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President Trump told then-Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan during a trip to the southern border last Friday that he would pardon the government official if he was convicted of violating immigration laws as a result of enforcing the White House’s agenda, according to a report published Friday evening.

Trump made the promise to McAleenan during their trip to Calexico, Calif., on April 5 in the same conversation in which he told Customs and Border Protection to block Central American asylum-seekers from entering the country.

Trump said he “would pardon him if he ever went to jail for denying U.S. entry to migrants,” senior administration officials told CNN.

Two days after that conversation, Trump and then-Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen parted ways, and he announced McAleenan would be taking over the 240,000-person department as acting secretary.

It’s not clear if the comment was meant seriously and Customs and Border Protection did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

A homeland security spokesman told CNN, “At no time has the President indicated, asked, directed or pressured the Acting Secretary to do anything illegal. Nor would the Acting Secretary take actions that are not in accordance with our responsibility to enforce the law.”

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Las imágenes fueron difundidas anoche por Telemundo en su informativo central. En ellas se ve a la ginecóloga Milvana Salomone, desaparecida desde el 17 de mayo, cargar nafta en una estación de Florida. Mientras, se baja a comprar algunas cosas para comer y un refresco y luego se va. Todo en unos ocho minutos.

Las imágenes de la cámara de seguridad a las que accedió Canal 12 también muestran en la última toma un auto que arranca cuando la camioneta de Salomone abandona la estación de servicio. 

Anoche, familiares de Milvana Salomone se reunieron el lunes con el director nacional de Policía, Julio Guarteche, y el jefe de Policía de Montevideo, Mario Layera, para compartir información sobre el caso.

Al finalizar la reunión en la Jefatura de Policía, el abogado de la familia, Jorge Barrera, dijo a los medios de comunicación que la familia decidió dar a conocer una foto de la profesional y otra de la camioneta que conducía al momento de desaparecer “para ver si alguna persona puede aportar elementos sobre el paradero de ella o el trayecto” realizado.

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Barrera calificó la reunión con las máximas autoridades policiales como “importante y productiva donde se tocaron temas relativos a realizar una puesta al día de la investigación policial” y agregó que se buscó en conjunto aportar elementos que “puedan ayudar a arrojar luz” sobre lo ocurrido.

El Ministerio del Interior habilitó tres líneas telefónicas para quien tenga información sobre el caso: el 08002121, el 08005000 y el 911 para información de carácter urgente.

Milvana Salomone. Foto: Gentileza de la familia Salomone

Barrera explicó que se alcanzó un compromiso de “mantener la confidencialidad” sobre los temas tratados para no perturbar la investigación y para “poder salvaguardar la situación de Milvana”.

Un complejo caso que preocupa a las autoridades

La investigación sigue adelante, aunque no han surgido elementos que permitan una pronta resolución. “Es un caso complejo y lamentable”, afirmó el subsecretario del ministerio del Interior, Jorge Vázquez, en rueda de prensa.

La camioneta de la Dra. Milvana Salomone. Foto: gentileza familia Salomone.

La investigación sigue estancada y por el momento no han surgido elementos que permitan avanzar sobre el caso.

Salomone, según se desprende de la pericia que se le realizó al GPS de la camioneta Kia Sportage de color blanco, había llegado hasta la puerta de su casa en la calle Rafael Pastoriza para luego continuar el viaje. En Garibaldi y Bulevar Artigas se interrumpió, según datos a los que accedió El País en forma exclusiva.

Recién sobre las 21:15 se volvió a tener noticias de la camioneta, cuando vecinos de Arturo Recalde y Oliveras, en la zona de Sayago, denunciaron que el vehículo se estaba incendiando en plena calle.

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Melinda Gates reportedly began exploring options for divorce from Bill Gates almost two years ago, around the time the world’s fourth-richest man was revealed to have met many times with Jeffrey Epstein, the philanthropist and sex offender who killed himself in jail in 2019.

The Microsoft founder and his wife, two of the world’s most powerful and influential philanthropists, announced their divorce last week. They have not said why.

On Sunday, the Wall Street Journal cited “people familiar with the matter” and a former employee of the Gates Foundation who said Bill Gates’s dealings with Epstein were “one source of concern” for his wife.

In October 2019, the New York Times reported that Epstein cultivated the acquaintance of rich and powerful men including the former president Bill Clinton.

But it said few “compared in prestige and power to the [then] world’s second-richest person, a brilliant and intensely private luminary: Bill Gates. And unlike many others, Mr Gates started the relationship after Mr Epstein was convicted of sex crimes.”

In 2008, Epstein reached a deal with authorities and was sentenced to 13 months confinement for soliciting prostitution from underage girls. The conditions of the deal were a source of controversy 11 years later, when Epstein was charged with sex trafficking. Found dead in a New York jail, he was deemed to have killed himself.

Earlier this week, the Daily Beast reported that Melinda Gates warned her husband about associating with Epstein in 2013. The Wall Street Journal cited a former employee of the Gates Foundation who said relationships between the two men and other Gates employees continued after that warning.

The Journal said court documents showed that Melinda Gates spoke with legal advisers a number of times around publication of the New York Times story in 2019.

A spokesman for Bill Gates told the Journal he stood by a statement about Epstein given to the paper that year: “I met him. I didn’t have any business relationship or friendship with him.”

Bill and Melinda Gates announced their divorce on Twitter last week.

