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Hours after George Floyd was laid to rest in Houston, his younger brother made an impassioned plea to Congress to take action and prevent his death from becoming just “another name” on an ever-growing list of unarmed Black Americans killed at the hands of police.

Philonise Floyd testified before a House hearing in Washington on Wednesday amid a national reckoning over race and policing in America that has drawn millions to the street in protest and unleashed

“I’m tired. I’m tired of the pain I’m feeling now, and I’m tired of the pain I feel every time another Black person is killed for no reason,” he said, his voice rising with emotion as he addressed the committee. “I’m here today to ask you to make it stop. Stop the pain.”

The room was silent as he testified, gripped by the rawness of his grief.

George Floyd died in custody after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes, ignoring his protests of “I can’t breathe.” 

The Memorial Day encounter, which began with a call about an alleged attempt to use a counterfeit $20 bill at a local market, touched off demonstrations around the world that have already prompted local leaders to act to curb the powers of police as public support for the Black Lives Matter movement surges

“Is that what a Black man’s life is worth? Twenty dollars?” Philonise Floyd said. “This is 2020. Enough is enough. 

“Be the leaders that this country, this world, needs,” he continued. “Do the right thing.”

Democrats unveiled sweeping legislation this week aimed at combating excessive use of force by police and limiting legal protections for officers accused of misconduct. The measure, the most expansive effort by Congress to overhaul policing in modern times, make it easier to track, prosecute and punish police misconduct; prohibit chokeholds, limit the use of deadly force; ban no-knock warrants for drug-related crimes as well as tie federal grant money to training and practices that aim to reduce racial bias and discrimination. 

Republicans have scrambled to respond to the growing calls for reform. Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, the lone Black Republican in the chamber, has been charged with drafting a conservative legislative response that the party can coalesce around. 

But their efforts are complicated by the president, whose incendiary response to the protests – and repeated calls for “LAW AND ORDER” – have only inflamed tensions. During a meeting this week, Donald Trump suggested that incidents of police brutality were isolated and not systemic, insisting that virtually all officers are “great people”.

On Wednesday, Trump tweeted that he would “not even consider” renaming military bases named after Confederate leaders, even though the Pentagon said it would consider the move. This comes as several states, the navy and the marines have taken steps to remove or ban Confederate-era symbols and insignia.

Thousands of mourners attended vigils and memorials for George Floyd, which culminated in his funeral in Houston on Tuesday. In his eulogy, the Rev Al Sharpton, the civil rights leader, called George Floyd an “ordinary brother” who had become the “cornerstone of a movement that’s going to change the whole wide world”.

In death, George Floyd became an international symbol of police violence and injustice. But in life he was a father, a brother, a “gentle giant”, Philonise Floyd told lawmakers. 

While the video of the encounter ignited the movement, it is deeply painful for his family to constantly relive his final moments in what seems like an unending loop on TV and online. 

“I just think about that video over and over again,” Philonise Floyd said, wiping tears from his face. “You don’t do that to a human being, you don’t even do that to an animal.”

 “Justice has to be served,” he said. “Those officers have to be convicted.”

The four officers involved in Floyd’s death have been fired from the force and now face criminal charges. But activists want more – they are demanding systemic changes to policing to prevent future deaths at the hands of police. 

In response to the protests, a veto-proof majority of the Minneapolis city council pledged to dismantle the city’s police department and replace it with a new community-based system of public safety. Meanwhile, cities like Houston and San Diego have moved to ban chokeholds while New York and Los Angeles are considering changes to their policing budgets.

Such actions have infuriated police unions, which have long stood in the way of efforts by local officials to curb police powers. But some law enforcement officials believe change is not only inevitable but necessary. 

In testimony on Wednesday, Art Acevedo, the chief of police in Houston who has been outspoken about the death of George Floyd, said there was “no denying that changes in policing must be made”.

“In crisis comes opportunity,” he said, referring to the political moment.

Philonise Floyd with Democratic congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee at Wednesday’s hearing. Photograph: Michael Reynolds/AFP/Getty Images

Yet the hearing laid bare the political divide that has long stood as a barrier to policing reform in America.

Congressman Jerry Nadler, a Democrat of New York and the chairman of the House judiciary committee, opened the panel’s hearing by urging Congress to adopt the Democrats’ Justice in Policing Act of 2020, which he says would create a “guardian – not warrior – model of policing”.

The ranking Republican on the panel, congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio, agreed that now was the “time for a real discussion” about police misconduct and discrimination.

But he seized on calls by protesters to “defund the police” – an effort to reimagine public safety by cutting budgets for police departments and redirecting the funding toward social services – and accused Democrats of supporting the movement which he called “pure insanity”.

Among the witnesses called by Republicans was Angela Underwood Jacobs, the sister of Dave Patrick Underwood, an African American security officer contracted by the Federal Protective Service who was fatally shot while guarding a federal courthouse in California during the unrest that followed Floyd’s death.

Speaking directly to Philonise Floyd, Jacobs said she mourned with his family and understood their anguish. But she said discrimination was no excuse to “loot and burn our communities” and “kill our officers of the law”.

She called demands to defund, dismantle or abolish police departments “ridiculous” and said such solutions would only further erode the “safety net of protection that every citizen deserves”. 

Philonise Floyd did not address the protesters’ demands directly. But he urged Congress not to let this moment pass. 

“If his death ends up changing the world for the better – and I think it will, I think it has – then he died as he lived,” he said in closing. “It is on you to make sure his death isn’t in vain.”

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Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris’ star appears to be dimming as other Democrats rise past her while she struggles to gain a footing among likely voters.

The junior U.S. senator from California was one of the first Democrats to launch a White House bid, raising at the time an astonishing $1.5 million in just 24 hours while attracting tens of thousands of supposed supporters to a rally in Oakland.

The 54-year-old former state attorney general and San Francisco district attorney — who succeeded Democrat Barbara Boxer in the Senate in 2017 — was viewed as a frontrunner in the 2020 race thanks to her progressive bona fides and effective opposition to President Trump since moving to Washington. Meanwhile, her stint as a DA, while criticized by progressives, was seen as a way to appeal to more moderate voters.


But four months into her campaign, Harris is returning to Los Angeles for the annual state Democratic Party convention no longer as a frontrunner.

Political experts told the Los Angeles Times that part of the reason why Harris’ campaign has stalled is that she has failed to make a succinct case for her candidacy, beyond her background as a prosecutor and virulent opposition to the Trump administration.

“You don’t get elected because you’re a list of qualities,” Gil Duran, a former Harris adviser, told the newspaper. “What’s the big idea she’s carrying? That’s what she’s trying to figure out. She’s having trouble figuring out what she represents.”

“You don’t get elected because you’re a list of qualities. What’s the big idea she’s carrying? That’s what she’s trying to figure out. She’s having trouble figuring out what she represents.”

— Gil Duran, former Harris adviser

Latest polls were particularly troubling to Harris, with former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont fighting for the title of party frontrunner.


Both Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Pete Buttigieg — the mayor of South Bend, Ind., who’s surging despite being virtually unknown just a few months ago — are polling better than Harris.

In fact, according to the Morning Consult poll tracker, Harris’ support peaked just weeks after her announcement, with 14 percent of Democratic voters throwing their support behind her in a Feb. 3 poll. Since then, her support has halved to 7 percent.

But more evidently, the momentum behind her campaign has evaporated while other candidates have solidified their support and may be poised to expand further nationally.

Yet supporters of Harris suggest that her campaign is in the exact right spot at this time — still able to compete and fundraise without the burden of being a frontrunner.

