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El hospital Carlos III, donde permanece ingresada la primera persona contagiada de ébola fuera de África, la auxiliar de enfermería Teresa Romero, se ha visto obligado a contratar personal extra para poder atender todos los casos sospechosos y en investigación que van llegando al centro. En algunos casos, suplirán a profesionales de enfermería que se han negado a trabajar con enfermos de ébola alegando que las condiciones de seguridad no son las adecuadas. “Hay trabajadores que están renunciando a sus contratos para no tener que entrar”, asegura Elvira González, vicesecretaria provincial del Sindicato de Auxiliares de Enfermería (SAE).

Según relata, hay enfermeros y técnicos de enfermería que han presentado formalmente su renuncia en la Consejería de Sanidad y otros que se han negado a atender enfermos de ébola en las condiciones actuales. En principio, un profesional sanitario está obligado a atender a cualquier enfermo, pero en este caso el hospital no está obligando a nadie a entrar, añade. “Ahora mismo, cuando está en cuestión si el traje es el correcto, si el protocolo es el correcto, un profesional sanitario podría acusar a la Administración de delito de salud pública si le obligan a trabajar en condiciones que no son las adecuadas”, explica. “Ni en la Consejería de Sanidad están seguros de la infalibilidad del protocolo y por eso no están obligando a nadie”, añade.

“Que sepamos, a la gente nueva la han contratado hasta el día 21”, asegura una trabajadora del centro. “No sé cuántos son en total pero ayer ya había muchísimas caras nuevas y no pude contar”, añade. Cree que aún llegarán más porque a medida que se vaya llenando la quinta planta del hospital, la que la Consejería de Sanidad decidió vaciar ayer para instalar a los casos sospechosos, harán falta más profesionales. “Solo en la sexta [donde estuvieron ingresados los misioneros repatriados y ahora se encuentra la auxiliar] en cada turno hay más de 12 personas trabajando”, añade esta fuente, que pide no ser identificada.

“Conozco a mucha gente que está poniendo excusas: que si tengo el periodo, que si me mareo, que si me da claustrofobia”, señala. “A la gente le entra ansiedad y así no se puede entrar, con ese nerviosismo”, añade. Los profesionales que atienden a Romero y al resto de personas aisladas en el hospital han empezado a recibir terapia psicológica para intentar manejar el estrés que les provoca la situación y sobre todo, para mantener la calma y no cometer un error fatal.

La Consejería de Sanidad no ha facilitado, a preguntas de este diario, cuántos profesionales han renunciado, cuántos se han negado a entrar en las habitaciones de aislamiento y a cuántos ha contratado y por cuánto tiempo para realizar esas tareas.

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Hace 11 horas | 10:00 am

La guerrera conversó con América Espectáculos

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Mayor Eric Garcetti, a fourth-generation Angeleno of Mexican-Italian-Jewish descent, had been edging toward a presidential run, using the midterm elections to launch a tightly choreographed play where he traveled the country. | Jae C. Hong/AP Photo

2020 elections

LOS ANGELES — Eric Garcetti will not run for president in 2020, he confirmed late Tuesday, saying that being mayor of Los Angeles is “what I am meant to do.”

Garcetti, who traveled extensively for months as he mulled a presidential run, said at a hastily arranged news conference here that in local government he saw a “vision of a brighter future and a better day” that stood in “contrast to what we see coming out of Washington, D.C., every day.”

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“Reflecting on those travels and recognizing the incredible opportunity that I have every single day as mayor of this great town,” Garcetti said, “I realized that this is what I am meant to do, this is where I want to be, and this is a place where we have so much exciting work to finish.”

Garcetti called the recently settled teachers’ strike in Los Angeles “a little bit of a kick in the pants for me that what we have right here in Los Angeles sets the pace for the nation.”

He said he had decided against running for president “a couple of weeks ago in my mind, but not finally until this morning.”

The 47-year-old mayor, whose term does not end until 2022, declined to foreclose on a future campaign. When asked about running for vice president on a potential 2020 ticket, however, he said, “I think I’ve got a better job than that.”

He said, “I kind of believe that whenever possible, you should finish the job that you set out to do.”

He said no other candidate’s entry into the race — including that of Sen. Kamala Harris, a fellow Californian — dissuaded him. However, he said that he was confident the Democratic nominee in 2020 could defeat President Donald Trump and that “I feel even more secure in my decision watching the field of candidates who are jumping into the race in 2020.”

Garcetti, a fourth-generation Angeleno of Mexican-Italian-Jewish descent, had been edging toward a presidential run, using the midterm elections to launch a tightly choreographed play in which he traveled the country and built up goodwill by raising more than $1 million for state Democratic parties.

But the demands on his time in working to help settle a recent teachers’ strike in his home city put those plans on hold, Garcetti acknowledged to reporters last week at the U.S. Conference of Mayors in Washington.

Several Democratic activists and officials on the ground in Iowa, South Carolina and New Hampshire told POLITICO that they had heard nothing from the mayor recently about a possible run.

“It’s radio silence,” said one Democrat in an early presidential state.

No mayor has ever jumped directly from City Hall to the White House, and the prospects of such a feat in 2020 appeared long. But Garcetti had been at the front of a handful of Democratic mayors considering presidential campaigns. Earlier this month, Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind., entered the race.

In 2017, Garcetti started a nonprofit group of mayors working with labor and business leaders to fund investments in cities around the country, giving him a platform to travel extensively as he mulled a campaign.

During the midterm elections, Garcetti used his expansive Hollywood donor network to raise money for state parties — including some small, typically overlooked states — hosting fundraisers for them in Los Angeles.

Last year, he hosted a Hollywood fundraiser with talk show host Jimmy Kimmel and DJ Khaled that raised more than $1 million, divided among 10 state parties. Garcetti had previously raised $100,000 for the South Carolina Democratic Party at a fundraiser in Los Angeles’ Hancock Park.

Thanking Garcetti at that event, the chairman of the South Carolina Democratic Party, Trav Robertson, said to applause, “After the mess we’ve got in Washington, we all may need somebody who’s got experience managing a large government and an economy.”

As he considered running, Garcetti sought to position himself as an officeholder who is especially grounded in the day-to-day concerns of governing. Contrasting Los Angeles explicitly with Washington in his State of the City address last year, he described the city he oversees as “thriving, strong, stable and decent.”

