en Internet en la región.

Los datos concluyeron que en el uso de las noticias web los chilenos llevan la ventaja: el 78% de los argentinos visita sitios de noticias, mientras que en Chile ese indicador es del 83% y en Perú del 71%.

Además, se observó que no hay diferencia entre los usuarios chilenos y argentinos al navegar por las redes sociales. En ambos países lo hacen el 87% de los encuestados, mientras que en Perú lo hace el 79% de los entrevistados.

Respecto de las compras online, el 68% de los chilenos entrevistados eligen esta forma de adquirir cosas, muy por encima de los peruanos y argentinos que reconocen hacerlo el 43 y 34%, respectivamente.

Por el lado del home banking, en la zona son los chilenos, con el 65% los que lideran. Los siguen los peruanos con un uso del 50% y los argentinos tan solo con el 33%.

Otros datos concluyeron que el 92% de los encuestados argentinos envía y lee mails, en Chile lo hace el 90 % y en Perú el 79%.

Sobre la descarga de música/ películas / juegos, lo hace el 57% de los internautas, tanto argentinos como chilenos, mientras que en Perú el porcentaje es un poco menor, con un 52%.

El análisis fue realizado a 900 internautas mayores de 18 años de las principales ciudades de Argentina, Chile y Perú. La encuesta online, de 15 minutos, se llevó a cabo con su herramienta “Opino”.


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William Rick Singer, founder of for-profit college prep business Edge College & Career Network also known as “The Key,” is allegedly the mastermind behind one of the largest college admissions scams to ever hit the U.S. and went to great lengths — which included pricey fees — to ensure his clients’ demands were met.

Singer, 58, has been called the “ringleader” behind the scheme, purportedly collecting roughly $25 million from dozens of individuals including actresses Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin over the course of nearly a decade to bribe school coaches and administrators into pretending their children were athletic recruits to ensure their admission into top tier colleges, prosecutors say.

The Newport Beach, Calif., businessman agreed to plead guilty in Boston federal court Tuesday to charges including racketeering conspiracy and obstruction of justice. As a part of his guilty plea, Singer said he would pay at least $3.4 million to the feds, The Boston Globe reports.


On his website for The Key, Singer describes himself as a dedicated father and coach who understands the pressure put on families surrounding college acceptances. The Key calls itself “the nation’s largest private life coaching and college counseling company.”

William Rick Singer, founder of the Edge College and Career Network, pleaded guilty to charges in a nationwide college admissions bribery scandal. 
(AP Photo/Steven Senne)

“As founder of The Key, I have spent the past 25 years helping students discover their life passion, and guiding them along with their families through the complex college admissions maze. Using The Key method, our coaches help unlock the full potential of your son or daughter, and set them on a course to excel in life,” Singer stated online, providing biographies for seven other “coaches.”

Andrew Lelling, U.S. attorney for the District of Massachusetts, reportedly claimed Singer’s clients paid him “anywhere between $200,000 and $6.5 million” for his unique services.


Parents of prospective students allegedly conspired with a college entrance consultant to beat the system and ensure their students were admitted or had a better chance to be admitted to certain colleges or universities, including Yale, Stanford, Texas, UCLA, USC, Wake Forest and others.

“According to the charging documents, Singer facilitated cheating on the SAT and ACT exams for his clients by instructing them to seek extended time for their children on college entrance exams, which included having the children purport to have learning disabilities in order to obtain the required medical documentation,” the U.S. Justice Department explained, in part, in an online statement.

“Singer would accommodate what parents wanted to do.”

— Andrew Lelling

However, that was just one of many ways Singer ensured the students got accepted to elite schools.

“Singer would accommodate what parents wanted to do,” Lelling said, adding that it “appears that the schools are not involved.”

Prosecutors say the consultant represented to parents that the scheme had worked successfully more than 800 times.

Singer also served as CEO of the Key Worldwide Foundation (KWF), a non-profit he claimed was a charity. Bribery payments were disguised as donations to KWF in sums up to $75,000 per SAT or ACT exam, the Justice Department said, noting that many students didn’t realize their parents had staged anything.

“This is a case where [the parents] flaunted their wealth, sparing no expense to cheat the system so they could set their children up for success with the best money can buy,” Joseph Bonavolonta from the FBI Boston Field Office said in a Tuesday news conference.

