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Sbado, 18 de Enero 2014  |  12:41 pm

Créditos: RPP

En entrevista exclusiva a RPP Noticias, el vocalista de Ádammo contó todos los detalles sobre la difusión de un video íntimo.

Ezio Oliva y las 10 frases que dej su entrevista en RPP Noticias| RPP

Un tanto nervioso se dejó ver el personaje que hace unos días remeció la farándula local por ser el protagonista de un video íntimo difundido en las redes sociales.

Ezio Oliva, vocalista de la agrupación Ádammo, llegó esta mañana hasta las instalaciones de RPP Noticias junto con su abogado Julio Rodríguez, para contar su verdad en una entrevista exclusiva.

“Quiero empezar diciendo que soy un ser humano más allá de una persona pública”. Con estas palabras el cantante inició la entrevista, que por más de 15 minutos mantuvo no solo a sus fans y televidentes atentos, sino también a diversos medios de comunicación que lo esperaban en los exteriores del edificio de San Isidro.

Fue en Ampliación de Noticias donde explicó que el responsable o responsables de la difusión del video robaron la información de su computadora personal. Según indicó, acudió a un sitio formal a hacer un arreglo técnico a la computadora y allí es donde ocurrió el robo.

“Me está apoyando y se está portando de una manera muy seria, muy alturada”. Esta frase la empleó para referirse a su actual pareja, Karen Schwarz, quien también se vio involucrada ya que muchos especulaban que ella era la protagonista del video, versión que Ezio desmintió.

Pero no fue la única que lamentó la difusión del video. La familia de Ezio también. “Para mí esta es una situación sumamente difícil. Para mi familia también. Yo tengo una madre, tengo mujeres maravillosas en mi familia. Yo a las mujeres las respeto, las quiero”, comentó el cantante.

Este hecho motivó al cantante a tomar acciones legales contra los responsables de la filtración y difusión del video.

“La divulgación de esta información genera un delito de difamación y un delito contra la intimidad agravado. Hay una serie de delitos y hay que identificar quiénes son los responsables de este tipo de actos para poder presentar las denuncias que correspondan”, dijo su abogado Julio Rodríguez.

Ligeramente más relajado, Ezio abandonó los estudios de RPP, escoltado por diversos medios de comunicación que lo esperaron en los exteriores de esta emisora.



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Luis Suárez, jugador del Liverpool pretendido por el Barça, está descansando en su casa de Montevideo tras ser expulsado del Mundial por la FIFA por su mordisco a Chiellini en el Italia-Uruguay de la fase de grupos.

Muy agradecido por las muestras de cariño

Suárez se ha mostrado muy agradecido por las muestras de apoyo y cariño recibidas por parte de sus compañeros de la celeste y de sus paisanos, que no paran de acercarse a su casa para hacerle llegar su aliento.

Ante las incesantes pruebas de cariño, el futbolista salió al balcón de la vivienda junto a sus hijos Delfina, nacida en Barcelona, y Benjamín y saludó a los seguidores, que le aclamaron con cánticos y consignas.

Se mostró relajado y exhibió una barba

Luis Suárez, que ha sido sancionado por 9 partidos oficiales con Uruguay y por 4 meses sin fútbol a nivel de clubs, se mostró relajado y lucía barba.

Delfina y Benjamín asimismo saludaron a los hinchas, que grababan las escena con sus iPhones.

A la espera de novedades desde Barcelona

El delantero está a la espera de que prospere el recurso preparado por sus abogados y de que el Barcelona pueda avanzar en sus gestiones por su fichaje.

Como ha informado MD, el club azulgrana continúa pensando en Suárez como refuerzo para la temporada 2014-15, la primera con Luis Enrique en el banquillo del primer equipo. 

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It started as a traditional Sunday service.

The worship rose and fell in emotional chorus. People shook hands with their neighbors in the pews.

But then, in lieu of a sermon, Destiny Christian Church Pastor Greg Fairrington welcomed onstage Republican gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder.

“People of faith, in my opinion, have stood on the sidelines for far too long. We need to get involved. And that is why I’m running,” Elder told the 5,000 people who packed the sprawling Rocklin church campus to watch his 30-minute conversations with the pastor at each of the three Sunday morning services. An additional 25,000 watched online. “I’m doing it because I feel that I have a patriotic, a moral, and a spiritual obligation to fix this state to the extent I can.”

More than 400 miles south, after another pastor prayed and a choir sang, a different Christian congregation was applauding the man Elder hopes to replace should he be recalled: Gov. Gavin Newsom.

“The Bible teaches us we are many parts but one body. And when one part suffers, we all suffer. This notion of a web of mutuality — that we’re all in this together,” the governor said in a five-minute appearance at the Youngnak Church of LA Sunday morning.

As candidates crisscross California ahead of the recall election on Sept. 14, faith communities have become a central place for proselytizing to potential voters. The role of religion on the campaign trail has been amplified in recent weeks by lingering anger over California’s COVID-19 restrictions that severely limited in-person worship as well as Elder’s rising candidacy, which has enjoyed significant support from Christian conservatives.

Of all the candidates, Elder has made arguably the most concerted effort to win over faith communities. In the nearly two months since he announced his run for governor — prodded by friend and devoted advocate Jack Hibbs, the pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills — Elder has courted evangelicals at megachurches across the state.

He and other Republican candidates have seized on the closure of churches and religious organizations during the pandemic, harnessing anger over the shutdowns to generate enthusiasm for the recall among conservative voters.

An early contribution of $500,000 to the recall effort came from Orange County donor John Kruger through his limited liability company Prov 3:9, named for the Bible verse: “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce.” A company representative said in January that Kruger believed Newsom’s executive actions restricting in-person religious assembly violated the U.S. Constitution.

Newsom teams up with prominent Democrats, as Republican front-runner Larry Elder held rallies in Castaic and Thousand Oaks.

“Many people of faith feel like the government has been overreaching and interfering with really the first freedom of our country, which is the right to gather and to worship and to practice your faith without any interference of any bureaucrat or any political authority,” said Assemblyman Kevin Kiley, a Republican recall candidate from Rocklin. “I think that’s similar in some sense to how people have felt when it comes to the role of government in a lot of other ways.”

In February, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that California could not ban indoor services during the pandemic. At Destiny, which held in-person services last year in defiance of the governor’s orders, Fairrington asked if Elder would ever use executive power to limit freedom of religion.

“Of course not,” Elder said to applause.

Newsom allies pay top dollar to hold the governor’s seat in deep blue California

He trumpeted other issues important to the conservative crowd, saying that he would never condemn people for “standing up for their own religious values” when refusing business to members of the LGBTQ community, that he doesn’t think sex education should be taught in schools and that he believes Roe vs. Wade should be overturned, returning governing of abortion to states. The audience at each service cheered.

