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The MSC Magnifica cruise ship is seen docked in Fremantle Harbour near Perth, Australia, on March 24. Richard Wainwright/AAP Image/Reuters

The last three major cruise ships in the world are docking Monday and Tuesday, leaving none at sea, Cruise Lines International Association said.

The Pacific Princess is due in Los Angeles within hours, CLIA said.

The MSC Magnifica docked in Marseille, France, earlier today, the Marseille Tourism office told CNN.

The final major cruise ship still due to be sailing, the Costa Deliziosa, is currently docked in Barcelona, Spain, but will depart for Genoa, Italy, later on Monday, CLIA said.

When it arrives in the Italian port on Tuesday, there will be no cruise liners associated with CLIA at sea anywhere in the world. The organization covers 95% of all cruise ships, including those operated by the world’s largest cruise lines.

Some background: The Pacific Princess departed from Port Everglades, Florida, on January 5, according to an April 6 statement. The ship disembarked most guests in Fremantle, Australia, on March 21.

“However, not all guests onboard met the International Air Transport Association (IATA) fitness standards for air travel or were unable to return home by aircraft due to individual medical conditions unrelated to Covid-19,” the company explained. There are currently 115 guests onboard.

The Costa Deliziosa docked at the Barcelona port on Monday to disembark some passengers, mainly of Portuguese and Spanish nationalities.

The ship will then continue its journey on Monday evening towards Genoa, its final destination, where it is expected to arrive on April 21. 

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Inicia una semana importante para la política mexicana ya que el domingo se llevarán a cabo las elecciones en el Estado de México en las cuales elegirán un nuevo gobernador, después de conocer a los candidatos y sus aliados, te damos cinco claves para tener contexto antes de votar. Después de que Pemex mantuviera el monopolio por las gasolinas, llegan nuevos competidores al ruedo. Las bitcoins siguen siendo muy populares, tanto que podrías llegar a recibir parte de tu sueldo en esta moneda. En un triunfo inesperado, las Chivas de Guadalajara, salen del abismo en el que habían estado por años, gracias a “un viejo león”, Matías Jesús Almeyda.

1. 5 claves para seguir las elecciones en el Estado de México

En el Estado de México las elecciones presentan a los analistas políticos una radiografía del clima electoral para poder delinear sus estrategias para los comicios presidenciales, debido a la importancia de la entidad.

En esta ocasión se disputan en las elecciones de cuatro estados 445 cargos de elección popular y 80 de representación proporcional (plurinominales). En tres estados son 21 las personas que aparecerán en las boletas como candidatos a Gobernador, de las cuales sólo cuatro son mujeres y seis van por la vía independiente. Este es un año electoral en el que se renovará la gubernatura de tres entidades, con especial atención al resultado de una de ellas. Si quieres saber que depara en esta ocasión al Estado de México, entra a la nota completa.

2. Las nuevas marcas de gasolineras en México

12 marcas de gasolineras buscan alimentar el mercado mexicano de combustibles, tras romper los 77 años de monopolio que tuvo a Pemex en el poder de la venta de gasolinas y diesel.

Después de que en 2014 se aprobara la Reforma Energética, se abrió la posibilidad de que empresas nacionales y extranjeras iniciaran operaciones en nuestro país en el mercado retail de combustibles y otras fases del negocio del petróleo.

La idea es que con la entrada de nuevas marcas de gasolineras la competencia del mercado beneficiara a los consumidores con mejores precios y prácticas, a diferencia del modelo anterior en la única marca de gasolineras que operaba en el país era la de la paraestatal. Las nuevas marcas de gasolineras tendrán una nueva oferta de valor, al buscar diferenciarse unas de otras con la calidad y el servicio.

3. ¿Aceptarías cobrar parte de tu salario en bitcoins?

Para los que no saben el bitcoin en la moneda virtual por excelencia y está en alza. El crecimiento exponencial del comercio en internet y la alta seguridad de sus transacciones ha provocado que el precio se haya disparado en los últimos meses hasta llegar a superar los 2,700 dólares por unidad recientemente, el doble del precio del oro.

En este contexto, los comercios online más innovadores, Microsoft, Tesla, Amazon o Subway, entre otros, han ido incorporando la posibilidad de pago con esta moneda a través de internet para prácticamente la totalidad de los bienes de consumo más comunes.

4. Arropados por sus cúpulas, en la recta final en Edomex

Faltan sólo ocho días para que se realicen los comicios en el Estado de México donde se pondrá a prueba el futuro del PRI, como lo dijo el candidato por el partido tricolor. Delfina Gómez Álvarez, la candidata por Morena, hizo un llamado al presidente de la República, Enrique Peña Nieto, a respetar los resultados de la elección porque según ella y su máximo respaldo político (AMLO), serán los ganadores de la gubernatura.

Josefina Vázquez Mota, candidata del Partido Acción Nacional, aseguró que por primera vez habrá alternancia en el Estado de México y dijo que “hay faldas y pantalones para poner orden”. Por otra parte, el candidato por el PRD, dijo que no va a declinar a favor de otro partido “Van a decir que nos dan ultimátums para declinar, nos van a decir que es nuestra última oportunidad y les quiero decir a los que seguramente van a querer decir eso en estos últimos días, que se ahorren las palabras, les quiero decir que yo sí tengo lealtad y mi lealtad está con el PRD y con ustedes y que vamos a ganar y que se ahorren las palabras”.

5. Almeyda, un ‘viejo león’, toca la gloria

Las Chivas del Guadalajara tenían un largo tiempo sin saborear la victoria. Un “viejo león” llegó al equipo para cambiar la historia. Después de sufrir una depresión, Matías Jesús Almeyda, director técnico del Club Guadalajara, logró transmitirle al equipo de 11 jugadores, el coraje y la pasión de más de 40 millones de aficionados a este equipo para levantar la copa el domingo en la final de la Liga MX.

El equipo parecía estar condenado al descenso cuando llegó Matías a liderar al rebaño sagrado. La recuperación emocional del director técnico se impregnó también en el equipo, logrando que los jugadores obtuvieran el título en Guadalajara.


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WASHINGTON – Donald Trump is president of the United States, but the former reality TV star still frequently speaks of the people in his political orbit through the lens of show business.

On Monday, in telling of a 2017 encounter with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Trump described Xi’s aides as straight out of “central casting.”