In total, 50 people — including more than 30 parents and nine coaches — were charged Tuesday in the scheme.

Fox News’ Katherine Lam,Travis Fedschun and The Assocaited Press contributed to this report.

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A new TV ad by a pro-GOP group that backs party candidates running in state legislative elections is going where Republicans have been hesitant to go until recent weeks. 

The spot ties an incumbent Democratic state delegate in Virginia who’s running for reelection this November to President Biden, whose approval ratings have taken a major hit over the past month and a half.

The commercial, by the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC), uses a recording of Virginia state lawmaker Alex Askew saying that he and other Democrats in the commonwealth can “run on the record that President Biden and our folks and partners in Washington, D.C., are doing.” 


The spot targeting Askew is part of a six-figure ad buy launched last month by the RSLC in the Virginia contests, which are being seen by many pundits as a bellwether ahead of next year’s midterm elections.

Up until now, Republican ads targeting Democratic members of Congress and state lawmakers who face challenging reelections this year and next year have often tied them to such Democratic leaders as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, progressive champion Sen. Bernie Sanders, liberal firebrand Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other members of the so-called “Squad.”


Biden, who until early last month enjoyed healthy poll numbers, was not to be seen. But the president’s standing among Americans is flagging in the wake of Biden’s much criticized handling of the turbulent U.S. exit from Afghanistan, and amid a surge in COVID cases this summer among mainly unvaccinated people due to the spread of the highly infectious delta variant.

And that appears to be changing the way Republican operatives and strategists view the president.

“This is the most directly we’ve linked a Virginia House Democrat to President Biden so far this cycle. Given the president is under water in this district and in other targets of ours, stay tuned for more of us holding Virginia Democrats accountable for standing by the failures of Biden and his radical liberal allies in Washington,” an official with the  RSLC told Fox News.

And it’s not just the RSLC.

Michael McAdams, communications director for the National Republican Congressional Committee, the reelection arm of the House GOP, told Fox News that “Joe Biden’s failed policies will be weaponized in races around the country and serve as an anchor around the neck of every vulnerable House Democrat.” 

Meanwhile, Biden also co-stars in a recent spot by the America’s Job Creators for a Strong Recovery, a coalition of more than 30 business and industry groups. Last month they launched the first in a series of planned ads taking aim at the $3.5 trillion spending package being pushed by the president and congressional Democrats.

“Biden, Pelosi, and Bernie are pushing a job-killing agenda that will hammer Main Street businesses and working families,” charges the narrator in the digital spot, which targets moderate Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona, who could face a challenging reelection next year.

Democrats are defending the governor’s office and their control of both houses of state legislature in Virginia this November. And nationally, Democrats are defending their razor-thin majorities in the House and Senate in the 2022 midterm elections.


When the president’s party controls both chambers of Congress, the midterms are usually a referendum on that president’s record and performance in office. And the presidential approval rating is a key barometer heading into midterms elections. 

From President Obama in the 2010 midterms to President Trump in the 2018 elections, there’s a history of the minority party and their allies targeting a first-term president their ads.

“There’s still a long way to go until next year’s midterms but the growing political parallels for the Democrats between President Obama’s and President Biden’s first terms are hard to ignore,” longtime GOP consultant Brian Walsh argued. “In both instances, they campaigned as a moderate but then pursued a very partisan and liberal political agenda once in office that ultimately backfired for their party in the midterms.”

Walsh, a former top strategist for GOP Sen. John Cornyn of Texas who also served as National Republican Senatorial Committee communications director during the 2010 and 2012 cycles, forecast that “there’s no question that House and Senate Democrats running in battleground races are going to be much more hesitant to hitch themselves to President Biden in the way that they might have nine months ago.” 


But Democratic operative and strategist Chris Moyer argued that “the thought that tying vulnerable candidates to President Biden is going to work in the long term seems like a little bit of a risky bet. I think there’s a sense that it may have been a rough few weeks for President Biden. But I think folks have known who Joe Biden is for a long time and he’s going to have a chance to right the ship and he’s taking a lot of actions to do that already.”

Moyer, a veteran of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and Sen. Cory Booker’s bid for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, predicted that “the decision to try to tie candidates to the president may not look so good in hindsight, a few months down the road.”