“I think the whole congregation was like ecstatic to receive somebody in that’s such an opposition of what we have had these last four, eight, 10 years. It’s incredible,” said Monica D’Angelo, 62, a newcomer to the church who attended the 8 a.m. service. “We need to have a fresh start in this country and in this state especially.”

While Elder and Newsom were addressing congregations on Sunday, Kiley made his own appeal to church audiences in a string of campaign appearances at Godspeak Calvary Chapel Thousand Oaks, where Elder and Republican recall candidate Anthony Trimino previously campaigned. The church has a history of welcoming candidates to speak to parishioners, said pastor and former Thousand Oaks councilman Rob McCoy.

Kiley said campaigning in faith communities is a natural continuum of meeting with mosque, synagogue and church members in his district throughout his five-year tenure in the Assembly.

“Faith is something that is so fundamental to the lives of millions and millions of people in California. Churches are institutions that bring people together and also engage in service to the community,” Kiley said. “So if you’re going to run for office and say, ‘I’m not going to interact with the faith community,’ that’s worth writing a story about, if someone said that.”

Among the other leading candidates running in the recall election, Republican businessman John Cox has campaigned in various faith settings, his campaign manager Bryan Reed said. A representative for Kevin Paffrath said the Democratic candidate had not visited or planned to campaign with any religious groups, though he is willing and “supportive of all individual communities.” And in a campaign ad posted to her Twitter account in June, Republican recall candidate Caitlyn Jenner emphasized that, if she’s elected, “Together we’ll send a message to Sacramento that the power belongs to the people and we only worship God.”

But not all places of worship are eager to jump into the political arena.

Republican recall candidate and former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer planned to set up an appearance outside Christ First Covina church at an event last month. But about half an hour before Faulconer arrived, a church official told the organizers that Christ First could not host political events for fear of affecting its nonprofit status. The campaign moved next door to the sidewalk in front of Covina Public Library.

The Internal Revenue Service restricts certain political activities for 501(c)(3) nonprofits, including many faith organizations. To be considered a tax-exempt nonprofit, the IRS website states, an organization “may not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities and it may not participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates.”

This is what voters need to know about the Sept. 14 recall election.

Campaigning has a long history inside houses of worship, but aside from the occasional example, the IRS rarely intervenes when religious institutions are alleged to overstep the bounds.

“You kind of almost have to ask the question like, what are the things you can say that if they were recorded, and somehow the IRS engaged in an audit, and you took it to court, you are likely to lose,” UC Santa Barbara religious studies assistant professor Joseph Blankholm said. “That’s kind of how we have to put it. Because we’re really that far down on the likelihood of enforceability.”

When asked by The Times if he contemplated whether his visit might jeopardize a church’s nonprofit status, Kiley said, “I take it that that’s something they have considered.”

“I don’t really offer legal advice to anyone who offers me invitations to meet with them,” he added.

Recent research shows that politicking by congregations has increased in recent years, particularly among Black Protestant churchgoers. A majority of congregations in the U.S. engage in at least one politically related activity, including nonpartisan get-out-the-vote efforts and candidate endorsements, according to research by sociologists Kraig Beyerlein of the University of Notre Dame and Mark Chaves of Duke University citing the National Congregations Study.

“The touchstone is if you’re engaging in partisan political activity,” said UCLA law professor Jonathan Zasloff. “Usually a church or synagogue isn’t going to say — if there was a regular election — ‘Support Newsom’ or ‘Support the Republican.’ The recall is a bit of a gray area, because it’s not necessarily partisan. In fact, Newsom himself isn’t even listed as a Democrat. On the other hand, it’s pretty obvious what the partisan complexion is of this campaign, and many of the candidates have their own party affiliation listed.”

What you need to know about California’s Sept. 14 recall election targeting Gov. Gavin Newsom.

IKAR Jewish community in Los Angeles has ramped up its activism since pledging to be a 100% voting community more than five years ago. Volunteers started phone banking to other members, congregants were sent home with “Know your representative” cards and the synagogue advocated for ballot initiatives and legislation.

“Our synagogue was founded with a commitment to making doing justice a key pillar of what it means to us to be a faith community and to live Jewishly in the world,” said Brooke Wirtschafter, IKAR’s director of community organizing, later adding that IKAR is “careful and trying to make sure to stay within the boundaries of the law.”

Other faith leaders are happy to share whom they support.

After praying over a recent Elder rally in Costa Mesa, Father Brendan Hankins, a vicar at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Costa Mesa, told local blog Costa Mesa Brief: “We’re pro life. We believe in the defense of life, from conception until natural death. And we know that with Larry Elder, that we have that support and that hope, and hopefully that will change the state.”

Diocese of Orange spokesman Bradley Zint later explained that Hankins, a priest of the Norbertine Order, had given “an expression of his own preference and not an endorsement coming from the Diocese.”

In a video posted to his personal Instagram account, San Diego’s Awaken Church Pastor Jurgen Matthesius encouraged his 21,000 followers to vote Newsom out, explaining why he was voting for Elder.

“We’re waiting for the perfect man, we’re waiting for the perfect candidate. They are moral, they are upright, they walk on water, they can multiply five loaves and two fish,” he said on the video. “We have to dislodge wickedness, and we have to develop not a savior mentality, but we have to develop a long-game mentality.”

On Sunday, Fairrington introduced Elder with a Bible verse, Proverbs 29:2: “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”

“We’ve been groaning in the state of California for a while right now, because we have not been governed by a moral governor,” he told the church. “A Christian is involved in civics. A lot of people say, ‘separation of church and state.’ You don’t know your history. We have a responsibility to make our voices heard.”

He prompted his congregants: “You know what to do on Sept. 14. There’s two questions. No. 1, do you want to recall Gov. Newsom, yes or no. And the answer is?”

Before he finished the question, the crowd drowned out his voice with their raucous answer: “Yes!”

“You said it, I didn’t,” the pastor said. (Three weeks earlier, Fairrington told his congregation: “Do your job as Christians on Sept. 14 and vote yes on recalling an immoral governor!”)

Even if they don’t explicitly tell congregants how to vote, faith institutions can hold enormous sway with how leaders speak about political issues, Blankholm said.

“I think it’s important that we recognize how substantive is the difference between someone saying, ‘Vote for Gavin Newsom,’ or ‘Vote against the recall of Gavin Newsom,’ or ‘Vote for the recall of Gavin Newsom’ and someone saying everything but that,” Blankholm said. “We obviously live in an era of incredibly complex political speech.”