“After a great deal of thought and a lot of work on our relationship, we have made the decision to end our marriage,” they said. “We have raised three incredible children and built a foundation that works all over the world to enable all people to lead healthy, productive lives.”

The couple, who were married in 1994, have reportedly agreed to divide their assets. According to Forbes, Bill Gates is worth about $124bn. The couple have said they will give most of their money away.

Last week, Forbes said the fortune was being divided. Its headline: “Melinda French Gates Now A Billionaire After Stock Transfer From Bill Gates.”

Citing court documents, the Journal said that about two years before she filed for divorce, Melinda Gates said her marriage had been “irretrievably broken” for some time.

The paper said her legal team included Robert Stephan Cohen, a New York divorce lawyer who has represented Michael Bloomberg and Ivana Trump.

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Puigdemont ofreció una entrevista al corresponsal de la BBC Tom Burridge.

El presidente de la Generalitat de Cataluña, Carles Puigdemont, dijo a la BBC este martes que declararán la independencia de España “en cuestión de días”.

En su primera entrevista desde el controvertido referéndum del domingo pasado, Puigdemont aseguró que su gobierno”actuará a finales de esta semana o comienzos de la próxima”.

Vamos a declarar la independencia 48 horas después de que se hagan oficiales todos los resultados que se están escrutando. Probablemente esto va a acabar cuando haya los votos del exterior y por tanto nos movemos entre el fin de semana e inicios de la semana que viene”, señaló Puigdemont en una conversación con el corresponsal de la BBC Tom Burridge.

La máxima autoridad del gobierno catalán habló con la BBC momentos antes de que el rey Felipe VI hiciera una declaración institucional en la que acusó a las autoridades autonómicas catalanas de haber actuado con una “deslealtad inadmisible” hacia el Estado español.

Consultado acerca de qué haría si el gobierno de España, que preside Mariano Rajoy, interviene para tomar el control del gobierno catalán, afirmó que “sería un error que cambiaría todo”.

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Miles de personas salieron a manifestar en Cataluña este martes en contra de la actuación que los cuerpos policiales tuvieron el día del referéndum.

“Va a ser otro error de esta cadena de errores. Después de cada error hemos salido más reforzados. Hoy estamos más cerca de la independencia que hace un mes y no solo porque avanzamos en el calendario que teníamos fijado, sino porque a cada semana y a cada error hemos acumulado más fuerza social, más mayoría en Cataluña que no acepta esta situación”, dijo.

“La intervención de la autonomía, el arresto de los miembros del gobierno o mi arresto. Esto puede ser el error definitivo”, agregó.

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Puigdemont aseguró que Rajoy cometería un error si intenta tomar el control sobre el gobierno de Cataluña.

Puigdemont calificó como “muy decepcionante” la reacción de la Unión Europea a la actuación de las autoridades policiales españolas, señaladas de cometer excesos violentos en sus esfuerzos por evitar la realización de la consulta.

De igual modo, se mostró en desacuerdo con la declaración hecha el lunes pasado por la Comisión Europea asegurando que los sucesos en Cataluña son un asunto interno de España.

Puigdemont reveló que e la actualidad no hay contactos entre el gobierno de Rajoy y la Generalitat de Cataluña.


El referéndum sobre la independencia de Cataluña fue organizado por las autoridades autonómicas pese a que el Tribunal Constitucional de España lo había declarado ilegal.

El gobierno de Rajoy realizó un gran despliegue policial para evitar la consulta y durante esa jornada la actuación policial dejó un saldo de más de 800 heridos.

Miles de personas se concentraron en Barcelona en rechazo a la actuación policial durante el referéndum

Pese a ello, unos 2,3 millones de personas (cerca del 40% de la población con derecho al voto) participaron en la votación, según cifras de los organizadores, quienes aseguraron que 90% de los votantes respaldaron la propuesta de independizarse de España.

En protesta por la actuación policial del domingo, este martes se realizó un “paro general” en Cataluña, en cuyas principales ciudades se produjeron manifestaciones multitudinarias.

En Barcelona, más de 700.000 personas salieron a las calles, según cifras de la policía local citadas por AFP.

En la capital catalana hubo también más de 50 cortes de calles, lo que generó grandes atascos en el tráfico.

El metro trabajó a 25% de su capacidad en horas punta y grandes atracciones turísticas como el templo de la Sagrada Familia permanecieron cerradas.


Este martes, el rey de España, Felipe VI, fijó posición por primera vez desde el referéndum catalán del domingo.

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Felipe VI acusó de deslealtad a las autoridades catalanas que impulsaron el referéndum.

En una declaración institucional, el monarca criticó duramente a las autoridades regionales catalanas acusándolas de actuar con una “deslealtad inadmisible” y de haber “pretendido quebrar la unidad de España y la soberanía nacional”.

“Hoy la sociedad catalana está fracturada y enfrentada”, señaló y advirtió que, como consecuencia de este proceso, incluso se puede poner en riesgo la estabilidad económica y social de Cataluña y de toda España.

El jefe de Estado español consideró que la situación planteada es “de extrema gravedad”, por lo que “es responsabilidad de los legítimos poderes del Estado asegurar el orden constitucional y el normal funcionamiento de las instituciones, la vigencia del Estado de Derecho y el autogobierno de Cataluña, basado en la Constitución y en su Estatuto de Autonomía”.

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MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — The young woman killed in the mass shooting early Sunday morning at a St. Paul bar is being remembered as “bright, joyful and supportive.”