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Nebraska GOP Sen. Ben Sasse, in an interview Thursday with Fox News, ramped up his criticism of Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam over comments on a controversial late-term abortion bill — saying the governor effectively discussed “infanticide” and should resign if he won’t back down.

Sasse, a pro-life Republican, said Northam’s comments were “morally repugnant” and argued the Democratic governor should “get the hell out of office” if he doesn’t support protecting the life of a child who survived an abortion.

“The comments the governor of Virginia made were about fourth-term abortions,” Sasse said on Fox News’ “The Daily Briefing with Dana Perino.” “That’s not abortion, that’s infanticide.”


Northam’s comments were made during an appearance on a local radio station to discuss The Repeal Act, which seeks to repeal restrictions on third-trimester abortions.

Virginia Democratic Del. Kathy Tran, a sponsor, sparked outrage from conservatives when she was asked at a hearing if a woman about to give birth and dilating could still request an abortion. The bill was tabled in committee this week.

“My bill would allow that, yes,” she said. Existing state law does not put an absolute time limit on abortions and Tran’s legislation does not alter that, but it does loosen restrictions on the need to get additional certification from doctors.


Northam, a former pediatric neurologist, had been asked about Tran’s comments and said he couldn’t speak for her, but said that third-trimester abortions are done with “the consent of obviously the mother, with consent of the physician, multiple physicians by the way, and it’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities or there may be a fetus that’s not viable.”

“So in this particular example if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen, the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

Northam’s comments quickly led to an outpouring of criticism from Republicans and pro-life activists. Sasse questioned why pro-life Democrats have not spoken out in opposition to the comments made by Northam and Tran. Neither of the two pro-life Democrats in the Senate – Bob Casey of Pennsylvania and Joe Manchin of West Virginia – has made public comments about the controversy.

“The Democratic Party has not come out and condemned this, and they really should be,” he said.


Northam pushed back hard on his critics, tweeting: “I have devoted my life to caring for children and any insinuation otherwise is shameful and disgusting.”

Northam Communications Director Ofirah Yheskel said GOP critics were “trying to play politics with women’s health” — and sought to clarify her boss’ comments:

“No woman seeks a third trimester abortion except in the case of tragic or difficult circumstances, such as a nonviable pregnancy or in the event of severe fetal abnormalities, and the governor’s comments were limited to the actions physicians would take in the event that a woman in those circumstances went into labor. Attempts to extrapolate these comments otherwise is in bad faith and underscores exactly why the governor believes physicians and women, not legislators, should make these difficult and deeply personal medical decisions.”

Tran’s legislation would reduce the number of doctors who would have to certify late-term abortions are needed from three to one. It would also delete the requirement that doctors determine that continuing a pregnancy would “substantially and irremediably” impair a woman’s health. Instead doctors would only have to certify that the woman’s health was impaired.

Supporters said the changes in law would help reduce the bureaucratic burdens women face when dealing with difficult decisions involving late-term abortions, which often involve serious medical complications.

The effort in Virginia follows New York passing a bill last week loosening restrictions on abortion, as New Mexico, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Virginia, and Washington also pass new laws expanding abortion access or move to strip old laws from the books that limit abortions.

Fox News’ Adam Shaw and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Bernie Sanders’s internet army is a driving force of his campaign. Mike Bloomberg appears to be trying to replicate it. But while the social media momentum behind Sanders is largely organic, much of Bloomberg’s is paid.

The former New York City mayor’s campaign is hiring hundreds of people in California to spread the pro-Bloomberg word on social media and via text message, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday. His campaign is trying to bring on upward of 500 “deputy digital organizers” to promote Bloomberg to everyone in their phones’ contact lists and on their private social media accounts. And the pay isn’t bad: $2,500 a month for 20-30 hours per week of work.

The WSJ report lands just days after sponsored Bloomberg memes started popping up on big influencer accounts all over Instagram. It was part of a paid campaign the New York Times described as an effort to build a “self-aware ironic character” around Bloomberg.

Bloomberg’s presidential campaign is unprecedented in almost every way imaginable, including when it comes to the internet. And thanks to his more than $50 billion fortune, it’s turbocharged by what seems like an unlimited budget, at least when you compare its spending power to that of his Democratic rivals. According to the Washington Post, Bloomberg has already spent $50 million on digital ads, and he’s already spent an estimated $400 million on campaign ads overall. Bloomberg has said he’s prepared to spend up to $1 billion of his own money to defeat President Donald Trump in November, but if his candidacy continues at this rate, he’s on track to spend much more.