“I don’t think anyone ever thought she would get in the race and blow away the field and be a frontrunner from January 2019 through Election Day,” Brian Brokaw, who managed Harris’ runs for state attorney general, told the Times.

“She needs to stay in the upper tier, which I think she is. Stay in striking position and you outlast everybody.”

Harris recently made a number of comments about policies that are supposed to solidify her progressive stances, including fining corporations that don’t take steps toward closing the gender pay gap.


The senator’s plan, touted by the Harris campaign as “first-of-its-kind” and “historic,” if passed into law, would mandate that large corporations obtain “equal pay certification” from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Companies failing to land a certification would face fines – for every 1 percent wage gap, they would be fined 1 percent of their profits.

In a separate proposal, Harris also said that she will use executive orders to mandate background checks on the private transfers of guns, revoke the licenses of gun makers and dealers whose guns are used in crimes, and ban the importation of many semi-automatic guns.

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MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faced fresh questions on Wednesday about his dealings with a company at the center of a conflict-of-interest scandal, after it emerged that he enjoyed rent-free use of a house belonging to the firm as a campaign office.

Already under pressure over the government’s handling of the presumed massacre of 43 students abducted by corrupt police in southwestern Mexico in September, Pena Nieto is facing his most difficult period since taking office two years ago.

On Nov. 3, the government announced a Chinese-led consortium had won a no bid contract to build a $3.75 billion high-speed rail link in central Mexico.

Three days later, the government abruptly canceled the deal, just before a report by news site Aristegui Noticias showed that a subsidiary of Grupo Higa, a company that formed part of the consortium and had won various previous contracts, owned the luxury house of first lady Angelica Rivera.

Under public pressure, Rivera said she would give up the house. But neither she nor Pena Nieto have addressed the apparent conflict of interest stemming from the government’s business with Grupo Higa.

On Wednesday, Aristegui Noticias published a new story that said Pena Nieto used a different property belonging to another Grupo Higa subsidiary as an office when he was president-elect in 2012.

Eduardo Sanchez, the president’s spokesman, said Pena Nieto unwittingly used the property. Sanchez said it was leased from the Grupo Higa firm by Humberto Castillejos, the president’s legal adviser, who lent it rent-free to Pena Nieto’s team.

“If I invite you to my house, do you come to my house and ask me under whose name it is? Neither does the president,” Sanchez said, denying there were conflicts of interest.

The spokesman also said there were no more properties Pena Nieto or his team had used belonging to Grupo Higa.

“No, there is no other house that was used in a professional capacity,” Sanchez said.

Castillejos could not immediately be reached for comment.

Jorge Luis Lavalle, a senator with the opposition conservative National Action Party, said the public saw a clear conflict of interest in the dealings of Pena Nieto and his government with Grupo Higa.

“It needs to be investigated. All these doubts need to be dispelled fully and clearly,” he said. “We now have another case with no explanation.”

(Additional reporting by Ana Isabel Martinez; Editing by Simon Gardner and Tom Brown)

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via press release:



Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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If you think only one political group in the United States is susceptible to the proliferation of political propaganda on social media, you are sorely mistaken.

Though it is true online disinformation campaigns have found a comfortable home in “MAGA” Land, the anti-Trump resistance is at least as gullible and ready to believe the worst of its enemies, as a single Twitter user demonstrated this weekend.

A person named Mark Elliott tweeted a C-SPAN video on April 5 with a caption that read, “[President Trump] on people asking for asylum ‘These aren’t people. These are animals.’”

The video included in the tweet showed Trump saying:

But everything about Elliott’s tweet is a lie, from its central claim right down to the implication that the video is from a recent White House event. First, Trump said no such thing about asylum seekers. He was speaking specifically about members of the brutal, barbaric Salvadoran gang MS-13, which is known for hacking its enemies to death with machetes. And the video is not even from this year. It is from 2018, back when the press first misreported that Trump had called immigrants “animals.”

None of this stopped Elliott’s tweet from going viral this weekend. More than 15,000 social media users have shared his “asylum” claim directly. Then, there are the those who have shared or commented on his tweet on their individual social media pages, including politically active celebrities, members of Congress, reporters at national newsrooms, and 2020 Democratic presidential candidates.

Between Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, disgraced former news anchor Dan Rather, and outspoken supermodel Chrissy Teigen, more than 80,000 people “learned” this weekend that the president may or may not have called asylum seekers “animals.” That number does not count the 15,000 who have retweeted Elliott’s tweet.

One amazing aspect of this story is just how willing allegedly thorough newsmen were to believe the supposed context provided by some guy named Mark Elliott. Few who commented on his tweet appear to have asked, “Is this really the context in which these remarks were made? Did the president really say this?” Mark Elliott’s say-so was apparently good enough for everybody.

And many of the people angrily commenting on it seem to have forgotten entirely that we had this exact same fight one year ago about these exact same comments pulled from this exact same White House video. Do they really not remember any of this?

So, there you have it: A person you have never heard of managed somehow to get mainstream reporters, celebrities with millions of followers, members of Congress, and presidential candidates to share a lie based on a year-old video that most of them had already seen. The fact that a single, intentionally dishonest tweet sparked a viral debate this weekend over comments that have already been litigated should scare you.

At this rate, the Russians and Chinese don’t even have to put in any effort sowing discord and distrust in the U.S. with targeted disinformation campaigns. Just put everyone on Twitter, and it’s all done for them.

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1. Hondureños mueren en accidente de tráfico en México

Un accidente de tránsito en la carretera Monterrey-Reynosa dejó un saldo de cinco muertos (la mayoría de Honduras) y 27 lesionados, al volcar la unidad en la que viajaban, informaron medios de ese país.

El percance se registró en el kilómetros 143, cerca de la comunidad “Peña Blanca”, donde quedaron los cuerpos de las víctimas y los lesionados, informó el vocero de Protección Civil del estado, Óscar Aboytes Sosa.

Señaló que los occisos eran en su mayoría hondureños, quienes viajaban en una camioneta tipo Van color blanca y sin placas. Pero hasta el momento autoridades todavía no informan sobre la identidad de los fallecidos.

2. Supuesto novio de Juan Gabriel: “Un amor como tú es eterno”

Dentro de los miles de mensajes de dolor tras la muerte de Juan Gabriel, varios medios internacionales han destacado los de Jas Devael, un joven cantante español que fue vinculado sentimentalmente con el “Divo de Juárez”.

“Un amigo es para siempre, un amor como tú es eterno.Te amé, te amo y te voy amar siempre. Me duele el alma, sigue acariciándome y alumbrándome. Tu consentido”, fue el tierno mensaje que publicó en las redes acompañado de un video juntos.

El vínculo entre “Juanga” y Jas, decayó en los últimos años, pero ahora, después de su muerte, él ha compartido varias publicaciones.

3. En ataque a camión repartidor muere supuesto criminal

Abadido a balazos por miembros de la Policía Militar resultó un supuesto criminal la tarde de este martes cuando se fustrara un ataque a camión repartidor de pan en la carretera Lepaterique a Tegucigalpa.

La víctima fue identificada como Douglas Edgardo Hernández Rubio, originario de Campamento, Olancho.

La versión de la policía es que recibió la denuncia al 911 a las 3PM de dos sujetos a bordo de una motocicleta disparaban contra un camión repartidor de productos Bimbo.

Rápidamente lograron llegar al lugar, acorralaron a los sospechosos que intentaron repeler el ataque, el intercambio de disparos dejó a Hernández Rubio muerto y a Ronald Gustavo Adolfo Acosta Flores capturado.