MORE: ‘Horrific’: Minnesota Officials React To Mass Shooting At St. Paul Bar

A person close to the victim has identified her as Marquisha Wiley, who was in her 20s. Wiley worked in animal care through Globe University, according to her LinkedIn page.

Marquisha Wiley (credit: CBS)

The shooting began just after midnight at the Seventh Street Truck Park, down the block from Xcel Energy Center. Fourteen other people were hurt in the shooting, and all are expected to survive.

WATCH: Full Police Press Conference On Shooting At St. Paul Bar

Police say three men are in custody, and are also being treated for injuries at local hospitals.

Anyone with information on this shooting is asked to call 651-266-5650.

MORE: ‘We Need Cops’: Republican Candidates For Governor Decry Defund The Police Movement After St. Paul Bar Shooting

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Aquí, un resumen de las noticias que más le interesaron a nuestros lectores hoy


Una periodista de Q’hubo cuenta su experiencia luego de caminar las calles del Centro Histórico y atraer la mirada y algunos piropos de los hombres que se topaba:

Si con cada mirada un hombre tocara o ‘tuviera en su poder’ a una mujer, mi cuerpo no habría soportado tantos accesos.

Leer noticia completa.


Las mujeres se agredieron mutuamente a las afueras de una discoteca en la avenida El Consulado.

El video fue colgado en la cuenta de Facebook Denuncias Ciudadanas Cartagena. La pelea transcurre sin que alguno de los presentes hiciera un esfuerzo por detenerla. El video tiene una duración de dos minutos y en él se aprecia que ninguno de los presentes intervino para separar a las jóvenes, ni tampoco  hubo presencia de la Policía.

Ver aquí el video. 


Entre diciembre y febrero, cinco personas han fallecido en esa carretera en accidentes de tránsito. El sábado ocurrió el más reciente hecho.

Las personas que perdieron la vida en esta carretera durante este tiempo fueron: José Carlos Cantillo Paredes,  Francisco Miguel Lozano Care, Lilibeth De Arco Fierro, Eusmildo Chávez Galvis y Edwin Samuel Barrera Batista.

Leer noticia completa.


El delantero colombiano fue expulsado durante el compromiso en el que River terminó con ocho jugadores, lo que provocó la ira de su compañero Gabriel Mercado.

El defensor argentino Gabriel Mercado fue quien recriminó al colombiano Teófilo Gutiérrez y al uruguayo Carlos Sánchez por haberse hecho expulsar en uno de los momentos más álgidos del partido.

“¡Son dos cagones! ¡Son dos cagones!”, gritó exaltado Mercado tras entrar corriendo al camerino señalando a los dos extranjeros de irresponsables.

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El incidente se registró en las playas de San Bernardo del Viento, Córdoba, hasta donde llegaron para celebrar el cumpleaños de la esposa de la víctima.

Jesús David Sánchez Benavides estaba más alegre que de costumbre. Había contratado un carro para que lo transportara desde el municipio de Buenavista, Córdoba, donde residía, hasta las playas de San Bernardo del Viento con el fin de celebrar de manera diferente el cumpleaños de su esposa, Arelis Polo.

Leer noticia completa.


Jak Trueman, un joven británico que padecía cáncer terminal falleció tranquilo este lunes luego que sus amigos y familiares hicieran realidad su deseo más preciado.

Él quería llevar a su novia a su fiesta de graduación, de modo que sus allegados más cercanos, con la ayuda de profesores y estudiantes, organizaron la celebración de manera adelantada a la fecha tradicional. Durante la fiesta, el joven tuvo otro deseo, el cual pudo cumplir gracias al altruismo de muchos que se sumaron a la causa.

Leer noticia completa.



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Michael Cohen’s public hearing began before the House Oversight Committee with a fiery exchange Wednesday morning when Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., demanded that his testimony be delayed.

At the outset, interrupting the chairman’s introduction, Meadows cited the timeliness of Cohen’s prepared remarks and evidence, arguing that it was received 24 hours in advance and therefore a violation of the committee rules.

Meadows said committee members received Cohen’s prepared testimony at 10:08 p.m. on Tuesday and evidence he provided to the committee at 7:54 a.m. Wednesday. The hearing began at 10 a.m.

“Now, if this was just an oversight, Mr. Chairman,” Meadows said to Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., “I could look beyond it. But it was an intentional effort by this witness and his advisers to once again show his disdain for this body. And with that, I move that we postpone this hearing.”

[Read: ‘Smeared’ as ‘a rat’: 7 key points in Michael Cohen’s testimony]

Cohen has pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about negotiations regarding a Trump Tower project in Moscow during the 2016 campaign and has been sentenced to three years in prison.

Meadows said news organizations had the testimony before members of the committee did.

Cummings responded that Democrats passed on the testimony to Republicans as soon as they got it. Meadows said he wasn’t blaming Democrats and faulted Cohen for the matter.

After demanding a voice vote to delay the hearing which did not go his way, Meadows appealed.

Twenty-four members of the committee voted in favor of moving forward with Cohen’s testimony. Seventeen lawmakers voted to postpone it.

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Threatening drastic action against Mexico, President Donald Trump declared he is likely to shut down America’s southern border next week unless Mexican authorities immediately halt all illegal immigration. The president, who also cut U.S. aid to three Central American nations whose citizens are fleeing north, emphasized “I am not kidding around” about closing the border, even though such a severe move could hit the economies of both countries.