This isn’t entirely new, but Bloomberg’s budget makes it different

Anyone who is on a presidential campaign list is probably familiar with campaign text messages. Just last week, for example, someone representing the Sanders campaign sent me a fundraising text message, though it was addressed to “Spencer.” (Not sure how that happened.) And supporters of and volunteers for political campaigns post on social media about their preferred candidates all the time — the Trump campaign tries to influence voters through people they know instead of people they don’t.

As the WSJ notes, it’s common practice for campaigns to use volunteers and paid workers to run phone banks, knock on doors, and get out the word otherwise. Sometimes, groups promoting certain issues pay people to express support. In January, I wrote about a Democratic operative who was charging state parties and potentially others to get progressive celebrities to tweet about certain causes, though it’s unclear the celebrities knew the operative was being paid.

But Bloomberg paying people to leverage their social connections is unique. It’s one thing to pay someone to staff a phone bank and text phone numbers from voter files; it’s another to pay someone to access their personal contact list.

It also raises questions about disclosure rules around social media advertising. The Instagram memes Bloomberg is paying for are labeled as ads, but the rules around what counts as sponcon and what’s organic on this latest push are pretty blurry, per WSJ:

It is not clear if messages like those the Bloomberg campaign is suggesting would need to be labeled as sponsored content under Facebook’s disclosure rules. A Facebook spokeswoman said posts by outside “content creators” would require labels if a campaign paid for them, but that posts by campaign employees wouldn’t need to be labeled as ads. The company didn’t address how it would categorize posts by employees paid to promote content to their personal social networks.

A review of social media posts by some people being paid by the campaign found they aren’t labeled as sponsored content.

Federal regulators have said influencers who fail to disclose they’re being paid for ads might be breaking rules around deceptive marketing. A spokeswoman for Bloomberg told WSJ that the campaign doesn’t think the posts from the deputy field organizers require labels because it counts as political organizing and not paid influencer content. Spokespeople for the campaign did not return a request for comment from Recode.

Bloomberg’s spending makes everything bigger

Beyond paid digital advertising, political campaigns have a lot of ways of trying to get their message out on social media. Elizabeth Warren’s infamous selfie lines, for example, are a way for her to get thousands of pieces of organic content spread by her supporters online. Her practice of personally calling up supporters for a brief chat — which usually prompts these supporters to brag about it on social media — had a similar effect. And Sanders has an enormous organic online base behind him.

Bloomberg is trying to generate some of this buzz for his own campaign. On top of the hundreds of millions of dollars he’s spending on ads on television, the radio, and online, Bloomberg’s campaign has managed to do some organic social media work. The content has been weird but also kind of fun to watch.

But Bloomberg’s budget gives him the ability to basically do everything bigger and to try out strategies to see how they go without worrying about whether he’ll blow his budget. Is it fair? No. But the American political system, especially when it comes to money, isn’t fair.

It’s not clear whether paying influencers for awkward memes or compensating Californians for texting their friends will be an effective tactic for Bloomberg. But given how 2020 is going so far, it’s unlikely this is the last of Bloomberg’s unconventional campaign methods, on the internet or elsewhere.

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During the court session, Trump’s personal attorney William Consovoy urged the judges to prevent Vance from immediately accessing the documents, which Vance has said he urgently needs to pursue potential criminal activity involving the Trump Organization.

One of the three judges, John Walker Jr., sounded particularly receptive to arguments from Trump’s lawyers that grand jury subpoenas Vance’s office issued are too broad.

“It has the feeling of overbreadth,” said Walker, an appointee — and first cousin — of the late President George H.W. Bush.

Although the Supreme Court issued a ruling in July unanimously rejecting Trump’s claims of absolute immunity from such criminal investigations while in office, Walker stressed that the opinion still endorsed “heightened respect that’s due the president” and called for “necessarily meticulous review.”

Walker also questioned Vance’s need to pursue information from abroad, although Manhattan-based prosecutors have long prized their ability to use New York’s role as a financial nerve center to assert jurisdiction over transactions that span the globe.