Still, Garcetti has been dogged by a pervasive homelessness crisis in Los Angeles. Writing in the Los Angeles Times last year, columnist Steve Lopez told readers that with a such a crisis in their city, “this could be the year Garcetti’s presidential pipe dream ruptures under a shantytown in the homeless capital of the United States.”

Garcetti’s exit comes two days after Harris launched her presidential campaign with a massive rally in Oakland. Earlier this month, a third Californian, billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer, announced that he would not run for president in 2020.

Garcetti said he is a friend of many of the Democratic Party’s top contenders, and he called Buttigieg, a fellow mayor, “a big sleeper who’s going to surprise people.”

He pledged to continue to advocate for cities, saying, “I think it is time for a radical federalism in this country, where people trust innovation coming from the local level and ramp that up.”

Garcetti acknowledged “some sadness about this moment, but not much. I mostly have excitement about it.”

He said that when he told his 7-year-old daughter he did not plan to run for president, she told him” “That’s good. You’ll be home more.”

Garcetti said, “That’s when I knew it was the right decision.”

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When Bernie Marcus, the co-founder of Home Depot, publicly supported President Trump in 2016, no one seemed to care.

In “Why I Stand With Donald Trump,” published by RealClearPolitics, he wrote that the Republican nominee was the only chance to win the White House.

Marcus listed reasons many Republicans had for voting for Trump: blocking Hillary Clinton, seeking balanced Supreme Court appointees, and curbing government regulation. “As a GOP donor who stood steadfastly behind Jeb Bush — and who has contributed to candidates for a generation — I urge all Republicans to stand up and be counted in support for Donald Trump,” he wrote.

In 2015, before Trump won the nomination, Marcus donated not to Trump, but to Bush and Scott Walker. Again, none of this is news. But people who didn’t care about all of this before have suddenly decided it matters.

#HomeDepotBoycott is suddenly trending on Twitter. The world now remembers that Marcus is a Trump supporter after features in the Atlanta Journal Constitution and the Washington Post revealed that the billionaire plans to give most of his money away to charity.

He signed The Giving Pledge, whose goal is to encourage wealthy philanthropists to donate at least half of their net worth. He’s donated to Autism Speaks and the Georgia Aquarium, and he emphasized to the Atlanta Journal Constitution that his philanthropic giving is much greater than his political giving.

But for 2020, Marcus is still on the Trump train. He told the AJC that while Trump “sucks” at communication, he’s succeeded with jobs and trade with China. He has pretty standard right-wing reasons for supporting the president. And let’s not forget, he’s been talking about those reasons for years.

Now, the lynch mob on social media has suddenly changed its mind about the nation’s most popular home improvement store.

By the way, good luck finding a better hardware store. In 2017, Lowe’s CEO Marvin Ellison, who was running J.C. Penney at the time, joined other retail leaders to meet with Trump in the White House.

A boycott of Home Depot will do Marcus no harm. The 90-year-old has been retired since 2002. So not only is the #HomeDepotBoycott based on information that’s been public for years, it’s also a useless and outdated form of virtue signaling that, if it has any effect, will only harm Home Depot employees. Pity there’s no good way to punish everyone with incorrect beliefs, eh?

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Alejandra Oraa (La Guaira, 1977) vino por pocos días al país para cumplir con diversos compromisos profesionales, entre ellos, su participación en la preventa de Turner Venezuela, la grabación de un programa especial en Canaima, y hasta ser jurado en la elección de la Chica HTV 2015.

Desde hace cinco años la periodista, quien estudió en la Universidad St. Thomas, forma parte de la plantilla de CNN en Español y, actualmente, es la encargada de llevarle a la audiencia latinoamericana cuáles son las principales noticias del continente en Café CNN.

“Lo más difícil de presentar noticias sobre Venezuela es la impotencia que eso me provoca como ser humano (…) A veces, desde la distancia, cuesta decir noticias tan duras de tu país y sobre todo, cuando tú sabes como venezolana que a tu familia esas noticias le pueden afectar. No es lo mismo hablar de una noticia donde no tienes ningún tipo de vínculo”, expresó Oraa, aunque aclaró que “la imparcialidad tiene que ser la base del periodismo”.

La comunicadora estrenará en 2016 Latin american rising, con el que aspira llegar a una audiencia de 200 millones. “Es un programa que busca mostrar que hay cosas buenas pasando en el continente, que hay posibilidades de emprendimiento y que los países pueden liderar en un futuro cercano el gremio económico, de inversión y tecnología”.

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Domingo, 28 de Setiembre 2014  |  4:51 pm

Créditos: Referencial / RPP

El presidente Ollanta Humala declarará en emergencia las zonas afectadas por el sismo en el Cusco. Además confimó que entre los 8 fallecidas hay una menor de 3 meses de nacida y su madre.

El presidente Ollanta Humala, quien este domingo viajó al Cusco para ver los daños del sismo de 5.1 grados en la escala de Richter que dejó 8 fallecidos en el poblado de Misca, manifestó que declarará la zona en emergencia.

En diálogo con RPP Noticias, el mandatario señaló que él y su comitiva verificaron los lugares afectados por el movimiento telúrico. “Hemos visitado los poblados de Misca y Cusibamba, donde se han reportado mayores daños. La zona más afectada es Misca, donde tenemos 8 compatriotas fallecidos, entre ellos una bebe y su madre aplastadas por el techo”, señaló.

“Creemos de hay que hacer una declaratoria de emergencia, para poder intervenir rápidamente”, manifestó y agregó que ya se ha abierto el paso en la carretera y que ha aterrizado un avión en el Cusco con varias toneladas de apoyo como carpas frazadas y víveres.

Además advirtió que es necesario hacer un estudio en la zona, ya que el poblado de Misca se encontraría en una falla geológica, por lo que tendría que ser reubicado.

“Estamos planteando la declaratoria de emergencia con el gobierno regional de Cusco a fin de que podamos actuar rápidamente. Estamos sacando todo lo que tenemos en los almacenes de Defesa Civil que tenemos en el Cusco”, señaló Ollanta Humala.

Vamos a plantearnos una declaratoria de 90 días renovables. Además, esto nos da la oportunidad para atender otros problemas como agua potable y verificar la cobertura de la electrificación de estos centros poblados”, dijo.

El mandatario confirmó que hay 8 muertos, un herido de gravedad que fue trasladado a la ciudad del Cusco y otros heridos leves.