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President Trump is never going to find whatever magic fix he’s searching for in a new secretary of Homeland Security.

Kirstjen Nielsen, who resigned from the department Sunday after months of reports that the president was dissatisfied with her work, isn’t responsible for the chaos at the border. More than two years into his presidency, the blame is solely on Trump.

It’s Trump who promised to build a wall. It’s Trump who railed against the gang members, drug traffickers, and rapists taking advantage of lax border security to enter the country. It’s Trump who won a national election, against all odds, in large part for declaring that he could bring order to our jungle of an immigration system.

And it’s Trump who has squandered all of his political capital, plus two years of his party fully in control of Congress, on a lazy tax cut and an ill-fated attempt to repeal Obamacare. (And guess what he’s doing now? Still trying to repeal Obamacare!)

[Read more: Ann Coulter celebrates Kirstjen Nielsen’s resignation: ‘Hallelujah!’]

Average Americans are happy to have another $900 at the end of the year, thanks to the tax cut, but what difference does it make when their schools are being overrun by MS-13 gang members? What difference does it make when all of their country’s government resources aren’t going to making their lives better, but to the Guatemalans, Salvadorans, and Hondurans pouring across the border and now getting free healthcare and child services?

It’s true that nearly every action Trump has taken on immigration has been hamstrung by absurd court orders and a Democratic Party that supports a policy of open borders and zero deportations. But the excuse doesn’t work when you realize that Trump, rather than devoting every fiber of his being to halting the invasion he’s been warning about since 2015, instead chose to hand the keys of his presidency to Paul Ryan.

Fixing the border requires a wall, yes, but more pressing is the asylum law that’s turning our country into a waste dump for Central America’s problems. The only way to change that is through Congress, but Trump can only talk about “the wall,” “the wall,” “the wall.” It’s like banging your head against one.

He missed his little window (two years) to get it done when he and Republicans had a hold on Congress. Now it’s probably too late. It’s not Nielsen’s fault, and her successor won’t make any difference that she didn’t.

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Boeing announced Tuesday that deliveries and new orders for all of its 737 jets fell in the first quarter.

The plane maker has halted deliveries of the 737 Max, the latest model of the popular narrow-body jet, after faulty data feeding into the aircraft’s automated flight system was implicated in two fatal crashes that killed all 346 people aboard the flights. Boeing announced Friday that it’s cutting production by 20 percent as it tries to find a software fix to get the planes flying again. They’ve been grounded since the second crash in mid-March.

Deliveries of its 737s tumbled to 89 during the first three months of the year, a dip from 132 during the same period last year. Total orders for 737s, the majority of which were for the newer Max model, fell to 95 in the first quarter, a drop from 180 a year earlier. There were no new 737 Max orders in March.

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Carnota había nacido en el barrio porteño de Almagro el 30 de octubre de 1947 y comenzó a destacarse con su pasión por la música en la que, como autodidacta, llegó a componer, cantar y ejecutar junto a los principales artistas del medio. En 1968 fue integrante de Los Huanta Hua, luego del Cuarteto Sur y acompañó como músico a Adolfo Abalos, Susana Rinaldi, Enrique Llopis y Hamlet Lima Quintana, entre otros.

Luego, en la década del ’90 lideró el Cuarteto Carnota, mientras en forma paralela sus composiciones eran grabadas y llevadas por los principales escenarios del mundo por Mercedes Sosa, Angela Irene, Carlos Torres Vila, Chango Nieto, Ariel Ramírez, Jaime Torres, Suna Rocha y Los Chalchaleros.

Entre diversas distinciones obtuvo el Premio Konex de Platino y diploma al Mérito como Autor y Compositor de Folclore, ademas de ser nominada al Carlos Gardel. En su página web, era presentado como “artífice de la renovación musical e influencia permanente de las nuevas generaciones”.

Su último disco, se llamó Runa, que en quechua significa Hombre. En ese obra buscaba identificar al ser como unidad, origen y proyección, en la que completaba su trabajo de “coherencia y consecuencia” con múltiples géneros que iban de milonga y huella, a chacarera, huayno y vidala.

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The Chinese technology firm Huawei is facing a raft of U.S. federal charges, including racketeering conspiracy.

Mark Schiefelbein/AP

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Mark Schiefelbein/AP

The Chinese technology firm Huawei is facing a raft of U.S. federal charges, including racketeering conspiracy.

Mark Schiefelbein/AP

Federal prosecutors have added new charges against Chinese telecom giant Huawei, its U.S. subsidiaries, and its chief financial officer, including accusing it of racketeering and conspiracy to steal trade secrets from U.S.-based companies.

The company already faced a long list of criminal accusations in the case, which was first filed in August 2018, including bank fraud, wire fraud, and conspiracy to defraud the United States. Prosecutors filed the expanded indictment in federal court in Brooklyn on Thursday.

Huawei’s lawyers did not immediately respond to NPR’s request for comment. It has previously pleaded not guilty to all counts.

“The Trump administration has repeatedly made clear it has national security concerns about Huawei, including economic espionage,” NPR’s Ryan Lucas reported. Recently, Trump tried to convince the U.K. not to contract with Huawei to provide equipment to build a 5G network, but British leaders did so anyway.

Sens. Richard Burr, R-N.C., and Mark Warner, D-Va., said in a joint statement that the indictment “paints a damning portrait of an illegitimate organization that lacks any regard for the law.”

Huawei is also accused of doing business in countries subject to U.S. sanctions such as North Korea and Iran. Prosecutors accuse Huawei of helping Iran’s government “by installing surveillance equipment, including surveillance equipment used to monitor, identify and detain protesters during the anti-government demonstrations of 2009 in Tehran, Iran.”

They say that for decades, Huawei has worked to “misappropriate intellectual property, including from six U.S. technology companies, in an effort to grow and operate Huawei’s business.”

Huawei allegedly pushed its employees to bring in confidential information from competitors, even offering bonuses for the “most valuable stolen information,” according to the indictment.

The 56-page indictment is rife with examples of Huawei scheming to obtain trade secrets from U.S. companies. They also allegedly attempted to recruit employees from rival companies or would use proxies such as professors working at research institutions to access intellectual property.

For example, starting in 2000 the defendants allegedly took source code and user manuals for Internet routers from an unnamed northern California-based tech company, and incorporated it into its own routers. They then allegedly marketed those routers as a lower-cost version of the tech company’s devices. During a 2003 lawsuit, Huawei allegedly claimed that it had removed the source code from the routers and recalled them, but also erased the memories of the recalled devices and sent them to China so they could not be used as evidence.