“It just seems to me that it’s really very broad. … You’re asking [about] activity in Europe and Dubai and so forth. You’re a prosecutor in New York — in New York County, specifically,” Walker said.

Vance’s general counsel, Carey Dunne, said it is commonplace for the DA’s office to probe alleged wrongdoing in business dealings worldwide.

“There’s nothing unusual about our office asking about entities out of state or foreign transactions. New York City is a center of worldwide commerce,” Dunne said.”There’s a lot of international financial activity we have jurisdiction over.”

The other two judges on the panel — Clinton appointee Robert Katzmann and Obama appointee Raymond Lohier — gave fewer hints about their views of the substance of the Trump legal team’s arguments.

However, there seemed to be at least some openness among the judges to giving Trump’s lawyers time to fully brief the legal issues before the appeals court on an expedited basis, which could take the better part of a month.

At the conclusion of the roughly 30-minute argument session, Katzmann promised the panel would issue a decision on the president’s stay request by the end of the day.

Walker’s views could ultimately be of little significance on anything besides the timing of the case. Although he was on the panel that decided to grant the stay, he may not be one of the three judges assigned to rule on the merits of Trump’s appeal.

If Trump ultimately fails to win relief from the 2nd Circuit, his lawyers have already indicated they plan to take the dispute to the Supreme Court for a second time. That could leave the justices facing a politically sensitive emergency request from the president with just weeks or even days to go before Election Day.

While such a delay seems like an obvious goal for the president’s lawyers, Consovoy insisted Tuesday that his side is not trying to drag out the proceedings.

“Throughout this case, we have always accepted, and not resisted, expedited review,” he said.

Vance issued a subpoena a year ago for documents held by financial institutions connected to Trump, as well as overseas affiliates. Trump’s team initially claimed the president was exempt from such demands for as long as he remains in office, but that argument struck out in the Supreme Court, which turned aside his claim of “absolute immunity.”

However, the justices ruled that Trump may fight the subpoena on other, largely more conventional grounds, which triggered another, faster-paced round of litigation.

Within days, Trump’s team renewed its argument in federal district court, arguing that the subpoena is an overbroad fishing expedition issued for political purposes. The lower court judge, Victor Marrero, said the new claims had no merit and quickly ruled in Vance’s favor, tossing out Trump’s suit. But the appeals court appears poised to slam the brakes again.

Dunne told the three-judge panel that Consovoy’s new claims about the subpoena had no factual basis and the Trump legal team has presented no evidence to support claims of bad faith, he said. And further delays, he argued, hurt the DA’s ability to pursue potential crimes.

Dunne also stressed, as the DA’s office has repeatedly signaled in court filings in recent weeks, that the office’s investigation is not limited to probing the so-called hush money payments made in 2016 to women who appeared to be considering claiming sexual liaisons with Trump.

“We have tried to spell out, consistent with grand jury secrecy, all along, and I can represent to the court now, that each of the category of documents that was sought is directly relevant to a subject matter of our inquiry and, importantly, virtually all of those subject matters have been previously identified in public reports as examples of possible corporate wrongdoing,” the DA’s office lawyer said.

Dunne said Trump hadn’t shown any impropriety on the part of Vance’s office and that “the burden doesn’t shift to the prosecutor” to justify all aspects of the subpoenas just because Trump objected.

Lohier said he was worried that giving Trump the ability to continue to pursue his complaints would lead to grand juries at all levels being “mired in civil litigation.”

However, Consovoy said challenges to state grand jury proceedings in federal court are and will remain a rarity, but that, as president, Trump has the right to take the issue before federal judges. “I do not think this is the ordinary situation,” Trump’s attorney said.

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The relief effort of the U.S.N.S. Comfort, a hospital ship deployed to receive patients with conditions other than COVID-19 to create more beds at New York City hospitals for virus patients, has come under criticism following delays in admitting patients.

The ship, equipped with 1,000 hospital beds and 1,200 medical workers, has reportedly only taken 20 patients aboard since it began operations on April 1, with hundreds of beds on the ship remaining unused.

But various military protocols and other red tape, including nearly 49 medical conditions other than the COVID-19 virus that disqualify a patient from being admitted onto the ship (such as those in need of obstetric or pediatric care), have reportedly caused major roadblocks in providing the relief the city’s hospitals need, The New York Times reported.