4. Cámaras registran secuestro en capital de Honduras

La delincuencia sigue azotando el país y este martes las cámaras de seguridad grabaron lo que podría tratarse de un secuestro o robo en Tegucigalpa, según informa diario El Heraldo.

La grabación marca las 7:45AM cuando en pleno bulevar La Hacienda un vehículo detiene su marcha de forma repentina, esto obliga a los automotores que siguen la marcha detenerse. En ese instante salen del primer carro cinco criminales con armas apuntando al conductor de la unidad que está atrás.

Tres de ellos se introducen en el vehículo que rodean, en dos minutos los malhechores ejecutan la acción y en ningún momento se aprecia que el conductor haya sido sacado del auto y se marchan de la escena del crimen.

5. Criminal a estudiante de arquitectura asesinada: “Andate perra, me las vas a pagar”

El 5 de agosto en Tegucigalpa la delincuencia apagó la luz de Ángela Marina Lobo Gómez, estudiante de arquitectura, asesinada a balazos y por el que es acusado Julio César Reyes Torres.

Según El Heraldo, en el requerimiento fiscal la estudiante caminaba hasta el punto de taxis de la colonia Modesto Rodas Alvarado cuando fue interceptada por el sospechoso.

Este intentó arrebatarle sus pertenencias y ella forcejó para arrebatarle la pistola. “No te quiero matar”, le habría dicho Reyes a la joven que se negaba a entregar sus cosas.

En determinado momento Ángela le dijo al presunto delincuente que “mi papá viene atrás”, esto infundió temor en el sospechoso quien se marchó advirtiendo: “Andate perra, me las vas a pagar”.

El día del crimen, el sospechoso, a bordo de una motocicleta esperó a Lobo y al verla se le acercó y le disparó en la cabeza. Autoridades recibieron la llamada de un testigo que lo identificó como la persona que intentó asaltarla días atrás.

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The Washington Post reported Sunday that over a dozen Americans working at the World Health Organization provided “real-time” information about the emerging coronavirus to the White House, seeming to undercut President Trump’s accusations that the WHO failed to communicate the extent of the disease’s threat. 


U.S. physicians, researchers and public health experts⁠—many connected to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention⁠—were working at WHO’s Geneva headquarters as part of a years-long rotation, the Post reported, and they provided information about the coronavirus to the White House as it emerged late last year.

CDC officials were consulting with their WHO counterparts since the outbreak began, with sensitive information being shared with U.S. officials (including Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar) in a CDC secure facility, the Post reported.

The WHO often told CDC about its plans or announcements days in advance, the Post reported, citing an unnamed CDC official.

Trump earlier blamed WHO for delays in response to the virus as well as a lack of transparency, but an April 11 New York Times report said warnings issued to the administration by different parts of the federal government in January and February were ignored.

Three days after the Times report, Trump announced a hold on $500 million in funding from the U.S. to the WHO, a move that Democrats say is illegal.

China on Friday revised its death toll by 50% in Wuhan, where the virus was first detected, and Trump has accused the WHO of having “pushed China’s misinformation about the virus.”

Chief critics

G-7 member nations, including France, Germany, Canada, Japan and the European Union. The nations got together Saturday for a Trump-hosted teleconference that the White House said focused on a “lack of transparency and chronic mismanagement of the pandemic by the WHO.” French president Emmanuel Macron “expressed support” for the WHO and highlighted “the key role it must play,” according to a statement from his office. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said WHO “cannot be weakened or in any way be called into question politically.” Canada, Japan and the EU offered similar statements of support for the WHO.

Crucial quote

“[WHO] should have been more skeptical about what the Chinese were telling them, but they’re totally at the mercy of what governments provide,” former Clinton administration United Nations ambassador Daniel Spiegel told the Post, adding that they have “no intelligence capabilities, and no investigatory power.”

Key background

As U.S. cases of COVID-19 soar past 730,000 and the White House is criticized for being slow to respond and ramp up testing, Trump has accused state governors, the news media and former President Barack Obama⁠—along with the WHO⁠—for being responsible for the growing number of infections. Despite the Times report that says the White House ignored warnings about the virus in January and February, an Associated Press investigation found last week that China waited six days before warning its citizens of a likely coronavirus outbreak, which could support claims from critics like Trump. President Trump, however, first praised China’s efforts against the virus in January, but by March 21 had changed his tune, saying, “They could have been transparent much earlier than they were.”

Further reading

Americans At World Health Organization Transmitted Real-Time Information About Coronavirus To Trump Administration (Washington Post)

President Trump Putting A Hold On Funding To The World Health Organization (Forbes)

Report: Trump Ignored Pleas To Put Social Distancing Practices In Place, Warnings Of A Pandemic (Forbes)

Congressional Democrats Allege Trump’s Move To Defund World Health Organization Is Illegal (Washington Post)

Full coverage and live updates on the Coronavirus

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Child poverty in the U.S. could be cut in half over the next 10 years with a few simple steps, according to a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.

The cost would be high — at least $90 billion a year. But the National Academies report warns that the price of not doing anything would be far greater.

The group estimates that current levels of child poverty cost the U.S. between $800 billion and $1.1 trillion a year, due to lower productivity when poor children become adults and increased costs due to higher crime and poor health. Individual children also suffer, because they face lower educational achievement, maltreatment and other obstacles related to growing up poor. In the end, the panel says, the whole country pays the price.

“Capable responsible, and healthy adults are the foundation of any well-functioning and prosperous society, yet in this regard the future of the United States is not as secure as it could be,” says the report, which was released after a two-year study commissioned by Congress. It was conducted by a nonpartisan panel of poverty experts, primarily academics.

To fix the problem, the panel suggests two possible packages. The first would expand existing programs that encourage work but also provide direct assistance. This would include increasing the Earned Income Tax Credit and child and dependent care tax credits for working families, and expanding housing vouchers and the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, also known as food stamps.

The panel says that these changes would cost about $90.7 billion a year, but would bring about 400,000 people into the workforce and cut the childhood poverty rate in half within 10 years.

The second suggestion is be to expand the EITC and child care tax credits, raise the minimum wage and eliminate restrictions on immigrant families’ access to government aid. The package would also provide a $2,700 yearly allowance for each child. This package would cost $109 billion a year, but create some 600,000 jobs, while also cutting the child poverty rate in half.

The panel estimates that in 2015, 9.6 million children — or 13 percent — lived in poverty. Two million of those children were in “deep poverty,” which means their families had resources that fell below half the poverty line. In 2015, that line was $26,000 for a family of four.

The poverty rate for children in immigrant families was twice as high as for those living in non-immigrant families — 21 percent compared with 10 percent. Poverty among black and Hispanic children was also more than twice as high as for non-Hispanic white children, according to the National Academies calculations.


The big question is whether Congress will accept the panel’s suggestions. The trend in recent years has been to cut or limit government assistance for the poor, and the Trump administration has indicated that its next budget will call for steep cuts in domestic spending.

The panel also found that some conservative initiatives intended to reduce child poverty — such as programs to promote marriage and family planning — showed little evidence of working. It also found that programs requiring aid recipients to work did not seem to reduce child poverty either. In fact, the report concludes, “It appears that work requirements are at least as likely to increase as to decrease poverty.”

The Trump administration and congressional Republicans have pushed for mandatory work requirements in a number of aid programs, including Medicaid, SNAP and housing assistance.