In an incident that drew headlines last year, a Huawei employee in 2012 and 2013 allegedly repeatedly tried to steal technical information about a robot from an unnamed wireless network operator, eventually going as far as making off with the robot’s arm. The details match those in a separate federal lawsuit in Seattle where the company is accused of targeting T-Mobile.

A subsidiary of the firm also allegedly entered into a partnership in 2009 with a New York and California-based company working to improve cellular telephone reception. Despite a nondisclosure agreement, Huawei employees allegedly stole technology. The subsidiary eventually filed a patent that allegedly relied on the other company’s intellectual property.

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Although Falwell declined interview requests for this story, he has said repeatedly that he endorsed Trump because Trump was the strongest candidate, had significant experience running a business, and had the right vision for the country.

The connection between Trump and Falwell goes back years. In 2012, Trump gave the convocation at Liberty University. One link between Trump and the couple appears to have been Cohen, a now-disbarred New York lawyer who formed a close bond with the Falwells.

During the campaign, Cohen worked closely with Liberty University to help promote Trump’s candidacy. It was around that time that Cohen heard from the Falwells about the photographs, said the source familiar with Cohen’s thinking.

The Falwells told Cohen that someone had obtained photographs that were embarrassing to them, and was demanding money, the source said. Reuters was unable to determine who made the demand. The source said Cohen flew to Florida and soon met with an attorney for the person with the photographs. Cohen spoke with the attorney, telling the lawyer that his client was committing a crime, and that law enforcement authorities would be called if the demands didn’t stop, the source said.

The matter was soon resolved, the source said, and the lawyer told Cohen that all of the photographs were destroyed.

Months later, in early 2016, Trump faced what seemed like an enormous challenge. The Iowa caucus was coming up, and Cohen — then deeply loyal to Trump — was concerned about how Trump would fare, the source said. Cohen felt Trump “was being slaughtered in that community,” and “didn’t want to see him embarrassed or, you know, without support,” said the source familiar with Cohen’s thinking. Cohen repeatedly reached out to Jerry Falwell, and pleaded with him to back Trump, the source said.

Soon after, according to this account, Falwell made his historic announcement. “I am proud to offer my endorsement of Donald J. Trump for President of the United States,” Falwell was quoted saying in a statement issued by the Trump campaign. “He is a successful executive and entrepreneur, a wonderful father and a man who I believe can lead our country to greatness again.”

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Continúan manifestaciones de alumnos del politécnico

Por segundo día consecutivo estudiantes del politécnico salieron a las calles para protestar contra el reglamento interno aprobado el miércoles pasado…

Hay paros en 10 planteles de centros de estudios científicos y tecnológicos, así como en la unidad profesional interdisciplinaria de ingeniería y ciencias sociales y administrativas (UPIICSA) y la escuela superior de ingeniería y arquitectura del instituto politécnico nacional…

Por la tarde los estudiantes se reunirán en la escuela superior de arquitectura donde definirán las acciones a seguir y todo parece indicar que continuarán con el paro  y las protestas hasta que se derogue el reglamento…

El movimiento en el politécnico, no es estudiantil, sino externo, afirma la directora del instituto Yoloxóchitl Bustamante asegura que ya no hay motivos para protestar ya que se pospuso la entrada en vigor del reglamento…

Preparatorias del DF podrían reanudar clases el lunes

Las preparatorias del gobierno capitalino podrían reanudar clases el lunes…hoy se entregará una contrapropuesta a las autoridades educativas para lograr acuerdos, informó la secretaría general del sindicato, Mónica Ramírez.

8 militares son consignados por caso Tlatlaya

Un oficial, que trascendió es un coronel, y siete elementos de tropa que participaron en el enfrentamiento que dejó 22 presuntos delincuentes muertos en Tlatlaya, estado de México, el pasado 30 de junio, fueron puestos a disposición de un juez militar…

* La secretaría de la defensa nacional informó en un comunicado, que los militares están acusados de ‘delitos contra la disciplina militar’… Los ocho elementos se encuentran en la prisión del campo militar número uno…

* Diputados del pan y del partido verde advierten que la comisión especial legislativa para el caso Tlatlaya, llegará al fondo de lo sucedido…

* la detención de ocho militares implicados en el caso de tlataya pone al descubierto que ha sido una de las masacres más graves de los últimos años, afirmó el director de Human Rights Watch para las Américas, José Miguel Vivanco…


Mujer embarazada fallece por bala perdida en Reynosa

En Reynosa, Tamaulipas, una mujer embarazada murió por una bala perdida en los enfrentamientos que se produjeron anoche entre delincuentes y efectivos militares… también hubo bloqueos en avenidas del centro de esa ciudad fronteriza…


Reconfirmaran identidad de Gómez Michel

La Procuraduría General de la República, volverá a realizar pruebas de adn para confirmar que los restos encontrados en zacatecas pertenecen al diputado Gabriel Gómez Michel y su asistente, Heriberto Núñez Ramos, aseguró el diputado priista Manlio Fabio Beltrones….

* Alcalde de Tlaquepaque, Alfredo Barba, defendió la actuación de sus policías cuyo reporte fue de ‘sin novedad’, luego del llamado de auxilio de testigos que presenciaron el secuestro el lunes pasado de Gómez Michel…


Dictan auto de formal prisión a policías municipales en Michoacán

En Michoacán, un juez penal dictó auto de formal prisión contra cinco policías del municipio de Ciudad Hidalgo implicados en el asesinato de tres adolescentes…


Detiene a profesor por abuso a menores

En Hidalgo fue detenido Ariel Soto Martínez, un instructor de preescolar  en la comunidad de Cieneguillas, municipio del Cardonal, está acusado de violar a dos menores de edad…


Osorio Chong comparece ante el senado

El secretario de gobernación, Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, comparece ante el senado de la república con motivo de la glosa del segundo informe de gobierno… aseguró que para este gobierno, la política sólo sirve cuando da resultados…


Comisiones aprueban ley general de los derechos de los niños

Por unanimidad, comisiones del senado aprobaron en lo general, el dictamen que expide la ley general de los derechos de las niñas, niños y adolescentes, derivada de la primera iniciativa preferente que envió el presidente…

*Se hicieron casi medio centenar de reservas que se discutirán en el pleno en sesión extraordinaria el próximo lunes…


Hay un balance positivo en BCS: Claudia Ruiz Massieu

A 10 días del paso del huracán Odile, la secretaria de turismo, Claudia Ruiz Massieu, aseguró esta mañana en la primera por Adela, que hay balance positivo en la recuperación de Baja California Sur…

*En tanto, las reclamaciones a las aseguradoras hasta ahora por los daños ocasionados por el meteoro en baja california sur ascienden a 3 mil millones de pesos…

En las imágenes de los números y las finanzas.