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Carter Page, the former Trump campaign adviser who was suspected by the FBI of being a Russian spy, has written a foreword to an e-book version of the Mueller report, calling it “propaganda” and comparing his time in front of the Mueller grand jury to being at Guantanamo Bay.

Written in hyperbolic terms, Page compares the 448-page report put together by special counsel Robert Mueller, and lightly redacted by Attorney General William Barr, to the propaganda pushed by some of modern history’s worst dictators. And he blasts what he sees as a politically motivated “witch hunt” targeting himself and President Trump.

Venting his frustrations, Page wrote: “In Italy, Mussolini had his autobiography. In Libya, Gadhafi widely distributed his Green Book both to the masses, in the national media and even with featured quotes on billboards throughout the country. Iraq’s tyrannical Saddam Hussein wrote a series of novellas.” Benito Mussolini, Moammar Gadhafi, Saddam Hussein — and, according to Page, Robert Mueller.

Page, 47, claims that, if anything, the Mueller report is even worse: “Most of the prior historical propaganda endeavors are modest when compared to DOJ’s two-volume work which was created by a handful of despots in Washington.”

Mueller’s report concluded that although the Russians interfered in the 2016 election through cyberattacks and social media disinformation campaigns, there was no criminal collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign — or any other American. Nearly half of Mueller’s report, however, was dedicated to leaving the door open to claims of obstruction of justice.

Page wrote that investigators were working on behalf of the Democratic Party during the 2016 election, and that the Mueller report is the end result, calling it “a shameful conglomeration of propaganda meant to sow further discord in the minds of Americans against their fellow citizens.”

In Mueller’s report, grand jury testimony is largely redacted. In a podcast interview with the Washington Examiner’s Byron York, Page was asked about this largely secret aspect of Mueller’s investigation: “I was wondering if you could give us a little preview of what it was like in the grand jury during your time with Mueller?”

Page said, “Basically it’s like Guantanamo Bay detention camp in a lot of ways, right? But I actually would’ve enjoyed being in Gitmo more than what I went through with these people, you know, in terms of the intense interrogation and strong arm tactics there.”

Page echoed these comments in his book foreword: “In comparison, a government-funded vacation down at Gitmo in the Caribbean might have seemed almost luxurious and relaxing.”

In his report, Mueller wrote that “the investigation did not establish that Page coordinated with the Russian government in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election.” But Mueller draw attention to the fact that “Page advocated pro-Russia foreign policy positions and traveled to Moscow in his personal capacity” while associated with the Trump campaign.

It stated that “Russian intelligence officials had formed relationships with Page in 2008 and 2013 and Russian officials may have focused on Page in 2016 because of his affiliation with the campaign.”

Page contends that the investigation into him stems in its entirety from the “dodgy dossier,” in which he figured prominently. He claims that “sore losers tried to disrupt [Trump’s] presidential transition, then his presidency, by concocting an elaborate hoax based on a dossier funded by the DNC and fabricated by former Russian intelligence operatives.”

The so-called Trump dossier was written by Christopher Steele, a British ex-spy who was paid for his research by Fusion GPS, an opposition research firm that was funded in part by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee through the Perkins Coie law firm. The dossier was used extensively in applications presented before the FISA court to justify warrants against at least one Trump associate — Page.

Its explosive and unverified claims have increasingly come under greater scrutiny, as the Mueller report failed to present evidence for the dossier’s central allegations and as reports have emerged that FBI investigators knew that the dossier was problematic — and perhaps even based upon Russian disinformation — for well over a year.

In March 2018, DOJ’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz announced the launch of the FISA abuse investigation after requests from both then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Republican members in Congress. The lawmakers claimed the Justice Department and FBI had abused the FISA process and misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, or FISC, in their investigation and surveillance of Trump and his associates during the campaign, as well as during the Trump administration.

The inspector general stated it would “review information that was known to the DOJ and the FBI at the time the applications were filed from or about an alleged FBI confidential source. Additionally, the OIG will review the DOJ’s and FBI’s relationship and communications with the alleged source as they relate to the FISC applications.” This “alleged FBI confidential source” is Christopher Steele.

And the inspector general’s office also said it would “examine the Justice Department’s and the FBI’s compliance with legal requirements, and with applicable DOJ and FBI policies and procedures, in applications filed with the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court relating to a certain U.S. person.” That “certain U.S. person” is Carter Page.

Barr has said that the DOJ inspector general report could be finished as early as May.

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The parents of the high-school sophomore accused of killing four classmates were found and arrested early Saturday, more than 12 hours after they were charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, law-enforcement officials said.

James and Jennifer Crumbley were captured in Detroit in a commercial building that contained artwork after local police received a tip that their vehicle had been spotted nearby, said Detroit Police Chief James E. White. He said police immediately set up a perimeter and began searching for the couple.

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A Butte County pastor who defied public health officials and held an in-person Mother’s Day service that potentially exposed 180 congregants to the coronavirus has spoken out about his decision on social media.

In a Facebook post on Friday, pastor Mike Jacobsen of Palermo Bible Family Church said that an asymptomatic congregant who attended the May 11 service woke up the next morning “needing medical attention” and was tested for the coronavirus that day. The congregant received positive test results for COVID-19 two days later.

Jacobsen, who with his wife has led the pentecostal church since 2008, said in the post that he would “never with knowledge put anyone in harms [sic] way.”

“For 7 weeks we have been kept out of our church and away from our church family,” Jacobsen wrote in the post, which has since been deleted. “I am fully aware that some people may not understand that for our church it is essential to be together in fellowship.”

Reached by phone Sunday night, Jacobsen confirmed that his church was the site of possible contagion, but declined to immediately comment on the situation, saying he needed some time to think about it before making a statement.

Without naming the church, Butte County health officials on Friday issued a warning to residents, asking them to not speed through the reopening process. The officials said it had come to their attention that nearly 200 people could have been exposed to the coronavirus through the Mother’s Day service.

“At this time, organizations that hold in-person services or gatherings are putting the health and safety of their congregations, the general public and our local ability to open up at great risk,” Danette York, county public health director, said in a statement that urged residents to follow stay-at-home orders.

Local health officials are attempting to notify every person who attended the service and instruct them to self-quarantine. They are also are working with healthcare partners to obtain testing for all attendees, the news release said.

Butte County is one of 22 counties that has certified to the state that it meets the conditions for additional businesses to reopen. But gatherings of any size remain prohibited, even in counties that are reopening more quickly than the rest of California.