Marla Dean, executive director of Bright Beginnings, a program in Washington D.C. designed to help homeless children and families achieve self-sufficiency, testified before the panel. She says, at the very least, the report could help shape the future debate over how to reduce child poverty by providing rigorous academic research on what does and doesn’t work. But she’s also realistic about the prospects of achieving a lot when the country is so divided politically.

“It is an opportunity [for] hope,” she says, “and that’s what I think this report offers is hope.”

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“The governor obviously just wants a headline,” Mr. Kiley said. “We had the worst school shutdowns, we had the worst business shutdowns, and now we have the highest level of coercion and control when it comes to mandates.”

Polling indicates that California is ahead of the nation when it comes to vaccinating children. Nationally, about 48 percent of parents with children ages 12 to 17 said their child had been vaccinated as of September, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll.

But Mr. Newsom said reaching a higher level of immunity would be critical to keeping classrooms open. About 63 percent of Californians aged 12 to 17 have received at least one dose of a vaccine, compared with about 72 percent of eligible Californians overall.

The governor said he anticipated that the requirement would apply to grades seven and up starting in July 2022, in time for the next fall semester, with provisions for independent study for unvaccinated students. Rules for students with medical and other exemptions will be determined through a public rule-making process.

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“We want to end this pandemic. We are all exhausted by it,” said the governor, who has four children, the eldest of whom is 12. His family has had to quarantine several times during the pandemic, and days after Mr. Newsom beat back the recall, his office confirmed that two of the children had tested positive for Covid-19.

California has taken a particularly hard line on pandemic health precautions, an approach that prolonged classroom closures far beyond most of the rest of the country — in part at the behest of the state’s powerful teachers’ unions — but that also has yielded one of the nation’s lowest rates of new coronavirus cases recently.

Last month, the Los Angeles Unified School District — the second largest in the nation — became the first major school district in the country to announce a vaccine mandate for children 12 and older who attend school in person, which will be broadly effective by January.

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MIAMI (CBSMiami) – A mass shooting at a northwest Miami-Dade banquet hall on Sunday has left two dead and over 20 injured.

“They took your brother! They took your brother,” a distraught father screamed.

READ MORE: Coast Guard Suspends Search For 10 Cuban Migrants Who Went Missing After Boat Overturned Near Key West

He told CBS4 News that his son was one of the people killed in a mass shooting early Sunday morning.

“Listen, my son is laying there. I need to hold him. I need to hold him,” he cried.

Cellphone video shows the chaotic moments after the bullets stopped flying outside El Mula Banquet Hall. Up to 25 people were hit, and two were killed on the scene.

People who live nearby heard the barrage of gunfire about 12:30 a.m. near NW 67 Avenue on Miami Gardens Drive.

“It was like, ‘Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop,’ and just kept going and then it stopped for a little bit, then it went a little bit more then it stopped,” explained neighbor Gianna Donoso

A senior law enforcement source told CBS4 News that several gunmen sat in a white Nissan Pathfinder SUV in the parking lot for up to 40 minutes, appearing to wait for a concert to end.

Angelica Green’s son and nephew were hit, caught in the cross fire.

READ MORE: ‘You Feel Helpless’: Victim’s Mother Speaks Out After Son Is Struck At Banquet Hall Mass Shooting

“He said that some guys came from, three guys that they noticed with hoodies and started shooting up the area for whatever reason,” she said.

Sources told CBS4 that not only did the three gunmen open fire, but that people in the crowd fired back.  Police found at least 100 rounds. We also saw cars left behind with bullet holes.

Rapper Spitta was performing. The flyer for the event said it was an album release party.

Artist Foepack took the stage too. Investigators believe one of the rappers was hit in the ankle.

“During the concert patrons were standing outside the business when a white SUV pulled up with three subjects, stepped out of the vehicle with assault rifles and hand guns and began shooting indiscriminately into the crowd of which we believe is a targeted act of gun violence,” explained Miami-Dade Police Director Freddy Ramirez.

Investigators are still searching for a motive and are reviewing the social media accounts for the two rappers to see if they were engaged in any feuds or threats that might shed light on who was responsible.

“This is a despicable act of gun violence a cowardly act,” Director Ramirez said.  “This type of gun violence has to stop. Every weekend it is the same thing. This is targeted. This is definitely not random.”

If you have information call Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers at (305) 471-TIPS.

MORE NEWS: Miami Police Chief Art Acevedo Addresses ‘Scourge Of Gun Violence’ On ‘Face The Nation’ After Mass Shootings

The reward was increased by $100,000 when Camping World CEO Marcus Lemonis pledged to help his hometown.

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Washington — President Biden and moderate Senate Democrats have struck a deal to limit eligibility for direct stimulus checks to Americans, lowering the income level for those who would qualify for payments, according to a Democratic source. 

The Senate is set to take up Mr. Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill as early as Wednesday. Since the bill is not expected to attract any Republican votes, all Democrats will need to support the bill in order for it to pass, giving moderate Democrats leverage to make demands of the president and Senate leadership.

Under the agreement, the $1,400 direct payments to taxpayers will begin to phase out at $75,000 for individuals, with no one making more than $80,000 eligible for payments. For couples who file jointly, the phase-out will begin for those making $150,000 and end at $160,000. 

The shift decreases the number of Americans who would have been eligible for payments under the version of the bill passed by the House on Saturday. The House bill also phased out payments for individuals making more than $75,000 and couples making more than $150,000, but payments were capped at incomes of $100,000 and $200,000, respectively.

The proposal to lower caps on the stimulus checks would cut an estimated 17 million people from eligibility, according to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. Their analysis found 297 million adults and children would benefit under the bill passed in the House, but only 280 million people would in the Senate version of the bill. Under both bills, everyone in the bottom 60% of Americans would benefit.  

During the White House press briefing on Wednesday, press secretary Jen Psaki said the president is pleased with the progress being made on the American Rescue Plan, stating that President Biden has been firm on the checks being $1,400 but that he’s been open from the beginning for those to be more targeted with the cutoffs.

“He is comfortable with where the negotiations stand,” said Psaki. “Of course, there are going to be ongoing discussions.”

The Senate bill also includes $400 per week in supplemental unemployment insurance benefits, which are set to expire on March 14. Those benefits would extend until mid-August. Senator Joe Manchin, who has quickly become one of the most influential lawmakers in the Senate, had suggested that the benefits be lowered to $300 per week.

The deal comes after Mr. Biden talked to Senate Democrats on Tuesday and stressed the urgency to pass the COVID relief package. Mr. Biden also met with moderate Senate Democrats at the White House on Monday to discuss the legislation. Democratic Senator Jon Tester of Montana, who attended the Monday meeting, told reporters that the discussion was about “targeting the dollars” in the relief package but not reducing it.

Democratic Senator Debbie Stabenow of Michigan told reporters that the new phase-out of stimulus checks is a “reasonable compromise.”

“I know in our caucus, that there’s been tremendous goodwill, working through all of these things right and just honest differences of opinion,” Stabenow added. “I think we’re really in a good spot and, frankly, and the most important thing is to get this done.”

Democratic Senator Michael Bennet agreed that he believed the deal was an “appropriate way of bringing this to a successful conclusion.” But Democratic Senator Maria Cantwell expressed skepticism, saying that she thought “the package as it was originally crafted is good to go.”

House Democrats appeared divided on the deal. Congressman Mark Pocan, the former chair of the Progressive Caucus, told reporters that the phase out was a “silly and stupid” move meant to appease “the one or two people who can hold things up.” But House Ways and Means Committee Chair Richard Neal said that he was “open to changes in the phase out.”