Es viable un crecimiento económico de 2.7% para México en 2014 aseguró el secretario de economía, Ildefonso Guajardo al comparecer ante diputados como parte de la glosa del segundo informe de gobierno…

* La economía de estados unidos creció en el segundo trimestre del año a un ritmo anual del 4.6%…

* La bolsa mexicana de valores gana 0.06 por ciento… en estados unidos, el dow jones gana 0.54 por ciento y el Nasdaq aumenta 0.45 por ciento…

* El dólar se compra en 13 pesos con 15 centavos y se vende en 13 pesos con 75 centavos… el euro se adquiere en 16 pesos con 83 centavos y se ofrece en 17 pesos con 30 centavos…


En las imágenes internacionales.

Los talibanes retomaron sus acciones extremistas en Afganistán…la última operación realizada esta semana en Ghazni, dejó 80 muertos entre miembros de las fuerzas de seguridad afganas y civiles…12 de ellos fueron decapitados…

En Misuri, estados unidos, resurgen las manifestaciones por la muerte del joven de raza negra Michael Brown, a manos de un agente, luego de que el jefe de policía, Tom Jackson, pidió disculpas a la familia…

Pese a las protestas de activistas por el medio ambiente, hoy comenzó en japón la matanza anual de delfines…cada año los habitantes de taiji los acorralan en una playa donde son golpeados con barras de metal…

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Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson’s lone “no” vote against H.R. 1, the massive voting rights and election reform legislation, was no accident. 

Thompson, of Mississippi, joined with all Republicans late Wednesday to vote against the House Democrats’ top legislative priority, known as the For the People Act of 2021.

Thompson’s vote was surprising since he was a co-sponsor of the legislation along with the rest of the Democratic caucus. But Thompson said Thursday his constituents weren’t supportive of the election overhaul, so he stood with them rather than his colleagues. 


“My constituents opposed the redistricting portion of the bill as well as the section on public finances,” Thompson said in a statement to Fox News. “I always listen and vote in the interest of my constituents.”

The legislation requires states to establish independent redistricting commissions to carry out the once-a-decade redrawing of congressional districts in an effort to avoid partisan gerrymandering. The bill also establishes a new public financing system for congressional and presidential elections to incentivize small-dollar donations.


The legislation would create a 6:1 match for each grassroots contribution to a candidate up to $200. For example, a $200 donation to a House candidate would garner a $1,200 match in public funds for a total contribution of $1,400.

The public match program would be funded by a new 4.75% surcharge on criminal and civil penalties and settlements that corporations pay to the U.S. government. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated this week the new revenue stream would generate about $3.2 billion over 10 years.

Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss.

The election legislation passed by a vote of 220 to 210. No Republicans joined with Democrats in approving the sweeping voter rights reform that now heads to the Senate. 

Numbered H.R. 1 to signify it is the top priority of House Democrats, the legislation would also enact automatic voter registration, restore voting rights to felons after they have completed their sentences and expand early voting access and absentee voting.


It also prohibits voter roll purges and partisan gerrymandering of congressional districts, imposes new campaign finance rules, and requires presidential nominees to release 10 years of tax returns. 

H.R. 1 would also take aim at big-dollar donors and dark money in politics by requiring additional disclosure of campaign donors and disclaimers on political advertising.


The legislation now heads to the Senate where it has a tough road for passage as the chamber is split 50-50 between Democrats and Republicans. The legislation would require 60 votes to advance and needs GOP support. 

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Democratic lawmakers also were critical. Sen. Patty Murray (Wash.), the ranking Democrat on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, blasted Hahn for siding with Trump and “and putting politics ahead of science, data, and public health.” He “has failed his first major test,” she said.

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In the last year, Univision Noticias has gone through a process of digital transformation to shape its approach to online video, as a Spanish-language TV network whose aim is to “empower and inform the latino community in the United States”.

Selymar Colón, managing editor and senior director for digital at Univision, told attendees at the WAN-IFRA International Newsroom Summit in London today (23 November) that, considering its TV legacy, the broadcaster’s aim was to improve on how it produced and delivered video for online.

Between January and September 2016, Univision Noticias acquired more than 1.1 billion video views across its own website and social media platforms, and Colón said one of the biggest changes in its digital video strategy was to find the suitable pace and workflows before the newsroom started experimenting with formats.

Univision Noticias identified four ‘rhythms’ to approach online video, which she outlined as breaking news, social video, TV content and craft video – these help determine the team’s take on stories.

However, it is often the case that all four can apply to the same story, as it happened with the organisation’s video coverage of the Orlando nightclub shooting in June.

Univision Noticias started with a breaking news video on its website at 2am, showing survivors leaving the club. It then dipped into social video with a Facebook Live of news anchor Jorge Ramos on his way to Orlando, who gave viewers the latest updates before arriving at the scene, where the key moments were broadcast on TV for several hours.

The coverage was rounded off with ‘Orlando gets its pulse back’, a mini-documentary Univision published a month after the event, featuring interviews with three survivors of the massacre.

“Once you have identified the right workflow for your newsroom and you know what your story is, then you can pick the format.”

Colón highlighted five formats that Univision Noticias has been focusing on:

Interactive video

The organisation published ‘How a single piece of paper can change a family’s life’, an interactive video produced in partnership with creative production company Wondros.

Available in English and Spanish, the video showed what it’s like to live in the US both as a documented immigrant and an undocumented one, enabling viewers to choose which version of the story they wanted to watch.

“To do this, we shot exactly the same things with the same people for both versions, and the audience is the one who can choose what happens.

“It also means that you can probably get the same person to watch the same video three times, as at first they play around with it before exploring the two versions of the story.”

360-degree video

The US election gave Univision Noticias the occasion to produce 360-degree video, showing people the atmosphere inside the buildings where the presidential candidates were waiting for the results to come in and the reactions of Donald Trump aides and supporters when he won the vote in the state of Florida.


In May, Univision Noticias produced ‘From undocumented immigrant to Harvard graduate’, a four-minute video showing snippets from a particularly important week in the life of Norma Torres, a young woman who was about to graduate from Harvard University.

As her mother was living as an undocumented immigrant in Texas, Torres flew to Houston to pick her up before they drove the 2,000 miles back to Cambridge so that her mother could attend the graduation ceremony.


“This format sets us apart from the TV content we produce on a daily basis, and it also allows us to play a little bit with the story,” Colón said.

An example is an animated video Univision Noticias created as part of an investigation into the cruising industry, produced with the School of Journalism at Columbia University.

