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Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a progressive Democrat from New York, argued that Democrats now have “two options” if they want to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour—either disregard the Senate parliamentarian’s ruling or end the legislative filibuster.

The Senate’s parliamentarian ruled last week that the minimum wage hike would not be eligible to pass through the complicated budget reconciliation process. Democrats have turned to that process to push through President Joe Biden‘s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. Legislation passed through budget reconciliation requires only a simple majority to pass in the Senate, instead of the 60 votes generally required because of the legislative filibuster rule, and would not necessarily require any Republican support, given the upper chamber’s current makeup.

Progressive Democrats have strongly criticized the parliamentarian’s decision, with some calling for the decision to be overridden or for the parliamentarian to be fired. Ocasio-Cortez said during a Sunday evening interview with MSNBC that voters are counting on Democrats to pass the wage increase, arguing that bold action is necessary to push it through.

“I do believe we should override the parliamentarian. I think that this is a matter of course and that constituents and people across this country put Democrats in power to, among many other things, establish a $15 minimum wage. We have a responsibility to do that,” she said.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez walks to the House floor on February 4.

Ocasio-Cortez said that Democrats should not view the parliamentarian’s decision as an obstacle. “Our two options are realistically this: override the parliamentarian or eliminate the filibuster. Those are the only two paths that we have in order to create substantive change in the United States, and that is what people across the country want,” the congresswoman said.

The White House has already signaled that it does not want to disregard the parliamentarian’s decision.

“President Biden is disappointed in this outcome, as he proposed having the $15 minimum wage as part of the American Rescue Plan,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement last Thursday. “He respects the parliamentarian’s decision and the Senate’s process. He will work with leaders in Congress to determine the best path forward, because no one in this country should work full time and live in poverty.”

Biden has previously expressed opposition to ending the filibuster, as have some moderate Democrats. Newsweek reached out to the White House for further comment but did not immediately receive a response.

A group progressive Democrats—led by Congressional Progressive Caucus Deputy Whip Ro Khanna—issued a statement on Monday morning urging the Biden administration to override the parliamentarian’s decision. Ocasio-Cortez signed on to the effort, which was backed by 23 members of the Progressive Caucus.

“This ruling is a bridge too far,” Khanna said in a statement. “[Progressives have] been asked, politely but firmly, to compromise on nearly all of our principles and goals. Not this time. If we don’t overrule the Senate parliamentarian, we are condoning poverty wages for millions of Americans. That’s why I’m leading my colleagues in urging the Biden Administration to lean on the clear precedent and overrule this misguided decision. Give America a raise.”

In a Sunday tweet, Representative Pramila Jayapal, chair of the Progressive Caucus, vowed that “the fight for a $15 minimum wage isn’t over.”

The congresswoman wrote: “People can’t live on $7.25/hour—and we can’t leave them hanging. I won’t stop fighting to give 27 million workers a raise and finally lift people out of poverty.”

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Auto loans hit record high, sending borrowers to the used market

People buying a new vehicle continue pushing the envelope, borrowing more and, on average, paying more each month for their auto loan.

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A familiar story line played out Monday night for Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), who condemned one of President Trump’s most trusted advisers only to end up being accused of anti-Semitism.

“Stephen Miller is a white nationalist,” she tweeted on Monday afternoon. “The fact that he still has influence on policy and political appointments is an outrage.” But because Miller, Trump’s senior policy adviser, is Jewish, Omar’s fervent detractors on the right saw her comments not as incendiary criticism of Miller’s hard-line immigration policies but instead as part of a pattern of targeting Jews.

“During my time in Congress before @IlhanOmar got here, I didn’t once witness another Member target Jewish people like this with the name calling & other personal attacks,” Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.), perhaps Omar’s most relentless critic, wrote on Twitter. “In 2019 though, for @IlhanOmar, this is just called Monday.”

The latest spat comes just days after a New York man was arrested on charges of threatening Omar by pledging to “put a bullet in her [expletive] skull,” rhetoric that the freshman congresswoman’s supporters say has been emboldened by the heated accusations of Jewish bias coupled with Islamophobia. Omar, a Somali refugee, is Muslim.

Claims of anti-Semitism have vexed Omar since she took office this year, after she suggested that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), an influential Jewish lobbying group, wielded power over members of Congress through money. But to Omar’s backers, the ubiquitous attacks from the right since then have amounted to a politically expedient smear campaign that trivializes the meaning of true anti-Semitism. To others, it’s part of a greater effort to silence women of color in Congress, fueling vitriolic attacks and death threats.

Omar’s remarks Monday were spurred by reports that Miller’s desire for tougher candidates to lead Immigration and Customs Enforcement contributed to Trump’s decision to withdraw the nomination of Ronald Vitiello. Miller has been the architect behind numerous hard-line immigration policies, such as family separation, and has advocated for closing the entire U.S.-Mexico border.

Critics from Donald Trump Jr. to pundits from various conservative news outlets immediately pounced on Omar, questioning how a Jewish person could be accused of being a white nationalist.