“If you had to pick out or single out one item that more than anything else in the CARES Act saved the American economy, it was the unemployment insurance. So the fact that they have not touched the unemployment insurance with a supplement, I think is a good thing,” Neal said, referring to the coronavirus relief bill passed last spring.

Democrats are passing the bill through budget reconciliation, a process which allows for limited debate time and for legislation to pass with a simple majority. There will be 20 hours of debate on the package in the Senate, followed by a “vote-a-rama” in which senators vote on a series of proposed amendments in quick succession. Amendments require simple majority support in order to be added to the bill.

Most amendments are expected to be offered by Republicans seeking to make the process politically painful for Democrats, but Senator Bernie Sanders has said he will introduce an amendment to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.

Although the bill is largely expected to pass along party lines, Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski indicated to reporters on Wednesday that she hadn’t made a decision yet on how she would vote. Although she said she “can’t stand” that the bill is not entirely focused on the coronavirus, she called herself “Listening Lisa” because she would be listening to what the final proposal would be.

The stimulus check is one of the most popular provisions of the bill, known as the American Rescue Plan. According to a poll by Monmouth University released Wednesday, 68% say of Americans say that the checks should remain at $1,400 even if it means the bill passes with just single-party support. Increasing additional unemployment benefits from $300 to $400 per week is also popular, with support from 67% of Americans.

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(CNNMoney) – La fiesta podría haber terminado para las aerolíneas ahora que los temores sobre el terrorismo han regresado debido al ataque en Orlando.

Delta, JetBlue, American Airlines y otras grandes compañías estadounidenses habían sido premiadas en Wall Street durante los últimos años gracias a la mayor demanda de viajeros de negocios y de ocio, a un impulso en sus ingresos proveniente todos esos molestos cargos extra y, por supuesto, a los bajos precios del petróleo.

Esa combinación generó grandes ganancias para una industria que a menudo tenía problemas para generar beneficios debido a las guerras de tarifas y a los mayores costos del combustible.

Pero la mayoría de las principales acciones de aerolíneas han caído considerablemente este año.

El aumento de los precios de los combustibles les ha perjudicado, aunque algunas compañías tienen coberturas de combustible previstas para mitigar el impacto de la volatilidad en el mercado del petróleo.

La industria también podría haber añadido demasiados vuelos y ahora necesita hacer recortes. JetBlue dijo recientemente que reduciría su capacidad durante el resto del año. Las preocupaciones por el virus del Zika tampoco han ayudado.

Y ahora, el terrorismo es una vez más una preocupación legítima. Las acciones de las aerolíneas han sufrido un gran golpe esta semana después de la tragedia en el club nocturno Pulse en Orlando, uno de los destinos turísticos más populares del mundo.

Es demasiado pronto para decir si el ataque en Orlando afectará los viajes a Florida, o hacia otros lugares en todo caso.

Pero este es un vistazo al mal desempeño de las principales compañías aéreas en lo que va del año.

American: -31%

United: -27%

Delta: -25%

JetBlue: -28%

Alaska Air: -25%

Southwest: -8%

Las únicas acciones de las aerolíneas estadounidenses que se están desempeñando razonablemente bien son el operador de tarifa superbaja/sin amenidades Spirit, que ha subido 5%, y Virgin America, que ha ganado más de 55% porque está siendo comprada por Alaska Air.

Las aerolíneas internacionales también han sido duramente golpeadas por la economía global débil. Los gigantes europeos Ryanair y Lufthansa, así como la asiática Cathay Pacific y China Southern, han caído más de 10% este año.

Esta es una mala noticia para cualquier persona que invierta en acciones de aerolíneas. Pero es música para los oídos de los viajeros. Las tarifas han bajado de manera general últimamente. Las aerolíneas incluso están retirando algunos de esos cargos extra.

A pesar de que las grandes aerolíneas se dan cuenta de que no pueden repetir los pecados del pasado sin pagar un precio financiero considerable, también saben que deben hacer todo lo posible para conseguir traseros para esos asientos cada vez más pequeños.

Delta, American y JetBlue han reportado declives en una medida llamada ingreso por pasajero por milla de asiento disponible, o PRASM, por sus siglas en inglés. El PRASM es una medida de tarifas muy observada en la industria.

La caída continua muestra que las aerolíneas tienen poco poder de fijación de precios.

De nuevo, eso es genial si no has reservado tus vacaciones de verano todavía. Pero es terrible para la industria de las aerolíneas que de repente se encuentra en un poco en picada.

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ÚN | Jesús Hurtado.- Ante la inminente publicación de los precios de los carros nuevos y de los parámetros para determinar el valor de los autos usados, las secciones de clasificados de diarios y páginas web especializadas en la materia eliminaron el precio de venta de los vehículos que anuncian.

Las páginas en Internet se limitan a ofrecer la información básica del carro y dar el teléfono del vendedor, única manera de conocer el precio.

Entretanto, los clasificados de los periódicos solo anuncian el valor de autos con 15, 20 o más años de uso, algunos de los cuales tienen valores que superan el precio referencial de los autos nuevos producidos por ensambladoras mixtas o del Gobierno.

La medida tomada por las empresas del ramo también se relaciona con el cuidado que tienen estas de ser acusadas de especuladoras, pues se sabe que el precio de los carros con poco uso duplica el valor de los vehículos nuevos.

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De los 14 acusados, nueve son autoridades de la FIFA.

La llaman la fiesta del fútbol latinoamericano, pero para una treintena de dirigentes y empresarios ligados a este deporte, la Copa América se transformó en una pesadilla.

El miércoles la Fiscalía de EE.UU. hizo pública una investigación donde acusa formalmente a 14 personas –nueve autoridades de la FIFA y cinco empresarios o ejecutivos- de haber recibido o pactado sobornos por unos US$150 millones a cambio de derechos de transmisión, publicidad y patrocinio de torneos de fútbol y adjudicar sedes de campeonatos.

En un mediático despliegue, varias autoridades de la FIFA fueron arrestadas el miércoles en Zúrich.

Lea también: Cuáles son las acusaciones contra los directivos de la FIFA

Más de dos tercios del monto total de sobornos correspondían a pagos ilegales por los derechos de transmisión y publicidad de la Copa América.

La Copa América se realiza cada cuatro años.

La Copa América es un torneo internacional que se realiza cada 4 años y reúne a las selecciones nacionales masculinas de fútbol más importantes de Sudamérica: las diez selecciones que conforman la Confederación Sudamericana de Fútbol (Conmebol).

Además, suelen participar dos equipos invitados, generalmente México y EE.UU.

Y en junio de este año, Chile será sede del evento, cuyos derechos de difusión son hoy mirados bajo lupa.

Vea toda nuestra cobertura del escándalo de corrupción en la FIFA


Los 14 acusados

Jeffrey Webb – Islas Caimán

Eduardo Li – Costa Rica

Julio Rocha – Nicaragua

Costas Takkas – Reino Unido

Jack Warner – Trinidad y Tobago

Eugenio Figueredo – Uruguay/EE.UU.

Rafael Esquivel – Venezuela

José María Marín – Brasil

Nicolás Leoz – Paraguay

Alejandro Burzaco – Argentina

Aaron Davidson – EE.UU.

Hugo Jinkins – Agentina

Mariano Jinkins – Argentina

José Margulies – Brasil


¿Dos décadas de corrupción?

Desde 1987 la compañía Traffic, del conocido periodista deportivo y empresario brasileño José Hawilla, adquirió los derechos de transmisión y marketing de la Copa América.