“In this particular case, we found a woman who had actually suffered abuse while working on a ship and she agreed to talk to us, but didn’t want to show her face, so we recorded the interview with her and decided to illustrate her testimony.”

Drone journalism

In March, Univision Noticias sent a team to Bolivia to report on how the drying up of Lake Poopó, the country’s second largest lake, was affecting the life of the community living in a village that used to be located on the lake’s shores.

The broadcaster partnered with a local organisation in Bolivia to film and produce ‘Fishermen in the desert’, a four-minute video centred around drone footage of the area.

Website publishing vs social distribution

The next step after finding the right formats is to find out if they should live on your own platform or on social media, explained Colón.

On its website, Univision Noticias has focused on developing “franchises”, which are special series, exclusive interviews and regular programmes, such as a weekly interview in which an immigration lawyer answers one question about related issues.

As part of its social distribution strategy, the organisation’s approach to videos published on its website is to share a link to the content on social platforms, before uploading them as native videos 24 hours later.

Univision Noticias publishes video on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat, tailoring its content according to the strengths of each platform.

“For me, social videos means we’re back to silent movies, as the majority of people on Facebook watch with the sound off and we’re competing with other elements in their newsfeed.”

For that reason, most of its videos on Facebook are “text-driven and feature illustrations”, while Facebook Live has worked both for “digital-first video and TV-style”, depending on the story.

“For huge events like the presidential debates or election night, we didn’t want to compete with TV on Facebook, so we connected the two and did some eight hours of programming on Facebook Live, gathering about 14 million video views in total.”

In 2017, Univision Noticias will focus more on a video format Colón called the ‘noon cast’, a newscast happening every day at 12pm in the newsroom, which is simultaneously broadcast on its website, Facebook Live and YouTube.

“On TV, this newscast would be 30 minutes with commercials, which is actually 22 minutes of programming.

“But for digital, you have to produce those 30 minutes because you can’t put in the same commercials, so in their place we will produce other types of content and it will be a different experience for each platform where people watch.”

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Elder dominated the ballot’s second question, receiving 46.9% of the question vote as of 9:10 a.m. Wednesday morning. The next closest candidates were Kevin Paffrath and Kevin Faulconer at 9.8% and 8.6%, respectively.

However, that big lead for Elder is a bit misleading. As of Wednesday morning totals, there were 9,137,428 total votes cast on question one (Shall Gavin Newsom be recalled?), and just 5,057,445 cast on question two.

That means that 4,079,983 voters — or a whopping 44.7% of the electorate — left question two blank (or wrote someone in).  It’s estimated that around two-thirds of ballots have been counted statewide, so that 44.7% figure will likely shift in the coming days.

When looking at question two results after factoring in the large number of people who left it blank, the “actual” results are as follows:

1. No one (blank) 44.7%
2. Larry Elder 26.0%
3. Kevin Paffrath 5.4%
4. Kevin Faulconer 4.8%

You can explore full results at the California Secretary of State’s website here.

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George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley slammed the media for widely dismissing the recent revelations of the unmasking requests of former national security advisor Michael Flynn.

In a column published on Sunday, Turley pointed out the “unsettling” details surrounding the declassified list of top Obama officials, including former Vice President Joe Biden, who had requested Flynn’s name to be revealed from his conversations with the Russian ambassador in the final weeks of the Obama administration, which followed the “chilling details” of released transcripts showing that the most prominent figures who pushed the Russian collusion narrative admitted to investigators that they never saw evidence that the Trump campaign worked with the Kremlin during the 2016 election.

“There is very little question that the response by the media to such a story would have been overwhelming if George Bush and his administration had targeted the Obama campaign figures with secret surveillance,” Turley wrote. “That story would have been encompassing if it was learned that there was no direct evidence to justify the investigation and that the underlying allegation of Russian collusion was ultimately found to lack a credible basis… But the motives of Obama administration officials are apparently not to be questioned.”


Turley, the constitutional scholar who is widely known for his congressional testimony opposing President Trump’s impeachment during the Ukraine scandal, pointed out how the media “universally mocked” Trump in 2016 for claiming that the Obama administration placed campaign officials under surveillance, saying “that statement was later proven to be true,” referencing the  Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants that were issued against Trump campaign officials like former advisor Carter Page.

“Yet none of this matters as the media remains fully invested in the original false allegations of collusion. If Obama administration officials were to be questioned now, the coverage and judgment of the media may be placed into question, as even this latest disclosure from the investigation of the unmasking request of Biden will not alter the media narrative,” Turley continued.

He then explained the significance of unmasking American citizens from surveillance of foreigners but noted that the “importance of this privacy protection is being dismissed by media figures,” citing MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell who suggested that anyone sounding the alarm on the Flynn revelations is “gaslighting.”

“The media portrayed both Obama and Biden as uninvolved. But now we know they both actively followed the investigation,” Turley wrote. “Yet none of this matters. A Democratic administration using a secret court to investigate the opposing political campaign does not matter to many in Congress or in the media anyway. An investigation continuing despite the lack of credible information supporting collusion does not matter to them either. A president and a vice president who take personal interest in the surveillance of their political opponents also does not matter.”


He argued, “There was a time, however, when all of this did matter. There was once a time when this would be viewed as the story of the century, including the unmasking of Biden himself in this investigation. But these are not those times, and this cannot be the story. Russian collusion is the story and, as Biden stressed, the rest is just a diversion. It is up to the public to decide who has been ultimately unmasked by the Flynn investigation.”

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  • Pero Policía de Jinotega niega participación de militares en hechos de Pantasma

Pobladores de El Portal dicen estar seguros de que el Ejército de Nicaragua estuvo implicado en la explosión de una mochila bomba que el martes pasado mató a dos presuntos integrantes de grupos armados en esa tranquila comunidad al oeste de la cabecera municipal de Santa María de Pantasma, en el departamento de Jinotega.

Oscar Gadea, alcalde liberal de Santa María de Pantasma, Jinotega, confirmó que a raíz de la detonación de la mochila-bomba hay gran presencia militar en el municipio.

“Hay muertos, hay heridos, hay gente detenida y por lo tanto yo hago un llamado a la reflexión y si hay personas que están detenidas injustamente que son civiles, yo creo que el Ejército o la Policía debe hacer sus investigaciones y dejar a esta gente en libertad que tal vez no tiene que ver”, dijo Gadea, quien expuso que “cuando se dan estas situaciones el ambiente se pone tenso”. Gadea manifestó que él no podía hablar demasiado porque el tema era “muy delicado”. El Partido Liberal Independiente (PLI) emitió un comunicado en el que manifiesta que los hechos en Pantasma reafirman que mientras el régimen orteguista no cumpla en todos sus términos con lo prometido en Esquipulas II en materia de democracia, respeto a los derechos humanos y elecciones libres y competitivas, se continuarán viviendo hechos sangrientos.