And in case anybody missed the point, the showman applied a few hand gestures for special effect: Pulling his hands to his face as he mentioned the aides’ glasses, Trump made two circles with his fingers and then strategically placed them around his eyes.

Showcasing his flair for drama, Trump regaled the nation’s governors with his tale of how he persuaded the Chinese president in 2017 to release three UCLA basketball players accused of shoplifting in Hangzhou, China.

Trump, who happened to be in Beijing at the time, said he broached the subject with Xi during a state dinner.

“I said, ‘Mr. President could you do me a favor? Could you let the three basketball players out?'” Trump said in remarks from the White House’s State Dining Room.

Xi called over to aides, Trump said, noting the Chinese president has “got people standing behind him. Everyone is central casting – central casting. Glasses. Pad. Boom.”

Within two minutes, according to Trump, Xi returned and Trump continued his plea on the athletes’ behalf.

“I said it would be a great thing if you could possibly let them out,” Trump said. “He goes, ‘So be it. They’re out.'”

Call it diplomacy, showbiz style.

It’s not the first time Trump has used the phrase “central casting” to describe people around him.

Trump repeatedly described Justice Brett Kavanaugh, then his nominee for the Supreme Court, as being from “central casting” as a way to express his surprise that Democrats objected to the judge following allegations of sexual assault. Kavanaugh was ultimately confirmed.

“I’m going to nominate you for the United States Supreme Court,” Trump said during a rally last November in Tennessee, recalling a conversation he had with Kavanaugh.

“I said this is going to – you are so central casting. Great marks, great schools, the best everything, the best of everything.”

Quite frequently, the president uses the phrase as a term of endearment.

“Is he central casting or what?” Trump asked during a Mississippi rally in October, calling Gov. Phil Bryant to the stage. “He’s central casting.”

The former reality television star used the phrase earlier on in his presidency at the same annual governors meeting – this time referring to Vice President Mike Pence. 

“And thank you to Vice President Pence. He has been so wonderful to work with. He’s a real talent, a real guy,” Trump said. “And he is central casting, do we agree? Central casting. He’s been great.”


President Donald Trump will be heading into his second meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un Monday expecting “a very tremendous summit. Trump expects a signing summit on a trade deal to be held soon with China. (Feb. 25)

He even used the phrase on the first day of his presidency, referencing to his Defense Secretary, Jim Mattis.   

“This is central casting,” Trump said. “If I was doing a movie, I pick you, General.”

As for the basketball players, all three – LiAngelo Ball, Jalen Hill and Cody Rile – were freed and allowed to return to the United States, where they later thanked Trump for helping secure their release.

But Trump has suggested he doesn’t believe he has gotten enough credit for bringing them home.

Trump noted that Ball’s father, LaVar Ball, had minimized his involvement in securing the players’ release.

“We came back and the one father said, ‘Well, we don’t know that Trump helped. I sent a consultant,'” Trump said.

“That consultant would have gotten nowhere.”.

Trump’s mantra: President’s next move on North Korea? ‘We’ll see’





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(CNN)While celebrating her victory in becoming the first African-American woman picked to lead Chicago, Lori Lightfoot thanked the city and those who blazed the trail for her victory.

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    The body of Iran’s most senior nuclear scientist has been prepared for burial as anger at Israel and the US boiled over in the country following his assassination.

    Mohsen Fakhrizadeh’s coffin, draped in the Iranian flag and topped with flowers, was transported to a Muslim shrine for prayers and last tributes, the country’s state news reported. His remains will be taken from the Imam Reza shrine to Fatima Masumeh shrine in Qom, south of Tehran, and then to Imam Khomeini’s shrine in the capital, according to the defence ministry.

    Fakhrizadeh was killed on Friday on a highway near the capital in a military-style gun and bomb assault that has led to an escalation of tensions in the Middle East. A bodyguard was also killed in the attack. The assassination was carried out using an automatic machine gun operated with a remote control and not with gunmen on the ground, Fars news agency claimed.

    Fakhrizadeh’s funeral would be attended by his family and high-ranking military commanders, Iran’s defence ministry said on its website.

    Israel has not claimed responsibility or officially commented on the attack. However, Tehran has long blamed its arch-foe for killing several of its nuclear scientists, with Fakhrizadeh considered the most senior, having founded the Islamic Republic’s nuclear programme in the early 2000s.

    Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has promised a “definitive punishment of the perpetrators and those who ordered it”, putting Israel on alert for a potential military response in the coming days.

    Fakhrizadeh’s coffin at the Imam Reza shrine.

    An opinion piece published by a hardline Iranian newspaper on Sunday suggested that Iran should attack Haifa, a port city in northern Israel. The Kayhan newspaper published an opinion piece by an Iranian analyst, Sadollah Zarei, who suggested a strike that destroys facilities and “also causes heavy human casualties”.

    Such an attack would be an effective deterrent, he said, “because the United States and the Israeli regime and its agents are by no means ready to take part in a war and a military confrontation”.

    Iran has attacked Israeli targets overseas. Its proxy in Lebanon, Hezbollah, has also conducted strikes during previous rounds of heightened hostility.

    Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, Iran’s parliamentary speaker, said on Sunday that Iran’s enemies must be made to regret the killing. “The criminal enemy does not regret it except with a strong reaction,” he said in a broadcast on Iranian state radio.

    While Iran claims that its nuclear programme is non-military and focused on energy, Fakhrizadeh was the subject of US sanctions; Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has accused him of leading a secret atomic weapons operation.

    The timing of the attack has led to suggestions that Israel, possibly with Donald Trump’s support, is attempting to stop any future attempt by the incoming president, Joe Biden, to reconcile with Iran. To Israel’s dismay, Biden has said he is willing to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal abandoned by Trump and lift some economic sanctions if Iran comes back into compliance with the agreement.

    Ben Rhodes, deputy national security adviser when Biden was vice-president to Barack Obama, did not suggest who was to blame for the killing but criticised it as an “outrageous action aimed at undermining diplomacy between an incoming US administration and Iran”.

    All future UN inspections of Iran’s nuclear sites should be ended as a result of the assassination of Fakhrizadeh, the Iranian parliament agreed unanimously on Sunday.

    The response suggests the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, already breached by Iran’s breaking of the agreed limits on enriched uranium stockpiles, is going to come under severe pressure in the coming weeks as Iran responds to the attack. The parliament said in a reference to Israel that what it described as “the hand of the murderous Zionist regime” could be clearly seen in the assassination.