El documento de la Fiscalía estadounidense, una persona denominada como “coconspirador #2” y descrita como “el fundador y dueño de Traffic Group, una compañía multinacional de marketing deportivo con sede en Sao Paulo, Brasil” comenzó a principios de los 1990s a pagar “decenas de millones de dólares” en sobornos requeridos por las autoridades de la Conmebol para continuar como titular de los derechos de transmisión.

“Coconspirador #2 utilizó varias técnicas sofisticadas de lavado de dinero para pagar sobornos y comisiones ilegales”, asegura el documento.

Así, según la investigación del FBI, Traffic mantuvo los derechos de transmisión de la Copa América por 20 años.

Sin embargo, en abril de 2010, la Conmebol llegó a un acuerdo con Full Play, compañía perteneciente a los argentinos Hugo y Mariano Jinkis que le concedía los derechos de transmisión de los siguientes 3 torneos: 2015 (Chile), 2019 (Brasil) y 2023 (Ecuador), además de otros torneos menores.

Viendo peligrar su lucrativo negocio, Traffic demandó en una corte de Florida a la Conmebol y a Full Play argumentando que el convenio violaba un acuerdo firmado entre la compañía brasileña y la confederación en 2001. Según Traffic, el acuerdo les otorgaba los derechos del torneo 2015 y una opción prioritaria de adquirir los de las siguientes tres copas.

12 equipos se disputan la Copa este mes de junio.

Lo que no sabía la opinión pública era que el fundador de Traffic buscaba con los Jinkins y con Alejandro Burzaco –socio de Full Play a través de la empresa Torneos y Competencias- una salida conveniente para todas las partes del conflicto.

Y la solución pronto tuvo nombre: Datisa.

Según la información recopilada por el FBI, en marzo de 2013 los cuatro hombres tuvieron una corta reunión en Buenos Aires. Los argentinos le dijeron al representante de la brasileña que Full Play y Torneos y Competencias ya habían quedado de acuerdo con la Conmebol en el pago de una serie de sobornos relacionados con los derechos de la Copa América. Le pidieron al representante de Traffic contribuir con US$10 millones a lo que este accedió.

Dos meses después de la reunión nacía Datisa, empresa cuya propiedad se dividió en tres partes iguales, para Traffic, Full Play y Torneos.

Sólo cuatro días después de su creación, Datisa celebraba en Londres un contrato con Conmebol que le otorgaba la exclusividad mundial de los derechos comerciales de los torneos de 2015, 2019 y 2023, además de un apetecido cuarto torneo extra: la Copa América Centenario, que se jugará en 2016 en EE.UU. para celebrar los 100 años del torneo.

Lea también: Por qué EE.UU. se convirtió en el árbitro anticorrupción de la FIFA

El centenario

El contrato, por US$317,5 millones (US$75 millones por la de 2015, US$77,5 millones por la de 2016, US$80 millones por la de 2019 y US$85 millones por la de 2023), fue firmado por representantes de los tres propietarios de Datisa y por 12 autoridades de Conmebol.

Eso, según las cifras oficiales.

En junio comienza la próxima Copa América. La sede será Chile.

Porque según la investigación estadounidense, Datisa se comprometió a pagar US$100 millones en sobornos para las autoridades de la Conmebol quienes, además, son miembros de la FIFA.

Las comisiones ilegales se ejecutarían en cinco pagos: US$20 millones durante la firma del contrato y US$20 millones por copa.

Supuestamente cada pago, a su vez, se dividía entre los distintos miembros: US$3 millones para cada uno de los oficiales “top” de la Conmebol, es decir, su presidente y los presidentes de las federaciones de Brasil y Argentina, y US$1,5 millones para cada uno de los siete otros presidentes de la Conmebol. Los US$500.000 restantes se le entregarían a una onceava autoridad.

Posteriormente, al sumarse la Confederación de Fútbol Centroamericana y del Caribe (Concacaf) al torneo centenario, Datisa se comprometió a desembolsar US$35 millones por los derechos, más unos US$10 en sobornos.

Según la información publicada por la Fiscalía estadounidense, se alcanzaron a ejecutar dos de los cinco pagos convenidos. Es decir, las autoridades de la Conmebol ya recibieron, según la investigación del FBI, US$40 millones en sobornos.

El modus operandi incluyó transacciones a través de bancos estadounidenses y suizos y la creación de subsidiarias cuyo fin específico, según el documento de la Fiscalía de EE.UU., era el pago de sobornos.


El escándalo en cifras

  • 47 cargos
  • US$150 millones en sobornos recibidos por autoridades de la FIFA para facilitar derechos de transmisión, publicidad y patrocinio de torneos de fútbol y adjudicar sedes de campeonatos.
  • 14 acusados de 11 países
  • 25 coconspiradores



Según información publicada por el Departamento de Justicia de EE.UU., en diciembre de 2014 José Hawilla, dueño y fundador de Traffic Group se declaró culpable de los cargos de conspiración para estafa, fraude, lavado de dinero y obstrucción a la justicia.

Dado el curso de la investigación, el hecho permaneció confidencial hasta la publicación del informe el miércoles.

Hawilla acordó entonces pagar una multa de US$151 millones, de los cuales US$25 millones fueron pagados al momento de declararse culpable.

El presidente de la FIFA, Sepp Blatter, aseguró que “todo mal comportamiento dentro de la FIFA debe parar ya y debe ser castigado. Vamos a cooperar con las autoridades para lograrlo”.

Tras hacerse pública la investigación el actual presidente de la Conmebol, el paraguayo Juan Ángel Napout aseguró a través de un comunicado su repudio a “todo acto de corrupción”.

Aseguró también que apoya “irrestrictamente las investigaciones iniciadas respecto de supuestos actos irregulares” comprometiéndose a colaborar “abierta y enfáticamente”. Sin embargo, no hubo mención respecto de las acusaciones de soborno por los derechos de los últimos torneos de la Copa América.

El que sí respondió sobre el tema fue Sergio Jadue, presidente de la Federación de Fútbol de Chile. Jadue comentó a los medios locales que efectivamente la federación recibió dinero de Datisa, pero como pago por los derechos de transmisión, dinero que se encuentra en las arcas de la federación. “Estoy tranquilo, está el comprobante de depósito”, declaró el dirigente.

Por su parte, el presidente de la FIFA, Sepp Blatter, aseguró que “todo mal comportamiento dentro de la FIFA debe parar ya y debe ser castigado. Vamos a cooperar con las autoridades para lograrlo”.

Lea el informe completo de la Fiscalía de EE.UU. (en inglés)

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President TrumpDonald John TrumpKhalifa Haftar is no longer part of Libya’s solution Poll: 70 percent of Dems support impeachment hearings after Mueller report Seattle mayor: Federalizing local law enforcement in sanctuary cities isn’t making America safer MORE on Wednesday downplayed the threat posed by former Vice President Joe BidenJoseph (Joe) Robinette BidenTrump targets Biden’s support from firefighters union in Twitter barrage Poll: New Hampshire voters concerned about Warren’s electability Almost half say Trump’s Twitter use hurts reelection campaign: poll MORE as a possible Democratic opponent in 2020.

“He’s a sleepy man, but I just don’t know,” Trump said of Biden in an interview with Boston Herald Radio when asked which Democratic presidential candidates he fears. “I mean, who knows really who can do the best? In many ways, I like him.”

Trump’s team views Biden as a strong 2020 contender if he can secure the Democratic nomination, and the president has gone after the former vice president in order to diminish his standing, even as his campaign has largely held its fire against specific Democratic opponents.