“It could mean all trade” with Mexico, Trump said when questioned on Friday by reporters in Florida. “We will close it for a long time.”

Though Trump has previously threatened to close the border and has not followed through, his administration moved to cut direct aid to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. The State Department said in a statement that it will suspend 2017 and 2018 payments to the trio of nations that have been home to some of the migrant caravans that have marched through Mexico to the U.S. border.

Trump has been promising for more than two years to build a long, impenetrable wall along the border to stop illegal immigration, though Congress has been reluctant to provide the money he needs. In the meantime, he has repeatedly threatened to close the border, but this time, with a new surge of migrants heading north , he gave a definite timetable.

A substantial closure could have an especially heavy impact on cross-border communities from San Diego to South Texas, as well as supermarkets that sell Mexican produce, factories that rely on imported parts, and other businesses across the U.S.

The U.S. and Mexico trade about $1.7 billion in goods daily, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which said closing the border would be “an unmitigated economic debacle” that would threaten 5 million American jobs.

Trump tweeted Friday morning, “If Mexico doesn’t immediately stop ALL illegal immigration coming into the United States through our Southern Border, I will be CLOSING the Border, or large sections of the Border, next week.”

He didn’t qualify his threat with “or large sections,” stating: “There is a very good likelihood I’ll be closing the border next week, and that is just fine with me.”

He said several times that it would be “so easy” for Mexican authorities to stop immigrants passing through their country and trying to enter the U.S. illegally, “but they just take our money and ‘talk.'” The president, with support from conservative media, has made the large caravans symbols of the United States’ immigration problem.

A group of House Democrats visiting El Salvador denounced the administration’s decision to cut aid to the region.

“As we visit El Salvador evaluating the importance of U.S. assistance to Central America to address the root causes of family and child migration, we are extremely disappointed to learn that President Trump intends to cut off aid to the region,” said the statement from five lawmakers, including Rep. Eliot L. Engel of New York, who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee.. “The President’s approach is entirely counterproductive.”

Short of a widespread shutdown, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said the U.S. might close designated ports of entry to re-deploy staff to help process parents and children. Ports of entry are official crossing points that are used by residents and commercial vehicles. Many people who cross the border illegally ultimately request asylum under U.S. law, which does not require asylum seekers to enter at an official crossing.

“If we have to close ports to take care of all of the numbers who are coming, we will do that,” Nielsen said. “So it’s on the table, but what we’re doing is a very structured process based on operational needs.”

Trump’s latest declaration came after Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said his country was doing its part to fight migrant smuggling. Criminal networks charge thousands of dollars a person to move migrants through Mexico, increasingly in large groups toward remote sections of the border.

“We want to have a good relationship with the government of the United States,” Lopez Obrador said Friday. He added: “We are going to continue helping so that the migratory flow, those who pass through our country, do so according to the law, in an orderly way.”

Marcelo Ebrard, Mexico’s foreign relations secretary, tweeted that his country “doesn’t act based on threats” and is “the best neighbor” the U.S. could have.

Customs and Border Protection commissioner Kevin McAleenan said Wednesday that 750 border inspectors would be reassigned to deal with the growing number of migrant families.

In Florida, Trump was also asked about the two migrant children who died in U.S. custody in December. Is the administration equipped to handle sick children who are detained?

“I think that it has been very well stated that we have done a fantastic job,” he said, defending Border Patrol efforts to help the children.

Trump said that in one of the cases “the father gave the child no water for a long period of time,” although an autopsy released Friday made no mention of dehydration.

“It was a very tough situation and that trek up, that’s a long hard trek,” he said. “It’s a horrible situation. But Mexico could stop it.”

Democratic and Republican lawmakers have fought over Trump’s contention that there is a “crisis” at the border, particularly amid his push for a border wall. He claims a wall would solve immigration problems, though it wouldn’t keep out families who cross at official points so they can surrender and be detained.

The Department of Homeland Security wants the authority to detain families for longer and more quickly deport children from Central America who arrive at the border on their own. The department argues those policy changes would stop families from trying to enter the U.S.

Alejandra Mier y Teran, executive director of the Otay Mesa Chamber of Commerce in San Diego, said the mere threat of border closures sends the wrong message to businesses in Mexico and may eventually scare companies into turning to Asia for their supply chains.

“I think the impact would be absolutely devastating on so many fronts,” said Mier y Teran, whose members rely on the Otay Mesa crossing to bring televisions, medical devices and a wide range of products to the U.S. “In terms of a long-term effect, it’s basically shooting yourself in your foot. It’s sending out a message to other countries that, ‘Don’t come because our borders may not work at any time.’ That is extremely scary and dangerous.”


Merchant reported from Houston, Lucey from Washington. Associated Press writers Peter Orsi in Mexico City, Elliot Spagat in San Diego and Matthew Lee in Washington contributed to this report.

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Alison Carey, de 55 anos, irmã da cantora pop Mariah Carey (na imagem), foi detida na passada sexta-feira.


Alison foi detida numa operação montada pela polícia de Saugerties, no estado de Nova Iorque, nos Estados Unidos, e é suspeita de prostituição.

A polícia confirmou a detenção sem adiantar o nome do hotel, explica o Mercury News.

Um polícia à paisana fez-se passar por cliente, o que terá permitindo uma detenção em flagrante delito.