“I see that the head of the Farrakhan Fan Club, @IlhanMN, took a short break from spewing her usual anti-semitic bigotry today to accuse a Jewish man of being a ‘white nationalist’ because she apparently has no shame,” wrote Trump Jr., referring to Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam.

Matt Wolking, deputy communications director for the president’s reelection campaign, offered this straightforward take on Twitter: “He’s Jewish, and Ilhan Omar is a racist anti-Semite.”

The backlash reflects an apparent effort among some members of the GOP to use Omar’s comments to sow division within the Democratic Party and among Jewish Democratic voters. Take Christian Ziegler, the vice chairman of the Florida GOP, who used the backlash to urge “my Jewish friends” to join the alleged “#jexodus” movement, encouraging Jews to leave the Democratic Party en masse.

Some mocked the critics for appearing to extrapolate an anti-Jewish bias from Omar’s remarks, while others attacked Zeldin, the Republican congressman from New York.

“Rep. Zeldin is using his Jewishness to provide cover for a white nationalist regime that stokes hatred and terror for Jews (and many other peoples) in a US that until President Trump felt so safe and secure for us,” wrote economist David Rothschild.

“Inappropriate accusations of anti-Semitism masks the ugliness of the real thing,” Perry Gershon, a Democratic businessman who lost to Zeldin in 2018 and plans to challenge him for his seat in the next election cycle, wrote on Twitter, linking to Zeldin’s comments.

Omar has long argued that her condemnation of the Israeli government’s treatment of the Palestinian people has been erroneously conflated with condemnation of Jewish people. In February, she apologized for using what was criticized as an anti-Semitic trope when she suggested that AIPAC could buy support from members of Congress. “It’s all about the Benjamins baby,” she tweeted at the time, making a reference to $100 bills. Last month, she was accused of suggesting Jews harbor “dual loyalty” to the United States and Israel after slamming “the political influence in this country that says it is okay for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.”

In her apology, Omar said she either did not intend to offend Jews or was ignorant to the fact that she was using anti-Semitic tropes. The House passed a generic resolution condemning bigotry in response.

But the attacks on Omar didn’t slow. On Saturday, one day after federal prosecutors announced charges against the man who allegedly threatened to kill Omar, Trump mocked her during a speech before members of the Republican Jewish Coalition in Las Vegas.

“Special thanks to Representative Omar of Minnesota,” Trump told members in attendance, including casino magnate and prominent Republican donor Sheldon Adelson. “Oh, I forgot. She doesn’t like Israel. I forgot. I’m so sorry.”

Trump was also accused of expressing the same “dual loyalty” trope that critics said Omar had used. Speaking to the group of Republican Jews on Saturday, Trump described Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as “your prime minister,” and asked the audience to explain “to some of your people” why they shouldn’t oppose his tariffs on imported goods.

“Mr. President, the Prime Minister of Israel is the leader of his (or her) country, not ours,” the American Jewish Committee tweeted. “Statements to the contrary, from staunch friends or harsh critics, feed bigotry.”

A spokesman for Omar could not immediately be reached for comment early Tuesday regarding the latest accusations of anti-Semitism.

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En horas de la noche de este viernes, la casa de Oswaldo Rivero, conocido como “Cabeza e’ mango”, fue violentada mientras este se encontraba en Venezolana de Televisión en la transmisión del programa Zurda Konducta.

Según la versión de Rivero, varios sujetos ingresaron a la residencia y lograron robarse cámaras, equipos de almacenamiento y discos duros. Asimismo, dejaron una nota firmada por alias “el Pingüino” y alias “Justin” y corresponden con dos cuentas en la red social Twitter que constantemente lanza amenazas sobre “Cabeza e’mango”.


Foto: La Iguana TV
Foto: La Iguana TV

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The WHO says it will start assigning new names for variants of the coronavirus based on letters from the Greek alphabet — part of an effort to help avoid stigmatization around the virus.

Fabrice Coffrini /AFP via Getty Images

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Fabrice Coffrini /AFP via Getty Images

The WHO says it will start assigning new names for variants of the coronavirus based on letters from the Greek alphabet — part of an effort to help avoid stigmatization around the virus.

Fabrice Coffrini /AFP via Getty Images

The World Health Organization is hoping to simplify the way the public talks about the growing number of variants of the coronavirus. It will start assigning different letters of the Greek alphabet to each new mutation of the virus.

The new system takes the names of new variants of SARS-CoV-2 and moves them away from what can be sometimes confusing scientific nomenclature, or shorthand that puts heavy emphasis on where the variants were first discovered.

For example, under the new system, the B.1.1.7 variant, which was first identified in the U.K., will be known as Alpha. The B.1.351 variant, first spotted in South Africa, will be called Beta, while the variant initially found in Brazil, known as P.1, will go by Gamma.

The new names won’t officially replace the scientific names already assigned to new variants, but the WHO said it is making the change in an attempt to avoid fueling stigma towards nations where new variants arise.