Many in Washington view Trump’s attacks as a sign he is worried about a potential run against Biden, but the president predicted that “we’re going to do great.”

“He’s not as smart as Bernie, and he’s not as quick,” Trump said of Biden, comparing him to Sen. Bernie SandersBernard (Bernie) SandersColorado moves presidential primary to Super Tuesday Omar defends Somalia: ‘That shithole country raised a very proud, dignified person’ Buttigieg campaign says he supports some vaccine exemptions MORE (I-Vt.), another top-tier Democratic primary candidate.

The president acknowledged Biden has “different views a little bit” from the rest of the Democratic primary field but said he believes “they’re all pretty heavy leaning left, including him.”

Trump again railed against the decision of the International Association of Fire Fighters to endorse Biden, claiming without evidence “there was outrage by firefighters” at the decision.

“They’re for me. I mean, firefighters are going to be voting for me. So are the police. So are the military. These are all people voting for me,” Trump said, calling union leaders “dues-sucking people” who have reflexively supported Democrats for decades.

Trump on Wednesday morning went on a Twitter spree, retweeting nearly 60 messages voicing support from rank-and-file firefighters.

Biden’s campaign strategy centers on winning back white, working-class voters who largely defected from the Democratic Party in 2016 and helped propel Trump to the White House.

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via press release:



Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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Imagens das câmeras de segurança de um posto de gasolina no Rio mostram um tumulto entre quatro nadadores americanos e seguranças do local na manhã de domingo (14). Segundo a polícia, com base nas imagens e em depoimentos, foi excluída a hipótese de os atletas terem sido assaltados, como havia sido relatado pelos nadadores Ryan Lochte e James Feigen. Os investigadores disseram nesta quinta-feira (18) que os americanos inventaram o roubo.

O vídeo, obtido pela TV Globo, mostra os nadadores saindo do banheiro do posto. Segundo a polícia e funcionários do estabelecimento, eles depredaram o local. Por isso, teriam sido impedidos por seguranças de deixar o posto, que fica na Barra da Tijuca, no caminho entre a Lagoa, onde estavam em uma festa, e a Vila Olímpica.

As imagens mostram um dos nadadores levantando as mãos quando os segurança os abordam. Em entrevista a uma emissora de TV americana no domingo, pouco depois do episódio, Lochte teria dito que o grupo foi abordado por homens vestidos de policiais.

O diretor de comunicação do Comitê Olímpico do Rio 2016, Mario Andrada, chegou a se desculpar com os nadadores dos EUA pelo suposto assalto.

Depoimento de seguranças
A Globo teve acesso com exclusividade aos depoimentos dos funcionários do posto, que contaram detalhes do que viram na manhã de domingo:

– por volta das 6h da manhã, um táxi modelo sedan estacionou no posto para que os passageiros utilizassem o banheiro;

– desembarcaram do carro quatro homens, de grande porte físico e estatura, um deles chamou atenção por ter cabelos azulados quase brancos, que pela fotografia se reconhece como sendo Ryan Lochte;

– em determinado momento, o gerente ficou muito nervoso e preocupado, chamou o segurança para que o ajudasse a controlar os visitantes que faziam “algazarra” nos fundos do estabelecimento;

– o gerente mostrou o banheiro onde homens haviam quebrado saboneteira, papeleira e uma placa de ferro com banner informativo. Imediatamente, o segurança acionou o 190, sendo lhe solicitado que todos esperassem no local até a chegada de uma viatura da Polícia Militar. A viatura não chegou;

– os quatro homens entraram no táxi na intenção de saírem do local, mas o taxista respeitou a solicitação dos seguranças e permaneceu parado;

– os nadadores gritaram palavrões várias vezes. Eles desembarcaram novamente do táxi e bateram a porta do veículo violentamente. Segundo os depoimentos, os nadadores estavam muito alterados, agressivos e claramente bêbados;

– um homem reconhecido pela fotografia como Joseph Gunnar Bentz mostrou uma nota de US$ 20, esticando-a com as duas mãos e falando debochadamente em português muito ruim: “Vinte dólares! Sessenta reais”;

– os seguranças mostraram suas credenciais e se identificaram como agentes de segurança. Ryam Lochte e James Feigen saíram correndo;

– um dos seguranças disse que ele e o amigo pararam os outros dois nadadores e mostraram a palma da mão (em posição de “pare”), indicando que não aceitariam os US$ 20;

– Lochte e Feigen retornaram ao posto de gasolina, agressivos;

– outro segurança sacou a sua arma e gritou para que todos parassem e sentassem no chão. Com exceção de Ryan Lochte, os demais obdeceram;

– outro segurança sacou a arma e gritou para que todos parassem;

– um segurança colocou a mão no peito de Lochte e o empurrou em direção ao chão,
fato respeitado pelo estrangeiro, que estão sentou-se;

– um funcionário da Unimed ofereceu ajuda na tradução. Após alguns minutos de conversa com os nadadores, os funcionários do posto receberam os US$ 20 e mais R$ 100 em razão do dano causado no banheiro;

– o funcionário da Unimed falou com os estrangeiros que eles podiam ir;

– no depoimento, um funcionário disse não ter certeza, mas acreditar que os estrangeiros retornaram para o mesmo táxi no qual tinham chegado por volta das 6h20 ou 6h30, quando o veículo saiu do local;

– a viatura da PM não havia chegado ao local até às 7h

De acordo com Fernando Veloso, Chefe de Polícia Civil do Rio, os atletas devem desculpas aos cariocas. “A única verdade que eles contaram é que eles estavam bêbados”, disse.

Depoimento de seguranças levou polícia a concluir que não houve assalto (Foto: Reprodução/Globo)

Impedidos de embarcar
Na noite desta quarta-feira (17), os nadadores americanos Gunnar Bentz e Jack Conger foram impedidos de embarcar em um voo de volta aos EUA pela Polícia Federal (PF). Bentz e Conger foram retirados do avião.

Pouco antes, a Justiça havia mandado apreender o passaporte dos dois, para que prestassem depoimento, como testemunhas.

Levados para a delegacia, Bentz e Conger ficaram calados.  “A delegacia diz que eles são testemunhas, e o despacho do juiz diz outra coisa. Enquanto isso não for solucionado, eles não vão prestar depoimento”, afirmou Sérgio Riera, advogado dos nadadores, como mostrou o Bom Dia Rio.

Ele diz que os clientes estão “muito assustados” e sem entender por que foram impedidos de embarcar. Após quase 4 horas na delegacia, Gunnar Bentz e Jack Conger foram liberados no início da madrugada desta quinta (18), por volta de 1h20, e se hospedaram em um hotel próximo ao Galeão.

As imagens mostram um dos nadadores levantando as mãos enquanto os segurança os abordam. (Foto: Reprodução/TV Globo)

O Comitê Olimpíco dos EUA havia divulgado na manhã desta quarta uma nota dizendo que os três nadadores que ainda estão no Brasil – Gunnar Bentz, Jack Conger and James Feigen – cooperam para agendar novos depoimentos às autoridades brasileiras. “Todos são representados por um advogado e são apoiados pelo comitê olímpico e pelo Consulado dos EUA no Rio”, diz o texto.

Ryan Lochte deixou o Brasil na última segunda-feira (15), informou a PF. Feigen segue no Brasil, mas não teve sua localização revelada pelo Comitê Olímpico dos Estados Unidos. Segundo a Polícia Civil, o inquérito sobre o caso pode ser concluído ainda nesta quinta (18).