“Moving too quickly through the reopening process can cause a major setback and could require us to revert back to more restrictive measures,” York said.

On Wednesday, Jacobsen spoke of his decision to open the church on Mother’s Day during a Facebook Live Bible study.

Jacobsen said it’s important for Palermo Bible’s many young, new believers to be supported in their fledgling faith — and part of that is being able to attend church in person. He compared the act of depriving these congregants of in-person worship to taking “an infant out of the arms of its mother.”

“We’ve really tried to raise the bar and do a good job with what we’ve been given,” Jacobsen said of virtual services, “but it’s not the same as being together in fellowship with one another.”

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Más noticias

12 Jul 2016 / 05:12 PM



No dejes de leer este completo resumen con las noticias e información de Honduras y el mundo que han causado mayor impacto e interés para nuestros lectores de LAPRENSA.HN este martes 12 de julio del 2016.

Noticias de Estados Unidos,Hondureños,Honduras,Diario La Prensa,Resumen de noticias La Prensa,Noticias de Honduras,Noticias del mundo,Noticias impactantes Honduras,Noticias 12 de julio del 2016,

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São Paulo – Economist Eduardo Gianetti da Fonseca outlined three possible scenarios for Brazil’s economy following the presidential elections due in October this year. A professor at the Brazilian Capital Markets Institute (Ibmec, in the Portuguese acronym) and presidential campaign advisory team member for the political party PSB, which should confirm the former minister Marina Silva as its candidate, Fonseca delivered a lecture at the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce’s offices in São Paulo last Tuesday (19th).

Sérgio Tomisaki/Arab Chamber

Fonseca (R) discussed the past, present and future of the economy

He foresaw similar macro- and microeconomic scenarios in case either opposition candidate wins, Silva or Aécio Neves (PSDB), and two possibilities in case president Dilma Rousseff (PT) is re-elected.

Gianetti said Brazil’s macroeconomic tripod – floating exchange rate, inflation targeting and primary surplus – is extremely fragile and the opposition will need to carry out corrective actions early on in their term in office, should they be elected, so as to reconnect with the economic scenario seen in Fernando Henrique Cardoso’s second term (1999-2002) and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s first term (2003-2006).

“We will have adjustments for two or three quarters,” he said, referring to actions required in order for economic tripod to regain strength.

In the case Rousseff is re-elected, Fonseca said one possibility would be a learning curve, whereby the president would acknowledge her administrative mistakes and work on correcting them, moving back towards the tripod and creating the conditions for private sector investment in infrastructure. Another scenario would be the prevalence of a “I did so well they re-elected me” line of thinking and the ensuing “Argentinization” of Brazil, culminating in a financial crisis.

Fonseca gave an overview of the status of Brazil’s economy and explained the events that led to the current conjuncture. He remarked that the country remained virtually unscathed throughout the 2008/2009 crisis, after a period of growth, social inclusion, rising income, full employment and stable macroeconomics. “This illusion lasted until 2010,” he said.

According to him, the Brazilian economy is now faced with a worrisome combination of three issues: low growth rate, inflation near the top end of the target range and a current account deficit. “Whenever you have low growth, inflation should be well-behaved,” he said.

Sérgio Tomisaki/Arab Chamber

Fonseca and Sallum at the event

How has Brazil come to this situation? One factor, he said, was the change in external environment. “Global winds were blowing in our favour,” said Fonseca, citing high prices of the commodities sold by Brazil (like agricultural products and ores) in relation to the cost of products the country imports and the low interest-based monetary policy of developed countries, which caused an influx of capital to the country. Commodities prices have not plummeted, but have not kept rising either, and foreign money is now taking the opposite route.

Another factor he mentioned is Brazil’s fiscal situation, which harks back to the Constitution of 1988, when the State went from centralized to federative and states and municipalities became endowed with public sector attributions. Nonetheless, federal government spending increased instead of declining, and taxes were created under the guise of “contributions,” a gap left open by the Constitution. Brazil’s gross tax burden went from 24% to 25% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), in 1988, to a current 36%. “The gross tax burden grew linearly in every administration that followed,” he said.

A large portion of spending goes to Social Security, which currently soaks up 12% of the GDP, according to the economist. “This is an astronomical amount for a country that is still young.” This, according to him, explains Brazil’s low capacity for investing in both physical and human capital. According to him, the country cannot solve the Social Security issue without productivity gains. Each Brazilian needs to be more productive.

Another factor that has caused the economy to deteriorate, according to Fonseca, was the quality of economic policy. According to him, the transition from the FHC administration into Lula’s was conducted in utterly competent fashion. “It was a great, welcome surprise,” he says, noting that the economic tripod was maintained, with a floating exchange rate, an inflation targeting system and fiscal targets. “This pact would only be broken later on, in Lula’s second term, but more so during Rousseff’s administration,” said Fonseca.

Sérgio Tomisaki/Arab Chamber

Gianetti spoke to a packed audience

 Other factors which undermined the tripod, according to the economist, include a reduced primary surplus, as the government resorted to “creative accounting” such as delaying payments to meet the target, contracting debt on one end to transfer funds to another; the top end of the inflation target, which became the new mid-range, and government-controlled collective transport and fuel prices; and finally, intervention in the foreign exchange market to stave off price hikes. 

According to him, the government started micromanaging, taking the place of the market and picking out sectors to be the “victors.” The economist believes this is a mistaken philosophy. Government measures must be horizontal, i.e. benefit the business environment across the board. This, says Fonseca, causes the market to become distrustful of regulation.

The event was presented and hosted by the Arab Chamber president Marcelo Sallum and former director Mário Rizkallah. It is part of the lecture cycle held by the organization on economics, culture, careers and other subjects.

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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A video of former President Donald Trump‘s unusual first reaction to the terrorist attacks from September 11, 2001, has gone viral on the tragedy’s 20th anniversary.

As Trump made surprise trips to police and fire stations in New York City on Saturday, a resurfaced short clip of his call into the WWOR-TV station on the day of the terror attacks two decades ago drew significant attention on Twitter.

“It was an amazing phone call. 40 Wall Street actually was the second tallest building in downtown Manhattan and it was, actually before the World Trade Center, the tallest. And when they built the World Trade Center it became known as the second tallest and now it’s the tallest,” the future president told WWOR at the time.

The video has been watched more than 231,000 times since it was shared by former federal prosecutor Ron Filipkowski on the 20th anniversary of the tragedy Saturday morning.

