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President Joe Biden said U.S. regulators are looking at administering Covid-19 booster shots five months after people finish their primary immunizations, moving up the expected timetable for a third shot by about three months.

Biden, who was speaking with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Friday, said health officials were considering following that country’s lead on boosters.

“We’re considering the advice you’ve given that we should start earlier,” Biden said, adding that officials are debating whether the timeline should be shorter. “Should it be as little as five months and that’s being discussed.”

Approval of the booster shots is expected to come sometime around Labor Day after federal health officials have time to review data from other countries and vaccine manufacturers that indicated booster dose efficacy six months after a previous dose.

In adults age 60 and older, a booster dose of a Covid-19 vaccine provided 4x as much protection against infection with the delta variant than the previous two-dose regimen, according to the Ministry of Health of Israel.

Distribution of the booster shots following Food and Drug Administration clearance and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendation is expected to begin on September 20. The Biden administration and vaccine manufacturers have indicated that there should be enough doses for any fully vaccinated adult seeking a third dose.

Correction: This article was updated to correct the timing of when a potential third Covid dose might be administered. It’s five months after full immunization.

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Gavin Williamson has been sacked as defence secretary following an inquiry into a leak from a top-level National Security Council meeting.

Downing Street said the PM had “lost confidence in his ability to serve” and Penny Mordaunt will take on the role.

The inquiry followed reports over a plan to allow Huawei limited access to help build the UK’s new 5G network.

Mr Williamson, who has been defence secretary since 2017, “strenuously” denies leaking the information.

In a meeting with Mr Williamson on Wednesday evening, Theresa May told him she had information that provided “compelling evidence” that he was responsible for the unauthorised disclosure.

In a letter confirming his dismissal, she said: “No other, credible version of events to explain this leak has been identified.”

Responding in a letter to the PM, Mr Williamson said he was “confident” that a “thorough and formal inquiry” would have “vindicated” his position.

“I appreciate you offering me the option to resign, but to resign would have been to accept that I, my civil servants, my military advisers or my staff were responsible: this was not the case,” he said.

The inquiry into the National Security Council leak began after the Daily Telegraph reported on the Huawei decision and subsequent warnings within cabinet about possible risks to national security over a deal with Huawei.

BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg said sources close to the former defence secretary had told her Mr Williamson did meet the Daily Telegraph’s deputy political editor, Steven Swinford, but, she pointed out “that absolutely does not prove” he leaked the story to him.

Security correspondent Frank Gardner said the BBC had been told “more than one concerning issue” had been uncovered regarding Mr Williamson during the leak inquiry and not just the Huawei conversation.

Downing Street has made a very serious accusation and is sure enough to carry out this sacking.

For the prime minister’s allies, it will show that she is, despite the political turmoil, still strong enough to move some of her ministers around – to hire and fire.

Mr Williamson is strenuously still denying that the leak was anything to do with him at all.

There is nothing fond, or anything conciliatory, in either the letter from the prime minister to him, or his reply back to her.

Read more from Laura

The National Security Council (NSC) is made up of senior cabinet ministers and its weekly meetings are chaired by the prime minister, with other ministers, officials and senior figures from the armed forces and intelligence agencies invited when needed.

It is a forum where secret intelligence can be shared by GCHQ, MI6 and MI5 with ministers, all of whom have signed the Official Secrets Act.

There has been no formal confirmation of Huawei’s role in the 5G network and No 10 said a final decision would be made at the end of spring.

Huawei has denied there is any risk of spying or sabotage, or that it is controlled by the Chinese government.

Mrs May said the leak from the meeting on 23 April was “an extremely serious matter and a deeply disappointing one”.

Theresa May’s letter to Gavin Williamson

It is vital for the operation of good government and for the UK’s national interest in some of the most sensitive and important areas that the members of the NSC – from our armed forces, our security and intelligence agencies, and the most senior level of government – are able to have frank and detailed discussions in full confidence that the advice and analysis provided is not discussed or divulged beyond that trusted environment.

“That is why I commissioned the cabinet secretary to establish an investigation into the unprecedented leak from the NSC meeting last week, and why I expected everyone connected to it – ministers and officials alike – to comply with it fully. You undertook to do so.

“I am therefore concerned by the manner in which you have engaged with this investigation.”

Read the rest of the letter in full

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said the prime minister had no alternative but to sack Mr Williamson, but he said on a personal level he was “very sorry about what happened”.

Labour’s deputy leader Tom Watson has called for a police inquiry to investigate whether or not Mr Williamson breached the Official Secrets Act.

But Scotland Yard said in a statement that it was a matter for the National Security Council and the Cabinet Office, and it was not carrying out an investigation.

Defence Committee chairman Julian Lewis told the BBC that Mr Williamson’s sacking was a “loss” when looked at “purely” from the point of view of defence.

He said he thought “very highly” of Ms Mordaunt – the first woman to take the role of defence secretary.

Rory Stewart has been confirmed as the new international development secretary, taking over from Ms Mordaunt.

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Trump dijo que le gustaría cancelar las elecciones

En un acto de campaña en Ohio, el candidato republicano Donald Trump, dijo este jueves (irónicamente) que le gustaría “cancelar la elección” del próximo 8 de noviembre y ser declarado ganador.

“Estaba pensando en este momento, deberíamos cancelar la elección y otorgársela a Trump”…”Sus políticas son tan malas. Tendríamos una gran diferencia”, agregó sobre su rival demócrata, Hillary Clinton.

El comentario viene aparentemente a colación de sus anteriores declaraciones sobre elecciones “amañadas” y manipuladas en su contra, por parte de los medios de comunicación y los políticos de turno.

(Foto: Mark Makela/Getty Images)

Asamblea de Venezuela inició proceso para destituir a Maduro 

La Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela inició el proceso de evaluación de la gestión del presidente Nicolás Maduro con el fin de determinar si incurrió o no en abandono del cargo o irresponsabilidad política al presuntamente violar la constitución y los derechos de los venezolanos.

Según publicó CNN  dentro de sus atribuciones constitucionales, la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela puede ejercer funciones de control sobre el gobierno y la administración pública nacional. Por este motivo, el parlamento decidió por mayoría citar al presidente Nicolás Maduro a declarar el próximo martes para responder sobre cuestionamientos en torno a lo que consideran graves violaciones a la constitución, los derechos humanos y a la democracia.

De comprobarse esa responsabilidad no conduciría a la destitución del presidente de la República -como ocurrió en Brasil- pero se trataría de una sanción de carácter eminentemente político, que tiene efecto en la legitimidad popular.

Nicolás Maduro. (Foto: FEDERICO PARRA/AFP/Getty Images)

Rusia propone un plan Marshall para reconstruir Siria

El presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, admitió el jueves en un foro internacional que sus acuerdos con la Casa Blanca han fracasado a la hora de detener el derramamiento de sangre en Siria y responsabilizó de ese fracaso a ciertos “círculos” de Estados Unidos. “No han funcionado nuestros acuerdos personales con el presidente de EE.UU. (Barack Obama). En Washington hubo círculos que hicieron todo lo posible para que no fueran llevados a la práctica”, aseguró.

“Parecía que después de largas negociaciones, de enormes esfuerzos y compromisos difíciles, finalmente se había logrado articular un frente único de lucha contra el terrorismo, pero no ocurrió”, agregó. Asimismo aseguró que es “muy difícil” dialogar con la actual Administración estadounidense, ya que “casi no cumple nada ningún acuerdo, incluido sobre Siria”, y se mostró dispuesto a dialogar con el próximo presidente de EE.UU. A su vez, propuso diseñar una especie de Plan Marshall para la reconstrucción de los países de Oriente Medio destruidos por la guerra, como Siria.