“While they have their advantages, these scientific names can be difficult to say and recall, and are prone to misreporting,” the WHO said in a statement on Monday. “As a result, people often resort to calling variants by the places where they are detected, which is stigmatizing and discriminatory.”

It’s meant to avoid stigmatization

The danger of stigmatization is an issue the WHO has warned about since the early days of the pandemic, when some politicians, most notably former President Donald Trump, would routinely refer to the virus as the “China virus” or the “Wuhan virus.” Trump said he used the terms “to be accurate” and maintained that they were “not racist at all,” yet he continued to use them even after the WHO cautioned against language that can “perpetuate negative stereotypes or assumptions.”

Use of such language became widespread. In one study released in May, researchers at the University of California at San Francisco directly linked Trump’s first tweet about a “Chinese virus” to an exponential rise in anti-Asian language on Twitter.

The rhetoric has been followed by violence

More than a year later, much of that rhetoric has given way to violence. Last month, the group Stop AAPI Hate released a report documenting 6,603 hate incidents between March 2020 and March 2021. Physical assaults rose from 10% of total hate incidents in 2020 to almost 17% in 2021, according to the report.

In India, sensitivity around stigmatization led the government last month to ask social media companies to remove any references to the “India variant” from their platforms. A government official told Reuters the notice was issued to send a “loud and clear” message that mentions of “Indian variant” fuel miscommunication.

The new names are going fast

It’s a message that was echoed Monday by Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s technical lead for the COVID-19 response. “No country should be stigmatized for detecting and reporting variants,” she wrote on Twitter. Under the WHO’s new naming system, the variant, known among scientists as B.1.617.2, is called the Delta variant.

The new system applies to two different classifications of variants — “variants of concern,” considered the most potentially dangerous, and second-level “variants of interest.”

There are 24 letters in the Greek alphabet. The WHO has already assigned 10 of them — four to variants of concerns and six to variants of interest.

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It’s tempting to suppose that the coronavirus could be the truth bomb that squelches the resonance of his “fake news” attacks. The ongoing crisis, after all, is sending Americans into unemployment, into self-quarantine, into profound worry about their futures. In that respect, it’s different from all the other policy topics — Russia, Ukraine, taxes, whatever — about which Trump has sprayed falsehoods without restraint. Now everyone can see for themselves how the president spins and lies his way through controversy. Alexander was right to ask Trump about how he would reassure concerned citizens. It just so happens that the president’s media-bashing obsession blinded him to the softball right in front of him.

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That’s what Ford faced on the evening of April 28, 1975, and it is history repeating itself now. After 20 years of U.S. involvement, the Taliban entered the Afghan capital, Kabul, on Sunday morning, as the United States scrambled to evacuate embassy staff and accelerate the rescue and relocation of Afghans who aided the U.S. military. Helicopters began landing at the U.S. Embassy early Sunday, and armored diplomatic vehicles were seen leaving the area around the compound, the Associated Press reported. Smoke rose from the embassy’s roof as diplomats destroyed documents to keep them from falling into the Taliban’s hands, anonymous U.S. military officials told the AP.

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ALTIA importante.  Esperábamos noticias y ya empiezan a salir 

Siganos en Twitter y estará informado de TODAS nuestras señales de compra/venta
NOTA: Las señales anunciadas en Twitter pueden tener un retraso de unos minutos e incluso horas frente a los usuarios de nuestro servicio Premium

Altia ha conseguido lo siguiente durante el 1º trimestre del año:

1_El Servicio Vasco de Empleo avanza en la gestión telemática de sus expedientes de la mano de Altia e Ibermática

2_Renovación del servicio de soporte y mantenimiento para la infraestructura de conexión con Internet y otras redes IP del Banco de España

3_La UNED selecciona a Altia para la instalación y puesta en marcha de sus aulas interactivas AVIP

Altia se posiciona como una de las empresas españolas con más experiencia en montaje de salas multimedia

Con la realización de este proyecto, Altia se posiciona como una de las empresas españolas con más experiencia en montaje y puesta en marcha de salas multimedia, pues se ha encargo de instalar más de 100 de aulas de este tipo en toda la red de centros asociados de la UNED.

4_Implantación del Tablón Electrónico de Edictos en el Ayuntamiento de Móstoles

5_Renovación del servicio de mantenimiento correctivo de la aplicación de rentas y contratos de Cepsa

Esta aplicación es clave en el departamento de administración de la compañía, ya que alberga la información de los contratos de las distintas estaciones de servicio

6_Exis renueva su colaboración con la Federación Española de Empresas de Tecnología Sanitaria (FENIN) mejora su perfil de contratante con la colaboración de Altia

La solución de Altia permite mejorar el proceso de creación y publicación de las licitaciones

8_Altia alcanza el nivel de partner preferente para las soluciones de Meta4

El crecimiento continuado de Altia en el sector de las soluciones tecnológicas vinculadas a los recursos humanos le ha permitido alcanzar recientemente

el máximo nivel de relación con Meta4, después de 5 años de colaboración. Este nivel de relación es el considerado por Meta4 como partner preferente, en el que se engloban un selecto y reducido número de empresas del mismo entorno y sector de actividad que Altia.