    Tehran said those that thought negotiation with the US was the right path had been proved wrong. The parliament said Iran should withdraw from so-called additional protocol – the measure that gives UN weapons inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) access to Iran’s nuclear sites.

    Such a move would probably be regarded as the effective end of the nuclear deal by its three European signatories: Germany, France and the UK. Iranian hardliners have long argued that Israeli spies operate within the IAEA inspectorate.

    Parliament met in closed session on Saturday to hear an intelligence report on how the assassination happened, and to update on progress with the investigation.

    Sunday’s statement on its own creates no legal duty on either the Iranian government or the country’s Atomic Energy Organization, but members of parliament are finalising a bill on the strategic act to revoke sanctions to create that obligation.

    Numerous Iranian military and political officials have said Iran will not respond militarily to the assassination at this stage since it would play into the hands of those in Israel and the US wanting to foment a war in the Middle East before Trump stands down in January. But Iran is debating whether the assassination has shown diplomatic negotiations with the Biden administration will be pointless.

    The former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders tweeted: “The assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was reckless, provocative, and illegal. As a new administration takes power, it was clearly intended to undermine US-Iran diplomacy. We must not allow that to happen. Diplomacy, not murder, is the best path forward.”

    Biden has not yet commented, but his allies say he remains committed to the US rejoining the nuclear deal.

    The UK foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, during an interview on Sky said the UK had seen no evidence regarding who was responsible for the attack, saying: “We are still waiting to see the full facts of what happened in Iran but I would say that we stick to the rules of international military law, which is very clear against targeting civilians.”

    On Saturday the Iranian ambassador to the UK, Hamid Baeidinejad, urged the UK government to unreservedly condemn the assassination of Fakhrizadeh, saying he was a dedicated scientist and that the attack was “a clear violation of the international law as well as human rights’ values and standards”.

    Raab said he was willing to meet Iranian leaders to discuss a way forward. He said: “There is an opportunity to look at the JCPOA [the Iran nuclear deal] again with the Biden administration, but there are a series of choices for them to go further and further down the track with its non-compliance with its obligations under the nuclear deal, and … right up to Christmas, I will be meeting with my colleagues, also with Iran, if they are willing to come into the tent, to make sure we hold them to account but also to try and find a peaceful path through.”

    Javad Zarif, Iran’s foreign minister, defended the negotiation of the nuclear deal, predicting some of the unnecessary tensions in US-Iranian relations could be removed under Biden. Trump, he said, had contracted his Middle East policy to Netanyahu, creating the worst era in US-Iran relations in 40 years.

    Agence France-Presse contributed to this report

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    A prosecutor says an internal investigation of a white police officer whose house had an apparent Ku Klux Klan document on display will help determine whether there will be further review of the officer’s 2009 fatal shooting of a black man.

    The Muskegon Police Department opened an internal investigation of Officer Charles Anderson after a potential homebuyer, who is black, reported seeing a framed KKK application at Anderson’s home.

    Anderson was placed on paid administrative leave. reports Muskegon County Prosecutor D.J. Hilson says the investigation’s results will drive reconsideration of the 2009 case.

    Anderson was cleared of fatally shooting Julius Johnson following a traffic stop. Johnson had fought with Anderson, who was beaten. Anderson said he feared for his life.

    Anderson has declined comment. His wife has said her husband isn’t a Klan member.

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    SAN JOSE (CBS SF) — A massive police presence surrounded a UPS truck following a pursuit and standoff in San Jose on Thursday evening, closing down the road and backing up traffic.

    Multiple lines of San Jose Sheriff and SJPD patrol vehicles blocked the truck on the road at North First St. and West Trimble Rd, near VTA light rail tracks. Commuters were trapped as they were trying to get onto I-880 and Highway 101; VTA lines were also affected.

    CHP confirmed that the vehicle was involved in a shooting. The incident started near Highway 87 at Chynoweyh Ave and Pearl Ave in South San Jose.

    CHP said the suspect carjacked the UPS truck and had hostages in the vehicle, including the truck’s driver.

    A driver and a passenger were seen sitting at the front of the truck. A female passenger got out of the truck and approached police with hands up around 5:40 p.m. and was taken into custody. It wasn’t known yet whether the person in custody was a hostage or was involved in the shooting.

    San Jose UPS truck pursuit passenger surrenders to police (CBS)

    Police seemed to be negotiating with individuals still in the truck, indicating that the person was armed and could harm the hostages.

    A side shot on the ground showing the driver of the UPS truck.

    At 6:20 p.m., one hostage was reported safe by the Santa Clara County Sheriff. They said the suspect was still in the vehicle and has shot at deputies during the pursuit.

    At around 6:45 p.m., the driver of the truck got out and walked backward toward police with his hands up. At 7:00 p.m., the suspect attempted to flee the vehicle, but quickly went down. Officers quickly converged on the vehicle and the suspect, who they handcuffed on the ground.

    Gunshots were fired, but it is currently unknown whether the suspect shot himself or if police shot him. He was pronounced dead at around 7:20 p.m.

    Aerial shot of the suspect down on the ground. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

    KPIX 5 reporter Maria Medina said that the suspect was seen making a phone call minutes before he fled.

    The front passenger wheel of the truck appeared to have blown out.

    “UPS is grateful that our driver was released, and we’re thankful to local police who responded to the situation. The safety of our people is our top priority. We are assisting local authorities as we can,” said a UPS spokesperson.

    Commuters traveling eastbound and westbound were most heavily affected by the road closure.

    The incident caused a VTA Light Rail service disruption between Karina and Tasman stations. Alternate bus service is being provided in San Jose for both the Alum Rock/Santa Teresa and the Mountain View/Winchester light rail lines.

    This is a breaking news development. Stay with CBS SF as we update with the latest information. 

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    BEIJING (Reuters) – The number of deaths in China’s central Hubei province from a coronavirus outbreak had risen by 91 to 871 as of Sunday, the province’s health commission said in a statement on its website on Monday.

    There had been a further 2,618 cases detected in Hubei, the epicenter of the outbreak, taking the total in the province to 29,631.

    Most of the new deaths were in Hubei’s provincial capital of Wuhan, where the virus is believed to have originated.