“La magnitud colosal de las destrucciones exige la elaboración de un programa a largo plazo, si se quiere una especie de Plan Marshall para la reconstrucción de esta región asolada por guerras y conflictos”, añadió.

(Foto: BULENT KILIC/AFP/Getty Images)

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No cabe duda que el Eclipse Solar de este 21 de agosto es uno de los espectáculos más esperados del año.

Sin embargo, muchos se encuentran en sus oficinas o sencillamente no cuentan con los elementos especiales para poder apreciarlo.

Por eso, te traemos la transmisión EN VIVO del eclipse solar directo desde la NASA... ¿Te lo vas a perder?

Aquí un paso a paso para ver el eclipse con una caja de pizza:

Paso a paso: ¿Cómo ver el eclipse solar con una caja de pizza?

Y tú ¿sabes cuáles son los eclipses más famosos de la historia?

  • Los eclipses, uno esos espectáculos de la naturaleza que no pasan muy a menudo, siempre han sido fenómenos que atrapan la atención de la humanidad, pero por distintos motivos, unos han sido más famosos que otros.

  • El gran eclipse solar de América: Este el primer eclipse solar total que se podrá observar en Estados Unidos, desde los cielos de Oregón hasta Carolina del Sur. Ocurrirá el 21 de agosto.
  • Eclipse de Ugarit: Es uno de los primeros eclipses solares totales registrados. Este eclipse oscureció el cierlo durante dos minutos y siete segundos el 3 de mayo de 1375 antes de Crsito, según el registro de una tableta de arcilla descubierta en 1948. 
  • Eclipse asirio: En 763 a. C., el imperio asirio, que ocupaba el territorio de lo que ahora es Irak, vivió un eclipse total en el que el Sol fue completamente cubierto durante cinco minutos.
  •     Eclipse de China: Los historiadores chinos documentaron un eclipse total de sol en el año 1302, este fenómeno natural duró seis minutos y 25 segundos. 
  •  La crucifixión de Jesús: Algunos historiadores señalan que, cuando los evangelios cristianos dijeron que el cielo se oscureció durante horas después de la crucifixión de Jesús, se trató, realmente, de un eclipse solar total que duró 1 minuto y 59 segundos que ocurrió en el año 29 d.C.
  • Nacimiento de Mahoma: El Corán señala que después del nacimiento de Mahoma ocurrió un eclipse; años más tarde los historiadores descubrieron que un eclipse total de tres minutos y diecisiete segundos ocurrió en el año 596 d.C.
  • Eclipse del rey Enrique: Cuando el rey Enrique I de Inglaterra, hijo de Guillermo el Conquistador, murió en el año 1133, el evento coincidió con un eclipse solar total que duró 4 minutos y 38 segundos.
  • Eclipse de Einstein: Mientras en la antigüedad los eclipses eran vistos como actos de Dios, en la época moderna, los explica la viencia. Por esa razón, durante el eclipse denominado Einsten en 1919 en el que el sol desapareció durante seis minutos y 51 segundos, los científicos midieron la inclinación de la luz de las estrellas al pasar cerca del Sol.

De 1375 a. C a 2017: Eclipses más famosos de la historia

Por último, no te pierdas las supersticiones más locas de los eclipses:

  • Produce ceguera: Se ha comprobado que no existen efectos negativos en la vista al momento de ocurrir el fenómeno. Sin embargo, se recomienda no mirar directamente a la luz del sol, porque eso sí causa daños en la retina.
  • Afecta a las mujeres embarazadas: Por alguna razón se corrió el rumor de que el eclipse adelanta los partos o afecta a los bebés en gestación. Esto es totalmente falso.
  • Fin del mundo: Se ha vuelto viral el rumor de que el eclipse atraerá a un planeta llamado Nibiru o X, el cual chocará con la Tierra. Sobra decir que esto es falso.
  • Augurio de un desastre natural: Desde la antigüedad, este tipo de eventos han sido relacionados con terremotos o huracanes; sin embargo, no existe relación entre ambos fenómenos. 
  • Caída de imperios: Otro mito que ha sobrevivido por siglos. Se cree que el eclipse solar es anuncio de un cambio de régimen o era, pero esto se explica al notar que el sol era un símbolo de poder en sociedades antiguas.
  • Daña la comida: En India, cuando ocurre un eclipse solar, es común ver correr a la gente a sus casas para proteger sus alimentos, pues creen que el fenómeno los envenena.
  • Flores a la italiana: En el país con forma de bota, cuenta la leyenda que si se planta una flor durante un eclipse solar, ésta será más bella y fuerte.
  •     El sol come demonios: Un mito chino considera que el día se oscurece porque nuestra máxima estrella se come a todos los demonios del mundo por unos cuantos minutos.
  •     Caninos ladrones: Los vikingos creían en una deidad parecida a un lobo llamada Skoll, quien tenía la capacidad de robarse el sol por unos minutos.
  •     Pelea astral: Algunas tribus de África creen que el eclipse es una pelea entre el sol y la luna, por lo cual hacen rituales y cánticos donde les piden detener su batalla.
  • El Olimpo furioso: En la antigua Grecia se interpretaba al eclipse solar como un signo de que los dioses estaban enojados con los humanos. Tal vez deberíamos rescatar esta idea para cambiar nuestra actitud ante el mundo.
  •     Ahí viene la plaga: En 1345, el astrólogo Geoffrey of Meaux, dijo haber presenciado un eclipse solar que duró 3 horas y 29 minutos, el cual predijo la plaga que azotaría al mundo durante los siguientes tres años

Eclipse solar: las supersticiones más locas

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Shaun King has faced a backlash from Twitter users after claiming Rachel Maddow reported the Democratic Party was interfering in the primaries to stop Bernie Sanders.

The activist wrote: “BREAKING: @msnbc & @maddow just reported that multiple “senior officials” within the Democratic Party are interfering with the primaries to stop @BernieSanders. They reported that the party has asked Bloomberg to drop out so that Biden would have an easier time against Bernie.”

Maddow, the host of The Rachel Maddow Show, responded directly to King’s tweet from her own account: “What? No. I didn’t report any such thing.”

Since his post, King has received backlash from users on the social media platform, with some accusing him of pushing propaganda to support Sanders. Others have also defended Maddow saying that the host never reported King’s accusations.

One user, @yankees1958, said: “Funny, since I’m watching @MSNBC and@maddow. Those lies have not passed through her lips! Pathetic!”

Another said: “Outright lie. I’ve had the channel on non-stop tonight and never was anything remotely resembling this discussed. This is just downright DIRTY.”

Through the Democratic presidential campaign, King has been vocal in his support for Sanders as well as coming forward with anonymous “tip offs.” On Tuesday, March 3, the activist claimed that he had had former staffers of former U.S. representative Beto O’Rourke’s contact him in regards to O’Rouke’s endorsement of candidate Joe Biden. In the tweet, he said: “Had several former staffers of @BetoORourke reach out to me, some near tears, saying that his endorsement of@JoeBiden “felt like a betrayal” of all they had worked for with Beto. One said he loathed Biden’s campaign for President. They just couldn’t make it make sense.”

The activist has also been critical of Mike Bloomberg—one of the Democratic presidential candidates and former mayor of New York City between 2002 and 2013—accusing the billionaire businessman of racism. In February 2020, he tweeted: “If you live in New York, or know our history, you’ve been knowing that #BloombergIsRacist. He’s awful. The world will soon know just how deep this man’s bigotry goes.”