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Lawmakers in both parties are skeptical about President TrumpDonald John TrumpPatricia Arquette thanks Mueller at SAG Awards Worker fired from Trump golf course says Trump knew undocumented people were employed Trump rips into Fox News over shutdown, border wall coverage MORE’s chances of securing funding for his wall on the Mexican border after a 35-day partial government shutdown that bruised the White House’s political standing. 

The deal reached last week gives Trump and Congress until Feb. 15 to reach a new deal to prevent another partial shutdown, and the president is demanding new legislation again that would fund his signature campaign issue. 

Democrats seem unlikely to budget any money for a border wall, and even if they did, lawmakers say such a deal would likely require Trump to include significant immigration reforms, such as giving immigrants known as Dreamers a pathway to citizenship or permanent residency. 

That would be a tough nut to crack in only three weeks, and the concessions could also damage Trump with his base. 

Speaker Nancy PelosiNancy Patricia D’Alesandro PelosiTrump hits Ann Coulter over recent criticism: ‘Maybe I didn’t return her phone call or something’ DHS has ‘ongoing difficulties’ meeting hiring goals: report Santorum: Trump’s agreement to temporarily reopen government a ‘concession,’ but not a ‘cave’ MORE (D-Calif.) set the tone immediately after Trump agreed to reopen the government by declaring Friday that she will not change her stance on opposing money for a border wall, which she had previously called “immoral.”  

“Have I not been clear on a wall? I’ve been very clear on the wall,” she told reporters Friday when asked whether her position had changed at all because of the decision to reopen government agencies. 

Her staunch opposition to funding the wall leaves some lawmakers wondering whether the political dynamic has changed. 

“There’s a chance we’re in the same soup in three weeks,” Sen. Kevin CramerKevin John CramerGOP senators would support postponing State of the Union Dems blast EPA nominee at confirmation hearing Hopes fade for bipartisan bills in age of confrontation MORE (R-N.D.) acknowledged moments after Trump announced he would support funding the government for three weeks to give negotiators space to reach a deal. 

Senate Democratic Whip Dick DurbinRichard (Dick) Joseph DurbinNew Dem Rep. Omar: US shouldn’t ‘hand pick’ leaders in Venezuela or support ‘coup’ attempt Senate ethics panel won’t penalize Booker over confidential Kavanaugh documents Grassley to hold drug pricing hearing MORE (Ill.), who was named Friday to the Senate-House conference committee that will attempt to find a compromise over the next three weeks, has previously said we would only entertain supporting increased funding for border barriers if Republicans agree to a permanent solution for Dreamers facing deportation.

He rejected a proposal floated by Sen. Lindsey GrahamLindsey Olin GrahamGraham says Trump floated using military force in Venezuela House votes to reopen government, sending bill to Trump Shutdown ends without funding for Trump’s border wall MORE (R-S.C.) to give Dreamers — illegal immigrants who came to the country at a young age — only three years of protection from deportation in exchange for border-wall funding. 

Centrist Sen. Joe ManchinJoseph (Joe) ManchinRepublicans distance themselves from shutdown tactics Pelosi: Trump ‘pushing airspace to the breaking point’ with shutdown House Dems postpone unveiling border plan amid Senate talks MORE (D-W.Va.) on Sunday reiterated that Democrats want a path to citizenship for immigrants previously protected by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that Trump rescinded in 2017. 

“If the president or his hard-right wing would look at that in a little bit more [of] a compassionate way, I think it would break down the problems that we have with barriers,” Manchin said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

“Can’t those people deserve ten years — it’s a long pathway — a ten-year pathway? That would really help an awful lot in moving forward,” he added, referring to a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers. 

But Senate Republican Whip John ThuneJohn Randolph ThuneDems strengthen hand in shutdown fight Overnight Defense: Officials expect to pull out of arms treaty with Russia | Senate rejects two spending measures on Day 34 of shutdown | CBO puts cost of US nuke arsenal at 4B over next decade Pelosi rejects Trump’s wall ‘down payment’ proposal MORE (S.D.) warns that trying to reach a broader immigration deal will likely take longer than the three weeks before Trump’s next deadline. 

“If you make it a bigger deal, it’s obviously going to take a lot longer to get done,” he said.  

Asked about permanent legal status for Dreamers, Thune said “that’s a longer-term conversation with regard to immigration.” 

Thune said Republicans would be more likely to agree to “a near-term solution on DACA and TPS,” referring to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and Temporary Protected Status designations that Trump has rescinded since taking office, in exchange for border wall funding. 

Sen. Marco RubioMarco Antonio RubioVenezuela’s opposition leader says he’s in talks with military officials to oust Maduro Stone indictment isolates Trump confidant Republicans distance themselves from shutdown tactics MORE (R-Fla.), a member of the Gang of Eight that negotiated comprehensive immigration legislation in 2013, warned Sunday that the broader a new immigration proposal grows, the tougher it will be to pass. 

“The more stuff you put in the bill, the more reasons someone can find to be against it,” he said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”  

Under the agreement reached with Trump Friday, congressional leaders will set up a special Senate-House conference committee to negotiate a deal on border security they hope would pave the way for passage of all seven appropriations bills to fund about 25 percent of government. 

Trump warned in the Rose Garden Friday that he could declare a national emergency to build the wall and bypass Congress altogether if lawmakers fail to produce a result by Feb. 15. 

But Republican lawmakers say that would likely get blocked by the courts, limiting the effectiveness of Trump’s leverage. 