    Wuhan reported 73 new deaths on Sunday, up from 63 on Saturday. A total of 681 people in Wuhan have now died from the virus.

    New confirmed cases in Wuhan increased by 1,921 on Sunday, up from 1,379 on Saturday.

    Reporting by Ryan Woo; Editing by Daniel Wallis

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    Al menos cuatro casas de apuestas colocan a
    Miss Colombia, Andrea Tovar, como la ganadora de la corona de Miss Universo, este domingo, durante la edición 65 del certamen.

    Según los sitios de Pinnacle, Betfair, SportsInsights y William Hill, es Tovar de 23 años quien domina sobre las demás aspirantes, seguida por
    Raissa Santana, a quien los expertos en certámenes de belleza describieron en entrevista con CNN Filipinas como la mejor portavoz que pudiera tener Miss Universo, pues es una comunicadora “natural”. En tercer lugar, se ubica Miss
    Valeria Piazza y le sigue Bélgica, Stéphanie Geldhof.

    Sin embargo, Miss Colombia Andre Tovar, está convencida de que ganará y ya le advirtió al conductor de la competencia,
    Steve Harvey, que no cometa errores este año. Se refería al fiasco ocurrido el año pasado cuando el presentador se equivocó y nombró a Miss Colombia, Ariadna Gutiérrez, como la ganadora, cuando realmente era
    Pia Wurtzbach, representante de

    En entrevista con cadena ‘La W’, Andrea Tovar, de 23 años, hizo gala de su buen humor y aseguró que si Harvey la declara ganadora este domingo, ella saldrá “corriendo” de la arena Mall of Asia, donde se realiza evento, para asegurarse de que nadie le quitará la corona, como pasó con Ariadna Gutiérrez.

    De otra parte, la representante de Filipinas,
    Maxine Medina, quien tiene el reto de retener la corona para su nación, enfrenta un pronóstico adverso, a nivel astrológico.

    En entrevista con la cadena CNN en Filipinas,
    el astrólogo Resty Santiago, advirtió que no habrá triunfo para Medina, pues “
    sus planetas de la suerte no estarán alineados sino hasta dentro de unas semanas”.

    El certamen de Miss Universo se realiza este domingo (lunes en Manila) bajo estrictas medidas de seguridad, con 1,858 oficiales encargados de que el evento fluya libre de inconvenientes.

    Lee también:
    República Dominicana espera que sus rasgos “asiáticos” le ayuden a ganar Miss Universo

    Estas son las latinas que nos representan en Miss Universo 2017

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    Just after 8 a.m., Chicago police responded to a report of a burglary that had taken place in the 2800 block of West Fullerton Avenue, which is where MOCA Modern Cannabis is located, while the business was closed. The break-in started in the side door, possibly with a person using a key card, and the person then took off with cash from the shop, according to police.

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    El volante colombiano se convirtió el sábado en el máximo goleador del Mundial Brasil 2014, superando a estrellas como Messi, Neymar y Thomas Muller. Pero ¿quién es James Rodríguez?

    Desde pequeño lo suyo eran los goles, según había dicho en una entrevista a un medio colombiano en 2012. Nunca fue arquero, nunca fue defensa, siempre estuvo adelante creando y pateando goles.

    Y es con esa misma claridad que el volante colombiano, de 22 años, está haciendo historia hoy en Brasil 2014.

    “Jamás tuve dudas de que éste iba a ser el Mundial de James Rodríguez”, dijo el director técnico de Colombia, Néstor Pékerman, en la rueda de prensa al finalizar el partido contra Uruguay que clasificó a los cafeteros a los cuartos de final, el sábado.

    “Aposté muchísimo con James porque le veía condiciones superlativas”, agregó Pékerman.


    Lea también: una vibrante Colombia hace historia y se mete en cuartos de final

    Cuatro partidos, cinco goles

    Rodríguez aseguró el paso de Colombia a cuartos de final al anotar el segundo gol contra Uruguay al minuto 50.

    En los cuatro partidos que ha jugado la selección colombiana en Brasil, James –se dice así: ja-mes, no yeims- ha conseguido anotar cinco goles -al menos uno en cada partido-, convirtiéndose en el actual goleador de esta edición de la Copa del Mundo.

    James fue instrumental en la victoria por 2-0 de Colombia sobre Uruguay, en la que marcó los dos goles, pero no sólo por la cantidad de anotaciones, sino por la calidad técnica de cada uno y por su capacidad de asociación con el resto del equipo, condiciones que han hecho que algunos analistas deportivos se refieran a él como un “crack” del fútbol.

    Su gol contra Japón en el último partido de Colombia en la primera fase había sido escogido por varios medios internacionales como uno de los cinco mejores de Mundial, por la calidad de la jugada y la precisión en la anotación.

    James, jugador crack. Además de que hace jugadas individuales, también tiene mucho juego con sus compañeros, además gol por cada partido.

    Patriciar Breuer, hincha colombiana en Río de Janeiro.

    Y hoy, recibe comentarios similares de seguidores después de anotar los dos tantos contra los charrúas, de los que se destaca el primero, que bajó de pecho y sentenció sin titubeos con su pierna de oro zurda.

    “James, jugador crack. Además de que hace jugadas individuales, también tiene mucho juego con sus compañeros, además gol por cada partido. ¡Vamos James, crack!”, declaro Patricia Breuer, una comunicadora social colombiana, al corresponsal de BBC Mundo en el estadio Maracaná, en Río de Janeiro, a la salida del partido.

    “La está metiendo. Qué Neymar, nada: James”, le dijo entusiasmado al corresponsal el hincha colombiano Pedro Salamanca, quien viajó al mundial en compañía de su hijo.

    No hay duda de que con su rendimiento, el joven jugador está cumpliendo con la responsabilidad que le cayó cuando se confirmó que Radamel Falcao García, su compañero del Mónaco y la gran estrella goleadora de Colombia, no podría jugar el torneo por no haberse recuperado completamente de una lesión.

    James ha respondido con efectividad a la confianza que le entregó Pékerman después de haber perdido a Falcao para el Mundial.


    Lea también: Brasil 2014: cómo bailar como un futbolista colombiano

    Profesional a los 14 años

    El Mónaco pagó más de US$ 60 millones por James Rodríguez en 2013.

    Muy apegado a su madre, quien le regaló su primer balón cuando tenía 4 años, James Rodríguez admiraba de niño las jugadas del francés Zinedine Zidane y del Pibe Valderrama, según dijo en una entrevista a la revista colombiana Bocas.