O nadador americano Ryan Lochte disse ter sido assaltado após festa durante a Olimpíada no Rio (Foto: Michael Sohn/AP Photo)

Interrogatório por carta
A polícia vai enviar por ofício ao FBI uma relação de perguntas para que Ryan Lochte, 12 vezes medalhista olímpico, responda, dos EUA, por carta precatória.

As duas decisões de proibir a saída dos nadadores foram do Juizado Especial do Torcedor e Grandes Eventos, a pedido da Deat. A Polícia Federal notificou o Consulado dos EUA e o Comitê Olímpico americano para impedir a saída dos nadadores, mas não havia recebido resposta até a noite de quarta.

Em nota, o Comitê Olímpico Americano informou que o time de natação deixou a Vila logo após o fim das competições e que, por questões de segurança, não poderia confirmar a localização de cada atleta.

Instigados a dar mais detalhes do assalto, Feigen e Lochte disseram que não se lembravam porque estavam muito bêbados após deixarem a festa. A polícia ainda procura o taxista que teria levado os nadadores da Lagoa à Vila Olímpica.

Em entrevista à rede de TV norte-americana NBC, já nos EUA, Ryan Lochte deu uma terceira versão para o suposto assalto, diferente da que havia contado em uma outra entrevista no domingo e do que relatou à polícia em depoimento.

Lochte disse também que, ao depor na polícia no Rio, foi tratado com muita cordialidade, que os policiais fizeram poucas perguntas e não pediram que ele ficasse para as investigações. Na entrevista, o nadador reclamou que está sendo tratado como suspeito, quando é vítima.

Ryan Lochte deu diferentes versões para o suposto assalto (Foto: Reprodução GloboNews)

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Tanto el Sindicato Único de Automóviles con Taxímetro y Telefonistas (Suatt) como la Unión de Obreros y Trabajadores del Transporte (Unott) decidieron decretar un paro de 24 horas por el asesinato de un taxista ocurrido esta tarde en el barrio Peñarol.

El titular de la Unott, Oilcar Camaño, explicó a El País que en lo que refiere al transporte urbano, el paro comienza con los primeros servicios a partir de la medianoche, aunque advirtió que “ya está mermando” la cantidad de unidades en las calles.

El reintegro de estos servicios se realizará con la salida de los primeros nocturnos del sábado, entre las 21 y 22 horas, explicó Camaño.

En lo que refiere al transporte suburbano, (los ómnibus que salen de la terminal de Río Branco) el paro comienza con los primeros turnos de mañana sábado y el reintegro será con las primeras salidas del domingo.

Por último, Camaño dijo que los servicios de transporte interdepartamental, que salen de Tres Cruces, no adhieren a la medida sindical.

El dirigente del Suatt, Ary Wiedemann, dijo a El País que “todavía no tenemos fijada la hora en que será levantada la medida, porque eso depende de la hora del sepelio del compañero y todavía no lo tenemos muy claro porque lleva su trámite judicial y administrativo”.

“Cuando le entreguen el cuerpo a la familia y tengamos eso más claro vamos a evaluarlo. Por lo pronto todo el día de mañana vamos a seguir. Si el sepelio fuera mañana (sábado), ya con los primeros turnos del domingo nos reintegraríamos y si el sepelio fuera el domingo, seguiríamos de paro hasta el domingo y ese día evaluaríamos cuándo nos reintegramos”, explicó el dirigente.

Mañana el Suatt realizará un plenario en su local sindical para evaluar nuevas medidas.

Rapiñeros se fugaron sin el dinero

La víctima se encontraba contando el dinero de la recaudación mientras esperaba a su compañero. En ese momento dos jóvenes en una moto llegaron armados para intentar rapiñarlo, a lo que el hombre se resistió. Fue por esto que recibió un disparo en el tórax, el que finalmente le costó la vida.

Fuentes policiales confirmaron a Subrayado que los ladrones huyeron del lugar sin el dinero tras disparar contra el hombre. Pero en su fuga, por la calle Volta, chocaron contra una camioneta a dos cuadras en el cruce de la calle Terencio.

A uno de los delincuentes se le cayó el arma, pero la recuperó y ambos se fueron corriendo.
En horas de la tarde se realizó una movilización de los taxistas por el centro de Montevideo. Tomaron 18 de Julio, luego Bulevar Artigas, Garibaldi y San Martín, para finalizar en la sede del sindicato.

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TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) – The Kansas Republican caucus voted Friday evening to oust Senator Gene Suellentrop as Senate Majority Leader.

Behind closed doors and by secret ballot, the Kansas Republican caucus voted 22-4 Friday evening to remove Gene Suellentrop as Senate Majority Leader.

“It was important because it’s a message and so many people always think that you know because you’re a politician, or you’re in a place of authority, that you’re going to get by with doing something,” Sen. Rick Kloos explained. “We know that lives could’ve been lost through the situation and thankfully we didn’t lose any lives.”

“We have high standards on the values we think we should hold and I think as a party tonight, we showed that were holding accountability to that, that it’s not okay,” Sen. Kristen O’Shea added.

The decision comes a day after court documents provided an officer’s account of Gene Suellentrop’s actions the night he was arrested on charges of drunk driving, driving 90-miles an hour the wrong way on a Topeka highway, and fleeing from law enforcement.

Suellentrop was in the Senate chambers on Friday as they discussed and voted on several bills.

In a Republican caucus Friday morning, Senator Rick Kloos of Topeka made the motion to vote Suellentrop out of his role as Senate Majority Leader.

“I felt that before we went on break, we have plenty of time for the process and after yesterday’s results revelations on the blood alcohol content, it was time to make a decision,” Sen. Kloos explained. “I was waiting honestly for someone else to step forward and it just didn’t seem like it was happening, so I just talk to my colleagues and decided I would make the motion.”

Senate Democratic leader Dinah Sykes said in a statement Friday evening that Suellentrop has been held accountable for his actions in march and it’s unfortunate that he wasn’t self-aware to resign on his own.

Senate President Ty Masterson said Suellentrop was offered the chance to resign his leadership post, but declined, and called the vote a solemn, difficult, yet necessary choice.

“These are just heavy issues. You know we become friends with people in these chambers on both sides of the aisle. So, we build relationships in this chamber so it’s kind of a sad day when you see that.”

Masterson also released a statement after Friday evening’s vote removing Sen. Suellentrop from his role as majority leader, “The decision by the Senate Republican Caucus to not retain Senator Suellentrop as Majority Leader was a solemn, difficult, yet necessary choice. The Senate Majority Leader is a position with significant responsibility.”

“While the caucus would have preferred a resignation, they ultimately felt it was necessary to move forward due to the uncertainty and distraction caused by recent events. The caucus appreciates the continued leadership of Senator Alley as we conclude the people’s business this session,” Sen. Masterson continued.

Senator Brenda Dietrich agreed, “we came to the decision today that we put this off long enough. As difficult as it is, we have more information now and I think we came together as a caucus to make a good decision.”

Masterson says it’s up to Suellentrop’s constituents if they want to vote him out of the Senate, “he is non-retained and we think that’s best left to the people who elected him. They have the ability to recall a vote, right and there are options for them.”

The move against Suellentrop would be the first time in at least several decades a Kansas legislative leader faced an ouster vote before the end of his or her term.

Assistant majority leader Larry Alley will serve as acting majority leader for the rest of this session. On May 26th, 2021, the Senate Republican Caucus will vote to elect a permanent majority leader.

You can read the new information about what led to the arrest of Senator Gene Suellentrop in March for a DUI that led the Senate Republicans to discuss the matter of removing him from his position.

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