“You’re at the mercy of a district court somewhere and ultimately an appellate court. So it really may not even withstand if you look at some of the other rulings we’ve seen,” Rubio said on “Meet the Press.” 

GOP lawmakers are also concerned about setting a new precedent that weakens Congress’s power of the purse. 

Members of the new Senate-House conference committee say that Pelosi along with the other top leaders — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnellPelosi and Ocasio-Cortez: The yin and yang of Democratic politics The Memo: Trump concedes defeat on shutdown On The Money: Trump agrees to end shutdown without wall funding | Senate quickly clears short-term funding measure | House to vote tonight | Federal workers could get back pay within days | Dems take victory lap MORE (R-Ky.), Senate Democratic Leader Charles SchumerCharles (Chuck) Ellis Schumer‘Fox & Friends’ host to Trump aide: Who are these ‘unicorn’ Dems who will suddenly work on a wall? Trump catches flak from conservatives over shutdown deal Lou Dobbs slams Trump’s move to end shutdown: ‘Illegal immigrants are surely pleased’ MORE (N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthyKevin Owen McCarthyRepublicans distance themselves from shutdown tactics McCarthy: Trump is ‘only one who has been reasonable’ in shutdown negotiations The Hill’s 12:30 Report — Stone indicted in Mueller probe | Says he’s not guilty | Day 35 of shutdown | FAA briefly halts flights into LaGuardia MORE (R-Calif.) — will have a big influence on the discussions. 

“Leadership always plays a role, even if you’re in a non-controversial conference committee. I think that’s to be expected,” said Sen. Shelley Moore CapitoShelley Wellons Moore CapitoTrump doubtful over border deal, says another shutdown ‘certainly an option’ Overnight Energy: Wheeler weathers climate criticism at confirmation hearing | Dems want Interior to stop drilling work during shutdown | 2018 was hottest year for oceans Dems blast EPA nominee at confirmation hearing MORE (R-W.Va.), whom McConnell appointed to the conference committee Friday. 

Capito said the point of creating a conference committee is to return to “regular order” in an attempt to take some of the political charge off the negotiations. 

The standoff between Trump and Pelosi over the border wall became so acrimonious that it appeared like a personal grudge match at times. When Pelosi tried to pressure Trump to reopen by canceling his invitation to deliver the State of the Union address, he answered by cancelling military transportation for her planned congressional delegation trip to Brussels, Egypt and Afghanistan. 

Capito, the chairwoman of the Senate Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, negotiated a bill with Sen. Jon TesterJonathan (Jon) TesterCentrist efforts to convince Trump to end shutdown falter Dems offer measure to raise minimum wage to per hour Some Senate Dems see Ocasio-Cortez as weak spokeswoman for party MORE (Mont.), the top Democrat on the subpanel, that allocated $1.6 billion for border fencing, an increase over what Congress appropriated for fiscal year 2018. All but five Democrats on the entire Appropriations Committee voted to approve the measure in June.

In addition to Durbin and Capito, Tester and Sens. Richard ShelbyRichard Craig ShelbyGOP dismisses polls showing losing battle on shutdown Momentum for earmarks grows with Dem majority The Hill’s Morning Report — Trump’s new immigration plan faces uphill battle in Senate MORE (R-Ala.), John HoevenJohn Henry HoevenDems struggling to help low-wage contractors harmed by shutdown Trump to address nation on wall Here are the lawmakers who will forfeit their salaries during the shutdown MORE (R-N.D.), Roy BluntRoy Dean BluntRepublicans distance themselves from shutdown tactics GOP senator ‘reasonably optimistic’ border security negotiations will be successful The Hill’s Morning Report — McConnell tells Pence shutdown must end MORE (R-Mo.) and Pat Leahy (D-Vt.) have been named as the Senate representatives to the upcoming conference negotiation. 

McConnell, who named the conferees Friday afternoon, picked four of his most pragmatic colleagues, a sign that he wants to get a deal. 

The GOP leader since November has tried to keep his fellow Republicans realistic about the chances of getting money for a border wall, warning shortly after the election that there would have to be “some kind of bipartisan discussion.”  

There have been some signs of the two parties coming closer together in the past week. 

House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) on Wednesday said Democrats could support granting $5.7 billion for border security as long as none of it was used to build a physical wall. 

Instead, he said Democrats would prefer a “smart wall,” referring to the use of drones and other advanced technology along the border and at points of entry. 

Separately, Democrats last week offered $1.5 billion for border security measures on a bill to reopen the government. 

This has fueled some optimism that negotiators may defy the odds and reach a deal on an intractable issue that has eluded compromise during Trump’s two years in office. 

“I’m reasonably optimistic,” Blunt, a member of the conference, said on “Fox News Sunday.” 

“I think everybody’s stepped out into the new world we’re in — Republican Senate, Democratic House, new Speaker, Republican president,” he added. “The initial touching of the gloves was not producing the kind of result that we need to produce here.”

Trump, however, told The Wall Street Journal on Sunday that he is doubtful Congress can come to a deal over border wall funding, adding that another government shutdown is “certainly an option.”

–This report was updated at 7:36 a.m.