Nearly 3,000 people were killed after two hijacked commercial planes crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City, one into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and a fourth into a field in rural Shanksville, Pennsylvania, 20 years ago Saturday. The terror attacks were orchestrated by al Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden.

Trump did not join other former presidents, including Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, in attending the memorial event in New York, which included a performance by Bruce Springsteen. But Trump did stop in to greet first responders at a police department in Manhattan and a New York City Fire Department station.

In a video released Saturday, Trump commemorated the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks and praised the first responders—before quickly pivoting to attacking President Joe Biden‘s handling of the U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan.

“The leader of our country was made to look like a fool, and that can never be allowed to happen,” Trump said of the chaotic exit he helped to negotiate, blaming “bad planning, incredible weakness, and leaders who truly don’t understand what was happening.”

“This is the 20th year of this war and should have been a year of victory and honor and strength,” the former president added. “Instead, Joe Biden and his inept administration surrendered in defeat.”

Biden marked the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks with visits to the three sites where the planes crashed, starting where the original World Trade Center once stood in New York City. He then visited Shanksville, Pennsylvania, before traveling to the Pentagon in Arlington.

Newsweek reached out to the White House for comment.

A video of former President Donald Trump’s unusual first reaction to the terrorist attacks from September 11, 2001, has gone viral on the tragedy’s 20th anniversary. Above Trump arrives at Trump Tower in Manhattan on August 22, 2021 in New York City.
James Devaney/Getty Images

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Beto Ortiz informó que el próximo domingo, su programa ‘La Noticia Rebelde’ llegará a su fin, y explicó los motivos por los que el dominical será sacado del aire en 2016.

PUEDES LEER: ¿Por qué Karen Schwarz dejó “Espectáculos”?

A través de su columna en Perú 21, el periodista dijo que los auspiciadores del programa jugaron en contra de la continuidad del espacio televisivo que se emitía por la señal de Latina.

“Pasó que, aunque el ráting era bueno, los auspiciadores se morían de miedo de apostar porque no terminaban de entender nuestro exquisito sentido del humor. Y los políticos se morían de miedo de venir y que, de abajo de la mesa, les saliera una estriptisera en tetas o algo así”, escribió.

Ortiz aseguró que su programa “fue divertido mientras duró”. “Cuando uno está metido dentro de esta cajita maravillosa, no puede hacer los programas que quiere, sino los programas que puede, o sea los programas que los jefes, ustedes y los anunciantes quieren. Y ya sabemos cuáles son esos programas que los jefes, ustedes y los anunciantes quieren”, sostuvo.

Beto Ortiz no brindó detalles acerca de su futuro televisivo para el próximo año.

Cabe recordar que ‘La Noticia Rebelde’ estuvo al aire desde el 14 de junio de 2015.

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New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft was charged last week with misdemeanor solicitation of prostitution. He has denied the accusations. | Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images

In The Arena

Don’t be shocked by the arrest of Robert Kraft. Sex businesses are often hiding in plain sight, and their customers are not who you think.

February 24, 2019

Robert Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots, was recently charged with two misdemeanors for allegedly soliciting prostitution at Orchids of Asia Day Spa in Jupiter, Florida. A spokesperson for Mr. Kraft categorically denied the accusations, but police Chief Daniel Kerr claimed to be in possession of video footage of Kraft receiving “paid acts” in the room.

Many expressed surprise at Kraft’s alleged transgression—after all, he’s a wealthy, powerful man who could probably figure out how to pay for sexual favors more surreptitiously and with higher-end providers, if that’s what he wanted. But nobody should have been shocked.

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I wasn’t surprised because Kraft fits the profile: older, educated, affluent and looking for services with women who are unlikely to recognize him, much less speak about the alleged illicit services he received.

And what about the Orchids of Asia Day Spa? To the outside world, the alleged erotic massage parlor appears to provide only legitimate services, being located in the same shopping center as a Publix and Outback Steakhouse restaurant, Orchids of Asia advertised Swedish, Deep Tissue, Shiatsu, Thai, Hot Stone, Reflexology and Hawaiian Lomi-Lomi massages.

However, commercial sex businesses are typically hidden in plain sight.

According to, a website used by commercial sex consumers to rank and review alleged erotic massage locations, Orchids of Asia Day Spa has been active since 2012. On the website, reviewers claimed to have paid for so-called “ass-play,” “handjobs,” and “breast-play” at the location. According to the commercial sex consumers, “full service”—a euphemism for sexual intercourse—was not provided.

Commercial sex consumers who reviewed Orchids of Asia Day Spa described it as being located in a “run-of-the-mill” strip mall. The men most frequently described the masseuses as being Chinese and aged between 30-40 years old. They alleged that masseuses would “tweak the nipples” of the consumers or tease them until they produced an erection, after which “extras” would be negotiated. On average, men claimed they paid $75 for the massage and an additional $40 tip in exchange for an erotic hand massage of their genitals.

Reviewers also claimed the Orchids of Asia Day Spa was formally known as Tokyo Spa & Massages, which had the same location and phone number, but simply changed in name. This is a common tactic used by erotic massage parlors. The location and phone number will stay constant, but the registered owner and name will change on paper—known as a straw man business, in order to stifle investigations by law enforcement.

On other commercial sex review websites, such as, commercial sex consumers, who refer to themselves as “Mongers” and “Hobbyists,” were confused on how the police in Florida were able to obtain video of Kraft, if he actually did receive commercial sex services, as alleged. Some speculated the video actually came from the business owner’s security system as opposed to police, but one “Monger” floated the possibility that “one of the girls flipped on the owners. Police were made aware of a possible sex trafficking ‘victim’ in this establishment and they got a judge to sign off on the surveillance based on a ‘sex trafficking victim.’” This is certainly within the realm of possibility—but police haven’t confirmed it.

While most women involved in the commercial sex industry are not victims of sex trafficking, it is often difficult to discern the difference between the two. Erotic massage parlors, in particular, are locations at high risk of sex trafficking, as commercial sex providers are often recent immigrants who were defrauded into providing the illicit services upon arriving in the United States.

The Trump administration has made combating sex trafficking a priority, for example by signing the Abolish Human Trafficking Act, which strengthened programs supporting survivors and resources for combating modern slavery, and by signing the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act, which authorized $430 million to fight sex and labor trafficking. But it’s unclear how effective these efforts have been in actually combating this modern scourge. The commercial sex industry is hidden in plain sight, in shopping centers, nail salons and massage parlors that both women and men patronize across the country and evidence suggests that American laws haven’t been particularly effective in combating these clandestine crimes by preventing new crimes, protecting victims and prosecuting offenders.