    Aunque nació en la ciudad de Cúcuta, al oriente de Colombia, creció en la pequeña ciudad del centro del país Ibagué, de donde él mismo dice ser.

    Algunos datos sobre James Rodríguez y la selección de Colombia

    James Rodríguez es el primer jugador en marcar en los primeros cuatro partidos de la Copa del Mundo desde Ronaldo y Rivaldo, de Brasil, en 2002.

    Es el primer jugador en anotar en cada uno de sus primeros cuatro partidos de la Copa Mundial desde Christian Vieri, de Italia, en 1998.

    Colombia ha llegado a los cuartos de final de un Mundial por primera vez en su historia.

    Colombia ya ha ganado tantos partidos en la Copa del Mundo de 2014 (tres), como en sus 13 partidos anteriores en la competición.

    El jugador colombiano Juan Cuadrado ha hecho cuatro asistencias en la Copa del Mundo de 2014, más que cualquier otro jugador.

    Cuadrado es el primer jugador en alcanzar cuatro asistencias en una Copa Mundial desde el italiano Francesco Totti y el argentino Juan Riquelme (también cuatro) en 2006.

    Debutó a los 14 años en el fútbol profesional colombiano con el Envigado FC, que por ese entonces estaba en la segunda división.

    En 2009, cuando tenía 17 años, viajó a Argentina para unirse a las filas del Club Atlético Banfield, donde marcó su primer gol a los 20 días de jugar su primer partido. Ese año Banfield fue líder del torneo Apertura por primera vez más de 100 años.

    Un año más tarde, viajó a Europa para jugar con Porto F.C., en Portugal, donde armó una gran complicidad futbolística con los también jugadores de la selección colombiana Falcao y Fredy Guarín.

    De la mano de los tres colombianos, el Porto vivió un momento dorado, consiguiendo entre otros éxitos, ganar la Liga Europa de la UEFA en la temporada 2010–2011. Rodríguez anotó 32 goles en los tres años que estuvo con el equipo.

    En mayo de 2013, su pase fue vendido por US$61 millones al Mónaco, equipo con el que ya suma diez anotaciones.

    En Portugal obtuvo varios reconocimientos, como el Balón de Oro de Portugal en 2012 o el Mejor nuevo jugador en 2011-2012. Y en el poco tiempo que lleva jugando en el Mónaco, que pertenece a la Liga profesional francesa, ya fue escogido como el Jugador del año 2013-2014.

    Haciendo historia con Colombia

    Los bailes con los que los futbolistas colombianos han celebrado los goles en Brasil 2014 han dado la vuelta al mundo.

    El partido ganado por Colombia el sábado con los dos goles de James Rodríguez significa para el país su mayor logro en un mundial.

    De los cinco mundiales en los que Colombia ha participado (1962, 1990, 1994, 1998 y 2014), la única vez que superó la fase de grupos fue hace 24 años, en 1990, pero quedó eliminada cuando Camerún la venció 2-1.

    El equipo no sólo ha tenido 100% de efectividad, habiendo completado la primera fase con victoria en los tres partidos y el triunfo de la clasificación a cuartos de final, sino que además sólo ha visto entrar en su arco dos goles en lo que va corrido del mundial, frente a los 11 goles que ya ha anotado.

    Arco que no sólo defiende el gran arquero David Ospina, sino el también cuñado de James, ya que el volante colombiano está casado con su hermana, con la que tiene una hija de un año.

    Con sus cinco goles en Brasil, James Rodríguez se convirtió el sábado además en el máximo goleador de la historia de Colombia en los mundiales, al superar los dos goles que habían anotado Jackson Martínez (Brasil 2014), Bernardo Redín (Italia 1990) y Adolfo “El Tren” Valencia (EE.UU. 1994).

    “Lo más sorprendente es que a su edad no tiene ningún inconveniente en ser responsable, hacer cosas que a muchos futbolistas les lleva años. Tiene todas las cosas de jugador de primer nivel mundial”, concluyó Pékerman sobre el volante en la conferencia de prensa en Río de Janeiro.

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    Television personality Dog the Bounty Hunter is joining the search for Brian Laundrie, more than 10 days since he was last seen by his family. Laundrie has been named a person of interest in the disappearance and death of his fiancée Gabby Petito.

    Dog the Bounty Hunter—whose real name is Duane Chapman—specializes in locating and arresting people who have broken the terms of their bail agreements for his TV show.

    Chapman’s team wrote in a statement to Newsweek, “Dog and Francie have experienced extreme loss themselves. Their hearts go out to Gabby’s family for what they’re going through and want to help bring justice for her death.”

    Chapman wants anyone with information on Laundrie’s whereabouts to call him at 833-TELLDOG, and all information will be kept confidential, the statement said.

    Investigators have been searching for Brian Laundrie in the Carlton Reserve near North Point, Florida, for more than a week. He was reported missing on September 17, and police believe he could survive in the swampland for months, if he’s there.

    The FBI issued a federal arrest warrant for Laundrie on Wednesday, urging anyone who knows where he may be to come forward. The warrant was issued following a grand jury indictment for alleged “Use of Unauthorized Access Devices” in late August and early September.

    Petito was reported missing on September 11. Her body was found last Sunday in the Spread Creek area of Wyoming. On Tuesday, the Teton County Coroner announced the manner of death to be a homicide.

    Last week, Chapman shared his thoughts on the case with Newsweek, saying that “a lot of circumstances point towards him being the defendant.”

    “To look at the case, so far, I haven’t got any info yet inside info. But it seemed like she was very verbal when they got into arguments, because there was people that heard her screaming at him,” Chapman told Newsweek.

    He said that to find Laundrie, he would need to learn more about his background.

    “He went straight home to tell his parents what happened. And then he took off. So we got to look at his background, look at his record, know, his friends, his family. He’s not an experienced runner or criminal. Suicide is a very likely possibility—and it seems like he’s kind of an outdoors kid,” he said.

    He said when he searches for people, they often end up close to home.

    As the search that has captivated millions of people continues, new details have emerged surrounding his disappearance. One woman claimed that she picked up Laundrie while he was hiking in Wyoming—becoming the second person to say they had given him a lift.

    His family was concerned that he might hurt himself after he left home without some key items, including a wallet or cell phone.