The controversy comes following Super Tuesday, which sees the greatest number of U.S. states hold primary elections and caucuses for the Democratic presidential candidate. As shown in the graph below from Statista, Biden has now pulled ahead of Sanders in terms of delegates.

Newsweek has contacted King’s representatives for comment on the story as well as Maddow.

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In his first major rally since Special Counsel Robert Mueller cleared him of any collusion with Russia, President Trump took the stage before a boisterous full house at the Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Thursday night — and proceeded to tear into Democrats and the FBI as unintelligent “frauds” who tried desperately to undermine the results of the 2016 election.

“The Democrats have to now decide whether they will continue defrauding the public with ridiculous bullsh–,” Trump said to thunderous applause, “– partisan investigations, or whether they will apologize to the American people.”

Trump continued to unload on his opponents: “I have a better education than them, I’m smarter than them, I went to the best schools; they didn’t. Much more beautiful house, much more beautiful apartment. Much more beautiful everything. And I’m president and they’re not.”

Addressing counterprotesters outside the arena and progressives in general, Trump asked: “What do you think of their signs, ‘Resist?’ What the hell? Let’s get something done.”


Later, Trump vowed to “close the damn border” unless Mexico halts two new caravans he said have been approaching the United States rapidly. Trump also hit at fraudulent asylum applicants, saying liberal lawyers often have coached them in a “big fat con job” to claim they’ve feared for their lives when they make it to the border.

The economy, Trump said to sustained cheers, “is roaring, the ISIS caliphate is defeated 100 percent, and after three years of lies and smears and slander, the Russia hoax is finally dead. The collusion delusion is over. … The single greatest political hoax in the history of our country. And guess what? We won.”

“I love campaigning against the Green New Deal,” Trump remarked at one point. “One car per family — you’re going to love that in Michigan.”

Trump predicted that the former DOJ and FBI officials who pushed the collusion theory and authorized secret surveillance warrants against members of his campaign — whom he incidentally called “major losers” — would soon have “big problems.”

Trump also characterized the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee as “little pencil-neck Adam Schiff, who has the smallest, thinnest neck I’ve ever seen,” and someone who is “not a long-ball hitter.”

Schiff, D-Calif., who fiercely pushed collusion claims, has vowed to continue investigating Trump despite Mueller’s findings — even as Republicans have called for his resignation.

Trump’s rally prompted thousands of supporters to line the streets hours beforehand in a festive atmosphere that included vendors selling “Make America Great Again” hats and holding supportive signs.

People waiting for President Donald Trump to speak at the rally in Grand Rapids, Mich., on Thursday. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

The evening was something of a homecoming: Trump became the first Republican in over two decades to win Michigan in the 2016 presidential election, edging out Hillary Clinton thanks, in part, to his decision to cap off his campaign with a final rally in Grand Rapids shortly after midnight on Election Day. “This is our Independence Day,” Trump told roaring attendees then.


Thursday night’s event, though, was a mixture of homecoming and all-out victory parade, in the wake of Mueller’s conclusions. Enthusiastic fans — including many who stood by Trump amid a torrent of unproven allegations that he conspired with Russia to sway the 2016 election — began to encircle the Van Andel Arena as early as 3:30 a.m.

Trump relived the Election Day rally on Thursday, telling the crowd that he got home at 4 a.m. in the morning and told Melania Trump that he had an “incredible crowd” late into the evening and thought, “How the hell can I lose Michigan? And guess what: We didn’t lose Michigan.”

President Donald Trump speaking at the rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

Trump also dropped what he called “breaking news” for locals, promising, “I’m going to get full funding of $300 million for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, which you’ve been trying to get for over 30 years. It’s time.”

Trump noted that MSNBC and CNN’s ratings “dropped through the floor last night,” while Fox News’ ratings were “through the roof.”

Retired cabinet maker Ron Smith, 51, was one of the supporters who arrived to Thursday’s rally early. He told the Detroit News outside the arena that although “Republicans in Congress are trying to put stumbling blocks in his path,” nevertheless, “Donald Trump comes in here and gets stuff done.”


Separately, Trump called the Jussie Smollet case an “embarrassment” both to Chicago and to the U.S. and vowed to continue border wall construction.

Trump also decried Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat who seemingly endorsed the practice of killing some infants after birth earlier this year.

“In recent months, the Democrat Party has also been aggressively pushing extreme late-term abortion, allowing children to be ripped from their mother’s womb up until the moment of birth,” Trump said. “In Virginia, the governor stated he would even allow a newborn baby to be executed.”

Senate Democrats blocked a GOP-led effort after Northam’s remarks that would have established the standard of care owed to infants who survive failed abortions.

In remarks to reporters before he left the White House earlier in the day, Trump previewed a wide-ranging rally on everything from the economy to health care and border security. But there was little doubt the president would devote a good deal of time to a victory lap on Russia.

Trump also promised to save the Special Olympics, after the Education Department proposed cuts to the program in its latest budget.

“The Special Olympics will be funded. I just told my people, I want to fund the Special Olympics and I just authorized a funding of the Special Olympics,” Trump said. “I’ve been to the Special Olympics. I think it’s incredible and I just authorized a funding. I heard about it this morning. I have overridden my people. We’re funding the Special Olympics.”

In a fiery, exclusive interview with Fox News’ “Hannity” Wednesday night, Trump vowed to release classified documents that could shed light on the Russia probe’s origins. He also accused FBI officials of committing “treason” — slamming former FBI Director James Comey as a “terrible guy,” former CIA Director John Brennan as potentially mentally ill, and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., as a criminal.

President Donald Trump arriving at Gerald R. Ford International Airport in Grand Rapids, Mich., for his rally. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

Redacted versions of FISA documents already released have revealed that the FBI extensively relied on documents produced by Christopher Steele, an anti-Trump British ex-spy working for a firm funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee, to surveil Trump aide Carter Page. At least one senior DOJ official had apparent concerns Steele was unreliable, according to text messages exclusively obtained last week by Fox News.

The leaked dossier, and related FBI surveillance, kickstarted a media frenzy on alleged Russia-Trump collusion that ended with a whimper on Sunday. Trump, on Thursday, told the crowd in Michigan that the dossier was “dirty.”

Michigan Democrats, meanwhile, organized a counter-rally nearby, with the party saying it wanted to issue a “call for action and solutions on the fundamental issues facing us all, like health care, education, clean water, equality, immigrant rights, support for our military veterans, jobs, the economy and more.”

A handful of protesters separately waved “socialist alternative” flags and yelled, “No Trump, no KKK, no fascists, USA,” according to local reports.

Republicans have maintained that Trump has a good chance to win Michigan again in 2020, although changing demographics could present some headwinds. In November, Democrat Gretchen Whitmer defeated a Trump-backed candidate to claim the state’s governorship.


“Democrats are in a pickle and they put themselves here” by trumpeting the investigation, said Brian “Boomer” Patrick, communications director for GOP Michigan Rep. Bill Huizenga. “All the eggs were in one basket on the Mueller report.”

At the end of the rally, Trump remarked, “the Democrats took the people of Michigan for granted. With us, you will never be forgotten again.”

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  • Combustibles casi 15 % más caros que hace seis semanas, cuando paró la racha de descenso

Mientras los combustibles de uso automotriz tardaron 14 semanas en bajar 26 por ciento, como consecuencia del hundimiento del crudo en el mercado internacional, en apenas seis semanas de alzas consecutivas acumulan a partir de hoy un incremento en córdobas cercano al 15 por ciento desde que la racha a la baja llegó a su fin al término de enero pasado.