Ultimately, whether or not Kraft is found guilty of soliciting prostitution, men like him will continue to fuel the demand for these services. The commercial sex industry is driven by people the public would least expect: They are our brothers, fathers, husbands, neighbors, teachers and—allegedly—even wealthy owners of major league sports teams. These men must understand that their commercial sex activity can fuel sex trafficking and learn what these victimizations involve. Victims can suffer from serious psychological and physical trauma, which can negatively affect them for years, decades or even a lifetime.

We’re never going to snuff out the exchange of money for sex between consenting adults—not for nothing is it described as “the world’s oldest profession.” However, we can fight sex trafficking by decriminalizing consensual commercial sexual activity (which isn’t the same as legalization). Police should be able to use discretion and offer lesser punishments, especially if a source is reporting a sex trafficking victimization. This would help identify more sex trafficking cases—and that’s the real battle before us.

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U.S. climate envoy John Kerry speaks at the COP26 summit during a joint U.S.-China statement on a declaration enhancing climate action.

Jeff J. Mitchell/Getty Images

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Jeff J. Mitchell/Getty Images

U.S. climate envoy John Kerry speaks at the COP26 summit during a joint U.S.-China statement on a declaration enhancing climate action.

Jeff J. Mitchell/Getty Images

The United States and China — the world’s top two greenhouse gas-emitting countries, which together account for about 40% of the world’s annual carbon output — announced Wednesday they have agreed to cooperate on limiting emissions to address the global climate crisis.

The agreement, announced at the United Nations COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, aims to accelerate emissions reductions toward the goals set in the 2015 Paris Agreement. That accord held governments worldwide responsible for emissions cuts that would keep the global temperature rise “well below” 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) relative to preindustrial times, with a target of 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit).

“It’s beneficial not only to our two countries but the world as a whole that two major powers in the world, China and the U.S., shoulder special international responsibilities and obligations,” Chinese special climate envoy Xie Zhenhua told reporters at a news conference. “We need to think big and be responsible.”

At a time when China and the U.S. are at odds over other international issues, the agreement declares an intent to take “concrete actions” on emissions reductions and limitations. The two countries would share policy and technology development, announce new national targets for 2035 by the year 2025 and revive a “multilateral” working group on climate change.

“I’m absolutely convinced that that is the fastest, best way to get China to move from where it is today,” said U.S. special climate envoy John Kerry in an interview with NPR’s Ari Shapiro.

China’s special climate envoy, Xie Zhenhua, speaks during the joint U.S.-China statement at the COP26 climate summit.

Jeff J. Mitchell/Getty Images

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Jeff J. Mitchell/Getty Images

China’s special climate envoy, Xie Zhenhua, speaks during the joint U.S.-China statement at the COP26 climate summit.

Jeff J. Mitchell/Getty Images

A joint pledge, but a lack of specificity

Kerry acknowledged that the new agreement in itself is not enough to meet the 1.5 degrees Celsius goal of the Paris Agreement, but he defended its ability to stimulate mutual accountability and action.

“It’s the fastest we can get at this moment here in Glasgow, but it’s the first time China and the United States have stood up — the two biggest emitters in the world — and said, ‘We’re going to work together to accelerate the reduction,’ ” Kerry said.

“Yesterday was bigger than some people think,” he said separately.

Much of the language in the agreement remains unquantified. For instance, China pledges to draw down its coal consumption and to “make best efforts to accelerate this work.”

Kerry said China’s willingness to cooperate, its current state of emissions and its history of “outperforming its own goals” makes this agreement more ambitious than its critics realize. He also pointed out the importance of the agreement to reduce methane emissions. It is the first time the Chinese government has pledged to address the issue, and it’s one the U.S. announced new rules for this month.

“If we’ve reached the goal that we have set for 30% reduction of methane by 2030,” Kerry said, “that is the equivalent of taking all the cars in the world, all of the trucks in the world, all of the airplanes in the world, all ships in the world, down to zero. That’s how big it is. That’s what’s on the table.”

Kerry also expressed confidence that the terms of this agreement and COP26 would translate to action.

“The key to Glasgow is not the words here,” he said. “It’s the promises and goals that have been made and the implementation. And we’re going to become an implementation force in the aftermath of this meeting.”

The U.S. role in the global picture

Kerry also addressed criticism from representatives of nations that are among the most vulnerable to climate change, as well as questions about U.S. leadership on climate issues.

Developing nations have called for wealthy nations to uphold a 2009 pledge made at a U.N. climate summit in Copenhagen, Denmark, to channel $100 billion per year to less wealthy countries to help them adapt to climate change. Ugandan activist Vanessa Nakate says that in 2021, that promise has not yet been delivered.

“And it’s so unfair to countries on the front lines of a climate crisis that this climate finance has been delayed for more years,” she told NPR this week.

“I hope she won’t hold the Biden administration responsible for Donald Trump,” Kerry responded. “The reason there hasn’t been money in the last few years is Donald Trump shut it off — he pulled out of the Paris Agreement. But from the moment President Biden has come into office, he has been fixated on helping provide that money.”

Kerry also said that his talks with the six largest banks in the U.S. and conversations with philanthropists and foundations would result in funding measured in the trillions of dollars.

Kerry also answered questions about the failure of the U.S. Congress to pass Biden’s domestic spending plan, which includes funding to address climate change. He acknowledged that having completed legislation to show off “helps, no question” in international credibility, but expressed confidence that it would not hurt the negotiation process. He also predicted it would pass “in the next two weeks.”

“I think the [climate] issue itself [is] so compelling that people are ready to respond to the actions people say they’re willing to take,” Kerry said. “And the United States, by the way, has pretty good bona fides on that. Because we’ve done what we’ve said we’re going to do in terms of these things.”

As the COP26 summit entered its final day, Kerry said he hoped for reasonable cooperation and consensus. He also spoke on the need to provide funding to address a world already being affected by climate change.

“We need to help countries adapt. There needs to be greater focus on adaptation,” he said. “Yes, it does mean committing money … money and technology and assistance. We’re prepared to do that. We also need strong mitigation, because if you don’t mitigate enough, you’ll never be able to adapt your way out of this problem.”