“No estamos en guerra para que se den hechos de esta naturaleza. Nada justifica el exterminio de compatriotas. Estas muertes reclaman una investigación inmediata y exhaustiva para alcanzar a los responsables y que este crimen no quede como otros, en la impunidad. Si existen grupos armados por razones políticas los ciudadanos debemos saberlo; si son hechos de delincuencia común, también. El Gobierno debe aclarar, no ser juez y ejecutor. La nación así lo exige y la Iglesia católica lo ha demandado con justa razón”, reza el comunicado.

Asimismo, consideran que después del estallido los supuestos militares del Ejército capturaron, ataron y torturaron al pequeño productor y brigadista de salud, Modesto Duarte Altamirano, de 62 años, a quien luego habrían “ejecutado” de dos disparos.

“A él (Duarte) lo agarran vivo, ahí está el madero donde lo tuvieron amarrado”, comentó Marlon José Rivera López, apuntando hacia un árbol de limón cercano al sitio donde explotó la mochila bomba; mientras Neftalí Duarte Peralta, hijo del productor, interrumpe indicando: “A mi papá lo culatearon toda la noche”.


Ellos coinciden con Beneranda Peralta Rodríguez, esposa del productor, quien apunta que el cadáver de su esposo tenía quebrados un brazo y una pierna, además de múltiples golpes en diferentes partes “y tenía estocadas como un cuchillo además de los tiros”.

El pequeño productor fue sepultado este jueves en el cementerio de la Quebrada del Hule en la vecina comunidad de El Corozal.

De acuerdo con la gente de El Portal, cerca de las 5:00 p.m. del martes dos hombres llegaron en una moto para entregar una mochila a cuatro presuntos integrantes de una agrupación alzada en armas contra el gobierno del presidente inconstitucional Daniel Ortega, quienes estaban en una loma cercana a la casa de Duarte.

A uno de los hombres que llevaba la mochila “le dicen ‘Café Negro’, es un negro, alto”, sostuvo Duarte Peralta, mientras que Rivera López explicó que “al explotar esa mochila, dos ‘comandos’ mueren instantáneamente, les decimos ‘comandos’ porque son Contras que no están con el Gobierno”.

La Policía de Jinotega mostró ayer armas, ropa y marihuana que supuestamente eran de los armados que murieron en el bombazo.


Presuntamente, el artefacto fue activado a través de un control remoto incorporado en la gorra que usaba uno de los hombres que llevó la mochila “y esa gorra tenía unos alambres como antenas y tenía un chip”, dice José Efraín Duarte, sobrino del productor asesinado.

Simultáneamente a la entrega de la mochila, soldados del Ejército incursionaron a la zona en vehículos tipo ambulancia. Tras el estallido, Duarte y su hijo, Jaider, así como su nieto Eliécer Duarte, estaban en la casa y subieron la loma al escuchar los gritos de hombres pidiendo auxilio. Los supuestos miembros del Ejército los atacaron a balazos, según dijeron a LA PRENSA los dos jóvenes sobrevivientes.

“Hubo el bombazo, trepamos y llegaron otros armados, eran militares y me pegaron un balazo a mí”, relató Jaider la tarde de este jueves cuando con custodia policial y esposado era llevado caminando del Hospital Victoria Motta hacia la unidad departamental de la Policía en Jinotega.

Él estuvo internado en ese centro asistencial donde además era presionado por policías que le insistían en que era parte de los armados que estaban en El Portal. El muchacho admite que uno de esos armados era su tío Nicolás Peralta, de quien dice “no sé si moriría o estará vivo”.

Los pobladores de El Portal hasta ahora desconocen la identidad de los insurgentes muertos porque los cuerpos en pedazos fueron levantados por la Policía. En el lugar creen que fallecieron dos, pero este jueves, a unos 250 metros del lugar de la explosión, fue encontrado un pie enredado entre matorrales cercanos a una plantación de frijoles. “Parece que serían tres muertos”, dijo un campesino tras el hallazgo.


Por su parte, la presidenta del Centro Nicaragüense de Derechos Humanos (Cenidh), Vilma Núñez, denunció que una versión preliminar de las indagaciones en el terreno realizadas por un equipo de ese organismo, apunta que “prácticamente a don Modesto Duarte lo ejecutan sumariamente fuerzas del Ejército”. El Cenidh ofrecerá hoy avances de esa investigación.

Núñez indicó que de acuerdo con las declaraciones proporcionadas por los familiares de Duarte, a este “lo captura el Ejército, lo amarra de un árbol y allí lo asesina”.

El vocero del Ejército, coronel Manuel Guevara, reiteró a LA PRENSA, la versión ofrecida el miércoles de que no mantienen fuerzas en esa zona.

Al consultarle sobre los señalamientos del Cenidh de acuerdo con sus investigaciones, el vocero castrense señaló: “Nosotros tuvimos conocimiento de que en esos sectores se dio ese hecho. Y que la Policía está siguiendo un proceso de investigación. Nosotros en ese sector no hemos tenido presencia de personal militar”.


Mientras tanto, el comisionado mayor Marvin Castro, jefe policial de Jinotega, negó la participación del Ejército en el bombazo y adjudicó la situación al enfrentamiento de dos grupos delictivos de la zona.

Afirmó que en El Portal se encontraron cuerpos cercenados de Modesto Duarte Altamirano y Víctor Manuel Cruz Lira, alias “El Sereno”, a quien Castro se refirió como el autor de varios delitos, y un tercero que hasta el momento no se ha logrado identificar.

“Al hacer el levantamiento de la escena del crimen se encontraron que dos de los cuerpos estaban vestidos de ropa pinta, como los que ocupa el Ejército de Nicaragua, tres fusiles AK, una escopeta, un fusil calibre 22, una pistola Macarov, 15 magazines de fusiles, tres equipos de arneses, tres mochilas, pantalones y camisas verde olivo”, explicó el comisionado mayor Castro y agregó que al revisar las mochilas se encontraron bolsas de marihuana, una de ellas pesaba 411.7 gramos, la segunda 363.7 gramos y la última 420.4 gramos.


Asimismo, el secretario ejecutivo de la Comisión Permanente de Derechos Humanos (CPDH), Marcos Carmona, calificó el hecho de “acto terrorista”, por lo que coincidió con Núñez en que la Policía debe profundizar en las investigaciones y poner a los responsables ante un juez.

Carmona señaló que “ya es hora que el Gobierno reconozca que aquí hay bandas armadas levantadas contra este Gobierno”.