    Dog the Bounty Hunter is joining the search for Brian Laundrie. Here, FBI agents are seen searching Laundrie’s North Point, Florida, home on September 20.
    Octavio Jones/Getty Images

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    The president of the Champlain South Towers condo association, in an April letter, wrote that damage to the garage had gotten significantly worse since a 2018 inspection and that the concrete deterioration of the building was “accelerating,” according to reports Monday. 

    At least 11 people have died and more than 150 are still missing after the Miami condo partially collapsed early Thursday in Surfside, Florida. Rescue workers continue to search for survivors in the rubble. 

    In the April 9 letter, the Surfside condo board president, Jean Wodnicki, wrote how the building was in desperate need of repairs, and she urged residents to pay millions of dollars in assessments needed to fix structural problems.


    Workers search the rubble at the Champlain Towers South Condo, Monday, June 28, 2021, in Surfside, Fla. Many people were still unaccounted for after Thursday’s fatal collapse. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

    “A lot of this work could have been done or planned for in years gone by. But this is where we are now,” Wodnicki said, according to the Wall Street Journal

    She noted that in fall 2018, engineering firm Morabito Consultants was hired to inspect the building, reports said. The engineering report pointed out flaws of the building ahead of work that would be needed for the building to meet 40-year recertification in 2021, documents showed.

    The report found that the pool deck’s waterproofing had failed and was not sloped to drain water. It also pointed to “abundant cracking” in concrete columns and beams.

    “Failure to replace the waterproofing in the near future will cause the extent of the concrete deterioration to expand exponentially,” the report stated.

    About a month after the report, former Surfside building official Rosendo “Ross” Prieto told the association, in a meeting, that the building was in “very good shape.”

    “The response was very positive from everyone in the room,” Prieto wrote in the email, which local officials provided to reporters. “All the main concerns over their forty-year recertification process were addressed.”

    But in April, Wodnicki told Champlain South Tower residents that the initial inspection was not enough to determine the full scale of structural issues to the building.


    “It is impossible to know the extent of the damage to the underlying rebar until the concrete is opened up. Oftentimes the damage is more extensive than can be determined by inspection of the surface,” Wodnicki wrote.

    “When you can visually see the concrete spalling (cracking), that means that the rebar holding it together is rusting and deteriorating beneath the surface,” she continued. “The concrete deterioration is accelerating. The roof situation got much worse, so extensive roof repairs had to be incorporated.”

    The firm’s 2018 report noted that some repairs were needed “in the near future,” according to Brett Marcy, the representative for Morabito Consultants.

    Donna DiMaggio Berger, an attorney for the condo association, told the WSJ Sunday that the 2018 engineer’s report didn’t raise any alarms.

    “Concrete spalling, rebar deterioration –these are not unusual events when you have buildings exposed to corrosive conditions,” Berger said.

    The letter’s purpose was to explain the worthiness of construction projects for the building ahead of a meeting on a proposed special assessment of $15 million to be paid by residents, according to the paper. 


    The cause of the 12-story Miami building’s collapse remains unknown. 

    Fox News’ James Leggate contributed to this report

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    (CNN)The pilots on board Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 battled the plane’s automated flight control systems for almost the entire duration of the six-minute flight, according to a preliminary report into the crash obtained by CNN on Thursday.

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    Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp has signed into law a bill that sets limits on the amounts by which local governments can cut police departments’ budgets, arguing the movement to “defund” police seeks “to vilify the men and women who leave their families and put their lives on the line to protect” Peach State residents.

    Kemp, a Republican, signed the legislation on Friday at the Barrow County Sheriff’s Office gun range in Bethlehem, with sheriffs and police chiefs by his side. Rep. Houston Gaines, an Athens Republican and the bill’s sponsor, told Fox News on Tuesday he was “proud.”

    “This important measure will ensure that the ‘defund the police’ movement doesn’t take a foothold here in Georgia and will stop radical, out-of-control local governments from slashing police budgets and putting public safety at risk,” he said in a statement to Fox News. “This National Police Week, we’re grateful here in Georgia for our men and women in law enforcement — and we back the blue.”


    The law will bar local governments from cutting police department budgets beyond a certain percentage and takes effect on July 1.

    In this Wednesday, June 10, 2020, file photo, a man walk across a “Defund Police” written in front of the Atlanta Police Department Headquarters. (Alyssa Pointer/Atlanta Journal-Constitution via AP)

    Georgia is now one of the only states in the country with such law enforcement agency protections, Gaines’ office said. A similar measure has become law in Florida, while other states are considering them.


    The law prohibits county governments from decreasing a police department’s annual budget by more than 5% of the previous fiscal year’s funding. But it would also carry certain parameters as to when such limits might no longer apply. For instance, it would not apply if the county’s revenue that year decreased by more than 5%, and cities and counties with fewer than 25 officers are exempt.

    Atlanta and Athens-Clarke County officials debated but rejected plans to cut or redirect spending following racial injustice protests last year. The death of George Floyd launched demonstrations that were also fueled by the death of Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta and several other individuals across the country.

    The measure is a rejection of arguments by protesters nationwide that minority communities are suffering from overpolicing. The critics argue that governments should spend less on law enforcement and more on social services to address problems.

    But Kemp, speaking at Friday’s signing, said it was unfair to “condemn and demonize” police officers.

    “This far-left movement will endanger our communities and our law enforcement officers,” he said, “and leave our most vulnerable at risk.”

    The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

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    Current and former members of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration took to the streets on Monday in a protest attended by hundreds that called out Hizzoner’s handling of recent unrest in the city.

    “I feel like I am doing my job as a public servant out here today,” Cat Almonte, 28, told The Post of the decision to protest her boss.

    What started as a few dozen workers — representing agencies from the Department of Health to the Department of City Planning — gathered outside City Hall early Monday to bring their grievances to de Blasio’s doorstep.

    “Some of us are risking our livelihood being here, our careers,” Almonte — who formerly worked as de Blasio’s personal aide and now works for a city agency, which she declined to identify — told the crowd.

    “I’m not here to just criticize the mayor. That’s easy,” continued Almonte. “I am coming from a place of deep respect to say we expect better. We are demanding radical change now.”

    Among Almonte’s demands was a $1 billion reduction in NYPD funding for the coming fiscal year — representing one-sixth of the department’s budget — and the shift of that cash to services including rent relief, housing support and food assistance.