Kerry acknowledged the moral responsibility of the U.S. to provide solutions to climate change, given its history of contributing to the problem.

“And, yes, we have a fundamental moral obligation to do this,” Kerry said. “Because we are the richest country on the planet. We’re the second-largest emitter, and we’ve been doing this for a long time. And the accumulated results of what we’ve been doing are up in the atmosphere causing damage, and we need to pay attention to that.”

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By Herbert Lash

NEW YORK (Reuters) – The dollar gained and global equity markets surged on Monday on merger activity among drugmakers on both sides of the Atlantic, while Chinese stocks hit a seven-year high on a government plan to create a modern Silk Road trade route.

Major U.S. and European indexes rallied more than 1 percent on a spate of deals as the dollar rose against other currencies on the view the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates this year.

Health insurer UnitedHealth Group Inc <UNH.N> agreed to buy Catamaran Corp <CTRX.O> <CCT.TO> in a deal worth about $12.8 billion. Also Monday, Israel’s Teva Pharmaceutical Industries <TEVA.N> <TEVA.TA> said it would buy U.S. biopharmaceutical firm Auspex Pharmaceuticals Inc <ASPX.O> for $3.5 billion, and Ireland’s Horizon Pharma Plc <HZNP.O> agreed to buy U.S. drugmaker Hyperion Therapeutics Inc <HPTX.O> for about $1.1 billion.

Earlier, China unveiled details of an ambitious plan to improve links from Asia to Europe and Africa that President Xi Jinping said in a decade would generate $2.5 trillion in annual trade with the countries involved.

Germany’s DAX index <.GDAXI> rose 1.8 percent, to about 1 percent below its all-time high, while the FTSEurofirst index <.FTEU3> of 300 leading European companies gained 1.18 percent to close at 1,596.31.

MSCI’s all-country world index <.MIWD00000PUS> rose 0.75 percent, while its emerging markets index <.MSCIEF> gained 1.16 percent.

On Wall Street, the Dow Jones industrial average <.DJI> closed up 263.65 points, or 1.49 percent, to 17,976.31. The S&P 500 <.SPX> rose 25.22 points, or 1.22 percent, to 2,086.24 and the Nasdaq Composite <.IXIC> gained 56.22 points, or 1.15 percent, to 4,947.44.

“A lot of it is certainly merger-related, there’s no question about that, and that gins up confidence among everyday investors. If the insiders are willing to make big acquisitions, why not the rest of us?” said Jack Ablin, chief investment officer at BMO Private Bank in Chicago.

Andrew Wilkinson, chief market strategist at Interactive Brokers LLC in Greenwich, Connecticut, said investors believe they can see beyond any take-off of interest rates.

“They’re beginning to feel that the central banks around the world are going to be at the helm. Even if the Fed tightens rates, it’s not going to be a big move,” Wilkinson said.

The euro slumped against the dollar on worries whether Greece would secure funds from a 240 billion euro aid package before it runs out of cash in three weeks.

The single currency was down 0.71 percent against the dollar at $1.0810 <EUR=>, bringing its quarterly decline to about 10.6 percent, the largest fall by a quarter since the euro took effect in 1999.

The dollar rebounded after comments late Friday from Fed Chair Janet Yellen underscored the view that the U.S. central bank is likely to start raising rates gradually later this year.

The dollar index <.DXY>, a gauge of the greenback’s value against a basket of currencies, climbed 0.77 percent to 98.042 after back-to-back weeks of losses.

The greenback was up 0.88 percent against the yen at 120.15 yen <JPY=>.

Oil prices slipped as officials from Iran and six world powers discussed a possible deal over Tehran’s nuclear program that could end sanctions and allow an increase in Iranian oil exports.

Brent crude <LCOc1> fell 12 cents to settle at $56.29 a barrel. U.S. crude <CLc1> settled down 19 cents at $48.68 a barrel.

U.S. Treasury debt prices softened, giving back some gains from last week as equity markets rose.

Yields on the 10-year note <US10YT=RR> stayed well below the 2 percent touched last week and were last at 1.9562 percent on a price decline of 2/32.

(Reporting by Herbert Lash; Editing by Meredith Mazzilli, Chris Reese and Nick Zieminski)

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Attorney General Bill Barr will be a no-show at a long-awaited hearing on Thursday before the Democrat-led House Judiciary Committee based on current negotiations over his appearance, a source on the committee told Fox News on Sunday.

The emerging spat comes after Barr has endured withering attacks from congressional Democrats, who have outright accused him of sacrificing his integrity to appease President Trump. Barr shepherded the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report in recent weeks, and he has largely become a punching bag for progressives frustrated that Mueller’s probe found no evidence to back up claims that the Trump team colluded with Russians.

Fox News has learned that Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., wants to have Judiciary Committee staff — rather than members of Congress — question Barr on his handling of Mueller’s report. But DOJ officials say members should conduct the inquiry.


“The attorney general agreed to appear before Congress; therefore Congress does the questioning,” a DOJ official told Fox News.

Justice officials also told the committee that they are opposed to the panel’s plan to go into a closed session if members want to discuss redacted portions of Mueller’s report, a Democratic senior committee aide told The Associated Press.

U.S. Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., chair of the House Judiciary Committee, speaks during a news conference, Thursday, April 18, 2019, in New York. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Discussions about Thursday’s hearing are ongoing, and expected to resume again Monday. Barr is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday and the House panel on Thursday. The GOP-led Senate committee is expected to have normal rounds of member questioning.

“Attorney General Barr wasn’t asked to testify before the committee—he offered,” a spokesperson for House Judiciary Committee Republicans told Fox News. “He provided the Mueller report voluntarily. He invited Democrat leaders to view the less redacted report in person. Yet the only thing, apparently, that will satisfy Democrats, who refuse to read the less redacted report, is to have staff pinch hit when a cabinet-level official appears before us.”


The spokesperson added: “What actual precedent is there for our committee making such demands of a sitting attorney general as part of our oversight duties? The attorney general isn’t a fact witness, and this committee’s investigations—as Democrat leadership reminds us daily—don’t constitute impeachment, so Democrats have yet to prove their demands anything but abusive and illogical in light of the transparency and good faith the attorney general has shown our committee.”