Gracias a esta distinción, la compañía espera seguir creciendo en este ámbito e incrementar su posicionamiento, que le ha permitido gestionar los servicios de nómina y recursos humanos a numerosos clientes tanto del sector público como del ámbito privado

Fuente: Altia boletín trimestral de noticias del 1º trimestre de 2014

Por ultimo finalizar diciendo que mantenemos punto por punto todo lo comentado en nuestro informe de ampliación de previsiones y objetivos.

Muchos hablan de burbuja en el MAB, si leen el informe verán que Altia cotizaba a un 90% de los múltiplos de Indra a la hora de elaboración del informe , por tanto queda claro que en este caso la burbuja es Indra y no Altia.

Todo informe sin tener en cuenta las valoraciones de las empresas , proyección y números actuales hablando de burbujas del MAB carece de sentido.

Queremos añadir que faltan mas cosas por salir.

Queda por conocerse quienes han sido los compradores desde Santander de acciones de ALTIA y además también los resultados ya finales del ejercicio 2013 en el que podrían avanzar algo acerca de expectativas de futuro de la compañía.

Tabla de saldos desde el 1 de enero de 2014 al 10 de abril de 2014

Por técnico

Las noticias que esperamos y que ya empiezan a salir deben servir de catalizador para el valor.

A corto plazo el 1º objetivo lo tendríamos en alcanzar máximos anuales en los 8,70€ y ya superando esta resistencia entraríamos en subida libre, subida que serviría para ver un nuevo tramo al alza quizás hasta los 10-12€ por acción.

Por abajo el soporte lo tendríamos en 7,10€, nivel donde tendría los máximos anteriores.

DEOLEO OPA de CVC Capital Partners a 0,38€ y da resultados del 1º trimestre

Siganos en Twitter y estará informado de TODAS nuestras señales de compra/venta
NOTA: Las señales anunciadas en Twitter pueden tener un retraso de unos minutos e incluso horas frente a los usuarios de nuestro servicio Premium

El Consejo de Administración de Deoleo aprueba los términos de la oferta de CVC

Madrid, 10 de abril de 2014.-

El Consejo de Administración de Deoleo ha aprobado en su sesión de hoy los términos de la oferta presentada por CVC Capital Partners en el marco del proceso de reconfiguración financiera y accionarial en el que está inmersa la compañía.

Tras el proceso realizado, el Consejo ha sido informado de las ofertas recibidas, con objeto de cubrir los objetivos fijados en defensa del interés social: mejorar la estructura financiera y dotar de mayor estabilidad accionarial a la compañía, extendiendo las condiciones a todos los accionistas.

Una vez concluidas las deliberaciones, se ha acordado proceder desde el día de hoy con CVC Capital Partners a finalizar los términos y condiciones de la operación a un precio por acción de 0,38 euros y los siguientes aspectos principales:

(i) Adquisición por parte de una sociedad controlada al 100% por fondos asesorados por CVC Capital Partners (el Oferente), del 29,99% del capital social de la Sociedad mediante una combinación de compra de acciones titularidad de accionistas significativos y, en su caso, suscripción de una ampliación de capital con exclusión del derecho de suscripción preferente que se sometería a la junta general de accionistas, todo ello a un precio de 0,38 euros por acción.

(ii) Sujeto a la ejecución de la transacción anterior, formulación por parte del Oferente de una oferta pública de adquisición dirigida al 100% del capital social, a un precio igualmente de 0,38 euros por acción.

La operación conllevará la refinanciación de la deuda actual de la Sociedad, con un nuevo paquete de financiación con un vencimiento medio de 7 años bullet. Además, siempre y cuando el Consejo lo apruebe, existirá la posibilidad de realizar una segunda ampliación de capital abierta a todos los accionistas, comprometiéndose el Oferente a cubrir un importe de hasta la diferencia entre 100 millones de euros y lo que haya aportado en la ampliación de capital con exclusión del derecho antes citada.

Los términos finales de la operación están sujetos al acuerdo final entre las partes y a la ratificación del Consejo de Administración de la Sociedad, lo que se comunicará oportunamente como hecho relevante.

En relación a esta operación, “el Consejo de Administración continúa comprometido en conseguir un buen equilibrio de intereses pero protegiendo a los más débiles, minoritarios, empleados y pequeños proveedores”.

El proceso de restructuración financiera y accionarial de Deoleo persigue dotar a la compañía de los recursos suficientes para iniciar un plan de crecimiento acorde con el potencial del negocio y de las marcas del grupo. 