Esa tendencia acelerada en el encarecimiento de las gasolinas y el diesel, que hoy suben más de dos córdobas por galón, situó la semana pasada a Nicaragua como la economía con las gasolinas más caras del istmo, superando inclusive a Costa Rica, que por años ha ocupado ese rango. Solo el diesel era más barato en Nicaragua que en el vecino país del sur.

Según registros del Instituto Nicaragüense de Energía (INE), en la semana del 26 de enero un litro de gasolina súper se cotizaba en 23.94 córdobas y a partir de mañana se ubicarán en promedio en Managua en 27.77 córdobas, es decir, 3.83 córdobas más. Por galón, el alza acumulada es de 14.49 córdobas.

En tanto, la gasolina regular en la última semana de enero se vendió en promedio en 22.75 córdobas el litro y hoy en 26.42 córdobas, 3.67 córdobas más caro, equivalente a 13.89 córdobas por galón.

Y en el caso del diesel, el litro se vendía en el período de referencia en 21.13 por litro. A partir de las 0:00 horas de hoy se comercializa en promedio en 23.95 córdobas, es decir, 2.82 córdobas por litro, unos 10.67 córdobas más por galón. Los cálculos anteriores están basados en el monitoreo semanal que publica el INE y la tendencia para los próximos ocho días difundida la semana pasada por fuentes petroleras.


LA PRENSA realizó un sondeo regional, con el que constató que al menos hasta ayer en casi todos los países del istmo no se tenía prevista un alza esta semana, lo que implicaría que con el incremento de hoy en Nicaragua se venderían esta semana los combustibles más altos de la región.

En El Salvador, que es el tercer país con los precios más bajos —los ajusta dos veces por mes—, los actuales están vigentes hasta el 16 de marzo. En Panamá la Secretaría Nacional de Energía emitió una resolución publicada en La Gaceta, que fijó los precios actuales hasta el 20 de marzo.

En Honduras el movimiento de los precios es semanal y los emite la Comisión Administradora del Petróleo (CAP), que tiene prevista la próxima variación para el 16 de marzo. En Costa Rica se mueven de acuerdo con una fórmula que también es publicada y el último ajuste se realizó el 6 de febrero a través de una resolución publicada en La Gaceta, pero hasta ayer no había previsiones de aumento, igual que en Guatemala, donde es publicado por el Ministerio de Energía y Minas.

El economista Sergio Santamaría, quien insiste en que se debe fiscalizar el mercado de los combustibles en Nicaragua, cree que si el valor de estos en el istmo es más bajo es porque de alguna manera el país subsidia esos precios con las exportaciones que hace a algunos países.

“Nicaragua exporta productos terminados de petróleo a El Salvador, Guatemala y Costa Rica y esos países tienen precios menores. Eso indica que las petroleras tienen una ganancia extraordinaria en el sentido que aún teniendo los menores volúmenes de importación de crudo pueden exportar a países que pueden vender a precios más bajos”, indicó.

Para el economista, esto solo se podría explicar si el país tiene costos de refinamiento más baratos que el resto de países. “Dicho de otra manera los nicaragüenses estamos subsidiando el consumo más barato de esos productos en esos países”, declaró.

Mientras que localmente, al obligar a los consumidores a pagar los precios más altos se afecta su capacidad de consumo y se incide en la cadena de producción de bienes y servicios al incrementar sus costos.

Además, se eleva el costo de la generación eléctrica y en general los productos locales se vuelven menos competitivos que sus similares en el resto de la región.

El economista considera que al no existir una regulación de precios, la estatal Petronic debería vender a un precio menor para obligar a las otras empresas a bajar los precios, “como el papel que debe jugar Enabas con los productos básicos, jugar un papel como oferente para presionar la baja del precio”.

Según el Centro de Trámites de las Exportaciones (Cetrex), con respecto al primer bimestre del año pasado, en los dos primeros meses de este año el precio promedio de la tonelada de petróleo y sus derivados que Nicaragua exporta cayó 45 por ciento.

Eso provocó que en el 2014 la exportación de 3,004 toneladas métricas de esos productos en el mercado externo generaran 3.37 millones de dólares, pero entre enero y febrero de este año el envío de 3,672 toneladas solo produjeron 2.25 millones de dólares.

Ante este panorama el director del Instituto de Defensa del Consumidor (Indec), Marvin Pomares, insiste en que los incrementos que se aplican no son los adecuados y llama a los consumidores a “exigir el establecimiento de un ente regulador para los precios, que el país no tiene desde el año 2000, para que el costo sea similar a la paridad internacional”.

Advierte que mientras esto no se haga la refinería, que es propiedad de una transnacional suiza, continuará estableciendo los precios a su “antojo”.

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South Carolina lawyer Alex Murdaugh, whose son and wife were murdered in a double shooting in June, has been shot, according to authorities.

A spokesperson for South Carolina’s Law Enforcement Division confirmed to Fox News that state law enforcement had been asked to investigate a shooting in Hampton County and that the victim was the 53-year-old Murdaugh, but he could not release additional details.

“I have been told he is going to be OK,” his brother, John Murdaugh, told Fox News Saturday evening as he was traveling back from out west. He said he had no further details.

Murdaugh was found on Salkehatchie Road in Hampton County Saturday afternoon, his lawyer, Jim Griffin, told the Charlotte Observer.

He told the Island Packet that Murdaugh had been driving to Charleston when car trouble stopped his journey. 


Paul and Maggie Murdaugh, 22 and 52, were found shot to death on a family property in Islandton on June 7. The homicide case remains unsolved.

It was Alex Murdaugh who discovered the bodies, and in gut-wrenching 911 calls pleaded for help. He came across the scene after returning from a visit to his terminally ill father, who died days later.

A family spokesperson told the local station WCBD that Alex Murdaugh was expected to survive.

“The Murdaugh family has suffered through more than any one family could ever imagine,” they told the station. “We expect Alex to recover and ask for your privacy while he recovers.”


The area’s top prosecutor, 14th Circuit Solicitor Duffie Stone, recused himself from the double homicide case in an Aug. 11 letter to the state attorney general. He was a longtime friend and colleague of the Murdaugh family.

Three generations of Murdaugh men held Stone’s job before he was elected in 2006. Alex Murdaugh was still a volunteer in Stone’s office during the shootings of his wife and son.

The June murders drew national attention, and no suspects or arrests have been announced. Investigators have released few details about the incident although documents tied to related incidents from years prior have begun to emerge at a steady pace.


Shortly after Paul and Maggie Murdaugh were killed, state investigators said they found information that led them to reopen the investigation into the suspicious 2015 death of a 19-year-old man named Stephen Smith.

And at the time of the double murder, the younger Murdaugh was awaiting trial in connection with a deadly 2019 boat crash near Parris Island that killed 19-year-old passenger Mallory Beach and injured others.


That case has raised questions about the family’s ties to local law enforcement and a state investigation and civil litigation regarding whether there had been undue influence.

This is a breaking news story. Check back for updates.

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  • Updated: Apr 15, 2019 – 12:16 AM

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    PITTSBURGH – A line of strong storms moved throug the area Sunday night, leaving thousands of people without power.


    UPDATE 11:30 p.m. 

    Strong storms are moving out of the region, but much colder air is moving in for Monday.

    Wind gusts up to 30 mph are possible. 

    A few rain and snow showers are in the forecast.

    If you want to receive ALERTS about weather, please download our WPXI News App.

    UPDATE 11:20 p.m.