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Se desarrolló el 13° Concurso de Peluquerías Afro ‘Tejiendo Esperanzas’ en Cali, Valle del Cauca. Foto: AFP

Durante el encuentro mujeres afrocolombianas muestran su talento con el cabello. Foto: AFP

El concurso busca resucitar las costumbres, identidad y cultura africanas en Colombia. Foto: AFP

Se reunieron mujeres de todas las regiones del país para compartir experiencias sobre la importancia de la estética afro. Foto: AFP

Este concurso es organizado por la Asociación de Mujeres Afrocolombianas AMAFROCOL, el Programa de Inclusión para la Paz de USAID y OIM, entre otras organizaciones. Foto: AFP

Durante el concurso se realizan varios talleres como el ‘Concurso de Peinadoras Afro’, talleres de turbantes, maquillaje, danza africana, pasarelas y gastronomía. Foto: AFP

Además se buscan espacios para la promoción empresarial de la mujer afrocolombiana. Foto: AFP

‘Tejiendo Esperanzas’ lleva alrededor de 20 años luchando contra el racismo y la discriminación de la población negra de Colombia. Foto: AFP

El evento se desarrolla durante dos días en el mes de julio. Foto: AFP

El concurso no tiene restricción de edad, por lo que niñas y personas de la tercera edad también pueden participar. Foto: AFP

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“Hemos tomado muchas medidas, hemos sincerado muchas cosas. Y no me canso de decir que me dolieron muchas de las decisiones que debimos tomar. Pero hoy estamos viendo que las buenas noticias comienzan a llegar“, señaló el presidente Mauricio Macri al participar de la inauguración de una nueva planta de fertilizantes en Pergamino, en el norte bonaerense. 

Junto a la gobernadora María Eugenia Vidal y varios de sus ministros, este mediodía Macri participó de un acto en el parque industrial de Pergamino, donde se inauguraron nuevas instalaciones construidas luego de un acuerdo entre la empresa local Rizobacter y el grupo francés De Sangosse. En total se invirtieron 30 millones de dólares que permitirán producir unas 30.000 toneladas de fertilizantes al año y generarán 100 nuevos empleos en esa región agrícola.

En su discurso, el presidente consideró que con inversiones como estael país “ya ha comenzado a recorrer el camino hacia la pobreza cero”. Y ensalzó que “lo más importante es que ya empezamos, que los argentinos nos decidimos por un cambio”.

Leé también: Oficializan la fórmula para calcular las nuevas jubilaciones

De todos modos, el presidente aclaró que uno de los principales desafíos de su gestión no es solo producir y vender más granos y materias primas, sino agregar valor a los productos del agro, para así “transformarnos del granero del mundo al supermercado del mundo”. En ese sentido, Macri evaluó que la exportación de alimentos industrializados permitirá generar mayor empleo y arraigo de la gente en sus localidades.

En diálogo previo con la agencia estatalTélam, Ricardo Yapur, el presidente de Rizobacter, explicó que “la inversión se pensó mucho, hace tiempo que veníamos trabajando con los franceses” para crear una nueva empresa llamadaSynertech Industrias.

Leé también: Créditos hipotecarios del Nación en pesos, a 20 años y al 14% anual

“Fue muy difícil convencer a los franceses de hacer esta inversión cuando los último tres años por cada euro que traían el Estado les pagaba una cosa y en la calle ese euro salía mucho más. Sin embargo, la confianza y el trabajo lo permitieron, pese a los conflictos que ahora se arreglaron”, recordó el directivo. 

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Washington — President Trump has filed suit against Deutsche Bank and Capital One in an attempt to block congressional subpoenas for his business records.

The lawsuit by the president, sons Donald Jr. and Eric and daughter Ivanka, was filed Monday in federal court in Manhattan. The Trump Organization and the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust are among other plaintiffs.

Two House committees subpoenaed Deutsche Bank and several other financial institutions earlier this month as part of investigations into Mr. Trump’s finances.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said at the time that the subpoenas were part of an investigation “into allegations of potential foreign influence on the U.S. political process.” He has said he wants to know whether Russians used laundered money for transactions with the Trump Organization. Mr. Trump’s businesses have benefited from Russian investment over the years.

The Trumps want a federal judge to declare the subpoenas unlawful and enforceable. The suit seeks to block the financial institutions from disclosing information and complying with the subpoenas.

The suit is the latest in a series of efforts by the White House to oppose congressional oversight of matters related to Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. 

The suit asserts that the “case involves congressional subpoenas that have no legitimate or lawful purpose. The subpoenas were issued to harass President Donald J. Trump, to rummage through every aspect of his personal finances, his businesses and the private information of the president and his family, and to ferret about for any material that might be used to cause him political damage. No grounds exist to establish any purpose other than a political one.” 

Deutsche Bank, a German asset management firm, has lent Trump’s real estate organization millions of dollars over time. In a statement, it said, “We remain committed to providing appropriate information to all authorized investigations and will abide by a court order regarding such investigations.”

Capital One didn’t have any immediate comment.

Schiff issued a joint statement with Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., who chairs the House Financial Services Committee. They said, “The meritless lawsuit filed today by President Trump to block duly authorized subpoenas to non-governmental entities is another demonstration of the depths to which President Trump will go to obstruct Congress’s constitutional oversight authority. As a private businessman, Trump routinely used his well-known litigiousness and the threat of lawsuits to intimidate others, but he will find that Congress will not be deterred from carrying out its constitutional responsibilities. 

“This lawsuit is not designed to succeed; it is only designed to put off meaningful accountability as long as possible. Trump has already said publicly that he is fighting all of the subpoenas from Congress, and that he does not respect Congress’ role as a coequal branch of government. This unprecedented stonewalling will not work, and the American people deserve better.”