Fuente CNMV:

Esto lo adelantamos ayer con los datos disponibles, pero hoy queda mucho mas claro

1 OPA “voluntaria” por el 100% a 0,38€ NO HAY OBLIGACION DE ACUDIR, por tanto desaconsejamos acudir a la OPA , a no ser que el precio caiga a 0,37€ o por debajo, entonces si por que se podrán vender en la OPA mas caras que su cotización en mercado

2 EBRO había parado de vender justo con la presentación de ofertas, seguramente el 2% que le queda lo venderá en la oferta, por tanto un problema que desaparece

3 Según parece venderá BANKIA y poco mas

4 El punto negativo, ampliación de capital , lo que podría llevar a la compañía a pasar de 1100 millones de acciones a unos 1350 millones (punto negativo) ya que reducirá la valoración total del grupo.

5 Financiación a 7 años en mejores condiciones que las actuales, por tanto se elimina cualquier riesgo en la compañía a medio plazo.


Bueno para la compañía que va a mejorar, ligeramente negativo para los accionistas actuales.

1 por que la OPA es a la baja y 2 por que al hacer una pequeña ampliación de capital se verá un poco diluido el precio objetivo por acción.

La pequeña ampliación de capital que pretende llevar a cabo la compañía supone que Deoleo va a capitalizar lo mismo en 0,40€ que en el pasado en 0,515€, entonces si capitalización alcanzo los 550 millones de €, si añadimos 200 millones de acciones mas, esa capitalización la tendría la empresa en 0,40€ ,aunque con menos deuda claro esto, lo que es muy positivo.

Aun así no se trata de una operación acordeón como la de BANKIA o AMPER, aquí hablamos de una pequeña ampliación de capital ,quizás un 25% de acciones mas que las que tiene actualmente, en el caso de la vivida ayer en AMPER la empresa pasaría de 44 millones de acciones a casi 700 , son cosas distintas.

Con estos datos ya se puede empezar a valorar una entrada, la idea es entrar al mejor precio posible, para ello le iremos haciendo un seguimiento.

Deoleo registra un beneficio neto de 3,6 millones de euros en el primer trimestre de 2014

• El EBITDA es de 19,6 millones de €, un 29,6% más; y el margen de EBITDA/ventas del trimestre alcanza una cifra récord del 11,5%.

• Todas las áreas de negocio mejoran con respecto al primer trimestre de 2013.

• La deuda financiera neta sube en 33 millones de euros por el aumento del capital circulante para abordar la compra de materia prima, pero se reduce en 91 millones respecto al mismo periodo del año anterior.

Madrid, 10 de abril de 2014.- Deoleo, líder marquista en aceite de oliva, registró en el primer trimestre del año un beneficio neto (BDI) de 3,6 millones de euros, un 17,5% menos que en el mismo periodo del año anterior. Esta bajada responde fundamentalmente a la aplicación de una tasa fiscal cercana al 60% fruto de la actual estructura financiera del grupo, que concentra el gasto financiero en una sola región.

Esta situación cambiará cuando se culmine el proceso de reestructuración financiera en el que está inmersa la compañía.

El EBITDA en este periodo fue de 19,6 millones de euros, un 29,6% más que en el primer trimestre de 2013; y el margen de EBITDA/ventas alcanzó la cifra récord del

11,5%, todo ello a pesar de que la inversión publicitaria creció un 38,5% con respecto al mismo periodo de 2013.

Las ventas alcanzaron los 170 millones de euros, un 14,2% por debajo de la cifra del primer trimestre de 2013. La caída de la facturación se debe a la bajada del precio de la materia prima (-35%) debido a las buenas previsiones de cosecha en España, que previsiblemente en esta campaña será superior a 1,7 millones de toneladas. Por su parte, los volúmenes se mantuvieron según lo estimado en el presupuesto, excepto en España, donde se espera una recuperación para los próximos meses.

Respecto a la deuda financiera neta, en este trimestre alcanzó los 506 millones de euros, lo que representa una subida de 33 millones debido al incremento en el capital circulante para abordar las compras de materia prima aprovechando el buen momento de precios y calidades de principios de campaña. Sin embargo, con respecto al primer trimestre de 2013 la deuda bajó en 91 millones de euros, esto es un 15%.

Así, al cierre del trimestre la posición de caja del grupo es de 164 millones de euros y se cumplen nuevamente con todos los convenants establecidos en el contrato de financiación.

Resultados por regiones

La estabilidad en los precios del aceite de oliva en España está contribuyendo a la aparición de primeras marcas que erosionan la cuota de mercado de las marcas de la distribución. Aunque otros fabricantes están apostando por ventas promocionales, Deoleo se decanta por margen unitario y diferenciación.

En Italia las marcas del grupo han registrado leves pérdidas en volumen pero con buenos resultados de rentabilidad, por encima de los niveles de 2013.

En Norteamérica las marcas de Deoleo han mantenido sus diferenciales de precio y su rentabilidad; y en otros mercados internacionales, gracias a la estabilidad de los precios de la materia prima, se han incrementado volúmenes y márgenes unitarios, sobre todo en mercados como Brasil, India, Japón, suroeste de Asia y Rusia.