It is unusual for committee counsels to question a witness. But committees can generally make their own rules, and other panels have made similar exceptions. In a confirmation hearing for Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh last year, for example, Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee hired an outside prosecutor to question a witness who had accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

At a fiery House hearing earlier this month — prior to the release of the complete Mueller report with only limited redactions — Barr faced a grilling from Democrats, who said it was “unacceptable” that he had released a 4-page summary of Mueller’s findings.

FILE – In this Sept. 27, 2018, file photo, White House counsel Don McGahn listens as Supreme court nominee Brett Kavanaugh testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington. Rep. Jerrold Nadler, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee has subpoenaed McGahn for testimony following the release of the report from special counsel Robert Mueller. (Saul Loeb/Pool Photo via AP, File)

The new dispute comes as tensions have escalated sharply between House Democrats and the Trump administration over full access to Mueller’s report and government witnesses who have defied congressional subpoenas to testify. Democrats have been eagerly anticipating the hearing with Barr as they try to build on Mueller’s findings with their own investigations into the president.


House Democrats have subpoenaed the Justice Department for the unredacted version of the Mueller report and underlying material gathered from the investigation. In response, the Justice Department has said they will make the full report, minus grand jury material (which legally must be withheld), available to a limited group of members — an offer that Democrats have so far refused. The dispute could eventually end up in court.

Democrats have criticized Barr for drawing his own conclusion that Trump did not obstruct justice after Mueller found he couldn’t exonerate the president on that point, and punted to Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said Barr is involved in a “staggering public effort” by the Trump administration to put a positive face on Mueller’s findings.

Nadler has also invited Mueller to testify and subpoenaed former White House counsel Don McGahn. McGahn was a vital witness for Mueller in the report, which recounted the president’s outrage over the Mueller investigation and his efforts to curtail it. The White House has asserted it will fight the McGahn subpoena.

Trump, for his part, told Fox News last week that he didn’t assert executive privilege to shield any aspect of the Mueller report — and that now, it’s time to move on.

Even liberal comedian Bill Maher seemed to agree on that point, telling Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., that Democrats appear to be “stalking” Trump by fixating on a discredited narrative that his campaign colluded with Russians.

Meanwhile, a former White House staffer who was at risk of being held in contempt of Congress has agreed to testify, potentially averting a separate showdown between Democrats and the White House.

The House Oversight Committee has scheduled an interview for Wednesday with Carl Kline, who worked as the White House’s personnel security director.

The panel subpoenaed Kline after a former subordinate told the panel that dozens of Trump administration officials were granted security clearances despite “disqualifying issues” in their backgrounds. Kline defied a subpoena to appear, prompting Democrats to threaten contempt action against him. The White House then said Kline could appear voluntarily on May 1 to discuss “personnel security policies and practices.”

Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings suggested contempt action against Kline is still possible if he refuses to answer questions.

Fox News’ Mike Emanuel and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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In a surprise move, Sen. James Lankford has stepped down from the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre Centennial Commission.

This comes just months after he faced criticism and calls to step down from the commission due to his plans regarding a challenge to President Biden’s Electoral College win.

In January, Lankford said that he was planning to challenge the Electoral College votes because he wanted a commission to be formed to provide a 10-day audit of former President Trump’s claims of voter fraud.

However, those claims have been debunked multiple times in courts across the country and even at the U.S. Supreme Court.

As he was speaking on the floor, lawmakers were instructed to leave and head to safe locations in the Capitol. They soon learned that the Capitol had been breached by a violent mob of pro-Trump supporters.

When Lankford was able to resume his comments on the floor, he said he would no longer challenge the results.

FILE – Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., speaks a hearing with the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2020. (Anna Moneymaker/New York Times, Pool via AP)

“In Oklahoma, we would say, ‘Why in God’s name would someone think attacking law enforcement and occupying the U.S. Capitol is the best way in showing you are right?’” Lankford said.

He then encouraged Congress to come together and certify the election results.

“We must stand together as Americans. We must defend our Constitution and the rule of law,” Sen. James Lankford said in a statement.

After the vote, Black leaders in Tulsa called for Lankford’s removal or resignation from the 1921 Race Massacre Centennial Committeeaccording to the Tulsa World.

Tulsa Race Massacre, Courtesy: Oklahoma Historical Society

Organizers said they felt that Lankford’s support for the false claims provided credence to those who have consistently worked to prevent Black voices from being heard.

“This is a great example of Black people voting in record numbers, with a coalition of people who look different, who are being told, ‘No, their votes didn’t count,’” said state Rep. Monroe Nichols, D-Tulsa.

Sen. Lankford then apologized to Black constituents, saying he didn’t realize that his criticism of the Electoral College votes could have a racial undertone.

Lankford says he had no idea that people would view the his actions as questioning the legitimacy of Black voters.

“What I did not realize was all of the national conversation about states like Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, was seen as casting doubt on the validity of votes coming out of predominantly Black communities like Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Detroit.”


“After decades of fighting for voting rights, many Black friends in Oklahoma saw this as a direct attack on their right to vote, for their vote to matter, and even a belief that their votes made an election in our country illegitimate,” he wrote.

Lankford says it was never his intent to take away the voice of any Black American.

Despite that apology, some in the community still called for Lankford’s resignation.

Tulsa Race Massacre. Courtesy: Oklahoma Historical Society

In January, the Centennial Commission released a statement, saying that Lankford would remain a member of the organization.

“At its core, the Centennial Commission is about reconciliation. For the purpose of achieving that
goal, we must continue to harness our connective tissue – even when we are not in absolute
agreement. Senator Lankford, despite clear differences (some of them profound), stands on
common ground with us in terms of the importance of reconciliation as well as educating all United States citizens about Tulsa’s Historic Greenwood District, the storied “Black Wall Street,” including the massacre and its impact on Oklahoma and the nation.

The Centennial Commission believes deeply in racial reconciliation and inter-generational healing. To that end, we must continue to extend an olive branch. It is our inherent duty to show our partners the way.

For those reasons, we choose not to request Senator Lankford’s removal from the Centennial
Commission, but instead, accept his apology and embrace his desire to reaffirm his commitment to help bring vital resources and opportunities to the Greenwood District, Black Tulsans, and Black Americans from coast to coast.”

In a surprising twist, officials say that Lankford has stepped down from from the commission shortly before the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre.

According to KTUL his resignation came last week.

In a statement to SBGTV, Lankford’s office says that he did not support the path the commission was taking.

“Lankford saw a drift from the original goals of the Commission to a more partisan political agenda, and as a result, he notified the Commission he could no longer serve as a member,” the statement read.

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