When the subpoenas were issued April 15, Eric Trump, executive vice president of The Trump Organization, called the subpoenas “an unprecedented abuse of power and simply the latest attempt by House Democrats to attack the President and our family for political gain.”

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SAN ANTONIO – With COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations steadily rising, San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg pleaded with unvaccinated residents who are most susceptible to serious illness or death when they are infected with the virus.

“Forget the disinformation that you hear out there,” Nirenberg said during a countywide briefing on Friday. “You are at great risk of severe illness.”

Officials are seeing a concerning increase in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in Bexar County. Five weeks ago, the average number of coronavirus hospitalizations stood at 123. As of Friday, 418 people are now hospitalized due to COVID-19, Nirenberg said.

Infections have been rising due to the spread of the delta variant, a strain of COVID-19 that has proved to be deadlier and more transmissible.

Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff said that up to 97% of the patients battling the virus in the hospital are unvaccinated.

“For those that chose not to get vaccinated, I would hope that (the hospitalizations) would send a clear message to everybody,” Wolff said. “You better go get your vaccination. It’s a little late to ask for the vaccination when you’re fixing to go on a ventilator.”

Along with the rise in hospitalizations, the community has seen a rising positivity rate, the percentage of weekly COVID-19 tests that come back positive for the virus. The county’s positivity rate hit 13.5% as of Monday. A month ago, it was 3.8%.

WATCH: COVID-19 Nightbeat update:

COVID-19 positivity rate rises to 13.5%, 418 hospitalized

Though roughly 12% of current infections involve vaccinated people, health officials said less than 1% of vaccinated residents in Bexar County have been infected with COVID-19.

“Yes, we [vaccinated people] may get COVID,” Wolff said about the potential of breakthrough infections. “But we’re not going to end up sick and in the hospital.”

Nirenberg said he and Wolff will receive briefings twice weekly about COVID-19 conditions, with updates going to the public on the Bexar County’s progress curbing the virus.

COVID-19 conditions are not only worsening in San Antonio, but across the state of Texas, where the positivity rate hit 10.2% for the first time since February.

Medical experts say COVID-19 vaccines are still the best way to reduce the likelihood of infection and prevent severe illness or hospitalization.

In San Antonio, roughly 65% of adults are fully vaccinated, but statewide, that number drops to roughly 51%, according to the latest state data.

The Texas Department of State Health Services said the variant is “having a significant effect on unvaccinated people leading to increases in new cases and hospitalizations.”

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LONDON — Britain’s opposition Labour Party said on Monday that it was prepared to support a second referendum on withdrawal from the European Union, a shift that could have significant ramifications for the fate of Brexit and for the country’s future.

After the resignations of nine Labour Party members last week, and amid the prospect of more, the party’s leader, Jeremy Corbyn, dropped his longstanding resistance to a second vote on leaving the bloc.

Getting an amendment for a new vote through Parliament any time soon is unlikely, but Mr. Corbyn’s support for one will cheer pro-European Britons, who have been fighting to reverse the outcome of the 2016 referendum decision. Without the support of Labour, there is no chance of a second referendum ever being authorized by lawmakers.

[Read more on austerity and the UK’s budget squeeze.]

Though lacking in detail, Labour’s announcement suggested that, under pressure from many of his own lawmakers and party members, Mr. Corbyn, who is a lifelong critic of the European Union, will ultimately fall into line with those who support a so-called people’s vote.

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GOP strategist Kimberly Klacik on Saturday accused Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., of hypocrisy over his apparent concern for conditions at the U.S.-Mexico border over those of his own district.

Appearing on “Fox & Friends” Saturday morning, Klacik discussed her recent visit to Cummings’ district, which she described as “the most dangerous district in America.”

FILE: House Oversight and Reform Committee Chair Elijah Cummings, D-Md., leads a meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington. 

“So, I went into the district to basically ask people if they were scared of Trump,” Klacik said, referring to Cummings’ comments last week on a talk show that his constituents were fearful of the president.

“And as I go in and I start talking to people, I realized just what the living conditions are, for not just for the residents but even the children there and what they’ve been playing around,” Klacik said. “There’s abandoned rowhomes filled with trash, homeless addicts, empty needles that they have used, and it’s really right next door. So, it’s attracting rodents, cockroaches, you name it.”


Earlier this month, Cummings confronted acting Homeland Security chief Kevin McAleenan after he claimed the department was doing its “level best” to address the humanitarian crisis at the border.

“What does that mean? What does that mean when a child is sitting in their own feces, can’t take a shower? Come on man,” Cummings yelled. “What’s that about? None of us would have our children in that position. They are human beings.”


Klacik called Cummings’ concern for the border situation “laughable,” noting that “a lot of people said he hasn’t even been [to his own district] in a while.”

“I didn’t find anyone that said they were afraid of Trump,” Klacik said. “But I did find out that there are many people that are actually on board with Trump’s immigration policies. So, I don’t know who he was talking to in his district, but it wasn’t the people I spoke to.”


Trump on Saturday branded Cummings a “brutal bully” for his treatment of border officials, and described his district as “far worse and more dangerous” than the southern border.

“Rep, Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border, when actually his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous,” Trump tweeted.

Fox News’ Adam Shaw contributed to this report.

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Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (CNN)A man and woman missing for two weeks likely died after a car accident in the Dominican Republic, authorities said. Although their bodies were found within days of the accident, family and friends are only now learning what happened to them.

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