El primer trimestre de 2014 ha sido significativamente mejor que el del año anterior, principalmente por la estabilidad en los mercados y porque las medidas de gestión van aflorando paulatinamente.

En España hemos lanzado la nueva imagen de Carbonell que, además de representar una concepción moderna de un producto tradicional, sirve de palanca para sucesivos lanzamientos enfocados al consumidor y a la búsqueda de la diferenciación, con un esfuerzo añadido en promoción y una campaña innovadora:

Este esfuerzo de innovación se trasladará a otras marcas del grupo, como Koipe y Bertolli, para las que ya se está trabajando en nuevos proyectos en los respectivos mercados en los que operan.

Fuente: CNMV

Buenos resultados

Por técnico

De momento el aspecto es bueno, sigue dentro del canal alcista, la parte alta la tendría cerca de 0,46€ y la parte baja en 0,385€ aproximadamente.

Si el precio se acercará a 0,38€ supondría una excelente compra pues hablaríamos de la posibilidad de comprar sin riesgo a perdida durante meses, ya que a ese precio siempre se podría vender acudiendo a la OPA

Se corre el riesgo de que el valor pueda quedar unos meses clavado por 0,38€ , aunque esto no tendría por que pasar.

Quien este comprado puede estar tranquilo ,no hay problema

A corto plazo hay que manejar tiempos antes de tirarse a la piscina.

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GOP strategist Kimberly Klacik on Saturday accused Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., of hypocrisy over his apparent concern for conditions at the U.S.-Mexico border over those of his own district.

Appearing on “Fox & Friends” Saturday morning, Klacik discussed her recent visit to Cummings’ district, which she described as “the most dangerous district in America.”

FILE: House Oversight and Reform Committee Chair Elijah Cummings, D-Md., leads a meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington. 

“So, I went into the district to basically ask people if they were scared of Trump,” Klacik said, referring to Cummings’ comments last week on a talk show that his constituents were fearful of the president.

“And as I go in and I start talking to people, I realized just what the living conditions are, for not just for the residents but even the children there and what they’ve been playing around,” Klacik said. “There’s abandoned rowhomes filled with trash, homeless addicts, empty needles that they have used, and it’s really right next door. So, it’s attracting rodents, cockroaches, you name it.”


Earlier this month, Cummings confronted acting Homeland Security chief Kevin McAleenan after he claimed the department was doing its “level best” to address the humanitarian crisis at the border.

“What does that mean? What does that mean when a child is sitting in their own feces, can’t take a shower? Come on man,” Cummings yelled. “What’s that about? None of us would have our children in that position. They are human beings.”


Klacik called Cummings’ concern for the border situation “laughable,” noting that “a lot of people said he hasn’t even been [to his own district] in a while.”

“I didn’t find anyone that said they were afraid of Trump,” Klacik said. “But I did find out that there are many people that are actually on board with Trump’s immigration policies. So, I don’t know who he was talking to in his district, but it wasn’t the people I spoke to.”


Trump on Saturday branded Cummings a “brutal bully” for his treatment of border officials, and described his district as “far worse and more dangerous” than the southern border.

“Rep, Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border, when actually his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous,” Trump tweeted.

Fox News’ Adam Shaw contributed to this report.

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LONDON — Britain’s opposition Labour Party said on Monday that it was prepared to support a second referendum on withdrawal from the European Union, a shift that could have significant ramifications for the fate of Brexit and for the country’s future.

After the resignations of nine Labour Party members last week, and amid the prospect of more, the party’s leader, Jeremy Corbyn, dropped his longstanding resistance to a second vote on leaving the bloc.

Getting an amendment for a new vote through Parliament any time soon is unlikely, but Mr. Corbyn’s support for one will cheer pro-European Britons, who have been fighting to reverse the outcome of the 2016 referendum decision. Without the support of Labour, there is no chance of a second referendum ever being authorized by lawmakers.

[Read more on austerity and the UK’s budget squeeze.]

Though lacking in detail, Labour’s announcement suggested that, under pressure from many of his own lawmakers and party members, Mr. Corbyn, who is a lifelong critic of the European Union, will ultimately fall into line with those who support a so-called people’s vote.

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En redes sociales circula el link de una noticia falsa en la que se afirma que Juan Pablo Pozo, presidente del Consejo Nacional Electoral, ha sido designado “nuevo embajador de Ecuador en Gran Bretaña”.

En la noticia, además, se adjunta el URL del portal electrónico de EL TELÉGRAFO. Ante eso, el diario nacional desmintió la noticia y, además, informó que esa noticia jamás fue elaborada por su redacción.

El diario afirma que esa noticia es una manipulación de la dirección de la página web. Para mostrar que ha sido una adulteración, se puso el mismo título de la noticia falsa junto a direcciones de otros medios.

Dichas empresas tampoco han publicado esa nota, pero el ejemplo es una muestra de cómo ciertas personas usan las redes para desinformar.

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An Afghan interpreter who was by the side of an Australian soldier slain in battle says he has been abandoned by the Australian government and is resigned to his all but certain death, as Taliban forces seize back swathes of the country.