“The process continues and we are honestly looking forward to seeing a significant increase in patients being transferred to the Comfort,” Capt. Patrick Amersbach, of the U.S.N.S. Comfort, told reporters on Thursday.

The U.S.N.S. Mercy, which docked in Los Angeles with the mission last Friday and is equipped with 800 medical staff, has treated a total of 15 patients, five of whom have been discharged, the ship’s commanding officer Capt. John Rotruck said.

A spokeswoman for the U.S. Navy, Elizabeth Baker, said “We’re bringing [patients] on as fast as we can bring them on.”

Neither ship accepts walk-in patients. All patients must be evaluated at local hospitals first and be tested for the virus before being allowed to board the ships, which adds to the delay in the process of getting patients aboard the ships.

Michael Dowling, the president and chief executive officer of Northwell Health, New York’s largest hospital system, told the Times, “If I’m blunt about it, it’s a joke. Everyone can say, ‘Thank you for putting up these wonderful places and opening up these cavernous halls.’ But we’re in a crisis here, we’re in a battlefield.”

Various hospitals have been refitted to create more space for virus patients, making use of lobby space and conference rooms, Dowling explained. His facilities are hosting around 2,800 infected patients, up from 100 on March 20. Nearly 25 percent have serious conditions and are in intensive care units.

With New York placed under lockdown, there are less patients suffering from car accidents and gunshot wounds or other accidents requiring emergency care. Therefore, there are fewer non-virus patients to send to the U.S.N.S. Comfort, as the city copes with thousands of people infected with the virus, Dowling said.

“It’s pretty ridiculous,” he said. “If you’re not going to help us with the people we need help with, what’s the purpose?”

The commanding officers of both ships have said they would accept COVD-19 virus patients if they were ordered to do so.

“If that demand signal ramps up, we’ll certainly be ready to accommodate that,” Capt. Rotruck told reporters Thursday.

Both Capt. Rotruck and Capt. Amersbach have said the ships would need to be reconfigured if COVID-19 virus patients were to be admitted.

Various large public venues in New York City have been converted into hospital spaces since the outbreak to help hospitals cope with the growing number of infected patients, including in Central Park where a field hospital was erected.

Other recent builds include a makeshift hospital at the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Queens, the home of the U.S. Open, and at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, which has nearly 3,000 beds.

Newsweek has contacted the U.S. Navy for further comment on the latest situation.

The virus, which was first reported in Wuhan, China, has affected over a million people across 181 countries and regions, including more than 245,500 in the U.S., the epicenter of the outbreak. While over 212,000 have recovered from infection but more than 53,100 have died globally.

New York is the worst-hit state in the U.S., with over 92,300 confirmed cases, including more than 51,800 patients in New York City, according to figures released Thursday from the office of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

The graphic below, provided by Statista, illustrates the spread of COVID-19 across the U.S.

Data on COVID-19 cases is from Johns Hopkins University unless otherwise stated.

World Health Organization advice for avoiding spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

Hygiene advice

  • Clean hands frequently with soap and water, or alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Wash hands after coughing or sneezing; when caring for the sick; before, during and after food preparation; before eating; after using the toilet; when hands are visibly dirty; and after handling animals or waste.
  • Maintain at least 1 meter (3 feet) distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
  • Avoid touching your hands, nose and mouth. Do not spit in public.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or bent elbow when coughing or sneezing. Discard the tissue immediately and clean your hands.

Medical advice

  • Avoid close contact with others if you have any symptoms.
  • Stay at home if you feel unwell, even with mild symptoms such as headache and runny nose, to avoid potential spread of the disease to medical facilities and other people.
  • If you develop serious symptoms (fever, cough, difficulty breathing) seek medical care early and contact local health authorities in advance.
  • Note any recent contact with others and travel details to provide to authorities who can trace and prevent spread of the disease.
  • Stay up to date on COVID-19 developments issued by health authorities and follow their guidance.

Mask and glove usage

  • Healthy individuals only need to wear a mask if taking care of a sick person.
  • Wear a mask if you are coughing or sneezing.
  • Masks are effective when used in combination with frequent hand cleaning.
  • Do not touch the mask while wearing it. Clean hands if you touch the mask.
  • Learn how to properly put on, remove and dispose of masks. Clean hands after disposing of the mask.
  • Do not reuse single-use masks.
  • Regularly washing bare hands is more effective against catching COVID-19 than wearing rubber gloves.
  • The COVID-19 virus can still be picked up on rubber gloves and transmitted by touching your face.