    East Willock Road is closed at the intersection of Doyle Road in Baldwin because of flooding.

    UPDATE 10:28 p.m.

    As of 9 p.m., Duquesne Light was reporting over 2,300 outages. First Energy was reporting over 4,000 outages in our area.

    UPDATE 9:56 p.m. 

    A Tornado Warning has been issued for Indana County until 10:15 p.m.

    UPDATE 9:49 p.m.

    A Severe Thunderstorm Warning is in effect for Indiana County until 10:15 p.m.

    UPDATE 9:14 p.m. 

    More counties have been dropped from the Tornado Watch.

    Indiana, Fayette, Jefferson and Westmoreland counties remain under the watch. 

    UPDATE 9:00 p.m.

    Thousands of people in our area are without power.

    As of 9 p.m., Duquesne Light was reporting over 1,500 outages. First Energy was reporting over 3,000 outages in our area.

    UPDATE 8:33 p.m.

    A Severe Thunderstorm Warning has been extended for Venango and Clarion counties until 9:30 p.m.

    UPDATE 8:30 p.m.

    Some counties have been dropped from the Tornado Watch.

    Allegheny, Armstrong, Butler, Clairon, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Jefferson, Washington and Westmoreland counties remain under a Tornado Watch.

    UPDATE 9:00 p.m. 

    Heavy rain and strong winds are moving through the Wexford area right now.

    UPDATE 8:03 p.m. – 

    UPDATE 7:36 p.m. –

    A Tornado Warning has been issued for Venango county.

    UPDATE 7:25 p.m. 

    Channel 11’s Renee Wallace said there are dark clouds and winds are picking up in Beaver County.

    Previous Story:

    A Tornado Watch has been issued for the entire veiwing area until 3 a.m. Monday

    A Severe Thunderstorm Warning has been issued for Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Lawrence, Mercer and Washington and Venango counties.

    A strong system will bring showers back into the area early, with thunderstorms by the afternoon.

    Some of the storms could bring heavy rain, frequent lightning and damaging winds, so you’ll want to check back often through the weekend for the latest updates, especially if you’re planning to do things outdoors.

    Our team of meteorologists will be tracking the system, and we’ll bring you the latest timing on when the system will have the biggest impact on your weekend plans. 







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    A sample of the new warning notices that Twitter users will see before clicking to see tweets by government officials and political figures that violate Twitter’s rules.


    Twitter is creating a warning label to flag and suppress political tweets that break the platform’s rules on acceptable speech. It’s a bold step for the company, which has come under sharp criticism for its handling of tweets by major political figures including President Trump.

    The company will not delete the offensive, bullying or hateful tweets of politicians. But, it announced in a blog post Thursday, it will begin marking them up. When a politician’s tweet breaks the rules, it will get hidden under a warning label that says:

    “The Twitter Rules about abusive behavior apply to this Tweet. However, Twitter has determined it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain available.”

    A user will have to click or tap to view.

    The new measure applies to verified political leaders and candidates who have more than 100,000 followers. The abusive tweets will be ranked down by algorithms as well, thereby getting fewer views.

    Twitter leadership once referred to the company as “the free speech wing of the free speech party.”

    Those days are long gone. Following the massacre in Christchurch, New Zealand, which was livestreamed on Facebook, Twitter entered a compact with other social media giants to more aggressively track down violent or extremist content. Meanwhile, Republican leaders have repeatedly accused Twitter and others of having an anti-conservative bias.

    Last year, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said in congressional testimony: “Twitter does not use political ideology to make any decisions, whether related to ranking content on our service or how we enforce our rules.”

    Source Article from

    President Donald Trump’s tweets about voter fraud following a Friday meeting with two Michigan Republican leaders seem to contradict their joint statement.

    House Speaker Lee Chatfield, R-Levering, and Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, R-Clarklake, were invited to meet with Trump at the White House.

    They did so and, following the meeting, issued a statement later Friday that suggested a significant part of the meeting was focused on getting more federal funds targeted at Michigan for coronavirus aid.

    Related: Michigan legislative leaders after meeting with Trump: ‘we will follow the law’

    They went on to say that “We have not yet been made aware of any information that would change the outcome of the election in Michigan and as legislative leaders, we will follow the law and follow the normal process regarding Michigan’s electors, just as we have said throughout this election.”

    But Trump, in two tweets Saturday, Nov. 21, re-posted the joint statement from Shirkey and Chatfield and added his own comments.

    “This is true, but much different than reported by the media. We will show massive and unprecedented fraud!” he wrote in one tweet.

    In the next, he said “Massive voter fraud will be shown!”

    Related: Michigan’s Republican leaders are meeting with Trump. Experts call any attempt to sway the election ‘absolute chaos’

    Shirkey and Chatfield, in their statement, wrote:

    “Michigan’s certification process should be a deliberate process free from threats and intimidation. Allegations of fraudulent behavior should be taken seriously, thoroughly investigated, and if proven, prosecuted to the full extent of the law. And the candidates who win the most votes win elections and Michigan’s electoral votes. These are simple truths that should provide confidence in our elections.”

    For many, there was widespread speculation the state’s Republican leaders would discuss with the president intervening in the process of selecting electors. They have no role in that process under Michigan law.

    Other than the description in the joint statement, the exact details of Friday’s discussion are not known.

    More from MLive

    Michigan jail escapee on run for 8 days captured after two vehicle chases

    Health leaders working with legal counsel over Michigan restaurant’s refusal to stop dine-in service

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    “A frigid arctic air mass is expected to spread across much of the north central and northeastern US this week. These are the coldest wind chill values expected over the next several days. Check forecasts from your local NWS office for details specific to your area,” the NWS warned Monday, referring to the polar vortex: cold air high up in the atmosphere that usually lies over the North Pole, but which is moving down from the Arctic Circle over parts of the US this week.

    ​The upper Midwest could be hit by —60 degrees Farenheit wind chills, and the upper Mississippi Valley could see chills as brutally cold as —55 degrees Fahrenheit.

    On Monday, the NWS Weather Prediction Center issued warnings stating that temperatures in the upper Great Lakes and upper Mississippi Valley will be 10 to 20 degrees below average this week, marking the “coldest air mass in years,” according to the weather service.

    ​The majority of New England is under a winter storm watch, while most of the Great Lakes region is under a winter storm warning. Areas of Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio are under a wind chill watch, while parts of Louisiana, Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky and West Virginia have been placed under winter weather advisories. The western parts of Minnesota and Illinois, as well as North and South Dakota, are under wind chill warnings, the NWS also reported.

    “A couple inches of snow can fall in Jackson, Mississippi; Birmingham, Alabama; and Chattanooga, Tennessee,” AccuWeather meteorologist Kristina Pydynowski said. “Travel can become slippery and treacherous as roads rapidly turn from wet to slushy and icy.”

    ​It will start snowing in the Chicago area on Sunday night (January 27); the extreme cold marked by record low temperatures is expected to last until Friday.

    “I cannot stress how dangerously cold it will be,” said Mike Doll, a senior meteorologist at AccuWeather. “An entire generation has gone by without experiencing this type of cold in the Chicago area.”

    On Sunday, temperatures dropped to negative 44 degrees Fahrenheit in Minnesota, breaking the previous record for the most frigid weather ever experienced there by 8 degrees, according to the NWS, while “dangerous, life-threatening cold air” will envelop Iowa from Tuesday through Friday. The Des Moines, Iowa, branch of the NWS warned residents that “this is the coldest air many of us will have ever experienced,” cautioning people to “avoid taking deep breaths, and minimize talking” if outdoors.