Australia is preparing to evacuate hundreds of people from Afghanistan, the ABC reported on Sunday, but on the ground former interpreters and contractors for the ADF have said they hold out little hope of rescue.

The RAAF would fly out Afghan people who served with the Australian forces from Kabul, in coordination with US and British security forces, the ABC report said, as well as Australians working for nongovernment organisations.

At a media conference on Sunday, prime minister Scott Morrison declined to outline any detail of the plans, saying only that Australia was “working closely with our partners”.

Defence sources told the Guardian two of the three infantry battalions comprising Australia’s battle ready group, based in Townsville, were preparing to deploy within days, and would arrive in the region on RAAF planes by the end of the week.

NGO staff members still in Kabul have been told to send all their Afghan staff home and prepare to leave within 72 hours, well-placed sources said.

Immigration staff would be needed to accompany the troops to rapidly work through outstanding visa applications for Afghans who assisted Australia, as well as anyone fleeing on humanitarian grounds.

But it will be almost impossible for anyone to be evacuated from anywhere other than Kabul, leaving those in southern Afghanistan without a lifeline.

In the past few days Guardian Australia has spoken to numerous Afghans who worked with Australian forces. Many fear they will be left to their fate as the Taliban tighten their grip around the capital, regardless of any evacuation effort. In some cases they are unable to get to Kabul because of the fighting, and would have no guarantee of being accepted on to flights even if they could do so.

Mohammad, a former interpreter for Australian troops, was on operation in 2009 in the Taliban stronghold of Baluchi Valley in southern Afghanistan when Private Benjamin Ranaudo stepped on a bomb, killing him instantly. Former Private Paul Warren lost his leg in the same blast.

“After this mission I got many threats from the Taliban,” Mohammad said on Saturday.

“Taliban was following me and they killed my father in front of my eyes.

“He was trying to stop them and my father was telling them that I won’t work again with any military any more.”

He escaped, but said on another occasion he was shot three times.

Mohammad, who has a wife and young children, said the Taliban would show him and his family no mercy when they found him. He said he was spending his days hiding in his home, but the Taliban had captured areas within kilometres of his village.

Mohammad stopped working with the Australian defence force in 2010. His application to be granted a safe haven in Australia was rejected after the Defence department found him not eligible because he didn’t apply within six months of ending his employment.

The locally engaged employee (LEE) program, which includes the six-month provision, did not come into force until 1 January 2013.

Mohammad has tried to have his employment verified retrospectively, but until recently was unable to contact his supervisor, who worked for a contractor to the ADF, or to get corroborating material from soldiers he worked with.

“My late application is because I had no papers – when I found my supervisor and got employment papers it was in December 2020,” he said.

Mohammad has written to the prime minister and the defence minister, Peter Dutton, out of desperation, but has received no reply, he said.

“I am hopeless that no one is able to help us.”

Corporal Benjamin Byrne, who was standing next to Mohammad when the bomb that killed Ranaudo detonated, said he had written a letter of support for him.

“That’s a moment in my life I could tell in quite brutal detail and something I obviously still deal with, and he [Mohammad] was part of that,” he said.

“He was more or less one of the boys.

“It pisses me off a bit that they’re getting screwed around as much as they are. I feel like he’s getting a bit ripped off.”

The Australian government has said the visa program for Afghans who worked with Australian forces was a “high priority” and had only a few dozen applications left to process “as quickly as possible”.

But advocates argue figures provided by Home Affairs don’t include those waiting to be certified by Defence, the foreign affairs department, AusAID or the Australian federal police, in what is a multi-stage application process requiring involvement by numerous agencies.

At the weekend the first US troops began arriving in Afghanistan to evacuate citizens and visa applicants, amid the rapid Taliban advance towards Kabul, where so many have fled for refuge.

On Friday the Taliban captured Afghanistan’s second-biggest city, Kandahar; on Saturday the northern stronghold of Mazar-i-Sharif also fell; and by Sunday they were reported to be within kilometres of Kabul.

With most of the landlocked country’s borders controlled by the Taliban, those who assisted Australia have run out of options to flee as they are actively hunted for assisting “infidels”.

Sources in Afghanistan said Taliban militants were going door to door in villages searching for journalists, female doctors, government staff and those who worked with foreign forces.

The US embassy in Kabul said on Thursday it had received reports of the Taliban executing members of the Afghan military who had surrendered. “Deeply disturbing & could constitute war crimes,” the embassy said on Twitter.

Morrison said on Friday Australia was working closely with the US to fulfil Australia’s responsibility to relocate Afghans who were in danger for their work alongside Australian troops.

But he would not say how many more would be resettled in Australia under the program, which has been shrouded in secrecy.

Migration lawyer Glenn Kolomeitz said his Canberra law firm, GAP Veteran and Legal Services, represented 140 Afghan security guards and was monitoring the visa applications of more than 100 interpreters.