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Investigation into deadly Texas van crash expected to continue

At least 10 people were killed and 20 more were injured when an overloaded van crashed Wednesday in Encino, Texas, a town about 100 miles south of Corpus Christi, authorities said. Brooks County Sheriff Urbino Martinez said the van, designed to hold 15 passengers, was top-heavy and tipped over when the driver lost control on a curve. The van held 29 suspected undocumented migrants, he said. Additional details about the crash are expected to come Thursday or in the coming days. The identities of the 30 in the van were being withheld until relatives can be notified, an official with the Texas Department of Public Safety said. No information about the van, including where it was registered or who owned it, was immediately released. A surge in migrants crossing the border illegally has brought about an uptick in the number of crashes involving vehicles jammed with migrants who pay large amounts to be smuggled into the country.

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Red flag warnings prompt more wildfire fears across the West

Firefighters battling dozens of blazes across the West braced for more hot, dry weather as dangerous conditions threatened to spark new wildfires in multiple states. The National Weather Service issued red flag warnings for parts of California, Nevada and Oregon until Thursday evening, expecting gusty winds and low humidity that could cause the dry vegetation to burn rapidly. There are 27 active large wildfires in those three states, and across 14 states, 96 large wildfires have burned more than 2,900 square miles, according to the National Interagency Fire Center. In Northern California, the Dixie Fire remains the largest blaze in the state as conditions stoke the flames. The Dixie Fire blazed through Greenville, California, leaving behind only a few structures. The fire primarily burned through most of the downtown area and some surrounding homes in the small mountain community. 

Spirit Airlines bedlam goes on: Hundreds of Thursday flights already canceled

Spirit Airlines, which has canceled more than 1,300 flights and stranded passengers since Sunday as it grapples with a series of issues, said Wednesday cancellations should ease in the days to come as it reboots its operation. However, that day doesn’t appear to be Thursday. The carrier has already canceled 349 of its Thursday flights or 45% of its scheduled flights, as of 6 a.m. EDT, according to flight tracker FlightAware. It will be the fifth consecutive day of frustration for passengers on the budget airline and comes as a busy summer travel weekend looms. The carrier canceled more than 400 flights per day, or a whopping 60% percent of its operation, on both Tuesday and Wednesday alone. The airline apologized to passengers and employees in a statement issued Wednesday and continued to attribute the massive woes to “overlapping operational challenges,” including weather, technology system outages and staffing shortages. 

James Gunn brings ‘The Suicide Squad’ back to the big screen

The body count is high and chaos reigns in writer/director James Gunn’s absurdly delightful and indubitably not-for-kids “The Suicide Squad,”  writes USA TODAY movie critic Brian Truitt. The film, out in theaters and streaming on HBO Max Thursday evening, is a soft reboot of 2016’s “Suicide Squad.” Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn returns and Idris Elba and John Cena will debut new characters. Viola Davis returns as Amanda Waller, who runs survive-or-else missions out of outlaw-filled Belle Reve prison with members of Task Force X. Their newest assignment: venturing to the fictional South American island of Corto Maltese, where the Squad traverses jungles, fights enemy guerrillas, goes disco dancing at a nightclub, and has to infiltrate an old Nazi stronghold from World War II that’s been housing a monstrous experiment. Before tackling this DC project, Gunn was firmly entrenched in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as he directed the two “Guardians of the Galaxy” movies. 

Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett to perform together ‘One Last Time’

Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett will reunite Thursday at New York’s Radio City Music Hall for the second of two farewell concerts celebrating Bennett’s 95th birthday. The longtime friends and collaborators are playing “One Last Time” shows in the leadup to their second joint album, “Love for Sale,” out Oct. 1. Bennett, who turned 95 on Tuesday, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2016. But the music legend was as spry and charismatic as ever in a roughly half-hour solo set in Tuesday’s sold-out show. “He’s my friend. He’s my musical companion. He’s the greatest singer in the whole world,” said Lady Gaga during her rendition of “New York, New York.”

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“I’ve spent the last weeks and months on the roads across our commonwealth in cities like Lowell, and in Chelsea and in Gloucester. In neighborhoods like East Boston,” Kennedy said. “And not one person in those cities, not one, has asked me why I am running for the Senate. The only thing they ask: What can you do to make this better, and when I need you, will you be there?”