    Eleven major airlines, including American, Delta, United and Southwest, have issued travel warnings for multiple airports throughout the US affected by the polar vortex, allowing travelers to change their trips with no fee if their flight plans are affected “by severe weather or other uncontrollable events.”

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    Two boys hold signs at an April 6 news conference, days after a Chicago police officer fatally shot 13-year-old Adam Toledo.

    Shafkat Anowar/AP

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    Shafkat Anowar/AP

    Two boys hold signs at an April 6 news conference, days after a Chicago police officer fatally shot 13-year-old Adam Toledo.

    Shafkat Anowar/AP

    Chicago has released video footage showing the fatal police shooting of Adam Toledo, more than two weeks after the 13-year-old was killed during a foot chase in the Little Village neighborhood.

    A graphic video captures what police have described as an alleyway confrontation between Toledo and an officer identified as Eric Stillman in the early morning of March 29.

    In the footage recorded from the shooting officer’s body-worn camera, the officer appears behind the wheel of a squad car responding to a call of shots fired. About 1:44 in, the officer pulls over and jumps out of the vehicle and starts running after someone. Seconds later, he appears to slam into a person walking in the alley but continues his pursuit.

    One minute and 59 seconds in, the officer’s audio comes on, and he can be heard yelling, “Police! Stop! Stop right fucking now.”

    The boy, who is standing near a wooden fence, appears to stop and at 2 minutes and 3 seconds, the officer commands, “Hands. Show me your fucking hands!”

    Toledo starts to turn to face the officer with both of his hands up.

    A second later, the officer says, “Drop it,” and appears to quickly fire a single gunshot.

    The blast rings out at 2 minutes and 5 seconds — 20 seconds after the officer began the foot pursuit. By 2 minutes and 6 seconds, Toledo’s body crumples onto the ground, though he appears to try to hold himself up.

    “Shot’s fired, shots fired. Get an ambulance over here now,” the officer is heard to say. “Look at me, look at me. You alright?” he asks the boy.

    The officer then stretches the child’s legs out and his full body comes into view. He is wearing a black Nike sweatshirt with the words, “Just Do It” that are now covered in bright, red blood, skinny jeans and white sneakers. His face and hands, which are near his shoulders are also smeared with blood.

    At 2 minutes and 40 seconds, the officer asks, “Where you shot?” as he lifts Toledo’s sweatshirt, revealing his torso.

    “Stay with me,” he says.

    The boy’s face rolls from right to left. His eyes are bulging and mouth is agape as the officer calls for a medical kit. Other officers arrive and begin shouting for Toledo to stay awake. At 3 minutes and 30 seconds, the officer who fired at Toledo says, “I’m going to start CPR. I’m not feeling a heartbeat.” Seven seconds later he begins performing chest compressions.

    He pumps on the boy’s chest for about a minute and a half, then at 5 minutes and 5 seconds, gets up off the boy, lets someone else take over, and takes a walk away from the cluster of officers. He can be heard breathing but doesn’t say anything. At one point he stands in a vacant lot, with his shadow looming in the frame and it appears that another officer steps next to him placing their hand on his shoulder. Neither can be heard saying anything.

    At about 8 minutes and 7 seconds he sits on the ground against the wooden fence and appears to let out a quiet sob. His body can be seen shaking. He remains in the same position until he shuts off his camera at 9 minutes and 23 seconds.

    Officials have expressed concern that the disturbing videos could set off a new wave of protests in the city against the police department, which activists accuse of brutality and abuse, especially against communities of color.

    Stillman, the officer who shot Toledo, is on administrative duty.

    Bracing for the release of the videos the Toledo family’s attorney issued a joint statement with Mayor Lori Lightfoot, pleading for a peaceful response from the community.

    “We acknowledge that the release of this video is the first step in the process toward the healing of the family, the community and our city. We understand that the release of this video will be incredibly painful and elicit an emotional response to all who view it, and we ask that people express themselves peacefully,” the statement said.

    Lightfoot also held a press conference just before the explicit videos were made public, asking for people to give the family “space to breathe.”

    “No parent should ever have a video broadcast widely of their child’s last moments, much less be placed in the terrible situation of losing their child in the first place,” she said.

    The Civilian Office of Police Accountability, which is investigating the shooting, after some public deliberation decided to publish the body-worn camera footage and other materials in an effort to be transparent with the public. But only after showing it to the Toledo family and giving them two days to process the boy’s final moments.

    Community members have been calling for its release in recent weeks, during which COPA initially wavered on whether it could publish a video involving a juvenile and the Toledo family asked that it be delayed.

    Events of March 29

    Police have said that Toledo was killed in the early hours of March 29, when officers responded to reports of gunshots and encountered him and another male.

    David Brown, superintendent of the Chicago Police Department, said at a press conference that a gunshot detection system reported shots in the 2300 block of South Sawyer Avenue around 2:30 a.m. local time. Officers arrived in time to see two males fleeing from a nearby alley, and Brown said one was armed with a handgun.

    The officers pursued them on foot, which Brown said resulted in a “confrontation” in the alley. An officer shot the child in the chest, and he was pronounced dead at the scene. The involved officer discharged his weapon once, according to COPA, and body-worn camera captured the encounter. The officers involved have been placed on administrative duties for 30 days, Brown said, per routine protocol.

    The other individual, who was apprehended at the scene, has since been identified as 21-year-old Ruben Roman. He was arrested last Friday over what police described as a “probation violation warrant for his participation” in the March 29 shooting, and also faces three felony charges: reckless discharge of a firearm, unlawful use of a weapon by a felon and endangerment of a child.

    Cook County prosecutors said on Saturday that Roman had fired the gun at a passing vehicle, setting off the notification system, but that Toledo had been holding it during the encounter with police and was warned repeatedly to drop it before police shot him, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

    “If [Roman] does not bring [Adam] with him at 2:30 in the morning, if he doesn’t bring his gun with him while on gun offender probation, if he doesn’t shoot that gun seven or eight times on a city street with [Adam] standing right next to him . . . and then fleeing with that gun, none of this would have happened,” Assistant State’s Attorney James Murphy said.

    Assistant Public Defender Courtney Smallwood argued that Toledo died “at the hands of the Chicago police officers, not my client,” saying there was no proof that the gun belonged to Roman or that he had brought Toledo outside with him in the first place, the Sun-Times reported.

    Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot later vowed to hold the person who handed Toledo a gun accountable.

    “Let’s be clear,” she said. “An adult put a gun in a child’s hand. A young and impressionable child. And one who should not have been provided with lethal force. A weapon that could and did irreparably change the course of his life.”

    Toledo’s identity was not made public for three days. Brown said earlier this month that the delay was because Roman, whom he did not name, gave a false name for Toledo to police, and because his fingerprints did not match any database records. Ultimately, Brown said, police were able to identify him by looking through resolved missing persons reports.

    The boy’s mother, Elizabeth Toledo, reported her son missing on March 26 but told detectives the next day that her son had returned, Brown said. When police contacted her again on March 31 to say his description matched that of an unidentified person in the morgue, she said he had left home again either late March 27 or early March 28, according to Brown.

    At an April 2 press conference, member station WBEZ reported, Toledo’s mother said he had four siblings ranging in age from 11 to 24. She said she had last seen him when she put him to bed the night before the shooting.

    Her lawyer, Adeena J. Weiss-Ortiz, translating from Spanish, said she was feeling judged by the community and wanted to share that she was a full-time mother to her five children.