The LEE visa grants are counted within the annual humanitarian program quota, set at 13,750 for 2021-22.

It’s understood the government may reconsider the intake cap in the light of the dire situation in Afghanistan.

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Gabby Petito is one of three people who went missing in or near Grand Teton National Park this summer.

Petito, 22, was in the midst of a cross-country van trip with her also missing boyfriend, Brian Laundrie, when she disappeared in late August. Her family last spoke with her Aug. 24, when she said they were in Utah, headed to Wyoming to see the Tetons.

Rangers are searching for the 5-foot-5 Petito in the Teton backcountry — but she’s not the only missing person on their radar there, authorities said.

The last trace of Robert Lowery, a traveler from Texas, was a ping from his cellphone in Jackson on Aug. 23, police told the Jackson Hole News & Guide.

The 46-year-old was seen on video from Aug. 19 at a restaurant at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort in Teton Village, and may have taken a ride in a Lyft the following day.

Lowery had never been to the area before, his sister, Leigh Lowery, told the paper, and had recently gotten a sleeping bag and a tent, but had no camping experience.

Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie were on a “van life” trip across the US when she went missing.
Gabby Petito’s last spoke to her family on Aug. 25.
North Port/Florida Police/Handout via REUTERS

Before Lowery left his home in Houston, he canceled his mail, Jackson sheriff’s Deputy Chad Sachse told the paper.

In the third case, Cian McLaughlin, 27, was last seen June 8 hiking in the park by a local resident without a backpack. He was reported missing four days later.

Authorities are now searching for Gabby Petito’s boyfriend, Brian Laundrie.
Police have found no evidence or clues into Cian McLaughlin’s whereabouts.

The park conducted an investigation that involved tips from more than 140 people, and more than 45 helicopter searches, some using thermal imaging cameras and other high-tech equipment. No trace of McLaughlin was found.

Neither the Department of the Interior, which oversees the National Park Service, nor the Department of Agriculture’s US Forest Service keeps track of how many people vanish in American wilderness areas each year, but researchers suggest the number could be in the hundreds.

Robert Lowery was last seen in a restaurant at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort in Teton Village.
Teton County Sheriff’s Office
A poster describes what Cian McLaughlin might be wearing when he was last seen on June 8.
Grand Teton National Park / Facebook

Teton Park spokesman C.J. Adams told the paper there was no known connection between the three missing persons, or their cases.

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El tifón “Hato” tocó tierra al mediodía de este miércoles en la ciudad de Zuhai, en Hong Kong,con vientos huracanados que alcanzaron los 160 km por hora. Foto:Anthony Wallace / AFP

La cifra de muertos por el tifón asciende a siete. Además se registra un desaparecido y cerca de 27.000 evacuados. Foto:ANTHONY WALLACE / AFP

Las autoridades de Hong Kong emitieron una alerta ante el riesgo de inundaciones causados por las intensas lluvias. Foto:ANTHONY WALLACE / AFP

Al rededor de dos millones de hogares y negocios sufrieron el corte de agua y luz, debido a los daños sufridos en la red de suministros. Foto:TENGKU BAHAR / AFP

Los servicios de rescate salvaron a 118 tripulantes que se encontraban en buques pesqueros, informó la agencia oficial Xinhua. Foto:STR / AFP

Al rededor de 12.000 buques quedaron atrapados en toda la región de Zuhai. Foto:ANTHONY WALLACE / AFP

Las escuelas y centros de trabajo tuvieron que cerrar debido a la alerta emitida por las autoridades. Foto:ANTHONY WALLACE / AFP

El observatorio meteorológico de Hong Kong elevó su alerta a nivel 10. Este aviso no se registraba desde el año 2012. Foto:ANTHONY WALLACE / AFP

La Bolsa de Hong Kong no abrió durante la jornada debido a la alerta máxima emitida por las autoridades. Foto:ANTHONY WALLACE / AFP

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WASHINGTON—Three researchers from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology became sick enough in November 2019 that they sought hospital care, according to a previously undisclosed U.S. intelligence report that could add weight to growing calls for a fuller probe of whether the Covid-19 virus may have escaped from the laboratory.

The details of the reporting go beyond a State Department fact sheet, issued during the final days of the Trump administration, which said that several researchers at the lab, a center for the study of coronaviruses and other pathogens, became sick in autumn 2019 “with symptoms consistent with both Covid-19 and common seasonal illness.”

The disclosure of the number of researchers, the timing of their illnesses and their hospital visits come on the eve of a meeting of the World Health Organization’s decision-making body, which is expected to discuss the next phase of an investigation into Covid-19’s origins.

Current and former officials familiar with the intelligence about the lab researchers expressed differing views about the strength of the supporting evidence for the assessment. One person said that it was provided by an international partner and was potentially significant but still in need of further investigation and additional corroboration.

Another person described the intelligence as stronger. “The information that we had coming from the various sources was of exquisite quality. It was very precise. What it didn’t tell you was exactly why they got sick,” he said, referring to the researchers.

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