    De Blasio — who on Sunday flip-flopped to vow the reallocation of an unspecified amount of funding from the NYPD to youth and social services — has felt the heat amid nationwide protests demanding justice for George Floyd, a black man who died May 25 after a white Minneapolis cop kneeled on his neck.

    Looting, vandalism and clashes with cops spun off by opportunists and agitators in or around protests have only fueled the fire.

    As the group left City Hall and took to the Brooklyn Bridge, their number swelled into the hundreds, many bearing signs that read “Black Lives Matter.”

    “We aren’t just a group of New Yorkers who are disgruntled who have a right to be disgruntled and angry and hold the mayor accountable,” said Christopher Collins McNeil, a former staffer in the Mayor’s Office of Intergovernmental Affairs. “We are a group of people who have worked for this man, currently work for the mayor.”

    A group of past and present City Hall workers march from City Hall to 1 Police Plaza to the Cadman Plaza war memorial to protest the Blasio administration’s handling of the George Floyd protests.

    Stephen Yang

    Stephen Yang

    Stephen Yang


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    Added Michael Cox, who said he formerly worked in the mayor’s office, “He [de Blasio] said he was going to stand against police injustice. … It’s not clear to us what happened.”

    The group made its way over the bridge into Brooklyn before going their separate ways in Cadman Plaza, where de Blasio was jeered heavily last week at a memorial event for Floyd.

    The protest coincided with several groups of current and former city staffers penning open letters of criticism to de Blasio, including from the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice.

    “At the June 4 memorial service for George Floyd in Brooklyn’s Cadman Plaza, Mayor de Blasio said that Mr. Floyd ‘cannot have been allowed to die in vain,’ ” that letter read in part.

    “We fully agree with this sentiment. As advisors to the Mayor, we call for action and adoption of the following strategies to use this moment of protest and anger as a catalyst to create the city that New Yorkers deserve, a city where all people are recognized for their humanity.”

    Among the list of demands in the letter signed by dozens of current and former staffers is the reallocation of funds from the NYPD to community groups and greater accountability for the department.

    While his current and former employees took to the streets, de Blasio held a press briefing miles away at the Brooklyn Navy Yard.

    “I don’t know who is or who is not,” he said, referring to protesters who are or have been part of his administration. “I say to anyone who has a concern, I want to hear it, senior staff wants to hear it. … I reach out a hand to anyone who wants to do that work together.”

    Additional reporting by Craig McCarthy

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    “This is going to put a lot of pressure on those aspects of our relationship they have control over,” Anderson, a fellow at the Brookings Institution, said Friday. “I strongly suspect we’re going to see action in parliament … that’s going to seek the curtailment if not total withdrawal of those folks.”

    Iraq’s parliament is set to meet Sunday in an emergency session to discuss the airstrike, which the prime minister called a violation of sovereignty, Reuters reported.

    About 5,000 American troops are deployed to Iraq. If Baghdad asks these American forces to withdraw, it would eliminate the home base from which the U.S. has launched its fight against the Islamic State. Though the terrorist group has lost most of the territory it once held, the group recently established a small foothold in northern Iraq made up of fighters crossing the border from Syria, NBC News reported in November.

    The rising tension between the U.S. and Iraq could weaken the relationship the two countries built over the past several years while working together to fight the Islamic State, which both viewed as a common enemy.

    “Both sides will start to think about other enemies, [including] … each other,” said Daniel Byman, a senior fellow with the Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution. “Part of what brought them together is the sense that ISIS is a danger to both.”

    The loss of a U.S. presence in Iraq would also affect the military’s anti-ISIS mission in Syria. When the Trump administration moved troops out of Syria last fall, forces had to rely more heavily on personnel based in neighboring Iraq to root out terrorist fighters in Syria.

    “If we can’t be in Iraq, we can’t be in Syria,” Barbara Slavin, the director of the Future Iran Initiative at the Atlantic Council, said Friday, because Iraq is America’s main point from which to launch missions in Syria. She also added that the power void in Syria ceded by the U.S. is likely to be filled by Iran.

    Turkey was also a home base for U.S. operations in Syria, but the relationship between the White House and Ankara has faced significant tension over Turkey’s growing ties with Russia, making it unlikely that Syria operations launched from Turkey will increase.

    Training Iraqi soldiers to battle terrorists on their own is another important part of America’s mission in the country, and one that would also be hurt by the withdrawal of American troops. When U.S. troops left Iraq in 2011, the Iraqi military quickly deteriorated to the point that the Islamic State could grow its presence in the country. Anderson cited this when asked what would likely happen to the Iraqi military if U.S. troops were forced to leave again.

    “We saw how rapidly the Iraqi military degraded in the years before the rise of ISIS, [which] contributed to ISIS’ rapid march,” he said. “The concern has always been that without continued U.S. support and training and encouragement, you would see a similar decimation of Iraqi military corps.”

    It’s possible the Iraqi parliament will not kick American troops out of the country and will instead pursue a less drastic measure like a formal condemnation of the strike. Yet the relationship between the U.S. and Iraq will still suffer. Abbas Kadhim, the director of Iraq Initiative at the Atlantic Council, said the lack of cooperation will extend beyond just government-to-government relations.

    “Iraq for [at least] the next year will be completely unsafe for American citizens and business and any other interests,” he told reporters. “Forget about any contracts or anything we might see on the ground.”

    Diplomatic personnel in Iraq are also at risk, as evidenced by an attack on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad this week. While Iraqi security forces eventually intervened to stop the protest, Christopher Preble, vice president of defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, said the response was slow. He also said Iraqi efforts to break up future incidents is likely to even get slower as Iraq fumes about the strike on its sovereign territory.

    “The Iraqi government is incensed by this decision to carry out an attack on their soil,” he said. “I’m quite concerned about the safety of U.S. personnel, including civilians and diplomats, inside of Iraq.”

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    Marc Gasol se ha convertido, por derecho propio, en el nombre a seguir en este inicio de temporada en la NBA. El pívot español está en el mejor momento de su carrera (encabeza la carrera por el MVP de la temporada regular), lidera al mejor equipo de la liga hasta la fecha y se ha convertido en la gran estrella del mercado de agentes libres del próximo verano.