    At a community vigil several days later, Jacqueline Herrera from the anti-violence group Enlace Chicago read a statement on behalf of Elizabeth Toledo, in which she described her son as caring, imaginative and curious since birth. He loved the show The Walking Dead and had even gone to lengths to plan for a zombie apocalypse, with a bag packed and ready to go, WBEZ reported.

    “This child wanted to be an officer. And he was shot by the hands of another officer,” Weiss-Ortiz said. “The mother wants to know the truth of all facts surrounding the death of her son.”

    The seventh grader still played with Hot Wheels and Legos at home, and had no criminal history, his mother said.

    Back and forth over video’s public release

    COPA initially said it could not publicly release the footage of the shooting because it involved a juvenile. As WBEZ’s Patrick Smith reported for NPR, “Experts scoffed at that, and the city relented.”

    Reversing course, COPA said in a series of tweets it had determined that provisions of state law intended to protect the confidentiality of juvenile records did not in fact bar it from releasing material related to the investigation. It announced plans to post the video publicly within 60 days of the incident, after showing it to Toledo’s family first.

    The Toledo family viewed the video and other materials related to the shooting on Tuesday, COPA said, but requested that they not be released immediately “as the family continues to grieve their loss.”

    Attorneys for the family described seeing the footage as “extremely difficult and heartbreaking for everyone present,” NBC Chicago reported.

    COPA said Wednesday it had informed the family’s attorney it would release materials on Thursday including the body-worn footage, third party video, the gunshot detection recordings, Office of Emergency Management and Communications transmissions and arrest reports.

    Lightfoot and the Toledo family released a joint statement on Thursday morning, acknowledging the pain and protest expected following the video’s release.

    “We acknowledge that the release of this video is the first step in the process toward the healing of the family, the community and our city,” it read. “We understand that the release of this video will be incredibly painful and elicit an emotional response to all who view it, and we ask that people express themselves peacefully.”

    Calls for justice and police reform

    The city is bracing for protests Thursday in an already-tense atmosphere, amidst the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin and days of demonstrations over the police killing of Daunte Wright, a 20-year-old Black man in a nearby suburb.

    To prepare for possible protests, the Chicago Police Department canceled days off for thousands of officers in specialized units, the Sun-Times reported, and is prepared to reschedule thousands of other personnel to 12-hour shifts.

    Toledo’s killing has prompted a pledge to change police policy.

    For years, activists and experts have advocated for Chicago police to adjust their department guidance on foot chases, saying it can lead to unnecessary violent confrontations, Smith told NPR.

    Days after the shooting, Lightfoot called foot pursuits “a significant safety issue” and promised a change before the summer. She did not provide details but said a new policy will be based on input from both officers and residents.

    The U.S. Department of Justice found four years ago that CPD officers “engage in tactically unsound and unnecessary foot pursuits, and that these foot pursuits too often end with officers unreasonably shooting someone—including unarmed individuals.”

    “The impact of CPD’s pattern or practice of unreasonable force fall heaviest on predominantly black and Latino neighborhoods,” the federal investigation stated.

    The ACLU of Illinois called a foot pursuit policy change long overdue.

    “For four years, the City and CPD resisted repeated calls from advocates and the community to adopt a foot pursuit policy,” said Nusrat Choudhury, legal director at the ACLU of Illinois. “It should not have taken the death of a 13-year-old to finally get a response.”

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    Wall Street analysts downgraded shares of Boeing and Southwest Airlines on Monday as troubles worsen for the airplane maker’s popular 737 Max jets.

    Boeing announced late Friday plans to cut production of the jet, which has been grounded following the March 10 crash of an Ethiopian Airlines flight that killed all 157 people aboard. It was the second fatal crash of the popular aircraft in less than five months and investigators suspect that faulty data feeding into the aircraft’s automated flight system played a major role in both accidents.

    Shares of Boeing tumbled 4.1 percent while Southwest slid 2.7 percent in midday trading.

    Bank of America Merrill Lynch cut its rating on Boeing to neutral from buy Monday, saying it expects production to be delayed by six to nine months.

    Raymond James downgraded Southwest Airlines stock and lowered its earnings projections, citing concerns that the grounding could last through peak summer travel.

    Southwest has 34 Max jets out of its fleet of about 750 aircraft, accounting for roughly 4 percent of its passenger capacity.

    The airline, which reports earnings April 25, said it expects to lose $150 million in revenue in the first quarter of 2019 due to the Max groundings, among other factors like weather-related cancellations, maintenance issues and slowed travel demand. Raymond James said groundings were a “one time” situation, and it expects recuperation through maintenance credits or lower ownership costs of future aircraft.

    American Airlines said it’s extending cancellations of 90 daily flights involving the 737 Max jet by more than a month to June 5.

    Raymond James downgraded Southwest from the equivalent of a buy rating to a hold rating, and lowered its earnings-per-share estimate by 5 cents to $4.40.

    “The reputational loss from these events could erode long-term market share and pricing power of the 737 MAX,” BofA analyst Ronald Epstein said in a note to clients. “A six-month delay also means lower margins due to penalties owed to customers, weaker negotiating position with airlines as airlines consider cancellations, and operational inefficiencies from the production disruption.”

    Boeing is slashing 737 Max production by 20 percent as it tries to find a software fix to get the jets back in the air. The company’s shares have have fallen nearly 9 percent in the past month.

    Despite the groundings, Raymond James said it’s confident in Southwest’s overall ability to maintain “longer term superior margins, FCF profile, and low leverage while capitalizing on technology catch-up and international growth opportunities.”

    The groundings will likely have less impact for American and United since those airlines have fewer 737 Max jets than Southwest, the report noted.

    Source Article from

    Democratic presidential hopeful Beto O’RourkeRobert (Beto) Francis O’RourkeDems, Trump harden 2020 battle lines on Tax Day O’Rourke releases 10 years of tax returns Bernie Sanders releases 10 years of tax returns MORE has refused to sign a pledge not to accept donations from the fossil fuel industry, Bloomberg News reported Tuesday.

    O’Rourke reportedly told members of the Sunrise Movement, a progressive group that brought the pledge, that he won’t take money from executives, lobbyists or political action committees. But he added that he would accept donations from workers.

    “If you work in the oil fields, you answer the phones in the office, if you’re one of my fellow Texans in one of our state’s largest employers, we’re not going to single you out from being unable to participate in our democracy,” the former Texas congressman said during a campaign stop in Virginia, according to Bloomberg.

    The pledge the activists asked him to sign reportedly stated, “I pledge not to take contributions from the oil, gas, and coal industry, and instead prioritize the health of our families, climate, and democracy over fossil fuel industry profits.”

    O’Rourke’s campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Hill.

    The Texas Democrat has previously faced some some criticism for donations his past political campaigns have taken from the oil and gas industry.

    Several other 2020 Democratic presidential candidates have signed the pledge, according to the Sunrise Movement’s website, including Sens. Bernie SandersBernard (Bernie) SandersSanders town hall audience cheers after Fox News host asks if they’d support ‘Medicare for All’ Sanders defends against criticism over income, taxes Sanders on whether he’s too old to be president: ‘Follow me around the campaign trail’ MORE (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth Ann WarrenSanders town hall audience cheers after Fox News host asks if they’d support ‘Medicare for All’ Sanders defends against criticism over income, taxes Overnight Energy: Interior watchdog opens investigation into new secretary | Warren unveils 2020 plan to stop drilling on public lands | Justices reject case challenging state nuclear subsidies | Court orders EPA to re-evaluate Obama pollution rule MORE (D-Mass.) as well as South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete ButtigiegPeter (Pete) Paul ButtigiegMaddow and Buttigieg discuss their coming out stories Buttigieg says he hopes he and his husband have children Sanders on whether he’s too old to be president: ‘Follow me around the campaign trail’ MORE (D).