He lost every precinct in East Boston Tuesday.

Kennedy’s failure to lay out a rationale for taking on Markey wasn’t the sole cause of his defeat. Rather, it was symptomatic of a campaign that was too confident, for too long — it didn’t think the usual rules applied, or that the 74-year-old Markey had enough fight in him to fend off one of the Democratic Party’s brightest young stars.

“There was a really strong reason for running. I don’t think they were ever able to articulate it. That’s the problem,” said political consultant Doug Rubin, who supported Kennedy. “I’ve always felt that the best campaigns are the ones with the right candidate at the right moment. I actually thought Joe was the right candidate for this moment, and for whatever reason, they were never able to win that argument and frame the race that way.”

The outcome was a far cry from last summer, when the consensus in Massachusetts political circles was that Kennedy would be so formidable that Markey ought to retire to avoid an embarrassing defeat. Polls showed Kennedy with a double-digit lead, and the running joke was that Markey was more likely to be seen at a Starbucks in suburban Washington than a Dunkin’ Donuts near his home in Malden.

Kennedy built his campaign on the promise that he would show up in Massachusetts, as opposed to his opponent, who spent too much time in Washington. The scion of the state’s iconic political dynasty would win by assembling a coalition of voters of color who didn’t always vote — similar to how Rep. Ayanna Pressley upset a veteran Massachusetts incumbent two years earlier, former Congressman Michael Capuano.

His candidacy was designed around the idea that a vote for Kennedy was an investment in his seemingly limitless political future, while Markey was already on his way out the door.

What Kennedy didn’t envision was the way Markey would reinvent himself as a darling of the progressive left over the course of the year, harnessing the energy of young voters and climate activists.

Sitting on a sizable lead in the polls for much of the race, Kennedy’s campaign was reluctant to go negative on Markey. That gave the low-key incumbent, who lived in the shadow of more prominent Bay State Democrats like Elizabeth Warren and John Kerry, the chance to define himself on his own terms.

His signature look became Nike sneakers and an oversized green jacket straight out of an Urban Outfitters ad campaign. (Markey wore the sneakers with his suit when he declared victory on Tuesday night.)

More important, Markey stepped into the political vacuum created by the departures of Warren and Sen. Bernie Sanders from the presidential primary. Progressives were devastated by the collapse of the two campaigns, which came just before the coronavirus pandemic hit Massachusetts, leaving a cohort of newly unemployed presidential campaign staffers and volunteers — and young high school and college activists — stuck at home with time on their hands. They turned their attention to Markey.

“Here is my #1 hot take as a newly-free Warren staffer: THE F—— CO-AUTHOR OF THE GODDAMN GREEN NEW DEAL MIGHT LOSE HIS SEAT IN THE SENATE TO A MODERATE AND YOU’RE ALL JUST SLEEPING ON IT,” tweeted Emma Friend, a staffer on Warren’s presidential campaign. Markey raised $57,000 off the viral post, and he hired Friend to the campaign a month later. Dozens of Markey fan accounts began to pop up on Twitter.

As young activists churned out pro-Markey memes and videos, he brought them into the fold as digital fellows. It helped that Markey won endorsements from New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, his partner on the Green New Deal, and the Sunrise Movement. The Markey campaign spent almost half a million dollars airing an ad that only featured AOC, and not Markey, in the weeks leading up to the primary.

“Markey and his campaign were very eager to fight that fight with us. We got in early, making it an issues-focused, policy-centered campaign which was mostly centered around Markey’s leadership on the Green New Deal and climate crisis,” said Evan Weber, co-founder of the Sunrise Movement. “We also did a lot of work to rile up young people and the youths and progressives.”

As Markey’s popularity grew, so did frustration within the Kennedy campaign.

In Kennedy’s eyes, Markey’s new image didn’t square with his record, which was more in line with Joe Biden than Sanders or Warren. Kennedy often pointed to Markey’s support of the 1994 crime bill and the Iraq War on the debate stage, but that didn’t matter to Markey’s energetic online base.

“The Markey campaign did a masterful job convincing voters Ed is someone he is not,” one Democratic strategist with Massachusetts ties said after the primary results were tallied.

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