    El de Sant Boi aparece con letras mayúsculas en la agenda de la mayoría de equipos de la Liga y algunos como Knicks, Lakers o Spurs no han dudado en señalarle como el eje sobre el que reconstruir sus franquicias. Mientras, en Memphis, esperan ansiosos una palabra o un gesto de un jugador que les ha llevado a alcanzar las cotas más altas de su historia.

    Sin embargo, unos y otros, tendrán que esperar al próximo verano para saber las intenciones del español. El próximo 12 de diciembre puede ya recibir una oferta de extensión de contrato con los Grizzlies, que podría ofrecer un máximo de 55 millones de dólares por tres temporadas. Aunque todo hace indicar que tanto jugador como franquicia esperarán al 30 de junio para empezar a hablar.

    Los Grizzlies porque entonces podrán hacerle una oferta mucho mayor por cinco temporadas más de unión y Marc porque prefiere estar centrado en la temporada y dejar los negocios para cuando termine el curso baloncestístico, a poder ser con el anillo en los dedos.

    “Creo que al final de temporada nos sentaremos y pondremos las cartas sobre la mesa para ver dónde estamos cada uno”, asegura el mediano de los Gasol. “Siempre he sido muy sincero con todo el mundo y los Grizzlies siempre lo han sido conmigo y eso lo respeto, pero no quiero que eso me afecte ahora porque eso no me ayuda. No quiero ser una distracción para el resto de mis compañeros. Si no me perjudica a mí, que no perjudique a los demás”.

    El líder de los Grizzlies prefiere esperar a final de temporada y ver si es posible la consecución de su primer anillo con el equipo de Memphis. “Tienes que ir a trabajar todos los días y sentirte bien, saber que todos estamos mentalizados en el objetivo, que no es otro que tener las mayores opciones posibles de ganar un título”, apunta Marc.

    Mientras, sus compañeros esperan la decisión de ‘Big Marc’ esperanzados por volver a verle en Memphis la temporada que viene. egún informa ESPN, fuentes cercanas al canal han comentado que varios de los jugadores más importantes de la plantilla como Zach Randolph, Mike Conley y Tony Allen ven a Gasol renovando con los Grizzlies.

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    En las noticias más leídas del día, las autoridades cubanas le negaron la entrada a la isla al ex presidente Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, cuando se dirigía a la entrega de un premio en honor al fallecido activista Oswaldo Payá. Enrique Peña Nieto afirmó que no hay marcha atrás en la liberación del mercado de gasolinas y en Estados Unidos 16 presidentes de empresas apoyan el impuesto fronterizo propuesto por Donald Trump.

    1. No habrá marcha atrás en la liberación de gasolinas: Peña

    El presidente, Enrique Peña Nieto afirmó que no hay marcha atrás en la liberación del mercado de gasolinas.
    Según el mandatario, esta liberación traerá inversiones en infraestructura y construirá un escenario muy diferente, mejor. Las inversiones esperadas son alrededor de 16,000 millones de dólares. En una reunión con un grupo de comunicadores, se refirió a lo que pasará con el precio de la gasolina: “Tendremos un mecanismo de suavización que evitará fluctuaciones muy grandes de un día para otro”.

    José Antonio Meade, secretario de Hacienda, ofreció detalles y aclaró que no habrá una banda de precios, porque no hay techo ni piso. En caso de que haya una tendencia de cambio fuerte en los precios, habrá un periodo de hasta 100 días para hacer la corrección en el precio.

    2. Cuba no le permite la entrada a Felipe Calderón

    El día de hoy autoridades de Cuba le prohibieron la entrada a la isla al ex presidente de México, Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, donde asistiría como invitado a la entrega de un premio en honor al fallecido activista Oswaldo Payá.

    En su intento por viajar a Cuba, la aerolínea mexicana, Aeroméxico le comunicó al ex mandatario mexicano que la inmigración de Cuba le había emitido un comunicado en que le informaba que “el pasajero FCH no estaba autorizado para entrar a Cuba y solicitaba que no fuera documentado en vuelo AM451”. Calderón agradeció a la aerolínea sus atenciones.
    El ex presidente chileno, Sebastián Piñera denunció también que el Gobierno cubano impidió a Mariana Aylwin viajar hacia la isla. “Un nuevo atropello a las libertades y derechos en Cuba. Mariana: todo nuestro apoyo”, sentenció el ex mandatario en su cuenta de Twitter.

    3. Al ahorrar busque proteger su dinero de la inflación

    Cuando hablamos de ahorro, en la mayoría de los mexicanos persiste cierto escepticismo hacia los instrumentos formales, a tal grado, que sólo 15.1% de la población ahorra en este tipo de productos, mientras que 61.3% pierde dinero ya sea por ahorrar parcial o totalmente en instrumentos informales, de acuerdo con la Encuesta Nacional de Inclusión Financiera 2015.

    Al guardar tu dinero en instrumentos informales, pierde poder adquisitivo debido al efecto de la inflación; dicho de otra manera: por el alza de precios, puedes comprar menos con tu dinero si éste no incrementa en la misma proporción.

    Debido a esto, es recomendable ahorrar en instrumentos formales, pero no sólo eso, sino buscar productos de ahorro e inversión que generen rendimientos anuales equivalentes, al menos, a la inflación de cada año. Si quieres saber de qué forma lograr esto, entra a la nota completa.

    4. Unos 16 CEO de EU le dan el sí al impuesto fronterizo

    Al menos 16 presidentes ejecutivos de empresas estadounidenses, entre las que destacan Boeing Co, Caterpillar Inc y General Electric Co, instaron al Congreso estadounidense a aprobar una amplia revisión del código tributario, incluyendo un polémico impuesto fronterizo.

    Fue en una carta enviada a los líderes republicanos y demócratas del Congreso, en donde los ejecutivos dijeron que el impuesto fronterizo propuesto por los republicanos hará a los productos manufacturados en Estados Unidos más competitivos localmente y en el exterior, ya que los artículos importados enfrentarían en mismo nivel impositivo.

    El presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, el republicano Paul Ryan, propuso bajar el impuesto a las ganancias corporativas a 20% desde un 35%, aplicando un tributo de 20% sobre las importaciones y excluyendo los ingresos por exportaciones de las ganancias imponibles.

    src=”” alt=”Unos 16 CEO de EU le dan el sí al impuesto fronterizo” border=”0″ />

    5. Aviso de ocasión

    Un cartón de Chavo del Toro.


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