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    This file photo provided by the Kent County Sheriff, shows Ty Garbin.

    Kent County Sheriff’s Office via AP

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    Kent County Sheriff’s Office via AP

    This file photo provided by the Kent County Sheriff, shows Ty Garbin.

    Kent County Sheriff’s Office via AP

    A Michigan man charged in federal court with plotting to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was sentenced to six years and three months in prison, according to court records.

    Ty Garbin, 25, is the only member of the six men facing federal charges in the kidnapping plot to plead guilty for his role. He also received three years of supervised release following his prison sentence.

    Last year, Garbin struck a plea deal with prosecutors and agreed to cooperate in the investigation. He turned government witness and disclosed crucial details about the alleged plan to kidnap Whitmer.

    At his sentencing hearing Wednesday, Garbin apologized to Whitmer, who was not in the court room, and her family for his involvement, according to Michigan Radio.

    Garbin also apologized to his family and told federal judge Robert J. Jonker that he hopes “to help others from becoming radicalized.”

    Whitmer, a Democrat, was harshly criticized by former President Donald Trump and Michigan Republican leaders for her efforts to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

    Prosecutors said Garbin conspired with Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris and Brandon Caserta, who “were members of the Wolverine Watchmen, a Michigan-based self-styled ‘militia’ group.”

    The group collected weapons, participated in field training in Wisconsin, and conducted surveillance of Whitmer’s vacation home last year.

    The trial for the other five men facing federal charges is set to begin on Oct. 12.

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    São Paulo – Algeria is still going for the classification for the round of 16 at the World cup. After losing 2 – 1 against Belgium on Tuesday (17th), in Belo Horizonte, the Arab team won against South Korea 4 – 2 on this Sunday (22nd), in Porto Alegre. And once again supporters flocked to the stadium. According to Rio Grande do Sul’s government’s website, 42,000 people, among Algerians, Brazilians and South Koreans, watched the game at the stadium Beira-Rio.

    Ryan Pierse/Fifa

    Slimani was chosen best player on the field

    After the victory, Islam Slimani, striker of the “greens”, as the Algerian team is known, stressed the support and enthusiasm of the supporters. “That is the way our supporters are, you haven’t seen a thing yet,” said the athlete, chosen as the best player in the match, according to the website of the government. The Algerian team went to the part of the stadium where the supporters were located to celebrate the victory.

    One of these supporters is Dekkar Rafik, who is in Brazil for the first time and watches all Algeria’s games. “People here are very nice, everything is well-organized and there is a lot of beef in the city,” he said, according to the website. Barbecue is typically eaten in Rio Grande do Sul.

    According to the government’s website, besides Algerian who flew to Porto Alegre, 30 buses took Algerian supporters from other Brazilian states to the city. There were also 800 people who were in Gramado, in the Gaucho Highlands (Serra Gaúcha).

    According to information from the state government, the attendance of the Algerian public helped Gramado’s hotel break the occupancy rate by foreign visitors. Over 30% of the beds in the city were occupied by foreign tourists, surpassing previous 3% record.

    Joel Vargas/PMPA

    Supporters going to the game on the streets of Porto Alegre

    With the result, Algeria got 2nd place in Group H with three points, behind Belgium, with six, and ahead of Russia and South Korea, both scoring only one point. Two teams per group move to the next stage.

    Belgium is already classified, but which team gets the second spot will be decided only in the third turn of the group, which will be held on Thursday (26th). Algeria and Russia will play at stadium Arena da Baixada, in Curitiba, and South Korea and Belgium will play at the Itaquerão stadium, in São Paulo.

    But there were also problems at the game on Sunday. According to the website of Porto Alegre’s mayor hall, supporter Djamell Marref was injured in the face in a brawl with fellow Algerian supporters and suffered a hemorrhage in one of the eyes. He was rushed to the hospital (Hospital de Pronto Socorro or HPS) and was in observation until this Monday (23rd) morning.

    Another Algerian supporter, according to the mayor hall’s website, went to the First care unity (Unidade de Pronto Atendimento or UPA) of Fifa’s Fan Fest in Porto Alegre. According to the website, he fell and hurt his knee, though stiches were not necessary so he was released soon after.

    *Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça  

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    En 1950, hace solo 60 años, el movimiento de turistas a nivel global ascendía a 25 millones y hoy tenemos 1,135 millones alrededor del mundo. El turismo impacta en la diversificación económica de un país y su presencia es importante en la agenda de los medios de comunicación. Por eso, el Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo (Mincetur) y la Organización Mundial del Turismo (OMT) organizaron el pasado sábado el Primer Seminario Internacional para periodistas “Turismo es Noticia”.

    El expositor fue Marcelo Risi, Jefe de Prensa de la OMT con amplia trayectoria en el sector turismo, quien expuso sobre la trascendencia de la labor informativa y de difusión de noticias vinculadas al turismo, como actividad que aporta al crecimiento económico y desarrollo de un país.

    El turismo como noticia



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    Para Risi, la noticia turística va más allá de un tema especializado y que merece estar presente de forma más creativa y con otra narrativa en los medios de comunicación. “El turismo no es solo playas, monumentos, destinos y experiencias turísticas. El turismo es infraestructura, implementación de servicios, es recurso humano, es diversificación económica y por eso es noticia”, señaló.

    Además, Risi enfatizó que el turismo crea empleo, brinda conocimientos, reduce la desigualdad y es generador de inversiones que debemos facilitarla.

    Mincetur en concordancia con la OMT

    La Ministra de Comercio Exterior y Turismo, Magali Silva -quien inauguró el Seminario Internacional-, dijo que su sector, en concordancia con los planteamientos de la OMT, está desarrollando una mayor oferta turística con diversidad de destinos y mercados, ejecución de infraestructura y facilitación de inversiones, para consolidar el crecimiento del turismo en el Perú.

    “Nuestras líneas estratégicas contemplan el fortalecimiento de las capacidades de gestión y entrenamiento del recurso humano para ofrecer mejores servicios al turista”, indicó.

    Primero conoce el Perú

    Señaló se trabaja en una nueva imagen del turismo interno y receptivo. En el primer caso a través del Programa Y tú ¿qué planes?, con lo cual, se busca generar cultura turística en las familias peruanas, otorgándoles la información necesaria y promocionando los destinos que mejor les acomoda.

    “En turismo receptivo estamos creciendo 11% en los dos primeros meses del año. Si bien, tenemos a Machu Picchu como nuestro principal atractivo, es importante diversificar la oferta turística, mostrando las bondades de nuestra Cordillera de los Andes en la sierra, del turismo de Selva y el turismo de frontera, con la meta de llegar a ser potencia”, manifestó.

    Sobre la OMT

    La Organización Mundial del Turismo (OMT) es el organismo de las Naciones Unidas encargado de la promoción de un turismo responsable, sostenible y accesible para todos. Como principal organización internacional en el ámbito turístico, trabaja por un turismo que contribuya al crecimiento económico, a un desarrollo incluyente y a la sostenibilidad ambiental, y ofrece liderazgo y apoyo al sector para expandir por el mundo sus conocimientos y políticas turísticas.

    Entre sus miembros figuran 156 países (entre ellos el Perú), 6 miembros asociados y más de 400 Miembros Afiliados que representan al sector privado, a instituciones de enseñanza, a asociaciones de turismo y a autoridades turísticas locales. ‎

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