Otras de las voces que se sumó al rechazo de lo que ocurrió en El Portal es monseñor Carlos Enrique Herrera, obispo de la Diócesis de Jinotega. “Asesinatos encubiertos deben investigarse y denunciarse. Ese fue un acto de terror. Es una barbaridad que aún siga sucediendo esto”, expresó vía telefónica monseñor Herrera, quien en meses anteriores había denunciado la presencia de grupos armados.

El guía espiritual manifestó que el acto de terror ha causado miedo y consternación en Jinotega; sin embargo, exhortó a la comunidad donde se dio el hecho a denunciar el mismo.

“En la zona hay mucha zozobra, es muy complicado y la verdad todo hace indicar que fue un crimen muy bien planificado”, añadió. Por otro lado, el guía espiritual refirió que llamará a los católicos a realizar jornadas de oración por la paz y la tolerancia.

(Colaboración de Sara Ruiz, Ilich Buitrago y Emiliano Chamorro).

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Here’s what you need to know to understand the impeachment of President Trump.

What’s happening now: Trump is now the third U.S. president to be impeached, after the House of Representatives adopted both articles of impeachment against him.

What happens next: Impeachment does not mean that the president has been removed from office. The Senate must hold a trial to make that determination. A trial is expected to take place in January. Here’s more on what happens next.

How we got here: A whistleblower complaint led Pelosi to announce the beginning of an official impeachment inquiry on Sept. 24. Closed-door hearings and subpoenaed documents related to the president’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky followed. After two weeks of public hearings in November, the House Intelligence Committee wrote a report that was sent to the House Judiciary Committee, which held its own hearings. Pelosi and House Democrats announced the articles of impeachment against Trump on Dec. 10. The Judiciary Committee approved two articles of impeachment against Trump: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

Stay informed: Read the latest reporting and analysis on impeachment here.

Listen: Follow The Post’s coverage with daily updates from across our podcasts.

Want to understand impeachment better? Sign up for the 5-Minute Fix to get a guide in your inbox every weekday. Have questions? Submit them here, and they may be answered in the newsletter.

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Juanfran podrá jugar este sábado frente al Barcelona el partido en el que el liderato de la Liga está en juego. Simeone podrá contar con el lateral derecho porque el Comité de Competición ha retirado la tarjeta que vio ante el Málaga. Por su parte, Javier Aguirre ha sido suspendido por cuatro partidos por insultar al colegiado Ignacio Iglesias Villanueva durante el encuentro disputado en El Sadar.

Juanfran fue amonestado en La Rosaleda tras hacer una falta a un rival, lo que le acarreaba la suspensión por un partido por acumulación de amonestaciones. El Atlético decidió presentar alegaciones ante el Comité de Competición y éstas han prosperado por lo que podrá estar el sábado en el trascendental encuentro del Vicente Calderón. En cambio, no ha prosperado la petición atlética por la tarjeta vista por Diego Costa, que ha sido confirmada.

Por otro lado, Competición acordó, en aplicación del artículo 94 del Código Disciplinario RFEF, imponer una sanción de cuatro partidos de suspensión a Aguirre. Ignacio Iglesias Villanueva, árbitro del Osasuna-Espanyol, reflejó en su acta del partido un insulto como motivo de la expulsión del técnico del Espanyol. El colegiado gallego indicó: “En el minuto 63 el técnico Aguirre Onaindia, Javier, fue expulsado por el siguiente motivo: dirigirse a mí, de pie en su área técnica a voz en grito, en los siguientes términos: Eso es amarilla hijo de puta”. El mexicano, cuyo equipo perdió por 1-0, había comentado en la conferencia de prensa posterior al encuentro que le habían expulsado por decir “chingada madre”.

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A gunman killed eight people and wounded several others before apparently taking his own life in a late-night attack at a FedEx facility near the Indianapolis airport, police said, in the latest in a spate of mass shootings in the United States after a relative lull during the pandemic.

Five people were hospitalized after the Thursday night shooting, according to police. One of them had critical injuries, police spokesperson Genae Cook said. Another two people were treated and released at the scene. FedEx said people who worked for the company were among the dead.

A witness said that he was working inside the building when he heard several gunshots in rapid succession.

“I see a man come out with a rifle in his hand and he starts firing and he starts yelling stuff that I could not understand,” Levi Miller told WTHR-TV. “What I ended up doing was ducking down to make sure he did not see me because I thought he would see me and he would shoot me.”

It was the latest in a recent string of mass shootings across the U.S. Last month, eight people were fatally shot at massage businesses across the Atlanta area, and 10 died in gunfire at a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado.

It was at least the third mass shooting this year in Indianapolis alone. Five people, including a pregnant woman, were shot and killed in January, and a man was accused of killing three adults and a child before abducting his daughter during at argument at a home in March.

Police have not identified the shooter or said whether he was an employee at the facility. They said “preliminary information from evidence at the scene” indicated that he died by suicide.

“We’re still trying to ascertain the exact reason and cause for this incident,” Cook said.

Craig McCartt, of the Indianapolis police, told NBC Today early Friday that officers still knew “very little.” Chris Bavender, a spokesperson for the FBI’s Indianapolis office, said that they are helping the police with the investigation.

Attorney General Merrick Garland was briefed on the shooting, and the White House said President Joe Biden would be. Biden’s advisors have been in touch with the city’s mayor and law enforcement officials.

Family members gathered at a nearby hotel to await word on loved ones — and some employees were bused there for tearful reunions. But other relatives said they still had no information about their loved ones hours later. Most employees aren’t allowed to carry cellphones inside the FedEx building, making contact with them difficult.

“When you see notifications on your phone, but you’re not getting a text back from your kid and you’re not getting information and you still don’t know where they are … what are you supposed to do?” said Mindy Carson, holding back tears. Her daughter, Jessica, works in the facility and she had not heard from her.

Police were called to reports of gunfire Thursday just after 11 p.m., and officers “came in contact with (an) active shooter incident,” Cook said. The gunman later killed himself.

“The officers responded, they came in and did their job. A lot of them are trying to face this, because this is a sight that no one should have to see,” Cook said.

Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett lamented that the city was “confronted with the horrific news of yet another mass shooting, an act of violence that senselessly claimed the lives of eight of our neighbors.”

“In times like this, words like justice and sorrow fall short in response for those senselessly taken,” Gov. Eric Holcomb said. He ordered flags to be flown at half-staff until April 20.

A man told WTTV that his niece was sitting in the driver’s seat of her car when the gunfire erupted, and she was wounded.

“She got shot on her left arm,” said Parminder Singh. “She’s fine, she’s in the hospital now.”

He said his niece did not know the shooter.

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